
realhistory #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

With the recent passing of "Remembrance Day" I believe it is necessary to reveal the real reason behind the Great War, so great that it was later declared to be the "First World War." I bet you probably thought that the reason the war started was because of the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip? But actually I will reveal the real reason behind the greatest war of attrition in history, which the global elite have tried to cover up. I am about to drop a bomb shell...

Railways. Everybody was building railways across their territories. Railways were the great technology of those times, there was great power in owning, managing and running trains when motorcars and air travel were in their infancy. Locomotive was the fastest overland transport for both passenger and freight. The Germans had a plan to build a railway from Berlin to Baghdad. The Baghdad Railway would connect Berlin and other major cities in Europe with a Constantinople-Baghdad line. Engineered in 1872 by Wilhelm von Pressel, in 1888 Sultan Abdul Hamid II asked Deutsche Bank, a leader in electrical development, for financing. Germany was the earliest country to make a practical application of electric traction to railway work. England had come up with the steam locomotive and Germany responded with the electric locomotive, the British grew jealous of the German railways to the point of frenzied hatred for all German railway locomotives, why? Why all the hatred for German railway locomotives? The British are degenerate, we have already concluded this. British newspapers declared that German railways were bad and British railways were good, and so that is what the British people believed. They believed that international German trade was bad and international British trade was good, they believed that democratic principles spread through international trade was bad if done by a German but good if done by an Englishman. Lenin talked about how the railways between 1890 and 1913, all over the world, crisscrossing various real estate interests, were the summation of the basic Capitalist industries: Coal, Iron, Steel. It was banking monopolies, syndicates, cartels and trusts that encouraged the formation of railway companies, a transport undertaking between interlocking real estate interests, the line of the railway was to run through land which was obtained by the bank so that when the line is laid down the bank sells the land to the railway company, the railway company is already owned and in debt to the bank, and is reliant on funds from the bank to buy the land and build the railway. And this is how the Berlin to Baghdad railway was built, like all other railways were built.

Railways were international joint affairs, put it this way; neither national entity could build railway tracks and railway locomotives without joint co-operation, the railways systems were interlocked from their inception, it was a joint affair, and international. In principle Great Britain initially supported the German railway, shrewdly watching as the Germans poured money into the project and footed the bill for laying the rails, but also keenly aware that it would one day compete with British trade in Mesopotamia and bypass British tariffs in the process. In 1901, Germany reported on vast supplies of petroleum around the Tigris and Euphrates, and in 1902 the Ottoman government granted a German firm the concession to lay new track eastward from Ankara to Baghdad. However, financial maneuvering and physical problems tunneling through the Taurus Mountains made progress slow. The building of the line from Konya to Mosul and Baghdad and Basra continued, but at 200 rugged, expensive kilometres at a time. When the Ottoman Government gave permission to Germany for the railway line from Konya to Baghdad in 1903, Russia, France, and Britain all regarded a Baghdad to Berlin Railway a threat to their dominance. Alfred Lansburgh publisher of Die Bank wrote that the result of Kaiser Wilhelm II’s tour of Palestine was the construction of the Berlin to Baghdad railway, the great fatal product of German enterprise which was more responsible for the ‘encirclement’ of Germany than all other German political blunders put together. The ‘encirclement’ was the policy of Britain’s figurehead – Edward VII, designed to isolate Germany with an anti-German alliance. Kaiser Wilhelm II was the grandson of the Queen of the British Empire and Edward VII was the Kaiser’s uncle, so perhaps a family squabble over family possessions, and the price at which family possessions are leased to family members, that would like having an argument with your uncle because you wanted to use his car for a day, and neither of you could decide on a lease rate, and that argument leading to a war that involved the entire world, a World War! It’s ridiculous, but Britain became bankrupt by January 1914, and when Bank of England notes consequently became emergency legal tender, all gold was removed from circulation and England’s gold reserves went to the Rothschild’s Bank of England to use for upcoming profit-producing warfare!!

:bigthumb645660314: :bigthumb645610288:

“We cannot agree to a tariff increase that will be used to build a railway which will be used to discriminate against our goods. We cannot, either permit compromise with our strategic position on the Persian Gulf.” – 1911, Sir Edward Grey (British Foreign Secretary) to the German Imperial Ambassador.

So the entire theatre of World War I was about a railway owned by secret alliances, who have never been revealed, but share the same family figureheads, that was actually constructed after the war. So France, Russia and Britain, went to war against Germany over a railway line, that ended up being built anyway. From 1888, from the inception of the plan to build the Berlin to Baghdad Railway, right up until its completion in 1940, all the European “rivals” at the time were joint owners and shareholders in the railway, all along the same entities were involved, and regardless of The Great War, the railway was completed. And this new railway along with all other railways at the time contributed greatly to economic expansion, opened new commercial markets, secured sources of supply, and served to politically unify new territories and vastly simplified the logistics of all forms of transportation, especially military transportation. When it came to the disputed railway track and the freight rates, Turkey was supposedly allied to Germany but the Ottoman Bank was in French hands, and the Berlin to Baghdad railway was not built, but in dispute at that time, and then Turkey became an ally of Britain and France, and then the Berlin to Baghdad was built! As the railway was actually constructed mainly during the 1930’s and completed in 1940. So that means the entire war itself was futile, a complete waste of lives. As I addressed the royal families involved were mere “figureheads,” the actual agenda of the secret Freemasonic elites that rule above them was an engineered war, a ritual offering of millions of soldiers to Zion. I will end this by mentioning that Germany technically won WW1, logistically and technically speaking however it was made to look as if it had lost by the elites who had engineered the war from both sides and the Treaty of Versailles was imposed upon in it by those elites because they wanted to wipe out the German people. The Great War was indeed a Great Deception.

For more technical details: http://www.revisionist.net/hysteria/baghdad-bahn.html

Adolf Hitler fought in the Great War, he knew he had to beat Rothschild to the planned synthesis so to foil the masonic plan for another war of attrition. Hitler's lightning war would severely put the Zionist World Order behind schedule.

OnlyTheGhosts #quack #conspiracy deviantart.com


Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted Event 201, which is a high-level pandemic exercise focused on a coronavirus outbreak, yes they ran a simulation of exactly what we see unfolding right now

and in this particular case, well....

Let's look at some older videos to freak you out. Bill Gates just happened to "predict" this, and I am NOT kidding

of course, it came out years ago that Bill Gates wanted to use vaccines to engage in genocide

LORDOFCANNIBALS #conspiracy deviantart.com

Oh pleaseeee everyone complains about what the National Socialists MIGHT have done during ww2.......well people should do alittle research on the Soviet Gulag network .....who sais anything about Gulag?and probably the tens of millions of russians who died in those loads of soviet death camps? no one knows... thats the main idea this is what communism has lead to total fucking brainwashin and pigs who had been spreading propaganda about some bullshit that the 6 million jews have died back then should get a bullet to the face......the number of killed is far far less than 6 million

brendan1903 #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

So our duly elected Jewish president Donald J Trump, who was photographed at a Wailing Wall wearing a yarlmuke, is a racist for pointing out Baltimore is on the verge of becoming a next Maxfield Ave, trust me all it takes are gangs of up to 20 guys with military grade equipment roaming the streets of these Demonrat controlled cities, and for the welfare to stop working, and the fall of the US starts. We Jamaicans already have the result of the Socialism and Fascism these progressive idiots love so much in Europe, the USA, and the Grand Duchy of Canada, yesterday the police force found a huge amount of cocaine entering our shores and in a press conference revealed that the average amount of illegal, military Grade weapons seized by the local cops is around 200 a month. Highest crime rate in all of the Caribbean, ghettos that make Chicago look like a joke and the one real rule being the law of 'eat a food'. La Cosa Nostra, the Sicilian Mafia, called it 'the vig'. Right here it's a way of life with everybody from the warlords controlling miniature armies of bandits to the corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle demanding a piece of the pie.

And speaking of the ridiculous charge of 'US imperialism' which was a Soviet/EU propaganda tactic by the way, when the US was forced to leave Vietnam a guy named Pol Pot and his followers seized control of Cambodia and tried to take over all of South East Asia in the name of 'real Communism'. The Viet Cong and the PLA realized they had been taken for a ride and kicked the Khmer Rouge's ass out of the history books. Maybe that's why the Communist government of Canada held the daughter of Huawei's founder, she was an evil capitalist Stalinist bigot and a borgoise enemy of Prolateran Internationalism. [God it sounds stupid]

The only time the US was an Empire was under the reign of the George W Bush administration which seized power after 9/11 during 'Operation Red Dawn' (hint?) which was supposedly just the codename for the invasion of Iraq. Most of the people running the show back then we're Trotskyists who had done a 'long March through the institutions' and infiltrated the conservative movement as well as business, the military industrial complex and mercenary services.

Yet the Jihadi Troika chosen to turn the US into the NAUNSS (North American Union of National Socialist States) with an idiot Latina bartender as the front man can commit incest and make anti Semitic statements and nobody gives a shit, because the people are so distracted by American Idol and TMX important information goes down the drain.

No critical thinking not about state sponsored subjects allowed...somebody might see the system for the big FRAUD it really is.

So a movement that is supposedly anti Imperalist, anarchist and pro worker creates a totalitarian dictatorial empire ruled by fear and imperial decrees, with any form of dissent (ie any opposition to Trotskyist socialism, even other forms of Marxism are not spared) being immediately removed, by any means necessary. Sounds like the SJWs and denizens of alternatehistory.com, Snopes and IrrationalWiki we all know and love, eh?

"If we are socialists, we must be anti-Semities," Adolf Hitler, Fuher of the Greater German Reich

"Nothing drives a populace better than the fear of death," Adolf Hitler

"We must use disparaging language to discredit those who disagree with us" Vladimir Lenin

"We will not have to do anything to you, we will bury you from within!" Khrushchev at the UN Confrence in the 50s


OnlyTheGhosts #ableist #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #wingnut deviantart.com

Your "aspie" community is nothing but nerdy folks tricked by the media and medical quackery. But you don't give a damn about truth when it gets in the way of your fantasies of being "special", even when that "specialness" is a manipulated bit of propaganda to get you on the side of those doing the manipulating.

YOUR president, who you apparently know so little about, that you use a manufactured insult that comes from talking heads on the side of the corporations that promote the lies of globalism. Those same lies which outsourced jobs from YOUR country, while pretending that they were improving it.

Not mine, if you'd been smart enough to actually read my profile - but of course, you're not a real high IQ type. You NEVER looked. You're a fraud who thinks he's smart as you parrot the lies of the manipulated crowd, the lies spoonfed to you everywhere which you NEVER got around to exercising the slightest scepticism about. You just "believed" and thought that parroting the same belief made you "smarter" than those who have been derided and attacked by globalist corporate media.

The rest of us are not limited to a few newspapers, a few TV networks, which are all owned by only a very few rich people whose interests are best served by pandering to the same agenda as the political authorities which they helped to get elected. We have choices now that we didn't have before. People have learned that almost everything which they were taught in the western nations is filled with propaganda, distortions about history, and continued lies in the corporate media. The rest of us are waking up and noticing when the bullshit we're being told isn't true, and the bullshit we're told NOT to believe actually IS true. When enemies of the common people are portrayed as the people you should be listening to, and the people who are fighting for truth and real change (not the fake kind like Obama promised - and didn't deliver as he sent the USA into more wars) are portrayed as the bad guys.

That "cheese puff" you have been nicely trained to dislike has not started even a single war since he became president. All of the sabre-rattling, all of the rhetoric done for show - and NOT ONE WAR STARTED. Yet you would believe the lie that he's a "war monger" no doubt. The "cheese puff" managed to create a situation in which more blacks and hispanics have jobs than at any previous time in USA history, with the lowest unemployment rate ever in their communities - but you'll call him a "racist" like a well-trained dog. Ring the bell, you do as your masters call you to do, without questioning, without scepticism, without the slightest doubt.

You're a sucker, and are in denial of how deeply you have been suckered.

I'm glad that I'm not living in your country because there are too many fucktard fools like you in it that only know how to be heavily indoctrinated NPCs


You let your ego get in the way of clear thinking.

LiebeLiveDeVille #wingnut deviantart.com

This man is Tucker Carlson. He's an anchor on the conservative news station Fox News, and host of "Tucker Carlson Tonight". And as I type this, he is the victim of a hate crime. As I type this, an angry mob formed in front of his house and made the most vile threats imaginable. The hate mob, formed by Antifa, also vandalized his property and shouted him down, threatening to barge into his house and physically harm him. His story is just one of many high-profile doxxing cases regarding anchors from Fox News. Him, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and many more have been doxxed by the radical left, and groups such as Antifa, which is the single biggest inciter of politically-motivated violence in America. Ironic, isn't it? A group that claims to be "anti-fascist", LITERALLY using violence to shut down and bully their opposition? That's textbook fascism. Antifa is like a modern counterpart of Hitler's "Brownshirts", a group of people who did these same exact things when the Nazis rose to power in the 1930s.

Doxxing is a disgusting practice, no matter what side of the spectrum it comes from. I offer my deepest and most sincere condolences to Mr. Carlson and his family, and you guys are in my prayers.

feesu-san #fundie deviantart.com

Alrighty then, we're reaching the end of October and Halloween is just coming around the corner. But, I'm not looking forward to that, cos I hate Halloween so flipping much.

And some of you reading this will be like "But what's wrong with Halloween?!" or "Its just Trick or Treating, collecting candy and dressing up and nothing more!", or like "Its just a holiday, get a grip!"; hold the brakes. Here is the reason why Halloween is bad, and why I detest the occasion:

The reason that makes Halloween such a bad occasion is because of its demonic origins, that promote all manner of demonic elements, such as witches, sorcery, occultism, and some many more. And even the Bible clearly gave a solid warning against witchcraft (Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 19:31; Leviticus 20:6, 27). It may surprise you that witches (even during that day) gather to hurl all manner of demonic cants (Yes, witches are existing in our time, no kid). You even see these satanic themes promoted in cartoons, animes, TV series as well as films; among those in particular, is the popular book series (that later became a booming film franchise containing about 7-8 films) Harry Potter. The worst part about it is like the whole world (even some of todays Christians) are actually buying into that without even minding the spiritual consequences behind it, its like, taking an item so bad without looking at the price tag.

Please have a look at David J. Meyer's testimony for more information on this (its an eye-opener): www.lasttrumpetministries.org/tracts/tract7.html

And of course, I'm not forcing you, but I'm telling you the Truth: Halloween is bad.

People, the devil is out to kill, steal, and destroy, and we need to keep our eyes open, and be watchful at all times. Do not be deceived. Cling on to Jesus Christ. And also, as Christians we should tell others about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grazemasque #wingnut deviantart.com

Well, this just goes to prove that being polite only gets you blocked. You simply can't explain science to a science denier. So I don't know whether my comment has been hidden, but I'll bet it has, which is why I'm displaying these screenshots here. The early comments "Hidden by Owner" were submitted by OnlyTheGhosts and I viewed them on his archived page before commenting.

Now Akrasiel bills herself as a professional writer, but when faced with careful logic and an explanation of scientific reason she is unable or unwilling to defend her position.

(Shows screenshots of the user Akrasiel blocking them with the message “I’m not interested in debating with climate change deniers. Goodbye.”)

Alas, poor Akrasiel could not find any honesty within herself, as she found the blocking routine more convenient.

SmashleyAshley,OnlyTheGhosts #conspiracy deviantart.com

SmashleyAshley: Fuck the CDC and vaccinations!

OnlyTheGhosts: I'd rather not give them any fucks at all, they should all die with lives of enforced celibacy in prison.

SmashleyAshley: Agreed. They've killed thousands over the years and ruined millions of lives. They should burn in hell.

OnlyTheGhosts: Major understatement there.

I don't trust a product line that isn't backed any evidence that I can check. Their products aren't. The CDC owns a bunch of vaccine patents too, so why wouldn't they make a buck by selling the product and lie about it's safety.

The USA's HHS never conducted any "safety" tests in over three decades either. As revealed following their loss of a court case;

Grazemasque #wingnut deviantart.com

(from the same guy that wrote the… poem… from a few days ago, early this one was made in the 17th of November)

A Murder of Crows

She took a global tour - a sixteen year old sage
She preaches warming politics to those three times her age
No science does she know at all as that would slow her down
Such inconvenient knowledge might dilute her little frown
And then she's off to Chile, to scowl and preach the lie
That everyone should panic 'cause we're all about to die
But Chileans ain't ready, they're dying on their feet
Resisting commie bastardry they march the bloody street

They took a global tour - rowing north to reach the pole
They put their faith in water and could preach it from the soul
Now water gets quite solid, see. It's difficult you know;
The challenges you have when you have to hike to row
But up toward the heat they rowed; the dogs began to tire
"We shoulda brung some elephunts, like Hannabull in the fire."
You see their minds were just as sharp as from the very start
When models of the cryosphere had proved them very smart

They took a global tour - They really got annoyed
They had to prove to one and all that Earth would be destroyed
So down into the cold they sailed, in fact they did it twice
To prove that water melted, they trapped themselves in ice
They had to call a rescue; two breakers joined the trap
Until a Russian juggernaut traversed across the map
But rescue isn't good enough; it helps belie the lie
They know by intuition that the Earth is bound to die

They took a global tour - to prove the Earth was flat
They drew a circle round the Earth and said "How straight was that!"
Prepared to double down lest their meme should be attacked
Or their argument be subject to the sway of truth and fact
An embarrassment of scholarships, of grants, and prize Nobel
Avails the wise astrologer with political lies to sell
And guarantee of tenure any fool who dares demand
That anthro genic CO2 be forced to take the stand

They took a global tour - some magic cows to find
They took great care to guarantee their brains were left behind
For cognitive impairment has to seem to be quite sound
Or denialist projection won't be seen to hold its ground
But where do the magic cows all live, the ones creating heat?
The cows that fart by magic much more carbon than they eat?
For magic cows make carbon and they have to let it go
Releasing evil carbon to the atmospheric flow

Where was this global tour? - the magic cows were there
Where food for magic cows is made with carbon from the air
Now carbon makes the world go round and magic cows all know
That alchemizing molecules with magic makes them grow
Where comes the extra molecule? No cow has ever told
But man's deludination loves a witch's tale that's bold
And "carbon-neutral" undermines the meme men try to sell
While magic molecules are wrought by alchemy so well

Just take a global tour - to prove the Earth has changed
Just look and see that everyone around you is deranged
You'll find that every place you go has extra heat in store
And everywhere is hotter than it's ever been before
Adjusted data guarantees the latest graphs are best
For every single place is now much hotter than the rest
And if they have you all convinced by proclamations terse
They took your mind by subterfuge: your life gets only worse

(The irony of this quote in the description is not lost)

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell

LAS3DCreations #wingnut deviantart.com


Redo of Bernie Sanders 2020 Webpage!

@Fake Website Screenshot

Bernie | Feel The Bern | Socialism The New America | Democrat Party Takeover | Events | Donate

We took over Nevada! Now it’s time for the Democratic Socialist takeover! Contribute >


Email address: [___]

Zip Code: [___]

Phone Number: [___]

[Add Your Name!]


Taking up the bulk of the page is a picture of two shirtless men, and Bernie Sanders in an army uniform, standing in front of a van with “Sanders Re-Education Camps” written on the side.

Also, a bar chart labeled “Trump beats Bernie,” with Sanders getting 30% of the votes and Trump getting the remaining 70%.

grazemasque #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Good morning, climate shysters.
Yes, you. The actively uninformed.
Hey! Beyond Delusion. Wake up.
Have you you reached Peak eXtinction yet?
"You mean eXtinctum Ridiculum, Sir?"
Haha. Yeah. Bonus marks on your next assignment.

Watch your two degree tipping point, Climate Crassus.
It was plucked out of thin air, you know.
Phil Jones admitted that in a Climategate email, didn't he?
Been known for over ten years, to anyone who can read, that is!
You know there's a crisis, don't you?
A crisis of critical thinking! An intellectual crisis, you morons!

Has your paper been Pere reviewed, Fireball?
By Papa Francis and Darth Soros, I mean? (The rewl scoientusts.)
Yes, I thought as much! The "approved viewpoint" served you well, didn't it?
Cow carbon comes from the atmosphere. Did you know that? What do cows eat?
But you decided we should close down meat and dairy? Just , , Brilliant!
Let's take another look at "carbon pollution by beef" bollocks then, shall we.

Now, who hasn't handed in their "magic cows" assignment yet?
Dahh! OK then, show of hands who did? None of you? I see.
Look guys, I don't want to see any of you lazy chumps back here next semester.
So get off your paragraphs and write at least one backside, OK!
And mind your grammar too, if you want a passing grade.
Aye, dun backwuds I did. Glad to see you're still awake, Scorcher.

Now, you remember where to find it? It's part of last week's deviation.
So it's in the gallery, with all the other junk. Just look in the gallery.
Ye-e-es, the one with the cro-o-ows. That's the one.
Look, it's not difficult. It's just the carbon cycle, all right.
Standard photosynthesis. Then eat, munch, swallow. Got it?
Yeah Hotspot, I left out fart. Knew I could rely on you for that.


plaguejester #homophobia #psycho deviantart.com

All the way. I hate everything about it. I hate how it's another special treatment for the mentally ill. I hate how it's used as a "pride" thing for something that people should be ashamed of. How it was initially about bullies, but then went to pretending that a homo offing themselves because of a bully is worse than a twelve year old doing it, since a twelve year old is too young to have a sexuality (because a twelve year old killing themselves isn't a big deal at all, not when compared to a 19 year old faggot). I hate how it turns the weak in martyrs by celebrating those that are bullied, instead of those that overcame their bullies (or the bullies themselves for strengthening those that eventually overcame them.)

All in all, this makes me sick. At least Da didn't force the purple scheme on me this year, like they did last year.

Edit: Here are some thoughts from some comrades. Go check'em out!

SliceOfEdge #wingnut deviantart.com

It started on one of my comments on Ben Shapiro videos that I had posted a few months ago on YouTube.

My initial comment was

"Most liberals I know support free speech unless they`re offended. For them free speech is basically 'only if you agree with me'"

It only was only this morning that one guy replied to me and said

"Do you know many polish gays in Poland? Nope. Because they are scared from the RIGHT. Leftists are not homophobists, only right wings are."

At first I was confused cause literally I never said anything lgbt related but since he brought up the comment, i couldn`t help but try to convince him otherwise

My reply :

"That seems like the narrative they want to push. The left treat women who reject feminism like crap. If that`s not enough, they also treat conservatives who are black like crap too and calling them things like "Uncle Toms", "race traitors" or "tokens". Heck even conservative gay people get attacked too. Just recently a gay conservative was driven to suicide by rabid leftists due to online abuse for standing up against the drag queen agenda

The SJW Left are the ones dividing of us all into these groups with their victimization and identity politics. I`m conservative and this has an effect on me considering I`m a black female"

He got mad and flat out denied the existence of gay conservatives
tbh I was expecting a fair and objective reply from him. but this was his response

"Conservatives are braindead independently of the colour of their skin, and there is no "agenda', that excuse already stinks.. only pricks who want to make their lives without cnservative pricks to interfere.. LGTB have been harassed in history by nazis, communists, islamists, catholics.. and now conservatives.. dont u think it is enough??? do u need to keep interfering in issues which are not ur concern? Because ur cunts, that’s why"

As usual, they resort to the vulgar insults. but I ignored the c word he threw at me. i posted a reply but it got deleted by YouTube. I had to type it in again and copied it in case that happened again, but YouTube deleted it again and I was unable to reply to him
i said this

"anyone can be attacked, the lgbt are nothing special. Christians are and have also been persecuted by communist laws, Islamists, Catholics and even Nazi Germany. Don`t forget that Hitler was AGAINST Christianity because it got in the way of his agenda

lgbt community has its toxic nazis but people look over it because the minute someone speaks on it they bawl “I`M BEING OPPRESSED >: (”

I don`t care what your sexuality is. I judge people based on their actions. and if your character is that you force things that you believe make you feel different down my throat, then you`re just an attention craver

you don`t get to decide what people are and aren`t. I don`t and WILL NOT live up to your standards. So stop playing games with me, and leave me alone"

That`s just kinda what I wanted to share

Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

(language alert!)

I've often wondered where total Morons get the 'subsidies' figures they claim for oil, coal and gas- figures which make absolutely NO sense. A recent example (don't ask me to find a comment made on an article on FB two weeks ago): That one particular oil company in British Columbia, Canada, receives $580 billion in subsidies.

I looked the company up. They bring in approximately $5 billion a year. Now, who the Fuck is stupid enough to believe that a company is being paid ONE HUNDRED SIXTEEN TIMES their worth in subsidies?

Where does the Damned Dumb BullShit come from?

'how does the IMF get away with claiming that subsidies are 12-times higher than they are – and that the USA is one of the worst perpetrators? By subverting the definition of subsidies.

Criticizing countries like India and China (or Kiribati) for the $424 billion spent on real subsidies is unlikely to attract the attention of rich world elites. To implicate developed country governments and create outrage, the IMF adds everything that they believe should be included in the cost of fossil fuels, and say that by not including these costs in the price of fuel, countries are “subsidizing” fossil fuels.

So what’s included in this outsized re-definition? First, the IMF comes up with a price-tag of $2.3 trillion for air pollution. Burning coal is incredibly polluting, so the IMF claims coal is subsidized because it doesn’t pay for all the air pollution it causes.

It’s valid to consider the unpriced costs of any policy – but it’s wrong to call this a “subsidy”. And, it is the entirely wrong way to fix air pollution. We should not tax coal but tax coal pollution (along with any other pollution) — essentially forcing coal power to clean up its act. Doing so would cost less than a tenth of the IMF’s $2.3 trillion estimate.

The IMF calculates that China’s coal air pollution costs $720 billion per year. This is a vast exaggeration: two (https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/aad138/meta) recent studies (https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0215663) show China’s total air pollution costs $27-38 billion, or one-twentieth as much. And this is the cost for all air pollution, with another study (https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://www.healtheffects.org/system/files/GBDMAPS-ExecSummEnglishFinal.pdf) showing less than half can be blamed on coal. So, the IMF has claimed that coal air pollution is 40 times costlier than it is, and then mislabeled this as a “subsidy”.

Next, the IMF claims that gasoline and diesel-driven cars cause a huge amount of congestion and traffic accidents. Sure they do – but so do electric vehicles. This is an argument for congestion charges and better road design, safety measures and speed limit enforcement. The absurdity is revealed when we realize that according to this logic, governments could reduce their fossil fuel “subsidies” by building more roads.

The authors go on to claim that every nation should implement a consistent VAT across all products. Because they don’t, the IMF counts “missing” VAT in countries like the USA as a subsidy. Not only is this an even more bizarre definition of “subsidy”, but it suggests the IMF’s political views on taxation should overrule the decisions of democratically elected governments.


'Scuse my language, please, but (yeah done)

btw: since 2010, subsidies to ostensible 'renewables' DWARF those paid to 'fossil fuel' companies https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://blogs.ei.columbia.edu/2019/09/23/energy-subsidies-renewables-fossil-fuels/


So if you come shrieking 'climate denier' I will boot your ass from my page.

OnlyTheGhosts #quack #ableist deviantart.com

After the MMR scandal back in 1992-1993, when it came out that thousands of children were brain damaged by the vaccine, not only was the MMR banned, but the number of vaccinations per child has been fixed at 12. It never goes up. How many vaccination shots does the CDC recommend for USA children these days? 70+ isn't it? Right now, the HPV vaccines aren't allowed to be recommended by any Japanese doctors because a couple of thousand young women were injured by the vaccines.

onlytheghosts #wingnut deviantart.com

(submitter note: bit of a pain to get this because the guy has blocked me on dA, likely over a debate we were having years back, but still)
Hate Speech is a toxic propaganda term
Anything that restricts free speech, freedom of thought, freedom of opinion is wrong. When people are REQUIRED to avoid saying certain things, it can lead to disaster. When it becomes a habit, it often leads to tragedy and horrible misunderstandings. That’s why I refer to it as being like living in a communist dictatorship. It’s a big part of the reason for the fall of the Soviet Union; people could not speak their minds, they could not say the truth, so the situation got worse and worse without any of the leadership at the top able to know just how bad things had become. Eventually the split between what was real and what was said became so great that nobody could believe anything. It was all lies, word avoidance, dodging the real issues, pretending real problems weren’t there, because of political correctness.

The leaders of the Politiburo had no knowledge of how bad the economy was, about food shortages, about the problems of the people… because NOBODY was allowed to speak freely. So, the Soviet policies continued to lead to further disasters, the whole time with the leadership out of touch and nobody allowed to say “Hey, things are really bad, we need to fix such and such” because nobody could say what the real problems were.

Instead of worrying about the violent intent of individuals, “hate speech” advocates always wanted to ban utterances, gestures, conduct, or writing that they didn’t like. A George Orwell 1984 concept. As far as I know, the term has never been narrowly defined only against encouraging genocide or violence since there were already laws for that sort of thing, and threatening others is already a clearly understood term. There was no need for such a new term as “hate speech”. It was promoted on college campuses, leading to a rash of new speech codes and other imaginative methods to control what people say and think, with no relation at all to the “genocide” or “threats”, because those terms were already existing. It’s just a way to introduce speech codes and control people, the entire goal from the start. The advocates of "hate speech" have used the term and concept as a way of silencing other people, and have always used the term to get around the 1st Amendment protection for Free Speech in the USA. It's been used in a similar manner in other Western nations. It’s been used in a similar manner in other Western nations in order to erode the common Western concept of freedom of speech, freedom of thought, that had become a strong pillar of Western democracy and culture for centuries. This pillar is under attack.

In many Western nations, the concept of defining what people say as “hate speech” is used to attack traditional cultures , attack Christian beliefs, oddly avoiding apply the same rules to Muslims and Jews, or anyone else. Anglo-Celtic culture is attacked in Australia by the “Racial Vilification” laws and similar. In the state of New South Wales, many slang terms are now illegal. Traditional Anglo-Celtic Australian culture is attacked, censored, and the views of the majority of the population on numerous issues aren’t permitted.

In the United Kingdom, people have been fined heavily and their lives ruined because the police have punished them for actions which do not legally constitute a crime such as tweeting a rude word online or posting the lyrics of a song in a blog. The police have tried to “check your thinking” as they say. They have got away with this many times to intimidate the common public despite no laws being broken by the individuals the police are harassing. Telling the truth in the Western nations is becoming rapidly defined as “hate speech” for more and more subjects.

The Nazis pushed speech codes and political correctness of their version too. Do you think the Nazis could have ruled Germany so tightly if they had freedom of speech? North Korea does it. Do you think North Korea can ever solve it’s problems when nobody is allowed to say “Hey we got problems here in our food supply!” Cuba does it. When the excuse of “It offends people” is used repeatedly, it becomes toxic. It kills free communication of ideas.

When you do that, it’s dangerous, confusing, and leads to more trouble. Instead of solving real problems, the politically correct lie about them and pretend the problems aren’t there. The Social Justice crowd then spend huge amounts of spite on creating fictional victimhoods and other fantasy “problems” with which to attack people about. They use these to bully people, censor, shutdown opposition, and push policies that are increasingly divergent from the real world issues that truly need to be dealt with. They create more problems then try to blame everyone else for these, while refusing to accept any personal responsibility for their part in actions that led to the creation of looming disasters.

You can see this in personal experience. Perhaps like me, you have been on car trips with people who haven’t a clue who decided where the hell everyone is going, everyone assuming that it was a group decision while in truth it was a total misunderstanding. I’ve sat in company meetings with executives trying to work out what the problem is, while NOBODY has a clue because NOBODY told them the true issues, just beat around the bush, so the entire meeting is everyone trying to GUESS. This is why I hate speech codes and political correctness so damn much. Nobody can communicate properly. A lot of the time those who get “easily offended” are just acting that way as cry-bullies to shut other people up.

They use their claims of “hate speech” like a sledgehammer to shut people down, to scream at them to not say anything which disagrees with political correctness.

It’s wrong. Period.

You can’t go half this, and half that, on Free Speech

It’s all – or nothing

If you have only degrees of it, it isn’t free speech

Time to tell the cry-bullies to shut the Hell up. Like the majority of people, I’m tired of the nonsense used by the politically correct, the lies from the social justice crowd, the screaming of “I’m a victim” from people who are fantasizing new issues to have a temper tantrum about.

Do you think the corona virus pandemic would have got this bad if doctors in Wuhan were allowed to say “We have a very dangerous new virus!” back in early December?

Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

(submitter note: he gives alot of links to other stories, alot of which I’m a bit skeptical of for a variety of reasons, still, ya’ll can go through them to see if this guy’s sources to see if they are accurate or not)

Leftist Violence Continues to Rise.
“My son stayed home from school on Tuesday for a doctor's appointment and we drove by the high school to go vote. When we got there, we saw Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, and my son was over the moon,” she said. “My son is the most patriotic kid you’d ever meet in your life.”

The Trump campaign confirmed that both Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle were at the polling place on Tuesday.

Campbell told Fox News that later in the day, her son was invited to volunteer at the polling site and hold Trump signs outside the school.

“I was apprehensive about him wearing the MAGA hat, because we know it can provoke and we know people don’t like Trump,” she explained. “But he wore the hat because he’s a proud 15-year-old and he doesn’t know what people are going to be like.”

Campbell said she dropped her son off to volunteer at the school.

“My son was standing outside on the sidewalk and he said ‘have a nice night,’ he said it to everyone. But this man was triggered,” Campbell explained. “He said ‘f--- you’ to him and wound up his hand as fast as he could and slapped him across the face.”

Campbell said that a man, also wearing a MAGA hat, came over to intervene. According to Campbell, that man now has a fractured jaw.

Campbell told Fox News that her husband is a firefighter in town and was on duty during the incident.

“He got the call about the assault and didn’t know it was our son until he got there,” she explained.

“He’s the sweetest kid,” Campbell said of her son. “He was so excited and not realizing that something like this could happen.”

Since the incident Tuesday, Campbell said her son is “pretty traumatized.”

“This guy lives in our town. It’s pretty unnerving,” she said, but added that her son has been going to school and is getting “a lot of support from his peers.”


The (stunningly) sad part? The tacit acceptance Trump-haters have for this type of violence. Even sadder? The large amount of Trump-haters who will deny it to you face, but are 100% ok with Trump supporters being attacked violently. The saddest of all? I am not being hyperbolic *****

— PenitentThief (@ThiefPenitent)

*****- and the sad bit is, the very FIRST comment on this journal, was made by just such a person.


How much longer before innocent people begin dying? Will the MSM / Dems condemn it? We didn't hear a PEEP when Republicans senators were shot up at a baseball game...


A person who refuses to look for himself wants more evidence? Ok:

Former NYPD detective Daniel Sprague was the Stage on Broadway in Nashville, celebrating his 50th birthday.

He anticipated presents, and he certainly got those including a nice red hat with the words “Make Fifty Great Again” and a shirt with and American flag with the words “Making America Great since 1970” from his wife.

What he didn’t anticipate was the attack from a woman who was at the music venue.


The Florida man who was arrested last weekend after allegedly ramming his van through a Republican voter registration tent told police that he was motivated by opposition to President Trump.







Political Violence Report (many pages of links)





jiangweisen #quack #conspiracy deviantart.com

There was a recent “outbreak” of measles at Disneyland and the media is in a frenzy against anyone that doesn’t get their vaccines. The flu vaccine is a good way to catch the flu and lose your immunity for up to a year after you get it. And what’s the big deal with measles. I had them, my kids had them. It’s tough, but better than getting deadly sick from these vaccinations. It’s not life threatening, but the vaccine is.

But I was telling this Twitter troll that mercury was in the vaccines or thimerosal, it’s admitted by the CDC, but, “Oh no, there’s not mercury in the vaccines. Where’s my science?” Don’t waste your time on people that are devoid of understanding. They’re just there to waste your time, hence the definition and modus operandi of a troll! Don’t give them the satisfaction. They even use another name for mercury on the insert to hide the fact that such a toxic ingredient as mercury is in the vaccines.




Bill Gates was behind the inoculation programs to spread vaccines and the federalization of American schools and geo-engineering with his billions. What wonderful people we have in power! Bankers, scam artists, politicians, “scientists”, no wonder everything is awesome! The polio vaccine that paralyzed 47,000 in India. Thank you Bill! The Gardasil shot that is destroying ovaries and giving women cancer, thank you pharmaceutical companies. I guess that fits in with Bill and Melinda’s program to depopulate the world.

TheStarlightPrincess #conspiracy deviantart.com

Something in this case and 'methods' for preventing the spread of the infection just doesn't add up. So I get the feeling it's created purposefully. And maybe even the authorities are purposefully not tackling the problem in order to kill more people, doing it it 'secret' of course, having it seem in the media as though things were better arranged than before...
Curious too, was it Wuhan that was the first place where they took 5G into use? And then why is there suddenly so many sick people? Is the virus purposefully placed there where people are weakened? And of course, more people should spread it faster than placing it on a separate less-populated Island, right? Or the least increase the level of "panic" across the world. And that seems the true purpose: create panic, maybe even kill people due to it.

However the true wise people say it affects those who fear. Those who give in to fear and start to panic, become hysteric it's likely to get sick. But when you don't fear, despite the horrible things you hear, see, get to know all the time from it, then you have the shield on to prevent it from harming you. The best shield you can ever get, is trust in yourself. No medecine, vaccination and such product will never get you such strong immunity. However to keep it up it's of course advised to avoid the infected. And now I ask what do 5G and this virus have in common, because 5G is supposed to weaken your immunity system, increasing stress in cell level, so is it that it lessens your ability to root into yourself and that trust in your own immunity system inside you that therefore gets you sick? Because you're more easily shaken by terrible news and negativity around you than to think what is still well? And the constant stress doesn't leave you destroying you from inside out when you don't know the cause and how-to treat it. One may only wonder...

Still, do everything you can to strengthen your immunity and also the mental one, and don't give in for fear! Don't fight it either, because battle vs battle is loss for both. Rather accept the truth and think the purpose of the fear. And when you've found it, forgive it but don't take it in you. Push it away but not with hatred, but with love. Stay safe and strong everyone!

Mommy-of-Ein #quack deviantart.com

Vaxxed Movie Review

“Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe"

A Documentary

I recently saw the movie Vaxxed and felt it required a review. Vaxxed was released on April 1st, 2016 by Cinema Libre Studio, directed by Andrew Wakefield. I thought it was going to be a movie about a study linking autism and vaccines but I was wrong. I thought it was going to be a movie bashing vaccines, but I was wrong. It was so much more. As a mother to a child with autism, I have always wondered where I went wrong. Personally, now I think I know.

Vaxxed alleges that the CDC, the Center for Disease Control, destroyed/manipulated data on their 2004 study that showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Note that it is just the MMR triple vaccine, not the single doses of mumps, measles and rubella. Nor is it against other vaccines. It actually recommends to have your child vaccinated, just not the MMR until the child is at least 3 years old. Getting the MMR vaccine too early can cause autism, according to studies done by Andrew Wakefield.

A lot of information comes to light, like the fact that vaccines are not properly tested, the people who oversee the system are the ones making money from the product, the pharmacy companies are basically their own mainstream media. Just like cigarettes were pushed for years for being safe... so too are vaccines. And it's only a matter of time before the truth is accepted.

I would recommend everyone in America see this movie, especially if you are a parent to an autistic child. I myself have two children. My son was vaccinated and has autism. My daughter has not received the MMR vaccine and shows no signs. My son was a happy, healthy baby developing normally before he was vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. Over the next few days, it was like a lightswitch had been flipped. He stopped babbling. He stopped trying to crawl. He regressed. He has since been diagnosed with autism.

I give this movie a 10/10. It's riveting, emotional and attention getting. It's a tearjerker at times but it reports facts. Facts one cannot ignore. I WILL be buying a DVD copy of this movie when it comes out on September 13th, 2016.

onlytheghosts #wingnut #quack #conspiracy deviantart.com

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
You may have heard about this recently as the truth trickles out. The World Health Organization has been reporting for many years that most of the Polio epidemics were started by the Polio vaccines. The strains of Polio crippling people in 3rd world nations are nearly all vaccine-derived. They've known this for years - the official response is to keep doing it, claiming their ineffective vaccine "protects" people.

The Big Lie that has been used for decades is that vaccines work. I dare you to find a peer reviewed scientific studies with proper randomised double-blind tests and control groups of totally unvaccinated versus vaccinated that shows vaccines protect anyone. Not some pretend "unvaccinated" or dodgy fake study with "self-reporting" and no confirmation. Not some study where they claim to use "unvaccinated" but when it's checked into you find that they didn't use any actual unvaccinated people at all. I've looked. I've searched. I've debated and asked. NOBODY CAN FIND SUCH A STUDY.

There was never a placebo test study done to show it really worked. From what I've learnt, DDT caused most of the problem resulting in similar symptoms to Polio, and when DDT was banned that's what really reduced the statistical rate of Polio for awhile. Then when the Polio vaccines were used, the rate of Polio went up again. In 2000, the USA stopped using the Sabin Polio vaccine, which had live Polio virus - then the Polio disappeared in the USA. But the supplies of the Sabin Polio vaccine have been dumped on the 3rd world nations, resulting in Polio epidemics again. The situation gets made more crooked when incidents like what happened recently in Malaysia; 1 person who was given the Polio vaccine developed Polio symptoms, then the doctors scream "We have an epidemic! We must give EVERYONE the Polio vaccine!" even though it was 1) only 1 person, 2) the person got the Polio from the vaccine.

The whole vaccine industry is a fraud.

Don't believe me about the Polio vaccines?

29 November 2019 archive: archive.is/vgaFq Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – African Region
28 November 2019
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Pakistan
24 October 2019
archive: archive.is/LqNXQ Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1 – The Philippines
6 September 2019
cache: cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=poli… Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Republic of Ghana
22 August 2019
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1 – Myanmar
31 July 2019
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – African Region
6 June 2019
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Cameroon
27 February 2019
cache: cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx?q=worl… archive: archive.is/NCkkY Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1 – Indonesia
20 February 2019
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1 – Papua New Guinea
25 January 2019
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Mozambique
30 October 2018
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Niger
8 August 2018
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Nigeria
10 July 2018
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Democratic Republic of the Congo
2 July 2018
Circulating vaccine derived poliovirus – Papua New Guinea
17 May 2018
Circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses – Horn of Africa
9 March 2018
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Somalia
13 June 2017
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Democratic Republic of the Congo
13 June 2017
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 – Syrian Arab Republic
25 February 2016
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus – Lao People’s Democratic Republic
29 January 2016
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus – Lao People’s Democratic Republic
21 December 2015
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus – Myanmar
15 December 2015
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus – Lao People’s Democratic Republic
12 October 2015
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus – Lao People’s Democratic Republic
1 September 2015
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus – Ukraine
Polio used to be rare until they introduced vaccines for it, the vaccines now spread Polio to places that rarely had Polio before

[moderator note: lots of broken, useless links removed]

and I got suspended for 2 weeks for mentioning the truth about vaccines because reality pissed-off some pro-vaccine trolls who didn't want people to even see the peer reviewed scientific studies that I cited.

Leovictor #wingnut deviantart.com

This is what happens when higher education opens the door to Psychopaths.
The "professor" who came up with this idea wouldn't look out of place in the Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy

(Video by Sargon)

This is how "journos" at VICE write articles.
(Still an ardent supporter of "Learn To Code" here)




Coronavirus: WHO chief warns against 'trolls and conspiracy theories'


From the same Traitors of the West who gave us this:


Keep sucking that China Peepee WHO.

Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

(Submitter note: talking about progressives somehow being behind Jim Crowe laws… back when the Democrats were the Conservative party of the nation)

I didn't know that.

They never learn.

We had "race conscious laws" once upon a time thanks to #Democrats. They were called Jim Crow. #DemDebates

— Keith James (@BlackMagic63) February 8, 2020

There it is.

conservatives were behind jim crow

— David Taft Terry (@DTaftTerry) February 8, 2020

Oh, honey, no.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. People like Democrat Senator Hugo Black, who filibustered anti-lynching legislation were behind Jim Crow. FDR, the ultimate progressive (along w Woodrow KKK Wilson) appointed Hugo Black to SCOTUS for life because he was "a good New-Dealer" aka "progressive"

— American Elephant™ (@TheElephantsKid) February 9, 2020



Ok, so a progressive judge was ONE of the people behind Jim Crowe. It might pay to look up a few more names...

Oh Hey! It gets better! https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/supreme-court-justice-was-kkk-member-180962254/

Ooooh, another progressive! Woodrow Wilson! https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Era

Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat elected from New Jersey, but he was born and raised in the South, and was the first Southern-born president of the post-Civil War period. He appointed Southerners to his Cabinet. Some quickly began to press for segregated workplaces, although the city of Washington, D.C., and federal offices had been integrated since after the Civil War. In 1913, for instance, Secretary of the Treasury William Gibbs McAdoo – an appointee of the President – was heard to express his opinion of black and white women working together in one government office: "I feel sure that this must go against the grain of the white women. Is there any reason why the white women should not have only white women working across from them on the machines?"[29]

The Wilson administration introduced segregation in federal offices, despite much protest from African-American leaders and white progressive groups in the north and midwest.[30] He appointed segregationist Southern politicians because of his own firm belief that racial segregation was in the best interest of black and European Americans alike


Don't forget, Wilson liked the idea of a United Nations.

More later, must get back to chores!

goldenavatar #wingnut deviantart.com

(Submitter note: found this posted very recently on a 2020 Democratic Primary Predictions map and it was really… out there)

Biden's out. Bernie's burned, because Americans at the top and bottom are hostile to socialism/communism. Warren will be praised in that gap until she bombs. Buttiegig's youthful blossoming psychopathy of animal murder has come to light and is being actively suppressed. Those who understand how dangerous such a psychology is, will quickly imagine a monster like that in command of the military and have reason to reject him on top of his same-sex preference. Gabbard will steadily develop to be the best likely candidate the Democrats have, but her masculine physiognomy and mixed ancestry will make all weary to elect her while simultaneously reminding them of Obama.

None will win, because even black Americans know, it will be "Trump 2020, baby!" And there's nothing the establishment can do to prevent it, because he's quite literally delivering on all his promises, but the one, yet...

...putting Killary in Jail.

It's at times like this I begin to laugh like some cartoon villain.

shoujogirlz #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

(The guy’s profile page is very NSFW, in case any of you click on the guy’s profile after clicking on the link to the DeviantArt forum. I also labelled it dunning-kruger because he is just so stubbornly anti-vaccine)

I honestly think you've missed the point. We are literally surrounded by life threatening illnesses, tetanus is just one of them. I seriously don't give a fuck about how lethal, painful or debilitating a disease is. I don't care if we're talking about the Avian Flu, Hep B, Ebola or the Black Death. Vaxxers can fuck the hell off, because they don't have the right to stick needles in people without their consent. End of story.

Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

(Submitter note: complaining about Star Trek being ‘infested’ by social justice and leftist politics… a series famous for its’ left-wing political beliefs)

The new “Star Trek” series starring Sir Patrick Stewart isn’t being explicitly billed as “woke,” but it seems the series’ star, who will reprise his role as the legendary Enterprise captain, Jean-Luc Picard, believes “Star Trek: Picard” will have a message for anti-immigrant leaders and global isolationists.

The series will have a “more pessimistic take” on Starfleet, the quasi-military arm that handles discovery, research, and, generally, law enforcement duties for the United Federation of Planets, according to Newsweek. Stewart described the fictional organization, now years past the events of “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” and the subsequent Star Trek films, as hopelessly corrupt and cruelly “isolationist” in the face of a galactic refugee crisis.

And just in case you thought there’d be some ambiguity, there is none.

But Stewart will play the role, he says, as a way of injecting some of his own virtue into a world torn by Brexit and by President Donald Trump, he tells Variety Magazine in an extensive profile.

“Picard,” he notes, is “me responding to the world of Brexit and Trump and feeling, ‘Why hasn’t the federation changed? Why hasn’t Starfleet changed? Maybe they’re not as reliable and trustworthy as we all thought.”

Stewart goes on to describe both the United Kingdom and the United States as “f***ed.”



Patrick Stewart, you have become a massive disappointment.

Star Trek is Dead. With all the old writers and most of the actors from the original series gone, is there Anyone who can repair this kind of damage? What a waste of potential.

EmpathicDesign #wingnut deviantart.com

Hey Democrats and Leftists: Eat a bowl of sh*t.

You lost; like you always lose, like you will always lose, and that time you spent on trying to remove the greatest President of The United States since Abraham Lincoln himself, you could have spent helping the American economy and people, like you could and should have; oh wait, Donald J. Trump was busy doing that for you because you're all a bunch of useless, weak, pathetic, immature children who were hung up on losing a fair election.

Another four years of of Donald J. Trump PLEASE!
I cannot wait to see how he humiliates the Democrats and Leftists even further.
This is the Presidents game, and you pathetic pieces of crap will never get one up on Trump. EVER. ROFL.

We will not thank you for wasting America's time.

Get wrecked you lame douche bags, get wrecked time and time again!



blinkawesome #quack deviantart.com

Jesus. Why the FUCK do people Vaccinate their kids?! The MMR can cause autism (I'm sure more than that) and the Gardasil Vaccine gave me epilepsy! Some girls died a day after getting that vaccine. If I ever, EVER have a kid. I'm not getting it vaccinated. I don't want him/her to suffer what I'm suffering right now. It's fucking wrong. I'm fucking 110% against Vaccination. Getting a vaccination book. So I can prove to the fuckers that disagree with me on this but when I get that book I'll be posting more about this shit. Now..Next.

Abortion. Pretty much lawful murder. It's sick and wrong. Some girls use it as if it's birth control. It breaks my heart to know that some people kill innocent creatures who haven't even felt what it's like to be outside of the womb. At 3 months, they dismember the baby when the girl wants an abortion. There's a medical procedure. 2 steps. RU486.

One drug compromises the uterus so that the embryo starves and dies.

Second drug initiates urine contracts to expel the baby.

33% of women in this country will have an abortion by age 45. Worldwide. 115,000 unborn humans die a day from abortion. Sometimes more. That's the Holocaust times 7.Haiti earthquake times 168. The daily death toll matches 9/11 times 30. Hurricane Katrina times 62. Everyday. Highest abortion rate is in Russia. 4.3 abortions for every birth. More abortions occur in China than anywhere else.

This is what makes me feel sick to live in New York. For every 1,000 live births, 700 abortions happen. Abortion is legal through out the whole pregnancy. Which is fucking wrong. All throughout the country. 90% of abortions occur in the first trimester.

What I just wrote now, is a preview of the video you're gonna watch on Abort73.com. Now. Think about it. Would you do this? Yes. Or no? I got my information from Abort73.com

Watch the video: http://www.abort73.com/

Novuso #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo deviantart.com

Trump's "space force" is a classified Secret Space Program that has existed for decades.

We are already living in a "Star Wars" type society.

Truth of the matter is humans have already walked on Mars. This happened decades ago when US astronauts landed on Mars in the 1970s. They never told the public because someone already beat us to the RED planet. Worst of all it was the Nazis who beat us. This could not be told to the public because it would cause panic and upend the entire world.

The top two pictures are German WW2 Mess kit spoons. The lower photograph was taken by the curiosity rover on Mars in 2016. The similarities between the German issue WW2 spoons and the spoon found on Mars are striking including the clip that holds the spoon and fork together.


History as we know it is a lie. The Nazis were never defeated at the end of WW2. They survived the war by hiding out in Antarctica at a NAZI military base called "Neuschwabenland."

An introduction to Neuschwabenland the secret Nazi base in Antarctica:https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNnoKJHAEEY

In 1947 the US Navy under the command of Admiral Byrd attempted to wipe out this Nazi base but ended up being defeated by a fleet of advanced saucer shaped aircraft. These aircraft were at least 100 years more advanced than anything available at the time. The Germans had anti gravity and were powered by free energy Tesla tech allowing them to travel into space without rockets.

Admiral Byrd's failed mission to destroy the Nazis in Antarctica was called Operation Highjump.


Before WW2 ended America captured a few Nazi scientists and pardoned them on the condition they work for us. This transfer of technology from Nazi Germany to America was called operation paper clip. These scientist developed a parallel secret space program for the US government based on anti-gravity technology. This was all classified and hidden from the public.

In 1964 our most advanced aircraft was the SR-71. In 2018 our most Advanced aircraft is the SR-71. Do people really believe no advancement has happened in the last 54 years. It is time to get clued in.


We are light years beyond the SR-71 at this point. Our technology eventually caught up to the Nazis in the 70s but they had already beaten us to Mars and colonized the moon.

Although presented as fiction there is more truth to this than is written in the history books. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn4DW1uvsAE

This video was uploaded in 2008 and references 2018 as the time this would become public knowledge. Iron Sky is not a low budget movie but predictive programming for a planned disclosure of the secret space program that will take place in 2018.

Some say Trump works for the Nazis because on the day of the 2016 election John Kerry was summoned to Antarctica to meet with a Nazi representative of Neuschwabenland and was told Trump would become president.


The Nazis haven't given up their final solution of ridding the world of international bankers.


Someday soon perhaps before the end of the year their plan will be put into action. Trump who has now taken command of US secret space force will not be going to war with Nazis to protect the bankers. In fact he will probably be aiding them as he declares martial law and executes 100,000 seal indictments.

mrjugsy #sexist #racist #homophobia deviantart.com

Women's Suffrage and equal employment for women are scams used by the elite to take control of all of the population and ultimately to enslave the next generations.
With the introduction of womens votes the shill democratic leaders simply manipulate the empathy of women today to impose bad welfare policies and white genocide through "refugees".
The equality of education has also made women waste their best years in universities spewing out 'feminism' and other forms of propaganda to make them hate their opposite sex.
The introduction of equal employment for men and women has had similarly disastrous results. With double the workers wages were halved and this is clear from the vital need for both the husband and the wife (if they havent divorced and thus caused more economic uncertainty for themselves and especially their children) to work hard. This means that they cannot pay attention to their children who are often given far too many consumer products to compensate for their absence. This absence is of course "mended" by the government enslaving the children in their 'education system'.
Think about it - How many women have you seen who dress and act exactly like men? I've seen a lot. This is because their equality has totally devalued them.
Women used to be considered the vital sex in preserving the race and tribe and men were the expendable ones who protected them and, if they were strong, mated with them.
More on the point of expendable: Propaganda shows such as "Our Girl" in Britain, now encourage women to join the army and serve on the frontlines and die like men. Women are the only ones who can birth a child! Men cannot produce children, men are stronger physically and thus they are designed to PROTECT WOMEN! This is in our nature and it exists that way for good reason.
Women no longer have that value because they have been brought down to the same common denominator as men. Women are now owned by the state.
Under this 100 years of Feminism the global elite has successfully turned every man, woman and child into a wage slave. A debt slave.
Combine this with the LGBT propaganda machine and you see that the world is being turned into an androgynous slave mass.

Novuso #conspiracy deviantart.com

A chosen few have manufactured a false reality in which the truth is flipped upside down. The aggressors in war use mass media to play themselves off as victims while the REAL victims are demonized as either terrorists or Nazis.

- This is was true in Palestine when the Israelis stole their land while calling their victims terrorists.

- This was true in Iraq when America bombed their country into rubble while calling people defending their homes terrorists.

- This was true in Vietnam when America rained bombs down on their country while calling people defending their villages communists.

- This was true in Korea when American soldiers slaughtered North Korean civilians men, women, and children by the millions. In all 30% of their total population was murdered by Americans. This your media will never show you.

- This was true in WWII the grand daddy of all modern lies. No war in history has been more lied about then WW2. Portrayed in the history books as a righteous war against evil genocidal Nazis to protect the meek and innocent however reality has been turned upside down. The truth is the complete opposite of what you have learned. Almost every problem we have today can be traced back to this big lie.

You are living in a great deception. Everything you have learned in history about the world wars is based on lies and propaganda. Remember history is written by the victors and what was written by the victors of WW2 was anything but truthful. Much of what people understand of WW2 is false. Starting a second world war not part of the original Nazi vision. The Nazi plan was to seize the wealth of the Rothschilds and use the money to pay for the betterment of all mankind. The Rothschilds were the head of a global banking oligarchy that was strangling the world with debt. Hitler wanted to free the planet from the banking oligarchy by arresting the international bankers as the final solution. This was not a genocidal war against the Jews. It was righteous war against the bankers who happened to be Jews.

The problem is people were brainwashed into fighting and dying for the bankers. Before WW2 the Rothschilds controlled half the wealth on the planet and they have only increased their share after the war by installing central banks in every country the "allies" conquered. Currently the USA stands $20 trillion in debt and every other country in the world is also in debt to the tune of trillions more. In 2001 there were only 7 countries that did not have Rothschild controlled bank and since then we have invaded, bombed, or threatened to destroy all of them. Let me ask you a question are you happy with the arrangement? Are you happy being a debt slave to the banks and sending your children to die in their wars? But what if there was another way to stick it to the banking oligarchy.

This is what Hitler told the German people. "We don't have to be debt slaves to these international bankers who produce nothing but misery. We can take the power back and give it to the people. When the Nazi vision is fulfilled all debts will be canceled and poverty will become a thing of the past. All unemployed will be given jobs and standard of living will be guaranteed forever. Do not stand in the way of the upliftement of mankind or you will perish in the rising tide of discontentment with the current world order. We are not goyims, we are not your golems, we are not your servants, we are not your slaves. We are ARE sovereign and we are free..."

The Luggen presse have taken Hitler's speeches out of context and distorted what the Nazis actually envisioned for Mankind. What you see is only the frame on the right and not truth. The Nazis did not target Jews because they were Jews. They were targeted for arrest because they controlled the banks and controlled disproportionate amount of Germany's wealth and this was causing terrible suffering. In 1933 there was a worldwide Jewish Declaration of Economic War against Germany and its people, with the aim of the overthrow of the German Government by a worldwide Jewish conspiracy. This was widely publicized in American news papers and around the world. As leader of the German Government Hitler was obliged to react to this, to resist it, and to prevent this conspiracy from succeeding. Germany had a right to defend themselves from the bankers and escape from their imposed debt slavery that was crushing their country. Jews became targets for arrest because they were fighting to preserve the international banking cabal of criminals and conspiring to overthrow the government.

The first casualty of any war is the Truth and WW2 is no different. Just like every other war in history WW2 was fought on the pretense of lies and propaganda. Anti-German propaganda was the "FAKE NEWS" of the 1940s. They have taken the truth a turned it upside down. They framed German actions to defend their people from economic warfare as acts of aggression. We see similar lies in the media with current events in Libya, Syria, the Ukraine and elsewhere. Whenever a government the bankers dislike tries to defend itself the truth of these actions is flipped upside down.

The Nazis were actually fighting for a fairer and more equitable world. The German people are some of the most educated, kindest, and compassionate people on the planet. Why would they support such an evil man like Hitler? The truth of the matter is that Hitler was not as evil as the war propaganda made him out to be. He was a champion of the working class, he wanted to redistribute the wealth from rich to the poor, he canceled people's debts and gave the unemployed guaranteed jobs, and guaranteed standard of living. No longer would people be allowed to starve in the streets as they were before Hitler rose to power. Huge differences between the "haves and have-nots" was not tolerated in Nazi Germany. It wasn't about race either. A "black man" had more freedom in Nazi Germany than in 1930s Jim Crow America. Even animals had rights as Nazi Germany was the first country in the world to pass animal cruelty laws.

A tiny few having absolute power, that is the world of today. There was a report not long ago showing the richest 8 people had more wealth than the poorest 3.5 Billion. That is very kind of injustice Hitler was fighting against. A wise man once said "Poverty is the worst form of violence." That is because poverty can shorten a man's life by decades and therefore is nearly equal to murder. Under this standard banker led capitalism is more violent than Nazism. The wrong side won WW2 for the world would be a better place had the Nazis triumphed. Too many people simply have Stockholm syndrome and fight against their own best interest.

Stockholm syndrome is millions of people fighting dying on behalf of bankers. When people are fighting on the side of the bankers they are fighting against their own best interest and dying for corporate profits. They are slaves who fight on behalf of their slave owners. That is Stockholm syndrome by definition. This is what happens in every war in modern times. The bankers start the wars and then the poor go to fight and die for the bankers' profits. This is ongoing even in the present day of 2017. The chicken hawks who are too cowardly to fight their own battles rule the roost. It is only through great deception that this situation is allowed to continue. However, people of the world are waking up and are increasing unwilling to fight in these wars. i.imgur.com/YB0tYuT.jpg

We are winning the hearts and minds of the world. Mein Kampf has become a best seller in dozens of countries. People are seeing the truth for the first time are agreeing with what is being said. Lies do not stand when the light of the truth is shown upon them. All people need to do and look at the world for what it is. The Jewish banker controlled global oligopoly has produced a handful of winners and billions of losers. These people do not need to see it in a book because they are living it in their day to day lives. Many people are not happy with the situation. It is a very bad situation for anyone outside of the chosen few. A better way is being offered to humanity and people will go with change when the opportunity arises for people have nothing to lose but their chains and their debts. Jews need not face genocide as that is not our aim. Our enemy are the international bankers and global Zionism.

As was true then and is true now we are fighting for a fairer world, a more equitable world, and a more peaceful world that is freed from the debt slavery of the banking oligarchy. The same enemies Hitler fought against 80 years ago are the same enemies the free people of the world are still fighting in 2017. The conspiracy of global Zionism is the driving force behind every other conspiracy from wars fought on false pretense, to false flags, to fluoride in the water, chemtrails, vaccines, manufactured economic crisis, and world wide debt that can never be repaid. A global cabal of criminals has seized the reigns of power but we can defeat them by exposing their lies. Their power is but an illusion for they are few and we are many. They would not be able to get away with what they do if they did control past narratives that have allowed them to construct this false reality. The truth will set you free for it will shatter their illusions. Only through deception do they rule us. Take away their ability to deceive us and they will be nothing. See the world for what it truly is and stop conforming to their fake reality. Only then will the world be free.

pinnoko #quack deviantart.com

It’s your right to choose, until you disagree with the Statist agenda

I recently came across another article exposing the fraudulent, criminal and un-constitutional actions by those who wish to rule over us. This time, the article was posted by Mike Adams on his excellent website, Natural News. The title of the article is enough to make your blood boil, especially if you have children of your own, ‘Children herded like cattle into Maryland courthouse for forced vaccinations as armed police and attack dogs stand guard’
This is a real headline from right here in America, home of the enslaved. Forced vaccinations are not new, as California passed the hugely controversial SB 277 Mandatory Vaccine Bill this past summer. This is blatant tyranny and, a case could be made, criminal. But what about my right to choose?

As I have stated publically on my radio show numerous times, I try to be a person who follows logic whenever possible. However, no matter how hard I search I cannot see the logic in the causes of those on the left (I know that the whole “left vs. right” thing is a false paradigm, but for sake of illustration I will travel down that road). There are people on the left who expend tremendous time, energy and money convincing us that a woman has “a right to choose” when it comes to abortion, because it’s her body. Conversely, those exact people will spend that same time, energy and money trying to force a person to take a vaccine against their will. I may be a bit slow, but doesn’t that strongly oppose a person’s right to choose? Is there any other way to describe that line of thinking beside duplicitous?

You do have the right to refuse vaccines, no matter what “they” say. Your body is your private property, and anyone who sees it any other way is a tyrant. Get organized, challenge the law and, most of all, resist

pinnoko #conspiracy deviantart.com

EVERYTHING the government tells you is a lie: Fake CDC science, fake economic numbers, and especially fake projections on future social security payouts and pensions

Faith in the American system of government is at an all-time low, as reflected in recent polls. This is a trend that has been developing for more than a decade, according to Gallup.

One of the primary reasons why Americans are losing so much faith – and never regaining it – has a lot to do with the cynical abuse heaped upon the masses by the governing elite and, in particular, not being able to get an honest answer from our politicians.

Consider the issue of Social Security.

For years non-partisan agencies that serve Congress have been sounding alarms that, over the long term and based on today's rules of taxation and financing, Social Security and Medicare as we know it are not sustainable, as even the Social Security Administration has pointed out recently:

Social Security's Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund now faces an urgent threat of reserve depletion, requiring prompt corrective action by lawmakers if sudden reductions or interruptions in benefit payments are to be avoided. Beyond DI, Social Security as a whole as well as Medicare cannot sustain projected long-run program costs under currently scheduled financing.

We must not have a 'need to know'

And yet, as Myra Adams points out in this National Review Online piece in July, no one on the 2016 presidential campaign trail is talking about this.

In fact, no one on Capitol Hill is talking about this, either – at least, not publicly. Though the SSA itself has warned lawmakers to act "sooner rather than later" to address Social Security's and Medicare's "structural shortfalls," there is silence from Congress and the White House, none of whom will have to rely on either program due to generous self-voted congressional and presidential pensions.

Instead, as Myra Adams noted, Social Security recipients are quietly notified on their benefits statements that funding for the program cannot be sustained past a certain year and, as such, benefits are likely to be reduced by as much as one-third in the coming years.

Have you heard any lawmaker or the president talk about this?

Then there is the issue of government lying about, or covering up, data that would otherwise benefit Americans. As reported by Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, in July, the "vaunted" Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently held meetings with vaccine scientists to find a way to destroy evidence linking vaccines to higher rates of autism in African Americans.

Mike Adams noted that Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., spoke out recently about CDC science fraud as related to him by an agency scientist, Dr. William Thompson. Mike Adams' piece is here.

A host of lies and scandals

These revelations were first reported by fearless independent investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson, formerly of CBS News.

She reported July 29:

A current Centers for Disease Control (CDC) senior scientist has made an unprecedented admission: he and his colleagues–he says– committed scientific misconduct to cover up a meaningful link between vaccines and autism in black boys.

Just as startling, the CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson, says the study co-authors "scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room, and reviewed and went through all the hardcopy documents that we had thought we should discard, and put them into a huge garbage can."

These are just two examples, though they are egregious. Consider also that government in recent years has lied about, or covered up, massive surveillance by the National Security Agency, abuse of taxpayers and 501(c)(3) and (4) tax-exempt organizations, Obama care, the details surrounding the Benghazi incident, the "Fast and Furious" gun-walking operation in Mexico and the impact of illegal immigration.

It's no wonder Americans have virtually no confidence in their government.

darkbulb121 #conspiracy deviantart.com

How would you express vulnerability, victimization, stoicism, courage, strength. All in one image. This face, this form, this Human expresses all that, so much more to be found in the viewer's own eye. This one face says so many things.

He is Pure
He is Peaceful
He is Benign, nurturing in intent

Do Not Threaten Him or Those He Loves
He will never be the one who starts the fight
Peace is in this Human's nature
So is Survival

I Am Human PURE

You genetically molest nature & grow our food in toxins to to give us cancerous diseases and debilitating conditions making us lifetime pharma Slaves.

You shoot our meat sources with hormones the long term effect of which has proven harmful.

You FORCE vaccines on us made with harvested fetal human stem cells and laced with heavy metal neurotoxins to DUMB US DOWN.

I will not be your next Science Project.

This Man is NOT your Pet GMO.

HashTag Abuse Award

“There’s other keys on your #keyboard”

Neiver #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

Because #abortion we are living in pain. The earth claims to heaven for the blood of the #unborn #killed by abortion.

There's no peace anywhere in the #world because this #tragedy , as #humanity we need to #reverse the things to the #normal (natural) condition and protect #human #life from #conception until natural #death.

How the hell we want #peace if we fight the life at its very beginning.

#Earthquakes , #volcanos , #extreme #violence, #floads are some of the things that are happening around us, but we are blind, floating In our #bubble of "comfort".

Our #Lord #Jesus and his #Holy #Mother #Mary are awakening us with lots of #messages around the world about the things to come yet.

As example of it we have the Holy #Love's messages in #Cleveland, #USA where the #RosaryoftheUnborn has given. Or the messages given in #Medjugore, #Croazia to #Mirjana; in #Fatima, #Portugal to #Conchita; in #Akita, #Japan to a #nun and to a woman named #LuzdeMaria from #CostaRica (Her videos are on #Youtube).
All of this has it's very start in #LaSalette, #France's messages.

The common #issue in all the apparitions is abortion, the abortion tragedy, the necessity to eradicate it and #repair to the #Sacred #Hearths of Jesus and Mary for it #praying the Holy Rosary, specially the #Rosary of the Unborn and the #calling to #convertion.

If don't a great #punishment is waiting for all of us. As the earth has never seen it before.

Pray for the end of abortion. Abortion is not a right but a big crime.

fmr0 #wingnut deviantart.com



Bloody old commie, bottled!

He is always eructing some foolish imprecations;
and lately one of his favourite lines was: "Just scrap the cap".

Well, here is my answer, just for you, old commie:
"Just cap the crap!"

Photo manip.
Done in Photoshop.
The (empty) bottle is a free resource from Pixiv, a Japanese site.

brendan1903 #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

So again we have the useful idiots...sorry Trotskyite and Bornman and George H W Bush Nazi Brownshirts are at it again, making themselves look like idiots, buffoons and straight up laughing stocks. I know that these people were brainwashed by the far left controlled education system, and the mainstream media telling them fascists and white supremacists are under every tree but to see these people beating up conservatives and engaging in other disgusting activities, while the Jihadi Troika and the idiot Latina bartender being pushed by the 'Justice Democrats' and Soros to lead the nation if the Donald leaves make all sorts of anti Jewish statements and proclaim their love for terrorist groups [I support a single Jewish state with religious freedom and respect for all, the Nazi terrorist group known as Likud, the Muslim Brotherhood front organization Hamas and the KGB puppet Fatah can all go kick rocks to me.] and a president who has a settlement named after him in Israel, went to the Wailing Wall wearing a yarmulke and openly condemned white supremacists is considered a Nazi because of active measures and other propaganda operations done by intelligence agencies, Communists and fascists against the American people.

Pretty sick huh?

George W Bush was best buddies with Putin the poisoner who invaded Ukraine and is helping Assad stay in power, to be fear the Trotskyist neocons started it all by using the US Armed Forces, PMCs and intelligence agencies to fund, arm and train Neo Nazis and Islamic extremists to go around and cause chaos so as to make the world wide worker's revolution easier. Clinton gave away 20% of the US' Uranium to the Russian Empire in Uranium One. Iraq and Afghanistan were both fought to remove obstacles for Iran and to hand both nations over to Russian and Chinese conglomerates.

For Christ's sake the ex CIA head and Nazi sleeper agent George H W Bush, may his and his stooge Castro roast in hell, helped China become the superpower it is today!

And no one is talking about these issues!

Pop culture, the cult of wokeness and pathological skepticism have weakened society and the modern intellectual class so much to the point that the Fourth Reich is rising up now and most people don't even see it! Most people don't know this but one of the major foundations of Nazism, as well as one of its biggest supporters, came from the psychiatric community. The labor camps and the T4 euthanasia program which disposed of the mentally ill and dissenters to the regime were run by psychiatrists and the orders that killed so many innocent men, women and children, came from psychiatrists themselves! The same psychiatric community that is declaring everybody who opposes or questions the mainstream version of an event and ticking off every perversion under the sun, is the same group of people who supported eugenics and helped in the atrocities of the Third Reich!

Never forget!

Antifa, SJWs and many of the people on RationalWiki and alternatehistory.com genuinely believe that they are fighting fascism, and that anybody who opposes their 'social democratic' utopia is a tinfoil hat wearing nut or a goose stepping fascist. What these people don't realize is that their ideology is just a modernized version of the basic ideology of fascism and National Socialism and their behavior is no different from Hitler's Brownshirts that the Fuher used to create fear and use that, along with the false flag Reichstag bombing, to seize power in the German Republic and create the totalitarian Greater German Reich. Hitler's ideological mentor Trotsky, and his boss Lenin also used ignorant anarchists, progressives and Communists to commit acts of violence and terror in order to destabilize Russia, and once the Bolsheviks seized power the two men wiped out any opposition to their rule through purges and deliberate catastrophes.

Stalin as evil as he was, was against the globalist agenda and a proud nationalist, so after he realized Hitler was nothing more than a less smooth and more violent Trotsky he managed to convince FDR that fascism wasn't worth the effort but the Red Army had already provoked Japan into attacking, so the generals running America saved the day and Old Joe got poisoned some years later for his resistance. Reagan and the Iron Lady were set up in a similar way, they were portrayed as monsters and the worst evil imaginable and these lies beamed into the heads of young impressionable students, so instead of thanking these three world leaders for doing what they had to do in order to keep national sovereignty alive, we rail and curse at them like idiots. P.S Some of the propaganda against Reagan came from the KGB itself.

Just like what we see in the Demonrat Party.

Bernie was cool in 2016 but he's too old now, so Predator Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez battle it out while Omar hopes the public doesn't see that she fucked her brother and is a conwoman, Talib is wondering how much money Hamas and Hezbollah are sending over and Presley...sigh.

Meanwhile Fuher Bi Bi drops white phosphorus on any opposition to the Nazi Likud Party while handing over American military technology to Il Duce Winnie the Pooh so he can oppress his own people better with the help of Big Tech up in the Californian People's Republic - run by the CPSU, the KGB and the Workers' and Peasant's Red Army, that provides AI research, access to American satellites, and ways for the Chinese government to improve its totalitarianism in means that would make IngSoc proud.

Does any one see something wrong here?

Tulsi Gabbard is the only Democrat worth a damn but she still hangs on to socialism, must be the military experience.

Trotsky even had the swastika as well, although he prefered to use it on his soldiers' uniforms and on Soviet currency instead of a red flag.

The party program of the Nazis as well as some of Hitler's and Mussoloni's speeches sound very similar to the rhetoric used by that of SJWs, of course they wouldn't notice that as they're too busy whining about insignificant Neo Nazis and alt right edgelords on some socialist echo chamber site or complaining about some imaginary oppression.

Seriously this is the same shit the CIA and Castro used to fuck up Latin America in the 70s and 80s. The Cubans indoctrinated and funded the street thugs, ignorant academics and guerrillas and unleashed them onto the streets to cause chaos, while the CIA sent in the death squads and the black ops boys to wreck things even further. It's how Iran Contra got started.

Articles exposing the fascist origins of 'social justice':



Russiagate - the Big Lie of the 2010s:


Epstein the eugenicist:

Ignorant Skeptics and Debunkers Pushing for Thoughtcrime and Psychiatric Incarceration of Dissent:


CIA collusion with Lamestream Media:

Suppression of evidence on 9/11 nuclear smart missile and guided drone attacks:


Big Tech's attempts at controlling free speech ('The medium is the message."):


ss-standartenfuhrer #conspiracy #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Holocaust survivors are like zombies. After all, that's how they survived—right? If they look like zombies even sixty years after the war, like Elie Wiesel, all the better. It makes their horror tales all the more compelling. They are still human, at least partially—but they have been programmed to lie with great skill omitting inconvenient facts in order to boost the holocaust mythology. And of course, avoid serious questioning by people who are not totally sympathetic and programmed themselves. How dare anyone ever doubt their stories. It all brings them endless rewards. It also excuses the crimes and real atrocities of their fellow Jews, especially in the Middle East.

When you begin doubting their stories and apply some objectivity you'll notice that...

Holocaust survivors are like Coca-Cola. They are everywhere! When I was much younger, I believed as most people believed that only a tiny handful of Jews "survived." To actually meet a "survivor" was like seeing that rare person who had actually come back from the dead. After the Schindler's List movie became successful, Steven Spielberg began making video recordings of "survivors." The numbers of such recordings quickly grew into the tens of thousands—and then one began seeing statistical studies from Jews showing that the numbers of "survivors," alive even into the twenty-first century, were well into the hundreds of thousands. Such numbers mean that the numbers of "survivors" at the end of WW2 must have been in the millions. Can one continue to believe that only those capable of hard work as slaves were allowed to survive? Of course, not!

The truth is that the existence of concentration camps merely shows that the Germans intended to keep certain people alive albeit under tight control. For mass murder, there is no need for concentration camps unless one wants countless eyewitnesses. Simply look at how the Soviets carried out their mass murders. No camps, no gas chambers just a bullet. Millions upon millions of people were liquidated in this manner by the Bolsheviks and these murders never took place in a location where eye witnesses would be a factor.
Some of these victims, if they were lucky enough, received show trials that only accomplished a minor delay of the inevitable if anything at all.

Even back then there existed factual evidence that showed...

1. U.S. and German top-level government officials talked with each other through Swiss and Irish consuls in 1944 and '45 about the condition of inmates in German-operated camps,

2. In 1944 German officials denied any intention to mass-murder inmates,

3. Germany guaranteed to evacuate inmates ahead of Soviet advance,

4. Former camp inmates confirmed inmates were being safely evacuated.

In addition, there are scans of two letters between the Allies and Germany regarding the disposition of the inmates from Auschwitz-Birkenau! The Nazis really were the "Good Guys." Get used to it, folks!

Despite this widely known evidence during that time, the lie still persisted. Despite the enormous amount of evidence available today, this lie still persists. With all the research and scientific evidence which undoubtedly proves that the revisionists won, we're still seeing and hearing from people who claim to be survivors.
And this is why I'm going to put 10 simple questions for those who claim to be survivors below...

1. When did you enter a concentration camp or labor camp and when did you leave?

2. How old were you when you entered?

3. What job skills did you have if any?

4. What did you actually do throughout your incarceration in such camps?

5. Were you fed and how often?

6. Were you given shelter?

7. Were you given clean clothing and how often?

8. Were you ever too ill to work and were you given medical care?

9. For how long were you ever unable to work?

10, Why do you believe the Germans had ever wanted to kill you?

So, the next time you see a comment posted somewhere from somebody either claiming to be a survivor or a relative of one, you can ask some of these questions. It isn't rude because certainly no one would ever claim to be something that they aren't, right?

dagur-berserker #conspiracy #racist #crackpot deviantart.com

So recently I ended up getting quite a bit of flack from the leftists. Though ironically, the leftists are more willing to go up and harass civic nationalists and call them racist and white supremacists than they are to attempt to even debate or even speak to us. I'm not mad at those who make articles about me, but I'm amused as they're only putting my message out there. Ironically, one of my friends, a former black co-worker who didn't call me racist even though he heard that I was a white separatist, believes that socialism and multiracial societies could work if it were done in love somehow. This ironically is the same mentality as the capitalist whites who are civic nationalists, only they don't agree with socialism.
Though apparently, I confronted one of the commenters who claimed I was an absurd conspiracy theorist and yet didn't even try to back up her claim with any sources. It just goes to show that this abortionist only had ad hominem fallacies and personal attacks with no basis to them. That same person who claimed that I was a conspiracy theorist so happens to be pro-abortion as well. When I confronted her about it, I was harsh and rightfully so and this is how she responded.
"I am not an 'anti-white racist babykiller' as you so rudely put it. I don't just love all races, I embrace all of them because we are all human beings. Whether you are too, however, is debatable, but I can only say that you're an ass through and through. Hell, I even think you're being the racist one yourself. You are also pro-birth for the whites, pro-mandatory abortion for other races. You've just proven yourself you have zero regard for bodily autonomy either way. You're 100% quantity over quality."
This claim about "muh quantity over quality" actually shows how heartless they really are. They are willing to put material comforts above the lives of other human beings. Plus not once did I ever call for mandatory abortions against blacks or any other race, but in fact I stand with many black identitarians who are against abortion because they see this as a means of snuffing them out in the process as well. Plus the pain I have seen on the women's faces when they shared their abortion regret on YouTube whether they were white, Hispanic, Black, or Asian broke my heart. This talk also of "Muh bodily autonomy" is a coomer's/slut's argument in favor of a promiscuous lifestyle because such autonomy is forfeited when two people decide to have sex.
Plus what quality to the abortionists claim to provide the women except an opportunity for greater material gain? It is pretty much the same as going in and murdering someone for their material possessions or even murdering a toddler, child, or teenager because they're costly. Plus the best way out of poverty is the free market which is available for everyone but the only ones supporting the free market in majority are the non-Hispanic whites who are an ever shrinking demographic thanks to immigration, miscegenation, and abortion. Plus the demographic change in California has not been for the better as it is now the most expensive state in the union to live in and services such as garbage disposal and healthcare are in short supply. On top of that, the plague and leprously have returned as a result of California being a sanctuary state.
That was thanks to both legal and illegal immigration but people ignore the damage that legal immigration has done alone most of the time. With the lower birth rates, it has been propagated that we need more immigrants to replace our people but in doing so, our population has grown at a faster rate than if we even did have a stable birth rate and thus a large labor field has left more competition for the jobs and thus people coming in from the third world are more willing to work for lower wages than our native born citizens and thus the supply of workers has driven the wages for everyone down as to 'be fair.' Ironically, in her favorites, she had a stamp that condemned opposition to immigration as 'muh racism' and another stamp that supports legal immigration. So she lied saying that she accepts all people of all races because she's fighting against white people's right to exist. Simultaneously, the argument of quality over quantity of life is clearly thrown out the window as she's supporting the very process that is driving down wages for our working class and favoring only the corporations and the top 1%, hence more proof that their arguments are basically lies.
"You wanna see 'babykillers,' try going back in time to the ancient past where Hebrew boys are slaughtered soon after birth, or newborn baby girls left to die because they 'cannot inherent anything.' It's safe to say that these practices are pretty barbaric back then because we're more civilized today. Back then, though, these actions are two of the many examples of genocide, by the definition itself. You're just no different from what those people have done, regardless if you're civilized or not. If you seriously think that the mass slaughter or genders, races, cultures or ethnicities doesn't count as genocide to you, then I don't know what the hell does (that, and you're obviously not right in the head). No, abortion doesn't even count as genocide because a fetus isn't race, gender, culture or ethnic-specific. You won't even know what it is until it's born (discounting modern medical technology)."
Of course what she goes on here next is an obvious red herring fallacy in trying to divert the conversation. But interestingly enough, the ancient Hebrews, when they did begin to drift from God, did incorporate many of these barbaric practices such as child sacrifice in the worship of Ba'al and Moloch. Plus this same barbarism survives in the descendants of the Hebrews today as sadly up to 80% of Jews favor abortion to be legal in all or most cases. It's ironic how she claims that I'm no different when she's supporting the same practices under a different guise. If I didn't think that the slaughter and mass genocide against other genders, races, cultures, and ethnicities which is why I am against abortion and interestingly enough, this process of abortion isn't just a means of trying to snuff out the white race but the same people are also trying to snuff out the black race to.
Not that this will make any difference among black people for me saying this but Margaret Sanger herself referred to black people as human weeds. Eugenics was then passed off as a means of protecting the white race but that was a lie to. It turns out that Margaret Sanger's husband, who helped to spread the eugenics propaganda was a Jew. The attempt on the black people with eugenics was only the test run because they were able to use it in the mainstream via abortion and it is now mainstream via abortion. The one detail left out in the video in the elimination of blacks was miscegenation because too many conservatives have been too scared to call out this barbaric race mixing process.
Seeing as how this girl denied abortion being genocide, she has no regard for those most at risk of being snuffed out in our own country be that the non-Hispanic whites, the African Americans, the Native Americans, and the Hawaiians. Already the Hawaiians have been made into a minority in their own island and their low status in the population as well as limited financial power have left them as easy prey to the same Zionists who abuse white America like Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg, the same man who advocated for illegal immigration via DACA, also bought land in Hawaii that was not for sale and sued the Hawaiian people for the right to buy the land. This is what we propertarians call another violation of reciprocity and is the equivalent to our national monuments being knocked down.
"Also, if you're really desperate to know why I didn't answer in the past three or so hours, I have a life off the computer, you know. That sort of life I have requires me to wake up at 5 in the morning, go to my workplace in another town which requires the use of the freeway, use the same freeway to go back home, and sometimes take naps to catch up on my sleep. This is one of those times. Apparently, you have not learned the meaning of patience. And you most likely have no life outside the computer because all you ever do anymore is spread lies saying that 'you're the most moral person on the planet next to former President Ganguro' and all you ever care about is being right."
It doesn't matter how much money you make or how long you work if the only thing you're doing it for is money. This just goes to show that the Masonic and Zionist elites want to reduce us to mere consumers and mercenaries. This also goes to show the fallacy of assumption as she's attempting to degrade anyone who calls her out on this. Plus making money isn't the only thing that makes you a good citizen, a good customer, or a good neighbor. Plus when we the people, those who do most of the work and actually produce what keeps our civilization thriving such as families as well as jobs, are told that we are only concerned about being right when we see our civilization, our culture, and our way of life die, then you know how hateful and how racist the abortionists really are.
This same plot in destroying the black race, the white race, the Native Americans, and the Hawaiians is being fueled via the funds from the central banks as they mooch off of the taxpayers of every country on Earth except for North Korea and Iran. With interracial marriage also being on the rise in China, China also has a vastly limited supply of women as there is only one woman for every seven men and thus a terrible demographic winter is upon them which is why the Han government are beginning brutal crackdowns upon every other people group as they fell for the Masonic/Zionist trap via communism and birth control and the evil just doesn't stop there.
This same plot will not just stop with mixing all of us together but the plot of the Masonic lodge involves reducing the population world wide till they are only half a billion and this can be seen on the Georgia Guidestones. The Georgia Guidestones contain the ten codes for the New World Order. This also shows the plot in destroying most of humanity's languages as to unite humanity under one language and even today it is said that if things keep going the way they are going, the German language itself will be extinct. If the first world nations were to collapse today, any aid the third world receives to attempt to help their people will bet cut off and most likely the people in Africa and Latin America, given how heterogenous these countries are will kill each other off and 10 to 1 the devastation from this warfare would expand the Sahara desert until it unites with the Kalahari, thus leaving some of Earth's most beautiful regions today to become nothing but barren wastelands in the future.
Another commandment of this cursed New World Order is for nations to govern their internal affairs but use international governance as a means of solving external affairs which is really just a softer term for imperialism. Does this sound familiar? Sounds pretty much like the UN, the EU, the African Union, and the Union of South American states. Freemason president Harry Truman helped to put together the UN and Freemason Kalargi helped in establishing the European Union as well. It breaks my heart that Africa and Meso-America have followed our bad examples of falling for the Masonic trap.
However, with nationalism, separatism, and populism on the rise world wide, it has the globalists freaked out. Of course Brexit is finally about to happen and anti-EU sentiment has been furthered even more so in Poland with Confederacia on the rise. Poland and Hungary alone are taking down the EU from the inside. On top of that, the Union of South American Nations is practically dead already with only five member states left. Ironically, Peru itself was so based that they got kicked out of the Union of South American nations.
When the Brazilians elected Jair Bolsonaro, they essentially voted for Brazilexit. In March of last year alone, Bolsonaro has essentially withdrawn Brazil from the Union of South American Nations. Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Paraguay left the year before and the only nations left in the Union of South African Nations are essentially the Marxist/leftists ones such as Guyana, Venezuela, Bolivia, Suriname, and Uruguay. Ironically, where these Marxists have ruled, many have become Christian republics where Christ has united people despite different racial and ethnic differences in nations like Brazil, and nationalism has emerged even stronger.
Ironically, a few other countries that were under the thrall ring of communism, some in Europe and one in Africa, today are lands where the majority of the people love and serve God with their hearts and their nations are leading as proud examples of their region. Ghana ended up becoming communist at the time of its independence but today thanks to the influence of Pentecostal and Catholic missionaries, the people there are on fire for Christ, true conservatives, and nationalists as well. Ghana today is also the envy of Africa and will most likely become Sub-Saharan Africa's first developed nation.
Simultaneously, Hungary, which suffered under communism now has a majority Christian population who have elected a godly leader who ironically was once a communist himself. Simultaneously, his wife, who led Orban to the Lord, was once a Jew. Poland as well, have a nationalistic and Christian population which constantly messes up the plans of the EU. Ironically, the lands that stand up against this globalist injustice the most are the lands who's inhabitants are strong Bible believing Christians which shows that Christ ultimately is the leader of the fight for freedom. Abortion and socialism are but symptoms of a greater disease than globalism itself and that disease is godlessness which is why the ultimate form of resistance and defiance is giving one's heart to the Lord and God will guide us to do the rest.
Ephesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

FuriusJorge #conspiracy deviantart.com

Yeah and it's gonna outlast the species... I'm ok with that. The idea that we could "kill the planet" is an embarrassment to anyone entertaining the concept.

All the Go Green Scare Tactic BS is to gain further control over the lower class, that's us. They won't just be laying the obvious "environmental" taxes on us individuals but on the businesses, services, food producers... you name it, the stuff we all use. They're gonna get tapped too and prices of said goods/services will go up for us. Make personal vehicles "naughty", ban them & in one generation you've got a population that doesn't even know how to travel to another city much less another state. Pretty easy to control those guys right there. Don't even have to put up a fence to keep that herd in. So addicted to Crapburgers peddled by a mostly yellow & red pedoclown they couldn't survive in the wild for a week.

GeoTAMPERING is THE cause for our environmental probs. The GOVERNMENT CREATED crisis is the sock puppet boogeyman used to get us to accept the extortion & loss of freedoms.

This goes back before you & I were born unless you were born before Bastille Day 1964. Weather control was a stated United Nations agenda decades ago. They've been busy... and successful.

jiangweisen #conspiracy deviantart.com

Was Tom Hanks aka. Mister Rogers performing some kind of hypnosis?


We know his partner in producing the show was heavily into psychoanalysis. Margaret McFarland, a child psychologist (Columbia University) who worked with Benjamin Spock, who spoiled a whole generation of kids & Erik Erikson, another follower of the Freudian psychoanalysis.

What’s this thing with all these eyes in the windows of the houses aren’t these more tools of hypnosis?

What’s this honorific title they place on “feelings”. This is part of the push towards “positivity” to the exclusion of truth, the “love not hate” mantra that attempts to censor opposing views.

Notice the deep purple of his jacket in the house. We associate dark purple with the devil, the snake in the garden, the first liar.

And Tom Hanks is the same propagandist who pushed Dan Brown’s atheism & anti-God, anti-Christ lies on the world with the help of another Orwellian master of doublespeak, Ron Howard.

The looney left’s war on morality with their eugenics, euthanasia, abortions, racism (while preaching against it), bigotry… I shouldn’t label just the leftist for their Idiocracy. Look what the reactionary right is doing now in Iran.

It seems the left & the right come together on war crimes.

Nobody is more self-righteous, except maybe fake Christians, than communists & the looney left. Their insistence on controlling people, authoritarian control & fake righteousness.

These are lullabies for lemmings. The pretense that all is well in the world while you’re murdered in your sleep. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. Whether Fred Rogers was sincere or not. I don’t know. Does it matter?

And the flashing yellow light, more attempts at hypnosis?

There’s something eerily strange, cult-like, when Hanks appeals to this skeptic to take a minute of silence to calm him. Somehow the whole vegan restaurant is listening & the dozens of people participate in the silence. Eew!

I sure would like to hear from Fiona Barnett on some of these names. Were they also disappearing kids for DAARPA? I wouldn’t trust PBS to flush my toilet. Turn off that stuff. Sesame Street & all that garbage that wrecked a whole generation. Look at America today & see what PBS turned out.

He also was a Presbyterian minister & considered it his ministry to make these programs & minister to kid’s needs. God will be the judge, but personally he always turned me off. I don’t know if it was his effeminate presentation, the churchy, do-goody icky sweetness or just me discerning a hypocrite.

dagur-berserker #conspiracy #racist deviantart.com

So recently, one of the anti-white racists and pro-baby killers ended up having the gall and the audacity to ignore the source that I provided for him. It automatically debunks the claim that abortion makes women safe and only attempted to show me sources in which I debunked in the statement. Of course, like the racist he is, dismissed anything automatically from pro-life and conservative research which shows that these people are willingly ignorant and unable to learn. Ironically, he complained about petty insults and that is exactly what he used including the crying argument about me somehow wanting to control women when I am trying to protect women and also protect white America from being snuffed out. It is pretty much summing up the same claims and recycled words from the pro-abortion side claiming that we only want to control women which shows how robotic these people really are and thus are the very definition of the NPC meme. Plus, one of the websites he linked me to, ironically was amnesty.org to argue for his pro-abortion arguments and ironically, I looked it up and lo and behold, the very website was owned by a Jew named Peter Benenson. The Wikipedia article on him, claims that he is a convert from Judaism to Catholicism but seeing what fruits come from his actions thus prove that he is not a Christian but the same kind of Jewish extremist attempting to infiltrate and destroy the morality of the Christian churches that the Spanish Inquisition was on the lookout for.
Matthew 7:16
You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?
The claim of pro-lifers attempting to control women is ridiculous because those mostly involved with the pro-life movement are female. When I went and volunteered at a pregnancy care center, I was the only male there in a large group of females to raise awareness that there were alternatives to baby killing. Plus, this kind of claim that this is a freedom for women, the argument is flawed and fallacious as there is a fine line between freedom and anarchy and anarchy is when harm is caused because people take so many liberties. Plus, one only needs to be heartless to avoid how much suffering both physically and emotionally this causes the women. Those who claim that women do not suffer from abortion regret ignore some key factors and I’ll explain them.
A study conducted in and published on Stuff.co.nz claimed that 95% of women who had an abortion didn’t regret it and this same claim has been echoed by the pro-abortion mainstream media sites. However, what they don’t tell you is that up to 62.5% of women who have had an abortion absolutely refused to take part in such a survey which is a perfect indication on what is really going on as their hearts are racked with pain over the innocent blood that they have spilt. Plus, to label this as a woman’s issue is fallacious, especially as the democratic party is the only party that has been so fervently pro-abortion but white women still vote in majority for the republican party, the only party that has been or claimed to be pro-life. So, the claim that pro-lifers are trying to control women is a racist claim against white people to silence white women into not having a voice.
Plus, a study in Finland has shown that women who have had an abortion were four times more likely to suffer death in the next year than women who have not given birth. This same study shows that those who died a year later after the abortion that up to 60% of them were more likely to die of natural causes, seven times more likely to commit suicide, four times more likely to die of injuries in the midst of a horrible accident, and 14 times more likely to die from murder in the process. If that isn’t bad enough, the risk of breast cancer actually doubles as a result of an abortion and having more abortions increases the risk even further. I’m not even mentioning all the physical problems of abortion. These aren’t even mentioning the psychological damage these people suffer among abortion.
Among the women who have suffered abortions, 59% increased risk of suicidal thoughts, 61% increased risk of mood swing disorders, and 61% have increased risk of social anxiety disorders. I as a human who experiences a social anxiety disorder though I’ve never spilt blood of anyone my entire life can’t even begin to imagine how painful that might be seeing how bad I have it already and seeing how much worse it could get. I assure you that this is anything but empowerment. Plus, we should also look at the more sociological, cultural, and demographic consequences of this. Although only 34% of abortions have been non-Hispanic whites, the birth rate of non-Hispanic whites is shown to be only 1.79 which is bellow the 2.11 required to sustain a population and I can only assume that abortion is helping the numbers of white people die out even faster. The Pew research shows that whites (non-Hispanic) will be a minority by midcentury. Given the fact that the only majority demographic that doesn’t buy into these hateful anti-white globalist open borders policies of the left are the non-Hispanic whites, this will mean the end of America itself, hence a white genocide.
Those who claim that they are speaking up for women and women’s choices are lying as I’ve stated earlier as white people in general would have determined that Trump get up to 369 electoral college votes if they were the only ones who voted. White women alone would have determined that Donald Trump get 327 electoral college votes if they were the only ones who voted and Trump was the pro-life candidate. Hence, abortion is anti-white women and anti-white racism in general. It is all a trap to trick us into self-suicide and destroy our sovereignty as a people. At least white identitarians like myself aren’t the only ones who see abortion as a threat to our existence as many black identitarians themselves have noticed that abortion threatens their existence as black Americans also have a fertility rate of only 1.8 and yet their demographic consists of 37% of abortions which is the largest of the number of abortions. This is why I as a white separatist, salute black separatists as well so long as they don’t resort to violent means against white people or others. This also goes to show what I’ve been saying that anyone who is for abortion at this point is an anti-white racist.

uki--uki #conspiracy deviantart.com

“Queen Elizabeth II the largest landowner on Earth.”
Queen Elizabeth II, head of state of the United Kingdom and of 31 other states and territories, is the legal owner of about 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the earth’s non ocean surface.

She is the only person on earth who owns whole countries, and who owns countries that are not her own domestic territory. This land ownership is separate from her role as head of state and is different from other monarchies where no such claim is made – Norway, Belgium, Denmark etc.

The value of her land holding. £17,600,000,000,000 (approx).

This makes her the richest individual on earth. However, there is no way easily to value her real estate. There is no current market in the land of entire countries. At a rough estimate of $5,000 an acre, and based on the sale of Alaska to the USA by the Tsar, and of Louisiana to the USA by France, the Queen’s land holding is worth a notional $33,000,000,000,000 (Thirty three trillion dollars or about £17,600,000,000,000). Her holding is based on the laws of the countries she owns and her land title is valid in all the countries she owns. Her main holdings are Canada, the 2nd largest country on earth, with 2,467 million acres, Australia, the 7th largest country on earth with 1,900 million acres, the Papua New Guinea with114 million acres, New Zealand with 66 million acres and the UK with 60 million acres.

She is the world’s largest landowner by a significant margin. The next largest landowner is the Russian state, with an overall ownership of 4,219 million acres, and a direct ownership comparable with the Queen’s land holding of 2,447 million acres. The 3rd largest landowner is the Chinese state, which claims all of Chinese land, about 2,365 million acres. The 4th largest landowner on earth is the Federal Government of the United States, which owns about one third of the land of the USA, 760 million acres. The fifth largest landowner on earth is the King of Saudi Arabia with 553 million acres


onlytheghosts #quack #pratt deviantart.com

"there is no correlation between autism and vaccines:"


“Failure of the excretory system influences elimination of heavy metals and facilitates their accumulation and subsequent manifestation as neurotoxins: the long-term consequences of which would lead to neurodegeneration, cognitive and developmental problems. It may also influence regulation of neural hyperthermia. This article explores the issues and concludes that sensory dysfunction and systemic failure, manifested as autism, is the inevitable consequence arising from subtle DNA alteration and consequently from the overuse of vaccines.”



“The preponderance of the evidence indicates that mercury exposure is causal and/or contributory in ASD” (in other words, mercury - as in vaccines containing the organomercury compound Thimerosal, is linked to Autism)



“We provide evidence here to refute the Nelson and Bauman critique and to defend the autism–mercury hypothesis.” (and they thoroughly refuted the claim that Thimerosal was not linked to Autism) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15082108


“Taken together these findings suggest deleterious effects on the cytoarchitecture by thimerosal and initiation of mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis.” (Thimerosal is really, really, really BAD! )



“Taken together, these results indicate that thimerosal-induced neurotoxicity occurs through the JNK-signaling pathway, independent of cJun activation, leading ultimately to apoptotic cell death.” (Thimerosal is dangerous toxic crap that screws-up your brain!)



"Based upon differential diagnoses, 8 of 9 patients examined were exposed to significant mercury from Thimerosal-containing biologic/vaccine preparations during their fetal/infant developmental periods, and subsequently, between 12 and 24 mo of age, these previously normally developing children suffered mercury toxic encephalopathies that manifested with clinical symptoms consistent with regressive ASDs." (Yes again Thimerosal is linked to AUTISM)



Methodological Issues and Evidence of Malfeasance in Research Purporting to Show Thimerosal in Vaccines Is Safe
“There are over 165 studies that have focused on Thimerosal, an organic-mercury (Hg) based compound, used as a preservative in many childhood vaccines, and found it to be harmful. Of these, 16 were conducted to specifically examine the effects of Thimerosal on human infants or children with reported outcomes of death; acrodynia; poisoning; allergic reaction; malformations; auto-immune reaction; Well’s syndrome; developmental delay; and neurodevelopmental disorders, including tics, speech delay, language delay, attention deficit disorder, and autism. In contrast, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that Thimerosal is safe and there is “no relationship between [T]himerosal[-]containing vaccines and autism rates in children.” This is puzzling because, in a study conducted directly by CDC epidemiologists, a 7.6-fold increased risk of autism from exposure to Thimerosal during infancy was found. The CDC’s current stance that Thimerosal is safe and that there is no relationship between Thimerosal and autism is based on six specific published epidemiological studies coauthored and sponsored by the CDC. The purpose of this review is to examine these six publications and analyze possible reasons why their published outcomes are so different from the results of investigations by multiple independent research groups over the past 75+ years.”

“This review article shows methodological flaws in six separate CDC studies claiming that thimerosal does not cause autism. In three specific instances (Madsen et al. 2003, Verstraeten et al. 2003 and Price et al. 2010) evidence of malfeasance on the part of CDC scientists is shown. Background data (not reported in print) from these three publications suggest a strong link between thimerosal exposure and autism.”



Activation of Methionine Synthase by Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 and Dopamine: a Target for Neurodevelopmental Toxins and Thimerosal

Molecular Psychiatry, July 2004.
Richard C. Deth, PhD [Northeastern University]

This study demonstrates how Thimerosal inhibits methylation, a central driver of cellular communication and development.

(Yes, Thimerosal screws-up the development of children's brains)




Blood Levels of Mercury Are Related to Diagnosis of Autism: A Reanalysis of an Important Data Set
Journal of Child Neurology, 2007
M. Catherine DeSoto, PhD, Robert T. Hitlan, PhD -Department of Psychology, University of Northern Iowa

Excerpt: “We have reanalyzed the data set originally reported by Ip et al. in 2004 and have found that the original p value was in error and that a significant relation does exist between the blood levels of mercury and diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder. Moreover, the hair sample analysis results offer some support for the idea that persons with autism may be less efficient and more variable at eliminating mercury from the blood.”



Thimerosal Neurotoxicity is Associated with Glutathione Depletion: Protection with Glutathione Precursors
Neurotoxicology, Jan 2005.
S. Jill James, PhD, University of Arkansas

This recent study demonstrates that Thimerosal lowers or inhibits the body’s ability to produce Glutathione, an antioxidant and the body’s primary cellular-level defense against mercury.

(they also mention a reminder that Thimerosal is in the flu vaccines given to PREGNANT WOMEN!)



Aluminum adjuvant linked to gulf war illness induces motor neuron death in mice
Neuromolecular Medicine, 2007
Christopher Shaw, Ph.D., Department of Ophthalmology and Program in Neuroscience, University of British Columbia

This study demonstrates the extreme toxicity of the aluminum adjuvant used as a preservative in vaccines.

(The aluminium is dangerous toxic crap in the vaccines too!)



Geier et al. 2014 J Biochem Pharmacol Res “The risk of neurodevelopmental disorders following a Thimerosal-preserved DTaP formulation in comparison to its Thimerosal-reduced formulation in the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS)” 2:64.

“This study supports a significant relationship between increased organic-Hg exposure from Thimerosal-preserved childhood vaccines and the child's subsequent risk of a ND diagnosis.



Aluminium in brain tissue in autism

“The aluminium content of brain tissue in autism was consistently high. The mean (standard deviation) aluminium content across all 5 individuals for each lobe were 3.82(5.42), 2.30(2.00), 2.79(4.05) and 3.82(5.17) μg/g dry wt. for the occipital, frontal, temporal and parietal lobes respectively. These are some of the highest values for aluminium in human brain tissue yet recorded”

“What does this mean for today’s generation of children who receive 5,000 mcg of aluminium in vaccines by the age of 18 months and up to 5,250 additional mcg if all recommended boosters, HPV and meningitis vaccines are administered.”

(The Aluminium in vaccines again is linked to Autism!)



The twin study being cited DOES NOT SAY WHAT IS CLAIMED ABOUT IT; it does not say that Autism is genetic. They made a study, they couldn't confirm a thing. Period.

CDC? You know the CDC has been exposed repeatedly as corrupt and lying, right?







The CDC has been caught intentionally misleading the public about autism rates

What they told the public...


… was not the true rate



I don't understand why so many people seem to believe that the CDC is run by saints who are never corrupt, never lie, never engage in fraud....


*The CDC is still lying about Thimerosal in vaccines!*






The CDC holds many vaccine patents. They are essentially a vaccine company making vaccine policy.

The Flu vaccine? IT DOES NOT WORK!!!

Seasonal Flu vaccines make it more likely you'll get the flu and more often getting sick


gynarchyverse #transphobia #sexist #psycho deviantart.com

This is going to be a difficult issue to talk about, as any issue regarding gender is. But to quote Kurzgesagt, "Not talking about an issue will not help solve it".

I want to preface that in no way shape or form am I prejudiced against transgendered persons. They have a right to do what they want with their bodies/minds. I'm not arguing against that. But navigating the topic of transgenderism within the scope of Female Supremacy can be tricky. As I've learned in recent weeks, when member on here who once identified as a Female Supremacist (and was active in our community) came out as transgendered last month.

So I think now is a good time have a discussion about this.

I don't think anyone who supports Female Supremacy can deny that this philosophy is founded on very strict roles based on a person's sex.

Like it or not, it's the truth. It's right there in the name: FEMALE Supremacy. That means that Women rule and men serve. We cannot deny what science has proven: A Woman is a human being with two X chromosomes, and a man is a human being with one X chromosome and one imperfect Y chromosome, making males essentially an incomplete Female.

That is the core concept of Female Supremacy, that males are an evolutionary abnormality that spun-off from the default blueprint of life, which is Female. And as abnormalities, we must devote ourselves to empowering, serving, and worshiping our progenitors. For without Them we would not exist.

So given these very clear roles we have for men and Women, what are we to say when a male desires to become Female?

Those who identify as transgendered can change certain aspects about themselves to match the gender they identify with; namely hormonal therapy & surgery. But they cannot change their genotype. That is to say, they cannot change their chromosomes. A person who is born biologically male can never have a perfect XX chromosome, no matter how badly he wishes so. Similarly, a Woman cannot deny Her perfect XX chromosome for some reason she wished to become a male.

Your chromosomal pair your Goddess-given role in life, and you cannot change it once you have it. If You are blessed to have an XX chromosome, that means there is no limit to what You can do in life. You can use males as you see fit. You can tell males what to do and they have to obey You. You are the closet thing to Goddess on Earth.

And if you have an XY chromosome, then you get bask in the presence of Sacred Femininity. You get the honor of bringing amusement, happiness, and comfort to Women. And through submission to Goddess, you'll find spiritual enlightenment.

Now, onto to the fake Female Supremacist (whose name will not be mentioned) who's featured in the screen-capped conversation in the above picture.

You say you plan on "changing [your chromosome] for [yourself] someday". I ask you. How are you going to do that? How are you going to defy the laws of science and give yourself that perfect XX chromosome? I'm sorry, but you're not. If have an ounce of scientific knowledge on this subject, you know you're not. Truth be told, you made a fool of yourself in that conversation with earthculture. I don't know about him, but I cringed when reading your comment.

Secondly, when you announced to your followers that who were coming out as transgendered, you told me that you don't support Female Supremacy and you implied those in this community were fanatics. I have several messages from you that prove you are (or at least were) a very staunch supporter of Female Supremacy. So please don't lie about your pre-transgender leanings when I and several others know the truth.

And thirdly, in one of your recent posts you talked about me and the caption I made using your old avatar that you claimed was taken down by the site staff.

NEWSFLASH! I took that picture down! Why? Because you changed your avatar to the transgender flag, so my caption no longer made sense. No one would've known it was reference to you. That's the only reason I took it down. It wasn't because I felt bad for making it. I still think you're still fake Female Supremacist and a liar. And let me clarify, you being transgendered has nothing to do with my gripe against you, it's the fact that you stabbed me and everyone else in this community in the back. You owe us (especially me) an apology. Then I urge you to seek a licensed psychologist, preferably one who majors in LGBTQ+ issues and is a Female Supremacist, so they can give you the help you obviously need.


angelicsteph4ever #quack #dunning-kruger #fundie deviantart.com

Just to let people know about such things.
It ain't gonna spare ya the strain or flu. There's a lot of crap in those things and they have things in that crap that will change your DNA and a lot lot more. Those things are NOT good. Like i said that stupid thing called a "Flu shot/vaccine" isn't gonna spare ya from it.
Wanna know some news look in the news on "How" many people have died even when they got that "Vaccine for flu". Old and young alike those people probably had a "flu vaccine/shot". This is how the head honcho's like government, cults, "New World Order" will start to really depopulate the world... it's already begun because this world is getting darker.

Do your research and dig deep into truth on such things. Start to think and be aware/awake on the world around you and what goes on in it, so start to question yourselves on things. Just because people will say "It's good" better start questioning on that, for even in the Holy Bible sayeth.... "In the last days when men will call evil good and good evil".... The flu shots are just of one of many many many things. Just be aware and start to question things as well as do the research on your own and seek the truths out on things.

Sincerely (to all and all that i love'n'care for and even if i do not know of you),
Stephy J.

twinkletoes-97 #racist deviantart.com

IQ is absolutely related to race, on average blacks are on the lower end of the scale at around 85 average while Asians are at the higher end at around 110 or above on average and you can clearly see the differences between those Africa and East Asia. My brother has autism, so I don't have issue with people with learning disabilities and there are different kinds of intelligence. Racial preservation is what will keep countries as they are, if all the Asians were to die out and be replaced with Africans, Asia as it today would not exist. Not to mention that mixing races can lead to medical issues among other negative things associated with not being able to have a single culture and race to identify with. And sacrifice is an extremely important thing for kids to learn, it's better than teaching them that they should always get what they want. I have a right to raise my kids the way I see fit and I want my kids to be raised in a traditionalist household. These concepts have only been seen as crazy within the last very decades or so, this was the normal mindset back in the 1950s and rightfully so.

OnlyTheGhosts #quack #conspiracy #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

By the way, I see that you think PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC STUDIES can be just flippantly ignored.


Let's go over this, since you want to behave like a child, I will treat you as one;

"Keep in mind that maternal antibodies levels decrease with time"

""reduce the immune system's ability to fight infections"""the vaccines ruin people's natural protection against viruses"


" little immunosuppressed kid died because another kid (NOT VACCINED) infected him."

- BULLSHIT. NO EVIDENCE THIS EVER REALLY HAPPENED. IT'S A FAIRYTALE. The scientifically established fact is that it is the vaccinated who spread most of the modern epidemics, not the unvaccinated. WHAT I STATED ALREADY WAS BACKED BY PEER REVIEWED SCIENCE YOU SCIENCE-DENIALIST

("Children of mothers vaccinated against measles and, possibly, rubella have lower concentrations of maternal antibodies and lose protection by maternal antibodies at an earlier age than children of mothers in communities that oppose vaccination. This increases the risk of disease transmission in highly vaccinated populations.")

"No way jose."


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