
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

TheMostAncientcel Recruit #psycho #sexist incels.is

Not hating women and chads = Cuckold

And I mean literal Cuckold fetish. Imagine entering a room (maybe for mistake) and seeing the scene of Becky being brutally pounded by Chad Gigacok. Immagine seing this brutality and thinking to yourself : "well it's not their fault, it's nature after all" . Seeing that scene should ignite deep ferocious hatred in every incel with a bit of self esteem. You should totally lose it and start stabbing both of them with a rusty sword in minecraft. You should come to your sense only when the room in minecraft is a bloody mess.

"But they have no fauuult it's supposed to be like thiiiis" says the soycel cuck.Yes and you know what? Even an antilope is following its nature when it runs away from the lion. Should the lion not become ferocious and bloodthirsty just at the sight of the antilope escaping?If it is "natural" for the antilope to escape it is natural for the lion turning itself into a merciless killing machine.

And if it is natural for Chad and his harem to fuck 24/7 while laughing at us it is natural to us incels wanting to killing Chad in minecraft and rape Stacy in Dragon Quest Builders. It is our biological imperative and the only way to eliminate your rivals and finally passing your genes into the next generation.


It is basically cuckold porn on epic proportions. Have some fucking pride and let your soul burn in an endless inferno of bitterness, hatred and malignity.

Ellsworth & TallCelFag #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Looked at Stacys phone today

I went to check out a new gym today and the Stacy that helped me at the front desk was a cute brunette, real small boobs but that’s fine with me. Anyway as we were talking about the gym at the front desk I looked down on the desk and saw her cell phone. She was having 3 different text conversations. I’m sure it’s safe to assume they were all with Chad.

I tend to look at what foids do on their phones during my bus-rides from work. It’s all about faces. Watching tiktok, using facetime or taking selfies. Meanwhile all I do is text-based. Such a contrast.

Braindamage #crackpot #sexist incels.is

[Brutal] Females are literally getting there body parts teared in pieces by Chad( HIGH IQ )

Every time he enters a females wide used hole with his huge dick her hole takes massive damage, it gets very stretched out. If the vagina did not get strected out people would not start having sex in other holes where its not meant to have sex in. This was a quick evolution, females got rights and started fucking everyone then her vagina got loose so chad had to find other holes aka her mouth and ass, and soon these holes will be like a cave aswell and then females will let chad fuck them in their pee holes. Yes you read that right and it has already started soon in 10 years everyone will have it because the vagina will barely work thanks to chad. 100 years ago NONE had any other type of sex than normal vaginal sex. This is a very high iq post so i understand if not everyone understands how brutal nature works

grondilu #psycho #sexist incels.is

We could have been born as Chad to be selected by foids. Or we could have been born as a foid and had the easy life.

Female sexual preferences used to not matter that much. Technological progress, socialism and egalitarianism have reduced the value of the male individual to his sex-appeal, which is fairly marginal for most men.

In certain eras of early civilization, but not in overall human history. No, over all of history, on average only 1 in 17 males ever got to procreate, assuming roughly 1:1 males to females. This is the norm and we have merely reverted to it.

What makes you think it was Chad instead of local warlords or something ? After all, prima noctis used to be a thing. Also maybe it was a time when women were better at cuckolding their husbands. I mean think about it : Chad can certainly impregnate 17 women, but he can't provide for all their kids.

Furthermore, getting cucked would have meant you're merely betabuxx, showing that female preference HAS NOT changed and the blackpill has always been in play.

I do not deny female sexual preferences, I just think it's quite unusual to see it being fully expressed as we see today. But anyway, you might be right. That 1/17 ratio is quite hard to explain unless you're willing to imagine that it was a time when women gained full sexual power, somehow. Still, you said it's the norm, and I disagree. Matriarchy is one possible mode of human social organization, but we know patriarchy is possible too. I once wrote that sexual dynamics are an instable equilibrium, because both men and women have natural advantages on the other. Those opposing forces make equality unsustainable, the balance necessarily needs to flip to one side, and stay there until a major change reorganizes society and culture.

suigin #crackpot #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] We incels have been forsaken by the Multiverse

Why do foids reject sub-8 males? They are genetically predisposed to act as selection filters and only accept the best genes from Chad, thus reducing entropy. Because of the Universes that support life, there are more of them that have evolutionary processes that are more efficient at reducing entropy, with the majority of them converging on Pareto optimality. We were probabilistically more likely to have been been born in a Universe of brutal, ruthless and ignorant foids, because there are infinitely many more of these ensembles within the whole of the Multiverse.

We could have been born as Chad to be selected by foids. Or we could have been born as a foid and had the easy life. But it gets worse. We could have been born in one of the mirror Universes where the roles of the sexes were reversed, with males being genetically predisposed to filtering out the lower 80% instead of just rejecting the ugliest 20% of foids. But we know we're not in such a Universe because whenever we impose a patriarchical sex-distributionist ideology on society, we're trying to undo millions of years of evolutionary programming with mere social contracts that are easily eroded. And thus, we also missed out our chance to be born during an era when we had such an ideology temporarily in place.

A world that is beneficial to the incel is still within the realm of possibility. A world in which a group of aspiring autistes can awaken and acquire ultimate power is not unfathomable. Knowing this, is it possible to challenge our "Demiurgic" originator, to challenge the false "God" who blindly cast us down into these depths? Is it possible to acquire the cheat codes of this nightmare jump-scare survival horror game? Can we use our autism powers to terraform, or incellaform if you will, our Universe to be more friendly to Incels and to seek the ultimate retribution not only against foids, but "The Eternal Foid"?

Emmy Tekisui #racist #sexist amren.com

What Money Says When Money Talks

I am a bill collector for one of the ten largest banks in North America. It is human nature to spot patterns, and ere are a few I have noticed. Women, especially women under the age of 30, generally have a higher delinquency rate and much higher debt balances than their male counterparts. In general, North American women, regardless of ethnicity, are more likely than men to:

Owe money to more than one institution and have higher delinquency rates. Be out shopping, discover they can’t use a credit card because they are maxed out, and phone in to ask for an increase in their credit line. Get upset while discussing their sizable debt and their options for repayment. Want to chat about other things for a really, really long time. Why they would want to prop their feet up, get comfortable, and talk interminably with a bill collector is beyond me. Have a male attached to the debt as an authorized user and dismiss the balance as “his responsibility.” I don’t think I will ever hear these words: “I am in charge of making the money and my husband is in charge of spending it.”

What about different ethnic groups? As an African, I take no joy in writing this, but most Africans, besides having high balances, aren’t even interested in discussing solutions. They aren’t rude; they just seem less concerned about solving their problems even if they are facing bankruptcy. Because they aren’t interested in solutions, meetings and conversations with Africans are over quickly. Certain Asians groups, particularly the Japanese and the Chinese, are seldom delinquent and detest being so. They stick together, and it is not unusual to see almost a dozen names on just one mortgage. It seems clear to me that their tribal loyalty plays some role in their financial stability. Indian, Pakistani, and Moroccan men have a curious tendency to try to make things personal, and to manipulate the situation to cast themselves as innocent victims.

sadcello #sexist reddit.com

All men are immoral opportunists with low self control and high impulsivity. See a drunk girl? Nobody is around? Oh well, unzip. He won't think twice. See a little girl playing alone? Nobody is around? Unzip. See a girl being raped? You can't seem to beat the guy? Nobody is around to see your heroic act? Unzip and join him. You're in a war? Everyone is dying? See a girl in front of you crying and screaming for her life? Unzip.

And this is why all men are rapists.

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Poland Cucks Out on Anti-Abortion Law Amidst Western-Backed Riots"]

This is such a stupid decision. If you give these people a single thing, they take more.

The pro-abortion protests should have been put down with live ammo.

The priests would have blessed the bullets.

These people are actual baby-killing satanists and they deserve to die.

The Guardian

Poland’s rightwing government has delayed the publication and implementation of a high court ruling that tightens the abortion law and has triggered almost two weeks of nationwide protests.[…]

I guess I should salute their bravery in pushing for the law in the first place, but this is so cowardly. It is actually worse than having never pushed for the ban, because it hands the baby-killers a win.

They will use this win as a platform to demand more things. They will start demanding the insane “domestic violence” laws, they will demand feminist divorce laws where the man has to pay his wife when she leaves him. Then, as women continue to consolidate power, they will start pushing for extreme homosexuality and mass immigration.

This is what women always do: they seek to destroy everything that men have built.

They love murdering children, foremost. They get a big rush from it. It seems that this ritual satanic baby murder actually gives them power to expand their agenda, which always involves gays and mass immigration.

Women house demons in their bodies.

The solution is that they should be beaten up and raped.

AutisticMonstrosity #racist #sexist incels.is


State broadcaster YLE had a DATING PROGRAM WITH AN INTENTION TO MOVE TO FINLAND AND MARRY. It was exclusively for Finnish beautiful women and exclusively for men from the United States of America. It is widely known here that almost all the Finnish-anglophonecountry couples already are Finnish woman, anglophone man couples. For example, no foreign citizenship nationality in Finland is more heavily male-majority than British men, while in the UK lives many times more Finnish women than Finnish men. The same phenomenon is with the Irish, Australians and of course with the men from the USA.

THIS TV PROGRAM CAN BE DIRECTLY COMPARED TO (HYPOTHETICAL OF COURSE) PROGRAM TO IMPORT THAI WIFES AND FIND THEM FINNISH HUSBANDS. IT IS 100% CLEAR TO EVERYONE THAT THIS KIND OF PROGRAM WHERE THAI WOMEN WOULD BE PAIRED WITH FINNISH MEN WOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO BE AIRED ON TV, NEVER. Thai-Finnish couples are almost always Finnish man, Thai woman couples. If YLE made a similar program with Thailand, it would 100% without a doubt be exclusively for Thai men and Finnish women, because of the law demanding that YLE promote "diversity". But they disregarded this principle of theirs when they could increase the suffering of Finnish men further and import loads of additional American Chads here.

They are also basically dating reality-TV programs. They use Tinder, go to dates with local men etc. This is shown in the program and PROMOTED AND ADVERTISED. Latest season ended recently and it had 4 women and 1 man. All the other seasons had only women that taxpayer-incels paid to go fuck Canadian, Australian, New Zealander etc. chads.

your personality #crackpot #sexist incels.is

When the blackpill goes mainstream we're talking about the uncucked kind, no one wants the cucked fds blackpill to go mainstream. To be a real blackpiller you can't be a cuck, and you definitely won't accept the rostie version of the blackpill. The uncucked blackpill is what has to spread.

People tried that with the redpill. In the end the gynocentric version of the redpill where men had to prove themselves to the world to gain respect but women had to just exist ended up being the most commonly accepted form of the redpill.

We are dealing with people who are looking for reasons to treat low status unattractive males badly and mock them. Don't think that they won't try to rationalize and spin things about the blackpill in their favor because they will. Infact even others here have noticed it sometimes.

The redpill is more delusional and potentially more anti male than the bluepill is at times with its excess hatred and sneering toward the issues of low status unattractive males.

What's more they will claim their version of the blackpill is the uncucked blackpill and most normies will buy into it. You are dealing with people that are completely hostile to the interests of most men even if it's insecure normie guys that aren't always doing so well like on the mainstream reddit subs.

The blackpill was meant for low status males and nobody else but that's not how things will proceed if you insist on spreading the blackpill.
Curiosity killed the cat. In this case the cat is the average incel's anonymity. All these incel trait threads. All these virgin versus chad memes. Why would you make it easier for normies to identify you IRL? I don't want to make things worse for incels by normies learning more about them. I want incels to continue to be able to live their lives without people knowing what they think and look like.

Shigechi #crackpot #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] The blackpill is about to be accepted and absolutely nothing will change

The media and the government are bowing to women right now, femoids don't have a reason anymore to hide their disgust and true feelings for sub4 men. Most of them make more money than men in their HR jobs or onlyfans, you can already see women mocking ugly men and stating their opinions clearly in subs like FDS or chinktok. The media will eventually accept the blackpill, they will say to you that is true, you are ugly and that's why females don't want you, but that you shouldn't be mad at women for excluding you and that you should cope with healthy hobbies or even be a homosexual, which is something that is being heavily pushed nowadays. They will accept it and will tell you that there's nothing wrong in being excluded romantically and you shouldn't resent anyone like a good goy. It will happen sooner than you think and the suicide rates for men will explode even further.


I realized that when i saw this ss in this thread:

[Blackpill] Why women deserve hate | The logical fallacy of the 'natural' arguement pertaining towards justifying female hypergamy

This is how the media and government will treat the subject.

BurakuminBibba #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RE: [It's Over] Have you ever been assaulted in public?

plenty of times, i live in a shithole multicultural city called toronto the amount of times pretend wanna be hoodlums' jumps me ive defended myself pretty well a few times and even talked myself out of situation where others have weapons, but this city is filled with scumbags. i guess im not lucky growing up in the hood, but i run into all sorts of assholes no matter the gender or ethnicity all people are shitty when allowed opportunity. i think back the times foids have attack me was always cause im ugly, fuck the west

What race attacks you? What race are you?

all races have attacked me, tho darker colour people ive witness commit most violence in public, you have to consider i live in most multicultural city in the world, so you have shitty people from every country here, on top of that all that progressive woke activism is virtue signaling most all races here hate each other, for me i couldn't care all my friends growing up were white and Asian. im half Arab and black.

tempolaca #sexist reddit.com

At 42 a man is at the top of they sexual value. It's the equivalent of a girl at 19. You didn't waste your life, you are a millionaire at the top of his life.

This guy is depressed, it;s called middle-age crisis. Yeah I'm going through it too, but I'm not depressed. However I should really stop buying motorcycles and fucking skanks.

BTW I'm a 42 single-father with a ex-cheating wife. Life can't be better and I have far less than a million dollar.

Various MRAs #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

"Before I hire anybody I try to imagine how good he is in bed", I heard a young woman say in public in a loud voice.

That's it. But it got me thinking. I could never ever imagine any man, young or old, say anything like that in a public place in a loud voice unless drunk or crazy. And with several women in earshot! Just impossible. But these young women apparently felt no particular inhibitions. I can't help but think it's an entitlement, not having to think about what and how to speak about sex - and the opposite sex. In some sense men and women live in different worlds, playing with different rules that are getting further and further apart with #MeToos and feminism and the general gynocentrism prevailing.

You should hear the casual sexism the women on my team at work throw around. I’m the only guy and I’m gay so I suspect they think it’s ok cause it’s “just us girls”. Little do they know I have a list I’ve been keeping for HR if they ever wanna try me

Very different rules for men and women. But women think they're playing by the same rules. A man wants to go to university and major in STEM. He's got to work for it. A woman wants to major in STEM, we have a place just waiting for you! Son, you can always re-apply again next year!

Men and women do live in different worlds. Men have to tip toe, because anything they do is "bad," while women can let it hang out, because whatever they do is "good."


But these young women apparently felt no particular inhibitions.

I'm amazed that it took you this long to realize it. This was apparent to me the day i noticed how everyone just eyerolls whenever Women do anything reprehensible. Rape, Violence, Cheating, Murder, Fraud etc etc you name it. Women are Shielded Culturally 24/7 whereas Men are Society's punching bags.

Emmy Tekisui #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

Putting the Cart Before the Horse

As an African, I may have the objective distance needed to diagnose the sickness plaguing the West: pathological egalitarianism. This social malaise is more prevalent in women, whose tender, nurturing concern for diverse peoples often leads to their own gruesome deaths, as Paul Joseph Watson points out in a video that is surprisingly still on YouTube. Female ways of thinking now dominate the West.

There is nothing wrong with campaigning for minority rights/privileges. But when this threatens the majority it becomes self-destruction. Are not white dispossession and the demand for nursery pens — so-called safe spaces — Lady-Liberty-sized signs that something has gone wrong with you as a people? When you look nervously over your shoulder at night in a “bad neighborhood,” are you afraid of Icelandic lady cellists? What makes a neighborhood or school “bad”?

Islam is certainly not a race, but was conceived (received?), spearheaded, and defended by members of specific tribes. By the same token, Magna Carta and its legal/political progeny were conceived, championed, and promulgated by a certain tribe: Britons. The same can be said for the Talmud and the Bhagavad Gita. You could compel every Japanese man and woman to read the Koran from preschool to death, and they would still be polite, law-abiding folk, who make long-lasting cars, hentai, and badly-written but engaging video games. Why don’t the cities of Japan — or Iceland — burn with the cleansing fires of egalitarianism? Why aren’t there Icelandic or Japanese cop killings?

Toto0701 #racist #sexist incels.is

Im organizing a Ricel protest in Busan, South Korea

I'm organizing a ricel protest in busan city square. I will be fighting for all ricels. I will be protesting against WMAF epidemic will fight for your right fellow ricels. Our survival is at stake bros.

I will fight you ricel I will protest in the streets

I also want to protest against Kpopmaxxed dudes.
I will protect my ricel brothers.
I will protest in every chinese and korean city I will fight for the ricels,

I'm prepared to die for my fellow incels. TENNO HAIKA BANZAI

All the gook normies how can you COPE.
If I tell you my Hiroshima Nagasaki blackpills you with ROPE or Bridge.

Braindamage #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] How can cucks love a non virgin girl?

Its so insane to me that a man can pretend he loves a girl that have had tons of sex, getting every holed filled with someone elses semen, getting her holes stretced out by another man and having threesome with many dudes filling every hole and filling them with sperm, probably spitting on her face and choking her since girls love that. Just fucking lol and then she will pretend she loves him if she actually loved him she would not do anything of this disgusting shit just for "pleasure". She will think about those memories when she is with her new cuck.
She enjoyed getting her holes filled by another hard dick and then she will love you :D dont worry buddy boyos its completely normal but dont get chocked when sperm will drip from her evertime she moves.

Uglyme #sexist incels.is

[Hypocrisy] Foids should stop giving so much shitty advice and start fucking ugly men instead

That's all we want. If they really want to help us, they should make love to us like they do with Chad, they should give us blowjobs in the office like they do with Chad, they should kiss us everywhere like they kiss Chad, they should love us like they love Chad. But of course they won't because they don't want to help us, they just do virtuo signaling to try to cover the fact that they're the reason we're like this. Hypocrites.

Jeff Maples #fundie #sexist #psycho reformationcharlotte.org

Abortion is murder and nobody has the right to take the life of an innocent child. One of the stupidest arguments on the pro-abortion left is that it’s “my body, my choice.” The absurdity is beyond any sound logical reason. Abortions are not “performed” on women or their bodies, it’s committed on an innocent child.

Here is the thing, women should have absolutely no say whatsoever in the issue of abortion. The abortion debate has already been settled. God hates the hand that sheds innocent blood (Proverbs 16:17) and the mother who takes her child in to be murdered is the primary hand in the perpetration.

Women should not get to choose whether or not they get to abort their child. There should be no choice, ever. If you commit murder, you should be put to death. Why should a mother be allowed to determine the fate of a child? If the millions upon millions of murdered children could speak for themselves, would they do so the way their mothers did? Would they choose to end their own life?

Shawntheimmortal942 #sexist #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

Who am I kidding? The media took their report about Trump being peed on seriously so why not shoot yourself in the foot some more!? I think there’s some foot left, just throwing millions of dollars at it! A fucking gamergate movie? Seriously? Anita and Zoey are so desperate for attention since most people are paying attention to COVID, the election, BLM and ANTIFA rioting so they want a slice of the victim pie and they’ll falsely accuse ANYONE of sexual assault to do it like the strong women they are! Get ready fandango and any other movie streaming sites, you’re gonna be busy changing the rating system again and deleting negative reviews-I mean...”review bombers”.

Virginp0wers #psycho #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] If the " men " of today werent so cucked, we could just take what we wanted

And rape wouldnt be illegal.

the fact that men have allowed themselves to be subservient is nothing short of pathetic.

plenty of times i have wanted to knock a disgusting hole out for her insolence.

Men have lost their rage and are just complete pussies now. :feelsree:


The break up of the family unit and women now married to the government. All carefully planned by the elites.

atleast asian countries are still somewhat based when it comes to foids but even a lot of them are being destroyed by western degeneracy

Mullappally Ramachandran #psycho #sexist scroll.in

Kerala: ‘Woman with self respect would kill herself if she were raped,’ claims state Congress chief

The chief of the Congress unit in Kerala, Mullappally Ramachandran, on Sunday insulted rape complainants, claiming that a woman with self-respect would kill herself instead of publicly accepting that she was sexually assaulted, The Indian Express reported. His misogynistic remarks sparked public outrage, following which Ramchandran issued an apology. “No one can trust a woman who publicly says she got raped,” Ramachandran said, according to Times Now. “A woman with self-respect will kill herself if she is raped.” The Congress leader was speaking at an agitation launched by the Congress-led United Democratic Front in Thiruvananthapuram against the allegedly corrupt practices of the Left Democratic Front government.

Ramachandran accused Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan of resorting to “blackmail politics” by using names of women like Saritha Nair, a key accused in the Kerala solar scam of 2013. Nair had accused former chief minister and Congress leader Oommen Chandy of sexually assaulting her at his official residence in Thiruvananthapuram in 2013. “A woman who says she was raped across the state, she’s dressed up and made to stand behind the curtain,” Ramchandra said, suggesting the state government was using Nair as a pawn. “She keeps asking when she should come out. Chief Minister, your game will not work here. This blackmail politics will not work here. The people of Kerala can understand it.

The Congress leader said that Vijayan should “drown and die” if he thought he could “bring a prostitute and make her cook stories”. “Kerala is tired of hearing it…we can understand if a woman says she was raped once,” Ramachandran added. “Any woman with self-respect will either die or prevent being raped again. But, she keeps crying she was raped again and again all over the state.”

Incline #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: [News] [FAKECEL] Incels.co youngcel “DDR” admits to FINGERING GIRLS and brags about his looks

I fucking hate this delusional fuckers, he got a fucking girl to let him touch her boobs and he has the audicity to call himself incel what a fucking stupid piece of motherfucker I hate this kind of fucking fake people here so fucking much. You have NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT'S ITS LIKE TO BE AN INCEL YOU PIECE OF SHIT @DDR YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHATS ITS LIKE TO WISH TO DIE EVERY TIME YOU OPEN YOUR PHONE CAMERA YOU MOTHERFUCKER I HAVEN'T HAD A SINGLE FUCKING FOID SHOW ME ANY ATTRACTION MY ENTIRE LIFE AND I TRIED YOU ARE NOT A FUCKING INCEL FUCK YOURSELF BITCH AND GTFO.


You are not a fucking incel you stupid fucking brainlet piece of shit in few weeks you'll be posting on other forums shitalking us and calling yourself "ex-incel" you fucking piece of shit. My entire fucking life has been misery for the last 25 years on this earth and you bragging piece of shit think you can compare yourself to us? Fuck yourself stupid fucking cunt not a single fucking WOMAN in my fucking life showed me ANY fucking intreset even disgusting fucking whales and I approached and tried so fuck yourself stupid bitch. Daily reminder everybody below the age of 18 is a fucking fakecel on this site and treats this site as comic relief and not a serious issue.

bro wtf, i 100% agree with the views here

You don't fucking understand the purpose of this website it's not fucking blackpill.com it's fucking incels.com. Blackpill is part of being an incel but this site is about incels not about blackpills anybody can be fucking blackpilled chads, staceys can be blackpilled too it doesn't mean they can post here. Fuck yourself bitch I'll rape you

mgtow #sexist incels.is

RE: [Soy] "At what stage does a bull eventually become her boyfriend?"

I hate this degeneracy were witnessing. There are boomers who are still unaware of dating today and think I'm the "weird one" for being wifeless and childless at 42.

Married men out there are putting up with deadbedrooms, being the cuck at various levels, and raking their brains out to stay in the marriage. How is that not 'weird' - the red pill question is just that: Was so(y)ciety cucked right from the beginning? Or it happened eventually beginning with female 'liberation' which is 'all benefits and a lot more, without any accountability'.

With the female animal getting more and more privileged to do everything and still be cheered with ''you go girl, explore it all, one life, live each moment'' as a take on the patriarchy ( = a stable, functioning civilization) the degeneracy amplified and the results are out to see.

What irks me is that the subhumans still believe they can ascend - the blue pill dream fed to them through movies like 'the notebook' and they keep supporting civilization and foids through taxes and the recent onlyfans. It's them who are going to get hit hard as they age into their 40s without getting any. On the other end would be roasties who getting no swipe from chad and who can't pretend to like a careermaxed subhuman, nowhere to go but to deal with it through SSRI and alcohol would have the same end. Except that men rope from lack of sexual experience and foids from having too much of it.

Adachi #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Why women deserve hate | The logical fallacy of the 'natural' arguement pertaining towards justifying female hypergamy

Let me start off with explaining why women deserve hate. Hate is often an expression of one's personal grievances towards an individual or collective one believes treated them with injustice, in this case the hording of sex (a necessary resource[see source]) by women to mostly unmerited cliques. In this post sexual liberation, sex and therefore lust is greatly shallow (especially in regards to women[see source]), it isn't rewarded through merit but rather genetics.

Either women are gonna have to accept a monogamous relationship with a looksmatch partner that earns less than her (Kek! Not gonna happen) or they'll collectively provide for Chad in a polygamous relationship. Let's see what our feminist "allies" have to say in regards to this.

Ah, it seems they want us to willingly become asexual consoomers whilst they provide for Chad and hoard sex. How can any incel with dignity not hate women? Usually these individuals that argue it's only natural for women to prefer Chad, conclude that because it is natural they're indifferent. However, we aren't nature nor do we live according to nature. Think about it, if we're to become indifferent to nature as it is then why are male rapists condemned? Is it not 'natural' for men to want to rape? Does a male dog ask for the consent of a female dog? You see you can't have it both ways, if you're indifferent to women's hypergamy because it is 'natural', then you also must be indifferent to a man's 'natural' desire to rape women. Notice that it's only ever women who are never held accountable for their abhorrent 'natural' impulses, God forbid someone justifies a man raping a women as merely natural.

Varios Femcels #racist #sexist reddit.com

RE: Idk if this was ever posted but i found it while cleaning my phone. imagine having this effect on people



Man, ethnic dudes can be cringy af about white women sometimes... so gross

Yeah, living in a Scandinavian country I was laughing to myself thinking a guy from here's description would be something like "thin dirty blonde hair, ghostly pale skin and scrawny like she never left her parents basement". Incredible how soon as a certain look is the rarity in a place it immediately becomes fetishized

Guy is in the Philippines and he still has to zero in on a white Stacey...


What a freakin weirdo. When a handsome man makes eye contact with me, I write these type of exaggerated untrue tall tales about my encounter with him too tho ngl loool.

Imagine handsome men making eye contact with you. They just wrinkle their noses and act as if I don't exist when they see me


why are ethnic man so cringy?

He's probably a rich Filipino kid and lives in the Philippines which is likely why he a) zeroed in on white Stacy, b) fetishized the way she looks, and c) doesn't care that much about the history of the area. Seeing even the most mediocre-looking of white people in the Philippines is actually quite shocking because they're so out of the norm. It's why Filipino channels have only mixed-race Filipinos or pure Filipinos with unusual looks. "Not looking Filipino" is hardcore fetishized there.

crew2 #crackpot #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Serious] The female equivalent of Inceldom is hardcore Feminism

Every single one of these larping black lives matter videos I see is filled with massively unattractive women telling the black cucks what to burn and this also happens to be a description of its female founders. These bitches in general DO NOT care about rape or misogyny or objectification or any of that other dogshit that they make up because they allow, condone and endorse it when it's done by people they are fucking aligned with. They just want to see men suffer so will come up with any reason to throw shit their way.

Why would these women want to see men suffer? Because their whole fucking biology is geared towards wanting to settle and reproduce with a chad and chad only. This multiplied by the "you go girl", mentality that the media, social media and dating apps drills into them explodes their self worth and when they realise that yet another Chad has called an Uber seconds before he even came on her cheeks and never speaks to her again afterwards shatters this reality. Then she realises her whole life purpose of securing a Chad like the Stacies can will never be a reality

The next choice is either betabux or hardcore feminism about imaginary social issues...always relating to men of course. THIS is the cause of all of the child killing and death and unrest in the world right now. Feminism. And the leading cause of feminism is female ugliness. The only solution is for women to either lower their standards or STOP BEING UGLY. They are always talking about us to self improve but that is what we need to secure a stable society - cancel out unattractive females.

Grothendieck #crackpot #sexist incels.is

[It's Over] Lookspill and the curious case of Durovs.


According to most normalfags Pavel Durov is the actual founder of Telegram. He has everything, literally a Billionaire Good Looking and Fit CEO with literally half a million Instagram followers. But he has a degree in "Philology" which is the study of languages. So you must be wondering then how was he able to built such groundbreaking application and establish his multi billion dollar empire? Enter Nikolai Durov. He is Pavel's elder brother.

Nikolai Durov participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad, winning a gold medal in each of the three contests he took part in. He won one gold and three silver medals in the International Olympiad in Informatics. He was a member of Saint-Petersburg State University ACM team, which won the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest in 2000 and 2001. He continued his mathematical education at the University of Bonn and obtained PhD under supervision of Gerd Faltings entitled "A new approach to Arakelov geometry".


He looks like your average balding math nerd. And guess what's even more crazier? Pavel has a net worth of 3.8 billion dollars meanwhile older nerd Nikolai's net worth is about 260 million $. Good looking face, charismatic NT personality and a nerd highIQ brother earned him roughly 3.5 billion dollars more than his brother. LOOKSPILL is undeniable.

They are brothers...

I bet Pavel fucked slavic Stacies while Nikolai was busy reading Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

[It's Over] Watch this video and read comments

Hundreds of migrants break through border at Spanish exclave Ceuta

There's a longer version of that footage, but cannot find it now. It has no comments or small amount, I don't remember. They are celebrating rapturously when they finally make it over the border and can apply for political asylum and fable stories to police:

Ceuta/Spain: 300 refugees storm and scale Ceuta border fence

They only apply for asylum when in some countries. If women would not have the right to vote, these intruders would be simply shot at the border without much of a fuss.

Absolutely disgusting, I simply cannot wrap my head around what Low IQ brainwashed imbecile thought this was a good idea and supported this degeneracy

The higher the sex ratio of reproductive age, the higher the females' sexual value. It is not low IQ for women to demand open borders. They literally gain money and other valuables from it and can afford better men, because the bigger the surplus of males, the higher the threshold getting pussy is.

More wahmen that will pay the toll. That's a good thing.

Burn the coal pay the toll!

holy fuck all of those niggers mog me into oblivion they all have strong jaws and masculine faces wtf

FlyFace #crackpot #sexist incels.is

RE: [JFL] CuckTears foid: "For my homework, I'm going to infiltrate an incel forum"

If you want to provide social commentary please don't pretend to be fair and objective.

The fact that the social commentary controls society is why Foidscum abuse it. How else will they ensure that they can happily frolic and abscond with Attractive Men while the Unattractive Men work 9-5 and suffer horrifying mental difficulties from being denied things that Humans need to survive and be sane, if not for their brainwashing and gaslighting programs? This is the feminist dream.. absolute power to do exactly what they want 100% of the time with 0 consequences ever.

why it's always foids trying to study us jfl they don't even have the cognitive capacity to study some social/natural phenomenon seriously so they have to come up with some meme shit "misogyny among men" "inklers and their hate" bs

Because they are a hivemind.. they must show Men that they are bad, evil, literally Hitler and get them to give up all their rights because they are rapists and so evil. It is all to get more power. Men in centuries past took the heads of other Men to take their power. Now Foids take their brains instead and make the head hollow as if there was no power there to begin with. The disgusting parody of Man it produces is grotesque. The Modern Man walks around with no Brain.. honestly most of them with their pox'd minds should be culled so their harmful Dogma may bot be spread anymore. It is like their brains are taken out and replaced with a sound box that keeps spouting feminist lies every time it is asked any question about Males.

epillepsy #sexist #psycho #crackpot incels.is

Joan’s first military campaigns were successful. In 1429, Joan and her soldiers relieved the besieged French at the Siege of Orleans, earning her the title of “The Maid of Orleans.” In May, 1430, however, her fortunes changed dramatically and she was routed and captured by the English in Compiègne. After a short trial, she was sentenced to death by burning at for the crime of witchcraft.

Thousands of people witnessed Joan’s execution, and many accounts of her death survive to this day. As she burned at the stake, the following signs were observed:

1. Her muscles contracted and tensed up.
2. Her breasts became full and began to heave violently.
3. She cast her eyes up to heaven, and her expression was not one of pain, but something approaching spiritual ecstasy.
4, In the instant before she lost consciousness, Joan moaned out Jesus’s name three times, loud enough to be heard over the roar of the flames.
5. Joan’s vagina, in contrast to the dry kindling that burned around her, became lubricated and wet.

Various Femcels #sexist reddit.com

Unattractive people suffer worse life outcomes but men face HIGHER penalties

I have gotten graded badly on presentation projects and have had teachers watch me like a hawk during tests meanwhile I have watched Stacies put five minutes of effort into a project and the teacher fawned over it like it was genuinely amazing. I have also been screamed at during assignments if I finished earlier or just accused of not doing my work. This was all by female teachers btw.

Thank you for the study!! Add this to my blackpill collection. I read them when I'm drunk. 😔

Interesting that men face more penalties. Maybe it's related to the fact that men commit 70% of the world's crime? An ugly man gets the horns effect and more people are likely to avoid him because they think he could turn into a felon, but ugly women don't suffer as big a penalty because women are less likely to commit crime?

So at least people won't avoid femcels due to their fear of violence? Idk. Haven't read the study yet, wine needed!

Men should. They are more gruesome, more of them do this shit so they have more than their fair share of societal earning and are also therefore higher risk This is the logic of men who think equality means the right to hit a smaller, weaker woman in the face just bc she has the right to work and pay for her own life.

Gymcelled #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] A study of 27 nations concluded that height has a strong positive effect on life satisfaction

inb4 "water is wet" Yes it's obvious that height improves your life. But this study is interesting because it confirms that this phenomenon is universal, or at the very least that it's consistently found in many different nations across the globe. It's a value that is seen as important to all humans regardless of culture and location.

We have known this since the dawn of time

Yes but bluepillers like to act as if we just made this up. And redpiller play down the effect as if it's very minor. You can find men who prefer all sorts of height: shorter, same height, taller ... and even some fetishists who like drawves ... But for women? You can't find a single tribe where short men are cherished and respected more by women. Similarly I don't believe that a single woman out there actually prefers bald men. Sure a tiny portion of the male population looks good bald and women like them ... but that's not the same thing as liking bald men. It's incredible how much more wide men's tastes are and yet they're always painted as picky entitled bastards jfl

Personality. It's all about the personality that you radiate out to the world! I wonder for how long normie society can keep up with the bluepilled feel-good lies when studies like this keep coming out and dating apps blackpill the entire young generation.

Well sadly normies either don't care about studies, or can't understand them (because they think anecdotal evidence and feelings beat statistics). What might blackpill men is the overtone window shifting and making so many men into incels that they will have no choice but to accept the blackpill. But who knows. Human beings are really good at coping and being delusional

omegauprising & dogpill #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[JFL] If you think that chad doesn't fuck his stacy sister.

As you know every foid gets wet when she see chad. Chad can fuck literally every foid he would like to. Chad has got pime genes so it's obvious, that his sister has got superior genes too. I think that the most of these situations happen in families when chad is older than his stacy sister. Of course thats taboo subject so you propably won't gonna find out any chad who will admit that he fucked his sister. JFL imagine normie, who is cucked by his gf brother.

jfl @ all the copers in this thread denying the incest pill https://incels.co/attachments/584719-c4c043390883504e00403051f88a06e1-mp4.361537/ https://incels.co/attachments/584720-f06050abf217372f745b60905fb422c1-mp4.361536/

Finally someone trully blacpilled.

Surprised the incestpill is as controversial on here as some are making it out to be. I guess it's not the easiest thing to accept, similar to the dogpill. I think the problem with it is that it's one of those things that's hard to prove on video because it's not visually apparent like other things in porn, like dick size, height, race, species, gender, etc. Two people could be biologically related but you wouldn't know it based solely on footage alone, so it's easy to be skeptical about it. Similar to the dogpill, it's one of those things I could write whole chapters about, needless to say I am very much a believer in it, primarily because I've seen it with my own eyes in real life how women react around desirable, attractive men even if they're related to them. It's very real. Though sure I doubt that it happens everytime with every Chad and Stacy pair of siblings but I’m still sure it happens enough to the point normies would be shocked if they were somehow ever able to learn the true numbers ie frequency and or commonality of this sort of thing.


CousinMabel & Whitepill-rescue #sexist #crackpot reddit.com

RE: Dick size doesn't matter sweaty (same IT user btw)


Good dick doesn’t depend on size tbh… /// I've been with my boyfriend for four years and I'm going to spend my life with him... Here's the thing, though. I want to get pregnant with someone else. Doesn’t matter who, all that actually matters is that thev have a biq dick. I want to qet pregnant while beinq fucked into a blissful state of unconsciousness.


It matters...period This is backed by scientific studies: PIV-orgasming depends on size and it enhance male's attractiveness scores.

You have to be so delusional to not know. There is a reason women talk about dicks all the time, and that men are so sensitive about it. We all know it matters. Also the average dildo is bigger than the average dick for a reason.

“Baby fever/fantasy about getting pregnant” This fellow bruhs. This is what women really think about 24/7. Whenever they join a new job, join a new club, or go to college, it is notbecsuse they truly want to join them, their ulterior motive is almost always about meeting chad. Everything they do in life is geared towards getting a handsome, tall, preferably white chad to spray their womb with his genetically superior cum and impregnate her. They fantasize and relish it. It’s all they talk about. Most Women are not like men, they don’t have any other interest other than sex and impregnation. Every time they talk about being upset, sad or depressed, this is the real reason why, not any bullshit reason they give. Left to their own devices, Women only think about sex sex sex. Anyone who says otherwise is coping hard.

Appetite4Destrction & ThoughtfulCel #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: My[33M] wife's [32F] best friend from childhood [32M] is dying, and he asked to spend a night with her. She's considering it

What a fucking whore! That guy should fuck her and dump her and kill that faggot with cancer!! (in minecraft)

Rock bottom T levels if you don't divorce your """wife""" after she suggests fucking another dude its basically like "teehee I was wondering if we could have an open relationship" levels of cuckery.

Exactly. Id film myself fucking the whore hard and send videos to that faggot with cancer and threat to kill him. Also manipulate the slut that if she ever goes near that cancer faggot ill torture her and kill her slowly and kill her whole family and blame that its all her fault. After that cancer faggot dies or gives up ill dump the slut. (in minecraft)

https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/jjh6iv/my33m_wifes_32f_best_friend_from_childhood_32m_is/gaczjzo/ SHES A PEOPLE PLEASER? HAHHAHAHAHAHA DEFINITELY NOT A WHORE.

https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/jjh6iv/my33m_wifes_32f_best_friend_from_childhood_32m_is/gaczfof/ SHE WAS MENTALLY ABUSED BY THE MAN WITH CANCER DEFINITELY NOT A WHORE.

https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/jjh6iv/my33m_wifes_32f_best_friend_from_childhood_32m_is/gacnonv/ DING DING DING DING, ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS IN THE PAST. WANNA GUESS WHO WAS FUCKING HER? C.H.A.D. WHORE IDENTIFIED.

Unidentified Incel #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Sweetie, if you think your life is bad, just imagine how the rapist must feel. He raped you because no female would give him a chance. It was his only chance to get laid. Now he lives in fear that the police might find him. Someone’s on the door? Might be investigators. He lives in constant fear, all because no female would ever give him a chance.

I’m not saying rape isn’t bad, it’s a terrible thing. But it’s terrible for both the raped AND the rapist. And that’s what you normies must understand.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #psycho amren.com

RE: Forced Contraception for Vulnerable Women Would Prevent Child Abuse, Say Experts

(Rich at Large)

Women who have problems with addiction, mental health or learning difficulties should be given compulsory contraception, a group of child protection experts has said. The advisory group, whose members include a former family judge and ex-VVD party senator Heleen Dupuis, said the measure was intended to prevent child abuse by mothers who were unable to cope with raising them.

Sterilization of ghetto women is the only real solution. Since we don't do that stuff, the next best is providing financial incentives to them to not have, instead of to have, babies. They can choose to have babies, but with the understanding that no one else is going to pay to raise them.

(Robert Kelly)
Since it will "disproportionately affect" certain groups of women over others, it will be branded as racist and never get any traction

(America first)
How many white woman will this effect, surly somebody is going to cry racism and say it’s eugenics.

The majority of child abuse is by their own mothers. The largest group of peadophiles is also women. So much so the law even recognises it, and even says they are immune for crimes of a pedophillic nature, as it is so common amongst them. Women abuse women at a much higher rate than men. And women abuse children at a much higher rate than men. Women also make up the majority of terrorists too throughout history if you care to check. There was a reason they where never allowed to be a mans equal. Many reasons in fact.

MegaSpicCel #sexist incels.is

If women weren't able to get sex they'd be kicking and screaming trying to get their way

Women like to say "sex isn't that important, blah blah blah". Have you seen how sexually frustrated women behave? They get angry and frustrated really easily and act like total bitches. You can witness this behavior in night clubs when women are horny but can't find chad, especially at the end of the night. They treat the men they think are beneath them like shit or push them out of their way. If young women had to endure what we incels go through they would fall into depression or go fucking berserk.

your personality #sexist incels.is

RE: [ToxicFemininity] FriendzonePill: Just a reminder that society expects ugly men to be asexual AND emotional tampons for women who fuckbuddy Chad


Foids see male friends as at best orbiters they can get favors from. It isn't in any way a two-sided relationship but it's all one-sided to satisfy her ego. We're getting shamed into being emotional tampons.

No matter what in any interaction with a foid you as a male are the bad guy. Didn't make your intentions of not wanting to be a blueballed cuck apparent early on and wanted a genuine friendship? You weren't being sincere and trying to get in her pants. Decided to stop associating with her after she kept using you for favors and as an emotional tampon? You're the insecure guy that was never really her friend and was just trying to get in her pants. Don't want to be friends with foids? Yikes most relationships start out knowing each other as friends, Dis y u inkel! Want to be friends with foids and see where it leads? Yikes! You should have just asked her out early on instead of being a creep and trying to pressure her. Want to ask her out? Yikes teehee I don't know you like that. Dude you gotta get to know her first as friends. So LDAR is the only option where you aren't in this predicament tbh

Various Incels #sexist #racist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] Sandwhore after 2 minutes of landing in Sweden


The guy looks ugly as shit. Daily reminder if you’re a Muslim and have a daughter and moving to the west you’re basically going to see a kaffir whore in the 15 years.

Any half-decent desi foids, Muslim and non-Muslim alike end up becoming absolute sluts when they go to uni as they usually stay in halls and so their parents are not controlling all aspects of their lives.

I'm from Swedistan and I literally never see white guys dating sandwhores Most are worried they'll get beheaded or something

Nice cherrypicking. It's the other way around (White whores miscegenating) 90% of the time.

Kalman Wiseman/Rav Stern #fundie #sexist #conspiracy ravberland.com

<Reminder - Eliezer Berland is a convicted serial sexual harasser and rapist>

Perhaps, it was decreed that the Coronavirus was meant to be in the rest of the world, but in Eretz Yisrael, there was not supposed to be any Coronavirus.



Hashem is angry.
If there is someone out there who is capable of freeing Rabbi Berland from prison, that person can save the whole of this people.

Because they have kicked us out of our inheritance. They have kicked us out of our synagogues. This is the churban Beit HaMikdash (destruction of the Temple). They threw us into the streets! HaKadosh Baruch Hu said, I don’t want you!! I don’t want your prayers!! I don’t want your avodat Hashem!!

There is a Tzaddik who is sitting and groaning in prison – and everyone is silent! No-one is opening their mouth! All of a sudden, everyone is struck dumb. No-one is saying anything.

Everyone has been silenced by a roaring silence – but HaKadosh Baruch Hu is not silent!! HaKadosh Baruch Hu is demanding that the insult to his Tzaddik is recompensed, and then who knows, perhaps [Hashem] will be merciful.

We need to cry out to Hashem, and then maybe he will take away from us this terrible gezeira. But we also need to act! We need action!

If we don’t get Rabbi Berland out of prison, then Am Yisrael will be in a huge problem! Chas v’shalom, this can continue to worsen and spread. I don’t want to describe it so as not to chas v’shalom open the mouth of the Satan, but this thing depends on us.
We can save Am Yisrael, RIGHT NOW.

slavcel11 #conspiracy #sexist #fundie #racist incels.is

RE: [RageFuel] Pastor who became an Onlyfans star is now a BILLIONAIRE (moneycopers DO NOT ENTER)

Gender paygap DESTROYED RIGHT HERE. There's no coming back after what we've just seen. You can't pretend anymore, you can't deny it, you can't argue that this foid got what she got because of vagina and vagina alone. Socialists will never beat it. Internet, dating apps, tiktok and now this did (in fucking 5-10 years, just think about it) more to empower women than 70 years of women's rights movement.

IT, challenge this you worthless morons, do one useful thing in your meaningless lives. Just come up with anything to explain that in a way which doesn't expose the harsh truth of the blackpill and vagina's privilege.

”In this case it’s not purely her looks that are causing simps to throw cash at her hand over fist. It’s the taboo aspect of a supposed once holy and religious goody goody individual getting down and dirty and being the filthy fucking whore that she truly is.”

Imaging going to church to hear a female pastor preach Is there a more cucked religion than Lutheranism?

Protestantism is a herecy devised by jews to divert people from Christ. First catholicism then myriad of heretic teachings and schisms to divide and destroy christianity. It's no coincidence that the most cucked nations in the world are majorly protestant.

Various Incels #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Discussion] The mere existence of the blackpill is a miracle

Think about it, in the era of extensive brainwashing we live in, a couple unknown forums were able to defy all of it and come to the truth just by talking between one another. Most incels come to a raw version of the blackpill by themselves, but the evolving and polishing of the blackpill until the attainment of what may be considered a sort of class consciousness about the systematic discrimination against ugly males is a whole other thing. This is also in reference of my previous post where I talked about the importance of this forum, I truly believe that talking, discussing or even shitposting is a weapon much more powerful than what we may think.

Because we are not part of the game we see things that other people don't, its impossible to be an incel and not connect the dots. Sadly most incels by the time they figure out why are they in this life situation, they are too old and broken to even care. Thats why blackpill forums are important to at least give peace of mind to struggling youth.

(Made in Heaven)
I don't think it's that much of a miracle. I've always been pseudo-black pilled due to being Muslim. My dad taught me a lot about holes when I was young

this forum isn't blackpilled at all lol, very few accept biological determinism and its explanations. they prefer to blame the jews and media jfl

John C. Wright #sexist scifiwright.com

Is it time to reconsider the 19th Amendment?

The argument for female suffrage is that women are not more prone to bouts of emotionalism than men, and hence is it equally worthwhile, as the whole, to consult with them over the conduct and control of public business.

Unfortunately, it is evident that there are but rare and few men in the current generation show any particular manly or masculine virtues which would entitle them to a say in the public business, if stoicism, reason, and virtue were preconditions for the franchise.

The argument against female suffrage is that voting is a peaceful substitute for revolution, wherein the less numerous party, seeing himself outnumbered, agreed without bloodshed to abide by the vote of the more numerous. Women, being largely less ready, willing, or able to take up arms than men, have no place in these military questions.

Another argument against is that experience over the last several generation shows that female suffrage erodes the willingness and ability of maidens to become wives and mothers, to shape the character of the next generation, which is a task more needed for the preservation of the republic.

Shawntheimmortal942 #sexist #racist #wingnut deviantart.com

The crazies just don’t want to acknowledge minorities who support Trump and now we have an actual white savior telling a black man he’s black...like that’s suppose to mean 50 cent or any minorities have no choice in who they want to be president! It’s just like how the crazies don’t want to talk about lesbians or bisexual women who like female video game characters dressing sexy, oh but that’s just “what aboutism”, right? The crazies are a hive mind! Seriously, ask any of these crazies what they think about black people who support Trump? They’ll say “Oh, they’re not educated enough” or “Oh, they have internalized racism” or “Oh, they’re just coons and bootlickers who aren’t really black!” You just can’t make this up! I’m sure the crazies can explain this video below.

American babe and Temujin Sy #wingnut #sexist wnd.com

American babe: The real reason Trump is criticized is because he is an Alpha Male. Men who are jealous of Trump, who criticize him and attack him are Beta Males. The list of the Chuck Schumers, Jim Acoustas, Jeff Flakes, and other Beta Males is long enough to reach to the moon. Beta Males who whine and whimper, wring their hands and suck their thumbs are subconsciously envious of men who are the opposite of them: strong, resolute, decisive, unintimidated, bold, etc. Watch the next time a man criticizes Trump, 99% of the time he is a Beta Male. I have yet to see an exception....

Temujin Sy: what do you mean Beta males ? they are sisterboys, they have had testie removal surgery, there is no testosterone, these are the wusses that came up with toxic masculinity.

Frei #sexist #dunning-kruger #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "New York Times Admits All Would be Well If Only White Men Could Vote"]

A New York Times writer with a Jew-sounding name has admitted that America would still be doing fine if only white men could vote.

New York Times

The term “gender gap” has a clinical sound to it, like it’s an intrinsic condition of our politics. But it did not always exist, and with each recent election cycle, it has become more extreme.
We’d likely have a Senator David Duke from Louisiana. The entire U.S. Senate would look far different — with Democratic senators from just a handful of the bluest states. And there would never have been a President Barack Obama.[…]

Interestingly, women were once more conservative than men.

Religion kept women in line. This is, no doubt, one reason why the Jews attacked it so relentlessly. They knew a coalition of grievance-wielding minorities could not, on its own, be enough to defeat white people. Only by peeling off women and gays from the white voting bloc could the Jews ever hope to prevail. Contraception helped them do this.[…]A childless woman, on the other hand, has no natural outlet for her nurturing instincts and instead often seeks to fulfill them by embracing foolish idealistic causes that bring ruin on the society she lives in.
In evolutionary terms, women have basically survived by sucking the dick of the invaders throughout history. If you analyze the genetic make-up of many nations, you see the same pattern: female DNA goes back to the initial settlement of the country after the last Ice Age, while male DNA only goes back to the last successful invasion.[…]This is evident today in attitudes towards immigration or what the New York Times writer with the Jew-sounding name calls women’s “rejection of force and violence, and concern with interpersonal relations.”

IslaVista2014 #racist #sexist incels.is

[Theory] LatinAmericamaxxxing

Latinas are the hottest to me. How can I get one of these loco bombshells in trade for a greencard. Maybe youve seen the tlc program 90daysfiancé. That really inspires me. Look at Larissa (with Colt) or Aziza with that redneck. Only I dont need pretense for love I just need to be able to plow her whenever I want and her not cheating and me making her into an alarm clock that wakes me up every morning by sucking me off and passionately licking my anus.

Shed get a Dutch greencard and maybe can live in my house.

Are there incel approved guides or reading material you can recommend me for spicmaxxing?

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