
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Various Femcels #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net

Absolutely retarded to allow 3rd world women to immigrate. The women believe in patriarchalism very strongly too, and won't suddenly become liberal the minute they separate from their husbands. In fact I bet they'll become worse, women who seperate from their abusers by force only start longing for them even more. These women are gonna have plenty of issues adapting to the culture, and if they do anything independently, it will be political parties to bring in their husbands, fathers, brothers. 3rd world countries have collectivist cultures, these women will not be able to cope with the atomic social life in the West; they'll miss home, their mothers, sisters, brothers, they'll miss the patriarchal family structures they were raised.

What third world country? I'm Indian.

Now that you said it, I'm rethinking my beliefs now. That's so true.

Brazil unfortunately.

absolutely agree. I am 100% against immigration, whether male (obv) or female. Women aren, less violent obviously but completely male-identified. no thanks I don't want more pathetic women. The only women I would let in are lesbian asylum seekers. Never going to happen, so no to all immigrants. They refuse to integrate (talking about Europe here) let alone assimilate. Europe is a cash-cow in their minds, that's all. Their bond to their country of origin remains the strongest, especially since they're at most 4 hours away (by plane) from it. Integration, forced diversity don't work. Europeans who have many things in common fought each other for centuries but somehow I'm supposed to believe that men and women who come from vastly different cultures are going to fit in and integrate easy peasy? It's insane. Many Europeans realize this but it's too late.

LazicStefan & Digital Intent #conspiracy #crackpot #mammon #racist #sexist youtube.com

RE: Young Men Are STRUGGLING To Find Dates As Apps Force Men To Compete With Older Wealthier Men

The group doing that has their HQ in israel. The solution is bitcoin. The govt can't print that and give it to whamen. Demand bitcoin for your work and soon the system of male exploitation will end.

(Digital Intent)
But very few people can actually see this, or worse, they see it but don't want to be labeled anti-termite, or some shit like that.

incelsvsAMWF #conspiracy #racist #sexist reddit.com

bruce lee, grant imahara and godfrey gao were all assassinated. there is a real conspiracy against the asian man

the Asian man is the number one threat to the west, they openly admit it now.

they can't win a conventional war, they admitted it.

they can't deal with the sexual competition, they admitted this.

they can't deal with our money, they admitted this.

so they do low dirty tricks, they assassinate our men in an attempt to keep white women away from us. spread lies about our countries, to turn the world against us. emasculate us in the media. invade our spaces, either real or online.

Yet somehow, Asian males are beta, undesirable, yet there are trillions of dollars spent to emasculate literal Chinese farmers? so called happy fulfilled white men are this desperate????

Various MRAs #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: “Canada is the most anti-male country I have ever seen” - Erin Pizzey (founder of the first women’s shelter).

What are your experiences with discrimination as a male in Canada?


Hiring and promotion quotas against men are common here. Most of the managers in government IT are women without significant, or any, technical experience.

Interestingly this is why our bunssiness are slowly failing and all wealth is redirecting into housing or out of country. We can”t build anything, develops anything or even get to and move our natural resources without appeasing every minor group out their. Eventually Canada fiscal reality will catch up and then we we’ll see how it goes. I fully expect a simple bachelors tax or childless tax to support the lopsided society we have created to be implemented. And we simply just keep accelerating the policy’s driving this.


There is a law to increase women's pay to match men's, but not vice versa. Almost all goverment jobs specifically say they prefer women over men. Common law marriage is universal. Canadian universities are even more fucked than US ones.

What the actual fuck The thing that scares me the most is that this is all backed up by the government, so there's next to nothing a man can do to combat this. Since history is cyclical and whatnot, I hope this is the worst it's going to get before we reach a turning point, it's daunting to imagine it could get worse than this.

Thank God Jordan Peterson showed up, he needs to galvanize men in Canada to turn that thing around. Throw the mysandrists from tall windows.

Wizcel #psycho #sexist incels.is

As a compensation for my suffering in life, I demand the government give me a virgin 18 year old wife.

I don't want some used up roastie that Chad already fucked. I've missed out on life and I demand reparations just like the niggers are demanding reparations. Privileged sex-havers must pay for this.

Do I really want my first love to be some used up roastie? NO! Give me that lovely LEGAL 18 year old virgin wife. I will make sure that she has enough to eat(but not too much so she doesn't get fat). I will put a roof over her head. I will provide for her and our spawn. The only demand that I have is to be truly faithful and have sex with me whenever I tell her to. She must give me oral and anal just like she would give Chad oral and anal. This is my only demand. Otherwise she is free to live as she pleases(within limits).

Wizard32 #psycho #sexist incels.is

how much blood would you donate to a vampire QT in exchange for sex? BLEEDING TO COOM and IRL feasibility of blood 4 BJs from open-minded nice girls

We have 8-12 pints and apparently it takes 4-8 weeks to regain lost red blood cells, so if I round that up to 2 months, you can perhaps donate safely at a rate of 6 pints per year. If we were guaranteed bimonthly sexual encounters, would you bloodmax? There should be some kind of altruistic movement among women where they will give sex to a man who donates blood. Like maybe there are some girls out there scared of needles who wish they could give blood but can't work themselves up to it. Maybe an alternative to that is to let a man give blood INSTEAD of them, but to support that man by giving him sex.

They should also give you meat because you need to regenerate blood cells w/ iron. Virtue-signal foids in addition to offering sex should cook us some meat. 1 burger + 1 blowjob reward every 2 months in exchange for 1 pint of my blood: please make this happen foids. My sense of selflessness evaporated but I still sorta want to help, just give me an excuse to make it feel slightly less cucked and I'm in.

Foids will get mad at guys for being non-genuine by "pretending to be friends" or "doing good things only to get rewards rather for its own sake". Well okay: I won't pretend: I don't want to do those things for their own sake. You'll only reward chad for doing good things because you know he doesn't need to do them to get your pussy because you'd give him your pussy ANYWAY. So hey, let's not pretend: I'm not a super-altruist, but YOU can be if you just suck it up and tolerate my presence a couple dozen minutes every couple months in exchange for muh pint. You won't even have to swallow a pint of semen to earn it. It's a small price to help people right?

theskincoatsalesman & Cyb3rd31ic_Citiz3n #conspiracy #sexist reddit.com

RE: Just can't win can we?


men apologizing on behalf of other men r/AskFeminists

Do they really think every man is a rapist?

Dude I swear to god its a total thing, in which they specifically prey on women who have been abused by men. Then they reinforce the PTSD fueled idea all men are your abuser. Its a total fucking cult thing, when I was super pro feminist I 100% believed all men were a danger its was fucking insane, and really gross. They preyed & fed upon my PTSD under the guise of “female empowerment”. So yeah, I think a lot of them actually do.

Ex-male Feminist. We're trained to watch each other constantly for any signs of imposing ourselves onto women in ANY way and read it as a gross over-step. I was there at parties cock-blocking blokes even though, or maybe because, I am gay and have no vested interest in doing so except "protecting women". Looking back all I did was Rob women of being brave and/or exercising their agency. I started to realise something was wrong when the group became less interested in me as a person once I grew a beard out and stopped wearing tank tops. Turns out I was the groups man eye candy. One rule for thee but not for me.

Edmund_Kemper #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Theory The REAL reason young women become schoolteachers (it's to train young boys to become chads to get rid of incels and sub8 men)

I have already made a previous thread showing studies that many women won't have sex with you if you're a virgin past 21. they want a guy with experience to dominate them at sex. being virgin past 21 is a sign that you are a beta male who can't attract women and women are attracted to men who attract women. if you're a chick magnet, the fact that you're a chick magnet attracts women.

I have a theory about why schoolteachers who are young women become teachers: Young boys in school are still going through puberty. As a result, their sexual dimorphism hasn't completely developed and thus, some haven't developed yet into chads because their brow ridges, jawlines, cheekbones, chins, voices, etc. haven't fully developed yet. As a result, there's less competition genetic-wise when it comes to looks. As a result, young women will become schoolteachers to train these students into becoming slayers by taking their virginities and teaching them to prepare these boys for adulthood where they can become experienced enough to attract women because inexperienced men are a dealbreaker. These young women come to these schools looking for boys to take the virginity of so these boys can be experienced at an early age, thus becoming chick magnets, and when these boys become chick magnets, they are now chads, increasing the number of chads on this planet for women to have sex with. If we don't prohibit female teachers, the number of chads on this planet will skyrocket and we sub8 men will be a small minority. This is what women do to make sub8 men go extinct so they can have more chads to choose from.

This is why so many schoolteachers are women.

CheapCocaine et al. #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Serious Should there be a day of the rope for redditors?

Yes Votes: 9 90.0%
No, because everyone has a right to free speech. Votes: 1 10.0%

Should there be a Turner Diaries-esque day of the rope, but for redditors instead of race traitors and niggers? Im talking every communist redditor (you know, the types that browse subs like IT, TolietPaperUSA, and ChapoTrapHouse) gets tracked down and hung on the nearest lampost in the Minecraft Village. What do you guys think?

I don't condone violence unless it's necessary, you really shouldn't care so much about what a bunch of idiots on dumb subreddits say

But leftists / communists and their whole ideology are heavily contributing to the demise of our society as a whole. Plus, leftism and cultrual marxism is a major factor that causes inceldom. Plus, i’m just shit posting anyways.

This society is beyond saving, let it die

Yes, but leftistism and cultural marxism are responsible for things like feminism, hypergamy, and womens sexual liberation. But you’re correct in that regard. The collapse shall commence soon.

Leftists think that everyone who is right of Lenin or Stalin is le ebil nhatzee. They are destroying society with their propaganda and cultural subversion. It’s an irrefutable fact that Jewish-owned leftists are trying to (and so far successfully) destroy traditional moral values and everything that they even mildly disagree with.

Various Incels #pratt #sexist incels.is

RE: RageFuel How can you NOT become misogynistic after reading shit like this?



bruh men can’t be raped by women, they’re right, it’s only rape if it’s guy on guy

Get out.

would you resist if she grabbed your dick and started sucking you off?

Yes, I'd resist sexual assault. Dumb question. You're trying to do the equivalent of what women do when they claim it's rape only when it's non-chad men.

jfl cope nigga, you wouldn’t resist completely tf the extent of your “resistance” would be to push her off a bit or something not a straight man alive that would reject her, let alone an incel, men can only be raped by other men, or very very ugly women, I’m right stop coping

That’s true. This whole “men can’t talked about being raped waah muh men’s rights” thing is moot with incels becaude we’re already at a level of sexual isolation and misogyny. Like we don’t need that. It’s like if white supremacists go “well well joe Biden is a real racist and dems are the racist anti minority people” like it’s crap and we all know it but in a good way (we’re so based we don’t need to listen to those tropes)

I agree. Those foids in the OP are the usual trash, no doubt. But how can a man be "raped" by a foid? You need to have a hard-on and if you have one, you are not being raped.

Benj-amin #elitist #racist #sexist incels.is


Not surprising tbh. Most of her fans are probably black cuz "muh black culture", and niggaz tend to have low levels of IQ (this is not an eccentric opinion, even black people admit it). I think the average IQ for Blacks is around 80, so 75 is not far off the mark. It only means that Cradi B fans are the most retarded people on earth, even among niggers.

Notice how they are are Black "women", Black nigger Foids are the lowest trash of all foids.

Nigger foids are literal trash, most of them are low IQ hood type bitches who can't even compose a coherent sentence. They have insane single motherhood rates, and work dead end jobs, nothing worth pursing tbh. The only ones worth pursing are the ones who come from affluent families.

Lol imagine thinking that "affluent" black women are worth pursuing, They are just like the trash in the inner cities. Don't be fooled by the civilized Facade they put on, White man.

The ones I met in college weren't as bad as the low class ones, but then again, all women are trash after all. Some of them are just less trashy than others.

Also, are you black? Cuz if you are you probably know more about that.

I am a blackcel, yes. I live in a very segrated city (STL), one side of of city is literally mostly vacant lots, Vacant houses, and is 98% majority black, and where most of the shootings occur. On the other end, are mainly rich white folk that some Nigger foids try to emulate. Those "Affluent" Niggas you speak of.

Randompoll #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

Female Solidarity

I thought that I was sufficiently blackpilled that no new info on male sadism and female submissiveness would surprise me. I was wrong. I went through a link posted here about a scientific paper on female allies and adversaries. The summary is stated in the comments, if you wanna check.

Well, that read was depressing. Most women hate each other and have no interest in sisterhood/solidarity, not because of social influence, but because of human biology, reproductive styles and evolutionary forces. While it benefits men in forming same sex alliances from a purely biological viewpoint, it appears to be the opposite for women. This means most women are born submissives who spend entire lives fighting each other for male validation and resources for continuing male genetic lines.

How very unfair. How very unfortunate. So, my question is, is female solidarity possible?

I believe an en masse blackpilling of women is the only way. Women have to accept that the oppression we face is driven mostly by biology and our own actions in facilitating male dominance. The conservative myth of submission being good for women and the liberal myth of oppression being a social construct won't help women.

But then again, my hope for most women being blackpilled will remain an utopian dream. Most will either gravitate towards conservatism or liberal feminism, hoping to be blissfully ignorant.

I wish I could meet blackpilled women in real life. Swallowing the blackpill seems the only way to form strong female bonds sans jealousy and men.

Various Femcels #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist saidit.net

Being a woman sucks. There is biology that oppresses us. There's society and men. And to top it all off, women oppress themselves. I am not at all proud to be a woman. There, I said it. Feminism can go fuck itself. If most women atleast realised that serving men and suffering aren't gonna help us, I wouldn't be this dejected at being a woman. But nope. Most women are full on deluded. Men must be laughing at how ready women are to be their womb maids and sex toys. And lastly, glad BPF exists. This is the only place where I don't have to be proud to belong to a sex that is ready to slave at the drop of a hat.

That's the most coherent and succinct rant I've ever heard! I'm impressed. (And I'm not being sarcastic.)

The biological cage has always pissed me off. I don't want to be a man - Testicles? Need I say more? But I could do without the tits and the uterus (completely useless hindrance) and the concerns I have over bone density. I've always dreamt of being part cyborg or something more evolved than human. Do away with males and biological reproduction, and keep whatever good exists in females mixed with some bionic whatevers. You could have a productive, satisfying life free of male violence and their death drive, of female mommy-worship and the IQ-lowering that always accompanies breeding. Sounds pretty good. Jeez, did I just have a fantasy that didn't have anything to do with torturing or gang-raping women? Anyhow, any human evolution has to involve the permanent removal of the Y-chromosome and the plasma attached to it (which also includes female hangers-on).

I want more conversations like this, even in ovarit and fds they still have this fake hope for feminism while posting rant after rant about male depravity like it's fresh news. Like okay, and the sky is blue.

Various MRAs #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

I'm starting to hate women.

I have been an MRA for over a year now and seeing all of the anti-male rhetoric and hatred alot of women have towards men has slowly been getting to me, I was crushing on this chick and I check her Twitter only to see that she reguarly posts about how she hates men and it's making me really sad and depressed, like it's obviously not all women but at this point I'd be hardpressed to say they aren't a majority.

As a woman I am completely on board with you. I lost a friend because I explained to her how the 97% thing is not true and she's stopped talking to me ever since. I told her she should've read the study and she said she doesn't have to. It's hard making female friends these days if a lot of women seem to hate men or believe whatever is online. Makes me sad.


Stay away from American women. Find one from overseas from a country that treats women like shit you’ll be amazed how happy you’ll be. I found a great one from Colombia and I don’t have all the bullshit to deal with.

There is soooooo much truth to this. In 2019 I went to a few places in South America. The difference in the women in particular in terms of general behavior was absolutely staggering. When I was in Colombia I met a tremendous amount of cool women, women I would call strong. They rarely complained, were very proactive, they take responsibility and mostly understand their actions cause reactions. Everyone in general where I was was just so much more happy in general, good with their roles and embraced them. The women actually appreciate what men do on top of that, where in modern western culture when we do stuff, liek build the roads, it's just expected and thankless.

IslaVista2014 #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

I Have A Dream: Incel Cartel

If there was an incel cartel that had each others back we could demand foids send nudes or get fucked with. Ex: doxx, phone/email/socialmedia bombing, exposing dirty laundry and doxx for all to see on like a kiwifarms.co , mailing dirty laundry to her friends and family, making craigslist ads with the foids name saying how she has a rape fantasy and invite all craigslist degenerates, putting her house in google maps as 1$ 24/7 bathroom stop for truckers, hosting a party at 3AM and inviting 10k+ people thru social media tweaking, making a altright twitter and linkedin with KKK Grand Dragon as resume, make an onlyfans with sagging tits and roastmaxx downstairs, etc...

If the cartel gets stronger we can also do things like release wasps, mosquitos and geese next to normie music festivals. Releasing frogs in sorority houses. Tweak up the UV and temperature in sun tanning salons so they get burned and also cancer. Get sfat persian guys to join their yoga classes. Get indian pajeets to identify as female and enter ladies nights in clubs. Organize fundraisers to help out with truecels defense in rape trials (srs with this tbh)

Hijack a LGBT pride parade by walking in front with an ILGBT banner and paper maché White Van and BMW as the parade items (I dont want to associate with these degenerates but the liberal butthurt is worth it). Steal all the condoms and birthcontrol pills in all stores within a large area so roasties and normalfags now are cucked either by not fucking or getting the biological equivolence of life without parole (child). Make fake makeup boxes but hide pissbottles in them then release these in stores.

Create a site similar to .gov criminal background checks but then with a whore background check that showcases thefappening and foidfarms.co type exposé. Here you can put up all information of foids that rejected you as a virtual pilgory. Simps and cucks are target to.

The incel cartel has both an agressive side not to be messed with (and purposely not elaborated on in this thread) but also a lot of devious mischief for lulz.

Various Incels #conspiracy #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

(Transcended Trucel)
RageFuel Sex Brings most happiness


yet soycucks say "sex doesn't matter dirty inkweller"

They know it matters. They are just trying to gaslight us.

Politics is the art of masking blackpill. Socialising is the art of excluding inceldom

Rosties think they're entitled to our taxes because it's "the right thing to do", meanwhile when we want something that keeps us mentally healthy and happy they tell us "we're not entitled" to it. Uncucked men need to stop paying taxes to used whores.

i cant find going ER on the list of activities

kt0998 & Randompoll #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

I don't think most women can be blackpilled. There are only three kinds of BPF women: lesbians (never interested in male dominance in first place), women who were into male dominance but were traumatized out of it (some will go back to their submissive ways), and (smallest group) straight women who were born without attraction to male dominance (probably due to some biological oddity).

As long as a woman is sexually/romantically attracted to male dominance, even if she intellectually and morally knows it's wrong and bad for her and all women, her resistance to it can never be genuine. Women like that dislike the bad/extreme examples of male dominance but they will never reject it entirely because deep inside, they just see nothing wrong with being submissive or protected by males. It feels natural and right and makes them happy and no amount of statistic about rape or domestic violence can compare to that. It is what it is.

And to submissive women, males are always priority number one. Their husband/bf/son but also random males over women. They have the need to please males and since males hate seeing females network or stick together, women tend to just allow themselves become isolated. There's also the simple time and energy constraints, if you are serving your moid and children as domestic slave, you don't have much time to spent with female friends. Most women become pretty isolated when they marry and have kids but of course can't admit they made a bad choice.

Depressingly true. They may not support extreme male dominance but still will delude themselves into believing that some dominance by men is necessary, even good. I have read countless 'feminist' sahms saying how the trad family is empowering and shit. Men hate women grouping together. They even hate libfems, who for all Ik, are actually promoting male interests. Almost all men want the old women-at-home days back. Even the liberal feminist men would probably like to have a womb maid and sex toy permanently at home.

Various Femcels #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

I don't know but I hope some women will wake up after this pandemic. Many people are working from home so women are with husbands almost 24/7 and they probably realized that men are gross, not helpful and they are constantly watching porn. Blackpilled women are and will be minority of women but I think women will be more sceptical of men and not full-time pick-me. I am not suprised that female solidarity is a myth. I can't even find loyal not stupid women like basically most women are slaves to men. They also can stop contact you after marriage or only pretend to be your friend (?) so yeah women are fucked-up

Yes, I believe its pretence. The paper I mentioned also says that women keep female allies to ensure that their moid's kids are well looked after. Even when women do form allies, thats for servicing male interests. The irony.

(intothetrees )

I hope some women will wake up after this pandemic.

nah, most likely gender roles will be as strong as ever lol although i could see porn use diminishing as result of a certain kind of conservatism

Yes, Exactly. There is a strong tendency towards conservatism now. Abortion bans are raging and trad-wifery is being glorified. I am afraid we are going back to the 'good ol' days'.

NeverendingNight #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

This whole blackpillfeminism stuff is fascinating to me and I will never find another group like this. Every one of your thoughts touched me to the core as a woman who never belonged anywhere. Women and men both are a disease on this Earth and the suffering won't ever stop.

What makes blackpillfeminism refreshing to me, despite its pessimism, is how it's the only female-centered community that openly discusses the biological nature of men and women from a female perspective. Feminists rarely bring up biology as the reason why men and women are the way they are. Everything is explained due to socialization and nurture.

It's outrageous that evobio is practically male-only field and because feminism demonizes it so much, only people familiar with this extremely essential study of fundamental human nature are edgy conservative MRA dudes. Women are clueless about human nature as understood by science, replacing it with comfortable lies peddled by humanities and self-help books.

I do think some feminists "reject" evolutionary biology because they see it as the realm of sexist dudebros, but this is backfiring on women. Instead of ignoring or refusing it, women should try to reclaim it. MRAs and misogynistic men in general have no qualms about bringing up biology and re-framing it to their advantage.

Absolutely. Women are shallower, dumber, slower, weaker than men - that's nature. Men are 90% of the world's criminals, 100% of its rapists, 80% of its homeless - because blah blah blah. Choose one.

They want all the upsides of being male but blame all the downsides (like men being disposable) on women. MRAs are usually willing to acknowledge biological differences, but they don't bother with understanding those differences beyond a surface level or their preferred biases.

-BrettyBoy- #sexist incels.is

Females have no right to complain.

Like the topic title says, women have no right to complain. There can be exceptions depending on the situation.

Women can complain about things such as periods but most other stuff, they need to just shut the fuck up and be grateful for their easy mode and there women I know, both, real life and online that have not a thing to complain about.

If you’re female you get less prison time for the same crimes men get longer sentences for, easy access to getting your rocks off while a locally undesired male like myself lustfully suffers, etc.

I have other problems besides the sexual lust problem but I can’t really be arsed to go into detail about them personal problems but the lust issue is just a negative on top of other negatives in my case so I just get kicked when already down really.

Misogynist male? By society logic, ‘ruin his life!’

Misandrist female? By society logic, ‘Well, she just has bad experiences with men’.

-BrettyBoy- #psycho #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Every female IncelTears user needs to be shot.

Like the topic title says, every female IncelTear user deserves to be shot.

How can you be so privileged and then sit there and tell struggling men that they deserve their suffering while also being a sexually active degenerate? It’s like travelling to Arica as a first world country person and then saying ‘You deserve your hunger to a starved African’.

There a few exceptions such as that tranny girl who isn’t even 18 yet I think, I mean, she isn’t a whore at least but she definitely shouldn’t be part of IncelTears as she is gonna grow up to be a feminist if she isn’t one already which is a bad road to go down.

I’m being verbal here, not violent yet CuckTears will be like ‘See? Incels are all violent. They prove our points!’

IT users are self centered stuck up evil subhuman trannies that I wouldn’t even consider human at this point, so killing them is just disposing of trash.

Some of them also have this ‘I have sex and you don’t attitude’ and a lot of them women come off as sociopaths so I wouldn’t doubt a lot of them would travel to Africa if given the chance just to say ‘You don’t deserve food’.

Total Imbecile #psycho #sexist incels.is

I love online classes because I can stare at girls without it being creepy tbh

I was proctoring a midterm exam last week and there is this blonde in my class that Im crushing hard on

All the students have to be on camera while taking the exam so I literally spent 90 minutes just staring at her, not really paying attention what aanyoen else is doing

I dont know why but it was cute watching her work on the exam and then occasionally play with and adjust her hair

I spent that time daydreaming about dating her and planning out our life together and imagining how cute it would be to cuddle her in her girly room

I wouldnt be able to do this IRL

svas2137 #sexist reddit.com

The idea to last long for hours to " satisfy" a ₩hym@n like a p@r#$tar is a complete made up B$ to shame men to control them to hurt their ego so to gain more power and control over them and to satisfy selfish agendas bcoz the only power over men that ₩hym€n hav is $€x.. Nature has alwz been about reproduction spreading ur $€€d to reproduce. Do u think in wildermess a lion or a bull or a wild elephant gives 2 fu@ks about the "feelings" , pleasure and desire of a ₩hyman?? Or Chengis khan might have asked while fu@kin a ₩hym@n "Hey honey how are you feeling? gud? Lemmi.do a sweet pillow talk afterwards.". Nope. It was all about spreading ur $eed passing ur genes to carry ur lineage for the survival.of the species. It alwz has been.

Gog & BladingEagle #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

Islam was right about women

Yeah bro islam is so based, letting chaddam have 4 wives while you rot alone is so based bro

it all evens out because they just go conquer new territories and steal their women. it decreases the amount of men and increases the amount of women. early muslim historians were certainly of this opinion because they talked a lot about how generals would promise their soldiers blonde byzantine wives for their military service

Too bad the last islamic victory happened 400 years ago and chaddam just bought his 4th wife while you keep rotting alone

what are you talking about? Islam is currently taking over europe as we speak. Just look at how muslims are taking blonde swedish women

just go to war for gf, bro. You can’t be serious...

unironically yes. read the Iliad of Homer.

Women have no tribal loyalty hence women supporting mass immigration and being into foreigners all over the world. European countries have bad foids but I would say Japan and Korea's noodlewhores are really bad. Google Japanese war brides. Japanese women were marrying American soldiers despite two nukes being dropped on their nation. It's fair to say that if US government at the time decided to form colonies in Japan they could nearly breed out Japanese out of existence by now.

yikerinos #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist incels.is

IT has been talking a lot of shit about me lately

This is the last time I dedicate a thread to IT, don't worry brocels. They're not worth it. I just want to put forth a final response to them, and even if they screenshot this, i won't respond again. This thread will settle it.

They've been linking a disproportionate amount of my threads, even digging up old ones, and their approach to what I say is always the same "yikes did you really just say that? This is why you're incel", "rape is never ok you idiot!", "If you just had a good personality you'd get laid".

You fucking pieces of shit. My point here is that all of that is wrong. I already know what society says. I already know what I say is socially considered to be inappropriate. And I don't give a shit and my point is that society is wrong.

If you respond to me by repeating mainstream viewpoints, or telling me that what I think is socially unacceptable (with different words obviously, such as "yikes"), you're not making any point and adding nothing new to the discussion.

This is why we're having high IQ, anti mainstream and anti establishment debates here that question everything, while you are seething like idiots. And if you keep pretending to have the moral high ground you will never learn anything.

I think women are only interested in the top 20% of good looking men, and it you're not one of those you're set up for failure (including betabuxers who lecture us), and that women's perception of our personality is influenced by looks and not actual personality traits. I also think that women hate sub8 men with a passion and are extremely vile to us, including bullying, humiliating rejections, slander, etc. And that, as a conclusion of all this, women are trash and deserve to be raped and beaten. And you can either try to learn something from my viewpoint even if you disagree, or keep saying "yikes that's so against mainstream values" and not see anything beyond that.

Various Incels #pratt #sexist incels.is

In response to: “WAh INKwelS HATe WoMEN FoR SIMPlY EXisTINg!!1”

it’s like saying we hate covid19 for simply existing it’s an infection to this whole earth and makes our lives worse, just like whores do. But I guess we hate it because it “simply exists” Jfl, yeah, we totally hate them because they exist. Not because they are hypergamous, petty, and rude as fuck to ugly males. They never bring up that whores hate ugly/short males for simply existing


I am free to hate whoever I want. The anti white and anti male hatred which is normalized justifies my hatred of other races and the opposite sex.

I was a teacher for a short stint. You know how parents defend their little angels no matter what horror the kids commit. A married couple once told me about their nightmarish daughter who drew blood attacking other kids that it was "a phase kids grow out of." Or dog owners whose violent animals finally kill someone. Instead of apologizing, they offer excuses. People will defend the hurtful behavior of those they care for. It's up to the rest of us to defend ourselves. First we need legal help getting the law to recognize our rights. As men, we already enjoy no gender-bias anti-discrimination protections. As incels, EVERYONE hates us. If we don't start sticking up for our group and for our rights, things will only get worse for us.

They are aware of what hypocrite soulless scum they are. They simply don't want to admit it because it doesn’t benefit them. They don't want their privileges removed, specially the privilege of getting away with treating ugly men like shit, because they enjoy it. Thanks to soycucks and normietards, they have no reason to be honest or nice ever, since SOYciety not only tolerates their misandry and dishonest, they also praise it. They literally can get away with making men kill themselves due to false rape allegations, and spoiler, it already happened.

yikerinos #psycho #sexist incels.is

Women are absolute trash and only deserve to suffer

I wish I could beat up every women I come across in the street. Just seeing a woman makes me want to beat her senseless. Women are all incredibly vile and deserve no less. but unfortunately I can't do shit without repercussions.

What we can do however is to simply do all we can against them within the boundaries of society. Kinda like they do to us.

1. Sabotage women at work.
2. Go into stores with foid staff soon before they close and move products around, leaving a mess and making sure they leave work late. It's petty but life fuel.
3. Needless to say if you know about a woman who's abused or needs help if any kind don't do shit.

Any more ideas?

Andrew Anglin #racist #sexist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From “UK: Police Create New Moslem-Led Unit to Stop Moslem Pimping Rings”]

A lot of right-wingers want to come at the Paki Pimp Gang phenomenon from the Christian Feminist angle of “oh our poor sweet innocent princesses, corrupted by these evil foreigners”
If we come at this from the angle of “women are the collective property of the men of a nation,” then it is even worse

And the worst of the worst are the cops who are working with the Pakis to transfer our women to them


A new child sexual exploitation unit in Manchester, England, has been launched after years of failure on so-called “grooming” rape gangs

The supposed purpose of putting a Moslem in charge of investigating Moslem pimping rings is to protect the unit from accusations of racism
What the British do not seem to be capable of processing is that they are currently undergoing a process of being conquered by Moslems, and these people are all working together
Even if the individuals engaging in this process are not aware of it, they are part of a driving race consciousness
Faima Bakar wrote a piece for Metro last year claiming that discussion of the pimp gangs was a “distraction” from “important discussion about Islamophobia”
I’m sure she pays lip service to the Jewish feminist ideas that white women love so much, but for Islamic women, race conquest tends to come before any sort of “female solidarity.”

It’s all so predictable, watching all of these Islamic elements work in tandem against the white race, and then seeing it all be fueled by the Jews.

New_Guard #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt reddit.com

Women are primarily attracted to behaviors that get men to the top of dominance hierarchies. But those behaviors are also associated with being an asshole to them, or at least not treating them like they're special. So they're programmed by evolution to like those behaviors to some extent, even though they're frustrating and disrespecting behaviors, because being attracted to those behaviors gets them the top man that they need.

In bodice rippers, women sometimes read about fantasy men who somehow are supremely dominant and respected by all men, but at that same time are emotionally supportive and just the right amount of sensitive. Makes sense for them to fantasize about a combination of traits that is never found in men. But at the same time, there are plenty of books in the genre that feature hard, vaguely abusive, dismissive male love interests (e.g. 50 Shades). And chicks love that too. So even when they're in an idealized imaginary world, many of them still don't want to be treated well.

Avi Maoz #fundie #racist #sexist #wingnut haaretz.com

Netanyahu Ally's Demand in Coalition Talks: Scrap Israel's Commitment to Women's Equality

The anti-LGBT Noam party, which won a single Knesset seat as part of the Religious Zionism slate, announced on Thursday that it will back Netanyahu in his bid to form a new government as expected. However, it is demanding in return that Israel cancel its official commitment to U.N. Resolution 1325, which obligates it "to include women in all decision-making bodies, especially those dealing with matters of security and peace and to take definitive action to protect women from violence and uphold international law with respect to the human rights of women and girls." Netanyahu put heavy pressure on the leaders of several far-right parties, including Noam, to run under one slate. Noam’s leader, Avi Maoz, was elected to the Knesset as a result of those efforts.

In a statement released on Thursday, Maoz presented a list of demands for supporting Netanyahu's premiership. “We will act to return to our country its Jewish character, which has been eroded in recent years,” he wrote. “We will demand to fix government decision 2331, which orders the institutions of the state to adhere to U.N. resolution 1325.” That government decision, adopted in 2014, called on all official state institutions in Israel to protect women’s rights and ensure representation and security for women.

Maoz’s list of demands also includes ending “government initiatives that work on Shabbat” and giving the ultra-Orthodox rabbinate total control over all Jewish conversions in Israel.

Leader of the opposition Yair Lapid reacted to Maoz’s statement with a warning. "This is the government you want? A racist, chauvinist government that will send Israel back to the Middle Ages? No sane Prime Minister and no sane elected official can allow this to happen.”

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Tourists should be fucking illegal. I'm done getting mogged by germans.

By germans I mean people from Germany and also german countries like Austria, Netherlands, Sweden and shit like that. Germans are gigamoggers. Fuck off and mog someone else I'm done with this shit. People complains about refugees but I'd much rather have refugees who rape our women than germans who heightmog me. To top it off, every apartment that is on AirBnB for them is an apartment that's not for rent. Which is why british people should fuck off as well. I hate airbnb tbh, that app singlehandedly made life in Spain so much worse.

TRUE I live in quite a populated place in Turkey that attracts many tourists because of all the otoman and other history shit there is there and everytime I go to the market to buy something I always get gigamogged by some easter european fag and I hate that shit tbh

tourists and immigration should be banned. Why do you wanna go to another country? That’s called being a traitor to your nation and to your people. Never been outside of America, hell never been really outside of the south (what I identify with)

poorcel cope

No, I and my family have plenty of money, I just never saw the point in tourism and think it’s a total betrayal of your people. What can I do anywhere else that I cannot do in TX or the south? I don’t need to tour around with not my people. You know what you call someone that tours around with not their kind? You call them a traitor. Not that serious but you get my point.


Southern european moment. I'd know :( All the germanic tourists that come are moggers

Wish I can kill them all so I can be free from the shackles of being mogged. (In Minecraft)

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

Serious Feminists should be sent to a third world country for a day.

Like the topic title says, feminists by law should be sent over to live in a third world country for a day just to show them what ACTUAL problems are so as soon as a feminist says anything like ‘The patrichary’ (which isn’t even a thing) or ‘Slut shaming’ then the feminist should be sent to a third world country for a whole day because they have fuck all to complain about, I mean, I complain but I have ACTUAL first world problems such as the fact I’m a locally undesired male and other personal issues on top of that which is a negative on top of a negative but shit like ‘Shamed for having too much sex’ is not an actual first world problem and never will be.

I want to put racemixxing liberal white women in the middle of the Congo naked with a go pro on and that would be the United state’s television program/show. Like naked and afraid but instead of an island you’re in the middle of a mud hut village of sex-addicted HIV carrying Congolese.

(Fancy Alcoholic)
Extremely based post ngl.

Feminist foids in first world countries don't know what life is like for the rest of 99% of the population, which is people living in third world country without all the social advantages they, as a privileged class, get from the west.

Where I live, people get shot in the head if they roam too freely in some bad neighborhood. There's no such thing as imaginary oppression here. When violence is real, you just have to act or cope with life. But "militing" is not even an option at this point, unless you want to get lynched and cut in pieces by low IQ low lives with machetes.

shii410 & existentialhack #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL New website where foids whine about their "rape culture" experiences.

womens problems are so utterly trivial and self-inflicted. and they take themselves so seriously too because society is overly protective of them and pretends that their non-issues are an actual social problem

literally almost all of these stories are either about her boyfriend, a guy she had sex with consensually, or just shit that doesn't even matter like that girl who was "air humped" by a classmate. two kids assaulted me with gym equipment during PE in high school, I would rather be "air humped" a thousand times than go through that again, and yet I still don't exaggerate how "traumatic" it was for attention and sympathy

Amen. I bet every single male has experienced being physically bullied or physically assaulted in their life. On top of trivial sexual shit like this. I remember having my ass spanked by a girl when I was 9, for example. The reason why females care, aside from the victim currency they can get out of such "experiences" and being coddled infants in general, is because they realise such instances are an attack on their sexual power. The more chaste they are, the more high value they are as females. And the more power they have to control male and limit male sexuality, the more sexual power they have de facto.

fuck the more you read these stories the more it becomes fucking RAGEFUEL:feelsree: theres so many fucking women talking about how they were having sex, sending nudes, drinking, going to parties when they were 13-14 years old. and they talk about it as if its totally normal. im done

Reddit_is_for_cucks #conspiracy #sexist incels.is

Serious Destroying females ability to pair bond is part of the agenda. This is done by elites so they can access high tier stacies

if we think about it, who benefits from female being unable to pair bond? It’s not the normies (Foid would monkeybranch to chad), it’s not chad (Foid would monkey branch to a bigger chad) and it’s not females since they just turn into old wrinkly cat ladies.

The real winner are rich elite men on top, by pushing the agenda of promiscuity. They are taking away foids ability to pair bond so they can add these foids to their giga harem of hot stacies.

A foid that is able to pair bond would pick chad over some rich sugar daddy, but once their ability to pair bond is destroyed they will end doing stupid shit like making only fans, getting into porn, looking for sugar daddy and etc. This only benefits the elites since a Stacy that can’t pair bond is much more likely to fuck the elites for his money.

Non Stacy foids are just the casualties of this system since they will never end up with a chad or a rich elite sugar daddy.

This is the age of money where rich billionair men are getting more action than chad.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

News Bunch of holes write an opinion piece on incels

The Santa Barbara perpetrator (who had a white father and Asian mother) is presented as evidence that Asian men are viewed as less attractive in Western countries. These beliefs are presented as justification for the violent acts he committed, faulting women and a “degenerate society” that allowed for emasculation of Asian men and “race-mixing.”

They literally call ethnicels white supremacists jfl

That shit it's crazy. You criticize women for something and they accuse you of holding that same belief "Being ethnic is bad because women clearly prefer white men" --> "Omg you're a white suprematist"

Well they can do hit pieces on incels all they want. The fact is that none of those white foid writers (OR their immediate social circle of white foid friends WOULD EVER date a man of color). I may be a ricecel, BUT YOU, Megan Kelly​, Alex DiBranco​, Dr. Julia R. DeCook​

are a bunch racist hypocritical foids. End of the story. You know it as well. Asian, Indian, Black (doing a bit better nowadays), Hispanic, and Middle eastern males AREN'T even human in your eyes.

I am a currycel that hates whites (mostly, there are some good whites). I also acknowledge JBW, does that make me a white supremacist?

The majority incels are literally calling themselves low value inferior scum all the time, but somehow this genius gender studies Phd concluded that our beliefs stem from a male supremacist culture. I guess you don't need a triple digit IQ to be a gender studies professor.

Lv99_BixNood #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

One of the main reasons I hate racemixing

It's just cheating evolution. Soys always claim race doesn't exist, but the differences are large enough that an average white American is 99th percentile in height, 99th percentile in penis size and 99.99999th percentile in looks in the Philippines. So what are the odds of a filipino roastie finding a filipino male who is as tall, hung and good-looking as the average white American? We can make fun all day of how noodlewhores get the bottom tier white guys and it's true, but even bottom tier white men mog the fuck out of 90%+ of Asian men. So by going interracial w*men can get a much more attractive man than they could if they stayed in their own race. To be fair, the same is true for men. White men also get a much better deal with noodles than with white landwhales. But that's just cheating, it's unfair. They get more than they deserve and that's why racemixing is so irritating for me.

Are they and abbos related? Cause that explains why curries and jungle asians are usually at the bottom.

Yeah, pretty sure they're related somehow. They were the original inhabitants of SEA but then other races who mogged them came and took their women, and now pure negritos are only found in isolated parts of the jungle and shit. Most SEAcels probably have significant negrito admixture (explains why they have dark skin).


Also, choosing a partner due to their traits to improve survivability is LITERALLY EVOLUTION! “Racemixing” is literally best case scenario for evolution.

Ethnic holes procreating with whites to breed out their subhuman genes = best case scenario. Said by someone who also claims to be pro-black just fucking lol.

Iamnothere000 #psycho #sexist incels.is

Story The first time I watched chlid pron.

I was in 8th grade. There was a girl in another class but in the same grade as me. One day I heard others say that she is no longer in our school. A month or so later, when we had “Technik” (Computer class) some of the other students found an online picture of her. The girl laid on a white bed, staring upwards at the viewer with a lascivious expression. Her hair was flowing in all directions. Only her cunt was covered in a bedsheet, but her 14 year old tits where on full display.

After class and later at home, I used every opportunity to bust a nut to that image. I have no idea whether or not there were any legal consequences about this photo being shot, but I guess not… Germany was kinda based back then. This online image is, to this day, still fresh in my memory and I will never, ever be genuinely attracted to anything less. (That was a lie. Like every good boy, I am either asexual or exclusively attracted to 50+ year old female-identifying people with experience.)

I hope to God that this girl was swallowed up and absolutely drained by the porn industry. I have an almost religious conviction that somewhere out there on the Internet, there are pictures and videos of this 14-15 year old whore getting tied up and fucked in every hole simultaneously by men, machines and animals. I KNOW that she was made to endure the most perverted and humiliating shit imaginable by men who are as undesirable as me. Men she would not even had looked at just a short time ago, just so she could get a little bit more fame/money/heroin or whatever they promised her.

I know such recordings are out there and I WILL find them… so I can report them to the authorities.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist #homophobia #transphobia #sexist bloodandfaith.com

[From “Podcast: The New Pharisees Want to Outlaw the Bible”]

This is a great opportunity for Christians to preach the Gospel that is so offensive to the New Pharisees. The Word of God is for strong borders, unified blood lines, against homosexuality, endorses two genders only (and each must line up with their anatomy), the male as the head of household and in authority over the Church (Jesus never appointed a single female apostle) and (bonus) Jesus Christ railed against the Jews (“you are of your father the devil!”).

Christian, if you are ashamed of the the words of Jesus, then you will be an unknown person on the Judgement Day. We are in a special time — the Church is being called out by Our Maker. Either side with the Word of God or He will not acknowledge you in the presence of His Father.

BladingEagle #psycho #sexist incels.is

JFL The amount of foids in armed forces

UK police force went from 23.3% female in 2007 to 31.2% female in 2020. It's not as bad in US where women are 12% of the force but they are beginning to take up high positions of power. The hilaritiy of 2050 full female SWAT team is something worth seeing. I am glad the pigs will soon become useless foids with toddler like strength and cowardly mindset.

Bristol protests: police dazed after violent riots

The thing is they usually form an all male front line in these riots and behind them are women. If only the rioters knew that by only breaking the first line they are basically fighting children (that is how strong a woman is) they would try to break through in an arrowhead formation. Once they would do that the second line of weaklings would get severely injured and would have to be carried away by men rendering most anti riot police useless

I wonder if female police officers commit domestic violence on their husbands just like male police officers do to their wives.

No they are weak pussies. I can tell you several stories of female cops. One of them was hiding her bank robber boyfriend another got knocked out by a guy I knew and he was never caught. That part I can't talk too much about but it's very hilarious. Foid cops are one punch away from a serious injury. Even a skinny guy can beat the living shit out of them easily.

grondilu & WizardofSoda #sexist incels.is

Venting "Marry me and you'll never have to work ever again"

With the current high price of bitcoin I've been fantasizing about picking up one of these young and pretty females wageslaving in retail stores or stuff like that, using the line in title.

Based or cucked ?

Anyway, even if one would accept, marriage is such a joke nowadays that she would get a divorce as soon as a lawyer would guarantee her that she could take half of all I have.

Also paternity tests are illegal in my country so if I wanted her to have my kids I would have to constantly watch her to make sure she is not fucking Chad behind my back.

Where I live there are all these foids wage-slaving in retail jobs. Many are also temporary immigrants which could get citizenship if they married me. With my job, house, moneymaxxing on the stock market they would never have to work, and also the non-citizen ones would get citizenship.

These girls won't even talk to me. They all want Chad only, even if they never get him and work a crappy job for life in retail and become a cat lady and never have children and never live a real life as a woman.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist identitydixie.com

[From “Reclaiming Masculinity: The Gentlemen Warrior of the South”]

Men are the reason Marxism has never truly taken root – anywhere. Consequently, Marxists have to rid themselves of men to achieve their goals. That is happening rapidly because you – MEN – are helping them do so[…]You have surrendered your homes to single mothers, your faith to older grandmothers, and made yourselves easily replaced by a Division of Child Support Enforcement case worker
As long as the family unit remains intact, Marxism cannot win[…]As long as your children honor you over the federal government, Marxists lose
Marxists have been so desperately fighting genetic science[…]The fight over “race”[…]is a Marxist attempt to undermine natural decisions to separate
Our thirty seconds of pleasure leads to forty weeks of her discomfort and the pain of childbirth[…]While you[…]is out cavorting with other women or playing video games, your children are raised on an iPad and eating frozen dinners while she seeks the companionship of another male
The Marxist state becomes your ex-wife’s hero (assuming you even married her), and as they seize a portion of your paycheck and redirect it to her, the state make the argument for Marxism
Fifteen years later, you are shocked to find that same collectivist state telling your son it’s OK to wear eye-makeup, but it’s not OK to be White… and your ex-wife (or baby mama) is whispering, “Listen to them,” because to her they have been her benefactor
Once known for its impeccable manners and honorable customs, the South has descended into the same moral cesspool of its Northern and Western neighbors
In all the ways in which you can fight against the collectivist state, reclaiming the gentlemanly mannerisms of our forefathers can do much[…]Be strong… be civil… be loving… be a Man… be a Southern Gentlemen in all things

mylifeistrash #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist #dunning-kruger ncu.su

majority of men (80%+, probably much higher) are pretending to the world that they get women and have a sex life

[some graph; Non-Cucks United does not allow enlarging or linking to pictures if you are not logged in]

so women only match 1/50 guys and it takes 50+ matches to even get a date?
and majority of people meet via online dating?

yet normies almost ALL claim they get laid, have gfs and have sex?

nikita46 #sexist removeddit.com

I don't understand why people are sympathetic to Melanoma. She's a mail-order whore who sold herself for citizenship. While her racist husband is ranting about chain immigration, she just got her parents American citizenship using that law. She's also sat by and called all the women he sexually assaulted liars. She also married him despite the fact he's a serial cheater who probably molested his own daughter. She's dumb as a fucking box of rocks and she's a disgusting opportunist. She deserves zero respect and nothing but disdain. She's as disgusting as trump is. Jimmy Kimmel didn't go nearly far enough in insulting her. She deserves far, far worse.

Edmund_Kemper & Lebensmüder #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

Venting fragile femininity is more common than fragile masculinity.

I always hear women say the most retarded excuses for their dating preferences:

*i cannot date a guy who is short. i want a guy who is tall it makes me feel protected, small and feminine and i don't wanna feel big or masculine by being taller than them

*i cannot date a virgin. i want a guy who can dominate and control me and be rough during sex and i like being extremely submissive. i don't wanna lead and be dominant.

*i want muscular guys because they make me feel small and feminine and can carry me around and protect me.

*i want men with deep voices because they can protect me and take care of me (i literally saw a woman in an article say she wants a man who can take care of her).

*i cannot date a guy with less sex partners than me (I literally heard a woman say that although she won’t date guy who fucked over 20 girls she doesn’t want a guy whose body count is lower than hers. If any guy said he won’t date a woman with more partners than him he’d be crucified.)

yet nobody complains about this. yet a guy can say "i don't really like the color pink it's not my style" everyone's like "omg u just fragile masculinity i'm gonna emasculate you by saying you're insecure so i can scare you into wearing pink!!!11

It's all projection. When black leftists call whites fragile that's projection - guess what, when we are called crackers/cumskins/etc. we move on or insult the person, we don't harass that person for years (unlike what they do when they are called the N-word/other racial slurs). When a faggot/tranny calls a heterosexual man fragile, it's projection - they suffer from breakdowns when deadnaming/wrong pronouns happen, not a heterosexual men when they are insulted by them. When a woman calls men fragile it's the same.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL Man Confronts Daughter’s Ex-Boyfriend Who Admits To Physically Abusing Her

Clown world on steroids. Worthless white skank fucked him because he's a Tyrone-looking bad boy. She only wants tall hunk Tyrone to fuck her with his longdong. I actually have a lot of respect for this Tyrone dude, he handled her and her cuck father very well, like they deserve to be handled. And the stupid bluepill cuck dad blames it on the bro instead of his stupid whore daughter, lol. Eat shit and suffer, bluepillers.

(The Abyss)
I hear this shit, they pick these "broken badboys" & attempt to fix them, "he's a project". Well more often than not this is met with a beat down or him bouncing as he's sick of her shit but in the rare occasions they succeed they then quickly lose attraction as not only did they adjust the stuff they dislike but also altered the things about him they found attractive.

>father has a daughter, tries raising her right but obviously impossible in a state where public school (brainwashing) is mandated

>father tries fighting female nature and globalist shithole country brainwashing with discipline for his daughter, fails

>daughter grows up and fucks nigger, hates dad because society told her that not being able to do whatever you want is abuse, and if you don’t kneel for BLM you are literally hitler

Boyfriend: “Hmm dumdatdoodaa shiiet muhfugga”

>get invited to dr Phil show by nigger
>explain very understandable position including how nigger has been sexually harassing wife
>sheep don’t get it
>black halo too powerful
>nigger opens his mouth
“Dumdadodamuhfugga whut chu want sir”
>audience sheep clap for him
it’s over

To koniec #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel JBM

Just Be Med
White males with dark features ( dark hair, eyes ) are most desired males on the planet. If you are enough interested you probably heard that italian men are hot and rarely that swedish men.

But here are biggest blackpill. You heard that russian girls are beautiful and russian males are anti thesis, they are basically apeish troglodytes, same could be said about polish girls and polish men. Do you know why people think so ? Cause Russians and Poles have light features and men love light features on girls and foids hates pale blonde men.

You ,BBBBUUUUTTTT CAUSE THEY ARE SLAVS' they why nobody fetishizes south slavic women ? cause they have darker features and not to mention that south slavs have dark features and are heightmoggers

This isn't slavicpill btw just general phenotypepill

Its always a funny experience as a deathnic seeing threads complaining about how awful you have it with aryan features.

polish don't like aryan men, don't care about non-white whores i want white girl

Fancy Alcoholic & BladingEagle #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

(Fancy Alcoholic)
Ultimate proof of female privilege from the United Cucks of Americons

Car Thief Drinks Whole Bottle of Wine During Police Standoff

Funny things are :

- half of the police force of the county is reunited here only to wait that m'lady finishes bottle of wine
- yeah, you read it, cops are actually waiting that "she" finisehs "her" fucking bottle of wine to arrest her.
- it's not even a "she" to begin with, but as the dude is dressed like a foid, ppl feel the urge to treat him like a princess JFL

Unfunny thing though : if it was a dude looking dude, he would have been shot the minute he got out of the car.


and also, it's ultimate proof that black being oppressed in the US today is fake news. If you want to find oppressed black ppl in the modern world, just type "modern slavery in Middle East" on Google.


That's a nigga in a wig.

Transnigger now just put a Yamakah on him for max opreyshun points.

I would I could blow his nigger head off along with all the useless wigger cops who allow car thiefs to act this way

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From “Yes, The White Girls Involved with Pakistani Drug Gangs are “Guilty” and Should be Punished”]

In a recent article about the problem of Pakistani pimps picking up young girls outside school and turning them into hookers, I wrote:

A lot of right-wingers want to come at the Paki Pimp Gang phenomenon from the Christian Feminist angle of “oh our poor sweet innocent princesses, corrupted by these evil foreigners”

The first point to recognize is that the traditional view of sex has been replaced over the last several decades with a new doctrine, surrounding the slippery concept of “consent”
A natural sexual order is now outside of living memory, so people have created the post-factual fantasy that women’s rights are some kind of “Western value system”[…]to contrast the West with Islam[…]Women’s role in traditional European and American society was almost identical to what we think of as Islamic norms; their entire bodies were expected to be covered, save for their face, hands and feet, and they were not allowed to speak to strange men, or wander around outside the house
If a woman was a prostitute, then illicit sex was not considered possible
These girls who join Pakistani drug gangs as prostitutes are “guilty”
There have to be consequences for crimes, or people will continue to commit the crimes
This same issue of punishing women for sex-related crime came up during Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, where he argued for outlawing abortion
Every single child on earth knows you’re not supposed to get in a car with a stranger
I don’t think the girls should be given prison sentences
Someone should write “filthy whore” across the girl’s forehead with a red marker

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

(Fancy Alcoholic)
Female cop VS Tyrones (1 V 10)

A female cop. That's not the funny part. The female cop was supposed to deal with ppl using public water illegally in the street to play with it, blocking traffic and making noise. So, she enforced the law. Lol, nope. She says she "understands it's funny" and then begs them to stop. Her nice tone convinced them. JFL, nope, she got sprayed and publicly humiliated by some Tyrones.

Female Cop Gets Sprayed by People With Water Guns

The situation is laughable af, but the comments are so cucked it becomes METAFUN: "Boohoo, m'lady was nice, why are they so bad to her!!!"

Imagine being so bluepilled you think this could have ended differently. Thinking you can reason a crowd of delinquants literaly commiting an offense in front of a cop without giving a shit. Those normie bluepilled fuck are so bad at understanding human nature I still don't know how comes the darwinian evolution didn't get us rid of their genes.

(trying to ascend)
Female cops JFL, they always need a male cop to do her job, they can't do their jobs alone. Instead of hiring a female cope who waste the time of male copes, why don't they just hire only male cops? Oh, muh equality

Worthless foid cop: check. Niggers being niggers: check. Police disrespected: check

You can't have the weak gender deal with anything, she gets no respect at all from these thugs. Should've sent men to do this job and have her prepare coffees. Just lol at the disrespect, just lol at her falling and just lol at niggers.

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