
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

qanon1029 #sexist reddit.com

I would like to raise a glass to the based ricecel who ate that first bat and started a pandemic that ended in women losing their jobs, being sent home from school, and being stuck inside their houses for months on end. Well done buddy.

[image of Pepe the frog in a tuxedo giving a toast with a wine glass]

metabuxx #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Based] Every hole should be circumcised at birth

If we don't get to keep our foreskins I don't see a reason as to why holes should be allowed to keep their clitoris. Both don't serve any purpose when it comes to reproduction.

Plus female circumcision comes with plenty of benefits. Painful periods, infections, urinary problems and the best one - lack of interest in sex. They won't masturbate so there'd be no degenerate sex toys like dildos or vibrators. They won't be able to stimulate their pussy which will lead to vaginal dryness and thus Chad won't enjoying fucking them. Its like killing two birds with one stone.

It won't end hypergamy or benefit us in any way but at least holes will be miserable.

Grothendieck #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] All the negative memes about male sexuality (men only care about looks etc etc) is literally just women projecting their own behavior onto men

Women just accuse men of everything horrible they do and because of the female halo effect no one questions them on it. Even though the data is clear.

An example is how women claim to not be racist and vilify the "alt right" for its racism, but scientifically they are far more racist than men in every dating study done. Another example is how they claim to find male power disgusting and rape horrifying yet they are the greatest consumers of rape porn on the Internet. Or another example is how they claim every man who is "nice" is really an awful guy who's trying to manipulate them into sex to excuse the fact that they're banging degenerates instead and "niceness" has never been shown to help men in relationships (while it does help women to be nice).

They attack anything they know they should not embody but do. They are masters of hypocrisy and projection. It is their fundamental cope for their most revolting tendencies. Even they know how disgusting these tendencies are which is why they can't be honest about it.

Thankfully we have science which can tell us the truth where liars(aka bluepillers) won't.

Mike Buchanan & Ava Brighton #sexist #wingnut avoiceformen.com


The young Dutch anti-feminist Ava Brighton (above) has quickly made a name for herself in the MRM. Her website is here. She burst onto the consciousness of MRAs nine months ago with her first video, ‘Are Almost All Women CLINICALLY INSANE?’ She has since published another 17 videos, the latest being the trailer (11:14) for her forthcoming documentary A VOID.

I hardly need remind MRAs (and their sympathisers) how influential Cassie Jaye’s movie The Red Pill was, internationally. It was first screened almost four years ago, and I’m writing this piece to urge MRAs to help fund Ava’s documentary project, which is already well underway, A VOID. I believe it has the potential to be even more impactful than The Red Pill, in part because it focuses on the feminists’ battle which has surely caused more human suffering than any of their other battles – their battle against the nuclear family, which has had such a devastating impact on men, women and children. This impact has been both direct and indirect, for example the devastating impact of fatherlessness on children – especially boys – an issue so well explored by Warren Farrell in The Boy Crisis, and by William Collins in The Empathy Gap: Male Disadvantages and the Mechanisms of Their Neglect.

The feminist battle against the nuclear family – and against fathers in particular – first came to Ava’s attention because her partner Tristan Lonley had suffered such egregious attacks. The two of them spoke at the last Messages 4 Men conference in London, last November. Their talks are on the associated playlist (22 videos).

Ava recently launched a campaign and crowdfunding website for her documentary. From the website:

What I’m doing.

In these tumultuous times of change I’m here on Indiegogo, trying to raise funds for my feature documentary ‘A VOID’.

The project started off as a movie to raise awareness for alienated fathers and their children. I saw men being completely destroyed, stripped of their rights and from their children, their possessions, their sanity and, in too many cases, their lives. I wondered why this is happening to hundreds of thousands of men, all around the world. So I wanted to give them a voice, especially when I noticed men don’t dare to speak, are not believed and the system is, by default, against them: Men’s oblivion, an invisible black hole, most people don’t even know exists – until you get near it.

This became the start of a long and dark journey into the hidden realms behind feminism – if this is even the correct term, as what the female whistle-blowers described sounded a thousand times more savage than the fight for equality.

Once word got out I was considering making this documentary, female whistle-blowers started to join in, and this is where ‘A VOID’ took a sharp turn and got sucked past the event horizon of this black hole.

It made me realize I had to record all the whistle-blowers’ interviews prior to announcing the making of this movie. And now, with over 30 hours of the most important footage, ‘A VOID’ is becoming a movie in which women expose the truth behind the gender warfare. And we’ll be needing you to help us explode this evidence across the world.

What is the film about / what’s the story / what’s the angle?

In ‘A VOID’, Ava Brighton takes you on a terrifying journey beyond the event horizon of the black hole behind the feminist movement.

It’s the women who do the exposing: ominous testimonials of former feminists, mothers and academics are the centre point of the film, while at the heart are the voices of victimized men, alienated fathers telling their tragic stories. Ava Brighton doesn’t speak, the stories of these women and men are speaking for themselves, collectively providing the answers to the many questions surrounding the gender war and the hidden, worldwide war against men.

Roy Den Hollander #sexist #psycho avoiceformen.com

[From "Why Can’t the Men’s Movement Get its Act Together?"; article since deleted but saved here]

Some say the Men’s Movement is ineffective because the Feminists are so successful at turning men into androgynies that there are probably only a couple of hundred men left in America. If true, it’s not easy for such a small group to change the course of 300 million.

Some, however, argue ego. Men are too aggressive and opinionated—they just can’t cooperate. Yet, practically all the great social changes in history, for good or ill, occurred because men worked together.

Others claim an absence of organization with too many groups going in too many different directions. But there are hundreds of Feminist organizations spread across the land doing lots of different activities and focused on different goals, although a uniting factor may be their inherent fear and hatred of men.

The lack of success by the Men’s Movement isn’t for want of talent or will. It has skillful public speakers and writers trying to educate, elucidate and enlighten; competent litigators trying to put the blindfold back across the eyes of Justice; effective lobbyists exercising their First Amendment right of association; and gutsy demonstrators willing to fight for their rights no matter how many names the “morality pundits” call them.

So why can’t the Men’s Movement effectively fight the Feminists? In this capitalistic society—it’s money, the primary source of power in America. The federal government gives Feminist organizations hundreds of millions of dollars a year while foundations, corporations, and individuals chip in millions more.


The future prospect of the Men’s Movement raising enough money to exercise some influence in America is unlikely. But there is one remaining source of power in which men still have a near monopoly—firearms. At some point, the men in this country will take the Declaration of Independence literally:

“[W]hen a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same
object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right,
it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new guards for
their future security.”

Dawn Pine #fundie #sexist returnofkings.com

(Submitter’s Note: Follow-up to a previous quote:https://fstdt.com/7974GR8RGTKN4)

My last article made some noise over at Roosh’s and ROK (with this as the original reference). So I thought, with one of the comments on Roosh’s site encouraging me, that another piece would be a good idea. So, let’s get started with more tips on raising your daughter…

1. Develop Critical Thinking
If you didn’t know it by now, kids are impressionable. Actually, adults are also impressionable and girls are probably the most. This is why game works. We all know that females are herd creatures. So how can one help “save” his daughter from becoming part of the herd?

By adopting critical thinking and embracing praxeology.

When I teach my daughters something about the nature of the world, I sometime tell them the following line: “Look and see if it is true by yourself”.

My favorite example – Debunking “female superiority.” Take this show for example – K.C. Undercover

Yes, a female genius that is also athletic and can play basketball. Oh, and she is 16. Her brother is a nerd, and her parents don’t acknowledge him. Not to mention that they are blacks (and white folks are usually evil). So with all that BS on screen, what can a father do?

Use critical thinking.

“Girls, do you think that a 16 year old can actually be that good in everything?” They tend to agree with me. “She is good at playing basketball on the show” they tell me. I’ve been waiting for that. “I use to play division 1 in high school, and was also pro, for some time. I was a straight-A student also. Do you think I would have time to be an undercover spy?”

They get the point.

Use this tactic as often as possible, and you got yourself a critical thinker in the family. This means that she will not follow the herd that easily and will stick to what she knows. Hopefully, if you have been there and done the right thing, it will be traditional views on gender relations and your view of how the world works.

Which brings me to the almost “opposite”…

2. Encourage traditional gender roles
“Dad, it looks like guys have all the fun” You may sometime hear them say. This is where you need to make your frame their frame. Otherwise you might get a critical thinker who believes that being a tomboy is better than being a girl. Next step may be feminism.

This is where you work on their femininity, give meaning and show.
[Picture of a Nuclear Family
transcript: Traditional Sex Roles Week #BackToTheKitchen]

“Do you like being injured?” I ask. “No!” they are appalled, “Dad, why do you want us to get injured?” “I didn’t say that. I asked if you like being injured. You know that boys get injured more than girls. Also boys go to wars to defend us. Do you want to go to war?”

With this dialog one can see how you make being masculine, for a girl, less appealing.

Make sure to be there and show them the actual hardship of being a man. This is where feminists lack – they envy our rewards but don’t want to share the burden. Also remember to encourage the female experience.
5. Teach them to regulate their emotions
From my experience, and what the red pill teaches us – women are primarily driven by their emotions. Women of the past, by choice or by necessity, knew how to regulate their emotions better and were not all about her feelings.

Quoting Roosh:
“…what she thinks of as morality is actually built upon her feelings. When faced with any type of stress, she will almost always follow the herd or make the wrong decision”

Part of helping your daughter to grow is explaining and exercising her in recognizing her emotions. When my elder has a “hormone serge” I explain (afterwards) about it. Those episodes still happen, but one can help his daughter to regulate it (to some extent).

Work on it regularly. Teach them to harness their emotions for good, and not to turn it against themselves (I use the TV as examples for it, but one may use books and other people around). A girl who can, to some extent, regulate her emotions will be a great wife and mother.

6. Tell her what you expect from her
So natural, yet so overlooked by, well, most of the people.

I heard moms and dads saying stuff like: “Well, it is up to her.” I almost cringe hearing this. This is being lazy, and not putting the right emphasis on the right things in life. I don’t intend to tell my daughters what occupation to choose, but I am going to tell them how to live their life.

This is done by stories (with morals), and sometimes actually telling them what I expect.

This is my second article on the subject (here is the first). I assume that this one will be less controversial. This is my lessons learned from my red pill parent journey of so far. The more I look at it, it just seems a lot like daughters were raised a few decades ago, but with a new flavor.

I want to emphasize again – this does mean I get everything right. However, working by those tips will increase the likelihood of my daughters being better suited for the world, and for growing up. This is part of my legacy.

Representative-Way39 #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger i.redd.it

Advice to foids on how to take care of their vagina because they’re too dumb to figure it out on their own therefore require men to teach them

modern vaginas are just as repulsive as their bearers.. all historically depicted pussies are neat and tucked, they didn't have massive dildos or have sex with countless men. and no pedo but young prepubescent girls have roast beef, this shit only happens after they start jamming shit up there.

GIRLS when you put your tampons in do it delicately, too many of you pull the vagina to the side too roughly, OF COURSE doing that is going to cause the flaps to become worn and become loose and dangle. you fucking stupid repulsive cunts, god damn yous are so stupid, you can't even handle taking care of your vagina without men having to tell you what to do. fucking idiots.

EyesAreSoCold #quack #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Darwinistic nature defeatists are wrong, "nature doesn't want us to have sex so we shouldn't" is a feminist doctrine disguised as a blackpill

"Women's sexual selection has rejected your genes so you should just respect that and never get laid".

I keep hearing this kind of appeal-to-nature reasoning even here. People that are decently blackpilled but somehow falls into this trap where they let women be exempt from morals and laws but not men, double standards! Many men have their minds operating within arbitrary boundaries that a century of feminist thought has created, their intellect obscured leads them to this fallacy.

Monogamous marriages and slut shaming, that kept inceldom at bay for thousands of years, are social constructs, but do you know what also are? Laws, police, taxation, all welfare services that are voraciously used by women, everything that shackles men and diminishes their natural advantages. If you reject all attempts to control women's sexuality because "it's natural and you can't fight nature bro" then you also invite men's primal violent nature to flourish and all murder and rape that comes with it.

Imagine if a stone age man came to life amidst our modern society, what would he do if he was horny and all women rejected him? Masturbate and browse .co? No he'd rape the first best woman he saw and fight to kill any interference, he hasn't been domesticated by any moral dogmas so his biological instincts is all he knows.

Do you really think women want to go back to that? They depend on men for protection and to be provided for, it's not as obvious today when all men are forced to proxy provide for women but it's still true. Is chad resourceful enough to support and protect his entire harem? Not likely.

I'm not saying this egoistic anarchy is ideal but that is the inevitable end of feminism, you can't expect men to be good boy slaves forever.

JosefMengelecel #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Discussion] Are femoids really any better than objects like chairs, toilets etc?

Each object has a purpose. The purpose of a chair is to sit on it and the purpose of a toilet is to shit in it. The purpose of femoids is to cum on it and fuck it. Pretty much just for sexual pleasure. This means that femoids aren’t any better than household objects.

Also they lack the intelligence of a human being or even an animal. All they really are is just holes to be nutted in. That’s pretty much it. They aren’t sentient beings either. If you get try to get into an argument with one they just contradict themselves in the first sentence.

In the past I thought that femoids can be treated like livestock but they aren’t worthy of being considered livestock. It would be more accurate to treat them like property instead as they have the same value as a toilet. But even then atleast toilets don’t whine and complain

Based Frog #psycho #sexist #ableist #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #elitist rebelreformer.wordpress.com

I Reject Fat Acceptance: It’s Not Okay to be Fat

This may sound like tough-love to encourage healthy dieting or some sort of garbage like that, but this certainty isn’t my intended purpose. I truthfully just believe that fat people are degenerates who are on the same level as alcoholics, smokers, poor people, divorced people, and; worst of all, scum who drive foreign-made automobiles. Yes; that’s really how disgusting I feel fat people are, because fat people are destroying civilization; and if you don’t agree, then perhaps this will change your mind.

For years now, we’ve seen the communists promoting the fat-acceptance agenda; glorifying obesity and brainwashing people into being accepting and tolerant of fatties. Fat people believe that we should become tolerant of obesity and endorse societal acceptance of being overweight. In fact, advocates of the fat-acceptance agenda have adopted the ideology of ‘obesity is beautiful,’ with their underlying goal being the destruction of civilization and degrading our culture through the obesity epidemic. The root evil of the fat-acceptance movement is a belief in accepting people for who they are, and not judging people for being overweight. Here’s the truth though: We don’t have to be tolerant of fatties, and obesity is disgusting.

Hatred of obesity is not only morally acceptable, but hating obesity is in fact a moral obligation of every individual. There’s nothing wrong with shaming obesity; especially not we direct our ridicule at the poor life decision of obesity itself rather than degrading actual individuals. It is completely inexcusable to be overweight because obesity negatively impacts society, and as such, it is society’s moral duty to shame it. After all, if fat people should be accepted by society although obesity degrades our culture, then by the same token, sluts should be accepted and viewed as “people” too. And even to a further extent, if we are to be accepting of fat people, then how about the equivalently absurd proposition that we be accepting of single mothers and alcoholic fathers? Surely if a cancerous trait such as the obesity epidemic negatively impacts society, then society has a moral obligation to ridicule and shame that negative trait through any means possible.

Obesity is a choice; just like poverty is, and likewise – just like poor people; fat people are lazy and gluttonous, but that’s only the beginning of their issues. Worst of all, it’s clearly an overarching trait that fat people are irresponsible and immature. Rather than admitting that they have no self control, fat people fail to take responsibility for their poor lifestyle choices and always make excuses for why they’re not in perfect physical shape. Fat people always conjure up absurdly stupid excuses pertaining to medical conditions, body-type differences, or genetics, and through all of these excuses, fat people claim that they’re just genetically inferior to normal specimens of the human race and thus inherently incapable of achieving a normal body shape. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that fat people aren’t on the same level as normal people and that we’d be a lot better off without fat people, yet their own admission of this still doesn’t change the fact that obesity is only ever caused solely by massive overeating on a continual basis. I have personally never observed a fat person NOT eating, and that’s because eating is all that fat people do all day. Fat people eat, and eat, and eat; there’s just no end to it – and as we all know, obesity is purely caused by consuming more calories than you use up. Meanwhile, people who believe that there are legitimate excuses for being overweight are delusional, because obesity, even in mild forms, was extremely rare until the 1970s. If obesity was caused by genetics or medical conditions, then there’d be lots of morbidly obese people in the past; but in truth, it wasn’t until fifty years ago that people began gorging themselves on 3 hamburgers in one sitting, and once people started doing that, the disgusting proletariat class of society has ever since been degenerating into morbidly obese human-like creatures. Being overweight takes a lot of effort on a daily basis, and the truth is that being overweight is caused entirely by a self-destructive lifestyle, and nothing will ever change that. Fat people don’t seem to understand this however, because fat people are also stupid, which is why they make up excuses for not being in shape. In fact, it has been proven by science that an unhealthy proportion of body fat destroys the brain of an overweight person and actually cause them to become less intelligent. This is a clearly observable fact which is actually very easy to believe and is the conclusion that most people would come to simply be observing fat people.

Not only that, but obesity is immoral, and in fact; obesity itself is evil. In every religion in existence, obesity is condemned as a sin; and there is no religion that condemns obesity more strongly than Christianity. The Bible often harshly ridicules laziness and gluttony, and there’s even a story in the Bible where God rewards a man for assassinating some morbidly obese king. Fat people are deliberately unhealthy and grotesque; they have no willpower; they’re quitters; and they’re nothing more than a drain on society since they’re useless. Fat people also are horrible to be around because they take up so much room and smell so bad. They don’t even practice basic hygiene because they’re too lazy, which is how fat people spread diseases; and even if they did practice basic hygiene, they’d still stink because all they ever do is sweat profusely from preforming basic tasks like walking into a McDonalds. Indeed; as useless eaters who eat exponentially more food than normal people; fatties are at best nothing more than a complete burden to society. For fat people, even basic everyday tasks require exorbitant effort, which only causes them to be even lazier and to become even more morbidly obese since all they feel like doing is eating all day.

Hating fat people isn’t even mostly about being disgusted at how they choose to become grotesquely obese. Rather for the most part, hating fatties is about encouraging the continuation of an able-bodied and free people. Fat people can’t even run, much less walk, without panting and gasping for breath, which is one reason that they’re a lot easier to kill off; and that’s probably why fat people can’t be firemen or even policemen; because fatties are nothing more than a burden and fat people just get in the way whenever there’s an emergency. And as for overweight women, they’re wholly incapable of giving birth to healthy children, and to add to that, overweight parents always raise children who are even more morbidly obese; sometimes to the extent of being several times more overweight. Meanwhile, those same families raising children who look like they’re three donuts away from a heart attack are the same types of families who don’t even know what vegetables are while at the same time ranting about genetic unfairness.

Obesity is a self-perpetuating problem, and the way I see it, fat people serve no practical purpose besides consuming vast quantities of food. In fact, fat people are nothing more than a drain on society since they bleed the healthcare system to death and take up extra room literally everywhere that they go. And speaking of how much fat people drain the healthcare system, let’s not forget that obesity is the #1 cause of death in America, and most health issues are caused entirely by being overweight. In fact, the vast majority of health issues, such as all cardiovascular diseases, nearly all diabetes, most types of cancers, and so on; can all only even be caused solely by obesity. Fat people are not normal; They’re simply slobs who don’t care about their lives, and fatties are simply sloths who gorge themselves to death in a deliberate attempt to ruin their bodies.

Obesity simply goes to show that good times create weak people; and as we all know: Weak people in turn create bad times, which is how fatties are one of the many groups contributing to the destruction of civilization. Obesity is not normal and it is entirely inexcusable. Obesity is a choice; a decision made on a daily basis by people who don’t care about their lives, and fat people are not the type of citizen that we want in this country. However, it’s actually compassionate to tell people all of this, because that means they can be encouraged to do something about their lifestyle. Then again, if people actually cared about their bodies, then they wouldn’t get fat in the first place, and it’s disgusting that some people want to live like that. You can confront fat people with any of this, and they won’t deny it; but of course, fat people always have the same old response to criticism of obesity:

[A picture of a comically overweight Pepe saying he’ll start the diet tomorrow]

bueos #racist #sexist reddit.com

I want my ex-bully to knock my girlfriend up

I'm also concerned that the baby wont look black. My bully is very black but my girlfriend is also very white with very fair features. I've noticed that mixed kids of fair white women often look very white. I would enjoy weird stares from white people and the laughing and disrespect from black people. So I'd like our kid to be clearly part black. The same for the future 4 or 5 more kids I hope we have.

My bully caught carona before she decided to contact him. That was a few months ago and he still seems to be fine. It's a serious virus though and I can't consent to her having sex with him or even meeting him until he's been fine for another month and repeatedly tests negative from multiple clinics and multiple ways to test. My girlfriend cried a bit because she was so excited to do this. I've been comforting her as much as I can physically and emotionally and reminding her that it's going to happen soon enough. I told her I'd try to make it up to her while she waits for him.

This is really upsetting for both of us.

We're considering finding another black man. She's considering a guy she showed me a video of, fucking a poor southern guys fiancee because he used the n word. He really rubs it in talking crap while he does her from behind. I feel sorry for the guy because the black guy disrespected the guys privacy and family. He was talking about how much he loves his little family and wanting to get married and have another kid.

The black man has 3 girlfriends now..

Does anyone know this guy? He has some powerful, aggressive genes and my girlfriend wants him. If you know any of his accounts or channels, please let me know.

LMAO. A cuck trying to be intimidating, by going through my post history no less. You're cute.

I love how the people who are rightfully disturbed by your post you get mad at, and the sickos encouraging you to let your gf cheat on you and have you raise another man's child you welcome with open arms and friendliness.

You do realize you're extremely mentally ill, right...? Right...??

I'm not trying to be intimidating at all. I didn't need to go through your post history. All I had to do was glance at it. lol

Okay, but answer the question. Do you realize how sick you are? You need therapy. Your gf is going to dump you btw as well if you don't fix your brain.

There are benefits to my girlfriend bearing my bullies kids too. Mixed kids are healthier and have less abnormalities than Caucasian kids. They're physically stronger and much more athletic than Caucasians. We can afford a much bigger house for our future because we can buy one in a diverse neighborhood with lower property values. We'll fit in well with the neighborhood and I don't have to worry as much about them being picked on at school like Caucasian kids often have to deal with. Most importantly, if my bully stays here, they'll have a black uncle (my bully) that might want to visit my girlfriend and his kids from time to time.

Now tell me what it is that makes YOU think I'm sick. Tell me how to "fix my brain" and Why would a girl dump a loyal provider that encourages her cheat on him? What would the point of that be? And tell me why you're so against this.

Billowel #sexist #crackpot incels.is

A follow up to my hag thread:12 year old kids fuck while you rot.

if she is 18-20,she is already a hag.

It seems that some of us here are confused,and think that what i said is either totally untrue or happens at a much smaller rate then i made it out to be.

this is bullshit and i will explain why.

sex is man most desired activity(usually).most here will agree.Even most male friendships spend 80% of the talks contemplating sex and relationships(who fucked who,how hot a shit bitch is,going out to have 'fun' and to fuck a bitch etc etc).Everyone wants to fuck,so if they are not fucking something must be stopping them.

Roasties start their puberty sometimes at 9(most a bit later) and most man start their puberty at around 11-12.Puberty is a bitch and you want to stick your fucking dick in some hole and fuck it till you bust a nut.Girls also want to fuck(since they are in puberty),and what do they do?THEY FUCK KEK

females interact with chads and chadlites.they are not autistic.even if they were autistic,one or two guys will be low inhibition enough to talk to her and he will also want to fuck her(most guys will fuck anything).The only thing that stops a bitch from fucking a guy is her pride over wanting chad/chadlite and only chad/chadlite. .Females are filled with pride and unless they are fucking the cream of the crop,they will simply choose not to fuck.Chads and chadlites could choose not to fuck a girl unless they are a stacy,but again they are a bunch of horny dogs who would fuck anything as long as the bitch isn't extremely fat or psychically deficient.

religion,god,family,morals all things that once stopped people from being degenerates is seen as a joke,so nothing stops degeneracy from happening apart from psychical ugliness.Literally nothing in a degenerates mind makes them quiver from degeneracy apart from psychical ugliness.they are more like beasts then man.

in other words,nothing stops chads.he has the looks and if he has looks he can dip his dick inside stacies pussy and fuck her till her pussy is a puddle of precum,cum and pussy juice.

So most girls will get fucked in the 1-2 years after starting puberty.Most bitches can find a chad to fuck in that timeline.What i just said is true and you need to agree with me.

inb4 no bro my 13 year old sister just went to brad's house to play minecraft.She just loves those darn blocks

top kek

Just imagine finally getting laid at 40 with a 4/10, betabuxxing and shit, you end up having a marriage and a girl. You have bounds to her, you raise them, and then she starts puberty and starts to hate you, starts dressing like a slut and then she runs away from home to get her pussy slayed by some chad.

Imagine how it feels to have this kind of life. How can you cope? This happens a lot though, and people just act like there is no problem with that.

if he loses his virginity at 40,then that girl isn't his daughter kek.i feel pity at all the copers who think kids aren't fucking like monkeys just because they spent their teens coping with world of warcraft and jacking off to games on newgrounds,never paying attention to what is happening in their circle and never getting the chance to be in chad social circle where they are shown all the nudes of all the girls in class

I have a teen sister myself. She has a Chad boyfriend (he mogs me completely), I'm sure when she goes to his house they just play minecraft together :lul::lul::lul: - r*dditors unironically believe that... just shows how much they are disconnected from reality, they think teens don't have sex

only failed normies and ugly/crazy roasties go to reddit so obviously those bluepilled copers will deny everything i say

hopefully my new 14 year old oneitis hasn't gotten fucked yet :feelsbaton:

she has already been creampied,if she found a suitable chad.

people have this mindset because most boys aren't fucking at age 12, just 7+ men

however 80% of girls will leave middle school having at least sucked a dick if not fucked

i am not advocating for premarital sex,but most degenerates lose their virginity incredibly 'early.As i have said before 18-20 year old women are fucking hags

the church fathers are so fucking based kek.BRO THAT WAS 21421249821894219842198421894 YEARS AGO BRO.THIS IS THE MODERN WORLD BRO!WE ARE CHANGED MAN!

copers think they are going to change what is set in stone(bro everything is subjective lmao.we can change the world bro) top kek.if i did not desire the flesh of women i would just head into a monastery and forget women were even desired for their skin.life is brutal

Bluepillers actually think most kids and teens just spend their entire time playing with bionicles,watching anime and movies,and playing games till 4 am.Most bluepilled fathers unirocally think their daughter started dating at 16 when in reality her hole has been penetrated by more then 100 cocks.also are you outside or are you by a window?low inhibition if you are outside.shit even with a window open that's low inhibition.

Incel_Because_Short #racist #sexist incels.is

[Racepill] White male Asian female - The Elephant in the room nobody wants to talk about.

I'm not just talking about people on this thread, I'm talking about society in general.

It's honestly one of the most disgusting interracial relationships ever, and I'm not even an Asian male so no bias of that sort here.

You've seen it before, some loser white dude who is 5'10"+, walking on campus with a tiny Asian foid that comes up to his chest. Or maybe you see it walking downtown, or doing groceries. Everyone seemingly knows why they're together, but nobody is brave enough to talk about it.

Some things I've learned about these relationships, anecdotally:

-The Asian woman is usually self-hating. Almost without a fail, every Asian woman entering into a relationship with a white male is doing so because she is ashamed of her race and identity, and thinks that dating a white guy is a way to move upwards in society or will help her feel less Asian. She is in a sense fetishizing the perceived status of white people and projecting that onto her white partner.

-The Asian woman does all the work in getting the white boyfriend. I've asked several white guys I know who supposedly have jungle fever or has an Asian girlfriend why they are dating her. Usually it's because they had to put in less effort with her compared to other girls. Asian girls will do the flirting, the asking out, they will set up the dates and make everything seem effortless for the guy so that he makes her his girlfriend. With girls of his own race, he has to put in the effort. Why do more work for the same outcome?

-The white guy would not have gotten a girlfriend otherwise. Again this is anecdotal, but I personally don't know any white guy who can attract girls of his own race who goes after Asian women. This is why white women don't really care about white guys who date Asians, these guys are not in their dating pool to begin with.

-It's a relationship based on fetishization. For the Asian woman, she is fetishizing him because he gives her a way out of her Asian identity. For the white man, he is fetishizing her (typically) neoteny and smaller frame, which he links to femininity. Honestly though I believe yellow fever is a myth. It's not that white guys fetishize Asian women, they just like how easy it is to get them, so they justify that through a fetish.

-The woman pulls the strings in the relationship. They don't typically go after strong-minded white guys, they target the weak-minded ones who are easy to manipulate. Asian women are really good at appearing subservient while controlling everything in the background. I've met this one WMAF couple in University, and she plans everything they do, from studying, to Halloween events, to restaurants they go to, literally everything. She likes to parade him around with her everywhere to signify her status, that she bagged a white guy.

All in all, WMAF relationships are incredibly creepy. They are based on a known power imbalance between ethnic groups, and the material interest gained from the Asian woman. Everyone knows that it's a dysfunctional relationship, but nobody wants to say anything.

This is completely different from Asian Male, White female relationships in contrast. In an AMWF relationship, usually the female has nothing to gain, not the Asian male, so any relationship between the two is based on other lookism factors instead of the tacit manipulation of both partners.

”tbh I don't even know why is this a thing, it's probably not as much as people make it look here. Most asian people are racist asf they don't even hang with non-asian people, let alone date”

You're wrong. Here in the USA, nearly every noodle girl is with a white boyfriend. It might be different where you live, but I assure you WMAF is real.
Asian foids are racist, but they're racist against Asian men, not whites.

Honestly this. Asian foids in the West are either dating high-tier asian guys (5'10+, goodlooking) or any white guy.

Well its the same for other ethnics too, latina and sand foids will also do this

True, though I don't see it happen nearly as often with other ethnics as I see it happen with Asians.

Incel Party #sexist #fundie incelparty.win

Incelphobia is a form of ableism usually characterized by hatred, fear, antagonism or aversion towards truecels, incels or nearcels. Incelphobes sometimes express this antagonism through virgin-shaming against truecels, cacophobia against uglycels, and ableism against disabledcels. Incelphobia is sometimes called incelhatred and overlaps with anti-inceldom. A person who holds incephobic beliefs, is an incelphobe or incelhater. Incelphobes justify their incelphobia by suggesting that concepts such as the blackpill or red pill are sexist, but they're silent when women such as Catherine Hakim say practically the exact same thing. The most self-conscious incels, when becoming "incel toms", sometimes parrot incelphobic behavious.

Combatting incelphobic narratives
We at the incel party will help give pride to recovering incels. The first stage is acceptance. We want to let most men know that they have been incel at some point in their lives, and that it's ok to come out as an incel. We will hold non-violent "coming out" events, such as asking people to take pictures of themselves holding up a sign, "coming out", as an involuntary celibate.

Incelibates (and other singletons) are sometimes discriminated against financially. In the UK, research by the Good Housekeeping Institute estimates that singletons pay £2000 more per year than married and cohabitating people on everything from car insurance, council tax, travel fares, wills and many other costs. The difference is even more lopsided in the United States wherein incelibates are especially discriminated against in healthcare payments.

Broadest sense
In its broadest sense, the usage of the term incelphobia incorporates a wide range of behaviors. in its broadest usage, incelphobia within the dating scene is referred to as nonredamancy, which means romantic rejection. Nonredamancy most prominently affects truecels and nyphocels, the former because its all they ever experience, the latter because they desire a romantic or sexual outlet so much. In its broadest sense, incelphobia can come in many different forms, including cacophobia against deformed incelibates, lookism against unattractive incelibates, hybristophilia against good-mannered incelibates and ableism against incelibates with a disability.

Raping Girls is Fun #sexist #psycho #fundie #conspiracy #racist ifunny.co

(Submitter’s Note: the link is to a screenshot that was taken from the, now defunct, website “Raping Girls is Fun”)


The Rapecel manifesto
A spectre is haunting the western femisphere —- the spectre of Rape-Culture. All the powers of feminism have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Bluepilled normies, white knight cucks; women's studies professors; Jewish sex offender psychologists; even young, borderline personality disordered femoids, and Chad's embittered, cast-off fucktoys, neither of whom can stop fantasizing about the Chad-rape they wish they could get, yet have no choice but to sublimate those fantasies by immersing themselves in the literature that condemns rape culture. They want to be raped by Chad, and accuse the betas and incels of rape for having the audacity to expect sex in return for their often state-enforced provisioning.
Where is the incel who has not been decried as rapey by his opponents in power? It is high time that rapecels should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Rape-Culture with a manifesto of rapecels themselves.
What is the rapepill?
The rapepill is the sexual component of patriarchism. It is the the understanding that men and femoids are sexually complementary; that sexual polarity depends on the union of a dominant male with a submissive female; that hierarchy is more efficient and stable than rule by a committee of two equals; that providing a stable home for the raising of children is incompatible with the notion of moment-to-moment consent to sex.
The rapepill is based on an acknowledgement that femoids, being emotional and childish (especially during their years of peak beauty and fertility), are not fit to make their own sexual decisions, and that men therefore must make those for them. But the rapepill also says that even if femoids had the same intellectual capacity as men, they would still need to be forced into sexual submission, because the power imbalance between man and woman creates unity in the family behind a common leader. The ability to compel the female to have sex gives the man a reason to stay with her, and creates harmony in their relations.
On a primal level, rape reassures the female that, being the type of man who is strong and assertive enough to take charge of her, her master can also go out into the world and do what is needed to protect and provide for her. She knows she is kept safe from her own self-destructive impulses as he subjugates her under his will, sexually and in other ways. Rape then is symbolic of care for her, because it springs forth from his ownership of her and desire to preserve his property so that it can be used for the satisfaction of his sexual cravings.
What is a rapecel?
A rapecel is a man who cannot have sex without getting accused of rape. As the term implies, he is a combination rapist and incel.
One might argue, "Many so-called 'rapists' don't actually copulate with anyone; they were wrongly accused." Or, members of the more mainstream factions of the incelosphere will try to distance themselves from the out-and-out rapecels by saying "NAIALT (not all incels are like that)!"
But the distinction between "rapist" and "non-rapist," as weighty as it may be in law, politics, and culture, is without a meaningful difference. Femoids can feel raped just by knowing that an incel looked at them lustfully. And with femoids, all that matters are feelings; to them, feeling raped is worse than actually being raped. To a femoid, "rape" is symbolic of every wrong that men do to femoids, because it is the one act that only a man can perpetrate against her. "Rape" encompasses every failing that a man can have in his relations with femoids, which is why when a relationship breaks up, often the femoid will decide that her mate was sexually abusing her the whole time.
Since female consent is an arbitrary social construst, and the female's perception of having consented, or having been raped, can change from moment to moment, and since her perception is all that matters in determining her happiness or sadness, we may as well say that those men who tend to inflict upon femoids feelings of being raped are for practical purposes rapecels. In today's society, all sub-8 men are effectively rapecels, since relations between the sexes are more dysfunctional than ever, making femoids increasingly inclined to cry "rape" because they feel unhappy, and because they know it will attract sympathy and assistance they could not otherwise get so easily. Female nature is to instinctively use deception and victimhood as a cloak and shield against any attempt to impose upon her personal responsibility for her actions.
In times past, femoids were protected from the consequences of poor sexual decisions by being forced to obey their fathers' wishes that they stay virginal until marriage and then marry a man of their father's choice, and stay faithful and loyal to him. Now, femoids have been unleashed to make poor sexual decisions, and if these relationships or lack thereof turn out badly for them, their recourse is to claim, "I was raped," if they want society to step in and help them in dealing with the consequences, and inflict retribution on the man they believe wronged them. In most cases, this will be a man who is not Chad (because they would never cry rape against Chad, since the halo effect makes them continually worship him rather than having contempt for him; and since they always harbor a desire to have sex with him in the future, rather than wanting to get rid of him), nor a truly dangerous man (whom they would fear too much to want to get on his bad side).
Thus, the rapecel is usually a gentle, meek man -- or at least, he starts out that way. He could also be an ugly man who is determined to get what he wants. But note here that under the inflated standards of male aesthetics which characterizes our epoch in which hypergamy has been unleashed, "ugly man" increasingly is a category that encompasses every sub-8 man, as for practical purposes they are just as incel as the sub-4 men of times past. Their acts of sex with femoids are just as likely to be labeled rape as those that sub-4 men used to engage in years ago.
Why do you, as rapecels, say "Raping Girls Is Fun"?
Raping girls is fun because it is what we, as men, are meant to do. The masculine man is all about conquest; what distinguishes him from the female is that rather than talk endlessly, to try to make sense of his feelings, he instead finds pleasure in bending nature to his will, making progress in his work, and rising to ever-higher pinnacles of success and accomplishment. With rape, man extends his dominion to the female, putting her to the use for which she was made, indeed the only use she is good for, and therefore the only use that can truly satisfy her, since compared to man, she is incompetent at everything else and therefore would feel inferior were it not for having between her legs what man wants and can only get from the female.
Rape appeals to our natural, primitive instincts, as we evolved during a time when rape was normal; yet it is not something we should aspire to evolve past, because it is classical, rather than anachronistic. Civilization does not mean we should stop raping; on the contrary, civilization makes more rape possible, as it enables men to combine forces to overpower femoids and force them under men's sexual domination; and rape in turn is a building block of civilization, subduing female rebellion so that femoids can bear children and be compelled to raise them with the children's father, producing physically and psychologically healthy offspring that can then participate in civilized society.
With all this in mind, we can let our consciences rest free of any guilt that rape is wrong just because a femoid says "Stop," "No," etc. We can enjoy ourselves as we thrust into these femoids while they cry out in pain and struggle against us, confident in the knowledge that this is right and what we are supposed to do, and what we as men have been blessed with as our birthright, and have earned through our contributions to society. Once we have taken the rapepill, all that remains is to put our ideas into practice, and that is where the excitement begins, because nothing is more fun than raping girls.

HyperVersager_4EVER #transphobia #sexist #quack incels.is

[Serious] It is time for me to come out as a TransChad
      I believe in my heart of hearts that my current body does not correspond to what I truly am. I look myself in the mirror and what I see and what I feel do not match. I am not a manlet, rather I am 6’4 tall. I don’t have 15inch narrow clavicle, my clavicle is broad and domineering. My face isn’t hideous and full of genetic acne, I have a clean face with robust jawline and hunter eyes. I identify as Chad, I am a transChad. And you shouldn’t discriminate against me just because I wasn’t privileged enough to born as what I truly am, you disgusting cishet. And any Chad-desiring women too, should find me beautiful and treat me as who I truly am. If she desires a cisChad, she ought to desire a transChad like me too, otherwise it is bigotry and she should be punished under anti-discrimination laws, especially as a form of discrimination against disenfranchised gender and sexual minorities. After years of hard-fought progress, our society has finally advanced to a level that people can live as who they truly are and it just saddens me that some unsavoury women still discriminate against poor, impoverished transChad people like me. We must spread awareness on this issue, teach who transChads are to our kids early, so that they will not grow up to discriminate against all the disenfranchised minorities such us. Thanks for reading this kind stranger, it was painful for me to come in terms with who I truly am and I am slowly crawling out of my safe space. Your understanding means a lot to me! Here are some tags to help you spread our cause! Let us build a diverse and tolerant society together!

#TransChadLivesMatter #ILGBTQIA+LivesMatter #StopTheHate #TransChadRights #FuckATransChadTodayToFightTheHate

Dawn Pine #fundie #sexist returnofkings.com

(Submitter’s Note: this is only half of the screed, cut for the sake of brevity)

Dawn Pine (aka TheMaleBrain) is an Israeli 40+ divorced father of 2, former casualty of the blue-pill. Since he has taken the red pill his hobbies are: working out, writing, mentoring, harem management and self improvement.
As a divorced father of two daughters, and a RVF active member, I see articles on raising sons (examples 1[http://www.returnofkings.com/93261/5-tips-to-raise-a-strong-son], 2[http://www.returnofkings.com/90283/5-things-i-learned-from-my-brothers-on-how-to-raise-a-son], 3[http://www.returnofkings.com/91029/why-you-must-raise-your-son-to-be-a-warrior] and 4[http://www.returnofkings.com/80115/5-things-i-will-teach-my-future-son], all from this year alone on ROK). Raising a son is an important matter, as most of us here at ROK are boys.

But wait a minute! 50% of the population is females. Those of us who are fathers (writer included) may also have daughters. The discussions here as I mentioned, are more about sons. What about daughters?

I could sit with myself, complain, or take it to the comments section. But that is not the way the manosphere practices. So I decided to write my own list of tips, based on my know-how so far. I have been on the red-pill for three years now, and I wish to share with my fellow readers what I have learned.

1. Teach her what guys and girls find attractive
We all know the answer to that one. But a child does not. Children are not blank slate, but they are unaware of “how the world works”. It is my responsibility as the patriarch to show them.

In order to starve the hamster in advance, I give my daughters tools and the language to understand. Kids have a very strong hamster, as do females (we all know that).

Since early times, people have used stories and myths to educate. This is truer at a young age, as they are not yet teenagers. I often use stories and examples, as kids sometime struggle with “concepts” or “genralities”.
Taking CH advice[https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/oneitis-and-the-wall-the-two-most-important-life-lessons-you-can-impart-to-your-sons-and-daughters/]:
“Tell her with uncompromising bluntness that she is pretty now, and all the boys notice her, but her prettiness will disappear faster than she knows (or can possibly know at her tender age), and there will come a time, always much sooner than she had hoped, when none of the boys will notice her.’

My daughters know that they should be married by their mid-20s. I use their mom and other moms of their friends and asking: ”How successful will her boyfriend be, if she was single?”. They look at the fathers of their friends, and at least some of the time it is obvious. My eldest told me that her mom told her that being married at 25 is too young. I replied by stating that her mother has actually no strength running after them, and that they as young moms would have the strength to do things with their children. Message well understood.

2. Show her how guys hit on girls
I day game sometimes. I don’t do it much in front of my girls, because they will cockblock me. It happened a few times before I “stopped”. I recall one time that they ran interference at a wedding, when I was about to number close a young hot girl.

But if we are in a restaurant for example, I tease the waitresses. I use pet names, boss them around a little bit and treat her as a small child. The waitresses usually take it very well, and sometime even blush.

My daughters start to giggle. “Dad, I don’t know why, but I feel good when you do that,” my elder told me. “It is because older girls are like young girls. They love it when a successful man makes fun of them” I explained. “Also, you see that the waitress was responding well. She likes it,” I add. They witnessed it, and now they know how it feels and how it looks when a guy hits on a girl and what an interaction between boys and girls looks like.

Lesson hammered again. As a side benefit, now my daughters feel better knowing that their father is “Successful”. I’ll admit that my game level is intermediate at best, but good enough is good enough.

4. Work on their femininity
We are man and we practice masculinity. Femininity? Red-pill guys? How exactly? One would assume that this is the mom’s job. So what? We all know that women are not to be trusted with responsibility. So I gladly take some of this burden upon myself.

You can do it too. The funny things is that it is not that hard. It also correspond with the red-pill.
Not my best one (to say the least), but I try to have them do feminine chores around the house: Cook with me, fold laundry and so on. Just because I live alone and do masculine and feminine chores does not mean that my daughters can’t learn it also from me.
In this case I have a good deal of help from their mom. She emphasizes looks, dresses well and wears makeup. Kids need to have discipline and getting dressed, even for girls is sometimes tiresome. Trust me, I use to be like that. When they sometime complain, I remind them that looks are important (see tip #1). This is where a cooperation between parents really kicks it in, and a lot of people mentioned how well they dress.

Whenever they form an opinion on someone (based on their looks), I hammer it home again. Looks are women’s top and dominant SMV component.

Kids do a lot of thinking on what they want to do when they grow up. That may change on an hourly, daily or monthly basis. I had my daughters move from teachers to waitresses to babysitters and to doctors – all in the course of one day.

When they come to me with the new career, I remind them that they will need to also be there for their kids when they are young. Then you see them spin the wheel to show me how it works great with a child (or more). At that time I also remind them that since they will marry a successful man (god, I hope so!) he will be the one providing for them, and they will assist.

5. Reward feminine behavior
Taking away their time with me (for example – not getting a bed time story). This is for when they disrespect my time. Time is important to me, as they know I make efforts to be on time.
Tactical anger – my daughters have told me that they fear me. Good. If kids have no fear there will be no discipline. Other dads (or moms) may say that it is not good, and that love is enough. YEH RIGHT! I ignore or take the time to explain that fear is crucial.
Never actually lose your temper. Calm down once the point was made. If you cannot calm yourself, walk away and breathe. Losing one’s temper completely is weakness.
Not paying allowance – if it is disrespect to my money. This happens when they break stuff (on purpose or that it could have been avoided). I use less of this punishment as it correlates poorly from a time perspective.
Verbally – most easiest reward. Giving a good word is immediate. One must not abuse it. When you give praise, look into their eyes and mean it. Kids know when you are “half arsing” it.
Treats – you may use this on occasion. Usually amounts to a few dollars. If it is an “all-for-dollar” store even better, It gives them a sense of independence and correlate good behavior with physical reward.
Activity – “You get to pick where will go on Saturday” is one of their favorites. My daughters in particular, and kids in general sometimes like to “steer the wheel”. Giving them that opportunity (not every week!) makes them feel loved and respected, which again is a good correlation between action and reward.

8. Show what happens to “Bad Girls”
There is an appeal for the “dark side”. Even if in movies the bad person gets what’s coming, my daughters (as every other female) have that attraction for “bad behavior”. They see that it is “cool” and has rewards in the form of attention and ability to “do what you want”.

Yes, female behavior should be controlled[http://www.returnofkings.com/73131/women-must-have-their-behavior-and-decisions-controlled-by-men], but that is easier said than done. What can a divorce father do? Spanking is out of the question (legally). I have a problem with blocking the TV and internet completely.

My answer is to inoculate them as much as I can. Introducing the concept of “wrong/bad kind of attention”.

You come across a YouTube clip, say of Katy Perry. “Dad, they are showing the wrong kind of attention,” my daughters come to inform me. “I know. You realize what will happen to girls who do it?” I ask. “They will get use to it, and have a difficult time using their brain or doing stuff because they are use to it,” they answer. “She will do bad things to herself to get attention.”
11. Pick your battles
My TV fight is a lost cause. I will limit it but not take it out of the house. I will watch with them to provide red-pill guidance. I know that advice on the manosphere is to disengage the MSM, but in this case I choose not to, for my own reasons.

However, I have shown them repeatedly that TV and media should not be trusted. They have witnessed it repeatedly. I sat with them during movies, shows of different kinds and negated the messages (girl power and boys being no good). I had a lot of talks with them about it. But I know that the TV will remain in the house.

I know that some of the fights are not worth fighting. We have a specific amount of energy. You need to pick your battles and not to alienate your kids. Also, sometimes if we win it will be a Pyrrhic victory.

I consider myself stricter than most of the fathers I know, but each year I give them more space and allow them to push the boundaries. It is part of growing up. If you boundary was breached, you can either tactically get angry, or sometimes just say “NO”. But again, know when to lose.

There is a lot of talk about raising red-pill boys. I understand the importance. There is very little discussion on raising girls, at least that I have seen. What I write here is my lesson learned of my last three years of red-pill awakening.

I’m already waiting for the time that they’ll have boyfriends. I may AMOG them, but for sure I’ll have the talk Roosh had with his sister. This is already saved on my hard drive and on my cloud storage. The day will come (in a few years’ time) when it will be relevant. I have practiced it sometimes with girls in my harem, and they all acknowledge that the message is strong and true.

That does not mean I will be successful. I have most of the world against me, including the education system and the media. However I feel comfortable that my daughters will be way less damaged than the rest. Who knows, maybe the change back to patriarchy we are discussing will happen during their generation. In this case they will have an upper hand on other girls.

mainlander #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] Most women would consent to sex with a strong and masculine man, even if ugly, if he could force himself onto them

Women are not like men. As a man, you just see a pair of tits, a round, feminine butt or even a feminine face and you're already good to go and fully consent with a sexual intercourse. Women don't fully consent from the start (with VERY, very rare exceptions), they take a lot of time to get aroused. If one could physically overcome them and begin the mating process, they'd eventually get aroused and wet enough to start consenting to being overcome by this powerful male and having sex with him.

This is how it happens in nature, with cats, dogs, etc.

Being strong and masculine as a man matters, but only in a way which we can't make use of nowadays. Since women were put on an artificial position where sex can only occur with their full consent, our society became sick and what matters the most is not being a strong, dominant, healthy "alpha" male anymore, but rather having an attractive face regardless of whether you're masculine or feminine.

It's like all women became lesbians in a way. Deep down, they still crave being overpowered by masculine men sexually, but in a repressed, cognitively dissonant way. Kinda like how a moral pedophile would hate his desires of wanting to dick children.

We abandoned the "natural way", then we abandoned monogamy (my personal favorite system since it's the one compatible with civilization) and now we picked the worst system, which is the gynocentric matriarchal one.

Mainländer #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

People don't consent to being born in this world through the sexual actions (often irresponsible ones, to boot) of others.

People don't consent to being ethnic or racemixed (just take a look at how most people here feel about belonging to those ethnicities), which is something progressive leftists like you promote. White birth rates are plummeting for years now while ethnic, black and mixed birth rates go up year by year.

People don't consent to being raised by single mothers, stepfathers, and other disfuncional arrangements. I sure as hell didn't. Another thing people like you promote.

People don't consent to being forced by the government to pay taxes, many of which fund things people strongly disagree with such as benefits to single moms (statistically one of the most benefited demographics by taxation). And before you say something like "oh but men benefit from tax money too!", learn what statistics mean, you dumb fuckers. If I give you 100 bucks and you give me 50 bucks back, in the end I gave you 50 bucks. This is how the men and women situation regarding taxes is; men pay more into the system, women benefit more.

Many entrepreneurs don't consent to being forced by the governments to hire a certain quota of women, paying maternity leave to them, etc.

I could go on.

So the point is, regarding my other thread and the responses it got, don't pretend having your breast touched is something serious, a heinous crime that should result in the man going to jail and having his life destroyed over if you're an immoral promiscuous slut who likes being violently humiliated during sex. You have no morals to pretend being a prude and having your breast touched is fucking nothing compared to all the other consent violation examples I talked about here.

If a male heavyweight pro fighter complained to the police about having been slapped on the face by a woman and wanted her to go to jail over it, everyone would laugh at him. So this is basically the same.

ExpiringAspirin #conspiracy #sexist incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] A Foid , Kim Yo-Jong now run North Korea

the fiercer and the 2nd in line to rule North Korea is now controlling a puppet Kim Jong un bodydouble
Her possible lover, a top General are also rumored to be running the country.

Kim Jong un had been videotaped with one of his bodydoubles many years ago,
after missing in public for 4 months this year, a new bodydouble recently surface.

so his sister prolly been liberally feeding him whores, drugs, booze, food, etc... and the dictatormaxx ricecel prolly got a heart attack and croak or sumting like that.
Brutal SisterPill

ThoughtfulCel #sexist #racist incels.is

[Serious] If America ever gets a female presisent its over

Females have group preference. A foid running America would mean she would be solely trying to benefit women.

The government and justice system are already corrupt garbage, but they'd be even worse with a foid in office. At least they leave me alone. She might start hunting me down too

Laws would be passed protecting, coddling, and defending women. Life as a male would continue to gradually get worse.

You see how hard people shit on trump? Imagine shitting on the first female president. You would be arrested and charged.

Jews and Cumskins would push cuck agenda even more than they already are.

Female president = over for incels.

Ping And Pong #sexist #homophobia incels.is

[Blackpill] Reminder that most "lesbians" are infact chadsexuals

Link to article: https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2017/04/19022/

I've always had my suspicions but now after some research I have found statistical evidence that 'lesbians' get pregnant way more often than straight girls. What this means is that most of these women would rather fuck each other instead of a non-chad.

These are the consequences of promoting degeneracy like LGBT, super hypergamous foids have a great excuse to never interact and reproduce with non-chads and the pool of available women to date is even smaller.


Steve Jabba #sexist #fundie #crackpot stevejabba.com

Socio Sexual Hierarchy : What Rank Are YOU?

What Is The Socio Sexual Hierarchy?
The socio sexual hierarchy was a term originally coined by Vox Day to describe where men fit on the socio sexual totem pole. Just as in nature, there is a hierarchy, where the guys at the top tend to get the most attractive women in the greatest numbers.

A key point to note is that the socio sexual hierarchy as it was originally intended was based on patterns of behaviour. These patterns of behaviour tend to lead to outcomes such as social success and success with women. We’ll get into that more later.


The Socio Sexual Hierarchy Ranks (Top To Bottom)

Alpha : Often physically imposing (tall, handsome) and confident.

[Picture of Donald Trump]

A good phrase to capture the essence of an Alpha is that they suck all the energy in a room.

The most famous example of an Alpha male that springs to mind in 2019 is president Donald Trump.

Alphas usually do very well financially and with women and alongside high functioning Sigmas tend to sleep with the most attractive women in the greatest numbers. They usually insert themselves in a social scene and dominate by virtue of their powerful personality and social skills. You’ll often find that Alphas get success with women by their place in the social hierarchy and social status.

You will rarely see Alphas that would choose to do Daygame, for example. That’s not how they meet women.
Positives : social success, financial successs, success with women.

Downsides : Alpha males care about their place in the hierarchy and are sensitive to criticism (especially from women), whereas Sigmas are indifferent. Often their focus on winning and being on top means they are prone to walking all over other people and not being mindful of other people’s feelings.
Sigma – Sigmas share some qualities with the alpha, such as self confidence, but they tend to be way more introverted and do not thrive on social attention.
[Picture of Han Solo]

They do not want to be a leader as an alpha does, and often shun social groups.

Whereas Alphas can make friends with anyone and intimately understand social hierarchies and alliances, Sigmas go their own way and usually form very close friendships with few people which tend to last for life.

The 2 key traits of the Sigma Male : Very attractive to women. Outside the hierarchy.

Because of this, Sigmas will often gravitate towards activities like Daygame, or solo game. They tend not to enjoy socialising or indeed having contact with those they don’t respect or wish to spend time with, so high functioning and intelligent Sigmas will seek to get out of the hierarchy as much as possible, by finding their own source of income that doesn’t involve having to perform a conventional job.

Sigmas do not acknowledge the social hierarchy or pay it any attention. They can be frustrating for Alphas because they tend to look them in the eye and show that they have no interest in the Alphas social status or any respect for it.


The article you are reading and all the content on my website is written by a Sigma Male (me). My book Primal Seduction and video series Secret Society explain how a Sigma can leverage his natural tendencies to get success with women.

Postitives : Do what they want, live the life they want, not affected by the opinions of others.

Downsides : Can take introversion too far and become socially isolated. Can experience periods of intense lonliness if they spend too much time alone and don’t actively approach women, which can mean long dry spells.
Beta : Betas are probably the happiest rank overall. They are like the lieutenant to the Alpha.
[Screenshot of Maverick from Top Gun]
They are also confident, but don’t have quite as much swagger and are less prone to boasting than Alpha Males. If you look at Donald Trumps famous tweets as President of the United States, it’s a fascinating insight into the mind of an Alpha. Were Trump a Beta, you’d see far less boasting and bragadocio on his Twitter feed.

Betas actually have the most stable existence with the best cost / reward ratio. They can thrive in hierarchies, they can get attractive women, and they don’t need to engage in all the risk taking and status jockeying of the Alpha. For this reason, there are far more Beta’s than genuine Alphas.

Many guys hear the expression “Beta Male” and get the wrong end of the stick. The Beta’s have a pretty sweet set up!

Advantages : happy life, high position in the socio sexual hierarchy.
Downsides : Always playing second fiddle to the alphas and they know it.

Delta : The average guy. Most men are Deltas. These are the guys that keep society running smoothly.
[Picture of a pilot from the 1980 movie Airplane!]
They tend to be average looking, with nothing particularly striking phyically or mentally (they tend to hover around the mean in terms of IQ). Think of Deltas as “worker bees”. Whilst less glamorous than their higher counterparts, they have a pretty happy existence as they are often happy with their lot.

Whilst Deltas do have some limited success with women (on average 6-10 lifetime partners or less), they do not really understand women and view them somewhat fearfully. They tend to give up on women earlier on in life and settle with a midrange woman, and are by and large happy with this arrangement, not wanting to spend too much time or energy in figuring out the opposite sex.

Advantages : They get the job done, everyone tends to like Deltas.
Downsides : Often pedestalize women, (which women really hate!).

Gamma – Probably the most disliked of all the archetypes by both men and women (Sigmas in particular cannot stand Gamma Males).
[Grima Wormtongue from Lord of the Rings]
Gammas live a life of dishonesty both to themselves and others. They construct a powerful delusion bubble and think of themselves as “Secret Kings”, who will one day get all the rewards of the Alpha when the world finds out how talented and powerful they really are.

They believe themselves to be worthy of adulation and praise (especially from women), and alternate between pedestaliation of women (usually by a girl who is unwise enough to smile at them), or outright hatred of the entire female race. Gamma rage and reality denying are a very real and scary phenomena.

They are often unattractive physically, if not because of genetics but also because they are too lazy and conceited to accept their flaws and get to work on ironing them out.

Factors That Affect Your Place In The Socio Sexual Hierarchy

Appearance : It should be pretty obvious to most but it’s worth mentioning. Your appearance does have an impact on your socio sexual ranking. The number one thing any guy can do regardless of his archetype to improve here is to get physically fit, strong and well built. I don’t think anyone would deny that muscles are a universally attractive masculine trait.

Location : Where you are in the world can affect your place in the socio sexual hierarchy. If you were born in the UK or USA (for example), you would naturally have a higher place in the socio sexual hierarchy if you moved to Bolivia (for example). This is known as geography arbitrage (actually, it isn’t , I just made that up.)

It’s not just that you would have more money than the locals. It’s that you look different and might well be perceived as exotic (there are some parts of the world where pasty white skin is considered exotic, believe it or not!)

Game : Game, or behaviour can have a big impact on your place in the socio sexual hierarchy. This is why the concept of the rank is based on patterns of behaviour rather than just physical appearance. There is no single bigger predictor of sexual success than simply upping your game (or displaying more universally attractive masculine traits), and putting yourself in front of more women.

Mainländer #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] The intense hatred for pedo/hebephiles (even non-practicing ones) doesn't come from Christianity but from feminism and psychology, particularly Freud

There's nothing in the Bible about pedophilia. It's a given that we are not supposed to hurt innocent people because loving thy neighbor is a commandment (so penetrating prepubescents can be inferred as wrong), but the Bible doesn't say anything about AoC, minimal marriage age, age difference in relationships or anything of the kind.

The intense hatred for anyone who even admits to be able to feel attraction towards underage people comes from:

1) Puritan old women who used religious moralism as an excuse to shame men who date much younger women, because of envy and jealousy
2) Psychology's unfounded claims about invariable trauma happening every time someone older has any kind of romantic or sexual relationship with anyone below certain arbitrary age of choice
3) Freud making everything about sex in his crazy theories and reducing humans to sex-obsessed animals. People stopped believing in the capacity of people to relinquish sex; they don't believe a person can choose to be celibate, a homosexual can choose not to have homosexual sex, a pedophile can choose not to pursue sex with children etc.

Thus, they believe anyone who feels attraction towards underage people is a rapist (a "statutory rapist", at best) or someone who is about to become a rapist at any moment.

"I feel attraction towards underage people" = "I'm a rapist" in the minds of people who buy into modern psychology and Freud's insane theories.

Roy Den Hollander #sexist #psycho #racist sfgate.com

[...]Den Hollander, a self-described “anti-feminist” lawyer [...] was known for his misogynistic tirades and the dozens of lawsuits he filed, many frivolous. A Manhattan judge dismissed one of them in May, and a few weeks later, a federal judge in New Jersey named Esther Salas canceled a scheduled hearing in a different suit.

The delay followed years of resentment that he had harbored against Salas over his unfounded claim that she was moving the case too slowly. That, in turn, built upon a lifetime of seething hatred toward women: He accused his mother of preventing him from having a girlfriend, and his ex-wife of marrying him only to obtain a green card.

Den Hollander’s rage turned to violence this month when he showed up at Salas’ home in New Jersey posing as a FedEx deliveryman and opened fire, killing her 20-year-old son and wounding her husband, investigators said. She was not harmed.

[...]Hours after the shooting in New Jersey, police found Den Hollander’s body off a road in upstate New York with a single gunshot to the head.

In his nearby rental car, investigators found a list naming more than a dozen possible targets, according to people briefed on the investigation. Aside from Salas[...], the list included the names of three other female judges and two oncologists, at least one of whom had treated Den Hollander.

An examination of Den Hollander’s life shows how he represented the most violent elements of a male supremacist movement whose discourse online has become increasingly threatening toward women.

He made his views clear in thousands of pages of writing. In his final months, he uploaded the last version of his autobiography, a 1,698-page manifesto that ended with an ominous epilogue about his determination to fight “feminazis” until his last breath.

His beliefs swirled between the worlds of self-proclaimed anti-feminists and men’s rights activists. He ranted about what he perceived to be gender discrimination against men in family courts and other institutions, a focus of men’s rights activists, but also wrote blog posts calling for women to be killed.

After a contentious divorce in 2001, Den Hollander began using the court system to address his grievances, suing nightclubs for advertising ladies’ nights discounts and Columbia University for having a women’s studies program. When he lost in court, as he almost always did, he would sometimes respond with lawsuits targeting the opposing lawyers personally — and even once sued a judge who had ruled against him.

[...]Den Hollander’s turn to violence appeared to be years in the making. In his autobiography, he mused about killing his mother and about sexual violence against a female judge in his divorce case.

[...]Den Hollander grew up in Midland Park, New Jersey, a middle-class town about 25 miles northwest of Manhattan, and had a loathing for his mother, clinging to grudges against her. In his autobiography, he claimed that she told him she wished he had never been born and that she would not let him have girlfriend or learn to play a musical instrument.

Den Hollander described getting in trouble in the third grade after trying to forcibly kiss two girls in his class, a pattern that would continue throughout his life. He later wrote that he was kicked out of a martial arts academy for “flirting” with women.

[...]In 2000, Den Hollander married a Russian woman, Alina Shipilina, in Moscow and returned to New York with her later that year.

The marriage quickly fell apart. He filed for divorce in 2001, accusing his wife of being a prostitute and of duping him into marriage to obtain a green card. She accused him of publishing her diary and naked photos online, citing an incident in which he threatened her with a gun, according to a complaint she filed that was posted on Den Hollander’s personal website.

[...]The divorce consumed him. He failed in his effort to seek an annulment to invalidate the marriage. Standing on the courthouse steps in New York after a divorce hearing, his devastation turned to hatred, he wrote in his autobiography. He said he wanted to bomb a feminist organization.

“Finally,” he wrote, “I knew my real enemies, the ones who plotted my destruction from birth, the ones who smiled so sweetly through their blood red lips — dames.”

[...]His unorthodox legal battles gained Den Hollander appearances on The Colbert Report and Fox News, but his notoriety alienated him from mainstream clients. In recent years, he took contract assignments helping big law firms review documents. One job paid $31 an hour.

He filed for bankruptcy in 2011 and frequently bemoaned his declining income. At a hearing in 2018, he seemed embarrassed by his status, telling the judge, “I get by doing the lowest of lowest of legal work, called document review.”

A legal services firm, Epiq Systems, fired Den Hollander in 2016 after he called another office worker an “illegal,” according to a lawsuit he filed against the company. A spokeswoman for Epiq confirmed that Den Hollander was terminated, without elaborating.

Later that year, he made calls for the Trump campaign as a volunteer, according to his autobiography. He said he was drawn to Donald Trump’s views on immigration.

An official with the Trump campaign said, “We don’t know anything about him, but the crimes in this case are horrific.”

In 2015, in his suit challenging the constitutionality of the male-only military draft, Den Hollander represented a woman who wanted to enlist. It was a legal cause supported by women’s advocacy groups, but Den Hollander had a different motivation. He wrote in his autobiography that women should “finally know not just the benefits but also some of the real hell of manhood.”

When the case was assigned to Salas, he wrote that he was initially attracted to her and wanted to ask her out. Later on, he called her “a lazy and incompetent Latina.” He claimed that she had worked for organizations “trying to convince America that whites, especially white males, were barbarians.”

[...]In one of Den Hollander’s last court appearances, a federal judge in Manhattan ruled against him at a hearing in February 2018. Den Hollander became angry, and the judge urged him not to take the ruling personally.

“It was a pleasure appearing before you, Your Honor,” Den Hollander told the judge, “but it is always personal.”

FaceandHFD #sexist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] Bluepill is a cult that will ruin your life

I think it is a scheme that feminist society invented to keep undesirable men in check and full of hope, until society crushes them and they lose all hope and rope.

The false optimism, the fake anecdotes and the slave morality imposed on us are all schemes to manipulate low status men into working hard for society that never rewards them for as long as possible.

You are constantly lied to about sexual relationships, marriage and the job market. You're told people are good when in reality everyone only cares about themselves(most likely that even your normie parents don't really care about you).

Bluepill makes you a slave for the privileged(attractive & rich) people in society.

Blackpill is the truth that sets you free.

I suggest reading the scientific blackpill page on incel.wiki and the book The blackpill theory: why incels are right and you are wrong to fully digest the blackpill.

BlkPillPres #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Response To: "You're Not Entitled To Sex"

1. Nobody is entitled to anything

Entitlements are a figment of imagination, they exist only in the minds of humans, and function only within societies where they are allowed to function, and are facilitated (usually through tax collection to fund said "entitlement programmes")

Pension, welfare, clean water, education, nobody is really entitled to any of it if were being objective and honest.

2. Incels don't feel entitled to sex, they simply WANT sex

I keep seeing the "entitlement" argument repeated everywhere and it is literally just a strawman argument, propping up a stance so absurd that you can't help but be right being against it, heck even I agree with being against it, because its egotistical and illogical for anyone to think they literally DESERVE anything, a normies reasoning for being against it would likely be more emotionally based though, more like - "women are people too, this is so misogynistic, its so hurtful, etc, etc".

Are there a few incels actually going around saying and believing that they "deserve" sex and are entitled to it, yes, but those men are idiots, they are outliers, any logical person knows full well nobody "deserves" anything. Most incels adhere to the "black pill philosophy", and a key "tenant" of that is basing ones life choices and interpretation of observations, on cold hard logic, so I doubt most incels (or even 5% of incels) actually believe they DESERVE sex

Incels simply just want, just like every other human on this planet that wants, to try and paint incels as this collective of egotistical males, that all think they are entitled to sex (women's bodies) is a falsehood that is often peddled by the media and society at large.

You see because its much easier to simply create a false narrative that can be argued against, than to argue against the actual thing. Paint incels as malicious and egotistical instead of frustrated and suicidal, and its much easier to demonize incels and garner support against them.

3. Disenfranchised Males = Self Destructive Males

There's this african proverb that I think perfectly describes whats taking place between modern society and average/below average males.

"If the young are not initiated in the tribe, they will burn down the village just to feel its warmth."

Modern society is extremely sexualized, there is no escape from sex as a man in these times, which is why it feels like you're being trolled whenever people say the all too cliche phrase "sex isn't the most important thing in life", nice strawman argument, now simply wanting sex because its being shoved down your throat at every waking moment, is equal to thinking its the most important thing in the world. Statements like that are nothing but dismissive shaming and silencing tactics.

Sex is in the news papers, magazines, tv, movies, video games, its in advertisements, bill boards, the internet, etc. People need to try and understand how "dystopian" of a reality this would all seem to a man who is unable to acquire sex due to unrealistic and unfair female standards that only exist due to various societal changes that resulted from feminism. Its like a sick joke were forced to live through. Everyone is telling us to just "get over it" while ironically enjoying sex lives themselves and boasting/talking about it at every waking moment.

Imagine if you woke up and basically everyone on the planet had an expensive sports car, all you see are people around you driving it, everyone with a sports car gets treated differently than those who don't, they have higher social status, etc. For some reason you can't get one no matter how much you adhere to the advice suggested by sports car owners. Everytime you complain about the biased system that keeps you from getting one, someone tells you - "there are more important things in life than sports cars", they then later proceed to talk with their friends about all the awesome sports cars they drove, post about the current sports car they have leased, and make instagram and other media posts about how great their sports car driving life is and how great they are at driving sports cars.

Quite obviously these people are being disingenuous, they know your complaints are legitimate, they don't actually follow their own words and they glorify sports cars and ownership of it ad nauseum, really they just want people without sports cars to STFU and deal with it, live without having a sports car and stop ruining the experience for the rest of them. Its really fucked up but that is societys mindset towards men who can't get sex, they know that argument is BS, they know they are lying and sex is of the utmost importance to every human (its not the most important thing, but its really really up there on the list, some might argue 2nd or 3rd place). They only repeat this BS because its really just about shaming and silencing men for daring to make society even feel a tad bit guilty or responsible for our current state of being disenfranchised. They really just expect incels to "STFU and take one for the team".

Sex is clearly a vital part of every humans existence, a man doesn't even "become a man" in a sense within society until he has sex, in essence a lot of men have not undergone their "right of passage" to become part of the "tribe" that is modern human civilization.

This is why all of these mass shootings are taking place, its started to branch off into other things like the "Thot Audit", more and more things like this are going to keep happening until society finally acknowledges this problem and begins to make changes.

So as it stands we now have a significant and growing pool of sexually starved men, who due to this are angry, violent, irritable and suicidal, seriously how does society expect this to play out, the most dangerous animal is the one backed into a corner with nothing to lose, when someone doesn't care if they die, worse yet they want to die just so their sad existence can end, there is no reasoning with that person, they are on a "war path", you either kill them, give that person what they want, or you get out of their way as they proceed to claim what they want.

Society expects us not to burn the village down when it won't initiate us into the tribe, that's whats truly outrageous, not the violence of disenfranchised men, but the fact that society actually expects us to just remain docile and accept this reality that has been forced upon us.

4. Women aren't entitled to safety

People don't seem to understand the danger of looking the collective male populace in they eyes, and telling them they aren't entitled to something that not too long ago they would just taking by force as a norm.

Men reformed themselves and created societies with laws and codes of conduct because it benefited the collective, especially the collective male populace, this was the function of "patriarchal societies". To manage a safe and fair distribution of resources, and that includes sexual and reproductive resources.

Virginity was a prerequisite for a woman to be "marriage material" because men wanted to be sure that when they married a woman she would be less likely to cheat, as she'd be more likely to be satisfied sexually with her partner due to lack of "sexual experience". It also ensured that your investment would be worth it as you aren't footing the bill for "used goods", that may sound cruel but men have to basically invest a lot into a woman's very being, even more so today, get divorced once and half of your wealth goes to another person, and these days the women aren't even virgins, marriage is truly a raw deal in this modern era.

Marriage as an institution existed for various reasons, it was used to create familial ties, for political reasons, etc, but most importantly to give a sense of assurance to men that the children their wives gave birth do were indeed theirs (hence virginity being the key defining trait of "marriage material"), and they could pass down their name and wealth to their children.

For the same reason Female Promiscuity was shamed and led to social ostracization. Womens hypergamy had to be kept in check otherwise the relationship dynamics between men and women would fall apart and so would the "family unit" which is basically the "building block" of society.

Crimes like Rape were especially frowned upon because it made a woman unfit for marriage and ruined her entire life, it also went against the civility agreement between men who as a collective all wanted their respective women in their lives to be safe and remain "their women" and not be "tarnished" by another man.

I hope people get the point here, the purpose of these laws and societal norms were to ensure a code of conduct amongst men, so that we would as a collective agree to allow each other to pursue and court women in a safe and organized manner, unimpeded by other men in an "unfair" manner, we all had a fair chance. There was a "social contract" at play here.

In these modern times the social contract is no longer functioning, expecting men not to regress and go back to the days of rape and violence when the contract is no longer being enforced and/or adhered to, is what is truly outrageous, and not the acts themselves. Men aren't entitled to sex?, true I agree, but women aren't entitled to safety either, they never were entitled to it and they never will be, it was a "provision" offered by men to women for co-operating with men to facilitate the social contract. The safety resided within the rule set of the social contract, which is no longer at play here, so a significant and increasing number of males are seeing no reason to function as "civil" men, there's no logical reason too, why be civil when you essentially are not even part of civilization, civility its no longer to our benefit. Women's actions have thrown the entire system out of order, and the violent responses of men today are retaliatory. Society is basically trying to make average/below average males into somewhat of a "slave class" that offers their labor and utility, contributes to society, all while being barred from enjoying a basic pleasure that all the female citizens get to enjoy despite contributing less and having to risk their lives less.

Ask yourself who are really the crazy ones, the men who go out committing acts of violence or "opt out" of society, or the society that expected these men not to do this, despite significantly ruining the quality of life for the collective male populace, and having the gall to ask them to keep up their end of the social contract and be "good little boys and contribute to society as upstanding citizens" :feelskek:. Are you fucking serious, no wonder men are opting out of society, no wonder men are going out on murder rampages.


There's no real motivation to bother trying, to be a "hard worker", to be "civilized", when your reward at the end of the day is to get married to used goods who is likely only settling for you because she's aged past her prime and has a ton of baggage, to top it off with no fault divorce laws she can easily just leave with half of your wealth, and modern society actually celebrates and endorses female promiscuity and cheating on men, so that great investment you made isn't even guaranteed to be solely yours to enjoy JFL. Men have literally no motivation to be "good people", anyone who thinks people should be "good" for the sake of "being good" is an illogical idiot that doesn't get how reality actually works.

In the bible there's heaven and hell, in human laws there are cash rewards for helping law enforcement with certain tasks, and there are fines and jail time for committing crimes or breaking minor laws.

GOOD AND EVIL CAN ONLY BE TRULY (OBJECTIVELY) DEFINED BY THE FACT THAT THERE ARE REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS ASSOCIATED RESPECTIVELY, that is how we truly distinguish a good act from a bad one, if we rely on subjective opinion based criteria then anyone and everyone is both right and wrong, good and bad, based on their own personal reasonings and whims. If the bible said that no matter what you do everyone goes to heaven, but "please still don't sin" nobody would give a fuck about the rules, most every Christian would be sinning without any restraint or repentance, rules mean nothing without a reward and punishment system in place.

To address another cliche statement - "where have all the good men gone", I ask "by what objective criteria are you ascribing the label "good" ". Reinstate a sufficient "rewards system" for males and you'll see all those men come running back.

sp8der #homophobia #sexist reddit.com

Single gay men, by and large, have absolutely no respect for others' relationships. This goes triple or more for your typical camp queens. They will shamelessly hit on anyone they want, even if that person is in a relationship, and try and fuck them with not a flicker of guilt.

Cheating is absolutely rife in the gay world. Epidemic proportions.

As far as I'm aware, the lesbian relationship stereotype is the opposite; they stop having sex entirely a few months in.

metabuxx #sexist incels.is

[It's Over] This is what's gonna happen after you somehow manage to find a date..

So you take her to a male artist's concert where you are struggling to adjust your binoculars just so you can catch a glimpse of the guy while your date is standing there screaming at the top her lungs, fantasizing about fucking him and wishing you weren't there so she could throw her panties on the stage.

After that you take her to an expensive restaurant where a Chad waiter is serving at your table. Then suddenly she excuses herself to use the washroom and while you are busy playing Candy Crush, she is getting railed by Chad in the alley behind the restaurant.

Then you decide to hit the bar before you head home and guess what, Chad bartender """accidentally""" spills drinks on her dress and offer to help her clean it up. And while you are at the counter waiting for her, she is deepthroating Chad bartender's 9 inch dick in the toilet.

And finally after a """great""date you are dropping her at her house and you're thinking "This is part where I'll get laid" but she's like "Anon, its been nice knowing you but I don't feel the connection. See you around." And then on the way back home, you'll wish that a truck runs over you and ends your suffering once and for all.

Shadow of Chad looms everywhere.

sp8der #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

[on transgender women]

Having a penis means you are a man. There is no such thing as a female penis. The concept is at odds with itself. A man with a penis who dresses as a woman and is attracted to women is a straight crossdresser. No matter what they call themselves or how they feel.

We might agree to come up with a different term to call them, but they can not and will never be a woman. That is a word that already has a definition that does not include them.

None of that is hateful, it is merely factual. Hate crimes are a false concept that deserve to not be recognised, and "non-crime hate incidents" even more so.

sp8der #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

I don't get the hate for women's genitalia that some gay men express. What's the deal? I get that women aren't attractive to gay men, but why be so negative and disparaging?

I can't even begin to explain it. It disgusts me on a visceral, primal level. you know how some people feel about spiders? That "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE" feeling? It's that. if women had dicks, I would be happily bisexual, but I cannot have anything to do with that crotch-cave of nightmares.

I really don't mean to offend anyone but it just makes my skin crawl :( Buck Angel is literally my worst nightmare in a person. Manly body, vagina. NO. I like girly bodies and a nice, big cock.

Neggr #psycho #racist #sexist #fundie incels.is

[Serious] I wanna fight in the name of allah

I wanna clear this sinful world from thots and non-believers, fuck this. Corpos taking our money and food, foids being hypergamistic whores for white chads. I shall never let this continue anymore. I declare the caliphate of incelistan NOW! ALLAHU EKBER MY BROTHERS FUCK YOU FOIDS FUCK JEWS FUCK YOU CHADS IM GONNA DECAPITATE ALL OF YOU!

wagiecel #sexist incels.is

[Serious] It's so depressing to see what little girls become after they reach adulthood.

Christmas is just around the bend. This is a gloomy and reflective season for me. As I'm old, I like reminiscing about my childhood and everything that could have been but never was. I find myself thinking about the girls on whom I used to have a crush, the rejections I suffered, and the disappointments served by life. While in this reflective mood, I decided to google Thora Birch -- a hot and nubile JB back in her heyday. Oldcels will remember her in her prime when she acted in the 1994 movie "Hocus Pocus".

What a walking disaster she has become. She was a favourite of mine. The soft skin, glimmering eyes and natural hair gave way to a wrinkled pale creature that should be in Michael Jackson's Thriller. The typical western woman ages too fast, they're already burnt out and used up by the time they're 18. It's pointless to have such a high age of consent when men are getting nothing but old ragdolls.

For comparison only, mods, be reasonable:

Billowel #sexist incels.is

if she is 18-20,she is already a hag.

women start sucking and fucking at around 12-14(sometimes even earlier) and by the time she is 20 they already have 8 years of experience.they have fucked a million guys,done every dirty position in the book,sucked chad anus,licked his dirty shit,swallowed enough cum to fill 5 bottles of 2 litter coca cola bottles,taken miles and miles of cock,fucked and sucked every drug dealer they know for free weed, fucked at major music festivals, were fucked in a million orgies,sucked their music/movie manager for a chance at their "dream".

They have fucked in your local school bathroom,they have been creampied by 40 year old chads at the age of 14,they got herpes at 13 kek.Every inch of her body has been touched by cock and smeared by cum.Every hole in her body has been penetrated by everything, from dogs cocks,to tyrone 10 incher,to 13 inches dragon dildos.Next time you are going to kiss your "dear" wife,you are kissing the cock and cum of the hundreds of man she has been with before.

Now you telling me that a hoe who has done the most degenerate acts anyone can think of for about 8 years,is all of a sudden a good catch just because her skin looks slightly better then a 30 year old bitch?you must be fucking kidding me kek

if she is 18-20,she might as well be a hag.

inb4 pedophile

14 is legal in my country faggot,suck my big fat fucking cock.for thousands of years our great ancestors married their virgin 11-14 year old jb neighbour and now you think i am going to cower because some fucking pink haired fat dyke is having a fit?fuck you.

LogicWolf #sexist urbandictionary.com

Black Pill
A man that has woken up to women's bullshit and written them off. He's going his own way and no longer cares about them because he knows they're not worth his time.

[example] This chick can't get enough of him. Too bad he's black pilled and couldn't care less.

Jon Anthony #sexist #fundie returnofkings.com


Jon Anthony is a world renowned dating coach and the founder of Masculine Development, a blog for masculine men. He enjoys writing about workout supplements like SARMs (such as Ostarine and RAD 140), powerful nootropics (such as Modafinil) and is known for his triggering article on How to Fuck A Girl Properly. You can follow him on Twitter.

In order for a nation to survive, two critical emotions must be controlled. Contrary to popular belief, these emotions are not fear and greed—although these are very important to control, as well. Rather, it’s masculine aggression and feminine vanity that must be controlled…and we are doing a terrible job at this.

Unfortunately, over the past 70 years, we’ve seen sex roles and gender dynamics completely turned on their heads. Rather than men and women working together to create better relationships, more functional families, and more powerful countries, we’ve been pit against one another by toxic ideologies and ruthless demagogues.

It is not enough to simply know what is happening, however—we must know precisely how it’s happening, step by step, and more importantly, WHY it’s happening. In this article, I will explore why our society has gone so downhill so fast, and potential solutions we can integrate to remedy it (if we can save it, at all).

The Two Forces
[Picture of a Woman posing in a Mirror]

As I said previously, there are two very delicate forces which must constantly be counter-balancing one another, and anytime they grow unbalanced, there will be chaos. These two forces are, of course, masculine aggression and feminine vanity. Too much masculine aggression, and a country becomes war-torn, unable to run itself or stay stable long enough to produce any sort of civilization (think the Middle East).

Too much feminine vanity, however, and the opposite occurs. Men become reclusive, because women become far too difficult to deal with. This is why we’ve seen the rise of the sigma male over the past 20 years—men who refuse to attach themselves to any sort of social hierarchy. They’re not alpha, beta, or omega. They just do as they do, without adhering to any sort of social group or workplace hierarchy.

As feminine vanity grows excessive, female hypergamy is given reign to run loose. Rather than men and women developing healthy relationships with one another, women become so conceited that they refuse to “settle” for anyone less than an alpha male Chad Thundercock, and thus we have a surplus of angry, bitter women who hit the wall at 30 and end up childless and alone.

It’s so obvious that it should go without saying, that we are currently in a serious imbalance. For far too long, masculine aggression has been hampered and stomped down by our effeminate school system, our brainwashing devices (aka TV’s), and our mass media control system. All the while, these things have encouraged women to do as they please, without any consequences or thought of their actions on a larger, societal scale.

Restoring the Balance
[Screenshot from 300]

Balance will be restored, one way or another. There are only two ways for this imbalance to possibly be restored, and most men here will acknowledge, at least implicitly, that this is the case:

1. Men in OTHER COUNTRIES restore the balance (by coming here en masse)
2. Men in THIS COUNTRY restore the balance (by not being pussies)
Those are the only two options. There is no third option, where women somehow magically stop giving men 500,000 shit tests a day and step down to become good, faithful girlfriends, wives, and mothers. This will not happen. When a society reaches this critical imbalance, only one of two things can happen.

Of course, we all know what the elites (oy vey!) are pushing for. They want to bring millions of aggressive, young, fighting-age men to this country, to supposedly help combat “population decline.” We all know that this is complete horse shit, and that their true motive is to destroy America.

Even so, with the full force of the elites raining down upon us, there is hope. Over the past two years, we’ve seen more masculine energy emerge and come to the front of our socio-political battlegrounds than arguably any other time in history. For the first time in the past 70 years, men are reclaiming their manhood.

Let me reiterate that this is the only option. There is no magical world where everything just works out great, where we have millions of violent, aggressive 20-something-year-old men come into this country, and we retain our values as an Anglo-Saxon country. No. This will not happen. We either get our acts together, collectively, as men, or we watch our nation burn.

The Alternative
[Screenshot of the 2-minute hate from the 1984 movie]

If we do not successfully reclaim the balance of masculine aggression and feminine vanity in this country, all will be lost, and we will be forced to either live through hell, or leave our homelands. Here’s what to expect over the next decade or so, if a social justice warrior is elected President in 2020, and we lose the culture wars:

Increasing surveillance over the internet
More thought crime policies instituted into law
The figurative castration of men all across the country
Eventual race wars, or religious wars, spurred on primarily by Islamic migrants
This is non-negotiable. If we lose the culture wars to SJW’s over the next several years, we will begin to see lobbying to shut down any and all manosphere websites dedicated to spreading the truth. We have already seen PayPal, YouTube, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and Google begin to censor people like Roosh, Alex Jones, Donald Trump, and other conservative/red pilled speakers. We cannot afford to stand this any longer.

If we lose these mediums to the globalists, they will easily gain the support of the public to institute thought crime policies into our legal system. You have a book by Bronze Age Pervert, that Amazon can track from your order history? NAZI SCUM! You’re going to prison. It doesn’t matter that you didn’t actually hurt anyone in any way shape or form, because you had an opinion that the globalists dislike.

As this begins to happen, men will self-imprison all over the nation. Some will fight, of course, and maybe win (if we’re lucky). Others will leave and attempt to gain citizenship in more male-friendly countries such as Denmark, Austria, and Poland. The rest will be forced to hang their heads in perpetual shame.

Eventually, as the population of third world migrants explodes, and tribalism is exacerbated by the polarizing media, we will begin to see rampant terrorist attacks, which are already happening in Germany, The UK, and other nations around the cucked European Union. Inevitably, this will end in a civil war.

It’s Our Choice

I have presented to you the only two choices that we have, and to me, the decision is quite simple. We can either sit around passively, and squabble amongst ourselves over stupid theories and philosophies, or we can take action to better ourselves and improve the stance of our nation.

The choice is clear to me. We either succumb to globalist propaganda, see the death of masculinity in the West, and see freedom of speech die as it is destined to do, or we fight back and create a better future. Some may say this is melodramatic. I would say that a mere cursory glance at history will prove otherwise.

goydivision #psycho #sexist #ableist incels.is

[Experiment] Amputee fetish, or "acrotomophilia", and why it is the most refined of all fetishes

Of course I am only talking about quad amputees.

A woman without arms or legs is an ideal girl. It is easy to make her your bitch. Best of all, she cannot resist. She has no arms to claw you with. She has no legs to run away from you. She can scream, yes, but she cannot run or fight back. It is easy to make her your bitch.

An amputee bitch is completely reliant on you. She needs you to feed her, clean her, clothe her. Without you, she will rot and die. This also adds an added degree of power, from you, the guy, over the girl. It makes her obedient, because she knows that you can just leave her there to rot, and she can't take care of herself.

Of course, this is only for quad amputees. I feel nothing but disgust for those who aren't cute little nuggets.

OysterSauce #psycho #sexist incels.net

[On supreme sicko Nathan “Leucosticte” Larson setting up yet another pro-rape incel site]

Nathan Larson is fuсking awesome. Not every electoral candidate has the balls to not only ѕhit on women but also publicly defend incels AND pedophiles. He makes me wish I was from Virginia.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is



[Brutal] teens talk about virginity loss age and experience

brutal thread, while we were coping with vidya after a day of bullying, this is what chads and foids were up to.

Chads losing it young of course:
This chad lost it at age 10 or 11. hey, how could he remember? it's not like sex is a big deal for chad since he does it all the time: https://www.virtualteen.org/forums/showpost.php?p=2111079&postcount=3

This chad lost it late for a chad, 13. he banged his loli girlfriend in all her holes: https://www.virtualteen.org/forums/showthread.php?t=165102

This chad lost it at 13, but only has a 3.5 inch dick! (I guess dicks grow though during puberty, but that's micropenis territory) https://www.virtualteen.org/forums/showpost.php?p=2188117&postcount=39

Sluts starting early:

This girl got fucked in all her holes at age 11 https://www.virtualteen.org/forums/showpost.php?p=2111526&postcount=10

This girl was 11 when she lost he bi virginity and lost her "real" virginity at age 12 https://www.virtualteen.org/forums/showpost.php?p=2393335&postcount=60

This one is disturbing, she was age 8 and banged her dad. She claims he had 9 inch dick. (LARP?) https://www.virtualteen.org/forums/showpost.php?p=2626589&postcount=68

@Personalityinkwell really wants to make me suicidal

my threads are too brutal

I wonder if any bluepilled lurkers offed themselves reading my threads

JFL I didn't even read the first chad story

him and his 11 year old friend dp'd a 9-10 year old foid



Imagine waking up to a hebe. Little ass cuddled into your groin, her flat chest softly rising and falling with each breath. Messy hair in your face, but you don't care, you can smell the anticipatory scent of the beginning of her puberty. That intensely arousing hormonal smell. You feel the soft, light blond baby hairs on her legs and arms and she lets out a little yawn. Giggles as she feels your cock against her butt.


This is madness. That's how ERs are made, hearing all of that from your peers it's hard to not go crazy


that spoiler is brutal
memories came flooding back of when i'd spend my weekends playing gameboy and thinking everybody else must be nerdy like me then have to go to school on monday to listen to a classmate talk about having threesomes with girls and getting blowjobs on the school bus

it still irks me that i was 15 and riding the school bus then one of my classmates would be in the back giving blowjobs to senior boys then come up to the front and sit next to me to chat when she was done. just after she finished swallowing Chad cummies they would tell her to fuck off so she would sit next to the pussy beta (me) to cheer her up. yet she did this week after week? how does that make any logical fucking sense to give blowjobs to guys that don't give a fuck about you and then neglect the people that are treating you nice?

females are pieces of shit

Various Incels #sexist incels.is


[Experiment] [Thought experiment] Imagine if a foid from inceltear woke up as an ugly/below average looking man

Just fucking imagine.
She would very quickly realize that her ”hateful attitude” wouldnt matter for shit.
hate women? Incel. Dont hate women? Still incel.

What these morons dont realize is that getting treated like shiit and having a 100% rejection rate made us hate foids, not the other way around.

This foid would literally in one night go from a tinder god to unable to land a single match from a non bot

Female privilege makes me so fucking furious you cant even imagine

She would be dead within a day.

That would be getting out lightly. They should live it for 25+ years. Fucking privileged cunts

she would rope in a hour

That pisses me off. They deserve more suffering, disgusting fucking hypocrites


That would be getting out lightly. They should live it for 25+ years. Fucking privileged cunts

Its like a person who was born into a rich family and talks shit about hard work. Just put your nose to the grindstone, save, and you can be rich like me despite my family being rich for generations and having a headstart.

Foids are so retarded that they believe it really is easy to be a guy.

All you have to do is shower, be polite, smile, get a haircut, and its that easy right?

Foids actually believe this. The idea that women have an easier time is insulting to them, because then it would shatter the reality that they are nothing but holes, and if they didn't have a hole they wouldn't be treated nicely.


You don't have to imagine, just look at FtM trannies, they're all either suicidal or want to transition back to females.


JFL, of course CuckTears had to whine about the trivial problems that femoids face in their life. One of them even said that it'd be fun to pee standing up.


Boardwalkcel #sexist incels.is

[JFL] Why do women love cucking their men so much?

I've seen it countless times, enough to know that women get some sort of sick satisfaction from having the man who cares for them, the mans that's always been loyal to them raise some other Chad's child.

They love it, it happens so much it isn't an accident that it happens. Remember that one guy who had 5 kids with a foid only to find out 4 of them arent his. All 4 belonged to some other man JFL.

There is no bigger cucking than making a man raise another man's child without his knowing and women for some fucked up sadistic reason just LOVE doing it to the men who are most loyal to them. Absolute degenerates AWALT

ShadowTheEdgehog #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Cucking used to be a punishment for Thots OUR ANCESTORS WERE BASED AS FUCK

Francois Maximilian Misson, a French traveller and writer, recorded the method used in England in the early 18th century:

The way of punishing scolding women is pleasant enough. They fasten an armchair to the end of two beams twelve or fifteen feet long, and parallel to each other, so that these two pieces of wood with their two ends embrace the chair, which hangs between them by a sort of axle, by which means it plays freely, and always remains in the natural horizontal position in which a chair should be, that a person may sit conveniently in it, whether you raise it or let it down. They set up a post on the bank of a pond or river,[3] and over this post they lay, almost in equilibrio, the two pieces of wood, at one end of which the chair hangs just over the water

They place the woman in this chair and so plunge her into the water as often as the sentence directs, in order to cool her immoderate heat.

dare I say,...BASED

Prepare your rear orifice for this is even more based:

Cucking stools were chairs formerly used for punishment of disorderly women

The stools were technical devices which formed part of the wider method of law enforcement through social humiliation

A common alternative was a court order to recite one’s crimes or sins after Mass or in the market place on market day


Imagine that in our time.
You are Walking into a Walmart and come across a very strange sight: There is a Woman, strapped to a Chair, gagged and Bound. Next to her stands a dude with a Megaphone and a piece of paper.
He starts blasting his voice through the Megaphone:


jfl based Level of the Charts, no wonder our ancestors fucking conquered the globe against all odds.

Using water to quench that burning desire for chad thats in her pussy. ER level of basedness ngl

JFL I can't stop thinking About this. Imagine just yelling out someones dirty laundry in public jfl.
Imagine theres is a wedding and suddenly a Government offical Shows up with a Megaphone like:
"hold up hold up, stop the ceremony, this Woman has been accused of being a whore *clears throat*


(this condition is real and ist alled Anal Fistula. It's basically when the wall between the pussy and colon gets wrecked by physical Trauma - cock smashing into it- and fecal matter starts leaking into the pussy. They have shit smell coming out their pussy. ANAL SEX IS HEALTHY AND NORMAL BTW JUST IGNORE THIS BTW, JUST PEEPEE IN POOPOO MAX BTW)

ortharzeal #dunning-kruger #quack #sexist incels.net

Daily reminder that soy cucks gate-keep science, yet cannot debunk black pill evidence.

"Burderino of le proof! Inkel article cherry pick on the popsickle!" - cry the remnants of the soy mob, the most pathetic low-life scum who never got over the fact that the founder of inceltears evolved from NPC to a person and shut down the cuckqueers hive for being the man-eating wannabe internet gestapo it was. Alas, one cannot police thoughts and be an NPC, a creature to which thoughts are not a concept, but I digress.

What the raging cucks mean is that black pill proof is not proof because supposedly the articles that confirm blackpill (and even include respective conclusions in the summaries made by the authors) are not legitimate ("cherry picked" or not real). This magical spell - and all NPC "arguments" are in their perception irrefutable magic spells - is intended to "unpack" the science behind the black pill, declare our analysis baseless and claim "victory" because we don't carry the burden of proof, all despite never having been a part of the incel discourse in the first place.

As numerous as these "cherrypickerino, le burden" posts are, no ITard has ever provided evidence for their claim. One would expect that with a 16/7 routine of watchdogging, stalking, doxing and other things that involve screenshotting they would be more than capable of doing that, but apparently this is not the case.

Instead they claim that you don't carry burden of proof for your statement because your proof is "bad". Who cares that the statement "your proof is bad" requires proof as well? After all you inkel are a bad person for not having been born Chad and having a non-negative IQ.

And this is yet another reason why there's no debating NPCs. The moment you allow them to have a say in any topic on equal terms, they will claim privilege (e.g. not bear the burden of proof while you have to do so). This happens because they are mindless Stone Age automatons that only speak strength and consider all concessions a weakness.

TL;DR: memes write themselves


Various incels and Best Gore #psycho #sexist incels.is

(Submitter’s note: Best Gore is a shock site aggregating media depicting real extreme violence and gore, most infamously of Canadian psycho Luka Magnotta defiling the corpse of Jun Lin, a Chinese exchange student he had murdered. Going by the link url, the file in question is filed under “murder”. And no, I did not go there. Even my morbid curiosity has its limits.)

[NSFW] Ricecel makes noodlewhore bleed (not her period tho)

[“Woman Hacked on Street with Meat Cleaver Over Neighborhood Dispute” – Best Gore]

another classic from bestgore

Do you think she enjoyed it??

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

Seems like the meat cleaver was a bit dull. Which was probably a good thing anyway:feelsthink:

The comments are absolutely based:

Mr. Wing was tired of the bitch making fun of his little Wang.

Pussy Pass denied bitch!!

He needs to work on his technique

That's the only way a ricecel will ever make a noodle bleed.

saoyraan #sexist reddit.com

(The discussion was about 1920 and the suffragette movement; the commenter I was replying to said they were surprised that so many women were okay with not being able to vote)

darkphoenixff4: It's not a surprise, when you consider history. Fact is, if all your life you've been told you CAN'T do something, the idea of changing that and doing that thing is scary to a lot of people. It's why freed dictatorships tend to revert to dictatorship under a new dictator; the people there are used to someone stomping on them, so they're confused and afraid because no one is doing it anymore. When the new dictator comes along, it pushes them back into what is "normal" for them.

saoyraan: Well then at what point are women free to choose and can be free to choose while men can't. It is a gender role for the man to man up take his lot on life and move on. It is also the role that men have to be heroes and sacrifice their well being to serve the community. This is a definition of a gender role. Women had a gender role as well and that was the caretaker and the motherly figure. This is why laws basically in divorce favor children being taken from men and the house to them. You seem to be saying the grass is greener on the other side but it is still grass. Women during those times accepted the roles and positions. You are hyper focusing on one aspect of human nature while demonizing another in order to pump you social justice values but without thought or reason. Societies change and standards changed throughout history on this very subject and tons of studies and discussions on this. Not even is ot just western culture but the same social patterns developed in human history in different cultures worlds apart. When your hatred and seeking to demonize a particular group o suggest studying history. At some point you have to realize the genders have traits that prompt certain behaviors over the other. Humans are animals and still fall into that category that most SJW forget.

darkphoenixff4: Thanks for that giant misogynist screed. In response, I say go fuck yourself.

KW Miller #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #god-complex #sexist #wingnut miamiherald.com

‘Beyoncé, you are on notice!’ Florida politician calls out superstar in a bizarre rant

The Beyhive is buzzing Monday after a Florida politician accused Beyoncé Knowles of not being African American.

Congressional candidate KW Miller took to Twitter over the weekend to make a bizarre claim that the “Halo” singer is Italian, as he says he is trying to “heal racial divides.”

In a series of posts, Miller, an independent running to represent Florida’s 18th Congressional District, which includes Port St. Lucie, Fort Pierce, Stuart and Jupiter, even went so far as to put the global superstar on blast.

“Beyonce is not even African American. She is faking this for exposure. Her real name is Ann Marie Lastrassi,” read the post of the Houston, Texas, native. “She is Italian.” Where Miller came up with that name is unclear.

Then the pol rambles on about the entertainer, 38, being a part of the “[George] Soros Deep State agenda for the Black Lives Matter movement.

“Beyoncé, you are on notice!” he writes of the pop star whose father, Matthew Knowles, is an African American who hails from Alabama, and mom, Tina Knowles, is a Louisiana native with French, African and Native American roots.

Miller seems at least to know the former Destiny Child member’s music well. He even mentions that some lyrics in her 2016 hit “Formation” contain “Satanic” verses and are a “secret coded message to the globalists.”

Lyrics include, “My daddy Alabama, mamma Louisiana. You mix that Negro with that Creole make a Texas bamma. I like my baby hair, with baby hair and afros. I like my Negro nose with Jackson Five nostrils.”

“The song clearly admitted that she was demonic and that she worshiped in the Satanist churches located in Alabama & Louisiana,” Miller posited.

While Beyoncé refers to hot sauce in her bag, Miller claims B “keeps Satanist symbols” there.

The politician received quite a bit of attention about the tweets, which is a possible motive for the curious rant in the first place.

The response was duly swift. Many memes of confused faces popped up In the comments section.

“I just read this whole thread... every tweet is worse and more crazy than the last,” one person wrote.

One gave Miller the benefit of the doubt, wondering if his account had been “hacked.”

Another Twitter user insulted the state from which he hails: “They should remove Florida from US. I have seen enough.”

The current representative of the 18th Congressional District is Brian Mast, whose term ends Jan. 3, 2021.

Beyoncé has not responded to Miller’s accusations.

Andrea Widburg #racist #sexist #wingnut americanthinker.com

Black Lives Matter reveals a generation of damaged straight, white women

The Black Lives Matter movement and the subsequent riots by Antifa, the Democrat party's domestic terrorist arm, have shown Americans what leftism is — an ugly combination of social and government coercion, racism, violence, and anti-Americanism. It's also revealed that the American left has been using American blacks as a vehicle for political power without any regard for actually improving black people's lives. Instead, the left destroys their communities and doubles down on damaging policies.

What few have pointed out, though, is the way BLM protests have revealed the damage that decades of leftist messaging have visited on straight, young, white women. To set the stage, here are some videos of the hysterical young white women who keep showing up in the front row of the Black Lives Matter movement, whether screaming at police, arguing with black people, rioting, or groveling:

White woman yelling at black officers

Those videos are just a fraction of the footage showing frenzied white women taking the lead in BLM. They are deeply involved in this movement and in the ugliest way possible — and therein lies a sad tale of the leftist takeover of straight, white women.

The root problem is that these women are receiving mixed messages that would make even the strongest person go crazy. Beginning in high school, or even earlier, they're told endlessly that they're both victim and oppressor.

These mixed messages make straight white girls distinct from other students. White boys are told they're evil, toxic oppressors of both women and minorities. It's an ugly message, but a consistent one. Boys lucky enough to have countervailing influences shake it off and become the men they should be. The boys who don't have better influences, interestingly enough, become feminized, even if they're not gay, as if trying to escape that awful toxic masculinity.

Meanwhile, everyone who is non-white and/or non-straight, whether male or female, or something else, is told that he, she, or it is a victim. White privilege, racism, homophobia, transgenderism, misogyny — all of them define how non-white and/or non-straight people suffer endlessly at the hands of straight whites.

And then there are the straight, white girls. On the one hand, they're...well, white and straight. That means they are evil oppressors who have benefited unfairly from white privilege. In the morality play that is leftism, they owe the world big-time. On the other hand, they're women, which means men have victimized them from time immemorial to the present.

That relationship with men is made more toxic by the fact that the young women are told simultaneously (a) that, as liberated women, they should be part of the hook-up culture and (b) that, as biological women, they're the victims of all men's rapacious, rapey sexuality. Given these mixed messages, it's no wonder that these confused young women willingly sleep with the guy at night and then accuse him of rape in the morning. Others avoid this confusion by embracing a trendy lesbianism.

These same women are also betrayed by the leftist culture's refusal to accept that motherhood is (a) biological destiny and (b) worthy insofar as creating and raising a human being does give meaning to life.

Once upon a time, women had no life choice other than motherhood. In a pre–free market, pre-industrial world, if one ignores the infinitesimally small number of wealthy women, any search for meaning in life was overwhelmed by the endless struggle to survive. Women didn't have time to compare their lives to men, especially because the men were also fighting for survival against the untamed forces of nature and other men.

With the industrial era and the development of free-market capitalism, things changed. In the West, ordinary people had time for leisure, contemplation, and the search for meaning.

That fundamental change led to the post-industrial, pre-modern cult of motherhood. Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi, who lived in Rome in the Second Century B.C., leaped into prominence. People in the 18th and 19th centuries loved that, when catty friends asked why Cornelia wasn't wearing jewels, she pointed to her sons and said, "These are my jewels."

Today's young women are told to focus on a career. In college, though, they take liberal arts classes that don't prepare them for anything useful but do reinforce their status as both victims and oppressors. They leave college, uneducated and unskilled, which leads them to unfulfilling jobs. At those jobs, they work hard while dating frantically. When they find the right man, they get pregnant, drop out of the job market, and resent their husbands' careers. They take all the energy that was meant for their professional success and pour it into hyper-motherhood and activism. (See those raging Portland moms above.)

None of this is healthy; it is, instead, tragic. Straight white women hate themselves for being white; hate their men for being oppressors; hate their meaningless careers; and, even though they love their children, they hate the seeming meaninglessness of motherhood. This profound cognitive dissonance has finally found its most disturbing outlet in their shrill, existential screams on the streets of the Black Lives Matter protests.

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