
Supplementary, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Sherri Tenpenny #quack #crackpot #ableist thehill.com

A Cleveland-area physician and prominent anti-vaccine activist falsely told Ohio state lawmakers on Tuesday that the COVID-19 vaccine causes people to become "magnetized."

Sherri Tenpenny, an osteopathic doctor who supports the debunked conspiracy theory that vaccines cause autism, spoke as an invited expert witness to the Ohio House of Representatives, The Washington Post reports.

“I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures all over the internet of people who have had these shots and now they’re magnetized,” Tenpenny said to the lawmakers. “They can put a key on their forehead. It sticks. They can put spoons and forks all over them and they can stick, because now we think that there’s a metal piece to that.”

The Ohio doctor also baselessly claimed the vaccine could "interface" with 5G technology.

Tenpenny has written and published multiple books advocating against vaccine administration.

The Post reports that Tenpenny's baseless claims did not elicit any strong pushback from the lawmakers, with some GOP lawmakers expressing praise and gratitude toward her. They were listening to testimony in support of a bill that would bar businesses from requiring proof of vaccination.

Republican Rep. Jennifer L. Gross said to Tenpenny, "What an honor to have you here."

Michael Love and the Pleiadians #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com







Makia Freeman #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #quack thefreedomarticles.com

It is crucial to be aware of the New World Order mindset
as we experience the intensification of its longstanding agenda. While each passing week seems to bring us more and more bizarre news in the unfolding of Operation Coronavirus, it is worthwhile taking a step back to look at the mentality which is orchestrating this scamdemic – this New World Order mindset. If we want to live free, we have to understand the nature of the force that is seeking to enslave us.
2. The PC Woke Movement and Virtue Signalling

The NWO mindset, being very far from a heart-based consciousness, clearly lacks kindness, compassion and empathy. In a world where such a distinct lack of empathy could render it ostracized, the NWO mindset has to make up for that by pretending to care. However since it is all a ruse, it has to go to great lengths to impress others and visibly demonstrate its (fake) kindness. This is the reason for the Hollywood-style obsession with superficialities and appearances. It’s all about image, baby.
7. Censorship and Cancel Culture: It Can’t Stand Shades of Grey or Opposing Views

Another clue that the NWO mindset is rigid, as well as inherently insecure and weak, is that it can’t stand shades of grey or opposing views. It gets very caught up in dogmatic black-and-white thinking. The explosion of censorship and cancel culture over the last few years is indicative of a vast insecurity. Censorship is a tacit admission by the censors that their arguments, theories or beliefs are very weak, because they can’t hold their own in the battlefield of open debate, where ideas are exchanged freely and analyzed critically.

Anthony William “the Medical Medium” #quack #magick #mammon amazon.com

The thyroid is the new hot topic in health. Across age groups, from baby boomers and their parents to millennials and even children, more and more people —women especially —are hearing that their thyroids are to blame for their fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, memory issues, aches and pains, tingles and numbness, insomnia, hair loss, hot flashes, sensitivity to cold, constipation, bloating, anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, loss of libido, restless legs, and more. Everyone wants to know how to free themselves from the thyroid trap.

As the thyroid has gotten more and more attention, though, these symptoms haven’t gone away —people aren’t healing. Labeling someone with “Hashimoto’s,” “hypothyroidism,” or the like doesn’t explain the myriad health issues that person may experience. That’s because there’s a pivotal truth that goes by unnoticed: A thyroid problem is not the ultimate reason for a person’s illness. A problematic thyroid is yet one more symptom of something much larger than this one small gland in the neck. It’s something much more pervasive in the body, something invasive, that’s responsible for the laundry list of symptoms and conditions attributed to thyroid disease.

In Medical Medium Thyroid Healing, Anthony William, the Medical Medium, reveals an entirely new take on the epidemic of thyroid illness. Empowering readers to become their own thyroid experts, he explains in detail what the source problem really is, including what’s going on with inflammation, autoimmune disease, and dozens more symptoms and conditions, then offers a life-changing toolkit to rescue the thyroid and bring readers back to health and vitality. It’s an approach unlike any other, and as his millions of fans and followers will tell you, it’s the approach that gets results.

Christopher Langan #crackpot #quack #racist facebook.com

"Koko was believed to have had an IQ of between 75 and 95 and could sign more than 1,000 words. The average IQ of a human is around 90 to 110. She also understood spoken English."

According to the "30 point rule" of psychometrics [as proposed by pioneering psychometrician Leta S. Hollingworth], Koko's elevated level of thought would have been all but incomprehensible to nearly half the population of Somalia (average IQ 68). Yet the nations of Europe and North America are being flooded with millions of unvetted Somalian refugees who are not (initially) kept in cages despite what appears to be the world's highest rate of violent crime.

Obviously, this raises a question: Why is Western Civilization not admitting gorillas? They too are from Africa, and probably have a group mean IQ at least equal to that of Somalia. In addition, they have peaceful and environmentally friendly cultures, commit far less violent crime than Somalians, and with minor modifications to Western education systems, can easily be taught to use language.

Why are these gentle creatures, who have been threatened with genocide for decades, not being taken in by Western nations as refugees despite the indisputable fact that they are teetering on the edge of extinction in their homelands?

Can this be called humane or compassionate? What on Earth is going on here?

[Some of you might wonder whether this is a joke. The truth is that I'm not quite sure..]

Virginia C. Brown #quack #conspiracy #psycho huffpost.com

An east Tennessee woman has been charged with seven counts of felony reckless endangerment after allegedly driving her car through a COVID-19 vaccination site as an apparent protest against the vaccine.

Members of the Blount County Sheriff’s Office arrested Virginia C. Brown on Monday morning after deputies working at the site saw her drive an SUV through a closed cone course and into an enclosed tent where several health department and national guard personnel were working, according to WSMV TV.

Workers at the tent told officers that Brown’s vehicle almost hit seven people in the tent, according to the Blount County Daily Times.

Witnesses said Brown yelled “no vaccine” during her ride, and several witnesses told deputies they thought that the driver was going to kill them, according to a sheriff’s report.

A deputy who witnessed the incident eventually performed a traffic stop on Brown, WVLT TV reported. He arrested her and drove her to the Blount County Detention Facility. She continued making anti-vaccine statements on the way to the facility.

Brown claimed she was only going five miles an hour. The sheriff’s office said she drove her car through the tent at a “high speed.”

Mike Adams #conspiracy #quack #wingnut naturalnews.com

Yesterday was a bizarre day at Natural News, where after I published an article calling for Nuremberg-style prosecutions of vaccine researchers who use human children for medical experiments, I received several phone calls.
In this call, I was told that if I continue to talk about war crimes tribunals, Natural News would be completely taken down and removed from the internet. My guess is that the people involved in gain-of-function research have come to realize they will really face war crimes prosecutions as more truth unfolds, and they are using every tactic possible to threaten those who might remind fellow human beings that running mass medical experiments on humanity is a crime against humanity.
Sadly, the world isn’t yet ready for the truth about vaccines, bioweapons, depopulation collapse and crimes against humanity. And to discuss these topics right now only invites extreme threats from the vaccine deep state and its compliant media propaganda outlets.

Thus, I am reluctantly going to have to hold off on the war crimes topic until the public is ready to hear the truth as the post-vaccine death count explodes due to Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) or other similar effects. Once vaccinated people start dying en masse, it will become obvious that the one thing they all have in common is the covid vaccine.

But by then, of course, the depopulation agenda will have largely succeeded. Once the masses are killed off by the vaccine, they can’t really rise up and demand an investigation, can they? It seems the depopulation pushers have already won.

David B Marshall #crackpot #fundie #dunning-kruger #quack #wingnut christthetao.blogspot.com

[From “Racism or the Tao?”]

Even St. Paul's most pared-down tool belt of virtues is both oddly formidable, and remarkably useful:  

"Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."  

Social scientists have come to recognize the civilization-building power of the final item on this list.  Max Weber's classic The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism linked such religious virtues to secular success.  The fruits of the spirit may include patience and self-control, but to apply those virtues in the workplace, will bring money in the bank.  Likewise, Mona Charen's Sex Matters, and Heather MacDonald's War on Cops, demonstrate that a lack of self-control and sexual faithfulness undermines one's power to express love, destroys peace and joy, and creates a ruthless subculture of predators and prey. 

It is for want of "fruit of the Spirit" that murder rates soar on the South Side of Chicago.  

Virtue is power.  It is the reliable child who is given the flag to direct traffic.  Sexual self-control creates families and gives them strength.  Scrooge's hard work and careful saving allows him to buy a Christmas turkey for the Cratchits.  (Dickens' own father lost his son’s esteem by wasting his earnings.)  

Am I boring you?   Would you rather drive a "Black Lives Matter" sign into the front lawn of your church, and gain cheap grace?   Do you fear that telling men and women to get married before sleeping together will sound "patronizing," "bigoted," or "racist," because those are the only tools left in your belt?  Or are you afraid you might have to follow Paul’s code yourself?  Restrained sexuality may build civilizations, but it frightens a Roe Vs. Wade generation.  

David B Marshall #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #quack #wingnut christthetao.blogspot.com

[From “Racism or the Tao?”]

"Do not be a racist" might be classified as one precept within the "Law of General Beneficence."  Lewis argued (quoting Confucius!) that a single law cannot stand alone, but derives validity from the whole.  

The fact that you obsess on one narrow statute, and forget the Tao from which it gains validity, reflects both moral progress and regress.  

Your concern about racism reflects progress, because the ancient Romans seldom recognized a duty to the poor and marginalized.  In his magisterial work Dominion, historian Tom Holland argues that our care for those on the margins of society comes from the Judeo-Christian tradition, in particular the teachings and life of Jesus.  I think one can find buds promising a similar blossoming on the stems of early Buddhism (the Dhammapada), the writings of Mozi, and to lesser degrees Confucius and Lao Zi, along with Greek and Roman Stoics.  (And the ethical nursery where Jesus no doubt picked up his own shoots before nurturing them to verdant blooms, the Hebrew prophets.)

But what all these pre-scientific thinkers held in common were well-stocked tool belts, not one sad hammer with which to pound like Bam Bam Rubble.      

The Tao encourages no narrow obsession.  Whether in Stoic, Buddhist, Confucian, or Christian forms, it provides a vastly richer and more positive worldview than either "Black Lives Matter" or even the New Ten Commandments hanging from my neighborhood church. 

The Tao allowed for progress, Lewis insisted.  Where feet were bound or widows burnt, followers of Jesus brought it.  The Tao may be as universal as the sky, but like the universe itself, it creates space for seekers of truth to expand into.  

David B Marshall #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #quack #wingnut christthetao.blogspot.com

[From “Racism or the Tao?”]

The concept of "racism" is a valuable tool.  Without it, some sudden gust of prejudice might blow the shingles off our roof and drench us all.  We must keep this hammer within easy reach, and be prepared to use it.  We do not want to return to the worst crimes of our past, which betrayed every "fruit of the spirit" on the deepest level.  

"That's just your pampered white reality!”  I hear a voice saying.  “Stop hiding your head in the sand!  Even if you don’t experience it in your suburban cocoon, listen to the news, and you'll know that acts of gross white-on-black racism occur in America every day!"  

I bet Pentheus wished he had hidden his head in the sand, before his mother tore it off his neck.

If America is really still a racist society (in the only sensible sense, a country that commonly and systematically mistreats people for their color), why have you fallen for every race-bating scam that has come down the pike in recent years?  

The word “racism” has become a powerful weapon to control Americans of all races, and keep them at one another’s throats.  This is why when you hear the word, you jump, like one of Pavlov's poor, reactionary hounds.   

Judy Byington/Romana Didulo/The Storm Rider #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack dinarchronicles.com

Romana Didulo, Sovereign Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Sovereign Republic of Canada: “I can officially confirm that the special forces of US, Canada, Britain, Russia, Australia, Japan, Philippines, South Korea are presently in China liberating the Chinese people from the China Communist Party #CCP’s oppression and tyranny. Meanwhile, the Military operation of US and Allied Forces inside the Republic of Canada also continues!! Hold the line and the wine/beer. Shut off your TV. Go outside without Mask in groups, if possible. Live your lives. There was/is zero Coronavirus pandemic in the Republic of Canada. DO NOT get vaccinated. Talk with your children and grandchildren about the dangers and lifelong irreversible damage from experimental vaccines including the possibility of dying from it. Parents stand up and protect your children from the experimental vaccines.
(Q)The Storm Rider: EVERY NATION will be exposed after the Greatest Events thus far in the 21st century takes place. Always remember Q U S MIL. is a worldwide Sting Operation. 22 NATIONS To take down the CABAL. NEXT steps of the PLAN will be the HARDEST moments that ANONS & Patriots will go through. This is where all HOPE Lost. This EVENT was planned. It had to be this way. It’s all connected. [DS] getting ready to Trigger WORLD mass riots Against Police in major Nations & create the largest race WARS to take place among society _Near DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENTS gets closer.

Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D. #fundie #quack wayoflife.org

Pokémon has supernatural powers. ... And what is the source of this power? It is the pantheistic power of the occult, not the supernatural power of God. I have found two cards that make this very clear (there are likely more). They are Abra and Kadabra. Yes, these are their actual names. "Abrakadabra" (or abracadabra) has been a word long associated with occult magic. ... It is no accident that the two Pokémon called Abra and Kadabra are psychic cards with magical powers.
On the Abra card we read "Using its ability to read minds, it will identify impending danger and teleport to safety." Then there are the occult symbols on Kadabra. He has a pentagram on his forehead, SSS on his chest and he is giving the Satanic salute with his left hand. All of the above have strong occult significance. It is clear from the Bible (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) that we are neither to participate in nor associate with activities related to the occult.
... To be sure it is a game, but a game that does not glorify God! When God says something is wrong, it is wrong regardless of what form it is in. Not only that, but many of the kids who play this game are seduced into believing the principles that the game subtly teaches. ...
Listen, kids are carrying around their Pokémon like a magic talisman. Author and researcher Berit Kjos tells of a mom who overheard two boys discussing their little pocket monsters. As the conversation developed one boy said, "I'll just use my psychic powers." It was clear that the so called fantasy world of Pokmon had already conditioned this boys thinking to be receptive to a key occult doctrine - psychic powers!
Pokémon promotes occult values, not biblical values and therefore should be rejected!

Greg Reese #crackpot #quack #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist forbiddenknowledgetv.net

In 1978, one year after the CIA’s MKULTRA was exposed to the public, nearly 1,000 people died in Jonestown. The Chief Medical Examiner reported that nearly 90% were homicides and yet, the American media called it a “mass suicide”. Jonestown became known as the place where people “Drank the Kool-Aid.”

Jonestown seems to be a CIA beta test for the COVID vaccine agenda being rolled out today. Jim Jones applied many known mind control techniques: separating people from their families, creating a lingo to distort the truth, demonized the questioning of authority.
The main ideology of Jonestown was that America is a racist nation and capitalism is evil and they sought to create a utopia of equality and fairness. We know all about this ideology in 2021.

The slow destruction of the family unit can be traced back a century, to Planned Parenthood, to the 1964 War on Poverty, to gay marriage, all the way to our current trend of transsexual child abuse. This has created generations of lost souls, ripe to be exploited by the charlatans and sociopaths who wield the power of pop culture and Mainstream Media.

The cult is given their own lingo to distort the truth. They are “woke”. And to be woke requires absolute conformity. If you question the authority, you are silenced. You are labeled a “racist” without any evidence. Or a “science denier” without any scientific explanation, whatsoever. And above all, you are taught that human civilization is killing the planet. You are taught tat the only way to save the Earth is to de-populate. You are taught that humanity is a virus.

Bill Vallicella #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #quack #wingnut maverickphilosopher.typepad.com

Recycle or Dump in the Trash?

My wife recycles religiously. I have long been agnostic about its value and efficacy. Here is an article by Ross Pomeroy that supports my skepticism.

Just as I suspected, a lot of what people dutifully recycle, after wasting water washing the containers, gets thrown into landfills anyway. My wife's a good Catholic girl. She doesn't worship the Green Goddess, but some of my neighbors do. Across the street there lives a pussy-hatted liberal lady, single and reclusive, who actually trekked to Trump's inaugural there to protest the Orange Racist in her pussyhat. Said neighbor pays for a special recyclables pickup. She allows us to use her barrel gratis. Now we already have two scheduled trash pickups per week. The recyclables one makes for a third. This causes further environmental damage. The heavy truck stresses our street, burns fossil fuels, and makes a godawful, cat-scaring racket worse than the "infernal cracking of whips" about which Schopenhauer so eloquently complained in his classic On Noise.

When wifey is not looking, I just throw the trash in the normal receptacle and cover it up with used cat litter and the output of the shredder, all the while thinking mean thoughts about Miss Occasional Cortex.

As I always say: No day without political incorrectness!

Mirabile dictu, you may be saving the oceans by not recycling! Read the article for the reasoning behind this startling claim.

As for Bergoglio the Benighted, he too should read the article, stop worrying about straws in the ocean, and start teaching the Four Last Things. Assuming he hasn't forgotten what they are.

Literal Grammar Nazi Award

Bill Vallicella #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #quack #racist #wingnut maverickphilosopher.typepad.com

Is Grammar Racist?

It has to be. Whatever blacks and other 'people of color' are not good at is racist; blacks and other 'people of color' are not good at grammar; ergo, etc. This also explains why logic, mathematics, natural science, chess, self-control, self-reliance, deferral of gratification, pulling up your pants, etc. are all racist.

It is also clear that in this Age of Pan-Racism, when everything is racist, grammar, etc. is racist. Racism is itself racist!

Seriously, the Rutgers English Department is in dire need of 'cancellation' or at least fumigation. Here:

In short, the Rutgers English Department wants to make sure that students who come to Rutgers with a poor grasp of standard written English not only remain in that state, but come to believe that learning standard English is a concession to racism. I remember when keeping "people of color" ignorant was considered part of white supremacy.

Jeanne Ruland and Shantidevi Felgenhauer #magick #crackpot #quack amazon.com

Ancestor Healing: Unbinding of Ancient Family Engrams

Our family forms as like no one else. But it is not just our parents and granparents who influence who we are, which values and talents we live. Our roots reach back far into the the distant past and encompass far more levels than we may believe. This practical book for Ancestor Work connects the systemic view of our ancestors with the hawai’ian tradition of Huna. It unveils correlations between grave themes of life and our ancestral line and at the same time opens our consciousness for the spiritual realms of ancestors such as those of the animal spirits, the plant beings, the minerals, the angels or Masters. Numerous exercises and meditations empowers us to let healing come to pass on the genetic and spiritual level and to use the power of the ancestors, our heritage of light, to attain our full potential. Thus, old wounds in the family can finally heal, we let go of the weight and propagate in love all that is beatific within our ancestral line. “When we realise who we are and where we come from, we can fulfil that for which we are here.”

Original GermanAhnenheilung: Auflösung von uralten Familienprägungen
Unsere Familie prägt uns wie niemand sonst. Doch nicht nur unsere Eltern und Großeltern beeinflussen, wer wir sind, welche Werte und Talente wir leben. Unsere Wurzeln reichen weit in die Vergangenheit zurück und umfassen viel mehr Ebenen, als wir vielleicht glauben. Dieses Praxisbuch zur Ahnenarbeit verbindet die systemische Sicht auf unsere Ahnen mit der hawaiianischen Tradition des Huna. Es zeigt Zusammenhänge zwischen schweren Lebensthemen und unserer Ahnenlinie auf und öffnet zugleich unser Bewusstsein für die spirituellen Ahnenreiche wie die der Tiergeister, der Pflanzenwesen, der Mineralien, der Engel oder Meister. Zahlreiche Übungen und Meditationen ermächtigen uns, auf genetischer und spiritueller Ebene Heilung geschehen zu lassen und die Ahnenkraft, unser Lichterbe, zur Entfaltung unseres gesamten Potenzials zu nutzen. So können alte Wunden in der Familie endlich heilen, wir lösen uns von Schwerem und führen alles Segensreiche, das in unserer Ahnenlinie liegt, in Liebe weiter. »Wenn wir erkennen, wer wir sind und woher wir kommen, können wir vollenden, wofür wir hier sind.«

Various TERFs #quack #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIM regrets transition.

(GynyHappyPeople )
He expected to pass and for the medication to alleviate his dyphoria. He doesn’t pass and it didn’t help, and now his mental illness is visible and obvious.

He feels he’s been encouraged into a neurosis that’s just made his underlying mental condition worse.

Improving mental health care is a much saner approach than trying to convince the masses to accept that a person can change sex.


Yeah. Taking cross sex hormones and getting plastic surgery to look somewhat like the opposite sex is a bit like getting a forehead tattoo that says "I AM MENTALLY UNSTABLE".

Transition honestly feels like a cruel lie being sold to gender dysphoric people. They will NEVER be the opposite sex. They will never 100% pass; most don't even pass most of the time! What's the point in encouraging Gamestop ma'am to go on HRT or use female pronouns? It's just allowing people to make a laughing stock of themselves...

I don't get guys like him. He seems like he's close to realizing that sex changes are not possible and that the trans cult grooms people into believing the lie that sex changes are possible and will make your life like heaven on earth.

But he can't take one further step into accepting he will always be a man.

It feels a bit like he's trying to get people to tell him he's too ugly or mannish to "successfully transition". He keeps mentioning "if he passed"... I mean do they seriously not realize that the supermajority of TIMs will never pass? He has to have actually seen some TIMs, like does he think Bruce Jenner passes? Even, say, Blaire White with the small statute and innumerable surgeries basically reads as an effeminate gay men to most.

Steven Fishman #conspiracy #wingnut #quack henrymakow.com


Respiratory Problems and Acute Respiratory Distress; Chronic Fatigue and Flu-like Symptoms; Chronic Headaches and Allergies; Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain; Mental and Emotional Problems; Immune System Depletion; Mysterious, Debilitating and Uncurable Health Problems.

It is known that more and more people are developing strange chronic type conditions which are generally unresponsive to standard medical care, as well as to herbal treatment, due to internal toxic changes in the body. Chemtrails are also affecting the life or bio-energy, resulting in severe fatigue and weakening.


But the worst part of this is that Chemtrails may contain Messenger RNA Bombs that spread massive cytokine storms of spike proteins on our crops, onto farm animals which we eat, into our water supply, and in our lungs, as part of the Global Genocide Depopulation Event. The idea behind this is to prevent the UNVACCINATED from avoiding the lethal effects of the Experimental Eugenics Bioweapon

FEMA Camps all over the United States are empty but are being prepared to house the UNVACCINATED as "COVID TERRORISTS." Don't think for a moment that FEMA Camps are five-star hotels. These are not summer camps where you can go fishing or kayaking. They are concentration camps that any Depopulation Dictator would be proud of. You will listen to re-education propaganda 24/7 at full decibel deafening volume while you are starved to death on Chemtrail Soup.

Alexandra Bruce #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #ufo #crackpot forbiddenknowledgetv.net

During many recent episodes of Making Sense of the Madness, my reports have been very dark and despairing about the Globalist pharmaceutical Coup d’État but as of this past week, I finally feel like there’s been a “disturbance in the Matrix” and it looks like things are finally turning up for those of us who care about freedom and human rights.

The main focus of my report was on Patrick Byrne’s amazing appearance on the ToreSays podcast Thursday to discuss the state of affairs in the US and the election audits.
He also says said Arizona is the first bubble percolating up and that there’s no way the fraudsters can win the information war. He says, “We’ll be at Arizona X 5 in a couple of months.”

There are several more audits in the pipeline, where he believes states will move to pull their Electoral Votes. As to whether this can be done retroactively will be up to the Supreme Court.
For her part, Tore says the Globalists have totally lost, they just need to get real about it. The only thing that they have is the Mainstream Media and their fake stories and that they’re literally incapable of talking about anything that’s real.

She reiterates that Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming and she asks, “Why are they delaying the inevitable? What hallelujah moment can they have? What can happen that can work in their favor, that makes them think they can get away with this? How can CNN ever come back? Nobody’s listening to them anymore. I’ve never seen a government so adamant to vaccinate people! They all know they can’t cancel truth!”

My answer to her is that the UFO disclosure coming this June might be “it”. This government-managed UFO disclosure has always been a Democrat project.

Various Anti Vaxxers #conspiracy #crackpot #quack vice.com

A conspiracy ripping through the anti-vax world may finally drive some anti-maskers to do the unthinkable: wear a mask and keep their distance.

The conspiracy—which comes in several shapes and sizes—more or less says the vaccinated will “shed” certain proteins onto the unvaccinated who will then suffer adverse effects. The main worry is the “shedding” will cause irregular menstruation, infertility, and miscarriages. The entirely baseless idea is a key cog in a larger conspiracy that COVID-19 was a ploy to depopulate the world, and the vaccine is what will cull the masses.

Anti-vax influencers are instructing their fellow anti-vaxxers as well as anti-maskers (at this point the two communities overlap to a huge degree) that one of the best ways to defend themselves from this blight is to co-opt…social distancing, the very strategy they have long decried.

Sherri Tenpenny, an anti-vaxxer who was found to be key in spreading COVID-19 conspiracy theories, suggested on a recent anti-vax livestream that you may have to “stay away from somebody who's had these shots…forever.”

Another prominent anti-vaxxer suggested quarantining people who have been vaccinated. “There is something being passed from people who are shot up with this poison to others who have not gotten the shot,” said Larry Palevsky, a New York pediatrician and anti-vaxxer, on a separate livestream.

It’s not just social distancing that anti-maskers/anti-vaxxers are begrudgingly accepting. Some conspiracy theorists are wondering if perhaps their longtime bane, the mask, could become their salvation. One perplexed poster on the fringe site 4chan asked their fellow anons if they should “wear a mask around the vaccinated, because they shed the mRNA stuff?” “I am going to be watching these vaccine shedding stories like a hawk,” wrote another man on Twitter. “Is my family going to need to wear masks to protect ourselves from the vaccinated?”

Chris Saccoccia and Kelly Anne Wolfe #quack #psycho vice.com

[Context: Chris Saccoccia is a leading Canadian anti-masker who was arrested for threaten to shoot several people including fellow anti masker Rob Carbone and trying to run a cop over with his car.]

In a video posted to Instagram Thursday afternoon, Kelly Anne Wolfe, another Canadian anti-mask leader, said that despite his Thursday bail hearing, Saccoccia is still behind bars and lamented the position he is currently in. “Chris is in jail…” she said in her video. “Yes, it is getting serious, it's getting very serious.” Wolfe, who has considerable sway in the anti-mask community, turned her attention to Carbone halfway through the video and told him repeatedly he was “done.” She called him said an “embarrassment to society” and described him as a “little kitten.” She ended her video with an ominous statement.
“Wait till you see what I do with this piece of shit. So you better run, but you'll never be able to hide because we're going to put you in jail where you fucking belong, you fucking pussy.”

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR)/MissionaryJapan #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick #ufo #quack #racist #dunning-kruger humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

Satan Lucifer and his Illuminati NWO Nazi eugenics 5th Reich Pleiadian alien Watcher fallen angels’ Atlantis 6,000 year old Umbrella company is using 5G electromagnetic radiation to damage the human cell DNA and membrane, to allow the Asian ethnic race eugenics targeting biochemical weapon Sars-CoV13 (the coronavirus causing SARS against the ally Asian dragon families’ soldiers) and Sars-CoV-2 (the coronavirus causing COVID-19 against everyone to depopulate 99% of the earth’s population, including their own betrayed people, too) to penetrate the human cell membrane. 5G deployment maps show its correlation with COVID-19 outbreaks, such as the Wuhan 5G test and Lombardy Italy and the cruise ship. During the COVID-19 home lockdown globally, they are putting up as many 5G antennas as possible for the great massacre genocide terrorism extermination of God’s human homo-sapiens specie populace. The hybrid nephilim chimera alien incarnate avatar Elon Musk and his witch wife is sending up 42,000 satellites to create an electromagnetic field that will control the humans’ minds with their fallen angel devils fathers’ demon-possessed neurolink Skynet quantum AI network control linked to the 5G system The astronomers cannot see the stars now. They are creating an artificial electromagnetic holographic world quantum demon realm linked matrix reality of the fallen angels on the earth for the humans.

Stop The Cabal #wingnut #quack #conspiracy stopthecabalblog.wordpress.com

COVID-1984 Crimes

Fast forward two decades to COVID-1984 and the British People can bear witness to crimes of genocide never witnessed on these shores in any previous age.

Despite an abundance of prima facie evidence that Parliament has legislated for the current rogue regime to be held unaccountable for mass murder by government policy, there is currently no existing domestic legal mechanism by which government officers can be extradited by the International Criminal Court to be tried for their horrific crimes against the British people.

Therefore, the only potential remedy for bringing genocidal Officers of the Crown to justice is to lay a Private Criminal Prosecution for mass murder by government policy in a Common Law Court.

Matt Walsh #quack #wingnut twitter.com

Wearing a mask when it is not medically necessary is grotesque and unhuman, an attack on society itself. It feeds paranoia and fear. You are treating air like it is toxic and other humans like they are nothing but vessels of disease. It is disgraceful, arrogant, and offensive.

Kaia Ra #crackpot #magick #quack #mammon kaiara.com

The Stargate 1 Curriculum is an authentic Mystery School journey that walks you right into the heart of your own divinity — which innately transforms everything that you believe about your humanity.

This journey will give you the tools to move beyond painful resistances to embodying your own divinity, while teaching you how to be present with the astounding opportunity to embody your sovereignty.

As you take your next leap of faith by enrolling in the Stargate 1 Curriculum, I want to thank you for receiving this much support for your heroic human journey! You are now walking into the sun of your own success.


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The Stargate 1 Curriculum is an introductory course of Higher Self initiations and Ascended Master mentorship that prepares you to successfully complete the Divine Feminine leadership initiations of the Stargate 2 Curriculum.

Robbie Cheney #conspiracy #quack #racist amren.com

We know for facts that: 1. Most people who were listed on the death certificates as dying from COVID actually passed away from co-morbidities and/or other causes. 2. We also know most people who were listed as having died from COVID were actually killed by the unsound treatments they received. Therefore, they were actually 'euthanized'.

Thinking organized 'euthanizing' began here in America well over a century ago, at about the same time certain 'immigrant doctors' began arriving from eastern europe after the civil war here in America. Now, look at the deaths and other issues being caused by the so-called COVID 'vaccines'.

82 was the average age of a "Covid" death in Britain, and I'm sure it was pretty similar in the United States. It was mainly people already living on borrowed time and Covid was just a modest ailment which finally did them in.

I read where the authorities in North America and Europe followed the same corrupt WHO guidelines. Many elderly people for sure and the vast majority had co-morbidities that were the primary killer.

PCR tests have always been completely unreliable. Many people killed in traffic deaths: COVID. Murdered by gunfire: COVID. Fell off of building during a construction accident: COVID and so forth. Completely insane here in North America.

Steven Fishman #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #psycho henrymakow.com

It's not only about the slow-death jab causing MITOCHONDRIAL CANCER from spike protein cytokine storms and prions sucking up the last remaining molecules of oxygen from your lungs, heart and brain over an agonizing 5 [to max 10] year period from jab to grave.

It's not only about the mad cow prions which are going to turn quackccinated human beings into stark-raving mad lunatics on their journey through the Land of the Walking Dead Lepers, it's quite a lot more than that...

The sabotage ransomware hack of the Colonial Pipeline is only a miniscule dress-rehearsal for what is coming.

When gasoline prices are $100 a gallon because of hyper-inflation and there are no trucks to deliver the gas to your local service station even at $10,000 a gallon?
Are you prepared to fend off roaming gangs of Walking Dead Quackccinated Maniacs who have succeeded in cannibalizing your neighbors' children after raping them?
I am sure Bill Gates, George Soros, Tony Fauci, and the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and Astra-Zeneca will all be enjoying their underground bunkers in Antarctica with a lifetime of food and security forces to cook penguin stew.

If you are planning to miraculously able to survive the coming cataclysmic planned zombie apocalypse, let me give you some heartfelt advice:

Buy at least five years' worth of deuterium-depleted water;

Buy at least three years' worth of toilet paper and use it sparingly;
[Unlike me], learn how to use an automatic weapon to protect your loved ones and your property; and:


So sorry if my post ruined your day, but as they used to tell me in the Cub Scouts kbefore I was molested), "BE PREPARED ‼!"

John F. Kennedy via Losha #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Welcome to my beloved Patriots, Lightworkers, Truth Seekers and all others! I am so very glad that you are here with me today. I would like to address a very interesting topic...the topic of the Covid-19 vaccination.
I would like to remind you that, in the past, your scientists have stated they have come to the conclusion that 97% of our DNA they now call our “junk DNA.” Now, why would they do that? Well, if most of you follow the idea that there are galactics near us, and with us, for the most part...well then, I can state categorically...that 97% is pure, 100%, galactic DNA, within you!

Now, most of this galactic DNA within you is of high quality and it is very important DNA. It is DNA that you are using in this “transition”...to the point of being able to use it ALL when your body finally becomes completely crystalline...as is happening for many of you right now.
They have implanted much dark DNA in your systems...in your bodies. There were up to 22 different races who have been genetically experimenting on humanity over the many millennia, here on Earth.

So, consider that there were several of those species...actually I would say that it was more than half, of those galactic races...who experimented on you and created a darker type of DNA in your bodies.

This is all part of the negative DNA that is in you. Now, it is not the overall 97%...it is, as I said, most likely just over half that amount that is not “benevolent” galactic DNA.

Please consider those folks who are currently providing the misinformation...such as how these vaccines are going to “alter your DNA,” and that's a bad thing. Well, if it's altering bad DNA that is within you, then that is a good thing, is it not?

Anonymous Coward #57977784 #conspiracy #quack godlikeproductions.com

The no masks prove shedding is real

Why else would they give so much control away, they already know the freedom loving patriots who would never get vaccine are already not wearing a mask and won’t start wearing masks all of a sudden.. so now they have created an environment where no one will be wearing a mask, so whatever they want transmitting will be daily transmitting without any barrier whatsoever.. they are trying to kill us not the vaccinated.. why would you want to kill the sheep and leave the patriots alive who are armed to their teeth... this is not good

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #quack #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Me: Ivo and I would like to offer our sympathy to people who are splitting up with their families over mask and vaks issues.

I want to discuss this topic because it's happened to me as well, but I'm hearing from other people that they're having difficulties with relatives, in fact some have given them an ultimatum: Take the jab or never see us again.

In my family, I've had arguments with family members as I've desperately tried to get them to open their eyes. Children I've loved since the day they were born are now turning on me, saying “the conspiracy theorists got to me.” No, actually, the aliens got to me first. Yes, some humour in a not very funny situation.
Me: I look at my family, Ivo, and they just think everything is normal. There's just this inconvenience of having to wear a mask every time they want to go in a store, big deal.

Ivo: Yes, they have no clue what is going on. You are all prepared because you are earth's future. That is why you were told first and that is why you understand what others do not. You are stronger, they are the weak ones that have been misled. The lambs, not the sheep. The innocents.
Ivo: We of the Galactic Federation offer our heartfelt sympathies to you who are experiencing loss within your lives due to the current circumstances. We attempt to keep loss at a minimum but losses are being experienced due to the choices people are making – little force is being used to keep you under lockdown and wearing masks. You are simply complying. And it is because you can be manipulated that you are weak and making the incorrect choices now.

Judge Anna von Reitz #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #magick mainerepublicemailreport.com

Remember the Harry Potter movies? Remember when Harry stumbled into an attic room and found the mirror that showed him his fondest desires? Well, that’s “Project Looking Glass” in the actual world. It also shows the “Lookers” what they want to see, but not what is true.

So no wonder that nine out of ten “Lookers” saw a future in which they were exalted and in control of the whole world.

No wonder that they saw the population of the world vastly reduced. Their own ego-centricity and false beliefs mandated that.

No wonder they saw what was left of humanity (after they themselves spawned a “limited” nuclear war and hid out from the results in Deep Underground Bases (DUMBS)) subjected to their rule.

And so on.

They even coined their own special code phrases — like “future proves past”. and “rule of destiny”.

It never occurred to them that all the Looking Glass reveals is them— their evils, their prejudices, their intents, their desires, their beliefs.

That is the purpose of the Looking-Glass technology– to tell the truth about them, and reveal the inner eye of the Beholder, not to show the truth about anything else.
The Looking-Glass can only reflect back what it sees in the Looker.

So what these men have seen via Project Looking Glass is only their own ego revealed. Nothing more.

And they even missed the point of the revelation: judgment.

In ancient times this technology was used to judge the motives and guilt of individuals by revealing their true desires.

Thus a righteous person can look into the mirror and nothing but compassion and justice and kindness will be revealed, but a madman’s ego will also be revealed.

Vox Day #crackpot #fundie #quack #wingnut voxday.blogspot.com

[From “Socialist synchronicities”]

Hitler denied the National Socialists were Fascists. Mussolini likewise denied it. Both men insisted that they were socialists. But what did they know?

The fact that our society has moved significantly to the Left since FDR does not change the fact that things such as mass public education, social security and progressive taxation are the primary elements of a left-wing ideology. Considering that 40 percent of the American landmass is not privately owned, it should come as no surprise that we find it hard to admit the socialism of the WWII-era monsters, because when we actually examine their ideology and governance, it is far too similar to looking in a mirror.

As monstrous as the Holocaust was, it was not the be all and end all of National Socialism. While Hitler was obsessed with Jews, killing them was obviously not his top priority, considering that he didn't get around to it until he'd been power for almost a decade and gotten a few minor details out of the way first, such as conquering Western Europe.

Ella Cruz #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut ellacruz.org

Black Adrenochrome, The Unholy Walnut Secret of The Elite

1-If the Mockingbird media shed light on these two organizations; Planned Parenthood and Child Protective Service CPS, people will know two national-governmental criminal enterprises are the biggest child providers for the criminal elites.
2-If the Mockingbird media shed light on these two Organizations, people will know two National-governmental criminal enterprises are the biggest child providers for the criminal elites.
Our source had witnessed stealing hundreds of black babies at the borders. Why black babies?

3-Why could we feel “the predators saliva in Podesta’s emails running off their mouths when talking about black babies
The answer is the Walnut Sauce.
The Adrenochrome produced by the pineal gland of the black race and Asians is thicker and more creamy.
8-Another recognized factor according to the report is Melatonin. The pineal gland regulates the entire endocrine hypothalamus and/or pituitary gland and many hormone-related substances have been identified in the pineal tissue which Melatonin is the most important one.

9- Melatonin is also another changing factor in Adrenochrome’s structure. Higher the Melatonin, thicker the Adrenochrome texture.
Pineal calcification starts in early childhood and progress with age.

Camp Hikon and Naftali Schwartz #dunning-kruger #quack jta.org

Camp Hikon is aiming to prepare yeshiva boys for what it calls the “political, environmental and economic” changes to come. Despite its stated interest in preparing campers for “natural disasters,” it will not allow any vaccinated campers or staff to attend.

Naftali Schwartz, the Brooklyn-based self-described “health coach” with no formal training in medicine or public health who is launching the camp, said the rule is unlikely to keep anybody away.

“Because of the kinds of demographic that I’m drawing from, most people who are coming will not have taken the vaccine,” Schwartz told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Drawing on a debunked theory spread by the anti-vaccination movement, the camp’s website cites the “experimental nature” of the COVID-19 vaccines. According to the false theory, living in close quarters with vaccinated people could “enhance” the spread of the coronavirus. The website refers readers to a site called NutriTruth, which claims vaccines are a “biological weapon,” and to a livestreamed discussion between several notable anti-vaxxers.

“We regret that we will be unable to accept campers or counselors who have already received any of these injections,” according to the website.

Schwartz said he made the rule because of “suspicious symptoms that occur to unvaccinated people who have spent a lot of time in the company of vaccinated people.”

“It’s also been reported to me from parents of my to-be campers that this is a real thing and it’s worrisome,” Schwartz said.

Dr Carrie Madej #crackpot #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #dunning-kruger forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Dr Carrie Madej joins journalist, Alex Newman to discuss the transhumanist agenda behind the COVID vaccines. She speaks in a very approachable and straightforward way, that anybody can understand, in what is a deeper éxposé than she previously gave on the Alex Jones show of the transhumanist technologies that are being rolled out upon and within us without our informed consent.
“Nobody has the actual virus. Why is that? They’ve never answered that. So they can’t make the normal vaccine. It’s a recombinant code with a gene synthesis. That means they’re pushing together different types of genetic material, pushing them together like a Frankenstein puzzle and then, to fill in the missing blanks, they have an Artificial Intelligence computing program do that for them.”
Dr Madej gets into a fascinating discussion of DARPA hydrogels, which contain nanobots and how these have the ability alter human genetics and create transhuman cyborgs. The military has been testing this technology for decades. It allows controllers to see through the soldiers’ eyes; they can communicate and program the brain, as well as know and “hear” the thoughts of the soldier as well.
The intended uses for these hydrogel nanobots include monitoring body movement, to mine a cryptocurrency based on human labor. During business owners meetings that Dr Madej attended in Atlanta, they stated plainly their intention to secretly implement this technology that can monitor and control the behavior of the populace, in conjunction with a Pavlovian social credit system and “Predictive Policing”.

State of the Nation #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #racist stateofthenation.co

Religious Jamboree Was Perfect Venue to Send a Strong Message to Every Israeli to Obey All Covid Restrictions and Mandates

SOTN Editor’s Note: Israel is in shock today because the Covid control freaks in Tel Aviv put the whole country in shock. Netanyahu’s government does not want anyone, especially religious groups, congregating in such large groups as they did at the HUGE Lag B’Omer religious festival yesterday. Such behavior sends the ‘wrong message’ to the rest of Israel that the pandemic is over and should no longer be feared.

These massive jamborees have taken place practically forever in Israel so they know how to properly prepare and prevent disasters like this. Hence, this catastrophe was certainly “made to happen on purpose” to have maximum dramatic effect as it is now having nationwide. After all, Israel has been painstakingly set up to be the national poster child for COVID-1984—an entire society perfectly controlled by the genocidal maniacs in Tel Aviv who issued the Covid vaccine mandates.

The Mossad has triggered numerous stampedes in Saudi Arabia over the years, especially during the Hajj in Mina just east of Mecca. A close examination of the historical record clearly indicates that each of those deadly stampedes was intentionally provoked at critical times during the never-ending Mideast geopolitical chess game.

9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton #crackpot #ufo #quack #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

You are bringing so much more to the collective with the healing energies that you put out, with the compassion that you feel, and with the desires that have sprung up within you for everyone to be well, for everyone to be equal, for everyone to have equal access to the care that can be given when they are sick and in need.

This is huge. You have done this without creating a major cataclysmic event that you could not possibly recover from, like a nuclear war. Now, as it stands, many people are focusing on the threat of another world war there on Earth, but you have avoided that timeline. You are not moving in that direction because you chose a pandemic instead, as you knew it would evoke so much more compassion and healing from all of humanity. And it has; you have succeeded yet again. You are ready now to continue on this journey without having to create circumstances like a pandemic. You aren’t going to have to do this anymore, because you have grown spiritually.

Now is not the time to be feeling a lot of fear about world war three. Now is not the time to be focusing on those fear-mongers who want you to believe that this is something that is inevitable.

Now is the time to continue to reach within yourselves for the love that is inside of you, which is the only aspect of you that you need to be focusing on. And as you do, you continue to raise the level of consciousness there on your world, and you continue to take humanity past these possible timelines and into a golden age of freedom and prosperity, health and well-being, oneness and unity consciousness.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Pentti Linkola #crackpot #psycho #quack penttilinkola.com

I spent a summer once touring Poland by bicycle. It is a lovely country, one where small Catholic children, cute as buttons, almost entirely dressed in silk, turn up around every corner. I read from a travel brochure that in Poland the percentage of people who perished in the Second World War is larger than in any other country - about six million, if my memory doesn't fail me. From another part of the brochure I calculated that since the end of the war, population growth has compensated for the loss threefold in forty years? On my next trip after that, I went through the most bombed-out city in the world, Dresden. It was terrifying in its ugliness and filth, overstuffed to the point of suffocation - a smoke-filled, polluting nest where the first spontaneous impression was that another vaccination from the sky wouldn't do any harm. Who misses all those who died in the Second World War? Who misses the twenty million executed by Stalin? Who misses Hitler's six million Jews? Israel creaks with overcrowdedness; in Asia minor, overpopulation creates struggles for mere square meters of dirt. The cities throughout the world were rebuilt and filled to the brim with people long ago, their churches and monuments restored so that acid rain would have something to eat through. Who misses the unused procreation potential of those killed in the Second World War? Is the world lacking another hundred million people at the moment? Is there a shortage of books, songs, movies, porcelain dogs, vases? Are one billion embodiments of motherly love and one billion sweet silver-haired grandmothers not enough?

Steven Fishman #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #elitist henrymakow.com

Face reality here: Within 5 years, 80% or more of those who have been vaccinated, either by choice or by coercion, will at worst be dead, and at best, will be deathly injured due to prions, spike proteins, Messenger RNA converted into transhumanist DNA; anaphylactic shock, paralysis of the lungs, fatal blood clotting, and a cocktail of aborted fetal and animal tissue containing viruses which include AIDS.

But I am not talking to the "vaccinated." They are the Walking Dead. There is no cure for the "vaccine," because it is not a "vaccine," but rather Experimental Eugenics Depopulation Gene Therapy by Bill Gates and Big Pharma.

It has been craftily designed to make people want something "appealing" that will kill them. And the end [for them] is very near. Life Insurance companies are already talking about not paying the Vaccinated. No compensation for insanity, stupidity, or gullibility!

It is we, the unvaccinated that need protection from the Walking Dead. I am an older guy that admires beautiful women. But if a Victoria's Secret Model or a James Bond Girl told me she was "vaccinated," I would run like hell!
And I hope that we, the unvaccinated and "never-will-be-vaccinated" flourish and prosper long enough to see true justice prevail, where Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci and the Globalists at "[mRNA]" Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Nazi-Zeneca get tried and convicted in Nuremberg-style proceedings, and then get slowly lowered into a boiling vat of hydro-sulfuric acid to compensate for the deaths of billions of people. And I wish that for them happily and without the slightest bit of anger, I say in subtle sarcasm.

Stay safe, healthy, and far away from the Walking Dead!

Ben Garrison & Tina #conspiracy #crackpot #quack grrrgraphics.com




- Gates will use this to control us all!
- Masks will become permanent!
- Lockdowns advance Agenda 21 and 2030!
- Mandatory vaccinations!
- Police state!

NOOOOO!!!! [smashes crystal ball]

When the virus plandemic began to unfold, I heard Ben make several predictions that came true. He knew the virus would be used to hurt Trump’s reelection, but he didn’t know that the Democrats would use it to leverage mail-in ballot fraud that allowed the unpopular Biden to steal the presidency outright.

I do remember Ben railing against mask wearing. He predicted that they’d become permanent and they have been for nearly a year now. They’re still being over-worn even though many governors have dropped their mandates—which weren’t even law in the first place. Governors can’t make laws, but if corporations enforce the mandates then that’s that.

The most ominous thing that Ben fretted about were the dangerous vaccines. He knew they were coming and he saw that they would become mandatory. He knew that Bill Gates would use them as a means of control through tracking and eventually they’d be used to depopulate the Earth. We’ve seen too many people eagerly line up to take the jabs even though the evidence of them causing injury and death have been overwhelming. Too many people have received the vaccine and then dropped dead within weeks.

Leila Centner #quack #dunning-kruger miamiherald.com

A private school with two campuses in Miami has warned its staff against taking vaccines that prevent COVID-19, saying it will not employ anyone who has been inoculated and spreading misinformation about the potential risks of vaccination.

Centner Academy, with campuses in the Design District and Edgewater, informed parents of its policy for teachers and staff by email on Monday. The announcement, first reported by the New York Times, left some parents, teachers and medical experts aghast because it was presented as fact without citing any scientific evidence.

Leila Centner, who co-founded the school with husband David Centner, warned that vaccinated persons “may be transmitting something from their bodies” that could harm others, particularly the “reproductive systems, fertility, and normal growth and development in women and children.”

Centner acknowledged in the email that the information is “new and yet to be researched.” Still, she asked employees who have not taken a COVID vaccine to wait until the end of the school year. She also recommended that faculty and staff hold off on taking the injection “until there is further research available on whether this experimental drug is impacting unvaccinated individuals.”

“It is our policy, to the extent possible, not to employ anyone who has taken the experimental COVID-19 injection until further information is known,” Centner wrote in the email to parents.

David Collins #crackpot #quack #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Book Review

Why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong

This 777-page book by two non-doctors, (Dawn Lester is an accountant and David Parker is an electrical engineer,) challenges the germ theory to its very core, a theory which is the foundation of our current allopathic medical system.

The two British authors spent ten-years researching and writing their massive book. They address every topic from small pox and polio to vaccines, the flu and the Black Death.

But the central thesis of the book is their systematic attack on the veracity of the germ theory. They repeat often that there is no evidence that viruses or bacteria cause any disease.

Chapter three is titled "The Germ Theory: A Deadly Fallacy." After much research, the authors conclude that there is no evidence that the germ theory has ever been scientifically proven.
The authors conclude that the germ theory is a fallacy, that vaccinations, a source of healthy profits for the pharmaceutical industry, are useless and do not provide immunity to any disease and that Pasteur and Albert Jenner, ... responsible for contributing ... to the human suffering and misery...."
So what are viruses and bacteria? The authors ... say that viruses and bacteria are part of the bodily process of removing toxins from the body. The body contains trillions of viruses and bacteria. According to the authors none of these viruses and bacteria are pathogenic. Viruses and bacteria are essential to the bodily process of removing dead and dying toxins from the body. While bacteria are alive, viruses are not.

Eric Peters #fundie #wingnut #quack #conspiracy henrymakow.com

It brings home what one read about what it was like to be a Catholic in Henry V's England - or a Protestant, when his daughter Mary took over.

They didn't wear their sickness on their faces in those days, of course. But it was the same sickness, nonetheless. A belief so fragile it required everyone else share it. Lest the sight of an unbeliever cause one of the Faithful to waver.

The Jabbing is of a piece.

The Jabbed are not content to merely be Jabbed, themselves. Which suggests they doubt, at some level. As they also doubt with regard to the wearing of their Holy Rags. If both served the purpose purported, they would not be so worried about those who do not share their Faith.

They are saved - or are they not? Why doth the Pope - Fauci XVII - wear the Rag? Hath he not received the Jab and - thus - put on the full armor of god? Or is it that he dreads the spread of Unbelief?

What's going on - with regard to both the Holy Rag and the Holy Needle - is the same thing that went on in Jonestown in '78 and in San Diego, back in '97 - when "Do" and his Faithful ate their pudding and "ascended to the level beyond human."

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #quack #mammon supernaturalspirit.com


Having the ability to alchemically one substance to another has always been the dream of alchemists throughout the centuries. Thanks to the super genius of Tim Tony Stark Rifat and The Great Lord Beast this dream has become practical reality. Through the use of C-Space and H-Space technology, Tim charges up this service with appropriate magical energies required to transmute any animate or inanimate object into anything desired by the user. This allows the user to delete any unwanted biophysical characteristics of the object in H-space and add the desired characteristics via visualization.
Since food and drugs aren't the only toxicity human are exposed to these days, the alchemy service can be used to change the heavy metals found in chemtrails, such a barium, strontium and aluminum into non-harmful substances like water vapor or even beneficial ones. You can even change the biophysical makeup of the clothes you wear or the furniture you site on into gold, meaning that you attract wealth and fortune into your life, simply wearing the altered clothes and being the altered furniture.

This technology far exceeds the dreams of any alchemist from centuries gone by, since you get to enjoy the physical benefits of any objects you interact with within real space, while profiting from modified complex number state.

Become a modern-day alchemist and make reality your bitch! ONLY $600!

Tucker Carlson #conspiracy #pratt #quack #wingnut mediaite.com

As for forcing children to wear masks outside, that should be illegal. Your response when you see children wearing masks as they play should be no different from your response to seeing someone beat a kid in Walmart. Call the police immediately, contact child protective services. Keep calling until someone arrives. What you’re looking at is abuse, it’s child abuse and you are morally obligated to attempt to prevent it.

Peter D'Abrosca #wingnut #elitist #quack amgreatness.com

As a healthy 29-year-old, my likelihood of dying from the virus is practically nil, so why risk the blood clots? And before anyone accuses me of trying to murder granny, shouldn’t she be immune to the virus if she gets the vaccine? Whether that’s actually true seems to be the topic of some debate. We’ll have to follow The Science™, then parse through its legitimacy relative to its political value for Democrats (that’s a new step in the scientific method) before we can know for sure.
Personal liberty is not the reason I’m avoiding it, either. I’m not a member of the “don’t tread on me” club. I’m not here to take a principled stand against the federal or state governments on this issue. In fact, I’m saving my principled stands against the federal or state governments for issues that really matter, like strengthening libel laws so that lying journalists can finally be shipped off to Guantanamo Bay where they belong.

My primary reason for refusing the vaccine is much simpler: I dislike the people who want me to take it, and it makes them mad when they hear about my refusal. That, in turn, makes me happy.

Maybe it’s petty, but the thought of the worst people on planet earth, those whom I like to call the Branch Covidians, literally shaking as I stroll into Target vaccine-free, makes me smile.
I also don’t care whether you decide to get the vaccine. It’s really none of my business.

Perhaps you’re not as committed to upsetting the enemy as I am. That is fine.

Perhaps you just want to go on a cruise vacation again. If so, call Bill Kristol or Jonah Goldberg and have your vaccine identification card ready. Godspeed.

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