Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson #fundie

Televangelist Pat Robertson on Wednesday explained to his viewers that Robin Williams had recently committed suicide because “the heathen” worships false gods like fame and money.

“What is your God? Is it money?” Robertson asked. “So, when you get money, what’s going to happen? Is it fame? So, when you get fame, what’s going to happen?”

“You know, you see these very popular people in the media who commit suicide like Robin Williams recently,” he continued. “And you say, ‘What is the deal with him? What happened?’”

“Well, you see, the God of the heathen are idols. And everything that you seek in life will ruin you, unless that something and somebody is God himself.”

According to Robertson, no one would commit suicide once they have found his true God.

“Don’t let sexual attraction be your idol, don’t let fame or money or any of these things be your god, but come to the Lord Jesus.”

After encouraging viewers to pray with him, he asked that everyone call in to CBN.

“Pick up the phone, say, ‘Look, I just prayed with that guy on TV, I prayed with Pat, I gave my heart to the Lord,’” he advised.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Pat Robertson on Monday declared that Donald Trump was the “clear winner” of Sunday night’s presidential debate, and the televangelist asserted that the GOP candidate’s admission that he groped women was simply “macho” talk.

“Trump was the winner,” Robertson opined on his 700 Club television program. “Basically, the pundits were writing him off.”

The TV preacher argued that Trump was like the mythical Phoenix because he had performed well at the debate just days after the leak of a video tape, in which the Republican nominee bragged that he could grab women “by the pussy” without their permission because he was a star.

“A guy does something 11 years ago, it was a conversation in Hollywood where he’s trying to look like he’s macho,” Robertson said. “And 11 years after that they surface it from The Washington Post or whatever, bring it out within 30 days or so of the election and this is supposed to be the death blow and everybody writes him off, ‘Okay, he’s dead, now you’ve got to get out of the way and let Mike Pence run the campaign.'”

“The Donald says no,” he continued. “He’s like the Phoenix. They think he’s dead, he’s come back. And he came back strong. So, he won that debate.”

A scientific poll conducted by CNN following Sunday night’s debate found that 57 percent of people said that Hillary Clinton won, while 34 percent thought Trump came out ahead.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Pat Robertson informed viewers today that he once saved a woman “in Africa” who was “watching a tape of ‘The 700 Club’” just as a “group of thugs came into her house and threatened to kill her.”

“While the program I was on the air, I began praying, this is a tape mind you, and the power of God fell so strong that those thugs were literally paralyzed and they began to run from the house they were so terrified because of the power of God on that program, on that tape,” he said.

Robertson was responding to a viewer who asked if his “words of knowledge” about viewers, which he says can heal members of his audience, can work for people watching reruns of the show.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a fascinating book, if you want to, you'd better take your blood pressure medicine before you read it, but it's "The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America" and that's just a short list of the 30, 40 thousand of them, they're like termites that have worked into the woodwork of our academic society and [stumbles] it's appalling! This is available at and bookstores everywhere and you really ought to read it and be informed.


These guys are out-and-out communists, they are radicals, they are, you know, some of them killers, and they are propagandists of the first order and they don't want anybody else except them-- that's why Regent University for example is so terrifically important and why we're setting up an undergraduate program that hopefully will seat shortly 10,000 students, and from there 250,000, because you don't want your child to be brainwashed by these radicals, you just don't want it to happen. Not only brainwashed, but beat up, they beat these people up, cower them into submission.

Pat Robertson #fundie

You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist. I can love the people who hold false opinions but I don't have to be nice to them.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Today on the 700 Club, televangelist Pat Robertson reflected on a recent reading of the Old Testament and warned gays and lesbians that the land will “vomit you out.” Robertson said that Leviticus lists homosexuality as an “abomination” on par with incest and bestiality, “and those who do that in the Old Testament were stoned to death.”

He feared that the US is not heeding the Bible’s teaching that “the nations who were doing these things were vomited out of the land and the land vomited them out.”

“For some reason now the Supreme Court has said homosexuality is now a constitutional right and this decision that was handed down recently by the majority glorifies this activity and talks about the civil rights and all this, well the Bible didn’t talk about civil rights it talked about this was an offense against God and it was an offense against the land and the land would vomit you out.” Robertson continued. “Which is going to take precedence, the Supreme Court of the United States or the holy word of God?”

Pat Robertson's Ad Agency #fundie

[Emphasis in original]

Did you know that Pat Robertson, through rigorous training, leg-pressed 2,000 pounds! How did he do it?

Watch a video of Pat leg-pressing 1,000 pounds.

Where does Pat find the time and energy to host a daily, national TV show, head a world-wide ministry, develop visionary scholars, while traveling the globe as a statesman?

One of Pat's secrets to keeping his energy high and his vitality soaring is his age-defying protein shake. Pat developed a delicious, refreshing shake, filled with energy-producing nutrients.

learboy #fundie

I wouldn't equate the liberals with the poor and the sick, unless you're referring to a liberal's spiritual health." "So, you are saying that it is Christians [like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson] that are the problem, right? Homosexuals and Liberals are the good people, and Christians are the bad people, eh? You seem to have it all figured out my friend. What solutions do you propose?

HoustonRockets #fundie

Pat Robertson is right on. And I am tired of Christians being soft and fuzy about God loving all. God loves, but His love is constrained by His Holiness and Jealousy for His Glory. This is why instead of willy nilly forgiving people, He preferred to have His Son suffer the consequences of their sins than to sully His righteous character.

And to attribute the great creation of the Universe and mankind as its crowning glory to Satan, Darwin and Evolution, I can assure you, that God is angry. Nothing ticks God off more than attributing what rightfully belongs to Him to other demigods, semigods and hemidemisemigods. That is theft, plagiarism, vandalism and wicked banditry.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Pat Robertson is at it again.

No stranger to anti-gay remarks, the conservative televangelist advised one of his "700 Club" viewers to forgive her husband of 11 years after he apparently cheated on her with a male friend he'd met at their church when they were drunk, Right Wing Watch first reported.

"He didn't know what he was dealing with," Robertson told the viewer in the April 27 broadcast. "If he were this way all the time, if he's a habitual drunk, if he's a habitual homosexual, if he's a habitual philanderer and all the rest of it, then by all means, take a hike. But one time, 11 years, don't throw all of that away."

In the same broadcast, Robertson told a concerned mother to "pray that God will straighten out" her teenage lesbian daughter, who recently came out of the closet.

Proclaiming that teen girls don't know what dress they're supposed to wear, "much less what kind of sex" they are supposed to be, he suggested, "Maybe get her in a camp, a Christian camp in the summer where they are really on fire for the Lord."

SumSam #fundie

[Regarding Pat Robertson's comments about the earthquake in Haiti]

Pat may lack judgment in his choice of words, but he is only saying what many of us suspect, though we may not be saying it out loud.

rtyew #fundie

Why do atheists rely on blanket statements like saying nonatheists don't care about making the world better

It seems like they just overgeneralize based on the fake religious people that get talked about in the media like ann coultry and pat robertson, rather than from a real understanding of religion. But it's rather convenient that they never mention the people like Martin Luther KIng or Gandhi. Because since when has an atheist done more in terms of major social progress than say Martin Luther KIng or Gandhi to be talking like that?

Pat Robertson #fundie

700 Club Viewer: Why [do] evangelical Christians tell non-Christians that Jesus (God) is the only way to Heaven? Those who are Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, etc. already know and have a relationship with God. Why is this? It seems disrespectful.

Robertson: No. They don’t have a relationship. There is the god of the Bible, who is Jehovah. When you see L-O-R-D in caps, that is the name. It’s not Allah, it’s not Brahma, it’s not Shiva, it’s not Vishnu, it’s not Buddha. It is Jehovah God. They don’t have a relationship with him. He is the God of all Gods. These others are mostly demonic powers. Sure they’re demons. There are many demons in the world.

Pat Robertson #fundie

f you get into that business where those who are involved in martial arts, before they start, are actually inhaling some demon spirits (some of them do that, by the way) that, uh, enormous strength comes about, not from a human source, but from a demonic source. You don't want to have anything to do with any of that.

Gordon James Klingenschmitt #fundie

David Takes Down Goliath -- Anti-Jesus Group Right Wing Watch Terminated by YouTube After Chaplain Files Copyright Infringement Claims

WASHINGTON, Nov. 7, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The anti-Christian group Right Wing Watch (RWW) had their YouTube account terminated today after repeated violations of copyright infringement, theft, and allowing followers to issue death threats against a Christian chaplain.

Former Navy Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD, who is now a candidate for state representative in Colorado successfully persuaded YouTube to terminate the anti-Christian group's account, after RWW repeatedly stole, copied, and re-published without permission as many as 90 videos created and copyrighted by Chaplain's corporation, The Pray In Jesus Name Project.

RWW has been a thorn in the side of countless Christian ministries for years, quoting out of context ministers like James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and political leaders like Michelle Bachmann and Alan Keyes. Unless YouTube restores their account, years of defamatory RWW video archives against countless Christians have now been deleted, effectively silencing their hate-speech campaign.

"I reached out in good faith to RWW's leadership at People for the American Way, but instead they published death threats against me," said the Chaplain. "I asked them to stop their theft and piracy of my original content, but instead they blogged against me boasting they could steal without consequences."

RWW even mocked the Chaplain here, claiming he didn't know how the internet works, and daring him to file suit.

Instead, the chaplain politely notified YouTube about 6 of the 90 copyright infringement claims, which crossed their limit of 3 claims.

YouTube properly responded by terminating the RWW account and deleting all their videos, causing panic at RWW headquarters, who blamed others for their own arrogance and theft.

The Bible says pride comes before destruction. That's a lesson for them, in how the internet works.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Never mind China’s stock market crash. Televangelist Pat Robertson proclaimed Monday that the massive Dow drop is actually divine retribution for the U.S. government supporting abortion access and funding Planned Parenthood.

"Here in America, we have been complicit in terminating the lives of in excess of 50 million precious unborn children, and don't you think almighty God is going to hold us accountable for that?" the "700 Club" host asked after airing a report on Planned Parenthood demonstrations. "It's coming ladies and gentleman. We just have a little taste of it in terms of the financial system, but it's going to get shaken to its core in the next few months, years or however long it takes, and it will hurt every one of us."

I aint no monkey #fundie

[in response to Pat Robertson being an old Earther]

It looks like he is confused, like a lot of Christians are as to what is science and what is philosophy. If it doesn’t support the Biblical account of creation, then it isn’t science, it is philosophy.

Pat Robertson #fundie

On Monday’s 700 Club, Robertson responded to a viewer who wanted to know if she should bless purchases from Goodwill before bringing them home because her mother said that demons could "attach themselves to material items."

Robertson recalled a story about a "witch who had prayed over a particular ring and asked for a spirit to come into it." And then when a girl purchased the ring, "all hell broke loose."

"Can demonic spirits attach themselves to inanimate objects? The answer is yes," the TV preacher explained. "But I don’t think that every sweater you get from Goodwill has demons in it."

erinsmomtoo #fundie

(Response to a commenter criticising Pat Robertson's Haiti remarks)

yeah, except that our revolutionary war heroes didn't make a pact with the devil, they believed in God. Lets also not forget the tsunami that hit in 2004---when people were out celebrating along the shore while all the christians were in church at higher elevations. Coincidence?? I think it's great that pat has the guts to speak out against all these new age IDIOTS who think THEY really have the truth and christians don't!!

JohnR7 #fundie

[Pat Robertson stated that the acceptance of homosexuality could result in hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, terrorist bombings and "possibly a meteor"]

You have a problem with this? Why, you think that people can just do whatever they want to do and not have to pay a price for it? If you look on the internet you will see a sex industry established in Thailand. It should be no surprise to anyone the disasters that they have recently had there.

Pat Robertson #fundie

[RE: Images of gays on Facebook]

The question read, "When we 'like' things on Facebook, if it's something that goes against what is written in the Bible -- such as pictures of same sex couples -- is that considered condoning behavior? How do you explain this to new Christians or youth?"

Robertson, who has never been shy of voicing his feelings, candidly responded to the concerned viewer.

"You've got a couple of same-sex guys kissing. Do you like that?" Robertson answered. "Well, that makes me want to throw up. To me, I would punch 'vomit,' not 'like,' but they don't give you that option on Facebook."

Geometrycirclesquare #fundie

[A comment added after Pat Robertson's claim that "that the acceptance of homosexuality could result in hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, terrorist bombings and possibly a meteor"]

Yet, in an apparent support of Robertson's claim, Ray Boltz, a well known Christian songwriter and musician, announced to his family he was gay on December 26, 2004, the same day the world's deadliest tsunami struck in the Indian Ocean.

Pat Robertson #fundie

If Pat Robertson's vision of theological payback comes true, Peyton Manning will be injured this season as retribution for the Denver Broncos getting rid of Tim Tebow.

The televangelist was speaking recently on "The 700 Club," which is apparently still on television. He recited Tebow's accolades from the 2011 season and wondered whether the Broncos were tempting fate by leaving him off their 2012 ark.

"And you just ask yourself," Robertson said, "OK, so Peyton Manning was a tremendous MVP quarterback, but he's been injured. If that injury comes back, Denver will find itself without a quarterback. And in my opinion, it would serve them right."

Pat Robertson #fundie

Dianne: "My son heard sounds that sent painful shock-waves thru his body as I was praying for him and I called on the name of JESUS. My son said it felt like something hit him very hard in the stomach. I know this is not of God. He is a Christian. Can Christians be attacked by demons?"

Pat: "He can be attacked by demons and he might be oppressed or possessed by demons. I don't know anything about you, I don't know his faith, but it sounds like that child has something in the influence. You need to get somebody with you who understands the spiritual dimension and doing spiritual warfare, but you don't want some quack in there that's casting out non-existent demons, but, at the same time, if I were to look back at your family. What in your family: do you have anybody involved in the occult, witchcraft or tarot cards or psychic things? Has there something been there that you don't know about? Some grandparent, great grandparent or something. Look into the family tree, and then get some people in there and cast this stuff out. But that does not sound like normal."

Pat Robertson #fundie

Here's Why Pat Robertson Insists That Gay Marriage Is Still Illegal

"Your state legislature didn’t pass a law. So you’re not under anything."

Curtis M. Wong
Gay Voices Senior Editor, The Huffington Post

Posted: 10/26/2015 03:52 PM EDT

It's already been four months since the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage, yet Pat Robertson just can't seem to move on.

The conservative televangelist once again slammed the court's decision in an installment of "The 700 Club" on Monday, telling a viewer that the ruling was only an opinion and therefore not legally sound, Right Wing Watch reports.

"Congress didn’t pass any law," he said. "Your state legislature didn’t pass a law. So you’re not under anything. It’s a decision of the court having to do with a couple of people. Now they would like to make it bigger than that but, in terms of the Constitution, it isn’t."

Robertson, of course, has previously been critical of the ruling. Earlier this year, he argued that the Supreme Court had used "faulty sociological grounds" in coming to their decision, and suggested polygamy and bestiality weren't far behind.

"Watch what happens, love affairs between men and animals are going to be absolutely permitted," he said in July. "Polygamy, without question, is going to be permitted, and it will be called a right."

Eh, thanks for the detailed analysis, Pat. When it comes to spouting homophobia, you may be a force to be reckoned with, but you are not (and hopefully never will be) a lawmaker.

Ininja2000 #fundie

{Thread title: People misunderstood Pat Robertson}

So I was watching fox news, and they were bashing Pat Robertson for his statement for not being compassionate. This is not true at all. Pat Robertson was saying why he thought it happened, he DID NOT SAY that he didn't care or didn't feel bad for the people. Heck, I'll bet that he's going to be a major sender of aid to the country.

It's the same thing with salvation. I'm sure Pat Robertson would say people are going to hell because they're wicked and sinful, yet he would love them and care for them enough want for them to get saved, and tell them how to get saved.

As for if it was God's judgment, I am undecided, but even on 20/20 they were saying how currupt Haiti's government had been, and that "it seems as though they are almost cursed".

Pat Robertson #fundie

Pat Robertson saw the silver lining in the violent atrocities perpetrated by the so-called Islamic State, telling “700 Club” viewers today that “maybe the best thing that ever happened to the world is for these crazies in ISIS to keep on beheading people and doing some of these extreme things.”

His remarks followed a Christian Broadcasting Network report about accounts of ISIS members leaving the terrorist group and converting to Christianity.

Robertson, who last year revealed his excitement that the terrorist group is bringing about the Last Days, explained that once more Muslims and others realize that ISIS is the true face of Islam, they will leave the religion.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Today on “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson issued yet another warning about the perils of Dungeons & Dragons, this time after a viewer claimed that “really weird things” started happening in her house after her husband began playing an online game that “includes elements of witchcraft.”

Robertson urged her to “find a minister or some trusted adviser who will tell him this is a problem,” before going off on Dungeons & Dragons, which he said has lured people “into a fantasy world that really captured them.”

Jason #fundie

[Regarding Pat Robertson's comments about the earthquake in Haiti]

Yes, Robertson is saying the Haitians deserved this disaster, and rightly so! He'd be right in saying that about any other country suffering such a disaster. We're ALL guilty of grievous sins against God and we're ALL deserving of death however it comes.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Televangelist Pat Robertson said on Monday that people who smoked marijuana, used cocaine or consumed alcohol had been enslaved by vegetables.

“God gave you and me as human beings authority, he gave us dominion over everything on this Earth,” the TV preacher explained on Monday’s 700 Club. “Over all the animals, all the snakes, all the birds, all the plants, all the vegetables.”

“Cocaine is the product of a vegetable, alcohol is the product of a vegetable, marijuana is a vegetable,” he continued. “And yet, people are enslaved to vegetables. And you were made in the image of God. God made you in his image to reign and rule with him. He gave you incredible authority.”

“Why would you become a slave to a vegetable? Why? Why would you do it.?

Robertson said that he had “seen a lot of stuff” in his lifetime so he understood that people had a lot of problems, “but God Almighty can deliver you from the bondage of your addiction.”

“Your slavery to vegetables, he can set you free,” he insisted.

Pat Robertson #fundie

[Pat Robertson loses his shit when the Air Force no longer requires recruits say "So help me God" when swearing oath]

TV preacher Pat Robertson lashed out at a “Jewish radical” on Thursday who he said was responsible for God being removed from the Air Force oath.

The Air Force announced on Thursday that the words “so help me God” were an optional part of the oath after an atheist airman crossed out the words on his reenlistment paperwork. Military officials had initially refused to accept the paperwork, but Department of Defense General Counsel eventually ruled that the words could be omitted.

Although the American Humanist Association had represented the airman, Robertson on Thursday blamed Military Religious Freedom Foundation President Mikey Weinstein for the movement against religion in the armed services.

“There’s a left-wing radical named Mikey Weinstein who has got a group about people against religion or whatever he calls it, and he has just terrorized the armed forces,” Robertson opined. “You think you’re supposed to be tough, you’re supposed to defend us, and you got one little Jewish radical who is scaring the pants off of you.”

“You want these guys flying the airplanes to defend us when you got one little guy terrorizing them?” he asked. “That’s what it amounts to.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

Pat Robertson told a 700 Club viewer today that he has “grounds for divorce” because his wife is not having sex with him regularly, speculating that she was “molested as a child” and needs serious psychological counseling.

The viewer told Robertson that he has “only been intimate with my wife a handful of times” and that “she has no interest in the bedroom,” adding: “I believe the Bible says withholding sex is wrong. Correct me if I’m wrong.”

Robertson agreed that the Bible condemns withholding sex and wondered whether the viewer’s wife has “psychological problems” resulting from childhood sexual abuse.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Televangelist Pat Robertson recently repeated his prediction that LGBT rights will provoke God to destroy America’s financial markets, warning “The 700 Club” viewers that God’s wrath is on its way. He claimed that the U.S. is turning into Sodom now that it has “enshrined sodomy into the United States Constitution” and cities like Houston are trying to “force women to go into men’s bathrooms and men to go into women’s bathrooms.”

“Now it’s a constitutional right for sodomites to marry each other,” he lamented, warning that “the wrath of God is revealed against this stuff.” He explained: “I don’t want the wrath of God to hit this country, it’s a great country, I’d like to see America continue strong, but this is one way of weakening it. First of all, we’re going to have this financial collapse. We’re setting up for a massive financial collapse and I think if God is going to hurt this country that’s probably the way he’d do it.”

At that point, a viewer called in and inquired Robertson whether his grim predictions of such a crisis can somehow be averted, to which Robertson gave a somewhat confusing answer: “I believe so, yes, but we need to stop spreading lesbianism and homosexuality in order to achieve that. And the only way to stop the spread of these diseases that are plaguing the country is to make some sort of obvious distinction between gay people and normal, straight people.”

“I personally believe that we must impose a rule on the gay population that would require them to wear specially-colored clothes, for example. I’m thinking we need to go through the Senate with this and we need to make it official. That way, regular people would know that the person wearing the said color is a deviant sodomite and that they need to stay away from them at all cost, as well as keep their children away from their reach,” Robertson opined.

The viewer then interrupted “The 700 Club” host to state that “that sounds awfully like what Nazis did to Jews in the events leading up to World War II,” referring to the fact that Jews in pre-WWII Poland and Germany were made to wear Jewish badges, or yellow badges, which were cloth patches that Jews were ordered to sew on their outer garments to mark them as Jews in public. It served as a badge of shame.

“I don’t believe that,” Robertson quickly became defensive. “I am simply talking about protecting regular people in America, not setting out gays and lesbians as members of the population that should be tortured and slaughtered in concentration camps. Do you understand my point of view here?” the host asked the caller.

“I do,” the caller replied. “But I also understand that you’re trying to do to gay people what the Nazis did to my people more than half a century ago. And I am appalled by it.”

Pat Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen #conspiracy

Televangelist Pat Robertson pointed to the cold U.S. weather on Tuesday - and the fact that there were "no SUVs driving around in Jupiter" - to assert that global warming was a scam created by scientists.

"The inconvenient truth is it's getting cold," Robertson said, riffing off the title of Al Gore's climate change documentary. "And some parts of America are colder than Mars! Why? We've got a special story today about how come we could very well be entering another little ice age."

Later in the show, the TV preacher laughed and noted that the Russian-flagged ship Akademik Shokalskiy had been stuck in ice near Antarctica while trying to research global warming.

"There's just one problem," he said. "The Earth isn't getting warmer. In fact, it's because of the Sun. The Sun is now showing signs that we're headed for something very, very different: global cooling."

"It's getting warmer in Jupiter, and they don't have any SUVs driving around in Jupiter," Robertson explained. "I mean, it has nothing to do with greenhouse gasses. It has to do with the axis of the Sun."

Co-host Terry Meeuwsen said that she found it hard to believe that so few international climate scientists were willing to speak out against the consensus opinion that global warming was real.

"Think of how much money is involved. It's money! They are going to get a river of money," Robertson opined. "The progressives always want control. Just like this health care initiative. They want control."

BigJD36 #fundie

And there's one more thing: how come you atheists can't just respond with a NORMAL debate WITHOUT going to the CHILDISH use of harsh language? Could it be because believers like me are RIGHT that guys like you want to take over the world, just like Bin Laden AND Pat Robertson, and eliminate anyone that doesn't agree with you?

David J. Stewart #fundie

Pat Robertson is an evil man, part of the Illuminati. Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) promotes New Age psychologists for Christian leaders who need help. Literally, Robertson is controlled opposition for the NWO. As hard as it is to believe, these people are sincere, but Satanic. CBN sends gullible Christian leaders to be taught New Age chants and meditation instead of Biblical preaching. You'd be better off jumping off a bridge than going to the people they recommend. I'm leery of the whole mess. I expose them all for the trash they are. I don't mean to be unkind, but when CBN sends hurting marriages and struggling believers to New Age gurus for spiritual help, someone needs to get mad and take a stand for God!!! I am doing that by God's grace!!!

David Livingstone #conspiracy

Alex Jones shares a belief with the Satanists: libertarianism, which is effectively, is founded on the Satanic tenet of “do what thou wilt.” Ultimately, however, the libertarian movement in the United States is a front for the CIA and World Bank, through its promotion of the economic theories of the Mont Pelerin Society, which is associated with the occult tradition of synarchy.[13]

MK-Ultra agent Timothy Leary was also a libertarian and supported the candidacy of Ron Paul for president in 1988 as leader of the Libertarian Party. A floppy disk was sent out as an invitation to a Ron Paul fundraiser hosted by Timothy Leary at his home in Benedict Canyon, which included the following message from Leary:

Thank you for joining me today in support of Ron Paul and the Libertarian Party. As we enter these closing years of the Roaring Twentieth Century, we’re going to see personal computers enhance our lives in ways we can scarcely imagine. Fellow Cyberpunk Chuck Hammill has helped me assemble a collection of bits and bytes you may enjoy.

If you’re wise ... digitize![14]
Alex Jones admires the theories of Rothbard, a student of one of the leading members of Mont Pelerin, Ludwig von Mises. Rothbard was also a co-founder of the Charles Koch Foundation in 1974, with one of the infamous Koch brother, Charles, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the conglomerate Koch Industries. David Koch ran as a Libertarian Vice-Presidential candidate in 1980, and advocated the abolition of Social Security, the FBI, the CIA, and public schools.

In July 1976, Charles Koch Foundation changed its name to the Cato Institute, which serves as a libertarian think tank headquartered in Washington, DC. According to the 2011 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report (Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program, University of Pennsylvania), Cato is number 14 in the “Top Thirty Worldwide Think Tanks” and number 6 in the “Top Fifty United States Think Tanks.” Cato also operates which features, among others, the writings of Rothbard and Robert Anton Wilson.[15] In 1986, Wilson and Shae’s The Illuminatus! Trilogy won the Prometheus Hall of Fame Award, designed to honor classic libertarian fiction.

Todd Brendan Fahey, who was a guest at DisinfoCon, has been featured in the pages of right-wing conspiracy sites like Ron Paul’s associate’s, as well as, and A longtime writer for In or about 1989, Fahey was introduced to LSD and ended up infiltrating a group surrounding “Captain” Al Hubbard, the so-called “Johnny Appleseed of LSD,” who worked closely with Aldous Huxley in MK-Ultra.[16]

Fahey became best known for Wisdom’s Maw: The Acid Novel, a “factionalization” of the CIA’s MK-Ultra acid-tests and their influence on the sixties counterculture. The book got rave reviews in the Village Voice, High Times, and a number of underground magazines, and gained the attention of cyperpunk personalities like Grateful Dead lyricist John Perry Barlow and R.U. Sirius, who is associated with Metzger. Fahey boasts of having read Gary Allen’s None Dare Call it a Conspiracy under the influence of LSD, and then joined the John Birch Society (JBS), though he continued to use psychedelic drugs.

Fahey had worked as a spy for the Defense Intelligence Agency chief Lt. General Daniel O. Graham, and served as aide to CIA agent Theodore L. “Ted” Humes, Division of Slavic Languages, who had worked with William F. Buckley in Japan against North Korea and China.[17] Fahey also worked with Major General John K. Singlaub, an ex-OSS officer and head of the notorious “Phoenix Program” in Vietnam. Fahey worked for Singlaub within the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), a CIA front with ties to the John Birch Society through the Western Goals Foundation.[18]

Western Goals was a private intelligence dissemination network active on the right-wing in the US. Western Goals was also associated with Reinhard Gehlen, with whom they shared a connection with the Order of the Knights of Malta (SMOM). The chairman of the Knights of Malta in the United States was Peter Grace, a key figure in Operation Paperclip.[19] Grace’s company, W.R. Grace & Company, was founded by Peter’s grandfather, William Grace, who was a close associate of George de Mohrenschildty. Western Goals was finally wound up in 1986 when the Tower Commission revealed it had been part of the Iran-Contra funding network. Oliver North identified Western Goals founder John Singlaub as his liaison to the White House.[20]

Singlaub, along with John Birch society members like J. Peter Grace, were also members of the Council for National Policy (CNP), wiich has been endorsed by Alex Jones. It was mainly through the backing of the CNP that the JBS’s rabid opposition to the so-called “communist” conspiracy assisted in the rise of the popularity of Ron Paul and the Tea Party, who spearheaded the cause of libertarian ideals. However, although the JBS attributed the root of such a conspiracy to the CFR, the early leadership of the CNP was comprised of members of the CFR, including Peter Grace.[21] The CNP was described by The New York Times as a “little-known group of a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the country,” who meet three times yearly behind closed doors at undisclosed locations for a confidential conference.[22]

CFR member Jesse Helms was also a key figure in founding the CNP. A 33º Mason, Helms played a leading role in the development of the Christian right, and was a founding member of the Moral Majority in 1979.[23] Helms was close to Billy Graham, as well as Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, who also were members of the CNP. Among CNP’s founding members were also Senator Trent Lott, former US Attorneys General Ed Meese, John Ashcroft, Col. Oliver North and philanthropist Else Prince, mother of Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater USA.

Pat Robertson #fundie

"Most gays, if they're having a wedding, don't want pizzas -- they want cake," Robertson told "700 Club" viewers, according to Right Wing Watch. "It's the cake-makers that are having a problem."

Still, he warned Christian business owners of all types that gay customers will eventually "make you conform to them."

"You're gonna say that you like anal sex, you like oral sex, you like bestiality," he added. "Sooner or later, you're going to have to conform your religious beliefs to the group of some abhorrent thing. It won't stop at homosexuality."

Kenneth Copeland #fundie

Televangelist Kenneth Copeland appeared on “The 700 Club” today to triumphantly announce to host Pat Robertson that God’s healing power is sweeping over the world, especially at his Texas church, which he failed to mention was the center of a measles outbreak in 2013. Copeland told Robertson that a man “died in the foyer of the church and God raised him from the dead; he had a heart attack and just died and the Lord raised him up.”

This spirit, Copeland said, “is what has Islam so stirred up.” This led him to compare himself and Robertson to Osama bin Laden, but in a good way.

“The first tape that Osama bin Laden put out years ago, he said Islam is failing and we have to call every Muslim man to service, rise up for jihad, it’s failing. Well that’s one thing that’s true that he said, it’s failing,” Copeland said. “Now, Pat, they called you and they called me extremists, didn’t they? They still do. The reason they call us extremists is because we take the words of Jesus literally and with all of our effort, all of our faith, all of our finances, whatever it takes, we do our utmost to obey those words and bring them to pass. Now, that’s what is happening in Islam.”

Copeland told Robertson that their fervor for Christianity is just like the fervor Islamist extremists claim to have for their faith: “An extreme Islamist is just one that takes the words of Mohammad and with all of his strength, all of his finances and everything he has, he does his best to bring those things to pass, and that’s what we’re seeing on the evening news. But let me tell you who wins here, we win.”

Mike King #conspiracy

Those of you who have had some degree of understanding about the New World Order -- that fiendishly clever conspiratorial movement to slowly bring about a super-centralized one-world dictatorship -- have no doubt experienced the frustration of trying to convince family and friends that A: You are not "crazy," and B: The trans-generational monster plot to take down America is real and not even that well-concealed any more. The torment that comes with seeing the world as it really is, while the willfully blind ridicule you, is a terrible burden that we "conspiracy theorists" ™ have always had to bear, in spite of the world's stupidity and hostility. After all, "He who dares not offend cannot be honest." (Thomas Paine).

But what if one of the 20th Century's best known and most trusted news media "rock stars" was to confirm, on camera, the validity of our nutty "conspiracy theory" ™. And what if an equally famous woman, the First Lady of the United States at the time, who came damn near close to becoming our 45th President, then congratulated that same man for his honest remarks while expressing full agreement with his totalitarian world government scheme? Would the doubters still be laughing? Try using this piece on them, and let us know what kind of reaction you get.

The logo of Cronkite's CBS depicts the same all-seeing eye as the logo for the "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (New World Order for the Ages) found on the back of a $1 dollar bill.


CBS propaganda had dubbed the legendary anchorman "the most trusted man in America” and the people believed it. From those early 1962 days of TV News (when there were only three networks and no cable stations) through 1981, Cronkite's carefully cultivated marketing image as a grandfatherly sage was unquestioned. In those naive pre-Internet, pre-talk radio days, "Uncle Walter's" leftist propaganda was difficult for amateurs to detect -- but it was always there.

In 1999, Cronkite, who was by then retired, appeared at a United Nations room to accept the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award from the openly pro-world government World Federalists Association. He told those assembled, including First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton (watching by video feed), that he had always believed in world government but could not say so openly because of his position as CBS Anchorman.

Some excerpts, coupled with editorial analysis:

Cronkite: I am greatly honored to receive this award for two reasons: first, I believe as Norman Cousins did that the first priority of humankind in this era is to establish an effective system of world law that will assure peace with justice among the peoples of the world; second, I feel sentimental about this award and this organization because half a century ago Norman offered me a job as spokesman and Washington lobbyist for the World Federalist organization, which was then in its infancy.

Analysis: Norman Cousins was a Jewish-American journalist, author, professor and tireless activist for world government. The fact that Cousins offered young Walter a job with the World Federalists a "half century ago" confirms that Cronkite was always a Globalist-Socialist, if not a full blown "McCarthy-era" communist.

Cronkite: For many years, I did my best to report on the issues of the day in as objective a manner as possible to achieve. When I had my own strong opinions, as I often did, I tried not to communicate them to my audience.

Analysis: Nonsense! Cronkite's reporting was always heavily slanted leftward. It was harder to notice in those days because the viewing public had few alternatives to compare with.

Cronkite: Now, however, my circumstances are considerably different. I am in a position to speak my mind. And by God I'm gonna do it! (loud applause)

Analysis: You see, now that the retired old man has got nothing to lose, he can finally and completely drop his mask of "objectivity."

Cronkite: Those of us who are living today can influence the future of civilization. We can influence whether our planet will drift into chaos and violence, or whether through a monumental educational and political effort we will achieve a world of peace under a system of law ...

Analysis: A "monumental educational and political effort." -- Cronkite is talking about mass brainwashing, beginning in grade school, such as is now the case with the Global Warming ™ / Climate Chamnge ™ hoax to usher in world taxation.

Cronkite: ... where individual violators of that law are brought to justice.

Analysis: An "individual violator" is any foreign government that dares to defy the New World Order. The term "brought to justice" means that the "violator" is to be killed.

Cronkite: For how many thousands of years now have we humans been what we insist on calling "civilized"? And yet, in total contradiction, we also persist in the savage belief that we must occasionally, at least, settle our arguments by killing one another.

Analysis: Classic projection tactic. It is the warmongering "one worlders" who have, directly or indirectly, engineered just about every major conflict of the past two centuries! (Read: "Planet Rothschild")

1. "Peace...Peace ...Peace" -- the phony mantra of Globalists like Norman Cousins.

2. The "Planet Rothschild" two-volume set blows the cover off of this monster plot to turn humanity into a global bee-hive of raceless alienated tax and debt slaves.

Cronkite: While we spend much of our time and a great deal of our treasure in preparing for war, we see no comparable effort in establishing peace.

Analysis: Here is the "inside joke." -- In the Globalist code language, "peace" ™ is defined as the absence of resistance to the Globalists. When all nations finally and unconditionally surrender to the New World Order (a global EU), then and only then will the Globalists finally stop their endless bombings, sanctions, bribing, blackmailing, coups, assassinations, "color revolutions," wars, and proxy wars against the "violators" -- thus bringing about "world peace." See the trick?

Cronkite: It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace. ... We Americans are going to have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That's going to be to many a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith and a lot of persuasion for them to come along with us on this necessity. ... But the American colonies did it once and brought forth one of the most nearly perfect unions the world has ever seen.

Analysis: Cronkite leaves no doubt. He and his ilk seek the end of America (and all nations) and the emergence of all powerful one-world-super-state to be erected behind the phony platitudinous facades of "federalism" and "democracy" ™ and "peace" ™ and "human rights" ™. And if they don't get it done "peacefully," they will have no choice but to unleash an "eventual catastrophic world conflict." (World War III)

Cronkite: Today we must develop federal structures on a global level. We need a system of enforceable world law --a democratic federal world government. ... Today the notion of unlimited national sovereignty means international anarchy. We must replace the anarchic law of force with a civilized force of law.

Translation: National sovereignty = chaos and anarchy. Nations = bad. World Government = good.

Cronkite: Ours is never going to be perfect world, nor a world without disagreement and occasional violence. But it will be a world where the majority of national leaders will consistently abide by the rule of world law, if we have our way, and those who won't will be dealt with effectively and with due process by the structures of that same world law.

Translation: Those who dare to defy our New World Order will be "dealt with" (Hussein of Iraq, Chavez of Venezuela, Qaddafi of Libya, Lil' Kim of North Korea, Assad of Syria, Putin of Russia et al.)

Cronkite: Consider... the possibility of a more representative and democratic system of decision making at the U.N. This should include both revision of the veto in the Security Council and adoption of a weighted voting system for the General Assembly. The World Federalists have endorsed Richard Hudson's Binding Triad proposal.

Analysis: By removing the veto of Security Council members (US, UK, France, China, Russia) each of the major powers will be powerless before the General Assembly's mob rule -- a mob directly controlled by the top Globalist mobsters who will have by then discarded "hit man" America like a used-up lemon.

Cronkite: George Soros, in his recent book "The Crisis of Global Capitalism," has given serious attention to this concept which would be based upon not only one-nation-one-vote but also on population and contributions to the U.N. budget.

Analysis: There it is!!! Mafia journalist Cronkite and George Soros (a "capo" of the Rothschild gang) dream of a "one-nation-one-vote" system in which hundreds of Turd World mini-gangster states get to rob the "evil rich White people" of America and Europe blind while flooding the West with their dirt-poor and criminal elements -- all done "democratically," of course. (rolling eyes sarcastically) Mind you, this was stated 20 years before the Soros-funded immigration invasion that we are witnessing today!

For nearly 40 years, the notorious billionaire George Soros has been pumping hundreds of millions of dollars in radical leftist causes, Globalist political campaigns worldwide, and world government groups. Gangsters like Soros make and promote men like Cronkite.

Cronkite: Resolutions adopted by majorities in each of these areas would be binding, enforceable law.

Analysis: "Binding, enforceable law" means that no power on earth, including the de-balled USA of the future, will ever be able to rebel against the New World Order. And that is why "liberals" are so obsessed with disarming all those millions of American "good ol' boys" who might find world government to be "a bitter pill to swallow." And you thought "gun control" was about "saving children." Ha!

Cronkite: Within the powers given to it in the Charter, the U.N. could then deal with matters of reliable financing,

Analysis: "Reliable financing" means a system of world taxation. That's what the Climate Change ™ hoax and its proposed "solution" of imposing "carbon taxes" on "wealthy nations" is really all about.

Cronkite: ... a standing U.N. peace force, development, the environment ....

Translation: Cronkite envisions a multi-ethnic global goon squad enforcing tax collection and compliance with the world system.

Cronkite: ... and human rights.

Analysis: More code language. When Globalists speak of "human right," ™, they are referring to the "rights" of their paid trouble-makers within any "violator" nation to subvert that particular government. When the target government is forced to crack down on the CIA-NGO backed agitators, saboteurs, terrorists and subversives, the Globalist media, led by the New York Slimes, will immediately accuse that nation of "human rights violations" and call for sanctions, bombing, war etc.

Cronkite: As with the American rejection of the League of Nations after World War I, our failure to live up to our obligations to the U.N. is led by a handful of willful senators who choose to pursue their narrow, selfish political objectives at the cost of our nation's conscience. They pander to and are supported by the Christian Coalition and the rest of the religious right wing.

Analysis: In order to avoid the sound logical and moral arguments against One World Government, Cronkite is setting up the straw-man of the goofy televangelist Pat Robertson.

Cronkite: Their leader, Pat Robertson, ....

Analysis: I didn't know that Pat Robertson was "our leader," -- did "youse guys" (New Jerseyese for the plural of you) know that?

Cronkite: ... has written that we should have a world government but only when the messiah arrives. "Attempts for world order before that time must be work of the Devil." -- Well, join me, I am glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.

Analysis: Given the freaky fascination with the occult that many of these elites have been known to dabble in, Cronkite's shout-out to Satan might very well have been literal. Indeed, Cronkite was, for many years, the voice of Molech the Owl for the creepy-as-all-heck "Cremation of Care" ceremony at the secretive annual gatherings at the Bohemian Grove in Northern California. (here).

Cronkite: The only way we who believe in the vision of a democratic world federal government can effectively overcome this reactionary movement is to organize a strong educational counteroffensive stretching from the most publicly visible people in all fields to the humblest individuals in every community.

Translation: We still have got a lot of brainwashing to do before the American people will accept the New World Order as a good thing.

Now, here's the kicker. After Commie Cronkite wrapped up his open call for treason and full NWO "democratic" takeover, First Lady, future US Senator, future Secretary of State and 2016 Presidential nominee Killary Rotten Clinton appeared on the big screen to congratulate "the most trusted man in America" on his treason award.


"Good evening and congratulations, Walter, on receiving the World Federalist Association's Global Governance Award. For more than a generation in America, it wasn't the news until Walter Cronkite told us it was the news. Every night at 6 o'clock, we listened as you explained the complex events of the day. ... You became a trusted member of my family and the families across America. For decades, you told us "the way it is," but tonight, we honor you for fighting for the way it could be. .. So thank you, Walter. Thank you for inspiring all of us to build a more peaceful and just world. We are still listening to your every word. And with your continuing leadership, we can sail across these un-navigated seas into the 21st Century, and there is no better captain that I can imagine than you."

Cronkite and Clinton --- "the most trusted man in America" and the neurotic hag who, were it not for Donald Trump, almost became "the first woman President" -- just a couple of meaningless and non-influential "conspiracy theorists" ™, eh? Believe it, there are plenty more big names who think just like them. Actually, the entire PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) is on board with the America-busting New World Order, or at least afraid of bucking "the tide of history."

Now, as much as the pro-Globalist prostitutes of the Piranha Press, Hollyweird, Corporate America (and Europe) and Academia all love Killary and Walter (who died in 2009), that's as much as they hate Trump and Putin. So why do the "great and the good" of the bought-and-paid-for pseudo-intelligentsia all hate on Trump and Putin so much? Read the quotes below, and the world situation will begin to make more sense to you.

Trump: “We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. My foreign policy will always put the interest of the American people and America security above all else. That will be the foundation of every single decision I will make.”

“America First will be the major and overriding theme of my administration,”

Putin: "What is a unipolar world? However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one centre of authority, one centre of force, one centre of decision-making.

It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within....I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today's world. "

Putin and Trump certainly sound like "violators" who need to be "dealt with" -- eh Walter? If you still think the New World Order is just "paranoid conspiracy theory," then there is little else that can be done to enlighten you --- short of an economic calamity and/or World War III with Russia and China (which kingpin George Soros had already strongly hinted at (here)). But if you are intrigued by this subject and would like to learn more, then please have a look at "Planet Rothschild" (also linked below). Your world-view will never be the same.

San Antonio Mayor Ivy Taylor #fundie

The mayor of San Antonio told a group of conservative Christians that she believes poor people are responsible for their own poverty.

Mayor Ivy Taylor spoke earlier this month to the Christian Coalition, the successor to the nonprofit political organization founded by Pat Robertson, where the 46-year-old Democrat was asked to comment on “systemic causes of generational poverty, reported the Huffington Post.

“Since you’re with the Christian Coalition, I’ll go ahead and put it out there that to me, it’s broken people,” Taylor said. “People not being in a relationship with their creator and therefore not being in a good relationship with their families and their communities and not being productive members of society.”

Pat Robertson #fundie

"During a recent broadcast of The 700 Club, a woman sent in a question asking why the men she dated always lost interest in her after finding out that her three daughters were adopted from three different countries and not her biological children that come with child support.

Robertson disagreed with a female co-host's gut reaction that it was because they are "dogs" and it is "just wrong."

"No, it's not wrong," Robertson responded. "I mean, a man doesn't want to take on the United Nations."

"You don't know what problems there are," he continued. "I've got a dear friend who adopted a little kid from an orphanage down in Colombia. The child had brain damage -- you know -- grew up weird."

Pat Robertson #fundie

"All this business about goblins and jack-o'-lanterns all comes out of demonic rituals of the Druids and the people who lived in England at that particular time," Robertson said on the show.

He then suggested shifting the holiday toward a more Christian focus.

"I think churches can have Halloween parties," Robertson said. "You can bob for apples ... and turn it into a Christian festival, and that’s what we ought to do. We need to redeem these days, but that day was given over to Satanic things.”

TomAtCNN #fundie

[Comment on CNN article about the Pat Robertson "deal with the devil" comment]

I've just watched a few videos on Voodoo at YouTube. Now I know that Robertson is absolutely right. This cult is absolutely demonic and barbaric. We all should thank the living God that he intervened in Haiti and destroyed many of those cult places together with the priests.

Pat Robertson #fundie

Robertson: That guy was a homo - as sure as you're alive.

Off camera: Yeah, you didn't look rattled. [...]

Off camera: This last one is.

Robertson: That last one, yeah, but I didn't get it.

Off camera: I called them up and said who the hell is screening these calls? I had one person call him a bigot. I've had another person call him a zealot. Let's get some balance out there.

Robertson: It's too late. The last one was OK, but the first three were all homosexuals.

Off camera: I know I know.

Robertson: I've had this before.

Off camera: You can answer the question any way you choose to.

Robertson: I hear you.

Off camera: Alright. Remember. Take it where you want it to go, take it where you want it to go. I don't like the producer of this segment.

Robertson: Well, they were trying to set me up.

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