You'll never hear Pat Robertson, Ray Comfort, nor Kirk Cameron speak evil against the hellish Catholic religion. Catholics believe in being born-again. Did you know that? Albeit, their understanding of the term is totally unbiblical, flawed, and a false gospel. Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron are publicly silent about Catholicism. I'm not. The Catholic Church is straight from Hell, and you're going to Hell if you think keeping sacraments, getting wet in a baptistery, or confessing your sins to some heathen priest saturated with sins himself will get you into Heaven when you die!
I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all mankind as guilty sinners (Romans 3:19; 14:10). The Devil is working relentlessly to bring damnable heresies into our churches, to corrupt people's minds and lead them into apostasy away from the Lord. I hate all modern Bible versions for that very reason. Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort use corrupt Bible versions, so it's not surprising that their doctrines are also corrupt. Corrupt Bibles lead to corrupt teachings, which leads to corrupt living, and eventually Hell if that person doesn't get born-again!
Kirk Cameron is without question an awesome actor and has starred in some amazing movies, like Fireproof. But the bigger picture is that all these ecumenical ministers and celebrities turned Christian, are supportive of the New World Order's agenda to unite the world's various religions into one. By remaining silent about the evils of the Catholic religion, they are all part of the problem. Kirk Cameron won't criticize the Pope nor the Catholic religion, which is blatantly a false religion one billion strong. Everyone is afraid to speak out against the Catholic Church. Pope Benedict XVI said in 2005 that people can be saved even without having any Biblical faith. It's sad, but true, in my opinion Ray Comfort is just trying to make a living, having found his niche in the religious world; but they won't tell the real truth, i.e., that Catholics are all going to Hell in their unbelief.
In The Evidence Bible, Ray Comfort says that there are millions of unsaved people amongst Catholics and Protestants. The false implication is that some Catholics are saved within the Catholic religion. Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron are weak-kneed when it comes to standing up against the almighty Catholic religion. You don't have to wonder where I stand... the Catholic Church is Satanic!!!
Lest he should offend any Catholics, on pg. 1358 Ray Comfort states...
“There are millions of Catholics and Protestants who have never been born again and need to hear the gospel”
SOURCE: THE EVIDENCE BIBLE, by Ray Comfort, pg. 1358; 2003, Bridge-Logos Publishers, Orlando, Florida
Although that is a true statement by Mr. Comfort, the fact of the matter is that Catholics by doctrine are ALL going straight to Hell, because they are trusting upon a works-based salvation (i.e., self-righteousness). In sharp contrast, most Protestant churches hold to a Free Grace view of the Gospel. I just don't understand why, or how, Ray Comfort would bring Protestant believers down to the same level as the damnable Catholic religion. The fact of the matter is that there are millions of saved Protestants; but there are NO SAVED CATHOLICS if they are genuine Catholics.
Why doesn't Ray Comfort speak the truth... there are over ONE BILLION unsaved Catholics in the world!!!
Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron Use Modern Corrupt Bibles
Romans 10:9 in the New International Version (NIV) deceitfully teaches the hellish doctrine of Lordship Salvation. Instead of teaching “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus”; the NIV says you have to “confess Jesus is Lord” to be saved. Blasphemy! So you see, the Bible that you are using means everything. The NIV preaches an entirely different Gospel than the inspired King James Bible does. Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron are using corrupted Bibles, as are John MacArthur, Max Lucado, Rick Warren, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham and all the other apostates and enemies of God today.
My goal is not to be unkind against Mr. Cameron. I did not publish this article to attack him on a personal level. I love everywhere, including Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron; but I love Jesus first and foremost and I must expose false prophets who corrupt the Gospel message. Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron teach the heresy of Lordship Salvation. Cameron promotes John MacArthur's Study Bible on his website, Mr. Lordship Salvation himself. MacArthur is an unsaved Modernist.
The common denominator between all these men are that they all use modern corrupted versions of the Bible. I only trust and use the precious, preserved, and inspired King James Bible. They all use either the hellish New International Version [NIV] or the demonic New King James Bible [NKJB], which are BOTH based upon the heretical Greek text of Westcott and Hort (upon which the Jehovah's Witnesses demonic cult also base their New World Translation). The truth is in plain site if you want it. Most people don't want THE TRUTH.
Most of the false prophets teaching the heresy of Lordship Salvation are from California (John Mac Arthur, Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron, Jack Chick, et cetera). California is a hotbed of false prophets! Lordship Salvation is the teaching that a person must stop living in sin to be saved. In Jack Chick's case, he's a bit more subtle, teaching that it's not enough to admit one's sinnership to be saved; but a person must also be willing to stop living in sin to be saved. These are all damnable heresies that destroy the gift of God. You don't give up anything to be saved; Jesus gave up everything to pay for our sins. Jesus came into the world to SAVE SINNERS! If you want to be saved, then repent toward God by placing your faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to forgive your sins. It's that simple. God will take care of the rest from there.
The issue is not about Kirk Cameron; but rather, the corrupt Bibles, corrupt religious teachers, corrupt plans of salvation, corrupt organizations, corrupt televangelists, corrupt Contemporary Christian Music [CCM] singers... as with most religious people today, kindly but truthfully said, Kirk Cameron is CORRUPTED!