
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Justanuglygirl22 #sexist reddit.com

RE: What are pinkpillers thoughts on heterosexual relationships?

I think they're doing nothing but holding women back.

Do you think that there can be happy male-female relationships where both are treated as equal?

No, men are completely incapable of resisting their subconscious desire to control and dominate. And too many women are ready to submit to it.

Justanuglygirl22 #sexist reddit.com

Why I'm volcel.

Because men's "love" is 100% based on attraction. (It's why you all struggle to find relationships and Stacy does not)

Because men's "love" for any woman (even Stacy) they're with will dissipate the moment she gains 20 pounds or cuts her hair short.

Because all men cheat (even on Stacy) because they crave variety.

Because all men lie and play games.

Because men prefer younger women no matter their age, and the chances he cheats on/leaves you for one shoots up past age 30 and keeps going up until it inevitably happens.

Because men will leave their ill wives due to the fact they struggle to/can't have sex with them anymore or because they're less attractive.

Because like the apes they truly are, men are herd animals and obsessed with their "status" among other men. Thus, whether or not he pursues you/continues your relationship depends entirely on what his friends think.

Because the vast majority of men are misogynists.

Because men can't feel love, only an extreme version of lust.

Because in a relationship men expect women to cook, clean, take care of the children, have wild sex with them, and hold down a job while having nothing to offer except their crusty dicks.

Because there is really nothing I can get from a man that I can't get from my friends, family, pets, and masturbation with the added bonus of not being treated like shit or being cheated on.

oblivioncel #crackpot #sexist incels.is

my sister stole my good look

I could have been a legit 9.5\10 Chad if my sister hadn't robbed me of the half of good aesthetics that was supposed to be mine. this thought is literally driving me insane and i cannot help but think about it every time i bump into her into the house (another reason why i'm basically not even leaving my bedroom anymore). it also doesn't help that when she used to work as a model a year or so ago all our family relatives were praising her good look and always harassing him by asking why i wasn't as fit as her, why i wasn't as easy-going as her and so on.
at least once per day i gauge in every detail all our aesthetic differences and the conclusion is always the same, if the distribution of good-looking facial features had been more fair now i'd be having a dream-like chad life instead of dwelling in my misery.
> she's 5'9''
> perfectly smooth skin
> she's blonde
> perfect french nose
> blue eye
> ideal philtrum length (13mm, i measured it)
> ideal upper-to-lower lip ratio

in the meanwhile:
> tfw 5'10'' manlet (how's that possible that she got so much taller than the average roastie while i'm basically a dwarf compared to the new generation is beyond me)
> tfw skin with some acne
> tfw i have subhuman brown hair
> tfw i have subhuman browinish green eyes
> tfw i have a long philtrum compared to my chin height

yesterday i confronted once again and i told her she doesn't get to bring Chad friends at home whenever she likes because it's humiliating for me and i can't stand their lousy voices (they also facemog\heightmog me) and the whole thing devolved in a screaming match as usual. not only i have to accept that she robbed me of aesthetic but i have to be constantly reminded that she's living the kind of good-looking person's life that should have been mine. tbh i think i'll have to kill myself for christmas

Personalityinkwell #crackpot #sexist incels.is

[Serious] The fact that the definition of incel has changed from six months to lifelong virgin (excluding escorts), shows how bad the situation is.

Think of people like @Weed, a "fakecel", because he fucked a landwhale. or @rightfulcel, who got a few incomplete handjobs and blowjobs. Now they mog me and all non LARPers, of course. but if you think about it, these aren't exactly ideal sex lives. If a man gets laid a few times a year, he was INVOLUNTARILY NOT GETTING LAID CONSISTENTLY, as in, he wanted to get laid consistently (multiple times a month), but he only got a few hookups and had sex a few times in a year. That man is not having a "healthy" sex life. That's just a fact.

20 years ago, that would be seen as PATHETIC. Nowadays, it's seen as a slayer. Why is that? It's because THE BAR HAS BEEN DROPPED SO DAMN LOW FOR GALLONS OF MEN.

Women and Chads/Chadlites are having ORGIES and most men are getting SCRAPS OR NOTHING AT ALL.

Jordan Peterson is arguably more blackpilled than a decent amount of this forum:

[video of Jordan Peterson]

The amount of SMV for sub7 men is NONEXISTENT

Ability-King-KK #sexist #homophobia deviantart.com

(Context: There's an animated show called RWBY; in a recent season, an antagonist named Adam is killed by two of the protagonists, Blake and Yang, the former of whom is his abuse victim. Since his death, there has been backlash from incels and homophobes who defended his actions and taking their anger out of Blake and Yang's ship, nicknamed Bumblebee. This is one of many examples of this backlash.)

Mojomito: Some of ya'll are completely missing the point...
Its not because of bumblebee, it's because the shirt is pretty insensitive regarding abusive relationships. Blake & Adam had an abusive relationship from the start - that's why she left. Adam wanted to control her and later in volume 3 & 6 he emotionally and physically abused her. "A lover's quarrel" downplays the fact that Adam practically groomed the much younger Blake, manipulated her and his physical abuse, suggesting it was merely a small trouble.
An Adam shirt is fine, a shirt that glosses over the abusive nature of Blake and Adam's relationship is not.

Ability-King-KK: It is because of Bumblebee. Adam was never abusive toward Blake, but he was turned into an abuser to please the Bumblebee shippers. To Bumblebee shippers, Adam is an obstacle that needed to be taken out of the picture. Hell, Blake and Adam's relationship could have stayed as student and mentor like Monty wanted and the Bumblebee shippers would still bitch. So don't try and defend this as if Rooster Teeth did the right thing.

Mojomito: Adam literally stabbed her?
What evidence of that do you have??
In the Black Trailer you can clearly see Blake is uncomfortable with Adam's forcefulness and violent ways, leading up to her decision to leave. If everything was happy with Adam, why did she leave?
How do you know what Monty wanted? Are you a personal friend of his with whom he shared his ideas? Fans throw around "Monty's ideas" without actually ever knowing Monty or his vision for the series,
I don't trust the opinions of people who claim to know what Monty wanted and constantly whine about how things used to be before Monty died.
Too late?? My first defensive comment was posted hours ago. Honestly, without the "Lovers Quarrel" I think the shirt would've been fine. I don't think sexual and domestic abuse is a topic that should be taken lightly and if your
only response to that is to call me "Snowflake" for having paper thin feelings, perhaps you should check yourself and all the dudes crying and whining over one (1) shirt being taken down and removed from a store.

Ability-King-KK: "In the Black Trailer you can clearly see Blake is uncomfortable with Adam's forcefulness and violent ways, leading up to her decision to leave. If everything was happy with Adam, why did she leave?"
That doesn't mean they were together in a romantic sense. Not everything has to be about shipping. Had it ever occurred to you that maybe Blake left because she didn't want to be a part of that version of the White Fang? She clearly doesn't share the same ideals as the White Fang, so why stick around?
"How do you know what Monty wanted?"
Ah, the same tired question every RWBY shipper uses to try and justify themselves. Any real fan would care about the story and character development, you know, what Monty tried to give us. Any real fan knows that Adam was never meant to be a psycho ex-boyfriend, you know, what Monty did give us. But unfortunately, after Monty's death, there was clearly a change in how RWBY was written and not for the better. Everything now is clearly there to cater to the shippers and that includes turning Adam into a psycho ex-boyfriend to help push Bumblebee.
Clearly you are being defensive. At no point did I even call you a "snowflake", but you're acting as if I did. And people aren't upset just because one shirt got taken down. They're upset because of WHY it was taken down, WHO Rooster Teeth would rather listen to, and the fact that Rooster Teeth are flat out ignoring more important criticisms.

vintologi #sexist #transphobia #quack reddit.com

Why you should transition

Becoming MtF tranny is a way better option than living another 40+ years as male incel.

Step0: watch tsf monogatari
step1: go to a gender clinic so you can get proper diagnosis.
step2: begin having fun with dildo, shove it up your ass.
step3: back up your sperm.
step4: start hormone replacement therapy.
step5: removal of unwanted hair.
step6: facial feminization surgery.
step7: social transition.

The experience of becoming female

Honestly this was even harder to decide to post than my attempt to be gay 8+ months ago. Because the implications and outcomes have been completely different. The experience has been completely different.

Disclaimer: Before all of this I 100% completely identified as a man, a man's man type of internal mindset. Very heterosexual. And gay stuff just did nothing for me. It was only out of desperation and having the right features that I attempted this gender transition. By right features I mean I was only 5'8 starting out and had a 2.7 inches erect penis. Plus all my facial features are feminine and I was pretty cute even as a guy. With 4 inches to my height and dick I could have been a normie or even chad lite. Yet reality is cruel sometimes. Since being on hormones I have lost some height, so I'm closer to 5'7 now, a true manlet if I ever decide to return to manhood.

I have been on estrogen for about 6 months now. It all started when I got my new therapist three months before that. Who referred me to a new general practitioner he knows. Obviously I told him nothing about being incel or hating females. Only that I always felt like a girl, which was a massive lie. I just wanted to get hormones to attempt a gender transition and hopefully become attracted to dudes like the other trans on reddit. Who so ironically betray themselves and their cause by casually posting truth.

I just want to say for the record I don't believe in any of the trans bullshit about being born that way. Maybe an exceptionally small amount of them are. Yet if you read their forums or subs its so extremely common how many of them are just guys who wank to shemale porn and have autogynephilia. The vast majority almost always speak about how their brains get changed by hormones. Further proving they are truly male in the brain. Basically they are mostly cross dressing fetishists. Maybe a very few of them really were born with a fucked up brain but its hard to weed out the liars. Since the fake trans just copy what the real trans say. Yet they let it slip in their posts how much they love tranny porn or wanking their she cocks. Not that it matters, more trans is always a good thing. Less beta orbiters and sometimes even trans that are hot.

The month after that things got even more intense. It was clear to me that females experienced sex with far more joy than men. Its like having a dick with sensory feelings that reaches all through up the body and hooks in the heart. My first experience with a guy was a non chad friend, who knew I had started a transition and thinks I am actually trans. We didn't have sex or even oral but we kissed a few times and cuddled for a few hours. It was magical, the cuddles were even better than the endless orgasms. Waves upon waves of mental emotion mixed with sexual waves of pleasure. Its so extremely addicting.

I'm beyond words enjoying my experience on female hormones. I still hate females, cucks, and chads. This is the turning point for me. If I don't quit now I will probably end up sterile and unable to break this intense addiction to female hormones and to men. Finishing transition will take work but leads to a life of happiness. Not finishing means going back to a hell after experiencing a heavenly paradise the likes of which I could have never imagined.

I feel like any choice I make is life wrecking but I was already totally fucked to begin with. Its so fucked up to crave men, to think of being dominated by them. My brain so fucked up on female hormones its telling me it would feel amazing to swallow semen and get creampied. I only have one cuddle buddy right now but I think about cuddling other guys too.

Things look potentially so good, at least better than when it was hopeless. I don't know if I can ever go through with having my genitals cut off. I just have like a mental block over such a barbaric surgery. I think I could live fine with just having male parts. I partially identify as female but know deep down I'll always be a man because men are awesome.

I could see this as being the best cope for manlets who are cute. As long as their face isn't too masculine. I'm not saying its perfect, it has downsides like having to pee more. Its still a lot better than being incel forever.

Jerek #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Ugly, single, heterosexual males of IT: i seriously want to understand how do you cope with this.

First of all, don't make assumptions about my age or my believes etc. I'm just a grown up ugly guy that women do not lust for. I do gym, i have a job, i care of myself, i dot advocate rape nor violence against women: nothing matters.

With that said, today one of our new users posted this, please follow this link:


It's the lastest chadfishing experiment on an app similar to tinder.

Something like this, as an ugly male in his mid 30's, just ignites my depression again (i'm depressed because i'm ugly since puberty, before looks took part into my life i was a REALLY happy child).

Seeing how a good looking male, just for existing, attracts the majority of women, makes me lose all the motivation to do anything that is not staying in my house and coping while doing the minimum effort in my job.

Now, and follow me on this one, i want to learn from UGLY, SINGLE, HETEROSEXUAL MALES FROM IT (no women, no trannies, no fags, no married cucks that thinks they've got it, no high tier normies that manages to get some casual sex) how to cope with something like that.

Let's recap the big issue here: a good looking boy/man will attract the majority of the girls/women (that's right, don't start with that -it's just a small part of girls- because it's bullshit... otherwise the other, "beta seeking" girls would match a lot of non-chads). I don't think you can deny that even with all the denial you can muster.

So you could say: eh, finding a relationship is aviable to the most of men, not only chad. You would be right, a normie can secure a woman just by being a "safe, reliable and funny guy" but the problem you keep ignoring is that, even if you seek a relationship and not casual sex, getting a relationship as normie/betacuck and as a chad is an entirely different thing. As a normie/betacuck, the relationship is based on excange of resources (being those money, attention, validation, "safety" and such), as a chad is based on lust.

Lust > everything, in attraction. Another thing i don't think you could try to dispute.

So, another thing is... "tinder is not real life". Well, do you think clubs are full of stubby fat men with a beard that get the chicks? Have you ever been into one?

And also there is the "would you like to get one of those girls as a sex partner"? YES, of course i would. In casual sex, the sluttier the girl is, the better! And chad is chased by sluts that are ALSO hot (a chadfish experiment that i did a year ago brought a hot teen to me). Also, "those girls" are... girls. You tend to believe that only a specific subset of girls chades chads but in fact it's the majority of girls on tinder!

And yes, "the majority of girls on tinder" = "the majority of girls" because the % translates in real life, too!

Basically, youre' just sayting "would you like to be with the majority of girls"... which makes no sense. Of coruse i would. For casual sex, of course. For LTR, as chad, i'd probably choose a cute girl which doesn't strike me as slut (but knowing that she probably was, but as chad this does no matter, she would worship me).

So, basically: ugly, single, heterosexual males of IT: i want to understand how do you react by seeing a chadfishing experiment like this one, knowing that all the implication i've listed above are undeniably true?

You distance yourself from the problem in an abstract way and move on with your life with no sex?

You go into denial so hard that you keep saying to yourself "NO NO NO ITS NOT TRUE FOR THIS REASON AND ALSO THAT REASON HAHA INKWELLS YOU ARE STUPID"?

Your brain goes on short circuit, you do the cuck face and everything is fine again?

I'm dead fucking serious: how do you deal with this crap as an ugly, single heterosexual male.

edit: if they don't feature me, i'll up this thread later

OverBeforeItBegan #sexist incels.is

Believing we're in any way better off than him is a massive cope in the true sense of the word.

The cope is him believing he's better than anyone. Most men can find someone who has had dozens of cocks inside them and is approaching their 30s, if they're financially stable. You'd have to be a legit incel saint to not be able to. Women's standards for settling down aren't high since they've already got their taste of all different types of cock and they can no longer get more than ONS out of good looking men.
Thinking he's 'cool' enough to basically put "I get le sexy times now" on his Reddit bio is cringe as fuck.

I can't. Can you? Whether you'd want to or not is another matter, but if you don't even have a choice then it's a massive cope to believe being incel is in any way comparable never mind better. Pretty much every rich celebrity Chad will choose (despite not having to) someone who's had dozens of cocks inside them and approaching or is even over 30. If you're holding out for a teenage virgin and think everyone who doesn't is worse off than us, that's straight up deluded.

You can. Or you're a deformed-tier truecel. I'm not at the age to be thinking about marriage yet.

Comparing what celebrities do to what average Joes do is low IQ. Celebrities have status to care about. They usually marry other high-status people. Do you think it would go unnoticed if famous middle-aged men started dating teenagers? Look at the shit Leo gets for fucking women in their early 20s.

Well I don't think I'm deformed-tier truecel but foids who were in their late 20s early 30s never gave me the time of day, not at 35, not at 30, not at 25.

If you call yourself an incel even though you could attract 29 year old foids, you really shouldn't be rotting here with us.

[Experiment] "Women hit the wall at 40 bro" is the biggest cope ever, MGTOWcels GTFIH

Jfl if you believe someone who can't get a 20yo foid can easily get a 30yo foid.

Why? We're talking about foids in the prime of their lives who still want to explore dozens of cocks and shit on their fathers as much as they can before they get old vs expired old hags who are getting their baby rabies. Their priorities changed and now they want a financially stable man with whom they can have kids before they're too old.

DiCaprio gets good natured ribbing and also gets work. There's plenty of high status people doing everything that you think would supposedly be judged for, but eventually all settle down by some foid in her 30s or older.

Yeah, because he fucks women in their 20s. Do you think roasties and soys would let him fuck teenagers, let alone marry them? lolno, his career would take a big hit.
What exactly are they doing? I doubt anything is as bad as fucking teenagers in the eyes of roasties.
You can't compare celebrities to ordinary people. Their priorities in life are entirely different.

Anonymous #crackpot #sexist #dunning-kruger girlsaskguys.com

Is the Female "Orgasm" just a myth by Hollywood?

This is a Female Orgasm according to Society/Hollywood...

Basically a women opening her mouth.

You are telling me that this is equal to ejaculation? LMFAO!

Sorry but the female orgasm is a myth... I'm sure women get pleasure but the fact is you don't have an orgasm, you don't have a climax at all.

Men on the other hand do have a climax, that's when they ejaculate... Our orgasms are actually proven science.

Now I know people are gonna come in here with the squirters... Fact is that is not a fact that's even an orgasm. Not all women squirt... and so far science can't say squirting is 100% due to an orgasm.

Women obviously have pleasure and I'm sure some days they have more pleasure than others but that is not an orgasm.
So yeah it's a myth.

ThoughtfulCel #fundie #sexist #wingnut #psycho incels.is

Is it a coincidence that both genders are the unhappiest they've ever been since female liberation?

Is it a coincidence that more lesbians and gays are being produced every single day since female liberation?

Is it a coincidence that male testosterone has gone down since female liberation.

And is it a coincidence that so many cucks, simps, and weak men exist more now than in any stage in human history?

Cybersex is our hope #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Feminism imploding because of trannies

So apparently there is a total civil war between faggots/trannies and feminists.
Basically feminists invented gender ideology in the 90's to push feminism into institution without openly using the termine feminism.
Unfortunately foids have zero abstract capabilities so they didn't foresee how it could have backfired in the future.

Now they noticed there are 100% dudes who can say they feel a woman and they must accept them into their sports, toilets, groups, in diversity quotas, retiremen age etc...
So they are backtracking en masse and saying XY individuals can't be considered fully female and tradcucks are backing them.
So there is a funny af shitshow where feminazis and trannies shit on each other all over the web and trannies/faggots are being blackpilled on female nature understanding how foids never form an alliance because of idealism and justice but only for self-interest and pragmatism. Once they don't need you any longer you are thrown under the bus.
Wellcome to the blackpill club, faggots

RREEEEEEEEE #sexist #racist incels.is

RE: [RageFuel] [Giga Cuck warning] Daughter becomes a porn star,Reddit shames father for not allowing her to become a whore.

The peak of civilization, boys.

I hate Europeans so much. these faggots really think they have the best culture JFL

Yeah, they really do and they're idiots. "Look at how free we are!! We let our women dress and behave like whores do!! What?! You don't do that either?! You disgusting oppressor!!! They must be free too!" JFL at people with no honor.

don't your poeple dress little boys in women's clothes and force them to dance?

Nope, don't your people drink cow pisss and bother girls on Facebook for bobs and vagene?

I'm not Indian.
So... nope.

>Not Indian

Pick one, pajeet

There are pajets outside of India.

That means you're still an Indian, dumbass. Everyone who looks at you will say the same. I was born and raised in Europe but I don't go around saying I'm not Pakistani. Pajeet IQ strikes again.

ItsNotADream #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Venting] "There children in Africa who suffer more then you"

No they don't fucking suffer more then me, sure, objectively speaking, yes, I have better life then them,
but in reality, they are happier, they are living the life that their brains and bodies accustomed to,
they have sex, a community, physical work and they will never lack a purpose since Africa is so under-developed that there will always be something to do,

Humans, regardless of race aren't adapted to the modern way of living, yes, the modern way of living is by FAR better,
but it doesn't matter when our brains and bodies aren't happy with it

Even if they do suffer more than you, however that could possibly be measured, well it doesn't actually mean anything. People use the fallacy of relative privation as if to make some zero effort reply as a substitute for actual advice or responses, and really it just makes everyone feel worse.

I genuinely wonder if people make the mistake of looking at life as if it were some sort of scale ranging from the worst possible experience, to infinite bliss. Of course it doesn't actually work like that, and while suffering can increase substantially, pleasure doesn't have the same capacity for growth. It's all just need deprivation and fulfillment at the end of the day.

They do suffer more, they have more issues then I do, but having issues and focusing on something is required for normal brain function, but if you will look at the chemicals in the brain, they are most likely happier

”There was some femcel post similar to this today:

I HATE it when people invalidate my feelings by saying "people have bigger problems than being single"

At face value I'd actually agree with that. The problem is that normies only seem to apply this sort of reasoning one way, and then just proceed to shame us. Her failure to attract a good looking man is a problem, and although it seems silly to me and I can laugh about it, explaining my feelings about this to her wouldn't accomplish anything. The brain invents problems for you as to make sure that you won't be content, even if we all ascended tomorrow, eventually it would just be something else. Keep in mind that every success is another person's failure, ascending contributes to that, her being a chadsexual does as well.

I'll accept her problems the moment I stop being shamed for mine tbh, but we know that's not going to happen. It's easy to expect consideration and understanding, but apparently it's not so easy for people to offer these things to others, or at least low status men (or men in general). Remember, problems are only problems when they happen to women.

The difference is, they are femcels by choice, we are incels because of our genetics.

Any women is capable of sleeping with her looksmatch. She REFUSES to.

suigin #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Blackpill] What the Radical Left really wants: Beyond Torture for Truecels

You better get used to the fact that if the radical left gains complete political power, there will be a mass purge of males with the wrong kind of "personality". If you're a sub-4 truecel or if you're discovered as being illuminated in the dark arts of blackpill knowledge, consider your fate sealed. You're heading to hell. The incel gulags will be run by psychopathic criminal Chads and Brads who are there convicted of other crimes while incels will be shoved to the bottom of the prison hierarchy. Forced into hard and dangerous labor 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, you will find no peace, no escape, and no rest. You will be beaten and tortured by other prisoners, brutalized by guards, torn to shreds by vicious guard dogs, and forced to repent against your former self until your soul is stripped away. When the famines hit, murder and cannibalism within the prison grounds will become rampant. There will be killing chambers in the basements where Chad will keep his incel "livestock". Several years in, used up, broken, emacipated, missing an arm and mentally deranged, you will be taken out to the yard where you will be shot to make room for the next wave of teenage incels who have been determined to be a threat to the state. This is the future they chose for you. You never had any say in the matter.

Think it can't get that bad? Read about Nazino Island, research Pitetsi Prison, or investigate the slave labor camps of South Korea in the 1970s and 1980s. Yes, South Korea, not North Korea, rounded up all of their homeless, ugly, destitute and mentally ill people in Seoul and sent them to slave labor and death camps so they could have a better "look" to the country for the 1988 Olympics: http://archive.is/QC8yh

And people wonder why K-pop stans is playing a big part online with the pro-BLM psyops. You don't want to know how deep the South Korea connection goes. The communism of North Korea may be overt and easily identifiable, but the covert and sinister feminist leftism of South Korea is truly diabolical.

Total Imbecile #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[It's Over] 100% of fat people in 2020 are women

Went outside today to do some shopping and looking around what I noticed is that literally every guy is absoultely shredded

Fat men dont exist in 2020, every guy is basically bodymaxxed meanwhile every other woman is fat and the rest are just not fat, theyre not even fit

Tbh the state of the dating market is insane in 2020, females are literally worth more than their weight in antimatter

I really dont know how this can be fixed and the worst is it is only going to get worse

I predict in 2021 most guys will be on steroids

BrazilianSigmasDad #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Based] Reminder: If you want to destroy civilization just give women rights

Women have contributed NOTHING of value to any society across the world. Pretty much every invention was made by men. Almost every road you drive on and building you go in was constructed by men. Men vastly outnumber women in STEM, why? Because women are too fucking dumb for that :feelskek: All foids know what to do is post bikini pics on instagram, watch netflix, text chad. and make fun of short , ugly, or ethnic men. Foids do not think at all. Men have a desire to better the world, foids have a desire to better only themselves. Everything must be about them. They dress like fucking whores and sluts (for attention), cry sexual harassment when approached by an ugly male ( for attention), and then go onto to be fake depressed when they don't get their way (for attention). The only value women have are those between the ages of 18-25 with the ability to reproduce. After the age of 25 when roasties hit the wall they look like shit. Their roast beef flaps start hanging out and they start smelling like tuna, not to mention thats when pretty much all women start becoming landwhales. Women know they are useless. They do not push society forward, they push it backwards. Giving women rights is what destroyed the west, now as the rest of the world adopts western feminism, welp, its game over for humanity. Society is about to enter a new dark age thanks to women

Total Imbecile #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] Am I supposed to beleive that most guys wouldnt fuck their sisters?

I see it over and over again on this forum some users acting horrified when incest is brought up

Now dont get me wrong trying to get with your sister if shes not into it is stupid but with how much incest porn there is out there I simply cannot believe that most guys dont wanna fuck their sisters

I cant imagine if an attractive female shows interest in you that you wouldnt do it because of some artificial reason like that + youre already personalitymaxxed due to growing up together

Are your guyses sisters like ugly or something?

Or am I just too gone due to being incel that I would even consider it?

Hello, IT.

Westermarck effect. It is a biological malfunction to be attracted to your siblings.

Ngl I literally dont experience this at all

Could it be because were not close and they mostly act like yanderes towards me?

Would that effect still be present if youre separated at birth and then reunied at birth? How does one explain Louisiana?

I'm only child. I don't understand the feeling.

But I have this doubt.

Its brutal

Imagine a hot girl walking around in the shortest pair of shorts and a crop top that she sleeps in and youre somehow not supposed to find that attractive or stare


What does Louisiana refer to?

I'm just going to say that anecdotal evidence makes for a poor argument.

If a faggot wrote, "I am a man who is attracted to other men, am I supposed to believe that most guys wouldn't fuck another man?" would you believe his assertion?

Everyone in Louisiana more or less engages in incest

Also your example is different because faggotry is unnatural

The separation argument here is imo the most convincing one to consider


So not only is this a hypothesis but it says " people who live in close domestic proximity during the first few years of their lives become desensitized to sexual attraction"

But how can that be if you dont even feel sexual attraction until youre like almost a teenager

So is sex between siblings.

So a srs question now, when your sister dresses like a whore and she walks around you dont ever accidentally look at her and think "fuck she has a nice figure" (the thought being compeltely separate from the fact that youre siblings)?

3) Societal conditioning. Most guys would adamantly deny finding a 15yo attractive even if said 15yo had the body of a 22yo and looked 22. In a lot of studies males are shown pictures of females and asked to rate them attractive or unattractive. If the female is thought to be underage then the male, regardless of his physical response, will state that she is unattractive. No man will be caught dead saying that there are 15yos that can get some dick in 2020. Going by that token there is no man that would be caught dead saying he would enjoy fucking a family member or two.

I think this is legit it. All of you guys denying it are just massive copers who wanna maintain some sort of PC facade

Anonymous #sexist boards.4chan.org

Mel is a total chad and cannot be stopped. Try to block him out of Hollywood? Fuck you, he'll buy and sell islands and real estate for profit and produce his own shit. Even after his wife took $400 MILLION in the divorce (he has a legitimate reason to hate roasties) he still has more than enough money to live like a king for the rest of his life and tell everyone else to fuck off. He is immune to cancel culture.

Incels Wiki #sexist incels.wiki

Women don't owe you anything is a common anti-social, social darwinist, incelerationist utterance used by neoliberal feminists in response to incels pointing out that women are less sexually generous than men.
Given everyone knows no one is entitled to sex, a person who says, "Women don't owe you anything", is usually saying three things:

1. I have no genuine intention to help shy or ugly men get laid
2. Society has no genuine intention to help men shy or ugly men get laid
3. And this is just

Reason why this phrase is mean-spirited

Incels already know society does not want to help them, so the phrase feels like rubbing the problem in incels faces. Someone proclaiming their unwillingness to help feels bad in general.

Moreover, this is essentially hypocritical because most feminists will insist that society provide for any want or need that women have. Some examples include free emotional labor from doctors/therapists, free housing, free food, free transportation, undeserved hiring and promotion, protection when walking around at 2 A.M., and so on.

Example of common hidden statement using the phrase

Incel: 'Once online dating become ubiquitous, less than 20% of men will have a partner.'
Feminist: 'Women don't owe you anything.'

(This exchange happens a lot between self-described incels and feminists.)

Implied meaning from feminist in that context: 'In that situation 80%+ of the men would be unworthy of women, and that would be just.'


Incels Wiki #sexist #crackpot incels.wiki

Women arrest in their development sooner than men and are thus more childlike and less complex

There are a few sex differences among children such as greater egalitarianism, preference for dolls and pink color in girls, but most differences are small up until the age of 9-13. With puberty, which girls experience earlier, the sex differences start to increase drastically and girls, on average, stop in their development in around the age of 15, whereas boys continue to mature and grow substantially another 2-10 years, depending on the trait. Seemingly, human females have been selected to retain their neoteny which is in line with their natural subordinate role and people's preference for females that are easy to control and conscious of their reproductive task. Below is a list of traits in which concern arrested development in female adolescents:

Women retain crying behavior of young adolescent girls as discussed in the previous section.
In terms of brain metabolism, the adult female brain is on average a few years younger than the male brain (Goyal 2019).
Women are more likely to initiate intimate partner violence, which could be related to childlike tantrums.
Women are overall more neotenous in their appearance and behavior.
Women keep a high pitched, childlike voice, resulting in a large sex difference in adult voice fundamental (d = 5).
Women have a lower IQ which matures earlier.
Women and children have better episodic of object positions and faces that adult men.
Women are shorter and stop around 2-3 years early growing.


There are various explanations for women's arrested development. First, due to higher parental investment, men have to compete more for mating opportunities by Bateman's principle. As a result men evolve to specialize and outcompete each other in physical strength, competence etc, so men have evolutionary pressure to evolve additional complexities and abilities that women don't. Secondly, men and their families prefer women that are easy to control to avoid investing family wealth in some other man's offspring, selecting childish, cute women. Thirdly, any kind of dimorphism tends to get exaggerated by sexual selection.

feminist media have propagated the idea that women mature earlier with the implicit assumption that they reach adulthood male maturity earlier, with boys continuing engaging in reckless games. In truth, girls appear to get stuck at a lower level of maturity, but they are often more agreeable and compliant which hence might cause a more mature impression with regards to school achievements and ability to sit still. Male's competitiveness not being channeled into something that produces social value due to being actively prohibited is then immature by comparison.


Up to the are of around 11 sex differences are small, but then boys differentiate accompanied by an increase of blood testosterone. (Source: Handelsman et al., 2018)


Women pretty much arrest in their physical strength in their mid-teens, whereas men experience more substantial growth up until their 40s.


Females reach their final, shorter stature 3 years earlier.

DarthSpectra and Jerek #crackpot #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Beta/inferior male trait

Asking for relationship advice, not only from reddit, but in general. If you have to seek relationship advice regarding "your" girlfriend, that means she's not happy with you, she sees you as inferior and she would dump you when she has the opportunity with a more attractive man.

Chad doesn't have to seek for advice because he is superior and females will avoid fighting or having arguments with him, because if they do, he'll dump them immediately and will hop on another one. They know that. So next time when you search relationship advice on Google, or even worse, on reddit, remember that you are not what she wanted. And spoiler alert: your "relationship" will end soon.

Definetly: if you're asking for advice, if you're trying, you've already lost.

Chad just cums on her face and they are both happy, until he wants to fuck another hole but she will follow him anyways.

MikeofAges #wingnut #sexist #crackpot amren.com

I have serious question here. Does "woke" really mean, or does it represent the adoption of, the characteristics of, borderline personality disorder? Not all manifestations of this issue are expressed in self harm or extremes of instability.

According to the Mayo Clinic website, manifestation may include things like intense fear of abandonment, a pattern of unstable intense relationships, rapid changes in self-identity and self-image that include shifting goals and values, and seeing yourself as bad or as if you don't exist at all, Impulsive and risky behavior, wide mood swings lasting from a few hours to a few days, which can include intense happiness, irritability, shame or anxiety, ongoing feelings of emptiness, inappropriate, and intense anger.

Another way to look at it is to see "wokeness" as a means of creating a firm structure which holds off the other, more unpleasant, manifestation of borderline personality. The idea of "wokeness" itself, meaning the idea of possessing an advanced consciousness compared to other people who are living the same daily life you are, can be by itself a manifestation of borderline personality. Or of sociopathy. In my opinion, of course.

I think it has more to do with mindless conformism, status seeking and virtue signalling.

You may think that. I think it does have to do with borderline personality often enough.

The majority of young women today ie those who are still fertile, are demonstrably BPD. Sixty percent of them actively use various psychotropic drugs, Prozac being only one of many. I would conjecture this same cohort is highly susceptible to the Woke meme. It's not a big step from declaring that 'all men are rapists' to 'all Western Civilization is oppressive'.

I have seen other sources as regards this issue and the modern female in the West. According to one of these sources, being or have the appearance of being highly sexual is one manifestation of borderline personality. Another is the ability to almost instantaneously form seemingly intense and close relationships which can be just a quickly abandoned. This kind of relationship formation is widely depicted in the cinema.

People other than young women can and do suffer from borderline personality but with the lack social control and the toleration and acceptance of flighty and petulant behavior, even the treatment of it as endearing, within this group, these traits can be allowed to develop.

David J. Stewart #fundie #racist #sexist #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt jesus-is-savior.com

I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners. My salvation solely rests in Christ's righteousness, because of the precious blood that He gave for our sins. My intention is not to be unkind; but rather, to expose King's false teachings and Communist agenda.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s real birth name was Michael King Jr. Although his father later decided to rename Michael to “Martin Luther” King Jr. (after martin Luther the reformer), there was never any legal name change. Michael King Jr. was born and died as Michael King Jr.

Christianity Today promotes Communist Martin Luther King Jr. According to ChristianityToday, “No Christian played a more prominent role in the century's most significant social justice movement.” This is tragic! Few Christians are aware of the evils of Martin Luther King Jr. — King was an IMPOSTER as you will see clearly in this article. To no surprise, ChristianityToday also promotes Rock Music, Witchcraft, Homosexuality and Satanism. Billy Graham is the organization's founder. In 1965, the so-called “reverend” Martin Luther King Jr. did a Playboy (that's right, Hugh Hefner's Playboy empire of sexual lasciviousness, adultery and smut) interview with Alex Haley. No pastor worth his salt would ever do a Playboy interview. Shame on Mr. King!

Here are some facts about Martin Luther King Jr. that you won't hear from the liberal, leftist, mainstream newsmedia . . .

1. Martin Luther King Jr. was NO born-again Christian. King propagated a social Gospel of ecumenism (which is still strongly followed today by African Americans), but King certainly did NOT preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In his writings, King openly denied Christ's virgin birth, deity and bodily resurrection (effectively making King an atheist). Sadly, King is burning in the fires of Hell this very minute!!!

2. Martin Luther King Jr. was NO Baptist Preacher. Many of King's doctrines were way out in left field. As mentioned, he denied the bodily resurrection of Christ, Jesus deity, the virgin birth and believed that spirituality could be gained through “religious experience” as he termed it. King did not hold to the historical orthodox Baptist positions.

3. The “social justice” which Christianity Today praises was nothing less than a continued Communist conspiracy to destabilize America. This "social justice" has spawned feminism, homosexuality, gay-marriage, abortion, and a host of other evils in America. Freedom without moral restraint is no freedom at all and can only lead to certain bondage. The social justice which King propagated was not just a fight for equality amongst African Americans, but was largely a campaign to morally bankrupt America. Communism found a willing servant in Martin Luther King Jr. Today, America is largely Communist. Unbeknownst to most Americans, Karl Marx's 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto have been fulfilled already in America. For example, the 10th plank called for the creation of a public school system. The 5th plank called for a central bank. Communism's ultimate goal is the total destruction of America's sovereignty, economy, land ownership rights, Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution, and Christianity.

DarthDva #sexist #transphobia yourenotalone.co

RE: “Just Take Hormones, Cis”

There is actually a transgender equivalent to “Just take a shower, clean your room, get a haircut, and hit the gym, bro”. Many people both within and outside the transgender community think hormones will allow most people to pass.

This is not true. I’ve had both a gender therapist and a doctor who treats transgender patients tell me it’s not true. I’ve also heard from non-passing transwomen who have been on hormones.

I will post more about that later, but first I want to give an example of a cisgender male who “passes” much better than many transwomen who have been on hormones for a period of time.

Most mtf that pass were either pretty boys or chads or high-tier normies to begin with. If you are incel with less than the best genes its over, u will not be able to live a happy life as a man or woman.

Feminization turns many males into ultra-woke anti-male feminist SJWs who are sex-negative asexuals. They are not really asexuals because like most feminist, they dress slutty to entice, but then shame males for lusting, which is super-toxic.

If we could have trans that don’t instantly reject males, utopia might be achieved.

This is from a non-passing trans woman who received a lot of comments from passing trans women that are similar to the “suggestions” male incels get (dress nice, get a haircut, go to the gym, act confident). I’m not discounting the importance of looksmaxing (for incels and trans women), but it only goes so far.

The questions I would get when I used to go to online trans communities for help with my struggling transition ranged from: "Are you sure your levels (hormonally) are where they should be?" to "You're not dressing right/wearing enough jewelry/giving enough female signals/wearing makeup//walking/talking/burping like a woman would." These people are writing off of their own experiences and their's alone, not anyone else's. So what you get is a bunch of passing trans woman telling others how it is. That sucks.

I've been on testosterone blockers and female hormones for years. I get my levels checked by the same hospital that prescribes these medications on a regular basis. They almost always come up in normal cis female" ranges according to my doctor. In my first few years I wore everything from eyeshadow, a foundation/concealer cocktail and lip gloss nearly everywhere I went, to skirts and leggings with a top that clearly showed "YO I have tits now, CALL ME A GIRL." Thing is, a lot of these approaches to presentation caused more problems than solutions.

the trans community is toxic. Most are sjws that get triggered if u post trump memes even as a joke. For instance saying things like “fake news” is off limits, even if u didn’t vote for trump. The estrogen makes them neurotic and hypersensitive to any type of criticism.

Also the idea i head of trans was easy mtfs like traps. Now the word trap is of-flimits too by the word-warriors. And expressing the idea trans should be fuckable instead of pent up sex-negative feminists is taboo to say too. The idea that transwomen are an easier alternative to dating cis females is pretty much a failure.

DarthDva #sexist #transphobia yourenotalone.co

RE: “Just Take Hormones, Cis”

”I don’t know what qualifies as ‘passing’ in the LGBTQ community”

Some of my friends know this girl irl:


She’s a MTF transgender. This is what I call passing. She’s hot enough for me to want to date her. Unfortunately MTF trans in that level of “hotness” won’t date anyone below chadlite category. The only MTF trans that people like you and me could date are the ones too poor to pay for plastic surgeries and good makeup, but these ones are too ugly even for us.

The only MTFs that flirt with me are boomers twice my age that dont pass. The younger ones born after 1994 never flirt.

Im bicurious and find the idea of cute males hot. So the idea a male would throwaway their masculinity in order to be a hot bimbo s lut for me is a major turn on for me. Unfortunately, most transsexuals born after 1994 are ultra-woke SJWs who would say phrases to me like “noone owes you anything” and ignore all my messages and not give me any affection whatsoever, which is precisely the opposite of what I fantasize a transgirl to be for me.

Yea I wouldn’t date her. Of course she looks fine from a distance, but her facial structure is manly, her tits are fake, she looks angry, and she probably has a penis or worse and she probably sounds like a dude

Even with FTMs pre or early transition they give off a more genuine female appearance. Not saying this to make anyone feel bad, it’s just how I personally experience attraction.

And yet she’d probably reject me and then chase men who are disgusted by her. Fuck this clown ass world.

As far as this transwoman goes, sounds to me this world is rigged. Transwomen throw themselves at males that don’t want them at all, and reject all the males that love them. Makes me sick with rage.

But the key point here, is there are dark forces rigging us all to be miserable. This is part of my thesis about the masculinization of society…normal healthy males with normal emotions are shunned and rejected until they turn into mentally broken brutes, then all of a sudden women will fuck them, but by then they are already turned into broken brutes.

MTF are easy.

Literally everything was easy for me to find, in theory, except the only thing I am actually attracted to, “cis” females. Most of the time when I think a female had messaged me first, it turns out to be a MTF trans when I see their profile, before I quit dating apps.

Not easy for me. Obviously it proves world is rigged garbage. MTF chase you even though you don’t value them at all and aren’t attracted. But then MTF dump me over minor trivial things. World is rigged garbage where everyone is forced to be miserable for no reason.

John_Reed is an excellent specimen to illustrate what I mean. He is a chad, gets women begging him for sex. But then automatically some magical event happens in his mind where he is no longer attracted. Its like people are just puppets for some agenda to force us to be miserable.

Jim #psycho #quack #sexist #conspiracy blog.reaction.la

Monogamy and chastity can be understood as socialism in pussy, the seizure of the means of reproduction by beta males.
The King is worried that men do not seem keen on working, paying taxes, or soldiering. So he price controls pussy down to something ordinary men can pay. Bride price shall be low or zero, women shall obey their husbands, not their fathers or their own whims. Price control causes a shortage, as always, so the King and the high priest introduce rationing. Only one pussy per customer.
This works if you have non consensual marriage, if marriage is handshake between the groom and the father of the bride, or between the father of the bride and the father of the groom. But what if you have, partially or wholly, romantic and consensual marriage? In which case the woman is likely to delay marriage hoping for a booty call from Jeremy Meeks until her eggs start to dry up.

infiniteorwhatever #sexist #quack incels.is

Do you think men like polygamy? Of course not, almost all men just want one women. Only one is enough for them and they're really open about that: they just want to be loved and respected. On the other hand, women don't care about men, their desire is only for the top, (statuts, looks, money too), others men have no more value than any lost dog on the street.

Rabbi Baruch Gazahay #fundie #sexist jta.org

An incoming member of the Knesset from the Sephardic Orthodox Shas party resigned his candidacy after coming under fire for public lectures that demeaned women.

Rabbi Baruch Gazahay, who had been poised to enter the Israeli parliament on Tuesday, announced late that day that he would remove himself from the party’s list.

Gazahay said in a lecture recorded in 2016 that “A woman who was used to revealing her upper parts usually is reincarnated as a cow, whose upper parts are exposed.”

He also said regarding modesty for women: “That is why women have to be covered up there. This is one of the reasons women suffer from breast cancer, because everyone looks at them and it causes the evil eye. It is also one of the reasons why women – God forbid – have miscarriages. They post pictures of themselves on Facebook showing their exposed bellies.”

Gazahay’s YouTube channel features many videos that criticize or mock women up to 2019, The Times of Israel reported.

Gazahay, 38, heads a Beersheba yeshiva. He was born in Ethiopia but arrived in Israel as a baby, the Kan public broadcaster reported. He became religiously observant as an adult.

BabyFuck McGirlsex #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Based] The Secret to World Peace

Treating foids as beneath men, kicking them all out of the workforce, removing all their rights and putting them on leashes is the secret to world peace. If we treated foids as worthless animals that are only good for fucking, we would cure all diseases known to man! Including the worlds most deadly and virulent disease - INCELDOM

Reprobus #sexist #homophobia incels.is

[Venting] There are no traditional women

Women are the most deviant fucked up thing to exist, they are animals in essence and it frustrates me that no man has the balls to point out they’re waaaay more fucked than we are.

Women fuck crazy amounts of men and everyone acts it like it’s normal. Their behavior is encouraged and they will even lie about how many people they’ve fucked to seem less sleazy. They are cheered on when they cheat on a man or fuck high numbers of men by both MEN and women. They wear tight revealing clothes and take pictures of their ass for everyone to see.

Women have been scientifically proven to NEVER be straight by a myriad of studies naturally making them more deviant than the average man.

Lesbian couples are allowed to date foids that are DECADES younger than them without societal backlash calling them out for “grooming”.

At this point in society in all women are pushed to be gay and explore sex and be promiscuous. And all the fat sweaty feminist foids breath down the neck of young/hot foids convincing them to turn lesbian and succumb to hell’s grips of depravity. It’s so fucking perverted how women encourage themselves to turn lesbian and participate in degenerate activities.


TranscriptAttractive woman: “I’m Straight.”
Grotesque slobbering woman: “SO IS SPAGHETTI UNTIL ITS (sic) WET”

BilalBeta #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] Islam is a joke! JFL at copers who believe Islam will restrain women once they become westernized!

My muslim sister is pregnant out of wedlock with a non-muslim man! She is proudly announcing it on all of her social media and to whoever will listen to her display her whore behavior. But guess what is the worst part? My parents (Saudi and Egyptian background) are not furious as they should be. They are congratulating her and her European chad boyfriend. You won't even believe what my mother said today. She said that maybe their baby will have her boyfriends light blue eyes and lighter hair as my entire family has black hair and brown eyes. 100 years ago she would probably get stoned to death or beheaded for this in any muslim country or community. Its true we live in Canada, however, this whore behavior is spreading throughout Islamic communists in the West and even in so-called islamic countries. It won't be long before this is a normal thing in saudi arabia too since they can now drive, not wear hijab, can go to mixed sex concerts, are now encouraged to get educated and work, mix with men in cafes and public areas. They're even looking into changing divorce laws to favor women especially in custody matters. Its so over everywhere. Sometimes I wonder why didn't I rope yet.

Shinjicel #sexist #racist #conspiracy #homophobia incels.is

[Serious] Best US state to find traditional foid

I have wealthmaxxed and will surgerymax and location max. Worst case scenario I just act like I like her, take the kids and dip. I will not take any back talk or woke sjw bullshit. I am only doing this to give the middle finger to the jew and to mother nature, my genes are above this globohomo NWO faggotry. Only serious responses.

Various Incels #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

RE: [LifeFuel] Based niggers throws black foid into the dumpster



So a group of Black Men threw this Black girl in a dumpster last night as they all laughed and recorded her

HAHAHAHAHA The look on her face at the end.


That's all she's thinking about. She's not thinking about hoe embarrassed she looks online because she's still getting the attention and knows one simp is watching that and will find out where she lives and go "I'll fuck her." and she will fuck her troubles away.

This won't change anything about her.


This is what happens to worthless cunts, based, no simping


She looks so happy to be in her rightful place :)


to where she belongs. turns out niggers can get rid of the trash they leave behind.


jfl white mayo fags need to get on nigger levels

Cumskins are too soy and beta for that.

they are submissive faggots but love to hate on blacks while sitting infront of a screen, watching bulls breeding their white wives


Now it’s battle of “who’s most oppressed”. Will niggers defend their own men, or rush to their gross women?

Whites are restrained by Jews. Some of them do shit like the guy who shot up antifa in New Mexico when they tried taking down the conquistador statue.

Blacks can do what they want because the media won’t kill them and then push the narrative they’re all bad. If a white does anything the media will just racebait and the pushback against whites will be worse.

i get that, but shouldn't whites run numbers game at this point?
i just know that enough white people dislike blacks in burgerland. rise up you pussies.

Not really. Jews really do have control of white westerners. If a race war were to happen it would be whites killing whites.


Blacks living up to the stereotypes.
Should have shipped them back to the Black Continent after the abolition.
Unfortunately (((they))) killed Lincoln before he was able to do that.

And other whites were sold the lie that, given enough time, they would integrate to the western culture and become civilized.
We can clearly see now that it will never happen.

OverBeforeItBegan #sexist #racist #wingnut incels.is

RE: curry gang "rapes" and beat up foid set free while the roastie is charged

In the oppression olympics, Muslims are the undisputed champions. Also, no one dares messing with them because those who do get their throats slit. Women don't stand a chance.

The champions are definitely white women. Second place would be blacks. Making fun of Muslims in the UK is still somewhat acceptable.

On second thought, you're right. I've let myself influenced by the results I got when searching images for oppression olympics. Most of them show Muslims on top, and I think this is wrong. Muslims don't really play the victim card, at least not nearly as much as the others. They just don't take up with any offense to their belief, and they have no issue punishing such offenses harshly.

White women are indeed very high up there, but Black people are making an impressive come back these days.

Yup. Talking shit about black people or women is basically a social death sentence. The same can't be said for Muslims. They're still high up there but you won't become an outcast if you say something bad about them.

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

RE: [RageFuel] This is what awaits after you "ascend"


betabuxxing isn't ascension

Only animalistic sex where the woman offers to pay for lunch etc, is ascension.
Well actually it isn’t ascension because that implies that you were born with inferior genes and worked your way up

(Shin no Shi)

Just like pottery and /pol tells me that having nuclear family is the best thing ever. The only ever good thing is fucking women when needed and popping kids for the next generation. That's about it


Pump and dump if you can, nothing more. If it ain't a doll it ain't loyal.


Fitness instructor

Cheating with the fitness instructor. Such a stereotypical situation that it makes me wonder why men are so naive and more of them aren't paranoid/wary when it comes to this shit. Why are men even allowed to instruct females? Shouldn't it be males instructing males and females instructing females? Anyways, no doubt those 18 years of him slaving away meant fuck all to her. This is why you live your life for yourself and not someone else. Especially if they aren't your child. You live your life for women and you will end up disappointed.


never ever marry a femoid.
it is not worth it, foids don't have the brain or the empathy too stay that long with one man.


Brutal MGTOWpill tbh. Even if a non-Chad does "succeed" romantically women still only see you as a disposable money dildo, ready to be tossed aside when a "better" man comes along. Fidelity is fake, love is a lie


Its simply over at that level. That man is too old to delusionmax like many do here with anime and coping. He should just focus on his one child and make sure that child knows the nature of foids to the maximum

Various Incels #sexist incels.is


[SuicideFuel] Average teenage chad life


i was on some social media and a chad i have added posted this. This guy is in HIGH SCHOOL. Thats right, you resd that right, HIGH SCHOOL. While you were at home rotting and playing video games in high school chad was LITERALLY HAVING GIRLS BEG TO HAVE SEX WITH HIM. Incredibly over.

Brutal tbh, I can barely understand what they’re saying.

Hit it means have sex, she is begging to have sex with him

You fuckin idiot,you fuckin masochist cuck.
Why are you using any sort of social media or add Chads ?
You deserve getting your blood boiled with anger and dying ıf you use non-art/porn/meme only social media

You sound angry at me. You should be angry at chad.


But but, teen foids can't consent and aren't ready for sex. :soy:

Even kindergardeners can consent to things. They just don’t always know whats best for them. But men do and men have married off their young daughters to eachother for as long as patriarchy has existed among humans. It’s a few thousand years. Paleolithic humans were like mandrills.

Not even adults know what's best for them. Teen foids will be better at choosing a mate because most likely they're less picky than adult chad chasing whores.

soy if you dont think they're ready by 10. even boys are having sex at 10 when they start puberty after females

Soy if you care about the age when they're ready.


Imagine having girls literally begging for your dick because you're good looking. Being able to just snap a quick selfie and get on Tinder and have girls hitting you up for sex. Life is just a pussy buffet if you're good looking enough.



What a crazy bitch
"I need to have sex with you or ill kill myself"

God help the kids she has.


We need to euthanize all teenage foids. They're degenerates. Every single one of them. AWALT.

islamicincel #sexist #racist incels.is

Muslim girls family wanted me to get married to her but she had a white bf

Can't make this shit up. Like all these redpilled theories are no joke.

I was at a wedding of one of my cousins. There was a 5/10 girl there and apparently they asked my aunt to tell my parents if I would consider marrying their daughter. Their daughter was studying here. So basically I think they were looking for a guy to use to get her that western passport.

She was also a huge cunt to my sister.

Anyways long story short I did some digging and found out through the community that she had a white bf. So basically her plan was to cuck me and get the passport.

Memes do really right themselves.

jay Dragon 🌌 B-L-M #sexist #moonbat twitter.com

Good morning trans men have a better and more cohesive grasp on what masculinity is and how it's valuable and powerful than basically any cis man, and the conversations trans men have about what masculinity is and why it matters is so much more relevant than anything cis men say.

Me: What is it like to salvage masculinity?
Trans man: Describes a world in which masculinity is a tool of personal and communal uplifting instead of a bludgeoning weapon
Cis man: Uhh no more toxic masculinity lol

And to clarify, no one has any obligation to be eloquent or vocal about this recontextualization. But so often cis men have attitude that they can teach trans men how to be a man, when in reality they should shut up and learn.

This also all applies to femininity and trans woman, yes, but this morning I'm fucking feeling passionate about transformative healthy masculinity

Personalityinkwell #sexist incels.is

[Soy] With the way young girls dress, I wonder how many fathers secretly jerk off to their daughters.

I honestly can't tell you how many times I've seen a father with his teen daughter wearing revealing clothing. I'm talking crop tops and booty shorts on girls aged 12-14. We live in such a soyciety that fathers probably think it's normal and "healthy" for their little girls to be in sexual relationships in their teens. They know their little daughter is getting railed by teen Chads, and they see their daughters dressed like total whores.

There's all sorts of incest porn, incest subreddits, and fetishes that exist. So many fathers probably would fuck their daughters given the chance, considering many of them aren't even getting action from their wife. Seeing their little girl dress like a piece of fuckmeat is probably fap fuel for these old marriedcels.

Atavistic Autist #sexist #racist #crackpot incels.is

[Theory] Feminists hate male allies because they remind them of their effete fathers

Just like their fathers had a claim of authority over them yet were weak and allowed them become whores, soys similarly have a paternalistic attitude towards women, yet are weak and cannot enforce it. Foids therefore enjoy cucking soys with psychopathic Chads as a form of revenge against the fathers they resent for not adequately protecting/controlling them.

The same concept applies to Black Lives Matter and its White allies, who nogs hate because they are preening White supremacists on the inside and yet meek on the outside, so nogs derive special enjoyment from humiliating them.

Atavistic Autist #racist #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Accusations of police brutality are analogues to accusations of rape or sexual harassment

The accusations themselves may or may not be true, but what they fail to account for is ethics (or lack therefore) on the part of the individual nogs/foids.

A nog who is engaged in criminal behaviors will naturally encounter a police officer one day, and if the police officer is brutal towards the thug nog -- a brutal creature himself -- then one can say that he was asking for it (in the sense of "tempting fate," or redeeming "negative karma").

Likewise, a foid who wears slutty clothing for attention and leads men on to her own advantage without empathy for them can be said to be asking for it when she encounters a man who is more deranged, manipulative, and psychopathic than even she is, and who gives her "just desserts" in the form of rape.

The fact that the media discourages people from thinking this way goes in line with liberal postmodernist philosophy, which spurns objective reality in favor of narcissistic "lived experiences." You are not supposed to identify patterns of behavior and think in terms of cause and effect under this dogma, but just uncritically believe in the self-centered viewpoints of the supposedly "marginalized minorities" -- more like pedestalized minorities tbhngl.

It all goes in line with power dynamics, as socially ascendant nogs/foids are given the privilege of being narcissistic, but socially descendant Whites and men (and White men in particular) are to be "critically deconstructed" and humiliated.

Total Imbecile #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Is dating single mothers with daughters less cucked than dating single mothers with sons?

While the forum was down I spent a great deal of time meditating and reflecting on my chances of ever getting a gf

The bottom line is this: I will never have a normal girlfriend, its simply not happening. Its almost impossible to describe how bad everything is and how over it is

My only option is to LTR a single mother my age since most early and mid 20s guys dont want anything to do with them

The problem is though I dont wanna be a cuck, and raising another mans son is just that

But since daughters are just dead branches and flashlights for other men I dont think raising another mans daughter would be that bad

Also my family will ridicule me if I ever date a single mother, therefore I will have to cut all of my ties with them

Current plan:
-wrap up my grad degree
-change my name
-destroy my SIM card and cut all connections with my family
-jump coasts and get a job
-date a single mother with a daughter

Does this sound like a solid plan or am I just losing it?

Teddy2999 #sexist #crackpot reddit.com

What happens to womens Instagram when they turn 25?

I haven't seen this anywhere and I don't have enough of a social life to know the answer but some of you will know.

Women's peak market value is 23, and by 25, they pretty much ran out of steam.

Every woman has an instagram. Like "normal" women, every woman. So you have clear photo documentation of when they become invisible. What happens when a woman turns 25 now? She just stops using instagram? They are addicted to it. They need that fix.

There's two loose ends that need addressing:
- their addiction to validation and attention, what happens to a woman after that?
- What does she do once she starts losing followers and likes?

I never though of this before but I've been following MGTOW and redpill for years.

wolfblade111 #sexist deviantart.com

Anti Kathleen Kennedy Stamp

So I didn't see ANY stamps at all expressing hate towards Kathleen Kennedy...I decided to go and change that up a bit.

Now I'm not one of those people who wishes her bodily harm or want her to die or anything like that...but I wouldn't shed any tears if it did. XD

Whose Kathleen Kennedy you ask? Oh just the woman whose putting Star Wars into a deep, dark grave and is probably gonna be known as the woman who Killed Star Wars.

I could Rant on and on about this poor excuse for a human being but I ain't gonna bother, you can find PLENTY of hate on her on the internet. I just merely am providing the stamp for those who hate her.

Now I don't Hate the new Star Wars films, I ain't gonna watch em but I ain't gonna hate em completely, do they have problems...TONS! So much Waster Potential but it's Wasted on selling a Political Agenda that NO ONE CARES ABOUT!

I mean seriously, Star Wars or any sci-fi or fictional genre Should NOT Be USED to Sell a Fucking Agenda! You Ruin Everything about the franchise when ya do.

I Fear it's only going to spread and ruin everything except Anime. XD Let's face it, Anime is the one place that no SJW would dare to tread...at least I hope not.

Now I have hope that the return of Star Wars The Clone Wars will go over well but....I have my doubts and I ain't getting my hopes up that it'll be good.

Some folks will probably say that the new Star Wars films aren't that bad and that they are actually great and to that I have This to say.

You have a Lot to Learn. What do you have to Learn? It's not something that can really be Taught. It's just something you have to learn on yer own.

Good news is, well semi good news is that I heard that Disney may be cancelling Star Wars Episode 9 due to the severe backlash from Fans of Star Wars and hopefully they fire Kathleen Kennedy.

Funny enough, Kathleen has the Gull to Blame the Fans for Star Wars Sucking...Lady, YOU DIRECTED THE LAST TWO FILMS! IF ANYONE'S TO BLAME IT'S YOUR SJW ASS YA FUCKING CUNT!!!

Ahem...Pardon me, I lost my cool there for a second. XD

wolfblade111 #sexist deviantart.com

Carol Danvers vs Carol Manvers

There needs to be more fanart of The Original Marvel Heroes/Heroines beating the shit out of their now SJW Corrupted selves.

Buuuut that's about as likely as me liking Yaoi...so...actually the former is Definitely More Likely to happen than me liking Yaoi. XD LOL So there's hope. lol

Now don't get me wrong, I like the IDEA of Carol being Captain Marvel and what not...It's just the fact that it was goodish for like..the first couple dozen issues of her own comics where she was just went and died and were replaced with Carol Manvers...yeah it was an Idea that died to early thanks to Femnazi's and SJW's...So many Femnazi's and SJW's.

So yeah, this also speaks about how I feel the Captain Marvel film is gonna go...Not well. Infact I'm kinda hoping even though I KNOW it's not gonna happen that Thanos kills her.

Look at what you've done to me SJW Marvel, you've made me hope for the death of a Superheroine I had high hopes for before you do what you always do...Crush Em.

R.I.P Ms Marvel (Carol Danvers.) You were an awesome (Although sometimes a bitch but still likeable.) Heroine...Until SJW's went and fucked you up.

TheG-flash #sexist #racist deviantart.com

[ on the star wars movies with rey ]

A man created a great franchise with a trilogy and prequels, then a woman comes in and ruined it with it's feminist propaganda and identity politics and obviously shoved in a strong Mary Sue character because like what KK said, in her little brain she thinks girls aren't into Star Wars and they can't relate to Han and Luke because they are male which is absolute bullshit. There are many girls out there who loves Luke and Han not because they're male, its because they're great written well characters who have to go through challenges. But no under this SJW feminist garbage, we need more female representation and diversity. I don't have anything against woman creating things, but they have to understand the material and listen to fans to what they want to see, which is why Wonder Woman was such a good movie because Patty Jenkins stayed true to the source material and created a movie people want to see. But with KK and Ruin "Potato Head" Johnson they give a shit what the fans want or think, they basically give them the cold shoulder and blasted out if you don't like our stuff then you're a racist sexist misogynist homophobic xenophobic man-babies! These people are absolutely disgusting!

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