
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

CatherineOfSienna #moonbat #sexist thepinkpill.co

RE: Are We Seeing An Uprise Of The Female Incel? | Evie Magazine

I thought you all might be interested in this hot take about femcels in something called Evie Magazine.

"Female incels, or "femcels," as they are more widely known, couldn’t possibly hold more abhorrence towards the male gender, especially their incel subgroups. Instead of looking, or even considering positive alterations to themselves, a femcel will blame men for their lack of relationships and success in finding love; much like the incel, they hold little consciousness of their own motivations or shortfalls and could never even fathom a man they could love that wasn’t absolutely flawless – to the point of appearing alien."

The whole article is linked in the title

Tell us more about it, Stacy. All of their covers and articles have pictures of gorgeous women on display, they clearly know how much good looks matter so what is their contention exactly? They want to lecture us as if we didn't have an entire subreddit dedicated to looksmaxxing. Oh and guess what, femcels who have no interest in undergoing surgery and investing their money in bettering their appearance are just as valid. No one deserves to go through what we went and go through simply for not being eye candy, reducing it to dating problems misses the broader picture. Do the ladies at Evie think all we need to do is lose weight and wear makeup to look average? If that was the case, our forums wouldn't exist. Pick me garbage.

While we're at it, their magazine is just bland boring crap, they brand themselves as a female centric publication that's supposed to work for our benefit when in reality their whole shtick is 'retvrn' to tradition propaganda. The writing sucks too.

Various Femcels #moonbat #sexist thepinkpill.co

Anyone Else Still Scared of Pretty Teenage Girls?

Any other adult women scared of teenage girls?

I'm in my late twenties but I recently went to a supermarket and had to shop in a section where there were high school girls loitering. They all seemed like Stacylites.

Shopping nearby them put me on edge and I couldn't shake the feeling they were watching me. They started laughing as I left the aisle, which doesn't necessarily mean they were laughing at me but it also doesn't rule it out either. ☠

Thank GOD for masks so they didn't see my goddamn face.

Teenage girls are major suifuel because they actually have time in their lives to make fun of you. They all also have phones so they can take creeper photos of you.

Adult normie women at least are busy so they ignore me for the most part.

Wouldn't say scared but seeing 14-16 year old girls who look more attractive and mature than me can be major suicidal fuel ngl. I'm 19 and can barely wear makeup meanwhile some middle schoolers can do a full face with no problems.

oh god absolutely yes. they seem to be wearing less and less, tighter and tighter which makes me sad as I used to be a mentor to them (mainly tWeens) in my past. and we all know who they do it for which breaks my heart because they will be continuously disapponted. anyways, i've had a girl call me a "bobblehead" right to my face and other things a bit more evil... it's crazy to be ushered into this place i wasn't prepared for. this place where i'm old, out of touch, single loser walking around my lonesome. they will be there in no time at all though.

Governor Greg Abbott #fundie #psycho #sexist #wingnut theguardian.com

The Texas Republican governor Greg Abbott has signed into law one of the most extreme six-week abortion bans in the US.

“This bill ensures that every unborn child who has a heartbeat will be saved from the ravages of abortion,” said Abbott.

Senate Bill 8 bars abortion at six weeks of pregnancy with no exception for rape or incest, a near-total ban as most women are not aware they are pregnant at this stage.

Any individual can sue anyone who “aids or abets” abortion care. “This law is so broadly written it could target not just abortion clinics and staff but anyone that volunteers or donates to an abortion fund or activist organization like ours,” says Aimee Arrambide “Domestic violence and rape crisis counselors who offer guidance, family members who lend money to abortion patients, a friend who gives a ride to an appointment, or even someone that provides an address to a clinic could also face lawsuits.”

In response to concerns over the potential for a rapist to sue his victim’s abortion provider, the legislature passed an amendment that exempts rapists and those who commit incest from taking legal action. However, it only applies to those convicted of rape. Since 91% of women in Texas do not report rape to the police and the small number of those who do rarely see their abuser convicted, the amendment largely failed to allay fears.

Furthermore, the law does nothing to prevent someone associated with a rapist, like a friend or family member, from suing his victim.

“This bill empowers rapists and abusers,” said Representative Donna Howard “And this forced pregnancy act will drive women back into the [pre-Roe] shadows out of fear of harassment through lawsuits that anyone in this country can file.”

SFR #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Georgia: Mudshark gets beat up by her boyfriend's baby mama in a pizzeria. Caught on video.

Its very common to see black women attacking White women because of this.

As is often the case.

And those husky sheboons are built for combat; strong, broad shouldered, aggressive, cunning, deceptive, quick to anger, with vile dispositions, akin to a not-so-gentle version of the endangered mountain gorilla.

Now you know why those poor mountain gorillas are truly endangered, because their neighbors in the wild are African NEGROES.

I’ve been in my fair amount of fist fights, and never was one to beat a person that severely. That must be the primal monkey coming out in them. Have really no sympathy for the race traitor.

Blacks do seem to emulate chimpanzees when they attack. They are extremely vicious and give no quarter. This is why it is wise for Whites to avoid being in close proximity to these horrible, unpredictably violent beasts. And they should always maintain a high degree of SA when this sage advice isn't possible.

And if there is no alternative then Whites need to grow a spine and fight back, harder, smarter, and more viciously till victorious, or the threat subsides, or they can safely exit. Sometimes you just have to fight so when you do, inflict more damage than you take.

Some whites are just feeble and pitiful. Not even loyal to her own men and gets her ass whooped by a black woman. No wonder blacks see whites as weak.

Hence the saying, 'when the shoe fits, wear it'. Some Whites are disgusting, have made stupid choices, and now win stupid prizes. These Whites should be sterilized.

Brettus Estevenius #sexist #wingnut amerika.org


Women in the west have it pretty good. If they stumble out of high school with a degree, and stumble down the street to community college to get some kind of certification, they are basically guaranteed a middle class income.


The root paradox of feminism is equality. It believes that men and women should be equal, except that women are more equal because women, as the “underdog,” need more help to be equal.

For 30 years, the feminists have been pretending that their goal is to abolish all sex discrimination, eliminating all gender differences no matter how reasonable. When it comes to domestic violence, however, feminist dogma preaches that there is an innate gender difference: Men are naturally batterers, and women are naturally victims ...


Like all liberal ideas, feminism favors the underdog and so becomes a jihad/pogrom against those who are doing just fine. That means men.

... Men now have no recourse except to treat all women as sociopathic parasites and avoid entering in contract with them. Goodbye, marriage. How many Gen Xers managed to get married again?


Either men and women are equal, or they’re not.

If they’re equal, neither one should be expected to bear the burden of the other. ...


... (It’s paradoxical for a man to be a liberal. Liberalism is defense of the individual against reality; men who are masculine embrace reality and view it as a joyful challenge. If you sit down to pee, by all means be a liberal. But masculine men, gay or straight, have no business being liberal.)


Feminism is female self-destruction. In the name of equality, it has put men in a position of assumed guilt. The male response is withdrawal. The female consequence is loneliness, schizoid neurosis and self-hatred.

Mark English #sexist #wingnut secularright.org

Another fallacy of progressive ideology is the belief that complex problems of ethics and society are amenable to theoretically-elaborated solutions (based on discursive reason). Strangely, even feminist thinking – typically (and irrationally) hostile to science and mathematics – often falls into this trap. Though core feminist ideas are anti-rationalistic in certain ways, they are presented nonetheless as “theory”.

The errors of progressivism have been compounded and exacerbated by the notion that objective knowledge of the world is not possible. This idea has deep roots in radical social thought and philosophical pragmatism. But it is self-defeating; and perhaps it is the realization of this fact which lies behind the attempt to present traditional – and commonsense – views of objectivity and truth as being not simply in error but also as somehow morally or politically tainted.

Feminism, like other kinds of identity politics, relies heavily on this kind of rhetorical moralizing. We are dealing here with emotional manipulation, ploys designed to promote or prop up ideas which cannot sustain themselves in the absence of a particular kind of value-laden belief system.

If truth is socially constructed then science and rigorous scholarship should not be privileged over the pseudo-intellectual effusions of feminists, critical theorists, et al.. How convenient.

All these various virtue-signalling discourses are not about intellectual inquiry at all – and never have been. For most of the participants, it has always been a power game, pure and simple.

88 forever & Anonymous Posters #psycho #racist #sexist 88infinity.bdsmlr.com

I'm a high school counselor. I'm a middle aged white woman. I've done many questionable things to defend my favorite white male students. I've pressured little girls to retract rape accusations. I've dismissed accusations of cheating and bullying. Most recently, I made a young female Asian student abandon an attempt to slander a group of white senior boys for ripping her clothes off of her body at a school event. They literally left her naked with nothing to cover herself with. I don't ever want to stop.

(88 forever)
wow. you're a hero

My students came back to classes full time two weeks ago. Classes end in two more weeks. I feel like I've gotten blatant about showing off for them and letting them know that I know my place as a Chinese woman in a white world. My skirts are getting shorter, my blouses less buttoned; I'm touching shoulders and backs more as I talk to them, I'm wearing bright red lipstick and resting pens on my lips more. I'm blatantly staring at chests and crotches for the boys and the girls and I'm thinking about not wearing panties at all the last week. It's so wrong, but something about being online most of the year and being home with my husband (also Chinese) has me craving these white teens so very much in ways I hadn't before and I need to tell someone.

(88 forever)
no panties is a good idea, no panties AND no bra is a great idea!

Lurker-Bee et al. #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist lurker-bee.bdsmlr.com

If a follower was super stubborn about all your evil, racist, sexist posts being "just fantasy" how satisfying would it be to make her/him admit the truth? :3

This happens a lot. I think when people realize I'm surprisingly nice. Most of my examples are of leftie white lesbians. I suppose it is some sort of denial. "she couldn't possibly be a white supremacist, she is so kind and sweet."

Well, eventually they realize. They squirm in discomfort and excitement. This phase is truly adorable.

Whether they are returning in shame or not. They are broken, just enough for me to put back together and make sure bits stay broken. That is the satisfying part of their realization. I get to reshape their mind. Now, they know they love getting off to white supremacy, they love talking to a white nationalist, they love their skin and their heritage (or their new place in the hierarchy). Some still publicly hide their new life (you know who you are), others embrace it. I love being part of people's political and sexual journeys.

Obviously we need to increase white numbers or risk genocide worldwide. Do you support family love and inbreeding to grow large clans?

I adore family love! It obviously has its downsides but I think white biologists should focus on softening or eliminating them. White girls bred by their daddies and brothers should be common!

Do you think all minorities should go extinct?

Of course not! White diversity is sufficient, but I am not heartless. We should keep the races separate and not equal. Should a white man be denied an asian woman pet provided he wants one? I don't think so. Separate but still subservient.

Brett Stevens #sexist #wingnut amerika.org


When we started sending women to work, we began doubling our workforce. This is great in theory but for employers only. More workers devalues the cost of any one particular worker because there are more alternatives. But then the question is what type of job is filled.


When women were placed into the workforce, most of them took jobs that were not already filled. A good portion of these were administrative; not coincidentally, this category has swelled dramatically in the last fifty years.

One reason a category swells is because it can since there are not only people who take those jobs, but people who will depend upon them. Thus it seems cheap at first to hire more, and then more.

If you wonder how we got to the point where most jobs involved four hours of actual work per week, and 36 hours of attending meetings, filling out inconsequential paperwork, reading email, being on conference calls, etc. this is the source: the jobs themselves aren’t important.

When women entered the workforce, we needed to find a way to hire all these new people who would need the income. We diluted job roles in order to make room. This in turn made jobs boring, except for people who enjoy the social aspects of the job, which are all of the non-work parts of the job.

By insisting on this universal participation, we’ve changed jobs from having purpose to being a process of attendance and compliance. Even further, this has diluted productivity. We have made most jobs or most of jobs fully extraneous.

The result is that industry moves more slowly, and has a higher cost in those jobs which are not related at all to the production of widgets. This is the new norm, and most people are afraid to criticize it.

Brett Stevens #sexist #psycho amerika.org

Let’s say your daughter is eleven. She is 1.5 years away from menstruation, if she’s an average girl. She is 5.3 years away from her first sexual experience, on average. But that’s not to say it won’t happen sooner. ... Are you ready to even think about this?

... another question ... a real doozy:

What type of sexual experience do you want your daughter to have?

... what kind of life experience do you want her to have? ...


Everything fits into a new context when it’s your kid. When do you want her to have her first anal gangbang? Your princess, penetrated by many penises. What about her first bukkake? Her first one-night sexual encounter with some guy whose name she forgets by morning? Her first anonymous blowjob at a blindfold party? What about her first three-way, and double penetration?

Your little princess. What kind of future do you want for her?

You can hide beyond, “Whatever she chooses, they’re all equal,” for only so long. At some point you realize there’s a number line between the drunk cocktail waitress aging without grace and taking home whatever man she can grab, and the nuclear family with a loving husband and stability and kindness.

But of course, you don’t get that outcome by sleeping around. In fact, you’re mostly likely to get it by being the 31% of American women who have only one sex partner in their lives. When you haven’t experienced others, you hold nothing over your husband or wife. You give it all to them. There is trust and love uninterrupted by fear and cynicism.

The scary thing is that we all know this underneath our cynical outer selves. Inwardly, we long for the fairy tale. …

You know what you want for your little princess. You’re afraid to say it because it will break a social taboo. …

Basghetti #crackpot #homophobia #sexist saidit.net

RE: Gay man calls men abusive, misogynistic rapists and claims that male sexuality is degenerate and obsessive by default

Ok, I skimmed because honestly male on male sex makes me feel physically ill and I feel like a voyeur or something reading about it, so it looks like he touched on this a bit.

I'm gonna sound bigoted as fuck here, but I'd say for gay men it's on turbo. I'm not the master of knowledge here or anything, so just kinda keep that in mind, but with the history of pederasty-- that leads me to think there's a massive domination thing at play mentally, even more so than with straight men because they're dominating other men. I don't know where the bottoms fall with all of this, but I thought they were supposed to have prostates that make the process at least somewhat worth it. If it's just pain, what's the actual fucking point? You're just gonna have a fucked up asshole and the sphincters there are going to be all ruined like old shitty (lel) hair rubber bands and your butthole is going to leak. There are some nice enough gay fellas out there, but I'm not gonna lie-- I'm looking in the direction of King James VI/I for all of the fanatical witch burning/woman torture shit.

_Moon_ #moonbat #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

Muslim migrant males need to start being shot on sight. I don't care anymore. I immediately clocked them. They're all the same.

I fucking hate them. My experiences with them have been terrible. They're savages who need to die.

When it comes to street harassment and violence, black and brown men are the fucking worst. I don't think this is the fault of Islam. "Westernized" black and brown men are pretty much the same. Even their vernacular is increasingly woke and American. I saw some Arabs use the woke American term "cultural appropriation" to describe a regional supermarket selling kebab ingredients, lol!

Sometimes Islam feels less like a religion to me and more like some sort of ethnocultural bubblegum, keeping 1001 ethnicities (Chechens, Turks, Tunisians, Algerians, Morrocons, etc.) together.

And they all have this weird relationship with white women: on the one hand, they are sexually obsessed with us, on the other hand, they hate us. And non-white women have the same relationship with white men, this love/hate Daddy-issue relationship with white men where they spend all day on Twitter shitting on white men and all night fantasizing about being ravaged by one: https://i.imgur.com/BLtBuGJ.png PNG

Of course, this doesn't mean that white and Asian men are necessarily "better." Usually, they just have more impulse control and higher IQs than black and brown men, so the more complex systems and structures of misogyny (e.g. the international porn industry, transgenderism, economic systems resulting in black and brown men being imported to the West to drive down wages for the working-class, etc.) are filled with more white and Asian men.

Legendarywristcel #sexist #dunning-kruger ncu.su

It is disturbing that guys who are married never talk about 'morning face'

At 33, i often move in circles where the guys are married with kids. Now ive seen their wives, some of them are good looking and most arent. But even the good looking ones, in the rare instances that ive caught them with less than usual fakeup, look scary. I can only imagine how they look when they wake up in the morning. And yet, this now has become an accepted fact of life for these guys, that they dare not question it. In 2021, you have to accept that your 'looksmatch' is actually a frauding beast, whom you mog to oblivion when fakeup is accounted for.

I think these guys who married their wives for looks, have now convinced themselves that their relationship has matured (JFL) to a point where they like their wives for the person they are.

Prussian Society of America #fundie #racist #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

Q: Are you a Christian Order or Religious Organization?

A: We are NOT Christian and our Entire Society is also Not Christian. We are a Pagan Fraternal Order and do not believe in organized forms of Worship, such as the Abrahamic Faiths do. In our view, Christianity is an aberration of Spirit. A foreign influence that has encapsulated Europeans in general, but our focus on its destruction lay more on the effects it has brought people of Germany and Baltic Nations. We encourage our Volk to return to their Pagan roots in accordance with Nature’s Demand, away from Manmade Belief systems which have unnatural philosophies and with fake morals and fake hearts which teach philosophies which can only be innate in an individual, but never learned. Return to our Pagan Spirituality is the natural course of Evolution and Renaissance of our Volk.

Q: Does the PSA Promote Odin [WOTAN] or other Norse Religions?

A: Our Society does not Promote Odin Worship, Asatru, or any of these Norse Religions.

Norse Belief systems are at odds with our Practices and Beliefs, because they promote Equality with Women, and sometimes, the Women having a higher status over the Man.

Q: Are you Atheists?

A: No, we are not Atheists, as we do believe in God. However the God-Force and Concept of God in general that we believe in is completely different than Abrahamic Religions, as well as the Buddhists and any Manmade Religion.

Q: Can Atheists join your Organization?

A: Atheists are not welcome into our Society. We view Atheists to also be a religious cult in and of itself, and that they have a worldly agenda of their own, especially in their aim to promote World Communism. Our Society does not promote religious dogma to our Members.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #racist #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

Q: Are you Freemasons or do you have Freemasons among your Membership?

A: No, and Absolutely Not! Freemasons are not only expressly prohibited from Membership and any Involvement with our Society, but they remain as our most grave world enemies and rivals, but also they are the enemy of Mankind. Even a former Freemason will never be tolerated among our ranks. Anyone who is found to join Freemasonry or any Christian or any other unauthorized society which is against the interest of our Society, will be considered as having committed “treason” and is subject to punishment.

Q: Are Women Welcome to be a Supporter or Member of your Organization?

A: Yes they are. The only conditions you have is that as a Woman in our organization, you will not be permitted to be in occupancy in ranks of Leadership or Political Decisions, or anything pertaining to Militaristic Affairs.

Q: Do you believe in Evolution of Humanity?

A: We do not believe in the Evolutionary Theories, they are all false and are easily debunked.

Q: Prussians were always fervently religious, what causes you to break with the Prussian Tradition of Protestant/Lutheran creed?

A: We recognize all forms of Christianity to be antithetical to our Real Heritage and the proper development of our people. Abrahamic religions belong to the Hebrews. If you are not of Hebrew Origins, believing in their religious paths makes you spiritually a Hebrew. Modern Germans must decide whether they are a Hebrew or a German, and to follow their native religion. Today, the people who are descendants of Prussians are not aware of the Prussian Spirit and how it makes us different from other Germans and world’s people, so they are not aware of the significance.

SidragasumBinShaytan #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

The Fem’nist Burden: A Satire in the Style of “The White Man’s Burden”

Take up the fem’nist burden!

Assemble women white!

SJWs gather!

Come all ye full of spite

To whine and moan and grumble

About how nothing’s right;

To preach non-stop on justice,

While that’s just what you fight!

Take up the fem’nist burden!

Impose your creed by force!

Decorum’s deconstructed:

Go on, be rude and coarse!

All reason’s patriarchal:

Forget debate—denounce!

Dwell not on means or scruples,

For it’s the goal that counts!

Take up the fem’nist burden—

To spread the faith world-wide

And leave no people helpless,

Though they should run and hide!

Usurp their identity

And colonize anew!

Their culture needs some changing—

A couple wars should do!

Take up the fem’nist burden

And put our minds at ease,

Lest anyone among you

Cis-gendered men appease

By judging based on merit,

Against express decrees

That only race and gender

Ought good employers please!

Take up the fem’nist burden

To rid the world of art,

Replacing every beauty

With some new, stinking fart

Of high-pitched propaganda

To teach us how to act:

Submit to every woman,

Ignore all trace of fact!

Take up the fem’nist burden:

In chastity remain!

Go sacrifice the fam’ly

And parity obtain!

A child needs not a mother—

The help will more than do!

Or better: turn the tables!

Make men the mothers too!

Take up the fem’nist burden!

No loft’yer mountain climb,

No truth or right make sacred,

Before our creed sublime.

Rewrite the books of hist’ry,

All science reconstruct,

To suit our plans for others—

The facts & rights be f****ed!

CadyshackJack #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Re: So called "comedy" show, 'A Little Late with Lilly Singh', trashes white people

She hates whites. No one should ever donate to any cause she is a part of. Her attitude sucks. No wonder the Chinese can't stand these people.

Thanks for sharing these links, LoveTheWhites. The reasons her show failed are twofold: 1) Women simply can't cut it as comediennes. They just aren't funny. Never have been; and, 2) Immigrant and coloured women are even less funny than their White counterparts. I'm glad her show failed. Looks good on her anti-White azz.

-BrettyBoy- #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[RageFuel] I hate how they say ‘Respect women’.

Like the topic title says, I hate how they say ‘Respect women’, like, not men too? No wonder so many men are fucking degenerate female worshipping cucks and you even get feminists saying ‘I’m going to raise my son to respect women’, not humans in general, just women.

Various Commenters #crackpot #racist #sexist reddit.com

HK TVB promoting WMAF

Before I get nuked for "posting native Asian" content, this shit is global; lots of Asian Americans watch TVB too.

TVB is the prime TV channel of Hong Kong and produces lots of shows for local consumption, however, it also produces lots of content, like "marrying to the world" which mainly showcases XMAF.

many pro-beijingers are just as west-worshipping as pro-democracy joshua wongers

Lol, TVB is a mouthpiece for the CCP. Real Hong Kongers don't even watch TVB anymore.

doesn't matter if they're ccp mouthpiece, they're cucked that's what matters

It’s an epidemic, and if you think it’s due to “White worshipping” or “self hate” you’re living in resentment. Is the [x]-race of males engaging in self hate when they see our women as trophies and conquests? I did a full breakdown of this phenomenon and the mods refused it to be posted, because it would bring “disharmony”.

The longer we ignore the genetic, psychological causes for this that manifests “solely” in one part of our sex - Asian men do not behave this way - you will stumble through life in rage and ignorance.


Didn't Jackie Chan have the same retarded mindset promoting XMAF. People will try to do deny it but there is rampant colonized white worship all over east asia in tv, fashion, etc

Yes, he said that to spread chinese culture around the world he would encourage foreigners to marry chinese women. He’s never had a problem getting AFs, so he’s clueless of WMAF dynamics. Same with these local media producers (I don’t think it’s white worship in that they think WMAF is good per se, they just don’t see the harm in it, and think it’s an interesting novelty)

Winterheart #racist #sexist stormfront.org

RE: Olivia Rodrigo reveals details about the letter Taylor Swift sent regarding debut of her single Drivers License

Taylor Swift endorses more white genocide. The lyrics and video of Driver's License are about a young woman heartbroken because the negro she loves is dating a young blonde woman.

Does this song endorse White Genocide? The song seems to view the negroid dating that blonde girl as a bad thing. The idea seems to be that negroes should be loyal to negresses like this Olivia Rodrigo creature. White people would never be allowed to make such a song about our own, of course. I didn't listen to it. I just read the summary. Am I missing something?

Taylor Swift is a whore and a traitor but this doesn't seem to be an example.

Thanks for posting. Those are good points.

If a blonde woman is around a negro that's an abomination.

That wouldn't happen in a moral, segregated society.

You're right. In a decent society, the situation wouldn't even arise.

C .T. #wingnut #sexist chechar.wordpress.com

[From "April 20 gift"]

The best gift I received yesterday, on the Führer’s anniversary day, were the fifteen booklets I had requested from Third Reich Books: most of them authored by SS men. Although the publishers have been deplatformed by banks that issue credit cards, it’s still possible to acquire them

In my previous post I reported the poison that the most successful series on television put us. What Himmler wrote inside the front cover of the original German booklet is the perfect antidote
The translation was published under the title SS Man, Be Fruitful. But the original title Sieg der Waffen—Sieg des Kindes (Victory of the Arms—Victory of the Children) better reflects the content. Nothing can be more antithetical to the ethno-suicidal feminism of television than the simple message of this brief pamphlet, packed with photographs.

A year ago I complained that the sites of white nationalism didn’t pay tribute to the birthday of the Führer. This year I didn’t want to inquire if the same thing happened yesterday. It is time to dismiss what is written in the US to find out what was written in these booklets available in several languages: here.

Antonio García Martínez #sexist theverge.com

Most women in the Bay Area are soft and weak, cosseted and naive despite their claims of worldliness, and generally full of shit. They have their self-regarding entitlement feminism, and ceaselessly vaunt their independence, but the reality is, come the epidemic plague or foreign invasion, they’d become precisely the sort of useless baggage you’d trade for a box of shotgun shells or a jerry can of diesel.

littleowl12 & ramani #moonbat #sexist ovarit.com

Woke people who think they live in a matriarchy

I’m still mad about that stupid “Cooking with Trans Women of Color,” mostly about the Colombian dish that stated families ate it under “matriarchal leadership.” In other words Mom telling everyone that dinner is ready. Every culture in the world has mothers that tell you to sit down and eat your damn spaghetti. This is a common pattern I see with woke people. They claim most other cultures are matriarchal. They claim their own are, or their families are. If Colombia were a matriarchy it wouldn’t have a high femicide rate. Or rape. It's such a great way for men to absolve themselves of any responsibility to try to do better. They'll take this one sliver of benefit of colonization- they can blame someone else for their own misogyny.

You’re right. My tribal group actually did afford legal rights to women, BUT, that did not mean they had actual power, or even much agency in their lives. “Woke” people just make up histories of nations and cultures of which they really know nothing, even if they have ancestral connections to them. I’ve seen this in my own cultural group. It’s bizarre and ridiculous. They create some mythological “monster” - Colonialism, for example - before which they theorize everything was wonderful and equal between the different groups of people, and of course there were no binary sex categories and distinctions, etc., etc.

Sometimes I honestly wonder whether it’s because a lot of these people live too much online, and this has distorted their sense of what real life is, especially for women in poor countries in the global south. I’ve lived in both kinds of societies, and the sheer cluelessness of “woke” people is unbelievable.

Alecto #moonbat #sexist ovarit.com

Here's the thing--if they can say matriarchy exists in places that aren't colonized by white people, then they can deduce misogyny is just a side effect of white supremacy. It isn't men who are the problem around the globe--it's white people.

⬆️ why i don't bother with black nationalism and allying with black men on the issue of race. ill take my chances with women tyvm ⬆️ there are black men who say these exact sentences over and over ⬆️ like bruh what is stopping you from treating women like human beings today? what does colonialism have to do with you?

This is a perfect point. What racist made you hit your girlfriend?

I rather liked your idea of female nationalism. Men will take any excuse to avoid confronting their own supremacy. It's why so much of male 'feminism' is somehow all about ensuring male sexual access to women.

This is why so many of my black sisters are divesting from black men. They want racial unity to fight white supremacy but that’s not possible when they keep treating women like sex objects.

It infuriates me to see women accused of bigotry for calling out sexism in minority communities, even if they're a member of those communities themselves. They're shamed into staying silent because you want to present a united front against the oppressor, don't you? It's very abusive to the women in those communities.

I’ve also seen it argued that people from traditionally oppressed groups don’t have to bother with any other social justice, environmental or other ethical issues. Somehow that argument never applies to women though.

Well obviously not, because women are the fucking helpmeets of the entire goddamn world.

Brett Stevens #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

When rape first became a crime, we lived in a different world. Among the middle and upper echelons of society, women expected to be virgins at marriage and to be respectable in public thereafter.

These expectations arose from common knowledge which has been forgotten. Without the bonding that sexual inexperience provided, couples lacked the trust that came with shared exclusive experience. Their marriages also became unions of convenience, not based on the sacred but in business-like negotiations for mutual satisfaction on a day-to-day basis.

Not surprisingly when we abandoned this outlook our fortunes fell as far as marriage is concerned. First infidelity swept through marriages, then divorce became common, and now people simply avoid marriage in the first place to avoid being penalized to subsidize someone else after the inevitable divorce. Marriage is like extended dating at this point.

In saner times, rape ruined a woman. If it occurred before marriage, it made her unlikely to become married; if it happened afterwards, people saw her as being ejected from the throes of marital contentment. (This was for decent people in the upper echelons: peasants, criminals and gypsies rutted like pigs and still do, which creates their ever-expanding numbers and ever-decreasing fortune.)

In our new age however rape no longer carries this weight. No woman is ruined by having sex with one more man, since they commonly have sex with six of them on average that they will admit, but we know that people lie on surveys and the actual number may be ten times higher, some without even knowing his name or spending more than a dozen minutes in his company. At this point, it is farce and injustice to keep rape classified as a crime of violence.

Brett Stevens #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

[From “Legalize rape”]

Rather, we should view rape as a form of theft. We know that the woman intended to have sex with someone because she does it on a regular basis; what happened instead was that she had sex with the wrong man. It occurred not by force, since we no longer require that to prosecute a man for rape, but by mistake. ...

But no matter: In all of these cases, the only crime was theft of sexual services. She could have sold that sexual encounter for anywhere from a few dollars to a few thousand. Perhaps it was wrong that he took her as he did, but we have worse physical affronts in car crashes and when people crash their shopping carts into us at Wal-mart. As with an auto accident, we could write him a ticket and slap a heft fine on him, then move on.

It is not as if anything permanent were taken from that woman. She is already accustomed to having sex with strangers. She does not expect to be virginal for marriage, but fears being virginal past age thirteen, as socially that means failure. The only real crime here is that the wrong man ended up having sex with her, or that he did not pay. Our legal system offers many ways to rectify this. If he is ticketed, she can sue in small claims court much as she would if he took her paid parking space for a month.

... Rape is no longer a violent crime, but a case of mistaken consent, like parking in spot 81 when you rented spot 82. We should not punish it like grand larceny, assault and murder. As the feminists tell us, most rapes are acquaintance rape. And for that, a quick ticket and a sharp fine should do the trick, and we can stop ruining the lives of men for regrets in a sexual marketplace of the lowest common denominator.

throwawayneedpriv #racist #sexist reddit.com

As a south asian male, south asian male x white female and east asian male x white female will never be as popular as the white male x asian female.

The biological attraction to east and south asian males isn't strong.

White women are the tallest females on average. Most asian males are like 5'5'- 5'9. White guys easily push 6 foot. Normally white women and asian males are the same height or even shorter than them, women want a partner taller than them .

East Asian males lack dimorphism compared to other guys. Sexual dimorphism is needed in order for attraction to be there. Also women like guys biologically darker than them, east asian guys are too light skinned for white women.

South asian males have too much dimorphism, + lack of pretty boy features.not to mention only negative stereotypes, so white women won't choose us

Most white women will never choose asian males as their second choice if they're not with a white guy they're more likely to choose black males especially west africans ( tall, athletic, lots of muscle, strong jaws).

Just stop counting these numbers cuz it's not gonna happen it's a waste of time , wmaf has biological attraction to it ( white males are tall, darker than east asian females but not to dark, Strong sexual dimorphism plus light coloured eyes ) thus it will always be way more popular than amwf which lacks biological attraction, at the end of the at the simplest level we are animals and we operate on our biologically.

Not saying it amwf cant happen I'm just saying it's unlikely cuz biological attraction isn't there from the white female perspective in most cases. So it would be better for you not to bother and pay attention to white females unless they're showing considerable signs they like you.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist ovarit.com

(Probably) Unpopular Opinion: Men Should Not Be Allowed to Use/Possess Guns

99% of men’s gun use is not in self-defense, and they use them to commit homicides and mass murders frequently. When women use guns, it is most often in self defense. How many women mass shooters are there, compared to men? How many gun homicides are caused by men, compared to women? Men have unchecked rage & refuse to control themselves. Most sociopaths (people with antisocial personality disorder, of which the criteria are violence, and complete lack of empathy, guilt or remorse) and psychopaths are men.

i absolutely agree. Men have dominated women because they evolve to be physically stronger. We can erase that difference if we only allow women to control weapons. All Kind of weapons on earth. No scrote allowed in the vicinity of anything explosive or dangerous. "Billy, don't play with swords and guns, that's what girls do. Here is your toy sweeper!" That would be wonderful 🙂

I’m all for this. Just look at statistics. It’s for the best. We are essentially relegated to mothering the entire world because most men don’t grow up emotionally, sometimes ever.

It also evens the playing field so that their strength and our relative weakness cannot be weaponized

Here are some hard numbers for anyone who wants to see the breakdown:

Since 1982, an astonishing 118 mass shootings have been carried out in the United States by male shooters. In contrast, only three mass shootings have been carried out by women

Interestingly, there was recently a school shooting in Idaho from a girl. She shot three people before a teacher disarmed her, and no one died

Various Femcels #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

RE: We are screwed according to wikipedia untrained men are stronger than female athletes

Biology fucked women in so many ways, it's insane how many women worship nature. Women are physically weaker, suffer from menstruation, have to endure painful and humiliating rape with males, feel like crap during pregnancy, tear from the vagina to the anus during childbirth (perineal tears affect about 80% of women!), die in childbirth, more prone to all diseases (except for contagious ones -- your average woman loves to brag about it so much!) and live so long, they don't even remember their own bloody name while shitting in an adult diaper. But hey, being a woman is so worth it!!!

Exactly something that boggles my mind. Most of the 'go back to nature and lets slave like primitive' types are women. Conservatives and nature worshipping radical feminists both vouch for the same thing- trap women within the confines of biology. The only difference is that the latter group has deluded themselves into believing tearing from vagina to anus or from vagina to clit makes women powerful. Its like saying torture victims are goddesses.

It must be denial, cope etc some psychological tactic women use to avoid pain, you have to be insane to worship biology when you are literally screwed by this in almost every way. Maybe that's why most women are also more emotional, empathetic than men because truth about biology and male nature is so painful that you have to be some kind of bubbly emotional bimbo living in denial and disregard facts and logic to live happy.

tallowcandle #sexist saidit.net

None of those 'giving birth is superpower' types would say no to never having period again, or to sidestepping pregnancy. But I still wouldn't want to be male, they are crazy evil fucks and strength and lack of pain are wasted on them.

Human reproduction is such a fucking torture of females the fact that our species survived to this point is the proof male violence has always been a critical factor for humans, and that it is biological. Truly liberated females would just fucking not.

If we lived in not a clown world, a bulk of scientific resources would go towards freeing females from our biological drawbacks, not to moids trying to play with them. Genetic modification to improve strength, intelligence and impulse control, longevity, etc. But none of that will fucking happen, of course. We don't have to have bloody periods, in fact, it's an 'evolutionary spandrel' to make up for the fact that human fetus sucks out so much mother's blood through chorionic villi we had to have an epithelium so thick to shield ourselves it can't be fully reabsorbed when shed. But nothing bad happens if it's not happening. The reason birth control has empty end of months pills is that males can't imagine our existence without suffering and would not approve birth control otherwise.

Tess of the Terfervilles #sexist #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

Predators - paedos and pervs - must be unable to believe their luck! Not only can they get away with this shit, they have a load of WOMEN who are helping them! Effectively pinning the entire female sex, and children, down for men to rape! Forgive them mother for they know not what they do? They numb their own minds with the cultish chanting so as to prevent that suppressed realisation from taking hold. Kind of like Susie Green. The realisation of what they have done, if acknowledged, would surely kill them.

Nayenezgani #crackpot #moonbat #psycho #sexist saidit.net

I'm extremely pro-micropenis because of bestiality. We can't convince scrotes to abstain from raping children and animals, but we can lessen the damage by actively spreading chemicals that cause scrotes to have micropenises, e.g. phthalates. If all animal rapists and child rapists had micropenises, at least it would not be so physically traumatic for their victims. Pick-mes can cry about not finding any dominant HVM with a big schlong but I don't care. (Cry all you f@cking want, your tears mean d!ck to me.)

If we really want to escape the vice of male oppression, we have a few options:

Miraculously find a way to propagate the species without scrotes, and somehow manage to delete scrotes or let the existing ones live out their lives in humane captivity.

Planet-wide murder-suicide, because inter-sex oppression exists among thousands of species. Basically no one contemplates this besides efilists or pro-mortalists.

Deleting the human species. Involuntary infertility of the masses would be the most humane, and would not rely on volition. People will try to find ways to solve this, so it would be even better if most smart people died off first.

Lower the sex ratio. There is no endgame to this, and the human species will continue regardless. I am just hoping our lives would be slightly less influenced by scrotes. We know that late fatherhood is correlated with a higher likelihood of daughters, and in general this is can also be caused by heavy exposure to dioxins.

When it comes to the Western lifestyle, my family was too poor to afford meat or indulge in excessive power consumption so I learnt to live without those things. It made me happier and healthier than I would have been if I was some pampered middle-class kid.

mathlover #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Like others have said, not all trans females are predatory males

ALL trans males are predators.

A fox in a henhouse is a predator even if it never touches any of the chickens. The fox never belongs in the henhouse; it is a predator just by being where it will never belong.

Men never belong in womens spaces no matter how they "identify" or what they do, or don't do, to their bodies. They are always predators just by being - even just by wanting to be - where they will never belong.

Bergatario #racist #sexist reddit.com

Johny Depp got in trouble because he married an entitles american actress. America women that are that level of hot buy into their own feminist propaganda. Why do you think that Nicolas Cage sticks to Japanese waitresses for his choice of wife? Less grief. Better sex. Stay away from Western women in general, especially the entitled ones and you'll do fine. Nuff said.

UnconventionalXY #crackpot #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Do you know the most ironic part? Those wahmen are the ones who will get fricked on the long run. Sure, simps will always exist, but eventually most men will just "nope, I'm out" in almost every sense. Heck, in work, men are avoiding women like the plague.

Women have created a slippery slope for themselves.

Whilst it was reasonable to pursue women being killed or physically harmed, psychological harm is more dubious to define, but when the umbrella of harm is gradually extended to even more dubious levels of harm (eg he raped me with his eyes, he tapped me on the shoulder, he asked me out on a date when I didn't fancy him) and entering the arena of feelings, and everything is conflated into this extreme interpretation of rape, it's inevitable the creep will continue until any uncomfortable feeling or potential for uncomfortable feeling is included in this category. Once paranoia begins, it's difficult to stop it escalating.

In parallel, blaming men for womens feelings when it is obvious women are contributing too will inevitably lead to hatred of men for having the potential to harm a woman and then it is only a small step to feeling justified in taking revenge. We are already seeing teenage girls killing men purely from the hatred they have been conditioned to feel through role modeling and this is only going to get worse.

I'm not convinced women can stop themselves from sliding further down the slope as they don't seem to be able to apply rationality to moderate their feelings. Perhaps it is that women have never been required to develop this talent because of the traditional roles: they have always largely been protected by men.

Various Femcels #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist saidit.net

Is This Peak #BoyMom?


Are they really mother and son? I sometimes think these fucked-up stories are just made up bullshit by journalists.

It’s true, she also has an IG account: https://www.instagram.com/luceneduarte/?hl=en

I have more faith in the yellow press reporting on fucked-up OF stories than in NYT reporting on racism and Russia. Reminds me of the meme where you have an IQ bell curve with the retard on the lower end and the genius on the higher end agreeing while the Reddit normie in the middle disagrees with both of them, lol. While the Reddit normies think that articles such as these are fake, both the retards and the geniuses just roll their eyes and think, "Oh yeah, that IS the clown world we are living in these days..."

(The same could apply to evobio, with the retards and geniuses acknowledging the significance of human nature and biology, while the Reddit normies in the middle believe in >muh socialization only.)

Just imagine people in the decaying Rome hearing about some loony Emperor having orgies with infants and farm animals and being like "yup, just normal day in the greatest civilization on earth".

This is pretty much where we are again...

(LaQueSabe_ )
The moid looks so dead inside in the right pic, i'm crying laughing

Meanwhile in his head "makin coin from mumsy cowtits. gotta buy game. must game. umga bumga"

Also 0 surprise she is Brazilian.

This will be this lad's least exploitative endeavor in life. Noticed in 'sex worker interviews' they always ask if the male owner of the cunt is ok with other males using it, that they're asking her son here instead of the usual bf/husband just reinforces incest overtones.

PlainSimpleTailor #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Gay men discussing "getting over" their transphobia to sleep with Transmen

Weird, because it doesn't sound like men at all to question their own sexual preferences. If the Law of the Penis states that another dick must be present, then so be it. If the Law of the Penis states that there must be a receiving end for one's desire to inflinct violence, then so be it. Questioning the things men need to get off is the biggest taboo, especially in woke culture. Maybe these "gay men" were trans themselves? I usually only see women obsessing and self-flagellating over their "transphobia" (because they are the ones who are being targeted by accusations of transphobia 99% of the time).

gay males, especially younger ones are the hyper focus for some of this stuff and being painted as evil. I think you're confusing heterosexual men with homosexuals. One sort of killed and murdered the other for fun for over 2000 years and begrudgingly resents the other for being slowly recognized as human. Your analysis might be a little off.

I truly didn't know gay men were targeted for "transphobia" that much. I stand corrected in my assumption that women are targeted "99% of the time". It's obviously not as clear-cut. However, pressuring women into accepting dicks inside their bodies seems more rapey than women trying to convince gay men of pussy. It's the same homophobia, but one group actually has physical power over the other and regularly threatens the other with sexual violence / sees sex as a punishment for dissenting women ("choke on my girld*ck" and such). Still doesn't make it okay that gay men are told to "overcome their pussyphobia" and such nonsense and I apologize for trivializing the way gay men are targeted.

Alexander Iulianus #crackpot #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

The biggest issue I find with young women, is inability to seperate feeling from truth, feeling from right and wrong. They think religious and patriarchal authorities are bad because they feel uncomfortable about what they are told

The issue stems from the manner the case is made known to women.

Read religious writing speaking of women in the 18th and 19th centuries, women are praised as being "more moral", "more modest", "more godly". Women are instructed into becoming these things, but because men convinced themselves that they had these tendencies as intrinsic, their manner of instruction has been entirely masculine and ignorant to the feminine psyche. Women were instructed as if they were men, hence it was quite crude and imposing and dealt with "harsh truths". It worked because there was no alternative.

But once there was a competitor, it took women by storm as it was curated towards exploiting their psyche and built itself upon knowing how they think. There are outliers of women who stuck to the old doctrines, of course. But the vast bulk of women found themselves quickly converted as women are not drawn by innate tendency towards morality or modesty, and are instead drawn entirely by their instinct for self-security and preservation of the female sex.

Feminism suggested that there was a mortal threat, that of patriarchy, to their very being, indeed to all women. By indicating certain attitudes as being the source of this threat, they quickly bought into despising it. Now they continue to be bought by these same existential threats and it is very hard to win them back upon little but the insistence that patriarchy cares. They have been convinced it doesn't, so something entirely novel is required.

lord_of_memezz #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Here is the thing, Men age like wine and women like milk... This third wave of feminism will wreck these 20-30 something women that they will be blinded to the fact that when they start hitting the wall men will not want them. The men that are hitting their 30-40 time frame and have at least a decent career will have the creme of the crop of young attractive women that will be born past the retarded 3rd wave of feminism and are ready to be wife material. Just wait it out guys, focus on yourself, get educated, make money... younger women are starting to wisen up that we men are not taking their shit and are leaving them to their cats.

TRUTH. I still hope the best for the “retarted 3rd wave” and the off chance that they will wise up. Hate is just not a good look. You can be totally babeilicious but if you have hate in you system I can see the disease and I’m running!


Atilla942 #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

The far left is becoming a dictatorship. Silencing free speech and banning people for merely disagreeing with the status quo is exactly what the Soviet Union or other communist dictatorships did and still does in countries like Cuba and China. The far left is destroying the West for what it really takes pride in, personal liberty and freedom of speech.

I've noticed something with these woke/far left/feminist individuals, they really think they are the only righteous side and anyone who disagrees with them must be silenced and driven underground. There is no wonder why the far right finds it so easy to recruit young men. You can't fix a society by silencing young men through the threats of censorship and state sponsored discrimination.

dixiechick547 #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

By the virtue of them being men, even if larger breasts run in their family they can't really get that big and what with their overall chest and shoulder size it doesn't look that much different. But still this shit shouldn't be covered by women's money. Women don't get to pick and choose their beast size this is so stupid.

And the implants look ridiculous on them anyway.

dude so do the fake hormone tiddies. they look so weird. and like... I'm sorry. attraction to a man is attraction to a stereotypical fit male body usually. attraction to a fit and healthy female body is that. like... it's REALLY REALLY weird seeing boobs on my male friend. it doesn't make him look female. just like someone with a hormone problem.

They don’t look attractive at all. With their broad rib cages and shoulders the implants are pointing at different latitudes, ffs!

It looks and I hesitate to even say this, freakish. Like some sick science experiment. I don’t want to think about people this way, but I can’t help it. I know there are men who think ‘chicks with dicks’ are hot but I doubt any women do. It’s just gross. Like making my stomach queasy gross. Even the ones who aren’t greasy haired behemoths still look like science gone wrong.

I’m amazed any women date them. That’s why they try so hard to trap women and kick so hard against the spousal exit clause. Waiting until they’ve got kids and are middle aged so the women can’t leave. They’re only attractive to other pornsick men. It’s really disturbing.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What TIMs need to hear



One notable thing about TiFs is they don't blame men for their trans related problems and cry about them gatekeeping manhood. They 100% know they are a GUEST and own nothing

Because TIFs don't have male privilege or toxic masculinity. They KNOW they won't be listened to. Men on the other hand, DEMAND to be listened to.

It used to be like that, but recently I have started seeing more and more "gay" TIFs who complain and cry about gay men not being interested about their female anatomy and calling those men slurs.

And here’s another thing they might need to hear, as unpleasant as it may sound: even those who very politely play along, and act in the most supportive manner, use your preferred pronouns and chant TWAW... still see you as males. It’s always on the back of their minds. It’s something very visible and you cannot command your eyes to deny reality that’s in front of you.

Just the other day I was at a bakery and this guy was serving me, huuuge guy, built like a brick shithouse, easily 6"3' and generally extremely masculine... but then I realized he had breasts and was wearing makeup and fake nails and long hair etc.

Cool. I get it, you want to present and be seen like a woman, but no amount of makeup will make me see you as one and, frankly, if I were in a changeroom with this person I would be so uncomfortable and (even if they won't admit it) so would most women no matter how much they claim to be pro-trans.

Griffxx #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com



For the past 8 months my college has been allowing men to just use the women's shower whenever they feel like it, which forces me to wait until almost 1.30-2.00am to avoid them, or use my friend's private room. Most of the time they are just in there "hanging out what's the big deal I'm gender neutral I swear". I've repeatedly complained to community living and title IX but all that happened is I was required to meet with the equal opportunity advisor about how I should be more inclusive. I can't do it anymore and I'm actively pursuing how to live off campus next year as a sophmore, but I'm afraid I won't be able to.

TIMs and Libfems think we live in the era of Starship Troopers or Aliens movies, where men and women can be in communal showers without men getting erection or staring at women's breast as they talk to each other.

Days Whithout Male\Libfem Nonsense:0

Any man pretending this is a good thing for "equality" knows damn fucking well how dangerous it is. He knows because he wants the exact same thing as the overt perverts: access to naked and vulnerable women and girls. He's just pissed off other men don't realize this as well and ruin it for the rest of them.

It's the same thing with the proganda and Gaslighting about Female Erasure. If we assert that women are just persons and human beings, Patriarichy and it's foundation of Misogyny will just disappear, because we will no longer identify into Victimhood. It's very tiresome to see the Truth that the Trans Liberation Movement is actually a Men's Rights Movement.

Fiona Kabuki #moonbat #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

#superstraight is what happens when sane people refuse bullshit. It is beyond sad that it took men to take the only possible position: which is guilt free and unimpressed. Take note everyone else: this is why men rule the world. That has a lot of bad side, but it teaches.

Preach! Men don’t give a damn about what people say, if it doesn’t benefit them or go in their interest they will not support it. That’s when having a selfish nature benefits. Women need to take notes because far too often women tend to not stand ten toes on anything. With enough backlash women usually wind up changing positions.

To be fair, we are socialised differently, and in addition, women do not get listened to so readily. It is one of the reasons you can know for certain transwomen are men. But there is also chicken/egg thing, arguably. Maybe we are not listened to because "be kind" = appeasement. I know for certain that some of what #superstraight is saying is also what many women have been saying for a long time: but not heard much. Still, we can and should learn from this.

Nikita46 #sexist removeddit.com

I'm a feminist and I don't think men need to change as much as women need to change. For instance, women's attitude about relying on men for money instead of relying on themselves. Adults should be grown-ups who are responsible financially for themselves and shouldn't be dumb enough to put themselves and their children in poverty situations in divorce, death, etc. All women should be educated, trained, have some work experience and a savings account all their own. If they're intelligent, they work at least solid part-time. I have zero respect for women who leech financially off of men...its just pathetic.

[ in another thread ]

After I found out that my girlfriend cheated on me, I leaked naked pictures of herI had found out earlier that day and I was sitting at my computer. I was just browsing /b/ and an "exposed sluts" thread came up and I angrily posted a few photos that I had of her. Even worse, two of the photos that I posted were of her with the phrase "chink slut for white cock" written on her chest.

Uh, you had a girlfriend that let you write that sick crap on her naked chest and take a picture?!? Can't say I feel sorry for her...

UnconventionalXY #crackpot #sexist reddit.com

Walking away from society and ghosting it is the only good solution left available for men to do. The USA is borked and has been for a long time so, that is bad enough without everything else.

But then you get tarred and feathered with "Incel" or "MGTOW".

I think MGTOW is a reasonable response, but I would like all men to consider what is really stopping them from having consensual recreational sex with fellow men. Men are not only more sexually compatible with other men (same biology) but anything men do together is intrinsically masculine. It's only entrenched homophobia that is preventing men from being more open minded and creating more options for themselves. It's not about love but pleasure.

The only power women have over men is access to sex and providing other options defuses that power. The ill-considered tactics of driving men away will come back to bite them in future.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

I can't get over our tax dollars paying for TIM breast implants.

In Canada, several provinces provide tax-funded breast augmentations for TIMs. I cannot get over the fact that my hard-earned money is being used to pay for a MAN to feel sexy with big tits because according to the law, this is his human right. This is just confirming the that a woman is just seen as a pair of tits. Everyone I mention this to is also outraged. Why weren't people made aware of this?

We can't even get our teeth cleanings covered but TIMs get free boobs. Unreal. Canada's level of wokeism honestly disgusts me. It's not even wokeism at this point, it's just virtue signaling.

This just reaffirms what we already knew: they don't want to be REAL women, they want to be fantasy anime/hentai women with K sized boobs. Millions of women are flat chested or have mismatched boobs, and these women will never be offered free cosmetic surgery for their breasts even if it causes them body dysmorphia and they threaten suicide. The male privilege is gross and I’m disgusted at the double standard here. A flat chested women needs to sue these bastards for blatant sexism in the medical system.

( Ravenclaw_Feminist)
The idea that any mental condition can be cured with cosmetic surgery is beyond disgusting and it disturbs me that any feminist can support it. Suddenly all critique of beauty standards goes down the drain all because a bunch of horny men with AGP want to turn themselves into sex dolls. I've spent my entire life with small breasts and I have zero sympathy for narcissistic men who claim they need boob jobs to prevent mental suffering and suicide. They do not. They are just high on male entitlement.

Laura Wood #sexist #dunning-kruger #conspiracy thinkinghousewife.com

[From "Forcibly Injecting Handicapped in L.A."]


THIS IS AMERICA, friends, a despicable and disgusting nation. Its people can’t muster more than the faintest resistance to blatant medical totalitarianism. They are walking zombies. And this is what feminism has done to women — created cops with needles and millions of masked fanatics. They have sold their souls and they are walking zombies, who terrorize the innocent and are to be avoided at all costs.

ComplicatedSpirit & yesisaiditxx #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Julia Long's awesome quote


You can pretend to be us. You can put it into law that your paperwork says that you are us. You can force apologies, through gritted teeth, from people that may or may not have said that you are not us, depending on your own idiosyncratic interpretation of their words. You can take our places in universities and jobs. But you will never be us. Deep down, you know that, and that’s why you keep pushing. You keep wishing that someday, if you push enough, if you get enough people to be your yes-men, if you get enough people to kowtow, then you will be us. But you also know that that’s not going to happen. You will never be us. It’s impossible. It cannot happen. That’s why you’re so angry and frustrated - because no matter how much you achieve, it never will be enough.

So true. I’m heterosexual and struggle to form wide-ranging friendships because 1) re men, how do you befriend men genuinely? Never occurred to me and 2) I’m very much a “this is what I think” person which turns off a lot of women who are conditioned to always hype up the other person and not express unpleasant opinions unapologetically. Still, I’ve been the few close friends type of person and I’ve been madly in love with a couple of men, one man who knew me for over half of my life and there is STILL something about sitting next to a woman you adore that brings a feeling of comfort and ease that no man in my life has ever. Is it the same intensity and being in love for years? Well, no. Is it something else entirely that has somehow it’s own special, greater trust and feeling of being safe? Yes. Do I think a biological male is capable of feeling this toward a woman? No.

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