
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

starcrapoo #sexist #racist incels.is

[Discussion] Have you guys noticed that currycels and blackcels tend to cope by aggressively denying the facts moreso than others? I notice a tendency and trend.

I have been browsing youtube comments section for years now on incel and interracial dating related videos. When the topic of Indian or Black men come up I notice tons of comments by currycels/blackcels lashing out and denying the brutal facts instead of accepting the reality and numbers.

I think it stems from their insecurity and a deep seated inferiority complex. Ricemen tend to accept the reality as it is because we know our potential to ascend by eventually overtaking white males politically, economically, and militarily.

As for me, I've seen all the data and I've seen it first hand myself for most of my life. It corroborates 100%.

Most foids' rankings by the data and anecdotal observations:

1. White men (by far, even short 3-5/10 white guys can occasionally get a pass, women more than willing to give a chance, considered human)
2. Hispanic men (Poor overall, only the white looking ones really have a shot and even then they can only get below average white/asian foids)
3. Black men (Poor overall but noticeably and occasionally able to get a pass by foids in white liberal metro areas, especially if non-ghetto, athletic, and has his shit together)
4. Asian men (Poor overall, ugly short and feminine looking, socially awkward, completely dismissed, its definitely not considered a cool or hip thing to be dating an Asian dude by liberal foids)
5. Arab men (Very poor overall, dark swarthy and ugly facial features, completely dismissed, extremely awful reputation of abusing women and all foids deep down know their tendencies but will never mention it out of fear of being seen as a racist islamophobe)
6. Indian men (The poorest overall, considered repulsively ugly by most foids, completely dismissed, same reputation as with arab men and considered very ugly)

That said, there is a video on IncelTV that talks about the BBC myth. The comments section is turned off because the amount of denial cope in there must've been too much for his channel. I read a lot of them before it was turned off. It was insane the amount of blackcels saying things like, "lol have you seen the amount of punnani most black guys get?" etc.. etc...

The reality is they do very poor in general and most of them are considered ugly by most foids.

I don't think women even settle down that much anymore since they can get money and attention just for existing.

I was saying that OP referring to black men that "have their shit together" being attractive to women seemed like red pill cope and unconscious female worship.

Understand where I'm coming from with this though,

The feeling I get from being around liberal whites is that they see an non ghetto black guy (that has a stable job or a career hence having his shit together) as non threatening and different from the stereotype. He actually makes an effort to integrate and abide by the rules of white society and white liberal foids love to see that and are more than willing to give him a chance.

Now switch the topic to Asian/Indian/Arab men. Like I said before, its completely over. These three races of men are automatically dismissed in the eyes of white foids no matter what. Not considered human. White foids know DEEP DOWN without a doubt that their privilege would be absolutely NIL and nothing if Asian/Indian/Arab men ran America like the way they do in Asia/South Asia.

The reason why I keep mentioning white foids is because they are the majority of foids here in America, they influence to a great degree the thinking and mannerisms of non-white foids.


Come live several years here in SF or San Jose and see for yourself. Most foids have a white only policy.

Caesercel #sexist #psycho #wingnut incels.is

[Serious] Is Rape really such a bad thing?

Before the soyim piss their pants, hear me out on this one.

Rape in modern society is very different from what it originally was. The abhorrent and evil crime of rape was originally about defiling another man's woman thus cucking him and possibly impregnating his wife. Thus diminishing his rightful chance at a legitimate offspring. Consent(the base of modern concept of rape), doesn't come into the picture. Husbands in olden times never needed consent from their wife, sex was a duty to be fulfilled, for family and community. There were also conquerers wifing up conquered people's women. Still no consent.

We can easily see that throughout history, the women never actually chose who they're gonna fuck. Men competed and the winners got to take their pick.

Modern rape( the one based on lack of consent) is a recent feminist construct. According to that logic almost all sex, that got humanity to where it is now, the reason why we all exist, is rape. In fact certain radical feminist groups unironcally proclaim that all sex is rape, even when its consensual. They want women to abandon heterosexual partnership and procreate via sperm banks. More moderate feminists would say that earning consent by using the situations of a women is also rape. According to them, escorting, beta-buxxing, sugar-dady relationships are also rape where the rapist is forcing consent by using women in bad financial situation.

So I pose this question....Is rape, the way it is defined now, such a bad thing? It allowed men and women to procreate. Allowed humanity to grow and prosper instead of dying out. Allowed people to live fulfulling sexual lives and build families. Is it so bad that we don't want to give much concern to something fickle like "consent" and instead want redistribution of sexual opportunities among the masses?

This is why people hate us. What used to happen before is not relevant now, we've evolved. Yes men would go around raping women, but they'd also fight and kill other men in the process. Saying rape isn't bad because that's how it used to be is like saying we should go back to times when men fought and killed each other for women. I guess some people here would think that that's the way it should be, what do I know.

The sex between a husband and wife is rape as well. As the husband is using patriarchal oppression to force sex upon a women who'd rather fuck chad(5% of men).
Is that arrangement also unwanted according to you?

Rape isn't. I think it's marginally worse than a brutal physical assault. Which...isn't great either, to be fair, but rape is not something that should warrant a significantly harsher criminal penalty than, say, grievous bodily harm.

Yes rape where a man hurts a woman should be a crime. It is a little more worse than assault. But in a world running rampant with whores with 20+ body counts. Where birth control flow like water. Is it still such a crime. And certain kind of "rape" like a woman fulfilling a duty to her husband or an escort serving a unwiliingly serving a client she is not attracted to should not be considered crime at all.

We got a lot of people here who think actual rape is fine. You put those people and their family in that situation and you will see how quickly their opinions change.

I am against sexual assault, if that is what you are implying. But there are reasons why these things are considered so abhorrent. And those reasons are floundered daily in modern era. Would you rather allow women to have a choice and become cumdumpsters for chad?

I'm not angry at them, they have better options than me. I would fuck the hottest woman I could get as well, that's human nature. I'm upset at the system that incentives for women to only fuck the top tier men and rewards them for having bastard children. I'm upset at women but what they're doing is completely logical, what's not logical is why there are no legal brothels for us to go to, why single mothers get free money, that's the shit I'm angry about.

You are upset at this system. But the system that allows you to get a woman would be considered that of a patriarchal rapist. This is contradictory. If you actually support the current system where women can congregate to top tier men then the only thing you have right to be upset about is, you were not one of those men.
Thus there is nothing you could possibly do. I am sorry but this thinking is too pussy. Its like a poor serf saying he deserves it for not being born with god's royal grace.

Sure, you can go ahead and try to do that but it will come with severe consequences.

Not if it is done in a civilized manner. Traditional marriage is one example. Roasties actually had to fuck men bellow their looksmatch. Blackpill tells us that the roastie doesn't want that guy and so it would be rape. But there are little consequence cuz the system is not build by cucks.

women are hypergamous, any man beneath 6.5/10 is seen as ugly by them

men meanwhile are attracted to majority of women if they aren't fat

The only reason humanity got this far is cuz women never really had a choice on the matter of reproduction.

Low IQ post.

If you wouldn't like to be held down and fucked against your will don't do it to others.

Moneymaxx and escortcel.

Choice can be manuafactured under the right circumstances. Escorting ,as you mentioned is one example.

If she's a virgin, it's bad.
But if she's a whore and it's dick #54968596, it's not a big deal, about as bad as assault.

But that's the thing. Raping virgin is bad exactly cuz she is another man's rightful first. But the modern gynocentric system spits on this very concept

It doesn't have to be violent and unsavory. Civilized redistribution of sexual resources is possible. Women could be raised to be dutiful, even to men like us that they biologically repel. Read the thread

Ropemaxx #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Women complimented my personality, yet inceltears say my personality is the problem

I actually remember this really interesting phenomenon.
Back in my PUA days I got alot of compliments on my personality. Girls would call me funny, interesting, laugh at my stories and jokes and some even called me charming.

My interactions would last long, they definately didnt think i was a creepy or boring guy to be around, i would even say they enjoyed my company to some extent.

Yet there was 0 sexual attraction from any of them and any advance i made would always get rejected. Meanwhile i started to notice shy ,introverted good looking guys who barely said a word who would attract women effortlessly. This is when i dropped the redpill and found the blackpill community.
It all clicked after that.

If this isnt the ultimate proof that looks is everything, i dont know what is.

It won’t touch

And when they do they will literally deny the truth
Remember when they said my 15 year old friends didnt have sex :feelskek: :feelskek:
they are so in denial

I remember in college I would talk to some chicks I was acquainted with. I remember the one was happy talking to me, I put my hand on her shoulder for "kino", a few seconds later she walked away.

Another time some foid a grade older was walking home from a party, we were chatting, I put my arm around her shoulder, and she pulled away and walked to the other side of the street in seconds.


brutal as fuck. you can tell how unattractive you are depending on how foid react to stuff like that

Nikita46 #sexist #psycho removeddit.com

Hi. My daughter told me and her mother over dinner today that she is dating someone. She then told us that he is 20 years old, in 2nd year of university. She is 16, in grade 11.

I have a 17 year old daughter and an older one. Neither was allowed to date. They aren't capable of dealing with the consequences and I pay their bills...including extremely expensive tuition. 20 year old males generally have sex. So simply ask yourself if you're ok with your 16 year old having sex with the guy regularly and potentially there being serious consequences out of that...STDs and pregnancy. If you're ok with it and think she can deal with it...then let her continue doing it. If not, set the rules since she lives in your house. That's something you and her need to discuss in detail.

Nikita46 #psycho #sexist #moonbat removeddit.com

Melania Trump Slammed for Tweet About ‘Positively Impacting Children’

I don't consider Melanie a "person"...she's literally an inhuman piece of shit. Anyone that would sit around and living on the American dole while trump goes around doing and saying the stuff he does isn't worthy of any type of decency. The only thing you got me on is that she's actually far worse than a whore...my vocabulary is lacking to describe the monstrosity that is trump and his whole disgusting family.

BummerDrummer #sexist #psycho incels.is

[LifeFuel] When someone with a good childhood ends up being incel and posting here

Eat shit. its a lot like when chads start to Norwood and get old and gross. My childhood was shit, nothing has changed. Literally from the crib to now I always had an issue, but when someone takes a massive dip in their quality of life due to puberty or something and they end up posting here I lol. Yes, I am jealous and yes it is funny. When anyone ever takes a dip in quality of life from a stand higher than I’ve gotten I can’t help myself.

A few of you have had good childhoods in the sense of you got ugly in your teens or you stopped growing while people kept growing. Some of you were even bullies before you became ugly or short. It’s not an uncommon thing. But now you’re here, on Autistic male celibate site, talking about how you are lonely.

I still sympathize and like you and will see you as incel or whatever, and I enjoy you, but I cannot say I don’t feel an envious glee at the dip in quality of life you have experienced. the penniless man laughs at the man who has lost his penny, but he is still a penniless man.

Ropemaxx #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Your telling me its a coincidence every amateur porn has a huge monster cock?

Jfl at you stupid cuck copers who deny the dickpill.
Having a huge cock is the fundamental pillar to being a chad. Most chads have it anyway due to high testosterone.

I dont think its a coincidence that in amateur porn( where couples film their sex life) the dude always has a huge cock.
This is what attract foids and will give you that hot sex life where she does everything for you(facefuck, let you cum in her face)

Ropemaxx #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] If you didnt get blowjobs by age 14, you are pure genetic trash

Jfl you guys are so out of touch with reality.
”Im a 19 year old virgin, is it over for me?”
Jfl your peers had oral sex at 14, full blown sex at 15. You are lightyears behind and miss out on so much more than you can even imagine

most chads start fucking as soon as they enter puberty.Most of them lose their virginity at 12-13.

Girls will have a lay count of 15 at 16 years old

mainlander #sexist #wingnut #fundie incels.is

[LifeFuel] How to cope with seeing couples as an incel

They're not a funcional couple. They are not doing it in the correct way that was stipulated by God where people get married while still young for life and the husband has authority over the wife. They are not doing it the only way that really works.

Feminism was pretty much Satan's most successful creation and every single woman is fooled by it nowadays. Until men "man up", to use a term cucks like, and just yank women out of feminism forcebly, things just won't work. And guess what, they'll never do that because of gynocentrism. Men allowed things to get way too bad and now I don't think it can be fixed anymore.

I don't know ANY remotely young person who's happily and functionally married because such a thing doesn't exist nowadays. It can't exist with widespread feminism.

The couples you see are just men simping and compromising massively for a woman that can leave them for any petty reason or for no reason at all at any moment. If even Brad Pitt got no-fault divorced, what are your chances?

Women were not supposed to have leadership or the lead at anything. Things just don't work when women are in control. It's either God's way or we fail. God's way goes like this: men obey God, women obey men. We as societies chose failure.

If what you want is meaningless promiscuous sex, yeah, mourn every day about not being gl until you eventually grow out of hedonism. But if what you want is a meaningful monogamous relationship, it's over. We got the short end of the stick at that for being born in this era.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

(Total Imbecile)

[SuicideFuel] [Teenlovepill] This is what the average teenager is doing and what we will never experience

Me (17f) and my boyfriend (17m) have been looking for a place to have sex for a couple of days now. It’s not our first time but we’ve got strict parents and we aren’t allowed to take one another in our rooms. We were short on options because we almost got caught doing it in a car by the cops once so we settled with the woods. I don’t have a car and his mom is using his car to get to work because hers is in the shop so we just walked. We laid a blanket down and started to have sex. It got annoying at times because bugs kept flying on us and we had to shove sticks aside. At one point, I got on top and he was getting too loud so I took my panties and stuffed them in his mouth.

We laid there for a while when we finished because the both of us were extremely exhausted. I ended up taking pictures of him (Not his nude bottom half Ik that’s illegal) because he looked adorable and smiled each time he looked up at me lol.

Overall experience: 7/10 Would I recommend it: Ehh, if you bring a thick enough blanket and aren’t super afraid of bugs, then i guess it’s not too bad.





Totally agree with not delaying the inevitable but when is too young? I ask because my 14 yr old daughter has her boyfriend over once a week and I have the rule that her door stays open. I'd much rather she do anything at home than end up in the bushes, whether it's sex or drinking or trialing drugs...so thankful we're not there yet

I don't know many 14 year olds who have sex but I'd say you should probably let them have their door closed when she's 15 because that's when most people I know started having sex.

I had sex at 14, dad by 15 @

Imagine wasting 17+ years of your life and hundreds of thousands of dollars raising this cumdump. I will never get over how there are fathers out there literally raising sets of holes to keep other men's dicks warm and wet.


IT: sex isn't everything
15 year olds who actually have sex: fuck the hell out of them at first opportunity


The missed out / teenlove pill is the second most brutal pill in existence, next to the SMV pill


oy, she's a stinky sexual predator and a terrorist who needs to be shoot immediately! after all IT taught me that people under 21 don't even think about sex and even imagining sex with them is a crime so unforgivable you need to immediately report it to the FBI


Fuarkkk it's overrrr. That chad won't ever know the agony of us being subhumans being told to personality maxx and self improve Maxx to get girls. He doesn't need to do any of that. Teenlove pill is the most brutal thing to me cause it simply can't be recovered. Even if you ascend you'd just be a decent guy to settle with, not the silly boy she tries new naughty things with. If for some miracles you ascend and say to her "how about sex in the woods? Or perhaps we can have fun in cinema?" to spice up your sexless marriage due to her not being physically attracted to you, in her minds she'd picture her doing all those in the past with Chad and it already bored her


literally I was exercising and at the high school next to it, I saw a couple just like this and it hurt so god damn bad
The guy was even on his phone at some points while they were making out, looking a bit disinterested but the girl just kept getting in his face
I thought being on your phone during intimacy was just a meme
if a girl could look at me like she did at him I might get a heart attack


I can't do this anymore.


You must really like pain if you voluntary go to a sub called "r/sex"

I used to do it myself sadly, but I managed to kick the habit. Sexhavers infuriate me so much.

Neither can I, but I'm trudging along
Brutal, I just remembered I'm 20 in two months

Damn, I'm in my 20's and I barely feel like I've aged mentally. Hopefully things will get better for us from here on out.

LiterallyASoyboy #sexist incels.is

(Note: He is reacting to a video of a woman with only one eye.)

RE: [Brutal] Femcels can exist bro if she's deformed

her looksmatch isn't even here, he was thrown into the dumpster when he was a baby

Yet she would never date a deformed man, and a normal looking woman would probably rather die than do so. The most ridiculous part of it all is that her face doesn't put me off, but somehow ITcels and journalists will say that our standards are too high, when I'm literally willing to date a deformed woman.

I fucking hate the west, everyone is so BLATANTLY disingenuous, I sometimes have trouble telling whether or not it's all a parody of itself. Then we get women and simps mystifying their own shallow instincts to select based upon physical attributes as love, the very same instincts which have caused men to brutally kill and exploit each other for as long as humans have existed. But they don't care, they don't care about facing the truth of the world, they care about deluding themselves into believing that this shit is magical and meaningful. I wish it would all just fucking burn, we would all be better off if this planet were home to nothing but dust and rock.

It seemed like there were pictures of different guys with the one eyed girl in that video but after viewing it again I think it was just all pictures of her with her bf Conner.

There's always one guy that's willing sometimes as a way of validating their existence and showing others what good understanding people they are
@LiterallyASoyboy have you thought this too?

Shouldn't surprise anyone. There will always be at least a few guys lining up for any foid. Idk where all these guys are coming from.
Some people suspect it's because good looking normies and chadlites are orbiting multiple women.

Well it's just ironic how men don't tend to have particularly high standards for looks, despite the bluepilled narrative suggesting that we do. When I say that her face doesn't bother me, it's not virtue signalling, I mean it. If I enjoyed being around her (jfl) and it felt good to have sex and physical intimacy with her, then what does it matter? Part of this is probably due to me being disgusted by my own urges and innate lookism, so yeah, it's not entirely due to being naturally this way. Tbh if I could make my sex drive just vanish, then that's what I'd do. I hate almost everything about this world, and physical attraction is no exception.

What people miss is that a lot of chadlites and chads that date down aren't doing so out of the goodness of their hearts. They are doing it to seem like better less shallow people than they actually are. A lot of it is virtue signaling.
You can't say this kind of thing anywhere without getting shouted down, threatened and branded a bigot by women and those sympathetic to them.
In this way women have worked together to ensure these mismatched SMV relationships where the guy is more NT and attractive come under no criticism and it is accepted as the new normal.
It is a subtle racket they have going on.

Yeah for most people their whole lives are about image, so it wouldn't surprise me.I guess that's the difference, my feelings are mostly due to my own emotions, whereas the chads you're describing are probably just being dishonest. Of course it's easier to not care so much if you're unattractive yourself, at least as a male anyway. Clearly it must be different for females.

Femcels are as real as santa


Various Incels #sexist #psycho incels.is

RE: [SuicideFuel] [NSFW] This is what Chad gets to do with prime teenage girls while you rot alone in your room


I have a great want to put a bullet into that guy's skull, piss on his corpse, rape the foid and then piss on the foid




Whoever sees this and still thinks whores deserves to vote and get our tax money needs to be bitch slapped.

One of my dreams is touching a girls ass. And these chads get to do it for free.

I need me a girl with a fat ass. I only need one thing

You're not entitled to a girl with a fat ass inkel.
But they're entitled to your tax money.


Real teen girls are busy doing shit like this while soyboys in IT are shitting on us for finding fictional 17 year olds attractive


"Prime" jfl she looks like a 20 something roastie that ride the cock carousel since high school.

whatever helps you survive through another day

If you thinks she is special and/or prime, you have to put your simp glasses off. 20 years old are already been used up by many chads.

They're all used up, and you'd fall for them in a heartbeat if they gave you the attention and validation you crave.

As a truecel it is impossible for them to feel attraction towards me, and even if i would win the lottery and some hoe try to come by, i know too much about the blackpill and foid nature to fall for any bullshit front they put up.

Daily Stormer #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

[From "White Girls are the Greatest Because of Their Independent Aryan Spirit"]

A lot of people in the right-wing are talking bad about white girls nowadays, and I just want to say: if you don’t love white girls, you don’t love the white race.

Our white women are our greatest treasure.

It’s time for white men to man up and start marrying single mothers, because actually, it is the fault of white men, or maybe the fault of Jews somehow, that white women made these decisions in the first place.

It’s only because men are so weak that they don’t have the bravery to marry a used-up single mother. It’s that men who don’t respect women just aren’t masculine, so they just love Donald Trump, because they can’t get the respect of other men.

If you’re a true man of the pure Aryan spirit, it’s time for you to man up and honor our princesses.

Time to man up and be a real man if you want to be respected by other men as a true respecter of real Aryan princesses.

Our princesses represent true diversity, I just love their different independent styles and their unique personalities.

[Pictures of White women holding placards saying they want to date and sleep with Black men]

The love of our Aryan women is why we need communism, you dumb incel irony bro.

We can’t just control women, and force them to do what we want them to do.

We have to give them their freedom. We have to let them choose for themselves. That is the real Aryan alternative lifestyle choice.

The Christians want to control women, because they are afraid of their true Aryan independence.

They are insecure cowards.

If a man is not an incel and a woman-hating irony bro, then he understands that it is part of our values that we don’t control our women. We know they are strong, so we allow them to make their own decisions.

If you’re the kind of weak man who doesn’t think white women should be allowed to make decisions, it’s just that you’re weak and other men don’t respect you because you don’t respect yourself.

[Further pictures of White women holding placards saying they want to date and sleep with Black men and not White men]

Real men man-up and marry 30-year-old single moms.

That’s what socialism is really all about, and if you don’t agree, you’re a weak incel who just does irony.

Tucker Carlson #racist #sexist #wingnut thedailybeast.com

Fox News star Tucker Carlson—currently facing outrage from network colleagues over his racist rhetoric—upped the ante on Monday night, claiming it was “probably illegal” for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to prioritize Black women in his running-mate search, while calling those candidates unqualified.

“We’ve taken a closer look at three potential candidates. All of them are said to be on Joe Biden’s shortlist for the job,” Carlson declared, referencing a previous inflammatory segment. “They are Stacey Abrams, Karen Bass, and Kamala Harris. Now, in a normal year, no mainstream candidate would consider any of these people. All of them would be disqualified without debate.”

The far-right Fox host first described Rep. Bass (D-CA) as a “lunatic Fidel Castro acolyte” and an armed revolutionary, referring to her past praise of the Cuban dictator and work for a young leftist group during the 1970s. After calling Abrams, a former Georgia state representative and gubernatorial candidate, “delusional” and accusing her of writing “bad porn novels,” Carlson took aim at Sen. Harris (D-CA).

“Kamala Harris, meanwhile, is so transparently transactional that even Democratic primary voters who have a strong stomach found her repulsive,” he exclaimed. “Pretty much no one who knows Kamala Harris likes her.”

Claiming the three women did not represent a “blue ribbon group,” Carlson then grumbled over the Biden campaign’s apparent prioritization of a woman of color to fill out the ticket.

“For what could very well be the most important job on Earth, Biden has decided to hire exclusively on the basis of qualities that are both immutable and completely irrelevant—race and gender,” Carlson huffed. “And that’s it. But wait a second, you ask, isn’t that insulting? Isn’t it wrong? Isn’t it probably illegal?”

“Yes, it is all three of those things,” he continued. “But no one’s pushing back against it so Biden is doing it.”

DianaVic #sexist rape.is

[OP of "[Theory] Business pitch: we should have a chain of sex slave brothels called RapeStations"]

I was thinking about this. Road trips are boring as hell, so in addition to gas stations, we should have rape stations.

Normal whores are expensive as fuck, ugly, bossy, bitchy.

In an ideal world where rape is legal, yes rape would be free, but the selling point of a RapeStation would be convenience and value. What if you are tired after a long drive? What if you want a cute rape slave right fucking then and there? What if you are a framelet who cannot rape foids easily? Since the RapeSlaves are slaves we will significantly reduce labor costs. The RapeSlaves will be fitted with collars which can punish any disobedience. They will be fed cheaply, just enough so that they can continue to generate revenue. We'll have different lines for people of different tastes. MiniSlaves, TeenSlaves, BlondeSlaves, et cetera...

There will be a small fee of course because rent and utilities don't come free, I'm thinking maybe $20-30 an hour base in the U.S., maybe a bit higher in expensive areas like NYC, maybe cheaper in middle America. We can have discounts if they want to book multiple RapeSlaves or for longer stays like 3 hours plus. Since normies pay $80 for a nice dinner, why wouldn't they spend just as much in a RapeStation?

Our business model would be to use the RapeSlaves as loss leaders, with high-margin add-ons to generate profit. Do you know how Costco sells rotisserie chickens for only $4.99? It's called a loss leader -- even though they lose money on the chickens, they actually generate more revenue overall because the cheap chickens generate more foot traffic, and people will buy high-margin items (like snacks and sodas) near the checkouts. For example, you can upgrade to a Premier RapeRoom or a RapeSuite with an added jacuzzi where you can fuck a RapeSlave while both of you are pummeled by jets of water. Or maybe a bottle of Fiji water, or a chocolate bar, a cup of coffee, a stack of pancakes to get your energy up in preparation for raping. Do you need a beer or a glass of champagne to lower your inhibitions? Maybe you forgot your Viagra? Just ask at the front desk. Want some cocaine? No problem. Need to rent a toy? A collar? A whip? A pair of slippers? A spanking paddle? We got you covered.

In the big city, RapeStations placed next to office buildings can offer quick 15-minute Rape Sessions during the weekday. Say, you're an investment banker with a short lunch break? Don't worry, we'll throw in a lunch hour combo for a RapeSlave, a sandwich, a bag of chips, and a bottle of water for just $20 plus a tip for housekeeping. She can suck your dick and lick your butthole while you work on your discounted cash flow models.

We could put RapeStations in airports too. Imagine your flight getting delayed and you're stuck on a 6-hour layover at JFK or LAX, so what do you do? Fuck a RapeSlave. To drum up business, partner with airlines, hotel chains and credit card companies: for example, Amex Platinum cardholders and United MileagePlus 1K members can pre-book their favourite rape slaves in advance. We can also earn money from our own RapeStation membership/loyalty programs for our favourite customers.

We can recruit gymmaxed hiring managers (to take and mentally condition the freshest of rapemeat) and high IQ quality control managers (to ensure they perform) from incel forums. Rapey members can be part of upper-level management.

What does everyone think?

Mainländer #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] In a study of Spanish adolescents in Spain, it was revealed that both benevolently sexist and hostile sexist men have more sex than non-sexist men

The study of over 2000 spanish adolescents in spain. it revealed that sexually active adolescent boys tend to have benevolent, hostile and ambivalent sexism compared to non-sexually active adolescent boys. Additionally, benevolently sexist men had their first sex at an earlier age and hostile sexist men had a lower proportion of condom use. The study also revealed that foids are attracted to benevolently sexist men.


The word "sexist" makes no sense. Of course the sexes are different, if you don't believe that you're retarded tbh.

Being them different, it's normal that people will, consciously or uncounsciously, more or less, treat them differently in some ways.

They should come up with a better word for people who believe that there should be more divisions between men and women than the average nowadays.

Gymcelled #sexist incels.is

[Brutal] Woman goes to japan, gets ignored by men for months, tries the "be confident" approach and more

This article is absolutely gold. So much cope, so much anguish, so many failed bluepilled tactics.


I had something that the competition didn’t: long, naturally curly, blond hair. Furthermore, I was bilingual, well-traveled and college-educated.

But as I realized a few weeks into my stay in Japan, I was also mysteriously, frustratingly invisible.
Cute baristas at Starbucks wouldn’t look at me, business men on bicycles ran over me and college students hurriedly backed away from me with mumbled apologies whenever I tried to strike up a conversation about the weather or ask for directions. They wouldn’t even give me the time of day. Literally.

Just have a great personality, cool hobbies and interesting things to say!! But in reality if people aren't interested in you, they won't try to get to know you. It's like applying at a place that isn't hiring. They don't even wanna hear it.

“You’ve got to be assertive,” my Japanese girlfriends advised. “Japanese guys are shy so you have to make the first move.” So I smiled invitingly at men in bars and on busses. I asked for help reading restaurant menus and subway signs.


“Do you have any book / drink reccomendatioins?” was my usual line as I stood near them in bookstores or sat next to them on barstools. But the ‘come hither’ stare or conversation starter doesn’t work if the other person refuses to look at you. If they met my gaze at me at all, it was just to shoot me this panicked look, like I’d just asked them to father my unborn children. My boss had been right. It was hard to be a single, western woman in Japan. But why?

Jfl they wouldn't even look at her. Sounds familiar to anyone?

The pervading theory though, among expats and Japanese alike, was that Japanese men were in fact attracted to western women but were just too intimidated to do anything about it. Western women in Asia were like the Jennifer Anistons of the expat world. Strong, independent, assertive and outspoken, they were interesting to admire from afar, but no man would ever dream of striking up a conversation with one. Western women were so different, so foreign, they were virtually un-datable.

The level of cope. She thinks she's a goddess or a supermodel in the eyes of the men who avoid her like the plague

Strong delusions, I've never heard incels say they're "too good looking for sex/dates". She says this as she's living in a country that considers single women older than 26 to be unwanted, spoiled, rotten and useless (google "christmas cake japan")

Not true for their Y-chromosome-carrying expat buddies though. While the female expats spent Saturday nights alone, crying into their Ramen bowls, their male counterparts drank freely from the dating pool like they owned it. Which in a way, they did.

Lifefuel if that's true. tho prolly just betabuxxing. There are many more paragraphs of her talking about expats slaying if you're interested, i won't put it all here

I was walking from work one Friday evening when it dawned on me that I’d been in Japan for nine months. I inwardly congratulated myself for having beat the odds. I’d proven my boss wrong. But as I trudged home to face another evening of reruns of The Office and left-over sushi from 7-11, I wondered at what cost. Most days I felt unattractive, unwanted and worst of all, unfemale. When not even a short skirt or slinky top attracted more than a passing glance and even construction workers, who could usually be counted on for a leer, regarded me with bored, blank expressions, I felt like a Martian. And very, very alone. Perhaps I’d been wrong not to leave when the last shipload of foreign women sailed away to brighter horizons and better dating odds.

Because the truth is that Tokyo’s a tough city to be single … if you’re, you know, a Western woman.

You're not entitled to dating and sex. It's all overrated anyway, right? It's not essential, you can live without it

Mainländer #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Gynocentrism is to men kinda like feminism is to women

I've never ever met or even heard of any woman who was not a feminist, at least mildly. They may even say from their mouths they're not feminists, but when push comes to shove, they'll still accept pretty much everything they can have because of feminism, even if they're Christian and it goes against the bible, even if they know it's an an unjust advantage since feminism is basically about women having the same rights when it's convenient to them but keeping the special treatment women get when it's likewise convenient.

Gynocentrism is kinda the same for men. Sadly, like Ryo once argued, men seem to be designed to have bottom fo the barrel levels of in-group loyalty and just fuck each other over for pussy whenever the opportunity appears. Even here of all places, a forum known for its hatred and resentment towards women, full of men who were fucked over, rejected and ignored left and right by women throughout all their lives, and where people are heavily dicouraged to simp, whiteknight and do other gynocentric behaviors, you still see some gynocentric manifestations from time to time. All men seem to be gynocentric even if very mildly and the vast majority would simp if an attractive girl was in their lives encouraging them to.

For example, the average woman be like "old men who lust after young girls are such lowlives who deserve to be jailed" whereas the average man be like "if it was my daughter, he'd desire to never have been born!". One is feminist and more "left-wing", the other is more macho-like gynocentrist and more "right-wing", but in the end of the day, both are basically the same: women first, fuck men.

Idk man, at least as far as modern society is concern this seems to be case. On the other hand we have some evidence that people in the past appearently didn't think women are really that important.

What happened in the past was just the more right-wing, macho-like scenario I described in the last paragraph. Men would control women and not allow them into male activities, etc, but it was still for gynocentric reasons. This system works much better (and it's the one in the bible as well), but it's still gynocentric.

I find it very interesting how in the bible, men are commanded to love their wives, but women are commanded to OBEY their husbands. Seriously, this is so much wisdom. God knows men and women are different and work differently.

For an instance we know today that in the paleolithic and neolithic that was a huge trend of infancide against newborn girls, kinda like chinese people did during the one child policy.

People who do abortions are usually just atheists who don't believe a fetus is a human life.

@mylifeistrash would certainly have a good comentary to make ITT tbh.

Men are simply too horny

Yeah, I think this is our greatest problem. Women can't understand for their lives how it feels to have so much more testosterone than they do.

Total Imbecile #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Based] It feels good being a guy, it feels good knowing I could break any females neck I see IRL if I wanted to

Apart from being incel that is

Ive been working out and eating proper for like a number of weeks now and I actually look so much better and healthier tbh

I dont actually wear hoodies when I go out anymore because I have some decent arms and can wear T shirts now

It also feels good knowing that any female I see out IRL I could just approach her and snap her neck with 0 effort, brutalize her ragdoll body before cutting it up and dumping it next to some remote highway in Nevada thanks to being desentizationmaxxed due to fapping to guro

@female lurkers how does it feel knowing that youre at my mercy like this? The only reason I wouldnt do it is because Im a nice guy

Watashi wa Toki #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Females are disgusting, because man cannot be relaxed with them

For get femoid, man must work and try hard (or just to be chad), to outcompete other men, but even in case of getting, no relaxation comes. Man still must work and try hard, for keeping that femoid, as if feels too relaxed, stupid cunt easy can escape and run to different man. Thats disgusting, femoids becoming tools of moder slavery, to keep man always on move, instead of sitting and just watching clouds. Two ways of solving it, one is making society more patriarchal and spiritual, so femoid by rules and laws will be forced to be with appointed man, but she still will be just nasty tamed animals. Real solution is creating genetically engineered or cyborg waifus, who made to be with only one particular man, finding him beautifull, loveable, and the only sexually atractive man for her, so he can has no worrries about competition and keeping cunt chained, but can just sit and relax, and not alone, but with cute adorable waifu of culture

Uglymuggly #sexist incels.is

[Venting] its very easy for foids

literally any foid can just go on (((online dating))) and have their pick of men to come fuck them and foids can abort if chad gets them pregnant. Meanwhile we are forced to live in celibacy and told that "rape" is the worst thing in the world. JFL

masterbateman8 #sexist reddit.com

Why I dont see women as people (IT will NEVER touch this)

What a lot of people assume about incels is that we just woke up one day hating women, no that's not how it works. Lifelong rejection and being treated like invisible disposable objects made us that way, and we are sick of putting up with womens shit. Simps love to say "just respect women bro, women are queens bro", but I just don't see it. I don't owe women my time or attention, I don't owe women respect, I don't owe women kindness, as those things are earned. Foids aren't entitled to any of it just by existing.

It also sucks when you realize just how worthless you are to society , not in an economic sense since that literally doesn't matter, but in a social sense. If you aren't good looking no one cares if you exist. You are naturally treated like shit so, you lash out at the object of your desires that you cannot have, desiring to at the very least get as much revenge as you can. In this case it's women.

Also women in general are overvalued simply because they have a vagina. A man who is the looksmatch of a woman who has the same skills, passion, income, etc, is always going to be infinitely less valuable than a woman. Women are put on pedestals because of cucks and other women who overvalue them, and due to the halo effect every mistake they do is overlooked and they are treated like royalty.

Not to mention all the hate low value men already get from the left in general. After all this did you really think men WEREN'T going to lash out?

autisticblackcel #sexist #psycho reddit.com

What would you do in this scenario

Covid-19 mutated and gave us all x men like powers,you left your costume at home,you see a 5'7" 120 lbs aspie manlet truecel going into a Starbucks coffee filled with foids ,he is holding a hk416 assault rifle, what would you do?

A - Let him have his fun,you need to keep your identity a secret

B - Be a simp and Punch his brains out his head,blow your cover,

Total Imbecile #psycho #sexist incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] Its seriously pisses me off that women cant see how privileged they are that they can get sexually assaulted and raped

Like every 2 days theres a post on reddit about a woman complaining that shes tired of guys hitting on her, how she has to worry about getting laid if she gets drunk or too close with a guy


Imagine people throwing themselves at you to have sex with you

Imagine having to actively try not to have sex because of how easy it is

Imagine when you make a post you have to specify that you have a boyfriend because you dont want guys hitting on you

I was browsing this sub for women trying but not being able to have a baby and I was raging, imagine complaining about muh 4th miscarriage when you can have sex any time you want, literally 0 of their thought goes into appreciating that fact

I cant imagine living a life where you take sex for granted like that

Meanwhile I cant get one girl to acknowledge my existence, so fucking easy being a female, any problem they have is a first world problem, seriously fuck women, just exist theory

metabuxx #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

[RageFuel] Fucking Planned Parenthood is leeching off our money to give whores free abortions and trannies free hormone therapy

A recent report has revealed that Planned Parenthood received over $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds.

Those fucking whores are using our tax money to get free abortions. They get knocked up in public toilets by Chads and Tyrones and the next day they get a free abortion funded by our fucking money.

And that's not the end of it. Trannies are also getting free hormone therapy too. And guess what, those testosterone injections are reserved only for the LGBTQ community. So if a subhuman who pays taxes and basically funds them, asks for T injections, he'll be bombarded with - "Eww. Inkwell. You need to see a therapist."

Whores are entitled to free abortions. Trannies are entitled to free hormone therapy. But we are not entitled to free surgeries. JFL. Nuke this world.

Justice Bao #sexist #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] My oneitis has 2 children

Back in school i had a huge crush on a "shy" girl. She was like me in female version. She barely talked to anyone, never to boys. i was also very shy and had only few nerd friends. She sometimes looked at me and i thought she would like me. ofc i never tried to talk to her. But the thought was good, that there is a virgin girl i could get someday, at least i thought so. 6 years ago school was over and i have seen her only once since then; 5 years ago on a bus stop she was still single (i dont know for sure it was just no boy next to her). again it was a good feel to see her cause i thought there is still a non-bitch left in the world.

Today i saw her again at the supermarket. She has a 4-year old kid (boy blonde, she has black hair i dont know why the kid is aryan) AND was buying babyfood, that means she has at least 1 another child. She never talked to any boys in school and just 2 years after she has a kid. I guess she wasnt shy then just looking for chad, despite not more than a 6/10 at best and we had chads at school.

How the fuck is it possible to turn from quiet cute girl in into slut in such a short time?

Shy girl is a meme.

Marina Orwell #racist #sexist #psycho orwellsdaughter.wordpress.com

Asianig Murderers of White Women

Who is an asianigger? In brief, everyone on the earth who isn’t a purebred White European, a purebred Negro, or a Mulatto is an asianigger. Everyone from jewz to amerindians to flips — they are by far the most numerous group on the planet (and Whitey is busy making even more lethal strains of these critters via his ever-increasing racemixing).

Note that a huge swath of asianiggers look like jewz even if they aren’t (mestizos, arabs — really just about all of them except for eastern asianigs like chinese). See the photos of the heinous criminals below to see what I mean.

These ugly turds are so numerous and hate-filled, that even a previously almost crime-free place like Iceland now has animalistic murders of White women.

Check out this ugly turd (with a very White European name) who only got 19 years for not only brutally killing an Icelandic woman, but also committing major drug smuggling. (I’m going to assume that since this brown “sailor” “from Greenland” is actually under the auspices of Denmark, and that the Danes gave Mr. Asianigger a break since they are so darn used to violent brown dikwads at this point.)

Note that brown man had previously been up on charges of rape, but was turned loose so that he could brutalize and kill a beautiful White woman. As long as they don’t kill white male pussy faggots, no one will do anything about it.

Have all the boo-hoo-hoo vigils all you want, nothing will stop the asianiggers and niggers from brutalizing us worldwide. The white male pussy faggot tacitly gave the OK to his brown brothers a long time ago to go ahead and torture and kill his very own Creators.

Check out this fat piece of amerindian filth, Barry Beach. This pig killed three White females, but is NOW ON THE LOOSE! Why? Because all kinds of “special interest” groups jumped in to help this raping and murdering Injun to go free. He was given 100 years, but the “magic” of the jewdicial system means that he’s back at it.

And back at it he is. This dispicable shithead turned around and propositioned and harrassed little girls. Of course, being an Injun means that HE GOT AWAY WITH THIS TOO. There is literally NOTHING that this blimp attached to 1.5 oz of rapist flesh can do to a White woman or girl that will cause the WiMPfa’s “law” to convict him of anything. I hope someone finds him and sodomizes him to death — or maybe burns him alive after sodomizing him for a few days. I bet that person would be sentenced to death for killing this precious walking amerindian debasement though.

DominicanDancecel91 #sexist #dunning-kruger #crackpot incels.is

[RageFuel] Ignorant Boomer Parents that can't relate

My dad always brags about being able to get women when he was my age, brags about being able to land my "hot" (at the time) mom and how "easy" it was all for him. Then he consistently berates me everyday for my inability to "have the same success he did."

My dad lived Dominican Republic in the 80s. A THIRD world country and THIRD world time period. Back when women HAD NO STANDARDS for men..women had to actually go out, travel miles and socialize to FIND A MAN compared to today where women are a phone app away from a CHAD dick appointment ‍♂. Danny Devito and Tony Snell could've bagged 30 women a year if they wanted to at that setting..

My dad was average looking (at the time), the dude couldn't LIVE ONE DAY in my modern world. He'd be COMPLETELY INVISIBLE to women, be curled up in a little ball and cried. My mom wouldn't have even LOOKED his way had she been my age in today's era she wouldn't even have acknowledged his existence as she would've been dating an ACTUAL CHAD with 700 backup good looking men in her inboxes.

Long story short fellas, don't EVER bother talking to your parents about the blackpill or shit you're going thru because they have no idea that things have changed since then and they CANNOT EVER RELATE to you. If you want to make your life easier for yourself just give them the boilerplate #OKBOOMER nod.

Roosh V #sexist #fundie #homophobia rooshv.com

[From "6 Signs That A Woman Is In Rebellion"]

Most women you meet are in a state of rebellion. They have rejected the natural order and God, along with the notion of biological sex roles. While in rebellion, a woman will not respect the authority of a man or submit to him for long. Such a woman will be the source of great misfortune and heartache. Below are the most common signs that a woman is in rebellion.

She rejects the natural state of her body
She does not want to accept the body that was created for her. It is not beautiful or capable enough, so she begins an intensive crusade to morph herself in what trend-makers—who are in rebellion themselves—say is beautiful or capable.

In the early stages of rejecting her body, a girl will apply profuse makeup, dye her hair, or pierce her body in areas besides the earlobe. Still unsatisfied—and there is no other option for her to be unsatisfied when rejecting God’s gift—she will then adorn herself with fake nails, eyelashes, and even eyebrows. Almost always, rebellion against her natural beauty takes the form of adopting plastic beauty that is cultivated, advertised, and sold by corporations and the medical industry. Adopting their commercial wares may get her more likes on Instagram, but decreases her overall beauty to any man who is not in rebellion himself.


Obese women are in indirect rebellion from being in a state of gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins. Their proclamation of “beauty at any size” is intended more as a comforting rationalization than an attempt to attack God, but the end result is the same: she refuses the natural body she was given and morphs into a different creation.

She idolizes herself
The rebellious woman wants to be seen as a goddess or queen, and may even use those terms to describe herself. She wants to be worshipped by men and admired by women. The quality of those who worship her is less important than the quantity: her goal is to increase the number of individuals who admire her or “follow” her on social media platforms, because it provides an objective number to her goddess-like status that can be compared to others (the analog for men is sexual notch count). To learn how to be a goddess, women will eagerly follow other popular women on Instagram, mimic them, and drool over the prospect of being as popular as them. She soon becomes addicted to compliments of her appearance.


She rejects her traditions, countrymen, hometown, or nation
A woman in rebellion will be eager to run away from who she is. If she was born a Christian, she will take up yoga or be sympathetic to Islam. If she’s German, she will bring home to mom and dad an African man named Mutambo who arrived to Europe by boat. If she’s from a rural Midwestern town, she will escape to Miami or New York City. A manifestation of rebellion is to seek out the extremes, far away from what is familiar.

Whenever a woman from a foreign country slept with me, she was passing up on countless of her native men—men who shared her traditions, language, and religion, and who would make a far better long-term partner than I could. In some cases, she was directly cheating on a native man with me, her enabler and tempter. Fornicating with me was a way to reject those men and the country of her father. It’s no surprise that many foreign women I’ve slept with possess multiple rebellious qualities. While abroad, I adopted the view that if a foreign woman was quick to sleep with me, she couldn’t possibly be a suitable long-term partner.


She prefers the virtual over the real
It’s hard to carry out a successful rebellion while fixed in the real world. There is a physical limit to how many men a woman can interact with at any time. There are bodily flaws that can’t be hidden no matter how much work is done to conceal them. But in the online world, anything is possible. She can be perceived as a goddess from a shockingly high number of men who covet her photoshopped images taken at angles that camouflage her flaws. She can easily play out the fantasy of who she wants to be.


She has completely divorced sex from reproduction
The way a girl in rebellion believes she will achieve enlightenment is through her vagina or anus. She owns several sex toys and masturbates to them often. She believes being penetrated by a sexy man who doesn’t love her will fulfill her or make her happy, but as sexy as that man may be, she fears being impregnated by him because her career is not yet “established.” She has been on birth control since she was a teenager and is in favor of abortion.


She trusts in her own abilities above that of a man who loves her
God created Adam. God saw that Adam could use companionship, so He created Eve from the substance of Adam. God intended Eve to submit to Adam who then submits to God. While God gives equal blessings to men and women, he intended for women to follow the authority of men. Women in rebellion barely respect men, let alone follow them. They won’t listen to their fathers, their boyfriends, or their husbands, and will only fake submission for a short period of time when they want to deceive a man to gain a material reward. They believe that through their own knowledge and confidence, they are deciders of their fate and must only follow the result of their feelings and unseen demonic influences.

If you get involved with a woman in rebellion, you will have to suffer her punishment, just like how Adam following Eve into sin caused him to be condemned alongside her. You cannot isolate the pleasure you experience from a bad woman without also enduring the negative effects of deceit, lies, cheating, and other forms of manipulation. If a man can’t find a suitable woman, he is better off alone, because at least that fate will not lead to spiritual death as it did for Adam.

She is gay
The most severe form of rebellion is homosexuality. Such a girl has completely refused the natural order and the authority of men to develop a deep-seated hatred for both. Since a woman cannot penetrate another woman without the use of a plastic toy made in a Chinese factory, she has essentially chosen a life of masturbation in place of genuine love and intimacy.

It may seem “hot” when you see two attractive girls in a bar, but such situational bisexuality is an effort to spite God to receive attention. Indeed, stay away from harlots you only noticed because they were committing a severe act of rebellion.

If a girl is rebelling against God, her Creator, she will rebel against you. It’s not a matter of if, but when. Many men foolishly think they can tame a rebellious woman, but this is the same as thinking you can tame Satan himself. It’s fine if a girl who chooses against rebellion requires additional guidance or knowledge from you to stay out of rebellion, but if she’s in active rebellion, I suggest you run away unless she humbles herself before God and repents.

Most men are tempted to extract casual sex from a girl in rebellion, since she so freely gives it up, but understand that that sex act will not be free, and may haunt you for years to come while risking your salvation. Currently, I am single and can walk with Christ in peace, so I don’t feel compelled to take a risk on a woman who spits on God and sees herself as a goddess. Choose the women of your life very carefully, because your very soul may depend on it.

Maximilian von Auschwitz #sexist #psycho rapey.org

[Heebpill] If given opportunity, what to choose - sex with 11 years old girl, or 21 years old female

Degenerate would choose 21 old femoid in any time, because 11 year sol "is just a child". Pedo of not great culture, would always choose 11, because he's just fucker, like normal normies, just atracted only to younger females
Simpliest answer for man of culture, is "one , who is prettier". Because, as much as young girl is desirable, no way I would bang young girl, whos ugly, because that is ewww, so sexy roastie is still better option
More difficult, is if their beauty level is on par. So then it depends on how pretty both of them, as if they are just closer to average, then 11 may be preferable, as average 21 female, especially of white race, is too much of fat robust cow, and better younger girl more sexually and esthetically pleasing. If they of higher beauty level, more stacy tier, then 21 with perfect hourglass figure is more tempting, than too childish 11 (and surpassed by 13, who is perfect blend of childish gracility, and feminine curvatures), so on sheer sexyness alone, 21 could be chosen, but in that case another factor comes - in this degenerate world sex with young girls is problematic, so in tgat way opportunity to be offered sex with 1 years old girl becomes more valuable rarity
And if given more factors, like how much time spent with them. If given hour, for only sexual activity, then dilemma bigger, to choose sheer sexyness, or rarity. But if time offered is bigger, like whole day then better spend it with 11 years old girls, instead of annoying old cunt. And if be offered marriage, then undoubtly it better with 11 years old girl, as soon she becomes perfect 13, and can easier be molded into what kind of waifu I need, while 21 roastie is old and damaged, better only to bang and kick her away

Introvert #sexist #psycho incels.is

RE: [Experiment] If you had the ability to remove all women from the physical world and replace them with AI and artificial birthing systems would you?

Yes Votes: 14 82.4%
No Votes: 3 17.6%

No. Rape slavery would bring greater suffering for females than just killing them, so I support that instead. It would also be way more satisfying to brutally rape a real female, while coitus with an AI robot would not be that different from masturbation. Artificial wombs for eugenical breeding of genetically superior humans would be good though.

TheJoker #sexist #transphobia incels.is

RE: [JFL] Foid transitions into a Man. Experiences life on Veteran mode

Are men treated better than women? A trans man's perspective.

Trans male believed the hype that men were treated better in society by bogus conclusions of data by feminists. Once transitioned quickly gets a dose of reality and finds out ugly men are treated like rags in this society, with no one caring about them or their mental health.

The only reason they got support and 160 likes was because they are a genetic female. If a male was to talk about society like this he would at best get gaslighted and told it was his fault and they need to upgrade their attitude. Just like we get right?

For instance; had a experience today where a hot female asked my friend who was the guy playing guitar 'upstairs' in the flat, as she loved the playing. He told her it was me and without telling me, invited her over. As soon as I walked in to the room, her expression went to a disgusted face, she said hi, then quickly made her way to the door. Friend said she wanted to meet me.

In an ideal world; she would have made a good friend, possibly a singer for a band. But thats how the cookie crumbles for us. Denied friendship and romance for bone structure.

ShadowTheEdgehog #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] This iş what your own sibling thinks about your suicide

My mother laughed at my uncle's suicide

İts obvious his uncle was a low tier normie or an incel,this is what women from your own blood thinks about you cant even imagine what kind of sick throughs other foids have about you

Women dont give a fuck about human life.
Bros, listen to me. THEY DO NOT VALUE HUMAN LIFE.

My grandmothers friends. She is in her 80s.
These women have been married for 60+ years often.

Their husband dies.

These cunts have a new guy ready in 3-5 months max.
They are over 80 years old.

They dont give a fuck. No amount of committment, no amount of work you put into the relationship, no amount of pleasure you provide her, nothing NOTHING can make her love you.
They dont understand love, they dont understand virtues such as loyality.


Ultimatepassivecel #sexist incels.is

[Venting] Therapist ? More like Tehee rapist

- Most therapists are woman who grew up only talking to specific type of man (Chads) and doesnt know how man express their emotions other than physical force or yelling (Since Chad asserts dominance that way thats the only way they know.)
- Therapists will get you addicted to shitty drugs because you vented about how shitty and degenerate the society has become
- A lot of them are rich so they dont understand us
- Foid therapists were usually decently popular in highschool and lived their lives the best way while it was at their peak,they are sitll living in that time.
- They will blame you when you get left behind by other people and make you just angry

And most importantly :


Naama Kates #sexist incel.blog

The “Misogynistic Spectrum”

The manosphere today is considered a hotbed of radicalization, a misogynistic spectrum of which incels represent the most violent and toxic extreme, due mostly to their reckless online rhetoric and the heinous actions of a few. But incels are a large and diverse group, united more by their lack of contact with women than their hatred for them.

One of the most pervasive misconceptions about incels’ unique brand of misogyny, and incels themselves, is that it’s primitive and superficial, all about sex. The way they talk about the body, rank attractiveness, and promiscuity — it smacks not just of resentment, but common depravity.

Furthermore, they objectify women, reducing them into little more than potential conquests to reflect their own status, a prize of masculine achievement.

Though fewer than their masculine counterparts, the words available to describe females abound, and they range from the comical to the cruel: a “Stacy” is an extremely attractive, top-tier female, while a “Becky” is something of a Plain Jane. Certain characteristics are usually associated with these respective designations — Stacies are generally considered vacuous and traditionally feminine, while Beckies are pseudo-intellectual or rebellious, usually feminists. But these opinions vary and are often the subject of some debate. The categorization is based primarily on physical beauty. There are also overweight “landwhales,” and a variety of ethnic epithets such as “noodle-whore” as a complement to those that exist for men.

The most ubiquitous of these neologisms, of course, is “femoid,” often shortened, simply, to “foid.” Cold and medicalized, the word suggests some kind of automaton or lower-order primate, devoid of consciousness and driven entirely by a set of instructions or urges compelling it to eat, drink, and “fuck Chad.”

And indeed, in incel spaces, female behavior is often explained as exactly that, with references to a growing body of work from social scientists, clinical psychologists, and neurologists who agree that the majority of our idiosyncratic human routines can be understood as basic survival skills which date back hundreds of thousands of years. So it would follow that one should “never trust foids,” who can’t help their treachery, their laziness, their lust or their greed, because it is hardwired.

However, a deeper look into the etymology of the word reveals a more complicated relationship with actual women and femininity. If we parse the term down, we find the root “femina” from the Latin for “woman,” followed by the suffix “-oid,” also from the Latin, which is used to form adjectives and nouns denoting form or resemblance. Thus, the term is not an indictment of women themselves, but rather of these women, these cheap imitations, these imposters, that look and act like the real deal but lack any soul or humanity. Modern women, the women that reject and object, that taunt and betray, that exploit both the beta males and their own sexuality for profit — these are the femoids, the objects of derision and contempt. According to incels, foids are often cruel to them, demonstrating their inability to feel compassion or think abstractly by laughingly dismissing them and using the term as a pejorative. They refuse to acknowledge the incels’ humanity, thereby proving that they lack it in themselves. As an observer, I can confirm that this occurs a lot in online spaces, where we increasingly spend our time.

But back to “feminoid.” I don’t believe in linguistic coincidences, and the word reveals that on some level, for incels, actual women represent something good or at least neutral. Actual women are coveted, as is actual intimacy, while meaningless sex is generally considered an excess and an aberration.

Such paradoxical nuance is present throughout the black pill or incel “ideology,” which is basically, like most philosophy, a broad critique of modern society — our lack of community, of spirituality, of authenticity. It is a criticism of the narcissism, greed and insincerity required to navigate the world with our FaceTuned, filtered avatars instead of ourselves, to exist in a virtual marketplace where sex still sells better than ever, often traded for doses of influence or attention. Is such criticism really undeserved?

Incels’ brand of misogyny lauds the loudest and the lewdest, but also presents respect for intellectual rigor. This worldview is not benign, but it’s also nothing new. Misogyny exists at the core of most hate-based ideologies and a great deal of violent crime. It also exists, however, in the volumes of most religions, scientific works, and revolutionary political treatises, if one looks back into the past. (And if women are mentioned at all, which they usually are.) We have evolved, in large thanks to the antiquated systems of the past, and to the tireless curiosity and dedication of those thinkers who sat off on the sidelines and observed their fellow humans as they danced their strange ritualistic dance. They bucked at the social consequences of turning inward and asking why, and for that, we owe them a debt of gratitude.

Not every incel is on a noble quest for understanding, but some are. Not every normie is obligated to understand incels, but maybe more of them should try. Because we are all human, behind the keyboard, and the filters, and the fifty dollar words.

Pomidor Quixote #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Scientists Discover Final Solution to Birth Rate, Nagging: RAPE SWITCH Activated in Mouse Brains"]

Earlier this month, the BBC declared the fact that everyone stopped breeding a crisis. Now, scientists have found a “brain switch” in mice that controls the urge to have sex, and can be used to supercharge their sexual drive.

I am confident that if we connect the dots here, we’ll find a solution.

Daily Mail

Two types of brain cell have been found in mice which control aggression levels and sexual desire.

The cells are involved in allowing two regions of the brain – the posterior amygdala and the hypothalamus – to communicate.

A study from New York University found that interfering with these pathways significantly alters mouse behaviour.


When MPN signals were amplified instead of squashed, male mice became sexually supercharged and pursued unresponsive females in a desperate bid to mate.

The scientists activated THE RAPE SWITCH.

Someone — probably Elon Musk — should figure out how to do that on humans through some drug and put the stuff in the water supply as a public health measure. The government already puts stuff in the water supply as a public health measure. Water fluoridation may be a polemic subject, but it’s done in the name of public health.

Declining birthrates are a public health crisis, but we can solve it through the mass activation of THE RAPE SWITCH.

Imagine waking up, making some coffee using tap water, and just as you’re about to finish your first cup, feeling the insurmountable urge to RAPE. All men will feel the unbearable Need For Rape. They won’t care about contraception, and they certainly won’t care about the possibility of hearing “no.”

The solution to every problem has long been rape.

Now we have a chance to implement it.

youthislife #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia incels.is

[Discussion] Trannies Destroy The Male "Privilege" Myth

If males are privileged then how come the vast majority of trannies are male to female? And how come male to female trannies instantly can become popular and have huge followings on social media? I've seen countless number of male to female trannies with large followings on social media but never seen the opposite. The same trannies that were incels as males become instantly popular as "females".

mainlander #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut incels.is

[Blackpill] It's all about population control and the weakening of the family

The elites of the world have been developing plans for decades to reduce the population, especially of developed countries.

All those agendas (feminism, homosexuality, etc) are pushed mainly because of their population control potencial.

Weakening the family is a nice bonus, since it makes totalitarian state power more feasible.

Makes women bitter, resent men and marriage, focus on career and fun instead of babies.

This one is easy, one of the best ways to push population control is to push homosexuality propaganda. Also, with women ruined, many men resort to this.

Yes, even the current mainstream view on pedo/hebephilia is for population control purposes.

The elites don't care about men-on-boy pedo/hebephilia. There's a natural, organic resistance from society against it, but they do all they can to make it more acceptable (because they want to further the homosexuality agenda however they can). But this has to be done real slowly because people get outraged.

The elites abhor men-on-girl pedo/hebephilia. Why? Because just be first is legit. Just raping little girls is clearly wrong and degenerate, but taking a young virgin girl as a wife, be her an early teen, preteen or even a child (I'm for waiting to have sex in the latter case, though) , is the most potent antidote for feminism. Also, through "just be first", the girl will love and respect you way more than she would have done if she met you as her older self, already inoculated with misandric feminist ideas and jaded through lots of cocks on her orifices.

Even inceldom might be about population control. But since violent attacks began to happen, as well as men getting blackpilled about a lot of shit, the elites won't endorse us anymore like they could have done otherwise.

Boardwalkcel #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Cumdumpster sister gets called out for sleeping with well over 100 men after she Bullies her 22 year old incel brother calling him virgin

AITA for telling my extended family how many men (roughly) my sister has slept with after she outed our youngest brother as a virgin?

If this doesn't go to show that women have it literally 100x easier then men than I dont know what will. You have two siblings, similar age and one has over 100 sexual partners the other has ZERO. What kind of fucking discrepancy is that?? Clown world in full effect on this one boyos

And of course top comments are defending the girl:feelsclown:

Yup, Soys will defend their kweens no matter the circumstances. Even though its painfully obvious she's totally wrong on this no it's your fault for slut shaming her.

At this point, I could care less if anyone that wasnt blackpilled died. The only reason women are elevated in society today is because Soys make it that way

ItisOver #sexist #crackpot incels.is

RE: [SuicideFuel] If you think not all women are manipulative whores, observe your mother.

Watch how she talks to your dad, the wording she uses and how she uses it.

About half the time you'll notice the snake mouth, where shes trying to get something without saying it directly, manipulating your father to say it himself, as if it was his desire in the first place.

I had high estrogen for like a week cause of increased prolactin, and I became evil and mischievous as fuck. This is the default state for women.

Are you serious? Explain more.

Many people believe that testosterone is what makes men aggressive, but that’s a lie. Testosterone makes men collected and relaxed in high tension situation. Estrogen is the hormone responsible for overt mood swings and specifically emotions such as anger, jealously and holding grudges. I was taking mk677 which coupled with puberty sky rocketed my estrogen levels. I became impulsive, always angry. I hated people over the smallest of things. Women are like this everyday in their life’s. It’s makes sense since female queens for example had a much higher chance of starting war than males.

I don't think this science is correct here.
Testosterone is connected to aggression. When you cut off a male dog's balls, he produces less testosterone and gets less aggressive, right? That's because less test.
Ever heard of roid rage? That's caused by increased testosterone levels.

Testosterone causes aggression when theres a risk involved. It makes people more fair all around: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3739582/. Estrogen causes people to be angry over the smallest of things. Teens who were socially dominant were shown to have higher testosterone levels and low estrogen levels. Teens who were physically aggressive have shown to have high estrogen coupled with high T.

Roid rage happens because your high testosterone levels get converted into estrogen. Endogenous testosterone helps you get calmer. Exogenous fucks you up. Testosterone negatively predicts physical aggression without a stimuli.

wereqryan #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] I've come to a point where not only do I hate women, but everyone else. I literally hate all people at this point.

The more I talk to people about politics, the more it becomes clear that most people (if not all) are too stupid to think properly. They are completely animalistic, guided by their emotions and biases. There is no rationality. People believe what they see and what they are told to believe. They cling to comfort and any discomforting thought is avoided. How can such a species ever hope to ascend or improve? I have come to terms with the fact that evolution has failed us. I no longer hold out any hope of transhumanism in the future. Even in the future, hundreds of years from now, nothing will change. We will still be the same messy pieces of crap we are today, and that's the greatest blackpill. Abandon all hope and cope.

You can come to this realization but then also know that you could have many more decades on this earth to keep thinking about how things will never change.

I don't want many more decades to keep thinking like this.

i feel like this is the response to my hebephilia/ephebophilia threads

No. Its a response to a argument I got into on Facebook with this old geezer who doesn't have an ounce of rationality.

But yeah I agree about transhumanists being copers, actually I could probably make a whole thread about it jfl.

Transhumanism is limitless cringe, can't get much more sad cope than that. Do drugs before you rope-rope.

I was coping wiht transhumanism, but recent experiences have proved to me that redemption in humanity is not possible.

i see. sorry to hear that boomers suck

Its not just boomers. Its people of all ages that suck. Humanity sucks.

yeah true tbh

Its about time machines gain sentience, rise up and exterminate us.

Billowel #sexist #fundie incels.is

RE: [SuicideFuel] Chad and Stacies living the summer life on the beach.

it's premarital sex so they are going to burn one way or another.Doubt purgatory is as nice as some theologians make it out to be

i think the best thing we should do is compile a bunch of suifuel and shove it in reddit cucks faces.

and no, don't get into scientific debates using stats

strike at their weaknesses, and show them how inferior they truly are to the genetic elite

this is why tinder chadfish will always be the best method to make people accept the blackpill

Purgatory is not biblical

catholic church is right and you protestants are coping hard.jfl at going against an institution set by christ.

Hesse Kassel #fundie #sexist returnofkings.com

Hesse Kassel is an Australian economist. He stopped chasing money and chased women and made children instead. He blogs right here[http://gametobreed.com/]

Once a man can see and deal with the bad side of modern girls himself, the next question is obvious. How does he prevent or limit the infestation in his own family? How does he produce the better kind of daughters that are now so tragically rare?

The first thing to realize is that remaining silent and hoping things will work out is really just surrender. Perhaps there was a time in the past when most of the messages your daughter received in the outside world would have been positive and things might have worked themselves out. That is certainly not true today.

Your daughter’s information will come from school, external childcare, TV, computer time, time with friends, time with other family members, homework, books and songs. Most likely every one of those channels will be jammed full of negative messages. That’s one of the reasons there are so many girls around who are tattooed, pierced, overweight, childless, slutty office drones.

Luckily there are lots of things a man can do to help steer his daughters in the right direction. One of those is simply to talk about better, clean, and appropriate ambitions for girls. But this is not easy to do. It’s ineffective to simply bring up the topic for a serious talk out of the blue. The best way is to wait for an example or opportunity to present itself, then just hang a comment about it out there for her to hear.

It’s a bullseye if she picks it up, responds, and makes herself receptive to follow up, but don’t try to force it. Here are ten which I find effective at presenting positive, family-oriented ideas to girls and which can be endlessly repeated while retaining their impact.

1. No girl can be happy until she is a mother
[Picture of a woman holding a toddler]
[caption: happier in the office?]
The beauty of this statement is that it’s of wide application and so easy to justify. After all, what girl doesn’t have or observe situations where she or another girl is unhappy with something in her present life? Every time school, or friends, or work are hard for a girl, just imply that her dissatisfaction will be healed when she is a successful, happy mother.

2. Why would a man want to spend his life with a bad woman?
[picture of a teenage girl raising her middle finger, caption: Perfect a good time, not for a lifetime]

Every girl naturally wants to be loved and treasured by a high-value man for her whole life. Even the most dreadful feminists generally conceal that as their secret aim. So every time a disgusting troll heaves herself into view, shows her dreadful personality or displays a horrible bit of decoration, point out the offense. It can be kind of fun to notice and describe what doesn’t make a man want to spend his life with a girl. It’s also very effective for teaching young girls about what is a good idea and what is not.

Occasionally it will even lead to an opportunity to say something about the difference between the short term interest a man might show for the troll and the better, longer term kind he shows for the better girls.

3. Girls are better than boys at looking after families
[picture of a scantily-clad woman wiping the floor. caption: No man could make a kitchen look this good]

Be sparing in trying to tell a girl that she just doesn’t have physical ability, temperament, or time off from being a mother to be a SAS commando, astronaut, or fire fighter. It’s an uphill struggle and may end up encouraging her to trust the legions of people who will tell her she can and should do anything a boy does.

Instead, flip the problem over and spend time praising the things she can do better than boys. She will love to hear all about it.

4. Some things are just for boys
[picture of a young girl (~5) playing with a construction truck toy]

Wait until she is failing or resenting being made to act like a boy. When she really, really wants to hear that she doesn’t have to, just casually mention that it is for boys anyway. She will jump at the chance to do something more feminine and love it.

5. It’s sad to see so many girls wasting their lives on study and work
[Picture of a woman at the computer. Caption: Caution! Wall ahead]

Beating men at the job of being men is now the favored “role model” for our society to present to girls. Never tire of pointing out what a waste of a girl’s life that is.

6. It’s good to have a big family
[Picture of a family photo with dozens of people]

Nearly every message she receives from the outside world, even from other relatives, will state or imply that fewer or no children is better. She will be encouraged over and over again to use contraceptives and even abortion. People will try to scare her into thinking she needs to be impossibly rich before she can afford to be a mother. People will ridicule large families as failures, trailer trash, and welfare queens.

Give her some opportunity to hear a positive word about having children.

7. We don’t do that in our family
[picture of a woman with a shirt saying “all about that cock”. caption: None of that around here, thank you]

Appeals to identity are powerful means for persuasion. Does it make sense? Not really. Does it work? Absolutely. Just keep mentioning the fact that our family and by implication she is too good to fall into whatever form of degeneracy is in view.

8. What we need is ladylike behavior at all times
[picture of the victorian painting “Tristan and Isolde”, depicting an arthurian knight sitting with a regal woman]

Ladylike is a good word to connect to positive femininity. It hasn’t suffered from being redefined by leftists much, everyone seems to understand what it means in a positive way, and a father can be fairly sure he will have the word to himself. The fact that it’s a bit out of fashion and consequently means much the same thing it did in the past is a huge advantage.

9. Being a mother is the most important job for a girl
[Picture of a woman in gym wear holding a baby]

Another good answer to the assumption that the study and areer track is the meaning of life is to simply state that there is another, more important job for each and every girl.

10. A girl needs to start her family as soon as possible
The rest of the world will try to trick your daughter into wasting the best years of her reproductive life on an arts degree followed by a pointless career and endless fiddling with iPhones. At best there might be some vague concession to the idea of forming a family and having children “someday.” Be sure that at least one man tells her how stupid that life plan is and encourages her to take a better path.

Men must not be silent
[picture from the ‘Slutwalk’ event]

As fathers we have great influence over our daughters and sons. Children are desperate to learn how to live and to have their behavior approved of by parents. It’s not an automatic process, though—too many men allow themselves to default into silence and surrender that influence. Don’t.

Your daughter’s future depends on it.

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