
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

It's not just "normies" who oppose mutilating kids, hon

( hellamomzilla )
There’s no such thing as transgender kids. That’s also the point.

This odd cult has spent all its time trying to make totally normal, understood things seem weird and sinister and then normalize their actually creepy as fuck perversions.

( Lemonade_Masquerade )
No, you have the same right to medical care as everyone else. ""Cis"" kids can't take hormones just because they want to either.

Anyway, what do hormones have to do with gender? If a dick can be female so can his testosterone 🤷🏻‍♀️

( pennygadget )
Who does he include in "we lost"?. Because women and children win when this shit isn't tolerated

( Edelgard )
I like to look at the bright side of things: at least there's finally a somewhat viral post that acknowledges that the vast majority of people, no matter their political leanings, don't suscribe to trans ideology. The narrative is getting closer to the truth.

( pennygadget )
Ugh. They aren't banning all "gender affirming care". They're banning medical transition for MINORS!!

Do they also believe its a civil rights violation to deny minors alcohol, cigarettes, and tattoos?

( LadybugStardust )
A child smoking three packs of cigarettes and drinking 5 bottles of whiskey a day would still do less far damage than irreversible "gender-affirming" medical mutilation would.

( pennygadget )
Show me the doctor who is giving "cis" kids hormones for entirely cosmetic, non-medical reasons

The only example that somewhat makes sense is a girl taking birth control to manage acne. But, IMO, severe acne is a medical issue

Matt Margolos #transphobia archive.ph

A comprehensive study from 2022 revealed that transitioning children provides no medical benefit for young people. Research shows that up to 90% of children experiencing gender confusion will no longer identify as transgender by adulthood if they are not pushed toward transitioning, whether socially or medically.

Recommended: It’s Never Okay to Use The Term 'Gender-Affirming Care'

Meanwhile, the two studies most frequently cited to justify transitioning minors are riddled with flaws. Both excluded participants who dropped out over time — likely those with negative experiences — resulting in a skewed outcome favoring those who reported benefits. Additionally, a Swedish study found no evidence that transitioning children reduces the risk of suicide, debunking one of the central claims made by activists.

Mandy, jelliknight & FrankieDuck #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Chase Strangio Argues Her Case in the New York Times

( Mandy )
Cross sex hormones only "saved" her life because they were available for her to want.

In the days before cross sex hormones existed people "saved their lives" by cross-dressing and adopting a cross-sex persona. They didn't kill themselves because they couldn't grow breasts or beards. They might have wished they could, but knew they couldn't and just got on with it.

Sex hormones are thus unlike, say, chemotherapy or antibiotics, where people really did die for the lack of them in the days before these treatments were invented.

Chase Strangio saw something she wanted and wanted it so bad she was ready to kill herself if she didn't get it. That's mental illness.

( jelliknight )
This is exactly it. Before insulin, diabetics died. Insulin is lifesaving medicine. Before antibiotics, people died from infections. Before testosterone, women didnt die from not growing enough chest and facial hair.

They say they would kill themselves without it, but 1. Theres no evidence they do and 2. That would be a death from suicide, not lack of medical treatment.


( FrankieDuck )
One of the top comments:

Mutilating minors with opposite-sex hormones and surgeries is unethical and should be unlawful. I hope the ACLU loses this case, big time.

1. Sex is not "assigned" at birth. Sex is a biological fact that is observed and recorded.

2. There are no long-term safety studies of the impacts of powerful puberty-blocking or opposite-sex drugs on children's bodies. The medical system should not be experimenting on children. The medical system should be providing psychological counseling and support for gender-confused children, many of whom grow up to be gay.

3. There's a huge difference between helping a child's body develop naturally according to his/her biological sex, for example there might be an endocrinological issue, versus forcing cross-sex hormones onto a child's body.

4. The ACLU has not "protected" trans people in prisons. The ACLU has violated the rights of women in prisons by demanding that intact male sex offenders and murderers, who conveniently self-identify as "trans" be housed with the female population. For this reason, I terminated my monthly donations to the ACLU.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Supreme Court Inclined to Uphold Tennessee Law on Transgender Care - The New York Times

( WatcherattheGates )
Heartening. But so appalling that 3 of the 4 women justices would strike down this law if they could. For shame!

( FrankieDuck )
I'm not so sure it won't be 4 out of 4 women justices but it's very likely I missed something.

( Malenia )
So in 20 years after the trans crap is over, conservative men will point to them and be like, "See? Men know what's best for women! Women shouldn't be put in positions of power! They operate on feelings, not FACTS!"

( Lillith )
Amd all because they catered to the feelings of crossdressing men. The irony of it all...

( PeregrineWitch )
Let's hope sanity prevails.

On a side note: Every SC pick for the last 40 years (and probably ever) is about one side or the other pushing a particular agenda. The Republicans have always had Roe in their sights, though a few of their picks (Souter most obviously) didn't work to that end. Now that Roe has been overturned, it will be interesting to see what their next agenda is.

What today made painfully clear, thanks to the rabid performance of KBJ, is that the Democrats' main agenda now is pushing the TRA agenda. Which would be the end of women's sex-based rights and protections.

Kejraj #ufo #magick #transphobia #conspiracy eraoflight.com

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

There is a war that’s been going on for thousands of years on Earth, since the fall of Atlantis. This is not the light verses the dark. It is a war, which has only grown more chaotic due to media programming, of the West in particular.

This is the war created by design, as all others have been. For it greatly sustains the demonic entity rulers and their Earthbound puppets.

There is one thing which helps the dark entities of the astral thrive. Most do not know this, even though it is the talk of the online community on a daily basis. It is talk and hate, two sides throwing blame at each other, thinking one is better than the other.
This would be the feminine and masculine energies, man and woman hating each other. This creates a type of a “nectar” energy for the dark elites and demonic entities on the astral plane, as your own light dims.

They have done and continue to do everything they can to create more division between the two equally sacred energies.

The dark has wanted nothing more than to destroy the divine nature of the human being. To reach at the core and not extinguish, but seek to dim and control the little spark which remains within the heart, and use that to further their agendas.

Using energetical implants and other forms of programming to amplify the confusion and hate between the two energies, while promoting genital mutilation, transhumanism, and going after the purest at heart, the children.

In all of this, you, the so called awakened ones, have been contributing to their agenda quite nicely. It is understandable, for only an unhealed, suffering feminine would claim that “god” is a woman. And only an unhealed, suffering masculine would claim that “god” is a man. With limited perspectives, both failing to understand that the Divine Source is pure light, and above all of this. The insanity of trying to place Source Creator in a box. Much like what religion does.

Joe Rogan and Sam Tripoli #conspiracy #crackpot #transphobia #sexist pride.com

Joe Rogan is now 'transvestigating' the Statue of Liberty, because of course he is

The Statue of Liberty — famously an inanimate object — is being *checks notes* transvestigated.

We wish we were kidding, but a guest on The Joe Rogan Experience (because, of course, it was that podcast) recently pushed the idea that Lady Liberty is actually "a dude."

A clip from the October 25 episode has been going viral on X (formerly Twitter) this week, featuring edge-lord comedian Sam Tripoli telling host Joe Rogan about his tinfoil hate theory about the statue's gender.

"That's a dude bro. That’s a crossdresser,” Tripoli told Rogan.

"It's a dude, it's a drag queen," Tripoli said as they looked at photos of the Statue of Liberty. Rogan quickly bought into the theory. "Look at the jaw, that does look like a dude," he said before commenting on "how thick the neck is" and remarking on the statue's supposed masculine-looking hands and arms.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

[From a satirical article presenting transition as a deal with "Dr. Lucifer"]

I want more. I want…your parents. Well, I don’t really want THEM, but as part of our deal, you must cut your parents out of your life. Completely. I call it “going no contact”. This isolation from your family is an important requirement of our contract. Remember that time you lost a balloon at your 8-year-old birthday party, and your dad found it and you cried, “Daddy fixed it”? Forget that memory, and any others like it. Yeah, it’s true your mom and dad love you to a depth you can’t begin to comprehend. Your parents never give up on you. They are there for you. They want the best for you. But dumping your parents will not be as hard as you think because once you become trans, you will actually want to cut them out of your life. It will be entirely your idea. And you can cut out the rest of your family too!

And if you’re under 18, some countries and US states will actually help you ditch your family. I have helpful servants everywhere! They take the form of clueless teachers and counselors, child protective services, and others. If one of my servants hasn’t given you instructions about this, let’s review. Start by keeping secrets, and then move onto lying. Go to an LGBTQXYZ meeting and don’t tell your parents. Pick a new name and try it out with your friends, in secret of course. Then, if you go to school, insist that everyone at school use your new name and gender, and keep it all secret from your parents. My servants working as teachers and counselors can help you with that. Tell your parents everything is great! If you can, don’t even tell them about seeing me! When you make your big trans announcement, you can then tell your parents how they have ruined your life and proceed to ditch them. Now since I’m the devil, I will make deals. If your parents or other members of your family are “all in” with your new identity and support gender ideology, you can consider keeping them around. (Note to Reader - Gender ideology has been my best gig in many years for acquiring souls, sterilizing and injuring children, destroying families, and just spreading pain and misery everywhere - all with societal approval - so I consider parental support of gender ideology an investment in my future returns.)

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Did trans help Trump to victory? - The Democrats’ embrace of gender ideology made The Donald look like the sensible one.

( shewolfoffrance )
I think it absolutely did. It's not like either side was offering much to female voters, but most people who have any exposure to trans it are repulsed by it. Neither men nor women like the idea of their children being secretly groomed at school; or their daughters being forced to compete against males in sports, or share dressing rooms with them. And Democrats spent the last eight years or so going balls to the wall defending exactly that.

( Architectura )
It’s also one of the most concrete images and differences. Grocery prices and rent seem destined to rise regardless of who’s in office, but penises in women’s locker rooms? Only one side supports that.

( Feerique )

And why would anyone vote for a politician who is prepared to lie about sex, something so basic even dogs understand it?

And this is the crux of the matter for me.

( Researcher1536 )
This is EXACTLY why my entire perspective and worldview shifted so drastically going on 5.5 years ago. Once you see that certain people are flat out lying and telling you you're a bigot if you don't agree with the lies, you start seeing the lies that prop up so much of what is on the political platform of the Left. If you can lie about something as fundamental and apparent as sex, you can, and WILL, lie about anything. Thus, so many of us are politically homeless.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
When I first saw the "Harris is for they / them. President Trump is for you." ad, I thought Trump was going to win. The Trump campaign aired this ad all over major sports events, too.

The interesting thing is that they didn't run anti-trans ads up until the last few weeks before the election. I'm not sure if it was intentional, but Democratic volunteers I assume are fairly uniformly pro-trans, so if the Harris campaign rolled back her previously expressed views on the topic, it probably would have aggravated most of their volunteers at the most critical time of the election campaign.

( Feerique )
I think libs and progs silenced so many people through witch hunts that they forgot just how many people weren't protesting because of fear and not because they agreed with them.

Tomi Lahren #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Why do liberals fight so hard to sterilize kids? Why do liberals fight so hard to have drag queens perform in front of kids? Why do liberals fight so hard to have men in women’s restrooms and locker rooms? You really have to ask yourself what motivates this insanity.

What do y’all think? Money or are they just evil? Maybe both.
4:00 AM · Dec 5, 2024 · 104.5K Views
1,044 Reposts 55 Quotes 5,947 Likes 54 Bookmarks

Matt Margolos #transphobia pjmedia.com

The Trump campaign didn’t shy away from highlighting Harris’s support for taxpayer-funded gender transitions for illegal immigrants. They hammered the point home with a devastatingly effective ad featuring the slogan, "Kamala is for they/them, President Trump is for you.” The message was simple, resonated with voters, and proved just how out of touch Democrats have become with mainstream America.

It goes way beyond taxpayer-funded transitions. Their positions on butchering minors and letting men play women's sports are way out of touch with mainstream America. Yet, the question that has yet to be completely answered is whether Democrats will recalibrate and move toward the middle.

Right now, it doesn't look likely.

Appearing on CNN Tuesday morning, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) addressed the backlash he experienced over comments about boys playing girls’ sports, warning that the Democratic Party risks alienating voters with its rigid stances and lack of open debate.

"I have two little girls. I don’t want them getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete, but as a Democrat, I’m supposed to be afraid to say that," he said last month after Trump won the election.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

GOP Lawmakers Team Up to Define Male and Female by Biology

( DurableBook )
Fascinating to watch the party of Christian Dominion be the one to argue that people's rights ought to be based on the material reality of their bodies and not on their presumptive souls.

Really drives home how impressively terrible the Democratic party has become.

( PerenelleFlamel )
Also I think the Republican party is changing a bit these days. [...] But honestly, with the Dems pushing so many of their supporters out of the party because of the purity spiral, a lot of different voices are now 'Republican', and many of the old hated members of the GOP are being replaced by Trumpers and straight-up populists.

What an interesting time to be alive.

( Chronicity )
I’ve been saying it for a while.

Politically homeless liberals are going to start voting Republican.

Their left-leaning slant will help more moderate Republicans get elected.

The face of the GOP will start getting browner and more urban as well.

If the Dems continue to cling to unpopular priorities, we might just see the Republicans move closer to being the party of Lincoln again.

The odds of this happening are slim but it’s not impossible.

( wildclovr )
I think it's interesting that Trump, Musk, and RFK are all former democrats. What is this - the republican party is now the party of democratic party rejects?

I just think it's interesting.

( goldenheartcc )
I don't support the GOP, and they have absolutely no interest of women at heart, but it would be nice to at least have legal sex-based reality be a thing again - like yeah, abortion is very much a legal sex based reality [..], and no, there aren't hundreds of thousands of TiPs jumping ship in sports to play for the opposite sex, but I would like bathrooms to be BATHROOMS again.

[...] it's just so fucking annoying when men want to be recognized legally as women when that will never fucking happen biologically!!!

edit to add: the ending is so interesting and really echoes what we say here. unfortunately that blows up in our face because it makes us look like we're (all) bible thumping republicans. no. we just want males to leave us the fuck alone.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #racist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

This is about men-of-party, who owe first allegiance to political party(s). As we have pointed out before, Political Parties are governing elements that, in America, are unconstitutional governing organizations. They are much like NGOs, or Non-Government Organizations, that are now among the most influential organizations (Parties?) in international organizations like the UN and the EU.

What are Non-Government Organizations doing in organizations of governments? The same thing Political Parties are doing in America: working to undermine this and all sovereign governments, discredit the very idea of national sovereignty and lay the groundwork for elitist imagined New World Order "perfect" global government.

The Trump MAGA movement threatens all of that globalist/communist progress, and even to turn it back on itself.
Most Americans think the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQ rights movement, the Pro-Choice movement, the antisemitic Pro-Palestine movement, the anti-Trump-anti-MAGA movement, the DEI-CRT-WOKE movements, the Drag-Queen movement, the Open Borders movement, the Defund the Police and No-Bail, No-Prosecution, Free the Felons movements, etc., are all separate, stand alone movements with no relationship with each other.
The American political parties have been unconstitutionally running the American government for so long now that nobody recognizes the fact that they are unconstitutional any more. Most all of what they publicly stand for is unconstitutional.

Party "platforms" and party "planks" in those platforms most always deal with some form of justice other than real or legal or constitutional justice. It's a family of bogus justice systems called Social Justice.
They instill discrimination while claiming to be ending discrimination. In all sorts of areas of discrimination, including racial, and sexual.

How could any unconstitutional anti-discrimination law in any area in which discrimination is possible not be discriminatory?

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Can Someone Explain to Me How "Gender Critical Is a Cult"

( legopants )
It's just the classic uno reverse card that TRAs do.

We say trans ideology, they say "gc ideology"

We say transcult, they say we're a cult

We say they're homophobic, they say we're homophobic

We say they're reinforcing gender, they say we're the ones doing so

Etc etc

( AsterRising )
There honestly isn't much of a "thought process," because people like this are terminally delusional. They believe their views are absolute fact, so anyone who disagrees with them must be a Nazi, in a cult, etc. They're just not capable of fathoming any reasonable motivation for opposing their point of view. Also, it's funny to call GC feminism a cult, when it's possibly one of the most ideologically diverse movements in the Western world. Like, which other movement currently unites radical feminists, conservatives, and political independents in the same way?

( crodish )
It's mostly TRA being stupid and parroting stuff they don't understand in an attempt to make themselves look smart.

They see us saying "gender ideology is a cult" - which it is because all of it is based on falsehood and follows the BITE model. We don't ostracize people who were GC and then became TRA again (which happens extremely rarely) at the rate they drop detransitioners.

Then they go "hurr more like being a TERF is a cult amirite?" and post that to reddit and get millions of botvotes

Then it spreads because these idiots live by upvotes and clout.

There's no substance behind any of it. They're just going lalala not listening haha ratioed! Owned! No u!

🙄 It's only worth arguing with or correcting them for the bystanders watching the clown show.

( CharieC )
Heard this too, been equally baffled, but let's face it: anything we say about the gender ideologues, we'll hear back from them about ourselves five minutes later. They've cannibalised the language of every robust movement to suit their needs (mental healthcare, reproductive rights, gay liberation, etc), and we're not special — any sufficiently witty or sound-bitey commentary gets instantly reversed. At this point it's basically playground-level "no you're ugly", and frankly doesn't deserve that much of your earnest engagement. If any.

Kevin Downey Jr. #transphobia #crackpot #conspiracy pjmedia.com

As I mentioned, useful idiots will believe anything their cult leaders tell them and will avoid facts that prove the narrative wrong. Here are a few examples of tyranny disguised as virtue:

1) Liberals push to mutilate kids' genitals lest they/them commit suicide. The National Institute of Health (NIH) study proves the risk of suicide is 12 times higher after a man has his banana sliced, diced, and scattered (forgive me, I just had the pleasure and privilege of eating at Waffle House in Hubbard, Ohio—twice!).

2) We emptied jails, defunded cops, and invented "no-bail laws" because there were "too many black men in prison." What followed was a years-long crime wave, which resulted in far more black men murdered than in previous years.

These two narratives were never about virtue; they were about spreading Marxism. The commies need violence in the streets. They also want to separate you from your kids through trans madness. That was always the goal. But weak people are easily controlled, and nothing warms the hearts of chicken-hearted fools like fake virtue.

NoName, Mr_Tobo & wildclovr #transphobia ovarit.com

J.K. Rowling and Nancy Mace Are Right: Women Deserve Their Own Safe Spaces

( NoName )
It seems the tide may be turning. USA Today is more mainstream than a lot of the media that usually report that women need their own safe spaces away from men.

The Washington Post isn't leaving trans positive articles alone just yet. Democrats need to get it into their heads that the public are not falling for this vile policy.

( Mr_Tobo )
Single-sex bathrooms are under attack in my university, often being replaced with unisex ones. I mean multi-stall bathrooms by the way. Even ones that are labelled as men's or women's sometimes have a sign urging us to trust that people know which bathroom to use... Ridiculous.

Also, has anyone else here noticed how TRA-types have quietly stopped talking about Muslims in a positive light? I wonder if some have realized that they're actively taking away places where Muslim women can fix their hijabs away from men and boys.

( wildclovr )
Nah, they don't care about Muslim women at all, or about ANY women at all -

But it's possible they might have noticed that in general, most Muslim countries are not exactly pro trans.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Moderation Is Not the Same Thing as Surrender. Democrats do not, in fact, face a choice between championing trans rights and completely abandoning them. - The Atlantic

( ArtemisCitrine )
On the contrary, I think TRAs are correct that moderation is not possible. Once you keep boys out of girls sports, you've admitted that trans-girls aren't really girls. Chait exhorts the Dems to, in effect, cherry pick where they'll pretend that TIMs are women and where they won't pretend. Chait doesn't see that the cherry-picking goes on forever: why should TIMs be allowed in women's restrooms, locker rooms, shared hospital rooms, rape crisis shelters, domestic violence shelters, La Leche breastfeeding support groups.....

( pennygadget )
Well said.

The core of trans ideology (and TIMs specifically) is the colonization of female-only spaces. They have already made it clear that they won't settle for their own third spaces. They won't compromise. They want unfettered access to ALL women's spaces and opportunities. And once you deny them one space (like, let's say, sharing prison cells with women), you're already admitting that their claims to be women are bullshit. So it doesn't make sense to compromise on smaller things like letting them into the bathroom or letting them change their IDs to "female"

It really is all or nothing

( Wokeuplate )
In addition to all the direct harm this ideology causes, I resent that it necessitates me being so stridently, virulently “extremist” in that my conclusion is always “No, there is no compromise. No, there is no middle ground. No, there isn’t even an inch that I can budge.” It is all fake, all a lie, all destructive. There are no redeeming elements, not one. If I heard someone speak this way, I would write them off as a kook, or worse. But with this ideology, there is no choice. It has to be #holdtheline and #noquartergiven.

( worried19 )
The problem is that fervent TRAs do not want compromise or moderation. It's all or nothing with them. They would rather see all their progress go up in flames than make reasonable concessions. Purity-driven ideology is simply unsustainable when you are asking the American public to believe in biological impossibilities and act as though the two sexes do not exist.


Andrew Anglin #pratt #dunning-kruger #transphobia dailystormer.name

Trans supporters have never explained how souls are getting trapped in the wrong bodies. Obviously, it cannot be natural. Naturally, a soul would be fundamentally connected to the body, and therefore “soul in the wrong body” is an impossible problem. Therefore, the only explanation for this is some kind of malicious otherworldly entity. We should be asking these people to explain what this entity is, and if there is a way to fight it. Can we, for instance, travel to the plane of existence in which this entity resides, and use magic runes to destroy or at least imprison it so it cannot continue to switch souls into the wrong bodies?

If fighting the entity responsible is not possible, would it be possible to build a machine to align souls with the bodies? Most people did not think souls were sexual, and that it was the body that was sexual, with the soul residing in it, but if the soul is sexual, is there a way to change the sex of the soul, rather than mutilating the body? If I believed in this theory, I would also want to explore the possibility of soul-switching: can you take a boy who has the wrong soul and a girl who has the wrong soul and switch their souls into the other’s body?

It is an extreme metaphysical claim that a soul can be in the wrong body, and yet somehow, this is not being addressed at all. They just declare it, without elaborating on the mechanism. If people believe in this sort of thing, there is no reason we shouldn’t be looking at using magic to rectify the situation. If someone believes a soul can be switched in the first place, there is no reason it cannot be switched back, which would prevent so many problems.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Rep. Seth Moulton: Democrats Are Wearing an ‘Ideological Straitjacket’

( NoName )

“I do know that women’s rights are important and trans women’s rights are important, so we have to find a balance that makes sense,” he said. “And if we can find that balance as a party, I think we can turn this around and actually win on this issue.”

Want to know what the balance is? Men out of women's spaces. That's all it was ever about. No feminist has ever advocated for any harm or discrimination against trans people. They just want men out of women's locker rooms, sports, prisons, rape crisis centers. Seeing as they have so much funding, they can make their own rape crisis centers and trans shelters. It's odd that they don't. Actually, it's not odd that they don't. We know why they want in women's spaces.

( pennygadget )
The problem is that the "rights" TIPs are demanding are the right to force their objectively untrue delusions onto everyone else (even if that means destroying society in the process). Coddling TIMs is no different than banning non-kosher food to please observant Jews or forcing all women into hijabs to please Muslims. Its trampling all over the majority's objective needs and rights in order to serve the nonsensical religious beliefs of a small minority

Comparing the trans "struggle" to the fight for women's basic civil rights is an INSULT

( hellamomzilla )
Yes. And, it’s all based on fetish driven sexual compulsions and once you recognize that, you can’t unsee it. There’s absolutely no reason to privilege the sexual desire of perverted men over all girls and women. Keep your sex life out of the public square. The end.

( MascaraRunsFree )
He needs to learn the difference between "rights" and "desired privileges." As long as he uses TRA language, he's not going to get to the fundamental issue. Women have no obligation to grant privileges en bloc, here ya go guys! Whatever you want!

In fact, it goes the other way round - we must ZEALOUSLY defend the rights of women and girls. There is no contest between privileges desired (so someone can derive the MOST sexual pleasure from their fetish, not my fucking problem) and rights. There's no contest.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Trump plans to kick transgender troops out of the military with 15,000 service members to be 'medically discharged' on his first day in office, report claims | Daily Mail Online

( Mizuna )
The most shocking thing about this is that there are 15,000 transgender people in the military. The US military has a long and ugly history of medical experimentation on its own members. How many of these 15,000 transgender members are unwitting test subjects for whatever sick experiments the higher-ups in the US military are running? I strongly suspect that this the latest chapter in that long and ugly history.

( itsnotaboutewe )
I recently read somewhere that it's to do with serving members requiring regular medication to sustain life. If you have type 1 diabetes you will not pass the medical exam to join. If you are diagnosed after joining, you can be discharged as medically unfit. It's all about being able to serve in combat conditions and being physically able to withstand difficult circumstances in battle. This was how the trans service members were discharged last time. They can't claim that without daily hormones they would die yet still say they are fit enough to serve.

( ProfTerfMom )
How many trans-identifying people enlisted solely to have their medical transitions paid for by the military? The government is going to save a ton of $$$ and have a healthier fighting force.

Good riddance.

( MadSea )
Most of them are considered non-deployable so there really is no point in keeping them in the military. They are a drain on resources better spent elsewhere. Also female soldiers deserve to have their dorms and showers free of males. This is a win and I hope it’s what happens.

( Biologia )
We still eat the costs of their medical if they are medically discharged, along with unemployment/disability benefits.

Simpler to just stop funding for transition & stop letting people legally change their sex. Then the ones who are in the military for free cosmetic surgeries/steroids will leave on their own (or even better- accept the reality of their sex instead of creating 15,000 TRA martyrs)

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Will the Democrats finally start listening to the TERFs? [by Kara Dansky]

( wildclovr )
I think there are some people who are deeply invested in this and have no real way to back off of it, and so for that reason, the Democrats are going to wind up losing a few more election cycles before they give up on transgender.

But we're already seeing some cracks, and I think change is coming. Maybe the new up and comers won't be supportive of trans.

But, the old guard will hang onto it and are never going to admit they were wrong.

( Gray )
I really hope Democrats wake up soon and start listening to TERFs before they lose all the sane people from their political party, or before they cause enough liberal Americans to become so disillusioned by politics that they give up voting entirely.

I didn’t vote in the recent election due to living in a solid blue state and because I felt so unmotivated to bother registering to vote on time this year. The transgender ideology propaganda that Democrats are trying to push onto everyone without limits or boundaries is part of the reason why so many liberal Americans either didn’t vote, voted third-party, or voted Trump.

The Democrats who are brainwashed into believing that “allowing males into women’s spaces if they identify as a woman” is the hill that they want to die on, are the ones who are ruining the Democrat party and are leading to what’s allowed the US political system to become so broken and polarized to the point that a misogynist rapist clown like Trump got voted in.

( PeregrineWitch )
No, they won't.

They are still making excuses and denials and claiming it's the ignorance, selfishness and bigotry of voters, doubling down on the righteousness of all their positions, decisions and opinions.

But all of this is just a smokescreen for the real problem: massive money from Big Tech, Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex. Why would they listen to Terfs -- or any feminist -- when trillion dollar industries offer them billion dollar slices of pie?

( rkin )
This is the answer. When trans fails politically and potentially ideologically, some new version of transhumanism will take hold as an ideology. [...] Science isn't going to calm down on trying to edit the body post-birth with so much money on the line, so they'll come at it with some other social ideology to justify the science.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

I’d much rather share a ladies’ room with Sarah McBride than with Nancy Mace | Margaret Sullivan | The Guardian

( mathlover )
Well, then feel free to share the men's room with Mr. McBride. That is the only place where he will ever belong.

( babygrandpiano )
These handmaidens are testing my patience. We're supposed to be more concerned about TIMs getting UTIs than women getting assaulted, raped, and recorded. Won't someone think of the poor crossdressing men and their UTIs!?!?

Shut up.

( Cronelogical-order )
Also, you wanted to be a woman man, welcome to getting UTIs more often

Weird how they never find the downsides of being a woman gender euphoria UWU

( Carrots90 )

If you can’t stand to be away from fetishistic cross dressing men, you and the other handmaidens have multiple options. You can pee with him in the mens room, in the all gender restrooms, in his private restroom, etc

You and the handmaidens can also try out for men’s sports or mixed sex sports with him

( dasehe )
Being a woman does not give you the right to consent on behalf of other women. We used to understand this. Women opposed women's suffrage, too. The mere fact of their disagreement does not mean women should not have had the vote.

( dasehe )
Someone should ask her about sharing a ladies' room with Isla Bryson.

( CrimsonSoleil )
Anytime people are asked about pedos in women’s bathrooms, we’re told, “those aren’t transwomen! Those are men!” So how can we tell the difference..? (Hint - we can’t)

( pennygadget )
They're making McBride the poster boy for this issue because he's a non-threatening, swishy gay man. Its easy for Sullivan to say that she'd be fine pissing in the stall next to him. But how would she feel if she or her daughter had to spend the night in a prison or homeless shelter alongside a male sex offender claiming to possess a lady soul? Would she choose sharing a cell with "Karen White" over sharing with Nancy Mace? I'm guessing the answer is "no"

SARAH ANDERSON #transphobia #homophobia #fundie pjmedia.com

Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election with historic numbers, and I truly believe that one reason for that is that the country is tired of wokeness and having it shoved down our throats. We're tired of participation trophies, whether they're for Little Leaguers or presidential candidates. We're tired of a fringe group forcing us to go out of our way to play along with how they want to live their private lives. We're tired of trigger warnings before movies and college students who need safe spaces and social justice taking over the football games we watch to escape from all that stuff.

We're tired of public school systems pushing a progressive ideology on children who don't even know how to read. We don't care what our colleagues' pronouns are; we just care that we get our work done and get paid. Women are tired of men taking over our sports, our bathrooms, and our sacred place in the world. Men are tired of being blamed for everything because they merely exist. We're all tired of absurdity triumphing over common sense.

As a Georgia resident and a product of said university system who was taking classes at the University of Georgia as recently as last year, I have to admit that I've always felt lucky that our higher education institutions don't seem to be quite as woke as those in other parts of the country. But I think this is a step in the right direction to prevent them from going that way. And I think it's proof that this so-called purple state still has a nice reddish tint. Let's hope more organizations follow.

Judith Rose #transphobia #conspiracy radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

Whether they choose it or not, today trans-identifying young people are at a higher risk of being sexually trafficked in a situation they cannot escape.

The dots are easy to connect. A young person is drawn into changing their identity through gender ideology, a cult-like school of thought that rejects questioning, and lured away from their family either through the state or a stranger online that coaxes (or grooms) them into leaving their family to live a transgender life. State systems and traffickers alike would prefer to benefit from this process, which is why many public educators (in state-funded schools) are introducing children to new and confusing sexual concepts to give children the initial nudge into adopting a trans identity and splitting from their families (either legally or illegally). Parents in some states are threatened with loss of custody of their children if they do not comply. The rest is done through peer and online pressure.

To perfect this system, the lower tiers have no idea that they are grooming children for potential trafficking. Educators and allies alike believe they have adopted the new gender-inclusive LGBTQ+ ideology for the sake of empathy, inclusion, and affirmation to “save the trans kids.” But the more youth that identify as trans and post themselves online, the larger the catalog for traffickers becomes. The more children that cry to be legally separated from their “abusive” non-accepting families, the more money a state can claim by funneling them into the foster care system. And is it a coincidence that these vulnerable children are being encouraged to delay puberty using 'puberty blockers'—the same drugs employed in the chemical castration of sex offenders—ultimately prolonging their prepubescent appearance? Combine this with the fact that the average parent has no control over what their child is viewing on the internet. It creates a predator's paradise.

If we do not work to reel in and repair the damage done by gender ideology, we risk thousands of children experiencing what no child or human being should ever experience: SEX TRAFFICKING.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: AOC wonders what the Democrats can do to not fucking fail.

( Lilith )
Democrats just need to quietly drop the T. Like how they quietly dropped peace. Like how they quietly dropped labor unions. And age discrimination.

It seems to me that they have NO problem whatsoever dropping issues that are inconvenient to their donors. It's the issues that are unpopular at the polls they insist on dragging us down with.

( Veneficca )
This is where the forced teaming with LGB really hurts, because it's so hard to decouple now and so any attempt to talk about trans gets branded as homophobia or good old "anti-LGBTQ." I noticed that even snarky sites that make fun of trans anything got upset with Mace and branded her as "hating queer folk." Which immediately shut down all discussion of the real issue.

AOC knows her brand is being young and progressive so it's going to be impossible for her to go too far off script. All these "let's have hard discussions about where Dems go wrong" already have preset topics in place.

That said... I do think behind the scenes a few politicians understand. I just don't know how much the messaging will change. The best thing we can do is be vocal online and IRL to show that people are sick of this toxic shitshow.

( CharliXX )
I have no idea what it's like to be AOC. She's been a politician for so long she is part of "the swamp" but the lefty swamp of victim hierarchy thinking which puts a regular working joe of any color, sex or orientation as privileged over trans people (including rich perverts like Jamie Lee Curtis' son) or people from war torn countries a million miles away (including when those people commit literal atrocities and upload themselves to their victims' facebook doing it), and therefore unworthy of sympathy and policy. I genuinely doubt she will ever come around. We need new blood and even though Nancy Mace is on the right, I hope her bravery will inspire more left wing oriented women to become champions for reality. I think it's a real damn vote winner.

( Hollyhock )
I think that she knows trandgenderism is a massive problem for her political party, but she also knows how even she can be cancelled. It's as plausible that she's scared as it's plausible she doesn't get it, but I'm not sure.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

I love that someone in a position of power in America is finally saying what we’re all thinking

( syntaxerror )
I appreciate that she’s able to be so bold about it. Usually people like her (celebrities, politicians, influencers) go through a period where they try and be more gentle about it and sugarcoat the message, which is totally ineffective. We need to be clear.

( KevlarMagnolia )
Evergreen: the "Pronouns are Rohypnol" essay

"Of course trans women should use women's restrooms and locker rooms" hits normies a lot differently than "of course men who think they're women should use women's restrooms and locker rooms," and the trans rights activists fucking know it, hence their tireless efforts to keep statements like the latter from seeing the light of day.

I hope Mace is just getting started--I would love for her to bring this kind of clarity to discussions about, say, men in women's prisons.

( twinklebarbie )
Agreed! We need her! I really think she should use her platform to highlight some of the things that have been going on. Reduxx has plenty of new stories each day that the American public isn’t preview to but should be. This is how she will help women win the public. Unfortunately just calling them mentally ill (which they are) helps support the bullying argument, and she may end up setting us back on the left. I don’t think this should be a partisan issue. For example, she could have retweeted the video of the track and field runner begging school officials not to include males in their female track team. Democrats will have nothing to say to this.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
Their fetish is not our new reality either

Mark Humphrys #transphobia markhumphrys.com

Matt Walsh finds that Maasai tribesmen in Kenya know what a woman is.

They are obviously lagging behind Western leftists, who do not know what a woman is.

When Matt Walsh tells the Maasai tribesmen about gender theory, he discovers to his surprise that none of them believe in this Western gibberish.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[From “November 24, 2024: Mount Olympus 41”]


spoilerPanel 1: a dark-skinner looter is running in the street
Panel 2: a Jewish man standing on a ladder is chiseling a statue
Panel 3: a pink-haired, pink-dressed is showing a book about sexuality to a child; behing him is a rainbow with Emojis for tomato and eggplant
Panel 4: Men are standing with their pitchforks
Panel 5: the looter is apprehended by the crowd
Panel 6: the Jewish man is being forcibly taken dron the ladder
Panel 7: the pink man is apprehended
Pänel 8: the Black looter, the Jewish vandal and the queer are being carried out by the crowd
Panel 9: a courthouse is displayed
Panel 10: a statue of Lady Justice is displayed
Panel 11: the Black looter, the Jewish vandal and the queer are being tried
Panel 12: the gaven is being struck against a sound block
Panel 13: the Jewish judge has acquitted the three offenders; one of them is taunting the crowd which apprehended him

Liz Wheeler #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

“There are stalls in women’s bathrooms, so why can’t a transgender use the women’s bathroom?”


Ask yourself: Why do we have women’s bathrooms in the first place?

It’s not because every man is a predator or a voyeur. Some are, but not all.

It’s because men are… men.

Men view women’s bodies sexually. Yes, even transgenders who identify as women who, of course, are biological men. (And yes, even “Sarah” McBride who was “married” to a transgender who was actually a biological woman pretending to be a man.)

Women need privacy from men.

This is why we have women’s bathrooms. It’s not so silly girls can go gossip together, it’s because women are undressing, vulnerable, dealing with intimate bodily functions & feminine hygiene and need privacy.

A man’s presence is a violation of that privacy to the highest degree.

You know this. This is why you, as a man, don’t barge in the women’s bathrooms. Because you don’t belong there, and you know it.

“Transgenders” who identify as women are men.

Forcing women to feign comfort with men in lipstick in our bathrooms is cruel. Gaslighting women who vocalize discomfort is abusive. Bullying women into indulging the delusion of transgenderism and pretending men are women is evil.

We will not back down.

And we are keeping a list of the cowards who refuse to keep men out of women’s bathrooms.
1:36 PM · Nov 21, 2024 · 422.2K Views
5,392 Reposts 283 Quotes 26.1K Likes 900 Bookmarks

sfcmac #transphobia sfcmac.com

Female Pediatrician Wants to Change Her 10 Year Old Son to a Girl, Against His Father’s Wishes and With the Aid of the California Legal System

She is a fucking monster. She projects her sick fantasies by expressing her desire to mutilate children. She should be stripped of her parental rights and thrown in jail. The worst part of all this is that she uses her position as a pediatrician to facilitate the abuse. One day, after the damage is done, her children will grow up to realize that their mother is a psycho who ruined their chance at a normal life.

The legal system in Texas and California is totally fucked. No one in their right mind would warp the legal system to fit the derangement of a mentally ill parent. Which calls into question the mental acuity of a judge and jury who thinks this is acceptable.

Read the reviews on WebMD. It’s got comments from people who describe her a mentally unstable and who said she tried to talk to children alone and insisted they were they opposite sex.

Wherever she’s practicing, she should have her license yanked. She has no business being around children.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Opinion | The Secret Behind America’s Moral Panic: What Democrats Are Getting Wrong About Transgender Rights - The New York Times

( Researcher1536 )
The election gave people the breathing room to finally start speaking out and up about all this gender crap. People aren't afraid of being socially and financially sacked by expressing common sense facts. So much tongue biting and swallowing feelings occurred over the years. Now reality can hopefully return to the forefront, even if it's currently being drowned out by TRAs screeching about trans genocide and how trans is connected to abortion and women's rights.

( ArtemisCitrine )
I read this op-ed twice and still don't get how trans rights are reproductive rights, as she asserts.

Not to be mean, but butch lesbians who transition late in life always look to me....not very bright. A young confused lesbian....I'll cut her slack. But this person is supposed to be a major intellectual.

( camino_medio )
She's glomming onto a popular point among leftists (reproductive rights) and working her arguments in from there. Fairly standard for the pro-gender ideology side, but her writing and arguments on the subject have always been embarrassingly disjointed to the degree of being bizarre.

( dasehe )
tldr; she's arguing that all objections to trans rights boil down to a cultural anxiety to force women to keep churning out babies. Trans rights break that paradigm - some of her argument acknowledges the sterility issue but 90% of it is "look, Putin is all for traditional family values and he hates LGBT and this is true of Trump and Vance too, therefore these issues are clearly linked."

If trans rights break the cultural anxiety to force women to keep churning babies in half, then defense of trans rights is no less than defense of reproductive rights.

I can kind of see where this comes from because I know some academics still tying themselves in knots, but I just feel her analysis misses a lot of things.

( faerieclaire )
I don’t understand either, unless she’s saying that since adults have the right to sterilize themselves, children should have the same right??? Which, obviously, no they shouldn’t

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Crowd cheered as two transgender women were attacked at Minneapolis rail station, advocates say

( dasehe )

After overhearing a group making derogatory remarks toward them at the station at Hennepin Avenue and Fifth Street in downtown Minneapolis, the pair “confronted” the group, which led to a “physical altercation,” Minneapolis Police told The Independent in a statement.

They should not have been attacked, but I'm not really interested in giving energy or compassion to TIMs at the moment. It's a very male response though.

( Joedi )
The last thing actual women would do is confront a bunch of men who were making derogatory remarks towards them.

( Mandy )
So a bunch of men got into a fight.

( notapatsy )
Exactly. Male behavior on both sides. If the two "transwomen" were really women, there is no way they would have confronted a crowd of men.

( shewolfoffrance )
See, it's because of incidents like this that I don't think TiMs are really that scared of male violence. They're definitely more cautious about starting something with other men, but they aren't exactly quaking in their sparkly pink boots. They like provoking a reaction and, if anything, they're more aggressive than the average man.

( hard_headed_woman )
People who are being "genocided" don't start fights.

( Carrots90 )
This works against our cause. Figures men will F this up

I mean, let’s see what the real story is.


This is a trans activist wet dream. Finally some transphobia to activate the activists.

Demand has been way outstripping supply when it comes to violence against TIMs. They are overwhelmingly perpetuating it

( Lillith )
Oh, I don't know. Being kind hasn't won us anything useful. Maybe this will drive some of them indo hiding or discourage others from ever transitioning.

And if the hecklers get away with it, it may make ppl less fearful of letting gender specials know how they really feel about them.

( Elizabelch )
We don't need this witch-hunt bullshit any more than we need men in women's restrooms.

However, the TIMs certainly got the female experience there. They'll have to learn to handle this like women do: Read the situation and most of the time, choose to ignore instead of escalate.

( neonbandit )
Must be nice to have male bone density when being attacked too.

Anon #transphobia pittparents.com

[Reply to the parent of a trans child]

Sometimes I just want to change the whole ‘unconditional love’ thing to ‘actually I really only love you on the condition that you show a little respect’. There’s more to you than your identity & if it’s going to hurt you so much that you are referred to as your true born self then you really don’t stand to survive very well in this world. There are far more perilous things that may come your way in life. It almost makes me want to say bring back bullying on the playground so they can learn to get over it & build resilience.

Satchidanand #magick #crackpot #homophobia #transphobia #god-complex satchidanand.substack.com

Understand! No One except Energy Enhancement Meditation has the reverse technology to remove Sex and Drug Addiction Demons!

Satanic Drug and Sex Addiction blockages are Satanic Demons which vampirise your spiritual energies, reducing your life force, the energy of each orgasm, the energy of each hit of the Drug going into the reservoirs of the Satanic Black Magician who made the Satanic Demon in Satanic Ritual and implanted it into you.

Satanic Drug and Sex Addiction blockages are Satanic Demons which suck!

Satanic Drug and Sex Addiction blockages are Satanic Demons which suck you dry!

Energy Enhancement Meditation is the Solution.

Energy Enhancement Meditation is a fully operative Ancient Technology used for thousands of years by Ancient Illuminated Sages to become Enlightened.

Meditation is a fully operative Ancient Technology used for thousands of years by Satanic Black Magician minions in the service of their Satanic Dark Gods in order to vampirise the Spiritual Energies of humanity into their reservoirs in order for the Satanic Dark Gods to live forever in Private Universes in the Astral Plane and download from time to time into specially prepared humans in order to manage their plantation on the Planet Earth.

The Satanic Black Magicians are minions of the Satanic Dark Gods who implant their victims with Satanic Drug and Sex Addiction blockages which are Demons which are created in Satanic Ritual, a Meditative Technology preserved for thousands of years which has been kept away from humanity so they have no protection from the Addiction once implanted.
Satanic Food Addiction in restaurants

Satanic Sex Addiction in porn and pornhub.

Satanic Sex addiction in Succubus and Incubus.

Satanic Drug and Sex addiction in tent cities.

Satanic Pedophile Sex addiction in for hundreds of years in schools like "Whipping and Fagging" Eton

And Now....

Satanic Pedophile Sex addiction taught as LBTQPS in schools all over the world teaching...

1. Pedophilia

2. Transexuality.

3. Castration.

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie #homophobia #transphobia simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Date a Live is a Japanese media franchise

It is an extraordinarily wicked and sinful series, focusing on matters that appeal to the prurient interest. This series features excessive profanity, violence, and sexualized language and content that includes full nudity and other crass remarks and lesbianism on full display with character Miku Izayoi and public fetishism by way of the sinful antics of Origami Tobiichi. Lesbianism is a particularly prominent theme in Season 2, with Miku thirsting strongly for the feminine form and even leads to series protagonist Shido Itsuka crossdressing as “Shiori” in order to gain her favor, (violating Deuteronomy 22:5)

The episode pans to a view of Shido being awaken by his 14 year old stepsister Kotori, in a salacious way with her behind being seen with undergarments visible and behind particularly prominent. The incestuous implications and age differences are especially reprehensible here. … Tohka is a central force throughout the series, often behaving in sexualized ways and in provocative dress, sometimes even fully nude like in the shower or a spa. Many other spirits are found and birthed, including the aforementioned Origami who became a spirit during the third season, and before that her penchant of perverse things became known: in the Season 1 OVA (Date to Date) she even dressed and acted as a dog in a swimsuit wearing a makeshift leash out in public in front of children! This is in addition to other perverse practices as BDSM and Omorashi, which are shown at various points in Seasons 1 and 3, which if taken to be good practices by youth watching this program will give them over to a reprobate mind. (Romans 1:28)
Major antagonist and later anti-hero Kurumi Tokisaki is a central focus in this series, and she is known for crass and salacious behaviors including donning lingerie in both Seasons 1 and 4, preparing to show off her undergarments in Season 1 and all throughout the series using her salacious tantalizing seductress demeanor to achieve evil goals including genocide and torture and strongly implied rape of Origami. She also makes crass lewd jokes about Miku’s large brassiere in Season 2, only further carrying themes of lesbianism in that Season. …
All in all, this is a series that … is inappropriate for youth despite being rated “TV-14” on the various releases of this series.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Speaker Johnson restricts capitol bathrooms for trans people

( somegenerichandle )
McBride has already posted images of himself breaking the law by going into women's rooms to take selfies. https://x.com/RealityEnthusi2/status/1858849704160735661

I bet he's going to pull this in the Capital too.

( scriptcrone )
Figurative pissing to mark territory, as well as literal pissing to mark territory.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
So completely male

( wrongthink )
great, now just extend the same courtesy to the rest of the women’s bathrooms across the country.

( WrongToy )
McBride announces he will follow the rules.


( Turtlefuzz )

This effort to distract from the real issues facing this country hasn't distracted me.

Except women have made it clear that males in female bathrooms IS A REAL ISSUE.

Christ on a cracker, he is so pretentious.

( pennygadget )
Its not a real issue when women care about it. But when a man wants to shit in a ladies toilet, its literally a matter of life and death. 🙄

( girl_pash )
The list of trans hypocrisy is extremely long lmao

( realityismykink )
If it's not a real issue then he should have no problem staying out of the women's bathrooms 💅

( sensusquaeram )
Once again, they left out the "each Member office has its own bathroom and there are unisex bathrooms throughout the Capitol" part (see https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/624991/first-trans-congress-member-is-banned-from-using-women-s-bathrooms-after-marjori) -- so if McBride insists on using women's restrooms in the Capitol, it's not an infrastructure-based necessity.

( Riothamus )
Oh please.

How is Congressman McBride supposed to jerk off in the presence of defecating women when he's in a bathroom by himself?

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Marjorie Taylor Greene Misgenders First Openly Trans Congresswoman Sarah McBride: 'He's A Man'

( Riothamus )
2012: Republicans tell ridiculous lies to attack Democrats. Electoral failure.

2024: Republicans tell the even more ridiculous truth to attack Democrats. Electoral success.

This is what happens when you insist 2+2=5 and punish those who object.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
"Math is Racist" was sadly not an onion article

( sylviasmushrooms )
I was trying to explain the other day that gender woo is just as absurd and lacking in credibility as flat earth theory. Conservatives believe a LOT of nutty things, but the left has handed them gender theory on a golden platter to make THEM, of all people, look like the clearheaded ones who aren’t blinded by emotion and faith and are able to just say the absolutely obvious truth.

I’m mad at anyone who gives the nuttiest conservatives that gift, honestly.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Because they think they won't be the one who would be effected by this shitty ideology. TiMs are not on the face of come corporate executive ( remember that budweiser female executive who pushed Mulvaney ? ) shouting It's Mam!. They are clashing with working class who have to use the public restrooms, working as customer support directly interacting with TiMs.

( Begbie )
Can we also discuss this “openly” transgender description. Really? Tell me who the closeted ones were. They are trying to normalize the “trans people have always existed” thing even in the headline.

Now, do I think there have been transvestites in congress, yes. But sensibly, in the past, nobody would have voted for someone who dressed like this publicly. I prefer those days.

( Toseland )
Men dressed up as women may have always existed - but in the 1970s we called them perverts and took care to bring our laundry in, in case it was stolen!

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Rembmer Silence of the Lambs ?

( Iggyana )
Cross dressing is a common fetish of serial killers. Buffalo Bill was a compilation of many real world serial killers.

( readfreak )
There has always been transvestites. It's just that in the past they had the good sense to only do it at home in private, and in the 60s they got arrested for cross-dressing in public. A lot of cross dressers have more than one paraphilia, and a lot of serial killers have been cross-dressers.

Jillian Becker #crackpot #forced-birth #transphobia #wingnut theatheistconservative.com

What Trump’s glorious victory could mean

After November 5, 2024:

The Master has come home again and from January 20, 2025, will hear your complaints. Will judge. Will reward or condemn.

Americans will be free again. More prosperous. Happier.

The economy will be reset to approach a free market ideal. Taxes will be lowered. Inflation will fall.

The border will be sealed. Illegal criminal aliens will be deported.

Children will be safe from the costly and unnecessary surgeon’s knife.

No babies will be killed in the womb or abandoned to die after birth.

US energy – fossil fuel and nuclear – will be used at home and exported.

No biological males will compete in women’s sports.

Candidates for university entrance, jobs, government appointments will be selected according to merit. Color, race, gender will not be criteria of choice.

Education will be revived, indoctrination stopped.

Technology will serve the people not destroy them.

The military will be servants of the nation again.

Wars will stop. Terrorism will be ended.

Globalism will be laughed at and dumped.

The UN will be destroyed.

Are we sure?

Well, maybe not all of this will be accomplished immediately. But eventually? Oh, of course.

J.K.Rowling #transphobia twitter.com

(In response to the announcement: A flag has been flying above the City Chambers today to mark Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day to remember people who have lost their lives in acts of transgender violence #TDOR #TransDayofRemembrance)

Really looking forward to the day a flag is flown for Scottish victims of femicide, but sure, let's hear the list of trans people who've been murdered in Scotland. Ever.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Transgender women to be banned from Capitol Hill female bathrooms under new House GOP proposal

( babygrandpiano )
From another article on the topic:

'The cruelty is the point,' Democrat Rep. Becca Balint, a co-chair of the Equality Caucus, told Axios. 'This is not just bigotry, this is just plain bullying,' Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said.

What a shame that two congressWOMEN came to the defense of this male colleague. Let his male colleagues help him with his fight.

( pennygadget )
AOC and Becca Balint can just go into the men's rooms or the special trans bathrooms with their TIM BFFs. Problem solved!

( faerieclaire )
It’s cruel to keep men out of women’s bathrooms LMAO

What about the actual women who want to have privacy? Oh right they’re not real people, we can be as cruel to them as we want 🙄💀

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
It's only bullying when a male is on the receiving end of it, apparently

( HelenaHandbasket )
How are they gonna keep their handmaiden bonafides if they don't stand up against this "injustice" against Mr McBride?

( pennygadget )
The country has a ton of REAL problems right now. But thank God women like AOC are willing to put all that aside so she can advocate for her male coworkers to shit in the ladies room

( RumorsFromInez )
There's only one transgender-identifying person in Congress, and that's a TIM named "Sarah" McBride. This is clearly directed at him, which is why AOC called it bullying lol.

( WrongToy )
McBride could be in a roomful of gop male senators using the toilet, and no one present would care.

Him being in the women’s means that gop women like mace would care.

( HelenaHandbasket )
Well, the GOP does have the power in the upcoming Congress.

If they use some of it for this issue, I'm not gonna be mad about it. Everything else they do will probably piss me off, but this one I'm fine with. Mr. McBride can go "hang out" with the other dudes in the men's room.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
I'm a little salty congress will pass it for themselves but not for women nationwide.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Here’s my women’s bathroom proposal:

Instead of making a trans bathroom, we should make a Republican women’s bathroom and a Democrat women’s bathroom, so all the Democrat women who agree with men using the women’s bathroom can share their bathroom with the mentally ill trans biological men that they support.

But NO biological men, no matter what level of dress up they play, are allowed in the Republican women’s bathroom.
1:21 AM · Nov 21, 2024 · 2.1M Views
16.8K Reposts 1,689 Quotes 100.6K Likes 1,184 Bookmarks

kingdragon01 #fundie #transphobia deviantart.com

Its time for the evil to be banished.

When facts are considered hate speech you know the country is controlled by evil.

If they will not turn from their evil ways, then they need to be removed.

There are two genders, there is one God and one true religion, and he is calling me to fight.

So, yes.

The Rev. Steven Roland #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

The American people have made their choice and elected once again a wicked twice divorced adulterer in Wicked Donny who failed to ban pornography, abortion, sodomy, child genital mutilation, or any of the other things promised before. And now we are expected as Christians to believe he’ll do it THIS TIME because of a “Project 2025” or other projects or things that people have talked about. But he won’t. He’s already said he will veto a national abortion ban, will do nothing to ban sexual content on television and the internet, and will continue to let reprobates like “Tampon Tim” Walz put tampons in the boys bathrooms in schools and let children be ripped apart in the womb or if they survive let them be chemically and surgically castrated to meet the sick perverse desires of the “transgender” agenda. Sodomites will continue to reign free to corrupt your kids with “drag queen story hour.” Do you really expect the man who put far-left Episcopalian Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court bench to do anything different?
Wicked Donny has already named Matt Gaetz, a man credibly accused of trafficking underage girls as attorney general to ensure a lawless land, put Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in charge of HHS to ensure the pro abortion and pro child mutilation agenda can continue, a man who despite being a “skeptic” will continue to let autism-laden vaccines on the market for your children. Democrats like Tulsi Gabbard are also coming to ensure compliance with the left-wing agenda. Wicked Donny will also continue to be subservient to AIPAC and the agenda of the Israeli government which will ensure that our country continues down the road to hell as the Israel lobby is threatened by strong conservative Christianity as the Zionists seek to have a weak sodomite population to ensure the destruction of our people. ..
This whole administration I predict will flop so hard and be such anathema to conservatives that we will have a President Gavin Newsom in 2029 who will take us to the communist point of no return and Christians will be jailed for using the “wrong pronouns” or for even marrying someone of the opposite sex or living as your correct gender or even doing something as necessary as preaching the Gospel, as the Gospel is banned in communist nations like China and North Korea. It’s coming!

Syndaballet #transphobia ovarit.com

"Big Brother" "Star" reports J.K. Rowling for "thoughtcrime"
So I just finished reading Orwell's 1984 and the irony can't be lost that a "Big Brother" "Star" has reported J.K. Rowling to the Thought Police.

So in the book, the children of the Party undergo "elaborate mental training" and in "Newspeak" terms, this involves "crimestop, blackwhite, and doublethink." Crimestop is where one realizes one is thinking a thoughtcrime and must censor oneself immediately.

The first and simplest stage in the discipline, which can be taught even to young children, is called, in Newspeak, crimestop. Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought.

If you've ever been an active member in leftist spaces, you know exactly what this feels like. To even entertain the idea that a TiM shouldn't be in some women's sports for example would be a heresy.

Then blackwhite, which is literally training onself to believe that black is white or 2 and 2 make 5, if that's what the Party says to believe.

Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which really embraces all the rest, and which is known in Newspeak as doublethink.

And honestly to believe a man can be a woman, to know a man can be a woman, and stopping yourself from believing or ever saying otherwise, has quite clearly been warned against in one of the most prescient dystopian novels to have been written.

I do recommend reading 1984 by George Orwell. I will note that the book can be extremely misogynistic at times, but I think it makes sense in a book where everyone is literally trained to be, as the book describes, stupid and hateful.

Big Brother is Watching. Let's see what the Thought Police verdict against J.K. Rowling brings. If the result is dystopic, I believe we need to react accordingly.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

Some kids are born in the wrong bodies. Since gender identity is fixed by the age of three, kids can and do tell their parents their real gender, which is sometimes different than their natal sex. Good parents listen.


All of the above is what this fairly liberal, Jewish mom believed until only a few months ago. I bought into that narrative wholesale, like many other well-meaning people, thinking “what’s the harm?”... until it came into my home. One night this summer, my young teen son revealed he was “trans”. My husband and I sat down with him right away to learn more about this strange new creature that had just appeared to us. He gave the following evidence: he did not feel comfortable in his body and about a month prior had realized that this was because he was not a boy. He knew that he was trans because when he put girl clothes on his video game avatar, he felt “euphoria”. He had had crushes on girls, but he recently wasn’t so sure since he may have had a crush on a boy. He didn’t like his shoulders or his voice. He felt different.


Six months later, I was entirely disillusioned. And I had learned why we aren’t asking these questions. All those happy rainbow stories, those glitter families - they are cover-ups.

The Immortal Watch Dog #transphobia the-sietch.com

Shit all over the LGBT, especially the T.

No one hates them more than urban blacks, except maybe Muslim Americans. And most black people I know from the hood legitimately believe in MLKs "gay illuminati" conspiracy theory without any hint of shit posting irony.

Troons are as a great way to radicalize the House Wife. All you have to do is bring up the multiple pro troon rape camps run by public school systems and bammo you have a repeat of the Stanic panic only with idiots on tiktok boasting about how they violate kids with their female penisespremises.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Trump wasn’t the candidate who made women feel bullied and repulsed

( Women1st )
Women are not a single issue. Expecting women to vote while continuing to dangle the abortion carrot is garbage. Too many women clued in that they will not codify rights into law. We were very clearly told that our rights to define ourselves, have single sex spaces, have women’s sports, and protect women’s prisons meant nothing. We were TERF bigots to complain about the erosion of women’s rights.

( NoName )
I remember a non USA resident on this forum asking prior to the election what Harris could actually do about abortion if she won. I remember commenting that Harris couldn't do anything without a majority in both houses. Seriously though, this issue should never have been left swinging in the wind for fifty years on the basis of Roe vs Wade. Some years back I remember hearing why RBG never liked abortion being hinged on Roe vs Wade.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
The forgot women have lives outside of you know, getting pregnant and having abortions on a daily basis.

Republicans did face the music during mid terms after Roe, but states stepped in. The stories about miscarriages are coming out rn are mostly medical negligence and poor interpretation of law, rather than being abortion ban.

But TiM infestation into the daily life is horrible

( Amareldys )
Are most women dealing with TIMs in their daily life?

( sanitycheck )
Might not be a great idea to ask that on this forum where many women here have dealt with tims and tifs and have children being taught this in school and family members being indoctrinated into medical self harm. Women in prison are dealing with tims in their daily life. Not having free speech to say men are men is an incursion into one's daily life. Worrying youll be fired or lose your career for stating the truth is something i'm dealing with in my daily life.

Mandy of Gays Against Groomers #homophobia #transphobia radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

Although we are still called “the Bible Belt,” we are anything but. The activities were more reminiscent of an adult nightclub rather than a “family-friendly festival.” I didn’t have to dive below the surface to discover the Tri-Pride festival's agenda. I just had to wait for the drag shows to begin. Yes, drag shows in the middle of the day, in a park, aimed at children. Is that really necessary? Children do NOT belong at Pride! Children do NOT belong at Drag Shows!

At the start of the drag show, the announcer said there was going to be nothing but love, regardless of the hostility going on beyond the gates, even though there were no protests that I could find. At this moment in time, the queer community’s “rights” take precedence over everyone else. Under the ugly Progressive Pride Flag, boundaries mean nothing and everyone else in the community is trampled upon. The only ones who are allowed to speak are the cult leaders, but only for the followers who can keep up with their ever-changing rules. The “love” that was shown during the drag show was that of provocative dancing in front of children. The “love” continued as these men greedily took money from children. It was nightmare fuel.

Those who scream about how the patriarchy needs to be taken down seem to be comfortable when creepy 50-year-old men dress in women’s clothing, wear wigs, pack on elaborate makeup, then “shake their stuff” in front of children.

Kotakuinaction2 #transphobia kotakuinaction2.win

"It’s a subjugation fetish. “Validation” means absolutely nothing to them, “if you don’t submit to the pronouns then you just killed the mentally ill troon”, “if you don’t take the shot you killed grandma”, every agenda they push is about forcing you to submit, not about being right or helping others. This is longhouse matriarchy in its purest form."

"It's about the hit of self-righteousness. "I am more virtuous than you. I am more enlightened than you.""

"No I think he's right about the submission.

They don't want to be women. They want to be monsters, and force you to call them women. They know they're evil. They know they're lying. They want to force normal people to submit."

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