
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Unknown Incel #sexist i.redd.it

(NOTE: This is a poster which an incels.co member is apparently planning to post all over his uni.)


HEY YOU!! Are you an involuntarily celibate? Are you having troubles finding dates on tinder and in real life? Are you a frustrated lonely depressed virgin?

Come join incels.co today! Embrace your subhumanity

Here you will take the blackpill and learn about:

- The truth about feminism
- Female nature
- Hypergamy
— The importance of looks
- The importance of looks
The importance of looks
— How to LDAR in style
— How to cope knowing it’s over

Take the blackpill today


Don Rosenberg #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia americanthinker.com

Traveling through the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota, you see yard signs scattered lightly through the neighborhood. Talking with the owners, you learn that many "like the words" from the sign but admit they don't know what the various groups represented actually stand for.

Who can disagree with the phrase "black lives matter"? But when you put a sign in your yard, you're not just sharing nice words; you're promoting political groups with very specific agendas that go far beyond nice phrases.
This sign is the entire globalist agenda boiled down to 29 words. Their God is the Earth itself. People who have been oppressed in the past should have the right to extra benefits at the expense of the descendants of those who oppressed them. This includes blacks, women, foreign citizens and gays. Rich countries should be forced to pay less fortunate countries, and their borders should be left wide open.

There are no morals or freedom of religion - no reference to family, hard work, entrepreneurship, free speech or open-mindedness. If you disagree with our peaceful message, you are less than human and should lose your job and be threatened with violence.

But the globalist agenda is not their plan of action, but pleasant words they use to enlist uninformed people as pawns in their quest for world control.

While the words are nice, it's like a contract with terms that sound too good to be true, until you read the fine print and it's too late.

Patti Williams #sexist #fundie fbbc.com

[from "Schizophrenic Women"]

We Have A Problem
One of the hottest issues today among women is the pants issue and other areas of clothing. Just the way a woman reacts to the whole sublect of pants modesty and dress reveals to me the seriousness of the situation. There are many problems in the church today and I think women constitute one of the main problems.


The Inner Desire Of Women
I dressed for men I desired to be beautiful for men. I wanted them to notice me and I learned how to please them resulting in the character quaiitles of the Biblical strange woman in Proverbs. I knew what I was doing i was not Innocent. And I do not think any woman is innocent in this area.

A woman has an inner desire to attract men. Yet I was an ERA type woman to the core. No man would control my life! I would control his! I soon learned that i could control men with my eyes voice body movements and dress.


What Does God Say?
Deuteronomy 22:5 says you are an abomination to God if you wear the clothing of a man. Well you say we are in different times they wore different clothing and besides they both wore robes. I personally believe obedient saints have always maintained the sharp distinction between the sexes God ordered in this verse whether in New Testament Palestine or In the modern era.


Our Thinking As Women Is Not Consistent
I am thirty-eight years old and have worn pants most of my life because I wanted to and no one was going to tell me differently! I bucked the schools 1 attended and the college where I obtained my degree. I was a rebel against the rules. My school forbade the wearlng of pants. i did anyway beiieving that I had my rights and I won the battle!


Anita Bryant is a prime example of what the Bible condemns. Many times I warned my husband about this woman and could not understand why Godly men across this nation followed her. The role she played was not and is not the role of a woman who is a keeper at home.

ionlycopenow #sexist incels.is

RE: [Brutal] "I lost my virginity at 16, and i was the last of all of my friends"

Attractive guy on tinder says he’s a virgin??

Women HATE virgins.

Women cannot BEGIN TO FATHOM not having dozens upon dozens upon dozens of sexual partners in their lifetime.

Male virgins repulse them because

A) it implies his genes are bad
B) it implies other women didn't approve of his genes
C) it makes themselves feel like whores.

That thread is serious suifuel

Read the whores comments, she genuinely is baffled how anyone could be a virgin past 20, claims "everyone is doing it" (sex)

We are freaks

epillepsy #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] Classic WMAF relationship

Foid stealth bragging.


100%. This self-hating noodlewhore loves being fetishized for being Asian, especially because she's Taiwanese and wishes she were a real Asian. If this whole thing isn't a LARP, of course.

Noodlewhores love yellow fever because it makes them magically attractive to whites even if they're ugly as fuck.

Yellow fever is very exaggerated. Most WMAF is a result of white worship rather than yellow fever, since women are the selectors.

Some noodles are very into "Asianness" and constantly say that they're Asian to everybody and embrace Asian culture, except, of course, when dating and sex is involved. This applies double for half-Mexican noodles like Filippinos and half-aboriginal (basically black) noodles like Taiwanese. They don't really look Asian, but black or Mexican, so they feel the need to constantly remind everyone they're Asian. That tells me they want to be fetishized. If this story is true, she is humble-bragging about that.

For Korean, Chinese, and Japanese noodles, a lot of them try not to be Asian and dye their hair red or yellow, get various surgeries, and do their makeup in such a way as to appear Caucasian. These ones are genuinely ashamed of being Asian and might not like being fetishized. But this reddit user is Taiwanese so I doubt she's part of this group.

mainlander #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] Another effect of feminism in society I just thought about

Feminism is all about equality (in reality, we know that what feminism does is buffing women in the areas where they are perceived as being worse off than men, but doing nothing about the areas where the situation is the opposite, so the end result is actually women becoming above men on average).

Feminism says men and women gotta be "equal". Feminism says no to gender roles, no to male authority, no to age gaps. They want to make sure men and women are as "equal" as possible in a relationship (but only when them not being equal would put men in the perceived benefitial position - an ugly woman dating a Chad, or a poor woman dating a billionaire, does not apply - this inequality is acceptable).

In reality, people are actually turned on by the so called "power imbalances". Men on average want a feminine, younger, frailer, more petite girl, just as women on average want a masculine, tougher, older, bigger man. Most men have dominant kinks, most women have submissive ones.

Feminism makes both sexes less attractive to each other on average. But since, like aforementioned, the "power imbalance" situations are not persecuted when they are perceived as benefitial to women women, Chads and rich men (the elites) are the ones profiting from the current paradigm.

Mainländer #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] Another effect of feminism in society I just thought about

Feminism is all about equality (in reality, we know that what feminism does is buffing women in the areas where they are perceived as being worse off than men, but doing nothing about the areas where the situation is the opposite, so the end result is actually women becoming above men on average).

Feminism says men and women gotta be "equal". Feminism says no to gender roles, no to male authority, no to age gaps. They want to make sure men and women are as "equal" as possible in a relationship (but only when them not being equal would put men in the perceived benefitial position - an ugly woman dating a Chad, or a poor woman dating a billionaire, does not apply - this inequality is acceptable).

In reality, people are actually turned on by the so called "power imbalances". Men on average want a feminine, younger, frailer, more petite girl, just as women on average want a masculine, tougher, older, bigger man. Most men have dominant kinks, most women have submissive ones.

Feminism makes both sexes less attractive to each other on average. But since, like aforementioned, the "power imbalance" situations are not persecuted when they are perceived as benefitial to women women, Chads and rich men (the elites) are the ones profiting from the current paradigm.

mainlander #sexist #wingnut #psycho incels.is

Bulls-eye. Allowing women to pick whom they fuck, based on looks on top of that (because of lack of surviving pressure that would otherwise force women to mate strong/resourceful/powerful men), it's something completely anti-natural.

Women are low testosterone as fuck, they don't have nowhere near the sex drive even a soyboy has, let alone a high T ogre. They simply don't want to fuck that much,look at lesbian couples, they barely have sex (if you can even call what they do sex).

This bizarre state of things is only possible because of things like modern medical technology, etc. Imagine how society would be if women were losing a good deal of the babies they had and tons of people were dying during childhood as well, like used to be the case before modern medicine and sanitation. Most western countries are already experiencing demographic winter as it is, with the vast majority of children surviving to adulthood.

Roosh V #sexist #fundie rooshv.com

[From "Tomi Lahren And The Tragedy Of Modern Dating"]

Every once in a while, a woman provides us with a public example that dating doesn’t work. This most recently came from conservative Fox News correspondent Tomi Lahren, who proclaimed all that is wrong with men in a 15-minute video that has accumulated nearly two million views.
My guess is that Tomi, despite possessing a high worldly status she boasts about, has not been able to secure the commitment of the right man who wants to become one flesh with her in the house of God. This is because she is announcing to the men of the world that she cannot be a wife who dedicates herself to the husband and home since she already has a husband in the form of a career, and a home in the form of a television studio.
If a man is pursuing you at the same time he’s pursuing multiple women of ill repute, that says he sees you as a thot just like them. You share their characteristics, rituals, and behaviors. Those other women you call a thot do not call themselves a thot, yet probably would call you a thot. Every other woman but you is a thot although you’re similar enough to them that men you interact with can’t really tell the difference. At the very least, this should serve as a wake-up call for her to investigate the attributes she shares with thots.
If Tomi embarks on a righteous path, she will soon be able to recognize a different type of man, a man of the faith who does not excite her emotions but pleases her soul, because it’s through this man that she will serve God and not the world. May God bless her on that journey.

Woman Inside Water #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy yoursocialconstructsareshowing.wordpress.com

Dr. John Money, the father of modern trans ideology, studied at John Hopkins. That university conducts research and experiments for MK-Ultra. Dr. John Money coined paraphilia in lieu of perversion as well as chronophilia, gender identity, and gender role. MK-Ultra has been messing with people’s sexual identities and orientations for a long time, because if you can get someone to change their sexual identity and orientation then you are already controlling their psychology and personality. Lesbians are pressured into believing that men can be lesbians and that women can become men, while straight men that chasing trannies is heterosexual and men can become womenl. It’s also about population control via sterilization and various chemicals (synthetic hormones and medications for the inevitable illnesses and health issues). The “therapy” they undergo for their transition just reinforces the brainwashing.
I’ve been posting about this but many people would rather believe all the “female” political leaders, philosophers, and entertainers are all real women. In actuality, the imposters outnumber the women, especially the richer, more powerful and influential they are.

This is only partly true and part of disinformation. MK-Ultra is the real money. Transgender ideology was officially created by DR. JOHN MONEY, a pedophile who created child porn of David Reimer with his older brother. Wake up!

Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Williams #sexist #fundie hephzibahhouse.org

[From "Endangered Species: Godly Wives And Mothers", archived here
Trouble Brewing
"Women's Rights" movements may have had their roots in the Abolitionist movement of 1850 - 1860, and even in the godless, egalitarian influence of the French Revolution. The God-given role for women in society began to be considered as "chains" and "shackles" as early as 1905 in America by suffragettes and their sympathizers. The "Roaring Twenties" produced a fuller expression of women's rights, complete with the shearing of long, glorious locks to "bobbed hair," brazen dress and outlandish behavior.[…]
The Arrival of Rosie the Riveter
With millions of our men in uniform and a military/industrial complex desperate for workers, it was not uncommon for young American women to lay aside their aprons, sewing and home making, etc., in order to do their part for the war effort. "Rosie the Riveter" became a vital part of our country's military preparedness.
Contrary to the politically-correct pundits of this age, Scripture nowhere portrays women as being suited for a battlefield.
Learn domestic skills instead of how to more artistically paint your face! Learn to be a servant instead of how to compete and be brash and bold. Your fulfillment and contentment will not be found in voyeuristic reading of romance novels, carving out a niche for yourself in the world of business, or squeezing into even tighter clothing. It will be found in being a Godly wife and mother!

WØLF #sexist #racist incels.is

RE: [SuicideFuel] Why isnt my sister like this

Little girl upset because her Big brother won't give her a hug and a kiss at school. Part 1

My sisters are just mean to me. I cope saying theyre tsunderes but they probably just legit hate me :feelsbadman:

Cumskins at it again :feelspuke:


to understand why she loves him so much you only need to look at his jaw.To be honest i am not sure if foids are capable of not having incestuous thoughts about their chad brothers.

His lower third is more chiseled than mine.

your personality #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] IT thinks were racist to black women ...little do they know most of us hate all women equally

This actually proves their own racism JFL. Notice how they call out the forum for racism against black women but don't say ANYTHING about the racism against indians which is way, way more prevalent. I've always maintained that Indians have it the worst when it comes to racism as no one takes it seriously. They are basically the only racial group who normies are openly racist against (bobs and vagene, etc).

Also if it were about Indian women they would say something. It's because it's about Indian men that they don't.
Same reason they don't go after femcels like they do after incels.

Legit. And yeah fem"cels" say far more offensive shit than anything that was written on braincels or any of its replacement subreddits. It's not even just losers on inceltears at this point, even the fucking reddit admins take part in the same fucking anti male discrimination. Ridiculous.

Being anti-male is the cornerstone of modern progressive thought. In almost every context, with a few very specific exceptions, females are given more leeway and allowed greater privileges then males. Its not surprising that reddit mods, who are very leftist and progressive, would embody those ideas so fervently.

As seen by how little SJWs actually care about ethnic males and that many of them still don't always take the side of transgender people over women, like all other mainstream political ideaologues they are primarily concerned about women even if they try to make it seem like they are fighting for the oppressed.

Linesnap99 #sexist #psycho #dunning-kruger incels.is

real men dont rape.
I would like to add, real men dont listen to their women too.

earlier it used to be an egalitarian society. there was no concept of marriage.Nobody knew whose children it was and they all look after them.
then came marriage and also the concept of ownership. marriage facilitated the upbringing of the child and it gurantees that the mans lineage is continued.

Then the abrahamic /christian and other religion maintained that the woman is the property of a man.when a married woman was reaped it was actually a property rights violation.

and now ladies and gentleman. welcome to 21st century.

where marriage automatically means equal partnership like a fucking business organisation.
where a married man can not even have sex with his own wife and needs her permission. too bad if he forces his way it a called marital rape. holy fucking sheet. how times change.

earlier if a woman was divorced the man has to pay some amount so that woman can survive. now it is generally not less than 1/3 of the mans income+child maintenance from his salary or whatever the whore demands. can it be any more cucked. lmao modern humans.

marriage was never about equality. it was done so that each and every male has their own woman and that his genes continue.
woman are unstable. they make anyone with them unstable and weak.

the attention that these whores get is insane. anything which is abundant looses its value.
incel tears is right on one thing tho,they admit that hating women will get you laid.

in the time it took me to write this you know what happened on the other side.

Brett Stevens #racist #dunning-kruger #wingnut #sexist amerika.org

It makes sense for him to do this since genetic similarity is innate, while laws and so on are externally imposed or “artificial” in our common parlance. People have allegiance to enduring and solid things like heritage, culture, class, and family, but not to abstractions written on paper.

This calls to mind an old expression, “blood will out.” This refers to how people can hide their heritage and class with money, but eventually, their behavior reveals who they really are inside as opposed to the carefully-constructed artifice that they show the rest of us.

Even more, ethnic identity consists of what makes us different, not similar, since all of humanity is relatively similar at a lowest-common-denominator level. People identify with the parts of their heritage that make them stand out, as we can see in the case of Chloë Sevigny:

Ethnicity: French-Canadian, English, Scottish, Polish

Chloë’s maternal grandfather’s surname was Malinowski.

Despite being only one-quarter of her heritage, as with Angela Merkel, her differentness defined her, and so when it came time for a partner, she chose Sinisa Mackovic, a man of obviously Asiatic features and Eastern European origin.

Blood will out. Even in traces, it comes through in how we see ourselves, and whatever is finer gives way to whatever is more distinctive, namely what makes us different. A Chinaman in America sees himself as Chinese, and a quarter-Polish girl will see herself as Polish.

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Why Would Right-Wingers Want to Allow Women to Vote?"]

["What 2016 would look like if just women voted?" map showing a huge Democratic victory and "What 2016 would look like if just men voted?" a huge GOP victory at the Presidential elections]

Take a good look at that chart.

Then ask why on earth the right-wing would ever, in any situation, support women voting.

Washington Post

On Election Day in 1872, nearly 50 years before women gained the right to vote, Susan B. Anthony walked into a polling site in Rochester, N.Y., and cast her ballot. A federal marshal later showed up at her door to arrest her for wrongfully and willfully voting. She was ultimately tried and fined $100.

On Tuesday, the 100-year anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment that granted women the right to vote, President Trump announced he would pardon Anthony.

Donald Trump: the hero of progress.

He’s dragging all of us troglodytes out of the stone age, whether we like it or not.

It’s whatever.

You see this stuff, and you know who’s responsible for it, and it’s depressing.

But it is what it is.

It doesn’t matter.

He has to get reelected, regardless.

We do not have any choice.

Henry Makow, PhD #sexist #homophobia #wingnut #kinkshaming henrymakow.com

According to our definition of homosexuality, (i.e. promiscuity outside of love and/or procreation), all pornography is gay. The porn consumer is engaged in a promiscuous masturbatory fantasy. He is not focused on his marriage and progeny.

From what I have said, it should be clear that homosexuality is incompatible with heterosexuality, just as promiscuity is incompatible with monogamy. Gay activists admit their goal is to destroy heterosexuality.

Pornography is poisoning heterosexuality. There is a place for tasteful nudity as a stopgap while seeking marriage.
(See my "Managing the Male Sex Drive" ) But as you know, pornography has reached epidemic proportions. "Adult Video News" predicts revenue of $12.6 billion this year. The Internet has literally thousands of porn sites. TV and pop music increasingly are pornographic.

Pornography warps the way a man sees all women and girls. Many sites include girls as young as 14. See "Erototoxins"

Young females think they are useful for one thing only. Thousands in the porn industry display what everyone has instead of cultivating what is rare and valuable: femininity and the qualities sought in a wife and mother.

I hate to burst the bubble on a billion-dollar industry: Young naked women are practically identical. They have identical equipment. Boobs and bush. Symmetrical faces. Do men need to see literally thousands of examples?

There is something addictive here. Why don't men get sick of it? Why don't they suffer from gynecologist's fatigue? The plethora of breasts and splayed legs takes the wonder out of sex and causes contempt for women and impotence. Maybe this is the point: new drugs keep people running on empty. (See "The Porn Pharma Complex")

TurningIntoADog #sexist #conspiracy incels.is

[Serious] Soyciety spends tens of millions of $ to fight incels

How many movies/tv shows have u seen where a foid is either hot and does not get w/ alpha chad or she had a string of relationships w/ bad boys, learned her lesson, and now wants someone "nice and mature?" I'm guessing a good amount of them are released every year, which takes millions of $ to produce. They're not doing it for entertainment, or to let men escape to the movies and enjoy the fantasy of getting with a foid, but as part of a gaslighting/manipulation campaign so men don't "wake up." Basically irl, Chad wants fertile young women. After foid rides the carousel, she's less attractive to chads. Then she has to settle w/ bluepill men who they barely will have sex with. The media wants u to believe she wants to be with u, but she doesn't. I'm sure most of u know this. But think about how many women parrot the above nonsense. You hear it everywhere. They want men to buy this false narrative. Women are in charge now, the gynocracy is here. Anything they can do to keep power, they'll keep doing it. Which means producing various forms of media with overt/covert feminist messages. Which takes lots of money. Women/soyciety/TPTB are spending all their resources to fight the blackpill. Which should show you just how powerful the bp really is. The bp is nothing special, it's just the truth. But if more men knew this truth, it would interfere with their plans... How does it feel to be on the losing side of a war LOLLL:cryfeels:

Padraig Martin #sexist #fundie #homophobia identitydixie.com

[From "The Problematic Feminization of Faith"]

At the core of the Christian faith is absolutism – both as a political and structural construct. God is absolutely the creator and ruler of all things within the universe. The Bible is the absolute written record of God’s Word. One can only get to heaven through an acceptance of Christ as Lord and Savior or suffer an absolute consequence of Hell. Unfortunately, absolutism is under attack from within Christianity and the ones facilitating that attack are women.
Consequently, in an era within which immorality and subjectivity rules, it is no wonder that the Christian faith is now undermined by those who reject absolutism. To be fair, the broader “church” has been undermined for more than a century. Beginning in the mid-19th century, the intersection of faith and societal transformation began to weave Christianity with socialist and societal reforms. This was led by church affiliated labor advocates, abolitionists, temperance groups, and of course, universal suffrage movements. At the heart of these perversions is a singular, misinterpreted passage in Galatians.
Pastors should not shirk from foundational truths: homosexuality is not OK; transgenders are ungodly and deranged; adultery is punishable by God; women are to be led by men; Jews lost their right to be called “chosen” when they broke a covenant by rejecting the Savior; Christ is King – reject that message and you go to Hell.

BummerDrummer #sexist #conspiracy #psycho incels.is

A big war is actually ideal, but will not happen because the main goal is passive subduing

A big internal war in which Massive sides fight, wether that be the political parties or the people who favor gun rights vs not gun rights or rural vs city or traditionalism vs modernity or a race war would actually be the best ideal scenario, but it isn’t going to happen because a big war could lead to margin of errors for the elites (they spark a war and lose).

what’s going to happen instead is something even more unsettling because it’s not something you can shoot at or fight against. It’s just passive subduing that (once you notice) eats at you.

men are going to get more cucked, women are going to get more rights, more and more immigrants will pour in and globalization, surveillance and government power will increase and there’s nothing you can do about it because there will never be a kick off to a conflict.

Any individual who is able to start a war like the ones I listed are already dead and killed by glowniggers (Harold covington, George Lincoln Rockwell, etc.) There’s not going to be a war, just a whisper and appeasement until there’s nothing left to appease.

it’s over when the best chance this world right now has to return to a semblance of common sense is to fight it out and it’s impossible to do that because the elites have human history for the next hundred years already planned out :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:.

Bourbon #sexist #racist incels.is

[Brutal] She is just 16... WTF

don't go on telling me these whores are kids, they say some people are pedos for liking 16 y/o's and they don't see the problem here THE 16 YEAR OLDS ARE FUCKING SLUTS WHO FUCK 20+ Y/O CHADS

she is just 16 and has lived life 500x better than me, god i hate whores like this, i hope she gets fucking mugged by a gypsy incel

also the whole rapist problem would get lowered by at least 50% if women stopped dressing up like SLUTS who want to grab attention,

nobody in they right mind will feel bad if a slut like this would get raped if she is too retarded to prevent it by choosing diffrent clothes

a foid dressed up in a crop top and whore stockings is just screaming "RAPE ME" to local rapefugees and niggers in the bronx

16 with a playboy tattoo.

mate. femoids here just wait till they're 15 to legally fuck an adult chad, at least that's what i saw

Fuck...16 and 6 years younger than me, countrymen and i'm still fuckin kissles virgin.
She wont be raped. Polish men are soy cucks and has one lowest rape stats in world ( japan has probably bigger molestation of women ).

that's because poland is a white country, no rapefugees, let's just hope some non citizen gypsy will fuck her up

and yes unfortunately 1/2 of polish males are cucks

VincentVanCock #sexist #racist incels.is

r/just be asian is the most deluded thing i have ever seen in my WHOLE LIFE.

Guys in the thread are literally saying the manlet asians mog brad pitt and that asians are currently CUCKING cumskins on america JFLLLLLLLLLLLL,HOW THE FUCK CAN SOMEONE BE SO BLUEPILLED?

Even if i wanted to i would never be able to cope and delude myself so much like that.

It's a cope really. JBB copers will go on BLACKED.com and say 'GUYS JBB IS REAL, LOOK AT ALL THESE BLACK GUYS CUCKING WHITE MEN' this is the same except it's 'YELLOW GUYS CUCKING WHITE MEN'

I´m black myself and everytime i see some bluepilled black guy on street talking about blacked and about how we are supposedly ''stealing'' white men´s women i cringe hard and try not to laugh.

They see a few lucky tyrones getting white pussy and think that the rest of blacks have it the same way..

True. A white woman who say's she's into black guys, she means Tyrones. Plus if she saw a white Chad, her panties would've dropped. Most women who say they're into non-white guys usually say it for attention and virtue signalling, and would still date a white chad. Race doesn't matter if you're Chad basically.

Chad is a race on its on.

they live in their own league.

If you think JBA is deluded just go to JBB reddit. It's full of blacked.com porn.

It exists fr lol? Can you send the link,i'm hella lazy to search for that.

Just found It,the sub is Just a lot of blacked porn and amateur videos with fat white foids.

That's what i hate the most about my race's men,niggas literally get the TRASH of the white Race,the white girls that nobody wanted and still think this is a good thing JFL, OVERRRRRRRRRR AF.

Babica Yaga #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Venting] I hate my whore sister's guts

I fucking hate that spoiled entitled little whore bitch. She was given everything in life on a silver plate, despite NEVER ever listening to my parents. I went to college, did not drink frequently and never smoked a cigarette in my life. In contrast, she's a heavy drinker, smoker, only finished high school, already gotten dicked down by multiple boyfriends, AND SHE STILL gets preferential treatment from my parents. I can't believe this shit... Life is unfair.

is she attractive?

yes she's way above average looking, prob like an 8/10 but not supermodel tier though. also the bitch is tanned all year round cause she frequently goes to tanning beds...swear to god hope she gets skin cancer/lung cancer

I truly feel sorry for everyone who has sisters on this forum. That is the most ERfuel thing to have to deal with. Have you cut her out of your life?

Used to be periods i didnt talk to her for months because i was so mad at my parents for condoning the shit she did. Kinda dgaf anymore, just comes with age I guess

My situation isn’t like that tbh. But I have a friend who was a top student at school and a top student now at university , He’s a quiet guy , He only asked for video games and his parents were always reluctant about buying them , Never praised him too much while praising their whore daughter who dropped out of uni , They bought her a car and gave her paid vacations

Such an injustice...

I think it's time for you to slap the shit out of her and your parents, who the fuck enables this kind of shit behavior.

Funny... old friend of mine (he's muslim) actually told me to do the same lmao

Total Imbecile #sexist #psycho #conspiracy incels.is

[Venting] I seriously wish I was poor or had PTSD or anything except being incel

Of all the things that couldve gone wrong in my life it had to be this

Anything wouldve been better than being incel tbh

Imagine instead of being a virgin at 23 your main concern was how to make rent or saving for a downpayment or being "depressed"

At my age like 99.5% of guys have had sex, I seriously cannot believe how unlucky I am to be in that .5% who are still virgins

Im at the point where I literally dont care about anything, money or politics its all meaningless, my apartment could burn down with all of my belongings and I literally wouldnt care

Very true OP. I'd rather have that as well.
Something like PTSD or Bipolar or missing a limb is "tangible" to society. There are therapists that help you. There are support groups that alleviate some strains in your life by granting you some support here and there.


Even the government would grant you various forms of assistance for anything else except the 1 thing that we fucking have. We strive and fight for a god damn fucking forum in the corner of the internet whilst all other groups of society can openly talk at rallies and TED talks and youtube platforms. We get run out of everywhere and soon it will be illegal to be a male and talk about how lonely you are. There will be murder parties going around soon enough that hunt down virgin incels and string us up for all to see. To make an example out of us. We will be persecuted like the Jews! (but for real this time)

universallyabhorred #sexist #psycho incels.is

[RageFuel] Women Are The Enemy

Women are the Enemy. We need to start seeing them as enemies.
It is their fault we are incel.
They are the ones who are making the choice not to sleep with us.
They torture us, starve us of sex and humiliate us.
They think we are disgusting
They think we are beneath them.
They would rather see us dead than in their breathing space.
Women are the ultimate cause of our suffering. They are the ones who have UNJUSTLY made our lives a living hell.
It is THEIR FAULT that we are suffering.
Once you all realize this, we can truly be enlightened. We need to focus more of our hated on women. Hatred is power.

hhh5677 #psycho #sexist reddit.com

Does anyone here feel like a sociopath? This is not a diss on the red pill. Trp has changed my life.
First off, don’t just run straight to the comments and tell me I’m just mentally ill and making shit up, pls hear me out.

I’ve been red pilled for about 3-4 years now and it’s honestly changed my life. But this is something I’ve been thinking about recently and want to know if anyone can relate.

Since finding trp and fucking a lot and seeing the true nature of women, I think it has turned me into somewhat of a sociopath.

Firstly, I don’t get emotionally attached to any girl really. I did at the start but the more I fuck, the less I care.

Secondly, I think I am now subconsciously manipulating girls I’m dealing with. Even though this manipulation isn’t super intense or super cold hearted, I just know what to say/text and when to say it to get a girl to do what I want.

Thirdly, the red pill taught me about more than just women. I have come to know that there a ton of systems in the blue pill world that are designed to control people. A good example would be organized religion, it’s sole purpose is to create a moral code for humans to abide by so there is no chaos and anarchy, and if you don’t follow the code, then your damned to hell.

So now I have grow to have a great distrust for authority or anyone that seeks to be my superior and tell me what to do. Also a bit mad at these systems and authority.

I might be just making shit up. I might be a narcissist. Hell I might even be a naturally born socio, I just needed something to push me into the role.

Feel free to make fun of me for my sperg post lol. I just wanna know if anyone can relate or knows what I’m getting into?

Bob #sexist #ableist godlikeproductions.com

"when women succeed, America succeeds" ... Nancy Pelosi

you are $26 trillion in debt

you lead the world in anti-depressant usage after 50 years of womens liberation

your cities are cesspools full of single mothers raising children with record amounts of autism and special needs

go eat some fancy ice cream

Strong One #sexist #wingnut #elitist #ableist incels.is

[Brutal] Nothing is gonna get better, everything is gonna get worst. Stop coping with this Beta uprising nonsense.

Ever since, I believe 2016, I have never heard the end of it from some Incels about the beta uprising. I still remember hopping onto reddit and browsing r/Incels (R.I.P), hearing about how we're gonna strip Women of their rights.

Let me lay it out for you guys, alright? Men, collectively are a fucking JOKE!!! Yes, we could "THEORETICALLY" strip Women of their rights. Women are more agreeable, the average Women is weaker compared to the average Man and the strongest Man could easily defeat the strongest Women, anyone denying that is DELUSIONAL! This however ignores the general character of Men and therefore this idea shouldn't be entertained. Generally Men serve society, these Men are BETAS, unless you're living like an animal outside the confines of society or you're committing severe crimes without a care in the world, you're a BETA. BTW, LOL in chat at those Redpill copers who believe hitting the Gym and participating in "masculine" hobbies makes you Alpha, no you're just another cog in the machine just like the rest of us and your hobbies are an extension of your social contract.

Anyway, ever since the Age of Enlightenment, we've crossed a line we wouldn't EVER step back on, since then we've been heading towards inevitable permanent women's suffrage. Let me explain, during this Age of Enlightement because of inventions that allowed more men to educate themselves, there were an unprecedented number of autistic amateur Philosophers discussing their ideas about the world and within this group of autists, there was a severely more autistic group of Philosophers and Intellectuals by which we today adress as Liberals (Little connection to the modern Liberals). You see, these "Liberals" unironically believed in a stupid and autistic idea they called "rights" granted to all men by divine power, that's right God just so happened to have changed his mind and decided that the past 1000+ years of your ancestors slaving away as serfs used solely to benefit the tyrant nobility, which may I add gained nobility through divine power, was just for the lols. Anyway, this "rights" thing really caught on in Europe, Napoleon's invasion of Western Europe and his introduction of Napoleonic Code onto occupied territories really sealed the deal. Once Napolean was defeated twice, the rulers that were once suppressed under Napoleon's tutelage returned to rule, they came back to a populace that demanded "rights". The century afterwards, Western Europe amassed colonial empires covering most of the world which in turn expanded liberal doctrines throught the world. (On a side note, I find it entertaining that territories that were conquered by Napoleon became advanced while those under Tsarist sphere of influence, were underdeveloped, backwards countries.)

You see friends, when the Liberals stated that ALL have universal divine given rights, some took it literally. Men would gained these so called "rights" but some Men believed work had yet to be done, some Women even became envious that these rights were restricted only to Men so the natural progression to Liberals and Intellectuals would be to include Women in these divine given "rights". DO NOT FORGET, that MEN were responsible for giving Women rights, the greatest contributors to Women's suffrage were ironically MEN. Truly, WE are our biggest threat.

Here's the BRUTAL truth, we're not gonna strip Women of their rights, we're not shutting down dating apps, we're not banning social media. Nothing is gonna get better, everything is gonna get worst. We're heading on a full on collision to the "progress" that which the Liberals had invisioned CENTURIES AGO! JFL at anyone of you who believe conservatives won in 2016-2018 or have a chance at winning, NOPE! You honestly believe those same cuckservatives that parade and praise LGBTQ+ are gonna fucking save us! Cuckservatives are merely a part of the plan that the Liberals had invisioned CENTURIES AGO! We're all part of this Liberal vision and whether you like it or not, doesn't matter because YOU ARE EXPENDABLE!

Women's suffrage was inevitable, we're all apart of this Liberal vision crafted centuries ago. There's not gonna be a beta uprising, no ban on social media or dating apps, women aren't gonna have their rights stripped. It's OVER!

Blackpill Rage #racist #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Currywhores and sandwhores are quickly catching up to noodlewhore's whitu cocku onrry policy.

It's well established within the blackpill community that the smv hierarchy of the 3 deathnic races are rice>sand>curry (the triangle of death). The only reason ricecels seem to have it particularly bad is because of noodlewhore's disturbing rate of whitu cocku onrry. HOWEVER, more and more sand and currywhores are adopting the same white cock only policy and brutally shitting on the men of their own race.

Not even Islam can save us. It is so fucking catastrophically over for sand and curries. I don't even think there is a proper word in the English language to describe how over it is for us.

The racepill gets stronger by the day.

There are many bluepilled copers on this site that STILL deny the racepill.

The future generations will be all hapas with white mixing. Pure ethnic races will go extinct

And at the same time White smv will sky rocket even more (as if it wasn't insanely high already).

Various Incels #sexist #psycho #racist incels.is


[JFL] Women are weak and pathetic

There's so many roasties who say they'd beat up (jfl) or shoot incels if they ever met one.

i always get a laugh out of these fantasys, 1 its not the media framing you, your being judged by your own actions and the shit you say, 2 for every incel is a fuckton more men whod beat your ass down for trying to steal rights from half the bloody planet, so yeah we can stop it

In reality none of them have the balls (literally) to point a gun at a man and pull the trigger. 3 billion armed women wouldn't be able to oppose a measly force of 50 incels because they have the mentality of cowards. Women are not a threat to anyone, it's the simps who fight for them who are dangerous.


I agree. It is very naïve to think that weapons equalize people. I mean, to some degree they do, but the fact remains that in a armed conflict, the determination to actually use the weapon matters more than its efficacity.


Women are not a threat to anyone, it's the simps who fight for them who are dangerous.

This is why their needs to be uncucked men who beat the shit out of simps every time they act up.


Despite what your brocel said the other day, a lot of ladies have no problem with firearms. I’ll pump lead into whoever have to in order to not live the damn Handmaids Tale.

I guess it's also justifiable for us to pump lead into cucks and whores who force non chads into following cucked laws and pay taxes to the gynocentric government.

theyll get their men to beat incels, its just talk

Their needs to be uncucked men to beat up their "men" whenever they try to act like faggots.

(Justice Bao)

Even the weakest men (myself included) are stronger tha 80% of foids.


if you not consider black foids, yes

Honestly it's not even about physical strength, the weakest part of women is their mentality. 90% of women would break down crying in any combat situation.

based and redpilled


They are pussies they won’t do shit. Even if she tried to fire a gun the recoil would probably break their arms and send them flying backwards

These Untermenschen are not stronk enough to handle the FG42, am I right Josef ?

Yeah the Untermenschen are weak and will be sent to the gas chambers in auschwitz or I will experiment on them by sewing them to their twin or injecting blue dye into their eyes in minecraft

PoeticPoltergeist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

All male feminists are fucking predators. They sit there and desperately try to convince women they're one of them and as soon as they realize their simping doesn't get them any sex, they turn hostile. They turn against the very people they'd supported at their own detriment to begin with.

Do yourself a favor: if you have any feminist friends, drop them. They'll use every opportunity to look good and that includes throwing you under the bus in front of your girlfriend to sleep with them. Pathetic fucks.

HareyS #crackpot #sexist wehuntedthemammoth.com

[DISCLAIMER: Explicit, totally batshit insane analysis of the female anatomy]

Unlike a man, a woman is not fully functional without a man, a supplier of sperm-laden seminal fluid. His reproductive organs operate continually from puberty to death. Hers cannot function without sperm. Menstruation is a malfunction. The uterus and vagina aren’t there to spew bloody mucus out. A girl-woman who is not consciously aware of or intending to avoid procreation becomes most desirous of receiving semen during five of the six days preceding ovulation. She is most easily aroused during those days, peaking at about three days before ovulation.

ReturnOfSaddam #conspiracy #wingnut #sexist #racist incels.is

[JFL] Zoomers are legit the dumbest, most spoonfed, bluepilled retarded generation in history

I actually think they're worse than boomers. Seriously, these retards are almost ALL in favour of LGBTQIWTF shit, they don't seem to question anything, and they have literally spent their entire lives on the censored internet run by jewgle and couldn't name 5 different websites if they tried.

To me they single handedly disprove the cope that "the next generation will be right wing" which you hear altrightcel cucks repeating. LMFAO. Instead, what you have is a bunch of spineless retards who have literally taken the post 2013 feminazi teachings as GOSPEL. They fully support shit like censorship, they are some of the most sensitive people I've EVER encountered, and don't even get me started on shit like TikTok.

Average life of a zoomer sub 9.5/10 male: wake up, work, praise feminism, spend 30 minutes online after verifying your identity, spend that time praising brave trans leaders, spend your paycheck on your onlyfans subscription, get your 4 hours of sleep, repeat. It will honestly be interesting to see just how fucked things are in 10 or so years.

Cope tbh. All generations are bluepilled in their own ways.

No generation has been as bluepilled as the zoomers. Not even boomers.

I am a zoomer and I can say zoomers can either be giga-bluepilled or giga-blackpilled. And guess what the majority of the zoomers are giga-bluepilled. The fag propaganda in school will ensure most zoomers to be on side of the Jewish hordes.

(Shin no Shi)
what zoomers in general. I was born on 2000 but I had the internet relatively early than a lot of people and I usually surfed weird sites and stuff (remember seeing a porn ad and thought it was shit coming out of the girls bodies, when they were dicks, specifically bbc ones) I still remember school being somewhat ok though there was a little bit of the excessive leftist rhetoric instilled, though everyone in school during my time were still talking crap and not the pozzed type of talk.

I only started seeing this instilled behaviour full force when it was around 2017/2018 and I was out of school a year before, heck I look at the accounts of those younger than me since I know them and usually see whores throwing onlyfans or whoring themselves out and guys who are depressed 24/7.

(TheReaper)they're victims of bad parenting.
they all grow up with parents telling them that they are special and unique and this prevents them from developing any kind of personal growth.
they will become an army of depressed and nevrotic adults due to the dispcrepancy between their perception of themself and reality.

Mainländer #psycho #sexist #conspiracy incels.is

[Venting] I want to slaughter cucks, whiteknights, agecucks and enablers of women's licentiousness in general in Minecraft

God forgive me, but those men are just too odious and live to serve Satan's feminism without even getting anything in return.

Imagine loving a satanic lie so much you defend it with your life without getting anything in return, betraying your fellow men in the process and contributing to this failed gynocentric feminist system that ultimately makes everyone miserable but a handful of Chads and the elites.

metabuxx #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[JFL] No one hates women more than married men do

"Single women live longer than married women" - scientifically proven.

So all those ITfags, normies and Chads who are married or are planning to marry basically want their partners to die sooner. Can you believe how misogynistic they are??

All we do is shit post about women, but these men with so called nice personalities who claim that they treat women as equals are actively participating in a tradition that kills women faster. Imagine hating women so much that you pretend all your life that you respect them so that they fall in your trap and agree to marry you, just to shorten their lifespan. These men are pure evil.

And yet women think that we are the bad ones. JFL.

based_meme #sexist incels.is

RE: Feminist in letter exchange wiki with a guy admits the winner in the dating scene is Chad.

The dating market is highly competitive, hierarchical, and often cruel. This fact is uncomfortable for anyone who values egalitarianism, so a more appealing – albeit dishonest – option is to instead blame Incels for their plight by suggesting that their unpleasant personalities must be the problem. The truth is that sexual attractiveness is a profound form of inequality, affecting not only relationship prospects, but also e.g. income and popularity.


So here’s the deal for a ‘Stacy’ in the modern dating economy, or indeed for a ‘Becky’ (a woman of average looks). She’s bombarded with male sexual attention, offline and online, most of which she doesn’t welcome, and some of which she feels harassed or frightened by. The ‘Chads’ she dates may be reluctant to commit to her exclusively, since there’s no longer social pressure on them to do so, meaning that she may end up as part of an informal harem, having plenty of sex, but without the kind of monogamous commitment that most women say they want. In our porn-saturated culture, the sexual script prioritises male pleasure over female, meaning that most women don’t orgasm during hook ups, and commonly experience unwanted acts of aggression like spitting and choking. Then there’s always the risk that she might go home with a man who turns out to be really dangerous. Of course there is a certain thrill in feeling attractive, which provides some compensation, but it’s time-limited; after a certain age, a woman can no longer rely on her looks as a source of self-esteem.

All of which is to say that ‘Stacys’/‘Beckys’ and Incels are all losers in the modern dating economy, and that as far as I can tell there is really only one group of winners: ‘Chads’. Which is why, although I don’t think we should ‘re-impose moth-eaten and oppressive sexual mores on women’ [note from me: she refers to enforced monogamy], I also see our current sexual mores as harmful to women, just in a different way.

Following a link on an article @FrailPaleStaleMale shared, I came across this, which happens to be written by a feminist (Louise Perry). What are your thoughts about this, supreme gentlemen?


Though I value a feminist's opinion on male problems, especially sexual inequality, about as much I value a wet fart, it's a peculiar thing to see that the degree to which the mental gymnastics can be performed is severely restricted in the undeniable face of the black pill.

She still found a way, however, to do some mental gymnastics. She had to lump in the stacies and beckies as losers in the sexual market along with us, only because chad doesn't commit, thanks to the abundance mentality that they've been conditioned to by women's very own choices.

When you act like a disposable slut for chad you're going to get treated like a disposable slut by chad. Amazing, isn't it? Who would have thought?

Women play a game where they come out losing and then have the stone-faced audacity to say they are just like the losers who were never given the opportunity to play the game at all.

Nuke this gay earth.

FlyFace #sexist incels.is

College is when Foids' standards peak. And they become low again a few years after college when they start looking to settle down with a hubbycel.

That is something I've noticed in my sister and her friends. When the education stops and they start drying up it is their time to latch onto a Man and leech from him as much as possible. One of my sisters friends even had a Man who wanted to be in a relationship with her since high school but she only really committed and married him when she was 30. They weren't even together for that long and they took a break and we all know what that means for Whores.

when I was in middle school a 12 year old from another class got pregnant lul

Same here. Except I was in high school. Foids really are a cancer upon the world. Mere beasts to our Humanity. Foids aren't Human lets be honest, a selfish beast such as the Foid can never change its stripes as is evidenced in History.

WizardofSoda #sexist #racist #crackpot incels.is

RE: [Brutal] Even baby ricelets can't escape the dickmog

Should the definition of micropenis vary according to ethnicity?

Conclusion: Mean penile length and diameter are slightly but significantly smaller in newborns of Chinese origin compared to newborns of Caucasian and East-Indian origins.

Yeah seems to be a correlation with frame, dick size & intelligence. Big body, big dick = No need to hit the books.

Small frame, small dick = Not getting any attention so better get smart to betabux later.

Just add genetics into offspring & there you go.

Ya I see Asians always thinking one day if they get good enough grades, get a high paying enough job, then they can be marriage material.. and then they can get sex.

Big dick guys have their dick 8 inches up inside hot young girls/women right now, they aren't waiting until sometime in the future.

Add to my post: This study could be seen as positive though.. if micropenis babies are identified young they could potentially be given drugs to help grow their penis while they are still children.

And then when there is a defined disease and therefore market just waiting for new and more powerful drugs, that puts money on the line for the pharmaceutical industry to do big time research.

Whereas if something is not defined as a disease, just hey the guy has a small dick.. that means insurers public and private are not going to cover expensive drugs & doctor visits for treatment.

In time the norm will be pathetic short tiny dick man with great job financing foid & her oogabooga retard sports star bulls, cuck gets to hold her hand at most & feel needed.

Paying to exist in her presence.

Those low IQ, uncurious oogaboogas are more relatable to women.. more operate on a primal emotional level. I think to most women the logical minded, analytical man is almost like an alien species that she doesn't want to be around except they have money.

Cope, only female concerns are considered worthy of curing.

No wonder aspies struggle with women.

The female mind in it's natural state is that of a man with schizophrenia.

That is a good way to describe it. One gender will be the logical gender and the other therefore will be the irrational gender.

I think what women want when they are with a guy is that emotional experiences of all the emotions. So a childlike minded Chad who goes from one emotion to the next and really goes deep into the emotion I think is the experience women enjoy.

But the unemotional autist trying to rationalize things with a woman its just cringe and she is not enjoying it at all so leaves very quickly, as she is not getting those emotional highs.

Schizophrenia - Hearing & seeing things, delusional, ruled by emotions, paranoid, out of control emotional response, spontaneous, out of control.

Aspie - Desire to understand things at the technical level, predictable, does not like change, can spend much time doing one thing, does not show emotions externally the way expected, restrained.

What you said makes sense, a good looking guy with the mind, responsibility & foresight of a child that goes with the flow, gets into trouble, is a pleasure seeker to the detriment of all else & turns violent when he stops getting his own way. Oh but he's so fun, until he's not & now you have to pay 10x what you got out. Long term shit for short term pleasure then some cuck is expected to man up & take on that burden in his 30's.

Watching women I notice they just want to experience their emotions.. the worst is some autist explaining the reasoning behind peoples emotional responses to a woman which then reduces the purity and intensity of the experience and therefore the women is extremely resistant to listening to that line of logic.

I think women respond so out of control with emotions because they get a high/pleasure from it.. so you can never really stop people from doing something they are getting so much enjoyment from.

Its like how women always seek to create conflict and dramas.. its for the adrenaline high and the feeling of intense emotions. As women also don't really generate emotions by themselves they feel the emotions of men around them and then it sort of gets amplified by the woman.

Like Schizophrenics women also think everything is about them, that everyone is thinking about them and judging them all the time.

Words2_live_bye #sexist #crackpot incels.is

RE: [Discussion] Neoteny (babyface/puberty cel/looking like a twink kid at say 25) linked to autism

The author of neoteny theory has linked it to autism, and says he has recieved positive review from simon baron cohen (autism expert)

Human evolution theory utilizing concepts of neoteny & female sexual selection - an etiology of neuropsychological disorders (autism, dyslexia...) - the origin of left handedness.

“This is exactly what I thought: that autists are highly advanced and thus neotenous, but that it doesn't matter because foids prefer primitive, dimorphic beasts instead.”

True, they would rather fuck 6'5 retarded chad instead of an ugly manlet genius who can actually contribute to humanity. Muh natural selection retards are a special kind of stupid.

women don't care for natural selection or "genetics" or "purifying the gene pool"
lol it's all a ruse
they just want to fuck attractive men
and if they DID care for genetics or purifying the gene pool, then they would realise that in order to do that, only TOP TIER women would need to have children.
But nope. lol
this is why incels still exist.
Cause normies and chads breed with all types of women
and it makes more incels
chads should start living a "stacy only" lifestyle

King_of_morons #sexist #psycho incels.is

[SuicideFuel] Women are literally oppressing us

Just by witholding sex from low value males, women are treating us like dirt. All they have to do to end our misery and anguish is to give us access to their warm meaty holes, but oh no, that place is reserved for chads and they refuse to touch icky inkwells with a 1000-inch pole. It's funny how foids constantly cry about muh wagegap and toxic masculinity, when they constantly ignore and belittle 95% of males. This is why it's pointless to listen to a femoid's advice regarding inceldom, if she really wanted to help she would gather her friends and ride our cocks like Pixar lamps.

Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Williams and Hephzibah House staff #fundie #psycho #sexist wndu.com

Hephzibah House describes itself as a private Christian boarding school for teenage girls. The school says its mission is to take in troubled girls and help them with God's love.

But dozens of women who were students there say what they experienced was not love but abuse.

"There was no free talking, no giggling, no pillow fights, no making friends," Mary Kumar explained.

She lived at Hephzibah House from 2007 to 2009. She says students were expected to do heavy labor in addition to their Bible-based education.

"A lot of on the floor work," she said. "We had to work on our knees on the floor for three or four hours every day, so when I left I had very thick callouses on my knees that would crack and bleed."

Kumar also says she didn't get proper medical care while staying at Hephzibah House.

"I had this weird ear infection while I was there because they wouldn't let us use Q-tips and I didn't have a lot of time to clean myself because of our three-minute showers. ... My ear erupted down the side of my face ... and that wasn't really given a lot of focus," she recalled.

But Kumar says other medical problems were given too much focus.

"They did an invasive exam to see why I couldn't go to the bathroom. When that could've been easily fixed with Metamucil or putting us on a better diet," she said. "... I saw that with a lot of other students. They would have these horrible illnesses or sicknesses and they would be made fun of or treated like garbage, but for things like that we were given forced pelvic exams or forced anal exams ... and that doesn't make any sense to me."

Kumar says the neglect was beyond physical, leaving her unprepared for the real world.

"They really dumbed us down there, because women aren't really supposed to have a lot of thoughts or dreams besides becoming a mother. I was 18 playing dress up. What do normal 18-year-olds do?" she said.

She's not the only one who says she suffered at Hephzibah House. 16 News Now was contacted by more than a dozen women with similar experiences. There may be more.

"The number of victims that have come forward is about 300," Kumar said.

There are accusations of abuse dating back to the 1980s.

Eighteen-year-old Olivia Lambright just left the school last June. She says she was spanked during her five years there.

"When you start spanking all the way down to your thighs, you have bruises on your thighs instead just on your bottom. I would say that's going too far. But the one thing that they would tell me was, 'This is the way God wants us to do it, and this is your fault this is happening,'" Lambright explained.

She says humiliation is a daily part of life in the dorms and at church for Hephzibah House students.

"At night you had a 10:30 bathroom break and a 2 a.m. bathroom break, and there will be times where they take the 10:30 and they miss the 2 a.m. bathroom break. And the girls are having accidents ... and that's what happened to me," she said. "I had an accident and they were like, 'Oh! You have to wear diapers now.'"

Lambright told 16 News Now she had to carry a pink mat to church after that incident, which she felt was done to humiliate her.

With so many woman contacting 16 News Now, we reached out to Hephzibah House. The school gave us written statements refuting the claims.

In response to the accusation that they conduct child labor, the school said it does require students to do daily chores but does not overwork them.

When it comes to paddling the girls too hard, the school said they have not used corporal correction for years. They also refuted claims that they keep students locked in a basement.

Dr. Ron Williams founded Hephzibah House in 1971. 16 News Now requested an interview with him, and he agreed to send us prerecorded responses to our questions.

Williams said the school and its staff do the Lord's work in line with fundamentalist Baptist teachings.

"There are myriads of troubled teenage girls in this world, and we can't help all of them, but, praise God, we can help some. And we've received some from every one of the 50 states and from some foreign countries because of missionaries having trouble with their daughters," Williams said.

He said he is stumped by the abuse accusations.

"The leaders of most of our critics, when they left our ministry, were very cordial, friendly, amiable. Would call us, stay in touch, invite us to their weddings, so now they are leading a whole group against us ... which is really inexplicable to us," he said.

But while Williams tours the country speaking to churchgoers about home and family, his son Ben is speaking out against his father's school.

"The things that are happening at Hephzibah House are definitely cultish. Are they 100% cult? No. But are they cultish? Absolutely. And that is why there's a fear, that is why there's devout loyalty. ... There's good people there to this day ... but when you get captured into that culture, it takes years for you to literally deprogram," Ben Williams explained.

He says he wants the community to know about the physical and emotional abuse he both saw and endured growing up at Hephzibah House. That includes issues he says the school has with the quality of food being served.

"We would get cases of, banana boxes full of dented cans that had no labels. The girls would open them up, and they would just starting dumping. And yes, every once in a while ... they deny this but every once in a while a can of dog food would get dropped in. That is true. So 'surprise soup' would be multiple different soups dumped in, stir it up, and that was the slop that they were served," Ben Williams said.

The Kosciusko County health inspector documented a formal complaint about the food quality just last month, including that students were "served something resembling dog food" and that they "became ill multiple times from food and was then shamed for being ill".

In addition to documenting the complaint, the health inspector also cited Hephzibah House for a few of its procedures involving food preparations.


Still, without proof of a crime, law enforcement officials say little can be done. Kosciusko County Sheriff Kyle Dukes says that of allegations investigated in the past 20 years, no criminal charges were ever filed.

Hephzibah House told 16 News Now the Department of Child Services visited in January and nothing was found. We have been unable to get that confirmed with DCS.

There is no agency overseeing the quality of education or care at the school because Indiana law allows for boarding schools to operate without a license due to a religious exemption.


Hephzibah House tells 16 News Now there are currently four girls enrolled at the reform school.

Alphabet Agency Alert Award

joe_incel123 #sexist #crackpot #wingnut incels.is

[Blackpill] Happy relationships don't exist, everyone who gets the chance cheats [water is wet]

So, this is nothing new but, the concept of relationships is just bullshit in a modern, globalized society with free media. Anyone should understand this, it's easy:

Humans are not monogamous. That's just not natural.

Femals will always go for the genetic superior male. They are not happy in a relationship because of that. They cheat when they have the opportunity to be with a genetic superior man.

Males also cheat. But for a different reason. Males will always go for spreading their semen as wide as possible. That means, a man will lose interest in having sex with one female after a period of time. He will then go and cheat when he has the opportunity to be with another female. But in this case, the female doesn't need to be more attractive than his gf/wife. He will lose interest in any female, no matter how good she looks.

But there is one constellation that comes the closest to a happy monogamous relationship: A beautiful couple. The female is with a male that is genetic superior to any other male they could be able to be with. She will worship this guy, she doesn't feel the urge to cheat.

But on the other hand, we have the man again. He will be happy to show off his beautiful wife and everything. But as he doesn't have this urge to be with the one best female - he wants to have sex with as many females as possible. he will still cheat. But in this kind of relationship, the female would probably even tolerate her male to cheat on her, or suggest threesomes, orgies etc.

Traditional islamic societies are aware of this. They always keep male and female individuals separated - except for family members. It's important to keep the female to encounter as few male strangers as possible. So she will see her future husband as a geneticly superior male and be satisfied being with him - and only him.

Oh and, I forgot to mention the media. Well, the media shows genetic superior males all the time. Females can sit there all they and look at astonishing male bodies at Tinder, tumblr, or whatever they are called. And those dating apps actually give them the power to be with them easily. They will never ever be satisfied being with her bolding, fat, drinking ugly (sub 8 or even higher) man. Why should they? It would be stupid and illogical from her point of view.

Oh and, I am not muslim, not even religious. It's all bullshit. But some rules of those bullshit fairy tales can be helpful for men. I am looking at this topic from a biologic point of view.

universallyabhorred #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] Is Rape Punishment or Reward to Women?

We all know women are worthless cunt whores that need a beating, but rape is an entirely different story. Majority of women get off when raped or at least fantasize about it which means on some level they want and need it. So under what circumstances doe s rape feel good or bad to women? Inb4 looks, it's more complicated than that, even ugly old rapists get female attention.

Based Frog #homophobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut #sexist rebelreformer.wordpress.com

The Truth About the LGBTQ Community

Countrymen, if we were to imagine the world without its contributions from whites, Christians, and capitalists, we would have nothing. As obvious as this may be, one has to repeat it now and again put to shame our enemies: the race traitors, traitors against all of the human race itself. Whereas our enemies claim they are fighting the “homophobes” or “racists,” (whatever that means), in truth our enemies are fighting against all of Western civilization, as that has been their sole proclaimed purpose from the beginning.

This used to be a white nation: White men, white women, white children, white families, white culture, and white values. We had ideals: Christian ideals. Once we lived in a nation in which the arm of Liberty shielded us from third-world animals who came here solely to leach off of our resources. But that wasn’t all. One generation ago, if you were a rainbow-parading faggot, you didn’t live in this nation. If you were a pervert, you kept it to yourself. And now our nation has been ruined; ruined to the point of no return, while cuckservative Republicans have been only too gleeful to self-righteously concede to the communists on every leverageble [sic] topic. In fact, Republicans would dress up in drag and read to trans children at libraries if they thought it would raise the GDP any, as if Republican ‘tax cuts’ are going to unite and fortify western civilization. At this point, most Republicans are traitors against the nationalist party, and being an actual conservative is like being part of the dissident movement in the old Soviet Union. Observing the fall of the West, it’s clear that we live in a world gone mad: The grandeur of western civilization is fading, and the West’s influence will be destroyed. Society and all its entertainment filth can best be described as one large sewerpipe of obscenity. What is usually hidden away at the bottom sludge of civilization is now the prime focus of our degenerate society, and in our upside-down clownworld, the fringes of society are now the alternative shadows where you find brilliant minds who are civilized and decent. The once-radiant glory of our nation has been ominously darkened as we spiral into the abyss of overshadowing evil brought upon us by our enemies, and we have merely watched as our communities have been infested with wretched moral values, including every form of degeneracy and evil imaginable.

Take the gays for example.

As a longstanding member of the nationalist party, this is how I see it. We live in the ruins of a society in which our culture is morally, socially, and spiritually bankrupt. Sexual degeneracy is a symptom of late-stage societal collapse, but it’s not the evil itself which is horrifying about our times; rather it’s the way we have not only tolerated evil, but have made a cult of positivity worshiping weakness, depravity, rottenness, and evil itself.

As with everything under the stars and stripes of our national flag, homosexuality is a social issue which we have the right to criticize, and to say otherwise would make you a totalistic communist drowning in the murky depths of totalitarianism, starvation, and enslavement. To demand that we sit idly by and embrace warped sexual perversions as normal is a demand only made by the worst form of a totalitarian tyrant: an inbred libertarian, wobbling on the political crutch of a pseudo-patriotic belief in liberty rather than authority. We of the nationalist party have never shied from voicing our opinions and offering solutions. Homosexuals are not born the way they are, but rather they suffer from one of the many ills that can result from incompetent parenting of Democrats. The communists have embraced every variation of homsexuality, all the way to transgenderism, but the truth is that there is no such thing as ‘transgender’, because that doesn’t even exist! There are only two genders with nothing in-between, and no amount of drugs or mutilation can change that. We won’t accept transgender people who who they claim to be because it’s they who won’t accept themselves for who they are. It’s the same with the mutli-sexuals and the queers, which are not people, and even as the lowest form of animals, they are not the type of creatures that we want in our nation. They’re all mentally ill, suffering from gender dysphoria. The rest of the sexualities in the LGBTQ community include bestiality, pedophilia, and far, far worse. It started when we made this country a tolerant home for the gays, it continued when we made gay marriage legal, it pushed the boundary further when society accepted transgenderism. Do you think it will stop there? It most certainty won’t. Before it becomes ‘hate speech’ to advocate this, I’d like to say that we should offer mass-capital-punishment for everyone who ascribes to whatever sexual perversion that’ll become legal next; and we all know exactly what that is.

At some point, the gays decided that anyone who doesn’t vomit rainbow words of praise is somehow a raging ball of bigotry, while it is they who are hideous creatures guilty of such. As our enemies foam at the mouth with hate and try to bully us into silence by even deleting our frog memes, we must remember that history has shown that Truth doesn’t ask under what political system it exists in. The societal struggle we are engaged in is a fight for the source of our values which brought prosperity and meaning for ourselves, and as companions, as patriots brought ever closer together by virtue of common dissenting beliefs, we must unite together as Americans to support our common cause. Above all, we must not let hate divide us: We must remember to show kindness towards our fellow countrymen so as to not fall into the same callousness and indifference displayed by our intolerant frog-hating enemies. Political issues of this sort cannot be fought on a global level, for societal struggles begin on individual and personal levels, impacting everything around us in our domestic live, and it is with understated honor that our communities should be proud to have people such as ourselves: We were the moral foundation of our nation in the past, and we will be the only remnant left when the Earth falls into chaos. In the Western modern world, there’s so much deeply wrong with what our nation has become. When do we put an iron boot down and put an end to degeneracy before it continues to spread? Join with us, and we will create an American renaissance greater than the world has ever seen.

Randy Thompson #wingnut #dunning-kruger #crackpot #sexist incel.blog

The Irrational Hate Towards Incels

Many of our enemies hate us to an extreme degree, but why?

This is the question that I ask every time I have nasty words thrown my way on Twitter. They accuse me of being vile and hateful, but I don’t really say mean things. I am but only representing a forum, and I am only one person. To them, I am every ugly person they have ever met, and they treat me as such.

They accuse us of being the worst human beings on earth. They regularly lecture and tell us that it’s our personalities and not the way that we look. We bring up countless studies ranging from the biological to the behavioral, but they continuously deflect and discount those studies and provide news articles as proof. When you point out that women found 80% of men unattractive, they ignore it or deflect. Countless studies prove that physical attraction matters above all else, but they find a way to refute this.

So why the irrational hate?

My first theory is that it’s ideological.

The support of feminism is standard in those that hate us, although the feminist women are the vilest and most toxic. Leftist politics in America very much align with the goals of feminism, and you’ll see much overlap between leftists, feminists, and those that support socialism, for example. They very much believe that we’re the “privileged” gender and that our problems don’t matter because we’re “privileged” men, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

imageThey only care about “sexism” towards women.

Some feminists will disagree with everything that we say, even if it’s objectively true just because you’re an incel. No amount of proof or studies will convince them of anything because they’ve been brainwashed into believing in their worldview and can’t see the world in any other way.

My second theory is that we’re right about many of the issues facing men today.

We are right about many things, such as physical attributes being most important in initial attraction, and we cite the studies whenever we make these claims. Incels being right destroys their worldview because they have always been taught that personality is the most important thing that attracts a woman.

We know this to not be true.

This article from Psychology Today proves this wrong. When women were given the choice between unattractive men with “good” personality traits that women desire and their attractive counterparts, the women chose the attractive men even when assured that the unattractive men had the traits the women were looking for. The study concluded that most women may not even realize what they find attractive in a partner which is a conclusion that many of us have reached a long time ago.

Even with the science behind us, they choose to ignore it and direct ad-hominem attacks against us instead. Call us names, or tell us to “have sex, incel,” They instead decide to cherry-pick threads from incel boards to demonstrate that all incels are bad people or that all incels hold one opinion, but their arguments fall flat when they are told that not all incels hold the same beliefs.

When their arguments fail, they resort to silencing and shaming us.

Mass reporting, de-platforming, and abuse complaints are the tactics that they resort to when they lose the argument. When they can’t silence you, they will try to smear and misrepresent in the worst way possible so they can convince other people to hate you. They call us domestic terrorists for the actions of a few crazy people. They want to silence all of us because of the actions of 2-3 people.

Their irrational hate of us is ultimately our strength. The best arguments are made from reason and evidence and not from emotion.

Mainländer #sexist #wingnut #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] It's unacceptable that most women's best years go wasted on fruitless recreative sex with non-seriously commited men

A woman is more attractive to the vast majority of men when she's young. This is a fact and no amount of outrage from Inceltears or any other group can change that. Some men can pinpoint the exact age in which women are the most attractive at 20, 18, 16, or 14, but the fact is, all of those age groups are much, much more attractive on average to men than a 40 or 50 yo woman would be.

What's the logic behind letting women waste their best years fucking random guys on the pill, only settling at 30+? The woman you marry, with whom you're supposed to spend the rest of your life together, having sex only with each other, giving herself to you only after her best youthful years are gone? How are you supposed to even have sweet memories to cherish after you two are older?

To all spinsters reading this: you're supposed to be married for many many years now. Your husband would have decades of happy memories, of the prime of your youth, of your first kiss, of taking your virginity, he would feel love for you even though you're not competition to younger women anymore in terms of objective attractiveness. How is he supposed to feel this if your relationship already starts when you're old, though? You want to compete directly against younger, much more attractive and desirable women without having that framework of memories and history together, since your youth; it's simply impossible. No wonder you get so bitter, unhappy, jealous of younger girls and full of hatred for men that have the balls to admit the fact they're more attracted to younger girls, for many objective reasons.

FastBananaCEO #psycho #racist #psycho #sexist incels.is


I'm not a part of this system

I was kicked out of it yet I'm supposed to work for them still

I was bullied and treated like shit by everyone I came across. Students teachers.

I was ostrasized. Every "friend" group I joined would be nice to me at first but then in the end I was always systematically bullied out of it and excluded from it.

Me having to rot on my own in my bedroom every day suffering from depression and suicidal tings and isolation and having zero contacts outside of my family just because I'm ugly is society's fault.

I get laughed at in the street, kids will stare at me and point, cashier's even have a condescending smirk on their face as they look at me and then look back at their partner trying not to laugh at the sight of my face.

What do I get in return for this? All the suffering I've been through?


In fact, I'm expected to work for the same people who did this to me, and even give money to the people who did this to me. I am the one suffering, but I'm given nothing in compensation for what I've had to go through.

I'm expected to go to college?

Where I need good grades to get in? When my grades declined due to bullying and isolation.

I need a reference? Even though I was ostrasized by everyone and forced to keep my head down and everyone subconsciously dislikes me due to my face?

I need to be in an interview? Where the interviewer is female? As an ugly male?

I need put on this act and pretend to be happy and confident and put on a facade so I'm more likely to be accepted? No one should have to do this. But it's even worse as an ugly male. Cuz I'd be going from 0 to 100. Normies are already happy in general so by putting on this facade they're just increasing what they're originally like by going from 80 to 100.

I need a job? What for? I'm not going to have a family. I will not do any activities or travelling. I have no friends as I was ostrasized. I am suffering. All I need money for is copes. The money should be given to me. I'm already suffering. I shouldn't have to suffer 1000x more just for a little extra.

Even if u were a millionaire as an ugly male, it would be useless. Unless you Epsteinmaxx.

I've lost all empathy for the human race. They are simply not concious beings. Do you have empathy for things that arent concious? No.

They need to be told what to think.

They average human is so braindead. So easy to control. They are so easy to lie to. They are so low iq.

Even the CIA themselves didn't think it would be this easy. It's just sad.

If I was just me. One person. But I had the same power as the CIA. I could easily do what they've done. Probably even better and faster. It's really not that fucking hard.

If I wanted to solve inceldom. All that needs to be done is to plan and then carry out psyops to solve all our problems.

If normies were told to care about the plight of ugly males in today's society they would. Unfortunately this isn't in ((()))'s interest however.

Imagine if the population overran and defeated ((())).

The world would end up even worse. Normies aren't concious, they have no clue what they're doing. 90% of what they think has been implanted into their brain by ((())). So even if they were to overrun ((())), most of their actions would be part of what they had been programmed to do and wouldn't actually make the world a better place for everyone.

Cba to write anymore I'm just venting. Please IT screenshot this and do a hyperanalysis on a literal nobody stranger who is a virgin venting about the state of the world which you are oblivious to anything that's going on because it's literally you who is the problem and a victim of this even.

Incel_Because_Short #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Serious] How did they convince women that wage slavery = empowerment?

Your average wage-slave woman:

>Wake up at 6am for your 8-5 job
>Groom and have breakfast until 7am
>Leave house at 7am for overcrowded public transport or crowded highway system, spending an hour there to get to work

>tfw 2 hours of your life are spent towards work without getting paid yet

>Arrive at 8am
>Start work in an intensively micro-managed office environment, where you have little say in what you can do
>Boss pulls you in to tell you that you didn't meet your targets this week and discusses with you how he can maximize your productivity
>Hour lunch at 11am, had no time to cook so you get fast food.
>Back to work at 12pm until 5pm.
>Arrive home from work at 6pm
>Degroom, shower and eat a meal.
>Still do all the cleaning for your house because that didn't go away.
>It's now 9pm, you have just enough time to watch brain mush on Netflix until you go to sleep for work tomorrow.

>You're a strong, independent woman because you earn a salary and can buy consumer goods to numb the pain, even though your whole life revolves around your employer and they control you like cattle.

A housewife living with her husband does literally a fraction of the labour, and is probably living a richer life as a result, where she can pursue her hobbies or interests and not have to give her time away to some soul-less corporation. For most of history, women controlled their household. They decided what needed to be bought, how the children should be raised, it was essentially her own little kingdom.

For some reason, they have been convinced that it's better to obey an employer than obey a husband, even though the employer gives no shit about your freedom and your well-being, just on making sure you're as productive as possible to do the job. In an effort to lower the price of labour, they started encouraging women to enter the work force en masse.

How did they convince women that a live of wage slavery is a dignified life?

Even men don't like wage slavery, there has been a lot of fighting and killing that has gone on between labour unions and employers since the 1800s. Men seem to be aware of the bad deal they are getting from this, but women seem completely oblivious to it as long as you call it empowerment.

metabuxx #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Based] Terminating women's rights would prove to be highly beneficial for them

1. A growing percentage (the bottom 80%) of men are so desperate and sex depraved that they have resorted to raping women. But once women's right to participate in the workforce is revoked these men will get their jobs and will be able to betabux a woman each. Women will no longer have to live in the fear of getting raped.

2. Many men have started randomly killing foids and attacking feminists rallies and other gynocentric places. But after women's right to freedom of speech is revoked, women will no longer anger these men with their bullshit. This will help save plenty of lives.

3. The leading cause for the death of women is spousal homicide. And this is because a woman's mate selection process is heavily flawed. But this won't be a problem anymore once women's right to freedom of choice is revoked. They will not be killed in such large numbers by their partners once their fathers start arranging marriages for them.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot more benefits. We need to save women's lives and make this world a safer place for them by terminating their rights.

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