
church mouse guy #wingnut #conspiracy

Antifa does wear face masks year round so they are in compliance on that issue with CDC guidelines--however, as they like to attack people who are helpless such as people in wheelchairs or on walkers or women and children, they probably are not maintaining six-food distance. Soros probably didn't think of that because they didn't do that on his first job of working for the Gestapo.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #racist

I fucking love this movie! 5/5! This is an amazing movie that everyone should see and fuck everyone who tried to kill this movie, I really hope they make a sequel or at least another stand alone DC film with the same atmosphere as Joker or at least add a very tense one. It’s really funny how ”The Clowns” are just ANTIFA and yet the left tried to destroy this movie because it’ll “incite violence“. All it takes is a white guy to breath and ANTIFA will cause a fucking riot, you motherfuckers hated this film because it showed the world what pieces of shit you are and how you tried to mask yourselves by saying you’re “anti fascists“ yet “punch Nazis” was a thing which pretty much is “punch anyone who doesn’t agree with me”. I’m glad this movie made over a billion dollars and I’m glad Joaquin Phoenix won the Emmy, it’s a shame that WB went on to make Birds of prey and Batwoman when they had couod‘ve made a sequel to Joker instead or another DC villain movie. Why? Is this some kind of masochist fetish WB has by making woke films that bomb? You saw how the woke crowd treated you, bitching on Twitter about someone shooting up the theater which got the police involved, the military getting involved, constantly begging hell the media was fucking jerking off at the thought that someone would get killed at screening of Joker and then acting disappointed when nothing happens. These bitches were right about one thing, there was a death when the movie was released and people saw it...and it was the left’s credibility!

Mick Williams #fundie

Hierarchy--a chart of who's who in this run-up to the end, to whit: the god of this world, his Illuminati puppets, their dimocrat dupes, the communist media, and the useful idiots who make it all possible. The strobe light routine of these grinning anchors is well established for their unthinking clientele: the obligatory Trump bash, the climate change innuendo, and the fluffy human interest story. Look at the cute baby seals; ignore the Epstein-Clinton pedophile scandal; there's no DOJ noose tightening around deep state traitors like Orr and Comey.

Loudly braying the anti-gun mantra of these false flag architects, Rolling Stone calls for repeal of the second amendment. Disarmament must always precede civil war. But in a poor display of coordination, ultra liberal ESPN pulled a trailer for a film about liberals shooting conservatives for sport. The comic irony has escaped the film's writers: outnumbered liberal cowards would quickly learn the error of such a stunt.

Strong delusion, as prophesied, has set in. The CEO of Gillette has no regrets about his transgender ads costing him eight billion in revenue. Antifa fascists in New York post flyers demanding concentration camp for conservatives. Third world California deepens its indoctrination of pre-schoolers into the homosexual and Islamic agendas. Clowns making balloon animals give way to drag queen story hours. Unless these innocents are spared by an event known as the Blessed Hope, they face a dismal graduation day as card-carrying dimocrats, the latest settlers in a crowded place called The Twilight Zone.

AnonymousCrusader #wingnut

(on Black Lives Matter)

1. Despite labeling itself as "pro-equality", it has began to move away from its original intent of fixing racial injustice in the legal system towards African Americans and has focused more on oppressing and demonizing white people and the police, this is especially common after George Floyd's death in Minneapolis.
2. Like Social Justice Warriors, there are people in the movement that follow the "with us or against us" mentality, meaning that doing so much as to disagree with the movement could result in getting called "racist", blacklisted, etc.
In fact, most of them are Social Justice Warriors.
3. They enforce terrible ideologies such as "all white people are racist", "there are no good cops", and even "you can not be racist against white people".
4. They oversimplify the issues of police brutality, claiming it's because the police has a secret plan to kill all black people.
5. After George Floyd's unfortunate death, many involved in BLM began to riot and turned cities like Seattle, Portland, New York City, Chicago, and Minneapolis itself into utopias of violence that went on for months and even allied with Antifa to destroy property.
6. As a result of the rioting (and actual peaceful protesting in some places), it is possible that they caused cases during the then ongoing Coronavirus pandemic to increase as some reported that they had tested positive for the virus while ignoring social distancing and not wearing masks, as well as burning and looting in public areas forcing people to remain outside where the virus could have spread in large occupied areas.
7. They are extremely against the police, even going as far as calling for them to be defunded (which will cause many officers to be laid off and limit what crimes they can respond to) or even abolished entirely. Yes. Nobody to stop criminals, allowing them to run free and cause mayhem or worse yet have the military taking over the Police roles. If you want show why military taking over police jobs is a bad idea look about the Peterloo massacre.

AvatarCat09 #wingnut #fundie

It seems that people nowadays are trying to silence those who disagree with Antifa. I'm pretty sure that everyone now knows who Antifa are, but to those who don't, Antifa is this group claiming to fight attacking people they deem to be fascist. They've been known to be a violent far-left group that came to the surface ever since President Donald Trump was sworn into office in 2017. While they attack those they deem fascist even if they disagree with them, the mainstream media (like CNN) seem hellbent on defending them when they should instead be called out. In summation, these "anti-fascists" are pretty much fascists themselves, no different from those they claim to hate.

Mick Williams #fundie


CNN reporter says “New round of subpoenas against Trump”. Foreground shows a demon (?) holding a hand of cards that say variously “Deep State Islam”, “Borders - UN”, Media - Schools”, “Dims (sic) - trans”, “Apostasy - LGBT”, “Soros - BDS” and “Antifa”. Bare hand with white sleeve holds single card which reads “Second coming”.


Andrea Widburg #racist #sexist #wingnut

Black Lives Matter reveals a generation of damaged straight, white women

The Black Lives Matter movement and the subsequent riots by Antifa, the Democrat party's domestic terrorist arm, have shown Americans what leftism is — an ugly combination of social and government coercion, racism, violence, and anti-Americanism. It's also revealed that the American left has been using American blacks as a vehicle for political power without any regard for actually improving black people's lives. Instead, the left destroys their communities and doubles down on damaging policies.

What few have pointed out, though, is the way BLM protests have revealed the damage that decades of leftist messaging have visited on straight, young, white women. To set the stage, here are some videos of the hysterical young white women who keep showing up in the front row of the Black Lives Matter movement, whether screaming at police, arguing with black people, rioting, or groveling:

White woman yelling at black officers

Those videos are just a fraction of the footage showing frenzied white women taking the lead in BLM. They are deeply involved in this movement and in the ugliest way possible — and therein lies a sad tale of the leftist takeover of straight, white women.

The root problem is that these women are receiving mixed messages that would make even the strongest person go crazy. Beginning in high school, or even earlier, they're told endlessly that they're both victim and oppressor.

These mixed messages make straight white girls distinct from other students. White boys are told they're evil, toxic oppressors of both women and minorities. It's an ugly message, but a consistent one. Boys lucky enough to have countervailing influences shake it off and become the men they should be. The boys who don't have better influences, interestingly enough, become feminized, even if they're not gay, as if trying to escape that awful toxic masculinity.

Meanwhile, everyone who is non-white and/or non-straight, whether male or female, or something else, is told that he, she, or it is a victim. White privilege, racism, homophobia, transgenderism, misogyny — all of them define how non-white and/or non-straight people suffer endlessly at the hands of straight whites.

And then there are the straight, white girls. On the one hand, they're...well, white and straight. That means they are evil oppressors who have benefited unfairly from white privilege. In the morality play that is leftism, they owe the world big-time. On the other hand, they're women, which means men have victimized them from time immemorial to the present.

That relationship with men is made more toxic by the fact that the young women are told simultaneously (a) that, as liberated women, they should be part of the hook-up culture and (b) that, as biological women, they're the victims of all men's rapacious, rapey sexuality. Given these mixed messages, it's no wonder that these confused young women willingly sleep with the guy at night and then accuse him of rape in the morning. Others avoid this confusion by embracing a trendy lesbianism.

These same women are also betrayed by the leftist culture's refusal to accept that motherhood is (a) biological destiny and (b) worthy insofar as creating and raising a human being does give meaning to life.

Once upon a time, women had no life choice other than motherhood. In a pre–free market, pre-industrial world, if one ignores the infinitesimally small number of wealthy women, any search for meaning in life was overwhelmed by the endless struggle to survive. Women didn't have time to compare their lives to men, especially because the men were also fighting for survival against the untamed forces of nature and other men.

With the industrial era and the development of free-market capitalism, things changed. In the West, ordinary people had time for leisure, contemplation, and the search for meaning.

That fundamental change led to the post-industrial, pre-modern cult of motherhood. Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi, who lived in Rome in the Second Century B.C., leaped into prominence. People in the 18th and 19th centuries loved that, when catty friends asked why Cornelia wasn't wearing jewels, she pointed to her sons and said, "These are my jewels."

Today's young women are told to focus on a career. In college, though, they take liberal arts classes that don't prepare them for anything useful but do reinforce their status as both victims and oppressors. They leave college, uneducated and unskilled, which leads them to unfulfilling jobs. At those jobs, they work hard while dating frantically. When they find the right man, they get pregnant, drop out of the job market, and resent their husbands' careers. They take all the energy that was meant for their professional success and pour it into hyper-motherhood and activism. (See those raging Portland moms above.)

None of this is healthy; it is, instead, tragic. Straight white women hate themselves for being white; hate their men for being oppressors; hate their meaningless careers; and, even though they love their children, they hate the seeming meaninglessness of motherhood. This profound cognitive dissonance has finally found its most disturbing outlet in their shrill, existential screams on the streets of the Black Lives Matter protests.

Shane Kohfield #psycho

Right-wing radio ​personality Lars Larson hosted on his radio show a man who had his guns confiscated by the FBI, asking his guest to spell out an elaborate plan he ​said he devised for murdering antifascist organizers in the United States.

On September 12, Larson hosted Shane Kohfield on his program so that Kohfield could detail​, before a national radio audience, a plan ​he hatched to identify and kill antifascist activists​. Kohfield made headlines earlier this year when he yelled outside the Portland mayor’s house that he would “slaughter” antifascists and had a “detailed plan on how I would wipe out antifa.” The FBI Joint Terrorism Task confiscated Kohfield’s weapons as a result of his threats.

Larson began the interview by thanking Kohfield for his time served in the military, although the duo butted heads at the beginning of the interview because Kohfield was seemingly unable to respond to Larson’s questions about his statements regarding killing antifascists. After pushing Kohfield for explanations, Larson asked Kohfield to explain his “detailed plan” for killing antifascists .

So Kohfield did, and it was broadcast nationally, over the airwaves. ​He described the plan this way:

First​, veterans ​[will] join antifa social media pages and groups and get names of most active members of social media, along with getting the arrest records from rallies and write down all the names they see, as well as use arrest records. The veterans will use background check programs to find home addresses of all the members of antifa using the intelligence they had gathered​.

The veterans will take a map of the cities where members of antifa are known to live there. Grid overlays will be placed over the maps of the cities. The veterans will be broken down into squads. Each squad will be assigned its own grid and given a list of names and addresses in their assigned grid square. … The veterans would use Route4Me to find the most expedient route to hunt down the most violent members of antifa in their beds at night until every one of them was gone and every city in America, if need be, in a single well-coordinated night. The losses for antifa would catastrophic.

Larson asked, “So you are planning to hunt down and kill members of antifa?”

Kohfield repeatedly denied that his elaborate plan was ever meant to be enacted, but rather that it would serve as a “nuclear deterrent.” After pressing Kohfield, Larson was able to get Kohfield to admit that if his plan was carried out, it would result in the murdering of antifascists.

Kajm #wingnut

Why the rise of Nationalism worldwide?

By Victor Davis Hanson, Townhall:

(My thoughts in bold / parens)

What is going on with the unending Brexit drama, the aftershocks of Donald Trump's election and the "yellow vests" protests in France? What drives the growing estrangement of southern and eastern Europe from the European Union establishment? What fuels the anti-EU themes of recent European elections and the stunning recent Australian re-election of conservatives?

Put simply, the middle classes are revolting against Western managerial elites. The latter group includes professional politicians, entrenched bureaucrats, condescending academics, corporate phonies and propagandistic journalists.

What are the popular gripes against them?

One, illegal immigration and open borders have led to chaos. Lax immigration policies have taxed social services and fueled multicultural identity politics, often to the benefit of boutique leftist political agendas. (and knifings, beheadings, acid-throwings, bombings, running down people with trucks)

Two, globalization enriched the cosmopolitan elites who found worldwide markets for their various services. New global markets and commerce meant Western nations outsourced, offshored and ignored their own industries and manufacturing (or anything dependent on muscular labor that could be replaced by cheaper workers abroad).

Three, unelected bureaucrats multiplied and vastly increased their power over private citizens. The targeted middle classes lacked the resources to fight back against the royal armies of tenured regulators, planners, auditors, inspectors and adjustors who could not be fired and were never accountable.

Four, the new global media reached billions and indoctrinated rather than reported. ('firefighters' *spit*)

Five, academia became politicized as a shrill agent of cultural transformation rather than focusing on education -- while charging more for less learning. (Evergreen State College, for example)

Six, utopian social planning increased housing, energy and transportation costs. (wind turbines. giving homes to the homeless WITHOUT accountability)

One common gripe framed all these diverse issues: The wealthy had the means and influence not to be bothered by higher taxes and fees or to avoid them altogether. Not so much the middle classes, who lacked the clout of the virtue-signaling rich and the romance of the distant poor.

In other words, elites never suffered the firsthand consequences of their own ideological fiats.

Green policies were aimed at raising fees on, and restricting the use of, carbon-based fuels. But proposed green belt-tightening among hoi polloi was not matched by a cutback in second and third homes, overseas vacations, luxury cars, private jets and high-tech appurtenances. (Bernie, gore, Pelosi, Michael moore, most Hollywood actors, the permanent 'climate change' bureaucracy)

In education, government directives and academic hectoring about admissions quotas and ideological indoctrination likewise targeted the middle classes but not the elite. The micromanagers of Western public schools and universities often preferred private academies and rigorous traditional training for their own children. Elites relied on old-boy networks to get their own kids into colleges. Diversity administrators multiplied at universities while indebted students borrowed more money to pay for them.

In matters of immigration, the story was much the same. Western elites encouraged the migration of indigent, unskilled and often poorly educated foreign nationals who would ensure that government social programs -- and the power of the elites themselves -- grew. The champions of open borders made sure that such influxes did not materially affect their own neighborhoods, schools and privileged way of life.

Elites masked their hypocrisy by virtue-signaling their disdain for the supposedly xenophobic, racist or nativist middle classes. Yet the non-elite have experienced firsthand the impact on social programs, schools and safety from sudden, massive and often illegal immigration from Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia into their communities.

As for trade, few still believe in "free" trade when it remains so unfair. Why didn't elites extend to China their same tough-love lectures about global warming, or about breaking the rules of trade, copyrights and patents? (Because communism / socialism. Free Pass!)

The middle classes became nauseated by the constant elite trashing of their culture, history and traditions, including the tearing down of statues, the Trotskyizing of past heroes, the renaming of public buildings and streets, and, for some, the tired and empty whining about "white privilege."

If Western nations were really so bad, and so flawed at their founding, why were millions of non-Westerners risking their lives to reach Western soil?

How was it that elites themselves had made so much money, had gained so much influence, and had enjoyed such material bounty and leisure from such a supposedly toxic system -- benefits that they were unwilling to give up despite their tired moralizing about selfishness and privilege?

In the next few years, expect more grassroots demands for the restoration of the value of citizenship. There will be fewer middle-class apologies for patriotism and nationalism. The non-elite will become angrier about illegal immigration, demanding a return to the idea of measured, meritocratic, diverse and legal immigration.

Because elites have no answers to popular furor, the anger directed at them will only increase until they give up -- or finally succeed in their grand agenda of a non-democratic, all-powerful Orwellian state.…


I would also add groups like #BLM and Antifa- the Enforcement arm. Just like the Brown Shirts.

Ehud Would #racist #wingnut #fundie

Jeff Durbin opens his comedy show by saying, “As Christians, we condemn, completely, racism. Racism is essentially hatred. It’s hatred for another person, another image-bearer of God, because of the color of their skin.”

I have never met any White who fits that criteria. I mean, as someone who has been called racist a lot, I can tell you, I have no hatred for any particular color. But I do hate evil, and the large majority of Blacks are monstrously evil. Not least of which for their insistence that my people have no right to live — a position nigh universal to them. No, to the extent that Blacks are hated, it is in MLK’s historic words, “not on account of their color, but the content of their character.”

And though motives vary, the Right are not motivated by hatred of anyone so much as a sense of priority for their own children and culture, and a sense of responsibility to ancestors, posterity, and God.

Most funny, though, is that Durbin’s definition of ‘racism’ is all but unanimously condemned by Blacks as ‘blatant White Supremacy.’ So, yeah, he only provokes the very people he means to appease. For all his virtue signalling, the Antifa folk to whom he’s catering regard Durbin indistinguishable from the ‘Nazis.’ He may deceive himself into believing he is on the side of the downtrodden minorities, but as an anti-abortion cis White Christian, Durbin is to them only a target, and the only people who might defend him are the mean ol’ ‘racists’ he condemns.

Baron Bodissey #wingnut #conspiracy

The Storm Troopers of the New World Order — In Denver

We’ve been posting about European Antifa groups for more than ten years. “Antifa” (or “anti-fa”) is short for “anti-fascist”, and the Antifas are prominent in almost any European demonstration or riot against the right wing. If a politician expresses sentiments that are even mildly nationalistic, or talks about limiting immigration, he can expect an Antifa manifestation outside his offices, complete with black clothing, black masks and hoods, flags and banners featuring logos and slogans of the Antifa and affiliated groups, burning trash containers, flung paving stones, and violent confrontations with police.

I learned about the Antifa was when I was first delving into the Danish anti-fascist scene. Back then (2007) a local manifestation of the anarchists known as the Autonomer was more prominent in Copenhagen than the Antifa; I don’t know if that’s still true. But the Antifa groups were dominant in Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands. With the help of El Inglés and our Flemish correspondent VH, we posted a couple of investigative reports on the anti-fascist scene in Northern and Western Europe.

Since then it has become clear that the Antifas act as the enforcement arm of the permanent bureaucratic state in Europe; that is, the establishment that remains in place and manages political, cultural, and economic affairs regardless of which party is in power in any given country — what we now know as the “Deep State” here in the USA. Such functions are particularly concentrated in the bureaucracy of the European Union, which has no democratic component whatsoever — the European Parliament is a figurehead body (and a gravy train for those elected to it), lacking any significant power.

When the Antifas hit the streets, they do so in the interests of the entrenched European power structure. However, their funding comes from private sources, often those associated with George Soros, so that Brussels and the national governments can maintain plausible deniability. In order to understand the true nature of what’s going on, just watch the behavior of the police and the courts: despite the armored riot cops and swinging batons and black Marias, the Antifas are not seriously constrained in their violence, and any who actually get charged and convicted are sentenced lightly. Compare this process with what happens to any “right-wing extremist” group that expresses nationalist sentiments or opposes immigration — it can expect to be violently suppressed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Remember the water cannons aimed at the anti-groping demonstrators in Cologne in early 2016? Did you ever see water cannons used against “anti-fascists” throwing bottles or paving stones? Me neither.

For all practical purposes, the Antifas are the Blackshirts of the European Union, even though the chain of command is occluded. It’s not like Germany in 1936 — Jean-Claude Juncker does not give orders to the commanders of the black-masked thugs who swarm the streets of Amsterdam or Stuttgart. By working through cutouts such as George Soros, the entrenched oligarchs of the EU can maintain their power without ever dirtying their virtual hands.

For the first decade of my work at Gates of Vienna I never saw any significant presence of Antifa in the United States. We had various flavors of communists and anarchists — Trotskyites, Maoists, Stalinists, International ANSWER, Occupy Whatever, etc. — but not the Antifas. But then suddenly everything changed…

As soon as Donald Trump was inaugurated on January 20, there they were, as if on cue — Antifa thugs breaking windows, burning vehicles, fighting with the police, and causing general mayhem. I recognized their banner immediately in the footage from the “protests” in D.C., Chicago, L.A., and elsewhere.

The photo at the top of this post was taken by Henrik Clausen yesterday at the pro-Trump rally in Denver, the same event at which Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff spoke. As you can see, they are identical to their European counterparts in appearance, including the logo on their flag. The Denver police — evidently not yet under the full control of the New World Order — kept the “anti-fascists” well back from the rally, and did not let them interfere with it.

There were similar rallies all over the country yesterday, and I’d bet money that identical-looking Antifa groups staged “counter-demonstrations” at most of them.

The inauguration of Donald Trump was the trigger that caused them to appear. Funds were released and the deployment of shock troops on the streets was ordered by someone at the highest levels of the Deep State.

For all practical purposes, the Antifas are the Storm Troopers of the New World Order.

And now they’re here in the USA, patrolling the mean streets of our cities, ready to squash anyone who dares to oppose the implementation of borderless multiculturalism in the Nation Formerly Known as the United States of America.

Brian Ruhe #conspiracy #racist

(From: „4th letter to lord Jacob Rothschild“)

lord Jacob Rothschild
Oct. 20, 2019
The Rothschild Foundation
The Dairy
Queen Street
HP18 0JW

lord Jacob,
The “Higher Realm Powers” section of our website has gone missing. Someone took it down. Before speaking to any person about it, I am first writing to you. I go straight to the top in these matters. [deleted lines] That section was about going above the human realm powers of the Jews to defeat them in the higher realms first.
I believe that the meaning of this intervention is this: The Jews are getting scared of the spiritual power of white people. Can you provide me with the process by which this was taken off a website that I own?
In our previous correspondence I thought that you hit me hard when my YouTube channel was taken down on March 28, 2018. As I don’t see the future as clearly as you, I didn’t realize what I know now. Albert Pike was right. What you suppress just grows stronger. My Bitchute video channel is doing fine and even better is the more frequent feeling of the nagas, gandhabbas and Tavatimsa devas.
I will now let you know that I am aware of the indirect electronic DNA download relationship between yourself and others. I learned from Ashayana Deane to use that term instead of “channeling”. It’s not like I have to tell you anything, my lord. Few people will read this when it is made public. Of those that do, few will regard it as actionable. Friend and foe read my websites and watch my videos so my purpose here is to foreshadow my education of others about the flow of the power structure from aliens to governments, by helping readers to understand the devic and alien relationship between you, your retinue of families and the rest of humanity, which includes me and my monks.


Now I have progressed to the next level, compared to where I took off in 2014 so I intend to enter into your territory in a deeper way. Instead of listening to Antifa screaming at me in the street I will be looking to recruit your people, to defect to my side.


We are enemies. Because of my mental configuration I am a diplomat. I can negotiate and as I wrote to you before, I can be a suitcase under your bed. When it comes to a higher realm relationship, better to talk to the enemy, to always be in communication with them. Based upon the Atanatiya protection sutta and other sources, I think that my enemy mostly avoids killing those who use their spiritual resources because the price for them is too high. The Buddha describes the penalties in that sutta which are severe for those in the higher realms who attack human beings. Whether the elites believe in the law of karma or not, they are going to feel it. The evidence of human relationship with aliens is that the vast majority of the their interference with people’s lives is not in killing them, but in keeping them down, under control or serving their agenda. I’ll take my chances as I am as mortal as anyone else.

I won’t repeat the offer I gave you in my previous letters, and that still stands. I encourage you to save yourselves before the people wake up further. The law of karma comes back to humans, Dracos, all beings… and you have this opportunity to do the right thing for average people.


These are my requests, my lord.
I take my leave,

Maseeh Ghani #wingnut #conspiracy

We have covered before that YouTube and other tech giants are slowly working to try and eradicate the counter culture, namely in this case and in the modern times, conservative voices. That’s right; the conservatives are now the counter culture. We know this by just a recent example when the CEO of YouTube in an interview suggested that Ben Shapiro should be banned. YouTube, however, isn’t always the main culprit here.

The New York Times published an article that could probably be summed up as a kid crying because they pooped their diapers. Namely, the fact that alternative media is vastly growing and is taking away their viewers.

New York Times journalist Kevin Roose interviewed Neal Mohan, YouTube’s product chief, solely on the topic of radicalization through YouTube videos.

What does he mean by radicalization through YouTube videos? Conspiracy theories, right extremists and white supremacists.

He questions the YouTube product chief on the rabbit hole of YouTube experience, where users get recommended videos based on what they watch. He questions though why Donald Trump-related videos are being recommended, as well as conspiracy videos. He even made the jump, stating, if we can ban ISIS related videos then why not right-wing extremists?

“Since the New Zealand shooting, we’ve heard this question about “Well, the platforms worked together to take down ISIS content. Why haven’t they done the same for white supremacy or violent right-wing extremism?” What’s the answer there?” Kevin Roose asks.

He pretty much exposes his root bias, where it all comes from, right here.

“So much of what YouTube has become over the years is this kind of alternative form of media. People don’t go to YouTube because they want the same stuff they would see on TV. They go because they’ve built relationships with creators that they trust, and when Logan Paul puts out a flat-earth documentary or Shane Dawson questions whether 9/11 happened, there’s a sense that YouTube is the place where these “real” explanations are being offered, and maybe that makes this all very hard to undo.”

It’s a slippery slope to ban just one thing, as one thing can just easily lead to another. That’s exactly what the New York Times want though, to ban viral information spiraling through YouTube because it is in direct competition with their platform. Information is what the New York Times provides, and YouTube is slowly monopolizing the medium of information because it’s as he said, YouTube is the place where real explanations are being offered.

But it’s not entirely the sheer bias that’s off-putting about this NYT article; it’s also because it breaks the fake news meter. It’s full of disinformation.

The main premise of the article is what keeps mentioning about the deep and dark rabbit hole that exists on YouTube. Roose opened the article in the first line quoting it as “one of the most powerful radicalizing instruments of the 21st century.” Kevin mentions more specifically, what he means by this, though saying, “I’m talking, of course, about YouTube — and, specifically, the recommendation algorithm that determines which videos the site plays after the one you’re watching.”

This is what he refers to as the rabbit hole of dark information and violence.

Obviously, YouTube recommends videos based on what you normally watch. That is in YouTube’s best interest, to generate more views and get people to spend more time on their platform. People can get radicalized in many ways, depending on what it is they watch. This includes ANTIFA radicalization as well. Left-wing extremists exist too, among other dangerous fringe types of content. But even with this type of content, exists elements of political viewpoints and speech. The line can get very blurry when you attempt to try and police the whole thing unless it’s outright violent and inappropriate.

What Kevin Roose recommends banning, however, is far from being outright violent. It’s mostly harmless information that he wants to be banned. Conspiracies and fringe so-called right-wing content producers do not deserve to be banned and their free speech essentially taken away. Many of these people make livings off of their right to free speech, yet Kevin Roose still insists that we ban them, just because he doesn’t like it?

The real danger to me here is, not in the fringe information, but in the free speech silencer activists like Kevin Roose. Impeding on a fundamental human right to me is considered highly dangerous. We are talking about restricting peoples voices, their mouths, their fundamental need as a human being to express themselves, and potentially ruin their source of income to live. This is the talk of extreme authoritarianism.

So how does the YouTube algorithm actually work when it comes to recommending videos? Well, there’s an open sourced software that actually tracks recommended videos based on what YouTube video you watch. You can see essentially the rabbit hole that you will be lead on based on what YouTube channels you watch.

Contrary to popular belief, it’s actually much more likely for YouTube to recommend a “Left” leaning YouTube video to people watching “Right” leaning videos. source:
Take a look at the chart. You will see that what you watch is what you get. Click on any of the dots which show YouTube channel’s names and you will see the rabbit hole of information YouTube recommends you.

You will find it’s mostly the same type of content for the most part. Steven Crowder videos lead to mostly other Steven Crowder videos, with also high chances of similar content related stuff like JRE, Philip DeFranco, Paul Joseph Watson, etc.

However, the lines across all political spectrums do converge. Meaning, you will still get left-leaning videos recommended even if you watch right-leaning videos. CNN can pop out on your feed if you watch JRE or Steven Crowder. If the issues are related, chances are these conversions will happen. This usually occurs with policy topics that both political sides talk about.

You do not magically get lead to a conspiracy-ridden rabbit hole that consumes your soul and then makes you into a mass shooter. YouTube’ isn’t all that bad. Most of us who use it do not have this weird problem that Kevin Roose was complaining about. It’s not really an issue worth bringing up, especially for a major news source like the NYT.

Neal Mohan surprisingly was pretty solid set on his answers. He pretty much refuted all of the journalist’s claims and just flat out made Roose seem ridiculous, to be perfectly blunt. With answers like these, it’s hard not see why.

“I think that even when you go to something that broad, it comes with real trade-offs. And I’m just raising the fact that there are considerations there, which is that you are then limiting political discourse to a set of preordained voices and outlets and publications. And I think that especially when it comes to something as charged and societally impactful as politics, there needs to be room for new voices to be heard.”

This completely goes against the mainstream media narrative. Neal Mohan is clearly more concerned about the user experience of his platform than some random political bias a news publication has.

The NYT trying to make this a legitimate issue by publishing articles and conducting interviews like these is a sad and pathetic attempt to selfishly garner more views for their own platform. Instead of winning the infowar by producing better quality content, they cry endlessly about it hoping to get the attention of some players in the industry to make it all right for them at a wave of a wand. Unfortunately for Kevin and the New York Times, this won’t be happening any time soon. Because for now at least, common sense still prevails largely amongst the general public.

Kevin Roose tweeted his thoughts on the interview after the article was published saying,

“This answer surprised me bc when I interview neo-Nazis and other extremists, I ask them how they got into the subject. Maybe 80% of the time, YouTube is involved. If there are counterexamples of people being de-radicalized by recommendations, YouTube should publicize them!”

He seems to have missed the point completely.

Number one, YouTube doesn’t feed you Nazi content unless you proactively go and search for it. No examples of this exist and nothing in their algorithm suggests that. The evidence was furthered provided in the research and chart.

Number two, Neal Mohan stated that it’s not in their interest to interfere with political speech on YouTube because that ruins the user experience. Banning outright violent videos is one thing, but banning so-called radical political views is another. One is violence and other is free speech. This quote from Neal Mohan during the interview explains it all:

“In the case of something like this, the challenges are harder because the line, as you can imagine, is sometimes blurry between what clearly might be hate speech versus what might be political speech that we might find distasteful and disagree with, but nonetheless is coming from, you know, candidates that are in elections and the like.”

The NYT article titled, “YouTube’s Product Chief on Online Radicalization and Algorithmic Rabbit Holes” has proven to be a fake news article. Online radicalization and algorithmic rabbit holes are loaded terms, don’t really exist, and have no bearing or significant effect in the real world. It is instead a disguised outcry for being losers in the content war. The New York Times’ last hope is, unfortunately, to try and get the plug pulled on their competitors from the backend rather than facing them from the front end.

Vasily Kukushkin #wingnut #conspiracy #racist


Hi, friends! My name is Vasily Kukushkin, I'm developer of "Der Sieg: 1944".

"Der Sieg: 1944" is the propagandist national-socialist computer game. It is top-down action-rpg set in alternative reality in 1944, which tells us a story of a Gestapo officer in occupied London, who is fighting with underground network of Antifa, redpilling the player, as the story goes on. It will be somewhat similar to "Angry Goy" but with many differences:

* Story focused gameplay

* Side-quests

* Deeper lore

* Character and weapon upgrade system

* Decisions possibility, which will affect game ending

* Collectibles (posters, letters, music records and so on)

* Inventory and item system

* In-game radio system (like in Fallout) with music and fictional news

The development started not so long ago, but you can follow the development of the game and ask your questions at the: gab com/Der_Sieg

If you have any questions about the game and it's world, I'll be glad to answer them.

P.S. I apologize for the fact that English is not my native language.

TL;DR: I'm creating national-socialist computer game, if you're interested in it - you can follow game development at: gab com/Der_Sieg

Ernest Eck #wingnut #conspiracy

Nigel Farage, the Covidiot who wants a forced ZOG Vaccination and Tracking system for the British people is now crying that his beloved Churchill-Stalin statue was defaced by BLM. Nigel Fraud is as much a ZOG multiracial Globalist as Comrad Trumpsky.

A Zionist YouTube channel called Patriotic Populist is playing Donald Judasgoat Trump and Nigel Fraud videos on his Jutube Channel. When I commented on live chat that the Rothschild Royal Family and George Soros were funding a Yiddish Antifa Police Force and Army in the U.K.. he blocked me from his channel. By the way the Cambridge Union (University) so far still allows comments whereas Harfart University and Yale are too afraid to allow comments.

Brenden Dilley #psycho

MAGA “life coach” and proudly amoral right-wing broadcaster Brenden Dilley said during his livestream program today that he and millions of other gun-loving Americans are just waiting until President Donald Trump “gives us the green light” to take to the streets and start gunning down activists who have been protesting all over the country following the police killing of George Floyd.

“Someone should politely explain to antifa [that] the most violent Americans, the most violent and willing Americans, haven’t even left the couch yet,” Dilley said. “The most violent and ready to go, the most tactically trained, haven’t even got off the couch yet. So you better pray to God, and I mean this literally—or whoever the fuck it is you pray to—that Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, and Attorney General Barr clean this up lawfully.”

“If for any reason the president of the United States feels that it’s not getting done the way it should and decides to put out the tweet that says, ‘My fellow Americans, my fellow 2A-loving Americans, it’s time to take up arms against these assholes,’ you are all fucked in under an hour,” he continued. “[We’re] waiting for that one tweet, that one emergency text message from the fucking president of the United States that gives us the green light to finish this entire thing in under an hour.”

“It will not be law enforcement. It will not be one of these slow, bureaucratic, justice system wheels of justice turning,” Dilley concluded. “It’ll be a group of people you didn’t even know fucking existed because we were at our houses, we got off work, we were with our families, but we were ready for that call. And if that call ever does come, you will be fucked seven ways from Sunday. So I suggest you back down.”

HamburgerToday2019 #racist #psycho

(Note: This is in reaction to the still ongoing backlash following the murder of Stephen Lawrence)

RE: A National Festival of Guilt

Given the nature of things in this world, Lawrence was probably killed because he was not a very nice person and his being non-White just added to his irritation. As every fake hate crime should have taught every White by now, the 'crime' is merely an excuse to demonize and degrade Whites and to provide cover for non-Whites attacking Whites in vastly disproportionate numbers.

“Probably killed
because he wasn’t a very nice person?”


There Are some a-hole white folks around, see Antifa.

Don't care. White people are my people. If they do wrong against Whites, then the Whites need to deal with them. If Whites do wrong against non-Whites, Whites should defend them and, if necessary, shelter them. This is how every other non-White group works.

There is no 'moral equivalency' between races, because there is no legitimate morality at all between races.

White solidarity is the priority.

Despicable "ethical system."

Why? Because it's not 'universal'? Or because it seeks to restore White interests to the center for White people's decision-making? On what grounds would you call it 'despicable' that we could both agree on? Racial animus from non-Whites and anti-Whites have brought an end to 'rational discourse'. Don't try to sell the White man on 'ethics' when the rest of the races operate on pure racial self-interest. Welcome to the Thunderdome.

It is despicable when other groups do it as well.

Identity should never supersede fairness or decency.

'Should' is a luxury Whites no longer have. We must deal in 'what is'. And 'what is' is ethnic chauvinism wins the day. The most intolerant, the most intractable wins. Liberalism is dead. It committed suicide by subjugating the White Race that created and sustained it. I, for one, am glad she's dead. Now Whites can grow up and stop coddling non-Whites and anti-Whites.

Socrates #wingnut

(Mod here: removed what seemed to be unneeded bolding bits)

Did you know that president Donald Trump can legally use military force against left-wing extremists, such as “antifa” groups? He can. All he has to do is declare violent leftist groups to be “domestic terrorists” — which they already are, as shown by their own violent actions (they usually assault police, for example). By the way, Trump has mentioned labeling them as just that. Using such military force against leftists would accomplish several good things, e.g., the leftist terrorists would be held in military jails and subjected to military law and military judges, which would make it unlikely that they would be quickly released by some liberal, Jewish judge, as often happens in the civilian courts. In other words, Trump could easily copy South America’s Operation Condor program right here in America (granted, Trump’s program would have to be less violent than that).

Sinclair Jenkins #racist #wingnut

Battleground Dijon

Dijon, in eastern France, is famous for mustard. However, if the violence in the city continues, Dijon may be known as a symbol of “post-national” France.

The mayhem began on June 10th. North African drug dealers, probably including members of the city’s Algerian drug mafia, attacked a 16-year-old Chechen resident, probably because Chechens do not tolerate the drug dealers. An attack on an elderly Chechen followed. In response, hundreds of Chechens, including some armed with bats, axes, knives, and guns, stormed through Dijon’s North African neighborhoods. At one point, as many as 200 Chechen men entered Gresilles, a predominately North African suburb. These so-called “punishment raids” have not only seen Chechens brutalizing North Africans, but also the usual anarchy that comes with rioting (burnt cars, burning trash cans, graffiti, etc.).

Paris sent police officers to the city in order to take it back from Chechen and North African gangs. Prefect Bernard Schmeltz summarized the violence as “a settling of scores” between the two groups. On Twitter, Vladislav Davidzon of the Odessa Review writes that Chechen hatred of drug dealers is widespread and well-known, and because of this the French authorities waited before moving into the city. It is possible that the French in Dijon back the Chechens as type of extralegal anti-drug task force.

Some might cheer Chechen gangs that beat up North African drug dealers, but how did Chechens in Dijon as well as Chechens from as far as Belgium and Germany manage to take over Dijon’s streets for several nights in a row? Ethnic gangs, not the police, have begun enforcing the law, though it is not the Napoleonic Code, but the tribal law of the Caucasus. In Chechnya, blood feuds are common. Two wars (1994-1996, 1999-2000), as well as the still simmering insurgency in Southern Russia, prove that Chechens are capable of violence in the name of nationalism and Islam. The community avenges any insult to a Chechen.

Their North African opponents are not shy about violence either. Paris’s banlieues prove it. Most of the residents are from the former French colonies of Algeria and Morocco, and many, especially the young, love hip-hop and riot every time one of their own has a bad time with the police. They hate France.

As many as 30,000 Chechens live in France. Thousands more live in Belgium, Germany, and Denmark. In Vienna, Chechen mobs terrorize civilians, while a death squad imported from the homeland executed political refugees. There were similar reprisals in Paris, especially during the Algerian Civil War of the 1990s. Dijon, a historically safe city, has seen a noticeable uptick in crime over the last three years, and this mirrors trends in the whole country. France, like most of the West, is on course to be minority-majority some time in the middle of this century.

What is happening in Dijon is a glimpse of the future. Rather than rely on the police, people may begin to form armed self-defense gangs. That is normal in low-trust societies. We are approaching that situation in the United States, as police watch while antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other thugs tear down statues, loot, and burn. The American police have never been more scrutinized and criticized. Even in France, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said police are incurably racist.

Americans and Europeans may have to form self-defense militias. They would be friends and neighbors who are agree to rush to each others’ defense. The police will not save us.

Stephan Balliet #wingnut #racist #sexist #psycho #conspiracy

The neo-Nazi who murdered two people in a marauding shooting attack in Germany has been named as Stephan Balliet.

The 27-year-old German man is suspected of storming a synagogue in Halle on Wednesday and shooting a female passerby, before attacking a nearby Turkish kebab shop where a man died.

Balliet broadcast a live video of the attack on the Twitch streaming platform and published an antisemitic and racist “manifesto” online, echoing the Christchurch terrorist and other recent far-right attackers.

He repeatedly called himself a “loser” in the footage for failing to break into the synagogue or kill more people, after his homemade gun repeatedly jammed.

The livestream stopped after Balliet dumped the helmet-mounted camera and his car while fleeing Halle, before hijacking a taxi and being arrested following a crash around 10 miles south of the city.


A source told Reuters that Balliet had done military service, which was compulsory in Germany at the time, but received no special training.

Balliet’s livestream and online documents seen by The Independent suggest he was deeply embedded in online forums, gaming culture and had a fascination with Japan.

He called himself a “weeb”, denoting an obsession with Japanese culture, and an “anon” – the term used to describe users of 4chan, 8chan and other imageboards that were used by previous mass shooters to share manifestos.

One of three documents Balliet posted online before the attack was entitled “manifesto” in Japanese and included an image of a sexualised anime “cat-girl”.

The tongue-in-cheek message said that readers could get a free cat-girl or “waifu” if they “kill at least one Jew”.

The document, written in English, called for “discontent white men” to murder Jews, non-whites, communists and “traitors”.


The document said he aimed to inspire attacks by “other suppressed whites” by livestreaming his attack, kill as many “anti-whites” as possible, and that he would wear protective clothing and aimed not to die.

It included a score sheet of “achievements” for the attack, including numbers of kills and methods, but few were met.

The documents appear to have been originally posed on the Kohlchan website, which is a predominantly German-language “chan” imageboard whose name translates as “cabbage chan” or “nonsense chan”.

Balliet said he had “originally planned to storm a mosque or an antifa ‘culture’ centre” which he thought would be less secure than the synagogue targeted.

But he claimed his ultimate target was Jews, after declaring his belief in conspiracies including the “Zionist-occupied government” theory.

Speaking in English at the start of his livestream, Balliet said he was a Holocaust denier and said he believed feminism was ”the cause of declining birth rates in the west”.

Gregory Hood #wingnut #racist

What Next for the Democratic Socialists of America?

“I want to firebomb the White House,” said leftist activist Sythan Pok, “and you can quote me on that.” Politico did so in a respectful article about the “young left.” If someone said this at an American Renaissance conference, I’d predict swift federal action, and in-depth investigations about who to blame for “radicalization.” However, one of the nice things about being on the hard Left is that you never have to say you’re sorry. It also means you can keep organizing, agitating, and building power without much media or government scrutiny.

Bernie Sanders’s once surging campaign collapsed because the moderate wing of the party threw its weight behind Joe Biden, and Senator Sanders tried to appeal to woke non-whites instead of white workers. However, like the prediction that Texas will eventually go blue, this “political revolution” hasn’t been prevented, just delayed. It will take a different form than the one Mr. Sanders expected.

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has grown 10-fold since 2016, according to organizer Kristin Porter. Just a few years ago, MAGA events around the country attracted white advocates, paleoconservatives, and traditional conservatives. These groups are weaker today. Conservatism Inc. tolerates far fewer nationalists within its ranks than it used to. Socialist groups are stronger than ever and already have many elected officials.

Many young socialists are driven by race and cultural issues. Mr. Pok says he was “the only brown kid in Utah.” (Unfortunately, this is not true, especially because the Mormon Church supports non-white immigration.) Another leftist organizer, Hunter Quaffman, says he is “queer.” Nikki Velamakanni says young people, “especially young people of color,” have a socialist vision for America. Another socialist says that though Senator Sanders probably won’t win, he’ll be “just as excited on behalf of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when she runs for president.” These young activists clearly think in terms of race.

Senator Sanders started a movement, but he won’t finish it. He lacks the toughness to fight like a real revolutionary. He also promotes broad programs that would theoretically benefit white working class people. Non-whites would gain relatively less. I’m not a socialist. I doubt such programs would work, especially with open borders and a majority non-white population. However, whites are already subsidizing non-whites. We already have a sort of racial socialism.

What’s coming next will not be Senator Sanders’ “democratic socialism,” but the racial socialism of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib. The Green New Deal, a supposedly universal program, has set-asides for non-whites. Miss Tlaib and others support reparations. The last DSA conference was extremely “woke,” with outraged delegates on the floor protesting “gendered language.” Senator Sanders, for most of his career, defended broad social programs and disdained identity politics. After him, democratic socialism will be driven by racial grievances.

In the short term, socialists will blame the Democratic National Convention (DNC), the media, and establishment candidates for consolidating behind Joe Biden. One Bernie Sanders campaign organizer has already promised Milwaukee “will burn” if Bernie Sanders doesn’t get the nomination. My colleague Chris Roberts predicts at least some “radicalized” leftists will conclude there is no political solution and will turn to violence, as the Weather Underground did.

My response is that this has already happened, and almost no one noticed. A Sanders supporter shot Congressman Steve Scalise in 2017. Willem Van Spronsen used an unregistered AR-15 to attack an ICE facility, but the normally anti-gun media barely covered the story. The Trump Administration has not gone after antifa groups, leftist gun groups, or radical political movements even after attacks on government personnel and property. Instead, the FBI is arresting Trump supporters, such as those in the Rise Against Movement.

Still, it is a good thing Bernie Sanders did not win the Democrat nomination. He was the last candidate who could sell socialism to working-class whites. His non-white replacements are ethnic chieftains and media mascots, not leaders of a mass movement.

The DSA organizes freely. Socialist podcasts can raise money on Patreon while white advocates have a hard time keeping a credit card processor or a bank account. According to Jack London’s The Iron Heel and Noam Chomsky’s theories about power, the corporate press should be supporting reactionaries. Instead, it gives self-avowed communists generally favorable media coverage as they post almost whatever they want on social media, raise money, sell merchandise, and host podcasts.

There will be Bernie maniacs. There might be violence or some demonstrations at the DNC, assuming the coronavirus doesn’t cancel it. That won’t discredit the socialists, who are in a much stronger position than white advocates. We don’t have legal and financial protection, nor can we openly organize without a tremendous fight.

Conservatives shouldn’t be complacent. Just as demographic change eventually dooms conservatism, it also dooms capitalism. The difference between a President Sanders and a President Ocasio-Cortez is that she would think in terms of race rather than class. It would be South Africa style “socialism,” or redistribution of wealth on racial, not class grounds.

Some white leftists may become racially conscious when the new socialist movement casts them out. Others may claim to be non-white or queer, or use some other way to avoid being associated with whites and the historic American nation. The new socialist movement will be a tribal hodgepodge, unified by its contempt for traditional American history and culture. These new socialists will have plentiful resources. They will be dangerous foes.

However, there’s also an opportunity. There is still a political opening for nationalist policies that will help American workers, defend national sovereignty, and advance white interests. The coronavirus outbreak is more evidence that America needs sovereignty and independence, not more globalism and mass immigration. The Republican Party can still become the “workers party” President Trump promised during the 2016 campaign, even if he didn’t complete the transformation.

Whites, “left” or “right,” must unite to fight for our interests. This campaign has already shown white “Bernie Bros” what the DNC thinks of them. While some leftists will drift into bitterness or even violence, far more will join our ranks. The “libertarian to alt-right” pipeline is dry, but I think the “Bernie Bro to Dissident Right” pipeline is about to open up for business.

LiebeLiveDeVille #wingnut

This man is Tucker Carlson. He's an anchor on the conservative news station Fox News, and host of "Tucker Carlson Tonight". And as I type this, he is the victim of a hate crime. As I type this, an angry mob formed in front of his house and made the most vile threats imaginable. The hate mob, formed by Antifa, also vandalized his property and shouted him down, threatening to barge into his house and physically harm him. His story is just one of many high-profile doxxing cases regarding anchors from Fox News. Him, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and many more have been doxxed by the radical left, and groups such as Antifa, which is the single biggest inciter of politically-motivated violence in America. Ironic, isn't it? A group that claims to be "anti-fascist", LITERALLY using violence to shut down and bully their opposition? That's textbook fascism. Antifa is like a modern counterpart of Hitler's "Brownshirts", a group of people who did these same exact things when the Nazis rose to power in the 1930s.

Doxxing is a disgusting practice, no matter what side of the spectrum it comes from. I offer my deepest and most sincere condolences to Mr. Carlson and his family, and you guys are in my prayers.

Tony Elliott #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

BLM & ANTIFA rioters are paid professionals

Leftists celebrate peaceful transition of power with violent riots.

On the surface, it looks like BLM and ANTIFA have hundreds of thousands of members across the United States and more than a million strong when you count those who riot internationally.

These numbers are as misleading as the purpose of the civil unrest and riots perpetrated by these two organizations who have proven themselves to be nothing more than terrorist organizations since the Ferguson Riots.

Many locals in cities across the US are confused at the amount of people who show up in violent demonstrations protesting anything from Confederate Monuments, local police, the President, etc. since it is known in these areas that most support the opposite of what these crowds are there to protest.

What is really happening here is most people really do not want what BLM and ANTIFA rioters are protesting for. A great example of this was the violence at most Donald Trump rallies during both the primaries and after he was elected.

The thousands of supporters who attended his every rally were there to see the man who they wanted in office. Yet, we are supposed to believe literally thousands of people attended his rallies in protest and were so angry that they attacked his supporters for their approval of him and his policies.

Nothing could be further from the truth, as both BLM and ANTIFA really do not have the massive numbers in members they want us to believe they do. They also do not represent the political views the majority of Americans have.

The truth is over 90% of the people who show up in all the protests in the US are literally paid protesters hired by Leftist political companies such as Crowds on Demand and a handful of others via Craig’s List, or other on-line advertising sites such as Google, and even local newspapers.

Adam Swart, founder and CEO of COD is literally responsible for most of the organization of individuals gathered for each BLM and ANTIFA riot in the US since his firm does most of the advertising for recruiting rioters and is the company who pays most of them anywhere from $15.00 to $75.00 per hour to take part in nationwide protests.

Of course, George Soros funds these organizations as well as BLM and ANTIFA, and Barack H Obama is responsible for originally organizing BLM and ANTIFA.

So, no wonder we have thousands of demonstrators appearing in areas protesting for issues that are in total disagreement with that area’s political mindset, they are all paid protesters.

Not only are they really not members of BLM and ANTIFA and just rioting because it is their job, most of them do not even live in the local area where the actual protests take place.

The large numbers of protesters we see appearing everywhere is designed to strike fear into the minds of those who are American Patriots and believe in the sovereignty of the US as a constitutional country and have them believe they are grossly out numbered. When in fact these numbers are false and misleading.

In reality, both BLM and ANTIFA do not even have a fraction of the number of members they want us to believe they do and would be nothing but a handful of NWO neo-Nazis with no voice if not for the help given to them by COD(Crowds On Demand) and other activist organizers.

If we are to bust these two anti-American groups, we must start at their avenues of success like COD and all the internet sites who carry their ads for domestic terrorism.

These organizers for terrorism must be held accountable for all damages, injuries, and deaths associated with every violent demonstration and riot since the Ferguson riots.

Everyone who believes in the US as an independent sovereign nation and rejects the NWO idealism of the past Administration of turning our country into a 3rd. World Banana Republic, governed by the United Nations has to realize the real purpose of the BLM and ANTIFA riots and just how very limited they are in numbers.

BLM and ANTIFA could care less about racism or any Confederate Monument, they are just using this genre as a ruse for their main goal, which is to erase all US history and heritage so they can transform the country into a faceless NWO stooge of the UN.

We have recently seen evidence of this with the defacing of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC, and the supposed mistake of vandalizing of a peace monument in Atlanta, GA, which was no mistake.

Since Ferguson, BLM and ANTIFA has caused around a billion dollars in damage to both personal and public property, caused millions in medical expenses of those directly injured by their civil unrest, and have indeed been responsible for many deaths.

They must be both made financially and criminally responsible for their terrorist acts. President Trump needs to make this law through Executive Action.

Stephan E. #racist #psycho

Walter Lübcke murder raises specter of neo-Nazi terrorism
A suspected neo-Nazi's arrest in the German politician's murder case has focused concerns on far-right terrorism. A member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU party, he supported her pro-migration stance.

Germany's federal prosecutors have taken over the investigation into the murder of Walter Lübcke, indicating that the killing of the Kassel district president on June 2 is being treated as a politically motivated terrorist act.

If indeed the murder is shown to have been politically motivated, it would be the first such assassination on a sitting German politician since the 1970s.

Trail included death threats, weapons

A number of German outlets have reported details of the alleged far-right ties of the suspect arrested in the central city of Kassel in the early hours of Sunday morning.

The German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung reported on Monday that the 45-year-old man, named only as Stephan E., had a long criminal record, had already issued death threats via his YouTube channel, and that weapons were found during the search of his home.

According to the paper, Stephan E. had written a comment on YouTube in 2018 under his alias Game Over that read "Either this government abdicates soon or there will be deaths."

Investigators tight-lipped

Citing sources within security forces, the paper, along with public broadcasters NDR and WDR, said the suspect had been active in extreme-right groups, including the domestic neo-Nazi National Democratic Party (NPD) and a group known as the Autonomen Nationalisten (Autonomous Nationalists), a pan-European neo-Nazi group that has adopted some Antifa and far-left tactics.

Stephan E. is also believed to have been sentenced to six years in prison for an attempted bomb attack on a refugee home in 1995. He was also reported to have taken part in an attack on a trade union demonstration in 2009.

Officially, however, the federal prosecutors were giving little away about the investigation surrounding the suspect. Press spokesman Markus Schmitt appeared briefly before the cameras in Karlsruhe on Monday afternoon to confirm that the murder was being treated as a far-right extremist crime. He added that there was no indication yet that the suspect indeed belonged to a particular neo-Nazi terrorist cell, but that police were investigating whether others may have been involved.

Neo-Nazis active in region where murder occurred

The implication of Sunday's arrest, coincidentally made on the third anniversary of the killing of British MP Jo Cox by a far-right extremist in the UK, is that the Lübcke case would mark the first time in decades that an active politician was killed by a terrorist in Germany.

The manner of the killing — a close-range shot to the head — also recalled the series of killings by the only neo-Nazi terrorist group that has so far been discovered and investigated by German security forces: the National Socialist Underground (NSU).

Over a seven-year period, the NSU carried out nine murders of people with immigrant backgrounds, using a single Ceska handgun. The last two murders happened over a three-day period in Dortmund and Kassel in April 2006.

Hendrik Puls, researcher of the far-right scene and an academic advisor to the NSU investigative committee established by the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia, sees Lübcke's murder in the context of the neo-Nazi scene that sprang up in the cities of Dortmund and Kassel in the mid-1990s, inspired by the British neo-Nazi group Combat 18.

"That's the first thing I thought of [when I heard of Lübcke's case]," Puls told DW. "This is a region that is tightly connected to the activities of Combat 18, both currently and historically."

In the mid- to late 1990s, Puls explained, Combat 18 and its associated groups began "propagating armed struggle," for instance by publishing magazines that included bomb-making instructions as well as sharing strategies for armed struggle.

After the NSU was finally uncovered in 2011, Puls' research with the NRW parliament led him to Kassel. "After the discovery of the NSU, the big question arose: were there supporters on the ground who might have helped? We found out that exactly at this time there were clear attempts to create a Combat 18 cell in Dortmund, and that parts of the Dortmund scene was massively armed," he said.

"The members of this Combat 18 cell all came from a group named 'Oidoxie Streetfighting Crew.' This crew included four or five people from Kassel," he added.

Xenophobia stokes extreme-right activism

Puls has also noticed that neo-Nazis became more and more vocal in the last few years, following the influx of refugees who arrived in Germany in 2015 and 2016, which led to more anti-immigrant sentiment in the mainstream political debate and hate speech on social media. As a supporter of Chancellor Angela Merkel's policy, Walter Lübke himself was on the sharp end of much of this.

"One can certainly say that the propensity for violence has certainly risen following the right-wing debates around immigration," he said. "The case of Lübcke is certainly very revealing here. Walter Lübcke faced an enormous amount of hatred in 2015. That does raise the question: how much does it take before one person says 'I'll reach for a weapon?' In certain circumstances, not much."

Tom DeWeese, Ken Johnson #conspiracy #wingnut

Tom DeWeese: I’m in Richmond and have just received information from a very reliable source concerning Monday’s rally against the legislature’s gun grabs. Antifa have rented seven buses to bring in their thugs to cause trouble. The report says they will be wearing MAGA hats and wearing NRA garb. They will pretend to be pro gun people. Meanwhile others posing as democrats holding anti gun signs will stand on the side. The Antifa thugs, pretending to be pro gun , will attack the sign holders. Making it look like the pro gun people have started violence. This is the plan. If you are attending the rally be aware. Be very careful.

Ken Johnson: Its a trap people....the UN is massed to the south of Richmound and when violence starts the FBI INTENDS TO BOMB YOU ALL. then the UN will roll in and kill whoever is left....this is supppsed to show an example to everyone to surrender their guns as the UN begins house to house arrests and murders

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut

Top 5 Excuses When Radicals Corrupt Children
Progressives are busy smashing the innocence and dreams of our youth, but they aren’t doing it without thought. They have their reasons.
They are ultimately ungodly and foolish reasons revealing base instincts, flawed values, the direct influence of the demonic realm, or all of the above.

What are the explanations? Here’s a list of their most frequent excuses.

1. It’s for the “safety” of kids. A key goal of the “LGBT” crowd is to put traditional moral standards on defense, so one tactic is to co-opt bullying prevention programs. Many current lessons imbed a deceptive idea in otherwise positive messages— be kind, don’t be a bully, and to avoid this abhorrent label, be an ally and supporter of “LGBTQ” behaviors and identities. The pro-homosexual National Education Association, the nation’s largest union, has pushed and funded this duplicitous idea for over a decade, even quoting the invalid, online GLSEN “School Climate Survey.”

Propagandists often pair acceptable messages with extremely questionable ones. Today, they use children as human shields for “LGBT” agenda goals.

So what does “support” for these newly-created homosexual and gender confused kids look like? A school must allow no warnings about these behaviors or objections which make these students feel “unsafe.” A violation of the First Amendment? Medically and morally inaccurate? It doesn’t matter as long as the “gay” lobby can get parents to fall for this.

So students in the “gay straight alliance” club at West Linn High School in Oregon recently walked out of school to protest the Chick-Fil-A food truck serving school football games. An official at the school said they were considering the students’ position as with all “potential safety concerns.”

Chick-Fil-A is unsafe? No, here’s what’s unsafe—being prevented from hearing the truth that God has marvelously designed sex for one man and one woman in holy matrimony.

Children are starving for the nourishment of moral reality.

2. It’s part of being “inclusive” for “all” kids. In case you were not aware, messages about sexual responsibility and healthy behavior “excludes” those students who are already sexually active, and “LGBTQ” kids, who need to learn about anal and oral sex. So all students, therefore, are forced under “comprehensive sexuality education” (CSE) to hear that anal, oral and vaginal sex are normal for teens and can be managed safely with condoms and contraceptives. And this instruction needs to begin in middle school.

So the Austin, TX school system recently passed a controversial sex ed program that allegedly includes “abstinence.” Here’s what one pro-family activist there told me: “Yes, anal and oral sex with graphic descriptions of both are included in a sixth grade classroom activity in which eleven-year-olds are given 20 cards of various activities and made to discuss which ones are abstinence. Not only does the lesson explain anal and oral sex, it counts as material that is about abstinence required by law in Texas.”

California parents are just waking up to the horrific legislation passed several years ago – California’s “Healthy Youth Act”—mandating deliberate corruption of the state’s kids with X-rated subjects and pro-”LGBT” messages.

Praise God, some parents are responding, “Over my dead body.” There are a few lovely victories, like the school board in Battleground Schools (WA) turning down the obscene “FLASH” CSE program.

After the legalization of same sex marriage, homosexual activists went full steam to demand through many avenues (including the NEA) that school lessons must include respect for “LGBTQ” behaviors. “Respect” means normalizing early sex, graphic details of sex acts and lessons with same sex role-playing scenarios.

3. Children asked for it. Another excuse given for shoving pro-abortion and “LGBT” misinformation at kids is that “kids want this.” Yes, so whatever behavior kids have been taught to demand, in some schools they get. The child empowerment movement pushes the bolder kids in front of school boards. Some are already hardened activists screaming that their rights are being infringed, on their way to a college affiliation with Antifa.

Sexual corruption, let’s not forget, breeds more boundary-smashing and other psychological instabilities.

Cathy Ruse described the climate in the Fairfax (VA) schools as including cuddling polyamorous groups of kids in the halls —“thruples” and “quadruples” (rhymes with couples). And at the same school there are now “furries,” students who believe they are animals and self-identify as cats, foxes, etc.

4. The radicals think there’s nothing wrong and it’s all positive. The hard reality is that some people think there’s nothing inappropriate about kids being sexual.

One drag queen admitted in an interview recently that the goal was indeed to “groom the next generation.” Grooming is the term describing pedophile actions softening a child’s resistance to adult sexual contact.

A drag queen in the Seattle area performed an explicit strip act for kids. Another in Minneapolis was filmed “flashing himself” with partial nudity. Another invited little kids to lie on top of him after the reading time. Several of these deviant males have past convictions of child molestation and involvement in prostitution.

A PTA president at a school in Harlem performed an erotic “drag” routine to an auditorium full of elementary students several years ago.

5. Homosexual expression or gender “transition” will prevent suicide. Playing the suicide card is a frequent part of the game here, where parents are told, “If you don’t affirm your daughter in her new identity as a male, she will kill herself. Do you want a live son or a dead daughter?” So against your common sense, your faith, and everything you knew about your child prior to the current corruption overload, you are persuaded by an “affirming” counselor that mutilating her healthy body is the best course of action.

But here’s where mythology collides with truth. No one is born in the “wrong sex body” and suicide risks remain high, according to research, even after taking hormones and undergoing mutilating surgery.

An entire new activist group is now forming – “de-transitioners”—young adults now outraged over the deformed bodies and limited futures that have been handed to them. They will never conceive children. They are disfigured, often sexually dysfunctional. And the future holds the very real prospect of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis at young ages. All because of a deviant and unsupported agenda everyone thinks is “inclusive.”

It’s actually the opposite. When your ideology excludes the truth, everything else is a high-stakes gamble.

Sometimes I think I’m living in a fun house with crazy mirrors where very little is what it seems. But that’s why we must keep turning to the Lord and standing with Him in the power of the Holy Spirit.

And speaking out. Pastors, please address this from the pulpit. We are to be salt and light.

Jesus is the frame of all wisdom and sets us free, and He will direct our paths.

centrists_are_cucks #wingnut

[OP of "The absolute state of the left in 2019..."]

Been seeing a handful of posts lately about the Turds (Kurds) and them getting their own nation and comparing their statehood to Poland ߤΊ
No. They don't deserve it. "Kurdistan" will never happen no matter how many times leftists and right-cucks wish for it to happen. They are full blown communists who train western Antifa members. The Poles endured USSR tyranny for decades and soldiered on, whereas the Kurds, as I said above, are Antifa trainers.

Compaing Poles to Kurds is some pea brained retarded shit, then again, a handful of posts about the comparisons coming from the left is not surprising.

The Poles were more deserving of a nation to call their own than the Kurds ever will.

Don't get me wrong, northern Iraq (Iraqi Turdistan) is stunning and beautiful but if I was given the choice of visiting Poland or the future """nation""" of Kurdistan, you wouldn't pay me a million dollars to visit a communist country in the Middle East masquerading as a democracy and left-libertarian. Poland all the way.

TLDR fuck the Kurds. They are nothing like Poland and fuck their independence.

Hans-Georg Maasen #wingnut

German ex-spy chief pushes Angela Merkel's CDU further right
The former head of Germany's domestic intelligence agency has been accused of courting the far right. Hans-Georg Maassen is the noisiest member of the conservative wing of Angela Merkel's CDU.

Hans-Georg Maassen, the man once in charge of tracking political extremists in Germany, has developed a brash second career on social media since his sacking last year.

Largely delivered on Twitter, Maassen's provocative pronouncements have created another headache for Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU), which is facing an uncertain era after the chancellor's retirement.

Maassen's tweets have also raised questions about how his political opinions may have influenced the direction investigations took during his six years as head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV).

Maassen's office, from which he was fired last year by Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, is in charge of keeping tabs on the activities of Islamists, neo-Nazis and antifa groups inside Germany.

Anti-immigration and climate science

The most controversial of these social media posts came last Monday, when Maassen shared an article by right-wing blog Journalistenwatch claiming that the rescue of migrants by the ship Sea-Watch 3 was effectively a hoax orchestrated by German public broadcaster ARD.

Several media outlets subsequently pointed out that Journalistenwatch was run by the founders of a now-defunct minor right-wing party called Die Freiheit (The Freedom), which itself was under observation by the BfV. It also frequently signals support for the pan-European Identitarian Movement, another far-right group that has caught the attention of the office Maassen once ran.

But while that tweet was subsequently deleted, Maassen seems to have developed a taste for the notoriety his social media presence has triggered.

In the past week, the ex-intelligence chief's tweets have included posting an article denying the climate crisis in Cologne-based tabloid Express, comparisons between the German public broadcasters and the dictatorship-led media of communist East Germany and a cartoon implying that media outlet Der Spiegel mainly contains fairy tales. He also had more criticism of the rescue missions in the Mediterranean:

"Don't let yourself be persuaded that this is about rescuing people at sea," he tweeted on Friday. "These migrants aren't shipwrecked people, and not refugees. They have boarded trafficker boats as would-be foreign immigrants to get brought to Europe by a shuttle service."

Pushing the conservative CDU

There have been many clues to Maassen's political leanings since his departure from the BfV last year, which came after he cast doubt on videos that showed people of immigrant background being attacked in Chemnitz. Seehofer attempted to find Maassen a job in his ministry, but the outcry proved too great for the government.

Maassen's Twitter profile, which is emblazoned with a slogan "Change. Germany can do better," also includes a link to the Werte Union ("Union of Values"), an organization that represents the conservative wing of the CDU and sees its main purpose in reviving what it believes are values that the CDU leadership has lost.

Maassen has become the Werte Union's most prominent public face in the last few weeks, and it has seen an uptick in membership over the past two years.

Of all the high-profile figures on the right of the CDU (another is erstwhile leadership challenger Friedrich Merz), Maassen has been the most radical in his anti-immigration declarations.

At a Werte Union event in Wernheim, southern Germany, in late June, the 56-year-old sparked another media storm by saying, "I didn't join the CDU 30 years ago so that 1.8 million Arabs could come to Germany." That statement was greeted with cheers from the assembled party members, according to a report in the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, and drew plenty of outrage from opposition leaders.

Maassen described his own political position as "not conservative, just realistic," but other signs suggest he is not above political strategy: In mid-June, he gave an interview to public radio station Deutschlandfunk in which he suggested that a coalition with the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) was not out of the question in future.

The AfD is currently polling first in some states in eastern Germany, three of which are due to hold elections this fall, putting the CDU under considerable pressure from the right. All the leading figures in the CDU have so far ruled out forming a government with populist AfD, but there are signs that the resolve in the upper echelons of some regional CDU parties is starting to buckle.

̶D̶r̶.̶ David Duke #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

Last night I publicly warned President Trump that if he doesn’t use rule of law to protect the statues of President Jackson and other American heroes, that he will lose his most loyal base of voters and the election! He still has a long way to go to satisfy his base. Tucker called him out last night for standing down and not defending our nation during the latest crisis.

Tucker quoted Trump in an interview with Daily Caller in which he said to the effect that he was enjoying the melee as it was exposing the Democrats. Tucker said that was the wrong response, as our people demand he defend us and our country!

Thankfully, early this morning Trump acted to warn the antifa terrorists that he would invoke the act that can Federal crime provisions that give the government to right to sentence anyone who so desecrates or destroys Federal historic monuments – with a ten year Federal Prison Sentence.

On my Radio Show Today, the Human Rights Radio Show, I also warned the President, that he is in danger of losing his most ardent supporters if doesn’t act decisively to protect the rights and heritage of America, describing the warn on American history is clearly a war on White people.

Early this morning he finally acted to protect Andrew Jackson and other historic statues warning Antifa of prison for their illegal criminal actions.

I pointed out the Antifa terrorists are even tearing down statues of anti-slavery white leaders and Lincoln himself, proving that they were defaced and torn down because they are trying to erase White people and White Heritage in this country.

On my show, I repeated my call for Trump to act decisively saying:

“If you lose us, your most ardent, dedicated supporters and voters, you will lose this vital election. Not only will you lose the election. You would face criminal prosecution from the Bolshevik Democrats who make sure you lose your fortune and face imprisonment.”

I have predicted for decades that there is a war on White people that has promoted massive immigration into America purposely to outnumber and outvote White people in the very nation our people created.

The chickens are coming home to roost!

KW Miller #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Submitter’s note: this is from a series of tweets, I’ve only linked to the first one. If there’s a way to link to the whole series, let me know.

- Osama Bin Laden wants Joe Biden to win.

- Xi Jingping owns Joe Biden.

- Terrorists and ANTIFA want Joe Biden to win.

- ISIS wants Joe Biden to win.

DeAnna Lorraine #wingnut #psycho

During her livestream broadcast yesterday, QAnon conspiracy theorist and failed congressional candidate DeAnna Lorraine urged conservatives to form militias around the country so that they will be ready when they finally receive the “green light” to grab their guns and take back the streets.

“I think a lot of us are waiting for a green light where someone—whether it be President Trump or someone else—says, ‘OK, everyone grab your guns, you go here, you go there, you go there, and let’s organize and fight back,'” Lorraine said. “It’s not necessarily so realistic for Trump to just shout that out on Twitter. That would be kind of a precarious position for him to put himself in, if he literally says those words and gives that green light that we’re all waiting for. So, I believe that this is the time for us to stand up and get organized in small or large groups, city by city, and start taking back our cities.”

“If you get word of a statue about to be knocked down, or a building about to be defaced, or an anarchist about to come and do something or loot or riot, we’ve got to organize and go there,” she continued. “We’ve got to create our own and execute our own militias”

“We got militias,” Lorraine added. “We have Proud Boys. We’ve got a lot of underground veterans and militias that are there and that I know that have been training for years, because I know some of them personally. We’ve got a lot of Proud Boys, we’ve got a lot of Proud Girls, we’ve got a lot of MAGA guys and girls. We’ve got a lot of people, so we just need organization because we are unfortunately outmatched. It’s pathetic when you think about it because we are being run over by little, skinny, soy boy antifas who don’t probably even know how to swim.”

The Distributist et al #dunning-kruger

The Distributist: “Force is more effective than voting” - FOR THE LEFT

None of my right wing friends should be under any illusion that they can get away with any amount of force or violence.

Settler's Lament: Force is effective when you have allies on the establishment who will protect or promote you.

Scholar-At-Arms: Force will only work for the Right if things come to an out-and-out civil war.

Davis M.J. Aurini: But if it gets to the point, you've got to ask yourself why the Cathedral sent a general to lead us.

Doc Yellow Pill: Antifa is the adjunct of the Cathedral.

Davis M.J. Aurini: Caveat: explicit, 'chimpout' violence only serves the left. My own people are famous worldwide for our far-right, religiously inspired shadow states.

Southern Daily News: Physical force absolutely not, however don't be afraid to be stern with your beliefs. To stand firm in the face of the anti-white narrative.

Iron (Ken): Voting is just the sanctification of force/initiating force by proxy. The Marxist left can't achieve their goals via legitimized force so they have specialized in alternatives out of necessity. The Right is generally intrinsically opposed to that mode of action.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut

What Is to Be Done?

George Washington, Pater Patriae, won American independence through a strategy that went against his own aggressive instincts. He avoided battles with superior British forces. Instead, he attacked isolated enemy forces (as he did at the Battle of Trenton), kept his army together, and always withdrew in good order following a defeat.

If we adopt the military analogy, in 2016 and 2017, white advocates did not follow Washington’s example. Unite the Right was the equivalent of throwing colonial militia against disciplined redcoats in a pitched battle. This isn’t because marchers were defeated physically by antifa. Antifa were not the problem. Instead, city and state police deliberately failed to keep the two sides apart and used the ensuing — and inevitable — violence as an excuse to shut down the rally. In the aftermath, leftists unleashed “lawfare” — a host of crippling lawsuits — against pro-white organizations, threatening their very existence. White advocates lack the legal infrastructure — pro bono lawyers, friendly judges — to fight back. Even organizations that had nothing to do with the rally, including and American Renaissance, lost platforms.

The mistake at Charlottesville was understandable; just weeks before, there was a peaceful and successful Free Speech Rally. No one could have predicted that the Charlottesville chief of police would say,“Let them fight; it will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly.” No one imagined a woman on security would abandon her post at an intersection, so that James Fields could easily drive his car into demonstrators.

What no one imagined, we can now expect. Democrats have denounced white advocates in Congress; we weren’t invited to explain or defend ourselves. Most of the “free press” cheers deplatforming rather than defending free speech. Tennessee, a deep red state, tried to impose security costs on us for hosting a conference, as if we are the ones likely to cause violence. It took a court order to save the AmRen conference.

Just four years ago, I would roll my eyes at excitable activists predicting censorship, arrest, or imprisonment. Today, I’m happy I still have a bank account.

Set aside apocalyptic fantasies. Instead, think of ways to gain control of state and local institutions. This includes supporting movements to break up and rearrange states, localities, and school boards. This may seem fanciful, but movements are already under way that would have sounded absurd just a few years ago.

Conservative Virginia counties are flirting with seceding from the Commonwealth and joining West Virginia. There are secession movements in other states, too. In Illinois, activists want to force Chicago out of the state. In Oregon, some conservatives want the eastern counties to break away and join Idaho. Idaho governor Brad Little welcomed their efforts, making him the second governor essentially to make territorial claims on a neighboring state.

Conservative upstate New Yorkers have called for secession for decades. Former Republican congressman Randy Kuhl argues that New York’s “extreme diversity” makes it almost “ungovernable.” He probably meant the divide between New York City and rural upstate New York, but he may even be thinking about racial and political diversity. To describe any kind of “diversity” as a source of conflict is heresy.

There is also “secession” on a smaller scale. In Louisiana, mostly white communities are breaking away to form their own school districts or cities. In Georgia, white suburbs broke away from Atlanta. In Alabama, a federal judge ruled that the city of Gardenvale’s attempt to break away from a diverse school district was motivated by race. Still, she admitted it was legal.

Journalists say what conservatives dare not: This is about race.

“The School Secession Movement Is Growing. That’s Bad News for Integration,” The New Republic, October 15, 2019

“The new face of racial segregation: School ‘secession,’” CBS News, September 5, 2019

“How a ‘New Secessionist’ Movement Is Threatening to Worsen School Segregation and Widen Inequalities,” The Nation, May 15, 2014

Some denounce the secession efforts in Oregon, Virginia, and Colorado. “Take it from us in SC [South Carolina] — if at first you don’t secede, don’t try again,” wrote Brian Hicks in the Charleston Post and Courier. He called the movement “a little silly” and said we should “chill out.” “Do you know what these myriad modern secession movements have in common?” he asked. “They are all led by conservatives who’ve been triggered because they aren’t getting everything they want.” In fact, the most prominent secessionist movement is “Calexit” — which would take California out of the Union — and it is led by liberals.

What does this mean for white advocates? We should take advantage of the existing political system. Rural America is losing population and is plagued by opioids. That’s where we should be, building institutions and businesses, concentrating geographically, working openly for our people, helping our neighbors, and building local political power. We may not be able to form a mini-ethnostate like Orania, but we can build something close. We can build communities where we can be safe, survive economically, and use the American constitutional system to our advantage. Secession efforts show that white Americans want self-determination, even if they aren’t willing to be explicitly racial about it yet.

What is to be done? It’s not trying to “take over” the GOP — the rise of Bernie Sanders and President Trump show that candidates can run strong campaigns without support from the party establishment, but we don’t have the power or the reach to champion a national candidate.

However, we do have the power to build non-political institutions in conservative, rural communities. We don’t want to “take over” towns. We should just be friendly citizens and be good at our jobs, just as Douglas Hyde’s Dedication and Leadership recommends. We need nursing homes to care for our elderly, gyms to strengthen our young, drug treatment plans to support addicts, credit unions for financial services, and group medical insurance. These things are all possible. With that foundation, we can survive and help struggling whites who need our help.

“White nationalism,” which is now a slur, once had a real meaning. It meant our people living free in our own communities, celebrating our heritage and undertaking great tasks. It’s utterly different from the “white supremacy” of ruling over groups or asserting that we are better than everyone. Perhaps we’ve been so focused on Washington D.C. and the electoral circus that we’ve neglected our nation. The people — not the government — is the nation. My nation is my people: white Americans.

Let’s face reality: America’s white majority has no voice in Washington. We can write, march, and post stickers all over the country. None of this matters if we don’t have a strong home base where we are building real communities based on peace and productivity, not fantasy and rhetoric.

Wherever you are in life, whether you’re a father like me or a college student, examine the path you’re on. If we really want a safe white community and ultimately a proud, productive white country, we need to take risks and make sacrifices. Build networks, concentrate in rural areas, create businesses that can support friends and fend off any attempt to get us fired. Let’s build the world we want from that ground up by uniting and building peaceful, effective systems that will improve our lives individually and strengthen us collectively.

In the second-best speech I ever heard Jared Taylor give (the best being the one in Budapest), he said that one day we will have a place on this continent that is ours, and only ours. Many are willing to suffer or die for this, but I’m asking you to live and work for it. Treat other races with respect, fulfill your obligations as citizens, obey the law. Yet every day, act as if our true homeland already exists. We achieve our homeland by building it from the ground up, within the existing system. Let’s show the millions of whites who already agree with us that it’s not just possible, but a reality. If they shut us down with violence, our example will only inspire others.

In the past, there have been times where I wanted to quit and be “normal.” Today, such thoughts make me sick. How can we say that we are afraid when we see what our ancestors achieved? How can I, or any of us, shirk duty?

We must possess an unshakeable faith that our cause is moral, our victory inevitable, and our future glorious. In the name of the best within us, let’s show the world what People of Light can do, not online, not in Washington D.C., but in the places where our people need our help and need a voice to speak for them. I hope I will see you out there soon. The opportunity is here. Let’s seize it before we lose this race against time.

John Horvat II #fundie #racist #homophobia #wingnut

All Souls Matter

Such rhetoric oversimplifies the position of countless Catholics perplexed by the call to join the BLM revolution. They are far from being the cold, heartless and oblivious Christians Mrs. Bruenig paints in her op-ed. They are filled, however, with legitimate concerns that need to be addressed.

Of course, these Catholics can pronounce a lowercased “black lives matter” without any problem. The Catholic Church was the institution that, for the first time in history, broke the back of “systemic” slavery that was the fate of most people in the ancient pagan world. The argument the Church advanced back then was that everyone is created with an immortal soul redeemed by Our Lord Jesus Christ. And thus, all souls matter.

For this reason, the Church went forth and taught all nations, races, and peoples baptizing them and instructing them on how to live lives of Christian virtue. The Church has a long and honorable history of seeking after the salvation of souls wherever they might be, even to the ends of the earth. She never wavered in her conviction that all souls matter.

Thus, Catholics are by their nature anti-racist. They ardently desire the salvation of all souls, without exception, regardless of race. Of this, there can be no doubt.

Attached to Unacceptable Causes

The doubts come when it is time to pronounce the uppercased brand: Black Lives Matter. Attached to this label are causes and philosophies that clash with the Church’s solicitude for the salvation of souls. Reluctant Catholics wonder how BLM activists can fail to grasp that the message being transmitted by the movement is: Not all souls matter.

The cry of these three volatile words implies an endorsement of the breaking of God’s moral law since the BLM movement enthusiastically embraces the LGBTQ+ cause and Planned Parenthood. The echoes of this catchy slogan resound on the violent streets of Portland, Oregon, where cursing Antifa and BLM rioters burn Bibles and U.S. flags, destroy property and injure police officers of all races. Intertwined in the motto’s short syllables is a Marxist class struggle narrative in bitter conflict with the Church’s social teachings and responsible for the death of tens of millions of lives…and the eternal damnation of countless souls.

Is it any wonder that Catholics cannot bring themselves to utter these three words that can represent a spectacular clash with the Great Commission, which affirms that all souls matter? Justice demands that the BLM subversive and immoral positions be rejected since they contain falsehoods by which souls might well be lost. Unless the movement abjures these evil influences, it cannot command the respect, much less the allegiance of those Catholics who sincerely want to help.

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

You gotta love it! These people use BLM/ANTIFA’s tactics against them and it’s beautiful! BLM and ANTIFA are on thin fucking glass because like Salty Cracker said, these “progressive“ politicians can go on and on about being ”for the cause” and “on your side” but the minute you come down to their neighborhoods and try to burn it down...don’t be surprised when they turn their backs on ya( it happened in CHAZ/CHOP when you assholes went to the mayor’s front door despite her saying “it wasn’t a riot, it’s summer of love!”)because they are letting you burn these cities down and they expect you to stay on your side but you BLM/ANTIFA fucks keep pushing and pushing and pushing until people start to push back. Now you can say “Well, we’ll vote them out and get true progressives into power!” You obviously don’t know the definition of insanity, huh?

Gary D. Barnett #conspiracy #wingnut

“The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.”

~ Aaron Russo—Unsourced

This country has been through so much in its history, with so many committing crimes against humanity in this immoral governing system. There have been aggressive wars and the continuous murder of innocents, false flag events, foreign and domestic terrorism, recessions, depressions, financial upheavals, scandals, corruption, thieving taxation, divisiveness, and loss of liberty. But none of this is comparable to what is happening today, and what those in charge are planning. This illegitimate ‘pandemic’ plan is truly the epitome of evil, and is being allowed to go forward without resistance by a blind population voluntarily participating in their own self-destruction. Nothing of this caliber has ever happened in the history of this country, and nothing has ever been a bigger threat to liberty. In fact, if this plot is allowed to continue, we will face an apocalyptic loss of freedom, and will be relegated to a life based on servitude.

What we now face is a war against all humanity, a war without end. We face constant surveillance, forced vaccination, and home imprisonment. We face a total loss of normal interaction and communication with others. We face complete restriction or elimination of travel. We face the prospect of a total loss of medical freedom. We face having to present papers in order to move about or transact business. We face the possibility of being chipped, and the requirement of implants and tracking device mandates. We face the elimination of normal employment leading to financial ruin. We face starvation and extreme poverty. We face gene-altering technologies. We face all this and more in what has been mistakenly called the freest country on earth.

The recent ramping up of this ‘virus’ propaganda has reached a level that should have been unimaginable to most, but instead of question and dissent, the general population has taken this all in stride, and have acquiesced to most every order given. Any that properly disagree with the state’s false narrative, and any that choose to fight against this tyranny, will face extreme prejudice because those seeking the truth will always be a small minority in this land of obedient order takers. Mass compliance of state guidelines leads to the shaming and threatening of those sane individuals not obeying politicized orders, and this pathetic and submissive behavior by the masses is the epitome of the common American mindset today. What once was a land of intelligent, freethinking individuals has turned into a society of manageable fools.

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(as of 03:50 EST - Details)

There were many causes that led to the demise of intellect in this country, and government schooling with control over the young from the age of three until out of college was possibly the most determining factor in that transition. With that indoctrination and dumbing down, the population became much easier to control through distraction, divisiveness, and bribes. When analyzing this phenomenon, it is apparent that cell phones, television, gaming, and constant texting and chatting instead of face-to-face contact now consume people. The race card has been played over and over again, but never with such gusto as has happened with the suspicious ‘death’ of someone being called George Floyd. The division caused by the political and media hype and the purposely created BLM and Antifa rioting and looting, has led to mass chaos and idiotic group think. In order to keep the public at odds with reality, and to solidify devotion and support for the state, it was necessary to offer bribes in the form of bailouts, direct cash payments, high unemployment largesse for all, and promises of future ‘universal basic income.’ With these things in place and with the promotion of fear, the submissive herd has been calmed. This seduction of the public has been successful for the ruling class in many ways, but the ease and speed in how it was accomplished is most disturbing. But then, the ignorant mob has always been easy to buy off, and easy to fool, and if this continues, our future will be one of slavery.

The basis of all governing authority and rule relies on the voluntary compliance and acceptance of that authority by those being ruled. Without willing submission by the general public, no dictator, no group of elitists, and no oligarchy could ever gain or hold power over the people. This truth has been lost to the collective mob, and only lives in the hearts and minds of the few. So long as the common people seek ‘leaders’ to guide them, they will be led. In other words, so long as people vote, so long as they wave their flags, so long as they pledge their allegiance to the state, they will remain slaves to whatever political system they allow to exist.

The people at large have not only allowed this takeover of humanity, but have embraced it. The people’s appointed masters are seeking total domination over all of society, and apparently will stop at nothing to advance their agendas of death and control. They promise continued tyranny by demanding compliance of every order handed down by fiat. In the false name of safety, they claim as all totalitarian monsters claim, to protect us all from ourselves by requiring blind obedience to the new god called the state. They claim we will be held by force in this state of madness and isolation until we all wear deadly masks, distance from each other, and take a new untested and poisonous vaccine. Even then, they intend on continued tracking, tracing, and isolation of any that do not allow the injection of this toxic concoction.

What have we become? What purpose is there in life if thinking and acting as nature intended is outlawed, and deemed treasonous? What joy will remain if this insanity continues? When will the people that gave this horrendous government its power take it away? When will Americans reclaim their freedom?

There is little time left in my opinion, as the state is attempting to gain total control over the next few months, and will use this coming flu season as the impetus to advance even more draconian measures meant to cause massive death and destruction. It seems likely that if compliance by a large majority is not forthcoming, or if mass control has not been fully achieved during the winter, then a real lab-created virus may be released to insure that the panic continues, and that a new fear will be sufficient enough to cause complete societal submission.

“Insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”

~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil Ch. 4

Andrew Anglin #wingnut

China never did any of this insane stuff to their population. They never locked people in their houses. Even in Wuhan, they didn’t lock people in their houses, they just closed the roads into the city. Life went on largely normally inside of Wuhan. Life was always normal in the rest of China, and they just made people wear masks and told them to stay home if they were sick.

In fact, China now has the moral grounds, according to the theories of the US government, to begin funding terrorists in America to overthrow the government in the name of democracy, given that the US government has engaged in this insane program to lock everyone in their houses and collapse the economy, which is totally unprecedented throughout all of human history.

I’m not saying China should do that, I’m just saying it follows the same reasoning that the US was working with by funding these antifa lunatics in Hong Kong.

The bigger problem, however, is that the West simply isn’t going to have the money for this nonsense anymore. China is now officially the adult in the room and the man holding all the cards.

Ragnar #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho

These RIOTS are the attempted communist uprising against America

Communist/Bolshevik uprising, see Ukraine circa 1930’s….If you don’t know what happened there, they killed about 20M people through starvation etc.

From the NaturalNews:

Excerpts: Our sources are now confirming that a guard station outside the White House was torched last night by “rioters.” They’re really communist-led terrorist cells who are probing the White House as part of a sophisticated operation to overrun the property and attempt to assassinate President Trump.

We are also learning that the tech giants — Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, YouTube, etc. — are all-in with the Antifa terrorists, and some platforms are allowing Antifa terror cells to use their online messaging to coordinate acts of terrorism on U.S. soil.

This further demonstrates how the tech giants are enemy combatants actively working to overthrow and destroy the United States of America.

Soon, Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807, we’re told, and he will deploy U.S. soldiers on the streets of America to start fighting back against the communist-led uprising that’s being defended by the left-wing media and the techno-fascists.

I guess it will be open season pretty quick unless something stops these @$$hats…..Looks like the teckies are upset that TRump is coming for them.

Let’s hope the troops haven’t been indoctrinated and shoot citizen patriots…..

~Ragnar (RFXtFR)

American Patriot News quoting Buck Sexton to sound like they didn’t pull this nonsense directly out of the wrong end #wingnut #racist #sexist

Buck Sexton, the host of “The Buck Sexton Show,” said Friday that the upheaval in the country brought to you by the Black Lives Matter protests have done nothing but destabilize, weaken and drive a wedge between races in the country and if it continues it may cause irreparable harm.

Like most movements that start with a sincere goal, Black Lives Matter has been hijacked by antifa anarchists and the Democrat Party. After weeks and weeks of violent protests and cities like Seattle and Portland literally being taken under siege, the only palpable results are a few empty statue pedestals, ravaged cities and a historic surge in violence in major cities.

“BLM has made everything worse for everyone in the last two and a half months or so,” Sexton said. “Nothing has improved. Nothing is better. And increasingly, we have to look to who should be held responsible for this. And I would argue that the Democrat Party, Joe Biden and the mainstream media are to blame.”

Sexton pointed out that even adherents of the BLM movement are very specific about what black lives actually matter to the movement. It is not the 12 people killed each weekend in Chicago alone due to gun violence, they are only concerned about the black individuals killed during interactions with police.

Sexton said the term “racist” is being tossed around by “smarmy beta male white liberals” at places like MSNBC in an attempt to silence anyone with the backbone to examine the BLM mission statement. He said it is the height of irony that liberal pundits making millions a year, living in expensive neighborhoods and sending their children to $50,000-per-year private schools are the ones talking about the changes needed in society.

“They’re frauds,” Sexton said. “And they’re cowards and they’re hurting the very communities that they pretend to help.” And they are—right now—waiting for the next video that could show a police officer using excessive force just so they can start the process all over again.

But the Black Lives Matter movement will continue because it is now sponsored by major corporations doing their best to avoid the cancel culture pandemic and benefit from the political cover from politicians like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who blamed the dramatic increase in crime in New York City to hungry citizens stealing bread to eat.

Sexton said the new orthodoxy is now in place and “we’re supposed to just accept it.”

JonFreeman #racist #wingnut

You own a store.

You're making do.

Then an angry mob chanting "I CAN'T BREATH! JUSTICE FOR ALL! BLACK LIVES MATTER! THEY'LL LISTEN TO US NOW" busts down your windows and door and steals every goddamned thing.

Then you see a fucking asshole online say "OHHHHH, IT'S ONLY PROPERTY. INSURANCE WILL COVER IT! BESIDES, THAT STORE OWNER IS WEALTHY AND I'M A VICTIM OF SOCIETY! PROPERTY ISN'T AS VALUABLE AS HUMAN LIFE" ... and you're reading this as you're looking at the now empty shelves ... representing thousands of dollars (if not hundreds of thousands, as is the case of jewelry stores) of stolen inventory that the insurance won't cover (if you're lucky, they'll reimburse you several months down the line ... after you've closed up shop since you can't make rent since you don't have anything to sell or any money to buy new inventory with)...


Or ... are you gonna skip town and move to a city where the locals don't burn down their own community every time they get upset?

Don't kid yourself, the rioter holding the baseball bat and stolen goods would change their tune instantly if it was their shit getting stolen. And the armchair NPC activist would also change their tune in an instant if their goods were pillaged in these riots.

Besides, with new autopsy report shows he had corona and fentynol in his system possibly shading it more to reckless manslaughter as opposed to 1st degree murder ... well, violent riots targeting citizens are never justifiable, and now it's possible you're going to have a good portion of america eating their words and saying "THE FACTS WERE WRONG, BUT OUR MESSAGE WAS RIGHT" as cities continue to burn.

Peaceful protests, yeah sure knock yourself out. But every time BLM rears its head, looting happens, with or without the help of antifa. It's not a coincidence at this point, it's tradition.

Deborah Baber #wingnut

[Yet another anti-mask activist at a city commission meeting on NowThis News.]

My name is Deborah Baber and I am a proud Trump Republican. Unbeknownst to me, a wannabe bully, a bad person, a whiny baby posted on social media the remarks I made here last week. [...] I got a lot of traction out of doing my civic duty, by exercising my free speech. We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Some goon also posted my personal information on social media and that of my stepdaughter, who is a retired police officer. I have received ugly, foul, threatening remarks ever since. Vile... vile. Well, these fools, they also did the same thing. Why did they do this? They did this because they don’t have any facts. They have to attack me personally. They have to threaten me personally. They have to threaten my family personally because they’ve got nothing. Nada. Zero. They can’t attack the message. What was my message?

My message was this: It is not normal for people to cover their faces. It is an act of submission... subjugation... of slavery... of shame. Only women in Islamic countries cover their faces with burqas. The men do not. Antifa thugs cover their faces. Patriots do not. Guidance on face coverings is all over the map. Maybe a face covering. Maybe not a face covering. Yes, a face covering. No, a face covering. CDC, well, this is my face covering.

[Holds up a paper Trump mask to her face.]

[...] I protest face coverings. I am a healthy American. I used to be free. I am not a terrorist. I am not Antifa. I am not a sex slave that wears masks. I am not into sadomasochism and bondage. I am not a burglar. [...] I am a proud Trump Republican. Trump Republican yearning to be free again.

[...] If you are offended by anything I have said, by the masses of people, then I am offended by the masses of people who do not question your wholesale slaughter of our constitutional and inalienable rights.

Yukon Jack #conspiracy #ufo #crackpot #racist

Most people on the planet have been taught Genesis as a fact when it is a fictional tale of origin. Our origin is of utmost importance if you want to understand why we are slaves. If you note, the Antifa Zionists are actively destroying United States “origin” monuments. Why are they doing this? They are replacing history with their propaganda to control us. The same is true for Genesis, it is a tale of origin written by Jewish supremacists to control other races.

We were indoctrinated by the fairy tales in the Holy Bible to believe that God made man with some mud. This is nonsense to say the least, but it is believed to be truth by half of the planet. In this essay we will examine how lifeforms come to be based on our current knowledge of Genetics. All life on earth uses DNA strand coding, so this means new life is only made by changing DNA sequence.


What I think is that the human being is an ideal slave specie that is not limited to earth. I believe that humans are all over the galaxy, that once you create a human form it can be transported to the next planet and exploited. Humans can be convinced to do hard manual labor and build civilizations, transforming primitive planets into assets of space empire.

You need to wrap your mind around the Gorilla vs. You. The Gorilla who is far dumber and much stronger than you can never be convinced or trained to dig a ditch. A Gorilla will never ever pick up a shovel under orders of a human being and be a work slave. But we do dig ditches and even enjoy our slavery. This is why you exist, as a slave to a more advanced race.

Are humans an illegal and exploited hybrid specie illegally created by evil space aliens? Yes! That is why we have incorrect tales of origin, so we never learn our true condition as slaves or why we were created. Our immoral origin is also the reason why we hate and curse god on a daily basis.

No other specie curses god on a daily basis, hundreds of million times a day humans raise their fists to the heavens above and curse their existence. That should tell you a couple of things. First we are evil by design, and don’t belong here. And we should stop breeding because we are in hell. There is no point in bringing new life into hell. Just think about it, if earth is a prison planet then why make more prisoners?

OnlyTheGhosts #wingnut

OnlyTheGhosts: That's an interesting claim BUT WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

An assertion without evidence is nothing more than baseless accusation.

I believe the count is around 600+ attacks by loony leftist nutters on Trump supporters. Maxine the loon has called for mob violence against Trump's side too. So has Hillary Clinton with her call for "uncivil" action. Unlike you, I can cite evidence
[a bunch of links]

Girl-called-Lola: "That's an interesting claim BUT WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

An assertion without evidence is nothing more than baseless accusation."

Don't you read the news? Here ya go, sourced from all those totally unbiased news sites you like:
[more links]

Want some more reading?

"From 2008 to 2017, the study found perpetrators from all streams of right-wing extremists to be responsible for 71 percent of the extremist-perpetrated killings in the United States, followed by Islamic extremists at 26 percent and left-wing extremists, including anarchists and black nationalists, responsible for 3 percent of deaths."[another link]

OnlyTheGhosts: Great, so how does any of that excuse the hundreds of innocents attacked by Leftists, many bashed to the point of nearly dying?

I already cited links too. You ignored them.

Girl-called-Lola: It doesn't excuse anything Antifa does. My point is that people like you continually bitch and moan about Antifa 'acts of violence', yet you remain silent when a Trump supporter drives his car into a crowd of people. A Trump supporter killed an innocent women at a protest but you're more concerned that a "Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Guy’s MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks. She Does It"

"I already cited links too. You ignored them."

I didn't ignore them. What were you expecting? Am I supposed to comment on each one?

more repliesOnlyTheGhosts: Wrong, that's just YOU projecting and pretending people are saying shit which they are NOT saying. Stop making crap up and pretending other people are saying it. You do it because you can't cope with the logic and what they are REALLY SAYING. You can't make a decent argument, so you rely on insults and stupid claims pretending people are saying things WHICH THEY ARE NOT SAYING, YOU LIAR.

Trump supporters have rarely been violent in comparison the Leftists. That's why I posted those links WHICH YOU CONTINUE TO IGNORE.

You make a big fucking deal about ONE GUY - and ignore EVERYTHING ELSE.

It's just luck that none of these victims of Leftist thuggery died;
[more links]

There have been hundreds of acts of extreme violence by Leftist idiots against anyone and everyone who disagrees with them, or even just happens to be in the wrong place when these Leftist twits decide to play thuggery again. They lie all the damn time about their motivations, lie about what they do, and try to excuse their shitty attitude by screaming about white supremacy, or patriarchy, or some other made up nonsensical ideological bullshit that has zero relation to the real world.

Grow up.

Millions of other people are starting to actually wake up from the bullshit you continue to defend

Girl-called-Lola:"Wrong, that's just YOU projecting and pretending people are saying shit which they are NOT saying. Stop making crap up and pretending other people are saying it. You do it because you can't cope with the logic and what they are REALLY SAYING. You can't make a decent argument, so you rely on insults and stupid claims pretending people are saying things WHICH THEY ARE NOT SAYING, YOU LIAR."

Jeez calm down. What exactly am I lying about?

"Trump supporters have rarely been violent in comparison the Leftists. That's why I posted those links WHICH YOU CONTINUE TO IGNORE."

I looked at your links. Fact is a Trump supporter killed a innocent woman. That is a big deal.

"Millions of other people are starting to actually wake up from the bullshit you continue to defend"

And there's a twitter page called Trump Regrets - people who regret voting for Trump: [link]

OnlyTheGhosts: Waiting for you to deal with REAL VIOLENCE BY LEFTIST FUCKWITS.
[A heap of links]
IT IS NOT GOING AWAY. Answer it, deal with it, stop pretending it isn't there. You're defending thuggery.

Twitter has lots of fake accounts too. It's just text. Paid for clickers and bots easily do it. You can't debunk the thousands upon thousands of people who marched awhile back either.

DC Walkaway March to Civility
Brandon Straka speech
Stacey Dash - "It's not about the colour of our skin, it's not about our gender"

#WalkAway is accelerating
And it's absolutely fascinating to watch as larger numbers of people are awakening. They've started researching and thinking for themselves, risking enormous personal loss, as they begin to see through the lies of the Democrats, Establishment mainstream media, and the regressive Leftists deceitful narratives.
[many, many links]

Fact is ONE VICTIM IS FAR OUTWEIGHED BY THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS. You keep pretending that a single deranged loon is some kind of representation that makes it okay for THOUSANDS OF OTHER ACTS OF VIOLENCE against innocent people. Your moral compass is broken; get it fixed.

Girl-called-Lola: "Waiting for you to deal with REAL VIOLENCE BY LEFTIST FUCKWITS."

I'm not defending Antifa, they're a bunch of violent morons. When are you going to own up to the fact that right wing groups are also violent? When are you going to denounce them?

"Twitter has lots of fake accounts too. It's just text. Paid for clickers and bots easily do it."

Right, so everyone who says they regret voting for Trump is a bot? Weren't Trump supporters laughing at Leftists for making the very same claim?

"Fact is ONE VICTIM IS FAR OUTWEIGHED BY THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS. You keep pretending that a single deranged loon is some kind of representation that makes it okay for THOUSANDS OF OTHER ACTS OF VIOLENCE against innocent people. Your moral compass is broken; get it fixed."

My moral compass?! One dead victim far outweighs death threats on twitter, harassing someone wife at restaurant, sticking fingers in their salads, throwing chocolate milk at College Republicans, or someone getting their fucking hat knocked off.

[Note: It doesn’t stop here. The argument keeps on going.]

Padraig Martin #wingnut

[From "The GOP is Not for Me"]

It is time to face a tough fact: the South has no political home in the United States of America. The Democratic Party long since abandoned the South. Its strategy is clearly aligned with (largely urban) minority constituents, sexual degenerates from across the LGBT+ spectrum, and Marxist indoctrinated cat moms. However, the Republican Party was supposed to be the conservative option. It was the retooling of a Dixiecrat bloc that shared some traditionalist ideological camaraderie with Yankee elites. That was a happy fantasy that has long since died.

Today, as monuments are torn down, our heritage is vilified, and politicians race to out-virtue signal each other on the backs of our deceased kin, the Republican Party – from Trump down – has proven that the South is on her own. It is time to walk away from that party. It is time to show those within the party that our loyalty to them comes with a price: loyalty to us.

Since the Republican Party has broken its agreement with the South, no self-respecting Southerner should vote Republican.

I am not suggesting you vote Democrat. They are in full-blown Bolshevik mode. I am suggesting you do not vote for any of them – period. Walk away.

For a long time, I have believed that the best path forward is a free and independent South. The South is the last Godly Nation-State in the West. Her people are overwhelmingly Christian. Her people have a rich heritage that is distinct from the rest of the United States. Much of that heritage – for good and bad – is often tied to a war for her own independence in the mid-19th Century and the post-war oppression of Reconstruction. These unique attributes and cultural idiosyncrasies define a unique ethnicity.

Southerners are not generically “American,” Southerners are Southerners.

The Irish Nationalist in me recognizes these beautiful people for what they are – a people worthy of her own destiny. She deserves better from a country to which she has given a disproportionate amount of her native sons to the beaches of the Pacific, the jungles of Vietnam, and the mountains of Afghanistan. Now, as monuments to her departed kin are defiled and destroyed, she deserves protection from the one voice to whom she empowered to be her protector through the vote: the Republican Party.

And how has the GOP honored the South’s unwavering commitment to the party? Silence – at best.

The recent riots throughout the United States, perpetrated by Bolshevik extremists and antifa terrorists, are an indication that the country is lost forever. It is hard to imagine that anyone can re-piece this jigsaw puzzle together.


Instead, we got Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott groveling to the family of a man who was robbing a pregnant woman weeks before he was killed. A Republican Senate that has its majority because of the South, just voted to rename historic bases that honored Southern heroes on Southern properties. We have a Georgia House Speaker, Republican David Ralston, is now spearheading “hate crime” legislation that would effectively make it illegal to voice an unpopular opinion. The list of anti-Southern actions by Republicans grows daily.

At almost every turn, Republicans are betraying the very Southern voters who put them in power – all to placate a mob of violent radicals in the hopes that they may be able to hold onto approximately 10% of the Black vote in future elections.


I still believe Southern independence can be achieved through a peaceful separation of states – but not with the GOP as the vehicle to implement that change. Conservative, Godly legislation throughout the South on matters such as religious liberty, abortion, and pre-pubescent transgenderism would stand in such stark contrast to that of ungodly, leftist degeneracy in the North and West. Such a stark contrast would eventually force an amicable divorce. Even Bill Maher seemed to agree.


Do I believe the Left will take advantage of such an opportunity if we gift them a super majority? Yes, I do. Might some believe I am a political accelerationist? Probably, but images throughout the country indicate accelerationism is already here, and the GOP has done absolutely nothing to stop the country from being destroyed by antifa terrorism or state sanctioned anarcho-tyranny. In such an environment, I would rather we face the devil in front of us than the one stabbing us in the back. And the Republican Party stabs us in the back at every turn.

Steve Straub #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

[A meme with a picture of antifa activists on top and Republicans at a rally below, entitled:]

Democrats: Violently riot in the streets and destroy the country they hate

Republicans: Work hard, pay their taxes, andpray for the country the love

[and this text below:]

n fact if Republicans were smart (questionable) they’d be repeating “jobs, not mobs” over and over.

It’s a slogan that is simple, easy to understand and is 100% accurate.

Democrats have devolved into the party of “mobs” while Republican control of government created the best economy of our lifetime. At least until the China declared war with the USA via Covid.

Why anyone would ever want to vote for Democrats and pick the mob, over jobs is beyond me.

John Ward #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Is It Time for Civil Disobedience Against The Covid19 Cult of Failed Advice?

This is today. It is not 1933. But the global mob rule we are witnessing is as old as the hills. As old, in fact, as the ancient Greeks who warned that the Herd Instinct, when married to Herd Ignorance, would inevitably lead to the Führerprinzip.

Plato predicted this earlier than most, but latterly George Orwell offered us a more exact description. For some forty years now, the Internationalist bourgeois Left has treated Nineteen Eighty-Four as a blueprint. Bizarrely, the globalist/blocist Corporate State builders have been doing exactly the same.

So for example, the Guardian’s Executive Editor instructed her journalists in 2016 to call Climate Change doubters deniers. This same collective noun is now being extended to Covid19 empiricists. But at the same time, unelected bureaucracies have promoted those like top UK civil servant Sir Mark Sedwill and US Global Pharma creature Dr Fauci to positions of enormous power and influence….using completely unregulated censorship at will to dub contrarian Covid19 commentators ‘Science deniers‘.

In recent years, one socio-political issue after another has been treated to the same formula of rigid ‘framing’. Those with doubts about the multicultural model of society are diversity deniers. Supporters of Brexit are Little Engander globalism deniers….and racists to boot. Those noting the spread of Islamic Jihadism and Pakistani rape gangs are Islamophobes. Critics of some elements of male homosexual lifestyles are homophobes. Attacks on the radical feminist creed are the work of sexists lasciviously obsessed with male rape.

Over time, such framing has trickled down in an even more simplistic form to the mass electorate, creating a knee jerk mode of acceptance I call ‘Estuary pc’….such that, in 2012 I employed a plumber who actually said, “In terdayzz mult-culchural-siety, that is a totelee hunacceptable dibollikal libe’ee”.

The link back to the shot of Hitler Youth at the head of the post is extremely pertinent: for acceptance is now turning into not just unquestioning obedience, but also demands that contrarians be told to shut up ‘for the Common Good’.

During the development of the official coronavirus narrative, we have all been treated to the Holier than Thou fascist who begins with “It’s people like you that…”. Who has not coughed in a queue for shopping and been greeted by glares from others? During the 2016 Brexit referendum, the day after Jo Cox’s assassination Leave supporters were treated to threats, and screams of “murderers” – Nigel Farage (not even remotely connected to the alleged assassin) was accused of being responsible for inciting the attack.

The metamorphosis of ideology into creed is rapidly creating a self-styled mob of Spanish Inquisitors – precisely the sort of bullying that led to the furious Groupthink of Krystallnacht eighty-five years ago. Whether that mob be Momentum, The London Times, Antifa, the New York Times, Channel Four, Common Purpose, Black Lives Matter or the BBC, there is an enthusiasm for – an asumption, in fact – that the Bertold Brecht Weltanschauung of The Good Lie is not only acceptable, it is essential. The naysayers must be silenced.

So much for diversity.

Such does not exactly provide rich soil for the discernment of lies and promotion of more effective (as in, less tunnel-vision) policy. 84% of Brits now see Lockdown and the wearing of masks as ‘necessary to control the virus’, even though the masks on offer are close to useless and lockdown has been shown to achieve little beyond approaching national bankruptcy.

Nor is the climate of ignorant fear a good one in which to put forward obvious contradictions between policies in use and the “science” they are supposedly led by.

And finally, the construction of informed conjecture about the real purposes of whipped-up Covid19 fears is so far beyond the closed mind, it is dismissed at Twitter – the ancestral home of bullying – with insults like “you thick c**t”.

All this darkness accepted, here and there one sees some signs that the largely silent Thinkers – estimated at around 16% of the adult population – are beginning to wonder whether this virus has rather more to do with globalist finance, multinational Pharma profits and surveillance permissions than anything remotely approaching “science”.

This therefore seems to me like a good opportunity to take one overriding element of the majority approach to Covid19 – a fairly easy one to understand – and leave both the Mob and the Establishment with a question they will surely find it impossible to fend off.

From Day 1 of the Covid19 saga, we have been watching a tug-of-war between two sets of medical interests.

The highly regarded French newspaper France Soir has been creating a Covid19 drug-trials niche for itself by raising all kinds of methodological anomalies in relation to the Recovery trials being headed up by Peter Horby. The articles are compelling because the paper’s director of publications Xavier Azalbert is that rare thing, a distinguished scientist who then switched to journalism. But although the telling findings fly over the heads of most of the population, Azalbert’s overview about who the politicians listen to in the field of virology is a fascinating one that, for me, represents a genuine insight.

Neil Ferguson (the man of multi-billion Pound mistakes) is an epidemiologist, and professor of mathematical biology. He has never been a medical practitioner in his life.

Peter Horby is an epidemiologist, and Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Global Health. He has never been a medical practitioner in his life.

Anthony Fauci’s first degree was in classics. He went on to medical school later. The sum total of his clinical experience was a two-year hospital internship from 1966-68. He has never been a general practitioner in his life.

Chris Whitty, UK Chief Medical Officer, worked as a doctor and researcher in Africa and Asia and is a practising NHS consultant. He has never worked in general practice, and his total experience in the current century has been as a Professor, administrator and public sector office holder at Gresham College and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). In 2008, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded the LSHTM £31 million for malaria research in Africa. At the time, Whitty was the principal investigator for the ACT Consortium, which conducted the research programme. I probably don’t need to remind you of the lingering ethical doubts relating to that “vaccination” programme.

Ferguson, Horby and Fauci also have a long history of being funded by Big Pharma.

In short, the front line of Anglo-Saxon advice to government are all people Low in clinical experience and High in Big Pharma funding. They are model builders, theorists and fund-attracters laden with multivariate conflicts of interest, and little or no depth in the vital process of patient obervation. Their careers, needless to say, are all littered with groundless alarmism, major mistakes in counsel and the belief that vaccination is the answer to every problem….even a virus which, many practising medics contend, is highly unlikely to ever work on a mutating coronavirus – let alone within two years to include drug trials.

This is the tug-of-war team that has a monopoly on access to government. The other team – the practical, experienced medical practitioners – are variously depicted as minority nutjobs, eccentrics, headline-chasers, small-time and narrow deniers – there’s that word again – who are a constant risk to millions of human lives, and must be ignored. In fact, never mind ignored – for the good of the cause, they must be smeared, censored and refused access to the debate.

In fact, it is the Horbys and Faucis that are the tiny minority infecting genuine medical science with their corrupted ideological creeds and flakey models.

So now, here is the $64 trillion question that the Establishment war-tuggers and the hopelessly general political class they blind with science can’t avoid: why are you listening only to atypical academic twaddle-theorists with conflicts of interest who have at best been hopelessly wrong and at worst lied about Covid death stats and ruthlessly manipulated drug test trials?

This is in no way an unfair framing of the question. Ferguson’s death toll estimate was wrong, Horby’s drug trial of HCQ was fiddled, the entire process of lockdown was unaffordably broad, economically unaffordable and incompetent in the area of protecting the vulnerable, there is an inquiry going on into PHE’s massively overestimated UK death toll, and the Horby trials are being redone at yet more public cost. Dr Fauci has deliberately misled the American People about HCQ, and his conduct has been the subject of some excoriating criticisms by the practitioners’ supporter, the American Medical Association.

As I said, for the time being – until such time as the public mood changes – keep it simple. To those who are awake, the reasons why all these dubious activities – the Bigging Up of Covid19 – have been undertaken are clear. Nevertheless, park the power, money, geopolitical and Alt State hegemony madness and focus on this one question: why are you still taking the advice of the folks who’ve fucked up?

Yesterday, Chris Whitty flatly stated that “Coronavirus cases are rising in the UK because ministers pushed lockdown easing measures to their limits”. He openly rubbished Boris Johnson’s plan to get the UK back to normal by Christmas, insisting that “relaxing rules further will absolutely, inevitably lead to a resurgence of the virus.”

Whitty put his foot down: lockdown loosening measures had to be ‘stopped now’ and maybe even ‘pulled back a bit’ because they risk allowing another large-scale outbreak in the future.

This was based on a daily death toll figure of 38. Out of 76 million. In the US on the same day, the light use of lockdown produced 5 deaths. Out of 330 million. Lockdown has been at the very best a questionable policy, and a certain gdp disaster for a Britain that can ill afford one.

Whitty is not interested in even considering that his strategy (which, let’s face it, not a single government anywhere knows how to emerge from) is flawed, that the dangers are wildly overstated, and that Britain must move on or collapse. And Boris Johnson’s Cabinet shows no sign of even considering that Whitty is a Pharma tool and, economically, a dangerous fool.

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