
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Various TERFs #conspiracy #moonbat #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Billie Eilish Vogue Cover

I remember reading about stuff like this on conspiracy theory forums and how female pop stars follow such a familiar heterosexual pattern. I believe it was called Sex Kitten Programming, a form of trauma based programming. Same sexy poses, same Marilyn Monroe hair, same "empowerment" speech. I should look into this.

I've read about that too. I think that regardless of if it's an actual conspiracy (handlers, brain washing through traumatic experiences, etc) I think that our culture has a specific iconography around sexuality that many people reference as they explore their own. Blonde-ness is sexualized, Marilyn Monroe is seen as an icon still of a very specific sexual archetype.

Ew, in one of the photos she is wearing latex stockings and gloves and it looks like she's wearing condoms. Echoing what other people have said, no wonder young women are opting out of womanhood and deciding they must be non binary. She turns blond and 'feels' more like a woman? Fucking really? And call me cynical, but this move to a blond bombshell temptress was probably planned from the start. Oh, we'll have a few years where she is famous for her signature baggy clothes and grungy green hair ("she made a mystery of her body"), and then when she hits a socially accepted fuckable age we will generate a lot of attention by turning her into a sexpot. Her new album will be incredibly sexy...look out for videos that make WAP look like footage from an old folk's home on a Sunday.

turbocuckcel_7000 #sexist incels.is

RE: LifeFuel Web devcel hired by femcels to build their forum calls them misandrist whores & destroys their servers! They can't find any female to build their site



useless foidcunts are basically nonexistent when it comes to the hard work of actually making everything work properly, that is setting up a server from the ground up in addition to writing all the code for the website, and making sure nothing gets fucked up at any step of the way, more or less full responsability for the project

what they do is get assigned some insignificant task that doesn't sink the project if it fails, like a sandbox for a child, or if doing a whole "website" the work that they do is configuring and styling a template that's already been created by someone, and installed onto a configured and functional server by another someone else

you'll never meet a foidcunt who got the whole project and the whole codebase dropped on her, ever, whereas guys like that are everywhere

JFL men that learned how to be a 'machinist' of the modern era got fucked so hard, they do all the work, while femoids try to steal their credit, and even if the guys are good at this modern work they are all considered useless compulsive masturbators anyway, just for being around a computer a lot

GeneticTrashLoser #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RageFuel Noodlewhores are the worst (Rice and hapa-cels GTFIH)

I'm not even Asian, but noodlewhores make my blood boil. Idk how ricecels (and hapacels) cope with the fact that their race of women is miscegenist, racist, and bigoted towards them. Noodlewhores are also the fakest whores out there. They try to mimic white bitches and act "white" all while trying to jump on the "I'm Asian, I'm oppressed" bandwagon. Fuck those thots. Ricecels are the real victim of Asian hate, not these fake, racist, heightist pieces of shit. I've literally never seen a westernised noodlewhore with an Asian guy. It's always either a nigger or a White pretty boy.

This is absolutely correct. noodlewhores are the worst of the worst, especially the westernized/Americanized ones. Japan is a good example of this shit, all the feminist garbage that these cunts are pushing in the country; most of them voting for leftist parties that are going to fill the country with shitskins/niggers and western weeb chads while the hikikomori/ricecel/japcel problem gets bigger. This is why women shouldn't have rights or voting rights. About time someone said it. All these women care about is cock, they don't give two shits about their country or fellow people.

True. When men cannot find love, they start looking for revenge. You can't poke the bear and expect it to stay silent. America is already a Jewish shithole. The genders are too polarised, the races hate each other, while normies and foids still live in La La Land where everything is great. If you alienate men, treat them like shit, and portray them as some kind of malevolent tyrant, don't wonder why they're dropping out of soyceity or going on killing sprees. Feminism is cancer. It's the root cause of all schism in our society. A few years ago I was working with this British/Chinese noodlewhore who had 4 bfs in less than half a year. And guess what? All of them were white. She was stuck up, entitled, and bitchy. God, I loathe noodlewhores.

CCP Censors #moonbat #sexist reclaimthenet.org

China censors feminist groups after drop in marriage and birth rate

Feminists who encourage women not to get married and have kids are having their groups disappear.

The Chinese Communist Party has been heavily censoring social media posts by feminists. While the CCP is synonymous with internet censorship, in this case, the stakes are even higher as the country’s ten-year census is nearing. What’s more, the census is suspected to show a decline in birth rates for the fourth consecutive year.

“In recent days, more than a dozen accounts used by feminists were deleted from the Weibo social-media platform as well as cultural-discussion site Douban.com,” wrote the WSJ.

A user wrote on Weibo about the declining birth rates and censorship, stating: “What are they afraid of? Are they afraid of more women waking up? Are they panicking when seeing the fertility rates and marriage rates?”

While the ten-year census was to be out by early April, it hasn’t been released yet. China’s National Statistics Bureau’s spokesperson said the agency was taking longer to release the census, as there was more data to process than ever.

A women’s activist whose account on Weibo was suspended, said women who look after their household by taking the role of a housewife are often treated as unpaid labor.

Weibo, on the other hand, in a recently released statement, said it took down some accounts as they were “related to illegal or hurtful information.”

If the claims about the decline in birth rate do turn out true – it may be unsettling for the CCP. In recent years, the CCP has intensely promoted nuclear families, asking people to get married and give birth to children quickly. Ironically though, the CCP, under the rule of the party’s founder Mao Zedong, promoted exactly the opposite.

Mao encouraged young women to join the country’s workforce and dissuaded them from having children or marrying.

Tnetennba #moonbat #sexist ovarit.com

RE: China censors feminist groups after drop in marriage and birth rate

Communist men are exactly the same as capitalist men who are exactly the same as every other type of man

So the problem is men and not communism. I truly believe any government 100% run by women will be successful.

I don't. Women are just as capable of corruption and incompetence as any male politician. Just look at all the handmaidens in government and organizations like the ACLU gleefully selling us out to the trans cult

They're doing it to appease the men higher up in government. If men weren't in charge there would be no reason to cater to them like this.

Women don't naturally just despise each other. It takes the pressure and influence of men to force women to turn on each other.

Every woman in my life who has harmed me has done it for the sake of a man.

Edit: You literally said it yourself— handmaidens. They do everything for the pursuit of approval from men in power. If no men are in power, who are they trying to please?

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL The Racepill destroyed me

Words cannot express how much I hate being a sand nigger. For a while I coped with Zabbaleen and taxidermy. But then I realized white people are infinitely better at it. Then I coped with pickled fish. Then I realized white people are better at that too. What advantage then is there to being a sand nigger?

White people are also better at being incels, many exposed fakecels were non white here

just go to slavland like Russia or Ukraine bro

True, many niggers and sand niggers are just locationcels


So I can just be killed there?

lmao if you would know how much slavic foids thirsting over arab dudes

Go there, fake your wealth and pretend she will be your princess in the dunes.

Then take her home and force her to scrub toilets all day. Seems to work for so many turkcels.
Slav women can be so stupid.

Can I bring one to Zabbaleen?

I remember some ended up in Gaza :feelskek:

To koniec #racist #sexist incels.is

Why are slav men not desireable? Never got it. Theyre lowinhib aggressive drunk bigsocialnetwork goodlooking turbovlads.

pale features

Slavic and British men are definitly some of the ugliest people I've seen, but nobody ever mentions Balts, which are down there with the bottom of European males alongside Slavs, Finns, and the "white" people in south east Europe.

brutal and worst of worst even here many copers thinks that slav women are good looking while they are faking looks with filters and fake ups, at least british women are also seen as ugly

Retard thread from a lowIQ Slavic coper who thinks he has it the worst because he's not a nordcuck Viking. You would literally kill yourself if you were a curry living in a polluted shithole.

name one slav CEO of western companies, while there are indian ones

True, destroying Iron Curtain was a big mistake for slavlands, that was the only way to keep foids from whoring themselves so they had to breed with their own men

real blackpill for me was that after iron curtain fell countries like poland, czech, hungary, slovenia became cheap workforce for rest of EU. Even bigger was that in 90s rich jews from US porn companies started looking fro 'talents' from East and promosing them a luxiorus life like hollywood stars for doing scenes with niggers. Foids are dumb as bricks and countries like czech and hungary started becoming a porn capitals (poland suprisingly didn't have many pornstars and even biggest polish pornstar now entire life lived in paradise of degeneracy know as america). and heard that many white hookers in western europe are fact a slavs or in german broothels are full of polish, russian women

Vox Day #crackpot #fundie #psycho #racist #sexist voxday.blogspot.com

[In response to PZ Myers’s questions]

[PZ:] How does throwing acid in their faces when they demand independence from men benefit women?

[VD:] Because female independence is strongly correlated with a whole host of social ills. Using the utilitarian metric favored by most atheists, a few acid-burned faces is a small price to pay for lasting marriages, stable families, legitimate children, low levels of debt, strong currencies, affordable housing, homogenous populations, low levels of crime, and demographic stability. If PZ has turned against utilitarianism or the concept of the collective welfare trumping the interests of the individual, I should be fascinated to hear it.

[PZ:] How does letting women die rather than giving them an abortion benefit women?

[VD:] Because far more women are aborted than die as a result of their pregnancies going awry. The very idea that letting a few women die is worse than killing literally millions of unborn women shows that PZ not only isn't thinking like a scientist, he's quite clearly not thinking rationally at all. If PZ is going to be intellectually consistent here, then he should be quite willing to support the abortion of all black fetuses, since blacks disproportionately commit murder and 17x more people could be saved by aborting black fetuses than permitting the use of abortion to save the life of a mother. 466 American women die in pregnancy every year whereas 8,012 people died at the hands of black murderers in 2010.

wereqryan #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

As long as whites continue to fail in asserting their in-group preference and uniting as one people, their subjugation at the hands of lesser peoples will continue and grow. And what's preventing white unity has been the liberation of the white female whose bleeding-heart emotions, sensitivity and resistance has caused much fracturing in the white psyche.

Too many white women are busy waging a war against their own men in the name of securing feminist and Marxist interests as they desperately try to escape their obligations towards child rearing, family, and community. They are too busy pursing a life of sexual hedonism and female supremacy, which has caused white birth rates to decline and third world replacement to grow. Whites need to look at themselves first and address issues with female sexual liberation at home, before they can even begin their fight against ever vengeful minorities.

Lebensmüder #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Blackpill r/HAPAS

Always thought that many ricecels from r/hapas and other subs like asianmasculinity or aznidentity in the end want just a white pussy

Agree with them on every level and see absolutely nothing wrong with their reaction towards whites taking their women. It's their god-given right to be angry when some man from the other side of the globe travels to their country to fuck there.

And another thing: A fetish from white men regarding Asian women doesn't exist, the opposite is the case, Asian women fetishize white men, but in the end the man is the only acceptable scapegoat (because everything else would imply things that are banworthy on Reddit and basically social suicide if expressed openly).

And another thing: They say that the BBC stereotype/cuckold porn is a harmful fetish perpetuated by white men because they fetishize blacks, the truth is: White women fetishize blacks. It's rare to see cuckolds that are open about their fetish, it's on the other hand not rare to see coalburners that talk in public about their disdain towards white men and their lust for BBC.

But it's not a harmful fetish or dehumanization when it's done by women of course. Women could never fetishize somebody just because of their race. Society will find a way to explain this and find a man as a scapegoat in the end - be it the white cuckold or the white fetishist of Asian women, while saying absolutely NOTHING about the women themselves.

Unironically: The way this so-called egalitarian society protects women from criticism/responsibility would be more fitting for someone who believes that they are children in adult bodies rather than fully formed humans. The same thing when body shaming and height shaming occurs from women - then it's all the fault of the patriarchal ideas of masculinity and other retarded shit, the man is in the end the bad guy.

deathnicel #racist #sexist incels.is

Venting My cousin is the only foid that I could have had a chance with

Maybe I'm a delusional coping retard. But my foid cousin used to pester me like a bitch all the time when she was little and would always try to get my attention. When I was playing games on the computer or the playstation or doing anything in general she'd beg me to do it with her. She would always do perverted shit, like bring me to our uncle's room without saying why and would try to look in my pants (this is when we were very young, I was 12 and she was 8). She also would hug me every now and then and said she wanted to sleep next to me in bed. I think it makes sense because i used to be a lot bigger than her and I am fairer skinned than her because I'm half white. I also had a much better face as a child than I do now. I used to hate her bothering me when I was a kid, but when I look back at it now I think of how it beautiful it was.

But anyway, since I was an early bloomer, I matured when I was like 14 and she hit puberty late, so we ended up relatively the same height. My child face became fucking nasty with a limp crooked jew nose, slightly recessed chin, and minor acne, and became pretty much a hairball because of deathnic genes. Whenever I visit my mom's family and see her, she hardly talks to me unless she needs something. I get that she's older now and isn't a retard anymore, but she doesn't even treat me like a cousin. Whenever I've tried talking to her even if it's something casual she gives me one word responses, and she's always doing some other shit like being on her phone. I bet if I was tall and handsome she would treat me like family, and would fondly look back at those memories. But it probably horrifies her as she now sees me as a disappointment. I could have ascended with her if I hadn't have been an asexual autist when I was younger. Now it's over. I'll never get that sort of attention from anyone ever again.

Riothamus & Avadavat #crackpot #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Women transition to escape the trauma men inflicted upon them. Men transition to escape responsibility for the trauma they inflicted upon women.

I know others have noticed this same general trend. It seems that most FtMs suffered some horrible abuse in their formative years. In contrast many of these disgusting Reddit MtF mods seem to have charnel houses' worth of skeletons in their closets. Everyone knows you're watching this site, Bardfinn. Maybe you should get a fucking job and pay off your child support obligations.


Another way of thinking about this: men transition in an attempt to leave the oppressor class; women transition in an attempt to join the oppressor class. Neither attempt works because no one seriously views the individual as part of the class s/he is seeking to join.

I think some men "transition" because they live in a delusional Pornhub/ Tumblr/ Reddit cyber bubble, believing that 1) Woman = nubile young human female ONLY (most other women...more mature, older women) are irrelevant, an annoyance, or an impediment to their fulilling their sexual fantasies; 2) women's lives are easier and that women are able to manipulate men into doing what they want; 3) Man = responsible, accountable, and downtrodden by the female sex, and they're sick of it; and 4) if they transition, they'll have more access to sex.

I think some women "transition" because they live in a delusional Pornhub/ Tumblr/ Reddit cyber bubble, believing that 1) Woman = object to be sexually objectified, humiliated, and assaulted by men...to be choked. spat upon, raped, etc; 2) women's lives are only about maintaining their sexual allure for men (even outside porn, ubiquitous, relentless advertising tells girls and women that their skin is too hairy, too wrinkly, too "crepy"; their bodies are too fat or too muscular; etc.); and, 3) Man = responsible, revered, the creator of civilization (despite men's depraved behavior these women encounter in porn).

Killer_Danish #sexist ovarit.com

Men are the rats at the feeder bar pushing a button for food pellets, damaging their dopamine reward system in the process with ever-increasing levels of hardcore pornography.

How can men be responsible towards women when:

-they won't admit porn is addictive?

-they won't admit it harms women inside/outside of porn?

-they won't admit that the women on the other side of the screen are real and suffer physical/emotional consequences from the extreme sexual acts they portray?

-they won't admit that the violent, degrading acts they learn from porn make them terrible lovers to women?

-they won't admit that the rise in erectile dysfunction among young men is correlated to pornography use?

-they won't admit that porn poisons their relationships with women?

I doubt men as a group will ever admit any fault since apologizing is still very much in the female domain... Our years living side-by-side with men who repeatedly view our dehumanization as a hobby will no doubt cause many years of bad blood—though expect all the newspapers and scholars to find a way to blame it all on women!

AutisticMonstrosity #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

The difference is that you see other white men from different countries stealing your women while Asians see people from different races stealing their women its not comparable.

What is race? What is "white"? I don't identify being a "white" man. I am Finnish man. British, Irish, Australian, Dutch, Italian, Spanish men are totally foreigners and different race to me. I can determine by looks easily who is a foreigner and who is native to this place. What difference does it make to me that some women are taken by Brits and some by Iraqis? I feel shit and want to kill them regardless whether they are Brits or Iraqis.

And I see handsome, masculine young Arab men, mostly with model-tier face with perfect skin and no moles, hair (they don't seem to bald young like some Europeans) and beard done with great attention to detail (they must go to the barber almost every day to keep that hair model perfect every day?) by far the most. The number of young islamic men here is bigger than other groups of foreigner men, at least they are by far the most visible group if one goes to buy food, to the city centre, shopping centres, gym...

Literally yesterday the first person I saw when I went to Prisma was 180cm+ model-tier Iraqi man, about 25 years old, he mogged like 95% of the Finnish men of the same age present there at least.

To koniec #racist #sexist incels.is

Did you had phase about your countryfoids?

In my country in past many men simped for women saying that 'polish women are most beautiful in the world' now after iron curtain fell many men learned that they were disillusioned by such statements and now after feminism wave and seeing how easy polish cumdumpsters are for foreigners they have even slurs for them like p0lka - polish girl written by zero ,similiar to russian natashka

i seen 'maybe' something similiar with other nations countries, races. South slavic men simp for their foids, black men especially either simp for sheboons or detest them, in shitholes like albania or iran, pakistan saw something similiar. I guess lurking on chinese, japanese nets saw something that japanese, chinese noodlewhores are better than white women.

It's always shithole countries which have no self worth other than their cumdumpsters and never seen succesfull nations like US or bongs who do this. They are smart and say that their foids are ugly like british women while they prioretize their men.

i think all poor european countries have this retarded cope, they are really fucking stupid and xenophilic, they literally sit there and grin like submissive monkeys while a black soccer player takes the microphone, and has nothing to say about the country except that the local women are so beautiful, implying that he is fucking them, JFL

tell us more how you'z be fukkin local women, tyrone, damn we're the best :D

polaks used to be this, but i guess biggest foid nationalism right now in yurop are balkans

worst of worst are south slavs saying that slavic women are most beautiful while what westerners think of slav women they think of blue eyed blonde stacies from russia

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Did you had phase about your countryfoids?

I am a currycel and I think our women are grotesquely hideous goblinas with personality of a wet mop

Never had a phase for German women in particular, there is no beauty to admire there tbh. They are most of the time dull looking and get BTFOed by Slav women when it comes to aesthetics. Only once simped for them a tiny bit in 2015 (due to mass migration and sex crimes), nowadays I couldn't care less because most women would spit on me anyways.

Never had this phase, I've always seen Italian foids as the hypergamous beasts they are

Yes, I used to have the belief that Colombian women were the most loyal, loving women on the planet....what an idiot I was, Colombianas are the dirtiest sluts out there and are only loyal and traditional towards white guys --- this was one of the hardest black pill truths to swallow.
Some guys never grow out of it --- I used to work with an old Russian man, and his exact words "Russian women are the best women in the world"...please they're probably the second sluttiest after Colombians

(To koniec)

Guys that live vicariously because females of the same race as them are considered attractive are delusional and often think it will trickle down to them. Same with affinity for culture and food.

great point about food, while polish cuisine and especially british one are awful i've seen many food nationalist especially with curries or asians and southern europeans, that their food is superior... food nationalism is even dumber than foid nationalism tbh

Quark-Gluon Plasma #sexist unz.com

“Ms. Brourman says, according to the court papers, that Mr. Conforth pressured her into a series of sexual encounters, some of them in his campus office, and later, after she had graduated, raped her in his Ann Arbor apartment.

A second former student, Ms. Brown, said she was pressured into a sexual encounter with Mr. Conforth after he told her he had feelings for her and pursued her for several weeks.”

There’s a difference between “pressure” and “rape.” The simple fact is that a lot of men are getting laid by applying non-violent psychological pressure to women. There are a lot of male feminist “gentleman” who try to wait until the woman wants it as much as they do and wind up waiting a long time. They used to say the issue was that women were “ashamed” and had “hang-ups” due to religious superstitions and that if we could get rid of that, women would want sex just as much as men do. But religion has been weakening for decades yet we’re as far from the pronhub fantasy as ever.

Jim #sexist #dunning-kruger blog.reaction.la

[From "Make women property again"]

This post is about the application of Game and Evolutionary Game Theory to religion and political organization.
If a man is defeated[…]he is unlikely to reproduce. If a woman is defeated[…]transferred from weak men and a weak tribe to strong men and a strong tribe, and is therefore likely to be highly successful at reproducing

Women are always shit testing you. That is why they are so disruptive and destructive in the work place
Women are incapable of performing sexually[…]unless they are at least a little bit dominated and intimidated
The sexual nature of women is maladapted to emancipation[…]As individuals, and as a society, we need to make women property again

Each man must be King under his own roof
Proscribing honor killing is unwise, because good men will engage in honor killing anyway[…]and because you are pressuring men to adopt the player strategy so that they will not feel the compulsion to kill adulterers

If state, church, society, and family, do not impose strong control over women’s sexual and reproductive choices, we get defect/defect equilibrium, resulting in failure to reproduce and dysgenic reproduction, and resulting in only a small minority of men getting all the pussy
Christians who apply old type Christian rules[…]are in our collapsed society, violating, not, observing, the commandments
To understand what old type Christians meant by whoring, fornication, and adultery[…]We should instead look at what people of that faith who had power, who had legitimate authority, who used that language actually did
They did not suppress men from having sex with unowned women, or even suppress unowned women from having sex. They suppressed unowned women from being unowned

Phyllis Chesler #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist americanthinker.com

We are fast becoming the Disunited Identities of America. American embassies may now fly the gay rainbow flag along with the American flag. What next? A Transgender Flag? A Black Transgender “Sex Worker” Flag? A “Palestinian” Flag? A special flag for American non-binaries and asexuals? How about separate flags for every possible ethnicity that American citizens represent? Better still, a special flag for the illegal/undocumented -- they’re here, too.

I happen to like the rainbow flag very much and for more than one reason. I like what rainbows biblically represent, namely, a forever truce between God and humanity. No matter how vain or venal our behavior may be, God is resigned to accepting the fact that we are all made of “crooked timber” and will sin, again and again, but God will never again unleash a deadly flood to destroy all mankind.
A mighty wind is powering this flag of identity, rending asunder all hope of unity, dividing citizen against citizen, making political alliances difficult if not impossible.

Where is the flag for the victims of sex slavery -- that would be female sex slaves, they are the majority, all others, whether male or transgender, however trendy, are in the minority. Where is the flag for rape victims -- that too would mainly be female victims of male rape. A flag for the mainly female victims of domestic violence?

Prick us, will we not bleed?
No political, intellectual, government, diplomatic, or administrative experience necessary as long as you are the right color, claim to sleep with only the right people, and sport the rainbow flag.

The_Meep_Lord #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger reddit.com

(On how women could evolve if they are too emotional to survive)

Because humans are gynocentric.

A boy not fit for the world is destroyed or at the very least a genetic dead end. So men have evolved to be better and better over time.

While the girl is coddled and saved from failure. She can only be a genetic dead end if she chooses to be so. And often those women are the smartest and best of the women (before you get pissed off at this, read the rest).

So women just do not evolve beyond having better fertility (more kids means more of said women’s genes), those that are a little bit better end up being more likely to be a genetic dead end. In matter of fact, those that have some traits to be better just end up being worse as they haven’t evolved all the other traits to go beyond there base instincts, the pre-programming we all have (emotions).

So the result is that even the best of women are just not that much better at all. While men are hyper diverse and getting better with each generation.

“GloriousMartyrdom” / EmpathicDesign #sexist #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

I see that "Robert" is it, likes to withhold information from boths sides, which includes apologies from former member EmpathicDesign for his homophobic and tasteless remarks from the past. He also did not mention that ED politely insisted that "Robert" remain impartial between this SarahGreaserGirl and not involve himself as he was not invited by either of them and when he refused to leave he started listing off some seriously uncool insults like "incest, trash, scum, dirtbag". There are two sides to every story and as a mother raising a son, I will never allow him to act like a little boy who thinks he can just insert himself into conversations that has nothing to do with him!! Especially have a hissy fit and start insulting people, goodness knows if "Robert" did this in the streets he may not become confrontational and violent! Now look, I'm not here to sway you, but you deserve both sides of the story as you have already heard one side and as for the meme about a lesbian who uses her access to female safe spaces, how do you think that makes me feel? How do you think you would feel? It's not funny, it's scary. I hope you understand.

AutisticMonstrosity #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Then please be the first to stop all white western males from visiting Southeast Asia or East Asia for whatever reason.

I just pointed out the hypocrisy of ethnics here complaining that they can't get an European GF but refusing to go back to where they came from while arguing that "white" men are volcels, because they can always get a South East Asian GF, while also strongly being against it also!

I see anywhere from 15x to 35x more WMAF couples than AMWF couples.

I've yet to see on my own eyes any native Finnish man with a GF from countries where Finland has received massive immigration since 1990: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sub-Saharan Africa, Iraq, Iran, Morocco, Turkey...

We Finns suffer from "JBW" (Western and Southern European men taking our women) like an Asian country. There are 4.2 British nationals of male sex living permanently here for every British national female, and those females are mostly the female children of British man, Finnish woman couples. Every western nationality mogs Finnish men, the ratios are between 2-4 for Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Greece... and the sex ratio is the reversed in those mentioned countries: there are much more Finnish women living in those countries than Finnish men. There are over double the amount of Finnish women living in the Netherlands compared to Finnish men. In the UK the ratio is even worse.

BTW, I bet I hate anglo-men more than you. I have seen so many anglo-men taking our women that every time I see a British man here, I barely can hold my rage and not kill him on the spot. It is a VERY one sided phenomenon: always the man is the anglo and the woman is Finnish in these couples. If I have to deal with them, I am as unfriendly as I can be. And there's a difference: I live where I was born, where my ancestors have lived for thousands of years. I have lived in the same town my whole life, witnessing the rise in foreigner numbers. While you have voluntarily moved to SF Bay area? Were you born in the USA?

starcrapoo #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL Rofl I have no sympathy for the average 5'4 - 5'8 bluepilled ethnic simp living in the west/Anglosphere

Listen, if you're not at least a white guy thats 5'4 or above, its over for you. And I know there are many of you whitecels here on this forum so I don't wanna offend you guys. But this is in the west coast of the United States. (and I'm sure east coast and the pacific north west as well). This is very consistent over time. 5'4 or above for a white guy is what most average females (of all races especially white females) put at the very minimal threshold. Ethnic men have to be at least at the very minimum a 7/10 (5'8+ far above average height for a shitskin as well as muscularity).

You have to be at the very LEAST a white guy to qualify for pussy eventually down the line.(usually with noodles, but even then I see low tier white dudes with mid to high tier ethnic or white foids).

Its a very old topic that offends whitecels on this forum (PS. if youre the stormfrontcel @BummerDrummer type, crawl back into your swamp). If you're mayocel, a young white dude on this forum. Its not completely over for you like the way it is for ethnic males in the west. You can either ascend here or vastly ascend in Southeast Asia or Latin America.

I know you European whitecels feel much differently at this thread. But this is the Anglosphere I'm talking about.

This forum has gone way too fake lately. "Mayocels" where deemed the most fakest incels along with tallfags at one points". There are other incel forums besides this that say the same shit like "mayocels" are the fakest cels ever. I average fuckin 12 WMAF couples a week. Can't believe I only saw one today, thats because it was a cold, windy, and cloudy day.

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I recorded a full intake with a gender identity clinic posing a 13-year-old, I got testosterone and a letter for double mastectomy

Every damn media outlet should be doing "undercover reports" on the sexual child abuse going on in these "gender clinics" -- but not a single one is. Normally they LIKE "scare" stories, yet they are ignoring this truly terrifying trend entirely. In fact, they are running interference for it. "Bigoted Republicans push bill to strip transchildren of their rights! Right-wing extremists call for vulnerable transchildren to be banned from receiving education." Where is the media cry of "Mentally ill mothers are having their children sexually mutilated and it's all legal!" Where's that????


Shit. When it DOES start coming out, they are totally going to blame the mothers, aren't they?

Yep. There'll be no recognition that male childhood transition so often seems to be a mother's response to her own inability to stop her husband (and other boys, and patriarchal society) from harming her son with their intractable illusions of masculinity. And if that is acknowledged, she'll be blamed for choosing the husband over the son, every time.

why don't men stop relentlessly threatening girls (children) with sexual and physical violence, and then girls wouldn't want to chop their breasts of


Pretending to be a child? But what if she's trans-age?

HAH! That's phenomenal. I keep forgetting transracial is a thing or that perves like the transage pervert who says he's a "little" and is little 5 year old girl exists. Maybe it's my mind trying to protect me from these abhorrent men.

nikita46 #sexist removeddit.com

I love being a female but I admit that I rarely find other women that are like me or that I can tolerate. When I do, its wonderful but I don't understand most women because I am VERY different from most of them. Things like: 1. I don't think men are supposed to support me financially 2. I don't make emotionally based decisions...I make them based on data. How I feel is always secondary. 3. I communicate very clearly. If something is bothering me, I just mention it with as few words as possible. (I find women just talk too damn much). 4. I hate the phone and try to avoid it. I have ZERO interest in talking for hours to anyone except maybe my husband. 5. I HATE gossip. I find it nasty to not mind your own business and to delve into other people's personal lives. I certainly don't have the right to judge anyone. 6. I don't spend money on crap like manicures, pedicures, etc. I can give myself a manicure and pedicure at home...its way cheaper to buy the stuff yourself and I hate wasting money. (and no, I'm not poor...I do pretty well actually). 7. I'm always happy and almost never moody. I find moodiness annoying 8. I hate to shop. I only do it when I need something and try to make it efficient because shopping sucks. 9. I don't need to ask 50 people to fix a problem. I can figure it out myself and I usually take the most direct approach. 10. I do not have complicated relationships. I don't have relationships with people I can't trust and I don't have relationships with other women just to compete with them. I'd gladly give my happiness or my life for my friends and would never betray them in any way....especially by secretly wishing I do better than they do.
I could go on...but you get the drift. Some women are chicks..and chicks suck. I'm glad not to be one.

thrash_monke & CheapCocaine #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: SuicideFuel last night I dreamt I had sex with a white girl


God that felt so good, she was about my height and had a long, light brownish hair.

Needless to say I woke up eventually and remembered I am disgusting ethnic mutt.

i hope that woman wasn`t slavic

It’s over. If you’re an ethnic in America, i’d heavily advise you to leave before the race wars commences. Ethnics need to go back for their own safety before they get skinned alive by the RWDS.

Also, my personal preference regarding women is white or hispanic women.

damn, are things that bad in burgerland?

Yeah nigga! Killing spics and nigger will be the new national sport to replace football! Fuk you Biden!

Also, feels bad about the dream, brocel.

Various Incels #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

Question for fellow ricecels: How do you deal with being racially inferior, cucked by all other races, being a laughing stock. Most go full denial (like the aznidentity copers) or become literal cuckolds who get off to being racially humiliated. The former are delusional since Asian male inferiority is self-evident, but the latter are even more pathetic and disgusting. How to cope with the shame and despair of being born an Asian male without losing your mind?

I cope by paying viking foids and vodka foids to ride my rice pener tbh.

Why do you live in Germany? There are only a handful (I know only one) or even less of ricecels here that live in their place of origin. Almost all live among European people and complain that they can not get European GF.

Don’t worry OP, I’m also a self-hating ricecel and wish I was white.

I’d rather be a lightskin sandcel than a ricecel if the skin can pass off as white. I admit darkskin sandcel is a different story and could be worse than being ricecel.

hatred. cucked if you dont feel it. its totally justified to feel hatred for a society that discrimiante against you and mistreat you coz of your race, all the while they hypocritically claim they're not "racist"

rice are second class citizens in the west, one need to reazlize that. ESPECIALLY RICE MALES. rice females get treated almost as equal, if not better than white males.

radicalhell #sexist saidit.net

RE: Male Humor...


The sad part is even 60+ old men are like that... like if you meet them closely they are almost all like fucking 14 year old boys. They privately laugh at stupid and inane shit, still watch porn, don't have anything interesting to say like you would expect from older person. They often just wear a public mask that they are "adult humans". Especially extrovered males seem to be very immature regardless of age. Like they have ADHD or some kind of focus dysfunction. Actually I have become more and more disgusted by extroverted behaviour. Extroverted males have to be the most pathetic and privileged subcategory of humans. Of course introverted males are also misogynistic as fuck but at least they are not that vocal and loud about this also less irritating overall.

desertbloom #crackpot #moonbat #sexist thepinkpill.co

RE: I don't understand why it's women's job to liberate men and other things

The type of BS male liberation "males suffer from patriarchy too" crap you see on reddit is nothing more than males using feminist rhetoric against women. Because unfortunately mainstream feminism is very big on the "socialization is why males act bad" idea, meaning that now males can scapegoat society for how they behave. Nevermind that it's already male nature to do that, males externalize blame, unlike women, who internalize it. Allowing males to keep looking outside of their own primitive instinctual nature to find causes for their misbehaviour is a great way to maintain the status quo. The males have always done that, except now with this male lib BS they're changing it from "she wore a short skirt so she's to blame if I raped her" to "society places pressure on males to act masculine and sexual so society is to blame for the rape".

Both of those mean that unfair blame is yet again placed on women because humans can't accept their inherent nature as a violent ape, so that must mean violence is always the fault of external causes that can be fixed by a lot of talking and theorizing and educating. Which is done by women, of course. So as always throughout history, males wreck and destroy and it's women's responsibility to be kind nurturing caregivers and fix it, except this time it's labeled as feminism.

Biblical Gender Roles #fundie #sexist biblicalgenderroles.com

While it is a husband’s God given right to use spanking as a form of discipline on his wife (with or without her consent), a husband should be wise in regard to the hostile culture we live in. We live in culture which denies almost all the rights that God has given to a husband including his right to discipline his wife. That means that if you do not have your wife’s consent to spank her and she calls the police on you, you may go to prison for domestic abuse.

Some of the women who have contacted me over the years were raised in homes where their father spanked their mother and they expected it and even embraced the concept as they entered into their marriages. Others learned of the benefits of [Christian domestic discipline] for their marriage from other wives and embraced this practice later in life.

But then there are wives who are conditioned to accept and receive spankings from their husbands through mentoring programs. These are programs where the husband and wife work together with a husband/wife mentoring team and over time a couple learns to incorporate wife spanking into their marriage.

One of the most important things I have learned from these wife spanking mentoring couples is that it is very difficult and rare to get a wife to accept wife spanking if she is past her mid-20’s and especially into her 30’s. So, it is important to reach women with these mentoring programs while they are still young and moldable.

epillepsy #racist #sexist incels.is

A letter to noodlewhores: Please stop calling yourself “Asians,” instead identify as “noodlewhores.”

Dear noodlewhores,

I know it’s very tempting to identify as “Asian” women because you want those sweet victim points from the recent black attacks on Asians, but if you’ve fucked a white guy, you’re a traitor and no longer part of the group. It’s ridiculous to show up at those anti-Asian violence rallies with your white husband (or “hubby” as you call him) or boyfriend and act like you’ve been personally victimized by attacks on elderly Asian men. When in fact you victimize Asian men by insulting them publicly on social media for their small dicks, blame them for the patriarchy, and how you wouldn’t fuck someone who looks like your brother. I wouldn’t fuck you either you miscegenistic whore. Stop assuming I’m attracted to you. If I put on a wig, I’d make a better looking woman than you, you flat-faced pancaked mongoloid piece of shit. And even if you’ve been assaulted, it’s your own fault for betraying your race. God has sent his black servants to punish you for your affront.

A lot of you really lean into your “Asianness” and parade around the culture as if it’s your own, holding flags that say “Love us like you love our food.” You also post pics in kimonos and hanboks and make shitty videos about making origami cranes and cooking Westernized versions of Asian food. But at the same time, in your sexual lives, you are the very white supremecists who you blame for these Asian attacks. You dye your hair weird unnatural colors and get plastic surgery on your monolids and do your makeup so you appear white. You want the exotic advantage of Asian culture as well as the perceived (by you) superiority of white genes. You also want so badly to be white so you can hate Asian men with full force without appearing to be self-hating. But remember, it’s actually blacks who hate and attack Asians, not whites. So you might as well consider yourself black instead of white by your own logic.

epillepsy #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

You don’t even eat Asian food, you lying cunts. Your diet consists mostly of white cum, kale, arugula, couscous, avgolemono, avocado toast, and whatever gay faggot food is in vogue at the time. Once in a blue moon you eat a California roll, thinking it’s real sushi and you’ve never been to an Asian country because there’s not enough white boys there for you to fuck. So shut the fuck up about being Asian.

You have my permission to not be Asian. Instead, you are noodlewhores who deserve everything that is done to actual noodles, like being cut into thin strips and cooked in a warm broth.

What authority do I have to say this? Probably none, but every Asian man is thinking this, not only me. This includes the presidents of China, Japan, and Korea. They just can’t say it publicly because there are too many noodlewhores who have the right to vote in those countries. Your ancestors are very disappointed in you and also fuck you and burn in the seventh sphere of hell.

girl_pash #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

The non passing trans selfies are peaking our sisters

Someone peaked on /LesbianActually a few minutes ago and of course her post was swiftly removed before anyone could comment or agree with her. I screenshotted it and will share it here because I think her voice deserves to be heard somewhere. The OP was brave for posting but I'm sure she's banned now. Here it is (I added a little more punctuation than the original):

Title: Ridiculousness on this sub

Catfishing is outta control and the mods don't do shit. Now the trans lesbians are saying they don't feel included or appreciated. Boo fucking hoo.

As a lesbian I am sick of men and bullshit controlling my life. I don't give a fuck if you're trans, if you're a lesbian, guess what we take a lot of shit and you have to deal with it like the rest of us. You were a man where you didn't have to deal with all this shit and now you're a female. Guess what IT COMES AS A PACKAGE. No one is going to coddle you and say yas queen. If you can't handle the hate then leave.

Trans lesbians bitch CONSTANTLY. You know why because they didn't grow up as women, constantly being harrassed and degraded. Now they come into being a woman and are like "WOW people are mean and I don't deserve to be told anything but that I'm a queen and beautiful! You guys should support me blah blah blah" Guess what as a man you didn't have to deal with it, and now you do. This is every day. No one is being transphobic or mean, it's just life as a woman.


Edwin Benson #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #sexist returntoorder.org

In our midst, many traitors pick and choose from amongst our dogmas while actively demoralizing us. The turncoats see surrender as the only option. Others are ready to “throw in the towel” after fighting long but unwisely. A third camp argues that we must retreat into the desert, lick our wounds and wait for better days.
Most Christians accept the “wall of separation” without quibble. That sentiment has led to a wave of self-censorship in which religious people avoid making religious arguments in the public square—or school.

As a result, secular zealots challenged prayer in school, crosses and manger scenes. “The only language now permissible in the public square… is the supposedly neutral language of empiricism, science, and secularity.”

Eliminating symbols was only the beginning. The leftists learned their lessons well. They used a similar process to impose contraception, abortion, and acceptance of sodomy upon American society—all under the banner of freedom and separation.
Any admiration for Christendom must be based on Church teachings about the social order and not on keeping alive royal houses. The TFP’s position harkens back to the unity inherent in the medieval interrelationship of Church and State. This order gave rise to an organic Christian society that allowed society to flourish inside the framework of our fallen nature. This realistic vision of ordering society avoids the soul-deadening nature of socialism and the sterile optimism of secularism. Catholics under siege do not succumb to nostalgia when they hope in the triumph of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart foretold to the world at Fatima in 1917.

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.is

RageFuel Foid meets her childhood "friend"

Boy Surprises Childhood Best Friend Dressed As FedEx Driver

This is why we hate women. No foid will ever be happy to see you. I suspect women hate even their ugly family members. At least my female cousin does, She was my friend when we were young and now she pretend like I don't even exist. They treat us as fucking subhumans worse than any animal.

If I was near them I would've dumped hot coffee all over them.

Often I feel like sucker punching women and then jumping on their whore heads until their skulls are caved in

Women have millions of mating options and people showering them with positive attention all the time. Reminiscing about your past gf or the girl you liked years ago is a male thing, because for a man, the scenario of losing a foid and going through years of dry spell is common.

she literally all over him. imagine a young girl kneeling at your presence.

try having a sister who lives with you, she dreads every single minute of your existence while pretending not to.

why is this so fucking relatable? my sister despises me. she also made fun of me when i was a teen ~14 that no girl would ever want me. women are truly evil. but i couldn't stand the though of having a successful brother neither.

All this social rejection subculture, tfw no gf, forever alone etc, is primarily a male thing. A defining feature of men's social being. It's part of identity of 99% of men it seems.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

I'm anti-immigrant because I'm anti-nigger, anti-shitskin and of course niggers and shitskins disproportionately commit crime. I'm for the white Aryan race, unironically.

I can assure you that if instead of mostly 800.000 Asian and African MEN Germany received 800.000 SEA women ready to suky suky local men the German roast beefs would lose their shit and change their opinion quickly.

(Deleted member 33216)

People don't fear women who immigrate

I just want them for some fucking and then they can get lost. 3rd world people bring 3rd world culture with them. If I wanted to live in 3rd world shithole I would've moved to one a long time ago. The fact that the majority of refugees are men is the sole reason women are not opposed to immigration. Importing 800000 women here to fool around with locals would mean that Western foids would have to do more to get their sexual desires met. But who wants, that right? Here in the West we only care about foids.

Imagine if those were free single women in this picture. Would you still blame the jews for racemixing and destroying your native culture? As a blackpilled incel my sense of morality demands I simply face the fact that I hate the people in the picture simply because: 1) they look different 2) they are MEN. image

(Mr Joyboy)
People can't say "I don't want my country to be a shithole country full of shithole people" so they come up with arcane and absurd arguments. White people make the kinds of countries I like to live in, and only white people make the kinds of countries I like to live in. Ergo no darkies or orientals, please.

aloe_vera #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

What lessons have you learned from the transgender craze?

Ever since I have peaked and discovered radical feminism, I feel like I have found a community of women that I can actually agree with. My negative feelings in regards to feminism in general was born out of my disgust in how the liberal feminists were selling out fellow women and convincing us that being reduced to sex objects is empowering. I am thankful for the feminists who fought for single sex spaces. I had never thought about how valuable our bathrooms are, how much impact single sex spaces have in women's safety.

I feel sad that our voices are being silenced and that little by little they are taking our rights away, but I have hope that eventually the gender bubble will burst. I believe that people will see through the farce and will be horrified that we let things get so far. The medical institutions, the corporations, the government and the media will have to answer for their crimes against children, women and detransitioners.

Personally, I have learned that:

Feminism is not a dirty word, it has just been bastardized.
Women need their single sex spaces. It's imperative to be overprotective of them.
Laws and rules made to keep women safe should not be abolished to protect men's feelings.
Kink-shaming can be useful and actually good.
Things can get out of control very quickly when no one puts a boundary.
We should not enable mental illness and delusions.
We should not censor someone just for having a "wrong" opinion. As long as they are able to discuss it respectfully, we should let them participate. If someone is censoring people who disagree with them, it means that the opposition may have good arguments that they don't want you to hear.

Only_Women_Are_Women & Calico #dunning-kruger #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: What lessons have you learned from the transgender craze?


people can be dumber than you'd think physically possible

THIS! "Sex is a spectrum" !?!?!?!

"There's no way to tell men and women apart"???

"Some people are born in the opposite sex body" !?!?!?!

And that's coming out of the mouths of people in leadership and educational positions. That's not 4th graders on the playground. That's people with M.D. after their names.

That porn is irredeemably harmful, and this is still true even if every performer was a consenting adult with no trauma or poverty pushing them into it (which will never be the case in reality).

That society is not only NOT past outdated gender roles, we’re clinging onto them harder than we have in decades. Transgenderism is what you get when you take the assumption that gender stereotypes are real to its logical extreme.

That female separatism to at least some degree is necessary for women to be able to thrive. Sex-segregated spaces are mandatory. Men are not only dangerous, they vastly decrease our quality of life on even a mundane level. They are so astoundingly selfish and entitled even a deeply cynical person like myself finds it hard to believe sometimes. They really do believe that women exist to serve them and have no reason to exist otherwise. They really do believe that their opinions are objective facts and their own narrow perspective, no matter how delusional, is reality. And women have to fall in line because we have no right to personal autonomy.

Mike Stone #wingnut #sexist #racist #conspiracy #fundie henrymakow.com

How many votes did Sleepy Joe Biden get in the 2020 election? 30 million? 40 million? 50 million? Let's say 50 million.

Most likely, he received less votes than that, but for the sake of argument, let's assume 50 million. That's an awful lot of votes. An awful lot of people who hate America. An awful lot of people who hate Christianity. An awful lot of people who hate themselves. And here's the kicker: upwards of 70% of those alleged 50 million votes were cast by white liberals.

What's more, white liberals didn't just vote for Biden, they played major roles in every facet of the stolen election. Without their assistance, it's most likely the overthrow of our government would not have succeeded.

White liberals are major supporters of the riots, the looting and the violence our country has experienced over the last twelve months and more. It's selfish white liberals, safe and smug in their gated communities, who oppose a wall on our southern border. It's selfish white liberals, cowering behind their double masks and face shields, who want the rest of us to sacrifice our health and lives by getting jabbed so they can feel safe. It's selfish white liberals who are now a menace to society.

Think about it. Who's more likely to complain about you to Human Resources and try to get you fired: a white conservative, a person of color - either liberal or conservative, or a selfish white liberal? Who's more likely to report you to the PC Internet Police and try to get you cancelled? Who's more likely to roll their eyes and mouth off when they see you without a mask? I think you know the answer to all of these questions.

ropecel64 #racist #sexist incels.is

Blackpill tbh indians and aisans should stop being so subservient to whites

Whites really dont appreciate you or care about you, your just money for their economy, and your female counterpart is free pussy for whites. Infact seeing it now being black or hispanci is much better, you don't contribute anything but you get women, money from drug deals and actively make the country that tries to eploit you into a shithole and you exploit them. Indians and aisans should stop contributing to western society and instead exploit it until there are miscengeation laws and ethnostates for us to live in and to stop whites form cucking us tbh

Spot on what you said about blacks and hispanics. Whites have a soft spot for Blacks, Jews, and Hispanics. Most definitely. Thats why you see white foids dating blacks nowadays. Even with all of the Asian lives matter stuff going on right now, not a single AMWF in sight and SF is like 30 percent Asian.

The people white Anglos (especially white liberals) hate are Asian, Indian, and Middle eastern men.

India seems like it hates China much more than it hates England. Which is sad.

White Anglos want Japs, Koreans, and Indians to help them fight China.

Tbh i think whites like curries and especially aisans for being so subservient, for the women for being sluts and them men for helping their economy out. But they favour blacks more for some reason, especially for black male dating white females.

All I really want is an aisan united front, from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, china, japan, korea and south east aisa under one flag. With ethnostates etc. So we don't get cucked by whites. But instead we fight each other sigh.

get_even & Arab_Incel_93 #sexist incels.is

Brutal My mum has tried to arrange a marriage for me for the past 4 years

My mum has been sending out pics of me to arrange a marriage for the past 4 years. She also created a "marriage CV" which states my height, profession, caste and the origins of my grandparents. I found out because she asked for new photos and revealed the pics and what she's been doing behind the scenes. In 4 years and sending my details and pics to dozens of people the only foid who sent her info and pics in return is an illegal immigrant foid who's overstayed her visa which I refused because she's only after a green card. Fuck my life. She said the photos weren't photogenic, but they were the best ones IMO.

I tried spitting blackpill but she just started saying some religious crap like it's Gods will, i felt like saying yeah mum it's gods will i jerk off to porn and use escorts instead of getting a wife.

Fuck religious mum's, imma assume you're Muslim. Religious stay at home mum's are the most insufferable people there is, they have no critical thinking and out of touch with the world. They think girls these days Worry about if you pray Fajr or not lol.

My mum says she wanted to try me married at 21 (I'm 27 now)...I was like bitch do it let me get married at 21. She suggested my cousin (thinking my cousin would even accept my ass) she suggested the religious goody goody two shows girls who will probably say blowjobs are Haram and she also suggested some fat bitch who was taller than me and a borderline slut.

You know it's over when we can't even get an arranged marriage. Get a stupid import/fob from overseas who has a hard on for the "freedom of the West"

[Deleted] #crackpot #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

"Silicone Angel". Every time I think they can't come up with worse stripper names or delude themselves further... "I'll have tits when I'm dead" We don't fucking care, honey. We're secure enough with our bodies.

the things that they care about, and the things that they think we care about...it's insane.

and honestly, the way they go on about real women shows how profoundly not at peace they are. Being a woman, to them, is a fetish. Being a female human, to us, is our existence coupled with all the violation that trying to exist alongside males deranged by the last 10k years of animal herding has draped and smeared all over us.

One of my pet theories is domestication of animals dumbed down the human race because males began literally imitating the behaviors of lower order animals and bringing them into human relations. They began to act like the ungulates they herded (I believe it was the psychopathically cruel practices of culling, castrating etc that created toxic masculinity). Traumatizing infants into mental illness in early childhood has led to the almost certain doom of our species. Forcing children to witness cruelty to animals on a regular basis in animal husbandry doesn't help either. Also there is a documented period of brain shrinkage in humans over the last 10k years that coincides with the advent of animal husbandry and the cessation of gatherer/hunter cultures.

Also didn't help in terms of the land ownership required to own herds which meant the most psychopathic and dishonest males climbed to the top of society. I'm sure it was all probably inevitable due to human population explosion, but it truly has been hell on earth for females. The more I research the more I'm convinced that culture prior to animal herding cults was matrilineal, with some remnant cultures like the Basques, the Picts, and the Mosuo of Lugu Lake. Animal herding cults have made humanity irredeemably stupid and and with the proliferation of islam it's about to get a whole lot worse.

GivePuppiesBazookas #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Trans people have spoke out about this too. Many go from being feminists to being ex-feminist because of what they learn after living as both genders.

I have a friend who is f to m and has been in and out of therapy regularly from suicidal thoughts. Dude's mind is absolutely blown with how different it is as a man. He has been a male for about 5 years and to this day keeps saying "I don't know how you do it"

I always feel the problem is women, mainly feminists, think they know everything about men. What we like, do, say, talk about, even think or our experiences. The ideas they have they treat as fact, this is why they don't like to listen, because when we speak about our experiences or thoughts it's counter to what they parrot. When feminists listen to men, they realize they are not as correct as they think they are, this is why their reaction is to shut conversations down: man up, mansplaining, what about the menz, feminism is working on that too, and so on. These are all designed to shut the conversation down, not to move it forward.

crew2 #psycho #sexist incels.is

Serious If you want to settle down you should always be aiming for a woman between the ages of 18 - 28 no matter how old you are

If someone rejects the opportunity to actually girlfriend or wife a woman above this age I wouldn't even consider it volcel criteria. It is common sense cel criteria. Above this age range she is guaranteed not to actually WANT you but to instead NEED you. It is foid mentality that we are only interested in sex and nothing else because it projects the fact that sex is all they really have to offer. This is why foids falsely accuse Chads they want of rape after they have offered him sex willy nilly and he doesn't want to get with her i.e. "I literally put my pussy, the only thing I have, on a plate and Chad still doesn't want me!".

We WANT to be WANTED. What is the chance that you as a man are going to go through your teens, 20s and 30s invisible to women and all of a sudden some wrinkly foid in her 30s is going to see you as the one? If she does it's not because she wants you it's because she needs to split the bill or needs a non-sexual housemate.

Everything besides her prime is worthless and imaginary. Any age older than that she is useless unless it is for one off sex or casual sex with no strings attached. If that's not on the table or on offer, then copes like games and movies are a better option. As a man at any age you should be aiming for your looksmatch between the ages of 18 - 28 to settle down with and if that is not offered don't look for anything else because you will only be:-

1. Giving her a get out of jail free card for fucking Chad for decades safe in the knowledge that some incel or average guy simp will take care of her for a handjob twice a year, if that

2. Taking part in a relationship that is based on false pretences and simply isn't real

ropecell #psycho #sexist incels.is

I want to find a Mail Order Bride

Has anyone tried? I think it is the only solution.

My dad’s ricecel boss got a Russian blonde mail order bride. She’s from Russia that she doesn’t even know either English or Chinese idk how they communicate

That's actually a good thing, she cannot live on her own, also her ability to cheat will be reduced. That's actually a good thing.

Various TERFs #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

My half-baked theory is that it's because Japanese people are better at shame than we are. There's a whole thing about shame-based vs guilt-based cultures though it's probably very outdated and simplistic. It does seem to me that a lot of TIMs and the more obnoxious variety of TIFs have a pathological absence of shame. Or given the relationship with narcissism, maybe they in fact have a lot of shame which they are incapable of handling so they dissociate into their trans personas.

I think there’s a racism element to it, like it tends to be white weebs who think anime is a factual representation of Asian women: big boobs and doe eyes, at once hypersexual, childlike, and submissive. Other racial minorities in the west probably at least have an idea “the people of my race on TV don’t necessarily act like me so this is probably not a true reflection of how Asian women are” as pornsick white guys think this is a realistic transition goal.

maybe because the majority of characters - if not all - in hentai and anime ARE white? makes it easier for lonely losers to indentify with and create an escapist fantasy.

They're not. It is usually made explicit when a character is supposed to be white because the character will have a weird mix of caucasian stereotypes, possibly speak Japanese with an accent, and everyone will acknowledge that this is a foreigner. White weebs know anime isn't white, that's why they are known for behaving in fetishistic ways towards asian women.

have you watched hentai? or even anime in general. they are white. historically, they all been EXTREMELY white passing. so no. get that discussion elsewhere, the point here was figuring out why so many white people get influenced by hentai in such an awful way, not if the cleary white passing characters are supposed to be white people or not.

levitation #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Why do anime and hentai turn so many white people trans?

Anime is popular with all races. It's a worldwide phenomenon at this point. So why the fuck are the overwhelming majority of weebs that try to literally become underage anime characters of the opposite sex the white ones?? No other demographic allows hentai to warp their brains to this extent.

It's seriously ridiculous. Almost every white TIM wears thigh highs and cat ears and talks about literally being a teenage anime girl. A majority of white TIFs had a yaoi phase that never ended, and fetishize kpop boys like they're their favorite anime characters.

I'm white so this might be just my experience, but I've noticed that a majority of trans people with anime obsessions and a hentai addiction are white. Of course any person who watches a lot of hentai is highly likely to be a perverted weirdo, but it's not like hikikomori Japanese men are turning TIM at such high rates or citing the cat boy from Re:Zero as their transition goals. Am I going crazy or is this as weird as I think it is?

I think it's the fact that white-people-culture is so tremendously individualistic and self-focussed. They're looking at content that's often created for escapism. People who are well-integrated into their communities and families know how to balance the occasional escapist fantasy with the demands of living within the social order. Western weebs who spend all their time in front of a screen, immersing themselves in escapist and sexual content to the point of obsession, well, not so much.

That makes a lot of sense. I've also noticed that not many socially well-adjusted people transition, except in cases of group contagion with teenage girls.

carlamonimacaroni #psycho #sexist reddit.com

I’m tired of men slowly becoming second class citizens.

For the past five or so years I’ve watched men be torn down at every moment. Years ago, men used to be looked up to. Now they are “disgusting,” “pigs,” and “dumb.” The men of the household used to be respected. Now when a man does literally anything he is criticized. This all culminated in an experience I had the other day. Now I’m by no means a masculine man. I’m average looking, average weight, pretty much a nobody really. This woman was in line behind me with what I assumed was her SO (another girl). The person in front of me (a young girl about 20 years old) asked if the other ladies behind me could go in front of me. I asked her why. She said “I don’t know, I just think THEY should go before YOU.” I was taken aback. I almost lost my shit. I just said. “I don’t think so.” And went on with my life. When I got to my car, I lost my shit. I probably looked like a psycho yelling at myself. I wished I could go back in time and talk some sense into that woman in front of me. I’m glad I held my tongue, but things like this make me irrationally angry. It’s also not good because it makes me feel worse around women in general. Now I’m afraid being around women. What will they think of me? Just because I’m a man will they think less of me? Am I a good person? I see why people don’t like women. Of course that’s wrong and an over generalization or simplification of things but still. Luckily I’m not one of those guys. But if I was? Imagine how much worse that situation would’ve been for the women around me. Anyway thanks for reading I guess.

I don't know how anyone can get mad at men for being angry. We're treated like absolute garbage and we're just expected to take it. Of course people are going to lash out. That's what happens when you constantly mistreat and insult and people.


Netzachcel #conspiracy #racist #sexist incels.is

Incels are rare as fuck in mexico because this shithole is a goblin farm for the imperium.

Incels in mexico are rare as fuck,People here breed like rabbits,Foids here dont go full chad 24/7 like in first world countries,People here breeds like cockroaches because thats what the imperium wants,They want organs,wagecuckers and puppets,I noticed that most people here are dumb as fuck and they just care about eating,shitting and breeding,There are lots white saxon chads here but they dont get 99% of wombs,Why? Because mexico is a fucking farm,And living here as a dissident is hellish as fuck,If you are not a normie here you get drugged with jewpills since a young age that lower your testosterone, because the imperium want you to take care of single mothers here or breed with goblins or fat trolls,Mexico is a fucking human farm and only white chads experience here human rights,Our president is well...less brutal than the former leaders but i still think there is something weird with him,Whatever white boyos,If you want mexican pudsy just fuck them,But dont bring those ungrateful priviledged holes to the imperium,they dont deserve it.

this shit is pure evil, at least european medieval peasants had white holes.

mexicans have latinas

What is so great about "latinas",Their skin looks like poop,They have weird faces,They shave their eyebrows and paint them back with makeup,They listen to shit music,What is so great about them? They are sluts like all foids.

most latinas are ugly. the more native american blood they got the uglier they tend to be. the upper class of mexico look white. mexican tv shows are full of white actors. JBW is law in mexico. the native are ugly, cruel, dangerous criminals to be or already a criminal. all those cartel violence. and OP how the fuck r u incel in mexico? foids in that shithole have low standards.

JBW is super strong here,Most bank workers are white stacies and chads,And how im an incel? Im a truecel,And honestly im not attracted at all in shitskin females.

squirrelsonfire2 #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Based If a white foid supports BLM she should be forced to give them nonstop affirmative action white pussy whenever requested

Not supporting race mixing because it’s disgusting. However I wouldn’t even want to date a foid who race mixes in the first place, and the ones who support BLM are too far gone anyways. They should be treated as fleshlights by black men whenever requested for white pussy reparations.

Sterilize them and let the blacks use them as sex dolls.


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