
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Richard Craven & Jeremy Bray #transphobia unherd.com

RE: LGB Alliance’s victory is another loss for gender ideology

( Richard Craven )
“The Commission’s response was even more forthright, reminding charities of the need to debate and campaign “with respect and tolerance”.”
Nobody should respect or tolerate the likes of Mermaids. They advocate child mutilation.

( Jeremy Bray )
Indeed, the LGB Alliance has far more grounds for seeking to strip Mermaids of its charitable status given that it seeks to propagandise gay youths with the belief that they are actually the wrong sex and should mutilate themselves and sign up to a lifetime of experimental hormone treatments. Conversion therapy is too kind a name for it.

( Richard Craven )
Exactly. It’s basically just a child castration cult.

( Richard Craven )
“It rejects the claim that male-bodied trans women can be lesbians”
*It rejects the claim that men can be lesbians

( Richard Craven )
“the Tribunal pointed out that it is not up to the Charity Commission “to tell people what to think, or to regulate public debate in a context where there are deeply held, sincere beliefs on all sides”.”
Not one single living individual sincerely believes what “trans” activists claim to believe.

@AthenasWrench & @Deathling #transphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
Does anyone know what rights they are missing? Anyone? Do they know? Cause so far all I see are privileges. Far as I know there is no right to self identify into another class of people. No right to force others to see your inner subjective self and validate same. No right to force yourself into spaces meant for another group. Not sure what rights these guys are missing.

spoilerDear trans friends & trans
people I've never met, I'm
so sorry that you have to
spend so much of life's
precious energy pleading for
your rights. I don't believe
that I lose *anything* by
giving you your dignity, but
even if I did, I'd do it
because human rights are
human rights.

( @Deathling )
You mean the "Trans Deluxe Citizenship" that entitles you to cosmetic surgery on the taxpayer dime; to force your neologisms on fellow citizens and have them punished for insults, real or imagined, to your hallowed trans personage.

Alex Bailey #transphobia #psycho lgbtqnation.com

A man has been sentenced to two and a half years in prison after pleading guilty to charges connected to beating an 86-year-old woman suffering from early-onset dementia for 42 minutes and then pushing her into an outdoor garbage bin in Dublin, Ireland. He said he thought that she was transgender and therefore was “a predatory pedophile,” repeating language often used by anti-transgender activists.

Alex Bailey, 30, said that he had taken so many drugs that night that he was in a state of “induced psychosis” and believed that the victim, Marie MacGowan, was a “man dressed up as a woman,” according to the Irish Times. She was actually trying to find her way home and was lost when she was attacked around 2 a.m.

CCTV footage shows that he spent over an hour harassing her and beating her sporadically over a period of 42 minutes. He knocked her to the ground during this time.

She got up and he pushed her head-first into a garbage bin. He tried to close the garbage bin’s lid on her, and it fell over. When she got out, Bailey punched her in the face and kicked her, police told the court.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Meaningful feminism must focus on men first

( overanddone )
there is no such thing as transmisogyny. It's all in your head, dumbass.

Wake up, wipe off the make up and take off your skirt, and "magically" you are once again back in the oppressor class...

we can never do that.

( notsofreshfeeling )
They never leave the oppressor class, makeup or not.

( Jehane )
The liberal feministis are actually those who are supporting you. They will wholeheartedly agree with you that "meaningful feminism must focus on transmisogyny first". Because they, just as you, actually believe that such a thing as transmisogyny actually exists. It is not even an "optional add-on" to feminism BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A WOMAN! If you're one of those guys who are just identifying as female without doing more than put on a wig, some make-up and don the shortest skirt you can lay your hands on, you're just a man in a wig, make-up and a short skirt. And once you grow tired of your costume, you can just trash it and identify as a man again.

Real women cannot do that. We cannot magically transform into men to escape oppression, misogyny, sexism and all the other shit you can easily evade by trashing your woman-costume. Oh, and by the way, "transfeminity" isn't a threat to patriarchy because you guys support the worst feminine stereotypes patriarchy has ever come up with. This, along with your ludicrous demands of being allowed into women's spaces, is not threatening patriarchy. It's strengthening it.

( Julie92845 )
Okay, there are all sorts of types of feminism. Liberal feminism can focus on trans women if they want. Why not just let radical feminism focus on females only?

That's the benefit to subgroups.

( WasItSomethingISaid )
Any movement that focuses on men is not any kind of feminism. "Fem" means concerning females. The idea that the opposite is true in some cases is just another in the endless stream of obfuscations made by postmodernists to justify the destruction of women's and girls' rights and boundaries. Anti-feminists are calling themselves feminists for the same reason that men are calling themselves women. They are all part of a woman-hating cult disguised as a civil rights movement.

various commenters #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy gettr.com

( @TommyRobinson1 )

Dr Jordan Peterson spells out the post modernist/neo marxist tranny danger pushed by greedy money grubbing medical malpractitioners and their ideological acolytes.


( @nostromo_uk )
Watched this last night, absolutely amazing work by JP, nails them to the mast, hormone blockers and surgery should be outlawed for anybody, I forsee law suits and criminal proceedings in the future, this will have to stop but in the meantime the damage that this disgusting movement will cause will be quite enormous, I suppose they will be somewhat protected from law suits because 40 percent of the victims will have killed themselves already.

( @GoneNative )
Do more than arrest them.

( @GotTheMessage )
Transgender to no gender to transhuman. Out in the open child abuse and child endangerment as a means to change what is human. Changing the meaning of human creation. This is the globalist psychopaths at work.

Anonymous[285] #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut unz.com

One thing for sure, these riots are not Islamic. Sure, many are children of Muslim immigrants and sure, some of them shout ‘Muh Muhammad’. But they are mostly into gangsta rap culture imported from the US. Their behavior is modeled on jungle culture of thugs and gangstas than on the pillars of Islam. These are more like BLM riots. Some argue that the problem is lack of assimilation.

Actually, the problem is these immigrants kids are fully assimilated into the Western New Normal of blackity-black, rap culture, youth thuggery, and ‘white guilt’. Most ‘Muslim’ youths are more into gangsta culture than Islamic studies. But, given the taboos against blaming blacks, people pretend the fault is with Islam.

It’s true that the West has imported a lot of Third World trash. But what passes for ‘Western Culture’ lately? Twerking, homo degeneracy, rap music, pornification of kiddie culture, tranny men running riot, and etc.

Can you blame the newcomers for holding such a civilization in contempt? And if anything, it seems too many of the newcomers have indeed fully assimilated to the ‘Western Culture’, one that made Rap music the #1 musical genre. And long before this happened, let’s not forget the white lunatics of May 68 and the disgusting Punk movement in the UK that celebrated anarchy and destruction.

National Justice Party #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia nationaljusticeparty.com

[From "The Platform of The National Justice Party"]

1)The United States of America will be declared an outpost of Western civilization and a state dedicated to its European-heritage population and their posterity. It will be the policy of the state to set immigration and natal policy that will ensure a permanent European majority. The rights of historic minority populations will be respected.
2)We demand the extension of the 1964 Civil Rights act to provide equal protections and privileges to the White majority, or the act must be repealed[…]
4)We support a two percent ceiling on Jewish employment in vital institutions so that they better represent the ethnic and regional population balance of the country[…]
6)We support private property rights, including a program to make home ownership more accessible to stably employed family men. Small businesses and communities will be granted the right to refuse service or home ownership to anyone for any reason they see fit[…]
8)We demand the FBI, which acts as nothing more than a political secret police force for elite interests, be abolished and replaced with a legitimate federal law enforcement agency.
20)We will restore reason, logic and tradition to the education system by implementing a comprehensive classical curriculum. Homosexual, neoliberal, and transgender propaganda will be explicitly banned from being taught to children
21)We will establish a Department of Culture that will oversee the creation of art and architecture to enlighten the public through beauty and transcendence[…]
23)We support strong families. Married women will be paid by the state to care for their children. No fault divorce will be repealed, and homosexual marriage will be banned[…]
25)In order to put an end to racial conflict and hate, all people will be entitled to be policed, educated, and judged by individuals of their own race. No longer will any race be exploited for the benefit of another in America

@DavidVance , @spunkybunk & @JImLaheySunnyVl #homophobia #transphobia gettr.com

( @DavidVance )
WW2 monument in Rotterdam, bedecked in Pride flags. Shameful.

( @spunkybunk )
The Devil is definitely trying gaslight real conservatives. The devil wants war and we're getting ready and now looking forward to it.

( @JImLaheySunnyVl )
I don’t think the young men who risked their lives protecting freedom did it so dildo wearing drag queens could read stories to five year old children, fuckin shameful…

J.B. Shurk #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy americanthinker.com

Why is it that whenever I call customer support to get a replacement for my broken America, I end up on the line with an operator from China? I kid...but only a little. Four separate stories this last week hit the nail on the head:

(1) In defending America's two-tiered (in)justice system currently dedicated to covering up Biden family crimes while persecuting Trump and his supporters, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland had the audacity to declare that any condemnation of the secret police "constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy."

Hear that, plebes? "Democracy" will survive only if the people's voices are silenced and the powerful institutions are obeyed. The opinions of commoners are "attacks," while the crimes of institutions are "essential." To save "democracy," defend the dictatorship!
(2) Pretend President Biden stumbled into California to push his plans for gun confiscation and mocked the idea that the Second Amendment is an essential check against government tyranny. "So what's the deal with the idea that it's an absolute?" Dementia Joe mumbled. "You know, the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots. Well, if [you] want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16."
(3) A federal judge ruled that a student's First and Fourteenth Amendment rights were not violated when school administrators ordered him to remove a shirt with printed text saying, "There are only two genders." The Obama judge concluded that "the shirt invades the rights of others."
(4) Finally, the CEO of Raytheon — one of America's major defense companies — gave an interview in which he stated clearly that "decoupling" from China is impossible.
If only there had been an American president who had warned about the dangers of depending on communist China for America's own defense. Oh, right! — that was one of the major planks of Donald Trump's America First campaign.

Lucy Leader #transphobia lucyleader.substack.com

Defending the Indefensible or It’s Not Us Who Are Acting Like Nazis

A frequent accusation to us gender critical types is that we are Nazis for insisting on our own spaces and not accepting that the hundreds of genders presented to us are valid. Women’s rights advocate Kellie-Jay Keen has taken lots of flak for would-be Neo-Nazis turning up uninvited to her Let Women Speak rallies. To refer to women defending their rights to single sex spaces and services as Nazis is known in psychology as “projection”.


I suspect that most of those hooded and masked young men Trans Rights Activists shouting “Nazi” into the faces of middle-aged women at public rallies have not majored in European history at school and really don’t know much about the Nazis other than that they had great imagery and cool uniforms and flags. For if they did, then they would realize that their movement is the natural heir to the Nazis, not us believers in biology.

The parallels between the National Socialist Workers' Party (NSDAP) aka known as the Nazis and the trans rights movement are truly frightening.


Relying more on his particular belief systems, rather than on the facts behind physics, chemistry and the biological sciences, Hitler made decisions that today’s queer theory proponents would well understand. He believed that the power of his mind alone was enough to bring about his Thousand Year Reich.

In a similar fashion, today’s researchers in trans gender health research, believe that making harmful body modifications through taking wrong sex hormones and surgeries that mutilate previously healthy bodies is a cure or a fix for complex mental health problems.


Where Hitler viewed his country and society as a body that needed to be purged of viruses in the form of groups of people who didn’t conform to his conception of normal, those under the spell of queer theory believe that normal society needs to be broken up by altering bodies to negate what evolution has designed us to be, even if the price is so harmful that lives are made miserable and short in the process. Both Hitler and the queer theorists blur boundaries, trade in beliefs over facts and twist science into self-serving fictions that have caused great distress and harm to large populations.


various commenters #conspiracy #quack #transphobia gettr.com

( @RealStewPeters )
The erase of an entire generation.

That is what the Globalists want to control the entire world.

Once the ability to reproduce is destroyed,

The Globalists no longer have the threat of the young who would rise up against them.

We need to protect our next generation like they are our own.

( @Eclecticwren )
And if they don't know what a woman is .....

( @CryptoGuppy )
With covid, every single female who was jabbed will never have kids, nor will the men's sperm be fertile, so not one generation but about three.

( @debaddor )
Well, the ones they don't kill, or sterilize with the shots will be so confused about their gender they won't be able to procreate.

( @CannyGranny )
The purebloods will have to repopulate. Get on it youngsters!

Lilith-Fair #transphobia ovarit.com

Trans and TRAs are Borgs

I'm watching Star Trek: Picard and it really struck me how this whole movement is no different than the Borgs.

They assimilate others into The Collective by physically altering them to the point of no return. Even the few that "recovered" like Seven, some physical harms can never be undone.

Once part of The Collective, you are not allowed to ever think for yourself. Transwomen Are Women. Full Stop. You will comply.

The Collective currently includes the top echelon of societal institutions, including governments, universities and schools, corporations, nonprofits, all collectively spreading the bullshit. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. If you resist, you will arrested, fired, doxxed, threatened by rape or death.

The destroy whole civilizations in the process of assimilation. The TRAs and the trans movement is doing exactly that right now. Rewriting our language. Redefining women. Changing the way we speak. Resistance is futile. All news publications, medical brochures, government websites, they're all using their Newspeak. Our language is being erase. Our society's boundaries, established to safeguard women and children, are being torn down. Our sports, set up to give women a chance, are being destroyed. They're even destroying family units, taking away children away from parents if parents don't comply. Laws are being adopted to break apart families to sustain The Collective.

And there's something new in ST: Picard S3 that is especially poignant, to the point where I wonder if the writers are secret Terfs or if the writers just didn't realize what they were doing. Spoiler alert for those who are planning to watch: Sorry I don't know how to hide the spoiler.

>! The Borgs assimilated everyone under 25. Dr. Crusher even said out loud the human frontal cortex is not fully developed until age 25. So the Borgs went after the young, because their minds could be manipulated. We got a visual image of what happens when this ultimate evil force took over all the young! And they turn against the older adults who know what was happening.<!

I'm reminded here in the ST:TNG series, there were scenes of the Borgs assimilating human babies. The Trans movement is doing exactly that. Going after the younger and younger. Even 3 year olds must be affirmed.

Deanna Troi describe this whole thing as "an all encompassing darkness". That's what this whole trans movement is. An all encompassing darkness.

various commenters #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Cis And Cisgender Now Considered Slurs On Twitter By Decree Of Elon Musk HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED!

( @ezg8448 )
"Cis" was originally meant to be a derogatory term towards straight people.

It isn't a mere coincidence that "cis" and "sissy" are similar sounding.

( @WicKeDSN00PY )
"Don't be so insecure!"- All the weirdos that won't answer to their birth names as those people have "died"...

( @Deverud )
@WicKeDSN00PY or get a hissy fit if you don't use their they/them/ze/zer/apple pronouns

( @darekbaird )
The way ppl use cis it is, in fact, a slur.

( @MFC343 )
when the left say "free speech" i dont care, it's like caring about a bully getting a punch.

( @ezemdianosike5277 )
they are the enemy, their "rights" should be trampled at every turn, including their speech rights

( @iemzaf )
It definitely is a slur. It's so that they can avoid calling normal people what they are; "normal"

( @Brenhydra )
On the one hand, this is pretty silly just on the face of it. On the other I have rarely seen people use "cis" and "cisgender" in a way that wasn't demeaning or derogatory, so maybe Elon has a point here.

( @strongback6550 )
It is definitely a slur at worst and at most generous it's misgendering, which in turn means that by Twitter's own rules it should have been a bannable offense for a while.
Of course the left will get furious as they don't see it that way. Their perspective is that they get to define whether or not it's offensive when they use the language, meanwhile this same standard will never be applied to anyone else.

( @harambe4267 )
Yeah, there's no reciprocity.
You're only allowed to describe me in terms I agree with, I'm allowed to describe you in any way I please, and if you're offended that's a you problem, I'm using the approved language to bully the approved targets after all.

( @LordEverlost )
This is good. I'm straight, not "cis gender" nice to see Elon stand up on this bizarre issue.

( @cronoschild )
Wait a minute...so...can we say that...cisgender is a slur, an "heterophobic" word? a word used by people who dislikes or have perjudice against heterosexual people? Edit: Also cisgender is an heterophobic slur, because the ones who uses it dislike or have perjudice against 2 sexes, making them misandrist and mysoginists at the same time.

@NoXY_USA #transphobia twitter.com

ACLU, so proud to be harnessing its vast resources to put sex-stereotyped confused children on a path to sterilization, lifetime medicalization and having their healthy body parts chopped off.

BREAKING: A federal judge granted our motion, filed w/ @NCLR & Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, for a preliminary injunction blocking Section 4 of Senate Bill 150, the health care ban portion of the anti-trans law passed this year.

Full release here:

Burlyman #fundie #transphobia descentbb.net

I've talked to the Lord and He says it's sin. He would say that they think they know His creation better than He does. He doesn't talk about "opinions." You can be transgender but you'll burn in hell for eternity. Or you could get God's gift of eternal life. Your choice. You all believe in some sort of business-friendly hippie Jesus, and that's not the Jesus I know. I'm not going to alter the gospel to suit sinners.

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters #crackpot #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia #fundie #wingnut humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

The Western feminist nations’ End Times most wicked generation watch our videos on the swords and nuclear wars, and plagues and COVIDs, and famines and food shortages, and demon armies and vaccine passport government officials, but they do not watch our videos exposing the black nobility families that are running all of this, even when we real Christians risk our lives to post the videos on the black nobility families. The humans of this End Times most wicked vile evil generation are like brute beasts and selfish animal-instinct zombies whose brains are dead, and are only concerned about the immediate problems before their eyes and their survival, instead of the real forces that are causing those problems, instead of risking their lives for others by warning the 6 billion humans about those things. They do the opposite. They are like the parable of the Western feminist nations “Bible verses redefining, women’s head coverings rebelling, fallen angel head controlled” drag queen men’s pants cross-dressing soldiers, who are worried and wailing about the artillery shells that are exploding around them and complaining about the enemy who are shelling them, but they do not expose the artillery guns that are shooting at them, nor do they banzai charge the artillery positions to destroy them and eliminate the artillery fire. When we real Christians inform them the exact coordinates of the artillery guns, they ignore it as unimportant videos and they go and watch videos on sex and food and politics and economy and money and COVID vaccines and Ukraine wars. <...> Jezebel doctrines of “women’s equality” that is bringing in human extermination upon them and their civilization. If anyone has wisdom, let them hear. If anyone has wisdom, then kick out their pastors, before they get killed by them. They are religious enchanters and deceivers and distractors and cover-up agents and false doctrine spreaders and illegal tithe income tax extortionists.

Capt. Randall #wingnut #transphobia #dunning-kruger lewrockwell.com

I see the widespread wearing of hoodies as protection from goin crazy. Aside from being inexpensive go-anywhere wear with a kangaroo pouch, they deliver a modicum of anonymity that fits social media’s shift to impersonal relationships. Having never owned a hoodie, I decided to purchase one on-sale for the heck of it…and wow, I loved it! It’s like being snug under a comforter, it’s like a kid’s blankie, it’s a tent, a mobile shelter, a cocoon, a habitat… err habit once reserved for meditative monks and those braving very foul weather. I felt secure with my head, face and throat protected, sounds muffled, peripheral vision cut-off… all warm and comfy like being swaddled, like being a turtle or armadillo. I could be wrong, but doesn’t that little socially-popular edge of personal confidence help keep neurotic demons at bay? Maybe hoodies are indicative of a “leave me alone attitude?” And so my observations revealed what appears to be an outward symptom of our malaise.

I do see people being driven batty, feeling confused and outta control…that’s anxiety… that’s stress which unabated progresses to depression, addictions and even suicide. Stress cripples genetic expression and executive function! Why are 40million Americans on antidepressant drugs? Why do they willingly ingest fentanyl? Maybe hoodies are a subconscious psychological crutch that helps one function out on the crazy streets? The actual state of the state is obviously corrupt and riddled with inane contradictions. Once affable acquaintances now seem stingy, grabby, defensive and worried over their survival. Must I adopt woke-correct speech and look in my shorts to see if I’m a boy or a girl? In my hoodie I’ve become the proverbial Three Monkeys; See-No-Evil, Hear-No-Evil, Speak-No-Evil.

Critical Drinker fans #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger #transphobia reddit.com

I saw that the space daddy has said that cis and cisgender are considered slurs on twitter. I hadn't really thought about it til I saw a video putting more context on it and got me think about how is used and who's been using it and think it may have some validation as such. What do you think?

I'm with Norm Macdonald. It's an attempt to marginalise normal people.

It is a slur, it's used as a slur and it's whole purpose and use is to demoralize those you are speaking to or about.

It's an attempt to make you cosign their narrative. Glad someone is putting it down.

@GodlyPatriot #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #wingnut gettr.com

#lgbtqpedo demons coming out of the closet to make Christianity illegal in western nations 🤔 Still think this evil was going to stay in the bedroom ⁉️. Pray our elected President Trump stops promoting #pridemonth ☦️ 😢

#sodomandgomorrah #antichristagenda #homosexualityisdemonic #lesbianismisdemonic #transisdemonic
Christian Schools In Victoria Banned From Firing or Refusing to Hire LGBTQ+ Staff

kalkazar13 #transphobia ovarit.com

PROPOSAL: The “TransTrans” Movement


Hear me out. If we played this right, we could turn their own weapons against them in a way that the “SuperStraights” never could. All we have to do is ask for “the same rights as transwomen,” which would include…

1. The right to our own spaces.

2. The right to call ourselves “lesbians,” and sleep with whoever we want WITHOUT being shamed for excluding certain groups from our dating preferences (like “translesbians” who don’t want to sleep with other “translesbians” etc.).

3. The right to claim spaces reserved for transwomen: I.e. invade “transwomen only” spaces, claim spaces reserved for transwomen in companies (while making sure to trumpet how we constitute “queer representation” for them), and so on and so forth.

You get the idea. I propose that we all take on “TransTrans” identities, which will all just be caricatures of the worst trans stereotypes we can possibly think of.

I also propose that we invade every online TRA space we can, and actively try to make them worse. Center ourselves in every conversation, attack everyone else over the dumbest “microaggressions” imaginable, pollute their interests by demanding “representation” in every disgusting pedophile anime that they enjoy etc. I invite you all to be creative in your approach 😈

We should also make our own subreddits, twitter accounts and discords. But we should also obviously try to take over THEIR subreddits and discords as well. Act all innocent like “Awm I wwewcome hewe? 👉🥺👈 uwu,” and then claim moderator positions and start banning everyone for no goddamn reason at all over the pettiest imaginable shit lmao.

We’ll also finally have an excuse to create lesbian-only spaces on certain websites, which I think we should exploit. E.g. create “TransTrans Lesbian” subreddits, where the “About” sections will all read like “This is a space for TransTrans Lesbians only! Pls no dirty cishets or halftrans ppl pls k thx 🤗.”

Creating some more generalized “TransTrans” subreddits/discords would also probably be in order. These will be “Safe Spaces” for us, where we’ll be able to post our own “before and after” photos without fear of judgment. In the first few images, we’ll be dressed up like normal.


Shawn Farash #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #psycho mediamatters.org

The left has been hijacked, the Pride movement has been hijacked, the LGB community has been hijacked by pedophiles. Say it loud, pedophiles.

How long until we are just ready to -- and I'm not saying violence, folks. Don't misinterpret what I'm saying. Please don't misinterpret what I'm saying. What I am simply suggesting is that this ideology needs to be eradicated. And you have judges who are backing this up. We got a lot of work to do. A lot of work to do. These people are not your friends. They don't just wanna be tolerated. They don't just wanna be accepted anymore.

The point of the matter is leave the children alone, you sick and twisted monsters. This half naked dude, twerking for kids in Seattle. You got naked men on bikes. You got New York City Pride marchers wearing all sorts of weird stuff talking about, we're coming for your children. Is that a threat? Because I guarantee you, the people whose kids you're coming for, they probably like the Second Amendment a lot. And if you come for their kids, they're probably going to exercise their Second Amendment rights. I'm not saying to do it unprovoked. I'm not saying I wanna see it happen. I'm saying to you people, you have been pushing the envelope, don't push it any further because if you show up on doorsteps coming for the children, something bad's gonna happen and it will be in the full acceptance of the law at that point. We're not coming for your kids. You're overreacting. You're a bigot. Take those remarks and shove them up your backside, shove them right up the rump. We know you love to put stuff up there anyway. I say that all the time. You are disgusting.

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia twitter.com

“A woman is anyone who says they’re a woman.”
“No one is hurt” by women and girls no longer having the word to describe ourselves.
“No one is hurt” by our erasure.
“No one is hurt” by assimilating the sexes into one another and erasing the boundary around our sex.
“This is just about freedom of expression.”
“It’s not a big deal.”

Not a big deal for women. Not a big deal for society or children.

Men in women’s safe spaces and jails.
Men in women’s sports.
The erasure of females in language, including when it is language pertaining to our specific biology (even women pretending to be men are made invisible behind beards and are virtually silent in society).
Men taking women’s scholarships in women’s universities.
Men taking women’s positions in women’s colleges.
Men taking women’s awards and accomplishments.
Men’s sexual and violent crimes being registered as female crimes, including pedophilia.
Men bullying, slandering, doxing, and getting women fired for calling out their massive gaslighting MRA campaign without any accountability.
Men not only speaking over women, or for women, but now speaking as women.
Men violating the physical integrity of female biology via technology.

It’s “no big deal.”

Piers Morgan clashes with female US presidential candidate over trans id... https://youtu.be/2oFFgQG5HiA via


Harmonica #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "Techno-Liberal Society and Its Discontents"]

The recent passing of Ted Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, caused a great deal of reflection on my part. Not because of his tactics, which I do not support, or even his overall ideology, which is fascinating, but rather the event that finally set him down his path[…]
The project, one that has been alleged to be part of the CIA’s Project MKUltra, put additional strain on him[…]helped cement his hatred of authority[…]
Upon witnessing development and deforestation near his cabin retreat, he was hit with a startling revelation[…]It was impossible to truly escape and forge his own path. It was at this point that Kaczynski decided that he must go on the offensive

While I do not support his tactics, the crux behind his bombing campaign does reveal a driving tendency within techno-liberal society – the alliance between technology and the liberal worldview. With techno-liberalism, one of its great strengths is its ability to tolerate many different people within its own understanding of the world[…]This tolerance comes with a catch[…]incredibly harsh and unforgiving to those outside of its administration[…]
Much of techno-liberalism is based off of profitability[…]It is currently Pride Month in the United States. We can observe and review the larger sinful and degenerate ramifications of Pride Month, but we should also understand its proliferation with respect to economics[…]Homosexual lifestyle promotes hedonism, and this results in higher spending habits[…]Even more true for transexuals[…]The money they spend regarding their delusions is also very lucrative[…]
Islamic radicals are not motivated by a hatred for John Wayne, baseball, and American apple pie; nor are they[…]motived by American/Western imperialism. Rather, they are driven by the horror of witnessing their cultures embracing Western degeneracy[…]
We can also observe techno-liberal society’s genocidal hated of Dixie and our people

Helen Joyce #transphobia twitter.com

It’s obviously extremely hurtful for men whose dearest wish is to pass as women to be told they really don't. I wish they hadn’t been lied to and misled by gender doctors, who promised them the impossible. 1/9

These men were promised that if they took cross-sex hormones and underwent genital amputation, they would magically transform to such a degree that everyone, but specifically women, would see them as women. 2/9

Those men want that so badly, and they are so self-centred, that in response to such promises they take it upon themselves to enter women’s spaces as if by right. And they interpret women’s silence as proof that women see them as women. 3/9

That silence is motivated by kindness, embarrassment and fear. Women are told they will lose their jobs – or get a punch in the face – if they say that they can see these men are men. It takes astonishing narcissism to interpret our forced acquiescence as genuine acceptance. 4/9

I wish we didn’t have to tell these men what they so much don’t want to hear: that they don’t pass as women and never will. That they’re not welcome in our spaces. But it’s on them. They forced their way in, and can hardly object when we finally say NO. 5/9

Growing opposition to gender-identity ideology is giving an increasing number of women the courage to tell these men that we see them as men, and that they must now get out of places they were never entitled to be. 6/9

We shouldn’t have to do this. Doctors should never have lied to these men, still less told them they had the right to intrude on women’s privacy. These men were sold quack medicine on a false promise, and now they are in a very difficult position. 7/9

I feel sorry for them. But women’s rights are on the line, and we’re half the population. We can’t indulge them any more. And so we’re saying politely: You’re men. Stop trying to control our language. Stop coming into our spaces. 8/9

No, you don’t pass. No, you’re not welcome. No, we’re not “cis”, we’re just women, and you’re not. I understand it hurts to hear this, but you have left us no choice but to say it. And if you don’t listen when we say it politely, you can expect to be told less politely. 9/9

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: How do you respond to “but women are the ones supporting the trans movement”?

( WatcherattheGates )
Yeah, they truly are not wrong. I gotta tell you, this is what keeps me up at night. There would be zero trans victories without women being their handmaidens. I honestly do not understand it, and it makes me sick to my stomach.

( MarthaMMC )
The ones threatening rape, beatings & killing women are male, however they "identify". The ones posing with guns & bats are male. The billionaires, millionaires & corporate & government & academic & media & sports people who have power are males. The women are the chorus, not the main players. Let's be honest, if no men were pushing it, it wouldn't happen.

( pennygadget )
This reminds me of the joke from Dave Chappelle's special:

"If all the trans-women were Black dudes saying 'I feel like a girl'; the authorities would be like, 'shut up n---! Nobody cares how you fucking feel!'"

I imagine the same would be true if all the trans people were TIFs. Nobody would give a fuck if the whole gender movement was just a bunch of GNC girls whining about their boy souls

( feministdna )
Yes, this is so important. We can't start turning on other women for being responsible for any of this. There is no gray area. I'ts men. Men are violent, men are threatening violence against women in the name of "trans rights," men are pushing further and further into a world where it's socially acceptable to use violence women who disagree with them.

( danaseilhan )
"And a lot of women supported Johnny Depp too, doesn't make them right."

And I disagree that the trans movement would succeed if women didn't support it. The trans movement succeeds because men support it. Women support women's rights and the ERA (although at this point I want to see it made very specific), and we still don't have those.

( Jasper12 )
The trans movement wouldn’t have gained so much leverage if white liberal middle class women didn’t support it.

Most men know it’s BS but they know it’s not going to harm them. They just see severely mentally ill creepy men in dresses hiding behind rich white liberal women screeching about trans rights, back off and categorise it as a « woman » thing.

If the majority of left wing women in postions of power said no to this BS, it would have done and dusted at least five years ago.

@Wetwinter & @AthenasWrench #transphobia #wingnut gettr.com

( @Wetwinter )
#Scotland #UK
The cultural marxist, wokest cult, just make it up as they go along.
Scotland under the #SNP has become a global laughing-stock, with insane, anti-science "experts" telling the public what to think and do.

#England #Wales #Ireland #USA #CANADA #Australia #NewZealand #NZ #EU #MAGA

( @AthenasWrench )
The special ones can change their sex multiple times and it’s a hate crime if you don’t follow along and note every change

James Murphy #transphobia #homophobia #biphobia #fundie thenewamerican.com

[From "“My Pronouns Are U.S.A.” — Massachusetts Middle Schoolers Revolt Over LGBT “Pride” Event"]

A Massachusetts middle school’s LGBT “Pride” event on June 2 turned contentious when, instead of dutifully wearing the rainbow colors that left-wing agitators have usurped as a symbol for LGBT “pride,” many students chose instead to wear red, white, and blue — in support of America

School officials at Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington were left searching for answers as their school’s “Pride” celebration instead became a day for some students to clap back at a school pushing LGBT propaganda[…]
Instead of celebrating LGBT “pride,” many students chanted, “My pronouns are U.S.A!”[…]
Conti refused to take any responsibility[…]instead, doubled down[…]:“We ask all staff, teachers, and members of the Burlington Public School community to join us in taking a stand against homophobia and identity-directed hateful actions”

Teachers at the school claimed that the red, white, and blue-wearing students intimidated students who were all set to celebrate LGBT “pride”[…]
Foss is correct when he says that the incident “runs deeper,” but he was right for all the wrong reasons. Average Americans — even middle schoolers, it seems — have reached a saturation point when it comes to LGBT indoctrination in our culture[…]The LGBT Mafia has even appropriated the entire month of June to shout their hedonistic message everywhere[…]
The rainbow is a symbol of God’s promise never to destroy the world by water again. The LGBT movement has stolen that symbol of monotheism as a symbol for its debauchery

But propaganda works best when it’s done in a subtle way, and LGBT groups cannot be subtle. They cannot keep themselves from attacking children with their hedonism. In Burlington, Massachusetts, the children finally said, “Enough”

Larry Sand #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia amgreatness.com

Whereas holidays and observances typically last a day or, on occasion, a week, the LGBTQIA+ lobby has an entire month devoted to “Pride.” And whatever you may think of Pride Month, there is no escaping it. Church services, baseball games, schools, etc., are forcing a radical sexual regimen, often hysterically, on all of us, and children, who tend to be sponges, are sopping it up.

This year, the victim angle has been in play on a grand scale. The American Federation of Teachers reports, “It’s been a rough year for the LGBTQIA+ community. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has issued a state of emergency for LGBTQIA+ people in the United States. More than 525 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills have been introduced in state legislatures; more than 76 have already passed."

In a nutshell, HRC, the country’s “largest and most influential activist organization representing the interests of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community,” finds that in some places, men not being allowed in women’s bathrooms and 10-year-olds not being allowed to pick their own gender qualify as an “emergency.”
Now why wouldn’t a teen want to be LGBT? These days, it’s cool! It’s rad!

In reality, the leap in numbers is social contagion. It’s the “in” thing, like owning a hula hoop, lava lamp, or mood ring. These older fads may have cost a few bucks at one time but they didn’t have the potential to damage anyone’s life.
If things are going to change, parents must be leaders in the fight against celebrating Pride Month and the rest of the agenda that is perverting youngsters. Do you want your kid’s school celebrating the “Queen of Drag?” Or are you in favor of your child’s teacher telling them they can pick their own gender? Maybe you don’t think that The Infinite Moment of Us, which features the line, “His cock strained against his jeans” should be in your child’s school library. Perhaps you would prefer your school acknowledge Flag Day or D-Day in June and omit Pride Month.

J.K. Rowling #transphobia twitter.com

'Cis' is ideological language, signifying belief in the unfalsifiable concept of gender identity. You have a perfect right to believe in unprovable essences that may or may not match the sexed body, but the rest of us have a right to disagree, and to refuse to adopt your jargon.

@lascapigliata8 #transphobia gettr.com

So gender cult gaslighting women to "smell their feces during Pride month in solidarity with transwomen" is fine, and surgeons mutilating healthy genitals of menatlly ill men is "healthcare" but asking the surgeons to stop harming these people is...hateful conduct according to twitter. I fear the aggression of TRAs is ramping up. From a deluge of nonsense stories designed to brainwash society that men are women, to increasing censorsip on social media, the cult is lashing out all over the place.

Dave Blount #transphobia #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "Rise of Trantifa"]

Transsexuals are mentally ill by definition and characterized by a propensity for violence (e.g., Maya McKinney, Snochia Moseley, Anderson Lee Aldrich, Audrey Hale, Moses Lopez, William Whitworth, Shanu Varma, “Lara,” Zion William Teasley). Violence is the whole point of Antifa. Both are products of moonbattery. Put them together and you get Trantifa:

The term has been coined on social media to represent the strong transgender presence within the Antifa movement[…]

No act of evil is too extreme — not even executing 9-year-olds for being Christian:

One notable incident involved a trans-identified individual, Audrey Hale, who carried out a mass shooting at a Christian elementary school in Nashville[…]The Trans Resistance Network suggested Hale had no other way to be seen than by “taking the life of others”[…]

Considering the darkly comical tendency of leftists to accuse their opponents of what they themselves are doing or plan to do, their use of the word “genocide” is not only absurd but also concerning:

‘Trans activists gravitate towards these very far-left groups, because they share their anarcho-communist type ideology,’ [countermoonbat journalist Julio] Rosas told DailyMail.com

‘They view the US as systemically racist, that it’s subjugated queer people, and that states passing laws against child mutilations is part of a trans genocide’

Trans activists are serious about killing people. They did not hesitate to make this clear[…]
As with Hitler’s Brownshirts, Trantifa freaks serve as a cat’s paw for a malevolent political party — the party that already controls every major institution

The Babylon Bee #conspiracy #quack #ableist #transphobia #homophobia babylonbee.com

Scientists Who Have No Idea What’s Causing Autism Epidemic Also 100% Certain It’s Not Vaccines

U.S. — Thousands of scientific experts have come forward to proclaim that while they have no idea what on earth could be causing the dramatic rise in autism among small children, they are 100% totally sure it's definitely not vaccines.

"I am totally sure vaccines have nothing to do with this. I know because I declared it just now, and I'm a scientist," said Dr. Hanz Fritz regarding his recent peer-reviewed paper that was just 10 pages of the phrase "VACCINES SAVE LIVES!" written over and over again in all caps mixed with Ukraine flag and pride emojis. "And that should mean something, because I'm a scientist."

The entire medical community, known for demanding church closures as they attended BLM rallies in the middle of a pandemic and calling the castration of children "gender-affirming care," is reassuring the public they are totally trustworthy and should never be questioned. "Questioning us is fascism," said Dr. Fritz.

At publishing time, scientists had announced that they were no closer to determining the actual cause of the autism epidemic, but speculated that it might be due to homophobic global warming in Ukraine.

cousinanger, neonbandit & IrishTheFrenchie #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Trans Women are Tourists

( cousinanger )
Yes, interesting.

One trans activist (think it was Stryker) argued that trans women are refugees to the Women's Country, and TERFs are like Trump, refusing to let them in. When I read that, I immediately thought that trans activists, at least, act not like refugees, but like colonisers and invaders, replacing laws with new ones (like what is citizenship based on if it is no longer on being born female), forcibly altering language (menstruators etc.), rewriting history (transing famous dead women) and, in general, taking over wherever they can do so (women's sports, liberal feminist organisations, what used to be women's studies departments).

I still think this is true, as trans men don't cause any waves in the Men's Country where they, indeed, do behave like refugees, just trying to fit in without asking that native men should be called penis people etc. But you do have a point in that many transitioning men do seem to act like tourists and never really learn what the natives' lives are like, picking only the bits that look like fun from the outside.

Also, it's true in a different sense, because the effects of estrogen therapy on men is much more easily and rapidly reversed than the effects of testosterone therapy on women, with the exception of possible breast development. So without surgery the transitioning experiences for female and male people are rather different in their permanent effects, though we might not yet know of all the longer-term medical effects on either group.

( neonbandit )
Refugees?! The Martyrdom complex never ceases to astonish. They're not refugees, they're tourists or at best obnoxious ex-pats who come over with all their (male) privilege and entitlement like a wealthy digital nomad giggling at how cheap everything is (for them earning US wages).

( IrishTheFrenchie )
Just noticed you said the same thing i did. TIMs are colonizers.

Mike Stone #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

If you're a parent with children currently attending public or private school, guess what? You're going to hell.

How can I make such a bold declaration?

Easy. The school you're sending your kids to isn't a school at all. It's an indoctrination center. It's a funnel to hell, where human filth calling themselves teachers are grooming and brainwashing children into accepting homosexuality, trannyism, and sexual mutilation.

You're going to hell because you know it's happening, yet you continue to send your children there.

If you're a Christian whose children are attending public or private school, it's even worse. That's because you, of all people, should know better.
Don't claim ignorance. That excuse might have worked a year ago, maybe even six months ago. But it won't work now. Anyone who claims they are unaware of what's happening in virtually every school in the country today is either a liar or so fundamentally stupid they have no business raising children. Seriously, anyone that dumb is unfit for parenthood.

Don't tell me your school is different. It's not. Homosexual indoctrination is happening in literally every school in the country.
Just what will you stand up and fight for? Your right to read romance novels and watch super hero movies? Your right to jerk off to pornography? Is that why you're in such a rush to get your kids out of the house every day? So you can watch porn and play with yourself while your kids are taught how to turn themselves into homosexual freaks?

Sick and degenerate pedophiles are inverting reality and demanding you go along with it. And YOU ARE.
You will spend eternity burning in everlasting fire and being tortured by demons, all because you were too stupid and too lazy to homeschool your own children.

James Esses, Elon Musk & various commenters #transphobia twitter.com

( James Esses )
Yesterday, after posting a Tweet saying that I reject the word ‘cis’ and don’t wish to be called it, I receive a slew of messages from trans activists calling me “cissy” and telling me that I am ‘cis’ “whether or not I like it”.

Just imagine if the roles were reversed.

( Elon Musk )
Repeated, targeted harassment against any account will cause the harassing accounts to receive, at minimum, temporary suspensions.

The words “cis” or “cisgender” are considered slurs on this platform.

( @SarahisCensored )
Thank you. I am a woman. I don’t need any slur added to that to determine what and who I am.

( @Concreteisland2 )
They are slurs.

They are terms created by the paedophile John Money.

They are used against women to pretend that 'trans' is just another type of woman.

'Cis' is used to propagate the lie.

There are 2 sexes and nothing more.

And nobody can change sex

( @DogeMarineP )
I reject the word cisgender as a slur primarily because its built on the lie that you can somehow be born into the wrong "gender" body, which is a complete fabrication by... well, looks like a german subjectivist pedi. Late stage civilization in dystopia vibes. The left wants subjectivism on everything they think you believe in (differing views) but demand complete objective adherance when it comes to their own view. hypocritical. Left: "If I think it, its objective fact, but ANYTHING you think is purely subjective." Subjectivism is a control tool

( @LightShiner2 )
Can we get the same treatment for "TERF"? I would say that is actually more important since that is said with hatred and not just disrespect. Either way, thanks!

( @donnasdottir )
Thank you, what about TERF, @elonmusk? Women are being called TERF and turds by german public TV broadcasters like @janboehm on this platform. Half of the german people who fund @ZDF and @ARDde are being smeared in the name of Genderideology.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

💬But in the last year, after divorcing her wife

🏁🏝️ Baltimore, you should have fired the fucking pervert
Transgender Baltimore City Firefighter Embraced By Peers After Coming Out: 'It's Just Fantastic'

After he divorced his wife he decided to live out his fetish full time. He knew since he was a teenager he was sexually aroused by wearing woman’s clothes. Now that he has embraced the feminine stereotypes and forced everyone to play in his fetish he is so happy about his life. He can finally practice his fetish in public for all to participate in. Stunning and brave.

Robert F Kennedy jr #conspiracy #crackpot #homophobia #moonbat #transphobia advocate.com

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the noted conspiracy theorist and anti-vaccine activist, thinks kids (particularly boys) are being made trans from exposure to chemicals in the environment,

“I see these huge levels of depression and despair, loneliness in kids, and I don’t think that there’s a single cause to it, and I think blaming it on depression about climate is probably over-simplistic,” Kennedy told Canadian far right-wing political pundit and psychologist Jordan Peterson. “A lot of the problems we see in kids, and particularly boys, it’s probably underappreciated that how much of that is coming from chemical exposures, including a lot of the sexual dysphoria that we’re seeing.”

Kennedy claimed that kids are “swimming through a soup of toxic chemicals,” including atrazine, a common herbicide.

“If you in a lab put atrazine and a tank full of frogs, it will chemically castrate and force forcibly feminize every frog in there, and 10 percent of the frogs, the male frogs will turn into fully viable females able to produce viable eggs,” Kennedy claimed. “If it’s doing that to frogs, it, there’s a lot of other evidence that it’s doing it to human beings as well.”

A second video getting a lot of attention shows Kennedy making wild claims about the beginnings of the AIDS crisis, blaming it on gay men and the use of poppers, an inhalant that relaxes muscles and generates a brief headrush and sensation of euphoria.

“There’s a lot of people that said it is not a virus,” Kennedy said. “The virus is a passenger virus, and these people are dying mainly because of poppers. A hundred percent of the people who died in the first thousand [with] AIDS were people who were addicted to poppers, which are known to cause Kaposi sarcoma in rats. And they were people who were part of a gay lifestyle where they were burning the candle at both ends.”

“There were poppers on sale everywhere at the gay bars,” he said. “And there were a number of people in the [National Institutes of Health] who said, this is not a viral disease, but it’s a disease that is environmental and is being caused to people who are getting autoimmunity from doing these toxins.”

Kennedy claimed, “But for Tony Fauci, it was really important to call it a virus because that made it an infectious disease, and it allowed him to take control of it.”

Fuzzy Slippers #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #racist #conspiracy legalinsurrection.com

Things are shifting, you can feel it in the air, practically see it in the haze of panic that is emanating from our nation’s would-be destroyers. Democrats and their assorted gaggle of divisive, destructive, America-hating cohorts really thought they had it—America, that is—in the bag. They thought they had dealt the death blow, field-dressed the carcass, and were preparing to dance naked while spraying rainbow-colored silly string on our country’s grave.
The great unraveling of the Democrats’ evil schemes started, of course, with covid tyranny, but it didn’t end there because parents started seeing the bizarre creatures teaching their children and seeing what they were being taught, and were—justly—enraged.

Teaching little children to hate themselves and fear others (the core concept behind Critical Race Theory and “anti-racism” as ‘taught’ in K-12) was the first step the wanton destroyers took, but it didn’t end there. They also began championing child mutilation and pushing the bodily, chemical, and genital mutilation of healthy children in their bid to gain complete control over our nation’s future.

To call this sick, immoral, and depraved is to downplay this horrifying, soul-crushing ideology. Words really fail me (me!) in describing just how damaging and evil is this campaign to ensnare innocent children into a world of self-loathing and wanton sexual intercourse. It’s not just straight and gay sex they push on toddlers, these people are trying to normalize adults raping children.
I’m a huge supporter of the LGB (without the TQ) community in the sense that I don’t think about them at all. I don’t care who sleeps with whom; it’s not my business and has zero to do with me.
And we were told that’s all the LGB (before the TQ) cared about. Just being able to live their lives. They got that. They won. Yay! But that slippery slope we always knew was there suddenly has homosexuals well and truly ticked off . . . at the TQ. I’m good with that.

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

JOHN MCGUIRK: Dublin Pride's "termination of media partnership" with RTE over liveline just makes formal what everybody has known informally for years: that cancel culture is real, and progressives really, genuinely, do want to shut ordinary people up:


Just recently RTE ventured into the gender ideology debate, specially self id. This was enough for Dublin Pride to ban Itelands state broadcaster, for daring to discuss “human rights” of the TQ. Forget women and gays, they don’t have any right to define themselves or their definitions for themselves. That’s for trans to redefine. I bet 1000 dollars RTE caves to the bullies and throws women and same sex attracted people under the bus.

Saintly Beginnings #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt youtube.com

disagreeing with a treatment philosophy or realizing that someone is a company liability is NOT being a racist nor wishing/ wanting harms to come to anyone (ie- what ‘homophobia’ used to mean)

There is far more medical research that shows ‘affirming care’ does NOT reduce suicidal concerns, addiction issues, self harm, or mental health issues related to the dysphoria.

In psychology, affirming a patients delusion has NEVER been standard care, and in the research done (odd research even had to be done), affirming a patients delusion has overwhelmingly ended up being worse for the patient.

We wouldn’t tell a bulimic or anorexic that they are fat; we wouldn’t tell a person w/ BIID that their arm/ leg/ vision isn’t really theirs and then cut that body part off, or make someone a paraplegic because they believe they are in the wrong body and should’ve been born as a paraplegic.

Stating these truths is not being bigoted, it is actually coming from a genuine place of compassion.

And the popular declaration “Authentic self” means nothing. It sounds nice, but has no valid meaning. Humans constantly grow, struggle, change in opinions & views, interests change, food preferences change, fashion & hairstyles, as well.

So one would have to know who they will be, enjoy, like, believe far into the future to be able to come close to reaching such a statement.

Scott Yenor #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #transphobia #conspiracy amgreatness.com

The conservative movement’s broad trajectory on family is one of loss after loss: feminism, followed by the gay revolution, followed by same-sex marriage, and followed soon (perhaps) by trans rights. The reversal of Roe v. Wade may point to a partial victory, depending on what states do and whether a culture of life becomes a culture of motherhood; few seem willing to stick their necks out for such an outcome.
Genuine conservatives sense that the future of the country depends on reversing family decline, but family decline at this point seems inevitable and fated, sown into the American regime and indeed the modern situation.

As it pertains to marriage, the rolling revolution begun in the 1960s is about liberating sexual desire from procreation, marriage, and parenthood. Sometimes this means embracing contraception so sex is detached from procreation (hindering nature). Or it can mean encouraging women to shun childbearing and child-rearing and to prioritize careers (compromising nature). The accumulation of these practices, always done in the name of autonomy or conquering nature, has everywhere led to the decline of family life. This rolling sexual revolution cultivates a new sexual ethic supporting what may be called the Queer Constitution (in contrast to our former Straight Constitution), which has become central to Americanism and its ruling class.
For society, embracing the Queer Constitution combines the costs of having weak, adult-focused marriage customs with all the costs associated directly with this constitution. The perversities will keep mounting, as advocates for the Queer Constitution are clearly coming for the children, a fact they themselves now openly admit.

All civilizational founders recognized the importance of promoting a straight constitution and stigmatizing its alternatives. The New Right must follow the deep wisdom of such founders where it leads. Only a return to an uncompromising Straight Constitution can reverse our decline.

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