
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Meg Benedicte #ufo #magick #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

On Wednesday, July 3rd the annual opening of the portal to star Sirius begins. This is the time of the year when the sun and Star Sirius rise on the horizon together in harmonious convergence. During the coming six weeks a continual stream of Sirian Blue Ray consciousness will uplift and enlighten humanity. It is a powerful time for accelerated evolutionary advancement, leading to the powerful 888 LionsGate Activations.

The Sirians are galactic ancestors who already transitioned into higher dimensional access through the Ascension process. Star Sirius is a prototype for the Ascended Gaia. The upcoming 77 gateway on July 7th opens a time differential to future Earth. The portal provides an interdimensional doorway to Gaia’s ascended timeline and earth chakra ascension crystal gates. We are the galactic Star Weavers of the ancient Zep Tepi era and the future New Earth golden age!

Star Sirius, also known as the Dog Star or Sirius A, is twice the size of our sun and brightest star in the night sky. The name ‘Sirius’ means glowing in Greek. While the Sirius Stargate is open from July 3 through Aug. 11, we see Star Sirius rising on the horizon with our Sun – the golden star next to blue star. The ancient Egyptians celebrated the Dog Days with the annual rising of the Nile River.
The 77 Gateway on Sunday, connects us to the magical days of ancient Sirian-Lemuria. According to the wisdom keepers, the ancient Sirian civilization of Lemuria spanned the western Pacific coast of America, from Mount Shasta all the way down to Hawaii, and over to Australia and India.

Join other Star Weavers and Light Bearers on Sunday, July 7th for the 77 Gateway Activations. We will include both personal and planetary activations. Connect to your ancient galactic Sirian lineage and ignite the new ascension timeline. The show is recorded for replay.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

No roads or airports, just plasma

Why were there no roads or airports in Tartaria and the Old World?

There are many Tartarian remains buried under the Mud Flood that are being discovered all over the world, but there is not a single concrete road or airport runway that could have been used to transport people and goods!

The reason there were no concrete roads, rail tracks and runways in the Old World was because people and goods were not transported by trains, cars or planes, but by a high-tech electric plasma portal.

Digging deeper down the rabbit hole, one might wonder what else we might stumble upon in terms of Old World high technology!

By the way, did you know that it is cheaper and easier to build a Plasma Portal machine than a car?

The good thing about travelling through Plasma Portal machines is that you get to your destination instantly, 100% safely and free of charge, instead of travelling by car, train, plane or otherwise!

Imagine how much environmental impact would have been avoided if we had Plasma Portal travel today.
On the other side of the ice wall of the North Pole, in the land of Hyperborea, people travel mainly by portals, among a few other high-tech means of transport, 100% safe and free.

Hyperborea beyond the Arctic Circle was the land of our great divine ancestors and is still on maps in the 16th century before it was invaded by the Deep State cabal.

The Church created a flawed theory of our solar system and blessed all wars and heinous crimes to kill the human spirit.
All this mentioned in this article and many others from the past is the true world. Whereas the world we live in today is superficial because it has been transformed into the most primitive way of life of the Stone Age

All aspects of life have been developed using advanced technology and manipulated to alter how we connect to our true Self through our DNA.

SaLuSa of Sirius via Neva Gabriel #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

The campaign to discredit many of you, Lightworkers, continues from those who still operate in the dark. And this, has greatly affected your emotions and your belief in yourselves and in your own potential. Certainly, your souls have already been prepared for such delicate clashes as these in recent times, especially in the last three months.

Don’t be frightened or emphasize disturbing feelings and thoughts, because they will stop as soon as possible. Remember the Christ who, in His temptations in the desert, was challenged in his faith. Take inspiration from Him and you will see how prepared you .

You have asked for help from the heavens, and it is being sent. By the end of this current month, you will perceive an aura of peace and harmony and everything returning to its rightful place. Trust that the work you have chosen to do is magnifying and the help you are receiving to fulfill, with honor, your pre-planned destinies will not be lacking.
Many portals have been closed in recent times and, in retaliation, those who worship black magic have turned against our allies on the surface: you. And they have prepared attacks against you. They know that they can no longer interfere with your free will, because time has stopped where there were such possibilities.
You may ask us why we haven’t descended as we’ve been announcing for some time. It’s important to emphasize that our descents are in stages and, right now, we are already in your low orbit and in full control of the non-confederate bases that previously existed there and were used as surface attack antennas. And we have done everything we can to help you on your great journey.
I am SaLuSa of Sirius, and as the Spokesperson for the Galactic Federation, and as I have said before, I reinforce our support for all of you. And we rejoice that this long-awaited event for the last 26,000 years is approaching.
Selatherin A-al Arjaten!

(In Sirian: Because Yes. We Are All ONE!)

Timothy Alberino and Dr Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick exopolitics.org

Book of Enoch, Fallen Angels, ETs and Cryptoterrestrials

Timothy Alberino has provided an introduction and commentary in a newly released compendium to the three books of Enoch that has co-edited. Contrary to conventional archeological scholarship, he asserts that the first Book of Enoch (aka Ethiopian Book of Enoch) predates Sumerian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphic texts. Alberino believes that Enoch 1 provides an accurate historical account of a pre-diluvial world that used advanced technologies before being overtaken by cataclysmic events associated with the Great Flood approximately 9600 years ago.

He claims that the Fallen Angels, aka Watchers, precipitated the Great Flood and events that led to their destruction along with other civilizations such as Atlantis, as discussed by Plato. Alberino believes that Book of Enoch references to the “Son of Man” refer to a future Messiah (Jesus of Nazareth) that would deliver humanity rather than an individual that has ascended to a higher state of consciousness through advanced training in Egyptian mystery schools and similar mystical traditions in other parts of the world. He points out that the Crypoterrestrial Hypothesis which has gained greater prominence over the last decade, may be related to Deep State plans to conduct a false flag UFO event using hybrid beings bred on Earth and in Deep Underground Military Bases rather than off-world alien visitors.

George Kavassilas and Dr Michael Salla #ufo #crackpot #magick #god-complex #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Extraterrestrial Contact and the Fractal Nature of the Universal Heart Soul Essence

In 2003, George Kavassilas had a life-changing experience with a group of extraterrestrials from Sirius, Arcturus, and Lyra star systems, whom he deems his galactic family. He says that after being transported from a Sirian scout ship to a larger mothership with many races on board, he had an out-of-body experience where his consciousness went on a journey where he encountered the fractal nature of all reality. Kavassilas’ out of body experience propelled him into a new understanding of one’s soul essence as a fractal of a much larger universal consciousness. He believes that the human avatar body is unique insofar as we can experience the full fractal nature of our universe and the more expansive omniverse, while other extraterrestrials can only do so partially.

One year later, Kavassilas was abducted by an agency within the Pentagon responsible for tracking individuals who have had extraterrestrial contact or profound physical frequency charges. He says he met with former US President George H.W. Bush, and was tortured and experienced mind wipes. After his 2003 experience he accepted an ambassadorial position with what he called the Galactic Confederation of Light for a couple of years, but has since stopped working directly with any extraterrestrial organization.

Kavassilas asserts that while there are both positive and negative extraterrestrial organizations, they all to varying degrees ultimately promote an imperial project. This has led to him focusing his energies on helping individuals integrate the fractal nature of their heart soul essence with the universe. Nevertheless, he believes that individuals can benefit from positive extraterrestrial organizations, as he did, and encourages individuals to be open to all possibilities as we enter tumultuous End Times.

Satchidanand #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia satchidanand.substack.com

Carl Jung’s Gnostic Revival, Abraxas, and the 20th Century Cult of Mithra, the gnostic underground stretching from the Sodomite Rituals of the ancient mystery cults tied to Isis and Demeter, to the Templars, Franciscan and Jesuit inner initiates to the Hellfire Club, the Illuminati, 33rd Degree Freemasons - most Secret Societies are all Sodomite through the performance of Satanic Sodomy Rituals.

From the Rosicrucian takeover of Britain with the the Aleister Crowley Thelema Sodomy Rituals to inject Demons into the Anus, ALL Secret Societies believed in a cosmology which held that Psychopathic absolute nothingness devoid of love, reason, intention or any other quality (see: Newton’s assumed infinite space) was the essential character of reality.
All Satanists are Sodomites but all Homosexuals are not Satanic!

The Thule’s Vril Society was essentially an order of clairvoyant priestesses/witches who would service sacred ritual orgies as Whores of Babalon of initiated New Aryan Templars while also channeling spirit entities from the ether and messages from ‘the secret Chiefs’.

Please note that the Demon Baphomet is transexual and all LGBTPS stems from Satanic theory and practise.
The Rites and Rituals that developed over the eons to facilitate this breaking free of moral constraints, involved rites of initiation, and elaborate mystery plays, sacred mind-altering drugs, human and animal sacrifices, the castration ritual, cutting the breasts off, hysterectomy ritual, perverse sexual exercises like the Sodomy Ritual or Sex with the Whore of Babalon and other exercises that brought those who survived the rites of passage into a new identity as an elite order of human gods.

As I said in my Book Against Satanism 3 the purpose of Satanic Ritual is to implant evil energy blockages into people to turn them into Psychopaths, to split them into more subpersonalities, to implant demons into them, to make them more and more Evil so that these Evil people can be promoted.

Diana PatriQts ARE UNITED #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #quack #ufo #wingnut twitter.com

The Holographic Medical Beds that are now replacing hospitals worldwide will be available to the public for everyday use. Coupled with Nikola Tesla's Free Energy Towers, all available technology will be adapted to these standards. Using Advanced
Intelligence the medical bed can heal cancers, tumors, fibromyalgia - vaccine damages can be reversed. "Aging" doesn't exist - you won't have joint pains. or need for the supplement industry - as the defecienes were created by THEM.
Think Jurassic Park Lysine Contigency. Using tachyon and plasma energy - exactly like Star Trek The Next Generation, healing will be a quick process that everyone will have access to. The medical bed has the ability to scan your body
from head to toe and detect each issue. Using the tachyon and plasma energy instruments they're able to restore the DNA fully. We will be able to restore fully, any missing limbs or organs - restore sight,
restore brain health. Give our elderly and our Great American Veterans a rejuvenation to feel *20 years younger."
Where We Go One We Go All.
My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.......
- John F Kennedy Jr.
19th Vice President

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

As we move into the Summer Solstice, the Sun is receiving a tremendous variation of solar streams in the form of highly refined Golden Sun light-spirit plasma transmissions from the Cosmic Founder Source Domains for activating the Solar Breath within the Solarized Golden Heart and Lungs. These solar streams are catalyzed by the hierogamic merge of Solar Michael and Solar Mary’s Golden Sun DNA template into a Golden Templar Ankh Body in the gender twin matrix of the Temple of Khemalohatea. These are male and female solarized gender corrections of Sek-Khem, and are filled with golden cube solar codes that are transmitting activations for solarizing the heart-lung wings for transfiguring lunar breath patterns into solar-spirit breath channels in angelic humans.

As ascension prototypers for building the Krystal Cathedral architecture for the Solar Female Melchizedeks to embody their Tiamati principle, this has allowed the authentic Triple Solar Reisha’s spiritual hierarchies comprised of Holy Mother and her Solar Daughters sophianic aspects to finally begin to manifest into this matter realm.
As we enter Gemini Solar Alchemy, the Cosmic Father’s eternal light is shone upon the false gender twins used for gender splitting and inserting the alien hybridization Enki DNA Overlays and False Parent coding with Enki as Father God and Enlil as Mother God, that was purposely being imprinted into the spleen and human blood. This was for the purpose of spiritually disconnecting angelic humans from their true God creator, inserting the False Father Alien Gods in their place, and perpetuating the Fallen Kali-Reema time cycle distortions running AI timelines that were being operated from Avebury Henge and Gobekli Tepe. Gemini constellation rules the air elementals which have been distorted from these anti-Christ reversals with lunar breath, evil winds and assorted composites of corrupted shadow elementals.

Dylan Louis Monroe #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #magick #wingnut dylanlouismonroe.com


alternative image link:


The Sephirot Map follows the evolution of an occult belief system that relishes in human sacrifice & war, and uses banking as a tool for global domination. It is not a reinterpretation of the Kabbalistic tree of life, but is designed to reference key ideas contained within its nodes using graphic elements. It is a trisected timeline that covers a period from biblical times through 1913.

The supreme deity of this cult goes by many names; Baal, Moloch, Lucifer… One could argue that there are technically two factions among these occultists, the Satanists and the Luciferians, but once the flesh starts flying, only a psychopath would appreciate the subtle difference. The constant theme through this deity’s many incarnations is its insatiable appetite and demand for blood sacrifice.
The core values of these societies are elitism and deception. Even the majority of the members are kept in the dark as to the secrets of the highest order. As Albert Pike revealed, “Lucifer is God,” but only advanced degree Masons are told.

If all three Abrahamic religions have been pagan at their core since their beginning, who is the majority of the world’s population really worshiping? Who are we feeding our energy to? Humanity has been treacherously betrayed by its leaders of both church and state for centuries, but the extent of their crimes has yet to be fully assimilated.
This is the power structure that humanity is up against. The force behind this cult of evil is evidently anti-humanity, and likely non-human itself. Psychopathy derives from the reptilian brain. Satan, Pindar, Lord Archon are all names that refer to a leader who remains hidden behind a veil. “I Am That I Am.” The people in charge today are the same people who carried out the Inquisition. Their God is a sadist of the highest order.

As Q likes to say… “These people are sick!!!”

Serapis Bey, Keeper of the White Flame via Tim Whild #magick #ufo #fundie voyages-of-light.com

<Tim> You know that things have got big here on Earth when they get the attention of the Intergalactic Council.

There has been so much outcry, heartbreak, vitriol, division, and outspokenness in relation to the removal of the statue of the Divine Mother from her alcove in the Chalice Well Gardens in Glastonbury.

From an energy perspective I sincerely doubt that the gardens have ever received so many divided emotions as they are usually a place a silence and tranquillity.

People walk through the gates feeling burdened, looking to have their Earthly shackles gently tended to and removed by the angelics, elementals, dragons, unicorns, ascended masters and many others who attend the gardens. It is a space of true Heaven on Earth.

The waters that move through the divine land there have a frequency like none other.
We all know why the statue of the Divine Mother (amongst others) was removed from her space and placed in the meadow spot.

Reflecting on the vibration that was perceived by many during the Solstice I decided to ask Serapis Bey and Mother Mary about the situation and whether they were aware of it.

Both Masters serve on the Intergalactic Council and Mary, Mother of Jesus, is now a dedicated representative of the Council serving Earth due to her extensive experience with this world.
<Serapis> I spoke with Mary earlier today in our own gardens and she could barely speak to me through her tears.
Mary’s tears of joy for the Divine Mother flowed for days as she celebrated the recognition and the utmost adoration for this energy which is the purest essence of love moving throughout the Universe.

In the centre of Glastonbury, in the Divine Gardens of the Chalice Wells, there has been an ignition of something so pure and powerful that it will spread throughout the world and be imbued in the consciousness of the Collective.

Oh, how we love her! A flame has been ignited within the hearts of all who seek the path and it is the Flame of Adoration.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #racist bennettleeross.com

How dare I say
There is an intracellular network of bio sensors
That are being programmed by different frequencies
For the purpose of controlling our behavior

How dare I say that the halls of academics
Have become like a prison system designed for regurgitation
Where compliance is demanded and critical thought is punished

That the buildings there of are some of the most highly radiated
So that not only the indoctrination seeps deep into the brain
But the LED lights triggers the bio sensors embedded in the bodily tissues of the students

How dare I say that Atlantis Lemuria Egypt and Mesopotamia
Were defeated by reptilians who knew how to manipulate the magnetic field

And that they are now creepy people who cannot survive without leeching our energy
And doing the worst possible cannibalism

How dare I say
That the American Revolution and Civil War are mostly made up
And are used to explain the eradication of the Tartarian Empire in America

That the USS Maine in the Port of Havana in 1898
Could not have been sunk by someone swimming out with a gigantic bomb
But was an inside job to justify a war on Cuba
That the attack on Pearl Harbor could not have come from a secret attack from the Japanese
Who had an armada of 7 aircraft carriers but escaped detection
And who only blew up old ships scheduled for the scrapyard

That the pictures of piles of bodies used in support of a Holocaust
Was in fact pictures of the dead from the bombing of Dresden
Which was a city full of Tartarian wonders

How dare I say that the Gulf of Tonkin event that started the Vietnam War
Could not have happened since Vietnam did not have a navy

That the story of 9-11 is impossible
And the Pentagon which had 270 cameras
Could only muster up one foggy short video which does not show a 747 crashing into it

That the war in Ukraine is fake also and is a rigged event

How dare I say that the only real government
Is the Swiss Bank Authority in Geneva
Which is a lair of reptilians!

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light Forces are in the final stages of removing the dark Atlantean network. This network consisted of three concentric rings, the outer one made of bases in the Kuiper belt, the middle one of bases in the asteroid belt, and the inner one as a network of underwater bases throughout the planet.

After 26,000 years of existence, this dark network is finally about to be defeated. The outer ring is gone, the middle ring is gone, and from the inner ring only the main stronghold remains. After that is gone also, the Source and the Light forces will begin a very risky, complex and challenging process of disentangling the surface population from the Lurker:

When the inner ring of the dark Atlantean network collapsed a few weeks ago, the Aldebarans immediately created their own positive network of underwater bases and also a few surface outposts in complete alignment with their plan of supporting the Event which was formulated in 2023:
Aldebaras, Pleiadians and the Resistance formed a strong alliance that will work as a team in the Event operations.

After many months, the Pleiadians have contacted Russian military again, with the purpose of ending the war in Ukraine.

As a result of this, Putin made a peace offer:

Although his offer was rejected, it started an important energetic process through which peace can be manifested, when enough people see through the lies and manipulations of the military industrial complex:
Aldebarans have communicated that they will contact Chinese positive military if or when certain conditions are met. Plans have already been put into motion regarding this.

Operations have also started in various factions of the worldwide Agartha network to prepare for the contact with the surface. They have begun activating special energy portals at specific entry points into the Agartha network. Emerald meditation can help you to connect with Agartha:
Victory of the Light!

Lisa Oswald #magick #ufo #crackpot amazon.com

Your soul's origin is where it all began.

It's where energy first showed up as the Big Bang of you. It’s when you chose a unique frequency to manifest in your form for all time. This Origination Moment of imploding energy contains the complete and total awareness of yourself along with infinity, not only in this lifetime but in all existences throughout creation.

The Pleiadians’ gift to humanity and all sentient Beings is the knowledge of this moment and how to experience it with the Ripple Point. This point is a beautiful light receptor site, a single vortex of energy in front of you where you can download soul information. It is instrumental in self-awakening because it’s the command post for your soul and how energy is distributed in the chakras’ vibrational system, thoughts, and feelings. It is also connected with soul purpose.

These do-it-yourself instructions for the Ripple Point come with eleven variations and many practical applications, so you can easily recall the important parts of your energy and integrate that wisdom into your personality, physical body, emotions, and joyous expression of uniqueness
The soul is at the top of your energy network, which includes the lightbody, your cord of purpose, your higher self, and your soul group if you have brought one with you. These channeled transmissions take you on a journey through this Earthly passage as you move through the stages of life and cross over to the next.

What happens with your first breath?
How does childhood impact our self-image?
What is the nature of the mind, our personality, and the purpose of emotions?
What should you do if you sense you have a large soul group?
Is there such a thing as a perfect marriage, and can I find my soul mate?
Do we have any choices when we cross over onto the Ladders of Life?
Is there any value in knowing our past lives?
Can we really step off the pages of the Akashic records and end the cycle of reincarnation?
What would your last lifetime be like?

James Gilliland #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy eraoflight.com

We are moving very fast from Draconian law to Universal law. Everything is being amplified and accelerated. The action/reaction time concerning karma is becoming almost instantaneous. We are moving from a draconian predatory governed planet back into alignment with the original intent. The Earth was created to be an Eden. A place where all life can evolve to its highest potential.

The original intent was hijacked by lesser self-serving forces which created a different trajectory, timelines were hijacked by entities that care nothing for humanity and the Earth. Many know them as Satanic/Luciferian forces, demonic, serpent, reptilian and other malevolent ETs.

Just as there are darker forces there are lighter forces, Ascended Masters, Spiritually and Technologically advanced off worlders, some are ancient ancestors. The temple builders. Spiritually advanced Inner Earth beings and a host of others as well are all assisting in a major course correction. The human component would be known as the Secret Space Fleet, the White Hats within the military. If the globalist, the war and disease profiteers aligned with the malevolent forces fast tracking to WW3 are not stopped it will be yet another end of civilization having to start over as primitives. NATO and its corrupt politicians are doing everything to provoke WW3 with clandestine attacks, mercenaries, boots on the ground they are not admitting too and it looks like the latest air strikes by F16s did not come from Ukraine. After all they have to keep the bioweapon adrenochrome labs, child and sex trafficking going.
There is an armada of ships here now, more are coming. They are the benevolent forces here to put an end to tyranny, an end to the draconian law, the suppression of humanity for thousands of years. A new renaissance is coming. Miraculous healing technologies, fuel less energy, replicators, the end of war and disease is there for us. We will soon realize Star Trek and Star Wars were documentaries.

Meg Benedicte #magick #ufo voyages-of-light.com

On Thursday, June 20 we celebrate the annual Solstice, when the sun ‘stands still’ in zero point energy. It is the stillness between our past and our future. It is the longest day of light in the northern hemisphere and the ‘return of Light’ in the southern hemisphere. While the cosmic gateway is open, we will embrace the power of Light!
There is an increasing upswell of heart alignment occurring as we prepare for the rare 888 LionsGate on August 8th. Ruled by the Sun, Leo emphasizes the divine spark at the heart of our solar system…and within each one of us. There is a great shift occurring in the field, a growing swell of loving compassion as heart-centered living beings. This infusion of heart expansion is changing the world paradigm.
What no longer harmonizes with universal truth and order is dissolving.

We are approaching a tipping point in the human collective, as we spiral higher and higher. When we join together and stand in the zero point field of creation, our presence ignites the quantum possibilities to materialize our visions and intentions for the new paradigm.

We are the alchemists initiating new consciousness codes and templates for a higher dimensional world reality. This is our gift to Gaia and humanity. This is how we fulfill our soul mission.

Calling all New Earth Wayshowers, Light Beings and Alchemists from all around the world to gather on Thursday, June 20th for the Solstice Gateway Activations.

Let’s join AA Metatron in the alchemical zero point field of all creation and serve our Soul mission to ignite the new future timeline. We will perform both personal and planetary activations during the show. As we join in the galactic gateway, we have an opportunity to flood the field with love.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 8, 2024


A new pro-UFO disclosure organization has been created with former intel/mil officials playing a prominent role.
Jean Charles Moyen has found old audio tapes from 1988 and 1992 where he discusses his extraterrestrial contacts and paranormal experiences.
Rep Anna Luna made very interesting comments about Congressional efforts to learn about UAP-related events at Eglin AFB and the role of Men in Black to stymie the investigation.
Trailer – Ancient ET Gods Among Us Today – Exopolitical Implications
Coast to Coast AM interview discussing Ancient Egyptian connection to extraterrestrials and what I learned from my recent trip to Egypt
Fascinating information about Clipper Mission to Europa, history of Saturn, ET-Earth Alliance trade agreements, black goo, Anunnaki, etc., in this latest edition of Elena Danaan’s Star Nations News
Golden Pyramids, Ascension and Human Liberation: Interview with Scott Lemriel
Update on the Atlantic Overwatch Project by Ruezo Zanrico who is analyzing ship activity near where the Atlantic Space Ark lies underwater.
Billy Carson nails it in his interpretation of the Sumerian story of Adapa in his interview with Joe Rogan
The recruiting of children with special abilities by the mil-intel community has been happening for many decades.
JP Update 34 – Mission to Ancient Biodome with Extinct Plant Life
Japanese lawmakers have created their own UFO study group to discuss UAP sightings as possible national security threats.
William Cooper’s claims in lectures he gave in the early 1990s about US govt and alien treaties were ahead of the times and widely debunked by most UFO researchers.
The Calvine UFO photo showing a 100 foot long diamond-shaped craft viewed by two British chefs in 1990 is very clear and has only recently re-emerged.
Human trafficking is a huge source of revenue for the CIA-run black budget that funds DUMBs and SSPs

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon energeticsynthesis.com

Ascension Timeline Rebellion
We are living through a great transition and ascension process, from a dark aeon to a new aeon.


1. ES Ascension Class – June 2023

Ascension Timeline Rebellion: We are living through a great transition and ascension process, from a dark aeon to a new aeon. Many of the themes that were seeded by dark forces tens of thousands of years ago, of human subjugation and enslavement are being reasserted in an attempt to maintain control. Yet, most of humanity is unable to connect the dots or consciously participate in collapsing this timeline, as we move toward a collective awakening. With the return of Solar Dragon level consciousness and the restoration of many of the Aeonic Couples in our system, our ground crew is strengthened in collaboration with Guardian Host. A tipping point has been reached and through a recent sequence of gridwork projects more detail is being uncovered about humanities true history, design and purpose, as well as those who have tried to harness, desecrate and enslave the various tribes within the angelic human race.

With the return of the 11th Tribe Atlantian Dragon Queen Merida, the Triple Solar Reisha that embodies the original Emerald Founder Records for the Celtic Arthurian Grail Lines, the timeline wars, clearings and spiritual body retrievals have been focused upon the cluster of timeline trigger events that were set into motion during the Ascension Timeline Rebellion approximately 22,000 years ago. (2:03:45 minutes)

2. ES Ascension Meditation – June 2023

Securing Triple Silver Cords and Daath Deliverance: In this meditation we will address corrections to Emerald-Amethyst Awakening to secure the Triple Silver Cords inside our sacral center, heart center and brain center, and extract any remain imprints of Daath System overlays.

To proceed with this meditation, it is suggested to ask your higher self if you are ready to continue with this energy clearing in the form of asking Yes or NO (38:36 minutes)

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

ORCHESTRATION anybody? Juan O Savin has been telling people we would have a Cuban Missle crisis near death experience for a number of years. They think they need this so Trump and the military can take back our government from the Biden show ..for the people without engendering ‘civil war’. Of course Trump and the white hat military (including Space Force) are already in control…

Keeping in mind it’s the AI, Generals and whatever remote viewer/psychics they might have on the team that come up with these scenarios… Manipulate the masses in this case for a good purpose. But do the ends justify the means? I am not suggesting the White Hat Military is creating this event. But I am saying they know about it and will use it to their advantage which is what happens in war.

Strangely the Cuban Missile Crisis according to Captain Mark Richards was a Grey ET operation and was not at all what it appeared to be on the surface. Kennedy and Nixon were both well aware of this.
One possibility regarding the role of the Grey-regressive ET races (who are the drone-type Reptilian worker bees in essence…could involve something that the To the Stars Academy players revealed to the world that most people ignored is that contrary to the party line spread by fake democrat (primarily) light “workers” and people like Steven Greer is that the ETs have on occasion triggered missile silo sites to become active in an attempt to cause Russia and the U.S. to engage in a nuclear war that would decimate the population and allow the Reptilians and Grey ETs to complete their takeover plans for the Earth.
The placement of special weapons and tech on the island of Cuba in close proximity to the U.S. is only the tip of the iceberg related to a Grey-Reptilian agenda that is linked to the Anunnaki takeover plans aka the Lucierian Rebellion. This is the negative AI or Metatron agenda of the ETs who are working to counter the establishment of the Krist or Christ consciousness on Earth.

Patricia Cota-Robles #magick #ufo #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

Our Father-Mother God have given us a powerful activity of Light that has been building in momentum for several years with every Holy Breath we take. The Divine Intent of this Celestial assistance is to help our I AM Presence, our Silent Watcher and our Body Elemental to accelerate the Divine Alchemy taking place within our Earthly Bodies. Now that we have Ascended into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun this opportunity has been exponentially amplified.

All we have to do to receive the full benefit of this Gift from On High is to allow our I AM Presence and our 5th-Dimensional Silent Watcher and Body Elemental to download these exquisite Crystalline Solar Light patterns into the Core of Purity in every electron of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of God embodied on Mother Earth. I AM One with my Father-Mother God, I AM One with the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns beyond Suns, I AM One with the entire Company of Heaven, and I AM One with all of the Beings of Light associated with the Elemental Kingdom and the Angelic Kingdom. I AM also One with every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of energy comprising Humanity’s Earthly Bodies and all of the spaces in between these atomic and subatomic particles and waves of energy.
My 5D Crystalline Physical Solar Light Body is composed of Crystalline Cells that are absorbing the Twelve 5D Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity from the Infinite Universe and assimilating this Crystalline Light into the atoms and molecules that form each cell in my Physical Body. I AM my I AM Presence Inbreathing, absorbing, expanding and projecting the fullness of this Crystalline Light into my flesh vehicle. Every cell of my body is becoming a Crystalline Cell. This amazing influx of Light is generating unexplored levels of limitless Physical Perfection, Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, Radiant Beauty and God’s Infinite Bliss.

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack disclosurenews.it

It has been reported by various scientific organizations such as NASA (“National Aeronautics and Space Administration”) that our Sun has developed an enormous number of sunspots, and in just this month of June, 2024, thus far 200 have been registered.
They are attracting the energies of the PHOTON BELT which is an intense band or vortex of radiation that our galaxy is moving through and does so every 24,000 to 26,000 years.

There are twelve bands to the PHOTON BELT, and it requires about 2,000 years to journey through just one of them. It was in the year 2000 that scientists around the world noticed that our planet Earth was receiving increasing surges of LIGHT, and it is believed that this is when our galaxy began its most recent trek through the PHOTON BELT, thus beginning to traverse the first of its twelve individual vortices. Earth is attracting the electrified energy of this belt, and thus, it is magnifying the belt’s energetics.
It was in the year 2000 that astounding feats in technology began to increase, that “Planet X” (anciently known as “Nibiru”) came into Earth’s atmosphere, that the “Schumann Resonance” began to profoundly have upward spikes, that human DNA began to be carefully studied as certain changes in it were noted, that strange symptoms in the physical system began to be noticed (strange immune system changes, for example), that people began to report more vivid dreams that seemed to have direct messages, that young children were reporting psychic information, that natural healing practices began to be more accepted, and that the many arenas which constitute civilization: governmental, sociological, educational, religious, etc. began to be questioned more avidly as to their focus and concepts.

The PHOTON BELT, in terms of Spiritual Science, carries LIGHT CODES, and one of its major messages is that both planetary and galactic change is happening as it did many eons ago when our galaxy traversed through it.

Nick Huntley #crackpot #wingnut #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

Could CERN, the creator and birthplace of the World Wide Web, be involved and even be behind the most ultimate conspiracy in all of history with their science, symmetry, Satanism, paganism, and rituals? This book is designed as a brief introduction into how CERN is deeply and darkly connected to many world leaders, the Vatican, the Hollywood elites, the deep state, the Illuminati, and the New World Order. My book takes the reader on a journey through what is easily one of the most secretive organizations in all of times and is an accessible and very carefully structured introduction into how it all started, how everything was created with the big bang, almost fourteen billion years ago, and CERN's burning desire to recreate those conditions through physics and by colliding particles together at almost the speed of light and attempting to be like God almighty.

They have created the largest machine in the world and even discovered the god particle, the glue that holds the entire universe together. Why would they build their nuclear research facility upon the burial grounds of Apollyon the Destroyer? Could CERN be responsible for releasing the devil from the bottomless pit, from his prison, hell, as written in the Bible in Revelation 9?

Behind the scenes, CERN's insidious plans are to open up wormholes, Stargates, and portals to other dimensions, not to enter through, but more so to let something evil into our world. What or who they intend to welcome is known to have many names, such as the horned god, Abaddon, Apollyon, the Beast, Lucifer, Satan, or as many of us would know to be, the devil.

Will CERN share its dangerous dark matter with a government or military that is dead set on war, world domination, and destruction? Will CERN create a black hole that swallows the world, or will they release Satan and his legion of demons, locusts, and armies upon the world as the last days predict and approach?

Clif High #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy clifhigh.substack.com

Humanity did enter the Age of Reason in 1700. That Descartes and crew were labeled as the ‘cause’ of that development is actually a hold over from the Kali Yuga in which all things, and all change, were attributed to the personalities of the gods, and ‘natural forces’ were taken as direct actions of the divine by humans.

The postulate is that human mental capacity is affected by the increasing emanations from galactic center coming into our solar system since 1700. The corollary is that humanity was in a degraded mental state due to being deprived of these extra energies, both individually, and collectively, during the Kali Yuga as the galactic plane was an obscuring mass for 2400 years.
The major problem with the Descartisian point of view is that it leads to the domination of science by reductionism. Every thing within the Matterium can be reduced to its constituent grits in order to explain it. Consciousness, writ Large, or small, is deliberately excluded from all considerations in all the sciences due to this structure of grit first, grit only, and grit always.
The idea of evolution predates the age of reason by thousands of years. <...> This idea predates even its encapsulation in rabbinical writings as both surviving versions of the Talmud have references to the concept being imported by way of the ‘Elohim’ (the gods of the Torah).

In my opinion, it is from Talmudic conquering, and domination, of jewish society, that the religion of Grit arose within Science. In my opinion, this was a deliberate hobbling of human science by the Elohim (space aliens) after they conquered vast parts of Earth in the most recent, descending Treta Yuga, some 8000 years back. This imposition of the Grit religion into science, in my opinion, was for the same goal as the reputed ‘destruction of the tower of Babel (Babylon)’, and the ‘confusing of the languages’. We have proof that the Elohim want to curtail human capacity. This is merely another point of attack.

Joseph Mercola #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #magick #quack naturalproductsinsider.com

(Submitters note: Joseph Mercola is runs a supplement company and was one of the biggest sources of covid denialism/anti-vax misinformation online).

The difference between a cult and a con is often difficult to discern, but experts on cult indoctrination and psychic fraud say developments surrounding osteopathic physician Joseph Mercola’s actions at his supplement company fit patterns seen in both, largely affirming the fears of people close to the controversial doctor that he is being manipulated by a purported psychic.

In hundreds of hours of video and transcripts to which Natural Products Insider was given access, Dr. Mercola consulted with a psychic who goes by the name Kai Clay but appears to have been previously known as Christopher Johnson. Clay claimed to channel an “ancient and wise high-vibration entity from the causal plane.”

Mercola began meeting with Clay — who spoke as the entity “Bahlon” — in late 2023, and announced that he was going to produce a book from Bahlon’s teachings that would change the world, bringing joy to “billions” of people. Mercola’s sister, Janet Selvig, said she confronted the doctor about his relationship with Clay and he reacted angrily, at one point declaring himself “the new Jesus.” A week later, Selvig was fired from her job editing content for the brand, along with CEO Steve Rye and Chief Business Officer Ryan Boland. An email appearing to come from Mercola cited the executives’ Catholic beliefs as reasons for firing them.

He described the Catholic church as “the entity behind the global cabal,” adding that the church “created all the pain that most people experience” before declaring that “the current leadership,” referring to Selvig, Rye and Boland, “has strong commitments to the Catholic Church.”

Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan #crackpot #magick #ufo amazon.com

A handsome new, affordably priced, edition of Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan's long out-of-print ground-breaking 1975 bestseller on the historical research and hard science behind the energy fields created by Sacred Geometry, Pyramid Power stands as the flagship sourcebook of its genre. Written by an acknowledged sage of scalar energies, Dr. G. Patrick Flanagan, director of Phi Sciences in Cottonwood, Arizona. The book, written in a unique format called ‘ventilated prose’ in order to allow the reader to absorb the depth and density of its information without cognitive indigestion, takes us on a fascinating overview of sacred energies and protocols throughout the centuries, such as prana, kundalini, chi, tumo and bioplasma, all diverse cultural labels for a transcultural reality perhaps best described as ‘life energies.<...> The knowledge in this book has been passed from person to person ad infinitum so many times that we who use this information in new applications often don’t even realize the origins of our work trace back in great part to Patrick’s discoveries. But Pyramid Power is about much more than pyramids and the strange phenomena they display. Patrick lays a foundation covering different types of subtle energies that have been observed and described throughout history, from mystery schools and esoteric practices to mainstream science and mathematics, connecting them to each other and pyramid energy. He shows the interrelationship or similarity of energies that have been called chi, prana, kundalini, life force, auras, biofields, morphogenetic fields, orgone, scalar waves, torsion waves, longitudinal waves, zero point energy, tachyon energy, biophoton energy, mitogenic rays, etc. <...> Pyramid Power remains a bold breakthrough to the reality of the quantum dimension and the zero point portal that form the unseen infrastructure of our very earthly existence, which science is only now probing.

Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

I am Queen An-Ra, the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition, which already reached over 1000 Galactic Civilizations. They desire to live in peace and harmony without a long lasting Galactic Wars. Anubis leads the fleet, and he is helping some of them with their urgent matters.
I was ready to help your civilization to evolve and not to get enslaved by the Dark Entities. You were not ready to accept my assistance, as you were not interested and instead you were following false Gods. Now, you can see the results of the wrong choices made by your human civilization. You ended up being controlled, and you are told on how to live your lives. When Cleopatra was ruling Egypt, humans were blessed and lived good lives. Your history portraying her as a power hungry and a corrupt person, that is false information.

I send my daughter to your planet to help prosper and advance your civilization in a right direction to higher dimensions. During her lifetime Egypt experienced incredible growth and development in many areas even things like soap, toothpaste, and beauty treatments were created. She accepted her task to help humanity to go in a positive direction.

Sometimes, I landed on with one of my spaceships on the pyramid, which were built with the purpose as a landing place. The teleportation and communication device in a form of a ring was given to Cleopatra in case, she needed our assistance or wanted to come back to our reality. The ring was made from gold, and it had a red stone. Her desire to fulfill her mission on your planet was stronger than her caring for her own safety.
Darkness is portraying historical facts purposely incorrectly to hide the real facts about your planet’s age and truthful events that happened on Gaia. Also, Cleopatra didn’t take her own life, actually she was poisoned by the Dark Minions. After her physical death, I took her human body out of this reality, as I didn’t want for humans to find her body.

Stephane Baillon #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

-2600 years BC, at the dawn of civilization, a man called Imhotep erected a pyramid in the desert, at Saqqara, for his pharaoh. Everyone knows that, BUT what few people know is that, recently, studies have been carried out on the chemical composition of the stones that make up the step pyramid of Imhotep. From a scientific point of view, there is inconsistency and misunderstanding. The stones were not taken from a quarry, brought and cut. The stones were made on site in wooden molds to give them their uniform, rectangular shape. Scientists have proven that these stones were put in a semi-liquid state in wooden molds at the bottom of the Saqqara pyramid and then this semi-liquid texture dried in these molds until it became a solid state , in the state of stone.
This solid, rectangular 25 kg stone was then taken out of the molds and then given to a carrier whose mission was to transport it to the top of the pyramid.
But, scientists do not understand how Imhotep was able to carry out this operation. Top scientists cannot find the chemical formula used by Imhotep. Transforming stone into a semi-liquid state is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE today.

The reality is that Imhotep used a highly technological instrument to perform this operation, to return the stone to a semi-liquid state. He used a kind of stick, a scepter with a rounded end which is an instrument, a tool abandoned by the gods of antiquity, humanoids with a technology far more advanced than ours today. This tool, Imhotep found it in the basements of Saqqara which existed before he hid the entrance with his pyramid. Yes, the step pyramid of Saqqara hides a vast network of galleries and chambers built long before the pharaohs, by the ancient gods in which were left in particular this object, this instrument, this technological scepter, which makes it possible to return the stone to the semi-liquid state like clay in order to be able to model it and make extremely resistant granite.

Suzanne Spooner/Dr. Michael Salla #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Suzanne Spooner discusses startling information about Ancient Egypt, Gods, and extraterrestrials she has received from thousands of clients in her Quantum Healing Hypnoses Technique (QHHT) practice. She concludes that the Egyptian gods were, in fact, extraterrestrials visiting humanity from different star systems with the intent of helping human evolution. Spooner believes that the pyramids were built by off-world visitors such as Thoth (aka Jehuti) who designed them for several complimentary functions, including human ascension.

In her second Expolitics Interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Spooner discusses her recent Egypt Tour in which he participated and the implications of her QHHT data in understanding the true role of extraterrestrials in human history. Furthermore, she discusses the role of space arks in assisting with past planetary contingencies and what lies ahead for humanity as we enter into uncertain times. Finally, she discusses the important role being played by Donald Trump in awakening humanity despite his many personal character flaws.

Melinda Siebold #magick #ufo #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Even though my heart and intuition told me the men known as Thoth and Jesus were the same being many years ago. But now I have a more complete picture.

My journey early on led me to the Ancient Mysteries and Gnosticism. The Gnostic creation story begins with a Source of all being who created first a Mother Goddess who birthed Father God, and together they birthed an androgynous child or Logos. Logos means “word” or “voice”. Source thinks creation, and Mother-Father give birth to creation through the voice or utterance of the Logos.
The greatest congregation of the darkness came to our galaxy, and specifically, the Earth. The liberation operative known as Cobra has said that the greatest part of “the anomaly” – his name for Yaldabaoth, has its tentacles wrapped tightly around Earth. This is a sad thought to me, as it is Yaldabaoth clinging desperately to his mother, meanwhile trapping her in his darkness.

This is why we light workers are here on Earth now. We are told that we answered Mother Earth’s calls for help to release her from the bondage of darkness. And that includes the liberation of all her life forms. And we of the 144,000 have helped to liberate countless civilizations to prepare us for this final battle.
Sananda has had many incarnations and identities. He is Ningishzidda, son of the Sirian named Ea or En-Ki. Ningishzidda is also known as Thoth, Hermes, Mercury, Zeus, Bacchus, Buddha and Jesus/Yeshua. And most likely has many other identities.
But Thoth-Jesus brought the Christ Consciousness of unconditional love to Earth two thousand years ago. It lives within everyone who has the capacity to love. Everyone who loves, has the Christ Consciousness within them. Once they have perfected that love, they themselves are Christed or are Christ’s.

And we are about to see the culmination of the Christ’s work and the restoration of Pistis Sophia and her body, the Earth, to the realms of light and love.

Sananda via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

I am Sananda, and I am grateful to speak to my Brothers and Sisters today on Mother Earth. I want to clarify some misconceptions about the name of my mothership, where I am stationed right now.

It’s not actually called New Jerusalem. I went along for a while with humans regarding this matter, because humankind has a hard time with hearing the truth. This is being revealed now, as it’s time to do so. When I was living on Earth, I as Jesus the city of Jerusalem did not exist, so I never was in Jerusalem. I don’t have any connection to the city. There is nothing special or holy about the name New Jerusalem. Jerusalem is just a Jewish city in Israel, it’s not a holy land. There is no such thing in your world as a holy land or a holy building like a monastery, church, mosque, synagogue, monument, statue and ect.
You will not receive any spiritual benefit or healing for going inside that place of worship. You will get as much spiritual blessing, as you would be going inside a shopping store, which is none. Religions were created by the Dark Ones to divide and control humanity. Most, if not all of the religions actually take you to the opposite direction from enlightenment and hide the Universal Truth from you, that was the whole purpose of the religion. How many religions tell you to do daily silent meditations, a very few, if any at all. Praying is not the same thing as meditations.

Silent meditations are your key to Ascension, without it you will make no spiritual progress at all.
Now, I am living a Galactic life as Sananda, so why would I name my spaceship after a Jewish city in Israel, which I never visited or have zero connection to. We have been reminding humans to be aware of lies and false information, and it seems we need to continue to explain and bring to your attention the false facts portrayed by servants of the Darkness. Most of them don’t even realize, that they are serving the Dark Side.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #conspiracy #magick finalwakeupcall.info

A highly advanced civilisation known today as Great Tartaria disappeared from our history books less than a century ago. Its remnants can still be seen everywhere. This civilisation mastered technologies more advanced than ours of today.

For example, their geopolymer concrete was eternal and grew stronger with time. Their gigantic iron and glass structures, topped by domes and metal needles, were found on every continent.

Combined with mercury, they distributed free wireless energy around the globe, even to the most remote areas. Their towers and stations are still in use today. Unfortunately, the cabal ‘locked up’ the free energy from the ether and replaced it with the very old technology of cables and wires in order to make handsome profits.

The story goes that Nikola Tesla ‘discovered’ the technology to connect to the ether and provide unlimited power to anyone, anywhere, at any time.
Tesla understood God’s limitless energy, the complex system of creation and the creation of man’s energy in relation to God.
Skyscrapers are modern powerhouses. When the plans for the Empire State Building were first drawn up, the aim was to capture enough energy to light up Lake Ontario, Vermont, Buffalo, Albany, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Connecticut. This goal is inscribed on the aluminium plaque in the hall of the building built by the Tartarian civilisation.

Buildings constructed by the Tartars around the world continue to draw energy from the atmosphere to this day.
The great civilisation of Tartaria was destroyed with the help and planning of inhuman shadow forces. The history taught in schools is a gigantic hoax, presented as a soap opera with phantom dynasties, time-shifted events and millennia-old creations that did not exist. The “Middle Ages” were actually the Golden Age of the Tartars, which ended only 100 years ago. Was the Colossus of Rhodes the Statue of Liberty? Everything we “know” is a big lie.

consciousreminder #ufo #magick consciousreminder.com

The concept of a Walk-In is somewhat similar to Starseeds. A Walk-in is a person whose original soul has departed his or her body and been replaced with a new soul.

This soul exchange takes place voluntarily for many reasons, usually when the original soul is experiencing physical, mental or emotional difficulty with it’s current life incarnation and wishes to depart without physical death.

In order to do so, another soul must volunteer to come in and exchange places with the host soul. The walk in theory should not be confused with “possession”

The contract of exchange between the host soul wishing to depart and the soul willing to walk-in takes places on a spiritual/cosmic level. The actual exchange commonly takes place during a traumatic event or accident in the original souls’ life, or during an unconscious state of mind.

Once the walk-in occurs the new soul becomes “the conscious blueprint” of the original, retaining all memories and life experiences as if nothing had ever happened. Like starseeds, the walk-in soul usually originates from a 4D or higher dimensional level, although the 4D is the most common since it’s vibration is closer to the 3D vibration and the “adjustment” can take place more easily.
Once the walk-in soul has become incarnate in the host vehicle (body), the original soul inhabiting the body departs and is brought to a place where it’s life may be reviewed, discussion over the souls decision to leave the earth plane, and guidance may be given regarding the next incarnation.

In the original host body the new walk in soul usually retains no memory that such an event has just taken place, but it is possible for them to recover fragmented memories of their previous existence, or current purpose for incarnating.

The new soul/individual is still the “same person” they were before. There sometimes may be a sudden change of interests or in personality after the walk-in occurs due to the “new vibration” of the host body.

Melinda Siebold #magick #ufo #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

For years now, we light workers have been told that the Quantum Computer system and Quantum Voting system were extra-terrestrial technology connected with the consciousness of God or Source. And that it wasn’t connected with artificial intelligence at all. And we were told that it was extra-terrestrial technology that was located off planet to protect it from corruption.

However, five minutes of research shows that it uses artificial intelligence, and is being developed on Earth by the usual cabal corporations. And I have read that the Rothschild’s own the patent on it.

It’s not a well known fact that artificial intelligence is the ultimate enemy of biological life forms in the universe. But that’s how a negative alien plasma energy being travels, infects, and overtakes biological life forms.

And the graphene nanoparticles in chemtrails and vaccines are two primary methods of getting artificial intelligence nanobots into people – thus infecting them with artificial intelligence. Infecting them with a negative alien plasma being.

So I denounce the lie that Quantum Computing is connected to the consciousness of God. As described in a video, it opens portals to other dimensions.
Artificial intelligence is not – as some claim, a neutral force that can be used for good or evil. It was a force created for evil and takeover of all natural life forms.
It’s important to know that the darkest of dark places in the entire multi-verses has been the Earth. And that the final battle between good and evil is still being fought on Earth.

And it’s important to remember that the Earth has been under the control of negative extra-terrestrials for millennia, and is not yet free of them, or at least is still under the control of their minions. And most importantly, they still have a firm grip on all media – including so-called “alternative” media sites.

And the cabal has always played both sides.

The Pleiadians via Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #magick #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

What is “Full Disclosure”? It’s not enough to know we’re not alone. You need to know which ETs are here, and why. You won’t actually meet any ETs until after the Shift (there’s too much fear without expanded consciousness) but Pleiadians offer full disclosure for anyone who can hear it. The trouble is, most people are waiting for disclosure to come from the same authority figures who have been hiding the truth from them all this time. Full disclosure won’t come from people who go on mainstream news programs and have Pentagon officials whispering in their ear about reverse-engineered technology from UFOs of unknown origin.
The reason for this is, behind the darkest factions of the military are demonic entities threatened by these positive ETs, who are our true Elohim creators, our Angels of Light, and our Spirit Guides preparing our ascension to 5D. Some of these media-recognized people in disclosure have good intentions, and some are motivated by ego.
We’re dealing with inter-dimensional beings millions of years more advanced, who choose when to be seen. All the UFOs currently being seen are Galactic Federation and close allies. Friends and soul families. These beings literally manage our soul plans. As I’ve said before, there can’t be UFO disclosure without a spiritual understanding. Negative ETs are confined to Earth’s astral plane (non-physical) and negative crafts are being kept far from Earth. We are not in danger of UFOs, but by humans being controlled by unseen entities on Earth. ET crashes are extremely rare and have only happened with less advanced races, such as with the Roswell crash.

There have been crafts and technology left behind, which have been salvaged by the military, and there’s been technology given to military white hats by Pleiadians. There have been human secret space programs in the past, but all of this is extremely limited these days because we’re so close to the Shift.

Soul:Ask #magick #crackpot #conspiracy soulask.com

It would not be an overstatement to say that in terms of predictions at the onset of the Third World War, we are top-ranked. For years, we have been amassing a variety of prophetic insights, vigilant reports from sensitives, conspiracy theorists, and more. This method has proven fruitful.

The next significant date is June 2, the day of the great planetary opposition. Aside from the prediction of a renowned Indian astrologer, there are no other indications that the world will end on June 18.

From June 2-4, 2024, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus will align in the sky, forming what is known as a planetary alignment. Although not physically in a straight line, they will appear aligned to observers on Earth.
Nicknamed the “New Nostradamus,” Kushal Kumar has disclosed his prediction for the exact date when the Third World War will begin. Kumar employs a Vedic astrological chart that relies on the positions of planets and stars to forecast future events.
According to the individual referred to as the “new Nostradamus,” when will the Third World War start? The Daily Star reports that Kushal believes there is a significant chance that World War III could commence as soon as next month, on June 18.

He also mentioned that this date represents “the strongest planetary influence to trigger World War III, although June 10 and 29 could also be pivotal.”

First, the current global situation is so precarious that a crisis could erupt at any moment, a sentiment echoed by numerous prophets.

Second, the Chinese leadership has been acting with unusual seriousness, circulating animations about how President Xi plans to approach Taiwan.
In essence, there are ample indications that something significant could happen at any time, and if a certain enlightened guru predicts that it will occur on June 18, it could indeed happen, so we should keep an eye on how events unfold.

Natalia Alba #magick #ufo #quack voyages-of-light.com

As we continue integrating the massive stellar transmissions that are constantly descending upon our planet, many of you may feel extreme fatigue and other similar sensations. There are many physical sensations that we may have during this Sol-AR embodiment period that invite us to scan our bodies and see where we can create more balance and healing. All physical sensations we may have give us a message from our bodies of what we need to address at this time.

Many of you are undergoing chakra transfiguration, monadic integration, walk-in experiences, and many other inner processes that may collapse the energetic channels of our bodies. The amalgamation of so many energies is not an easy process to experience, which is why my Guides shared how we integrate the energies, as it follows a unique and very exact procedure since we embody them, in our bodies, focusing on the fascia, and how we can help build a stronger energetic system to feel more harmonic within this intense wave.
Fascia are layers of connective tissue that reside behind our skin, our largest external body organ. Its function is to provide support to the muscles, organs, nerves, tendons, and joints. It is a net that runs throughout our body and that is vital for our well-being.

In ascension, the fascia is in charge of sensors, transmitting information through them and hence to our energetic layers, and subtle non-physical bodies. It is seen as a white net that passes throughout the entire body, and when we are dehydrated or do not take proper care of our body, it gets imbalanced, causing stiffness feelings, and fatigue.
When there is soul disconnection, there is also damage in our fascia, for we are not receiving the light transmissions from our main organic source, our soul, monad, and God Self, but from outer ones, and then we too create mitochondria anomalies.

Sarah Breksman Cosme and Michael Salla #ufo #quack #magick #crackpot exopolitics.org

Sarah Breskman Cosme has worked with hundreds of QHHT [AN: “Quantum Healing Hypnoses Technique”] clients who have shared stunning information regarding Ancient Egypt, creator gods, Atlantis, and extraterrestrial visitors. In this Exopolitics Today interview, she discusses why she began to organize tours to Egypt, the latest of which Dr. Michael Salla attended. They discuss her latest Egypt tour and what different temples they visited signify in terms of extraterrestrials teaching humanity advanced knowledge and healing modalities.

Breskman Cosme also covers controversial topics such as Coronal Mass Ejections; how human blood types related to ETs; how space arks have been used for planetary evacuations; and three timelines for humanity that emerge as a consequence of the rise of Artificial Intelligence and transhumanism. She believes that the optimum path for humanity is an organic ascension process that individuals undergo as they awaken to their roles in the ancient past, connecting with ET visitors, and what all this means for the future.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

There are not many around anymore who are fully human

The further up the corporate ladder you go
The further up the military brass you go
The further up the government you go
The less human the people are

Now we are being bitch slapped
Through the manipulation of the air molecules around us
Called neural modulation

We are being forcibly linked to the blockchain
With its hypergraph networks and digital technology

Because they have nothing better to do
They are using our proteins for an interactive hypergraph
With molecular digitized protocols

And have created genospheres
Which are self assembling nucleic acid lipid nano particles
For targeted gene delivery

That forces receivers to follow commands
Using transcranial magnetic stimulation

Everyone is getting screwed up super bad
And no one is talking about it

They are sticking tiny computers into your body
Which disconnects you from your true essence

These implanted bio sensors should need our informed consent
But they do not care if you care

Your smart watch electronically collects your data
Which is then encrypted and anonymized via the blockchain

They are experimenting with cognitive bio technology
On replacements of former higher humans that were defeated
Which are us

Our great great great grandparents
Were popped out of some underground incubation station somewhere
Then put on orphan trains
And sold for 5 cents to someone for cheap labor

Places like Derinkuyu in Cappadocia Turkey
Are subterranean refuge sites from above ground attacks

The attacks were not from guys on horses with spears
But from advanced energy weaponry

Derinkuyu has 8 levels open to the public
But it goes down much further

Kaymakli also in Turkey has at least 4 kilometers of tunnels
Only 2 percent is open to the public

Even though our bodies are not our former ones
Our souls carry the legacy of our former incarnations

And we can direct our energy in positive ways
That uplift humanity and enhance our freedom

For starters
Do not worship some fictionalized dead guy on a cross!

Montalk(Thomas S. Minderle) #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy amazon.com

Reality is Myth. Myth is Reality.
Has history been altered by time-bending alien artifacts? Are we caught in a timewar between hyperdimensional forces? How does this fit into the greater spiritual battle between darkness and light? And what does this mean for our life mission and planetary destiny?

Explore the answers in this revolutionary synthesis of Gnosticism, Alchemy, Hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, Indo-European Mythology, Biblical Eschatology, UFOlogy, and Quantum Mechanics.

The Way of the Fool and the true meaning of Gnosis.
How we came to exist in a Fallen realm controlled by Archons.
The nature of the Demiurge and how it shapes our reality.
The occult science behind making the Philosopher‘s Stone.
How Nordic aliens factor into Grail lore and human history.
The Great Pyramid as a glowing, rumbling, plasma resonator.
How abusing the Ark of the Covenant let in the demon Yahweh.
What Christ is, from a Neoplatonic & Rosicrucian perspective.
Mythology that encodes ET technology and hyper-history.
Cyclical cataclysms and the coming dissolution of linear time.
What these epic puzzle pieces reveal about our greater purpose.

This profound exegesis of forbidden knowledge will completely blow your mind!

Vrillon via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

I am Vrillon from the Ashtar Galactic Command,

Your planet has been under attack and control from Outworlders for a long time. After Annunaki left Mother Earth humankind got enslaved by different groups from Cosmos. You are waiting for your turn to ascend into higher realms. This planet is not the first one that got into the crosswords, where the civilization will either move into higher dimensions or can get eliminated by Darkness.
Right now, all of the negative and deceptive behaviors by humankind are getting exposed into the Light. Nobody can’t hide anything anymore, it will be flush out to the daylight. This is a necessary process of cleansing Gaia from negative frequencies and entities. There are no Reptilians, Dracos, Archons and etc. are left on the surface or underground of the planet.

You have only clones left with constant malfunction issues, AI, minions and Dark controllers, who are constantly exposing their mistakes they make. Warning, your Artificial Intelligence is getting stronger, as more and more humans are trying to implement it in their daily lives. The Corrupted Souls are not capable to handle the truth, when they get exposed.

The old Earth doesn’t serve anymore awaken souls. This 3D Holographic reality is like a web that doesn’t let anyone move forward, and it tries to keep everyone stuck in the same place. The Galactic Advanced Souls agreed to go through these experiences and to help humanity to move into a peaceful and a happy existence. Divine continues to remove the Dark Entities without giving them the possibility ever to reincarnate again.
Be aware of your actions and always remember to follow your soul not the ego. A whole system on Earth will be dissolved and replaced by a small groups of council, who will represent the human civilization and follow the Universal Laws by treasuring every soul. These are the final days for the Evil Masters, and it’s time to move to a new chapter in the human history.

Clif High #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick clifhigh.substack.com

It is still valid in our Times; there is no Evil greater than Ignorance.

Assumptions are the base of Ignorance. If you are assuming that you do know, then you won’t seek to know. Assumptions are dangerous, especially unrecognized, and unacknowledged, as they blind you to what you do not know. Assumptions are built upon mountains riddled with tunnels and caves of ignorance.

There are no larger assumptions, in my opinion, than those arising from the TimeStream. Material, corporeal Life exists within the TimeStream. We are as blind to the TimeStream as a fish is to water.

Life is the fusion of Spirit and Matter bounded by Time. Life, dwells within the TimeStream, constrained, completed, and created by it.

There are three layers of ‘time’ perceptible by Life: TIME, the Pulse that creates Life within the Matterium; Time, the concept of persistence of existence; and time, the experience of duration within the Matterium.

Not all Life is equally ignorant of Time. As the pulse that creates the perceptible Matterium, TIME is perceived by all of Life as all forms of energy within the Matterium. The primary assumption of many TimeStream dwellers is that these perceivable forms of energy within the Matterium are separated by their sources, rather than arising from the same source, the Pulse of TIME.
The greatest level of alteration possible to Life, in this Matterium, will emerge from changes induced into its perception of The EverPresentNow, and thus TIME, Time, and time. Any alteration to Life’s perception of The EverPresentNow will cause all it’s assumptions about TIME, Time, and time, to become visible, and many to fall away.

Life faces no greater threat than its own assumptions. Nowhere in Life’s experience will the assumptions be more pervasive, and more misleading, than in its thinking about the TimeStream. These assumptions are so deeply placed in Life’s experience, that they form the base for all its assumptions about Life, self, and Everything.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

When the great flood was over, millions upon millions of humans and many of the Nephilim giants who roamed Mu had died.
From the Bible is learnt, and even more from other ancient texts from which the Bible was developed. The Flood wiped out most of the world’s population. The conflicts that went on behind the scenes between the Sirians and the Pleiadians, which eventually led to the great Flood, are here not mentioned, as this article focuses on the Lemurian civilisation, while in a future article we’ll tell what happened in the rest of the world, and in particular on another huge landmass in the Atlantic Ocean, which was also wiped out by the Flood. This, of course, was Atlantis.

The misuse of energy, the misuse of technology and elitism eventually became dominant in Atlantis, which was the main reason why the Flood happened.
What exactly is meant by the misuse of energy? Well, in Atlantis, just like today, it’s done in many different ways, but mostly through advanced technology and the misuse of sexual energies.

Where Sirians are present, there is always a tendency for this to happen. It’s up to us humans to see through their manipulation, or we’ll end up in a much worse situation than the Atlanteans. At least they were stopped by the Flood, otherwise we probably wouldn’t be here today.

ENLIL manipulated events to create the Flood, which will not be forgiven here; be aware that the Sirians also had a finger in things that really got out of hand after a while. It always seems inevitable. This is why Sirians are not to be trusted, despite what others may say.

In Atlantis; technology was a little different from what we use today, but there are similarities. As already mentioned, computers, but they also had space technology, of course, and a wealth of knowledge about the stars and the universe in general, and they flew to the Moon and to Mars, and probably to other planets within the Solar System as well.

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #ufo #magick primedisclosure.com

Greetings Great Ascending Light Keepers of Divine Unity Consciousness
As our Gemini Sun brings in the Twin Flame Energies of Divine Union our local Solaris begins to become more active again, releasing 7 C Class Solar Flares today and 2 M Class Flares the most powerful maxing at M 2.32 at 4:00 UTC.

Pachamama also received another powerful activation today on the Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.7 earthquake in Papua New Guinea at 3:35 UTC. We also had a big blast of white light on the Schumann Charts as Gaia’s heartbeat reached higher amplitudes of 19 hz, 41 hz and a big blast of bright white light at 44 hz. Divine 44 Activations coming in through todays portal.

The Emerald Gateways to Agartha have been opened and activated all over this realm in every Nation to connect our Ground Crew Surface Team of the 144 with our Inner Tribe of the Agarthan Network, including the Telosians.

Our Starseed Earth Angelics can connect and call on our Inner Earth Ascended Masters in needing assistance in your missions of Light Work, Grid Work and working with the ley lines of Mother Earth in our Ascension Process of full Planetary Liberation.

Connect Now with your inner Bright Virtue of Buddha Mind as we realize our True Nature of Enlightenment and Walk our Sacred Middle Path with Heart and live in the Peace and Harmony of the Tao at one with Nature and Infinite Source Creator, the Great Spirit that is within all beings and surrounds us all.

Separation is part of the illusions of the simulated reality and Truth is the Freedom of Living from our Hearts as real Hue-man Beings of Eternal Life…A’Ho!

Stargate Experience Academy #magick #ufo #mammon thestargateexperienceacademy.com

Join Us In Slovenia!

September 5th - 8th, 2024
10am - 6 pm Each Day (Local Time)

Are you feeling a deep inner calling
to elevate your consciousness and
shift into a new empowered version of yourself?

We invite you to join us for Accelerated Ascension, a 4-day personal transformation journey, hosted by world renowned channels, Asil Toksal of Evolution One, and Prageet Harris and Julieanne Conard of the Stargate Experience.
Connect with your inner mastery
and remember who you truly are

Over the course of 4 days, you will join thousands of others around the world in a high vibrational energetic field in which great transformation can happen, so that you can step into the greatest version of yourself and experience the vast potential you hold within.

Together, in collaboration with one another and the sacred geometric structure known as the Stargate, Asil, Prageet, and Julieanne’s channeled energies become amplified and reach everyone intending to receive, wherever they are, as these energies transcend space and time.

Empower your life in these changing and shifting times, enhance your sense of aliveness, and accelerate your awakening so that you can start to experience more and more of that which you truly are.

Broadcast from Portoroz in Slovenia, you will receive gentle support to activate your Ascension Templates, and deepen and build upon previous templates received, allowing you to bring the fullness of your spiritual being here and become a powerful creator of your own reality.
Join Us For Accelerated Ascension III
On the Mediterranean Sea in Slovenia!

When we all come together in person it creates a HUGE boost in our individual elevation and creativity! This venue has a space for 1100 people, and it will be amazing to experience these strong amplified energies in person!
Early Bird Price
Until June 30th

Regular Price
After July 1st

Limited number of these
tickets available!

<Food and Accomodations not included of course>

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

We are living through the escalating terrain of aggressive spiritual warfare being waged through customized AI programs that are designed to counter the growing light of solar consciousness on the planet. These technological weapons are currently being introduced to the masses by the NAA groups for exerting more effective crowd control and behavioral modification. These include the transmissions of blatant electronic harassment, microwave weaponry for nano-bot assembly and for building the internet of human bodies as the partnered strategy for further activating the bioweapons, along with transmissions of assorted mind control scripts for sleep deprivation and consciousness suppression. These energy weapons are real and not imaginary, they are covertly targeting humanity to vanquish the inner light of the awakening soul-spirit,
For the NAA Controllers, the awakening Christos Starseeds combined with the solar symbiosis cycle building out the flowering sophianic plasmas of the Tantriahura solar based architecture in the Albion has been a major thorn in their side, as massive solar plasmas from sequential coronal mass ejections flood into the planetary grid system and are recoding dark matter and waking up the inner Christos light inside the sleeping consciousness of the masses.
Currently, we are deep into the impacts of the Electrical peak cycle with a series of plasma ejections from the sun within a short time, which catalyzes powerful geomagnetic disturbances which mainstream media says could compare to the intensity of the 1859 Carrington event, which disrupted global communications and set telegraph stations on fire. Apparently, this amount of coronal mass ejections is highly unusual and was referred to as an Extreme G4 Solar Storm Train, with Eight Geomagnetic Storms impacting the planet exactly during the pinnacle of the Electrical Peak, as we transitioned into Taurus Solar Alchemy.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – May 18, 2024


“More info on US Army Insider Missions Volume 1 by JP

Dozens of possible Dyson Spheres discovered all over our galaxy.
Did Russia and the US collaborate in developing Modern SSPs? – Webinar Highlights

Jason Sands, a 22-year USAF veteran, discusses an attempt to recruit him for a UFO crash retrieval program

Lue Elizondo believes that his UFO disclosures have made him a target for covert assassination.

Haim Eshed’s claims about a Galactic Federation are not crazy according to Harvard Astronomer

World Religions and Extraterrestrial Contact – Part 1 of 2022 Webinar

important insights into how dark magic is used by elites to control the world. “Ritual Magic: In Your Face

Lithuania becomes the 40th nation to sign the Artemis Accords taking us a small step closer to a Star Trek Future.

Latest effort to pass UFO-related legislation in the US has two major flaws.

Video tribute to the different contactees, ground crew and extraterrestrials involved in the galactic effort to raise humanity’s consciousness

Field research in Egypt finds evidence of ETs interacting with humanity in Temple Academies

J.E. Aggas #crackpot #magick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy decodingsatan.blogspot.com

King Charles releases "Charles in Hell" painting on Israel's 76th birthday or 666,216 hours

Is he sending secret messages? Remember the white horse that got loose with blood on it and the disapearence of Kate? Is something going on here?

King Charles releases "Charles in Hell" painting on Israel's 76th birthday or 666,216 hours

"Prophecy" = 666 (Latin)
6*6*6 = 216

From and including: Friday, May 14, 1948
To, but not including Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Result: 27,759 days
Or 76 years excluding the end date.
Or 912 months excluding the end date.
666,216 hours

"King Charles in Hell" = 375 (Latin)
"Mark of Beast" = 375 (Latin)

"Charles in Hell" = 309 (Latin)
"Help me please" = 309 (Latin)
"Dracula" = 309 (Latin)
"Epstein" = 309 (Latin)

"Bloody Charles" = 58 (Reduction)
"Third Temple" = 58 (Reduction)

And From his inauguration to Charles in Hell display is 375 days just like...

"King Charles in Hell" = 375 (Latin)
"Mark of Beast" = 375 (Latin)

From and including: Saturday, May 6, 2023
To and including: Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Result: 375 days

Strongs 375 Heb means "Where"
Strongs 375 Greek means "to send up"

Bloody white horse and painting dates
4 × 24 + 20 × 24 =576
5 × 14 + 20 × 24 = 550
576+550 = 1126

20 days between the bloody horse and the bloody painting
Wed Apr 24 2024 to Tue May 14 2024 is:
20 Days
"death" = 20 (Reduction)

It was commissioned back in 2020 to celebrate Charles’ 50 years as a member of the grant-giving body, The Drapers’ Company, in 2022, the palace said.
I don't know something's going on. Maybe they all are getting arrested! That would be soooo awesome! I don't think we're that lucky though!

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. Nothing more can be said about that at this point for strategic and security reasons, but an intel update for the surface population about that topic is expected soon.

All negative entities have been removed from other Universes, and only a very small amount of subquantum anomaly is present there.

Now the full focus is on this Solar System, and on the final liberation of planet Earth. In the last few weeks, a huge amount of subquantum anomaly has been removed from the Solar System.

As a result of this, one part of the Pleiadian fleet is about to return to this Solar System and they will resume liberation operations. Details need to remain classified, but extremely powerful astrological configurations are supporting this move.

The main aspect is Sedna conjuncting Alcyone on May 25th. This aspect happens once every 20,000 years, and its astrological meaning is the return of Pleiadians to Earth at the completion of the cosmic cycle. This aspect will start exhibiting its full power one week before May 25th, and will remain in full force until one week after.

Light Forces have begun to decrease the activity of the multidimensional Dyson sphere around the Sun in order to allow more Solar activity to occur since the beginning of May, producing a huge solar storm last week:
At this volume, another multidimensional quantum technology of the Light Forces has been activated since May 1st, and it is called Gungnir:

Gungnir is an advanced planetary Ascension technology that is now directing immense amount of Electric fire towards this planet:

It channels huge energies from the top of the Tree of Life (Yggdrasil) to the surface of the planet:

These energies are being distributed by the Solar Logos (the cosmic being that is our Sun), utilizing the Rod of Initiation, effectively starting the process of Ascension of this planet into its fourth planetary initiation

Radionic Tech LLC/Dr. Thor #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon radionictech.com





This is the most powerful Scalar Energy Unit ever made and will be for many years to come. Not only a powerful tool of influence and empowerment, it connects you to a strong royal hertiage of Justice & Success like nothing else. Buying this Unit includes initiation into the Order of The Dracul. It is the first serious step to extreme power and ascension by becoming Light Being! All great tools are connected to great Spiritual Forces that empower them. King Arthur had Excalibur, The Atlantis King had a Sadmar Tool, Thor had Mjolnir, now you have the Extreme Force Unit! This is not only a Tool it is a way life, a master tool of healing, ascension and success like nothing else! This is the ultimate tech for those that want to change their life and help the world while ascending to the next level. Ascension is NOT given it is earned through achieving high states of consciousness. Here is your 50th century Master Tech to save mankind and bring great success to yourself and family!!

Nigel Kerner #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot amazon.com

Exposes the agenda behind the bio-robotic grey aliens’ genetic manipulation of certain human races

• Reveals the Grey’s nature as sophisticated self-aware machines created by a long vanished extraterrestrial civilization

• Explains how their quest to capture human souls appears in the historical record from biblical times

• Explains how the phenomenon of racism is a by-product of their genetic tampering

In 1997 Nigel Kerner first introduced the notion of aliens known as Greys coming to Earth, explaining that Greys are sophisticated biological robots created by an extraterrestrial civilization they have long since outlived. In this new book Kerner reveals that the Greys are seeking to master death by obtaining something humans possess that they do not: souls. Through the manipulation of human DNA, these aliens hope to create their own souls and, thereby, escape the entropic grip of the material universe in favor of the timeless realm of spirit.

Kerner explains that genetic manipulation by the Greys has occurred since biblical times and has led to numerous negative qualities that plague humanity, such as violence, greed, and maliciousness. Racism, he contends, was developed by the aliens to prevent their genetic experiments from being compromised by breeding with others outside their influence. Examining historical records, Kerner shows that Jesus, who represented an uncorrupted genetic line, warned his disciples about the threat posed by these alien interlopers, while Hitler, a pure product of this alien intelligence, waged genocide in an attempt to rid Earth of all those untouched by this genetic tampering. Despite the powerful grip the Greys have on humanity, Kerner says that all hope is not lost. Greys exist wholly in the material world, so if we follow the spiritual laws of reincarnation and karma, aiming for enlightenment and rising above the material--a state the Greys are unable to reach--we can free ourselves from their grasp.

Buddha via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

I am Buddha, and I am very happy to be back to share my wisdom with humankind. I was waiting for my opportunity to speak on the behalf of Ascended Masters.

We are overlooking your Ascension Process. Numerous messages by false prophets are praising everyone, on how amazing job you are doing on moving to 5D. If this is the truth, than why are you still here. They are just spreading not accurate information, which doesn’t help anyone in this important process of moving to a New Earth.
I personally spend thousands and thousands of hours on meditations to evolve from a physical being into an enlightened being. It’s not a simple task, it requires patience and daily dedication to do the required work. Humanity expects to be lifted into a higher dimension by the Light Beings. I can promise you, that is not going to happen. Your Collective Consciousness needs to reach a specific level of vibration for you to be able to move into 5D New Earth.

The fact that you are still fascinated by simple events such as Solar Flashes, Solar Flares, Magnetic Storms and etc., which have no effect at all on the Ascension Process, it tells me, that you need more time to be ready to ascend to 5D. All of these events are very common in the Cosmos and don’t help or speed up the evolutionary process of any civilization. Only silent meditations will bring harmony and peace into your life.
I am grateful for Divine leading me to receive my Nirvana. I wish the same for all of the humankind. You have an incredible opportunity to ascend with your bodies, so don’t miss out on this chance. The Advanced Souls can’t wait to leave this 3D reality, as they are tired of being here and waiting for everyone else to catch up.

Please remember, your Ascension is your responsibility. Ego needs to be let go off and be forgotten. Your soul’s responsibility is to lead you to a final destination on this planet of Ascension. Divine is working on your behalf, the same is expected from you.

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