Heather Mac Donald and Megyn Kelly #racist #wingnut #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org
On The Megyn Kelly Show, Heather Mac Donald endorsed the[…]“Great Replacement” conspiracy theory. Mac Donald, a fellow at the right-wing Manhattan Institute, declared that the “Great Replacement theory is real”[…]
While discussing campus protests against colleges doing business with Israel, Mac Donald said that conservatives should “shut down as much of the universities as we can” and “create as many alternatives as we can.” She added that they also must “speak up for Western civilization” and its values: “equality, tolerance, human rights, limited government”
“These are all exclusively Western ideas,” she said. “They came out of no place outside of the West. They didn’t come out of Africa. They didn’t come out of China. They didn’t come out of Arabia. They didn’t come out of India. And now the Left uses the bounty of beautiful Enlightenment ideas to try and tear down the Enlightenment”[…]
Mac Donald pivoted to giving a full-throated endorsement of the[…]“Great Replacement” conspiracy theory[…]
“The Great Replacement theory is real,” she declared. “We have decided to destroy our birthrate and to flood our country with cultures that en masse — en masse — are not compatible. We cannot assimilate the number of people who are coming, and we’ve decided we don’t even want to try”
And she said the “most galling thing” was that “the Left” claims that the U.S. and Europe are “fundamentally hostile to people of color” while at the same time claiming that Western nations are “oppressive” for not allowing in “millions of people” from “Third World places of color”[…]
“You can’t say that the West is endemically lethal to people of color, and at the same time say we want as many people of color to come in illegally into Western countries as possible because that’s where their lives will be improved[…]You get one or the other”
Kelly wholeheartedly agreed with Mac Donald, and mockingly said “That’s right. Or as they now put it, it’s not safe for brown and Black bodies”