
Grust #conspiracy #wingnut

CNN (short for Cable News Network) is a news channel often bundled with cable packages.

Why It Sucks Now:

1. Completely biased reporting in news. Until around the early 2000s they were actually considered to be the least biased news channel, especially during the impeachment of Bill Clinton (when most other news networks were making him out to be either a degenerate pervert or an unfairly persecuted saint), but they've moved massively to the left since then.

2. Often ignores most newsworthy stories that go against their interests.

3. Completely sided with Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections, doing everything to get her to win, rather than act neutral to both parties.

4. When a GIF of Donald Trump wrestling a man with a CNN logo for a head emerged, CNN tracked the man down and made him issue an apology, threatening to release the man's identity if he didn't. This led to a large backlash against them, leading to attempts at damage control.

5. Despite the immense backlash for threatening to blackmail the man who made the tweet, CNN doubled down on its decision saying that anyone who makes "hate speech" or "bigoted" comments should be "reigned in."

6. Tracked down a pro-Trump supporter through her Facebook page and publicly shamed her. The woman received harassment and violent threats as a result.

7. Has pretty much devolved into nonstop Trump bashing, with very little actual news in between.

8. Has dismissed and even defended the violent, terrorist actions of Antifa.

9. Recently has bullied a kid for wearing a MAGA hat.

10. Because of them, Trump supporters have spawned the infamous “#FakeNews” hashtag.

11. The Trump/Russia collusion, while a good topic to discuss, is overly supported by CNN, all just because of the Democratic Party lost the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.Thanks to the bias CNN is notorious of, the topic is left with flimsy evidence or the lack of evidence to back any electoral rigging, all leading to this conclusion: there was no election rigging in the 2016 Presidential Election.
*Even this result CNN refuse to accept, only to continue to milk this conspiracy theory out even if the final results are out. CNN Supervising Producer John Bonifield even admit that this story is only made/investigated in hope of raising CNN's ratings.

David Mendacino #wingnut #racist

<commenting on 20th anniversary of WTO protests in Seattle>

The WTO crowd of yesteryear became Antifa of today. The irony being it only took a populism to get them to shift with the wind. They were nationalists back then until they embraced the low information religion of identity politics and tried to conflate nationalism with racism because it became more profitable to pander towards non citizens.

centrists_are_cucks #wingnut

[OP of "The absolute state of the left in 2019..."]

Been seeing a handful of posts lately about the Turds (Kurds) and them getting their own nation and comparing their statehood to Poland ߤΊ
No. They don't deserve it. "Kurdistan" will never happen no matter how many times leftists and right-cucks wish for it to happen. They are full blown communists who train western Antifa members. The Poles endured USSR tyranny for decades and soldiered on, whereas the Kurds, as I said above, are Antifa trainers.

Compaing Poles to Kurds is some pea brained retarded shit, then again, a handful of posts about the comparisons coming from the left is not surprising.

The Poles were more deserving of a nation to call their own than the Kurds ever will.

Don't get me wrong, northern Iraq (Iraqi Turdistan) is stunning and beautiful but if I was given the choice of visiting Poland or the future """nation""" of Kurdistan, you wouldn't pay me a million dollars to visit a communist country in the Middle East masquerading as a democracy and left-libertarian. Poland all the way.

TLDR fuck the Kurds. They are nothing like Poland and fuck their independence.

Stephan Balliet #wingnut #racist #sexist #psycho #conspiracy

The neo-Nazi who murdered two people in a marauding shooting attack in Germany has been named as Stephan Balliet.

The 27-year-old German man is suspected of storming a synagogue in Halle on Wednesday and shooting a female passerby, before attacking a nearby Turkish kebab shop where a man died.

Balliet broadcast a live video of the attack on the Twitch streaming platform and published an antisemitic and racist “manifesto” online, echoing the Christchurch terrorist and other recent far-right attackers.

He repeatedly called himself a “loser” in the footage for failing to break into the synagogue or kill more people, after his homemade gun repeatedly jammed.

The livestream stopped after Balliet dumped the helmet-mounted camera and his car while fleeing Halle, before hijacking a taxi and being arrested following a crash around 10 miles south of the city.


A source told Reuters that Balliet had done military service, which was compulsory in Germany at the time, but received no special training.

Balliet’s livestream and online documents seen by The Independent suggest he was deeply embedded in online forums, gaming culture and had a fascination with Japan.

He called himself a “weeb”, denoting an obsession with Japanese culture, and an “anon” – the term used to describe users of 4chan, 8chan and other imageboards that were used by previous mass shooters to share manifestos.

One of three documents Balliet posted online before the attack was entitled “manifesto” in Japanese and included an image of a sexualised anime “cat-girl”.

The tongue-in-cheek message said that readers could get a free cat-girl or “waifu” if they “kill at least one Jew”.

The document, written in English, called for “discontent white men” to murder Jews, non-whites, communists and “traitors”.


The document said he aimed to inspire attacks by “other suppressed whites” by livestreaming his attack, kill as many “anti-whites” as possible, and that he would wear protective clothing and aimed not to die.

It included a score sheet of “achievements” for the attack, including numbers of kills and methods, but few were met.

The documents appear to have been originally posed on the Kohlchan website, which is a predominantly German-language “chan” imageboard whose name translates as “cabbage chan” or “nonsense chan”.

Balliet said he had “originally planned to storm a mosque or an antifa ‘culture’ centre” which he thought would be less secure than the synagogue targeted.

But he claimed his ultimate target was Jews, after declaring his belief in conspiracies including the “Zionist-occupied government” theory.

Speaking in English at the start of his livestream, Balliet said he was a Holocaust denier and said he believed feminism was ”the cause of declining birth rates in the west”.

AvatarCat09 #wingnut #fundie

It seems that people nowadays are trying to silence those who disagree with Antifa. I'm pretty sure that everyone now knows who Antifa are, but to those who don't, Antifa is this group claiming to fight attacking people they deem to be fascist. They've been known to be a violent far-left group that came to the surface ever since President Donald Trump was sworn into office in 2017. While they attack those they deem fascist even if they disagree with them, the mainstream media (like CNN) seem hellbent on defending them when they should instead be called out. In summation, these "anti-fascists" are pretty much fascists themselves, no different from those they claim to hate.

Shane Kohfield #psycho

Right-wing radio ​personality Lars Larson hosted on his radio show a man who had his guns confiscated by the FBI, asking his guest to spell out an elaborate plan he ​said he devised for murdering antifascist organizers in the United States.

On September 12, Larson hosted Shane Kohfield on his program so that Kohfield could detail​, before a national radio audience, a plan ​he hatched to identify and kill antifascist activists​. Kohfield made headlines earlier this year when he yelled outside the Portland mayor’s house that he would “slaughter” antifascists and had a “detailed plan on how I would wipe out antifa.” The FBI Joint Terrorism Task confiscated Kohfield’s weapons as a result of his threats.

Larson began the interview by thanking Kohfield for his time served in the military, although the duo butted heads at the beginning of the interview because Kohfield was seemingly unable to respond to Larson’s questions about his statements regarding killing antifascists. After pushing Kohfield for explanations, Larson asked Kohfield to explain his “detailed plan” for killing antifascists .

So Kohfield did, and it was broadcast nationally, over the airwaves. ​He described the plan this way:

First​, veterans ​[will] join antifa social media pages and groups and get names of most active members of social media, along with getting the arrest records from rallies and write down all the names they see, as well as use arrest records. The veterans will use background check programs to find home addresses of all the members of antifa using the intelligence they had gathered​.

The veterans will take a map of the cities where members of antifa are known to live there. Grid overlays will be placed over the maps of the cities. The veterans will be broken down into squads. Each squad will be assigned its own grid and given a list of names and addresses in their assigned grid square. … The veterans would use Route4Me to find the most expedient route to hunt down the most violent members of antifa in their beds at night until every one of them was gone and every city in America, if need be, in a single well-coordinated night. The losses for antifa would catastrophic.

Larson asked, “So you are planning to hunt down and kill members of antifa?”

Kohfield repeatedly denied that his elaborate plan was ever meant to be enacted, but rather that it would serve as a “nuclear deterrent.” After pressing Kohfield, Larson was able to get Kohfield to admit that if his plan was carried out, it would result in the murdering of antifascists.

Padraig Martin #racist

[From ""Distinguishing Southern Nationalism"]

Over the last week or so, I have received criticism for my attacks on generic White Nationalism, the so-called Alt-Right and Nazi LARPers. Generally, these are attacks from weak keyboard kommandos and obese geriatric geldings, some of whom mistook the original intended target. Regardless, given the reaction, it seems I struck a nerve. Good!

The vast majority of those who threw threats in my direction could not bench press an AR-15. Some of those who took shots at the latest round of strategic posts are intellectually too soft to see past their myopic understanding of our current predicament. Bowl Patrol? If you cannot see that someone like Dylann Roof would have done more strategically for “White People” by not being a psychopath, actually engaging in positive networking and community fellowship, then you lack strategic clarity. You are inferior in every single way – mentally and morally. You are useless. Go back to whatever leader du jure of your movement is taking pictures of himself in his underwear.

If you are serious about doing something for your people, let’s take an honest look at the differences within the movement: Southern Nationalism vs Generic White Nationalism.

Identity Dixie is a Southern Nationalist content producer. That is who we are. Generally speaking, ours is a fraternal group that seeks to build a Nationalist consensus within the South. The goal is to intellectually and emotionally lay the ground work for an independent South. Some members of Identity Dixie are also members of other groups that have aligned goals, but at their core, Identity Dixie contributors work the Southern zeitgeist. We are not the guys on street corners or running around in the woods playing Rambo on the weekends. We are the guys who convince the normie Southerner that he has a better future in a Free South.

What Identity Dixie is not is a generic White Nationalist entity. We obviously do not hate White people, but not all White people are the same. The Whites who call themselves Anti-Fascists are not my White people. Nor for that matter are Boston Brahmins. I went to graduate school with Boston Brahmins, they hate you and me. Generic White is simply not a good enough distinction.

I will root for White people in other areas of the country to do well, but they are not my own. Not all Whites are made equal. The German-American descendants of the 48ers, who comprise the rank and file of both AntiFa and the Alt-Right, have very little in genetic common with me other than skin color. The only ideological difference between the two groups is their brand of genocidal collectivism (one being crusty anarcho-communism, with a simmering hatred for Heritage America, and the other some form of authoritarianism, as long as it’s pro-white). Otherwise, they are almost identical. Their general hatred of Christianity and their support for socialism are entirely foreign concepts to me.

One other key similarity between AntiFa and the Alt-Right is their assumption that they will save the United States. True Southern Nationalists have no interest at all in saving the Empire. The United States is dead. It is a stinking, rotting carcass. The smell of its decomposition is evident in the Affirmative Action company commander, with an 85 IQ, leading your Southern enlisted sons into battle. She graduated with a 4.0 GPA from West Point because her Marxist professors wanted to achieve a social justice objective. White people did that. More specifically, Northern Whites empowered this marginally literate officer. Had she gone to the Virginia Military Institute, her inferior self would have transferred to Richmond Community College before she completed Hell Week. Now, her Communist Chinese counterpart is laughing, confident that he can beat an army led by incompetents in a week. He is right.

You can thank Northern Whites for your modern country.

And before you give me a diatribe about the JQ, just stop. Whites founded America. Prior to its existence, it was a massive forest comprised of wild savages, hunting and enslaving one another. They were conquered by Europeans. Towns and cities were erected by Whites. Institutions were established by Whites. If we assume Whites are superior, how did they let everything get taken by a tribe of Khazar gypsies? Let’s face a cold hard fact: three percent of the population did not weasel their way into power. Heritage Americans got lazy and gave it away – the same as they did when they sent their manufacturing to China. Specifically, Northern Whites gave it away. If I want to be even more specific, a cabal of Boston Yankees and German 48ers from the Midwest and Pennsylvania gave away the country that Anglo-Saxons and Scots-Irish built.

Why in God’s name would I want to align myself with the same Whites who get an occasional generational itch to dismantle the South?

Northern Whites first dismantled the antebellum South, a White dominated society, through a mass invasion. Northern Whites literally raped, pillaged, and starved Southerners, compelling them to remain in a Union against their will. Then they not only freed the slaves, they empowered them in local positions of governance throughout Reconstruction. Suddenly, I am supposed to look past their history and find myself aligned with their descendants because we share the same skin color?

Less than one hundred years later, the grandparents of these same generic White Nationalists lamented segregation. They demanded that the 101st Airborne march into Arkansas and impose integrated schools. It was a Wisconsin White gunman, Arthur Bremer, descendant of a 48er, who shot segregationist, George Wallace. Northerners later fought to reduce his sentence and they succeeded.

If the apple does not fall far from the tree, why would I now suddenly align myself with the grandkids of Midwestern Marxists? No thank you. Rather, I will align myself with my father’s people, many of whom fought and died to protect the Anglo-Celtic society upon which the South is based.

The fact is, the Alt-Right is full of socialists. They were raised praising Sherman, Grant, and Eisenhower – men who destroyed the South. They love themselves some Lincoln. They have nothing in common with Southerners. They cannot be trusted. So what if some guy in Vermont or Pennsylvania flies a Confederate Battle Flag? How edgy, bruh! That may resonate with your fellow militant egalitarians who equate imagery with purpose. It simply tells me the guy has nice taste in flags.

At the end of the day, generic White Nationalism is a fool’s endeavor. It is bound to fail. Southern Nationalists know they will have to go it alone. The socialists who comprise the majority of the rank and file of White Nationalists want to revive an American corpse.

In sum, keep your generic White Nationalism. Keep your bowl patrol. Keep your pagan imagery. This is not about optics for me. This is not about some short term edgy phase in my life. The Southerners with whom I daily interact are the legacy of a multi-generational quest to establish their own country, predicated on hierarchical stratification, Anglo-Saxon norms, and Christian values. We may not be perfect, but at the end of the day, we are not LARPy pseudo-Nazis.

Good luck and enjoy your pool parties.

Kajm #wingnut

Why the rise of Nationalism worldwide?

By Victor Davis Hanson, Townhall:

(My thoughts in bold / parens)

What is going on with the unending Brexit drama, the aftershocks of Donald Trump's election and the "yellow vests" protests in France? What drives the growing estrangement of southern and eastern Europe from the European Union establishment? What fuels the anti-EU themes of recent European elections and the stunning recent Australian re-election of conservatives?

Put simply, the middle classes are revolting against Western managerial elites. The latter group includes professional politicians, entrenched bureaucrats, condescending academics, corporate phonies and propagandistic journalists.

What are the popular gripes against them?

One, illegal immigration and open borders have led to chaos. Lax immigration policies have taxed social services and fueled multicultural identity politics, often to the benefit of boutique leftist political agendas. (and knifings, beheadings, acid-throwings, bombings, running down people with trucks)

Two, globalization enriched the cosmopolitan elites who found worldwide markets for their various services. New global markets and commerce meant Western nations outsourced, offshored and ignored their own industries and manufacturing (or anything dependent on muscular labor that could be replaced by cheaper workers abroad).

Three, unelected bureaucrats multiplied and vastly increased their power over private citizens. The targeted middle classes lacked the resources to fight back against the royal armies of tenured regulators, planners, auditors, inspectors and adjustors who could not be fired and were never accountable.

Four, the new global media reached billions and indoctrinated rather than reported. ('firefighters' *spit*)

Five, academia became politicized as a shrill agent of cultural transformation rather than focusing on education -- while charging more for less learning. (Evergreen State College, for example)

Six, utopian social planning increased housing, energy and transportation costs. (wind turbines. giving homes to the homeless WITHOUT accountability)

One common gripe framed all these diverse issues: The wealthy had the means and influence not to be bothered by higher taxes and fees or to avoid them altogether. Not so much the middle classes, who lacked the clout of the virtue-signaling rich and the romance of the distant poor.

In other words, elites never suffered the firsthand consequences of their own ideological fiats.

Green policies were aimed at raising fees on, and restricting the use of, carbon-based fuels. But proposed green belt-tightening among hoi polloi was not matched by a cutback in second and third homes, overseas vacations, luxury cars, private jets and high-tech appurtenances. (Bernie, gore, Pelosi, Michael moore, most Hollywood actors, the permanent 'climate change' bureaucracy)

In education, government directives and academic hectoring about admissions quotas and ideological indoctrination likewise targeted the middle classes but not the elite. The micromanagers of Western public schools and universities often preferred private academies and rigorous traditional training for their own children. Elites relied on old-boy networks to get their own kids into colleges. Diversity administrators multiplied at universities while indebted students borrowed more money to pay for them.

In matters of immigration, the story was much the same. Western elites encouraged the migration of indigent, unskilled and often poorly educated foreign nationals who would ensure that government social programs -- and the power of the elites themselves -- grew. The champions of open borders made sure that such influxes did not materially affect their own neighborhoods, schools and privileged way of life.

Elites masked their hypocrisy by virtue-signaling their disdain for the supposedly xenophobic, racist or nativist middle classes. Yet the non-elite have experienced firsthand the impact on social programs, schools and safety from sudden, massive and often illegal immigration from Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia into their communities.

As for trade, few still believe in "free" trade when it remains so unfair. Why didn't elites extend to China their same tough-love lectures about global warming, or about breaking the rules of trade, copyrights and patents? (Because communism / socialism. Free Pass!)

The middle classes became nauseated by the constant elite trashing of their culture, history and traditions, including the tearing down of statues, the Trotskyizing of past heroes, the renaming of public buildings and streets, and, for some, the tired and empty whining about "white privilege."

If Western nations were really so bad, and so flawed at their founding, why were millions of non-Westerners risking their lives to reach Western soil?

How was it that elites themselves had made so much money, had gained so much influence, and had enjoyed such material bounty and leisure from such a supposedly toxic system -- benefits that they were unwilling to give up despite their tired moralizing about selfishness and privilege?

In the next few years, expect more grassroots demands for the restoration of the value of citizenship. There will be fewer middle-class apologies for patriotism and nationalism. The non-elite will become angrier about illegal immigration, demanding a return to the idea of measured, meritocratic, diverse and legal immigration.

Because elites have no answers to popular furor, the anger directed at them will only increase until they give up -- or finally succeed in their grand agenda of a non-democratic, all-powerful Orwellian state.…


I would also add groups like #BLM and Antifa- the Enforcement arm. Just like the Brown Shirts.

Mick Williams #fundie

Hierarchy--a chart of who's who in this run-up to the end, to whit: the god of this world, his Illuminati puppets, their dimocrat dupes, the communist media, and the useful idiots who make it all possible. The strobe light routine of these grinning anchors is well established for their unthinking clientele: the obligatory Trump bash, the climate change innuendo, and the fluffy human interest story. Look at the cute baby seals; ignore the Epstein-Clinton pedophile scandal; there's no DOJ noose tightening around deep state traitors like Orr and Comey.

Loudly braying the anti-gun mantra of these false flag architects, Rolling Stone calls for repeal of the second amendment. Disarmament must always precede civil war. But in a poor display of coordination, ultra liberal ESPN pulled a trailer for a film about liberals shooting conservatives for sport. The comic irony has escaped the film's writers: outnumbered liberal cowards would quickly learn the error of such a stunt.

Strong delusion, as prophesied, has set in. The CEO of Gillette has no regrets about his transgender ads costing him eight billion in revenue. Antifa fascists in New York post flyers demanding concentration camp for conservatives. Third world California deepens its indoctrination of pre-schoolers into the homosexual and Islamic agendas. Clowns making balloon animals give way to drag queen story hours. Unless these innocents are spared by an event known as the Blessed Hope, they face a dismal graduation day as card-carrying dimocrats, the latest settlers in a crowded place called The Twilight Zone.

Jesse Lee Peterson #racist #wingnut #fundie

Exclusive: Jesse Lee Peterson challenges the true racists in government

Somehow in this country, white people became the only ones called “racist” (even though “racism” does not exist; it’s either right or wrong, good or evil). Everyone is encouraged to hate white people. The Civil Rights Movement, which I regret participating in, only brought destruction. Blacks forced white private businesses to service them, and whites began catering to blacks. Then other immoral people came in and used black people for their own agenda, to bully the weak whites. Women who hate men, radical homosexuals, illegal aliens and others seduced black false leaders, comparing their wicked causes to blacks’ supposed “struggle.”

I often ask black and Hispanic liberal guests on my talk shows, “Do you love white people?” Rarely can they simply answer, “Yes.” But when I ask them if they love blacks or Mexicans, it’s suddenly an easy answer – “Yes!”

This month of July is my second annual celebration of White History Month. America is great thanks to white people. But it’s so overrun with blind white-hating people that we now have a Muslim woman with a head rag in Congress! Rep. Ilhan Omar, D.-Minn., is an evil, America-hating, Christian-hating “social justice warrior.” But she falsely claims, “I probably love this country more than anyone that is naturally born.” Her kind of “love” is the same emotional, egotistical spirit as angry single black mothers who raise thugs and defend them when they commit crimes.

I’ve been saying for years that if anyone does not love this country, they can leave! If you hate white people, and you believe in so-called “racism,” even though whites let you into this country, go back to Africa or wherever you came from! Same with the white communist antifa members who hate American freedom – get out of my country!

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”

President Trump rightly said the same thing in a few tweets last Sunday. He suggested that these “progressive” Democrat Congresswomen “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” He’s right. But they won’t, because they’re hypocrites – including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley. Not only will they not fix their own communities, they want to mess up ours! They only offer abortion, immoral socialism, false victimhood and hatred of white people, men and Christians.

Although the president defended white female Democrat Nancy Pelosi against false accusations of “racism” by Cortez, Pelosi turned on Trump, paying back evil for good. In order to help “women of color” who hate her, Pelosi led a controversial vote condemning what she falsely called “racist tweets,” denigrating the president. In response, Trump pointed out that “this was the first time since 1984 that the Speaker of the House was ruled Out of Order and broke the Rules of the House.”

Thank God, a beautiful crowd in Greenville, North Carolina echoed the president’s sentiments, chanting, “Send her back!” – referring to America-hating, Israel-hating Ilhan Omar. The children of the lie, including the liberal media, Democrats, RINO Republicans and Never Trumpers, of course freaked out over the lack of political correctness. These deceivers hate good people, and support America’s enemies. Weak, cowardly establishment Republicans begged the president to distance himself from the “send her back” chant, which he obliged to a point. But when pressed by media, the president stood by the people of North Carolina as “incredible patriots.”

President Trump loves America, and said that these Democrat women “can’t get away with” denigrating its people. “I’m unhappy that a Congresswoman … can call our country and our people ‘garbage.'” He referred to Cortez (the socialist), who trashed the opportunities offered by this country, and called the late President Reagan and working white people “racist.”

Trump said, “I can tell you this, you can’t talk that way about our country, not when I’m the president.” These are the words of a real man. Not a weak, pathetic person concerned with silly notions of “racism,” “sexism” and whatever else they come up with – Trump stands on what’s right. He’s a straight, white, conservative Christian man of power – everything the children of the lie hate.

Ilhan Omar promised to be the president’s “nightmare,” which really means she wants to be America’s nightmare. Trump said, “She’s lucky to be where she is. … And the things that she has said are a disgrace to our country.”

I say shame on us for allowing such a woman to come here. But this is what evil wants. It’s time for the people on the side of good to stand up. Thankfully, President Trump is doing that.

There’s nothing more important than rebuilding men. There are no men in the Democrat Party – only weak beta males. Women run the Democrat Party, which is anti-American and of Satan. We saw what happened when men disappeared from black homes. The black community worships “mama” while they kill one another. Now other races, including whites, follow in blacks’ footsteps of self-destruction, by following women. Whites have turned to weakness and surrender, thinking the people of color will love them. That’s not the way.

Watch and learn from this president, who makes evil unwelcome again.

Hans-Georg Maasen #wingnut

German ex-spy chief pushes Angela Merkel's CDU further right
The former head of Germany's domestic intelligence agency has been accused of courting the far right. Hans-Georg Maassen is the noisiest member of the conservative wing of Angela Merkel's CDU.

Hans-Georg Maassen, the man once in charge of tracking political extremists in Germany, has developed a brash second career on social media since his sacking last year.

Largely delivered on Twitter, Maassen's provocative pronouncements have created another headache for Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU), which is facing an uncertain era after the chancellor's retirement.

Maassen's tweets have also raised questions about how his political opinions may have influenced the direction investigations took during his six years as head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV).

Maassen's office, from which he was fired last year by Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, is in charge of keeping tabs on the activities of Islamists, neo-Nazis and antifa groups inside Germany.

Anti-immigration and climate science

The most controversial of these social media posts came last Monday, when Maassen shared an article by right-wing blog Journalistenwatch claiming that the rescue of migrants by the ship Sea-Watch 3 was effectively a hoax orchestrated by German public broadcaster ARD.

Several media outlets subsequently pointed out that Journalistenwatch was run by the founders of a now-defunct minor right-wing party called Die Freiheit (The Freedom), which itself was under observation by the BfV. It also frequently signals support for the pan-European Identitarian Movement, another far-right group that has caught the attention of the office Maassen once ran.

But while that tweet was subsequently deleted, Maassen seems to have developed a taste for the notoriety his social media presence has triggered.

In the past week, the ex-intelligence chief's tweets have included posting an article denying the climate crisis in Cologne-based tabloid Express, comparisons between the German public broadcasters and the dictatorship-led media of communist East Germany and a cartoon implying that media outlet Der Spiegel mainly contains fairy tales. He also had more criticism of the rescue missions in the Mediterranean:

"Don't let yourself be persuaded that this is about rescuing people at sea," he tweeted on Friday. "These migrants aren't shipwrecked people, and not refugees. They have boarded trafficker boats as would-be foreign immigrants to get brought to Europe by a shuttle service."

Pushing the conservative CDU

There have been many clues to Maassen's political leanings since his departure from the BfV last year, which came after he cast doubt on videos that showed people of immigrant background being attacked in Chemnitz. Seehofer attempted to find Maassen a job in his ministry, but the outcry proved too great for the government.

Maassen's Twitter profile, which is emblazoned with a slogan "Change. Germany can do better," also includes a link to the Werte Union ("Union of Values"), an organization that represents the conservative wing of the CDU and sees its main purpose in reviving what it believes are values that the CDU leadership has lost.

Maassen has become the Werte Union's most prominent public face in the last few weeks, and it has seen an uptick in membership over the past two years.

Of all the high-profile figures on the right of the CDU (another is erstwhile leadership challenger Friedrich Merz), Maassen has been the most radical in his anti-immigration declarations.

At a Werte Union event in Wernheim, southern Germany, in late June, the 56-year-old sparked another media storm by saying, "I didn't join the CDU 30 years ago so that 1.8 million Arabs could come to Germany." That statement was greeted with cheers from the assembled party members, according to a report in the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, and drew plenty of outrage from opposition leaders.

Maassen described his own political position as "not conservative, just realistic," but other signs suggest he is not above political strategy: In mid-June, he gave an interview to public radio station Deutschlandfunk in which he suggested that a coalition with the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) was not out of the question in future.

The AfD is currently polling first in some states in eastern Germany, three of which are due to hold elections this fall, putting the CDU under considerable pressure from the right. All the leading figures in the CDU have so far ruled out forming a government with populist AfD, but there are signs that the resolve in the upper echelons of some regional CDU parties is starting to buckle.

Edago #psycho #transphobia

[Submitter's note, the following is a PM from furaffinity, the link leads to a tweet from the reciever of said PM]

**RE: Why hello there!**

Just so you know, i am a furry too, but i am so sick and tired of all the rubbish the far left has done to me directly and inderectly i stopped being a social justice warrior.

If you wanna pretend there are 200 genders be my guest, but do not have a little temper tantrum and call people a nazi because they do not share the same beliefs or opinions as you.

If you have not guessed by now, i am the guy you called a nazi on dead by daylight...

I hope you know that when you behave that way you turn people against you. I used to be a fan of communism and i loved Obama, but when i saw how the democrats reacted when Trump won i was both horrified and ashamed of them.

Just some friendly advice... Instead of calling people names like Nazi when they fail to agree with you or respect your safe space, act like a grown adult and agree to disagree.

I also just wanted to share this video with you because it reminded me of you and GEN Z in general.


I never got hooked.. (wink) Have a nice day, and see you during Trumps re-election!

**RE: Videos for you**

[Links to "Punch the Nazi" by Ruka Ruka Ali & "Come be PC" by Chris Ray Gun]

It did not send the link in the previous message so here, i just wanted to share these two videos since i thought you would get a laugh out of them! I hope to play with you again on dead by daylight soom... Maybe with me being the killer so i can show you what happens to Antifa in my neighborhood OwO

Mick Williams #fundie


CNN reporter says “New round of subpoenas against Trump”. Foreground shows a demon (?) holding a hand of cards that say variously “Deep State Islam”, “Borders - UN”, Media - Schools”, “Dims (sic) - trans”, “Apostasy - LGBT”, “Soros - BDS” and “Antifa”. Bare hand with white sleeve holds single card which reads “Second coming”.

Adam Ford

Anonymous, rage-filled domestic terrorists who worship a toxic ideology and commit mob violence against innocent people with the silent compliance of local authorities and the media. Antifa is the new KKK.

Stephan E. #racist #psycho

Walter Lübcke murder raises specter of neo-Nazi terrorism
A suspected neo-Nazi's arrest in the German politician's murder case has focused concerns on far-right terrorism. A member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party, he supported her pro-migration stance.

Germany's federal prosecutors have taken over the investigation into the murder of Walter Lübcke, indicating that the killing of the Kassel district president on June 2 is being treated as a politically motivated terrorist act.

If indeed the murder is shown to have been politically motivated, it would be the first such assassination on a sitting German politician since the 1970s.

Trail included death threats, weapons

A number of German outlets have reported details of the alleged far-right ties of the suspect arrested in the central city of Kassel in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung reported on Monday that the 45-year-old man, named only as Stephan E., had a long criminal record, had already issued death threats via his YouTube channel, and that weapons were found during the search of his home.

According to the paper, Stephan E. had written a comment on YouTube in 2018 under his alias Game Over that read "Either this government abdicates soon or there will be deaths."

Investigators tight-lipped

Citing sources within security forces, the paper, along with public broadcasters NDR and WDR, said the suspect had been active in extreme-right groups, including the domestic neo-Nazi National Democratic Party (NPD) and a group known as the Autonomen Nationalisten (Autonomous Nationalists), a pan-European neo-Nazi group that has adopted some Antifa and far-left tactics.

Stephan E. is also believed to have been sentenced to six years in prison for an attempted bomb attack on a refugee home in 1995. He was also reported to have taken part in an attack on a trade union demonstration in 2009.

Officially, however, the federal prosecutors were giving little away about the investigation surrounding the suspect. Press spokesman Markus Schmitt appeared briefly before the cameras in Karlsruhe on Monday afternoon to confirm that the murder was being treated as a far-right extremist crime. He added that there was no indication yet that the suspect indeed belonged to a particular neo-Nazi terrorist cell, but that police were investigating whether others may have been involved.

Neo-Nazis active in region where murder occurred

The implication of Sunday's arrest, coincidentally made on the third anniversary of the killing of British MP Jo Cox by a far-right extremist in the UK, is that the Lübcke case would mark the first time in decades that an active politician was killed by a terrorist in Germany.

The manner of the killing — a close-range shot to the head — also recalled the series of killings by the only neo-Nazi terrorist group that has so far been discovered and investigated by German security forces: the National Socialist Underground (NSU).

Over a seven-year period, the NSU carried out nine murders of people with immigrant backgrounds, using a single Ceska handgun. The last two murders happened over a three-day period in Dortmund and Kassel in April 2006.

Hendrik Puls, researcher of the far-right scene and an academic advisor to the NSU investigative committee established by the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia, sees Lübcke's murder in the context of the neo-Nazi scene that sprang up in the cities of Dortmund and Kassel in the mid-1990s, inspired by the British neo-Nazi group Combat 18.

"That's the first thing I thought of [when I heard of Lübcke's case]," Puls told DW. "This is a region that is tightly connected to the activities of Combat 18, both currently and historically."

In the mid- to late 1990s, Puls explained, Combat 18 and its associated groups began "propagating armed struggle," for instance by publishing magazines that included bomb-making instructions as well as sharing strategies for armed struggle.

After the NSU was finally uncovered in 2011, Puls' research with the NRW parliament led him to Kassel. "After the discovery of the NSU, the big question arose: were there supporters on the ground who might have helped? We found out that exactly at this time there were clear attempts to create a Combat 18 cell in Dortmund, and that parts of the Dortmund scene was massively armed," he said.

"The members of this Combat 18 cell all came from a group named 'Oidoxie Streetfighting Crew.' This crew included four or five people from Kassel," he added.

Xenophobia stokes extreme-right activism

Puls has also noticed that neo-Nazis became more and more vocal in the last few years, following the influx of refugees who arrived in Germany in 2015 and 2016, which led to more anti-immigrant sentiment in the mainstream political debate and hate speech on social media. As a supporter of Chancellor Angela Merkel's policy, Walter Lübke himself was on the sharp end of much of this.

"One can certainly say that the propensity for violence has certainly risen following the right-wing debates around immigration," he said. "The case of Lübcke is certainly very revealing here. Walter Lübcke faced an enormous amount of hatred in 2015. That does raise the question: how much does it take before one person says 'I'll reach for a weapon?' In certain circumstances, not much."

Professor Phyllis Chesler #racist #wingnut #transphobia

I dare to say, at the risk of being shamed and shunned for telling the truth, that "Palestine" is a fiction, a concept that refers to an imaginary entity, not real but socially constructed.

Even as barbarians terrorize civilians everywhere, (if not, the UK and Australia would have granted Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi asylum), the world remains divinely diverted, even obsessed by the alleged “occupation” of a country that does not exist.

I am talking about “Palestine” aka the disputed territories. And yes, I dare to surround this word with quote marks because it is a fiction, a concept that refers to an imaginary entity, an entity desired by the world, the more so because it is not real but is, rather, socially constructed.

The world’s honor is now bound up with this falsity. And why? Because this is an idea that allows Jew haters the world over to continue their genocidal lust towards Jews, both in Israel and around the world.

Although non-existent, “Palestine” is so sacred a concept that one risks being shamed and shunned for saying so. The world’s honor is now bound up with this falsity. And why? Because this is an idea that allows Jew haters the world over to continue their genocidal lust towards Jews, both in Israel and around the world. It is the way European Christian and non-Western Muslims can continue their gruesome history of pogroms, massacres, and the industrial-scale slaughter of Jews—and still virtue-signal their compassion for the other Semites: displaced Arab Muslims, a compassion they sadly lack for persecuted Arab and African Christians.

This imaginary Palestine is similar to other imagined and socially constructed realities. For example, Caucasian Rachel Dolezal believed she was an African-American. An increasing number of men believe they are, in truth, women trapped in men’s bodies; as such, they are seen as both victim and hero for embracing this destiny. A smaller number of women believe that they are really men trapped in women’s bodies. They, too, are seen as victim/heroes.

Arab “Palestinian” style Intifada and Jihad has gone global. Antifa activists in America are also face-masked, aggressive, verbally vulgar, and violent. They shout down anything and anyone with which they disagree and operate as a mob both on campuses and at demonstrations. No matter what their real issues are (Wall Street, police anti-Black racism, climate apocalypse, the prison system, women’s rights), “Palestine” is often signaled by the wearing of checkered Arafat-style keffiyehs and Hamas-style face masks.

Often, they also chant “Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea” which is the same as saying “Let’s ethnically cleanse all the Jews, not only those who live in the 'West Bank' but also those in Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem.” It is a call to genocide which has been misunderstood as a call to righteous resistance.

Andrew Anglin #psycho #transphobia #sexist #racist

[From "Communism Isn’t a System – It is a Tactic"]

Everyone constantly says “communism doesn’t work.” And that is obviously true if you believe that communism is a system. However, the reality is that communism is a tactic.

If the goal of communism is to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise, then it is obviously a failure of a system. However, if the goal is to tell the masses of people that you’re going to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise so that you can use them to kill all rich people, along with millions of others, then it is a tactic that has literally never failed anywhere it was implemented.

Communist leaders just feed low-IQ poor people a bunch of gibberish about a workers’ paradise and march them off to commit a slaughter so that they can completely cleanse the old elite and establish themselves as supreme leaders.

Every successful communist revolution has resulted in the entire ruling class being killed or driven out of the country. Millions of people always die.

The people that start the revolution are never the ones that finish it, and the ones that finish it are rarely the ones holding the cards when it’s finally over.

Jews used the tactic of communism against the elite of the early 20th century, who were all white people. At this point, the logical thing is to use that same communist system against the current elite, who are all Jews.

That is why I think we should aggressively endorse and support all forms of communism.

To be clear, I’m not talking about any kind of “nationalistic communism” or Nazbol. I’m talking about the current push for communism all over the Western world, which is coming in under the guise of “progressivism” and “socialism.”

Instead of fighting against the current, we should embrace the mainstream push for communism, and escalate it into a full-on Bolshevist-type revolution.

I have no idea how that will turn out. No one does. And that is the fun of it.

But how could things get any worse simply because all rich people (Jews, mainly) and millions of other random people were killed in an unfathomably violent communist revolution?

It’s a serious question which begs for a serious answer, and the serious answer is that obviously, it couldn’t be any worse.

Firstly, all of the faggot soyboys pushing for communism are going to die in the first wave. None of these people are ready for the bloody mayhem of a total revolution.

Do you think a bunch of trannies and heroin junkies are going to be able to deal with a situation in which people get dragged out of their homes and shot in the street on a civilization-wide scale?

Of course not.

And whomever grabs power during the first stage of the revolution will order all trannies and junkies to be sent to camps or killed, because they will be dragging down the rest of the workers as people struggle to eat after all of the production and infrastructure is shut down because all the people who ran it before have been killed.

All of the weak will die in this upcoming series of communist revolutions.


Literally every antifa I’ve ever seen has been:

* A fat lad
* An emaciated drug user
* A tranny, or
* A woman

But we have to support them, because they are the first wave of the revolution. The complete useful idiots who have literally no idea what kind of hell they are about to bring down on themselves when the communist revolution finally starts rolling at breakneck speed.
There are going to be jacked dudes in flip-flops, sports shorts and bandanas piling up bodies to burn them in the wreckage of totally burned-out suburbs.

This is going to be no place for a fat lad or a tranny, I can tell you that much.

So basically, we need to keep agreeing and amplifying the message of the current brand of communists, and calling them cucks for not pushing further with it.

Because antifa is being used to attack right-wingers and Trump supporters, they’re getting massive amounts of money poured into their thing by the government and Jews. It’s the perfect situation.

We also need to whip people up into a frenzy accusing communist – oh sorry, “socialist” – politicians of betraying the revolution. The way that this “purity spiraling” phenomenon has already taken over the left is incredible, and it is already out of their control. They obviously don’t want the Democrat Party rallying around Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez – they are trying to push them back into neo-liberal Joe Biden’s Jewish ranch complex – but they can’t seem to control it, because the revolutionary urge is too powerful.

There is no clear path to a white racial revolution. You can’t force a meme when white people in general don’t want anything to do with it. But this is no obstacle. The important thing is that there is a revolution, and it is easiest to use the existing revolutionary zeitgeist, which – quite conveniently – is communism.

Once the revolution is finished, a white power state will be established.

Or who knows? Maybe it won’t.

No one knows.

Look: I’m not going to pretend that inciting a communist revolution isn’t a Hail Mary play.

But I can’t see anything other than a white power state resulting from it. What are the other options even? Besides literally everyone starving to death, I mean?

Surely, when there’s mass starvation and a cleansing of the useless eaters, all nonwhite groups are going to be declared undesirables and enemies of the socialist people’s revolution. They’re not going to be contributing to the revolution after the second wave. It will be a matter of necessity that in order to maintain the revolution, racial minorities be cleansed.

Racial minorities are always cleansed in the second wave.

Lemmingwise #wingnut #homophobia

The expansion of free speech to also cover obscenity, porn and sex is a relatively new idea, first defended by hustler magazine.

To use the oxford definition, see below.

It was conceived and is intended to cover opinions and political ideas/speech and to protect the airing of such.

When you think about it a little, there is very little reason to put sexual content on the level with opinions.

Now I don't particularly mind what people do in their bedrooms or what pictures people draw, but I do think there is a negative link on the health of a society in general and the degenerate things it permits. Allowing little boys on billboards that also strip for money and acting like effeminate drag queens has a negative effect on society beyond the abuse against that kid, it has a demoralizing effect that is comparable to the broken window theory.

And contrary to the people that generally defend the vilest of porn as supposedly being free speech, they are generally not open to hearing the opinions about this, particularly not when you start with one of the holy cows, homosexuality and its link to both disease and pedophilia. I don't know if people are born gay, that seems to be true. I do know that abused kids are more likely to be gay and that there is an active recruitment of that type (the vagina monologues famously had the glorification of such a moment of an underage girl and an adult woman; the fact that it wasn't shouted off stage shows how far people are misled on this. The scene was removed a decade later or so.

Perhaps the line "it was a good rape" was a little too on the nose coming from a 13 year old character. But this was a prizewinning and much applauded play.

There is also the infamous article "can we just admit that we do want to convert kids?" article. And you can discover that that's how it works today. Just go to antifa meetings, to marxist feminist meetings, go to gay bars and genderqueer parties. I saw it in real life before I started studying the statistics.

To get back on track, obscenity despite what US courts decided in their case against hustler, shouldn't cover obscene content. I think everybody in their heart knows that tits being removed off facebook is not the same thing as conservative pages being removed off facebook. One is a speech issue, the other is a obscenity issue.

Now how does that tie in to CP vs a terror attack?

Well I'd have to prove that CP is obscenity, but it is by definition, it's in the P (even if definitions of porn are hard to make, just try to put the right line between boobtwitchers and female twitch streamers) of pornography. I don't have to exactly identify the line to be able to broadly state that some barrier should exist that separates camwhores and female game streamers.

Then I'd have to prove that sharing the terror attack is speech. I have the presumption that people should be able to see it so that they can both learn from it politically and practically. You'd want the protections of freedom of speech to be broad, because the temptation to silence others lies in almost everyone's hearts. That's about the best I can make the argument, if someone else can make it better, let me know.

Finally, besides the freedom of speech, there is the issue that sexual release gives a huge dopamine rush that if it came from a drug, it would be a controlled substance. A dopamine rush means that all the thoughts and actions you did prior become more firmly rooted in your brain. There is no "one time" exception in the bedroom. If you discover something you like, you're going to want to do it again. And, I find that you can even condition partners to associate that dopamine rush with specific sexual activities and make them like that and ask for that.

Do you really want some percentage of people to habituate themselves to having sexual release in regards to the abuse of children? I think this is the strongest argument against CP.

Definition of freedom of speech in English:
freedom of speech

mass noun
The power or right to express one's opinions without censorship, restraint, or legal penalty.
‘the move would further harm freedom of speech in the region

Carol and Rodya #conspiracy

Carol: Yes, [Harvey Weinstein] is a despicable man. He abuses young women. John Podesta and Alefantis rape and torture and kill babies. They are STILL skating free like the Clinton Cartel pedos— Birds of a feather flock together. No Mercy for those that abuse God’s innocent! Where are the Antifa and feminazi’s now? How come they celebrate sexual abuse?

Rodya: Podesta didn’t just torture and rape babies . He baked them into Pizzas and fed them to his liberal friends . and Crooked hillary set it all up . it’s all there in the emails released by Wikileaks and Assange . For god’s sake wake up people ! Democrats and liberals are CANNIBALS. Thank God we finally have a Christian , moral and Godly President in Donald Trump who is going to put an end to all of this evil .

Philadelphia Mob #fundie

Two US Marine Reservists testified against the Antifa members who attacked them in Philadelphia last month, appearing in the courtroom in full uniform for a fiery testimony on Thursday morning.
Marines Alejandro Godinez and Luis Torres spoke to the court about an incident that took place on November 17 in Old City, when several Antifa members attacked the Marines, who were attending an event at a local ballroom.
The Antifa members -including suspects Thomas Massey and Tom Keenan- mistook the Marines for participants of the “We the People” rally, a conservative event that the far-left extremists mobilized to respond to.

The event’s Facebook page described the rally as a gathering for those who were “pro-good cop, pro ICE, pro-law and order, pro-life, pro-American values, pro-gun and anti-illegal immigration.” According to the Washington Post, people opposed to the rallies came from as far as New York City to denounce the gathering, with many believing that neo-Nazis would attend the event.
However, the organizers of the rally openly rejected extremists, noting that racism and violence had no place in the “pro-freedom” event.
“This event is to allow the people to make their voices heard,” they wrote on the event page. Any violence, racism, or display of hate by any group or individual is extremely prohibited. Any group or party violating these conditions will be removed from this event immediately.”
When Antifa members showed up to incite trouble with the rally members, some rally-goers felt uneasy.
“They’re calling us Nazis. But I ask you: Which side looks more like a Nuremberg rally?” Bill Heder told the Post, noting Antifa’s unruly presence. “All I heard over here was, ‘God bless the Constitution. Let’s get along.’ And the other side wants to tear our heads off.”
This was the backdrop that led to the violence against Torres and Godinez, who, according to Philadelphia Magazine, were simply innocent bystanders caught in the ideological crossfire.
According to the Marines’ testimony, they were looking at historical landmarks when Keenan approached them and asked if they were “proud.”
“We are Marines,” Godinez said.
“Are you Proud Boys?” Keenan demanded to know, referencing a right-wing group that many left-wing movements consider a “hate group,” despite the fact that the FBI does not consider them as such.
“I didn’t know what ‘Proud Boy’ meant,” Godinez recalled in court.
The Marines were then assaulted by Keenan, Massey and a group of around ten men and women, who sprayed them with pepper spray, kicked them and punched them as they referred to them as “Nazis” and “white supremacists.”
Confused as to why he was being attacked, Godinez told them that he was of Mexican descent, which resulted in Keenan referring to them as a “spic” and “wetback.”
During the assault, Godinez testified that he was maced around six times, hit in the head and kicked in the ribs, all to the chants of “f**k him up.”
“The best way I can describe it is the sound of people chanting in a soccer stadium,” Godinez told the court, also adding that Keenan was “laughing, smiling, and having a good time, while I could have died that day.”
Massey punched Torres repeatedly, according to the Marine’s testimony, to which the prosecutor argued that the Marines are much larger and in better shape than the Massey or Torres.
Godinez attempted to call 911 after the mob dispersed, but could not operate his phone due to the pepper spray. Torres ultimately called for help and both were taken to the hospital.
In terms of injuries, Godinez may need surgery and admits having trouble seeing since the attack, while Torres was never treated by medical personnel.
When the defense attorney for Keenan referred to the melee as a “tussle,” the judge snapped back, telling him “this isn’t like kids at a playground.”
Following several statements, the judge ruled that Keenan and Massey would be held for trial on felony aggravated assault and felony conspiracy charges as well as several misdemeanors. In addition to the dual charges, Keenan faces a felony charge of ethnic intimidation. The two are due in court on December 27th.

Greg Johnson #fundie

Confessions of a “Transphobic”

I never had a chance to read Gavin McInnes’ article “Transphobia is Perfectly Natural,” since Thought Catalog has taken it down. (But we can read outraged reactions from around the web.) McInnes has apparently been hounded out of his job as chief creative officer of something called Rooster, which I am too unhip to have heard of.

I am sure McInnes’ article is somewhere out there on the web, and I am sure someone will send it to me eventually. But I don’t want to read it until I have written my own take on the subject matter. Frankly, I am jealous that McInnes wrote on this first, since I have been kicking a similar idea around for years. I did not write it out, because up until May of this year, I was living in San Francisco, and the trannies there are far scarier than the antifa. Like the lesbians of Berkeley, they can reduce a man to a skeleton in under 30 seconds.

“Transphobia,” like “homophobia,” is an inherently dishonest term. “Phobia” derives from the Greek “phobos” or fear, and phobias are by definition irrational fears. But transphobia is neither irrational nor a fear. It is an emotion, of course. But it is a completely natural, normal, and healthy emotion. Which is as rational as any emotion gets.

Specifically, transphobia is a perfectly natural feeling of revulsion at men who have their dicks chopped off and women who have their tits chopped off — among many, many other things — in order to “change their sex.” Of course, one’s sex is determined by one’s chromosomes, so “sex changes” do not change anyone’s sex. They merely transform a man into a butchered simulacrum of a woman, or a woman into a butchered simulacrum of a man.

Again: sex-changes are futile, because one cannot change one’s chromosomes. One can only butcher and drug one’s body to look like someone of the opposite sex. And when many transsexuals finally awaken to the horror and futility of what they have done, they kill themselves.

The revulsion I feel toward transsexuals is not based on “meanness” or “ignorance” as liberals would have it, but on sympathy. When a healthy person sees another in pain, he recoils in horror because he feels the pain of others (which is the literal meaning of sympathy — suffering with others). I love my penis, and the thought of losing it fills me with horror. And when one sees self-inflicted suffering, it is natural to feel loathing and anger as well, because it didn’t have to happen. And by hurting themselves, self-mutilators hurt the rest of us as well. I am a bit overly sensitive, perhaps, but I even cringe at the sight of tattoos, partly in pity, partly in revulsion.

The kind of people who don’t feel sympathy and horror at radical forms of self-mutilation are, frankly, sick. They lack elementary sympathy for the pain of others. They may even take pleasure in the pain of others. Or, like most liberals who champion trannies as the next great minority crusade, they take pleasure in the discomfort that sexual mutilation causes “those people” — conservatives, Christians, rednecks, hicks, etc. — the hated others of the liberal loveys. Trannies and other freaks are just tools in the culture war. But in this case, the enemy is not the Right side of the culture, but nature herself — mental and moral health, which apparently drives today’s Left to paroxysms of sadistic rage. Because they’re evil, of course.

After a healthy person feels sympathy-based revulsion at sexual self-mutilation, the first thought that pops into his mind is, “These people must be crazy.” But let’s just withhold judgment for a bit and ask the transsexuals themselves what they think. Interestingly enough, they too claim to suffer from mental illness, namely the feeling of being a man trapped in a woman’s body, or vice versa. So the real issue here is not whether these poor people suffer from a mental illness — they admit it themselves — but rather what sort of treatment they should seek. Self-mutilation is not the cure for mental illness, but just another symptom.

If a man thinks he is Jesus, we do not crucify him. If a man thinks he is Napoleon, we do not crown him emperor. If a man thinks he is a woman, why then should we go along with it? Shouldn’t we try to help him get over his desire to mutilate himself, just as we help anorexics to stop starving themselves, and cutters to stop carving themselves?

And since when is it consistent with the Hippocratic oath — the “First, Do No Harm” part — for doctors to mutilate healthy bodies and turn them into parodies of the opposite sex?

What would I do with transsexuals? First of all, let me say that I have actually known two people who have embarked upon this path. To all appearances they were good-looking heterosexual men who dropped out of sight and then re-emerged as not-so-good-looking women. But all their likable traits and shared interests were disconcertingly intact. So transsexuals are not some abstract other. They are very real to me. This is me being real: having a real reaction to real people undergoing real, drastic transformations. I feel compassion and revulsion toward the transsexuals themselves, and righteous indignation toward the people who enable and exploit them.

So what would my policy be?

First, I would simply say “No.” Every decent society should provide healthcare for the mentally and physically ill. When people are mentally ill, they cannot make responsible decisions for themselves. Thus a decent society needs to exercise paternalism in the interests of the mentally ill. And the primary interest of the mentally ill is to get better, to triumph over their delusions, not to be humored in them, much less aided in radical and futile forms of self-mutilation. Again, self-mutilation is a symptom of mental illness, not a cure. Compassion and responsibility require that we simply say “no.”

Second, the mutilation of healthy bodies is contrary to the proper aim of the medical profession. Thus every doctor who performs sex change operations should be stripped of his license and drummed out of the profession. Sex changes should be outlawed, and any doctor who performs them should be jailed. Indeed, the same treatment should be meted out to doctors who perform any and all forms of genital mutilation.

Third, we must keep a sense of perspective. I don’t hate transsexuals. (I am rather proud of my book Confessions of a Reluctant Hater, so if I did hate them, I would have no problem admitting it.) Transsexuals aren’t evil or threatening. They are not “sinners.” They are simply sick people who should be cared for, not hated or harmed.

The truly evil people are those who exploit these unfortunates for gain: the doctors who mutilate them for money and the Leftists who use them as the latest totems of diversity, progress, and enlightenment — thereby revealing that their true enemy is not injustice or inequality but nature, health, and sanity. Craziest of all, though, is a society that consents to be ruled by such monsters.

diversity_is_racism #fundie

(In a thread titled "Why are antifa such a big bunch of faggot crybabies?")

Everyone under democracy is a bunch of effete (note: the word "faggot" is a sad substitute for this) crybabies.

The solution is eugenics + monarchy + nationalism + traditionalism + a caste system

Any fucking questions?

Mick Williams #fundie

Today's Laugh 12-1-18


Caption 1: "The left vs. conservatives" (something is randomly labelled "Antifa" and two men with masks and turbans are labelled "Mao" and "Che". Both appear to be fighting.)

Caption 2: "The left vs. literature"
A sign in the background reads "Banned from School" and the following list appears: "RUDOLPH" - promotes bullying; "SANTA" - capitalist; "LORD OF THE RINGS" - Racist portrayal of orcs as inferior; "DANIEL BOONE" - nationalist; "LITTLE HOUSE" - sexist; "GRINCH" - belittles deformities; "LASSIE" - animal exploitation; "SCROOGE" - promotes Christianity; "FROSTY" - climate change denial.

Just Mat:
They guzzle sewage from hell while finding everything good, wholesome, beneficial to humanity, helpful and just plain enjoyable and fun as evil. Actually, they are the type who can never be "happy" until they have made everyone else (except their own filthy ilk) miserable. And they use the bludgeon of illegally passed laws supported by illegal judges to beat true people over the heads with. I say "true people" because these things have lost every shred of humanity and have become vicious rabid (but sentient and trained) animals. And that fact that they can still think on some level makes them a threat to people.

Mick Williams:
I think there are 2 main reasons why they can't debate: one is not having a leg to stand on; the other is being a product of the leftist education system. They don't know history or logic.

Mick Williams:
When you throw punches like girls, it's necessary to outnumber conservatives 20 to 1.

Lady Checkmate:
Smh. Those cry-bullies will only physically attack others when they outnumber them 20 to 1 (cowards) and those monsters would rather sexually exploit children than show them wholesome tv shows and cartoons. They support sexual deviants reading books to preschoolers at the library (priming them for child-rape), but take issue with those same children hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. SMH. Children need to know that God loves them and He has a plan for their lives. But, the child-rape advocates don't want children to know the Truth, so they fight anything wholesome, pure and righteous. They're disgusting filth.
Matthew 18:6 (KJV)
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Mick Williams:
Yep, and a lot of these guys wearing millstones are going to be dressed in drag--former child cultivators.

Hannah R. McClintock #fundie

[Sorry for a WTF source, but the only non-wingnut sites covering this were Liveleak and Portland PD homesite itself.]

On Saturday, a 19-year-old so-called "anti-fascist" protester was arrested after she punched and spat on demonstrators at a #HimToo rally in Portland.

The #HimToo rally was organized by conservative activist Haley Adams to draw awareness to the sexual victimization of men and the falsely accused. Left-wing counter-protesters showed up to disrupt the event. Demonstrators and at least one reporter on site were harassed and assaulted by the agitators. The rally ended with a total of six arrests.

In footage captured by independent journalist and Quillette Magazine editor Andy C. Ngo, a young Antifa counter-protester later identified as Hannah R. McClintock by the Portland Police Bureau confronts male demonstrators at the rally. Backed by a chant of "We believe survivors" by her fellow Antifa activists, McClintock gets herself into a fighting stance and waves on the demonstrators to apparently engage in a physical altercation with her. She also spits on them as she repeatedly yells the word "b****."

Later in the video, McClintock physically assaults the male demonstrators.

Two #HimToo activists are heard in the video directing their fellow protesters not to fight back against the female and to "calm down."

"Let it happen, let it happen," says one of the protesters. "Don't touch her. Let her attack us, let her attack us."

Apparently failing to elicit the reaction she wants, the aggressive Antifa female continues with her antics. McClintock repeatedly gets in the men's faces and spits on them yet again.

"It's all good, it's all good," a #HimToo protester says calmly in response. "Let her spit. It's all good."

McClintock assaults a #HimToo protester once again before a swarm of Portland officers take her away.

"McClintock was arrested near Southwest 3rd Avenue and Southwest Taylor Street. McClintock was lodged at the Multnomah County Jail on a charge of Harassment," says a press release from the Portland Police Bureau.

Guided Meditation #conspiracy

Non-Elected elites in their luxury sky boxes are going to herd people like cattle into Fema camps. Confiscate their property and force them to live in urban hell holes. But only if we let them. Supporting Globalists, supporting Antifa, supporting Hillary, and what the Democrat party has become, is all helping to ensure your children live in a Megacity Hell Hole.\n\nThe Globalists use carrots and sticks to herd people into thinking what they are doing is their own idea. Like staging tragedies like the Vegas Shooting to confiscate guns. They inject hundreds of millions of dollars into groups like BLM to spread hatred and mistrust in Police departments in hopes that the people will demand the federalization of all 18,000 police departments and 640,000 full-time police officers. A Massive Power Grab.\n\nOur whole legal system and government is multi tiered with one set of rules for elites and another set for ordinary people. We even have to constitutions. Both political parties are stacked with Freemason and deep state loyalists so that no matter which party wins -- THEY are in power. People don't like to believe that old familiar faces in politics and on network news are actually agents of the elites and the one world police state. Republicans have their RINOs (Republicans in name only) that always can be counted on to stop legislation and tow the Elite party line. And there are kind and friendly faces on the News like Diane Sawyer that are praised for their help and silence by the Council on foreign relations, in promoting the one world police state. \n\nProtecting American Sovereignty, Securing our borders and stamping out Globalism like the cancer it is, will be the best ways for us to stay free. Notice how loving your country and being proud of your flag and anthem are suddenly a bad thing? Well don't believe it. They are trying to undermine the United States from within so they can destroy it. Megacities will be our eternal bondage.

Rose City Antifa #fundie

A man assaulted by Antifa supporters in a video that went viral following a demonstration against a far-right rally in Portland, Oregon, says he is not a fascist but a Bernie Sanders-supporting progressive and registered Democrat.

On August 4, Portland-based far-right group Patriot Prayer rallied at the city’s Tom McCall Waterfront Park. But it was opposed by a larger number of counter-demonstrators from various left-wing and liberal groups in the city.

Footage shows Paul Welch, 38, wrestling with masked anti-fascists for possession of the American flag he brought to the counter-demo. They demanded he let go of the flag, calling it a “fascist symbol,” reported The Oregonian.

"The right and certainly a lot of smaller groups like Patriot Prayer might rush to things like the flag and try to take it up as, 'This is our symbol exclusively,'" Welch, a protest regular, told The Oregonian. "Part of my thinking was to take it back."

One of the men in the video beats Welch on the legs with a club-like object before striking him on the head with it. Welch is left bleeding on the floor, holding his head, as his assailants calmly walk off.

He feared he would be beaten to death but was taken to hospital by onlookers and his head gash stapled back together by doctors. Welch, who said he voted for socialist Sanders in the 2016 Democratic primary, was also concussed.


Rose City Antifa, the anti-fascist group in Portland, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Nathan "Leucosticte" Larson #wingnut

The coming fight between accelerationism and decelerationism

We learned from my campaign that we can't go up against the system directly, and try to make it more patriarchist. If you do that, the feminists will find your vulnerable points and apply as much pressure as is needed to force you out of the race. The leftists have SJWs (for soft power) and Antifa (for hard power) on their side, and they will destroy your livelihood (or that of whoever supports you), among other things. The alt-right, meanwhile, will not defend you, because they're not only too small and weak, they're too busy trying to figure out who among them is legit and who's running a false flag operation. And of course the cuckservatives won't defend you, because they're cucks.

So I see a looming fight between incels and conservative betas. Incels are have-nots, and have nothing to lose from the collapse of civilization; in fact, the collapse would be beneficial to incels because it would make way for a new and better civilization to be built in its place. However, there could be a bloody conflict when order breaks down; or at any rate, quite a lot of apple carts could be upset. Those who have something to lose don't want that. They have a wife and kids and they're afraid of what's going to happen if the status quo is disturbed.

Our only choice, though, is between a quick decline and a slow decline, because the current path society is on is not sustainable. There's no way to reverse the decline, either, because society is too far gone; we've already crossed the event horizon and the singularity is our inevitable destiny. The decelerationists want to slow down the decline, so they can enjoy their lives and hopefully not have to deal with the coming cataclysm in this generation. The "conservative" movement is about trying to "conserve" what exists for as long as possible, even though they can't hold onto it forever. The accelerationists, on the other hand, want to speed up the decline, so they can hopefully reap the benefits of the new order in their lifetime.

As the decline progresses, though, there will be more have-nots who will have reason to want to accelerate the decline. We can expect, for instance, that more men who, in times past would've been betas, instead will become incels. These men will want to hasten the collapse because the current state of affairs is painful for them, and they are eager to build something better, once what exists now is out of the way.

The way accelerationism will work is that we won't give a fuck about what gets destroyed, because it's all going to get destroyed anyway. If anything, we should try to bring about MORE destruction, more quickly. We should wreak chaos and bring about even more conflict between the sexes, so that as more men are rendered incel, they will become radicalized rather than continuing to try to "conserve" a dying system.

A key strategy in doing this will be to elect the most leftist, feminist politicians. Meanwhile, the decelerationists will try to elect more conservative politicians; but eventually they won't have enough votes to get their way any longer. This outcome is inevitable even if we incels do nothing, since the leftists are unstoppable (as evidenced, for example, by the coming blue wave, which will probably bring into office historic numbers of female politicians); but we can take action to speed it up.

Nathan "Leucosticte" Larson #fundie

So, it appears I’m officially withdrawing from the race tomorrow

I’ll be going down to the registrar and submitting this form. (For an explanation of why I’m dropping out of the race, see my earlier post.)

I’m endorsing Jennifer Wexton for Congress. The reasons are as follows:

First, I think in times like this, when we’re displeased with the direction in which the government is going — and especially when, as now, society is on an unsustainable path — we should vote out the incumbents. The only exception might be when the incumbent in question is an unusually good politician, like Ron Paul, who introduces proposals that, if enacted, could radically benefit our society. Barbara Comstock doesn’t meet that threshold, so she should be voted out.

Either Comstock is a moderate, or she hasn’t demonstrated much political courage. This is dereliction of duty. It’s supposedly the role of a member of the Republican Party — the whiter and more conservative party — to defend our culture against decay, not hasten the decline. But we’ve seen her continually take the side of career women, e.g. by pushing legislation against sexual harassment, rather than advocate that women should be in the home where they will be protected by male family members. For this betrayal of correct moral values, she should be electorally punished, even if it means elevating Wexton to high office. In the words of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, “If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it.”

To advance the cause of patriarchism, we should at every opportunity seek to purge out the female politicians and cuckservative politicians from the Republican Party. The best chance would have been in the primary, when Shak Hill was trying to get nominated; but since that didn’t happen, it will be necessary to get rid of Barbara in the general election instead. Then, in 2020, it will be possible to nominate someone better.

Remember, there’s no such thing as a patriarchist Congresswoman; any woman who runs for office, rather than staying at home to take care of kids, is obviously a feminist. The Independent Women’s Forum, to which Barbara Comstock belongs, is a moderate feminist organization. She spends her time on programs like the 10th Congressional District Young Women Leadership Program, which teaches high school girls to devote their years of peak beauty and fertility to “ambitious educational and career goals” rather than getting married, having kids, and putting family first.

This type of feminist enculturation leads women down a path to worry and unhappiness. Today, one out of five adult women is taking a psychiatric drug, a rate that is double that of men. Women take anti-anxiety pills to help them deal with the stress of shouldering responsibilities that in times past, men used to handle for them; and they turn to antidepressants when they find that having a career is not as satisfying as devoting themselves to taking care of family.

Third, Wexton and her fellow Democrats might be slightly better than Comstock and her fellow Republicans on issues like cannabis legalization that are of interest to libertarians. Many incels and volcels co2uld end up devoting much of the remainder of their lives to LDAR’ing. Given that feminism has destroyed much of the incentive for male success and accomplishment by rendering relations between the sexes so dysfunctional, there will be many men with decades of basement-dwelling, vidya-playing, 2D-anime-masturbating, and shitposting ahead of them; and they could benefit from some relatively harmless copes such as cannabis. After all, it’s not like they have a wife and kids (or the potential to, through betabuxxing, get a wife and kids) they’d be neglecting by spending their time getting high.

But of course, those members of society who are fortunate enough to live a somewhat decent life can also benefit from cannabis legalization by using it to enhance their experiences. A lot of them will probably use it as a substitute for harder drugs like opiates anyway, so it’s actually going to improve public health. There’s really not a lot of downside to pot legalization, but for whatever reason, Comstock never advocated it. Probably she figures, since not a lot of women get busted for pot, legalization is not really a women’s issue, so therefore she’s not going to care about it. That’s how those female politicians roll; but Wexton, being under the dominion of Democratic party bosses, might feel compelled to support pot legalization, as part of their strategy to seem pro-black and pro-Latino while also siphoning some of the pot consumer vote away from the Greens and Libertarians.

Fourth, it seems doubtful that patriarchist libertarians can bring about the more drastic changes we want to see in society by directly pushing back against the leftists. What happened to my candidacy was proof of that. As Roosh V pointed out, as soon as you move beyond engaging in “controlled speech,” i.e. what the establishment doesn’t mind your saying, and into the realm of truly dissident “free speech,” that’s when you will get shut down.

So what we will need to do instead, perhaps, is elect candidates like Jennifer Wexton whose radical (compared to Comstock’s) brand of leftist, feminist, “progressive” egalitarianism will move society toward the brink all the more swiftly. Once civilization collapses, then we can build a new and better civilization along capitalist and patriarchist lines. Wexton is the accelerationist choice.

Right now, the Alt-Right is embracing accelerationism more and more, as they see how hellbent the left is on censorship. The premise behind accelerationism is that our state of affairs has to get worse before it can get better. Andrew Anglin told his supporters, for example, to join the leftists in pressuring the major Silicon Valley tech companies to kick Alex Jones off of every platform. The goal is to force Alex Jones onto platforms that are less-regulated by the establishment, where he can speak more freely. The people who manage to follow him into these darker recesses of the Internet will be a more radical group.

Similarly, when I drop out of the race, I won’t be speaking at forums run by groups like the League of Women Voters or the NAACP, where there’s a left-leaning audience and a left-of-center moderator like Stephen Farnsworth. I don’t mind speaking to hostile audiences, but in the age of Antifa, the era of trying to persuade one’s opponents is obviously over. It’s all a fight for supremacy now.

I’ll be going underground. The darkweb seems to be where the future is at for those who want to share unorthodox views. Anglin had to spend his time there, and apparently, so will I.

What’s isolated from the mainstream can develop without interference from it. Meanwhile, the mainstream’s ability to argue against our ideas atrophies, as they sit in their own echo chamber. Polarization accelerates, as the country divides into rival factions that will meet again when guerrilla warfare breaks out.

MarquisDePaid #fundie

I think something the Alt-Right is failing with is letting the Antifas monopolize the Autocaust. And when I say the "Autocaust" I mean Heather Heyers death.

While Heather was certainly in the wrong with her actions on that day, being on the Antifa side in a protest, she was still a European-American woman who lost her life. The European-American community still lost a young white woman essentially to leftist brainwashing and she could have turned her life around if the leftist oppressors weren't in power.
It wasn't a Jewish-American or African-American who died, it was a European-American woman.

Also, imagine the horror and rage Antifa would react with if we started rolling as if we were the victims of the Autocaust, and the attention it would generate by the confused and horrified rage.

CertifiedRabbi #racist

My first real red pill occurred when I was 14-15 while I was doing research online about IQ. I already knew that I had a high IQ when I was accepted into a very prestigious private boarding school in New England, but I wanted to learn more about what exactly IQ is. And it was during that research online that I accidentally stumbled across the raging debate over racial IQ differences. After a lot of painful and uncomfortable research and soul-searching, I very reluctantly came to the extremely disturbing conclusion that the toothless, racist, inbred, skinhead, neo-Nazi, KKK pieces of shit really did have science and reality on their side.

But rather than just ending my red-pilling process there, it's probably a good idea to go over more of the details on my background in order to provide additional context to my current worldview since I think that it will help to dispel lazy stereotypes about most Alt-Righters being born into trailer parks or whatever.

My parents grew up in very liberal, wealthy families in the sister cities of Detroit and Flint, Michigan - two cities that were eventually completely ruined by black people during their lifetimes. But they first met each other at a law school that won't be named because I've already provided way too much doxxable info. After they graduated, they White Flighted to Fairfax County, Virginia - which is considered to be a part of the larger Washington, D.C. area (another city that was ruined by blacks) and is where I spent about half of my childhood.

Despite my parents being very liberal, they were actually quite socially conservative in many ways - such as their decision to not allow my siblings and I to watch TV or play video games growing up because they (correctly) thought that it would rot our brains. And the private boarding schools that I attended also didn't allow us to have TVs in our dorms. So, what do you do for entertainment when you can't watch TV or play video games? Read lots and lots of books. I had already read all of Carl Sagan's books, all of Stephen Hawking's books, all of Jared Diamond's books, and many other similar popular science books by the time that I was 13. So, I was an absolutely massive science fanboy growing up.

I was also super liberal and politically conscious growing up because my parents and grandparents were heavily involved in donating to and campaigning for the DNC for decades. Some of my earliest memories were being dragged around the Presidential campaigns of Clinton and Gore back in the 1990s and getting a behind-the-scenes look at the Clinton/Gore administration - which was pretty cool.

That's why I was so fucking incensed to see these racist, redneck fucktards dare try to claim that the science was on their side. I wanted to completely annihilate their arguments, and so I read a small mountain of books and at least a hundred blog posts and online articles and watched several documentaries on this topic before coming to the literally physically painful conclusion that the evil, subhuman racists really did have the data on their side, and that my liberal side of the debate was spouting half-truths and flat-out lies in a desperate attempt to combat White supremacy and uphold their liberal egalitarian paradigm.

I basically went full Kraut & Tea for about half a year or so researching this topic in my free time, except that I actually had the intellectual honesty to admit that the racists were right. I actually genuinely and naively believed in the liberal mantra of being open-minded and following the evidence regardless of how unpleasant it might be to my own sensibilities - and it caused me to realize that racism, social Darwinism, and eugenics is scientifically justified...

So, that was quite the traumatic red pill... But I actually managed to remain a loyal shitlib for several more years despite that paradigm-shattering realization on such an important issue. And that's because it's extremely hard to escape the liberal ideological bubble. My brain had basically been marinating in liberal propaganda my entire life. And simply being a Republican was enough to become a social pariah in the kinds of far-left social circles that I existed in. My family and friends were liberal as fuck, the communities that I lived in were liberal as fuck, the private boarding schools that I attended were liberal as fuck, the authors that I read were liberal as fuck, the popular culture that I consumed was uniformly liberal as fuck, the news that I consumed was liberal as fuck, the university that I attended was liberal as fuck, et cetera.
Reading books from far-left ideologues like Noam Chomsky in middle school and high school actually caused me to become even more far-left in my teens. I was even borderline Antifa at one point. But it was traveling to former and current communist countries, walking through museums that were dedicated to exposing communist crimes against humanity, and reading critiques of the left (e.g., The Black Book of Communism) which caused me to gradually become disillusioned with the left as I started college.

But the last straw that finally broke the camel's back was the brutal murder of my liberal White best friend by a pack of 15 MS-13 illegal immigrant gang members when we were both sophomores in college. I had never even heard of MS-13. While researching them online, I came across a random blog post by conservative pundit Michelle Malkin that was basically sounding the warning bells about the dangers of MS-13 in the Washington, D.C. area and condemning the left for allowing violent illegal immigrant gang members to spread across previously idyllic American communities.

That blog post - which she probably didn't even put that much thought and effort into - completely broke me mentally. I could barely even look at the screen while reading it because I knew that just a few weeks ago I probably would have left an angry comment on her blog calling her a racist, right-wing asshole and hoping that she got hit by a bus for writing something that was so blatantly ignorant and bigoted.
I had also strongly supported open borders, multiculturalism, diversity, tolerance, sanctuary cities, and amnesty. I was basically a global citizen of the world that supported a UN on steroids because I didn't think that global problems like climate change and inequality could be solved without much stronger global governance. I basically viewed nation-states as being these primitive, tribalistic relics that were enabling disease, income inequality, war, environmental destruction, and xenophobic racism.

After reading that blog post, I finally realized that my best friend's blood was on my hands because I had supported those dangerously retarded leftist policies. And I also finally realized that my leftist views were helping to completely ruin one previously serene White community after the next and sacrificing countless innocent White lives to the altar of diversity and anti-racism. I became completely radicalized against my former leftist comrades after I realized that they had taken advantage of my ignorance and innocent altruism by brainwashing me with such a dangerously suicidal and delusional ideology.

When I first left the left and joined "the dark side", I actually started out as a fucking neocon because neocons still dominated the conservative movement - and because I was reading lots of neocon journals and books as I was exploring right-wing ideology and right-wing critiques of the left. I also became an Islamophobe because I was reading Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch blog on an almost daily basis. And I even briefly became a non-Jewish Zionist because Zionist propaganda is omnipresent in the mainstream cuckservative movement, and especially in the Islamophobia community.
Robert Spencer and other Islamophobes constantly denounce racism and routinely spout the talking point that criticism of Islam has absolutely nothing to do with race; but brown- and black-skinned Muslims flooding into the White Western world and leeching off of our welfare states, filling our prisons, turning underage White girls into sex slaves, slaughtering us in terrorist attacks, aggressively shoving their way of life onto us, and openly declaring their desire to rule over us is obviously a racial issue.
That realization caused me to seek out moderate White "racialists", which is how I discovered Jared Taylor's work. The flawless logic of his arguments and his relatively moderate approach towards pro-White activism completely changed my perceptions of White nationalists. I quickly became a closeted White nationalist and race realist (I have to pretend to be a liberal in real life in order to avoid being socially ostracized). And then Richard Spencer's work impressed me back in around 2014, which caused me to join the Alt-Right.

As to the JQ; I was very close-minded and dismissive towards the JQ my entire life, even after I became a White nationalist. I basically viewed the JQ as extremely counterproductive conspiracy mongering which didn't have any merit and would only scare people away because it reeked of Nazism; but it was during a debate with a fellow White nationalist about 4 years ago where he recommended that I read Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique, and so I did. That's one of those paradigm-shifting books which completely transforms how you view the world. I checked his references to see if they were actually true, and I was shocked to see that they were. I'll never look at Jews or the world the same way again after reading that book.
So, yeah - that's a really long-winded explanation for why I left the left and joined the Alt-Right.

Mike Adams #conspiracy

August 4 protests FALSE FLAG warning – a “perfect storm” for staged deaths to demonize conservative Americans

Today I’ve posted an urgent warning video, which you can see in full, below. This video — which would have been banned by YouTube and Facebook — is available exclusively on

It explains that Aug. 4 is shaping up to be a “perfect storm” false flag event, where deaths are staged in order to blame conservative Americans and sway public opinion for the upcoming mid-term elections. If Democrats gain a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, they promise to impeach President Trump — an act that would likely set off a nationwide civil war.

In the video below, I warn that anti-Trump, anti-American “terrorist” forces such as Antifa and the Portland Police Department (which is complicit with left-wing terrorists) are likely planning a false flag event which could consist of one or more of the following attacks:

- Vehicular assault against Antifa terrorists (similar to the Charlottesville attack).
- Firearms assaults against Antifa terrorists in order to blame gun-owning Americans and call for more gun control
- Bombings and arson, including demolition of buildings to collapse on top of protesters
- Biological or chemical attacks that target Leftists

The insane, deranged Left is about to move America from the “info war” stage to the “kinetic war” stage of the civil war. While no prediction is 100% accurate, Aug. 4 looks like it could be a trigger point that unleashes the opening chapter of the kinetic war. Be cautious and safe this weekend.

TheMythof_Feminism #fundie

"One band of unhinged radical feminists from Lorena’s native Ecuador threatened what they called ‘emasculation terrorism,’ in which they would cut off the penises of ten American men for every year of Mrs Bobbitt’s prison sentence, if she was jailed".

I really wish these types of groups would try that kind of thing in Mexico. The U.S. is so noble and kind, it tries to avoid violence at all cost..... in Mexico however, violence is met with superior violence.

BLM, antifa, SJW/feminism.... I yearn to see them attempt their bullshit here. It's going to be legendary.

Are you from Mexico?

Yep. Born, raised and will die here.

Would you mind sharing what those groups are perceived like where you live?

Most people don't know or care ... and those that do know, have no opinion. Mexico has a very strong and very pervasive attitude of "leave me alone and I leave you alone" , so groups like BLM, antifa and SJW/feminism would have zero chance of success here, doubly so if they try the use of violence.

As I said before, violence here is met with superior violence. BLM riots would get massacred, literally. Antifa groups would.... probably get captured, tortured and then killed one by one.

It is very , VERY not advisable to try that kind of violence here..... even muslims , when about 15,000 were here due to Obama's dumbfuckery, knew better than to start any trouble. Mexico is not europe or the U.S.... we do not have the kind and noble attitude that you guys have. Anyone that starts shit at that level is going to take a dirt-nap real quick....

doggie47304 #fundie

(Responding to another member, who wrote in response to an article posted entitled "Leftist Antifa Terrorist Arrested with Bombs with Plans"; "There was NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING, in the articles about a motive or linking him with a conspiracy. All there was was Cernovich's editorializing with no relation to the limited info in the article. Again, could be the usual lone wolf. Obviously, you WANT damage and destruction, people hurt, just to further your twisted agenda!") Boldface mine:

He's a member of Antifa, nimrod. Only someone with the IQ of a cup of chocolate pudding can't figure out what motivated him -- far left-wing ideology.

You're are truly a moron.

Secret Asshole #fundie

[On the proposed "Unmasking Antifa Act"]

It adds leverage to the state while weakening a terrorist group. Granted that 'terrorist group' is filled with soyboy faggots, limp wristed university liberals and weak white boys. Seriously, I've seen more black guys on the OTHER side than the ANTIFA side. If the 'fascists' have more blacks than you, you REALLY need to take a look at yourself. I've also only seen ANTIFA do any damage through cheap shots, hitting defenseless targets and shit like that.

When its open street warfare they ALWAYS get fucked. Because they don't have ANY blue collar supporters. Its not like the days of old where union riots involved bombs, lead pipes and men. Now it involves weak, lanky faggots looking to club someone in the back of the head against fucking steel workers and veterans. Its so pathetic.

The mayors that support ANTIFA and call off the cops are doing the opposition a HUGE favor, because we see how weak they are. They spout civil war, but holy shit, if they're putting that out there, the war would be quick, violent and they'd be eradicated in a second. Their enemies are holding back. They don't have a single clue what would happen if the opposition was as violent as they were. There would be bodies on the ground for sure.

Secret Asshole #fundie

Well, it isn't like ANTIFA has a sense of irony. They truly believe they are fighting real Nazis. They honestly do not have a clue they're basically just fighting against blue collar workers, construction workers, veterans, mechanics and other people who do manual labor for a living while most of them are unemployed or living off daddy's dime.

Which is going to be a lot more expensive. I want to see this law go into affect, because these faggot mayors need to see their little pet mobs go to jail. The fact that they are terminally getting blown the fuck out every time they start shit is only icing on the cake.


Yes. Their entire ideology, the entire social justice wave is based on outdated 1960s ideology and injustices that largely do not exist anymore. They dream of being these 'freedom fighters' and 'anarchists against the man', except most people just want to better their lives, not start another civil war or restrict speech, behavior and art.

ANTIFA is a direct threat to creativity, the first amendment, the right to assemble. If it were up to me, I'd gun them down each time they showed with bean-bags, rubber bullets and rubber pellet launching grenades. They're fascist cunts and posers and seeing them get permanently injured from their larping is something we need to see more of. Because these faggots are children throwing a tantrum, and they need to be taught violence is not something you fuck around with.

CertifiedRabbi #fundie

I just plea for the people that do show up to present the movement well, although I know that that's probably not realistic since the people that are crazy enough to engage in pro-White activism in the real world tend to have "eccentric" personalities. Just please do your best to not spout extremist rhetoric or display extremist symbols. And please, please, please be non-violent.
And for the people that will denounce me for being a beta optics cuck; of the two scenarios listed below, which do you think will best help our movement to grow?
Strategy A, the "don't cuck one single fucking inch" strategy: call out the Jew as much as possible while carrying torches; don't reject our traditional symbols like the Confederate flag, neo-Nazi symbols, and KKK uniforms; don't be afraid to give Nazi salutes because it strikes fear into our enemies and helps to "trim the fat"; beat the fuck out of anyone who dares to attack you first in order to prove to the world that we're alpha Chads; don't forget to bring guns and tactical gear because it's technically legal under the 2nd Amendment; and make sure to bring shields, helmets, and batons because we're almost certainly going to get physically assaulted by leftists.
Strategy B, aka strategic optics cucking: show up wearing a suit or at least normal clothing; carry innocuous yet subversive signs that read "It's Okay To Be White"; use Jared Taylor as the model for how to respond to extremely politically incorrect questions about race; respond with love and kindness towards our enemies rather than hate and anger; and never fight back when attacked and do your best to act like pacifist monks.
When I was writing comments on this subreddit in the immediate aftermath of the first Unite the Right rally advocating for strategy B, people were angrily denouncing me and accusing me of intentionally trying to get people on our side hurt. And I guess that it's actually true that I care more about what's best for the movement than I do about the health and safety of our supporters that are engaging in real world activism. And this is an issue where Richard and I strongly disagree.
Richard seems to be genuinely concerned about getting punched again, whereas that mindset makes absolutely zero sense to me because I'm simply not afraid of being physically assaulted. And it seems like there's something like a 50/50 split among people in general who are actually genuinely terrified of the prospect of being physically assaulted (even if they know that it probably won't be fatal), while the other half couldn't really care less and even enjoys fighting. And then there's another split in the movement between the people like me that are much more afraid of getting their life ruined through a doxx, whereas people like Richard give absolutely zero fucks when it comes to that type of thing.
So, I don't want to give Richard and other people in the movement too much shit by calling them pussies if they're unwilling to martyr their bodies by absorbing some blows from Antifa and other anti-White, communist degenerates without fighting back - because obviously I'm the bigger bitch here for being scared of being doxxed.
But regardless of who's a bitch or not, my advice in favor of pacifism and optics cucking is simply right. By not fighting back, even when you're justified in doing so, you deny Antifa and the larger left's strategy of baiting you into committing crimes and looking like violent thugs.
I used to be a radical leftist activist that was borderline Antifa, so I know how they operate. They intentionally try to provoke the police, or in this case Alt-Right activists, into attacking them because then they'll have tons of great footage of the police/Alt-Right activists acting like violent savages - which they can then convert into propaganda footage for their cause. They can also wage lawfare against you in order to throw you in jail, turn you into an informant, sue the fuck out of you, and ultimately discredit you in the minds of the masses by making you look like dangerously violent neo-Nazi Klansmen.
You're going to be completely surrounded by dozens of hostile leftist journalists who absolutely despise you and who secretly sympathize with the leftists that are trying to violently shut down your speech. They're going to edit their footage to make you look like monsters regardless of what you say or do. But you can't use that as an excuse to go full 14/88. You always have to keep your composure and maintain the moral high ground.
And try to think about it this way: We all know that Antifa and other anti-White communists are going to show up in droves, right? Welp, stop thinking about them as your mortal enemy and start viewing them as your greatest asset. They're autistic enough to proudly display communist symbols and physically assault you, and that's ultimately a good thing for our movement. Bait them into attacking you so that you can send them to jail, sue the fuck out of them, and discredit the entire leftist establishment that backs them and the underlying "anti-racist" leftist ideology that they represent. And by baiting them, I don't mean lunging at them or cussing them out or whatever. Simply showing up with an "It's Okay To Be White" sign or a red MAGA hat and an American flag will be enough to provoke them into violently attacking you. Take the beating, try to look as vulnerable as possible, and don't fight back.
Congratulations! You've successfully figured out a strategy to turn the left's violence and extremism into the greatest PR asset for our movement. They're the ones that will come away from that rally looking like evil, communist, anti-White monsters. And you and the larger pro-White/Alt-Right community will come away looking like the victims that were being violently persecuted simply because you're mildly pro-White and were trying to exercise your free speech rights. That will red-pill so many fucking people. And you only have to suffer some cuts and bruises that will eventually heal. And that's a pretty small price to pay if you really do care about saving your people from the anti-White left and (((You-Know-Who))).
I know that your natural instincts are to fight back and to defend yourself because nobody wants to look like a weak little bitch while getting laughed at and taunted by an angry mob, but that's honestly what you have to do if you want to strategically outmaneuver our enemies. The Western world has been completely cucked; they don't like bullies. This whole mindset of trying to out-alpha Antifa and control the streets by force is so meatheaded and counterproductive at our current level of growth and popularity. You guys tried that strategy at the first rally, and it backfired horribly. The sane response to the absolutely massive PR disaster that was the first Unite the Right rally isn't to double down, as most people in the movement are (stupidly) advocating for. Give my strategy a chance.
And oh, yeah - police your ranks too. The left - heck, maybe even the government - will almost certainly send infiltrators into the movement that are intentionally going to try to make us look bad and produce legal evidence and propaganda footage to use against us. We already know that they did that at the last rally. All they have to do is send in a few people carrying extremist symbols like Nazi flags and give Nazi salutes to the press in order to give the press the "gotcha" footage that they want. Even if those people are genuine, you still need to try to gently remove them from the rally and go out of your way to clearly denounce them. And I don't care if people will get mad at me for saying that. You have to have a zero tolerance policy towards that type of bad optics if you want the movement to go mainstream and actually make a difference.
This is our chance to rehabilitate the movement and put the wind back into our sails. Don't fuck it up.

Hunter Wallace #fundie

[From "Annapolis Shooting"]

I think we can say trust in the media hit a new all time low this afternoon:

“Jarrod W. Ramos, who law enforcement sources say used a shotgun to blast his way into the Capital Gazette newsroom on Thursday, killing five people and wounding two others, had a long-running dispute with the news organization.

He had previously made “general threats” against the community newspaper company over social media, including some as recent Thursday, said William Krampf, Anne Arundel County’s acting police chief. The threats “indicated violence,” Chief Krampf said. —

His feud with The Capital, the chain’s daily newspaper, apparently began with a column in 2011 that detailed his alleged harassment of a high school classmate.”

Contrary to earlier reports, the shooting in Annapolis seems to have had nothing to do with MILO or President Trump describing the press as “the enemy of the people.”

I will reiterate what I said on Gab earlier this evening:

I’ve interacted with the press more than most people and have been smeared in countless hit pieces over the years. At the same time, I have met journalists and reporters who were fair in their articles and I can’t imagine why anyone would want to harm them. In Charlottesville, there were reporters who portrayed the events of August 12th as a “Neo-Nazi domestic terrorist attack.” There were others like Millie Weaver who were attacked by Antifa. Some of our medics treated their injuries that day.

The mainstream media is full of serial liars who are engaging in politics under the cover of journalism. This is why President Trump denounces the press as “the enemy of the American people.” These people act like a hostile elite who have nothing but contempt for ordinary Americans. I just want to stress that not every journalist is our enemy. Some local reporters are just ordinary people doing their jobs. The press needs to reflect on how they as a class have become so alienated from millions of their fellow citizens and change their irresponsible behavior before we see more days like this one.

Millions will hear this news and smile while others will not approve, but will understand the motives of Jarrod Ramos. No one celebrates school shootings while lots of people will rejoice when journalists are shot because they have watched them ruin the lives of people like Andrew Dodson. This shooting in Annapolis is a new milestone in the hatred of the press that might inspire copycats.

If you are a journalist, today was a reminder of the need to show grace and common decency to the people you cover in your stories.

PETER BARTELS #conspiracy

In between PHOENIX (a German public news/documentary TV channel - Bastethotep) and the minister of misery, that - Stumble...Awe...Moan— at least admits, to have carried the BAMF responsibility, "But state, society and media as well". Which media? Merkels l'état c'est moi? Which society? The immigrant mafia for Antifa-Sozis, cross-deniers, Jussuf-justice, Gender labor unions, Meditteranian-Maffiosi, Sandal-Socialists? Which media? Merkels Central Committee? Thus all of them?

Original German:

Zwischendurch PHOENIX und der Minister der Misere, der – Stutz — Staun — Stöhn — zwar zugibt, die BAMF-Verantwortung getragen zu haben, “aber Staat, Gesellschaft und Medien auch”. Welcher Staat? Merkels l’etat c’est moi? Welche Gesellschaft? Die Migranten-Mafia um Antifa-Sozis, Kreuz-Verleugner, Jussuf-Justiz, Gender-Gewerkschaft, Mittelmeer-Mafiosi , Sandalen-Sozialisten? Welche Medien? Merkels Zentralkomitee? Also alle?

The Rev. William H. Grimes #fundie

Sermon 26: Safety in the Church
By The Rev. William H. Grimes
Luke 22:36 says "Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a wallet, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Recently, the "March for Our Lives" Soros funded rally happened. They want to take away our God given right to defend ourselves, our families, and our congregations with the means of firearms. Even liberals in the Episcopal "Church" have been getting involved with this movement. Episcopalians don't want their congregants to be safe anyway, since they may object to guns but don't object to grown 6'4 men in drag using the same bathroom as little Susie and her mom. THIS IS A CONTRADICTION AND AN ABOMINATION UNTO THE LORD! SAY AMEN IN THE HOUSE OF THE LIVING GOD! YOUUUUUUCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

JC Hinson #wingnut #psycho

[From "The Deuce and a Half is now our official “Truck of Peace”"]

We have people EVERYWHERE. Take note.


A sergeant in the Tennessee State Guard has been reprimanded after engaging in a conversation on social media alluding to running over anti-fascist activists with a military cargo truck.


The Tennessee Department of Military confirmed that Casey Gillespie, who apparently took part in the public discussion with another man on Gillespie’s personal Facebook page, remains a sergeant in the volunteer arm of the department.

As he should be. Sgt. Gillespie was obviously just referring to Tennessee’s proposed legislation SB0944:

Tennessee General Assembly

Tort Liability and Reform – As introduced, provides civil immunity for the driver of an automobile who injures a protester who is blocking traffic in a public right-of-way if the driver was exercising due care. – Amends TCA Title 19; Title 20; Title 29, Chapter 34; Title 54 and Title 55.

Currently, SB 944 is awaiting the approval of the Senate Judiciary Committee. It is the urgent wish of this author that the State Bill pass immediately before the next antifa rally.


It is the sincere wish of this author that all Tennessee State Guardsmen travel in Deuce and a Half Trucks at all times. You never know when antifa might try to, “block traffic in a public right-of-way.”

Antifa trans-ponies better stick to the sidewalks lol,

JC Hinson

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Antifa roaming Austin streets telling people they have no business being out after dark

Was confronted coming out of work on Congress Ave at 9pm. Told get off the street if I know what's good for me and don't get caught outside my house.
Cops were everywhere and Antifa running and hiding in the shadows, dressed in full black garb.
After the bombings today, Antifa is up to something !

FreedLymonia #fundie

I do not hate freedom. But I hate selfish sociopaths who who use "freedom" as a shield to hide behind while caring not in the slightest for anyone else's freedom or the other needs of society.

And projection it is. I care for others, look at any the averages, right wingers donate more than liberals. And you say not caring for anyone else’s freedom? On what they are free unlike In a socialist system where they can’t voluntarily transact. It’s not charitable to reach into some one else’s wallet man, dig into your own. Obviously you lack the basic knowledge of the situation or you would be on my side.

a socialist system where they can’t voluntarily transact.

Which I do not advocate (in character or in reality), nor does any but a few fringe lunatics with zero relevance in real life.

Obviously you lack the basic knowledge of the situation or you would be on my side.

[eyerolling smiley]

cough fascist Blackshirt thugs aka antifa cough not to mention corbyn having a literal communist and attending communist meetings... well to be fair europe is unimportant anyways

Ghost #fundie

White Nationalism = Socialism

Why are Antifa and White Nationalists “fighting” each other when both sides want the same thing? Socialism! When confronted with this obvious contradiction, White Nationalists have created terminology in an attempt deflect this question; the “Horse Shoe Theory.” Much like their favorite defense mechanism in debate, “the Jew;” the Horse Shoe theory provides enough rhetorical cover so that their followers don’t become disillusioned with their abstract political stances. But no amount of rhetorical redundancy can eliminate the modus operandi of White Nationalism; Socialism.

How can White Nationalists tout that minorities are welfare receiving, inferior races? When its White Nationalists themselves who are advocating their own submission to the State, with their WHITE hands out waiting for a subsidized existence? By advocating Socialism, White Nationalists are admitting that White folk are incapable of independence and self-preservation without coercion of State authority. Much like how the modern LGBTQ movement has used State power to assert “its” perspective on society.

White Nationalism itself is NOT a natural and organic means of social organization if the State is needed for its existence. Much like Communism, White Nationalism has to be forced onto a populous, which molds the perspective of the masses into its man-made ideas. This is the basis of ALL Communist models throughout contemporary history.

Unlike the individual Freedom of Capitalism, White Nationalism uses the same politically-romantic collective language as the Communists. They emphasize the need for collective unity, recognition and justice; which are the same adherents of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. So are these groups really enemies?

I’ve personally called out the main mouth pieces of the White Nationalist movement on the hypocrisy mentioned previous, only to be purposely ignored. For they know, they can’t articulate the contradictions of their abstract political views. They are nothing more then Nazi cos-players who use the Internet to organize groups of disenchanted life losers who need someone else to blame for their own bad decisions. Just LIKE ANTIFA!


Bill P #racist

Who does Rothman think is going to do the “wet work” for him this time? At least the Bolsheviks had impressive numbers of Balts, Caucasians and various other tough, smart white ethnics on their side.

What do their equivalents in the US have? Mexicans and blacks? Private school antifa white kids whose fathers would sacrifice a testicle to keep out of harm’s way?

Maybe this explains Masha Gessen’s love of Chechens. But there must be another explanation for her support for bringing in the world’s most murderous white people, right?

These types are why we need to provide both moral and material support to Jews like this guy. [Link to Wikipedia article on Ze'ev Jabotinsky]

Matt Forney #fundie

It looks like the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of America’s premier ethnic shakedown organizations, is running low on donations again. This week, they announced the new edition of their “hate group” list, a record of supposed white supremacist, far-right terrorist organizations operating in the United States. Most notably, Return Of Kings has been added to the list as a “male supremacy” organization, alongside men’s rights’ group A Voice For Men:

Also, for the first time, the SPLC added two male supremacy groups to the hate group list: A Voice for Men, based in Houston, and Return of Kings, based in Washington, D.C. The vilification of women by these groups makes them no different than other groups that demean entire populations, such as the LGBT community, Muslims or Jews, based on their inherent characteristics.

This isn’t the first time that ROK publisher Roosh has been targeted by the SPLC: in 2012, he was named in one of the organization’s “Intelligence Reports,” alongside A Voice for Men and my old site In Mala Fide. Roosh later cited the experience as the final push that moved him to the dissident right.

It’s clear that the SPLC is going after AVFM and ROK in an attempt to scare liberal old biddies into giving them more money, because their attack was sloppy and poorly-handled. For example, the SPLC claims that ROK is headquartered in Washington D.C., even though it’s a website with no physical address or full-time employees.

Most hilariously, the SPLC’s dossier on alt right figure Richard Spencer confused him with Robert Spencer, the founder of Jihad Watch, suggesting they outsourced the research to a stupid intern.

Having said this, the SPLC’s attack can’t be handwaved away. Much like the Anti-Defamation League, the SPLC’s purpose in naming organizations as “hate groups” or individuals as “extremists” is designed to incite violence against them. Ever since the election of Donald Trump, the left in America has become increasingly violent, and the SPLC’s list is a dog whistle to antifa and other groups with the intent of hurting or possibly killing Roosh and other targeted individuals.

How The Southern Poverty Law Center Fuels Leftist Violence

The SPLC, ADL, and other related organizations like to masquerade as legitimate news organizations who are merely calling attention to violent, anti-government extremists, but this is as far from the truth as possible. In actuality, the SPLC functions as an intelligence-gathering operation for antifa and other violent leftists, compiling dossiers on chosen targets with the implicit message of, “It’s okay to hurt, maim, or kill these people: they’re Nazis/misogynists/homophobes, after all.”

“Hate group” lists compiled by the SPLC have been used by leftist criminals in the past to identify targets for assassination. For example, in 2013, a left-winger committed a mass shooting against the Family Research Council after seeing them named by the SPLC as an “anti-gay” group. More recently, we’ve seen leftists openly going after Republican politicians and public figures, such as the attempted assassination of House Majority Leader Steve Scalise by Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson.

This is not the first time that figures in the dissident right have been targeted in such a way. Last summer, the ADL released a hit list of alt right and alt lite figures such as Mike Cernovich, Richard Spencer, and myself, with the purpose of inciting violence against us. In response, Cernovich and several other alt lite figures launched the #ADLTerror hashtag on Twitter with the intent of bringing attention to the fact that their lives were now in danger.
Lies, Damned Lies, And Lists

Moreover, the SPLC can’t even be consistent with the criteria it uses to evaluate “hate groups.” In response to their attack on A Voice For Men, ex-feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye (creator of the documentary The Red Pill) revealed that in 2016, the SPLC told her that AVFM didn’t fit their criteria for a group since they lacked an “official group policy,” due to the fact that AVFM was just a website and a forum. The SPLC has not yet revealed to Jaye why they changed their policy.

Regardless, it is clear that the international left is ramping up for a broader attack on the dissident right. While the alt right was the focus of much of the left’s ire last year, the movement has been weakened due to systematic deplatforming, failed stunts such as Charlottesville, and personality conflicts between its major leaders. As a result, the left now feels confident in going after sites like Return Of Kings that had previously been out of the line of fire.

Dissident right and alternative media figures should prepare themselves for an onslaught from the globalists in the coming months. With the 2018 midterm elections coming up and the Russia investigation in the U.S. unraveling, the left is looking to strike out at anyone who challenges their power or narrative. As the SPLC’s actions show, they are not above physically hurting or killing their enemies to achieve their goals.

CH #fundie

I was alerted to a potential bombshell in the de Jesus Cruz shooting story by Ricky Vaughn’s Gab feed (@Ricky_Vaughn99). David Hogg, one of the self-proclaimed survivors who made an infamous tape while hiding out in a closet during the shooting, may have been caught lying on tape.

The media is telling us David Hogg interviewed his classmate in a closet DURING the shooting. In this video, he clearly states the time as 9:30 A.M.


But, as the timeline from the Sheriff’s office shows, the shooting did not start until 2:21 P.M.

What the hell is going on here? These student activists are LYING to us.


Folks, I have archived the video, so they cannot get away with this.

We need the truth, the public deserves to hear the truth.


I am NOT saying this is a false flag. I am NOT saying that these are crisis actors.

I am saying that these student shitlib activists are LYING to us, and we need answers. The public deserves to know, just what the hell is going on?


Here’s what I think happened: They had a drill that morning in order to scare kids into gun control. During the drill, they made these videos.

Then, that afternoon, there was an actual shooter.

They lied and said, “we made these videos during the shooting.”

First of all, why did they lie to us?

Second of all, were FBI agents online posing as Siegetards and goading this idiot, Cruz, into doing a school shooting that afternoon?

That way, they would have all the video and students who were anti-gun activists and media-trained all ready to roll for their massive anti-gun psy-op.

David Hogg, who is the face of this group of charlatans posing as “concerned activists,” is the son of a prominent FBI agent. What the hell is going on here, folks?

If true, this whole post-shooting “march against guns” activist movement is a HUGE chaimstream media-driven hoax, probably financed by that agent of Satan himself, George Soros.

More suspicious details about David Hogg that lend credence to the claim he’s a hired crisis actor tasked with pushing a major social movement to repeal the 2nd Amendment:

Hogg works for John Podesta’s Center for American Progress
From that same link, an antifa member claims Hogg didn’t go to Parkland HS; he went to school with him at Redondo Shores HS in California
Hogg really is the son of an FBI agent

Most hilariously, Hogg is seen feeding shitlib boilerplate scripted lines to a “schoolmate” in a video “interview” he supposedly shot “during” the Cruz shooting.


The whole hacktivist clown show has the feel of a top-down, rather than bottom-up, managed movement. A BIG LIE. Who’s behind the scenes, funding and directing the show? (((Curiouser and curiouser))).

Crisis actors and false narratives. It’s not like the Degenerate Leftoid Mob doesn’t have experience recruiting kids to tell whoppers. Turning out an army of child soldiers to shill for the cause du jour is the Left’s specialty.

America is drowning in lies. This age of chaos and spiraling decline will end, but not before the globohomos have tried every gaslighting weapon at their disposal. When the truth outs, the rats scurrying for cover will be a marvel to behold.

Former Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA) #conspiracy

Former Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) has joined a growing far-right smear campaign against the students who survived last week’s massacre in a Parkland, Florida high school.

Since the shooting, which killed 17 people, the students have become outspoken advocates for gun control to prevent future acts of violence.

Kingston attacked the students as mere stooges for “left-wing groups who have an agenda” during an appearance on CNN Tuesday morning. Kingston added he believed George Soros was actually orchestrating the students’ activism.

Kingston’s claims were met with disbelief by Alisyn Camerota. “Jack, I’m sorry. I have to correct you. I was down there. I talked to these kids. These kids were wildly motivated,” Camerota said.

Kingston made similar claims on Twitter, suggesting the survivors were being manipulated by Soros, Antifa, and the DNC.

O really? “Students” are planning a nationwide rally? Not left wing gun control activists using 17yr kids in the wake of a horrible tragedy?

saltrat88 #racist

Why do I have an 88 in my name?

Alright I’m gonna make this my end all post about what 14/88 is, misinformation about it, why I used it, and just who the hell I am, so listen up.

The 14 when seen in subcultures, and their ilk, typically is a reference to The 14 Words; We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

There is a great many ignorant people everywhere you go and they come in every size shape color and male or female. The most common misconception about the 88 is that it’s the 8th letter of the alphabet “H” so 88=HH or Heil hitler, this is ignorant. This came about from trendy kids wanting be part of the Skinhead culture (biker and prisoner clubs too) and someone made it up because they had no clue what it really meant. The 88 is actually a reference to David Lane’s 88 Precepts.

“The 88 PRECEPTS, written by David Lane, is the manifesto of the White Racialist organization, the Bruder Schweigen (“Silent Brotherhood”), also known as The Order. It teaches a set of precepts based on the Laws of Nature, which, when understood, will benefit and preserve a People as individuals and as a Nation.” [taken from here] This is indeed National Socialist literature.

Ok you with me so far?

I came to tumblr because I refused FB a long time ago and I was tired of never finding good memes and political banter to share with friends. I help race diesels at the Bonneville Saltflats and I’m building a rat rod to drive to the salt——Saltrat, I have a ‘66 IH p/u lowrider truck——Saltrat66. I posted many things about hanging rapists and pedophiles and the progressive twats on this hellhole of a site had me kicked off. Like a phoenix from the ashes I rose again as H8musheen because I was angry. Again I got ostracized for my zero tolerance stance on rapists and pedophiles. And after great consideration I decided to show the hypocrisy and intolerance of the ‘righteous’ tolerant left by adding two simple numbers to my name. I’ve been involved in the Skinhead culture for over 30 yrs now. I’m a first gen American. My family came here from Hungary in 1952 to escape communism. Grandpa was a Nazi soldier in Hungary during the war until he was ordered to do something he refused to do. I’ll spare you folks the long version but he escaped a nazi prison and managed to find his family in a camp in Hungary and escape. Much like Poland Hungary was beaten into submission from first the nazis and then the commie soviets. I grew up in a different cultural household than many of you can fathom. I learned about the horrors of communism and blessings of capitalism. I am damn proud of my family, my blood, and my motherland. I believe everyone should be proud of their family, their blood, and their motherland. I’m not a champion for everyone else’s heritage, but I am for my country. The sniveling commie pinko fags on this god forsaken site are spoiled brats that are too far removed from real war, real strife, and real oppression. I’m about the last generation to know about these things firsthand from family that lived through it. They have no idea or even empathy for the struggles and battles older people fought for us to be here. They cry for tolerance and that they’re offended by whatever. It’s crazy people talk. So I added the 88 to my name to expose their hypocrisy and intolerance, and to offend them. My family fought and many died fighting both nazis and communists and I sure as fuck ain’t either one. I know a lot of “neo-nazi” information, bands and songs, people, and organizations. As a kid in Palo Alto I went and protested and fist fought American Front skinheads when they’d march down University Ave. I fought white power skinheads in the PNW in the 90’s. I am close friends with an actual member of the Antifaschistische Aktion for close to 30 years. I have my finger on the pulse of current politics too. I am not an anti racist anymore and haven’t been for quite some time. I see the hypocrisy in the anti racist and anti fascist movements and refuse to be a party to it. I have a very politically incorrect sense of humor and so long as I’m not cutting someone down undeservedly I don’t really give a shit if anyone likes it or not.

Now frankly I think modern neonazis are the same as the anime crowd, the cosplay kids, and the hobbit nerds. If that’s your thing and it doesn’t affect me I don’t care what you do. I suppose that’s the libertarian in me. Just as you can find good things about communism you can find the same good content in national socialism. Their biggest common thread is that neither will work long term, in my opinion.

If you want to be a black or white separatist and live with your own people that doesn’t bother me at all. In fact I think it could be a really good thing. The 14 words are sound. If you want to change ‘white’ to something else and appreciate your own 14 words I would not be offended or bothered by it at all, I expect the same courtesy. I despise hypocrites. If it’s good for you it’s good for me too. I will not do something or advocate for something I feel someone else should not be able to do. And I will bust your chops if you try to do it to me.

I guarantee you won’t find anything on my page saluting nazis, commies, or antifa. I do not think my white skin makes me better than anyone, but I sure as hell won’t be slighted because of it. I work my ass off if you do too I have empathy and charity for you. If you wish to change my way of life I will fight you ruthlessly.

I drink too much, I smoke too much, I cuss too much, I don’t shoot guns enough, I don’t hunt enough, and I don’t fish enough. I’ll tell a nigger joke or a honkie joke. I don’t care if you’re offended if you don’t care that I’m offended. I don’t go to church for my own reasons but I won’t try to stop you. I believe there are males, females, and confused people. What you do in your own privacy is none of my business but I’ll criticize you if you take out in public. I was raised to respect women and defend the weak but to take no shit. I believe in taking care of the people closest to me first and then working outwards. I use that same model for spending my money. I work too damn hard to provide for my family to give any to strangers while I know people in need. Once everyone I know is no longer in need then we can worry about strangers.

Our amazing military personnel leave their homes and loved ones to fight in foreign lands so that we won’t know war at home any time soon. You folks are heroes! I have no respect for anyone who won’t recognize the sacrifice and valor of our Warriors.

Well that’s who I am. If you can get along with those convictions I’m happy to chat. If you can’t get along with them just go away and we’ll be fine. If you attack me for them I won’t pull punches.

So don’t call me a fuckin nazi,GOT IT

Casey Gillespie #fundie

A sergeant in the Tennessee State Guard has been reprimanded after engaging in a conversation on social media alluding to running over anti-fascist activists with a military cargo truck.

The Tennessee Department of Military confirmed that Casey Gillespie, who apparently took part in the public discussion with another man on Gillespie’s personal Facebook page, remains a sergeant in the volunteer arm of the department.

Screenshots posted online by Nashville Antifa show Gillespie posting about the anti-fascist group’s Jan. 3 clothing and food distribution initiative in downtown Nashville, apparently warning others to look out for the group.

The local antifa chapter, which put up antifa flags nearby, was joined that evening by fellow activist groups Nashville Anarchist Black Cross and Middle Tennessee Autonomous Network as they handed out food and supplies to the poor.

“Antifa in downtown Nashville on Capital Blvd.,” Gillespie wrote. “Theres (sic) not many of them. Stay Safe!”

Another man commented soon after, “Man I wish I could drive my deuce and a half LOL,” referring to a military cargo truck.

Gillespie replied that he had seen no counterprotesters.

“I wouldn’t be counterprotesting I’ll be looking for blocked streets LOL,” his friend wrote.

“That deuce could drive on through!” Gillespie replied.

Though Randy Harris, director of joint public affairs for the Tennessee Department of Military, said that the other man “sort of led the charge on this and Gillespie just sort of commented on it,” he added that Gillespie was still in violation of the agency’s policy and Gillespie's leadership had “counseled him and they have disciplined him.”

Screenshots of the since-deleted Facebook page show that Gillespie had identified on his public profile as being a sergeant in the Tennessee State Guard.

When reached by phone Thursday, Gillespie declined to comment or offer an explanation about the posts.

Harris confirmed that the other man was not a member of the Tennessee State Guard.

Wulf Ingessunu #fundie

The Hooded Man is the 'Divine Fool' acting through his intuitive will; he is 'The Fool' of the Tarot, numbered 0 - the Void. He appears as a hooded figure, inside whose hood there is a total darkness, not 'blackness' but a Void! His eye appears from the Void; he can be an Agent of Chaos, laughing at the (s)laughter of battle, of the breaking down of structures, of 'law-tables', of that which is decaying, degenerate and dying. Ho! Ho! Ho! He laughs as he mounts Sleipnir and rushes through the Nine Worlds at a furious pace, leading the Wild Army of the Dead. That which is falling only needs a push!

'The guilty shall tremble!' Controlling powers need authority, they need to make laws to stop any form of opposition to their agenda. Anarchists do not want authority, and they do not want laws. Nihilism and anarchy are necessary in that they break the power of the authority that oppresses. Left-Wing Anarchy, however, in the form of such organisations as ANTIFA, are based upon the upholding of the 'multi-cultural society' and the 'sword-arm' of the agenda of the Global bankers - Marxist Socialism and Communism. ANTIFA opposes the forces that seek not to 'integrate', not to become a mongrel 'Race of Tan' and to lose their identity, to lose their only hope for the evolution of Man. Thus ANTIFA is alright so long as it is contained and takes this path, for it does not oppose the agenda of Global Capitalism, it protects by violent force that agenda. But it is controlled - and it is contained. Should these forces be transformed into a real opposition, through the creation of a new Barbarian and the creation of new Tribes of Barbarians separated out from this society, raw and surging with energy and power, like the Germanic Tribes that swept down upon Rome, this new 'Roman Empire' will fall just as surely as the Roman Empire fell before yesteryear's Barb-Aryans.

There need be no barbarians from 'without' this time, since it is the world that is today enslaved, not just a part of the world; this time the barbarians will arise from within, separated out from the 'mob', from the 'herd', from the mass-consumers, raw and strong, healthy and virile, opposed to the weakness and sickness of this 'Modern World' - they will be the 'Men Above the Ruins' who 'Revolt Against the Modern World'. Each will be a form of The Hooded Man, each will hold within himself the 'Powers of Light and Darkness', each will wield the Sword of Victory holding within itself the 'balance of Light and Darkness'. And then, only then - 'The guilty shall tremble!'

There are 58 Words in this prophecy, and there are 58 Letters in 'The Power of Light and the Power of Darkness are strong within him'. 58 is the number of ROBIN. 'Robin' comes from 'Robert', a word meaning Fame-Bright which is 'Light': as 'Robin Hood' this become 'Fame-Bright Hood' which is a way of saying 'Light-Darkness'. In the name 'Robin Hood' we have the archetype of the Folk-Hero that holds within him the Balance of Light and Darkness - the whole Man. In Jungian terms the 'whole man' who has re-integrated the Shadow side of his nature - the Dark Side. This is the bit that Judaeo-Christianity, Socialism, Liberalism and Humanitarianism cut out! In this prophecy lies the way back to right, the way back to wholeness and the recreation of the Whole Man.


End-Note: Those who have not, as yet, learned 'The Hooded Man Prophecy' off by heart would now do well to do so; it needs to be memorised (with the heart) and to be meditated upon, thus allowing its wisdom and teaching to become part of you, to be integrated into your whole being.

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