
RIA Novosti #god-complex #psycho #wingnut youtube.com

Russian state-owned propaganda outlet RIA published the new programmatic article with the title "What Russia must do with Ukraine". The article reveals a detailed plan for a genocide, starting from full elimination of Ukrainian state. Details below.

1) it calls almost every Ukrainian a Nazi who deserves death. "Nazis who took weapons, must be killed in numbers as much as possible... Not just the elites, the most of the people are guilty, they are passive Nazis, Nazi enablers. They supported these elites and must be punished"

2) It foresees tyrannic approach to culture. "Further denacification of the mass of the population is to be reached through ideological repression (oppression) of Nazi ideas and through harsh censorship: not only in politics, but in culture and education areas".

3) it foresees economic and political destruction of Ukraine: "Ukraine must pay for its guilt towards Russia. It must be treated as an enemy, and therefore may develop only in dependency to Russia. No "Marshall plan" may happen. No "neutrality" both ideological or practical".

4) A tyrannical future emerges: "Personnel providing denazification in new denazified republics (plural! - Sumlenny) cannot act on another way but only with direct military-police and management support from Russia. Denazification must be a Deukrainisation".

5) Ukraine is the enemy: "The history has proven: Ukraine may not exist as a national state. Any attempt to create it leads to Nazism. Ukrainism is an artificial anti-Russian construct... De-banderisation is not enough... Denazification of Ukraine must be De-Europeazation of it".

6) Deliberate targeting of civilians: "The Bandera-elites must be liquidated, they cannot be re-educated. The social "swamp" who supported them must experience terror of war and learn the lesson, and pay for its guilt"."

Durham Francis #conspiracy youtube.com


Tornadoes are a government contrived myth, and a part of their overwhelming conspiracy to control the population!
Beware the Tornadoists! That evil tornado worshiping cult will do everything in its power to brainwash you into believing tornadoes are real!

I hold a doctorate in Meteorological Studies, obtained from the most prestigious institution on the planet Earth, so I know everything there is to know about the weather! I have nine black belts, for nine different forms of elite martial arts, which means I am undefeatable!!!!

For thousands of years people have believed this myth that tornadoes are real. Primitive humans would go hunting for them by covering themselves with mirrors, believing that the tornado would see itself and be frightened to death. The government has been producing fake tornado footage for hundreds of years in an attempt to control the populace which would give them the power to do anything they wish, such as invading Syria.

Billy Crone #fundie youtube.com

Because the very nature and the whole premise of UFOS is built on a lie? It is called the lies of evolution. And when these things supposedly show up they say, “we’re aliens a higher evolved race.” Stop right there. Evolved? Wait a second. Evolved, evolution, evolution is not true. We have a 42 week study deep on exposing the lies of evolution. We came from God. We didn’t come from the goo, to the zoo, to me and you. We came from God.

Tim Pool #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

BLM Leader ARRESTED On 18 Counts of Fraud For Stealing Donations, BLM EXPOSED As A Scam And Grift

Why did Vladimir Putin invade Ukraine under Joe Biden and not under Donald Trump? I think Putin saw that the United States has a very serious malignancy within it. We are being devoured by it, we are being torn apart.

At this point, any sane rational person, any real human being, who has the capability to understand simple concepts would see a story like this and say, "I am TIRED of being scammed!"

Shall we go through the list again my friends? It all started with Trayvon Martin. The story was that a white man attacked Trayvon over some skittles or whatever. The real story was that Hispanic man saw someone walking through the backyard of several residential buildings and was suspicious. Trayvon Martin put him on the ground and started beating him.

Then we got Michael Brown. "Hands up, don't shoot!" they said. Well, that was a lie.

And it's just lie after lie, over and over again. George Floyd fought with the police, they put him on the ground at his request.

Then we go to Ahmaud Arbery once again. The great lie. It's fascinating, because in this instance you get people like Tulsi Gabbard, she even comes out and says it was the proper ruling. She's wrong. You even get people on Fox News saying it was a proper ruling. Wrong.

All these conservatives coming out, willing, just desperate to virtue signal because of Kyle Rittenhouse. Again, another lie. Kyle did not cross state lines to hunt anybody down, Kyle was in his own neighborhood because he lived in the suburbs basically of Kenosha. His friend gave him a weapon and he fled for his life and only fired after someone else fired first.

What did the media say? A young white supremacist went and killed several black people. It was a lie once again.

How many of these stories need to happen before people finally say Black Lives Matter is a criminal institution that publishes lies, manipulations and propaganda for personal gain?

foundring #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia youtube.com

You Will Never Be a Woman - Original Song

In the ancient Greek tragedies the women were all played by a man
I guess that ain't hard to understand, it was a different time in a distant land
But nowadays it's one big gay parade and no one seems to bat an eye
when kids can pick if they're a gal or a guy

You will never be a woman, cuz a woman has a womb not a man
You can never be a woman, that's tough for some folks to understand

You will never be a woman
Try as you might, you look like Cher not Snow White
And while they take our rights away you're up at night deciding if you're queer, bi or gay
Or maybe, hey! Go seize the day and throw those balls away

You will never be a woman
Don't be mad you're a lad, you're Adam, not madam
Is it that bad being a guy?
I don't mean to be rude but you're still a dude

Pa pa pa pa pa

You'll never be a man
Your hips don't lie cause you weren't born a guy
You can never be a man if even Wikipedia tells me you're still Ellen, not Elliot

You'll never be a man
Give it a rest get that fur off your chest
The feminine is magical
Don't change it cuz they told you that it's fashionable
You'd have to be fanatical to throw your boobs away

You will never be a man
You're Eve, you're not Steve, please call the woke police
Does that make you feel more like a man?
You can call me a pig and a prick, But you're still a chick

Pa pa pa pa pa

You'll never be a woman, cuz the world needs more men acting like men
You will never be a woman, we need fathers and fighters to lead us and guide us
You'll never be a woman, no one's impressed Richard, take off that dress

The masculine is powerful, but they tell us that it's toxic and intolerable
They want us meek and malleable, so no one stands in their way

It's okay, you're not a woman
It's great you're a mate and it's swell you're a gal, and it's lovely being alive,
for the surface doesn't show what's deep inside
We were all born perfect souls, there's no need to hide

Solid and random dude #moonbat #conspiracy #pratt youtube.com

Solid: @devalapar When western backed rebels chased out the Ukrainian president? If Western countries can seperate Kosovo from Serbia so can Russia with Donbas.

random dude: @devalapar "That happened after 2014" "This conflict started 8 years ago."
yes, after the us led maidan coup that took discriminatory measures against ethnic russians (almost every crimean)

James Gant #conspiracy #crackpot youtube.com

This conflict could actually be about defaulting on Russian debt that they have in USD while at the same time they were able to confiscate billions in western assets. And maybe the biggest thing they were able to show the world is that this is no longer a monopolar world with the US at the top.
The western corporate finance and America tried to cancel Russia and they failed. And Russia said for years what it wanted and US adventurism in the region propped up NeoNazis and pushed Ukraine into shelling their own territories. I’m not sure anybody is a good guy here but to put this all in Russia and putin wanting another russian empire may not be because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine as much as it is about being able to brush the western cancel off.
And it strengthens their connection to china. So once again - Russia was able to seize billions in assets, default on debts and never pay them, while strengthening their position in the petro order.
And eventually I think this will help their position in the global banking order as well. The US invades nations on the regular for the sake of propping up Saudi Arabia or for the sake of regime change in oil states. Russian invades Ukraine in large part because of US foreign policy in giving disproportionate power to nationalists in Ukraine and for pushing Ukraine into saying that they would join NATO while also expanding nato to the east.

Norbert George #conspiracy #wingnut youtube.com

It's astounding to hear a president Biden, calling for regime change in Russia, while according to documents, of the laptop of his son Hunter Biden, in the meantime all verified, evidence thus, and facts, referring to Biden as "the big man", "my chairman", "the big boss", in Ukraine, as the US vice-president, partaking in shady and corrupt Ukraine business dealings, with a deep state agenda, deploying his brother, and son, through Burisma, Rosemont Seneca, Biolabs, et cetere
The US has been meddling in Ukraine's business, and supported the deployment of racial maniacs in service of the Ukranian military, letting loose aggressive and uncontrollable criminals, who now have a free hand in Ukraine, for some time know, at least as of 2014
The United States, it's deepstate, also using NATO, is deeply involved in Ukraine, and has Ukraine involve itself deeply in Russia, that is our reality, all happening, in front of all eyes
So... Biden should be worried about his own regime, instead of pointing fingers to Russia

eldjoudhi #moonbat #conspiracy youtube.com

The president of Europe came from his imperial house across the ocean to tell his local governors( so called elected presidents and prime ministers of "sovereign" countries) that they should not even think of having an independent diplomacy. And tells his german colony that from now on they will need to buy gaz from mother america and at a few times the price of the russian gaz. And that some members of his imperial government are already investing in price speculation.
If that is not corpocracy at its finest..then what is ?

Russell Brand #pratt #wingnut youtube.com

Rising authoritarianism has led to war. Luckily, that friend of democracy Justin Trudeau is here to help save.

Justin Trudeau, your friend and mine who says that the rise of authoritarianism has led to a "slippage" in democratic values, he says this without any hint of irony after the authoritarianism in Canada used against truckers protesters, bank accounts, fundraising sites, it's unbelievable.

Justin Trudeau lost his authority to comment on issues like this when he treated the truckers in the manner that he did. When they introduced emergency powers and then did not revoke them, that gave him the ability to freeze people's bank accounts, that is an assault on democracy. There's no question that Russia's actions in Ukraine are deplorable, but what right do you have to offer that critique when you are no real friend of democracy when it don't suit you?

We see a bit of a slippage, a bit of a slippage in our democracies.

You want to watch your own slippages mate. Countries turning towards slightly more authoritarian leaders? Yeah I feel like I saw a bit of authoritarianism in Canada, when truckers had pepper spray used against them, when bank accounts were frozen, when GoFundMe sites were shut down.

misinformation and disinformation to be shared on social media

What about at the beginning of the truck protest, when he outright said they're racists, they're misogynists, is that not misinformation? Turning people against the values and the principles of democracies, that are so strong, oh, unless it's inconvenient, then they're meaningless.

Maria Maclachlan / Peak Trans #transphobia youtube.com

Response to Jammidodger on men in women's spaces
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/RRM7$XNFYL_K7, Transscript starting around 2:38 and ending around 4:53 of a 6:44 minute video)
A recent example is Darren Marager, who was able to strut naked with what I believe is called a semi, through the women's area of wi-spa in Los Angeles and the staff did nothing about it, because they assumed he was trans. Samantha Lux in a video I responded to but which he has since quietly removed, said

what probably happened as a trans woman was using a woman's facilities and happened to have a penis

and he did of course turn out to be a serial sex offender, who'd been on the sex offenders register since 2006 and who has since been charged with indecent exposure because of what he did at wi-spa. I also said, that male born transgender people - I'm going to have to revise this passage because the language I used back then was far too conciliatory - I said, that trans identifying men were no MORE likely to commit crimes than other men and that nobody is trying to suggest that all transgender people are criminals. "I don't know why this accusation ever gets made by anyone" I said revealing my extreme naivety at the time. It seems patently obvious to me now, that the reason it gets said is to divert attention from the fact, that a minority of trans-identifying men are just the same as a minority of men who don't claim to be transgender and they do really horrible things, and these give the lie to the notion that trans identifying men are in some fundamental way different from any other man and that none of them are predatory. Jamie does not engage with this indisputable fact at all. On a personal level, she doesn't have to. She can carry on behaving like some guru and making to her over 900 000 cult followers - sorry subscribers - assertions that she makes no attempt to support. The abuse of women and children by members of her tribe is no skin off her nose.

and are just being used as a scapegoat by transphobes

scapegoat for what exactly? a scapegoat is when you let someone take the blame for what other people have done.

StephaneFrechette #pratt #moonbat youtube.com

Yeah, let's not mention the US state dept organizing a coup in Ukraine and trying to destabilize Russia, let's not mention the Russian population of Ukraine, who were never asked about joining Ukraine but given to an artificial country and treated like shit, being shelled and attacked since 2014. Let's not mention Ukraine being a corrupt authoritarian shithole, playground of the corrupt western and European elite. Let's not mention the biological weapons lab specifically researching Russian DNA. Sure, it's all about gas, Kyle, sure.

VoidSwirl #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot youtube.com

(Part 1)

Roman's 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles (Modern day Europeans/Caucasians/ Non 12 tribes) be come in.

Part of the blindness is that we would not know who the true Father of Jacob(Israel) was and that we would worship false gods of [wood and stone] referring to worship of the cross(wood) and the “idol” of christianity the “jesus” that hangs on the cross tends to be made of (stone).

Deuteronomy 28:36 TMH shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone.

Deuteronomy 28:64
And TMH shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone.

Just as important as "what's his name," is "what is not his name."

However, it is 100% certain that his name was not Esus Crios aka “Jesus Christ”, the idol of the Celtics who the Catholics sing at Easter in the Vatican, aka what all surface level “Holy Bible” readers (Commonly identifies as “Christians”) refer to the Messiah as.

We have been tricked, deceived as a result of the curses of the law (Deut 28-64)...wake up and stop following the lies of the Gentiles. Israel is awakening.

Shawn Morris International Ministries #fundie youtube.com

Welcome to Shawn Morris International Ministries. It is our prayer that as you view this site, you will have an encounter with the Most High God.

If you need healing, deliverance, supernatural encounters, miracles, prophetic teachings, impartation to activate, and demonstrate your gifts, follow this ministry as we follow God. Come and embark on a journey that will take you to know the supernatural depth, width, height, and length of God's power. View our testimonial videos, register for our events, send your prayer requests, and written testimonies on how this ministry has impacted your life. This ministry is a global force that impacts several nations including the United States, through by teaching them through mentorship, revival crusades, television, and radio broadcasting. Stay connected with us as we follow the Glory Cloud.

Remember, "If a ministry is not SUPERNATURAL, then it's NATURAL."

Thomas Huizinga and Jill Wisland #fundie #dunning-kruger youtube.com

(Talking about the plagues/exodus)

Thomas Huizinga: Also you have to remember that if their isn't evidence that doesn't mean it didn't happen then, at one point Troy was thought to be a myth until they found evidence that said otherwise. So until they find evidence, they can neither prove of disprove it.

And that Evidence will be hard to find given the situation, the Jewish moving to Israel happened within a Generation so artifacts from that type of movement would probably be rare. Egypt maybe had records, but it's major Library burnt down before modern historians had the chance to read their texts so the only written records, besides the Bible, were turned to ashes. Also if this is a response to the comment I'm thinking off, Egyptian pride probably prevent writing down such an event as their pantheon of deities and their Pharaoh were brought down to their knees by a dirty man from the desert that claimed to be speaking on the behalf of the god of their slaves. But maybe it was written down, but like i said it was probably burnt to ash when Egypt's Library did.

Jill Wisland: but there is evidence of the Israelites in Egypt, it just doesn't fit the historical timeline laid out by historians. There is a small pyramid tomb that has a statue of a man dressed in multicolored clothes just like Jacob's favorite son Josephn who ended up second to Pharoah just before a major drought and famine, during which the Israelites moved to Egypt, a generation or so later, Israel was flourishing and the Eagyptians dis liked this so they enslaved the Israelites. There is evidence of a large group of sheep herders living in a northern area of Egypt close to where the Bible says they settled in. The problem is the saying is all wrong, the Pharoah wasn't Rameses, but another. And the Egyptians have written about it, vaguely. And why would the exodus happen during the calm and prosperity of Rameses? According to the Bible when the Israelites left Egypt, the Egyptians gave enormous amounts of gold, silver, and precious gems to them. Once the Israelites were gone Egypt would have been a weak, and poor nation.

Wildcat78, Randle Browne & Ingold #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Understanding Social Justice

What you said about how dangerous the eventual reaction against social justice culture could be is something I’ve been trying to tell people for a couple years now. This general aggression towards white people is instilling race consciousness in the white population.

We DO NOT want white people to tribalize because, at some point, the white guilt will run out and we’ll be left with a very large and very angry group of people now united by a common enemy.

It's funny how you say you do not want WHITE PEOPLE to tribalize, not that you do not want ANYONE to tribalize.

Minority groups tribalize; you get some riots, maybe violence, maybe even an outright revolt. The majority ethnic group tribalizes; you could have a nation go into full-on ethnic cleansing.

I’m sorry, at what point in American history has there not been a significant portion of the white population which is allied against other ethnicities? White people don’t need “race consciousness” to aggress against minorities, that aggression has existed for centuries

The point completely flew over your head which is scary. a significant portion (30-60%) vs group consensus ( 90+%)like we have in some minority groups are entirely different things and two completely different political realities. You may not want that paradigm shift to take place.

(Randle Browne)
The black and latino sjw types that actually call for some sort of race war (supposedly to end their "oppression") really haven't thought things through.

I mean, they are minorities (outnumbered) in a country where the civilian population (primarily the white conservatives that they want to fight) holds well over 40% of the firearms on the entire planet! That really doesn't seem like a good idea!

With the typical left-wing overconfidence in institutions and the pop-culture trope of whites being effete and lethargic I could see how someone could actually believe that would work.

More Various Commenters #conspiracy #fundie youtube.com

(Bunch of YouTube comments)

Mary C I don´t think it´s already the mark of the beast but it´s harmful. The green dictator-pass is the antichrist-tool to prepare the world to accept the real mark of the beast in the future, which is a sort of chip or tattoo that is placed in the right hand or forehead and without you can´t buy or sell.


@Helmut Baschleben Yes I did, but the vaccination is harmful anyway, genetic technology is to be refused, fetal tissue containing or on fetal tissue tested vaccinations can´t be pleasing to god and christians!

Children of Light

Sumerian English Gematria type words '' A COVID VACCINE '' = 666 this is no joke

10 months ago (edited)
@Children of Light It´s claerly a satanic agenda to inject the whole world with a mixture, that has not been tested in proper long term studies. First the vaccine and the vaccination pass, then the tattoo-
chip.The mark of the beast is coming soon, so is worldwide persecution. But Jesus finally will put an end to this blasphemious activities. God bless you all!

Maria Maclachlan / Peak Trans #transphobia youtube.com

Response to Jammidodger on men in women's spaces
(note by submitter: Transscript starting around 0:11 and ending around 2:38 of a 6:44 minute video)

hi everyone I'm Maria Maclachlan. I have a couple of longer videos in the making, but today I got distracted by 37 seconds worth of Jammie Dodger being as irredeemably awful as she always is. This won't take long.

we just want to protect women in women's spaces

no you don't you don't give a damn about women in spite of being one yourself. Oh I see you're quoting those of us who do want to protect ourselves in our spaces.

This is a valid important thing

really? Why how uncharacteristically decent, magnanimous, and empathic of you to say so. Where's the catch?

but when framed in the context of discussing trans people is transphobic

ah. there it is. Women's safety is only valid and important, as long as the common sense measures to preserve it don't offend the sensibilities of the gender cultists. Everything that doesn't prioritize the feelings of trans identifying people over everyone else, is transphobic.

specifically when discussing trans women the intention of this sentence in a trans context is to exclude trans women from women's spaces

because they're men and don't belong in women's spaces! This is the most common sense measure to protect women. Keep certain spaces single sex.

therefore jeopardizing the safety of trans women

oh my god. women are such evil, selfish, witches putting our own feelings and comfort and safety above those of men, Aren't we? How are we jeopardizing their safety?

the trans women do not pose any kind of threat or danger to cis women within women's spaces

that is the most disgusting and unconscionable falsehood that I see being perpetrated by supporters of this deeply misogynistic movement. When I launched my website four years ago, I didn't realize how big and serious the problem of trans identifying men sexually abusing women and especially children was. I felt slightly anxious about including a page about crimes on my website. And I acknowledged in the very first line that some were only pretending to identify as trans women by which I meant they didn't wear woman face all the time.


Norbert George #moonbat youtube.com

(Submitter note: Continuation)

The latter is what gives Russia a legitimate claim to just cause, no if's, no but's, no whataboutism

In all of its dozens and dozens, of wars (the sheer number is itself indicative of rogue and criminal conduct), the United States never had a UN Security Council mandate, for not one of aforementioned wars
Claims of self-defense - as in attacking Afganistan in 2001 after 9/11, and occupying that country for 20 years, with NATO accomplices, was flagrantly baseless, yet they carpet bombed the hell out of its villages and cities, and sent it's people to their grave
The US is - right now - illegaly occupying parts of Syria, and Iraq, while it's bombing the hell out of Yemen, massacring Syrian, Iragi and Yemeni civilians, especially children, sending also them all to their grave
Whereas the US (and it's NATO allies), also wages economic wars, by santioning the national economies of it's prey, killing thousands of innocent people, in Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, among others
The distorted and psychotic condemnation of Russia, by and in the United States, and in other NATO-countries, as all it's Western partners, have joined in on what might have looked like a feast
It is but a window into the mass brainwashing narrative, that the US and NATO, propagate through their media
This is why the UN Securty Council will never, take any action against Russia, as China stands shoulder to shoulder, to help shield it, from the attack of the US, and it's NATO-allies
Endgame is Russia, and it's President Putin, will get everything they want from this war, at their convenience, and time schedule
While the US and NATO will look like fools, again, criminal fools
Now that's sad !!!

Norbert George #moonbat youtube.com

We all, in the united States, have gone mad, and become the hypocrites for the whole world to see
How many wars has the US, and its western allies (the rest of the NATO-members), waged, since WWII? How many nations, their villages, cities, and peoples, where bombed to hell, to "shock and awe", a brutally awesome and very disturbing fact
And yet, the ultimate condemnation is, that not one of these wars, was legal or justified, and where all mass atrocities, committed by criminals of rogue nations, like the United States (or it's NATO allies)
From the US-led Korean war (1950-1953), through the Vietnam war, wars in Latin America, and Africa, to bombing the hell out of Yugoslavia, the Gulf Wars in the Middle East, also in Afghanistan, Libya, and the ongoing wars to this day, in Syria, Iraq and Yemen
More then seven decades, of non-stop wars of brutal aggression, including covert and proxy wars
The death-toll, from all of these US-led wars, is estimated to be 25-30 million
The United States launched all of these military operations, without any authorization from the United Nations, as all it had as support, was a so-called "Coalition of the Willing", a small group of other Western nations (especcially NATO-members), in fact, co-criminals, primarily Great Britain, that where always willing to violate international law, to ultimately give Uncle Sam some dubious moral, and political cover, with a veneer of "democratic and free" consensus
Every war that the US engaged in, with its allies (NATO, and others), has been or still is illegal, as none of them have yet met, the criteria for Just Cause
Under Article 51 of the UN Charter - to which all nations are signatories and therefore bound by - the only criteria for a just war, are:
- authorization by the Security Council
- a claim to self-defense from an attack by another nation, or group of nation's

Shawn Botts #wingnut #transphobia youtube.com

I'm gay, but we used to make fun of insane confused things like that threy or whatever it calls itself. It's so frustrating that the asylum inmates took over the gay community. I used to be proud and supportive, but now, it's so insane and destructive that I want nothing to do with the community, and haven't for quite a few years. It's not just me, lots of my gay friends are like this. We hate it and feel shame and embarrassment. It's also pisses me off that the left has weaponized my sexuality and are actively using it to confuse and destroy the younger generations. I was born this way, but so many of them aren't. They're undoing all that my generation and the older ones fought for.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/8H3B4$5SSC9P7, Transscript starting around 34:09 and ending around 36:48 of a 36-minute video)

And finally I said

I am not one of the persuadables

and Taln said "correct you are not one of the people, who can be persuaded to not be a transphobic bigot. it's not a good thing, to be proud to not be a persuadable, because that means that you are saying, that there aren't any argument that could convince you that you are wrong" no it doesn't mean that. I'm saying, that you are deliberately decontextualizing what i said to make your preferred narrative work which is very dishonest. But what's new. I am persuaded by sound reasoning and evidence. You don't have any. That is how I was persuaded, to change my mind and stop pretending uh that trans-identifying men are virtually the same as women. The context here is very specific, it was about this document which described itself as a messaging guide and it's full of advice on how to use language to fool people into thinking that transgenderism is on a par with race. It too is deeply dishonest and quite sinister actually. Uh it calls its targets persuadables and yes, I am proud of having developed the critical thinking skills to be able to see right through it. Which of course makes me a terrible transphobic bigot in your nasty world view. so that's it.

in spite of the time and effort Taln put into writing his response he ends up coming across as just another misogynist getting his hate and resentment of women off his chest What's his endgame? does he think I or anyone reading his comment is going to be persuaded by his incisive analysis? does he think he's going to guilt-trip me into shutting up or even switching sides? Of course not. Taln has, I think, proved a perfect illustration of how deeply flawed gender ideology is. It amounts to an assertion that our sexed bodies are fundamentally irrelevant in determining whether we are men or women. Manhood and Womanhood are reduced to ideas and performances and raising objections that are based on real life and demonstrable experiences of hurt and harm are denied, dismissed and gets you called a transphobic bigot. that's how to win over hearts and minds. not.

Psalm1Tree #fundie youtube.com

See secular news reports about Val Thomas, dead for 17 hours but now alive and normal after prayers from her family and her Church. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPHycsIdB1Y .

See CBN's short vid with Dean Braxton. You'll hear his critical care doctor, rated the best patient care doctor in Washington state, saying "It is a miracle...a miracle..." that Braxton is alive, has no brain damage and is normal in every way. Why? He had no heart beat and no respiration for 1 3/4 hours! His family believed in divine healing and they and others were praying for him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3Zjt8r-hNA . Also see CBN Dr. Chauncey Crandall Raises A Man From The Dead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-7ZkleLu1w Part 1.
Get Dr. Richard Casdorph's book The Miracles. There he gives medical documentation for miracles, mostly, but not all, from Kathryn Kuhlman's healing services. Casdorph came to Kuhlman's meetings to debunk her but turned into a supporter, as did other doctors. You can see him and other doctors in some of her healing services on YT. (She is now deceased.) Delores Winder is one of the cases documented in his book. You can watch her amazing story on YT with Sid Roth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfdG5czaUX0&t=7s
The book The Audacity of Prayer by Don Nordin lists medically documented miracles.
On Andrew Wommack's vids you can see doctors talking about "miracles" too. Check out the YT vid with the ophthalmologist who says Yes, Ronald Coyne could see out of an empty eye socket after a faith healer prayed for him. You can see him doing demos. At the end of the book Don't Limit God you see a medical statement by a doctor saying that his patient used to have M.S. and diabetes but is now cured. Do you think that Someone Who can raise the dead and heal people of deadly "incurable" diseases, Someone Who created time, space, matter, energy and you - needed "evolution" to make life forms? No, He created them fully formed and fully functional in 6 days just as Genesis, a Book He always supported, tells you.

Psalm1Tree #fundie youtube.com

Then there is the Shroud of Turin. If you don't know, the Shroud is a linen burial shroud with the faint image of a crucified man on it. If you have heard that the Shroud was proven to be a Medieval fake based on carbon 14 testing, in the documentary Jesus And The Shroud of Turin, you can see the very inventor of carbon 14 testing saying that the sample was invalid due to contamination. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTtDhvk_aw4 . The vid demonstrates many miraculous features such as pollen from Jerusalem and faint images of flowers that are found only in the Jerusalem area during the spring, as at Passover when Messiah was crucified. With modern technology we also see that the Shroud has an x ray quality which even reveals the bones and dentition of the Man on the Shroud.
In the 70s a NASA scientist noticed the Shroud's photographs had inexplicable, unique in the world, qualities. He got up a team of scientists, called STURP, to examine it in person in Italy. (No, the Shroud is not "just a Catholic thing" as the Vatican only came into possession of it fairly recently in history.) They used NASA, and other, high tech equipment, with 100s of thousands of hours of research. Their findings are seen all over the net and were published in respected science journals.
The team was composed of 3 Jews, at least one agnostic and one atheist, and people of various faiths. They all agreed on these things: The Shroud image was not painted on, and they have no clue how it got there. It exactly matches, down to blood stains where a crown of thorns would be, the description of Messiah's death and burial as given in the Bible. The image could not be duplicated with modern technology.
About the Shroud I say "If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck, maybe it's a duck."
Maybe that Man on the Shroud is your very Best Friend and Savior. I pray you will find that out. You're going to need a miracle some day friend. They are out there in abundance for those who humbly seek them from their Creator, the One Who made all that DNA out there, and Who said, "Whoever comes to Me I will no way cast out."

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/XQVMSNS97YTMB, Transscript starting around 31:10 and ending around 33:47 of a 36-minute video)
What your deliberate misrepresentation of what we say confirms, is that we have given away too much. We should stop talking about trans women and call them what they are: men. If you're seriously going to claim, that trans identifying men are in any significant way distinguishable from other men, good, bad or indifferent, then the onus is on you to convince us. You're not doing a great job so far. "also: 'very loaded terms' says the person who, at every single point, used extremely loaded terms towards trans people and trans rights advocates, like 'trans-identified male' for trans women, 'gender ideology' just for asking for trans people to exist in society as equals, or calling the movement for trans rights a 'cult'". Now a loaded term is one with connotations intended to provoke an emotive response and manipulate feelings, like calling JK Rowling 'notorious'. The fact, that you don't like terms I use doesn't make them loaded. I use the term "trans-identifying man" when it's necessary to specify, that this is a man who either tries to present as a woman or who claims to actually be one, otherwise I just call them "men". It is accurate and there is nothing loaded about it. I certainly don't use the term "gender ideology" just for asking for trans people to exist in society as equals. This is typical playbook stuff. 'Just because we exist' 'just because we want equal rights' nobody is saying you shouldn't have equal rights, but you don't just want equal rights. You want an expansion of men's rights, at the expense of women. This trans-identifying man put it succinctly "as a 'transsexual' not only do I have the same rights as everyone else in the UK, I also have the advantage of 25 years of male privilege. And in my experience in academia, institutions bend over backwards to pander to 'trans women', usually at the expense of women". I use the term "gender ideology" to refer to your absurd idea, that it is your gender identity that determines whether you're a man, or a woman, or neither, or it changes on different days, and every idea that follows on from that. I don't mind NOT calling it an ideology, but what else do we call it for short?

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/H9YBZJPBBGXR8, Transscript starting around 28:25 and ending around 31:10 of a 36-minute video)
The stories on there are absolutely heartbreaking, but there's plenty of advice about how to come off wrong sex hormones without professional help. And you only have to look at some of the detransition videos right here on youtube, to see what testosterone does to girls. The majority of transitioners don't have surgery, they only take hormones, so they're not even covered by the paper towel sites which is a review and meta-analysis of a number of studies in the US about a whole range of cosmetic surgeries undertaken by trans identifying people. From facial feminization, to hysterectomies, to genital surgery. And that's where the one percent regret figure comes from. Just that collection of studies. It's not a true reflection of transition regret.

I said

how often do we hear genderists making horrible racist analogies between black women and trans identifying men

and Taln said "the analogy 'trans women are women, just as black women are women' does not equate black women with 'men'. It explains that both black women and trans women are subsets (with some measure of overlap) of the larger sets that is women" this is just awful. Black women are not not a subset of women. There are no subsets of women. We are all adult human females. so-called trans women are not a subset of women because they are men.

I said of the michaelis article

there was the use of some extremely biased sources to make questionable assertions and the use of very loaded terms

"yeah, not like 'gender-critical feminists' at all, who constantly cherry-pick 'trans women who are bad' in order to paint trans people as a whole as bad and evil and argue against trans people being able to just live their lives" except that we don't do that, and you cannot point to a single person who has stated or implied that trans people as a whole are bad and evil and who argue against trans people just being able to live their lives. Taln, you have let your emotions get the better of you and are just blatantly lying now. I shouldn't even have to repeat what we are saying. Which is that only some men, including some trans-identifying men, are bad.


Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/QT$55SQ9NP4RD, Transscript starting around 25:48 and ending around 28:25 of a 36-minute video)
and I said

how the hell can she see gender-critical arguments as in any way opposed to anti-racism and de-colonialism?

and Taln said "'gender-critical feminism' is fundamentally opposed to intersectionality" - oh don't be so silly, feminism is about women's liberation and that means all women. Being gender critical is a key part of feminism, because gender when defined as a social construct that dictates expectations on how people are supposed to be because of our sex - so masculine and feminine - it's regressive, it's a straight jacket that hurts women and men. But being gender critical isn't denying other intersecting forms of oppression, based on ethnicity, on sexual orientation, or religion or disability. Some of the most high profile and active gender critical feminists are lesbians and some are black and some like Linda Bellos and Allison Bailey are both.

I said

gender critics care about all women

and Taln said "no, 'gender-critical feminists' clearly do not at all care about all women, because they, by definition, can not care about the well-being of trans women" so called trans women are, by definition, men. If they weren't, they wouldn't be called trans women. And some of them are trying to push back on women's rights. Those ones, and all of those who support them, are the enemies of women.

"And the fact that you are dragging out the talking point of transition regret, despite the prevalence of transition regret being extremely low with about one percent" - love it, when they refer to scientific papers. The very first line of this one says "there is an unknown percentage of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals who undergo gender affirmation surgeries that experiences regret" surgeries, Right. Of course it's unknown. I recall saying in a previous video that huge numbers of those, who've gone through any degree of medical transition and regretted it, did not tell their doctors or therapists. Check out the detransition subreddit, which now has nearly 26 000 subscribers.

Tess W #fundie youtube.com

What you're describing about these people and lack of humility? It's the reason you see so many Cluster B personality disorders. They are only focused on themselves and can only define things by how someone/something makes them feel. They can't see anything by way of reason. Like that lady in the hair salon... "You are evil because your kindness made me feel bad. You made me feel bad on purpose."
This is the way Borderlines and Narcissists think.

The New Age lie, is the same lie Satan fed Eve in the garden. "You shall be like God".
Pride took us down and ultimately it will be what takes many to Hell. These people don't know what real Love & Light is, they can't! They are too busy worshipping themselves as "divine". "You are God" is Satan's biggest gaslight on the world. It's the same thing that got him thrown out of heaven.

Romans 1
18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness.
19 They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. 20 For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. 21 Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. 22 Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.

Fellow Traveler #conspiracy #moonbat youtube.com


For Russia keeping Ukraine out of NATO is not a matter of imperialism let alone conquest, let alone taking over Europe, let alone reconstituting the USSR (I fucking wish) … For Russia, seeing to it that Ukraine does not join NATO is a matter of survival against US and NATO aggression and encirclements. Keeping Ukraine out of NATO is the prerequisite for preventing the greatest human rights catastrophe since the Holocaust because if the West had its way, it would spell genocide for the motherland as the imperialists’ end game here is the ultimate breakup, Balkanization, raping, pillaging, and plundering of Russia. If the imperialists are successful in the completion of their military blockade, they will have gained an insane amount of leverage over the country: they will have everything that they need to build an anti-nuclear missile defense system wall across the continent, effectively bringing an end to mutually assured destruction, as well as allowing NATO to carry out a devastating pre-emptive strike on Russia. In such a scenario, Russia will be completely at the mercy of the Western imperialists as they will now have everything that they need to militarily blackmail the motherland. The result would spell the immediate impoverishment and immiseration on a scale dwarfing the breakup of the Soviet Union by an order of magnitude. We're talking death toll in the tens of millions here. The west will be in a perfect position to carry out a genocide against Russia, succeeding where the Nazis failed during World War II. In light of this we need to have critical support for the Russian Federation in its struggle against NATO.


Anybody who is honestly supporting the current Ukrainian regime or the United States or NATO or any of the other bad faith actors in this situation are either woefully uneducated on the subject or are simps for Western imperialism or they work for the military-industrial complex regardless of the motives.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/8S8FGDY5LFFKK, Transscript starting around 23:56 and ending around 25:48 of a 36-minute video)

if she really believes, that feminists are physically assaulting trans identifying people in real life, she needs to provide receipts

Taln responded to that with "'gender critical feminists' do not have to go out and beat up trans people. Instead, the transphobic rhetoric spread by the likes of you" - transphobic rhetoric, you mean stating truths like sex is immutable and men whatever they call themselves are on average bigger and stronger than women? That most violent and sexual crimes are carried out by men and that claiming to be a woman doesn't stop violent predatory men from being violent and predatory? That women are being cheated out of places on medals podiums by men who claim to be women? That's transphobic rhetoric is it? "creates a cultural climate where those thuggish men feel empowered to assault trans people and think they can get away with that" show us your workings. This is just an assertion. Thuggish men have always felt empowered to assault anyone on the slightest excuse including gender non-conformity, homosexuality being female... show us specifically how you think women standing up for our rights have made things worse. I mean the implied argument here is, that if we would only go along with the lie, if we accept any man who says he's a woman as if he is in fact a woman, if we welcome such men into our spaces ignoring our own discomfort, fear and distress, if we applaud them when they beat real women in sports events, then thuggish men won't feel empowered to assault trans-identifying men because thuggish men totally care about what feminists think and say, don't they?

Valley of the Rogue & edrica webb #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

RE:Trans ideology: awful argument 18 Trans rights are human rights but there are no sex-based rights

(Valley of the Rogue)
Since there is no such thing as "trans," then there are no "rights" to be had. Instead, this is all about men's unrestricted sxl rights to get it no matter with whom, or where, or why, or whether there is any consent to be had. There is no way such dviant behavior should be accepted or allowed.

(edrica webb)
"Since there is no such thing as "trans," then there are no "rights" to be had."
This is basic, and may very well become the line of reasoning for legal protection of not only womens' rights, but childrens', as well. As "trans" is short for transitioning-- and transitioning is understood to be, transitioning from one sex to the other-- "transitioning" isn't possible. So how would legal rights be applied to something that isn't possible?

cedric worthington broadaxe #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt youtube.com

(From “I reply to a page claiming they can "Prove Evolution Is False - Even Without the Bible")

This video does not do what it claims to.
Like many similar efforts, it merely rehashes numerous examples of micro-evolution and discredited 'missing links'; spends a lot of time eulogising over the Establishment 'consensus' about Evolution, and ridiculing the sanity of those who question it.
It utterly fails to answer the two serious questions which (as 21st Century Genetic knowledge increases) now threaten to relegate Darwin's Victorian Era theories of Abiogenesis and Evolution to histories dustbin.

These questions are:-
Excluding the highly skilled process of Genetic Engineering within the confines of a state of the art Genetics Laboratory, there's no known observable process by which new genetic information can be naturally added to any organism's genetic code; so how did blind luck/random chance at the bottom of Darwin's "warm muddy pond" supposedly achieve such miraculous results in the distant past ?
Without adding new genetic information at every step of the process, how can any living thing have evolved from amoeba to man; let alone have originally spontaneously generated itself into Life from a mush of non-living/inert chemicals ?

Would be seriously interested in hearing an intelligent answer to either/both the questions above, as I've grave doubts about the traditional magical/mystery style religious alternative; which only really leaves 'Intelligent Design?
IE: some sort of Captain Kirk type Extra-terrestrial Geneticist, who did the job as part of a Planetary Terra-formation Project??

Designed by aliens? (Crick, Watson, atheism, panspermia...
Francis Crick and James Watson have used the occasion of the 50th anniversary of their discovery of the DNA double ... He does this with a theory called panspermia.

Panspermia - Wikipedia
Panspermia (from Greek πᾶν ...The Nobel prize winner Francis Crick, ...and the distance to the target, guided by high-resolution astrometry of 1×10 −5...
History · Proposed mechanisms · Extra-terrestrial life · Extremophiles

Tim Pool #wingnut youtube.com

Georgia Votes To Permanently Recognize 'Ahmaud Arbery Day' In INSANE Support Of BLM

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Ahmaud Arbery day. That's right, holiday officially celebrating the second anniversary of the death of Ahmaud Arbery. February 23rd will be permanently recognized as Ahmaud Arbery day in Georgia.

Talk about the psychotic cult world we live in, in which Ahmaud Arbery is getting a holiday for him. The fact is, the narrative of a guy jogging down the street was a total fabrication, a lie to manipulate people. That brings us to a point where now we're having a holiday for this guy.

This is the level of insanity in this country we live in, a psychotic cult reality where lunatics, the inmates are running the asylum.

The media lied about everything, and you know what's funny? Conservatives, many of them, not all of them but a lot of them, are complicit in pushing this narrative and it's fascinating. We've heard it before but I genuinely think a lot of Republicans, they try and act like they oppose the Democrats, but they're so worried about what the left thinks of them.

This story was just patently false. What happened, the story is, I'll simplify it for you. A string of robberies in a neighborhood. Gun gets stolen, police go door-to-door saying, "This is the guy," with an image of him. He's seen on security camera footage entering someone's house. The prosecutor said that makes him a felony burglary suspect. Under Georgia law you can citizen's arrest someone with only probable cause, without actually witnessing it, if they're committing a felony.

The story about a guy jogging down the street is a complete lie, and now the Georgia General Assembly is giving this dude a statewide holiday.

There are several witnesses that came out and spoke on record that they suspected it was him, because they've already kind of seen some of the previous behavior leading up to that moment. That it was Arbery doing some of the trespassing according to some of the neighbors.

Various Commenters #transphobia #conspiracy youtube.com

RE: Trans ideology: awful argument 18 Trans rights are human rights but there are no sex-based rights

(George Potter)
Couldn't agree more with what was said in the video. What I struggle to get my head around is why does such a very small minority of 'Activists' have so much power, the power to cancel a person who doesn't agree with them, or who doesn't play along with their fantasies.. State a fact, and you're in trouble with the law for 'Hate', so does this madness lie with Parliament and who we vote for? If so, lets think very carefully who we vote for at the next General Election.

Because this is not a classic bottom-up civil rights movement [which takes generations of activism to succeed], but a top-down reactionary one [spearheaded by men who are already in power, wanting even more power, by reducing "female" to an optional toy they can role-play as].

(kai 1)
Money, lot of money backing the T and being put into politicians accounts.

(Isha Obin)
If your objective is to move towards a transhumanist technocracy then erasing biological sex might speed up equal rights for robots. If your objective is more profits for the pharmaceutical/medical industry then transgenderism is your ticket. Control + profit.

(George Potter)
@kai 1 Money. The route of all evil, yes, that makes sense.

Archangelclk 1 #fundie youtube.com

A search for the truth and where it led me. What I found out was that every missing link that was found turned out to be a hoax, mis-identified, frauds or fabrications. All of them, Lucy, Piltdown man, Java man Nebraska Man even the archaeopteryx. Piltdown man and many others were deliberate fakes in order to gain funding and or meet deadlines. Often bones were found tens of miles apart.

As the secular culture tries to paint the picture as creation as intellectual suicide and mythical stories, the truth is that creation has the evidence and proof of what evolution does not hold up to. In the light of creation it is the inconvenient truth to evolutionists who would rather worship the creation than the Creator.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/Z7HKHBQT6TG$4, Transscript starting around 22:03 and ending around 23:56 of a 36-minute video)
then I said this

then there is the extraordinary claim, that abandoning the proposed amendments to the gra is devastating for trans identifying people. How?

and Taln responded "because the current process to change the gender in one's birth certificate is so difficult few have been able to do it forcing the rest to marry and die under a gender that isn't the one they are (as that is where the birth certificates come into play)" devastating means highly destructive or damaging. An example of devastating is having one's healthy breasts amputated and realizing you've made a mistake, surviving child abuse then realizing you have to share your living quarters with men who've sexually abused children, finding out that the man you've married and who fathered your children has now decided he's as much of a woman as you are. Not "oh no my birth certificate tells the truth about what I am"
then he says "the Gender Recognition Act has nothing at all to do with women's spaces or women's quotas/shortlists. So, no, 'women's rights safety and opportunities' are not at risk from a reform of the Gender Recognition Act" now that is fundamentally dishonest. The proposed reforms of the GRA will mean that a man is legally recognized as a woman if he makes a simple self-declaration that he is, and vice versa. We are already in a situation, where it is widely asserted that simply identifying as a woman means being able to access female spaces and opportunities and we're harassed and abused for objecting. Enshrining gender self id in law will make it much harder to challenge.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/J.2MKFW2_Q276, Transscript starting around 19:44 and ending around 22:03 of a 36-minute video)
"(This is also perpetuated by 'gender-critical feminists', referencing Alison Bailey's inappropriate and borderline pedophilic comment about 'breasts that have never known a lover's caress' while talking about underage FtMs)" that line of the heroic Alison Bailey comes from her keynote speech at the LGB alliance conference in London last year. I was in the audience, when she made it, and it was electrifying. Fortunately you can see the whole thing on Youtube. I'm just going to show the tiny bit Taln refers to

up and down the country and around the world girls are removing breasts that have never known a lover's caress

. there are many horrific consequences of the dissemination of gender ideology, but the amputation of healthy body parts and other irreversible interventions on young people, female or male, underage or not, is surely the worst. I find it impossible to imagine, what it must be like to do this when you're so young, you haven't even had a relationship and then to regret it. Is it possible to sink any lower, than to call Allison's comment, designed to raise awareness in a way that will strike a chord with all decent and humane people, inappropriate and borderline pedophilic? And he doesn't say why he thinks this, because he doesn't think it. Really, this is one of the cultists tactics, to throw out any old shit and hope it sticks. That's why we get called bigots and fascists and white supremacists. It's a bit hard, to make any of those stick on a black lesbian feminist. so let's go even lower, Hey Taln.

I'm skipping the next bit where he again invokes the patriarchy in a manner that suits his purpose and he mansplains what intersectional feminists should do. Obviously he's not going to acknowledge, that transgenderism is one of the worst forms of the patriarchy, because of how it obscures power relations between men and women and turns victims into oppressors and vice versa.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/DX$XLXRTZGML6, Transscript starting around 17:50 and ending around 19:44 of a 36-minute video)
Crimes like this are mercifully rare, precisely because most public toilets are single sex and most predatory males, whether they claim to be women or not, aren't as stupid as him in thinking they can get away with it. I have no idea what the rest of Taln's sentence is supposed to mean. I don't think it is seriously proposed that every man who claims to be a woman is doing so with an abusive motive. I mean nobody's actually said that, have they? What on earth are you talking about? "On the other side, trans men are infantilized by transphobic narratives, painted as brainwashed 'lost lesbian sisters' and thereby treated as unable to have their own volition" no they're not. That's just the narrative the cult have decided stands the most chance against the truth. Which is that there is a phenomenon called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, spread by social contagion and affecting girls in huge numbers who - prior to adolescence - had never expressed any unhappiness with their sex. "The patriarchal basis in transphobia towards trans men is a further apparent in their increased likelihood of corrective rape in order to 'put them back in their proper place as women'" I do know that claiming to be a man does not prevent a woman being raped, any more than claiming to be a woman will stop a man from raping women, even ones who identify as men (note by submitter: displaying headline "Transwoman activist Cherno Biko confesses to Raping a Transman"). Funny old world eh? I don't know whether the reason trans-identifying women get raped is specifically intended to be corrective and I'm not sure how Taln would know, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me knowing how horrible some men are, which is after all where we don't want them in our spaces.

Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/WL9F74F$R2KNK, Transscript starting around 15:21 and ending around 17:50 of a 36-minute video)

Elsewhere in his comment Taln says things like, I've seen gender-critical feminists saying this and doing that, supporting a conservative saying something, uh saying trans people should be deported or some such nonsense. You're not grasping Taln, that we are not a cult. We are individuals who can disagree on a whole range of things, but the one thing we do agree on is that sex is immutable and takes priority over subjective feelings in defining what we are. As for trans people being forced into spaces created for people of the other sex, that is another example of the framing intended to manipulate people into thinking they are victims of some great injustice. No we are not saying you should be forced to be anything or go anywhere. We are saying if you're male, keep out of our spaces. You don't belong there. Where you go instead is not our problem. Stop trying to turn us into your oppressors because we're not. You are the ones oppressing us.

Then I said

how can you be a feminist if you buy into gender ideology

and Taln said "by acknowledging that transphobia, homophobia and sexism are all interconnected and directly arising from the complex that is the patriarchal structure of society (in which you are complicit in upholding by spreading transphobic narratives based on patriarchal assumptions)" interconnected how? We get no argument in support of any of the three distinct claims I see made here, so I'm inclined to ignore it. I'm not a mind reader, but I would love to know what patriarchal assumptions he is referring to. That woman means adult human female and entitled to sex-based protections perhaps? "The transphobic narrative of the bathroom predator which is a myth" - blah blah blah - "only makes sense in the patriarchal image where women are the lower class therefore any 'man' taking on the role of a woman must be doing it out of some abusive motive" it's a myth is it? Tell that to the 10 year old girl and the 12 year old girl who were violated by this dude (note by Submitter: headline of this article https://metro.co.uk/2019/03/16/transgender-woman-18-sexually-assaulted-girl-10-morrisons-toilet-8914577/ displayed).


Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/G77LPGNW4KLK, Transscript starting around 13:00 and ending around 15:21 of a 36-minute video)
okay on to the next bit.

recently some bloke asserted that I couldn't prove that trans-identifying men were a threat to women. I sent him to the crime page on my website and I haven't heard from him since

Taln said "I don't doubt that you have some collection of 'trans women who are bad'" - you could say that - "but that doesn't prove anything". Yes it does! It proves that there are trans-identifying men who are bad. It proves that claiming to be women doesn't make violent, predatory men less so. You seriously think that we should be accepting these men in our single sex spaces. Seriously? I'll link to that vid below. And Taln said "we don't take away rights from minority groups just because some individuals from said group behave badly" no of course we don't. But we do take away rights from half the population because members of the other half - the dominant half, many of whom do indeed behave badly - don't give a toss about the safety and well-being of women and girls.
Next. "The assertion that 'gender criticalism'" - I've not heard that one before, and I don't know why he puts it in quotes because nobody actually says it - "the assertion that gender criticalism would only mean that the person believes that biological sex where immutable and separate from gender identity is fundamentally dishonest." and he goes on to say what he thinks it means, including that trans people should be forced into spaces on the basis of their sex instead of forcing themselves on people of the other sex in their spaces. But no, it isn't fundamentally dishonest to say as I did that

the core tenet of gender criticism is that woman means adult human female therefore so-called trans women are men and they don't experience womanhood at all

that isn't what gender criticism only means, but it is the core tenet and other views flow from it. But not everyone who agrees with the core tenet agrees on everything else.

hybridmongrel #transphobia youtube.com

RE: Reacting to Kat Blaque on Rachel Dolezal and Caitlyn Jenner
(Note by submitter: responding to https://fstdt.com/WZ786G$3HL5Y3 )

@MacyJane I agree it is gold, as is your comment. This subject is not focussed on enough by gender critics, so I'm delighted Maria has gone there. The rank hypocrisy of transideology, that their brand of pseudo oppression trumps all others and re-writes the history of humanity is so grandiose I'm amazed it isn't seen as the narcissism it so obviously is - and even so much as a faint criticism is felt as a narcissistic injury, mortification and met with narcissistic rage. This pathological process is well known, documented and - apart from Vaknin's Cold Therapy - untreatable.
Diana Shaw (womenarehuman.com) is brilliant on this, as you probably know (but for the people who don't...) siting trans firmly in the white colonial historical trajectory, the 'final frontier' (before space is plundered, whitey gearing up for that now) being women's bodies and identity. It is so obvious, especially to anyone with even a tiny grasp of left wing, anti-racist, anti-colonial education and awareness. Slacktivist indeed!
The other area where gender critics need to occupy is FGM. To the trans-cult:
Female Genital Mutilation (illegal in most of the West) = barbaric Black and brown witch-doctor savagery (where poor girl recipients are doomed to a life of no sexual enjoyment, excluding them from any possibility of being 'sex positive')
Female and Male Genital Mutilation (legal in most of the West) = the highest form of empathic civilisation and whitey enlightened technology, enabling recipients to enter the kingdom of glitter-sparkles and heaven gender-bliss (where boy and vulnerable male adult recipients can look forward to a life of sissy porn-fantasy-cum-true, oh my! And women can look forward with expectant glee to their rolled up tube of armskin faux-phallus, pumped up with a $10,000 erectile implant, woo hoo! Or talk to Buck about the alternative... )
As Jennifer Bilek says, this is seriously the most f*kd up sh*t ever in the sad history of patriarchy and capitalism. And it must be exposed and stopped.

residue junkie #conspiracy youtube.com

P.S. If you don't believe the 💉 is the mark, just watch these! After people have taken all the shots they will apply a quantum dot invisible tattoo on their hand or forehead, but the mark is already in them and when they go to a airport, they already know if you have it. So many pre-trib believers who thought they would have to know they were receiving the mark, or that they would have been "raptured" before it could happen have already taken it...so terribly sad!

MacyJane #transphobia youtube.com

RE: Reacting to Kat Blaque on Rachel Dolezal and Caitlyn Jenner
(Submitters note regarding context: the Video in question is a reaction by Maria Mclachlan/”Peak Trans” to a video by a trans woman titled “why Rachel Dolezal isn't Caitlyn Jenner”)

This video is gold. It's a topic that even in more open spaces that generally allow for gender critical critique/discussions, it is an aspect that remains censored incessantly. Because despite even regarding the leftists who are gender critical, they're often still afraid to go anywhere near race. No matter the context and how relevant it is. The thing is... it's the same thing. So many slacktivists claim it's "not the same thing at all! Stop comparing them!", but they won't say _how_.it's different. Because they can't say. And even those who aren't gender cultists, their reasoning is that it's just not politically correct to speak on race. Especially if you are white.

But the truth always rears its ugly head when a black feminist comes right on out and says it, that they ARE functionally the same thing, and that in fact, race isn't nearly as solid as sex is. Race is far more amorphous, more nebulous, more ambiguous than sex. It is far more a social construct than even gender (not sex, because obviously sex is NOT a social construct). If anything could be up for identity, between race and sex, the former would make more sense. But it's still absolutely batshit for a white person to identify as black.

Inevitably, that black woman who speaks on this issue gets the boot firmly on her neck, and it's almost always by a white leftist who wants to shut her up. So I don't think the reluctance towards (and desperate fear of) talking about racial sex ID v sex self ID comes down to "being respectful" or politically correct. It's primarily about what it's always about, avoiding common sense. Avoiding the truth like the plague. Because the moment you spend more than 5 minutes thinking about it, the whole house of cards falls apart.

Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/K$L7MW3X.2G.C, Transscript starting around 10:48 and ending around 13:00 of a 36-minute video)
Recently we learnt that Lia Thomas, the heterosexual male swimmer on the university of pennsylvania's swimming team regularly exposes himself in the women's changing room. We learned that many swimmers have complained to the team coach and have basically been told to put up and shut up. What is the difference between any random man going in there and showing his genitals and Lia Thomas doing it? nothing. It's abuse. Abuse of women, being carried out by a heterosexual male with, the complicity of the coach and relevant authorities.
And he continues - you might want to watch your blood pressure on this one - while girls fear of trans identifying boys is irrational, as trans inclusion does not pose a risk to them(note by submitter: displaying a headline referencing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudoun_County_Public_Schools#2021_sexual_assaults ). Well there is some evidence that contradicts that, in the form of the two sex assaults by this boy at that school in Virginia. But as I have said repeatedly, it's not just about physical danger. It's about how women and girls feel. The trans cultists go on and on about how so-called misgendering and other nonsense is bad, because of how the truth makes them feel. Yet girls fearing having boys around, when they need to get undressed is irrational because there is supposedly no risk to them. And as for feeling embarrassed or upset, hey who cares they're only girls. Right. The study he cites by the way is not fit for purpose, the methodology is unclear and there is a bunch of standard information missing. But it doesn't even matter because the study neglects to consider the major issue here, which is about dignity privacy and psychological well-being. He goes on "therefore trans women's need to be able to use female spaces outweighs transphobic women's desire to force trans women out of them" you mean keep men stroke boys out of them. Yes how transphobic not to want to be around men while we're all in various stages of undress. we're such villains, muppet.

Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/9D_PVWS25W5TG, Transscript starting around 8:47 and ending around 10:48 of a 36-minute video)
that's the first paragraph of a very long comment well worth the read. The only thing I would add is that this is a red herring. Really it doesn't bloody matter what your brain is doing. Men are typically bigger, stronger, more aggressive and more violent than women. Most violent crime is carried out by men. Most sex crimes are carried out by men. And a majority of trans-identifying men are heterosexual. This is why women need some places to be single sex. It really shouldn't be this hard to understand. Even for misogynists.

the next is in response to when I said

you'd think it boils down to a numbers game there are many more girls who are distressed and uncomfortable at boys being allowed into their toilets and changing rooms at school then there are boys who claim to be trans and want in there

Taln tells us that "it's not a numbers game trans girls" - by which he means boys who claim to be girls "need to be able to use female spaces in order to be safe from sexual violence" and he quotes an article reporting on some research done by a phd candidate. But that's irrelevant. I am quite prepared to take this claim at face value and believe that assault of any kind is more likely to happen in a male changing room. It doesn't follow that those males who may be vulnerable should be forced on girls. What about the boy who doesn't claim to be a girl, but who is nevertheless somewhat effimnate and crap at sport? Might he be vulnerable to bullying an assault? Should he be sent to the girls changing room? The male entitlement in the phrasing here just makes me want to throw up. Again, it's about males using females as shields, regardless of how the females feel about it. Their feelings don't matter. But this time the females in question are school girls and college students.

various commentors #transphobia youtube.com

RE: Awwa Period underwear SELLS OUT women

(Samantha Whang)
I hate when people say “be kind”. It’s just a manipulative way to get empathic women to feel sorry for men, who claim they are vulnerable, even as they are gaslighting and abusing us. I don’t ever want to hear “be kind” from anyone ever again.

(Amalie Olsdatter)
That is so true! It sometimes works on me. Especially since i do feel compassion for people with genderdysphoria. However not enough to distort reality.

(Samantha Whang)
@Amalie Olsdatter These people never ask the men to be kind to us.

Yeah, woke for be quiet 🤦🏻‍♀️

@Amalie Olsdatter define the term gender in a way that isn’t just sexist stereotypes build on our oppression? There is never a reason to feel bad for men based on his sexist beliefs about us. It’s not an illness it’s a belief system the endorses our oppression.

(Amalie Olsdatter)
True, they do not. And even if you try to be understanding, they call you hateful if you are not willing to distort reality.

(I hate 2020)
Exactly I thought I was the only one. Also, “respect people” like no...respect is earned not given. The “be kind” bs is just them guilt tripping us and trying to make us look like bad people for disagreeing with them

(Rock Legend Films)
The whole "Be Kind" movement is another example of wokism! What they really mean in the most hidden way is: Accept LGBTQ as normal, and if you don't, we will share your rejection on social media!!!

Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/5CJLQY9RCTVX3, Transscript starting around 6:48 and ending around 8:47 of a 36-minute video)

The trouble with procedures is that it's human beings who make them, and human beings who interpret them, and as long as genderists succeed in obscuring the difference between men and women, women will get hurt. As for raping women en mass, this is a straw man and it is absolutely typical of the gender cult. They cannot refute the claims we are making, so they have to fabricate a claim that nobody has made. Nobody has said trans-identifying men are raping women en mass. We don't need to. Even if it were only Karen White - the whom I didn't mention by the way - but the reason the likes of me harp on about him is because he is a very high profile case, widely covered in the media, easy to point to and the perfect illustration of what can happen as a result of institutional capture by gender ideology.

Now i said

however much they try to dress them up in science the claims they make are metaphysical

and Taln responded with the usual canard about the brains of trans-identifying people being more like those of people of the sex they wished they were. It's not brain activity that determines whether someone is male or female. I did a video on the trans brain bad argument and it's really rather good. My favorite comment in response which I pinned below it came from a neuroscientist who said "you are spot on on this one the evidence shows that there are no consistent significant differences between female and male brains except for size. But even if there were correlation is not causation" - obviously - "neuroplasticity - a fancy word for the brain's capacity to change itself upon experience or training can shape brains functional networks"


Peak Trans / Maria Mclachlan #transphobia #pratt youtube.com

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from https://fstdt.com/538CRH$BKQHS, Transscript starting around 3:56 and ending around 5:58 of a 36-minute video)

Taln said "risk assessment exists so no a rapist who is a threat to the general population of a woman's prison is not going to get there". How dare you disregard the fact that women prisoners have and continue to be frightened traumatized and violated by such men? Don't talk about risk assessment it's bollocks. You can never guarantee a man placed in the female estate isn't going to molest or negatively impact on the mental health of women prisoners. You can never guarantee anybody safety in prisons. But you can certainly decrease the likelihood and extent of harm to women by not housing male criminals with them.

Taln said "trans women are at vastly increased risk in men's prison, 'transgender people in prison are exposed to horrific rates of abuse by both staff and their fellow inmates' (note by submitter: quoting https://transequality.org/issues/police-jails-prisons )" and I don't doubt that trans-identifying men are at risk in male prisons. They still do not belong in the female estate, because they are Men. Women are human and not mere shields to be used by some men against others. Is it really too difficult for you to come up with a solution, that keeps trans identifying men safe and which doesn't distress and endanger women and to campaign for that solution. Or is this, as I suspect, really about validation at all costs to real women

then he said "isn't it interesting that gender-critical feminists only care about rape in women's prison when they can use that to fear-monger about trans people" what on earth makes you say that? this is the same old victim playing "you don't care about women you just hate trans people". You really are a piece of work Taln.


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