Donald Trump

various commenters #wingnut

( @patriotkeepers )


( @ElijahF )
@patriotkeepers if you let them

( @patriotkeepers )
@ElijahF already been proven that "we let them" but will this time result in revolt?

( @IWV692 )
@patriotkeepers That is why we have to vote to overwhelm them.

( @smartvalueblog )
@patriotkeepers Never forget President Donald J. Trump and Republicans => [ Democrats and RINOs can only win Elections if they cheat, because they do not work for the American People. ] You will not win the 2022 or 2024 Elections, if you don't: 1) Make Valid Photo Voter ID mandatory in all States, 2) Use only Paper Ballots in all States, 3) Absolutely No Mail-In Voting {aka: election fraud = Illegal Immigrant Voting = "Dead People" Voting = Ballot Harvesting = Corrupt/dishonest Democrats/RINOs in action}, 4) Absolutely no "Drop Boxes" in any State, 5) Eliminate all Soros' and Companies rigged voting machines (i.e., 💩 Dominion, Sequoia, Smartmatic, ES&S, MS SQL DBMS, etc.) in all States, 6) Completely stop social media companies from banning Conservatives, Constitutionalists, and American Patriots, 7) Ban/prohibit all voting from the Internet and Social Media platforms and Clouds of/on Facebook, Google, Instagram, and Twitter (i.e., ban all on-line voting from these rigged and treasonous platforms), 8) Remove all of the corrupt partisan FISA judges, 9) Ban/eliminate "Ranked-Choice" voting, and 10) Drain the RINOs, Never Trumpers, and the useless GOP/Democrat Establishment Elitists/frauds. @USA @DeSantis2024 @realdonaldtrump @RealMarjorieGreene @LaurenBoebert @wendyrogersaz @DrPaulGosar @tedcruz @RandPaul @_JimJordan @TeamTucker

( @BestICan )
and REPUBLICANS did nothing to prevent FOR YEARS not just 2020
REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS just want to lay back and draw their check from LOBBYIEST ---the little bit they get from US TAX DOLLARS $200,000+ BENEFITS is NOTHING TO THEM@patriotkeepers

Leo Hohmann #conspiracy #wingnut

Modern globalists tell us their plans in the wide open. They say that by 2030, if we will just trust their plan to create a Fourth Industrial Revolution, we will “own nothing and be happy.” Of course there is a downside to the utopian dreams, which one of their leaders, Yuval Harari, warns us about. He says openly that most humans will become “useless,” replaced in our jobs by artificial intelligence, and kept pacified by drugs and various digitized entertainment.
Because the globalists’ climate agenda doesn’t resonate with conservatives, the globalists need a prominent conservative political voice who could take their message and communicate it in a way that appeals to conservative patriotic Americans.

Enter the perfect stooge: Donald J. Trump.

In the same way Trump offered his services to the globalists when he sold their deadly mRNA clot shots to conservatives, he is now signaling to them that he is willing and available to be used again — this time to convince us to move back into the cities, where we will be safe, secure and well taken care of.

Trump over the weekend used a campaign message for his 2024 presidential run to tout his idea of building 10 futuristic smart cities on federal lands, a project he would bid out to private mega-developers.

But instead of calling them “smart cities,” Trump, in classic Trumpian form, has rebranded them as “Freedom Cities.”

Watch and see if 99 percent of the “conservative” media isn’t taken in by this.

Instead of being evil smart cities run by Democrats, when Trump builds them they will be sexy “Jetsons-like Freedom Cities,” a place where conservatives will flock to buy new smart homes connected to the smart grid with their smart cars zipping vertically up and down from one place to another within 15 minutes of their homes. How cool is that?

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
The highly partisan Democrat Witch Hunt goes on, this time in New York where, after viewing millions of pages of documents over many years, charges were brought against a long time Trump executive who they “tortured” & threatened for years, for not paying taxes on the use of company cars, the use of a company apartment, & the education of his grandchildren. No such “fringe benefits” case has ever been brought criminally(?) in the U.S., & right during the important Mid-Term Elections, of course!

Can you imagine, the failed Manhattan District Attorney, Cy Vance (at the time), took Crooked Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, from her and the Democrats Law Firm, Paul Weiss, Rifkind…., and gently placed them into the District Attorney’s Office in order to PROSECUTE “TRUMP.” They have GREAT liability for doing this! It got so bad that various prosecutors quit because they thought that Donald Trump was being treated so badly and unfairly - and it continues. In the end, Justice Must Prevail!

( @Publius2024 )
@realdonaldtrump Covid was a hoax. Why didn’t you say so? Coward.

( @Watchman_Joe )
@realdonaldtrump NY is ordered to pay the unlawful vax mandated employees.. you are next.. BIG law suites coming for you Mr Warp speed!!

( @PathosAvenger )
@realdonaldtrump TLDR: waaah. Donnie, we all know they use the system to hurt anyone they want. You had a chance to change it, and YOU FAILED.

( @WakeTheFuckUp )

Guess what else happened?

America was terrorized & torn apart for 2.5 years by a fake pandemic that you launched with your signature in February 2020.

Then you told us to get injected with a deadly gene therapy created by psychopathic criminals.

Remember that?

( @Larryoham )
@realdonaldtrump Democrats have no shame. Republicans should start using the same tactics. Put Hunter in jail, Impeach Biden. Go after anybody that supports Biden and make them rue the day they stole 2020. Put all the Mules in jail.

Michael Knowles #wingnut #conspiracy

It's so obvious that these guys fear Trump and want to do everything they can to prevent the people from having a choice -- that this is the silver lining of this whole storm cloud. The silver lining is that I think we can finally dismiss, once and for all, all the ridiculous piffle that the Democrats tell us about our sacred democracy. Our -- Donald Trump and the Republicans are a threat to our sacred temples of democracy, our cherished norms. We don't act like this in America. We are better than this. No, you're not better than this. You're breaking all the norms. You are undermining our allegedly sacred democracy. You're jailing your political opponents like a two-bit dictator in a banana republic, which some of us conservatives have observed for a long time. So, okay, that's how they want to play, fine. I do not want to hear it anymore about our sacred democracy or any of that other stuff. Don't want to hear it one little bit.

What should the Republicans do in response? I think that a Republican governor or, more precisely, I guess a Republican attorney general, should arrest a prominent criminal lib. There is no shortage of candidates of prominent liberal politicos who have committed crimes. Look around the Clinton circles. Look around the Biden circles. Look at Clinton and Biden themselves. Plenty of big criminal libs out there who have completely gotten off the hook. And there are plenty of Republican governors and attorneys general out there -- I think you would need a Republican governor as well as an attorney general, because if the attorney general indicts a big prominent criminal lib and there's a Democrat governor, the Democrat governor will apply political pressure or eventually, probably, just pardon the criminal lib. So I think you need to have a Republican governor there as well.

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy


Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #quack

( Donald J Trump )
Who is going to enter the Trump Quicksand? Many have tried, leaving permanently damaged, or never to be heard from again!

( @Rjbz82 )
@realdonaldtrump vaccine salesman!

( @JimSerafin )

spoilerFor all the Trump haters
out there, what did you
hate most: no wars?
Middle East peace? Strong
American economy? No
inflation? Growing 401 Ks
Market profits? Low gas
prices? A secure oil
reserve? Lower taxes? A
strong dollar?

( @Parkersburg1962 )
@JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump The vaccine dear. It ruined my fucking life.

( @dirtygirt )
@Parkersburg1962 @JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump Did you not make the choice to take it?

( @Parkersburg1962 )
@dirtygirt @JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump no I had a nervous breakdown because my job was forcing me to take it and I knew it was the wrong thing. They finally paid me to leave because I was talking to an attorney. How about you? Did the existence of a vaccine that was totally untested compromise your life?

( @seanyo33 )
@JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump why not list “Vaccine Champion” and “BBC lover”?

( @RaptorsChamps19 )
@seanyo33 @JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump they only announced they had the vaccine after the election or do you not remember!?

( @seanyo33 )
@RaptorsChamps19 @JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump I remember Trump was the President who brought us Operation Warp Speed that sped up the production of that death jab and likely was the reason for it to be such an untested piece of shit. Do YOU remember him telling everyone that the vaccine was completed so fast because of him and Trump telling everyone to get it?

( @L10N3SS )
@JimSerafin @realdonaldtrump Jibbity jabs. Negroes get errythang. Incomplete wall. Less deportations than zerO.

@realdonaldtrump Is “Trump quicksand” code for the warp speed jabs?

( @fullmetaltruth )
@realdonaldtrump If you hadn't authorised an untried, unsafe depopulation concoction they'd still be alive.

( @QTardTerminator )

Like the J6 political prisoners?

( @Emmee83 )
@QTardTerminator @realdonaldtrump do you think the president who wins in ‘24 will pardon them all?

CancelThisCompany #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy

Once upon a time, the cardinal rule of business was to never even discuss politics, yet nowadays, virtually all of the largest corporations have gone woke to one degree or another. Many have adopted Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (D.I.E.), AKA quotas based on skin pigmentation, gender, and LGBTQ instead of merit. Fortune 500 companies are literally keeping track of employees by race, and have launched 'training’ campaigns to indoctrinate employees into critical race theory, eerily reminiscent of early Nazi Germany. Many of these woke companies are in essence, hate groups. They push racial polarization, fomenting the democrat party's toxic culture war, including by pushing the false and racist narrative of systemic racism [1, 2]. Many have made substantial donations to various race-mongering groups including the violent Marxist group Black Lives Matter, the ACLU, the National Urban League, the NAACP, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Some have brazenly alienated half of the country by openly smearing Donald Trump and/or Republicans, by attacking voting integrity laws, and by pushing for censorship of conservative speech or of just speech, for example, by pulling advertising from Elon Musk-owned Twitter. Some are anti-2nd Amendment, are parroting global warming hysteria, are trying to tear down gender constructs, and are pushing the insidious media/democrat party divide-and-conquer agenda of separating people into 'oppressed' groups (women, LGBTQ, etc). Some of these companies have actually come out against parents having the fundamental right to protect their children from being sexually groomed in elementary schools. Others have adopted ESG, the woke rating system.

Woke companies are a danger to our freedom and values. This is why we MUST stop feeding the beast that is using profits from our purchases to fuel the destruction of our country. Show them what 74 million + consumers can do to their profit margins. It is your civic duty!

Mr. New York #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #quack #conspiracy

People are losing it already. 55% of the double jab will die and med beds will not be able to save them. 20% who took one vaccine will die. 40 to 50 % of the double jabbed will lose their soul, but God is making a plan to save them. Right now their souls are going to a different planet and locking them in , the cabal is thinking they can capture these souls but god will save them. The ones who lost their souls will have something go into them that is not their soul, like demon possession and and something AI that they cannot control.
3d souls are going off the planet, the double jabbed people will disappear through a black hole to live on in a copy of 3d earth. At some point they will dematerialize from this dimension. They are being drawn to a different planet. We will remember some aspects but they will wipe our memories of these people. A reset on the timeline occurs around the 2026, solar flash event.

Med beds will be available to general public January 2024, or about 4 months after NESARA’s Announcement. The souls of the vaccinated can come back but a ritual is needed. Most people will go through the med beds to get younger. If they don’t their soul will be on another hidden planet.
Trump travels off planet all the time on a spaceship with the tall whites. He comes back all the time. This will never be made known to the public though. Melania is with him and she is human, and not a ET. Baron Trump is a hybrid because his father Donald Trump is a Nimeolad ET, he is from a different planet and he is trying to have children all around the universe.
The person projecting himself while he is gone is a clone and does not have Trumps soul. When Trump comes back it will be the original Trump with a soul and he is more emotional. The reDonald Trump was told vaccines were good. Probably this is because gen 1 was supposed to contain HCQ and ivermectin and not the death shot Fauci gave us instead.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Donald J Trump )
The FBI and the Department of “Justice,” which paid a man $200,000 to spy on me, and offered a $1 million “bounty” to try and prove a totally made up and fake “dossier” about me (they went down in flames!), are now leaking nonstop on the Document Hoax to the Fake News.

Who could ever trust corrupt, weaponized agencies, and that includes NARA, who disrespects our Constitution and Bill of Rights, to keep and safeguard any records, especially since they’ve lost millions and millions of pages of information from previous Presidents. Also, who knows what NARA and the FBI plant into documents, or subtract from documents—we will never know, will we?

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@realdonaldtrump Maybe you should've spent your 4 years not appointing swamp kikes and tweeting and having your DHS concentrate on "White Supremacy" as our greatest threat...whenever you weren't sucking Israel's dick.

( @TitusRISE )
@realdonaldtrump What do you expect Trump? The United States of America has been taken over by a judaic mafia tribe. They are destroying ALL western countries with the goal of exterminating the White race world wide. They want the whole world for themselves.

( @Unknownusername1988 )
@realdonaldtrump I hope they lock you up right next to the political prisoners you left hanging on January 6th. Fucking self serving piece of shit.

( @Lori_4_USA )

Donald Trump #wingnut #god-complex #conspiracy #transphobia

“I am the only candidate who can make this promise: I will prevent World War Three,” Trump said.

He took aim at several specific Republicans, telling the CPAC crowd the GOP is “never going back to the party of Paul Ryan, Karl Rove and Jeb Bush,” referring to the former House speaker, former George W. Bush aide and former Florida governor. He also criticized Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Utah Sen. Mitt Romney by name.

Trump also suggested – as Biden had in his State of the Union speech – that some Republicans have argued for reforms to Social Security and Medicare as part of efforts to cut spending and reform government.

“We’re not going back to people that want to destroy our great Social Security system – even some in our own party; I wonder who that might be – who want to raise the minimum age of Social Security to 70, 75 or even 80 in some cases, and who are out to cut Medicare to a level that will be unrecognizable,” he said.


Trump vowed to purge the government of “entrenched political dynasties in both parties.”

“In 2016, I declared: I am your voice. Today, I add: I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed: I am your retribution,” Trump said. “Not going to let this happen. … I will totally obliterate the deep state. I will fire the unelected bureaucrats and shadow forces who have weaponized our justice system like it has never been weaponized before. And I will put the people back in charge of this country again.”

Trump’s remarks targeting transgender people seemed to draw the biggest applause Saturday. He said he would sign a measure “prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states,” and said he would “keep men out of women’s sports.”

Trump claimed that the country, as he sees it, “will be lost forever” if he does not prevail in 2024.

“This is the final battle – they know it, I know it, you know it, everybody knows it. Either they win, or we win. And I promise you this: If you put me back in the White House, their reign will be over, and America will be a free nation once again,” Trump said.

Steve Bannon #wingnut

“Look at Fox News,” [Steve Bannon] said. “The president announces his – this is historic. A guy gave you four years of peace and prosperity, announces he’s going to run again after having it stolen in broad daylight of which they participate in — They don’t even, they cover it live for 20 minutes and then they say if there’s anything newsworthy, we’ll cut back, and they go to some panel and some discussion.”

“Note to Fox Senior management: When Donald J. Trump talks, it’s newsworthy,” shouted Bannon.


“They don’t respect you, read the depositions,” he said. “They have a fear and loathing and contempt for you. And you’re the ones that can make changes.”

He closed out with a threat to Murdoch.

“Murdoch, you’ve deemed Trump’s not going to be president. Well, we’ve deemed that you’re not going to have a network,” he yelled as the audience stood again, waving, cheering, and applauding. “Because we’re going to fight you every step of the way!”

Donald Trump #wingnut

Former President Donald Trump on Friday proposed building up to 10 futuristic “freedom cities” on federal land, part of a plan that the 2024 presidential contender said would “create a new American future” in a country that has “lost its boldness.”

Commuters, meanwhile, could get around in flying cars, Trump said – an echo of “The Jetsons,” the classic cartoon about a family in a high-tech future society. Work to develop vertical takeoff and landing vehicles is already underway by major airlines, auto manufacturers and other companies, though widely seen as years away from reaching the market.

“I want to ensure that America, not China, leads this revolution in air mobility,” Trump, who announced his third bid for the presidency in November, said in a four-minute video detailing his plan.

He said he would launch a contest to charter up to 10 “freedom cities” roughly the size of Washington, DC, on undeveloped federal land.

“We’ll actually build new cities in our country again,” Trump said in the video. “These freedom cities will reopen the frontier, reignite American imagination, and give hundreds of thousands of young people and other people, all hardworking families, a new shot at home ownership and in fact, the American dream.”

various commenters #wingnut #racist #quack

I'm glad that Trump and Kanye are talking, but here's the deal with Donald (a very good smart man in my experience): Kanye called the vaccine the Mark of the Beast and Kanye named the Nose. Kanye is somebody who needs to be supported, not reined in. Kanye is helping us when almost no one else is. That is power...for Kanye

@PatrickReports Zion Don shilled the vaccine. The Jews have owned since his bankruptcy’s in the 90s when they bailed him out in the billions of dollars

Trumps cabinet was filled with them. Including a Rothschild banking agent, Wilbur Ross

( @wanderingskeptic)
@BillyBravo. Bingo. And that is how long this vax / depopulation plan has been in the works. @PatrickReports

@PatrickReports It was the Mark of the Beast. Did you notice how access to work and other essential parts of your lives suddenly became conditional?

@PatrickReports Trump will never name the Jew, all his kids are married in

@PatrickReports I wonder how long Trump has been setting up to be the Messiah of Jews? The stage is set. He has been saying for a few years now that he could be the prime minister of Israel since 2019 at least.. and just 2 days ago he said it again.. he could fulfill the prophecy by bringing world peace when we are on the precipice of nuclear Armageddon Annihilation Holocaust

@PatrickReports He's a puppet that the jews knew people will salavate over. Even pro whites feel the need to have a super nigger.


Trump will NOT name the nose - ever! He has already made a couple of statements in that regard: one "we do not love Israel enough. We have to love it more." Two "all of my grandchildren are jewish."

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The left hates Donald Trump because, for the first time in a long time, We the People were truly represented under his administration.


The more research you do, the less this appears to be true.

It looks more like he simply put on a good performance/act of We the People representation.

If you actually check the details of his actions, you find that he installed and empowered cabal puppets throughout the 3+ years he was in the White House and made sure that all of the 'good things' he did could easily be reversed the moment he was gone.

You find an enormous list of things that he could have done as President to save America - and had a moral & Constitutional right to do - yet suspiciously chose not to.

You also find that he appears to be the one who signed off on launching the scamdemic in the U.S. back in February 2020.

And, of course, he went on to be a disgusting promoter of the death jabs.

The liberal cult hates Trump for one reason only: his loyalty to America. Liberals hate Trump supporters for the same reason.

There is no common ground anymore between a liberal and an American patriot: we are separate cultures, separate religions, and separate nations, occupying the same land.

The liberal is dedicated to the fall of the Republic and the rise of a communist dictatorship in its place; this defines him as a traitor, and a traitor is a natural enemy of the patriot.


LOL!!! HOW SO???? He continued the BLANK check to IsraHELL! He went along with the fake virus PLANNEDEMIC! He allowed the UNCONSTITUTIONAL lockdowns! He pushed the jews MURDER jab!

WTF are you talking about you delusional jew shill CLOWN???

You know, soon EVERY ONE of the goyim will know and you wicked jew shill baby raping puppets satanists for the jew world order will have NO WHERE to run or hide!

The "left" hates trumpstein for the same reason the right loves IsraHELL, because the JEWS tell them to!

( @LawFag )
@DrPaulGosar By "We the People" you mean jews and blacks right? Where's my platinum plan

Donald Trump Jr. #wingnut

Ukraine has been given $130 billion not including what they got from the 220 billion that went “missing” from the Pentagon’s budget, but the people of East Palestine Ohio get nothing from FEMA?!? Joe Biden and the democrats hate your guts and will always put America last!

Roger Kimball #wingnut #dunning-kruger

Well, nobody thinks the Chinese are bearing gifts. But the response to that minatory skyborne bladder has ranged from Laocoön-like alarm to amused indifference. The Pentagon says it doesn’t think the blimp poses a threat, but then the Pentagon is home to General Mark “White Rage” Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd “Stand Down” Austin. Not much joy from that Keystone-Kop quarter.
I don’t agree with Mike Pompeo’s neocon penchant for invading other countries, but he is right that Biden’s weakness “assures Chinese aggression.”

It is worth remembering that during Donald Trump’s first term as president (note that I say “first term”), America and indeed the world was a more pacific place. Russia did not invade Ukraine. Iran was bottled up. The Abraham Accords brought peace to the Middle East. Amazing.
Biden has depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserve, shuttered the Keystone Pipeline, and put the kibosh on fracking. He has gone a long way towards transforming the United States military into a gender fluid sensitivity camp while also undermining the U.S. economy by incontinent spending and by pursuing other inflationary policies. Biden and his puppet masters tried to stymie Trump by turning his catchphrase “MAGA” into a negative epithet (and if “MAGA” is bad, how much worse is “Ultra MAGA”?). As Julie Kelly remarked, “if the balloon was an unarmed female veteran, the government would have shot it by now.”

But it didn’t work. So-called MAGA policies really did “make America great again”—richer, more secure, more confident and patriotic. <...> High on that list of commonsense pursuits was the policy of “peace through strength.” The Chinese, I feel confident in asserting, would not have been deploying spy balloons over U.S. nuclear installations were Trump president. Neither, for that matter, would Vladimir Putin have invaded Ukraine.

Peace through strength. It works better than Biden’s “Chaos Through Senility.”

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut

White Renegade of the Year — 2022

The White Renegade of the Year is not the person who is the most anti-white. He is the person who could have done the most good, but instead did the most harm. This year’s winner is Boris Johnson.

Boris Johnson had the potential for greatness. Other than Nigel Farage, it was Boris Johnson who delivered victory in the Brexit referendum. His closing speech was magnificent.

Unfortunately, like President Donald Trump, Boris Johnson betrayed those who believed in him. Unlike Donald Trump, Boris Johnson can’t blame saboteurs within his own government and party, a ferociously hostile media, political inexperience, or Big Tech censorship. Whatever Donald Trump’s failings, our former president faced obstacles he never imagined when he descended the escalator in 2015.

Though it was not the sole cause, opposition to mass immigration was an important reason why so many Britons defied the political establishment and voted to leave the European Union.

In 2019, after Brexit, Boris Johnson and the Conservatives ran and won the election on a strong anti-immigration platform. Immigration then increased.

From 2019 to May 2022, visas issued to Indians surged by 164 percent, Pakistanis by 255 percent, and Nigerians by 415 percent.

Brexit voters thought they were limiting immigration; Mr. Johnson expanded immigration beyond the European Union.

Boris Johnson also offered more visas to Indians in exchange for more trade with the former Raj. Indian leaders must hardly believe their good fortune: They can get more economic benefits and more revenge colonization. Though Boris Johnson’s term lies a-moldering in the grave, his agreement marches on, with India and the UK recently striking another deal. The interests of the British people don’t matter.

The Conservative government is now mulling an effort to get “migrants” to move to rural areas to “combat depopulation and replenish ageing communities.” In other words, replace Britons. “So what?” asked former Conservative Health Secretary Sajid Javid when Nigel Farage charged that the people of Britain are being remade. If that’s conservatism, it’s hard to care whether Labour wins the next general election.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar


@DrPaulGosar this is how the deception of #Zionism works. They instill this false paradigm of reality in which 'the left' is evil but if 'the (present-day) right' takes power, then everything's gonna be OK. 🤡

Except it comes with a caveat. If Republicans take power, you've just surrendered the executive to be governed from Tel Aviv and every single thing will be done by dual citizens to bring about the war with Iran to finally destroy this country which is just awaiting its final knockout blow as it is.

Donald Trump resisted every single last attempt from Zionists to attack Iran; going the distance of carrying out the assassination of one Maj. General Qassem Soleimaini, the conqueror of ISIS -Zionist proxy- in the middle east, but not going total war which they lust for. EVERYBODY KNOWS the dynamics of power once this treasonous 'element' takes over, if and when they do you're finished.

Between #Marxism on the left and Zionism on the right you are caught between the choice to die by a gunshot wound or by poisoning. It's the eternal jewish promise of destruction you can't escape from. 💀☠️

@DrPaulGosar Except by rigging elections. #Fix2020 #DecertifyBiden

@DrPaulGosar by left you really mean jew...right?


Sez the Zionist pawn,

Democrats and Republicans are all run by Jew bankers.

And what are you doing about contolling the controlled narrative?

@DrPaulGosar Without massive vote fraud, the Left would lose almost every election in America.

Matthew Boose #wingnut #racist

Excusing his tendency to hyperbole, one finds it hard to disagree when Donald Trump talks about how much better things were before the “China virus” ruined his reelection effort and set the country on a path of decline. The America that existed before COVID, the George Floyd revolution, and the rigged 2020 election is not so far in the past, but it was a completely different world.

Gas was cheap, crime was down, the border was secure, and the country was a lot freer. Words like “misinformation” were seldom heard on the lips of bureaucrats or neighbors deputized by them, and one didn’t fear losing employment or the right to travel for refusing an experimental drug. Believe it or not, before those momentous, nightmarish months of violence and upheaval that changed everything, Trump was on a glide path to victory, having been cleared of impeachment over a long-forgotten “perfect phone call” with Ukraine.
A deceptive semblance of normalcy, with a corrupt Silent Generation zombie as its face, masks a radical new reality, a tyrannical, devitalized “new normal” of mediocrity. The economy is on the verge of collapse, the price of consumer goods has skyrocketed, and crime is higher than it has been in decades. The flames of George Floyd’s martyrdom have died down, but the revolution still burns with the imprimatur of power. Never has racial hatred been more overtly expressed with such authority to so wide a swath of the country.

We hear the labor market is hot, but service at stores and restaurants is slow to nonexistent. The smell of pot, with its stench of torpor and decay, is inescapable. If you live in the city, odds are your streets have been ceded to criminals and lunatics. The suburbs aren’t safe from the constant schemes of the busybodies, either. These incompetent thugs, equipped with dubious “expertise,” are now accustomed to making more and more intrusive demands of a public demoralized by years of constant, idiotic propaganda.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
On top of the lost "Clinton Hard Drive," there are also tapes from the George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan Administrations which were lost AFTER having been ordered preserved by a Federal Judge. Some hard drives were even "damaged by sloppy handling in the transfer"! The National Archivist actually gave George H.W. Bush "exclusive legal control over all Presidential information." Compare that to how unfairly and illegally the 45th President, me, has been treated!

@realdonaldtrump Let's talk about this and hurricanes, shall we?

@PresidentElectKraken @realdonaldtrump has anyone consider that these chemtrails are causing drought?
They justify they help rain. But are they destroying the atmosphere?

@MonicaTowne @realdonaldtrump These chemtrails, along with Haarp, doppler radar, nexrad, and other devices cause all rain, hail, droughts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis. They are 100 years in on this crime and all weather is now at their bidding. As far as the atmosphere, I don't believe in their so-called "layers" as presented to us by NASA (SATAN t minus) as it is false just like the spinning ball where water is forced down by gravity but a tiny fly can break free and fly. The space between us and the dome is destroyed by their evil. has tons of information and footage.

@realdonaldtrump I'll care about as much as you did on Jan 6th. #Fuckoffalready


@realdonaldtrump Trump Won 2020

Bolsonaro supporters #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho

Brazil was reeling Monday after hundreds of supporters of the country's former leader Jair Bolsonaro stormed the seats of power in the capital Brasilia, trashing offices and drawing condemnation from the government and the international community. More than a thousand people have been arrested, with Brazilian Justice Minister Flavio Dino telling reporters Monday that there had been “about 1,500” arrests in Brasilia since the Sunday riots… The attack bore similarities to the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the US Capitol in Washington DC, when supporters of ex-US President Donald Trump – a close ally of Bolsonaro – stormed Congress in an effort to prevent the certification of his election defeat…

The floor of the Congress building was flooded after the sprinkler system activated when protesters attempted to set fire to the carpet, according to CNN Brasil. Additional videos showed protesters inside the building taking gifts received from international delegations and destroying artwork. Brazil’s Presidential Communications Minister Paulo Pimenta described how there was blood, feces and urine found in the palace rooms. “Onlookers said they seemed beside themselves with hate, like a horde of zombies. They were running down hallways, smashing things, urinating, defecating in the corridors and in the rooms on one destruction spree,” he stated…

Spurred by unfounded claims of election fraud, supporters draped in Brazil’s national colors and wearing the shirt of the national football team – both of which became central motifs of Bolsonaro’s campaigns – spilled into major government buildings, smashing windows and using furniture to form barricades against security forces. But the events of Sunday did not emerge from nowhere. Bolsonaro supporters had been camped out in the capital since his election defeat…

A number of camps filled by supporters of the ex-president have also appeared outside Brazilian military bases, with some calling for a coup by the armed forces reminiscent of the two-decade military regime that ruled Brazil from 1964.

Dino said on Twitter on Christmas Day that those camps had become “incubators for terrorists,” after a man was arrested for attempting to set off a bomb in protest against Brazil’s election results.

Judy Byington/Telegram Q #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon

At Midnight Sat. 31 Dec. 2022 the Deep State Corporation US Inc. Officially Dissolved
At 12:01 am 1 Jan. 2023 the US Constitutional Republic Officially Began
Along With Implementation of the Global Quantum Financial System
Gold/Asset Backed Currencies of 209 Countries
To Eventually Trade at a 1:1 with Each Other
This Q movement to take down the Deep State has been in the planning since President Lincoln was killed in 1865. Ninety nine years later the Q Movement took on a more formal appearance with the Deep State Banking Cabal’s murder of President Kennedy in 1964.

Meanwhile in 2016 the Alliance made sure Donald Trump was elected US President despite widespread Voter Fraud by the Democrat Party in collusion with foreign powers including the Chinese Communist Party.
From Q:

MSM coming – BIG WAY.
We see all.
We hear all.
CONSPIRACY push coming.

BEWARE of MAJOR FALSE FLAG attempts this week.
KNOW your surroundings.
Tactics shift to threats and hostages to obtain rogue ops.
SILENCE [187] – no risk [no capture – dead on arrival].
SILENCE [LV witnesses]?

Fight, Fight, Fight.
DEMAND public disclosure.
This is just the beginning.
2023 WILL BE GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

David Chase Taylor #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

OPERATION HAL TURNER: CIA PLOTTING JANUARY 9, 2023, MADE-FOR-TV MASS DEATH EVENT, MASS SHOOTING AND/OR MASSACRE TARGETING REMAINING 300+ JANUARY 6TH US CAPITOL ATTACKERS (I.E., FBI INFORMANTS & PATSIES) WHO ARE CURRENTLY BEING DOUBLE-CROSSED & SYSTEMATICALLY ASSASSINATED, POSSIBLY UNDER GUISE OF PLANE CRASH, STRUCTURE FIRE AND/OR BIKER GANG, FBI, DRUG CARTEL, POLICE, STREET GANG AND/OR US MILITARY VETERAN-RELATED SHOOTOUT (JANUARY 7, 2023): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Made-for-TV Massacre Targeting Remaining 300+ January 6th US Capitol Attackers (i.e., FBI Informants & Patsies) on January 9, 2023, Exactly 151-Days After CIA Assassinated January 6th US Capitol Attacker Ricky Walter Shiffer in Aftermath Allegedly Committing Mass Shooting Attack Targeting FBI Building in Cincinnati, Ohio Back on August 11, 2022, Exactly 529-Days After CIA Assassinated DC Metropolitan Police Officer Jeffrey Smith Under Guise of Self-Inflicted Suicide in Washington, DC Back on July 29, 2021,Exactly 719-Days After Donald J. Trump Became the Former President of the United States Back on January 20, 2021,
Exactly 2,794-Days After the CIA Staged the Fatal Waco Shootout Between the Banditos & Cossacks Versus the Waco Police Department in Waco, Texas Back on May 17, 2015, Exactly 7,562-Days After CIA Staged the Fatal So-Called River Run Riot Between the Hells Angeles & Mongols a Casino in Laughlin, Nevada Back on April 27, 2002, Exactly 10,857-Days After CIA Staged the Waco Siege & Subsequent Massacre in Waco, Texas (Which Killed 25 Children) Back on April 19, 1993, & Exactly 11,088-Days After the Deadly Conclusion of the 11-Day Ruby Ridge Standoff in Boundary County, Idaho Back on August 31, 1992  

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Herschel Walker is being slandered and maligned by the Fake News Media and obviously, the Democrats. Interestingly, I’ve heard many horrible things about his opponent, Raphael Warnock, things that nobody should be talking about, so we don’t. Herschel has properly denied the charges against him, and I have no doubt he is correct. They are trying to destroy a man who has true greatness in his future, just as he had athletic greatness in his past. It’s very important for our Country and the Great State of Georgia that Herschel Walker wins this Election. With all that Herschel has accomplished, when you come from Georgia, and you see the name Herschel Walker when voting, it will be very hard to resist. Don’t!

@realdonaldtrump u should give him 500 billion dollars and suck his dick king

@Dirty_White_Boy @realdonaldtrump we have to vote for the Republican candidate no matter what to stop the Biden agenda… it is just the fact of the matter

@Kelly1959201 @Dirty_White_Boy @realdonaldtrump voting doesn't matter

@realdonaldtrump I just don't understand how the republican party's best option in Georgia is a black guy with a gay son who was a democrat most of his life.

Make that make sense to me.

@VonGustav @realdonaldtrump the GOP sucks man. They are probably just elated that a nigger will run for office as a republican.

Vox Day #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "Clown World Claims Brazil"]

As was the case with Donald Trump, Bolsonaro’s courage failed him at the Rubicon:

The outgoing president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has affirmed that “nothing justifies” violent plans such as the one that allegedly foresaw an attack in the area of the Brasilia airport and has disassociated himself from the mobilizations organized in recent days in front of Armed Forces installations to demand a military uprising

He has also disassociated himself from the camps that demand in his name the annulment of the results of the last elections and the intervention of the Armed Forces. In this sense, he said that these are spontaneous rallies and that he has “withdrawn” from any kind of protest of this type

What a strange thing to say, given the way in which violence has been deemed appropriate and necessary by everyone from the Pope and the Founding Fathers to the Zionists, the Greatest Generation, and the invaders of Grenada, Iraq, and Afghanistan, to say nothing of those who are funding violence, and increasingly, engaging in violence, on behalf of Ukraine. These cuckservative leaders were happy enough to order their militaries into action against foreign nations that have never done anything to their people, but shirked at actually using them to defend the people against their actual enemies

“I tried to find a solution inside our constitution but I didn’t have enough support”

And that is why conservatives will never save anyone or anything. Despite all their brave rhetoric, they’re cowards at heart. All evil has to do to defeat a conservative is tell him that resistance is illegal

Donald J Trump #wingnut

A lawsuit was filed today against CNN, the once prestigious news channel that has devolved into a purveyor of disinformation, defamation, and Fake News, at a level which the American Public, and indeed the World, will not even believe is possible. For years I have watched this take place, often in disbelief, but the time has finally come to hold CNN responsible and legally accountable for their willful deception and defamatory statements made about me and both, directly and indirectly, my strong, devoted, and patriotic supporters-People who love the United States of America, but have been treated very unfairly, at so many levels. "The Big Lie" that they constantly refer to is actually "The Big Lie" in reverse. They know that, and it will be proven in Court!

In the coming weeks and months we will also be filing lawsuits against a large number of other Fake News Media Companies for their lies, defamation, and wrongdoing, including as it pertains to "The Big Lie," that they used so often in reference to their disinformation attack on Presidential Election of 2020.

Likewise, we may bring appropriate action against the Unselect Committee of January 6th because, notwithstanding overwhelming evidence, they REFUSED to investigate the massive Presidential Election Fraud which took place, but only investigate and harass the people and Patriots who complained and asked questions about it. The rigging and stealing of our Presidential Election was perhaps The Crime Of The Century, and look at what is happening to our Country now!

The Unselect Committee has refused to acknowledge, as was done by the Biden Inspector General at the Department of Defense, and others, that days ahead of January 6th, I recommended and authorized thousands of troops to be deployed to ensure that that there was peace, safety, and security at the Capitol and throughout the Country. That offer of National Guard was rejected by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Mayor Bowser of Washington, D.C.-the law requires their request, they failed to make one, and in turn failed the Country.

I am proud to file today's lawsuit in order to begin the process of standing up to Fake News and the Mainstream Media.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The Document Hoax Lawsuit, which is the “Weaponization” of the Justice Department and the FBI, is yet another Scam against me, much like Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, the Mueller Report (No Collusion!), Spying on my Campaign (and getting caught!), Lying to the FISA Court, Lying to Congress, Illegally Breaking into my home in Florida in violation of the Fourth Amendment, also violating the Presidential Records Act, and so much more. This is all being done in order to hurt a political opponent, me, who is leading in all of the polls by over 50 points against Republicans, and from 5 to 10 points against the two primary Democrats, Biden and North Korea Sympathizer Kamala Harris. They have been doing this to me for six years ever since my wonderful journey down the “Golden Escalator.” The Radical Left Democrats are out-of-control, and our Country is going to Hell!

@realdonaldtrump and the do-nothing Republicans do nothing because there is not two parties there’s only one the uniparty that seeks to destroy the United States as we know it.

@realdonaldtrump When you get back in, I hope you aren't so nice to all the people determined to ruin our Country.

@MKemry @realdonaldtrump If he gets back in, he'll sell even more poison vaxx shots to MAGA Americans, like the millions he already convinced to receive it.

@realdonaldtrump TRAITOR JOE and His DemonRats Comrades-in-arms are manipulator, exploiter, and oppressor!


@MasonCutlip @realdonaldtrump

Bolsheviks to the Left of me, Zionists to the Right.
Here I am.
Stuck in the middle with jews!

James Lindsay #conspiracy #transphobia #fundie

Anti-LGBTQ+ activist James Lindsay thinks that drag queens (who he calls “groomer clowns”) are part of “an unconventional warfare tactic to provoke” conservatives into killing one. Such a killing, he says, would make the victim a “Drag Floyd,” basically a drag queen version of George Floyd, a Black man whose 2020 murder by police sparked national protests against institutional discrimination.

Lindsay — who has previously published hoax “research papers” seeking to discredit queer, gender, and critical race studies — made his comments while speaking during Turning Point USA’s annual Americafest conference. The organization’s founder, Charlie Kirk, has attacked transgender people and described opposition to religious exemptions as “fascism.”

“Drag queens are a provocation. It’s been an escalating provocation,” Lindsay said, accusing drag queens of first putting on makeup and reading to children before eventually progressing to “dancing,” “grinding,” “sexual dancing,” “twerking,” and “doing simulated sex acts in front of children.” Very few drag shows contain simulated sex acts, and all-ages drag shows often involve reading children’s books while fully clothed or other family-friendly entertainment.

He said the “real goal of Drag Queen Story Hour” is to teach kids “living queerly [and] strategic defiance” and to get adults to either accept their methods or to react too harshly against them on video in order to “smear” such opponents as inciters of anti-LGBTQ+ hate, Media Matters reported.

“The goal is to get you to give in so they get their way or overreact — and that’s where I say ‘Drag Floyd,'” Lindsay added. “It’s so important to understand that they want a drag queen to get attacked and they want to make a huge amount of hay of it and they want to create summer 2020 again off of a drag queen or a trans person or something like this.”

Lindsay made his comments while sitting on a panel with Kirk; Steve Bannon, an anti-LGBTQ+ former advisor to President Donald Trump; and Tim Pool, a podcaster who said that queer people are child molesters who are responsible for their own murders.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

It's All Rigged Like Pro Wrestling: If You Think Kari Lake, Dr. Oz and Herschel Walker Lost without a Rigged Election, You're an Idiot

I now believe it's a fact the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. By a collusion of big government, Big Tech and, in particular, the FBI who together held weekly meetings to suppress any stories beneficial to then-President Donald Trump along with any stories harmful to then-candidate Joe Biden. They blacked out any mention of Biden's corruption, his apparent case of dementia and in particular, the Hunter laptop scandal.

The emails released by Elon Musk show the FBI ordered Twitter (and other social media companies) to fix and rig the election against Trump. You can bet the FBI held the same meetings and gave the same orders to the mainstream media. The whole liberal media cabal was in on the steal.

This shows the 2020 election was rigged and stolen — exactly as so many of us warned and reported, while being called "election deniers" and "conspiracy theorists."

In other words, I told you so. I was right from day one.

I was right the first time, and I'll be proven right again. Nothing has changed. I believe Democrats are STILL rigging our elections — just more carefully and subtly. I'm telling you it happened again in the 2022 midterms. Our elections are still being rigged and stolen.

Gavin Wax and Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

“We want to cross the Rubicon. We want total war. We must be prepared to do battle in every arena. In the media. In the courtroom. At the ballot box. And in the streets,” NYYRC president Gavin Wax declared to a room full of supporters at 583 Park Ave., an event venue on New York’s Upper East Side

“This is the only language the left understands. The language of pure and unadulterated power,” Wax added.
Bannon and the Brimelows

At the five-hour event, which Hatewatch reporters attended, white nationalists Peter and Lydia Brimelow of VDARE hobnobbed with Steve Bannon, a former Trump adviser and White House official. Donald Trump Jr. was also in attendance

Republicans publicly lauded members in attendance from an Austrian political party founded by World War II-era Nazi party members. Racist political operative Jack Posobiec shared jokes across a table with Josh Hammer[…]Multiple recently elected GOP congresspeople applauded Marjorie Taylor Greene, who told the NYYRC crowd in the event’s closing remarks that the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol would have succeeded if she had planned it and that the insurrectionists would have been armed[…]
“I will tell you something, if Steve Bannon and I organized that, we would have won,” she said, as attendees erupted in cheers and applause. “Not to mention, it would’ve been armed”[…]
White nationalists such as the Brimelows of VDARE and leaders from extreme far-right European parties like Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland, AfD)[…]and Austrian Freedom Party (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, FPÖ), ate and drank in the same room as newly elected Republican congresspeople[…]
NYYRC gave Posobiec a speaking slot and an Allen W. Dulles award[…]
Greene praised a Project Veritas video focused on LGBTQ+ education published by the group, saying it shows that teachers “pass around dildos, butt plugs and lube”

Donald J Trump & various commenter #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Everyone is talking about the big hurricane barreling into Florida, as they should be, but perhaps a far more important event in the longer term was the announcement that the Nord Stream I & II Pipelines out of Russia (which I brought to the World’s attention as President when I explained how crippling reliance on it could be for Germany and other parts of Europe. Everybody laughed at the time, but they are not laughing anymore!) has been SABOTAGED. This could lead to major escalation, or War!

@realdonaldtrump And it was probably Biden that ordered it to be blown up. Allowing the Biden coup to stand for so long is having a far more destructive effect than many people expected. Do you think the coward Republicans expected this kind of thing when they voted to confirm an election they all knew was fake?


-*Biden, " ...then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it...we will be able to do that."
-January 27, 2022 VICTORIA NULAND: “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”

@ThomasJWasney @realdonaldtrump they always tell their intentions ahead of time

@realdonaldtrump I'm sick of this idiot who was too weak to stop an election steal on his watch.

@IbeeFree @realdonaldtrump He's assuming every one of us on Gab is going to vote for him again in 2024. He's very wrong.

@TrumpaBumpa @IbeeFree @realdonaldtrump. Of President Trump wins the primary then I will be forced to vote for him.

@Saltillo @IbeeFree @realdonaldtrump There's no way in hell I'll be voting for someone directly responsible for convincing millions to get a poison vaxx, and that includes Trump.

@realdonaldtrump Who cares about Germany! They asked for it! #FloridaMatters DeSantis has his priorities straight!

@ILoveDragons @realdonaldtrump germany is an occupied country, occupied by the americans. the russians left europe in peace, taking care of their own business at home - the american occupancy stayed and broke every international law in the book inciting war and illegal attacks.


Q-Anon supporters #conspiracy #crackpot

There is very little that former President Donald Trump can do to anger his ultra-loyal QAnon support base, but shilling NFTs seems to be one of them.

On Thursday, when Trump announced that he was launching a series of $99 digital trading cards with some truly disastrous graphic design, even QAnon supporters turned on the former president. [Referring to them as] “shit storm debacle NFT announcement” “foolish NFT cash grab,” “This is shady shit” “A fucking NFT? He needs a new PR team.” “a dogshit play.” “Cringe and tacky.” “tone deaf to a VAST MAJORITY of Trump’s base.”

But just as quickly as QAnon believers criticized the announcement as a major disappointment, the community quickly did what it does best and came up with multiple reasons to excuse Trump’s money-grabbing scheme.

Some accounts pointed out that a Q drop back in 2019 mentioned a “Trump card” while others pointed out that it had been 1,700 days since that Q drop was posted, and because Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet, then it obviously means something very important.

Others performed even more complex mental gymnastics to reach a point where they were able to make sense of Trump’s decision to sell NFTs to his supporters, claiming that it was a plan to undermine NFTs.

“The invention of NFT was always an attempt to clamp down on free speech,” one QAnon supporter wrote on Telegram. “What Trump is doing is clever, we all know the liberals will hate anything Trump supports. By creating his own NFTs he has destroyed liberal support for NFTs and thus shut down any notion that any Democrat can support the creation of the NFT legal internet censorship structure.”

Donald J Trump #wingnut #mammon

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! My official Donald Trump Digital Trading Card collection is here! These limited edition cards feature amazing ART of my Life & Career! Collect all of your favorite Trump Digital Trading Cards, very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting. Go to & GET YOUR CARDS NOW! Only $99 each! Would make a great Christmas gift. Don’t Wait. They will be gone, I believe, very quickly!

Henry Makow PhD/Larry Romanoff #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Despite two appeals which have gone unanswered, I am still banned from Twitter. This despite E. Michael Jones' return and Musk's pledge of "absolute free speech." I am suppressed because I expose the "divide & conquer" political charade. The Left (Communist, globalist) and the Right (conservative, nationalist) are both Masonic-Jewish factions. Both are controlled by the Rothschild world banking cartel. Both are Cabalist (satanic) Jewish.

The US Conservative false opposition exists to foster division and hide the shocking fact that humanity has been satanically possessed by Cabalist Jews and Freemasons. Look what happened to Kanye when he drew attention to Jewish hegemony. The "vaccine" roll out took place under Communist tag team traitor Donald Trump.

Like Trump, Elon Musk is Jewish, part of the faux conservative Zionist wing. He may do some good but he cannot be trusted.

Larry Romanoff writes,

"Some claim that Elon Musk is not a Jew. Elon or Alon is a Hebrew masculine name that would not occur on a list of Gentile names. Musk attended Jewish schools in South Africa. His mother, Maye Haldeman, is Jewish but listed as "Canadian", which is hardly an ethnic group. There are Jewish family and other relations (Elon's brother married Jen Lewin), and more. Musk's connections with Israel and powerful Jews have a long history, Tesla's closet relationship with Israeli tech spanning many years and its self-driving technology is 100% Jewish, originating from the Israeli company Mobileye. Musk has close and high-level contacts in Israel, having met with Netanyahu (at his private residence) on more than one occasion."

But, false opposition is preferable to none at all. So yea Elon Musk! I much prefer the Zionist roadmap to Cabalist Jewish supremacy than the insane Communist one.

2000 Mules/Dinesh D’Souza et al., Donald Trump #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt


"Highly respected Dinesh D'Souza, working together with Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote, just released a trailer to their new movie, "2,000 Mules," that shows the world exactly how the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen. The movie exposes the lies of the Democrats, RINOs, and Fake News who say it was the "most secure election in history." It was, perhaps, the least secure in history. The ballot box was stuffed, and stuffed like never before—and it's all on video. Ballots were trafficked and sold in a massive operation in each Swing State. The evidence is so damning, what will the cowards who sat and did nothing about the stolen election say now? The way our votes were taken away is a disgrace to our Nation. It must be fixed."


D’Souza Media LLC presents a film produced by Dinesh D’Souza. Music by Bryan E. Miller. Featuring Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, Dennis Prager, Charlie Kirk, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Eric Metaxas, Larry Elder. Written and directed by Dinesh & Debbie D’Souza, Bruce Schooley. Executive Producers: True The Vote, Salem Media Group, Inc.


77% of Likely U.S. voters who have seen “2000 Mules” say the movie strengthened their conviction that there was systematic and widespread election fraud in the 2020 election.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
The Republican Party is the party of President Donald J. Trump!

@RealMarjorieGreene The guy who didn't fire Fauci? The guy who appointed Wray, Pompeo, Bolton, etc? The guy who allowed communist riots? That guy that allowed the shutdowns? The guy who funded the lethal injections?

I'd say "we need to do better." But the collapse of the US Dollar and economy are inevitable. I hope everyone's preparing for the worst.

People don't starve peacefully.

@William_Jaeger @RealMarjorieGreene What’s the rest of the world gonna do when they realize more people have been injured or died from his “beautiful vaccines” than covid? I wonder if they took some documents that prove he knew they were bad when they raided.

@RealMarjorieGreene Republican party is the PARTY of the Shabbos Goy bitch.

@RealMarjorieGreene then how come they did everything they could to make sure Biden stole the election?


@RealMarjorieGreene The GOP and the Democrats are both controlled by jew lobbies and special interest groups. MTG is being dishonest and controlled opposition for stating otherwise.

Trump predicted everything that's happening right now.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut

[From "Andrew Anglin Officially Endorses Ye for President of the United States"]

He’s the only person talking about any of the issues that affect our lives

I encourage all of my readers to do whatever they can to help the Ye campaign, to vote for him in the primaries and vote for him in the general election

We can do this

Remember: they told us Donald Trump couldn’t win in 2016. Up until the election, they told us it was a joke and he had no chance

Nothing is impossible with God

SGAnon/Judy Byington #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy

There is Military action all around Australia. Policing the tunnels to ward out the bad guys.

There were huge underground facilities all around the world, under the oceans and under all continents.

In the Pacific Rim and three other continents the Alliance was liberating children while taking down mercenaries and pedophiles.

The big public International Tribunals will be held in late summer – early Fall of 2023.
Those Tribunals were based on Election Treason, violations of the Constitution, War Crimes and whatever the part they played in the plan for extermination of mankind.

They were using Maritime Law to justify Tribunals held on Military ships.

Shortly after Trump was inaugurated the Illuminati command in control was decapitated

There is large scale tunnel destruction under Europe right now

For five years the Alliance has been working on the tunnels throughout the world.

The Alliance began forming during the reign of Barack Obama. They approached Donald Trump to be POTUS.

In America there were 4,003 counties run by Soros funded entities. County clerks paid off through laundered money.

The US was overthrown in 1831.

JFK Jr. is still with us.

Roswell files were very real. 1967 in the Nevada Desert were very real. We are being monitored by extraterrestrials.

The Antarctica Shelf is the most Militarized part of the world.

We are going to have the Emergency Alert System (EAS) activated all around the world in order to wake up the public, especially about Covid

Donald Trump #wingnut #god-complex #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho

“Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” Trump wrote in a post on the social network Truth Social and accused “Big Tech” of working closely with Democrats. “Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

Conservapedia #pratt #wingnut

NATO war in Ukraine



The NATO war in Ukraine, sometimes known as the Russia–Ukraine War is a proxy war started by the United States in 2014 with the violent overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine in collaboration with Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups. Nazi and neo-Nazi organizations have been active in Ukraine since 1941 and received Pentagon and CIA arms and assistance until 1954, which was resumed by the Obama administration in 2013 under CIA director John Brennan. Brennan was a key player in the Russia collusion hoax, a disinformation and propaganda psyop to convince the American people that Donald Trump had "colluded" with Russian President Vladimir Putin to rig the 2016 presidential election and to stir anti-Russian sentiment.

On May 2, 2014, at least 48 anti-Maidan protesters were burnt alive in Odessa by American-backed pro-Maidan fascists.´No one has ever been brought to justice for the inhumane crimes. The murder spree was conveniently ignored by Western media.

The people of the Donbas refused to recognize the legitimacy of the illegal coup, so the newly installed government sent the army to quell protests. The army refused to follow the new regime's orders to fire on civilian protesters. Some units even joined the protests. With the army proving itself unreliable, the U.S.-installed Kyiv regime incorporated neo-Nazi militias into official Ukrainian government armed forces, entrusted to perform the tasks that Washington and Kyiv wanted.

A general rebellion against the illegal coup broke out.

When the Russian language was prohibited in Ukraine and the Ukrainian government was promoting neo-Nazi theories and practices, the West did not discourage, but rather encouraged such behavior and applauded Ukraine as a beacon of democracy.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
Remember, just two years ago we had the strongest and best Southern Border in U.S. history. They weren’t coming up and through because they knew that it was going to be very hard to come in, and stay in. That’s the best Border policy of them all, by far. I built the Wall, and then added more. Remain in Mexico, we said. It all worked!!!

You didn't build the wall.
You let millions in the caravans in.
You didn't deport any.
You would have let millions more in but so many criticized your open borders you had to stop it. You are just like Joe, you asshole.

@realdonaldtrump You should still be running this country, sir. We all know who won the 2020 election...

@realdonaldtrump It seems to me that those in power hate the United States and are doing all they can to destroy it.

@realdonaldtrump No, I don't remember that. I live in TEXAS and for my entire life all I can remember is illegal invaders pouring over the border while the government kicks back and says, "Well, wtf do you expect ME to do about it??"

@realdonaldtrump And this is why they colluded against you. The WEF Globalists NWO agenda is greater than one man. They want a world wide digital prison....incoming is a cashless society.

@realdonaldtrump Beg your pardon sir, but YOU didn’t build the wall. Hard working American’s built the wall. There are Too many “I’s” in your speeches, not enough ‘We’s’. It’s arrogantly incorrect.
Not once have I heard you say, “I let the crooked democrats steal the election.”
No offense intended, just a fed up patriot making a point.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
This is what’s happened to America in just two short years. No respect! However, a good time for our President to get to know the leaders of certain Third World countries. If I were president, they wouldn’t have sat me back there—and our Country would be much different than it is right now!

@realdonaldtrump Why won't you say "antiwhitism" and "white erasure"?

@realdonaldtrump The queen's funeral is a distraction from the more important funerals.

@realdonaldtrump ME ME ME ME ME

WHAT ABOUT US? What about the J6ers? What about ... aww fuck it, you don’t give a shit about anything but yourself.

@realdonaldtrump Well, maybe if you hadn't wasted your four years in office shamelessly pandering to niggers and jews, while totally ignoring the White Americans who actually supported you, you might still be president.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The Radical Left controlled NARA (the National Archives and Records Administration), now becoming more famous than ever, placed a “Harmful Content Warning” on The Constitution of the United States, labeling our Country’s governing document as “harmful,” among other things. This Warning includes the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. Remember, this is the group wrongfully complaining about me—and instigating the Raid on Mar-a-Lago.

Who in the hell gave them the right to do any of that? That in and of itself should be punishable under the law. I'm so sick of rinos and leftists taking liberties with our rights and, our laws, our health, our food, etc. Government was NEVER EVER designed to be this way. They in fact should be the weakest of all the people in the land.


@realdonaldtrump That's what happens when the President we trusted to drain the swamp stood down and let them steal the Whitehouse. Now HRC announced that the money laundering operation known as the Clinton Foundation was back in business, thousands of corrupt high rollers lined up to sign up. That can only mean they know she is about to be put in a very powerful government position again and is ready to start selling out the country for profit again. INSURRECTION ACT could have saved this country. You stood down walked away and now we will all pay for it

@realdonaldtrump They hate him simply because he tells the truth and their Father Satan is a liar from the beginning.

@3stoogy @realdonaldtrump TRUMP haters are all PEDOS and Faggots !He is not in their club.

@realdonaldtrump the left is dangerous to America!!

@realdonaldtrump Keep exposing these anti-American assholes!

@realdonaldtrump The Constitution IS harmful. To THEM.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
I’ll soon be heading to the scene of the unwarranted, unjust, and illegal Raid and Break-In of my home in Florida, Mar-a-Lago. I’ll be able to see for myself the results of the unnecessary ransacking of rooms and other areas of the house. It has already been proven that so much has been wrongfully taken, it is not a “pretty thing.” So sad! The 4th Amendment, and much more, has been totally violated, a grave invasion of privacy. I will keep the American public informed on TRUTH!

@realdonaldtrump There’s so much hate even here on GAB for a man who loves America. Please get a life and modicum of civility.

@Eugarps @realdonaldtrump Please take your tongue off of his balls and stop the idol worship. The hate for him is growing, and for good reasons.

@CN_Duchess @Eugarps @realdonaldtrump and for what reason,I'm just a little curious to know what you know

@JWoody @CN_Duchess @Eugarps @realdonaldtrump if you have to be told you are beyond stupid.. foisting the depopulation agenda via vaccine on the people for one.. setting up his own patriots .. playing his stupid fuckin games.. like calling executing a search warrant a break in. .. so he can incite his stupid followers... everything about this puppet sell out is more and more obvious every day...

@realdonaldtrump stay the course sir, #WethePeople are with you!🙏🇺🇸

@realdonaldtrump If only you had purged the FBI.

@DavisH @realdonaldtrump he appointed Wray

@Misterogerz @DavisH @realdonaldtrump Trump's appointees were so shocking and incompetent: he'll probably appoint Biden to the Space Force high command or something.

@DavisH @realdonaldtrump and finished the wall!

@realdonaldtrump Who could have appointed swamp drainers, not communists like Wray?

Who could have fought huge government corruption and refused to sign bills reauthorizing garbage like Patriot Act type powers and endless increases in spending?

If only there was a position that could have done such things, and Trump had had it for 4 years.

@realdonaldtrump i ain’t no slap jaw faggot trump supporter who is begging for someone to save them

i save myself

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

You've Been Gaslighted: It's Clear Democrats Just Stole Another Election

When something is so obvious, if the outcome makes no sense, if the outcome is literally impossible, then it is what it is. Forget "proof." You know it. You saw it. You felt it. You experienced it. It happened. It's real.

It seems the 2022 midterm was just stolen. Just like 2020.

If you disagree, you're delusional, or terribly naive, or brain dead. Or you're in on the fix.

It's time to admit we're all part of a massive experiment in fraud, theft, brainwashing and gaslighting to a degree never seen in world history.

Think of all the times in just the past few years you've been gaslighted. I believe they lied to you about open borders...they lied about Hillary's 30,000 deleted emails... they lied about spying on former President Donald Trump... they lied about Russian collusion... they lied about a perfectly fine Ukrainian phone call... they lied about massive Biden corruption in Ukraine and China... they lied about the Hunter Biden laptop... they lied about the origins of COVID-19... they lied about the need for lockdowns and masks... they lied about the need for COVID-19 vaccines... they lied about the vaccines being "safe and effective"... they lied and covered up all the deaths and injuries from the vaccine... they lied about the success of miracle drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin... they lied about the 2020 election...

You've been the victims of nonstop, severe gaslighting for a decade now. You're all part of a human psychology experiment in the limits that government and media can go in propaganda and brainwashing... while you can see they're lying right in front of your eyes.

And these are the exact same people now telling you Democrats just overperformed, and stopped a GOP red landslide, against all odds, without cheating and stealing the midterm election.

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #crackpot

TOPICS TRUMP COULD HAVE TALKED ABOUT TUESDAY NIGHT: 1. That Biden and his son have been arrested and transported to Guantanamo Bay to go before the Military Tribunal. (also revealing Biden is played by actors, a clone/body double and so on). 2. That he, Donald J. Trump is the President of the Republic of the United States of America and that the US Corp was dissolved during his term in office. That he Donald J. Trump is Commander in Chief, holds the codes and never stepped down from his role as President. 3. The arrest and transport to stand trial of Pelosi, her husband and numerous members of Congress and the Senate. 4. The block chain evidence collected by Space Force from the 2020 Election and the 2022 Midterms (and the primaries) revealing the actual votes and the many methods by which the steal of those elections took place. 5. The rescue of hundreds of thousands of children from underground bases in Ukraine, the United States and numerous other key locations around the world. And the technology (known as medbeds) now being used to heal the children as well as the military who were part of those recovery operations. 6. The adrenochrome highway (pedo networks) that have been operating for decades stretching from Hollywood to DC and key figures and dark magicians running them. The coming revelations regarding patriot celebs and famous individuals who are still alive but whose deaths were faked to safeguard them during this key time including, Diana, JFKjr and others. 8. The coming revelations regarding indictments of Generals, and deep state players who orchestrated the installation of the takeover of the government of the United States including foreign countries and organizations such as the British crown, M!6, The Vatican, the German DVD and China (CCP)…and others. THESE ARE JUST SOME OF THE EARTH SHAKING REVELATIONS THAT TRUMP could talk about in addition to announcing his plan to run for President of the Republic in 2024.

Donald J. Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
Hopefully TODAY will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our Country!

( @KTH )
@realdonaldtrump Don't want an announcement that you're running. Want an announcement that the military is doing its job.

( @AxiumGreenWallace3 )
@KTH @realdonaldtrump Exactly! All I want to hear is the Military arresting the treason filled, election STEALING, pedo Cabal, fake "administration!" Why would Trump announce he's running? To get stolen like 2020?! This shit is getting really fuckin old! We need a REVOLUTION!

( @Linkster )
@KTH @realdonaldtrump Right! I will be pissed if it is just an annoucement for 2024. As I have thought it, it won't be just will be something more I believe....possibly much more. We will soon know.

( @PatriQt )
@realdonaldtrump I pray this is a we caught them, here is the evidence, and the NG are arresting them as I speak.

( @TrumpaBumpa )
@PatriQt @realdonaldtrump Surely you knew that Trump would say none of these things. SURELY you can see that the Q influencers here have been lying to us all along. If not now, perhaps you'll see it after 100 more "big announcements" turn out to be nothing?

( @lioneldeleon )
@realdonaldtrump Unless you are announcing a military action against an illegitimate government, today will only be hyperbolic political theater. Announcing your candidacy does not qualify as historical importance.

( @BrianOkajima )

( @private345 )
@realdonaldtrump Unless you are calling in the Military to arrest the Deep Staters and whisk them off to Gitmo for military tribunals - then anything else is nothing. Actually you should have done that 2 years ago.

( @EShafer )
@realdonaldtrump Our country is dead. It died on J6 when the people who were lawfully protesting and delivering a redress of grievances were arrested on false pretenses. It continues to be dead until we can have actual fair elections again. Voting will not fix anything.

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