
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Laura Wood #racist #dunning-kruger thinkinghousewife.com

[From “A Menorah Un-lighting in Poland”]

IT’S time the world knew what the Talmud, the holiest book of Judaism, says about non-Jews. It says they are animals who may be cheated, murdered, lied to and sexually exploited

A Polish member of parliament, using a fire extinguisher to put the candles out on a menorah in the hallway of the parliament building, tried to bring this to the world’s attention

Grzegorz Braun is, of course, facing the usual barrage of insults and defamation experienced by anyone who dares to speak out against Jewish supremacism. I’m sure this minor act of righteous vandalism that harmed no one will be equated with mass murder. Any criticism of Jewish power is considered literally genocidal. The dishing out of vicious cruelty and name-calling to righteous critics of Jewish power is in itself an affirmation of the Talmudic mindset. The hatred Jews so glibly accuse others of is psychological projection of the hatred of the Other that lies embedded in the Talmud. Braun was indeed correct that menorahs should never be lit in government buildings in Poland — or in any ostensibly free nation anywhere on the earth

Reader David #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

"Netanyahu is part of the Kabbalistic "Orthodox" Jews plan to bring in redemption. Their own convoluted idea of redemption via people like Sabbatai Zvi in 1666, a lawless, godless person like them. Most Israelis are not aware of this. The Kabbalistic Jews will use any type of deception or lies to further and hasten that agenda. Netanyahu is also in league with the elite and its new world order agenda. "order" out of chaos.

What we are seeing now in the Middle East is the beginning of a restructuring of the Middle East. Once the dust settles, look for a new nation of Kurdistan to emerge. On Its eastern border, and the new Iraq's western border, both nations lying next to each other,. will be the city of Bagdad, From the old Assyrian part, the new Kuridistan, will emerge "the Assyrian," a crypto Jew in Muslim garb. The perfect mediator between Israel, and the Arab world to negotiate a "peace" plan for 7 years. .He will allow Israel and the "Orthodox" Jews to rebuild the Temple on the Temple mount and resume Temple sacrifices, and then he breaks the "peace" agreement at the midpoint and turns on the Jews killing 2/3 rds of them. The Arabs have their own prophecies out of the Koran that call for their Mahdi to play a major role in Jerusalem, at the Temple site. Many of the Arab leaders are Masons, and Temple building for the Masons is a major part of their new world order agendar where they seat their satanic king, the anti christ.
God has chastised His people Israel several times throughout history, even dispersing them to Babylon for 70 years, and throughout the world for almost 2000 years because of their transgressions, and rejection of Jesus Christ The Messiah of Israel, but He has never changed His mind about the land being their land. <...> The old, ancient hatred emerged, and hasn't stopped since.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
Tell Moshe's Bagel Shop to decenter Jewishness.

Tell Sharkeisha's Salon to decenter Blackness.

Tell Juan's Auto Detailing to decenter Brownness.

Tell Fong's Dry Cleaners to decenter Asianness.

Oh, that's right, you're recruiting Moshe, Sharkeisha, Juan, and Fong to help wage war on White people.

( @true_enough )
@KeepNHGranite I want 'Whiteness' in the businesses which I patronize! That means quality, punctuality, honesty, and cleanliness. (BTW: are Germans the same as Irish? Polish the same as Welsh? Using the term 'Whiteness' buys into the jewish destruction of our heritage.)

( @TrueBonnieBlue )
@true_enough @KeepNHGranite We aren't hated for being Polish, we're hated for being White.

( @JohannRattenhuberRSD )
@KeepNHGranite We signed a contract with the city recently...

Part of the contract indicated we had to have "Diversity in the workplace"

I sent the contract back (Unsigned) with my addition..

"Whites are a Global minority, thus we have the most diverse workplace in the world and that will not be changing."

Of course the city called me and explained that "Diversity in the workplace" meant

Niggers, spics, faggots, trannies, women and Sand/Curry niggers...

Told the city they were signing a contract with two White guys....If they didn't like it, go find two niggers, spics, faggots, trannies, women or Sand/Curry niggers with the appropriate security clearance, can pass a drug and background check, can guarantee their data is secured and has the skill set to handle the job....

The city took the Diversity clause out and signed the contract...

( @ColdFusion777 )
@KeepNHGranite The reason that Whiteness is centered in the workplace? Thanks to Whites, we have work places, that's why. We built them, and they reflect our character.

( @BfloMafia82 )
@KeepNHGranite This is what we get for support 5 generations of welfare. Fuck off you uppity nigger. You’re Jew bosses can pay you people to sit on the ass and get weaponized against whites.

( @ExposeTheEvil )
@KeepNHGranite Three ways to end the madness.
1. Exterminate all jews.
2. Exterminate all jews.
3. Exterminate all jews.

@MrArchnemesis #wingnut #racist gettr.com

The #zog will arrest Trump. Use the violence to cancel elections. Or instigate a war with China, oust Joe Biden. Install a Zionist warmonger to unite American goy against China. Also they’ll naturally have to control the internet etc to do this. Oh, and Islam will join China. So naturally any antisemitism will be a…subversive offense. No doubt here come the camps again. Maybe the violence by Trumpets will be the window for China. After all China stole our elections and controls Joe Biden, and Hollywood lol. According do the controlled opposition, anyway.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger #homophobia #forced-birth dailystormer.name

[From “Conor McGregor Declaring Himself King of Ireland is a Matter of Historical Necessity”]

Although I do not support it[…]it has become clear to me that it is a matter of historical necessity that Conor McGregor seize control of Ireland and declare himself King Conor I of Ireland[…]
So-called “Northern Ireland” needs to be forcibly ethnically cleansed, but the first ethnic cleansing needs to be the cleansing of brown people from the current borders of Ireland[…]
Conor should put the word out that the current government has six hours to flee the country or surrender, and kneel to the King, swearing fealty. Conor should maintain control of the lads, and keep them from rushing in and lynching the current traitor government[…]
Certain of these corporations will want to keep the tax scam going, and will put pressure on the United States government not to sanction the country, but I do not think these efforts would be successful. Conor should therefore order, on the day of the revolution, for everyone in the country to max out their credit cards, and obtain as much cash as possible. He should also[…]attempt to turn the country’s reserves into Bitcoin[…]
The removal of the immigrants will end the housing crisis, and of course, the material wealth of the immigrants should all be forfeit, beyond what they are able to carry on their person as they are marched to the Northern Ireland border[…]
The border with Northern Ireland should be totally militarized immediately, and concentration camps should be set up along the militarized border[…]
When Conor I decrees an immediate end to gay marriage and a closing of all of the abortion factories[…]the majority of the priests are going to back him[…]Making moves to try to depose the King of Ireland will necessarily mean trying to reestablish divorce, gay marriage, and abortion, which is just going to look very bad[…]
Foreign television will need to be turned off, replaced with nonstop jingoistic propaganda

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
jews are trying to rob you of your Constitutional rights.

This is why jews are hated all around the world.

Anti-semitism is self-defense against jewish tyranny.

( @Honkiavelli )
@Nature_and_Race Anti-semitism is an evolutionary response against an invading species.

( @Jack-D )
That evil Khunt has dual nationality so that he can scurry off to Semitesville if shit goes down!

( @DJ_T_Rump )
@Jack-D @Nature_and_Race They shouldn't be allowed to steal air from humanity, need to go tf back to their own realm and breath those brimstone fumes of hell where they belong.

( @pitch4k )
Schumer being a jew is enough reason to hate all jews.


( @Miles_Deep )

Black violence far outshines gun violence but they will never address it.. never

( @Hour_of_Decision )
@Nature_and_Race Guns don't kill people. Niggers kill people. The niggers that jewish lawmakers, DAs etc. allow to run around like the savage jungle niggers they are and kill white people.

( @MrJohnQNobody )

Maybe...just maybe...the end of the American constitutional republic is exactly what the Lord has planned for us.

Maybe...just maybe... it's because we value our freedom, independence, and created lifestyle so greatly that we are willing to become compromised and morally bankrupt in order to be free.

What if we have fallen out of favor with the Lord because America was not established as the nation it was supposed to be?

@MrArchnemesis #wingnut #racist gettr.com

You put a monkey in a suit it’s still a monkey. You cannot have a civil society with uncivilized people. There’s something in that snigger gene that drives those tribals towards greed, destruction, and violence. It’s not a coincidence the best they performed was under segregation. #blackplague #whitegenocide

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @White__Rabbit )
Polish Nationalist MP Grzegorz Braun explained why he extinguished a menorah in Polish parliament today, gets thrown out.

"In fact I am restoring normalcy and balance, putting an end to acts of Satanic, Talmudic and racist triumphalism"

( @ThomasFredericks )
@White__Rabbit - Notice that merely "challenging them to a debate" was considered "insulting a religion" - hmmmm.

So, it is simply forbidden to DISCUSS the Jewish Talmudic Satanic Cult's rituals and their meanings?

( @voxpopuli2020 )
@White__Rabbit Based red-pilled MP in Poland. Offers to have theological discussion
after extinguishing a Menorah.
America has no such statesmen

( @claytreble )
@White__Rabbit Fuck those kike dick suckers! Good on this guy whose name I dare not try and spell. I'm glad people are naming the jew and exposing them to the same treatment they've been doling out for centuries. Fuck em' they are vile parasites that need to be eliminated from all halls of power and institutions of public influence.

( @hutcheffect )
@White__Rabbit Are there any Poles beginning to understand the role Warsaw Jews had in killing 50,000 Germans in the Danzig Corridor to lure Hitler? Do they realize that their government had been promised financial support from Allied nations, with overwhelming Jewish advisors, if Germany just happened to go to war with them?
Call it a happy thought ...

( @TolFuinArcher )

That man has some steel in his spine, unlike American politicians.

#Poland #Talmud #KalergiPlan #WhiteGenocide #antiWhite #14Words #Jews

( @GermanicMechanic )
@White__Rabbit Hopefully the new Polish Hitler?

@White__Rabbit Exposing satanism in all it's cowardly unholynes. They will be destroyed and they can't stand it. BLESSINGS TO THE HEAVENLY FATHER OF MANKIND ONE AND ALL.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #conspiracy #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Whites invent the automobile. Nonwhites invent ways to steal automobiles”]

A sting operation in Toronto has caught numerous people who Sir John A. would have never allowed into the country over a massive insider theft ring that used their Service Ontario access to facilitate car theft

On an aside, I've often wondered why we don't help solve this problem by simply mandating a 100% inspection for all containers being shipped from Canada to Africa. Here's a handy hint: there's essentially no legitimate businesses that sell products in Canada which would be wanted by at the price range of any African. Every container shipping from Montreal to Tema is a car stolen by an imported nigger and sold to a yet-to-be-imported nigger. Fears about legitimately owned auto sales being stymied by this action are nonexistant. While the Service Ontario angle means this wouldn't completely solve the problem (not only would some registrations appear legitimate, Canada Border Services is probably similarly staffed with a fifth column of foreign operatives), it would put a major dent in it. If Canada and the United States both adopted this plan, it would definitely help matters along

Bonus comment: As ADD points out over at the SDA link, the same type of people could have access of the gun registry. Sure makes me glad that not a single one of mine is registered!

Bonus thought|/b]: As we've noted many a time before, it's interesting that when the crime is auto theft, the helpful advice of Toronto Police is to stop making yourself so tempting of a victim by doing stupid things like…never park your vehicle outdoors: when the crime is rape, you can't possibly suggest that the rape victim did anything wrong whatsoever

Various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist #biphobia gab.com

( @EB_ )
Periodic reminder that homosexual marriage *never* passed any time it was put to a vote

It was forced on us via judicial fiat because jews ultimately wanted it

People who participate in same sex dating or marriage should not be allowed to have children.

*Same sex Marriage should have never been allowed in the first place.

( @robert_e_lee )
@EB_ There is no such thing as same sex marriage. That's as ridiculous as a man pretending to be a woman.

( @Maga100000000 )
@EB_ - there is no such thing as same sex 'marriage'. It is an IMPOSSIBILITY

( @Plumbbobsquarepants )
@EB_ and sin in our churches should not be tolerated.... take your globo-homo civil unions back to the justice of the peace..."holy matrimony" is between a man and a woman...nice try faggots!

( @LO_OK )
@EB_ jews will ALWAYS side with Satan. We call it judaism but it's satanism plain and simple. It should NEVER win!

( @Kimberlyann_45002000 )
@EB_ the only thing inseminated in a homosexual "marriage" is shit

@EB_ It is true there has NEVER been Legislation that legalized Homo marriage, just like there was NEVER Legislation that Legalized Abortion. The Judiciary Branch passed a "Ruling" NOT a Law they over stepped their authority like they did in roe vs wade then 30 fukkin yrs later said oopps my bad the 10th amendment.... So now we have to wait 40yrs for their fuk up to be fixed, 🤨 we aren't gonna make it 3yrs come '24 election Nothing can stop whats coming

( @MichaelGi )

( @Its_all_in_the_Reflexes )
@EB_ People who participate in same sex anything should not be allowed to breathe....

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From “What is a Nation?”]

As Babylon the Great collapses, how does man then organize himself? Genesis 10 and 11 show the way. The ancient nation of Israel shows the way. The nature of multiethinic empires has always been antichrist

Nationalism is the natural anti-body to tyranny
Christian Ethno-nationalism is the natural anti-body to Satanic tyranny

Christians owe zero obedience to the Beast, the anti-christ, the whore, or the false prophet (all of whom are here today)

Milton8 #moonbat #racist #sexist dailykos.com

[“So you are outright blaming Israel for the rape torture and murder of women and children by Hamas on Oct 7.”]

In a short answer...YES! Where these so called women when they were attacked? Were they in a Kibbutz? the short answer again is...YES! Well what is a Kibbutz? A Kibbutz is an illegal settlement by Jewish aliens from another country. That’s right these people are in Kibbutz’s are stealing Palestinian land and killing Palestinians in the west Bank like they have a license to kill! So do I blame the oppressed for fighting back? Do I blame the oppressed for hating their oppressors? the short answer is...NO!

Eric Bermingham #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy fatima.org

We are certainly hearing of “wars and rumors of wars” but “the end is not yet.” (Matthew 24:6) The wars in Ukraine and Gaza have dominated the news cycle for the past two years. The war in Ukraine was the only thing that knocked Covid-19 out of the news, which it dominated for the two years before that. One wonders where this is headed. It is most certainly a prefigurement of the reign of antichrist.

Chapter 13 of the Apocalypse of St. John (Revelation) gives a description of certain aspects of the reign of antichrist. Whereas the antichrist is called “the beast,” there is another beast who is also called the false prophet and may be a religious figure or an antipope. People are made to receive a mark/character on their right hand/forehead if they want to buy or sell. It sounds like a totalitarian system (Deep State/Church) putting society under a complete lockdown.
China has a social credit system that is linked to facial recognition and is operational in all the major cities of China. These are the “smart cities” of the future. This is the type of control that the World Economic Forum has in mind for the entire world. The Covid-19 lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations were just a test run.

The two biggest obstacles to global government have been the U.S.A. and the Catholic Church. But now, under Joe Biden and Pope Francis, the U.S. government and the benevolent influence of the Church are intentionally being taken down. The U.S. is being destroyed through unlimited immigration and debt, not to mention abortion, divorce, and other societal ills. The Church is being weakened by corrupt leadership and a general loss of faith, or apostasy. With no opposition from the U.S. and the Catholic Church, there seems to be no natural force standing in the way of the antichrist or his forerunner.

But nothing happens that God does not allow. Several prophecies foretell that at some point, a reforming Pope will be appointed in a miraculous way.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia gab.com

( @UniversalDelirium )
So, the jews over at Pornhub just admitted they're deliberately injecting homosexual themes into porn to convert straight males.

"As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come." - Henry Makow

Be mindful of the things you consume.

Nothing is "free." There is always a price.

( @JohnsonShoehorn )
@UniversalDelirium Stay away from Jew porn. It is a cess pool of mental illness but goyim and non Jews make up the bulk of the porn industry. Makow is anti zionists and has a good book about the propaganda known as feminism. First amendment does not give anyone the right to create social destruction by subversive means. Goldstein, Flint and Porn hub are an example of liberal Jews using the constitution in an illegal manner. Goldstein and Flint are dead and the new porn rabbi has a very unpleasant future.

( @LeFrog2300 )

As someone who tracks this, once the rabbi took over pornhub, gay and trans content started trending in the recommended videos page, whereas for years it never showed up anywhere in a feed unless you specifically searched for it.
Now, children clicking onto pornhub are bombarded with thumbnails of trannies jerking off.

( @SeamusShaggyTrousers )
@UniversalDelirium They've had ugly black dudes fucking hot white chicks from the get go. More of the same. And Jews wonder why they're despised everywhere they go.

various commanders #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The pro-White and anti-jewish awakening is taking off at a rate faster than it has in nearly a hundred years.

As a result, subversive infiltrators are lining up at the door to try and hijack our movement.

It is more crucial now than ever before to be able to distinguish between a genuine pro-White, and a neo-Marxist infiltrator camouflaged as a pro-White.

( @SaxonAnglo )

The pro-White part is the most important. There are anti-joo civnats out there..

( @experienced )
Hitler too lost the war, because of traitors.

( @Awaiting_the_Apocalypse )
I agree.
The amount of anti-Semitism is exploding, but for all the wrong reasons.
The vast majority of people are just following "the current thing", but have no true understanding of what the Jews are doing or have been doing for thousands of years.
This anti-Semitism outbreak will be turned into another holocaust episode to further Jewish victimization and our inability to discuss their criminal behavior.

( @Nthman )
@Nature_and_Race Open discussion of jew crimes, that magically becomes “hate speech”, is what we are seeing more than ever and the criminal syndicate is doing their best to shut that shit down.

( @CN32 )
@Nature_and_Race the way to tell is to separate those who were talking about being pro-White (and black crime and about jews) when it was "not cool" vs those who were badmouthing White nationalists but are now embracing our talking points. That's how you tell. Most of Con Inc are good examples of these grifters.

Andrew Anglin #crackpot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #sexist #racist #homophobia dailystormer.name

[From “French Cocksuckers to Ban Smoking on All Beaches and Public Parks, Turn Everyone Gay”]

France, like China, is a smoking country

However, unlike China, France is a vagina country

If I was a vagina, I would want people to smoke, as it would make help to cover the stench emanating from between my legs[…]But women are too stupid. Also, women are filthy, and they like to spread that sickening stench

The big reason vaginas hate cigarettes though is that they increase testosterone. Women want men to be weak and pathetic

I recommend smoking to increase testosterone. I recommend it for children, in fact. At Halloween, I pass out packs of Marlboros for boys[…]
To girls, I give color-coded paperclips

The peak achievement of a woman is to color code files. They will always fail, because they are so unbelievably stupid, but I will give them the chance

The Guardian

France is to ban smoking on all beaches, as well as in public parks, forests and near schools[…]
“From now on, no-smoking areas will be the norm,” said the health minister, Aurélien Rousseau

Rousseau then vomited up over 30 pounds of gay semen. Bystanders were shocked when he began eating the semen he had vomited up. However, homosexual experts noted that homosexuals enjoy semen “going down the second time more than the first”[…]
I legit think that the Jew fears the cigarette

Surely, there are some nefarious kikes who don’t want the goyim smoking because they know it makes them much smarter[…]
They completely invented to the stupid hoax that cigarettes cause cancer

Actually… for the sake of being reasonable here, it is logical that inhaling smoke all day is going to irritate your lungs, which could cause cancer. Plus, modern cigarettes have a bunch of chemicals in them, because the filthy Jew government refuses to regulate foodstuffs

DancingBaconsFanboy #racist hellokitty.fandom.com

[On the Sanrio wiki page for Sambo and Hannah, Sanrio’s ill-advised characters based on the Little Black Sambo which inspired international outrage]

This is adorable, the only people opposed to it are individualists who find something to keep them divided. I hope they bring them back as they are really cute. if people don't like it, simply don't buy or promote it.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #psycho gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
jews are openly calling for the abolition of free speech.

This is why anti-semitism exists in the first place. This is why people hate jews.

jews are a threat to White people's freedom.

( @KR91 )
@Nature_and_Race But I'm told 109+ countries only hated them because they were racist and jealous (despite that obviously contradicting the fact that they originally let them in, and many of these countries still had non-Jewish minorities).

( @BloodyProphecy )
@Nature_and_Race To protect TRUE freedom of speech, as well as all our other rights, we MUST fight back against Semitism.

( @voxpopuli2020 )
@Nature_and_Race It didnt work on social media and it wont work on college campuses,
"ideas rise of their own accord" - Socrates
Antisemitism is an idea whose time has come.

( @hecy666 )
@Nature_and_Race You can say anything you want....so long as it doesn't offend the JEWS!

( @gardianAngel )

What is happening to certain people now will be the norm when the Jews have shaped all the laws of the nations to suit them!
then, we will have it really deep in our .... !

( @Darkraut )
@Nature_and_Race The only thing that happens here is kikes continue down an insane path and we end up rounding them all up and exterminating them, which should have been done thousands of years ago. Looks like it's our time and up to us. I'm excited! I will be known as a jew hunter in my time.

( @Woodzun )

Seems like all the presidents who were part of the house hearing on antisemitism are going to resign. Oh well, every last one of them hates White people anyway. Good riddance.

Crazy world: we are seeing anti-White University leaders who have been intentionally keeping Whites out of their schools being forced to resign for “antisemitism”.


Jim #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy blog.reaction.la

[From “Time for Kings”]

The time of Republics has ended. The time of Kings approaches[…]
The hour is near, and yet the man is nowhere in sight

The technology and tactics of warfare are rapidly changing, and no one has quite figured it out yet. The meaning of war itself is changing, and its future shape has not yet been revealed. The King will be a man who knows what he is doing, and no one knows they are doing yet

Russia is planning an army of two million grunts, but most of the casualties and destruction that Russia and the Ukraine inflict on each other come from a hundred or so of the top drone operators[…]
The technology of war is changing radically, and its shape is not yet clear, but it is starting to look like it will involve a very small number of very able people[…]The meaning of war is changing

The sixteenth of and seventeenth century was a time of holy wars, the wars of the Protestant revolution

We have seen “cabinet wars” – Bismarks “politics by other means”, limited wars fought for limited objectives. Putin attempted a cabinet war[…]
We have seen national wars, the wars of Nations, exemplified by the Napoleonic wars. World War One and Two were national wars. Putin attempted politics by other means in in the Ukraine, America upped the ante on Putin from cabinet war to a war of nations

Yevgeny Prigozhin realized this was stupid, and upped the ante on America from war of nations to holy war, and Putin reluctantly followed along behind him. Prigozhin was fighting for God, and the west found it was fighting for the gay parade, sodomy, Global Warming, the right of sodomites to hang out in women’s bathrooms, and the right of schoolchildren to be sexually transitioned without parental consent. Also the right of black people to jump subway turnstiles

Our rulers worship demons, and Prigozhin noticed. The coming Kings will come from those who notice. Putin murdered Prigozhin, for Putin foresaw that from such men, Kings may come

ap0lly0n #racist #conspiracy #crackpot reddit.com

(Context: A reddit post about how Asian Americans fared the best economically after the pandemic of 2020)

South Asians need to be separated out. They are a completely different group and have a different experience. This is more obfuscation. If anything, South Asians are the model minority. East Asians are the despised enemy, the perpetual foreigners.

Matt Wallace and Stew Peters #conspiracy #racist angrywhitemen.org

Stew Peters floated a new conspiracy theory about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas[…]
Peters said that the “media, and all of the people that control them” told people that “Israel has one of the most impenetrable borders of any country that has ever existed.” Referring to Hamas as “low-IQ goat herders,” he asked Matt Wallace to “help me process” how the attack happened[…]
Wallace, who does not appear to have any expertise relevant to the conflict in Gaza, told Peters that “all of the evidence that I have seen regarding this points to the fact that it was either extreme incompetence or, perhaps, the Israeli government may have even known it was going to happen”

Pushing back on this view, Peters asked if the Israeli government “could’ve actually planned it” as opposing to having “foreknowledge” of the attack and letting it happen, “like we know what happened on 9/11 here”[…]
“Now, if you look throughout history you’ll see many examples — I’m sure you’re familiar with all of them — of governments doing evil things,” Wallace replied. “Many of which are false flags. Many of which are trying to start things”[…]
Peters interrupted to once again ask if “this could’ve been a false flag.” Wallace said he didn’t know, and that he hopes it isn’t true, but that the “more plausible theory” is that they “could’ve known it was happening and not stopped it”

Peters disagreed, saying that it’s “far more likely that the demonically-possessed, evil Israeli government planned this and carried it out against its own people”[…]
“I see what they’re doing around the planet. I see what’s happening in our country,” he said. “I see the people that are in the cabinet of this fraudulently-elected, pedophilic, rogue regime. I see the people that are in our media[…]
“I see the[…]open warfare that’s been declared against American people by its own government,” Peters continued. “And then I look to see who’s pulling the strings, and guess what? They’re all in Israel!”

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
I want you to really try and comprehend this insanity.

It's become normal for non-whites to invade White countries, and then demand that White people respect their non-white culture and customs.

But it is literally illegal in many White countries for the native Whites to ask foreign invaders to respect White culture and customs while they're in White countries.

This is how you now that anti-Whties control most White countries.

( @Lady_Liberty_2021 )
@Nature_and_Race. We owe the world outside of our own nothing.
They have never felt they owe us anything.
Tolerance is the Trojan Horse for our genocide.

( @Grendahl )
@Nature_and_Race for the thought crime of pointing out how race mixing leads to higher incidence is abuse for Whites and in worse health for mixed race babies, a supposedly Christian group (not gab) is running a closed door trial to run me out.

I would love to have been showing them objectionable things, but those two statements are factually true and easy to find.

This "one race" bullshit from the Jews makes me sick.

( @ScottishRights )
@Nature_and_Race jews think it's safer for them if white people are dealing with people more objectionable than the Jews. It makes the Jews less noticable, so they think, but it is the reason we hate Jews so much now, who cares what other reasons people have had in the past, now days Jews are the enemy for invading our nations with shit skins.

( @wirelessguru1 )
@Nature_and_Race Obviously those are no longer White countries. Wake up!

RIP USA 1776 - 2020

( @RussianTwitterbot )
@Nature_and_Race mind boggling to state out loud nonwhites control white nations. Insane really.

( @Slymee )
jews are getting it done. They won't take their foot off the accelerator now that they see the light at the end of the tunnel. They truly are the locusts of civilization.

@Wanderers_Choice #wingnut #racist gab.com

I'm noticing something. Conner McGregor. He wished jews a happy hannukah and that sucks, he's probably a Zionist, BUT, I'm noticing accounts trying to use that to call into question everything he has said about Irishmen needing to fight back.

I have to say, if he's telling White men to FIGHT back instead of just whining about it like Donald Trump then GOOD.

This is one of those things I've been noticing more and more lately on Gab because there are a lot of legitimate non-White Eastern Shills here pretending to be White and they want the West to lose, not just jews, they just use jews as a proxy and they take things like this McGregor situation and twist it so that him wanting to defend Ireland is really just helping jews.

Stopping jews is important, always keeping them foremost in our mind is important because it IS the jews causing the worst problems for White people BUT one of those PROBLEMS is the invasion of non-Whites and I'm more worried about that invasion than whatever the jews and their shabbos goy are doing in Brown countries.

If Trump came out this week and started telling White men to kill the invaders, I'd be on the new Trump train by Friday, Zionist or not.

Matthew386 #racist #psycho #wingnut ytmnd.com

Still true as ever. When I went to Iraq in '08 everyone said the damn jihadi hajis were innocent victims but I never saw one over there who wasn't trouble who'd shoot you in the back given half a chance to get away with it. Now the ones in Gaza decided to start shit and are facing the consequences but the bleeding heart Leftists think they should be handled with velvet gloves after they killed thousands. The savages have lived in filth and hate and madness their whole lives, everyone that is killed now is one less attacker ten years from now.



Joel Davis #racist twitter.com

>"mass illegal migration"

I expect nothing less than this from an Indian immigrant, but it's vital that cuckservatives are never allowed to reframe the immigration issue as the *illegal* immigration issue.

The problem with migrants isn't their legality, it's their race.

State of the Nation Editor #racist #quack #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

As expected, it was only a matter of time before whistleblowers around the world would bravely start downloading Covid ‘vaccine’ data and information that would clearly prove the existence of a global depopulation scheme, WHICH IS STILL AT WORK!
The following video explains the latest data download and how it conclusively incriminates the Covid vax genocide perpetrators. The whistleblower is “a computer systems programmer at the Ministry of Health in New Zealand who designed the computer payment system for vaccine providers”, so the hard data is accurate and apparently has not been altered in any way.
What’s most distressing about this latest analysis is the stunning degree of premeditation and calculation to murder and/or injure millions of Covid ‘vaccine’ recipients throughout New Zealand.
There’s another extremely concerning development which is coming from each successive Covid ‘vaccine’ investigation conducted within various countries around the world: That there’s a discernible pattern of highly targeted genocide emerging, and that it is the genomes of the most injured populations which predominate in the historically white Christian nations with European ancestry as the targets.
In point of fact, it’s now evident that there is now a highly purposeful design behind the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda, especially in the manner by which it has been implemented in those same countries. The primary goals are as follows:
I. EXTERMINATION of the White Race
II. DEPOPULATION of the Christian Nations
III. GENOCIDE of the Patriots in all countries,
especially those with European bloodlines

The following irrefutable analysis fleshes out the skeleton of this vital Covid ‘vaccine’-driven genocide narrative. Every person on the planet ought to be aware of this devastating criminal conspiracy to stealthily commit the mass murder of white people and Christians worldwide, particularly those of European descent.
Now ask yourself why. Really, why US!!!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
There doesn't happen to be one at the current moment.

But that doesn't mean I'm going to support some brown invader of my White country.

@Nature_and_Race So who is your great white savior then?

( @Haumibu1488 )
It's so pathetically amusing to watch dumbass white Americans run from one woman and non white to another, and even a kid with a flag, looking for a hero and saviour.
Mainstream white America wouldn't know a real hero and saviour if one bit them on the ass.

( @_no_one_special )
@Haumibu1488 @Nature_and_Race mk ultra did it's job well

( @Haumibu1488 )
@_no_one_special @Nature_and_Race
Mainstream white America has been brainwashed into embracing and promoting everything that has destroyed them, and into rejecting any and everything that would save them.

( @TabooRaceBook )
@Nature_and_Race Racism is normal, moral, and healthy.
If a racist person is forced to live in a society that commands to be moral is to not be racist, that person will psychologically suffer.
Thus all healthy Western people are currently psychologically suffering.

To not be racist is illness.
If those that are ill are told they are healthy, their perverse example will create a sick world.

The more foreign people we mix together, the more sick and hostile this world will be.

The left is promoting, and successfully creating a maximally sick world.

We are literally descending into hell.

Strimmer King #racist #crackpot twitter.com

Nihal when British people hear your name you're instantly coded as foreign. It's reflexive we have no say in it. Even the most polite English people will hear your name, and see your skin and think "foreign", " that nice Indian fella", and will change their behaviour accordingly

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Vivek Ramaswamy: "The Great Replacement theory is not some grand Right-wing conspiracy theory..."

Correct, and brown people like Vivek ARE our replacement. He's one of the MILLIONS of brown people replacing White people in America right now.

( @gthousandaire )
@Nature_and_Race First they had a foreign jewnigger, now they'll have a street-shitter. No wonder absolutely no third-world country respects us anymore.

( @UltraFortress )
@Nature_and_Race We've finally arrived to current year where two shitskins are running for a political party that was originally about the equality and fraternal brotherhood of the White Man. Kikes did a number on this country.

( @_70_ )
@Nature_and_Race Call it what it is, anti White invasion (genocide), there's nothing "great" about White replacement..

( @AspenShoveler )
@Nature_and_Race It is a grand jewish conspiracy however.

( @SPimpernel )
@Nature_and_Race No White politician will dare advocate for us. So the best we get is one of our replacements advocating for us.

So how should we view his comment?

I'll look at the glass half-full and conclude that, if it helps advance the Overton window to our favor, it's a positive, The alternative, which I see too often, is for his type to embrace the anti-White narrative and bite the hand that fed him.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @WesternChauvinist1 )
Here's the deal, Muhammad. We support you in your endeavors to destroy the jew oppressor, that's as far as it goes though. If offered a choice between keeping you or keeping the trees, your dune coon ass would be gone in a second. Stop ruining our country and go home and fight the jews, you pussy.


( @Fifth_Freedom )
@WesternChauvinist1 Bash the jews, that's good news. Knock on Whites, take one way flights.

( @Patriootti )
@WesternChauvinist1 trees > rapefugees


( @Reaper10 )
@WesternChauvinist1 Only 20,000 shoot for a million 😜🤣

@WesternChauvinist1 Fuck the Palestinians & the Jews... Lets turn
the entire region into glass!!!

( @MoogyMugman )
@WesternChauvinist1 This piece of shit muzzie and all of his murdering, rapist, 7th century barbarian animals can kiss my ass. Nobody is lower than these bastards.

( @WesternChauvinist1 )
@MoogyMugman yes, jews are lower.

( @Irishminestroni2 )
@WesternChauvinist1 from the west to the see america will be free , deport all Muslims to Mexico and build a wall for battle.

( @SorrySod )
@WesternChauvinist1 Considering that every Palestinian woman gives birth to a dozen children, murdering 20000 Palestinians is no big deal.

( @Novaka1n )
@WesternChauvinist1 The world would be a much better place if the Muslims and Jews take each other out.

( @Europman )
@WesternChauvinist1 I don’t care about 20,000 brown people dying I care about White people.Go home shitskin invader

Feminism Sucks! #racist #sexist #wingnut #psycho #fundie #forced-birth incels.is

[OP of “SorWHORity girls have no right to judge us”]

I would like to start this thread with a dedication to Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, may his memory be a blessing, may the Lord avenge his blood

SorWHORity organizations are way more exclusive than ours[…]They all look down on everyone without a "Greek life" affiliation. When I was in college, they treated me like shit because I was a lowly non-frat person. Frat boys were[…]much nicer to me[…]
I love Dr. Verwoerd. I love Apartheid[…]
I love Ian Smith. I love Rhodesia[…]
I love Robert E. Lee. I love the Confederacy[…]
I love Strom Thurmond. I love Segregation
I love Alfred Deakin. I love the White Australia Policy
I love Enoch Powell. I love the British National Party
I love Ye. I love Death Con 3
I love Donald J. Trump. I love MAGA[…]
I love Harvey Weinstein. I love the Casting Couch
I love Andrew Jackson. I love the Trail of Tears
I love Éric Zemmour. I love Remigration
I love Augusto Pinochet. I love Free Helicopter Rides
I love Maurice Challe. I love the Sétif and Guelma Massacre
I love Bill Cosby. I love Jello Pudding[…]
I love Brock Turner. I love 20 Minutes of Action
I love Clarence Thomas. I love AbWHOREtion Bans[…]
I love António de Oliveira Salazar. I love the Estado Novo
I love Godfrey of Bouillon. I love the Crusades
I love Slobodan Miloševic. I love Kebab Removal
I love Madison Grant. I love Eugenics[…]
I love Francisco Franco. I love Fascism
I love R Kelly. I love Human Urinals
I love Meir Kahane. I love the Jewish Defense League
I love Tomás de Torquemada. I love the Spanish Inquisition
I love Stephen Miller. I love Migrant Detention Centers
I love General Custer. I love Indian Removal
I love Derek Chauvin. I love His Mighty Knee
I love Cecil Rhodes. I love Colonialism
I love Joe McCarthy. I love McCarthyism[…]
I love King Leopold. I love the Congo Free State[…]
I love Itamar Ben Gvir. I love Israeli Settlements
I love Thomas Thistlewood. I love Plantation Slavery

Israel Shamir #racist #wingnut #conspiracy thetruthseeker.co.uk

We are trying our best to figure out – why is Jewry so keen to import as many Muslims to Europe and USA as possible, and at the same time prepare the Gaza genocide? Do they do it out of sheer idealism? Out of compassion (hard to believe)? Or out of silliness? Could it be that this calculating people didn’t take into account that Muslims might react to genocide against Palestinians? Granted, Europeans and Americans did their fair share of protesting, but Jews knew they could shut down the Goyim any time they wanted simply by uttering the magic Jewish spell “Holocaust – Auschwitz”.

Yet Jews understand better than anyone that their “fellow Semites” from the Middle East have not accepted the yoke of Holocaust Guilt. Jews are more aware than anyone that Muslims still chafe over the fact that their Palestinian brothers have been kept in an “open air concentration camp” for the last 50 years. So how can we explain the apparent tactical error when the ADL and other Jewish organizations twisted the arms of European and American leaders to accept hordes of fighting age Muslims just before an Israeli incursion into Gaza? Surely no! They do not make such mistakes!
Jews are professional victims. They are good at it. They are willing to play the bad guy, but only in stories where Jewry is eventually vindicated and expendable Jews martyred. Jewish leaders believe that revenge is best served cold. This answers the question of why they brought Muslim refugees to Europe and America in the first place. Unneeded, unwanted, unrequested (so much for democracy), at a time of growing poverty and debt, the economies bankrupt and populations largely jobless, this is the precise moment that the Jews ostentatiously dumped armies of Muslims into the West.
It’s not difficult to find a Muslim refugee of disturbed mind, to hand him a knife and push him out the door to amok attack. If he didn’t exist, then the Jews would have to create him. Muslim Golems do it with panache.

William Reed #crackpot #quack #wingnut #conspiracy #racist gazetteller.com

As we delve deeper into the intricate web of global events, it’s becoming increasingly clear that we’re not just witnessing isolated incidents. These developments, each remarkable in its own right, are interconnected in a way that suggests a seismic shift is on the horizon. A shift that promises to redefine our understanding of technology, politics, and finance.

Let’s start with the medical marvel that’s set to revolutionize healthcare: the introduction of medical beds in Germany, soon to be followed by Canada. This isn’t just a step forward; it’s a giant leap for mankind. Imagine surgeries that once took hours, now completed in mere minutes, without the need for anesthesia, and with patients walking out immediately, ready to resume their lives. This technology, courtesy of the mysterious ZAP Co., isn’t just a medical breakthrough; it’s a game-changer.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. The world is teetering on the edge of a financial precipice, with the Deep State cabal’s plans for a Great Reset by 2030.
And let’s not forget the Rothschilds, the central bankers who have, for over a century, wielded their financial power to enslave nations. This isn’t just economic dominance; it’s a form of modern-day slavery, a stranglehold on the global populace that’s been in place since the District of Columbia Act of 1871.
In the United States, the readiness of 8 million MED BED centers, capable of treating a wide array of diseases through quantum energy, marks a significant advancement in healthcare. These centers, expected to become operational by mid-March, symbolize a new era in medical treatment, offering hope for conditions previously deemed untreatable. However, it’s suggested that the full potential of these treatments can only be harnessed by individuals attuned to a higher vibrational state.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )


( @stiv01 )
@Nature_and_Race She says that like it’s a bad thing.

( @Drew22Vulcan )
@Nature_and_Race Finally this load of bullshit is being brought out as a lie, Hitler was not the man we have been told he is because it's all been told from the side of the Jews, and we all know Jews lie! It's part of their religion! Along with Pedophilia, Homosexuality, and the Transitioning of sexes! Everything America doesn't want comes from the Jews!

( @Fourpeaks83 )
@Nature_and_Race another boomer with cognitive dissonance? It's so tiresome. I wish he did too. I pray that the jewish mafia reality comes to an end.

( @BrianWindom )
@Nature_and_Race it didn't happen, but it should have

C.T. #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy #racist westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Hitler, 5”]

Christianity fried the Aryan’s brains with the doctrine that ‘all are equal in the eyes of God’ (the New Testament message of the rabbis who wrote it for us Gentiles). Yesterday, when talking about some films and the subject of the French Revolution came up […]it reminded me that the secularisation of that Christian doctrine aggravated the matter. I mean that after the French Revolution, the psyche of the Aryan went from all are equal in the eyes of God to all are equal before the law[…]
Following this secularised principle originally inspired by Christianity, France was the first European country to grant civil equality to Jews. Indeed, the legal position of Jews in France was widely envied by Jews in other countries. As a result of the so-called Jewish emancipation, and because of the high IQ of the Jew compared to the common Gentile, the first thing Jewry did, courtesy of Napoleon, was to take over the media[…]
The Christian Question (CQ) is not to be underestimated. Before modernity, when the Inquisition ruled and 16th-century Spain was wiser about the Jewish Question (JQ) than 19th-century Europe, Iberian whites committed ethno-suicide in the Americas by intermarrying with Amerinds. This historical fact is nothing less than a ‘checkmate’ to the Judeo-reductionism of the typical white nationalist[…]Christianity is responsible for the empowerment of Jewry

For example, many pan-Germanists were imprisoned in the late 1880s and early 1890s, and the League Against Anti-Semitism was founded in 1891[…]
As devout Christians, Bertha von Suttner and her husband Arthur founded the League in response to the growing ‘anti-Semitism’ across Europe (cf. Otto Glagau’s quote above). So this cancellation of the healthy mind represented by 19th-century pan-Germanism also came from Christians and their Christian principles of equality

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Ibram X. Kendi: “Whiteness prevents White people from connecting to humanity.”

There is a war being waged against you, White people.

This hateful anti-White rhetoric is getting young White men beat and stomped to death in the streets every single day. Our people are being murdered because of this anti-White hate.

This constitutes numbers 1, 4, and 6 on the internationally recognized "Ten Stages of Genocide" list. Classification, Dehumanization, and Polarization.

( @ALushPair )
@Nature_and_Race I don't want to connect to niggers and Jews. Fucking sub humans

( @PiotrekPL )
@ALushPair @Nature_and_Race they need to be eliminated , I don’t see any other way

( @mooninvirgo )
@Nature_and_Race What would this primate know about human-ity, seeing as he is sub human!

( @AlbanianCrusader )
@Nature_and_Race I'm sure he meant to say, “Whiteness prevents White people from connecting to sub-humanity”.

( @mmrhodes06 )
@Nature_and_Race “Blackness prevents black people from connecting to humanity“….there fixed it

( @Chrisbelvedere )
@Nature_and_Race fuck this nigger and all his nigger brothers....

( @inovthered )
@Nature_and_Race and there is so much humanity in Africa, where white farmers are murdered and then blacks starve.
Yes white and black are not the same or even compatible, could say from different worlds...

( @Lowell32755 )
@Nature_and_Race White people are Humanity, it's the rest of you that lack Humanity.

( @Driver )
@Nature_and_Race You'll notice how blacks (victims) are free...but they won't move back to their land with their people.
Because there is no money (or handouts) to be made being a victim in a country with "your people".
And this black guy is talking about jews (jewish privilege). Too many of them have been fooled.

( @Truckerbear01 )
@Nature_and_Race White People ARE HUMANITY !! It's the other slices of the Species that have a problem with being a Bi-ped, valuing Life, assimilating with civil societies, and exercising any sense of self-responsibility !! White people are Wonderful !!!

( @PiotrekPL )
@Nature_and_Race I bet this nigger lives in white neighborhood , taking shit about White People , he wouldn’t dare walk down the streets in south side chicago among his animal brothers , he’d be killed and robbed within an hour

Benjamin Lee Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The Khazarian mafia is trying to negotiate a surrender, according to high-level intelligence agency sources. David de Rothschild, chairman of the board of directors of the World Jewish Congress is offering to hand over control of the Western financial system to the Planetary Liberation Alliance. They are asking for amnesty in return. This offer came via the new head of the committee of 300 (who replaced Queen Elizabeth and is not Charles). The Illuminati council has granted this individual the power to negotiate with the alliance. The alliance has responded with the following demands:

1) A jubilee, as in a one-off cancellation of all debts, public and private, must be carried out.
4) All the technologies, such as hydrogen and anti-gravity, that have been suppressed by the KM must be released to the public
5) A massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction must be started.
6) Democracy, freedom of the press and the rule of law must be restored in the Western countries hijacked by the KM.
The KM are trying to surrender now because they fear a pogrom to end all pogroms will be carried out by the backers of US President Donald Trump.,

Furthermore, the Russian army has arrived at the borders of Israel and threatened to invade unless they stop their genocide in Gaza.
Ukraine is now being quarantined. Thousands of vehicles are piled up in lines stretching as far as 40 kilometers (25 miles) as drivers wait in freezing temperatures to cross the border into Ukraine due to blockades staged by protesting truckers. The truckers have the support of the Polish government. The Slovakian and Hungarian governments are also moving to shut the border.

The Germans are also cutting off Ukraine by stopping the flow of weapons and money there. The Ukraine is now an openly criminal regime. Ukrainian soldiers are getting “strange vaccinations from Western doctors in what are probable biological experiments,”

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
They're not just un-Whitening our nations in the present - they're un-Whitening all of history.

Their vision of the future is one where White people don't exist - and never did.

( @NSAmerica )
@KeepNHGranite this isn't an exaggeration, if they have their way all whites would be bred out in 500 years completely to the point we are a myth of a people that once walked the earth because they'd have rewritten everything, no history or culture of us remembered. Just erased.

( @DorahDaTorah )

( @Witch_Hunter_Siegfried )
@KeepNHGranite Fixed it

( @WoodFren )
@KeepNHGranite These are books that go in the burn pile with the others.

( @Adrianthehistorian )
@KeepNHGranite The Civil Rights Movement was a 5,000 black race riot, 250,000 Fire imposed, Revolution.
This Mass Violence forced America to became a Marxist Nation, as the Government needed Vast New Powers to Protect and Serve the needs of the New Aristocracy, created by the Government.
All those persecuted in the past, (AKA: Victims of Freedom) Blacks, Women, Jews, Catholics, Homosexuals, were given special Powers and Special Privileges by the Government to compensate for these 'wrongs'.
This made these groups Aristocracy by Law.
And these special Powers these groups used against their Enemies. Straight, White, Male, Protestants, each and every day.
That this group (White Men) have NO Civil Rights Nor 14th Amendment, ‘'Equal protections of the Laws'', is without question.
Otherwise, Affirmative Action, Diversity, Inclusion, etc. and other Government job re-distribution policies would all be Illegal.
So America became a Marxist Aristocracy to end White Supremacy over America.
And Create Black Supremacy/Black Aristocracy, in its place.

( @Seekeroftruth42 )

The mongrel jews are just like the blacks. They have contributed virtually nothing to the world other than being rapist, murders, pedophiles all the while indiscriminately breeding like cockroaches

( @ToyotaZZchad )
@KeepNHGranite nigger worship by a kike. Same old tale as old as time.

@Nature_and_Race #wingnut #racist gab.com

The people who get to determine what "hate speech" and "hate crimes" are, just so happen to hate White people.

Hence why it's only White people who ever get charged with "hate crimes", and why non-whites never get charged with hate crimes when they attack White people for being White.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
I don't think I've ever met a single mixed-race person who wasn't obviously mentally and/or emotionally unstable.

Even if their non-white admixtures were only a few percent, they always seem to have serious issues with mental and/or emotional illness.

( @saltysalmonhonk )
@Nature_and_Race miscegenation is death

( @NSEuropean )
@Nature_and_Race Just met a wasian moron online who called smalldick a white guy because the latter said to go live in africa to an asian girl saying she like dating blacks, This guy was half-asian and half white and when i replied to him in a chill way, saying that asians arent famous for having big dicks anyway so why does he even make that comment to begin with, he reacted so aggressively, saying i was racist and that i had an inferiority complex hahahha.

Oh man these people are delusional. Me too btw, i find that most mulattos are usually mentally retarded and fragile, very often theyre degenerates too, fuck them, no better than nigs and other subhumans

( @DonnaMaria316 )
@Nature_and_Race Also, why is it that if they are 1/2 white, and 1/2 black, they ALWAYS refer to themselves as black? It's as if being white has no privileges at all. 🤔

( @DisenfranchisedDad )
@DonnaMaria316 @Nature_and_Race because they know full well the privilege lies in being black

( @Christian_Hart )
@DonnaMaria316 Because European DNA is refined and recessive. Black DNA is 'diverse' and to say that they are black is the truth at that point because if they claimed they were refined recessive European DNA everyone would just laugh at them and tell them they are black (also true) and not White. You can't be 1/2 White. You are either White, born from two pure White parents or you aren't.

( @Woodzun )

They’re assholes. They feel superior to members of their nonWhite ancestry and inferior in the face of real Whites.

Mischlings are the worst because they feel superior to Whites AND fellow jews. No joke. It’s a real thing.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
The West is not dead. Not by a longshot.

Anyone who tries to convince you that the West is dead and not worth saving, isn't pro-White. They just hate Western Whites.

There are roughly 600 to 700 MILLION Western Whites alive right now. We don't just throw away this many White people because of a small, toxic minority has been given the loudest voice at the moment.

Germans in a club chanting, "immigrants out, immigrants out! Germany to the Germans, immigrants out!"

( @SimpleFren )
@Nature_and_Race YES. People need to hear this, to stop the blackpilling. I wrote something like this yesterday on twitter. I hope you don't mind my piggybacking off your post, but here is what I wrote: There are about 700 to 800 million White people in the world. That's an estimate, but close enough to make a point. Jews are about 15 million in population. That's an obviously enormous difference. Yet jews would have you to believe that White people are nearly gone. That's deceiving by words. Planting an idea in your head, and then expecting you to despair over it. Likewise, Israel is about 73% jew, and the rest is mostly arab, and that's not including the very arab west bank and gaza. Jews are basically already a minority in the territories they claim as their own. Yet in pretty much all European countries, White people are still majorities. The point is, don't "black pill" over the propaganda from jews. Because White people have been attacked in the past, and we should remember that it always worked out for our rising again.

( @Michael1 )

Seems to me that’s exactly what we’re doing. I’m in America and Whites couldn’t care less that they’re being erased.

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Michael1 -- Which Whites? All the Whites I know and speak with IRL care greatly about how White people are being treated by this anti-White establishment.

Get offline, and out into the real world, friend.

( @Moreme )
@Nature_and_Race And these Whites are angry...very very angry.
Shitskins won't like it when that anger erupts.

Elvis Dunderhoff #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From “Cool Hamas Soldiers Let 17-Year-Old Jew Hostage Keep Her Dog, Release Both Unharmed”]

These hostage releases are really bad for the Jew narrative

They are saying that Hamas are barbarians, and yet they are releasing all of the hostages in very good condition

They even let them keep their dogs, and kept the dogs very healthy

Probably, some of these Jews would rather go back to Hamas rather than continue living with the Jews

New York Post:

The father of the 17-year-old high schooler freed by Hamas Tuesday had been searching for weeks for her missing Shih Tzu to bring to her on the fated day of their reunion — only to find out when she was released that the beloved pooch had been in captivity with her the entire time[…]

How is Hamas evil if they take care of your dog?

That gay bastard Pete Buttigieg tortures animals and kills them

Hamas is friendly to animals and cares for them

alexstein #sexist #psycho #racist saidit.net

I read about people's experiences getting bitches and I seethe away in my cuck shed. If my worthless pajeet father had not placed his pajeet nigger kike genetics into my worthless mother I would probably be able to get a girlfriend. Maybe not a 9/10 but at least a 6 which I would be happy with. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa

I just read a thread on r/redscarepod about this Indian nigga who got a white bitch to suck his dick at college and all I could do is wish for my worthless humiliating existence to end. WHYYYYY GODDDDDDD WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. WHY DID YOU CURSE ME WITH THIS PAJEEEEEEEEEEEET AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

That nigger is so worthless that he couldn't even hook me up with a virgin indian qt arrange marriage village whore. The fucker thought he was some intellectual liberal and cut his ties to his community as soon as he arrived off the boat that cocksucker.

I'm not saying I would have gotten a bitch 100% because as an Indian it is harder but the fact that a lot of curries do get laid proves it's possible if you don't have shit tier nigger tier genetics.

I see the life I want in front of me and as I reach towards it the image vaporizes and drifts away. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkk. Instead of getting laid with a qt gf I get to spend my life rotting away on these forums with you assholes. I know there isn't one but if by some miracle there is I hope that nigger burns in hell forever for cursing me to this fate.

Fuck man. Life is unfair.

C.T. #racist #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Gone with the Wind”]

We can see the image of the carpetbagger scene in Gone with the Wind, a war that freed the Negroes and occurred at a time when there were no Jewish-owned mass media and even before mass Jewish immigration began. (Oh, Judeo-reductionist racialists who don’t want to see that, in addition to the JQ, we have a Christian problem…!)[…]
–Throughout the film, from the opening scenes in Georgia, women’s outfits duly concealed the sexual appeal of their bodies, especially the dresses of the Southern beauties[…]Melanie Hamilton, who eventually married Ashley, is the perfect model of how women should behave again in the future ethnostate![…]
–At the Twelve Oaks party, before the barbecue is interrupted by the declaration of war, all the women are taking the obligatory nap (except Scarlett, who escapes to the upstairs bedroom) while the men discuss serious matters. It was unthinkable that a woman would have a say in such matters[…]
–Rhett and several other accomplices carry out a night-time raid on a shanty town after Scarlett, driving alone, is attacked by Negroes resulting in Frank’s death. Needless to say, on this night the wives of these brave men stayed at home sewing and reading decent literature
–Once married to Rhett Butler, ‘Captain Butler’ was always greeted first by pedestrians in the street as he strolled with Scarlett. She, faithfully at her husband’s side on these street strolls, was only mentioned after pedestrians greeted Rhett
–Let us never forget Scarlett’s marital rape when Rhett lifted her in his arms[…]
When I was young, the film depicted wholesome Western mores, before values were corrupted and completely reversed in our darkest hour. I even remember that my mother, who wasn’t racist at all, felt compassion for the Southerners in the scene where the carpetbagger we see in the image above appears, and we both resented the presence of the black singer who took advantage of the situation

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
You know how I know Freemasons don't rule the world? Because you can say that they are without losing your job.

You know how I know Satanists don't rule the world? Because you can say that they are without losing your job.

Want to know how I know that jews DO rule the world?...

( @SoldierForChrist777 )
@Nature_and_Race It bothers me how people have failed to see a pattern with jews controlling things. Even if they do say "yeah, it's weird there's a lot of jews in Hollywood", they don't see how that's a bad thing.

( @Herraryan )
@Nature_and_Race "If you want to know who rules over you, find out who you can't criticize." Voltaire.

( @SimpleFren )
@Nature_and_Race Very true. Actually jews run freemasonry as one of many fronts, so they're more than happy to have you attack the front and forget all about them. And jews are the synagogue of satan as Jesus Christ said in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, so that one is a bit sensitive for them. Over on twitter, your post will be hidden under the label "hateful conduct" if you use the phrase "synagogue of satan" in reference to jews. So you can say "freemason" and "satanist", and nobody will care. But if you say "jews", then all hell breaks loose.

( @Leibstandarte_SS )
@Nature_and_Race Well, freemasonry is just a jewish secret society, Satanism is also a cover for judaism, so they act as a straw man which the jews allow us to knock down as long as we don't attack them directly.

( @Largecock )
@Nature_and_Race it's the jews, it's always been the jews.

( @upenya )
@Nature_and_Race The jews don’t want people to know they run the Masonic lodges and control all the Masonic sects.

( @Gaelic_Celtic_Germanic_Finnic )
@Nature_and_Race Actually it is the devil and the anti christ behind the scenes but the faces you see are black and brown and jew!

( @futurebot )
@Nature_and_Race Yep. Only wrong answers allowed. That's how we have conversations about the Jews in YouTube comments without getting censored: Replace "Jew" with "Indian" or "African." Works every time.

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