
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Existing-Diamond1259 #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

[…] y’all will call any radical feminist a terf for not “including” males in our feminism. For recognizing that female people are oppressed on the basis of our biology. Not bc of “our identity as women.” Which includes trans men. So that is hardly “trans exclusionary.”

I’ve been called a terf for even saying that I (who identifies as a lesbian) am not attracted to male people. No radical feminist un-ironically identifies as a “terf.” Y’all put that label on us.

99% of radical feminists don’t hate trans people. We believe that they deserve the rights all humans deserve. We even agree that they are generally an oppressed demographic. We disagree with the idea of gender in general. We think gender ideology is harmful. Especially to the homosexual community. In the same way you can disagree with someone & not hate them & want them to die.

The only radfems that I have seen claim that they hate trans people, are ones that say it because trans people are constantly calling them bigots for their sexuality, for simply believing that biological sex exists, etc. not because of the fact that they are trans. In fact most of us were once rapid gender ideology supporters ourselves.

There is literally nothing that aligns with Nazi beliefs in our beliefs. So calling us Nazis is ridiculous.

Rishi Sunak #transphobia thepinknews.com

British prime minister Rishi Sunak has been secretly filmed mocking trans people in footage shared exclusively with PinkNews[…]
The footage is from a party with the 1922 Committee – a group of all-Conservative MPs that meets weekly when Parliament is sitting – on 5 June 2023

PinkNews has seen an exclusive photograph from the event, and it is estimated that up to a hundred MPs were in attendance, including notable Tories such as 1922 Committee chair Sir Graham Brady and veteran’s affairs minister Johnny Mercer. Philip Hollobone, MP for Kettering, and Desmond Swain, MP for New Forest West, were also at the gathering

Sunak’s address and his choice of humour[…]is met with raucous laughter from Tory MPs[…]
In the leaked recording, Sunak can be heard saying: “It shows his spectacular misjudgement and why he’s completely unfit to lead our country”

It is unclear who Sunak is referring to, but likely to be the Labour leader Keir Starmer, who has also come under fire for appearing to support proposals for schools to ‘out’ trans pupils to their parents

“Over the same period of time, you might have noticed Ed Davey has been very busy,” Sunak continues

“Like me, you can probably see that he was trying to convince everybody that women clearly had penises

“You’ll all know that I’m a big fan of everybody studying maths to 18, but it turns out that we need to focus on biology”[…]
The person who shared the video with PinkNews said: “The veneer of freedom of speech publicly is one thing but to make jokes in private, it’s another thing altogether[…]
They added: “There was laughter, there were quite a few younger attendees who looked visibly uncomfortable”

Dilley Meme Team & “Trump’s Online War Machine” #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia twitter.com

If I was the deep state and I wanted to destroy America, I would rig the election with a puppet candidate, one that was so compromised that they would never say a word about it. I would create a false flag that allows for mail-in ballots. I would be in charge of the ballot-counting machines. I would create a false flag to blame all who question the results of the election.

If I was the deep state, I would prosecute anyone that went against me. I would sue and prosecute anyone that spoke up about the fraudulent election. I would use my powers to shut down all your internet businesses and bankrupt you.

If I was the deep state, I would make everyone an example why you should never question a Democrat ever winning an election. I would imprison my foes. I would use my corrupt das and blackmail judges to destroy you. I would make sure all crimes I ever committed never happened. I would prosecute my biggest competition. I would make sure they could never run for office ever again.

If I was the deep state, I would convince everyone that Ukraine Nazis were good and women are men.

If I was the deep state, I would own every politician that mattered.

If I was the deep state, I would push my pedophilia ambitions on you.

If I was the deep state, you'd question your sexual identity, but not the medical establishment.

If I was the deep state, you would fear to ever resist me.

If I was the deep state, you would wish I was really the devil.

If I was the deep state, I would say mission accomplished.

Kara Dansky #transphobia karadansky.com



“Trans people” is a lie and fighting self-ID is not enough

But, even though “trans” has no coherent meaning, it is also true that the entire gender identity industry is an abusive and narcissistic lie. It’s also a misogynistic and lesbophobic lie. These statements are not inconsistent. “A man is a woman,” like “an apple is a banana,” is simultaneously nonsensical and untruthful.

There appear to be three categories of phenomena that we see playing out on society today, each of which is frequently put forth to explain what the words “trans people” might mean:

- People who take steps to physically modify their bodies using hormones and/or surgeries in order to appear to be more like the opposite sex (sometimes referred to as “true trans”); and

- People who simply state that they are the opposite sex and/or adopt appearances and/or behaviors that are commonly associated with the opposite sex (typically referred to as “self-ID”).

- People who claim to “be a gender” that is neither male nor female (so-called “non-binary,” “agender,” and “demi-gender” would seem to fit into this category, whatever any of those terms may mean).[...]

In the end, none of this really amounts to much, because at the end of the day, every single person who has ever been born is either male or female. However, because we are dealing with an industry that is pushing us to believe that “transgender” is real, because society has largely accepted that as truth, and especially because many people who claim to be either gender critical or gender abolitionist (or both) use words and phrases like “trans,” “trans people,” and “trans gender,” we have to deal with these phenomena straightforwardly.

Many feminists rightly take issue with self-ID. It is patently absurd for society and the law to accept that men can be women simply on the basis of their say-so or because they don a dress and lipstick. Accepting self-ID represents a complete redefinition of the words “women” and “woman,” and many people, especially feminists and our allies, find that concept to be deeply troubling. On what basis, after all, have we been fighting for our rights all this time if sex does not exist?


@Mama_Lioness & @AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

( @Mama_Lioness )
I like this meme because it's something I keep saying to people.


( @AthenasWrench )
I keep asking this question, where were all the trans when we weee growing up and why isn’t anyone in power asking where they all came
from? Why are they not asking why medicalization and surgery is needed to be something that apparently doesn’t exist? and if it’s not a mental or a physical disorder why are we covering their “treatments”? If biology is a social construct why are they needing to be the sex they are not? It’s all illogical irrational bullshit.

( @Mama_Lioness )
Exactly! I Sometimes wonder is there something different in our brains who see reality and wanted to live in reality. Who see the ghoulish nightmare for what it is and speak up about. While the rest of the world just accepts it.

Kara Dansky #transphobia karadansky.com


Can everyone please stop saying “trans people?”

1. It makes no sense.

2. It’s a lie, and fighting self-ID is not enough to defeat it.

3. The entire edifice of “trans” is built on a capitalist enterprise to obliterate the material reality of sex, deprive all of us of our natural human experience, and center male sexual entitlement.

It may at first appear inconsistent to say that “trans” is all three things. But it’s true: “trans” is simultaneously incoherent, an outright lie, and an industry that viciously fights to destroy reality and sell a fetish.

For all three of these reasons, I want to make the case that use of terms like “trans,” “trans gender,” and “trans people” by feminists and other gender critical people is an own goal – a goal scored inadvertently when the ball is struck into the goal by a player on the defensive team. Use of this terminology is likely to destroy the movement to fight gender ideology.


“Trans people” as a concept makes no sense

Sex means the differentiation between male and female, determined by whether an X-bearing sperm or a Y-bearing sperm fertilized the X-bearing ovum, which determines the type of sexual and reproductive organs that develop, and the biological differences between females and males.

There is also, of course, the phenomenon of “intersex,” or “sex-linked disorders,” which are defined as “any disease or abnormal condition that is determined by the sex chromosomes or by a defective gene on a sex chromosome.”[1] The phenomenon of intersex is unrelated to the fight against gender ideology.[2]

None of this, however, tells us anything about what the word “trans” or “trans people” might mean. People are all always male or female – men or women, girls or boys – and sex is fixed in each human body. Ceding that “trans,” by any definition, even a definition that equates it with nonconformity with sex role stereotypes, is a thing at all, fatally denies the reality of sex. This is because sex and “transgender” ideology cannot be logically reconciled. Either trans exists or sex exists.


Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #racist #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

It is natural human proclivity to run and hide from critical thinking, in what has become a society consumed by spurious headlines, ignorance of fact, and extreme propaganda, but fear not the truth. Understanding the culture war that seems to be perpetually ongoing, is not as daunting as it may appear. <...> It is imperative to expose the constant lies fed to the collective herd, and to isolate them so as to discover the legitimate truth, so that the State’s false narratives can be abandoned once and for all. Once this awakening occurs, if in fact that is even possible today, and a psychological escape from the insanity of this supposed ‘civilization’ materializes, one’s mind will be free of fear, anxiety, confusion, and hate. It is a wonderful state of being in which to dwell.

We are in a culture war, and the antagonist in this nefarious plot, and evil enemy of all sane thinkers, is the State, its controlling ruling class, and all those who would support, recognize, and enforce, its mandates and illegitimate laws. This includes those who would expect all others to live and act as they do, to blindly accept what they accept, and to bow to authority instead of depending on self.
Transgenderism and homosexuality are not normal. Rioting is not normal. Censorship cannot be normal in any free society. Mutilation, perversion, and degeneracy are not normal. Killing babies and exploiting children are not normal. Theft, looting, and property destruction are not normal. Mass homelessness is not normal. Abandoning and destroying family is not normal. It is impossible to blend all these things with all the good in life, and expect to retain any semblance of normalcy. Competing cultures of this magnitude have to completely separate in order to survive. In any case where unlimited ‘tolerance ‘and ‘diversity’ are demanded, and right and wrong have no meaning, no moral or compassionate ‘civilization’ can exist.

Federation Council and State Duma of Russia, Taymuraz Mamsurov and Pyotr Tolstoy #transphobia #conspiracy novayagazeta.eu

The Federation Council, the upper house of Russia’s Parliament, has unanimously approved the controversial bill banning gender transition in Russia[…]
“If we’re being vilified and criticised, it means we’re doing everything right,” the North Ossetia senator Taymuraz Mamsurov said during the session. He added, “let them have their gay parades over there while we celebrate Victory Day over here”

The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko said that she had looked up the reaction of the foreign media on this bill — according to her, the articles she saw had positive reactions

The next and final step is Russian President Vladimir Putin signing the bill[…]
The bill seeks to ban gender reassignment surgery and hormonal treatment except in cases of “congenital physiological deviations”. It will also prohibit changes to official documents on the basis of medical “sex change” certificates

The bill will allow to annul marriages in cases when one or both spouses undergoes a “sex change”. The amendment will be retroactive, rendering invalid those marriages where one or both spouses had transitioned before the law’s introduction

A further amendment will prohibit couples, where one of the partners has undergone a “sex change”, from adopting children. Moreover, persons who have undergone a transition abroad will be unable to receive Russian documents listing the correct gender identity. This amendment will not be retroactive — there are no plans to take back the children adopted by transgender people

On 14 July, the State Duma, the lower house of Russia’s Parliament, approved the bill in the third, final reading

In June, Russian lawmakers voted unanimously to adopt the bill in the first reading. Nearly 400 MPs are listed as the bill’s authors. “Why are we doing this? By hindering Western anti-family ideology, we are saving Russia for future generations — with its family and cultural values and traditions,” said Pyotr Tolstoy, one of the authors

various commenters #transphobia newsweek.com

RE: There Is Only Male and Female. Women Pay the Price When We Pretend Otherwise | Opinion

( Jeffrey )

Millions of biological women and girls have suffered all sorts of bad things perpetrated on them by biological men and boys. To allow biological men and boys in womens safe spaces and sports is just forcing these millions of biological girls and women who are already victims to retreat even further in fear.

( Tho mas )

Megan Rapinoe said she would accept a transgender woman replacing a biological female on the U.S. national team. What makes her think she would make the team then?

there will be 100' of guys who didn't make the men's team that could just claim to be a women and cash in on the new equal pay deal the women's team made.

( William A. Ferguson )

I wonder how Rapinoe has the right to give away women's safety, security and fairness?

( Rohan )

There Is Only Male and Female. Women Pay the Price When We Pretend Otherwise

They sure do. It makes Transgenderism one of the most Misogynist movements ever devised. Since Transgenderism also effects men in a negative way, it is one of the most Misandrist movements too.

( Draxx Skolunst )

My teacher in logic and debate always said when it comes to truth

The person with an experience is never at the mercy of the person with the truth. Seems to be playing out with these fantasizers.

Today from observation, being a 'woman' from the fahtasizers world\view means putting on makeup, a dress, and acting like a cheerleader. Pretty much a sexist reductionist brain built on bigotted sterotypes. That's also when asked what a woman is they won't qualify what it means yet demand to be seen as one.

Very weird.

( chrisford1 )

It was sad to see the "empowered" women of the Ivies "bend over and take it" from the brutal Trans invasion of their sports and any place where they could have privacy from the other sex.

Hard Left feminists joined with the Trans activists in brutalizing the female athletes and threatening gals who objected with "canceled scholarships and other opportunities".

Tomorrow's leaders? No, just submissives made so by hard left female Administrators


Female sports teams will soon be 100% male.

@DragonKitigan #transphobia gettr.com

Great article: why we should all stop using the language of “transgenderism”

We already gave an inch, and they took the planet. Now, all I want, is my angry inch back. Time for compromise is over. You can’t compromise with cult ideology. Transgenderism is fake, exploitative and causes insurmountable harms to many young people. It’s infected every inch of supposed democratic societies. It’s not about rights. It’s about special privileges for men. Men who want to invade women and girls’ spaces. That’s perversion. I’ll never see it as anything but, perversion and mental illness. “Trans” is just more corporate fakery.

Reiner Fuellmich and Stew Peters #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #transphobia globalresearch.ca

What do transgenderism, pedophilia, and Covid-19 have in common?

Dr. Reiner Füellmich is here to talk about the mental terrorism inflicted on the world during the Covid pandemic.

According to Dr. Füellmich's findings, Covid was all fake. It was an act of psychological terrorism acting as a pilot program for mass mind-control.

In effect, the purpose of all of it was to dumb down the population, making them more reliant on powerful institutions and more suggestible to extreme ideas.

One of the ultimate goals is also depopulation.

For some strange reason the global elites responsible for this mind control also want humanity to consent.

They want us to choose to put things in our body that are harmful and ultimately lead to death.

This mind control is more effective in the western world than in Africa.

The excess mortality rates from the bioweapon injections are high in developed countries.

The masses bought into the fear tactics and brainwashing and voluntarily injected themselves with deadly poison.

Most of our leaders and those in positions of power are actually psychopaths. However, these leaders couldn't have risen to power if the masses didn't play along.

This is because the general public has been dumbed down due to the collapse of our education system.

We have been taught to follow orders and not think for ourselves.

There are a lot of people who are highly educated but also very stupid. Cowardice fuels the stupidity of the general public.

Those who have perpetuated these crimes against humanity must be held accountable at Nuremberg 2.0.

Kara Dansky #transphobia karadansky.substack.com

Why I think we’re much further along in the movement to liberate women and girls from “gender identity" in the U.S. than it might appear.
But as much as I hate the Bostock decision, what I hate even more is what the Biden Administration said about it in this executive order. It said that the Bostock decision means that no one is allowed to discriminate against people on the basis of “gender identity.” The Bostock decision literally did not do this. [...] The other thing that’s really annoying about this order is its extension of the Bostock decision outside of the employment context. In the decision itself, the Supreme Court expressly stated that its ruling was limited exclusively to the employment context. So when the Biden administration says that the Bostock decision prohibits discrimination on the basis of “gender identity,” and that its reasoning applies outside the employment context, it is simply lying.
In January 2022, the US Bureau of Prisons (which is part of the Department of Justice) updated its “Transgender Offender Manual.” This is the policy guiding which male prisoners in federal prisons get to be housed in the women’s prison on the basis of their claimed woman identities. This was a full year after Biden issued Executive Order 13988. The Bureau of Prisons had a full year to figure out how to let male prisoners self-ID into the federal women’s prison. It didn’t do it. To be clear, this Transgender Offender Manual isn’t good, because it allows some men to be housed with women on the basis of their claimed woman identities. But it does so on a case-by-case basis. We should, of course, oppose this, and we do. But the fact that the Bureau of Prisons came out with a new policy, a full year after the Biden executive order, declining to completely redefine sex to include gender identity even though that’s what the executive order told it to do, strikes me as significant.
Although it may not be obvious, we have made huge strides. The Biden Administration has so far been unable to persuade either Congress or the Courts that it’s a good idea to throw women and girls under the bus at the altar of “gender identity,” and we think we have had a lot to do with that. America is waking up to the horrors of “gender identity,” and they’re not having it.

@AthenasWrench & @Librty_abuv_all #transphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
Violent trans activists and antifa try to heal through police to get to the women. I will keep saying this until it sinks in - trans is a hate movement. They are missing no rights they want the privilege of being able to identify into that which they will never be. They hate us.

( @AthenasWrench )
*break not heal

( @Librty_abuv_all )
Trans is perversion, just call it what it is a group of perverts.

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia twitter.com

“Tran$” is corporate propaganda which creates the illusion of a category of humans that are not male or female. This is the objective, to collapse female into male, so assimilate the sexes, eventually moving reproductive sex to the tech sector on a trajectory of moving humanity into a “tran$human” future.


@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

Colon aka Big Monty gives advice to his fellow troons. Pretend the women are the aggressors and Stay Safe! Gaslighting pos. Enjoy your male pattern baldness Monty you creep.

spoilerIf you're in Bristol tomorrow (Sunday) during the day be careful as there's a
hate rally going on
If you're going to counter protest then be careful, and remember they will
start stuff to get you to react so they can edit a video to make you look like
the aggressor
Stay safe x

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Today, in both the Catholic Church and in the USA, it appears that the only "rights" protected by both the ecclesial and national governments are the rights of anti-Catholics and anti-Americans to challenge, violate and destroy the very rights of anyone to be fully Catholic and be fully American, and to act like it. We are now supposed to be everyone else's doormats, so they can walk all over us and wipe their feet on us.

When the "gay pride" parade takes over the streets, I am supposed to get out there and celebrate sodomy with the rest of the freaks, and not show any disgust or disrespect for any of the primping and prancing transvestites, screaming queens, tattooed butches, members of the Biden Cabinet or members of the USCCB.

What happened to my right to condemn and anathematize immorality, keep apart from it and speak openly against it? Why do so many Catholic Bishops today not only bless it, but participate in it? Why does the Biden administration and their Party not only bless it, but sponsor it, promote it and participate in it?

The answer is anti-Catholic and anti-American Marxism and its preeminent position of power in both the Church and American governments. The Marxocrat Party is fully and irrevocably Marxist, and the Republicrat Party is Marxist-Light. The USCCB is Marxist. The Francis Vatican is Marxist.
They howling mobs insist that I be forced to "Say Gay!", and/or to "Say Black Lives Matter!", and/or to "Use The Preferred Pronoun!", and that I have no right to disobey. And the federal government, bound by oath to the Constitution that protects my rights, allows this to go on.
They hate the constitution. It is, after all, just another "existing social condition" and Marxism is sworn to forcibly overthrow all existing social conditions.

They are Marxists.
That's the problem.

They will not tolerate normalcy. All normalcy must be overturned.

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia #conspiracy twitter.com

The corporate state is selling you synthetic sex identities in the guise of a human rights movement. This broadens their legal horizons for future augmentations to humanity, including genetic manipulations, & melding humans with tech & AI. “Gender laws” are laws that will be accessed by augmented humans (#transhumans) in the not too distant future - those falling outside the parameters of our current humanity. This is why we have been manipulated into referring to ourselves as biological men and women, instead of just men and women. When, so far, we’re all biological humans.


Brandon Smith #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

I recently went to see the movie Sound Of Freedom with the expectation of a moderate level of political commentary or religious pontificating, given the rabid and widespread attacks on the film by the leftist media. All I knew going in was that the indie production was about child trafficking and that the mainstream media HATES IT.
But there’s something more going on here than mere envy on the part of leftist journalists. The campaign against the movie is far too coordinated and far too expansive (global). It is as if these people are interconnected and they all agreed together to try to subvert the film, or they were all ORDERED to subvert the film.
So again, there are few if any valid criticisms to make about the production itself and the story is largely accurate. Why are leftist journalists raging against this movie? I think because it sheds light on the fact that pedophilia is not only about isolated cases of loners stalking school playgrounds, it’s an international industry worth billions upon billions of dollars, and there are very rich and powerful people involved in that industry (including people in mainstream journalism).

They don’t want people to consider the pervasive nature of this criminal underworld. They want people passive and unaware. For some reason, they want people to assume that child slavery is a conspiracy theory.

Another issue to consider is that the political left has been aggressively targeting children with sexualization for the past several years, primarily through the imposition of trans ideology. They are turning the sexualization of minors into an activist movement. <...> We all know what the end game of this movement is – The normalization of pedophilia.

Leftists may be consciously or unconsciously hostile to Sound Of Freedom because when they see the organized networks of child groomers on the big screen, they see themselves.

Monica Cole #conspiracy #transphobia #wingnut #sexist onemillionmoms.com

The new Barbie movie hits theaters on July 21, but unfortunately, this is not a film parents should take their children to see.

The film is produced by Mattel, Inc. and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. However, both corporations have made a grievous mistake by abandoning loyal customers and forgetting their core audience by pushing transgender propaganda.

Barbie unnecessarily pushes the LGBTQ agenda on children by casting a biological male, Hari Nef, who identifies as a female, as Doctor Barbie in the film. He appears on screen throughout the entire movie dressed as a woman.

In a recent Out interview promoting the film, Nef discussed his sexuality and encouraged others like him to embrace their femininity. He claimed, “It’s candy with a little poison, and that’s what I like.”

Movieguide.org lists other concerns, including:

- Little girls smack their baby dolls in the movie and say, “Girls don’t have to be mothers anymore.”

- Another Attack on the “Patriarchy”: Barbieville is good because they removed the men, and the women are now in charge, and if you remove the men, you get rid of problems.

- Ken is the villain, and Barbie hates Ken.

- Barbie’s Simu Liu says the movie will be a “final nail” for gender-based norms.

Zach Elliott & Jennifer Bilek #transphobia twitter.com

( Zach Elliott )
Gender identity is a subjective, unfalsifiable belief system that has no business being compelled by law.

( Jennifer Bilek )
Gender Ideology is not just being compelled by law, though this would be horrific enough.
Our languages & our societies are being rapidly contorted to conform to a profound lie about biological reality & the core of what and who we are as a species.
These changes are being forced into our institutions, the market, & on the public. We are being compelled to adapt to this lie by an authoritarianism moving faster than it was a decade ago. CA is ground zero.



Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia #quack #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Modest Proposal -- Humanity acknowledges that it is
comatose and agrees to pull the plug. It agrees to be sterilized
in exchange for a truce from Communist Jews and
their Freemason flunkies. (i.e. Satanists, Zionists, Liberals, Antifa, Transsexuals, Feminists.)
I have a solution to mankind's problems that should satisfy everyone.

Humanity volunteers to be sterilized in exchange for the satanist Jewish bankers and Freemasons (Communists) ending their war against God and man.

This means that within a short century, the planet will be rid of useless eaters (us) and become a playground for sick Satanists/Communists and their preferred number of perverts.

What does mankind get out of this?

1. Satanists/Communists call off their "vaccine" and climate change hoaxes, chemtrails, geo-engineering, 15-min cities, CRT, lockdown lunacy, and vax passports.

They will curb their Antifa/BLM goons before whom we cower in fear like little girls. We avoid violent "Dark Winter" dystopia and enjoy relative peace and freedom.

2. We will not be force-vaccinated, writhe in pain and die a premature death.

3. The toxic psychological war against gender, race, religion, and nation will be suspended. We will retain some vestige of human dignity during our twilight years on the planet.

4. A reasonable number may be spared sterilization in order to provide a pool of servants, human sacrifices, organ donors, and sex slaves for the Chosen.
What do Satanists/Communists get out of this?

1. They will not have to listen to useless eaters whine and winge on the Internet as our miserable fate slowly dawns upon us.

2. They will not have to deal with a Warsaw Ghetto-like uprising as humanity finally realizes it has nothing to lose from violent resistance.

3. Satanists inherit the planet, its resources, and everyone's property. They can start planning their paradise and not worry about imposing their farcical "Great Reset" on recalcitrant masses.
This is satire but it's scary how much sense it makes.

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia the11thhourblog.com

The Transhumanism in the Middle of the "Gender Identity" Living Room

There is an apparition that is floating around the global institutionalization of “gender identity.” What is it? What is happening? We can see something going on but can’t quite make it out. Why are these changes being catapulted through western cultures, driven by big money and governments? This apparition has a name: Transhumanism. It is the unnamed issue that is sitting in the middle of the “gender identity” living room, which we can’t quite address. All the other tentacles of changes transforming society, wrought in the name of gender, grow out of this apparition, this thing we refuse to name and face.

Transhumanism is the single most important thing to resist if we are to stop the deconstruction of our species. We, as human beings, are sexually dimorphic, and “gender identity” is deconstructing sex. “Gender Identity,” has many different iterations but most of us are looking at the sequences and missing the whole. We need to look at what "gender identity" does and not what it means. It destroys sex as a meaningful category and it is literally desexing children and young people. This is the point of it. This is how it is used by those forcing it into the culture, to normalize our dissociation from our sexed reality.


President Biden recently passed another bill where “gender identity” will override the sex-based rights of women. Our language has already changed to obliterate our sexed reality. Is it plausible Biden doesn’t understand what he is doing? Obama, financially assisted into office by the Pritzkers, who Biden served as vice president, became the first president to use the word “transgender” in a state of the union address. Obama called a special meeting for “transgender” students at the White House, in 2015, earning him the title of “Trans President.”


This forced evolution of our species is upon us. We must understand that gender is a façade to normalize the desexing of our species toward a more complex melding with technology than we have seen thus far. We must be brave enough to face the transhumanism in the middle of the “gender identity” living room or be changed forever.

@whatwouldiknow1 #transphobia twitter.com

The TransIndustry and cult is an absolute absurdity that wants to destroy humanity. And how do you do that, by reinventing the very vehicle of nature and nurture, womanhood.
We all must fight back against this crime against humanity. #TransCult #womenempowerment

Good god.

The best line in an article truly worthy of the statement.

“This is, quite frankly, insane.”

We should all be using that line a lot more when writing and speaking about this abomination.


Is There a Doctor in the House? https://www.realityslaststand.com/p/is-there-a-doctor-in-the-house

@LoveHerMadly , @AthenasWrench & @CatherineWheel #transphobia gettr.com

( @LoveHerMadly )
This horrible man is mocking the female body. This is "blackface" but against women. Of course, look at the giant Troon pride flag on the wall. Who could EAT through this?


( @AthenasWrench )
Imagine any other group being mocked and abused like this? Imagine taking stereotypes and using those as mockery and then calling it diversity. This is not okay and it is the equivalent of old time minstrel shows. There is thousands of years of history that cannot be ignored. To this day in some countries women cannot drive a fucking car. This is NOT okay.

( @CatherineWheel )
And it's just as malevolent as the old minstrel shows, parading degrading stereotypes to indoctrinate children into believing that women are stupid sex toys. No girl would want to have that in her future.

Dave Blount #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[From "Doubling of Deviants at Brown University"]

According to woke doctrine, we must embrace homosexuality because it is not a behavior but an identity. If you hesitate to endorse unhealthy sex acts that have been regarded as immoral for centuries, you bigotedly hate those who indulge in them. They can’t control what they do, because were born that way. Or maybe they can’t help what they do because they attended a pricey university:

The number of Brown University students identifying as LGBTQ+ has doubled since 2010, according to a new poll from the university’s student paper

About 38% of students at the Ivy League school identified as either homosexual, bisexual, queer, asexual, pansexual, questioning, or other — more than five times the national rate for adults not identifying as straight

Ivy League universities like Brown are finishing schools for our nomenklatura. In case you were wondering what students learn for $82,570/year, now you have an idea

The high-priced social engineers running Brown get results. However, the rest of the liberal establishment gets results too. Its relentless promotion of all things LGBT through the media, public schools, and government has produced a doubling in the percentage of self-identified deviants also among the general population — even if the percentage is lower outside the decadent ruling class:

About 7.2% of American adults identified as being non-heterosexual, according to a 2022 Gallup poll, up from 3.5% in 2012

Considering the cultural hegemony the Alphabet People already enjoy, imagine if social engineers are able to double the percentage again. Every month will be Pride Month

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia twitter.com

We might actually pull through this if we stop chasing our tails talking about “gender” this & “gender” that & instead put our eyes & voices to the real issues at hand:
*Compelled speech
*The violation of the 1st Amendment
*The rapid & extreme forced changes to society, language, & law which obliterate our species organization around our sexual dimorphism
*The vast & rapid rise in clinics that medically assault children’s healthy sex
*The erasure of women from language, law, & society

Raise your voices. The hour is late.

@bjportraits #transphobia gettr.com

“Transgender” is a made up word. It was added to LGB NGOs in 2004-5, right after Tim Gill & Jon Stryker founded the 2 most powerful LGB (then) NGOs. In less than 2 decades language & laws r being mandated for made up sexes (synthetic sex identities).

Stryker is heir to a medical fortune & Gill’s $ come from computer software & AI design. They have poured billions into getting these synthetic sex identities rooted in law & institutionalized, just like the Pritzkers.

The more we argue against this made-up word which purposely has no borders, the more we reinforce it as real. It’s made up. This is a corporate coup. Global banks & the techno medical complex do not care abt the identity issues of some poor mythical marginalized group.

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia twitter.com

"Transgender people should be treated kindly and charitably. But...."

This is the crux of the problem right here:
You cannot hold fast to the corporately generated concept of "tran$gender people," while attempting to fight gender ideology and its harms.

There are no "gender people." No one is "tran$itioning" from their humanity rooted in sex (so far). They are attempting to disown their sex.

Dylan Mulvaney is a man.

We are functioning within the linguistic prison they have built for us and adding more bricks to the edifice, every time we support the idea that the word "tran$gender" means anything coherent.

We can attack the premise or not but we can't expect to have any lasting impact if we don't. It's like mopping the floor with a dirty mop. We just wind up pushing the dirt around.

There are no "gender people." It is a coporately constructed absurdity, used to groom the public for industrial body dissociation.



Brent Cates #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia brentcates.substack.com

TAKE WARNING! I am about to provide the Reader with a VISION of what the enemy has done, IS DOING, & wants to do to a CAPTURED Humanity.

And it is, simply put, terrifying.

What I’m about to describe has been happening for centuries.

But SOMETHING happened in recent history to INTENSIFY all of this.

That something is this man. President Donald Trump. He has dragged the hidden Security State into the BEAM OF LIGHT, kicking & screaming.

This has forced them to accelerate everything they’ve been doing TO US into (OPERATION) WARP SPEED!

So, what exactly have they been doing? I’m glad you asked that.

I have wandered in a wilderness of confusion, misdirection & malice most of my life as I struggled to comprehend WHY things are the way they are.

The moment I started questioning reality itself is the moment I woke up & stopped being (behaving like) an NPC.
THE MATRIX has been lauded as visionary. It IS a vision. and a message. YOU. ARE. SLAVES. TO. THE. MACHINE/MATRIX.

The Elites didn’t realize what this movie was until it was FAR too late.

Remember the Warchowski BROTHERS? Who wrote & directed The Matrix?

That stunning masterpiece depicting human beings waking up to fight an insidiously deceptive SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS that had enslaved them?

Choosing the Red Pill?

“You’ve been living in a dream world, Neo….”

So much of MAGA & American First is tied to the ICONOLOGY, SYMBOLOGY & POLITICS depicted in that film.

Well, the Warchowski brothers are now the Warchowski SISTERS.

This is the Elites REVENGE upon them. Murdering them would simply be too quick.

So they MIND-RAPED THEM & corrupted their Humanity/Souls.
Here is your Matrix Moment.

Our Creator’s vision for his children, US, has been hijacked.

If you thought Trump was struggling to KEEP us free, think again.


Caught by Luciferians determined not only to rule us, but RUIN us completely.

To win their rebellion against Heaven.

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia twitter.com

There is no such thing as “tran$” related to the material reality of being human. No one, as yet, has transitioned from their human bodies, anchored in their role in sexual reproduction. However, the deconstruction of male and female in effort to transcend the human condition, is the governing ethos behind the techno-religious #cult of gender ideology.



woodchip #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #racist #pratt #wingnut descentbb.net

Wow TC, you trying to paint me into something you want me to be? No, not a Nazis but then I'm not some faggot running around waving his wang in a parade at the kiddies on the sidelines, nor am I a tranny spouting, " we're coming to take your kids". Nor am I a idiotic BLM'er that thinks de-funding the police is a good idea or that abortion rights isn't anything other than murder. Or condone open borders as something to promote child sex slavery. As to Neo Nazis and gun problem goes together is so much horse puckey.

Eliza Mondegreen #transphobia elizamondegreen.substack.com



These pollsters talk about the need to polish the language and “educate” the public about trans issues in order to increase buy-in. But this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the problem that faces trans activism. Trans activism thrives in the shadows of civil society: the less the public understands about the issue, the more supportive (or at least less opposed) they are. Excursions into the sunlight don’t tend to go well. This is not because trans activism has a public-relations problem. This is because trans activism has a reality problem.

Trans activism has been sold to the public—to the extent that any case has been made for these radical changes at all—as an urgent human-rights crusade that only bigots would oppose that somehow won’t affect the rights of anyone who doesn’t identify as trans. And since no one else is supposed to be affected, no one is supposed to have an opinion.

But trans activism is actually an “uphill battle” against material reality and civil society. Around the world, lobbyists have been changing laws and hoping nobody would notice (no, really, that’s the strategy).

But now the fallout is starting to come into view: strained relationships and broken families, detransitioners who’ve experienced medical harm, outright cheating in women’s sports, Orwellian language rules enforced by shameless bullies… it’s not a pretty picture. And it’s not what anyone was sold in exchange for their silent compliance.

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia #conspiracy twitter.com

Stop accepting the premise of “tran$genderism.” It’s corporate propaganda with the velocity & power of AI behind it.
Use terms that are befitting what is happening:
#cult indoctrination
Crimes against humanity
Synthetic sexes
Medical assault on healthy human sex
A corporate coup

Allow your language to fit the crime & divest yourself from unicorn euphemisms.

@DebJane #transphobia gettr.com

We know this, trans rights means they want privileges to invade our spaces.

spoilerCan we all just be clear
please: when people talk
about trans rights, what
they're really talking about is
the right of biological males to
trample all over the rights of
biological females. That's why
you don't hear much about
trans men in this debate;
they're biological females

Michael Knowles #wingnut #transphobia #fundie mediamatters.org

On the cultural front, a man like this should be ashamed to present himself in this way in public. We used to have standards and norms that discouraged perverted men like this from presenting themselves in these perverted ways, with the pink hair and the psycho affect openly talking about chopping up little kids. Men should be terrified to do that sort of thing. And if they have any of these absolutely perverted and sadistic desires, they should keep them to themselves and they should work on themselves and try to cast those demons out of their bodies. That's the cultural level of this, of course.

But then there is the even deeper level that I haven't heard a lot of people acknowledge, which is, this is yet another reminder that science is mostly fake. And not that scientism or the politicization of science or whatever other squishy language the more centrist, kind of, people want to grant. But the whole endeavor, the whole endeavor of the scientific revolution, the premise of which is that reality is fundamentally physical, that is flawed. It's not true. The modern scientific culture has given us certain nice things, but it's given us a lot of bad things as well, like transgenderism and transhumanism and skyrocketing rates of depression and anxiety and suicidality and a loss of the sense of meaning in this world and a neglect of the fundamental spiritual and metaphysical realities of this world. It's given us all those things. And it's also given us a ton of bogus scientific theory. Even taken on the plane of physical science alone, it's given us a bunch of bs. It's given us this notion that the world is gonna end in five minutes because of the sun monster and catastrophic climate change. That's -- that's a product of the scientific revolution. It's a product of a myopic, narrow, obviously mistaken world view where you plug in a bunch of models and, with all your genius people from Harvard and Yale and Princeton and Oxford, and they plug in their models and they say, oh, the world's gonna end in five minutes, and it's not true. And most people, even, who push these ideologies don't believe it.

Meghan Murphy #transphobia feministcurrent.com

The Pride industrial complex ignores threats against women and doubles down on the myth of 2SLGBTQ+ ‘hate’


Many of you have likely observed the endless stream of fear-mongering propaganda force-fed to us by mainstream media outlets, politicians, and NGOs, insisting “attacks” against the “2SLGBTQ+ community” are on the rise. In the month leading up to Pride, these claims have been amplified in what has become an ongoing war against reality.

On June 6, the Human Rights Campaign declared a national “state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people in the United States… following an unprecedented and dangerous spike in anti-LGBTQ+ legislative assaults sweeping state houses this year.”

What they are referencing is not, in fact, any actual “assault” — legislative or otherwise — but a series of bills passed in various red states preventing youth from being given harmful puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries on account of a declared “trans” identity.


You cannot simply stop puberty, feed a developing child or teen hormones that increase cancer risk and result in a host of other side-effects in adults, and assume no harmful repercussions for youth. Yet, that’s what these NGOs insist, claiming these treatments are “life-saving” and medically necessary, and that laws limiting these interventions constitute an “assault” on “LGBTQ+ people.”


Moreover, the irony of describing a “dizzying patchwork of discriminatory state laws that have created increasingly hostile and dangerous environments for LGBTQ+ people” becomes obviously rich when we look at how women are treated by these groups. In the past five odd years, women and girls have not only lost the right to women-only spaces — including change rooms, shelters, and prisons — and lost the right to compete on fair grounds, among females, in sport, but have lost the right to speak out about this. Women who have challenged gender identity legislation and policy have been fired, assaulted, censored, threatened, blackballed, ostracized, deplatformed, and banned from social media.


@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

Trans identified male has stolen lesbian history and transed them out on behalf of Mermaids, an org that exists to trans the gay away. Trans is regressive sexist and homophobic. It exists by leeching off every other legitimate cause because it has no legitimacy on its own. Shameless appropriation.

So excited to let the cat out of the bag! I have collaborated with @Mermaids_Gender on a merch range celebrating figures from trans history!!

Peter Falkenberg Brown #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy newswithviews.com

The Left pushes the idea that children have the right to be emancipated from the oppression of their parents. But they never suggest that children have sacred, inalienable rights that come from God—rights that must never be violated by a monolithic dictatorship or parents who want to bend reality for their own pleasure or convenience.

Children have many sacred rights, but two of the most important are these:

First, all children have the sacred right to be loved and raised by their own biologically male father and biologically female mother. Their birth was caused by the joining together of a sperm and egg produced by a specific male father and a specific female mother. Connected to this biological reality is the historical and spiritual truth that children need to be loved by their real father and mother.

Second, all children have the sacred right to experience a childhood that fosters a pure and sacred environment surrounding sexuality, gender, love, and marriage. Destroying a child’s sexual purity is a crime against that child’s heart and future. That destruction could be caused by rape, incest, pornography, sex trafficking, induced or supported gender confusion, hypersexualization.

The Left has been waging a scorched-earth war against sacred sexuality for decades. It’s also important to state that not all of the individuals and leaders who are complicit in the spread of hypersexualization are Marxists.

The primary messages in hypersexualization are that “children are sexual from birth” and “any and all sexual activity is normal.” There are no boundaries.
To me, they are like drug pushers, but instead of pushing heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl, they are presenting innocent school children with sexual materials and practices that will damage many of them almost beyond repair.

In their attack on sacred sexuality, purity, and morality, this army of sexologists has created a civilization-shattering, existential crisis that parents and others must resolve.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #transphobia sinfest.xyz


Transphobic caricature buys horomones from a vending machine, then sees a cis women with her baby. Jealous, the transwomen runs to a baby store(or something, I’m not sure what) and buys a new baby and starts breastfeeding next to the cis woman


Cis: “That’s sick.”

Trans: “I am a mother, performing her motherly duties.”

Cis: “You’re a sick man with a sick fetish abusing a baby.”

Trans: “That’s violence. You just did violence on me.”


Cis: “I’m reporting you.”

Trans: “Ha Ha Ha Ha you have no power here. This is Tran [sic] Country.”

Cis: “You won’t get away with this, Pedophile.”

Trans: Watch Me!” (sinister posters of Joe Biden and some transwomen hang overhead.)

@leftisbased , @thesocdemwolf & @salvador1427 #transphobia youtube.com

RE: Cenk Uygur Explains The Core Principles of TYT

( @leftisbased )
We live in peak parody world 0.01% of the population wants the entire world to ignore and deny biological facts and reality and empirical observible facts like dna like gametes and reproductive system that where used to determine biological sex for THOUSANDS of years for the entire human history to pretend that ugly ass dudes playing dress up are woman to ignore science genetics and biology to not hurt anybodies feelings. Empathy and political correctness has a limit I support lesbian,gay and bisexual rights I support biological woman rights,but I will not play pretend with delusional thinking to not hurt somebodies feelings it's not how normal society should function. Trans idealogy has zero facts it's basic premise is I feel like it therefore I am it, it's magical thinking it's not how biology,genetics and reality works to normalize that delusion is peak anti intellectualism and pure insanity.
Gen Z made this world into insane asylum.

( @thesocdemwolf )
Trangenderism as it stands now is a cult they calling anybody transphobic that word became absolutely meaningless you don't wanna play with made up neo prounouns or concepts that make zero logical sense like non binary nonsense you are transphobic according to the cult you state biological facts that there are two biological sexes and that dna,chromosomes,reproductive system and gametes determine sex and it's observed and not assigned you are transphobic. Discussing with trans people is like discussing with religious fundamentalists they deny all biological facts they deny reality they deny empirical science I just can't believe the world it's at this point of anti intelectualism it's beyond parody. Trans people can't make any argument without accusing anybody and using buzzwords yet they can't understand why they are most hated group in the world currently.

( @salvador1427 )
Terfs are right cis women take a back seat to trans women. These comments prove it. Ana simply asking not to be referred by an objectifying term is now labeled transphobic. Keep this up, you who hate Terfs will be making new Terfs.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

WPATH is led by castration fetishists. It’s the world’s leading transgender “health” org.
The one that sets the stage for what is done to
childrens bodies.
They are now trying to make eunuch a gender identity. Ties to child castration and pedophilia. The only good thing is these people are their own worst enemies. I hope exposure to
light puts an end to this insanity. If not our children are looking at extensive mental and physical health problems.

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia #homophobia humanevents.com

JENNIFER BILEK: Is humanity ready for LGBTQ+ tech babies and the full erasure of women from reproduction?

Most liberals fighting for gay rights since the sexual revolution, myself included, had no idea of the Pandora’s box they were opening.

The only way for gay men to have family equality with heterosexuals is to generate the ability to have their own biological children within the institution of marriage. Gay marriage has already been secured within the US, and the powerful LGB, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that came up to secure it are now set upon deconstructing sexual dimorphism, which we see taking place in many societies with the introduction of gender ideology, under the banner of LGBT human rights.


Transsexual men who fetishize womanhood and attempt to own it through medical technology, once at the very fringe of sexual-identities-gone-corporate, have suddenly become very convenient, and have taken center stage in the LGBT agenda to deconstruct sex.

Petra DeSutter, a politician and Professor of gynaecology at Ghent University, has given talks about the future of technological reproduction, sans women. Assistant Health Secretary of the US, Rachel Levine, and Jennifer Pritzker, men who have appropriated female biology through surgery, have helped engineer a corporate coup to usurp female reproduction, under the guise of a human right to express oneself by surgically altering one’s sex characteristics. Along with this engineering of human reproduction, comes the changing of what we understand ourselves to be, a sexually dimorphic species. We are on a trajectory toward post humanism.

With the advent of CRISPR gene editing, medical technology is growing exponentially. Gay men and men who fetishize being women are on the verge of finally taking their place amongst the other men, vying for the right to control women’s bodies, and procreative capacities.

While most of society is still reeling from the shock that men are being allowed into women’s safe spaces and sports, and who are equally as fascinated with people who’ve appropriated the physical characteristics of the opposite sex, they remain in the dark about what is happening under pretense of human rights.


@michaelheister & @AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

( @michaelheister )
What a shock! An organization of medical professionals whose income is dependent on exploiting vulnerable children says, hey, we advise that you let us start exploiting even younger children!

#genderideology #genderideologyisaracket #wpath

( @AthenasWrench )
Biden has outlawed talk therapy and lowered the age children can have their breasts and penis amputated. ALl in the name of affirming a “gender identity”. If biological sex doesn’t exist and genitals do not determine sex why do they need surgeries to be their “authentic selves”? No one will answer these questions

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

Man with a pronoun and a fetish is taking Sall Grover to court. Sall is due to have her baby shortly. Roxy Tickle is huge mad that Sall’s app, Giggle, is for bio women only. Everyone knows women should have sfa apart from the cosplaying woman hating larpers. He’s suing to have the trans ruin and destroy her app. Only all trans apps are fine. Women always need to allow fetishists to steal and take over our things. It’s the new progressive way.

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia twitter.com

If the purported right is actually standing up to the #GenderIndustry why is the “right wing” media still supporting the premise of “true gender people,” & only critiquing excesses, i.e., “‘Gender affirming care’ should be better researched, & the age at which this medical assault on sex should be allowed to occur should be raised to the age of consent as it is for other things.” “As long as you’re an adult…..but stay away from the kids,” which completely ignores the harms to society, humanity, & reality.
There are no “gender people,” & there is no “gender care,” affirming or otherwise. This language was not here 15 years ago. There is a reason that the human sex boundary is suddenly being deconstructed.

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