
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

_Moon_ #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist saidit.net

There ARE plenty of issues with the police and with policing, but iNteRseCtiOnal fEmInisTs constantly whining about these criminal low-life moids getting shot after resisting reasonable police orders are pathetic:


spoilerBLM's Latest Martyred Saint: Daunte Wright Had A Warrant Out For His Arrest For Attempted Aggravated Robbery Charges After 'choking And Holding A Woman At Gunpoint For $820 In 2019’

It's just more evidence that women - especially white women - are in a lose-lose position right now.

Conservatives and right-wingers are deepthroating the boot and licking the shoes of a neo-feudalistic billionaire class that is ushering the world into high-tech dark ages (Every right-winger out there is like, "We must fight back against these woke corporations destroying our way of life, but marginally raising their tax rate and giving their exploited employees healthcare and a living wage would be communist tyranny!") and leftists are always on the side of male criminals wanting to "defund" (=privatize) the police and basically install a woke party dictatorship in which white women won't be allowed to call the cops on non-white criminals because that's what racist Karens do. A woke party dictatorship in which a woman "misgendering" a tranny or a white woman wearing a Pocahontas costume will face a harsher penalty than a black or brown man raping a white woman.

White women are in a lose-lose position because hating white women - especially middle-aged white women ("Karens") - is probably the only thing Reddit feminists and 4chan incels, left-wingers and right-wingers, intersectionalists and anti-IDpol dudebros, white men and wo/men of color all can agree on.

It doesn't really matter which side wins or if the extreme center remains in power. Things will get worse and worse for us.

NeverendingNight & _Moon_ #crackpot #racist #sexist saidit.net

Lindsay Ellis was mocked for making a comparison between Avatar: The Last Airbender and Raya and the Last Dragon. People on Twitter were pissed, calling her a "dumb and whiny white bitch" and all sorts of misogynistic slurs. She is pro trans and your stereotypical nerdy/geeky feminist. And what did that get Ellis? Nothing. I'm not trying to say that it's on the same level or as worse as police brutality, of course it isn't. Nevertheless, it's obvious to me that feminists are more willing to forgive criminal men of color over "problematic" white women. Men of color can assault, harass, loot, kill, and rape, and there will be a crowd of women, white and WOC, ready to make excuses for them. The same forgiveness is not extended to white women who speak out of turn. Annoying "Karens" are worse than violent male criminals. Fully agree with the rest of your comment.

I didn't know Lindsay Ellis until now, but I already had a suspicion I found confirmed after looking her up: that she is between 35-40 years old. The only thing men - of all colors - value in women is the beauty of their teenage bodies, ideally matched with an equally childlike personality: soft, agreeable, willing to let men correct her, etc. Many of these anti-Karen BLM type wokeys are pretty young women who still have the approval of men. But as they age and lose certain childlike traits - both personality-wise and in regards to their looks - men treat them more and more brutally and might almost hope that they get "canceled" and replaced with a 20-year-old again.

The anti-Karen meme almost seems to be a bit of a generational conflict because young women feel like it is their turn now to get male head pats. But sooner or later, these young women will be closer to 40 than to 20 themselves. And then it's just a matter of time until they, too, will be the Karens whose hard opinions men don't want to hear. So young white women engaging in these woke witchhunts will be in for a rude awakening rather sooner than later...

Vox Day #sexist #wingnut #dunning-kruger voxday.blogspot.com

A reminder: please do not EVER ask me for sources. I will not provide them and I will delete your comment requesting them. I am not interested in providing sources on demand, and I do not care in the slightest if you decide to ignore what I say because I will not provide sources to you on demand.

I've been doing this since 2003. And one thing I have observed over the years not one single person who didn't believe the facts I cited and demanded sources in order to confirm that I was relaying the information correctly has ever subsequently changed his position as a result of being provided with an accurate source that states precisely what I said it did.

Furthermore, the instinctive demand for sources is a strong, though not reliable, indicator of gamma. Yes, there is occasionally the rare individual who actually intends to examine the source in order to do his own analysis, but such individuals are usually inclined to simply resort to a search engine rather than ask someone else for a hyperlink to a readily available URL or PDF file.

I don't provide sources for the same reason I don't provide explanations anymore: providing either is merely viewed as an invitation to argue over the source or the explanation. Since I'm not interested in doing that, I'm shutting down the whole process before it starts. This is a blog, not a science journal, what I write are opinions, hypotheses, and logical conclusions, not scientific papers, and I am under no obligation to undergo any peer review process here.

Vox Day #conspiracy #fundie #sexist voxday.blogspot.com

Mailvox: an insult to Nazis everywhere

Actually, as I have previously written, calling a feminist a "feminazi" is an insult to the German National Socialist Workers Party. Consider the following points:

1. The primary victims of NASDAP ideology were the Jews, a group that the NASDAP intellectuals sincerely believed were secretly dominating the world. Thus, they waged a heroic - albeit insane - twilight struggle in a futile attempt at world revolution to free the German race from what they viewed as its economic oppression. They did so in the awareness that if they failed, their nation would likely be destroyed. They killed approximately six million Jews, most of whom were adults perfectly capable of defending themselves.

2. The primary victims of feminist ideology are unborn children, a group that the feminist leadership sincerely believes handicaps women's ability to obtain college degrees. Thus, they have waged a purely political battle in a futile attempt at ideological revolution to free the female gender from what they viewed as its biological oppression. They did so in the awareness that if they failed, women would be condemned to live hellish lives as wives and mothers. They have killed approximately 50 million children, all of whom were completely unable to defend themselves.

3. The NASDAP leadership directly confronted the militaries of three major world powers, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States of America, in an attempt to establish totalitarian rule.

4. The feminist leadership has attempted to quietly manipulate the American public, using a combination of propaganda, political pressure and constant nagging, in an attempt to establish totalitarian rule.

Any rational human being would harbor more respect for a Nazi than for a feminist. But then, neither Nazism nor feminism is designed to appeal to those handicapped with the ability to think rationally.

As for insulting feminists, I can't think of anything worse to call them than those bloody Belgian bastards....

_Moon_ #crackpot #moonbat #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

RE: I don't care if male children take estrogen because it'll lower the male fertility rate and make them weaker

Stole from PinkPillBeta 'I know the common argument is that it's gay children being prescribed (or obtaining illegally) hormones, and it's disgusting, but there's also tons of hetero, cumbrained, weeb teenagers that have been obtaining estrogen too. I've seen them all over twitter, reddit and discord, posting photos of the estrogen injections they've bought from Brazil. Honestly, let them take it."

I have often thought that the only issue with the male suicide rate is that it isn't high enough. Sadly, all these incel MRAs and tranny activists whining about how suicidal they and their fellow travelers are are all talk, no action. So while I totally support incels, trannies, wokeys, trad caths, /pol/acks, mgtows, etc. killing themselves, I don't really see any advantage in them taking estrogen.

I mean, it doesn't really weaken them up to a point where they are so helpless that any woman can simply beat them up. Consider ANTIFA: full of trannies, still violent and dangerous. I just don't see where trannies are better / less shitty than other men. It's a bit like the idea that rapists should be castrated. Not that I oppose rapists being castrated, but it's not like they are less dangerous once you cut off their dicks.

Then there are the various other issues already mentioned: normalizing transgenderism, medical experimentation on children, "transitioning" of girls(!), etc. It's all just a slippery slope.

I kinda agree with fckoffmale, though. RadFems always say that feminism is about female liberation from male oppression, and that the goal isn't to cuddle sadboi males ...... but then they often seem to make an exception for trannies. If you'd make a video entitled "How feminism would be good for men", many RadFems would call you out, but even RadFems sometimes make videos about how Radical Feminism would be good for trannies.

Lv99_BixNood #conspiracy #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Is Japan based? Some interesting info

major university intentionally failing foids, jap women are so used to getting molested by jap men they feel numb to it, JBW doesnt seem to work all the time?

I was refused entry to a restaurant because I'm a foreigner. I speak fluent Japanese and tried arguing with them, they said "No foreigners because of Corona."

This is just wh*Te propaganda. Japs are meek pussies. The chikan issue is a perfect example: all available data suggests Japan has extremely low crime rates, especially sexual ones. Japan has women-only train carriages because Japanese are spineless SIMPS. Trains in America are orders of magnitude more dangerous for women, but the perpetrators are blacks and other ethnics who have victim status in the West and dare not be criticized. Japs are getting called misogynists and rapists because they gave in to feminist demands to make an already safe environment for women even safer. Daily reminder there's nothing women and the gynocentric Western ((((((media)))))) hate more than spineless low T simps.

These retards travel to foreign countries because they think those countries are exotic and then trying to force their will and way of life on the people that live there and get mad when they don't comply, you see this all the time on websites like japantimes. US ethnics (esp Blacks) are 10X more sexually aggressive but that's never a source of articles and commentary pleading for change, because, like you said, protected class.

Basically all English language media in Asia is run by wh*te sexpats shitting on ricemen to gain some sort of moral justification for why they're slaying noodle pussy.

Various Incels #ableist #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Should autistic men be put down like dogs in order to spare them from a lifetime of misery?

I personally voted yes. Autism has made my inceldom unquestionably worse.

Yes Votes: 17 70.8%
No, it’s to inhumane. Votes: 7 29.2%


I'm kinda glad ER went ER on his ricecel roommates. HE WAS JUST PUTTING THEM OUT OF THEIR MISERY

Didn’t think about that. High IQ post.

When you reach a certain level of blackpill these things are just intuitive, they certainly were for ER

No, they deserve a chance to become legends like Adam Lanza

No, it’s women causing problems for autistic men so just take away women’s rights and problem solved.

Why stop at men?

Putting down subhumans in general should be mandatory

BummerDrummer #conspiracy #racist #sexist incels.is

RageFuel If I see one more interracial couple I’m gonna lose it

I shit you not, idk what the show is called but it starts out. IT STARTS OUT. With an interracial couple. Ofc white woman black man. And the white woman gets hit and goes to a coma and is put inside the mind of the black man or whatever. And of course, they have a mixed race kid (boy) with girl hair. Like a little transgender kid. Ironically, the actress is (or looks) Jewish (black hair but idk her name to check).

The effect this kind of media has on inceldom is not to be underestimated. Interracial couple propoganda by just being existant normalizes it. Thus boosting the SMV of one of the races and lowering the SMV of the other race, which is ultimately what the Hollywood elite want. And it also normalizes mixed race children, which are genetic mixups and predisposed to a host of genetic fuck ups being mixed race (and by that unnatural).

I think you're referring to an episode of Black Mirror. I was pissed off too when watching that, the director of it is a white guy who married a curry foid. Ws this the actress? she's Welsh not Jew.

That’s exactly who it was, and leave it to a Celt to do something like this. If it’s not a Jew it’s a Celt (Joe Biden being the biggest example)

miscegenation director miscegenation actor.

Anonymous Coward #74474183 #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Women are for sex and reproduction. Any civilization that believes otherwise is on its way out.

Their moral development stops in early adolescence. See Kohlberg's Studies.

Our gynocentric culture makes women out to be these amazing, limitless beings but reality says otherwise.

They're popping antidepressants like candy because they're fucked in the head.

matrix3912 #homophobia #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

Stop forcing people to accept LGPT and feminism. (Rant)

I'm tired of being labeled a pigot if I think that a guy that cuts off his balls and dick or a girl that cuts off her breasts and womb are mentally ill.

I'm tired of being labeled a bigot if I reject toxic female behavior, or speak against it.

I'm tired of being forced to work with incompetent female workers just in the name of equality.

I'm tired of a society that ignores females abusers, or when men finally defend themselves or lash out against female abusers, they are instantly punished without any investigations about what caused it.

I'm tired of politicians that are using these issues to their advantage instead of focusing on what is right or wrong.

I'm tired of academics not being able to speak up their minds, afraid of losing their jobs or funding.

Lv99_BixNood #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel Bitter pill to swallow for ricecels: we are inferior to white men in every possible way

White men outclass us in every single attribute: height, frame, masculinity, facial aesthetics, wealth, social status, cultural dominance, strength, athleticism, penis size... even in terms of "personality" white men are far more likely to be dominant, outgoing and NT while Asians are meek and neurotic. Even the one supposed saving grace for Asian men that we have higher IQ (so we can betabuxx better jfl) is a straight up delusion: 99% of the technology we use everyday has been invented by white men.

One of the most blackpilling testimonies I've read was from a noodlewhore "massage therapist" in Brazil who described the physical differences between Asian and non-Asian clients: the Asians were all skinny and devoid of muscles whereas the non-Asians were muscular even if they never visited a gym in their life. A trained Asian would still have a worse body than an untrained non-Asian. She even went as far as comparing the builds of non-Asians and Asians to those of adults and children.

So yes, whites (and others) mog us brutally. I know some people here will call me a self-hater and "fuck YT" or whatever, but why would any woman choose an Asian man? What are ricecels better at than white men? I can't think of a single thing outside of autistic shit like LoL or math olympiads. Ideally I think Asian men should self-segregate: go back to Asia, kick out all the white sexpats and close the borders. Force noodlewhores to be with us by depriving them of any contact with whites. That's the only way I see for Asian men to have a future.

White nationalists don't hate asian men. Why do you just blatently make garbage up? White Nationalists openly admit that Asians score higher on IQ tests. The only races that White nationalists truly hate are Blacks and Jews.

True, I don't mind actual white nationalists, just the sexpats who want to cuck us and miscegenate with noodlewhores.

To koniec & Angry_runt #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

(To koniec)
Blackpill Ethnicites with lowest social status

Slavs have low social status, cause nobody has fetish for slavic men and slavic women are seem to popular due to that they are easier to obtain and have pale features.

Nations, ethinicities with low social are getting fucked by other men from other nations which have good time with their women. Think SEA basically.

British men are best example of this, i heard maaannnyyyy times that brits are ugly (especially women) which i can not say if it's true, but suprisingly to what everyone says, in one of korean interviews about if korean noodlewhores likes white men (you can guess answer), after italian men british was second answer and many comments on henry cavill one comments stated in comment section that 'handsome and BRITISH'

men with lowest social status in whole world are SEA men (ricecels from china and especially korea and japan don't have low social status @Tenshi made great thread about rising rice smv due to KPOP and anime)

CEO of Google = Indian
CEO of Microsoft = Indian
CEO of Mastercard = Indian
CEO of Adobe = Indian

name one slav which have such position

The only one that comes to mind is the cofounder of Google, Sergei Brin. But he was one of the founders, Wait, he's Jewish, nvm.
I can't think of any Slavic CEOs that were appointed to a high profile leadership position. I guess we really are the lowest social status.

Winterheart #conspiracy #psycho #quack #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Selena Gomez to Host Global Citizen's Vax Live to Promote Vaccine

Why is this entitled, talentless mestiza famous in a White country and telling White people what to do? Why are these unproven vaccines being pushed so heavily even as restrictions refuse to loosen? All stuffed discussed elsewhere but this is an especially revolting example.

A mind-controled slave from Disney. Nothing to see there.

The point is not that she or any of the other "people" in the article have anything to say. The point is that they promote sexual degeneracy and miscegenation to young Whites. The point is that they are pushing these untested vaccines harder and harder. None of which is new, of course, but it's rage fuel. Ultimately, it's just an animal, no better or worse than millions of indistinguishable beasts the Jews flood our country with. They really want White nations to worship these things.

I’m not interested in opinions of wealthy celebrities.

They owe all of that wealth to the Whites whose countries they infest like parasites and yet their vapid "opinions" consist entirely of hating us, despising us, wanting to destroy us, even as they demand our acceptance.

I doubt whether she actually got the mRNA experimental potion herself.

A lot of drinking and sunbathing for someone with lupus and a kidney transplant. It looks like the little cucaracha is as appreciative for its friends kidney as it is for all the privileges of living in a White nation and having becoming a millionaire performing for White girls. Only grateful for degeneracy. Not much capacity for empathy, gratitude, loyalty, impulse control, delayed gratification, etc.

MountainGorilla (“#FREENATHANLARSON”) #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] "who cares what women think"

you don't know how much this phrase pisses me off

"who cares what women think" - MUH ALPHA MALE before allowing the 19th amendment. HAHA i guess you couldn't alpha your way out of the 19th amendment by holding frame and being confident enjoy your ass getting divorced rape

"who cares what women think" - boomers allowing the sexual revolution to destroy society and give power to women

"who cares what women think" - PUAs before getting their subhuman ass #metoo'd and being put on the sex offender registry

Why is it that people who say this phrase let feminism happen in the first place?
the tradcucks say "who cares what women think, just man up bro!" yet they allow women to divorce rape their ass and take the kids

anyone who says this phrase is either a simp or a redpill coper who thinks "men are winning" and they neglect the fact that women have so much power in society that big daddy government gives into their demands
feminism is destructive but it revealed what female nature truly was. Most men in history have been simps and now thanks to feminism, it has revealed female nature TBH.

If it weren't for feminism, I would've been a simp NGL

Before feminism, it was buying a over expensive carbon rock diamond and getting on your knees like a good little cuck.
Before feminism it was chivalry, and being a simp to women and being a gentlemen, cucked!

but thanks to feminism, It showed me that toilets aren't sugar spice and everything nice like men in the past.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Being a single mother is very difficult. Single Moms have so many pressing responsibilities to take care of. It is NOT a glamorous lifestyle! They have to carve out some time for themselves. By choosing to be single, not only have women left their child without a father in the home, but now they leave the child alone while they go out on dates and having a social life. Children are the ultimate losers from divorce and having children out of wedlock!!! Fornication is epidemic in America. According to the preceding 2008 ABC News article, 33% of single Moms had children out of wedlock. As of 2018 that percentage is up to 40% of women having children out of wedlock. This is a 28% increase since 1990. America's hook-up culture is destroying our society. No wonder crime is skyrocketing!

Sadly, do you know where you can find the most single Moms at any given time... DATING APPS! It is tragic. Online dating is a disastrous modern phenomena. Over ten million American females are desperately searching for a man to step up to plate to be a father to her irresponsibility and whoring around. Older men can marry down with age and income, but women cannot. This means as a women grows older, the chances of her finding Mr. Right quickly disappears. Men do not face time limits on finding a wife, but women do because their beauty exponentially fades with age, and the child bearing years virtually end past age 40. I am 54 years old and single. I could easily marry a beautiful 20-30 year old woman in the Philippines any time I want. I could be 70 years old! An older woman could never have a young handsome guy as a husband. Women marry up; Men marry down. That is a fact!

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Top post on r/honesttransgender is MTF observing that self absorbed MTFs ruin lesbian spaces & create more terfs


Rant over. Us trans women belong in these spaces, but we need to be respectful and mindful of what we’re doing and saying.

No you don’t. Imagine thinking you’re “one of the good transbians” just because you don’t screech at lesbian women to take your girldick. You still do not belong in lesbian spaces, male.

THERES FUCKING TRANS MEN ON THERE TOO!! why the HELL would they need to be there aren't they MEN?!?!? Like just fess up and admit that you want every female space to just be a trans space.

That whole post is one massive Poe's Law. From the guy who cant understand why non-binary females and TIFs are even in lesbian spaces, to the guy saying that the TIMs are adding "fuel to the TERF fire" because they behave exactly as we say they do.

The absolute audacity of a TiM to ask why a biological woman would be in a lesbian space. I like the comment pointing out how TiMs used to still consider themselves gay men, and it only changed when people like Bruce Jenner started announcing themselves as trans and not fitting in with the existing LGBT groups. That also coincided with all the male invasion of female spaces. What a coincidence.

BladingEagle #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RE: black foid would date with racist

Tried asking a guy out and got a super weird rejection.

and the best about it that she knew he`s racist but still wanted to date with him

“You were willing to overlook racism because a guy was hot?”

"looks doesn`t matter it`s all about personality" :soy: :soy:

Of course she would. Look up white whores who live in South Africa that support EFF. They are there with niggers chanting "kill the boer kill the farmer" while being white themselves. Or any white slut at a BLM rally.

If anything nigger women have more racial loyalty with white women being the biggest race traitors followed by noodles

ThePopeofCope & HeroinNihilism #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Based White supremacist slaps Mexican bitch back to mexico


A Florida bartender is on the mend following a violent attack. The entire incident was captured on camera by a bystander outside Pop’s Sunset Grill in Nokomis, Florida on Friday. this is one of my fav videos ngl, drunk guy says he’s part of the aryan nation then bitch slaps a Mexican foid

Based. That's one less bad hombre stinking up the swamps.

She got a concussion and at the end of the vid they are interviewing the husband and he says he’s proud of her. Proud of her for what? Getting shit on?

Hell if I know. I guess proud that they could be annoying enough to make a white person snap and have a certified nigger moment?

Tbhngl. I think this is the fullest vid out there. As soon as the slap occurred everyone ground tackled him. People in the comments saying he should be arrested for life etc. what abunch of vaginas. She walked infront of him first!!

It's a sad day when a man can't slap a bitch in his own country

video was double satisfying, foid slapped with the might of zeus and a trumpcuck gets pinned and humilated

Dave Blount #sexist #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "Expanding Concept of Rape by Redefining Consent"]

Critical theory, the ideology of our ruling class, is an outgrowth of postmodernism, which stresses the power of language to reshape what people think of as reality. Consequently, leftists have become masters at changing the definition of words. “Liberal” now means “leftist.” “Infrastructure” now means “whatever Democrats see fit to waste other people’s money on.” New York State Assemblywoman Rebecca Seawright has proposed a bill that weaponizes laws against rape by redefining the word “consent.”

Seawright’s proposed definition, via Simple Justice:

“Consent” means freely given knowledgeable and informed agreement; such agreement must be obtained without the use of malice such as forcible compulsion, duress, coercion, deception, fraud, concealment or artifice

Consider the ramifications. “But you told me you were a big shot or I wouldn’t have put out” would qualify as a rape accusation.
Daily Wire reminds us that undermining justice by distorting the concept of consent is old news on college campuses, which serve as incubation chambers for every new disease that leftists unleash on us.

Nell Stevens #sexist unbound.com

I think it has to do with a very specific kind of female communication, an intimate sharing of knowledge between and across generations, that was practiced by Mrs Gaskell in the nineteenth century, and is practiced by me and my peers in the twenty-first.

I still remember vividly the day when, as a pre-teen, I went to a friend’s house to play and, instead of pretending we were movie stars or dressing up her dog or whatever else we normally did, we sat in her room and talked. It felt revelatory: that this could be a way of spending time, that hours could be devoted to something as simple as speaking and listening and exchanging experiences. We knew this was something our brothers and their mates did not do. We knew, even then, that we had inadvertently initiated ourselves into something feminine and important.


In my period of indecision about single parenthood, it is only natural, then, that I seek advice from the women around me: child-free women, mothers, grandmothers, single and married, gay and straight. It is to women I turn, have always turned, for knowledge and comfort and help, and they have always been there to guide me. If mansplaining is the unnecessary interjection of unwanted information, then womansplaining, in my experience, is this earnest sharing of hard-earned wisdom between mothers and daughters, aunts and nieces, between friends.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

The happiest marriages are preceded by a proper courtship period. Waiting is what makes getting married so awesome and fulfilling. When couples have physical intimacy outside of marriage, the sacredness of the marriage bed is gone, cheapened, innocence is forever gone, and the special meaning of intimacy will never be the same. Satan knows this and wants to kill, steal and destroy your happiness. I cannot think of anything more sad, than a woman marrying the man of her dreams, having only a defiled body to offer him, handled by unholy hands by some bum who used her as a dog peeing on a fire-hydrant. That cannot happen to you if you get legally married first.

Since situations lead to temptation, a couple ought never be alone together until they get married. We need a revival of the importance of little things in America. The ungodly world scoffs at the idea of abstinence from drinking booze at all, but the fact is you cannot take two drinks of you don't take the first. The heathen world scoffs at the idea that women ought not wear pants. But there wouldn't be so many broken marriages and abortions if women clothed themselves properly. The way a woman dresses has a profound impact upon her behavior (1st Timothy 2:9). When I see a woman in a long modest dress, my first impression is that she is a Christian who loves God and righteousness. A woman in pants tells me that morality doesn't mean much to her, and that she doesn't care or understand how the man's mind works. You have no idea ladies of what goes through a man's mind when he sees a woman's buttocks and thighs. If you did, you'd either be scared or it would thrill your perverse soul.

Dave Daubenmire #sexist #wingnut coachdavelive.video

[concerning Kim Potter, an ex-cop who killed unarmed Daunte Wright in Minneapolis on April 11]

Can I say this? A woman’s got no business being a cop. Now, there’s a place for a woman in law enforcement, but it is not pulling up at my house and arresting some burly 6-foot-5-inch, 285-pound man. That is not a woman’s job. How did we ever get to the point where we think that it’s normal for a woman to do that? Why? Because that’s perverted.

Perversion of the male/female roles. Men and women are equal, but they’re not equal. Come on, stop saying that. Men and women aren’t equal. Why have we bought that lie? Why do we promote that lie? Why do you say, “Well, women deserve equal rights”? Now, listen, I’m just telling you, a man can cook, but it’s a woman’s job. Sorry.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: RageFuel i fukking hate slavic foids


I know an Algerian guy who slid into some Polish girls dm's on Facebook and now they're in a relationship

Proving his point. Slavic women are UBER whores.


all positive opinions on slavic foids are from western incels

that`s right western dudes easier date with slavic foids but no such easy as with asian

Polish foids are the sluttiest

haven`t you heard about Ukrainian

We are like asians tbh, like their women hates their own men and so does slav women

I live in Serbia and i agree 100%, they are crazy about Germans, Turks and BBC. They say things like "in relationship woman should be dominant but man should be dominant more" and " at least buy me a soda and pancake or you are not a man at all". They also think 190cm height and 20cm dick is average.

Nice combo, but thats how the balkans work; chetniks, ustashe, muslims, (where does the BBC obsession come from?)

South Slavs are fine imo

They arent

they love being invaded by that aryan chadcock

meanwhile slavic men die of alcoholism left and right (sad)

facts. bbc and muslims for fuck, slav(e)s for betabuxx

NapoliPizzaPie #racist #sexist incels.is

I have no experience with dating eastern slavic women (hence why I'm on this site) but I can just tell you from my exposure to them both irl and online they are arguably the absolute worst. The only ones who may be more toxic are black women, but at least black women are honest about how they feel and don't blindside you with bullshit.

Say what you will about American beckies and stacies - at least they try to be nice. At least they can be friendly at a professional/work level. At least there is some variety in their personality, from people like Lauren Southern to Rachel Maddow. At least some of these women will let normie men occasionally fuck them. At least American women have a basic understanding of American history, culture, and nation. At least American women recognize the importance of having a low body count and try to act pure to guys they like.

If toxic corporate feminism were an entire person, it would be East Slavic Foids who are literally the worst. They literally live the most degenerate, hedonic, shallow, and shameless lives possible, and then put on a show of being "empowered" and "hard-working" while expecting Chad Christ Himself to beta-buxx himself to her, otherwise he isn't worth her time. Anyone else is an ugly, lame loser who doesn't deserve her attention at even an informal/friendly level; they are toxic cunts to anyone who has a below average face, is at all fat, or is at all a loner.

And they have literally no comprehension of culture, history, or nation and believe that their own ethnicity is "ugly" by Western corporate beauty standards, therefore none of their own race is worth their time.

And whenever they get called out for their shitty behavior, they either blame patriarchy or they blame all the men of their entire ethnicity for not being patriarchal enough, for being so incompetent as to not meet their 99.99 percentile standards. Even though they literally offer nothing to any relationship but being broken, hedonic pos's

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

An experiment proving that pronouns are Rohypnol

This is an excellent piece. I have thought a lot about how obfuscating male criminals' sex could distort statistics, but I have thought less about how it distorts public opinion in the news in this way. I'm more convinced than ever that we need to hold our ground on the pronouns issue.


I have read parts of it aloud, switching the reported sex (female) of this person to the actual sex (male) and restoring Watkins' original name, and it is remarkable what effect the different readings have on my feelings about him. Try it yourself, and compare

I've been doing this, using the correct prounouns when reading any thing now, even a tweet. This made me understand the amount of gaslighting we are expected to accept. Also how media is a key factor in this attack on girls and women's rights.

I've been doing this so long.. But it is a real problem. I get very frustrated in those situations where I simply can't figure out what has actually happened - when they use female pronouns but you can't help wondering if they are talking about a male, and sometimes even when there are pictures they're too blurry or far away or just borderline and you start to feel bad that you might be questioning whether a woman is a man just because she's sort of funny looking and did something criminal... Ugh. I just wish the news would stop being deceitful.

Excellent line about "women being saddled with a reputation for violence men have earned for themselves." That's one of the biggest reasons so many men love this ideology. This is DARVO's best friend.

Various TERFs #sexist #wingnut ovarit.com

RE: this is how I became a radfem 🤓


I had radical feminism beliefs when I was like 15/16 without knowing what radical feminism was. Like I didn't buy that women being half naked was empowering but kept hearing how it was a woman's choice lol. Mainstream liberal "feminism" is so heavily pushed it's easy feel like you are wrong especially if you are young.

I’m middle aged and didn’t know I was a radfem. I thought the beliefs I had was feminism. I was confused by what I call slut walk feminism and wondered what on earth had happened. Was so grateful to find that real feminism still existed.

That and the constant defence of abuse in immigrant communities being defended with cultural relativism and liberals who are more concerned about a "racist" image than the safety of women and girls.

I had no idea there were different feminist groups and just called myself a "feminist". I was growing increasingly uncomfortable with woke feminism which seemed to do a lot of virtue signalling and not really do anything to actually liberate women. As soon as I discovered radical feminism I realized this fit exactly what I'd believed all along. I had no idea what the basic beliefs of radical feminism were, I'd just thought about various topics and come to the same conclusions.

thrash_monke #racist #sexist incels.is

RageFuel i fukking hate slavic foids

if somewhere in the world exist the worst foids in the world it`s probably in slavic countries(like Russia, Ukraine and other shitholes of the world that shouldn`t exist), those bitches fucking hilarious, on their stupid heads exist two polar opinions like that

1) "men owe me and should patronize me"(even when im strong independent woman JFL)
2) and another one "I owe nothing to men and i have rights"

very fucking comfortable position, isn`t it? hypocritical bitches if somewhere really exist matriarchy it`s in post-sovietic countries

and the BADDEST part of it, that they hate Slavic men and like really they prefer over us some dudes that normal-white girls can`t look without disgusting like some black and ARABIC WITH TURKISH(they love them so fucking much in our countries a lot of jokes how slavic foids go to Turkey and Egypt just to fuck with shitskin dudes)

they think this is an achievement to date with black and arabic(muslim also) and are proud of it, i mean i FUCKING SAW HOW A LOT OF THIS WHORES TYPING ON THEIR BIO WITH PROUD THAT THEY DATE WITH BLACK DUDE OR ANOTHER SHITSKIN, i saw videos on tiktok where one foid show that she dates with black or arabic and girls type her how they envy her JFL

Slavic foids the cheapest girls in the world( the most of them are Ukrainian girls ahahahah) and there is a lot of jokes in Europe about them
even my fucking mother dated with fucking arabic dude before married on my dad lol

i hate this SHIT SO FUCKING MUCH, being borned in post-soviet countries the worst curse on the world and being slavic= being white african
sorry if there some mistakes, wrote it on feelings

thrash_monke & andinocel #racist #sexist incels.is


What I hate most about eastern european foids is their voice when they are annoyed. the broken language, the bad dialect, mostly with a cigarette and cheap bimbo clothes. Thats why I would never escortmaxx

One slavic foid wanted rent a house in Italy but italian woman said no cuz she thought if she slavic she will escort and go with her clients on this house JFL

I'm from a Baltic country and I'm escortmaxxing with Ukrainians. Almost all prostitutes here are from Ukraine.

My country has the most beatiful, cheapest whores, i have something to be proud of JFL

What you described happens everywhere.

Anglo-Saxones foids don`t hate so much men of their nationality and actually don`t prefer blacks and arabics over them

I thought that Slavic women are traditional, but they are not. They're slutty af, but still want men to pay everything for them, selling the "traditional woman" image to the cucks that fall for it. Slavic foids also like Arabs and Turks because those guys are huge simps (contrary to what Westerners believe)

I forgot to mention that your feeling towards Slavic foids strongly resembles my feelings towards Latina (esp. Colombian) foids, they are strikingly similar to Slav foids in many ways

I find it hilarious how many Slavs find niggers exotic, cool, or fun. I grew up in a majority black neighborhood, Slavs that romanticize blacks have no fucking clue how they truly are

Various TERFs #crackpot #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I've discovered a new goldmine: searching /r/asklesbians for the word "trans"


have you all seen his post history? of course he's AGP😔

If they're men they're always AGP deep down. The women transitioned are usually sexual assault victims,mentally ill and are trying to opt out of sex based discrimination.

I think some of the guys are just feminine gay/bi men with internalized homophobia. But of the ones that like women, yeah, definitely AGP.

The lack of replies is incredibly telling, but not of the bigotry they're imagining. I read that sub sometimes and there is no shortage of libfems that post there. No, the reason they're actually not getting any replies is because even the libfems don't know how to give sex tips to a man with a neovagina because they don't have sex with men with neovaginas. Or men with dicks. Or... Men. You can give transbians lip service about how valid they are all day long, but when it comes right down to it, even the libfems aren't fucking these guys, and don't want to think about or discuss it.

There are so many posts on these subs detailing their "lesbian" sexual experiences, but only one sex partner ever seems to be a trans lesbian. 🤔 If trans women are women, I would fully expect r/asklesbians, r/actuallesbians, etc. to have more posts talking about the girly fun slumber party tee hee lesbian experiences of playing with each others' balls.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: A nice illustration of physiologic and interpersonal AGP, misogyny, and libfem idiocy.



Enjoy the door holding and catcalls. That's what feminism is based on, for you to be you.>

they're rewriting feminism history under our own eyes

"Imma get a pussy, sum tiddies, hips, an ass..."

At the end of the day, this is how men see us. To them we're just a walking set of holes and fleshy body parts. "Transwomen" are no different to normal men.


And no girl, feeling happy about getting catcalled isn't weird at all. And if it is, we're both weird then. I'm honestly looking forward to getting catcalled one day as it would just validate me that much more. Even if it is pretty annoying XD.

I want to leave this planet

I had to step away from the computer.

These men see the worst parts of womanhood as sexually arousing and fun. There's no getting to them.

I'm at the point where I don't believe any of those commenters are actually women. When I read, "As a cis woman, ...." I see "As a TIM who is even more smugly delusional than OP, ..."

Liv Heide #sexist #racist amren.com

[From "Even Those Who Would be Trad Wives May Miss Their Chances"]

Looking at the sign-up ratio at my website WhiteDate.Net of 12 traditional white men for every traditional white woman, one might think women have all the choices and men must compromise if they hope to find a partner in the crime of creating a white family.

But, white ladies, don’t be overconfident. White trad wives are the most desired creatures on the planet, but many white women still manage to blow it because they have never been told the rules that were invented by our female ancestors to protect their daughters. Even when men have fewer choices, they will still be men, even those who have the vision to create a family and build their own white clan.
The white woman should be reactive, which is the opposite of the sexually aggressive, dominant, promiscuous, vulgar, emotionally empty woman that modern media have taught us to be: “Just be yourself, throw yourself over him, and it will magically work out”. It won’t. Men appreciate women with standards and values they want transmitted to their children even if they themselves are not 100 percent up to these standards. Women set the bar.

Many Western men are horrified when they look at what has become of our women. I plead guilty myself for, as a white woman, having been manipulated in my youth by movies, television programs, and music. I acted in harmful ways. But then I began to define what I wanted, understand what led to results and what didn’t. I learned that our grandmothers were right.

I wish our men could help us become better versions of ourselves by explaining what makes us attractive. Unfortunately, reality is different. We must discover who we are, and whom we want to attract.

kt0998 & anber #crackpot #psycho #sexist saidit.net

RE: What would the ideal world be like for you?


some women talk about matriarchies, others say we should reduce the male population, etc. if you could organize the world to your liking, what would you do? how would gender relations, international politics, science, etc look like?

No moids and no submissive/pickme women. So get rid of 99% of human population basically.

There is no realistic way to improve things, we've pretty much hit the ceiling for how good things can get for women and are now going backwards fast. No politics can solve the fundamental problem that men are born to oppress and women to be oppressed and most of them prefer it like that. All the speculation about egalitarian/matriarchal/separatist societies are just unrealistic fantasy because they don't take in account the biological programming in the vast majority of humans... Even separatist communities can't exist long term or in any larger scale, because 1) pickme women will worm their way in and subvert them from within 2) moids will destroy them from outside.


Why are some of us different?

Genetic differences most likely. I recently found out that my body produces an insane amount of androgens and very low “female” hormones for a woman. I wonder how many BP women are similar. My doctors want me to take hormones to “fix” the issue but I worry it will change my personality aka become stupid and make me tolerate moids.

P.S. if any woman reading this has similar hormonal profile and is blackpilled please DM me. Discoveries may be unearthed.

Twist of cain & BladingEagle #sexist incels.is

(Twist of cain)
Brutal The "teacher pill" messed with my childhood man..q aw

At this event in town I came across an old primary school teacher and got up the guts to talk to her and say I was her old student (from like 20 something years ago) and was talking for awhile. was later walking home from that event in town where I'd been drinking and in my depressed mood I stopped on a park bench along the walkway to town. Then the teacher along with some young guy walked past me and she stopped to ask if I was alright but the guy tried to hurry her and she said 'he used to be one of my old students, I was hs teacher, and to that the young guy replied with " I don't care, you've got tits and a vagina" and laughed, she jokingly told him to shut up and they moved on...

It kind of fucks with your head to know your teacher who you saw as a responsible adult sold herself out to a young douchebag who openly disrespected her in front of another person.. here's me thinking she'd have a husband or something, a proper man maybe 40s or so who had a job and house etc... But there she was 20 years after being my teacher turning tricks for a young douchebag.... The older females arnt responsible and grown up.. they just delude us because we can assume it. it really shocked me I wasn't expecting that.. you don't think adult role figures act like teenagers.

The guy isn't a douchebag. He is smart enough to treat a whore the way she deserves to be treated. You are the dumb one because you would probably pamper her and treat her with respect despite her being a shameless whore in her 40's and sleeping with a guy that is half her age.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

Brutal [STUDY] Involuntary adult virgins often were bullied and ostracized by their peers during childhood

“A 2011 study found that, during late childhood, individuals who matured into involuntary virgins were: more victimized and ridiculed by peers as children, socially withdrawn (preferred to play alone), and also less liked and accepted by their peers.

Get bullied, ostracized, rejected and abused your whole life, finally lose it after years and years and vent saying some mean words on an internet forum, get gaslighted for it and accused of having a bad personality which was from the beginning what made you go through all that.

(Deleted member 8884)

Many studies show a strong statistical relationship between childhood ostracism and being on the receiving end of bullying well into adulthood. Clinical psychology has understood this for decades, but it's in its own best interests to push the agenda of the "maladaptive" individual as the cause of harmful aggressions. Society sure as hell doesn't give a damn about the effects on the lives of those it has happily broken and discarded.

It's called pre-selection lad. When they notice a lack of confidence, they will know that you were ostracized before. And instead of helping you out they conform to what happened to you previously and avoid or bully you as well because in their minds you "must have done something to deserve it". Every single normfag runs by a just world fallacy, and by doing so they justify any further abuse they commit towards you.

Involuntary ostracism, involuntary bullying, involuntary harassment, involuntary celibacy. See a trend here?

calming-tea & XX_Power #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

"You are not attracted to someone's DNA" - but you kind of are, actually

DNA largely determines how people look. Personality is even partially genetically determined! One could make an argument that if you have injuries resulting from specific attitudes, those were influenced by genetics (e.g. high risk taking). The idea that genes are something that is just there is another dumb transhumanist take. Sorry TRAs, you are "attracted to someone's genes" because you cannot unlink genotype and phenotype.


I'd like to see a good feminist takedown of transhumanism.

Not the eloquent refute you asked for but we are "still only" at the level where we can give medication and cut and sew back together. Nothing of that makes us transcend humanity, as much as it doesn't transform a man into a woman. We give them pills so they develop gynecomastia which is a condition only men can have, and this is supposed to mimic female breasts - which is insulting on so many levels but also just ends up making them look grotesque in combination with their male chest and wide shoulders. Once the treatment stops they develop completely back to a normal man. We can give them a hole in their abdomen by reshaping the penis, which is supposed to be a "vagina" but the only thing it has in common with a vagina is that it is "fuckable". By men.

Every cell in their body has XY chromosomes. If future scientists were to find their bones they'd immediately recognize them as men. Hell, even with gruesome beauty surgeries including shaving the chin bone, only a tiny amount passes to men and virtually zero pass to women.

It's all so superficial, only focused on looks. We are giving little boys horrible drugs so they can be pretty (the girls too but to the trans they're really an afterthought).

Bobby Cenoura #crackpot #sexist amazon.com

If you enjoyed the #1 New York Times Bestseller, Freakonomics, then prepare to go deeper into conceptual economics with Dating Up: The Hypergamy Factor. The climax of behavioral theory, research, human anecdote, and graphic novel, Cenoura takes us deeper into the theory of Sexual Marketplace Value (SMV) and goes a step further to quantify it. The use of a quirky cast of cavepeople-and question-and-answer problems based on the book's theories-takes the reader into the world of a Comicon-attending college student.

Dating Up: The Hypergamy Factor dares to address frequently debated notions of race and gender, speaking on such topics as the "80/20 Rule" as it applies to dating, the concept of hypergamy, and how evolutionary biology affects human dating decisions.

Philidor_2 #sexist reddit.com

Any redpillers in Africa? In what ways do you think girls here are different from the western girls we usually read about here?

I spin 4 plates. I have a girl over at my place any time I want. Having a car and a home in an african poor country at 28 puts you in that top 3% category and every girl wants to get pregnant by you. It's so easy to get HB9 girls in Africa. Just have a car, a little game. Honestly, your SMV is already so high like this. There is almost no competition. I was wondering if my African brothers or any from poor countries feel the same.

Living in unkempt, poverty-stricken cities and being "the best of the best" is hardly a dream for me. I'd rather actually work to get with high quality girls than have them lap over me like a dog.

High quality women means rich backgrounds for you? I don't mind cheap pussy. Actually, why would I want expensive? Btw, redpill is about getting to an end. That end is getting the most of your SMV for me.

What country in Africa are you from?

From Zimbabwe but based in Botswana. Women are more submissive and DTF if you have good logistics.

western women are WAY WAY worse and harder to game.

It's one of the reasons I dont want to leave. Why would I choose to compete at level 12 when I get the same(or better actually) rewards at level 2?😂

BladingEagle #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

Serious If women were the empathetic gender they would sleep with us

Think of it as a favor. There are guys who will help you carry a giant fridge to the 3rd floor and ask for nothing in return. In comparinson getting humped for a few minutes seems equal or a lesser favor. Regardless the incel community became known worldwide in the past few years and despite tens of millions of women hearing about our situation I haven't come across one case of a foid offering to help us. And that is despite the fact that we live in a hypersexualized society where all those women aready had sex with multiple men and think nothing of it.

If women were really nice pity sex would be incredibly easy to get. You could just walk around any street and ask a few women to do you the favor until one out of 10 would have the time and felt charitable enough to let you bend her over behind a bush or in a public restroom and use her vagina for a few minutes. And if she wasn't doing you a favor she could ask for a small fee. Something so absurdly small that would match how little effort and time it took for her to please you. A quickie should not cost more than 20$ anywhere on the planet.

Eventually society would adapt to this kind of behaviour and install clean public sex-rooms for women to please men.

Greycel invents prostituion. Btw you might get your friends to help you lift the fridge but almost no stranger will help you for free.

It's not prostitutiion. Haven't you read the favor part? Charging 300$ for sex isn't a favor. It's a ripoff of the highest order. It's as if your furniture movers charged 500$ an hour.

yikerinos #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

We're heading towards a very bleak society, with the full ruthless consequences of free sex, except for women

Idk how you guys can not support rape and violence when violence is being used against you. Let me explain.

It is no news that free sex leads to a very bleak and ruthless social situation. The old 80/20 rule is like blackpill 101 and i think everyone here knows that. To the surprise of bluepilled idiots who promoted this shit, free sex means only chad gets laid. Who would've known.

But there's still room for things to become worse as society keeps changing and dropping old social rules. How long until high school girls charge their high tier normie classmates for sex because they know they can? How long until there's widely accepted poligamy with chads having 10 wives and other men staring down the barrel of a lifetime of loneliness? How long until average men work 12h a day and then go home to a pod and spend their money on (online) attention from Chad's wives only fans, who live off that and also Chad lives off them?

My point is, society is already ruthless towards males. This situation could balance itself if society had no rules, via rape, drunk/drugged sex, and other dynamics. Rape is a bit extreme, but drunk sex used to be the standard for average men to ascend. Doesn't sound great, but a ruthless society means we need to be ruthless too.

Except these things are forbidden thanks to feminism. You can't pressure or threaten a woman into sex, rape her, get her drunk or drug her, but she's free to only ever date chads, profit off lonely men with only fans, and make ugly men feel like shit.

So violence IS being used against us. Because we're in a bad situation and threatened with arrest if we try to balance things. How can you not support violence towards women knowing this?

Various TERFs #moonbat #sexist ovarit.com

RE: "If your feminism doesn't include men, it's not real feminism!!"


Libfems are the "All Lives Matter" sect of feminism and that's the best description I have.

Sometimes I feel like these women are traitors. I feel bad because I know they're probably misguided, but how can you be so eager to please men at the expense of women?

Because how will they get that fuckboy to marry them if they keep harping on about ridiculous notions such as equality, women only spaces, and misogyny? Much better to kid themselves that porn keeps men from committing sexual violence, that sex work is in fact empowering women, and that white man in a wig who will threaten rape and murder if she uses the wrong pronouns IS a woman, and she has cis privilege and should apologise for it profusely. Sounds exhausting.

female socialization is so difficult to rebel against. we're trained to please men everywhere and even in a women's movement it's difficult for many to unlearn what they were wired to do as young girls. a lot of it is hilarious primarily because women's problems range from outright violence to dehumanizing conditioning and men's problems are "society won't let me paint my nails this is so sad"

They are indeed traitors to their sex.

It just kinda scares me that they haven't really thought about it, like how does it make any sense at all to include males in feminism? What do they think feminism is exactly?

Various TERFs #moonbat #pratt #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Richard Dawkins asks whats the difference between transgender and transracial (and kicks open a hornets nest!)

This reply: "I cannot believe you are normalizing this debate. Dolezal had all the access to white privilege and then occupied space that wasn’t hers to occupy. You’re wrong on this one."

Some TRA's are so close to getting it that it's painful. Swap white for male, and then you've got it.

I cant believe this poster was not being sarcastic and was dead serious. Again, what's the difference? I dont see a single difference at all and this poster somehow managed to summarize exactly why...and is still clueless. Someone in another thread asked if TRA are really as stupid as they come across. I'm convinced they really are.

To the left, maleness cancels whiteness, but femaleness doesn't. That's why we get points deducted for being white, while white men can continue to debate trans rights and women's rights without criticism.


They know racism is real but don't acknowledge sexism as real.

Its not that they don't think sexism is real, it's that they want to be the victim of it. There's something about needing victim status or oppression points that the trans community really seems driven by.


For some strange, unknowable reason, I'm not seeing any TRAs tell Dawkins to choke on their girl dick

It’s almost as if TRAs can tell what sex he is.

Various MRAs #sexist reddit.com

Tired of the bullshit narrative that India is a shit place for women. Debunking this once and for all.

The list of privileges women enjoy here that men do not: Free public transport in a lot of states. A woman cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise unless the crime is very severe like murder or something. Women only reservations in almost every government institution. Lower tax rates in some cases. Reserved seats in public transport.

IMO, there's no worse gynocentric shit hole than India where inequality is at its peak and men are treated like subhumans.

So, if you're a woman you could smoke crack while taking a shit on a police car and not get arrested as long as it's past sunset??


I'm a woman living in India and you're absolutely right. It makes my blood boil how my gender gets away with a lot of shit and misandry then complains about inequality and "patriarchy". I fear for the safety of the men in my life because of such horrible laws which only favor women and allow them to destroy innocent lives.

After all this, women have the audacity to play the victim card at any point in time. Everyone is playing a part in this gynocentric jimbo. You get brainwashed by the media all the time about how women are suffering, which is far from the reality. Your parents also pressure you to become a slave for life by marriage. And as already said above, women can choose to work, or be a housewife. India doesn't really care about its men

Nukethisgayearth & starcrapoo #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Blackpill The cold, dark truth? Foids are as “racist” as they come

For soy cucks and fags who complain about muh RACESM!! Are we just gonna ignore how, genetically, toilets tend to prefer cumskins like 95 percent of the time compared to other ethnicities? There a reason they are called deathnics. At this point i feel a lot of them either go tranny or stay virgin throughout their lifes. Ive always felt like “changs” and “chaddams” were oxymorons. Chad is primarily cumskin.

White foids are the most racist foids by far.

At a distant second to them are noodlewhores (who are racist to their own kind).

I don't see any difference whatsoever between the average white foid that I come across the street and a white stormfrontcel.

They both see an ethnic subhuman male like myself as not even human who they would rather not be around AND do not want around. Meanwhile they want the right to travel around the world as much as they want and associate with whomever they want and when they want as they please. If they see some short term benefit of it. For the white foids, they want to post pics of their travels and show how virtous they are by taking pics with poor ethnic subhuman children. And the white males, they want to rape those children and JBW max with the local foids.

NapoliPizzaPie #crackpot #sexist incels.is

The Brutal "no true romantic love" pill

Here's a fundamental truth. I bet one of the contributing factors for the reason why many of you are incel is the fact that you seek "true love." True "validation." "Mature love," "love beyond just flesh fucking." After all, "why not get an escort" or a "prostitute" then?

This doesn't exist.

You were taught from a very young age that there's something deep about a man loving a woman. Having the same interests, being able to laugh and josh in each other's presence. To be able to wake up next day to someone who loves you for who you are.

This love doesn't exist. Or if it does, it's so unabashedly rare that it might as well not exist.

Women either settle down with a guy they want to fuck, or they are stable enough to settle down with. Men settle down with a woman they want to fuck, or whatever options they have available. That's it. Here's the reason why you guys feel the way you do. You are sexually scarred. These feelings are immature, teenage and juvenile. Nobody ever gave you that. You could never eat ice-cream or have your parents take you out to the movies or have a sleepover and go swimming with a teenager of the opposite sex.

Most guys who do grow out of these naive feelings after having sex enough times or being with women long enough. A woman doesn't want a fucking teenage-mindset man to "validate" them. They want a beast who can fuck or someone who makes sufficient enough money to raise kids with. That's it. They don't want a "shy" "geeky" "immature" guy. They want a winner. Stop believing in the lie of "true romantic love." Two people want to fuck or decide "eh you are good enough to have kids with" and that's it. Ignore Hollywood movies. They are there to sway naive individuals into having more kids for the workforce.

Sergey32321 #conspiracy #sexist reddit.com

Teachers are massively inflating girl's grades, translating into way more scholarships for women.

Do Schools Discriminate Against Boys?

Funny enough, this will all come around and bite them in the ass. When they get a job and are expected to show performance, and they have nothing to show but crying.

There have been so many studies already about this topic, but politicians and media don't want to address this problem and feminists do not care about it at all.

Oh they are the ones who caused all this. Feminists dominate in schools. They don't hesitate to take revenge from boys.

People will act like its a conspiracy theory that unnamed feminists control the government, education, Hollywood, and the media. But you see stuff like this and its clearly not a conspiracy theory. Women, at direction from feminism, are taking revenge on men and purposefully oppressing them. Its a miracle that men can even survive in our society let alone represent the majority of prestigious and highest paid positions.

Men are just smart as hell.

Yet, these girls will not be any smarter, go to college, get a mostly worthless degree and be deeply in debt. Well the boys will still be as smart as they could be, get a good paying career in a trade, be completely debt free and happy. So what then, are the men then required to bail out the women?

Sadly actually there are men with such low self respect who would do that

crew6dawg0 #crackpot #racist #sexist reddit.com

RE: Why are so many young men acting asexual?

I'm 21 and it's like most of my peers (mainly average to low status dudes higher status dudes still act normal) they have no drive or desire to get with or be with women. They act asexual, beta and friendly it's so wierd their like robots, and they actively chastise dudes who actively go after women. It's such a depressing existence and their ok with it. I think it's just due to them being conditioned to their social status from a young age and don't have the self awareness to break out of it or try to change their situation.

Its a crap load of reasons. Part is the #metoo bullshit movement. Guys everywhere, in particular white males, hear non stop that they are rapists and pieces of shit and the problem with society and the world. They see famous people and politicians get shafted over ALLEGATIONS.

Guilt and shame - men are ashamed of being who they are and wanting what men want. Society shames men for being masculine, for seeing women as objects and wanting to fuck them, meanwhile women literally walk around dressed like whores and objectify themselves, but if we acknowledge it we're "part of the problem." Women are literally praised for everything they do, men are shamed.

Education on relationships. We've all seen the women magazines at the stores, "50 Moves to Blown you Mans Mind in the Bedroom." Or the TV shows, Dr.Phil, Steve Harvey, Oprah - all designed for women to educate themselves on dating and relationships. Men have far fewer resources out there, and when we do have a resource such as TRP, they get banned and called incels (even though we are getting laid and are the exact opposite, tf?)

Dating apps. The 80/20 rule runs supreme in dating apps. A lot of guys simply cannot compete with Chad and Tyrone, and when they get on dating apps they lose all hope. It can really bring you down when you've messaged hundreds of chicks and none of them seem interested.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

FTMs can see but are still blind


I will never not be intrigued when I see FTMs complaining about being ignored in the trans community. It’s like getting a glimpse into bizarro world. How can they be so close but so far from the truth at the same time? I feel like screaming: YOU ARE BEING IGNORED BECAUSE YOU ARE A WOMAN IN A MISOGYNISTIC SOCIETY. YOUR IDENTITY CANNOT PROTECT YOU FROM THIS HARSH REALITY.

Imagine transitioning so you become the oppressor but not even getting any of the benefits 😭 These women may have bought the biggest scam in history


TL/DR: Trans women fought for your rights, and we deserve respect. I feel like the entire community simultaneously depends upon and resents binary trans women. As a mother, I know what even the best-intentioned subjugation by one's own family feels like.

This guy though lmao. Testerical men being testerical. Can never let women’s problems be addressed without pointing out how men have it bad too. OP came back so hard and wasn't having any of it tho, lmao.

That's such a male sentiment. No one other group says "we fought for your rights, and because of that you owe us 'respect'. TIMs show their maleness everytime they speak.

This is truly bizarre. Kinda sad, kinda funny. Sad because as these females are playing pretend that they are not women, they have lost the word - misogyny - to describe what is happening. Can't even call out male behaviour for what it is. Also loling at "binary trans women" as opposed to a what? A non-binary one or something? hells.

RelativeWear0 #sexist reddit.com

She wants to bring an ugly friend over

Just picked up a new plate recently, been making her as low priority as possible and today she asked to come over l. I told her tomorrow would be a better day or I could go to her (I usually prefer going to hers). Then she starts asking to bring a friend over, so of course I ask who ( who wouldn’t want another cute friend to spice things up with). And of course she sends photos of her fat bestie who will never step foot in my home. So my response is that we haven’t really met yet and if she wants to come hang with she can herself. She’s still pressing and said I could bring a friend and we could all hang out, but I know none of my boys are gonna take an L this big... what should I do?

😭😭 man if she dont keep that porkie pig in the gaddam freezer. Tell her none of your friends are feeling the piggie so she should just come chill without her

that’s what I’m trying to get at but I don’t want to turn her away by just saying her friend is a wild boar 🤣

LaQueSabe_ #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net

RE: Do you think liberal feminism will be able to survive with extreme climate change, and other disasters?

I think once climate change reaches the extreme breaking point where even rich countries can't hide from it. I feel like liberal feminism charade will be over, and governments will get more like handmaid's tale style.

Nah, let me tell you what's about to happen. Massive migration to the North. The "1st world" is gonna be festered with 3rd world people, aka conservationism on the rise (Earthkistan). With so many moids around women are going to be killed and raped daily by the millions, even in developed countries. Our reproductive rights will be entirely revoked. The Chinese dominate Africa and Make Slavery Great Again, also create a new mixed Sino-African race with a whole new set of problems. At that point the whites will be gone, so liberal feminism is going to have little acceptance with New generation of women slaves.

So, feminism days are numbered. Liberal or not. Separatism is the only option.

Stupid question but do you oppose immigration for everyone, including women? I mean, they're not going to reject their religion/conservatism simply bc it's another country. And I get not wanting to see your race dying out.

I'm opposed to immigration when it comes to moids, see what happens in Norway when they have to be educated to not rape women.

Only female immigrants should be accepted in any country and as a 3rd world habitant myself, I wanna immigrate.

Lmao, I care about the white race dying out as much as they cared about my native ancestors being wiped out. I was just stating that they'll be in fewer numbers in the nexr decades.

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