
Sheva #transphobia ovarit.com

TRA’s have been skinning ALL women already. Skinning away their rights, their identities, their voices, their communities and so on. They will skin until almost all skin is gone and the only “acceptable” skin left will be the TRA foreskins dangling between their legs that they dub “girldicks”

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: “Just talk to trans people!” Unfortunately, I do.

( Radishe )
I've known a number of trans people in my life. Every single one of them had extreme mental health issues. I know the few I've known are a small representation of the whole, but the whole mindset of desperately needing the world to validate your delusion has to take its toll.

( RusticTroglodyte )
To be a trans identifying male, you have to be severely mentally ill and narcissistic. I have a double standard for women who transition and idgaf if it's unfair. Tifs transition for other reasons. A lot of them have PTSD, histories of childhood abuse, trauma, etc. They might have mental illness, but I don't think they're automatically narcs like I do with tims

( OwnLyingEyes )
Every other delusional disorder/dysphoria, the goal in treatment is to try to gently bring them back to reality. Not just because of the one delusion itself, which is quite possibly something small and seemingly harmless at the outset, but because the strain of maintaining it makes their mental health deteriorate more broadly as well. Because maintaining it tends to mean withdrawing from more and more of any aspect of reality that contradicts that belief. Why we don't treat gender dysphoria in line with what we know to be established practice in regards to other distorted perceptions seems sinister.

( mathlover )
I tell everyone to talk to lots of "trans" people. Enough to get to know them, till they start speaking unguardedly. Everyone who does this finds that:

(a) The TIMs are virtually all mentally unstable, viciously mysogynist, sexual predators, and drenched with the worst male socialization. People wind up realizing that TIMs should never be anywhere near women. Getting to know TIMs creates TERFs.

(b) The TIFs really are just fleeing womanhood like a house on fire. As obnoxious as some TIFs can be, people come away with some measure of pity for these (mostly) girls and young women.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Now define cisgender woman

( OwnLyingEyes )
Within their stupid framework, which is the only place where "cisgender" exists, and using their own stupid terminology, it's actually even easier than in the real world to mark a clear line where 'woman' includes all women and excludes TIMs. An adult who was "assigned female at birth." That one doesn't even require having to weigh phenotype versus chromosomal makeup in the absence of gametes for people with the vanishingly rare DSDs where that actually gets complicated.

Then again these fuckos already know there's a difference which is why they continue to use separate words for the two. So let's make it even simpler for the porn-soaked pea brains: "cisgender women" are women, TIMs are men attempting to mimic women, almost always unsuccessfully. Women are the category you're trying and failing to imitate...and are trying to force your way into, including by making up bullshit terms like "cisgender" to attempt to qualify something that is actually definitive. Hope that clears things up; if not, can speak more slowly.

( shewolfoffrance )
The category of human whose body plan is organized around producing the large gamete.

But, really, the whole question of "what is a woman?" is a bit of a distraction. This isn't about people with DSDs, hormonal disorders, or birth defects being treated with respect and dignity. This is about allowing mentally disturbed, but physically typical men with fully functioning genitalia access to women and children, and the spaces and resources intended for them.

( Calidris )
They really think it's such a gotcha that there is no definition for women that also includes men that makes any sense lmao

Define chair but it has to be defined in such a way that it includes ALL chairs but also doesn't exclude any cat. Yeah duh it's difficult because cats are not chairs and chairs are not cats.

But here's some definitions: human beings who cannot be "transwomen". Adult humans who cannot be autogynephiles. How bout those Mr TIM?

( FemmeEtal )
All cisgender women are born women. All “transwomen” were born men. Easy.

GraceHoward1729 #transphobia ovarit.com

The crux of this fight is that a serious error was made & must now be unmade.


I've always felt the same about facial feminisation surgery and breast implants on men. 99% of sexual offenders are men and 88% of victims of sexual offences are female.

Allowing a man to disguise their sex through not only legal documents but physical alterations that are approved and even covered by healthcare is egregious. It endangers us. It lags our reaction time, dulls our instincts.

Is women's safety important or is it more important that men be able to fondle bits of silicone they've had stitched on their pecs? (I already know the answer.)

For comparison, it's like if lions were given state-funded surgeries to look more like llamas, for no apparent reason. Awww cute little llama let me pet it- oh no my head's just been chewed off.

pennygadget #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Trans ideology is a misogynist's dream come true

The trans fad is a GIFT to leftie scrotes because they now have permission to unleash as much misogyny, violence, etc as they want as long as they direct it at a "TERF" (a term which gets broader each day) and/or as long as they themselves identify as some form of non-man

Its also a gift to misogynistic industries like medicine and tech because they now have yet another way to obscure the harms they do to females (and they can do it while claiming to be feminist and progressive)

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( MidnightMoon )
TIM destroys his family
In a magazine I was reading urgh this guy destroyed his whole family for this Trans nonsense.


( Hermione )
This is why the spousal veto is so needed. No woman should have to fund this shit and no children should go with a penny less devoted to raising them for it.

I know in the UK some nitwit has proposed making refusing to fund one’s spouse’s transition be counted as “abuse”. FFS.

( GCRadFem )
The most horrifying thing to me about all of the TIMS is how they have changed laws, medicine, academia and the entirety of the internet that men that are literally simply cross-dressing transvestites (redundant, probably) have ensured that society as a whole now treat them as women when it is a fetish and paraphilia.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Male privilege in action.

( RawSienna )
There need to be legal protections for women and kids against these monstrous assholes.

( Spencer_Shayy )
There won't be, because the women and children these men abuse are "bigots" and the violent, misogynistic, manipulative, abusive men are "poor victims" who "struggle" with their "gender identity". "Transwomen" are the worst fucking subset of men.

( LesbianLioness )
seems like he's doing it in the most devastating way possible for his family as well, like he's trying to punish his ex-wife for getting in the way of his fetish

( hufflepuff_queen )
I got the vibe that he was trying to punish her, too.

( TheKnitta )
Jealousy seems to drive a lot of AGPs.

( Vasilisa )
It’s interesting that his parents said he had a cross-dressing tendency since he was a child. Very early evidence of AGP, I presume. I hope this woman’s son doesn’t inherit that. I forget where I read that there is a strong genetic component in sexual fetishes.

( Spencer_Shayy )
I don't believe that claim at all. "Trans" people are notorious for lying about their childhoods and personal histories to prop up their creepy made-up "gender identity", you know, in addition to lying about who and what they are.

Women1st, goodyusername & crodish #transphobia ovarit.com

The Statistic No One's Allowed To Study

( Women1st )
The data needs to be aggregated to show who identified as trans prior to charges and who did after. It will not perfectly reflect total trans population of sex offenders, but it would show a more accurate percent of trans and those gaming the system.

Either way, the numbers show that a higher rate of sex offenders claim they are trans. That in and of itself should prevent this group from housing in women’s facilities, regardless of identity and timing of said identity.

( goodyusername )
Why bother? Whether you believe there is a difference between "trans" vs "those gaming the system", It doesn't matter. They're all men. They don't belong in women's spaces.

( Women1st )
Totally agree that no man belongs. But the TRAs will argue all of these men are faking to game the system. It would be nice to have a cleaner stat to show the TRA (especially the handmaidens) that, yes, TIMs do commit VAWG, despite their identity claims. Just to show them that maleness does not go away- so NO men should have access to women’s spaces.

( crodish )

But the TRAs will argue all of these men are faking to game the system.

I love that TRAs will have enough logic to concede this when crime stats make them look bad but not to idk their gaming of everything else

itsnotaboutewe #transphobia ovarit.com

Today I Will Be Kind

This is for all the trans identifying males who lurk here looking for hate. We may joke about you and ridicule you but today I am going to be as kind as I possibly can be to you. Please take my words in the spirit they are given - as a kindness.

Nobody sees transwomen as women, not even other transwomen. When you ask people on trans forums whether you pass or not, they generally lie. They may lie because they do not pass themselves and they would like someone to tell them that they do, so they pay it forward in hopes that you will do the same for them one day. And you probably already have. They think lying to you is kind. Lying is never kind, even when the truth is painful and harsh.

Trans-ally women don't see you as women. When they fawn over you and call you "girlfriend" they are having a lend of you, even if it's done so semi-consciously. They get kindness points and at the same time get to feel deliciously smug at how they made a fool of you. They are treating you like the ugliest girl in school by dressing you up in outrageous makeup and making you think you're pretty, but they are laughing up their sleeves. If you were a woman you would know that, but you're not a woman so you don't see it. These women are not kind.

GC women and men definitely don't see you as women. We also don't see you as ordinary men because we see you as either mentally ill, dangerous predators, disgusting fetishists, woman-hating deviants, or just plain liars. You are walking, talking red flags. We shield our children from you as we would from any other danger. We don't hate you on a personal level because we don't know you, but we know you are a danger because of the mental illness, self-delusion, or open hatred of women that you publicly display when you wear our skin. Are we transphobic? If being transphobic means we fear you - then yes, but we do not hate you or deny your existence. You have destroyed our rights as women so we have every reason to dislike you intensely as a political and ideological group, but not as individuals unless we have had a personal run-in with you.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

TRAs provide a genuine rebuttal to JKR instead of just spreading propoganda challenge


( TisTheSeason )
There's literal porn out there of these freaks in female washrooms now. They're the one acing like the image, pure projection.

( shewolfoffrance )
Exactly. The meme is backwards. Women aren't peeping under bathroom stalls. Men are whipping their dicks out in women's spaces.

( shewolfoffrance )
I've said it before, but "genital inspections" are 100% a lurid TRA fantasy, especially as it pertains to girls' sports. Boys who started identifying as girls in in adolescence would already known to staff and students--not to mention, immediately visible. Younger boys who were coached by their parents likely wouldn't be able to keep it secret. And honestly, their parents probably wouldn't want to, since "trans kids" are such a fashionable trophy right now.

( Carrots90 )
All we need is reliable ID

And for the liars, a cheek swab

( DonnaFemina )
Also let's remember that the only reason that doubts about sex can't be resolved in 1 second by showing your ID is that trans people insist that it's a human right for them to get official government ID that falsely states which sex you are.

( Itzpapalotl )
Yep. I’ve just commented before that it’s incredibly stupid for TRA’s to pretend humans are indistinguishable aside from genitals.

We are a sexually dimorphic species and despite a man’s best efforts to “pass” (aka deceive everyone around him with a stereotypical disguise) it is almost always very clear that he is male. Sex recognition is hardwired in humans (and other animals), even more so in females, whose survival depends on it.

Males and females have distinct physiology, morons, and your word games, transparently fake pretence otherwise, and false virtue signalling will never change that reality. Deal with it.

( pennygadget )
How do these morons think we kept female spaces before genderwoo? Nobody is asking for genital inspections except them!

( crodish )
We wouldn't need to check if you fuck heads didn't lie.

And even if you do lie, we still don't need to check because 99% of the time it's fucking obvious. Sex is in every cell of your body and sexual dimorphism shows in areas that aren't the genitals.

itsnotaboutewe #transphobia ovarit.com

I'm Done With Reasoning and Explaining To People

This has been a long fight for me. It's been at least a decade since I began warning about the inevitable consequences of transgenderism if it was allowed to escape the sordid realm of fetish and become mainstream. There is no way anyone in the western world has not come across it and its negative consequences by now. Anyone defending it today can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. This is a pernicious, woman-hating cult that needs to be destroyed and put in a museum of very bad social experiments.

If people 50 years in the past, or even 50 years in the future, could look at what this cult has made people believe today, they would be horrified.

That being born female is a deformity that needs surgical correction. That little girls should hate their bodies. That women and girls do not deserve privacy or dignity. That women are inherently evil if they demand bodily autonomy. That women should not have their own women-only sports and pastimes. That women do not deserve female-only spaces. That women are unfairly shielding children from the joys of sex. That teenaged girls should have their breasts cut off. That any woman pushing to regain the rights she used to have is a witch. That in every sphere of life, women should not have any boundaries to keep them safe from men.

I repeat, this is a woman-hating cult. It has captured governments and society in general, and over half of the population is being robbed of rights so that what was once a secret men's fetish can flourish in public. Women and children are being sacrificed for a small number of men with certain sexual proclivities.

I'm done explaining and reasoning with people who already have the facts in front of them but that just do not care about women and girls. I'm done arguing with men on the internet knowing they are stroking their cocks every time I get angry or emotional over this. I'm done with the women who are willingly throwing my rights, and the rights of every girl and woman to come after them, away like garbage. I'm done.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: “You can be straight and still be attracted to trans women because trans women are real women and saying otherwise is transphobic”

( HelenaHandbasket )
Say it louder for Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, hon!!

(And all of the other male "allies in the streets and trfs in the sheets".....)

( CeruleanPisces )
Men who chant TWAW are only doing so because they feel gross after they’ve jerked off to TIM porn and this lets them pretend it’s not gay

( Genevieve )
A straight man might see this guy and think he's a woman, therefore he might be attracted. He doesn't look ugly in videos.

However, men will also be attracted to a freshly baked apple pie or a sock, so that's not saying much about whether they believe you're a woman.

Knowing this guy is trans and still being attracted to him makes the man gay or bisexual, no in-between. The man isn't heterosexual if he's still sexually attracted to you when he finds out you're male.

( a_shrub )

However, men will also be attracted to a freshly baked apple pie or a sock, so that's not saying much about whether they believe you're a woman

So what I figure their strategy should've really been to maintain their gold star heterosexuality is declare anything and everything they've put their dick into as being a woman. Chicken sandwhich they fucked? Also a woman. Vacuum cleaner? Woman! This is a foolproof method of never doing anything gay, ever! You're welcome, dudes!

( GCRadFem )
Chastising heterosexuals for their sexual orientation in his man voice.

They will never be able to wholesale force anyone to have sex with them by attempting to shame a person’s sexual orientation.

“Real women” which TIMS are not and never will be.

( Lilith-Fair )
I don't really care. I hope he continues to harass men so men can get a tiny dose of what women have had to put up with so they might finally wake the fuck up and get with the program to put a stop to this.

( Persimmon64 )
Oh look, a man pretending to be a woman trying to coerce straight men into having sex with him because he's incredibly homophobic, narcissistic, and wants to have lots of sex. In order to "attract" these straight men he's had to chop up his face, alter his body, and slather himself in makeup in order to disguise who he truly is.

Doesn't matter how many "straight" men are attracted to you, you're still a man, Rose, and always will be.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I'm Done With Reasoning and Explaining To People

( shewolfoffrance )
After the recent decision about TiMs in women's chess, I don't even care about justifying female-only spaces anymore. We should have female-only spaces because we want them. End of story.

( kin_kkum )
Yeah I had to block a friend of two years who claims to be a moderate on this and is seeing all the harms of trans ideology, agrees that it's caused a lot of harm, yet still chooses to believe in it. I tried to get her to see that it's the core belief that's the problem, wrote multiple essay-long texts, even went into the origins of gender ideology. Yet she still claimed she chooses to believe it because she wants to be "compassionate." It eventually got to a point where she basically admitted that she believes in it because she "wants to have a comfortable life" which is just selfishness, not compassion. She also knows I'm a victim of men in women's spaces, and yet, when I repeated my story to her and tried to relay why I felt dehumanized, she just doubled down and didn't seem to really sympathize. So I just blocked without a word.

( GCRadFem )
Justifying and explaining only gives them a chance to come up with another bogus excuse or rationale. Explaining is a trap. It is an exercise in futility. There is nothing that a man loves more than pontificating.

We want women-only spaces because we are women and men aren’t women.

Period. End of sentence.

( Unicorn )
Thank you for sharing; your words are powerful.

I understand the frustration of constantly having to repeat such points. This is why I made kindrad.org — I was tired of seeing women have to constantly rehash how the trans movement is harmful to humanity, especially to womankind.

DietCokeAddict & Women1st #transphobia ovarit.com

How to Spot TERF Ideology

( DietCokeAddict )
Lol in particular at the Talking In Person page “the unique danger of terf rhetoric is that it is styled to sound like feminism” no, the “danger” is that it makes far more sense than gender ideology.

And they end with “well, if your TRA arguments don’t convince them, just tell them they’re far right nazis, that should work”

( Women1st )
Holy shit, it is a cult. Who the hell has a pamphlet that provides step by step instructions for conversion?

Usually the group in power labels minority groups. How do you explain calling women “cis,” “cis woman,” “terf,” etc?

The reason you are called TIMs is bc we are NEVER going to accept your appropriation of womanhood. You will ALWAYS be a man. It’s the best way to describe your self-identification and your biological sex.

Persimmon64 #transphobia #homophobia ovarit.com

RE: A transcript of an argument I saw on Twitter between a libfem 'owning' a radfem on being cisgender. Who do you ladies think won the argument?

Being cisgender does not mean you can't be gender non-conforming.

Being gender non-conforming means you don't fall in line with the stereotypical behaviors or appearances typical of your sex. How is this different than being "trans"? What makes a "trans" person different from a "GNC" person? Neither act like a "typical" person of their sex. Neither wish to act or appear as a stereotype of their sex.

If you think sex-based oppression 'just exists' and isn't a social construction, then it would be impossible for a society to exist without it.

This is a nonsensical statement. The radfem is saying sex-based oppression is not a social construct and exists with our without society. Why would it be impossible for society to exist without something that is not a social construct? Wheels aren't a social construct. Is it also impossible for society to exist without wheels?

Why does violent homophobia against gay men exist?

Gay men are insulted, attacked, and killed because their actions are viewed as gross and sinful. Gay men are equal in strength to other men and have had the same rights in all areas of life, even marriage rights. They had the same right to marry a woman as every other man had and many have done so. Being insulted and laughed at, even beat up for your actions is not oppression. That happens to anyone who is viewed as weird, of a lower class, or sinful.


Having graduate degrees in sociology is what makes you a sociologist

Are you saying that an identity like "sociologist" actually corresponds to a material reality with characteristics and qualifications? What if I identify as a sociologist? Why isn't that viable and accepted but identifying as a woman is? Aren't degrees social constructs as well?. Much more so than being a woman is

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: California State Assembly passed a bill allowing parents to lose custody of their children if they refuse to accept their child’s gender transition (Video) |

( legopants )
I couldn't imagine losing my child all because I refused to let them become a medical experiment of billionaires and perverted men. There are actual child abuse and neglect cases that go ignored and the child suffers severely or even dies. But sure, let's rip children out of perfectly good homes because they want to play pretend past recess.

( feministdna )

Why is ACTUAL child abuse ignored and so, so prevalent, and no one seems to care? But the Trans movement has got the general population on a witch hunt against mothers who are trying to protect their kids

( Clarus )
Definitely part of the trans-medical complex attempt to gain more control over children and to make lifelong patients out of them. The real answer should be to help children feel good in their current gender without needing thousands of dollars of surgeries. They're pushing hyper-consumerism on children.

( syntaxerror )
Wait, can someone explain to me what happens to the kids when they’re removed from custody? Are the put into the foster care system? Is it temporary? Permanent? These articles never seem to go into much detail. I don’t understand how that would even work.

( pennygadget )
That worries me as well. Are they specifically placed with some "queer glitter family" who will affirm everything they want? In some LGBTQAI2SWTF+ Group Home with other delusional gender-special children? How does this work?

( sojourner_truth_ )
Best case scenario it will be some Handmaiden who signs off on all the butchery and drugs. Other options include that handmaiden plus her polycule of stunning and brave who molest the kid, pimp the kid out, etc... or a group home where rape is guaranteed by staff and/or other residents.

( Carrots90 )
They really are coming for the children

Will this just apply to make custody cases that much worse?

Or will it be used to feed kids to the foster care system?

The thing that is only supposed to be for worst case scenario’s because it makes kids that much more vulnerable to exploitation

Oh, and you get paid more if the foster kid is gender special

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Yeah, your fellow TIMs lobbied to get it banned


( SlowCollapse )
The alternative treatment is what humanity has done for millennia:

- No internet porn.
- No social media, smartphones, or other exposure to toxic activism.
- Preserve the innocence of childhood. Don't sexualise kids.
- Allow puberty to happen normally.
- Make your life about your achievements, not your identity.
But just suggesting that would be 'hateful evil conversion therapy' these days...

( Unicorn )
TRAs demonized this type of "alternative treatment" as "conversion therapy" and threatened to revoke therapist's licenses for trying to encourage people to be okay with the sex they were born with. Good job reinventing the wheel, I guess.

( natkomer123 )
This is the biggest issue with combining the LGB with the T. Conversion therapy for LGB people is a horrible thing because being gay does not harm anyone. But T people are looking to take harmful hormones, remove healthy organs, and cut their genitals/breast off - these are people who need psychiatric help. But because we've combined LGBT, when we banned conversion therapy it had to include the T too.

( danaseilhan )
Somebody needs to remind the T's that WoMeN cAn HaVe PeNiSeS. It cannot possibly be "conversion therapy" to put a stop to gender surgeries and gender drugs, because supposedly you do not have to transition to be trans. They need to pick one or the other and quit moving the goalposts.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
For gender (anatomic sex) dysphoric children/adolescents, that is. I doubt there will ever be effective treatment for AGPs unless they stop chasing their addictive fetish.

( Persimmon64 )
Yeah, there doesn't seem to be a way to treat sexual perversions. I don't think there's a known "cure" for pedophilia or sex offenders either. I suggest castration for all of them.

( a_shrubf )
Quick, get the holy trans anointing oil, there's some evil internalized transmisogyny to cast out with gender affirmation chants!!

( Persimmon64 )
They have found something that can be done for dysphoria instead of transitioning and it actually works quite well. These people just don't want that. They'd rather continue to indulge in their delusions than try to be comfortable in their own bodies.

legopants , bluff & Persimmon64 #transphobia ovarit.com


( legopants )
so pathetic. I actually got such bad secondhand embarrassment reading that. "They're trying to kill us :'''(" "I don't wanna die :'(((" get tf over yourself, dude. Your chances of actually being murdered go up MASSIVELY if you were a woman. You're falling to pieces and having a mental breakdown because some fake words that are entirely a lie that you read on a screen scare you? You'll never know how it feels to walk alone at night. Do you really think you could handle being a woman and what we deal with when you're cry typing and terrified over literally NOTHING? I don't think it's the blissful escape you've so deluded yourself to think. what a prick.

ETA: notice how he's fine with women having our rights taken away but not trans people. literally says it flat out. "i dont want my rights being taken away because I'm trans" followed by "being allowed to be a girl and have my rights taken away . I would mind much less"

I don't care how young this dude is he has no sympathy from me. That is such disgusting behavior and comments to make and shows his already porn rotting brain. Humanity is doomed.

( bluff )
Agreed. Cat's out of the bag with porn and I don't believe men will ever change. Sometimes I wish our planet would just get nuked already, the future is bleak when considering his sex class controls the world.

I don't like to hate people but I hate these people so much. We are just a fetish to them, not people who deserve dignity and rights. He even says it'd be better to be killed as a "girl." I hope he drowns.

( Persimmon64 )
"tehrye making it illegal to be ourselves"

They're making it illegal to violate same sex spaces and categories, lie about your sex, and give cosmetic surgeries and harmful drugs to minors.

No one needs drugs and surgery to "be themselves." If anything, they're making it "harder" for you to pass yourself off as something you're not. In other words, they're actually just requiring and encouraging you to "be yourself"

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

A beginner's guide to TiMs


( sylviasmushrooms )
Oh God. I’ve met every single one of these, many times. Every single TIM I’ve ever met IRL fits so neatly into one of these categories that it’s eerie, even the specific parts hit like 85%!

( Persimmon64 )
I'd add one more HSTS category - the effeminate gay boy who "realized" he's a woman as a teen/young adult after he discovered most guys didn't want to screw him and found the idea of it repulsive. He also has had extensive plastic surgery and tries to "pass" the best he can so he can keep his sex secret from his dates or hookups. He gets off on the idea of stealing men from real women and the idea that the straight guys that found him gross before are now "attracted" to him. Has hatred and contempt for women due to jealousy and other gay men due to his own internalized homophobia.

( Sameseks )
So that Kelly Cadigan on Twitter who literally made a video admitting that he realized he was gay in his youth and didn’t like it

Now spends time being overtly homophobic towards other gay men

It’s just depressing

( m0RT_ )
UGH, i hate the fact that I can now recognize these types easily now.

I was blissfully ignoring these damn pathetic kinks until they started coming for women's sexed based rights and I peaked. Can't wait for this to be sorted out in the law so I can go back to completely ignoring what happens in their grotty bedrooms.

( OneStarWolf )
It’s missing all the delusional and naive TIFs that will handmaiden hard for these men, all while slowly crippling and killing themselves with excess T.

sodonewiththis , shveya & somegenerichandle #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: AFAB is now a TERF dogwhistle. Now what ?

( sodonewiththis )
Hahaha! So funny. I’ve already seen this use of AFAB in the wild among my children’s friends

They’ve all been raised to use pronouns and gender terminology religiously. And they are all incredibly pro-trans. Which is frankly understandable given how many trans kids they know — really nice kids too, who I desperately hope don’t grow up to suffer from serious medical issues.

But somehow even these incredibly pro-trans kids always end up needing a word to describe … well … you know … women.

For example, no right thinking Gen Z teenage girl would ever say she don’t want a trans woman gynecologist. But they will explain to you that “it’s uncomfortable to deal with AMABs in certain situations” so “I kind of feel like I’d rather have an AFAB gynecologist.”

Recently I overheard a conversation between several preteens about the bathrooms issue. And — I kid you not — they solemnly agreed that the “fair” solution to bathrooms would be to just get rid of “girls” and “boys” bathrooms and have “an AFAB bathroom, andAMAB bathroom, and a Unisex bathroom.”

I’m sure they aren’t the only Gen Z kids to come up with this solution. And no doubt that’s why the TRAs are now decreeing that AFAB is a transphobic term — even though they are the ones who forced it on us in the first place.

As someone who has dutifully read my De Mann, I can’t help but observe that it certainly seems like some words do represent a priori categories that are pre-existent to language and culture. And when we outlaw those words people seem to be quite ingenious at finding new words to signify those categories!

( shveya )
These guys are so authoritarian. Even when women obey them, it's not good enough. They have the right (in their minds) to tell us what to call ourselves, but heaven forbid we aren't 100%subservient towards their pornified whims.

This is why I'll always tell libfems that there's no point in caping for them. You're a woman, so nothing you could do to please them will ever be enough.

( somegenerichandle )
Yeah, i agree. I've seen TIFs unironically make statements about AFAB when they want to talk about sex, not gender. And i definitely think they will rebrand it. This whole issue has made women constantly modify their language, such as women born womyn.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: AFAB is now a TERF dogwhistle. Now what ?

( heremirore )
The goal here is to stop women from referencing sex.

( ItsCalculated )
This. They want to punish speech and thought crime. They want control.

They want to erase the line between us because it invalidates them. That line, however, is immutable. Sex is immutable. They may as well try to erase gravity or time.

( songoftheworms )
Yep! TRAs are existentially threatened by women's development of class consciousness.

( kin_kkum )
They don't want "AFAB" to be replaced by anything. They simply do not want women to have any terms to refer to ourselves at all. They don't want women having the right to exclude men, not even in language. They don't want to acknowledge that women exist as our own class. They want to dominate us in every arena of our lives, including our own thoughts and language. I predict that even the more offensive terms like "menstruators" "birthing people" etc will also become "TERF dogwhistles" to them because as degrading they might be to us, they still reference a biological reality that only women experience. They are seeking a reality where we cannot discuss anything about ourselves that doesn't include them. The only way out is for this bizarre ideology to end.

( shewolfoffrance )
The euphemism treadmill will go on. They don't want women to have the language to talk about themselves as a class. But, they'll inevitably invent some new, degrading, nonsensical term to refer to the category of human beings they envy, and can never be. And the cycle will begin anew because they simply can't not talk about women.

( PlainSimpleTailor )
Yep. AFAB/AMAB was a loophole to justify trans identities and gender while still vaguely gesturing at the notion of biological sex. Therefore they could always claim that people criticizing gender ideology were just "confusing sex and gender, which are two totally different things". Now they've ran into tons of problems with that, so they want to eradicate any reference to biological sex.

( mathlover )
They don't like it because they think it is a sneaky way to refer to sex that is "transphobic". Eg: lesbians who specify AFAB only on dating apps now get banned for being "transphobes" because AFAB excludes the larping men.

( Dee )
We are living through a dystopian hell hole and few people realize it. What else is new?

Itzpapalotl , DJKTRON & Unicorn #transphobia ovarit.com

Serious ignorance vibes

( Itzpapalotl )
1. If I had kids I would teach them that biology is immutable but that doesn't have any bearing on hobbies, interests, abilities or personalities...so no, I wouldn’t have a “trans” kid, because there’s no such thing. I also wouldn't have a “queer” kid, my kid would be either gay/lesbian, straight or bisexual - all of which are fine, natural and healthy.

2. “HRT” is to aid women going through menopause, NOT for deluded males. Cross sex hormones are highly experimental, and for anyone with a working brain it should be very obvious that pumping a healthy body full of entirely unnecessary chemicals/artificial hormones is a bad idea.

3. Most people would rather have a bad tattoo that a vastly decreased lifespan, osteoporosis, vaginal atrophy, increased chance of cancer, sterilisation and/or butchered genitals and destroyed sexual function...

4. “Gender” is not biological. Sex is biological and immutable. Single sex spaces for women need to be enforced because men are an inherent threat to us (as proven globally, historically and statistically) regardless of what they wear or believe themselves to be.

Yet again, mind boggling stupidity from dimwitted TRAs.

(1) Since trans is real, when scientists develop a genetic test for it, will they support selective abortion of "trans" fetuses? Or will they support forced birth in that scenario?

(2) So is bloodletting. Are we supposed to bring shit back because it's old? That's the opposite of progress, but the rest of their ideas are also regressive so it makes sense.

(3) It's called the "sunk cost fallacy."

(4) If gender is real, why are they demanding the police state enforce it? GCs want biological sex, which is a material reality, recognized by law. No one needs to enforce reality, but they do need to force us to all play along with their fantasies.

( Unicorn )
Gender is not biological. It is social constructs based on sex-based stereotypes. Sex is biological.

If gender is innate, why does it need a police state to enforce punishing gender critical people for wrongthink?

BondiBlue #transphobia ovarit.com


- There is no such thing as a “trans or q~eer child.” There are kids who don’t fit into stereotypes. Some turn out to be gay or lesbian. Some are heterosexual, just nonconformist. But a “trans or q~eer child” is either a failure of parenting or a child being groomed by “q~eer” ideologues. The word, when used as a verb, means to deliberately render something or someone FUBAR as a radical and intentionally destructive political act. As a slur against gays and lesbians, it has only been “reclaimed” by sexual deviants looking to normalize the unthinkable, ride the coattails of normal LGBs’ hard-fought acceptance into mainstream society, and “drag” children along with it. If you are of the mentality that a “trans or q~eer child” is something that 1) exists and 2) is to be celebrated, please do not have kids. Most likely you should be under a restraining order barring you from contact or interaction with them.

- HRT was never meant to be used in wrong-sex applications. It is not only experimental, it is harmful quackery predicated upon the validity of woke medicine, and it should be outlawed for these deceptive and destructive purposes. These powerful drugs are used in serious applications such as for cancer patients, to treat symptoms of menopause, or to chemically castrate sex offenders. It is a “treatment” for something (gender nonconformism) that is not an illness. It was used in the conversion therapy of the brilliant gay scientist Alan Turing, who committed suicide rather than be rendered a eunuch. HRT prescribed under these applications is barbaric.

- Tattoos are elective body modification. No one ever argues that not getting a tattoo will cause someone to commit suicide or that tattoos are “life affirming care.” It is also not legal to get them under the age of 18, while gender butchery is being done to minors, again under the guise that it is “healthcare” rather than unethical cosmetic surgery. Tattooing is not covered by health insurance, and no one is being punished for not “affirming” someone as a zebra if he or she wishes to have full-body zebra stripes tattooed. But we see your obvious dig at JKR for calling this BS out. It’s tiresome and nobody believes it anymore.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( NO )
I honestly hate the TQ.

They're homophobic, misogynistic, absolutly terrible people.

Stop involving me in your fetish.

Stop forcing me to be around you in private spaces.

Stop telling me my sexuality is bad

Stop telling me I'm wrong

Stop forcing me to follow your religion.

You guys are just bigoted religious zealots.

( Feminist_strength )
I hate to generalize, but I agree with you. I’ve been around many “queer” people, and literally none of them are mentally stable. They have a superiority complex. And most of them are creepy. Anyone who identifies as trans provokes an instant “ick” in my gut.

( Tanana )
The TQ are parasites to the LGB. I just want to have nothing to do with those clowns.

( Spinstaa )
Just ridiculous! Where are all the so called allies talking about this?! Oh, right ! They only care about “queer” people. Who most are heterosexual.

I think it’s wild in my lifetime, I’ve seen same sex marriage legalized and those relationships being seen as a normal thing. To now. Where we can hate same sex attracted people, as long as we SAY we support the queer community (mostly heterosexual community)

DJKTRON , Sonnet & opreroma #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Follow the money- the strong link with trans ideology and pedophilia

There's a money link and an obvious intellectual link. I've found it glaringly obvious from pretty much the get go that this was a bridge to normalizing and legalizing pedophilia. It's a short walk from "children can consent gender transition" to "children can consent to sex with adults." This is not a coincidence; it's the entire point.

( Sonnet )
“No kids are getting surgeries, that’s transphobic right-wing fear mongering.”

“A tiny number of kids are getting surgeries but they are a rare and life-saving intervention.”

“What right do you have to tell someone else’s child what to do with their bodies? Mind your own business. Teenage girls already get breast reductions and augmentations, so what? These are medically valid surgeries, otherwise doctors wouldn’t do them.”


“You think a child old enough to decide about having her breasts removed is too young to consent to showing her breasts to an adult? Kids know who they are. Clutch your pearls harder. Right-wing purity culture. Sexist shame about women’s bodies. ~Won’t somebody think of the children.~”

( opreroma )
This is such a good point. A while back, I asked someone, "If children can't consent to sexual intercourse, then why can they consent to sexual reassignment surgery?" They danced around the subject, after which I felt very numb. Because I realized that was the point all along.

Yea, they danced around because the reality is they do think children can consent. This is one of the resultant horrors of having a culture that says any sexual activity is acceptable as long as the participants consent. That proposition is obviously not true because that would make necrophilia, statutory rape, adultery, and incest morally acceptable sexual activity. Somehow the idea that there's more to sex than consent is now deemed puritanical religious extremism.

ETA: the specific sophistry/error is that they are confusing a necessary condition for a sufficient condition. Consent is a necessary condition, but not a sufficient condition. This is why some people intuitively know that incest, etc. is wrong, but they struggle to articulate why it's still wrong if the participants consent.

knitsandhooks #transphobia ovarit.com

Canada warns '2SLGBTQI+' residents about traveling to US

Um, shouldn't it be the other way around? The US government needs to be warning American gays that if they travel to Canada they might be expected to undergo conversion therapy to sterilize them and remove their sex organs, and may even encounter giant crowds of angry blue-haired Canadian homophobes screaming at them that their sexuality is offensive to straight people.

Sonnet, Calidris & TheKnitta #transphobia ovarit.com

Even 10 year olds know you're a man

( Sonnet )
He’s a man. But if I found out my kids were filming themselves singling-out and humiliating strangers at the fair like a roving pack of discount bullies, I would blast them into space.

( Calidris )
I'd have zero problems if my kids humiliated a man who's wearing their reality as a sex costume. I'd say the same about someone walking around in blackface. They deserve to be humiliated because they started it by including us in their perverted sex fetish.

( Calidris )
Ooof yeah. That is very very obviously just a man. He's the kind of TIM where I wouldn't even have known he's trying to "pass" as anything. I'd just have thought it's a kind of fruity dude.

I like that the young kids can instinctively tell there's something very wrong about a dude dressing up in women's clothing. There's a reason that before "trans" took off as a state religion, crossdressers were usually represented as deeply messed up, creepy and sometimes extremely violent men like buffalo bill.

( TheKnitta )
Oh no, genocided by children! They should all be sent to re-education to worship men in dresses, and be taught to never laugh at the obvious flat-footed clowns for parading their fetish in public and thinking they can get away with it.

Grow up, sir. You know full well you went to the fair dressed like a woman for attention, because performing your fetish in public gets you off. If you can’t handle kids laughing at you for being obvious, don’t do what they’re laughing at you for.

He probably still loved the attention, though.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Where do you stand?

( Triselly )
I appreciate this comment may be removed, but what's the number for barely considering these monsters to be human anymore?

They are broken males who have forfeited their souls to their libidos.

( Lemonade_Masquerade )
Yeah, I keep it tamer on this site but I genuinely hate men who call themselves women. 10-15 years ago I was ignorant to how many there were, so I was mostly apathetic to them. They seemed like one of many breeds of sexist men, but a low priority issue. I consider that a mistake on my part. Now that I know they are actively trying to erode women's rights and teach children to hate their bodies and sterilize themselves, as well as co opting the LGB movement for themselves and their homophobic ends, I will not ignore them or underestimate them again. I may call them men here, but that's only because my preferred words are banned on this site. They've shot up my shit list ahead of incels/PUAs, male politicians, and "good christian" men in record time.

No concessions. No compromise. No "good" trans who gets a free pass for acknowledging sex. No men in women's spaces. Full stop.

( Chronicity )
I’m a 8.

TW are disturbed men who have been brainwashed into psychologically, chemically and physically harming themselves. Validating their identities is an assault on feminism when it requires us to pretend men can know what it feels like to be a woman.

( hard_headed_woman )
I'm a 10.

TW are men, who belong in the category of males for every aspect of their lives. I fight to rid the world of men larping as women on official documents like drivers' licenses and passports. I reject the claim that men know what it "feels" like to be a woman. I reject all medical interventions for any person under the age of 25, and do not believe that governments or insurance companies should pay for transgender cosmetic services and surgeries.

( unlearningtrans )
I think transgender medicine should be banned for anyone but agree that under 25 is a good place to start.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Over half of transgender prisoners in Wisconsin are sex offenders

( itsnotaboutewe )
They have a choice. Either

1. Transgender identifying males are far more likely to be sexual offenders than the normal male prison population, or

2. Men who are not transgender are pretending to be trans just to invade women's spaces.

They have to choose one of those two explanations. If trans identifying males are more likely to be sex offenders than ordinary men, there is even more of a need for them to be kept out of all female spaces. If some men are falsely claiming to be trans in order to infiltrate female spaces, and there is no test to prove if they are really trans or not, then all males regardless of how they identify need to be kept out of female spaces. Simple.

( pennygadget )
Honestly, I'm surprised the number is that low

( MissBehaved )
They're just the ones who got convicted for that. Given the extremely low rate of rape convictions, we can safely assume the number is higher (and for other men too of course).

( OneStarWolf )
This. These were the very few trans id men that were actually caught AND convicted of a sex crime. The real number is probably much higher since we know the vast majority of these sex based offenders either never get caught/not reported or are not convicted.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if TiMs have a 70+ percent sex crime rate. The FBI has known for years that transsexualism was a common comorbidity and paraphilia with pedos, rapists, and serial killers that target women. There are so many creepy fucking men out there and it seems they’re all catching on to the trans cheat.

( Mandy )
So the question is, are they sex offenders because they're transwomen, or did they become transwomen when they were convicted of sex offenses?

( RusticTroglodyte )
Since a requirement to being a tim is to be pornsick, (at least the majority, who transition as adults. The ones who transition in childhood are denied a sex life due to puberty blockers) and pornsick men need to keep escalating, coupled with the fact that trans identified men are entitled and think they can do whatever they want, all the time, I'd say they're sex offenders bc they're trans

Just my unscientific opinion

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( MaryDyer )
This is the chance to peak people, ladies
Very simple:

You: “I can just see Donald Trump declaring he’s a woman and being moved to a women’s prison if he’s convicted.”

Them: “What? They wouldn’t move a man to a women’s prison.”

You: “Hmm…you sure about that?” proceed to rattle off a list of names of male rapists who are living comfortably in women’s prisons

This is our chance to truly spread the word.

( Re-enacterf )
I said to my friend there are male rapists in women's prison right now, raping women. She said trans women are women, therefore there are no men in women's prison.

( Sonnet )
“Transwomen are women, so when a large, criminally dangerous male gets on top of a terrified female and forces his penis inside her without her consent, it is only women to blame.”

( realityismykink )
Did you reply that you couldn't possibly be friends with a misogynistic rape apologist, therefore you weren't friends anymore?

( Re-enacterf )
With TRA female friends, I wait for them to burn the bridge first. It was a horrific comment, but borne out of ignorance of male depravity. Unforgivable to handwave rape, yes, but she might realize what she's done some day. Male TRA friends who give me any guff I block. They know exactly what these TIMs are up to.

( Tailz1012 )
If TWAW and TWAM there are still men in women's prisons bc TIFs don't request transfers to men's prisons for obvious reasons. Regardless of your definition there are men in womens prisons. They need to decide which definition of men to kick out.

( MissBehaved )
I'm literally waiting on Trump to declare himself America's first woman president. I hope he does it. He's honestly nuts enough that I can imagine him doing this. Dems would be floundering, the whole country would go crazy haha

( BillyPilgrim )
He hates women too much to ever pretend to be one.

( SpatOutTheKoolaid )
That doesn't stop most TIMs.

( RusticTroglodyteSnazzy )
So do tims lol. Hating women is a necessary part of transition for both tims and tifs

( LunarWolf )
as opposed to most TIMs?

( Fluffy_gender )
Trump is pro trans actually. He was OK with a TIM in Miss Universe and he had a comment while running for president that he doesn't mind TIMs in women's bathrooms - after all, he also regularly barged into teen girls' changing rooms, too.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Bubsy3D )
Pushing back on genderist language. I mean all of it


So to return to the beginning, gender fetishists do not use a pronouns, they demand others to use a pronouns, and that's how we should talk about it.

They do not identify as man/woman/enby, nor do they think that they're one. If they really thought that they're the opposite sex, having their sex correctly identified would be met with genuine confusion and not rage. So in reality they demand other people to pretend that they're man/woman/enby.

It is NOT about "who they are". It's just stealing the narrative of LGB. Trans identity literally, directly requires participation of the other people. If people don't believe in their bs, they feel like they stop existing.

[...] I'd really like to see GC not use genderist language. If you have any more suggestions on how to reframe their concepts or suggest concepts for discussion, I'd love to hear it, because I'm too tired to cover the entire thing. Like should we call genderism a cult? A religion? A front?

( Unicorn )
I had a silly shower thought of TERFs taking back the term "misgender."

Someone calling Jessica Johathan Yaniv a woman? That's misgendering; he's a man who identifies as a transwoman.

Someone calling Buck Angel a man? That's some serious misgendering right there, she's a woman who identifies as a transman.

I'm so curious what would happen if this was attempted. Let's start confusing everybody, just like TRAs do when they misuse sex and gender! Remember, according to trans activists, words have no meaning!

( WatcherattheGates )
I have dropped the word "gender" almost entirely from my vocabulary. I talk about biological sex, and I talk about societally-imposed sex roles, sex norms, and sex expectations.

( Opals )
I don’t use ‘trans woman’, etc. They are ‘men who wish that they were women’ and so on

( RuneOwl )
I like “men who identify as transwomen”, it really gets to the point but also doesn’t confuse the average person by introducing new terms. I want them to start associating “transwoman” with man, because that’s the word they’ll most often be hearing.

( RusticTroglodyte )
I refuse to use "transwomen" unless I'm being sarcastic in reply to a TRA. I refer to them as trans identified males, men LARPing as women, etc

kirisheart , Calidris & AriadneOnNaxos #transphobia ovarit.com

( kirisheart )
How do all the libfem and TRA Potterheads miss how this is just like Order of the Phoenix?
Order of the Phoenix is a wild book to return too, as Harry is quite literally living JK Rowling's reality right now. Harry and JK Rowling are both famous and spoke the truth. Harry told the truth about Voldemort's return and JK Rowling has only ever expressed concerns about women and girls by allowing males to self ID as women and that biological sex is real.

For speaking the truth they have each become hated and smear campaigns turning everyone against them. Have any of you re-read it since this all started? It's wild. Just like with JK Rowling everyone turned on Harry. Dumbledore's Army is basically Radfems and TERFs.

It's just wild how she is living out Harry's reality, only because she's a woman she has has to deal with all the misogyny too.

How are all these potterheads or former potterheads blind to this connection??

( Calidris )
Yes and I'm not kidding when I say, think about this every single day

I wonder what she thinks? Imagine your book weirdly becoming the truth. If it follows as in the books, she'll eventually be vindicated and the TRAs will be chased out by centaurs lol

( AriadneOnNaxos )
Yep. She wrote her principles into a series of books and is living by them, and the very people who grew up on those books (I read them in my 20s) are completely oblivious and hate her passionately for doing exactly what they idolised her protagonists for.

I guess they thought the message of the books was “Owls are cool, you are magic, have some butter beer” or something.

It’s enough to make you give up on the power of art to shape the human psyche.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( unlearningtrans )
“TERF ideology”
Anyone else noticing they are now saying our pro-reality stance/advocating for child safeguarding is itself an “ideology”? Insane inversion going on as per usual. Someone dropped “TERF ideology” on me in the real world recently. Boggles the mind. I was like, say more. They went off about anti-trans hatred, the enormous genocide, white supremacy. We’re both white women but she of course has a loved one who is trans-identified so I understand why it riles her up.

( legopants )
It's because we say gender ideogy and they can't think of a single thing themselves.

( Calidris )
Literally all their arguments are either childish make belief, blatant lies, or "no, u". They are like apes who throw shit and just see what sticks. That's why I don't get women on our side trying to debunk their arguments. They don't even believe there arguments! They just use them as weapons to throw at us so that while we're trying to refute them, they dismantle our human rights. Case in point, they contradict themselves all the time.

Trans people are only now brave and safe enough to come out which is why TIFs increased 4000%. But there's also a trans genocide so trans people have to hide for safety.

A one year old knows he's a girl cause he's trying to make dresses out of onesies, because gender identity is stable and fixed. Gender fluids are totally valid because gender is always changing and very dynamic.


( Unicorn )
They are creating an artificial dichotomy: gender ideology and "TERF ideology." It's a logical fallacy.

It's kind of like teaching creationism alongside evolution. Religious people can then argue "they're both theories!!" even though the two theories are not of equal validity or sound argument.

( RadFemRiot )
Tell them how you relate.

All female born people are trans because we crave rights of the male born and we are persecuted for not being the male born default. We have biological functions the male born cannot though, which makes us inherently different. All female born are trans which is why afab want separate from Amab.

Use the terminology as they imply it to mean.

( Sameseks )
TERF ideology: someone who says the truth about sex and gender, but they're a woman

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( ProxyMusic )
He probably has a forced-feeding fetish.

( Ptarmagant )
Ewww. That is such a possibility.

( RusticTroglodyte )
I doubt that it would include a feeding tube and a hospital bed in the prison infirmary lmao

Eta: then again he's a pornsick pervert so who knows

( sojourner_truth_ )
Entitled violent pervert uses emotional manipulation to get access to more female victims, news at 11.

( Hollyhock )
I have never understood hunger strikes, despite some of the people doing it I admire for their causes. Suffragettes, Ghandi are a few.

But, I still don't understand it. Why does one person's choice to starve make others cave to their demands? I honestly don't get it...it's always seemed like only an mentally unwell person would choose this.

( TheSimbul )

Die, you useless piece of shit.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( fightlikeagirl )
That's the same guy that posted yesterday about how he lies to men for sex, claiming to be female when he's post-op TIM. Sorry not sorry if women don't empathize with a rapist.

( UncomfortablElla )
Also he has a post where he talks about having spoken to several lawyers to make sure that sleeping with someone (having lied and tricked them into thinking you're a woman) is technically not rape. Very scary to obsess like that over the technical definitions of consent to make sure you can get away with as much as possible while violating someone else

( RusticTroglodyte )
No shit. I'll never understand what it's like to be a pornsick man with a severe sex fetish.

Any other late breaking news, dumbass?

( crispycherrypie )
Just replace "trans woman" with "men" and you have typical MRA talking points.

I wonder why that could be!

( Women1st )
Ok- what is your point? I don’t give a shit about your experience. Why you ask? Because you have degraded womanhood by claiming it. You have invaded our spaces, which shows you don’t get it. You have stolen our awards, titles, and accomplishments.

I am living my best life. I am containing cocks. As a matter of fuck, sorry, fact, I am about to copulate with a married man in 1 hour. I am getting ready

This right here is the pervert’s idea of womanhood. This is the complete degradation of womanhood.

Peppermint & TwoXChromosomes #transphobia ovarit.com

EXCLUSIVE: Leading womb transplant experts say it's 'medically possible' for transgender women to have natural pregnancies - and they hope to offer procedure to trans couples in years | Daily Mail Online

( Peppermint )
There's always the comment that goes like this "I have no problem with transgender people living as they wish..but...." Let's just say NO. I don't agree with them "living as they wish." We're usually if not always talking about MEN and "living as they wish" means intruding and destroying the rights of women, children and in this case unborn humans. NO WAY.

These horrific experiments and unnecessary procedures should be along the same ethical lines of cloning humans. And to that end any attempts to have humans gestated and/or born from jars or men's bodies should be against the law. It should be considered undesirable and not ever the best start for any human being on the planet.

And I would go on to say, it should NEVER happen unless a "womb" from a woman who is willing to give birth is no longer available on the planet. And to further deconstruct that I mean we have 0 humans being born everywhere for whatever reason. Even then we might want to reconsider continuing the human race at all. And I hate to say this but it sounds like we need to go there.

Humans do not ever need to be born of men and its not something we should want especially for the humans involved. The imaginary "needs" of a man should not ever be considered over the baby in this case. These men need to get some real mental health already. Children have suffered enough!

( TwoXChromosomes )
You know, I started writing a book about a dystopian future 40 years from now in which everything in the world catered to these sick weirdos. This was one of the items on my list of fucked up shit that would hopefully never happen, but would in my dystopia.

It took exactly TWO years for my dystopia to become real...

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( radfemdragon )
Politically Homeless and Worried
I was talking politics with my wife today, and we're both worried. We both feel politically homeless because we care about the climate crisis and renewable energy, but we also care about women and girls. With the utmost respect to all of my fellow Ovarites and their political persuasions, we're afraid that in countries where women and girls are losing their rights to TiMs, women will either not vote or vote for a government that doesn't care about the climate crisis and renewable energy. So in an indirect way, the colonization, cosplay, and fetishism of TiMs will contribute to a worsening of the climate crisis, because conservatives don't traditionally support Earth-friendly policies. Your thoughts?

( knitsandhooks )
I will vote for whichever party opposes gender ideology, because once women as a class are destroyed, everything is over. Women's rights can recover from everything else but that.

( pennygadget )
I'm leaning more towards this everyday. Why bother with other issues if we don't even have the basic right to define ourselves and have our own spaces? Why should I care about climate change when blue states like California are trying to turn poor women into cattle for the surrogacy industry?

( ivahian )
And California gets worse and worse every day, for a multitude of reasons :/

( Calidris )
That's where I'm at, I'm a complete single issue voter now. But let's not act like literally every single man wouldn't be a single issue voter if we tried to abolish men's human rights. Men have class consciousness. Sadly among women there's a lot who'd throw all of us under the bus without thinking for a crumb of penis approval.


( pennygadget )

We can’t recover from a destroyed earth. Human rights have come and gone through out history. Once the earth is gone that is it

But do you really trust left wing parties to keep their promises about the environment?. The mainstream left has already back-stabbed every group and value they once stood for (free speech, women, jews, the working class, LGBs, etc) in service to the woke/trans cult. Do you really think they won't backstab the environmentalists as well?

Calidris & RighteousIndignation #transphobia ovarit.com

Men still maintin their privileges, even when they pretend to be women

( Calidris )
The biggest slap in my face was that they left the draft the same. So you're saying they're "woman" enough to be actual women's and girl's problems, they have all the freedom to rape and harass us in the spaces we created for us? But males getting out of the draft, now that's too much!!!

Way to just go out and say, yes females are completely and utterly inferior! Males can destroy their spaces and prizes for penis titillation who cares it's just dumb women. But the draft that is actually serious business that affects real people.

( RighteousIndignation )
its less the humouring as no one really believes he's a woman, its the pandering because he wants you to pretend he is.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( furyosa )
Richard Dawkins Q&A | Can a woman become a man and a man become a woman?
Richard Dawkins answers various questions in this video.

At 42:07 he answers the question "Can a woman become a man and a man become a woman?"

His answer: "No, of course not".

( Agrimonium )
I want to go back to talking about transgenderism like this tbh. No complex explanations, just "of course that's not a real thing" and then move on.

( TheKnitta )
The very basis of it all really is that simple, isn’t it? All the rest is just noise to obfuscate.

( OwnLyingEyes )
The entire bulk of the rest is men who refuse to take no for an answer trying to equivocate that 'no' into a 'yes' (and too many women supporting that attempt, for that matter).

( questioningtw )
IKR. I can't believe we are seriously debating in 2023 on what a man and a woman is.

( Moonflower )
This is great. It’s been incredibly disappointing how so many of the “new atheism” folks I used to look up to in the early/mid 2000’s (like PZ Myers and Hemant Mehta) are now throwing their support behind gender ideology without subjecting it to the same level of criticism or question they used to aim at religious belief. Dawkins was one of the clearest voices among them, and it’s refreshing to see how he just isn’t having any of it.

( sevenfatesforetold )
Gender ideology is the new religion and anyone who carries water for it are its priests

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

The TQ changes everything


spoilerLGB activism: Your kids are fine
just the way they are. You don't have
to be concerned if they're gender
activism: Your children
are defective & we're here to correct
their abnormalities with drugs,
clothing, accessories & multiple

( DurableBook )
LGB: "It gets better."

QT: "It will never get better unless you get hormones and surgery and convince literally everyone to see you as the opposite sex, forever, and a single person failing to comply will drive you to suicide."

( Bubsy3D )
LGB defining conversion therapy as: torture aimed to change the person

TQ defining conversion therapy as: absence of torture aimed to change the person

( BillyPilgrim )
I was so confused when I read about people being outraged at laws banning conversion therapy. I thought it was religious groups trying to pray the gay away.

( Unicorn )
What's messed up is when liberal states ban conversion therapy by merging in gay and gender identity as types of conversion therapy into one law. This happened in Washington state.

I fully support banning gay conversion therapy; leave gay people alone, there is nothing wrong with being gay.

However, "gender conversion therapy" is nonsense. Now therapists in Washington state can lose their license and get fined thousands if they do not "affirm" a patient's gender identity.

( MissBehaved )
LGB TQ: Your children are defective & we're here to correct their abnormalities with drugs, clothing, accessories & multiple surgeries.

( BorealForest )
If instead of telling children to accept their homosexuality, you tell them to reject it and embark on a pursuit for something that is physically impossible to achieve but results in permanent physical and psychological damage, in a disgusting attempt to supposedly fix themselves so that they won't be homosexual anymore, you're the bigot.

mathlover , SummerGrl & RusticTroglodyte #transphobia #psycho ovarit.com

( mathlover )
They always claim the men's bathrooms aren't safe. What if the women's bathrooms became infinitely more dangerous than the men's? Can we make that happen?

( SummerGrl )
The most dangerous thing to them is referring to them as men. We need to keep telling them "sir, get your dick out of the ladies room."

( RusticTroglodyte )
I will not hesitate to pepper spray a tim in the bathroom. All women need to carry personal protection devices

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

"Cis" is misogyny

It is both a term of abuse and
a form of linguistic apartheid
It robs women of their unique sexual identity.
It Intimidates them into accepting the absurd
proposition that any man can become
a biological female just by announcing it.

( hard_headed_woman )
I simply refuse to be lumped into a subcategory of my own sex.

( chocolatefondant21 )
It’s a made up word for trans-identifying people to not feel like the freaks that they are.

( Jehane )
This. What annoys me about this term is that TIMs claim it's important to illustrate the difference between women and themselves. They claim it's for "clarity". As soon as you point out that using "women" versus "transwomen" is perfectly fine and that everybody will understand what you're talking about, they bristle and insist that no, you have to have a separate category of women, because they know they'll never be seen as real women. So they pretend that there's something like a general category of women that can be divided into cis and trans. These are the same people insisting on inclusion, yet they come up with bullshit like this and an ever-growing acronym to create more apartheid.

( Women1st )

It’s a slur meant to validate males

( SakuraBlossoms )
It's certainly not the most extreme form of misogyny. It is however the claim that we "identify" with the misogynistic social constructs used to oppress us.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Redmage )
Took my kid to a toy store, not a fetish store
But yet, tim behind us in line and my TODDLER is staring and confused.

I'm just stressed out and needed to complain.

( itsnotaboutewe )
I complained about TiMs being everywhere to a friend and she said it's only natural that trans people are waiting in line at the ATM, browsing the aisles at the chemist, in the women's toilets at the playground, etc, because trans people are normal people and do normal, everyday things. I replied that they are AGP men who have decided to take their fetish public. Every time they are standing behind you at the chemist in their stockings and short skirt they are using everyone around them for sexual gratification. I said it should never be normal for a man to use strangers, including children, as his personal sex toys in public. I also told her that every time she smiles at one of these men or calls him ma'am, she is tickling his balls.

( Redmage )
If I walked into a sex toy store, I would be perfectly ok with Tims being there. They're wearing fetish wear in a fetish store.

( pegasusknight )
I saw a TIM skipping around in a dress that barely covered his junk in the middle of the day. Like, a dude in his 40’s+ basically dancing around and obviously trying to call attention to himself. 🤦‍♀️

It’s really frustrating, especially in cases like this where it’s really obvious and we can all see what they’re doing, but if you tried to complain about this on social media everyone would say, “um, she’s just living her best life, sweaty 💅!”

I don’t really know what the solution is, but yes, it blows.

( Begbie )
I'm in Glasgow for a break and I watched a TIM in a short black dress get yelled at across the street by some drunks last night. "Transgender shite" was one of the things IIRC. I was with my trans teen at the time (she just looks like a girl with short hair).

It was an interesting experience. On the walk home I referred to him as a man in a dress. Interesting that Glaswegians are just ready to call them out in it, something that never happens in Nor Cal. I wonder if my kid will file this away as evidence of the trans genocide? Terf Island truly delivered on this one.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( IrishTheFrenchie )
If you live somewhere where you can't have a female only event, leave the event open to all "women" and let the TIMs come. Then, because the group is "too large", divide everyone into two groups. The TIMs get to only speed date other TIMs. The women get to speed date other women.

If TIMs complain, it proves they don't see themselves as women. Because if they did, they'd be happy to date a transbian.

I know the best outcome is to be able to exclude these perverts from the get go, but if you can't...

( mathlover )
You have to expend a lot of time and effort to find and separate out lesbians who want to keep TIMS excluded. You go to "inclusive" spaces repeatedly to identify those lesbians - and verify that they are trustworthy - and set up private gatherings.

This takes time. And it is a lot of work. But eventually there is a growing group of lesbians the larping men will never have access to. This is what lesbians had to do so many years ago. We can do it again. We have to.

( Carrots90 )
I love this

When they complain, pretend not to know what they mean

“How do you know without a genital check”

( VestalVirgin )
For everything:

Get a photo of each participant, or better, have a video chat with them.

Rent two locations. The TIMs go to the location you announced beforehand. The actual women go to the other, which is told to them via e-mail.

Of course you'd have to ask women if they are there with someone, and if they are there with TIMs, allocate them to the TIM group.

(Also, it would be good to have a pool of handmaidens who can be recruited to keep the TIMs happy and prevent them from suspecting something. Of course without telling them that's what they're there for. Just invite them for free because they have "done so much for feminism" or some shit. From what I gather, many women on Ovarit are friends with handmaidens whom they haven't told they don't believe in gender religion. Might be hard with lesbian speed dating, but easier for women only music festivals and the like.)

Ok, if you mingle TIMs with handmaidens, that doesn't expose their hypocrisy, but I believe keeping them happy is the better way if you want a women only event.

They very much do not care about being exposed as hypocrites, they'd still have temper tantrums and demand to get to molest some actual lesbians.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: When lesbians are paired romantically with TiMs

( Opals )
It's just trying to normalise the rape of lesbians, same heteronormative bullshit as ever. 'Maybe one day you will meet the right man'. It makes me sick.

( tymps )
One of the most iconic lesbian characters on TV, Shane from The L Word, was paired with a TIM in the recent revival series. It was stomach-churning, and I quit watching the show as soon as I saw what they were setting up. His character was supposedly an actual woman and was never acknowledged as trans on the show (as far as I know anyway), but it was frankly impossible to buy that. It genuinely made me so fucking angry. It's "just" a TV show, sure, but it's still sickening, and it was just maddening to know that something like this was happening and they faced no real backlash for their disgusting lesbophobia.

( kirisheart )
It's always the lesbians. Have they been pairing straight men with trans women? I just really hope one day I'll see posts all over the internet talking about that time everyone became lesbophobic in the names of trans.

( Bubsy3D )
Why should you be open to rape with a deranged man who wears your skin? Gross. It doesn't even matter what media claims lesbians do, you know what you will not accept. Give yourself more credibility than whatever men and their handmaidens say and broadcast.

( befana )
The answer is simple: if you are attracted to a penis you are not lesbian. If a woman living a lesbian life suddenly pairs with a TIM she is clearly not lesbian but bisexual. And if she insists her TIM-partner is a lesbian and puts pressure on others in her lesbian community to accept this she is guilty of erasure of lesbians, lesbian culture, lesbian spaces etc. A woman claiming to be lesbian and partnering with a TIM clearly is my worst nightmare as a lesbian.

( mathlover )
The penis is definitely the worst part. But lesbians don't want anyone who was born with a penis, even if he has it made into a fauxgina. The whole rest of the body is male, no matter what drugs/surgeries do to it. A woman who is fine with a man with gynecomastia and a surgical front-hole is not a lesbian. Cos he is still, always, a man.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Seether95 )
Do you think it's too late?
Passing sex-based laws and repealing self-id ones is the only way to restore sanity. But in the Western world, do you think it's too late to do it?

( DonnaMme )
Yes but only if we, in the US, have a president who will stand firmly against transgender ideology. The tentacles of TQ are in the mainstream media, the government, schools, and almost every civil rights agency. DeSantis has been relentlessly portrayed as a bigot, a tyrant and on and on. He's blunt and many of his positions are problematic for anyone on the left, but I don't see anyone else who would stop this insidious credo.

( wildclovr )
I think there is no such thing as "going back". The real way I see this going in the United States is there will be all kinds of religious exemptions. Sex based rights might get restored in a fashion, but it will be remodeled and not at all like we once had.

( Seether95 )
What about Women's bill of rights in Oklahoma? What about states restoring the definitions of woman and mother to their biologucal context? What about states banning men from women's spaces ? Can this be a nationwude thing instead?

( RighteousIndignation )
Of course not, you can't deny reality forever, all this transubstantiation of the flesh rubbish will melt away in time as it no longer is seen as fashionable.

( 324B21 )
NO! We’re all in the shit right now, but like all other fads, this too shall make everyone cringe eventually. I really don’t think this is permanent.

( rightnow )
Unfortunately, I think the only thing that will restore sanity is when the "trans" kids grow up and develop major health complications that make it undeniable how false this all really was.

( pennygadget )
I agree. This madness won't end until hordes of detransitioners start suing and kids like Jazz Jennings start dropping like flies in their 30s and 40s.

( rightnow )
If poor Jazz makes it to 30 I would be shocked. What was done to that child was stomach-turning and the fact that the whole country watched and did nothing is sickening.

( RusticTroglodyte )
If Jazz ever wakes up, he will likely kill himself

RighteousIndignation #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

Anyone got legal bills?

Thats nice can someone tell Elon to unsuspend my account for saying the "hate speech" that trans ideology is a cult and asking an NB why didn't they just identify as an individual.

I've disputed it twice since Elon took over and not had a single email response.

deeds not words. letting all the GCs back on the platform costs nothing.

shewolfoffrance , Persimmon64 & MissBehaved #transphobia ovarit.com

Me watching TRAs and 'GC ally' TIMs argue on social media

( shewolfoffrance )
Omg. I'm sick of "good" TiMs. They are 100% in it for themselves. Maybe they're HSTS who like currying favor with masculine, right-leaning, bisexual men. Maybe they're HSTS who are embarrassed to be associated with AGPs. Maybe they're AGPs who get their affirmation jollies by being the one TiM that self-described GCs find acceptable.

I don't care. They all need to go away. They're all bad to women and bad for women.

( Persimmon64 )
Absolutely. It's impossible to be a TIM and on women's side. The fact that they call themselves "trans women" and not feminine men shows they believe being a man or woman means ascribing to sexist stereotypes, they believe in magical gender souls, and/or they believe it's possible to "transition" sex somehow.

All TIMs are men pretending to be women. Both HSTS and AGPs are narcissistic misogynists and they need to leave women alone.

( MissBehaved )
I wouldn't even care that they call themselves women provided they stay out of our spaces. They never do though. They ALWAYS want to use the women's loo.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Translation: We don't want you to groom our toddler

( sojourner_truth_ )
It looks like this landlord knows about TIMs and their interest in children. By which I mean sexual interest in children. Thank god the child was spared from being exposed to this pervert!

( Unicorn )
A parent doesn't want an openly delusional, fetishistic, and narcissistic man living with their two-year-old child. Shocking!

( RusticTroglodyte )
Cannot blame them. I wouldn't rent to a tim either. I wouldn't rent to any men tbh but especially not a tim. Who wants to walk on eggshells around a pornsick pervert. Who wants a pervert around their baby

( VestalVirgin )
They still seem a bit naive.

I wouldn't have mentioned the baby, would have made it all about the parking. Safer that way.

Not only because he could sue them, but also because he might visit to, er ... "see" the child.

Most AGPs seem to be more into little girls, but you never know.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

I will die on this hill

( RusticTroglodyte )
Half are incels, half are neo-nazis, all are pornsick

( RuneOwl )
Most TIMs are incel-ish because they’re terminally online creeps with weird fetishes who aren’t any normal person’s idea of a good potential partner. But some of them quite literally are coming from the incel ranks—transing themselves (“trannymaxxing”) is considered a strategy to escape inceldom. A few of them are so desperate for physical contact they’ll even accept sex from men despite not previously being gay.

Incels will try literally anything as long as it’s not putting genuine effort into becoming a healthy, well-adjusted person.

( VestalVirgin )
Why not just have sex with men without transing themselves beforehand, tho?

I'd assume there's loads more gay men who want to seduce a straight guy than there's trans chasers who are into mutilated genitals.

( DurableBook )
Counterpoint: If only.

It's an actual cliche the number of men who discover their "trans identity" while their wife is pregnant or shortly after she gives birth.

If you ever want to ruin your day, search "wife pregnant" on r/MTF for pages of examples.

( MissBehaved )
They get off on women's weakness, pain, and suffering, pregnancy and childbirth being chief among those. They secretly desire to hurt their wives during sex (but she'd leave over it) so they relish the idea of her being torn in her most sensitive of parts. Don't get me started on the breastfeeding fetish, which goes hand in hand. Then they trans themselves to imagine themselves being their wife, imagining her in pain, attempting to relive what they never lived, all for the boner it always gave them and the idea they are doing it to her somehow.

itsnotaboutewe #transphobia ovarit.com

What If Gender Ideology Had Been Invented Earlier?
Those of us on this side of gender ideology see it for what it is - a cult that has captured society and is making fools of some of the most powerful people in the world. What's happening is like something out of a dystopian futuristic novel or a scary work of historical fiction. Imagine if this lunacy had actually happened earlier in history. What would have been the likely outcome?

If gender ideology had come along in the Middle Ages, would the priests of that time have embraced it, as some of our church leaders currently have? Would they have preached diversity and inclusion, and made special laws that put men in dresses into a slightly lower priestly class? Would they have decreed that anyone who speaks against the new religion should be cast out, punished, or even burnt at the stake? To prove that this new ideology was true, would the priests have forced the King to have all the female cattle, sheep, and pigs, killed in order to prove that mammals can indeed change sex? How would the resulting mass starvation have been recorded in the history books? Who would be blamed?

If gender ideology had come about in 1900, would there have been enough people identifying as men to send to war by 1914? Would the war have been lost by the Allies because of this? How would this terrible defeat be recorded and explained for future generations to learn from?

I keep mentally plopping this crazy ideology into different timelines and trying to figure out how history would have been changed by its presence. Not in any scenario does it improve life for those to come after. It always causes havoc and social upheaval.

How will our grandchildren view this time when they look back? Will it be decided that this was the worst case of mass hysteria in history, and blame technology, social media, and the weak minds of politicians? How will it be explained that a people who were so advanced that they sent probes to Mars also believed that people could change sex by just saying so?

The other side is always saying we are on the wrong side of history. I can't see a future to look back from if this cult does not implode soon.

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