
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Are conversations with TIMs impossible?

( hontrapoints )
There's no point. He's a lost cause and probably has a creepy degenerate side he's keeping hidden from you.

It's better to cut your losses before he starts stealing your clothing and other intimate items or starts skin walking you

TIMs are all raging narcissists

( stabby )
You're right. I decided today to take steps to finally back away from this nightmare. He's already told me that he wants to look like me, and he told me some creepy degenerate things that were his "first inclination he's trans" (eyeroll). At the time I was blindly tying to be a good friend, pushing aside the cognitive dissonance of it all, but I am finally done.

( hontrapoints )
I totally understand. Prior to peaking, I'd somehow consistently managed to attract TIM friends and always tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, wanted to believe they had pure intentions for wanting to be a woman, and were actually suffering from dysphoria. I tried to dismiss the disgusting things they'd say as being "awkward."

They all ended up being creeps. And it took me until peaking to realize just how creepy they all were. [...]

I wholesale dropped contact with every TIM I even had the vaguest familiarity with and I'd suggest every woman should do the same.

( Owlchaser )
TIM reality is based on a lie. They also have a narcissistic need to force other people to see things exactly how they do and as you mention above, their mental illness takes precedent over everything else.

So not only can you have true conversations, because everything always has to stay within the boundaries of what they deem to be acceptable, but everything always has to revolve around them because of their inner dysfunction. He can't have a conversation when he needs affirmations every 2 seconds, and when reality itself is painful to discuss (due to whatever reason, including the toddlerish tantrums of not being able to always have one's way).

( mathlover )
You can't have a reasoned discusssion with cult members or inveterate narcissists. And the men who larp as "women" are both. This man is not capable of a mutually respectful equal relationship and is deeply mysogynist. There is nothing positive about him being in your life; he will do as much damage as he can as long as you continue the relationship. Excise him, like you would a malignacy.

@bernie_eee & @JackSpangle #transphobia gettr.com

( @bernie_eee )
It wouldn't shock me if we got to a point where rape victims refussing to use preferred pronouns became the new 'well she was drunk'. 'Transphobes can be raped too I just have less sympathy for bigots'.

People are that brainwashed.

( @JackSpangle )
Women have been forced already to call their rapist 'she/her' in court đŸ˜±đŸ„ș. Forced by the judge. Despicable.

@Shrikeunbroken #transphobia gettr.com

Yes, calling men women just does not seem to change the power dynamic of men getting what they want and women being told to obey, does it?


spoilerChanging the male/female axis to a
cis/trans axis means that males in
prison can insist on being strip-
searched by women, but women in
hospital can't ask for intimate
examinations to be conducted by
And that's what we mean by 'trans

Brendan O’Neill #transphobia spiked-online.com

The sexist self-delusion of Dylan Mulvaney
(submitters note: continued from https://fstdt.com/Y.XKYF9Z65XK9 )


These double standards expose one of the most sinister elements of the trans ideology: its belief that transwomen are not only actual, literal women but are better women than biological women. They’re the truest women. Embrace ‘your true self with gender-reassignment surgery’, surgeons say. We’re told that, through radical surgery, men who want to be women can ‘become their real self’ and find their ‘true identity’. Real, true – it’s about as far as you can get from the ‘fake tits’ discourse that swirls around women who have cosmetic procedures. The implication is that the body of the man who ‘becomes a woman’ is more authentic than the body of an actual woman, because he had to suffer so much to get it. His ‘femaleness’ is hard won, and thus holier. As Germaine Greer said of Bruce Jenner’s transition to Caitlyn, ‘Misogyny plays a really big part in all of this, [this idea] that a man who goes to these lengths to become a woman will be a better woman than someone who is just born a woman’.

The entire idea of FFS – as I will be calling it from now on – is misogynistic. It really does reduce womanhood to costume, to performance, a mask that can be pulled on by anyone, including those of us who have penises. The highly stylised, or ‘stylishly queer’, manner of Mulvaney’s face reveal confirmed that femaleness is pure theatre for the trans activist. The raised curtain, the spotlight, the canned applause – this was girlhood as entertainment, womanhood as stagecraft. The belief that some hormones, a bit of face chiselling and a name change are all it takes to become a woman is profoundly chauvinistic. It robs womanhood of its biological, social and relational truths and makes it mere garb, to be donned by all who desire it.


@alexbloodfire #wingnut #transphobia gettr.com

Public confidence in the British police is at an all-time low!

A woke police force is the last thing we need!

Gender ideology and critical race theory corrode justice and hard-won rights.

#TransAgenda #GenderIdeology #TransMob #Police #BritishPolice #Woke #WokePolice #WokePoliceForce #CriticalRaceTheory

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Rethinking my friendship with a TIM

( drinkwater )
For all women, please, you do not need to look past shit to be friends with a man. You don't need to be friends with a man period. He wears his fetish out in the open. Quite literally signaling he's a pervert. Frankly I don't think a woman can get a clearer sign of danger, he doesn't even hide it.

( RisingUp )
Is this a case of you getting in your head about it, or are these thoughts the result of your gut trying to tell you something about the friendship?

I got a bad feeling when you said you’d confided in him a lot, because it seems like some TIMs mentally store that kind of thing up and use it in their woman roleplay, and it’s wildly creepy. But I could be way off. Just trust your instincts.

( FlannelRiot )
I’ve had a few TIM friends over the years, mostly back when I was in my mid to late 20s. I ended up dropping all of them once I learned more about the transgender movement and the dangers it poses to actual women. I slowly began to pull away from them, and then eventually ceased all communications. We were never friends irl (thank god), just online, via Discord (Discord is crawling with TIMs). 3 of the 4 I knew were also battling some kind of addiction to porn (mostly 2D anime stuff), and that seems to be a common theme with them. One, was even a crossplayer for a popular anime fandom. Whenever I would bring up my concerns with their unhealthy addiction to it, I’d be met with anger outbursts, so that was another thing that ultimately drove me away.


( DurableBook )
If your trans friend holds to the misogynist concept of genderism, then I struggle to see how you'd be able to have a meaningful friendship. Genderism necessarily means that he cannot view you (nor any female person) as a full and complete human. He can only be "friends" with you in the way that a man is friends with his dog.

This is true of all genderists, in my opinion, not only trans ones. The belief that gender is an innate quality rather than an imposed hierarchy erases so much of human experience, personality, and individuality, that I do not believe it is possible to have meaningful relationships with those who hold that view. And yes, this means the majority of people on Earth.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
No one gets canceled for lying.

They get canceled for telling inconvenient truths, incompatible with the official narrative.

From Covid lies to mutilation of children by doctors, those who speak up against the lies sold by the elite are attacked relentlessly.

@DrPaulGosar (((Elite))) name them or get the fuck out.

@DrPaulGosar I've seen people confront you with inconvenient truths and you immediately blocked them. Weird

@patrickregan @DrPaulGosar If they want to run they have to bow to the jews,I `m no saying this ,but a black woman called them out and lost her position.
What is... disturbing to me is that many of these pro-Israeli lawmakers sit on the House International Relations Committee despite the obvious conflict of interest that their emotional attachments to Israel cause... The Israeli occupation of all territories must end, including Congress.


@DrPaulGosar Who are these so called "elite" you mention?

@DrPaulGosar So name the jews then

@DrPaulGosar You get cancelled for questioning jews, and you know it. Say it, and get the ball rolling about doing something about it. Nothing changes until they're openly called out. Everything else is platitudes and theater unless something is done about their crooked cabal of ruling elite.

@LonnieTull @DrPaulGosar
The Jews are strong. They've controlled the farm for too long. The sheep that moves goes to the slaughter, and there are very few lions

@DrPaulGosar Raise the veil, Congressman. Its jewLawyers

Fr. Robert McTeigue, SJ #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #kinkshaming #conspiracy crisismagazine.com

2010s: The remaking and erasure of the individual. The individual (sacred in Christianity; one among the undifferentiated masses in Marxism) cut off from past, future, and fellows, has nothing left but an unsatisfied and unsatisfactory self.
The isolated individual rejects the self as having been found in “the wrong body” (transgenderism) or “the wrong species” (variously known as transspeciesism, such that one identifies as an “otherkin” or a “furry,” i.e., as a member of a non-human species). Or the unsatisfactory and unsatisfied self rejects the limitations of body and mind and so advocates for transhumanism, with the individual “augmented” by various technologies in a man/machine hybrid

2020s: Narcissistic cannibalism—the unsatisfactory, unsatisfied yet self-obsessed individual is running out of realities to reject, alter, or destroy. Caught in the grip of enraged and insatiable disappointment, the empty self demands that remaining realities be destroyed more completely, more absolutely. So now we see the narcissist step into a kind of cannibalism. That which is affiliated with the failed human project must be absorbed into the empty and implacable self.
The narcissistic cannibal, caught in an unbearable present, aims his appetitive rage at the past and the future. We see this repudiation of the past in the recent advocacy o
f human composting. The human body and all that it represented may be broken down into its component parts and then absorbed by the hungry living. At the same time, we are being urged to cannibalize our future by reducing our children to the status of sexual consumables by normalizing pedophilia.

The human rejection of God and man, the destruction and even the devouring of the past and future—these lead to the nihilistic dynamic.

Brendan O’Neill #transphobia spiked-online.com

The sexist self-delusion of Dylan Mulvaney
Note to trans activists: no amount of cosmetic surgery turns a man into a woman.

Just when you thought the trans ideology couldn’t get any crankier, here comes the face reveal. This is when a man who’s becoming a woman, or thinks he’s becoming a woman, takes to social media to unveil his surgically ‘feminised’ face to the world. Gone is his square jaw and big nose, fleshy giveaways of maleness, and in their place is a thinner, more dinky nose and pert cheekbones. Behold my womanly visage! It’s like a woke version of PT Barnum’s museum of freaks. Barnum pulled back the curtain to reveal women with beards – the face reveal invites us to roll up, roll up and gawk at the man who turned into a lady.

There’s a Frankenstein feel to the face reveal. I’m not saying that to be offensive – Dylan himself used that F-word. He talked about how relieved he was to have the ‘staples and screws’ removed from his scalp – it takes a lot of metal to make a man a woman – because ‘I felt a little bit like Frankenstein having those in’. He means Frankenstein’s monster, but let’s not be pedantic. His reference to Mary Shelley’s chilling morality tale about the misuse of scientific power might be more apt than he realises. Where Frankenstein tells of the dangers of trying to turn inanimate matter into life, the face reveal points to the folly of thinking we can turn men into women. Surgeons who believe they can alter something as immutable as sex are surely ‘playing God’ as much as Victor Frankenstein was when he tried to make a cadaver human.

The cult of the face reveal tells us a lot about the woke moment, none of it good. First, there’s the staggering and sexist double standards when it comes to cosmetic surgery. For decades now, the cultural elites have sneered at women who’ve gone under the knife to get a smaller nose or bigger breasts. [...] Yet now we’re meant to fawn over men who undergo insanely more meddlesome surgery in the mistaken belief that it will make them women. The same kind of talking heads who were aghast at vajazzles think a penectomy followed by vaginoplasty is absolutely fine (Google it. Actually, don’t.)


various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

Mainstream journalists can turn anything into a problem caused by their political enemies.

spoilerAmerica is facing a diaper
crisis, and the anti-abortion
movement is making it

( @Ladyfencer )
@RT Actually Poopy Pants biden is causing the shortage..how many times a day does jilly his nanny change him plus all the other seniors in congress like turkey neck nancy must wear them.

@RT essentially they won't let us kill all these fuckin tiresome babies and now there's not enough diapers to go around!!

@RT Are you fucking kidding me? Save the diapers, kill the babies?
2 dozen cloth diapers, a few pairs of rubber pants, and a lot of bleach will get you through.

@RT Judaism normalized and entrenched in power turned America into Weimeirca and now anything goes... 💀☠ #Weimerica

@RT it’s because of all those LGBTards filleting the skin off their legs to make necropenises that drip and ooze all day.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia #racist #homophobia gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Vladimir Putin didn't put over 30 million illegals in our country.

Vladimir Putin didn't triple your gas prices.

@DrPaulGosar Vladimir Putin isn't trying to convince your kids to be gay.

@BradHines @DrPaulGosar no, but he would love you to become his designated fluffer, because he is getting old.

@BigDaddyO @BradHines @DrPaulGosar he just wants it to be easier for you to cut your dick off and for groomers to adopt.

@DrPaulGosar Israeli Communist lobby did it all.

@DrPaulGosar No, Putin isn't responsible for destroying America. The Zionist Occupied Government is to blame. Ever heard of Ron Klain, Adam Schiff, Avril Haines, Antony Blinken, Victoria Nuland? These are JEWS holding key positions in Biden Administration. They make all the decisions, not dementia Biden.

If Americans don't find the balls to name the Jews and reverse this take over, soon you won't have a country. Secession is the only way of out this mess.

Vladimir Putin didn't illegally install an illegitimate executive in the white house! U.S. CONGRESS DID!!!!

@DrPaulGosar President Putin didn't surgically mutilate American children's reproductive organs.

Candace Owens #transphobia mediamatters.org

I have such great contempt for trans individuals and everything that they are doing right now in our society. To me, I've yet to meet a trans person that I thought was a good individual. Go ahead, you can use that clip verbatim. Circulate it, George Soros and your goons because somebody needs to say it. This has gone on far enough, right? They are hateful, narcissistic human beings. It's very obviously -- it's very obvious that they hate women, that they are misogynist at their core. I'm talking about men that put on lipstick and say -- not only that they're women, mocking us to our faces, saying I'm a woman, I'm just like you, I can do whatever you want.

These people are demonic, ok? The trans agenda is demonic. Any actor, actress, individual that supports this is supporting something that is demonic. These are demons in our society, without question. And if you can stand by idly and watch this take place, to watch children that are being told they can remove their private parts, to watch people march into capitol buildings and demand that people under the age of 21 be allowed to ruin their perfectly good normal bodies for the rest of their lives, to take pills and to go through extreme bouts of depression -- if you can watch all of that and stand back and say, yeah, no, I'm okay with it, all in the pursuit of equality because you keep saying that to make yourself feel good, you're a demon. And that is just the facts of the matter.

Emina Melonic #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #conspiracy amgreatness.com

There are things that transcend time and ideology, in spite of all efforts to the contrary, and it is these that make us human. Sexual tension and especially love, that is to say all things relating to eros, are part of that transcendence. Eros is among the more mysterious and powerful forces we live for, or at least, we should live it as it is the driving force of life, creativity, and abundance. The world which we inhabit right now, however, seems devoid of this tug as it is devoid of the desire for life such erotic moments indicate are part of our nature.We have worked even harder than the communists did at designing an erosless world, a machine to churn out purely perfunctory artifacts, the purposes of which are, paradoxically, meaningless.
The transgender ideology is an attack on both masculinity and femininity. If the falsehoods of this ideology were actually true, transgender people would be in a half-human state. Neither male nor female, they would be suspended in some anti-metaphysical status—alive but not partaking in human being. They would be incapable (whether physically or mentally) to truly engage in a sexual act. Their self-imposed, mechanical celibacy is based on an unhappy turn inward. By electing a state that is neither male nor female, they have chosen the annihilation of eros.
One cannot quantify sex and eros. It is a relationship that is mysterious. To be sure, erotic acts and encounters have their own language and their own unique revolution. Desire is a form of turmoil, of unsteadiness, and of yearning. But it also has a kind of resolution in the life-giving power that it generates. But this revolution and resolution have nothing to do with the ordinary sort of politics and ideology that so engage our consciousness today. Eros, in the end, is based on human vulnerability, on the fragile balance between a man and a woman, on a mystery of being, and the relationship between lover and the beloved.

Agnar #psycho #wingnut #racist #enbyphobia #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

SinistralRifleman: The 2nd Amendment is for everyone.

This is something I’ve believed for years, and something many people I know have also believed. But it’s apparently a controversial statement now.

Agnar: I don’t want communists, Chinese people, antifa, gender psychos, or people who voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election to have 2nd amendment rights.

Not sorry, just want to have a country in 20 years, thanks.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The January 6th Committee voting to subpoena President Trump was an unacceptable redline until now.

When we take back the House, expect us to follow the new rules.

@DrPaulGosar Dear Dr. Gosar,
They will steal this election too. There was no prosecution or overturned result of the last election. Their fraud machine is even better organized now. They will steal it in plain daylight knowing full well that ALL the GOP can do is write 'strongly worded letters' with which the Democrats can wipe their backsides. I hope you guys have a plan... If they steal it, and they will, I don't want to hear more baloney moving of goalposts to vote in the 2024 corrupt election.

@thedarthvader @DrPaulGosar If it's blatantly stolen again, there will be an actual insurrection; the ones that have guns.

@PassDaSoup @DrPaulGosar
We will see. TBH I thought the red line was when they molested our kids with their transsexuals... but we did nothing... so I'm not holding my breath.

@DrPaulGosar Politicians are even quieter...đŸ€”

spoilerHear that??
That's the defending sound
of silence from the MSM
as they completely ignore
the confession from Pfizer
that they NEVER TESTED
the VAXXX for Transmissability

@DrPaulGosar Abolish the FBI

@DrPaulGosar J6th committee? That's still a thing? Thought those losers folded when it was shown they were full of shit

@DrPaulGosar you won’t take back shit. And if you do, all the Globalist JEW hack RINO’s will do absolutely NOTHING.

@DrPaulGosar there are no rules for the democrats stop following them when you go after them. go harder they are trying to destroy us don’t play paddy cakes when its your turn at bat.

Matt Walsh #transphobia #quack mediamatters.org

First of all, if you're wondering why we still don't have a cure for cancer it could be partly because this is the sort of thing the medical field is focusing its energies on now. Rather than figuring out better ways to treat and heal people who are physically sick, hundreds of millions of dollars are being invested into turning men into women and women into men.

Now you might point out that, well, the medical field can do both. Right? It can make Frankenstein monsters and it can try to cure cancer. Well, yeah. Theoretically it can work on curing and treating diseases while also devoting time to putting vaginas on men. That's true. The problem is that these two projects are fundamentally at odds. On the one hand, they're trying to make sick people better while on the other hand they're exploiting sick people, mentally sick people in this case, and mangling their bodies horrifically for profit.

Brendan O’Neill #transphobia spiked-online.com

The gender jihadists are out of control
(submitters note: continued from here https://fstdt.com/PBSVPNH5G8DN3 )
Any movement that attracts so many bigots really should have a word with itself. Any activist set that helps to make it fashionable again to call women witches really should engage in some self-reflection. For here’s the thing: while it might be the outliers of the trans cult who scream witch and issue death threats and say ‘suck my girldick’, their tirades only express with greater ferocity and spite the misogyny that is inherent to modern trans activism. The root idea of the contemporary trans movement – that ‘transwomen are women’ – is itself misogynistic. Its reduction of womanhood from a biological, social, relational phenomenon to a costume that anyone can pull on, even people with dicks, is profoundly sexist. It dehumanises women. It denies the specificity of their experiences. It turns womanhood into a feeling, something flimsy. So, yes, in saying that all it takes to become a woman is three months of wearing a dress, Sturgeon is contributing to the misogyny that motors 21st-century gender ideology.

The mantra ‘transwomen are women’ underpins the resurgence of misogynistic thinking. There is a traceable line from this mainstream chant to the fringe cries of ‘cunt’ aimed at any woman who says transwomen are not women; that there’s more to being a woman than feeling and image. The violent hatred for ‘TERFs’ might mostly come from unstable individuals online, but it expresses the sexism and intolerance that are absolutely key to trans activism more broadly, and in particular to its belief that a man can be a woman. We need a firmer fightback against the hatred for ‘TERFs’ and in defence of the things that are threatened by this new witch-hunt – women’s rights, freedom of speech and scientific truth.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: If men collectively refute gender ideology, all the madness will stop today

( shewolfoffrance )
I've thought for a long time that gender woo won't be defeated, partially or in full, until men are forced to care. I think the most likely win would come from fathers deciding that they don't want horny men and boys who claim to have ladybrain showering with their daughters.

I think most men are fundamentally incapable of caring about anyone who isn't personally attached to them. When Jordan Peterson spoke out against Bill C-16, his main concern was freedom of speech; not women and children's safety, privacy, and dignity. When Matt Walsh made What Is a Woman, one of his primary motives was "because I care about truth."

Freedom of speech and truth are both extremely important. But Peterson and Walsh, probably two of the most recognizable names in anti-gender ideology discourse, were more motivated by esoteric principles than women's and children's safety and health.

It's a luxury that only men have. Women have been yelling from the rooftops for decades now that letting the penis-havers into female-only spaces will result in rape and abuse. That's apparently not enough to make males, who hold the majority of government and financial power, care.

( drdeeisback )
'that they don't want horny men and boys who claim to have ladybrain showering with their daughters' OTOH they don't want to preclude the chance that they can shower with other men's daughters.

( MiMi2013 )
That's part of the problem : Non trans people STILL are convinced that all trans woMEN are Sad Gay Men, who are ashamed of wanting other men to fuck them, have all had GRS, and pose no threat to women and girls whatsoever. Whether the HSTSs ever were harmless is an entirely different issue, but today's AGP transbians seem to make up the bulk of trans woMEN, and they most definitely are a threat, as they keep proving over and over and over and...Jazz Jennings aside, most trans woMEN do NOT have the slightest interest in those male commenters at all; it's irrelevant to them if MEN say they won't date trnswoMEN.

( WatcherattheGates )
They say no to having sex with them personally. But bros before hos--they will not say no to other men violating women's boundaries. It's patriarchy in a dress, that's all.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

BS. Why would a man not be treated as a man and act like one before AND after putting on a spinny skirt?

( CruelEnnui )

Typically, trans girls are not socialized as cis boys, do not absorb the same social messages, and are not treated the same way.

Where do they get all that male entitlement from then?

Also, if it's impossible to tell someone's gender identity by just looking, how would people know that they're trans girls and not cis boys?

( kayfabe )
That wage gap comment is gold. If it were true (I doubt it) it’s likely due to the verry common phenoms of TIMs becoming too “dysphoric” to work due to their not-a-mental-illness, trying to live off gofundme grifts and being classic basement dwelling NEETs.

( IntuitiveStains )
How can they get away with saying "trans girls aren't socialized like cis boys?" Why do they think that? They're literally males who were raised male until whatever age gender woo got to them. Why do they think they're immune to male socialization? Is it because they were just so ""sad"" and ""dysphoric"" that they didn't absorb male socialization? Lol, how the fuck does that work?? I was sad and angsty going through my own puberty but it didn't make me reject my sex-based socialization.

It just infuriates me, because it's like they totally know that they have male socialization, but like most other rejections of a sex-based reality, they feel a bit awkward and uncomfortable accepting themselves as a male wearing a dress, so they need to bend literal reality to make themselves feel better.

( no- )

They're literally males who were raised male until whatever age gender woo got to them.

At no point will they stop being treated and socialized as male. To be treated like women, they would need to perfectly pass as female 100% of the time, which is almost impossible, and even then all they have to do to escape misogyny is quit impersonating the opposite sex. Women don’t have that option.

littleowl12 , Ginger & Scoobygirl #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Have you seen people recently back off being TRAs?

( littleowl12 )
I'm seeing that about a lot of things, but gender most of all. I think the fad has crested, too many horror stories are coming out, and the left establishment in America has gone very, very quiet. It's still a loud issue in Scotland, but I've noticed the American left is suddenly very busy.

And busy about stuff that matters, like abortion rights, inflation, the invasion of Ukraine and expansionist Russia, the looming drop of China's population.

What's going to be really scary......is the anger that follows.

The leader of the Church of Scientology is David Miscavige. His father Ron escaped in his old age. He said in an interview before he died, the hardest thing was looking at himself in a full length mirror, pointing to his reflection, and saying "You got conned." He said it was the most awful emotion he ever felt. He didn't narrow down whether it was sadness or rage.

That's going to be a big deal. We got conned. I'm worried how the SJW movement as a whole is going to set society back, because they saturated it with so much hucksterism. We're not the only ones that got conned- MAGA definitely did, too.

But transgenderism is gruesome. Horrible surgeries, often performed on children. Foul fetishes.

I don't know.

It's going to be bad.

( Ginger )
I've definitely noticed that far fewer people have to inject their "jkr is a transphobe" sentiments any time anything Harry Potter comes up.

I think between seeing actual TIMs in sports, the growing number of detransitioners, and the utter lack of "transwomen" speaking out after the Supreme Court ruling on abortion (weird, because I thought TWAW.... /s), a lot of lefties are discovering they backed the wrong horse.

( Scoobygirl )
I've noticed it in my circle of homeschoolers - girls that were insisting they were boys a few months back are all nonbinary now, which I am hopeful is a way for them to ease out of all this nonsense. Their mothers, once very loud and proud TRAs, are much quieter on the issue now as well. I think initially it felt great to have this special trans status, but once all the kids declared themselves as something special (pansexual, demisexual, two spirited are some of the dumbass labels I've seen posted on FB) they all started to look around and realize how stupid it all is.

Brendan O’Neill #transphobia spiked-online.com

The gender jihadists are out of control
(submitters nnote: continued from here https://fstdt.com/8GLF5SY6LQTH )

We need to talk about the hatred for ‘TERFs’. It is out of control. It is the most vehement form of bigotry in the UK right now.
Lower down the scale of mental anti-TERFism, we also had an SNP councillor in Dundee speaking about gender-critical feminism in the same breath as Nazism. At a pro-trans rally, she said we need to stand against ‘hate’ (tell that to your comrades!) because ‘I’ve seen first-hand when I travelled
 to visit a place called Auschwitz’. Marshalling the atrocities of the Holocaust to demonise women who just don’t want men in their refuges, sports and changing rooms? Every day there’s a new low in this lobby.
Sexist hate is a daily reality for women who question the idea that you can change sex.
Last year, Sturgeon issued a formal apology for the witch trials that rocked Scotland between the 16th and 18th centuries. When is she going to apologise for the very modern witch-hunts that she herself has witlessly helped to facilitate?

Or just behold the low-level intimidation that attends virtually every gathering of ‘TERFs’. There will always be gangs of men outside gender-critical meetings; men horrified by the idea of women speaking among themselves about their rights; men who ridiculously believe that their feeling of ‘womanhood’ and badly applied lippy makes them women, too. Better women, in fact. As India Willoughby tweeted at the weekend, ‘I’m more of a woman than JK Rowling will ever be’. That’s misogyny, too. The idea that a man – yes, India’s a bloke – even does womanhood better than women is testament to the low view of womankind that’s been whipped up by the trans cult.


@StellaBGoodwin #transphobia gettr.com

The feelings of a rapist prioritised over the feelings of his victim...
Trans NGO's have issued press guidelines on how police, court staff and judges should talk as to not bruise the oh so delicate, feelings of male rapists and murderers.

Britain's state broadcaster is under fire for altering quotes of a rape victim in an effort to avoid misgendering a transgender attacker.

@AthenasWrench & @piotr3 #transphobia gettr.com

(submitters note: regarding Lia Thomas)

( @AthenasWrench )
Screw off Will, cheating psychopath. Funny how it requires drugs and medical intervention to be your “authentic self”.

“Thomas told Good Morning America that anyone who says she isn’t allowed to compete as a woman is transphobic. She strongly reiterated that they are transphobic even if they support her right to transition but not compete.”

You are a real hero, why don't you take on some 1st graders in baseball, or steal a bunch of used trophies, when you cheat, it means nothing.

( @piotr3 )
He can call people transphobic all he likes, but people don't like what he does and how he behaves. The interview doesn't do him any favours, self-centred with a man voice confirms what a unpleasant person he is.

( @AthenasWrench )
He’s peak transed thousands more. These guys are their own wort enemies.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: It finally happened - I got asked my "pronouns"

( GCRadFem )
I have only been asked this on medical forms. I cross it out and write female instead.

I have a tiny, niggling concern that medical staff or organizations will write TERF on my chart at some point and if hospitalized, it will affect my care.

( redacted )
its a legitimate concern given the woman in the UK who had an operation cancelled because she complained when receiving care from a TIM after specifying she only wanted care from females.

its ludicrous cos if we take this to its logical consequences, any medical problems that have sex based differences in presentation, or efficacy of cures, and going to be made worse. yet we, not the medical professionals, are the evil ones for caring about sex. the medics i know privately don't subscribe to it thankfully, but you can't really find out easily when recieving treatment.

( vulvapeople )
It figures they won't just ask patients if they identify as trans or some other "gender". That would actually be relevant in a medical context since TIPs are permanent medical patients, have a lot of complications that aren't really typical for either sex, have a lot of risk factors that are far and away worse than comparable populations, and of course will raise hell if someone gets their pronouns wrong. But since they can't be "singled out" even in a medical context where it really matters, we all get to suffer.

( ProFreedom )
Good one. We do need to resist. My answer will be - are you asking me to lie? I won't participate in a fiction that causes so much harm by its coerced compliance.

( hmimperialtortie )
Refer to me as votre majestĂ© in person and sa majestĂ© when I’m not there, and expect a lecture if you mispronounce it.

( sarstan )
If they force me to be woke I will be so woke they will wish I was just a TERF.

Brendan O’Neill #transphobia spiked-online.com

The gender jihadists are out of control
Trans activism is now little more than a witch-hunt of disobedient women.

The gender jihadists are out of control

Imagine if mainstream British politicians were photographed at a demo at which someone was holding a placard that said ‘Decapitate coconuts’. A demo at which there were open, horrendous expressions of violent contempt for black people who hold the supposedly wrong views. A demo at which it was stated that such sinful ethnic-minority people should not only be executed but eaten, too. ‘I eat coconuts’, one of the signs might say. There would be uproar, rightly so. It’s unlikely the politicians would keep their jobs for long.

Well, the sexist equivalent of this scenario did happen, for real, in Glasgow on Saturday. Politicians were seen standing in front of protest signs that fantasised about visiting bigoted violence, not upon morally disobedient black people, but upon morally disobedient women. TERFs, as they’re called, which literally means ‘trans-exclusionary radical feminist’, but which really means witch, bitch, scold, hag. Anyone who has witnessed a hardline trans activist spit out the word ‘TERF’ will be under no illusion as to the misogynistic menace that underpins that four-letter slur. Yet while there is concern over what happened in Glasgow, there isn’t as much public fury as one might expect.

And yet there is a very important question that Oswald, Stewart and the other Sturgeonites at that Glasgow gathering must answer: you might not have seen those particular placards, but how have you not seen the frenzied woman hate that is now a key feature of the ideology of transgenderism? How have you missed the misogynistic bile that flows not only through that Glasgow demo you gladly attended, but also through so much of the trans lobby? How are you unaware that while ‘Decapitate TERFs’ might be a new one, there have been many explosions of violence-tinged fury with TERFs in recent years, both online and off? Not seeing two hateful placards is kind of forgivable – not seeing that trans activism now seems to consist of little more than angry men bellowing ‘witch’ in the faces of women who have the temerity to disagree with them is not.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

We are allowing actual fetishists into womens spaces. Men who masturbate to the idea of themselves as women. Many have multiple paraphilias. Trans activists will tell you AGP doesn’t exist. They know they are lying. Access Reddit’s r/egg_irl or r/mtf to see how many post about knowing they were women because they get erections performing womanhood. Tbese are perverts they have legalized to access all our spaces. Is it sane to allow them to shower and change with women and girls? Yet they are allowed

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

Not sure women are going to feel safe going to this fetishist in womanface. But screw them anyway, a trans is on the case.

spoilerI'm am so excited to finally
share that I'm starting a
new position as Speak Out
Champion at the
This is an amazing role
which gives me the
opportunity to make a real
difference to so many
people's lives.
of Justice


SakuraBlossoms , GenderHeretic & Itzpapalotl #transphobia ovarit.com

“The pinnacle of progressivism”

( SakuraBlossoms )
The "4th step of genocide" is when you still can't take away everyone's freedom of speech to not call you by your delusions?

( GenderHeretic )
Genocide is when things don't go their way all the time. Whenever they reach into the cookie jar and there's none left because they ate them all, that's genocide. If it's raining when they wanted to go to the park, that's genocide. If they only got thirty-six presents for their birthday when last year, last year they had thirty-seven, that's genocide.

( Itzpapalotl )
My god. How fucking disrespectful these idiots are to survivors of actual genocide. Have these people never heard about what happened to people in Rwanda? In Armenia? In the holocaust?

They are appropriative, narcissistic, self centred, completely deluded pieces of human waste.

People not bowing to your every whim, not changing their language to adhere to your delusion, refusing to ignore reality in order to protect your feelings, women refusing to be redefined by men...that’s what they are calling genocide?

They’ve brought this backlash on themselves with their delusion, their misogyny, their homophobia, their predation and indoctrination of children. These entitled men are getting what they deserve. It’s not genocide but it’s a healthy and predictable pushback to a dangerous and twisted movement.

Edited to add. The Weimar Republic was a time of debauchery and rampant sexual assault/rape. It was good for men, not so good for women. These fools tell on themselves constantly.

( GenderHeretic )
It's true that they're treated with more hostility, disgust and hatred than they used to be. Because people used to give the benefit of the doubt and trust that trans was Gay Rights 2.0 and they "just wanted to pee", and now they can see that we're actually talking about a bunch of raving violent fetishists dismantling women's rights, banning free speech, banning all child safeguarding and trying to recruit as many children as possible into becoming elective lifelong medical patients.

various New York Post commenters #transphobia nypost.com

RE: NYC Instagram model Nikki Secondino killed dad, stabbed sister over laptop: DA

( Alec Berg )

Stop encouraging these people by playing along with their mental illness. He is a 22 year old man. Stop referring to him as she/her. It is an indisputable fact that a man cannot be changed into a woman and vice versa. Period!

( james halpert )

Can't we assume that all these gender confused individuals have mental issues?

( John Lap )

They are possessed...they use plurals as pronouns...she...they..indicating more than one...the demon is seeking recognition...in a way boasting...this one's mine..hence the confusion of who and what they truly are.

( FloridaFreedom )

That is not a she. That is an it.

( Branduhhhn Magoo )

hopefully they put the man in rikers with the rest of the men.

( DS )

If put in jail with the men. He/She would be popular I think.

( MakeitReal )

Stop referring to him as an Instagram model. First, that is not even a job. It is more likely that he was a male prostitute using Instagram to hook in straight men.

( Mr Coinblatt )

Straight? One look at that and you know it's a freak...

( NSamuelle )

Is it going to women’s prison?

( Nurse Ratchet )

Unfortunately, the answer is probably yes. There are many known cases now that “men are transitioning” to commit or right after committing crimes so they can get (what they feel will be) preferential treatment in prison. CRAZY WORLD!!!!!

( notforlong )

Great jugs, though ....

( Klammer )

This "manster" will be in the news again in a year from now for impregnating fellow female inmates at rikers. Your tax dollars at work.

( Ogie Ogilthorp )

The post needs to stop it with the trans freaks pronouns. That’s a guy and it and no other trans freakazoid will ever be a woman

( Mr Coinblatt )

Hopefully this hideous freak gets murdered in jail...

It probably has a pretty good beard by now...

( Concerned Canadian )

I think "model" means Instagram prostitute

( Chase )

The left considers all norms wrong and the mentally ill should be enabled. This is another example of how that's working out in this country. Keep voting Democrat until we have the luggage thief as President and jean Pierre as VP

( Banned Heretic )

Born with a penis: male

Born with a vagina: female

You people in the media need psychological help.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

Trans privilege. They are NOT marginalized and Vulnerable, and they know it.

The right to:
- choose your preferred prison estate
- lie about your sex on official identity documents - and compel officials to collaborate
- plastic surgery on demand, free, with unlimited revisions
- surgeons' rights to sell cosmetic procedures to children
- impose language reform on everyone, obfuscating reference to sex, enforced with "hate speech" policies
- men can evade sex-specific safeguarding restrictions with a declaration
- compulsory bisexuality for everyone
- flaunt fetishes in public, including at the workplace, with impunity

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

You Meet More Perverts When You're Poor

( Mapleshade )
And it’s disgusting TiMs act like they’re at risk because the perverts don’t want them. They want women - real women not males masquerading as women. The men who like raping and hurting women aren’t interested in males they want to hurt women. They want to rape and hurt females. For them to act like they have any idea of your pain and our pain is disgusting. They have nothing to fear because they’re male and other males can clock them.

( pennygadget )
If a TIM doesn't want that oppression, he can take the lady costume off. The rest of us don't have that luxury

( GCRadFem )
I only disagree with this statement:

But the girls who make the rules now, they don’t see any reason why a couple of “bad apples” should prevent poor suffering homosexual men from being able to live their true authentic life in the body they deserve.

It is not the”poor suffering homosexual men” wanting to live life in their “authentic body” it is the men with an AGP paraphilia. That is an important distinction. If a homosexual man is a drag queen (hate to even write it) he knows he is a gay man and he doesn’t live in his dress unless he is really an AGP.

( RisingUp )
I think the author knows that’s wrong. It’s supposed to be from the libfem POV.

It might be too generous to them though. Many of them know lots of TIMs are perverts, and simply don’t care about the lower class women they hurt.

@Bertie007 & @Belindatobin #transphobia gettr.com

( @Bertie007 )
Trans is an anti women movement, the absolute worst of the #mensrights movements, evil misogynist and any woman who supports them is a traitor to her sex, who will find out later on how much they despise her #menarenotwomen #womendonthavepenises

( @Belindatobin )
WOMEN who are not aware or just don't care are really beginning to piss me off 🙄

Spencer Cox & other Utah republicans #transphobia axios.com

Utah becomes first state in 2023 to ban gender-affirming care for youth

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox (R) signed a controversial bill Saturday that would ban gender-affirming health care and hormone therapy for transgender children.

The big picture: The move follows similar legislation enacted in other GOP-led states amid a larger wave of anti-trans bills, many of which target youth.

Details: SB16, introduced by state Sen. Michael Kennedy (R-Alpine), a family physician, would prohibit sex reassignment surgeries and puberty blockers for transgender minors.

- The bill is more restrictive than the one Kennedy first introduced on the Senate floor last week. The initial bill included a moratorium on puberty blockers.
- On Friday, Kennedy said there was a high likelihood the bill would face a legal challenge.
- "I'm afraid that I'm going to be working on this for the rest of my political life," he said on the Senate floor before it passed.
Meanwhile, the state Legislature is also taking up other bills targeting the rights of transgender youth, such as a bill that would prohibit minors from changing the sex on their birth certificates.

What they're saying: "While not a perfect bill, we are grateful for Sen. Kennedy's more nuanced and thoughtful approach to this terribly divisive issue," Cox said in a statement after signing the bill.

- "More and more experts, states and countries around the world are pausing these permanent and life-altering treatments for new patients until more and better research can help determine the long-term consequences."
- "We will continue to push the Legislature for additional resources to organizations that work to help this important Utah community," he added.


@alexbloodfire #transphobia gettr.com

Dominic Raab wades into trans debate to declare ‘it’s obvious’ a woman can’t be born with a penis.

The #LabourParty are currently at war with itself over whether women can have a penis!

#WomenDoNotHavePenises #DominicRaab #TransAgenda #TransMafia #GenderBorg #LabourOut #Labour #DontVoteLabour #LabourAreIdiots #Lab22

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

As one wag said, "Why would a man buy a used car instead of a new one?"

How many drivers has it had, or the damage done?

Western women are at a tipping point. Our satanist society teaches them that it is chic and empowering to be promiscuous. Onlyfans has two million "content creators."
College girls have "sugar daddies." Thousands are having their breasts removed as they transition.

Young women today don't realize they are victims of a depopulation agenda masterminded by the same people who brought you the COVID hoax and deadly vaccines. The goal is to forestall marriage and family formation.

For example, women are naturally hypergamous. They want husbands who are of higher status, who are confident leaders. Our society elevates women to higher status than men, either through idealization of sex, or discrimination. Men have been undermined psychologically. This undermines heterosexual union. Men have lost the confidence to approach and win a woman.
Men want power. Women want love. Heterosexual marriage is an exchange of female power for male power expressed as love. This exchange of power-for-love defines femininity. This is how two people become one.

Of course she must first find a man able to prove his trustworthiness through a long process of courtship.

Most women are defined by their reproductive services. When they are no longer fertile, they are less attractive to men. This is why men still want women who have consecrated their sexuality for their husbands and families. Women are the heart and soul of a family. They are cherished because they sacrifice themselves for husband and children.

Sexual intercourse is based on an exchange of power-- female surrender and male possession. When a man "makes love" to a woman, he is showing his appreciation for giving herself to him.

In contrast, a man has no reason to give pleasure to a stranger. He simply takes his own.

Intercourse symbolizes the permanent marital bond.

various commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

TIMs "attacked with misandry and transandrophobia"

( Hera )
Being a transwoman is always a red flag that the man in question probably isn't trustworthy and one should be very wary when interacting with him, but omg, if a man just flat out doesn't try to look like the opposite sex and still has gall to say "I'm a woman" that's not a red flag, that's a wholeass alarm bell and you run. He's a predator.

( ScaryHairyQuiteContrary )
If it’s not the testosterone, explain why men commit 99% of murders and sexual assaults.

Just because? That’s even worse. Did the male who wrote this even think this one through? (Clearly no lmao)

( nopenottoday )
That's a really good question that for all of my years in feminist circles I still don't have a good answer to. If it's not the testosterone that makes men so much more violent than what exactly is it? It MUST be the testosterone. In fact, isn't sociopathy linked to higher production of testosterone during the fetal stage? It's almost like the more "male" a man is the more violent and empathy-less he is.

Edit: I just looked it up again and apparently it's a relationship between both testosterone and cortisol. So high levels of both are needed for sociopathy to flourish in a person. So maybe that's why men who have higher than average testosterone that also grew up in stressful environments are the most likely candidates for extremely violent offenders, like serial killers. But I still think testosterone is to blame for a lot because plenty of average-testosterone men are still extremely violent.


( vampires_teabag )
I dont think its testosterone solely, although its effects mediate the reasons why males are the way they are, its a holistic fact of their differential investment in reproduction and their strategies they use to compete for mating, and acquire females for mating. You can get low testosterone males to become extremely violent in the right circumstances, if they feel insecure in this way, and high testosterone ones to be placated, if it is totally in their power. Women arent violent in the same way, even if on testosterone, since they have none of these motivations, and it doesnt benefit them reproductively, sexually or socially to act this way.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
America must be put FIRST again.


@DrPaulGosar White people are sick of being erased.

@DrPaulGosar Call out the Jew and stick up for Whites and THEN you have our support.

@DrPaulGosar I am sicker of the Jews destroying it with their open borders policy, homosexuality, trannies, pornography, child sacrifice, etc.

@DrPaulGosar A special tax should be levied on whoever is found to be in support of this--AND the illegal invasion! You voted for it, you buy it!

@DrPaulGosar it's the Jews. If you go to the root, all signs lead to Judeaism

@Joyjoythedestroyer @DrPaulGosar Yes, but it is also Satan. The Jews would have no power in Christian America if “Christians” would have really been Christians and followed Jesus Christ who called the followers of the traditions of men, aka the Talmud, the devil’s children. Instead they let these people have power over our money, our government, our corporations, our media and our schools. No wonder America is being destroyed, so-called “Christians” let the devil’s children control everything even remotely important in this nation. Until and unless this is rectified America will continue to be destroyed. Already it is probably too late for this nation to survive.

@DrPaulGosar America, a soup of non-White alien invaders who leech off of and ruin everything White people created.

Brother Nathanael #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia realjewnews.com

How many Jews does it take to be a Holocaust survivor?

All of them
and then some!

No matter what age, what parentage, what distance in years from 1945, every Jew jumps on the HoloHoax wagon.

Not me.

I was raised by two Jewish parents with Jewish relatives from Austria.

No one was looking to cash in.

You see, it gives the Jew a certain credibility to be a “son of a holocaust survivor.”

The Jew can be a murderer, a con artist, a thief.

A tranny funder, a campaign coffer stuffer, a censurer of truth, or a lying journalist.

You must cut him some slack because
weepy eyes you
he’s a “son of a holocaust survivor!”

The Jew says it, the media repeats it, but don’t believe it.
out of 23 main camps, with 900 sub-camps, how is it that Jews always pick only 2—“Auschwitz” and “Bergen-Belsen”—to astonishingly “survive” out of those “most horrible places?”

Vell, It’s all about the “brand.”

“Auschwitz” and “Bergen-Belsen” are Jewish brand names to sell the swindle.
I mean all 6 million survived!

The mom must’ve slapped that nazi guard right in the kisser, jumped over the barbed wire, cut a hole to let daughter and sister crawl through, with lots of kosher salami to munch on!


With the “pain” of the camps, I mean, those “con-cen-tra-tion” camps, the misery, the horror, that gnawing expectancy that “none would survive

Yet, somehow, (I don’t know how, I can only guess, wink wink, they were never there), in spite of those evil Cherman ‘nazi,’ swastika-bearing tormentors, they got out so the “son a holocaust survivor” could milk the bilk.
So as to air the Jewish affaire of survivors, cons, victims in lawn chairs, skeletons, shoes, lamp shades, and never, ever, declaring Allied bombing and starving of campers and those German shepherd guards

we need to find a new kind of holocaust for Jews to survive from.

Send them to IsraHell while they’re still alive.

Utah republicans #transphobia sltrib.com

Utah step closer to banning gender-affirming care for transgender minors

A bill to prevent doctors from providing gender-affirming care to transgender youth has cruised through the state Senate and now goes to the Utah House for debate.

The Utah Senate gave final passage to a bill aiming to crack down on the ability of doctors to prescribe hormone therapy for minors who are transgender. The legislation, Senate Bill 16, would also enact an outright ban on body-altering surgeries, such as mastectomies, for transgender youth.

The bill has cruised through the Senate quickly during the first week of the 2023 general session.

State Sen. Mike Kennedy, R-Alpine, a physician by trade and the bill’s sponsor, said he understands some of his colleagues may disagree with his legislation.

“We all approach this with compassion, kindness and consideration. But we come to different conclusions. That’s the nature of different opinions, and it’s the nature of the political process,” Kennedy said.

In 2021, Kennedy wrote a letter to the editor published in The Salt Lake Tribune pushing back against COVID restrictions and vaccinations. In the letter, Kennedy argued that the government should not “usurp the power of parents” when deciding the best course of action for their children.

When asked about the 2021 letter during a news conference after the vote, Kennedy says his stances on parental rights and COVID restrictions are consistent with his policy goals contained in this year’s Transgender Medical Treatments and Procedures Amendments bill.

“When it comes to that, I do trust parents and taking care of their children. But there is no regulation right now in this area of transgender health care, and this bill does a great job bringing a regulatory framework so that our children are cared for in the safest, most effective fashion,” Kennedy said.


ProMoleratWaxer #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why aren’t true trans working harder to root out the AGPs?

"why aren't moderate incels working to disavow extreme incels"

because they are just various degrees of same hate movement, for example eli elrick is a violent serial rapist who confessed to ir and is still applauded and is doing some University of California Santa Cruz phd program while still interconnected with activism right now (btw TRAs bullied the victim into suicide allegedy), the tooth gap guy who i can't remember the name of has felony drug trafficking charges and is still trying to distribute drugs to kids.

They glofify the work of nazi genital transplant surgeons (which also catastrophically failed) who then went on to torture masses of jews to death in ww2. The founder of the gender identity sociology theory is someone who no consensually experimented on a male infant practiced on him infant cosmetic genital surgery and forced him to simulate sex acts on his also underage brother to make him a 'bottom'. Produced child porn of them under the gauze of 'genital inspections' and they both killed themselves compounded by these actions. You can watch the interview here where the victim asked whether he had to commit suicide for the experiments to be regarded as unsuccessful

it's not a bug its a feature even famous ones try to get child rapist + murderers leniency because they're the same religion.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

We must admit that our own awakening was a slow progressive thing, and we too were fooled. We became aware of gigantic lies being told from on high back during the Vietnam war; but those lies were perhaps just the tip of the iceberg. The singer Bette Midler gave us another rude awakening.

We loved her voice and we bought her music. We saw her on Johnny Carson, and in our naivete we didn't know that where she got her start, in California bath-houses, had anything to do with homosexuality. So, when she came to Cincinnati to do a concert, we bought tickets and drove down there to see her perform.

To say we were astonished would be a radical understatement.

We had no idea that she had such a filthy mouth, that she played to such an overtly and wildly enthusiastic following of loud, acting-out homosexuals and dope-smokers. Men in drag, men in leotards, screaming queens and tattooed butches filled the stadium. Filthy words filled the air, from the stage and from the audience, along with the heavy smell of marijuana smoke.
What was even more shocking, to us, was the reaction from our fellow office workers when we went back to work the next day. Wry smiles and condescension were the most common responses. They all knew. We began to wonder how many people we knew who might be happy to change their clothes and their whole persona and join in the weirdness of a Bette Middler concert.

It snuck up on us. It surprised us.

If you've been with us for awhile you know that nothing surprises us any more. The Marxist cultural revolution has been taken over, steered and driven by the Global Cabal of Davos, and it now appears that they rode that horse into the ground.
And we're not suppose to believe our own eyes.

We're supposed to believe them.

With all their assumed gender-pronouns. While all of their paid Antifa and BLM terrorists loot our stores, burn our police cars, assault our citizenry and are let off the hook by all of their paid local authorities.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why aren’t true trans working harder to root out the AGPs?

( ProxyMusic )
Listen, I know most of us don’t believe in true trans and I’m not sure I do either, but how many TERFs started out fine with the idea of HSTS and then peaked because of depraved AGPs?

You're presuming an either/or categorization that I don't think exists. The fact is, AGPs can be and are just as much "true trans" as HSTSs. And plenty of HSTSs have AGP too. In fact, I believe that the vast majority of gay TIMs especially today have AGP.

As I see it, AGP is a sexualized expression of male narcissism driven by the male libido and male sexual fantasies inspired by pornography that can be found among self-absorbed, vain, preening, porn-consuming boys and men who are attracted to, enthralled by and/or aroused by the external trappings of "femininity" - regardless of their sexual orientation.

Those who believe in "true trans" say that to be legitimately "trans" requires having "gender dysphoria." But AGPs have just as much "gender dysphoria" as HSTS males who don't have AGP and TIFs do. In fact, sexologists like Blanchard and Bailey say, and some women acknowledge, that the erotically-driven "gender dysphoria" of men and adolescent boys with AGP is often the most painful, overwhelming, persistent and hard to bear and treat kind of "gender dysphoria" of all.

( Juniperius )
They're vastly outnumbered, and if they do try to push back against the agps they're called "truscum" and hounded out of the community for being transphobic.

( Kriegerin )
My guess is because most trans males are indeed AGP. I think it's something like 80%+ of trans identified men. The AGPs ARE the trans movement, at least by far the most visible transes. I can name Dick Levine, the creepy barbie pouch guy, Bruce Jenner, Tits McGee with the sex toy breasts, the creepy philosophy tube guys, the two German Parliament members, yaniv, ....

But hsts i only know the Blaire White dude.

( Tiramisuomi )
I feel like they feel an affinity to men no matter how much they claim to be women inside, and so they think even the worst among them deserves an outstretched hand to help them up.

They "escaped" the "prison" of being men and figured out a way to make otherwise "kill all men" women fawn over them, date them, and certainly no longer hold them in vitriolic regard. They want to help other men ascend.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why aren’t true trans working harder to root out the AGPs?

( SecondSkin )
Why don’t decent men police and fix other men? Why don’t the good husbands, fathers, brothers and sons, ensure that other men aren’t raping, murdering and terrorising their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters?

It’s the same answer imho. Women and girls don’t matter enough to them. Even the decent men out there will believe they’ve done their bit by not treating us poorly, they won’t believe they have any responsibility for how other men treat us. At least not 99% of them. We can see the odd ‘true trans’ loudly speak up about the risk apg pose- Yardly did this, to the extent he had death threats, doxxed, dragged through court for ‘transphobia’. He was honest that TRAs were predator cultists grooming young lesbians, very vocally through the early years of this. One of Maya’s solicitors was a TiM who backed women all the way. There are a few rare men who can reflect on the power and privilege they have because of being male, and will use it to police other men’s behaviour towards women, even at cost to themselves. But these are the very very rare exceptions. 99.9% of men will not put themselves out for women (and I’m sure those who do have other flaws also).

( drdeeisback )
It's also the 'racket' that benefits the 'good men'. What worth is a 'good man' doing the minimum (not to say your examples are the 'minimum', the two you've mentioned do sound like they've honestly put their own reputations and peace of mind on the line to support women) if there aren't any 'bad men' to compare to? 'Aren't you lucky you have me around to protect you from them/aren't you lucky you've got me, one of the good ones? [even if I don't do my share of the housework/childcare and expect you to live up to standards I don't hold myself to]'

( DietCokeAddict )
If I’m wandering around in a cat costume pretending I’m a cat, the absolute last thing I should do is point out other people’s cat costumes and tell them they aren’t real cats. That’s the situation trans people are in - there’s no such thing as “true trans” because no human can or ever will change sex. Their only two options are to keep saying “no debate! No questions!” or admit that they’re all pretending and give up the whole charade.

( Inez )
You're asking why are men, acting like men. Because they're MEN.

Hadley Freeman #transphobia archive.is

What gives men the right to use gender activism as a cover for misogyny?

Gender activism has become the permissible face of misogyny for a certain kind of allegedly progressive man. It gives them latitude to call women derogatory names and make spittle-flecked videos, insisting that anyone who has a problem with male-born people in women-only spaces is on the wrong side of history. The effect is men’s-rights activism, but the energy is very incel — shorthand for people who are “involuntarily celibate”. Incels rage online about women who selfishly refuse to have sex with them; gender activists rage at women who won’t just bloody well shut up about their concerns about safety and say what the men tell them to say.
One of the sadder fallouts is the wedge it has driven between women and gay men. Once they were natural allies, not least during the Aids era, when so many women stepped in as caregivers to men with HIV. Gender is completely different from sexuality, yet because they are yoked together in the LGBT acronym, many gay men see anxieties about gender ideology as analogous to homophobia, hence, presumably, the “passion” of Russell-Moyle and Bradshaw, both of whom are gay.

Russell-Moyle has previously had to apologise to JK Rowling after accusing her of “using her own sexual assault as a justification for discriminating against a group of people who were not responsible for it”, ie trans women, ie male-born people. Perhaps he learnt something from that experience because he didn’t accuse Duffield — another survivor of male violence — of exploiting her own lived experience. But it’s a shame he is so unwilling, or maybe just unable, to understand no matter how passionately he shouts at women, he cannot make them believe something as undefined as “gender” renders all differences between the two sexes — males are stronger, males are more violent — irrelevant.


Saiwana #transphobia #fundie forum.nationstates.net

No, what is sickening from my perspective is being expected to just pretend or go along with the notion (from people I see as rediculous) that men can be women and women can be men, rather than your sex being set at birth/in the womb like was the case for most of entire world history among our species.

I want a chance with my biological "other half" as the Garden of Eden fable describes. Not some artificial creation that is an abomination at worst and a poor imitation at best in my view. I will choose staying virgin forever if the only alternative was being intimate with an MtF that passes as a woman.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why aren’t true trans working harder to root out the AGPs?

( Omina_Sentenziosa )
Those AGPs are the reason why tru trans got legal and political advancements. It was sexually abusive perverts who made trans a brand that got sold on social media and to the greater public.

Tru trans might be slightly saner than AGPs (highly debatable as far as I am concerned), but ultimately they are equally nonsensical and their ideology is based on the same "womanhood is a state of mind" mantra. Their position can be shredded to pieces just as easily as AGPs' s, so they need AGPs' s aggressiveness and their economical/social backing. AGPs are vindictive assholes, I don' t think it' s too farfetched that they might concoct a way to get their privileges while at the same time excluding their enemies, even when they are part of the same community.

So basically, going full force against them means that if tru trans are successfull, they get pushed back together with AGPs by society and the government, and if they fail, AGPs get their privileges and tru trans still get pushed away.

( Yemaya )
That’s a good point. So called true trans benefit from the rich AGP that can change laws and policy and make their surgeries easier to get so they sit back and don’t say anything.

And many “true trans” want to be “stealth” and then speaking out would ruin that.

( Hollyhock )
30 years ago the HSTS pretty much left women alone. They were gay men who primarily got boob jobs and dressed like drag queens. You'd encounter them in clubs and in very large cities but that's it. In fact, when the first bathroom bill thing happened in S. Carolina my first thought was, "is there even a single transvestite in the entire state?!?!?" I thought it was the GOP making a mountain over a single very mentally ill young girl.

The AGPs were monitored better by society.

Was I naive!

However, those HSTS weren't exactly allies to women. I remember them being jerks to women in clubs and grabbing us to try to see what real boobs felt like.

I just don't believe in the true trans vs. fakers...it's all some version of men trying to invade womanhood.

( pennygadget )
Part of the reason so many on the left support this shit is because they foolishly believe that all "trans-women" are harmless, twinky gay men. They're unaware of the tsunami of AGPs who make up 90% of the modern "trans-women" community

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