Rapture Ready

ashkick01 #fundie rr-bb.com

I think it is unfair to say people in their 20-40s are clueless. I am 29 years old, my husband is 35. I am extremely well informed on current world events and the evils of our President. Mostly thanks to rapture ready news, Rush, and Mike Savage.

Christian Clarity Review #fundie christianclarityreview.wpblogs.com

[Is Rapture Ready too frivolous for you? Try this.]

There is no free will. It is not a case of “can I use my will this way or that?” or “am I within the bounds of the rules to do this or that with my free will?” There is no free will to use at all. Joseph was blessed of God to be visited by God and God was in Him as Word and Spirit through Abraham.

Therefore, whether the Romanists liar likes it or not, God wrestled against Himself exactly as man would wrestle with his own children in play. and exactly as God killed Himself through the means of the Romans on the request of the Jews at His express counsel to save His people from His Own wrath: in absolute lack of the free will of man.

Minori #fundie rr-bb.com

One of those websites had a bunch of quotes from "Christians" with a thread for commenting and rating system. I'm really disgusted by what a lot of these so-called "Christians" write.

People look at those boards and think that all Christians are like that. It's getting harder and harder to be taken seriously. I, for one, am glad that I didn't find very many quotes from Rapture ready.

booklover #fundie rr-bb.com

[Check out the irony in this one, from Rapture Ready]

I visited Haiti in 1984, and when I was there a missionary told us you couldn't understand the Haitian mindset without understanding voodoo. Someone who practices voodoo is always seeing signs everywhere--a world full of omens. I had no personal experience with voodoo while there except for 1 weird occurrence. I was in a store and a person there was visibly spooked by my blue eyes. (I guess that would fall into the omen thing).

duniegirl #fundie rr-bb.com

Brothers and sister in Christ, I have belonged to this site since last summer. When I found it I was so excited to fellowship with like minded people. At the same time I was reading the Left Behind series twice in a row. It all made.sense and fit together.

Then along came a new phone with videos. Many many pastors or teachers believe in the rapture and this is to my relief. Lately I have been hit with many many people "debunking" the rapture. I have been spinning my wheels defending it to the point where it is literally wearing me out!

In fact on one youtube site my comments, only mine, have been disabled.b/c I was not only defending the pretrib rapture but she was saying that the rapture is the great deception. That when we have to go thru the trib we will be so mad and disappointed in God we will be offended and fall.away!

I told this youtuber is very passionate that we will go through the 7 yr tribulation and not be raptured until the end, about Tims ideas that this would be a u turn rapture. Go home turn around and come right back.

She is insisting that if we believe in the pre-trib rapture we are not preparing ourselves and will end up being deceived by the AC and even taking the chip. On account of scripture that says even the very elect will be deceived.

I believe in the pre-trib rapture and like most of you have such faith in the Lord that if we are to suffer persecution I have already surrendered everything to Jesus and will do what I have to do to stay close to His holy throne. Even unto death.

I am sorry. I am just tired of trying to defend not just the idea of pretrib but the fact that Christians are calling it Luciferian and I will be a part of the great falling away. My heart is broken. The rapture is my blessed hope as is yours!


Have any of you noticed an uptick in bashing pre-tribbers? It's like it really makes people angry and we are all the body of Christ! I do know satan loves to cause diversion in the church but this, of course being from satan is something more. You all know how the persecution of.Christians is on the rise and coming to.America, it's almost as if us pre-tribbers will be the first thrown into the fire so to speak.

I never realized how much pre-tribbers are hated. Why?

I am only writing this because I feel like crying. My core belief, by fellow Christians, is "debunked" ok...but to say we are so deceived we are the falling away! Pre trib is the great deception spoken of in Revelation!

I am literally sad by this.

Please brothers and sisters any thoughts?

Anyone else being so.attacked by our stance that they tell you, you will end up worshipping the beast?


Love to you all! And as usual Rapture Ready is my constant safe haven in this cruel world!


Lee Rogers #conspiracy blacklistednews.com

[could also be a fstdt since I found the link at Rapture Ready]

Government terrorists are continuing their dark eugenics agenda of enslavement and death. The New York State Assembly has proposed a bill that would make all vaccines recommended by the CDC mandatory for any children attending the government’s brainwashing camps. These government brainwashing camps are more commonly referred to by the corporate controlled media as the public school system.

Magus55 #fundie iidb.org

You really don't know much about Roman Catholicism do you? It is the most heretical, unbiblical load of crap there is. Ever been to Rapture Ready? The apologetics topics are 90% of the time about Catholics because of how completely unbiblical they are. The Catechism and the Vatican/Pope take precedence over the Bible. 90% of the Doctrine Catholics follow are based on the Catechism, not the Bible, and they not only have no scriptural support - they have scriptural verses that specifically say what they believe in is wrong and blasphemy. The Catholic church is the biggest disgrace to Christianity there is.

Todd Strandberg #fundie raptureready.com

When it comes to Christians determining whom will get their vote, many base their decision on the candidate who offers them the greater financial reward. It doesn't matter if a Democrat has a poor record on moral issues. Many believers apparently think nothing of putting their pocket book ahead of their faith.

All disciples of Christ need to realize that some political issues should take priority over all other concerns. If a white supremacist group formed a national political party, it would be foolhardy for people to support that party based upon the fact they like the white supremacists' health care platform.

It was this type of narrow-minded thinking that got Adolf Hitler elected to office. Most citizens of Germany knew full well that the Nazis were brutalizing the Jews, but those citizens were mesmerized by utopian propaganda Hitler and his henchman were preaching.

Because we all will have to give an account of our lives, it is very important to realize the choices we make in the privacy of a voting booth will someday need to be defended before the open throne of God.

All end-time minded Christians should know that at some point freedom and liberty will be surrendered to a global government.

The Bible tells us the God of this world is the devil. The influence of Satan is the reason 90 percent of the press and Hollywood elite are liberals who vote exclusively for the Democratic Party. The one-minded eagerness of the left to influence the electoral process should act as a warning sign to the conservative base of this nation.

You can be a perfectionist and find a hundred things wrong with the Republicans. It is serious error to try compare a floundering friend to a deadly enemy.

Human government never will be able to solve the world's problems. There never will be true peace until the Prince of Peace establishes His Millennial Kingdom. That understood, until the Lord Jesus comes for His Church in the rapture -- presuming both major political parties in America continue to hold to their present party lines -- it is the view of Rapture Ready that Republican values are America's best political option.

mocha #fundie rr-bb.com

i find it hard to focus on school. my grades have slipped unfortunately but i really dont see much of a point anymore. I wanted to be an architect but im not sure if i'll be on this earth long enough to graduate HS anymore, which doesnt bother me much considerign i'd be graduating life in a way :P...i think that i probably need to get my act together and still do well in school but its extremely difficult when all these things are going on around me, all i want to do is go home and sit down in front of the comp and read rapture ready into the wee hours of the morning while reading my bible.

personally, i dont think i have a need for planning that far into the future given my stance on the end times which i cant say here because it would be date setting (i think, oh well), but for me i dont see a point, i know it would make me look stupid if none of the things that i think are going to happen happen and i end up living to be an old man, but even in that scenario i put my trust and my faith in God and i know he'll pull me through whatever challenges i encounter.

Basically no, i dont think we need long-term planning at this stage, maybe long term for other people, as a guide, but not for christians.

StormyLady999 #fundie rr-bb.com

I won't call him my President.

Obama may have been elected president, but he will never be my president. Unfortunately, the only thing I believe is he is exactly where God wants him to be, to maybe hasten the end times. This is only my opinion, but I couldn't believe it when he was elected.

I'm already on Medicare, so I'm not sure what this new health care mess will do with my insurance. I'm a diabetic and haven't taken any insulin or been to the doctor since last June. I just couldn't afford it anymore. I feel fine though.

When I heard what this evil wh Pelosi and ike were up to, I figured when it came time for it to go into effect, they would reject me anyway, saying something like "you are expendable." I've heard so much how they are going to be pushing euthenasia. Anyway, if the Lord calls me home then I'm all for it.

The only reason I feel I'm still here is because of my 18-year-old daughter. Her father died when she was 9. She is still very dependent on me emotionally. I've tried to talk to her about end time events. She knows about the end times. Unfortunately, it makes her sad because she is afraid she won't be able to have children. The way things are going today, I surely wouldn't want to bring children into the world right now. I know she was a gift from the Lord and he has a purpose for everyone, but sometimes I wish I had never had her. Everything is getting so much harder for everyone. It's hard going through all this myself. I can't even imagine what young people her age are feeling.

Sorry to go on so, just needed to get some of my feeling out.

The Lord bless and keep everyone on Rapture Ready.


ag_man #fundie rr-bb.com

Post Rapture (Atheist) Survival Guide

You guys will NEVER believe this!! I posted this thread first on the City-Data religious section of the forum for Atheist and other nonbelievers just a few minutes ago. It is a survival guide for Atheist who have rejected God and will be left behind. It's by Kurt Seland. Not less than 5 minutes after posting it up, it was subsequently deleted (I believe an Atheist reported me) and I received an infraction (temporary ban) from the City-Data forums for copyright infringement!! Wow!! But we all know what the REAL reason was! Here is my thread!

EDIT: Deleted the thread. Wow I just realized the post by Kurt Seland is the same as Rapture Ready's! But still!!

EDIT 2: Wow I have just received YET ANOTHER infraction for the very same thing!! Atheist are the devil-incarnate I swear!!!

A Watcher #fundie rr-bb.com

(Some patch of ground in South California is like 800 degrees, and some of our beloved Rapture Ready posters think it's hell "bubbling up".

Well it is Southern California. If hell was bubbling up I couldn't imagine another place more fitting!

Gamer4Christ #fundie rr-bb.com

Every night now when I go to bed I make sure I have clean sleeping clothes on and my jumping shoes on. Also I have my Rapture Letter on my PC desktop and in my car. So in other words "I am Rapture Ready!".

Todd #fundie raptureready.com

Right now, even the people who design computers may have a hard time conceiving the need for computation power anywhere near the one TeraHertz range. I have one event in mind that would thoroughly tax the capability of such a machine. When the rapture takes place, any server hosting Rapture Ready will be inundated with traffic.

numerous people #fundie rr-bb.com

*Rapture Ready people afraid of the CNN hologram*

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Great. That's the LAST thing we need.
People can't deny this stuff for much longer
It's happening quickly
Won't be much longer
I agree about it being freaky. Everything is really coming together isn't it?
well CNN is doing the hologram thing... looks freaky, but not quite real..

chimpburger, AnOminous, et. al. #wingnut #transphobia #ableist #senpai_noticed_us kiwifarms.net

[Highlights from a conversation about Fundies Say the Darndest Things on Kiwi Farms, where the OP challenged people to "find shit on there and their super spergy posts."]

chimpburgers: Haha these guys again.

They can shove their tranny communist white knighting right back where it came from as far as I'm concerned cause that's what this site looks like to me.

Proof of the blatant communism over there. Their pussy spines crackle when they hear about Trump.


AnOminous: It used to be actually about fundies. Now it's about them REEEEing at anything that triggers their euphoria and causes their fedoras to fly off.


NotCobalt: Yeah. But back then they actually made fun of the lulcows, known as fundies. Both sandniggers and jesustards were fair game.

I remember this fag was a huge target:


StarvingAutist: One of the comments linked in the OP called us an "alt-right/GamerGate safe space", probably because he falls into the "if you complain about SJWs then you're a racist" bullshit.


TimeToTurn: A formerly great site. 2016 Presidential election pretty much finished off everything great about the site. It used to be "Look at some crazy nut on X site", now it's "look at some mean thing a Republican said" and most of the posts were reposts from other left-wing blogs. Once gay marriage got legalised in the US, even the funny homophobia mostly stopped. It's too bad, because there's still tons of exceptional websites run by religious idiots of all faiths, but they'd rather just whine about what Donald Trump did this week. Distind's departure was basically the last straw of the devolution of FSTDT.

Haven't been on there in a while. Don't really feel like it. It was fun being left-wing and being a self-professed authoritarian at the same time, which got me quoted so many times. I just have to play an over-the-top version of what I believe IRL and they would get so triggered. Lots of great discussion was to be had, both from the SJWs freaking out and then the people who were actually semi-intelligent.

My scientific analysis blames this on the fact that FSTDT emerged with the New Atheism movement (along with Rational Wiki and other shit) and as that movement declined into infighting and irrelevance, so did its offspring, which is a reason why Rational Wiki and FSTDT (a proud partner of Rational Wiki) are shite nowadays.

I'm probably reminiscing too much now. Eh, right now I'm about as drunk as I was whenever I'd post there. Thanks for the thread, you Kiwi Farmers, even though I'll regret posting here before long.


I'm trying so hard right now to see the remnants of good on this site. But TimetoTurn does have a point about us being autistic as fuck. And @autism420 is still Islamic IMO.

Thanks man. Should be no surprise to you that a fellow autist like me would show up here. Autists there hate me. But it was glad I learned that all spergs needed to believe the same things about autism OR ELSE.


NotCobalt: [in response to a user making a list of quotes from the topic] What list? The one of "people you want to have sex with" or the one "These exceptional individuals used to belong to an ancient forum with like perhaps 500 active members, so they probably know each other, and I wish I had been a part of that cool kids club back when, but instead I was too poor to afford internet, so I just cried all day instead"?


sikotik: The site started going down hill as early as 2008 when every other user became a tranny &/or easily triggered furry.


TimeToTurn: Never knew Marjan got banned, but I can assume he would with the new administration. Distind only banned spammers and shit. The new administration seems intent on making it a "safe space". Even though they always made fun of other websites like Free Republic and Rapture Ready for "suppressing free speech". I can't post shit messing with them (or I could, if I had a day to waste). So Marjan/caamib/whatever he calls himself can't do the same. I'd assume Marjan might be back at some point, but I don't really care to investigate. They really hate TOR, too, nowadays.

David J. Stewart I'm sure is as crazy as always, but him getting any crazier would take divine intervention and I'd just await either reports of his death (guy's a painkiller addict) or more dealings with the Guam government.


Dr W: The problem was that they didn't branch out into mocking SJWs. That's what kept Kiwi Farms rather politically inert. Instead, they allowed a core of crazy tranny furry dipshits to eject fecal matter everywhere.

Damn shame, I used to love that site.


rianzi: Shame how the site became infested by SJWS. It used to be a nice place where you could laugh at religious loons.

Troll Tracker 3.16 #fundie rr-bb.com

[on the anti-troll team of Rapture Ready]

We have many fine citizens who work diligently to help protect and preserve the integrity and mission of this board.

The serpent whispers softly. Wolves enter in and walk amongst us. Ravenous birds of every sort gather. The lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.

We are all overseers, charged to feed and protect the flock which He hath purchased with His own blood.

Todd Strandberg #fundie raptureready.com

I'm very keen to read ever-negative email sent to Rapture Ready. Reading all the letters that disagree with the site helps me better understand why people have trouble with the end-time message. I use this information to help me refine the advice we offer to the public.

At the heart of many emails is content I identify as the "Sucker's Bet." These people view us "Doomsday Christians" as wasting our lives by endlessly waiting for a Lord who is never coming. They base their view on the idea that Jesus hasn't come in 2000 years, so this complete lack of activity should prove that He is not coming at all.

Some of these people bet they will have the satisfaction of watching me squander my life on a meaningless quest. But I'm not sure where they see the payoff. If I outlive them, there is no payoff. The only wager I see is their hope that Jesus doesn't come back and bring their carefree existence to a premature end.


When I respond to people, I reply to the real issue they are secretly addressing. People normally write me because they are bothered by events that confirm Bible prophecy. I point out to them that prophetic fulfillment is the real reason they're mad at me, and I warn them by saying, "If my luck with the end-time signs doesn’t run out soon, yours will.

ron4jesus #fundie rr-bb.com

(No! Say it isn't so!)

Google is picking up our threads

In Breaking news and world events there is a thread started called Bush hands over reins of US economy to EU. Everyone was questioning the source so I did a Google search and sure enough it's there the 5th one down that says it was from Rapture Ready. I created a thread in Ecology and Economics and saw my thread there as well called Spam is selling off the shelves. I frankly don't care what Google knows and what I say here but it shows we are being monitored. I know we are not suppose to be here when the AC comes but the technology is there already to see what is being said.
Go to Breaking news and world events and check out post 62,64,65,69 and see what I mean.

funmudder #fundie rr-bb.com

(Response to a Rapture Ready mom who is upset her son is learning evolution)

Creationism is touted as a part of Christian religion so is mostly banned. Some Christian teachers are more sympathetic, but over all, evolution is forced down throats as absolute fact-despite the lack of any evidence at all.
This is true even in the Bible Belt of the south.

I suggest you start giving a balanced education on this because the push is on to: enlighten kids out of their parents dark age understandings [/sarcasm]

Go to Answers in Genesis. Piles and piles of information from scientists that support creation. If you can, try to find Ben Steins movie "Expelled" It is a real eye opener to what your child will be force fed as 'truth'.

Carmen #fundie rr-bb.com

[From an administrator at Rapture Ready messageboard]

I believe this [people forming false memories] could happen. You tell yourself something long enough and you begin to believe it. I think (but don't know for sure, so don't quote me ) that this is the basic premise that brainwashing works by.

VictoryinJesus #fundie rr-bb.com

[A poll on Rapture Ready]

Would you ever have thought a year ago in 2007, by this time in 2008 so much information would be coming out showing the antichrist kingdom has been in the works behind the scenes for so long and is so far along towards becoming reality?

Trance #fundie rr-bb.com

(re: the end is near)

Like I said, I believe that our time on this earth is very quickly ending, and I have left my Bible and a book on Prophecies, as well as documents from the main page of Rapture Ready (I actually used an entire cartridge of ink), and placed them in a hidden place in my apartment, with instructions on where they are (I don't want these to fall into the wrong hands)

bazza #fundie prophecyfellowship.org

[getting all worked up about the Pullman's movie, the entire thread is a freaking gold mine...this board is spin-off of Rapture Ready]

Just watched the trailer...I don't think that this movie will flop, it will be the next Lord of the Rings, and it is a trilogy. Much prayer will be needed to keep children from going to this movie.

Rschmidt711 #fundie rr-bb.com

Has anyone else seen the website called Fundies Say the Darndest Things. It is disgraceful.
These people take posts off of Rapture Ready and numerous other Christian websites and put them on this site, so that they can be held up to ridicule.

First off, I don't know about law in regards to the internet, but is that even legal?

Secondly, it hurts to read the comments that these people make about stuff that we discuss very sincerely here. When I saw it, I was very grieved.

Let's pray for these misguided souls, that the Holy Spirit will work in them to bring them to Christ, before it is too late. It is terrible to see them so lost, and they all seem to be so full of hate, I just wish that would come to be full of Jesus' love.

Buzzardhut #fundie #senpai_noticed_us rr-bb.com

[New Rapture Ready Rule: You won't get into Heaven, unless you've been quoted by fstdt.]

There is a website especially dedicated for ridiculing and hating us.

If you are on there you are more than likely receiving a crown in heaven.

If you are not mentioned you need to question your salvation

My thanks to the pagans for solidifying our security

Paul Begley #fundie blog.chron.com

As if Texas’ drought wasn’t bad enough, it might be a sign of something worse, some Christians worry. A favorite fishing spot in West Texas has turned blood-red, cuing rapture-ready believers to claim that it’s evidence of the end times.

The OC Fisher Reservoir in San Angelo State Park has dried up, with lonely fish skeletons left in the basin and the remaining water a deep red. It looks like a biblical plague.

“Together now (the dead fish) float in clumps numbering in the thousands in and around that small pool of water that remains — its surface stained the color of blood by the amount of death and algae inside,” wrote John Boyd, of the Midland Reporter-Telegram.

* * * * *

The website Before It’s News proclaims, “Ever seen a lake turn BLOOD RED? First sign of the end of days!!!”

Indiana preacher Paul Begley, whose ministry appears to focus almost entirely on eschatology, sat before his video camera, drinking his signature coffee and shouting “Are you serious?” Citing Revelation 8:8 and 16:1-4, he asks, “How many more bible signs are we going to get? Jesus is soon going to return and will you be ready?”

Begley quotes signs referenced in Revelation 16, saying “The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it became as the blood of a dead man, and every living soul died in the sea. The third angel poured out his bowl upon the rivers and the fountains of water, and they became blood.”

David and Barbara Cerullo #fundie insptoday.com

[Credit - this was posted on Rapture Ready as too Darnded even for them].

Did you know 94% of all the preachers in the world live in North America—where only 6% of the world’s population lives?! How can we reach the world for Christ, when 96% of ALL the preachers are trying to reach 6% of the world?

[Read the rest of the article for the fundierific solution]

steve53 #fundie rr-bb.com

Somewhere way back in my relatively short posting history, I told y’all about my best friend fooling me (for many years!) into thinking he was born again (and here I thought I was fairly discerning). We joined up as business partners and then I found out the truth. He is in fact not saved. He is instead very caught up in, and thoroughly deceived by, the New Age “teachings” so prevalent today. I have of course, tried to witness to him to no avail.

Long story short, the unequal yoke has resulted in very hard times for the business and strained our friendship terribly. I moved my family up here to WNC for what we thought and prayed would be a better life. Everything fell into place so rapidly that we were sure we had the Lord’s blessings.

It has been nothing but trial after trial ever since.

The business has been nothing but a financial drain on my life’s savings which are now gone. I've since started another business on my own and I need some contracts right away. My family life has degenerated as well. My wife’s faith in me as a breadwinner is shattered. Although she has never gone without in all our years together, now that times are tight (Without getting into more detail, please trust me when I say things are bad. Very bad.) she is turning on me. My wife is born again (she even read the Left Behind series and loved them) but is being drawn into Oprah’s deceptions. When I try to talk with her I’m “preaching”. My wife resents my spending time with y’all – and this is only place I find comfort anymore. She calls y’all my “Rapture Ready cult”! These spiritual attacks are weighing me down and robbing me of inner peace.

Alberto Trippe #fundie ruraptureready.blogspot.com

This site is dedicated to converting hethen-liberals into God-fearing conservatives who follow the words and wisdom of George W. Bush, reject the ACLU and pro-homosexual agenda. I want to prepare you liberals for conversion and for the coming Rapture. R U Rapture Ready? You better be or you will be left behind.

lyngraphics #fundie rr-bb.com

I have had an uneasy feeling the last several years, kind of an impending doom thing. I was always checking out survivalists websites and keeping food in stock, etc. (Some of this was after our area went crazy and had the biggest evacuation in history during Hurricane Rita-we stayed home) I even printed out much of the ready.gov info off their website. Even though I was saved when I was 12, I still wasn't clear about the rapture.
Then I started researching the rapture more and realized that this is what I was waiting for, and I had nothing to worry about as I would not be here for most of the disasters awaiting the world. Now I am excited!!! I am still prepared, since we live in very uncertain times, but I am not as scared, because I know where we will end up. I don't understand the Christians who say they are not 'ready' for the rapture! How can you not be ready to meet our Maker??? I can't wait!

SmokinJoe1977 #fundie rr-bb.com

We all know what happened after 9/11, and I can't imagine what kind of horrific scenes willl occur right at the second of the Rapture...

Just about ALL vehicals will crash, power outages, and people will be in chaos. everyone will lose someone in the Rapture, if they are left behind... People need to be ready, get your soul ready. Because, the Rapture is very near...

Closer than we even think, because, we are witnessing Jews returning to their land. Its not going to be a pretty sight when we as christians leave this earth, when Jesus comes to get us.

Look, up in the sky, its a bird, its a plane, no.... Its Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior!

I'mready #fundie rr-bb.com

Jim, I definitely feel like a stanger in a world I don't belong in. I ran out of all my 'Why Lord's' about 20 years ago. I am still learning to Trust Him each day.
In another thread in this forum "Where is US in All This" most of the comments there were how that the US is not mentioned in Prophecy and that 'something' drastic would have to happen ie. the Rapture - Nukes - Earthquake or some event that would turn the USA in to a non-player in End Time events. I believe that God, in His Mercy will allow some Major event in The United States that will get peoples attention (knock them off the fence) seperate sheep from goats - you know get some Ready for the Rapture. No matter what - this world IS passing away - it will all be burned up it is all wood, hay and stuble - Only that which is done for Christ will Last .

Until it Happens we always have the Blessed Hope.

BuzzardHut #fundie rr-bb.com

[In a topic about whether or not it is right to teach children religion.]

My boys are 6 and 8
they learn about Jesus, they know about Noah and the flood, they understand sin, they know the bad guys don't like Jesus, they understand that jesus was pinished on the cross for the things they have done wrong, they have told Jesus they are sorry for doing wrong and ask Jesus if they can be in His family, they are not sure about water baptism, they are ready for the rapture, they know Jesus has a mansion prepared for them, they understand they return with Jesus at the second coming on white horses, they hope their 2 dogs will be with them in the millennium, they understand socialism is wrong, they don't want anyone voting for Obama in 2012

we haven't discussed religion yet

Various Commenters #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #psycho youtube.com

Various Commenters on a conspiracy video - “The Simpsons Election Day 2020 Predictive Programming”, Uploaded by EndTimesTV

Who’s here after the Capitol Riots

(Abeselsome Alene)
Does anyone ever have the feeling that these aren’t predictions but plans 🤔

It’s all written in the Bible

@Grey Alien this is the final decade. The age of grace aka church age is soon coming to an end.Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture(this decade) dont get left behind from rapture to face great tribulation coming to earth. America will be nuked and invaded by russia and china in near future to usher in new world order. Nwo beast system led by antichrist obama and false prophet pope francis ready to take over after rapture. Dont believe the coming massive deception of alien abduction explanation for rapture from obama. Fema concentration camps will be activated around the world post rapture. Refuse coming vaccine and rfid chip implant aka mark of beast at all costs.

Its easy, until january 20th TRUMP will expose that there was Voter froud. After that the deepstate and the democrats will start riots and looting again and try to take out trump. Thats why simpsond predicted trump to be dead. The show just startet guys.

*follow-up comment*

@Robbi Shiflett they will blame trump for the riots, the media and the left will blame it on him, just like they blame everything on him what they actually do. They will say : look what trump did, he is the reason for the riots cause he won the court with illegal proof and the people rioting cause they dont want to have him in the white house.
Even if joe biden gonna fall from the steps to the podium they will probibly say, look thats because of trump😂😂

(flc lp)
@25BUlleTs5 damn this was happened today the so called trump supporters(ANTIFA DRESSED UP USING TRUMP'S paraphernalia) stormed the capitol wtf

C. Little #fundie rr-bb.com

Suppose that the AC and his minions are ready and waiting for the rapture. As soon as it is apparent that it's happened, he launches about 1/2 dozen EMP's over the U.S., Europe, and the Far East. Thus completely wiping out all communications around the globe.

The rapture happened, but as far as anyone who is left knows, they just can't locate some of their friends and family, and they just figure it's because they have no way to communicate. The plains and cars all crashed because all the electrical systems went out. There are no widespread reports of people vanishing because there is no way to widely communicate with one another. There's complete chaos, and as soon as some power is restored, just to organize things again, we can give out an ID tag for everyone that will at least allow them to buy some food. We'll just make a mark on your hand or forehead that has this handy barcode in it to facilitate getting by while everything has to be rebuilt. If you told the Katrina refugees they needed this mark to get some food, I doubt you would have gotten any argument, especially if they had no idea of the rapture or the mark, or anything else Biblical.

All the chaos that has just gone on, forces the return of the twelfth Imam, and the long awaited Jewish Messiah, who will make some supernatural appearance. Ta da, I'm here to save the day.

Okay, it's just a wild thought.

Pastor Harry Walther #fundie satansrapture.com

THE BIBLE CODE SHOWS TWO PATHS FOR 2015, 5775 (Hebrew Calendar),



ECLIPSES = APRIL 15 2014 TO SEPT 28 2015 AND




KingKakashi(LoneWolf1984) #fundie narutomania.com

[I am a Christian and this is complete bullshit...You really need to tell whatever cult you are in to shove it.]

You call yourself a christian. You won't even stand up for a brother in Christ.

Christians like you give us the bad rap. Rapture is coming soon....Are you ready?

Jesus was bold, Peter was bold, Paul was bold, I guess you are not bold to stand up for your faith like I'm doing.

Cynthia Duncan #fundie amazon.com

Yes Mr.Greenstone you are biblically correct on this. We are In the last days and the rapture Is a breath away. If people aren't ready they will be left behind to contend with the anti-christ and his antics....Look for everyone that has blood In your body...God created you. To believe In the rapture or God Or Jesus Is your choice. He's still God ! Eternity Is a VERY long time to be WRONG........If you decide to jump off a 2 story house,whether you believe It or not you're going down. Because gravity Is real. God Is Real ! It's a dangerous thing to be thrown Into the hands of the Living God.

itsme #fundie answers.yahoo.com

The rapture and tribulation will happen this year, so get ready!

Is it the end of the world? Earthquakes and volcanoes are increasing each year! World War 3 is about to start! Economic collapse is coming this year! It happens every 7 years as the bible predicts. 2001 7% stock market collapse and 911 attack! 2008 Worldwide crash and 777 point stock market collapse! 2015 is next for a total economic collapse! The bible predicts a seven-year tribulation of hell on earth! The antichrist and false prophet will be ruling the world! Electricity will be turned off. There will be famine and total collapse of society! Jesus will rapture (remove) His people from the earth before the 7-year tribulation starts this year! Ask Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior and read the bible daily to get raptured!

Ann #fundie answers.yahoo.com

(How come some people can't see the overpopulation problem? When animals die off because their habitat is destroyed in producing more food for human animals, you know there is not a single country that is not overpopulated today.)

Just wait, the rapture will take place and those Christians who are ready will all leave. Then you can have more room.

OCSANDLOVER #fundie rr-bb.com


I beleive as well as I feel in my spirit that our country is on it's last round! The economy is collapsing big time! I have been stocking up on food & water! I think this will be the last call to the people of America from God .I beleive as eveything collapses in this country God will use us his people to bring in the last harvest here in this land before the rapture! From what I can see this is happening quickly!Stand Ready To do His Work!

JY11 #fundie rr-bb.com

I'm very anxious and I wish the Rapture was yesterday. I've had a couple of "false starts" lately where I've thought I've heard a trumpet blast but alas it was just my imagination fueled by heightened anticipation.

This may seem odd, and may not be the correct thread for this, but over the last several months my 5 senses seem to be more acute than at any point in my life. I can hear noises that are farther away or are quieter than what I would normally hear clearly. My sense of smell has become the most acute. When walking outside, I am enjoying wonderful aromas that I have never smelled before and cannot identify. With outdoor flowers, I can smell them from a greater distance than ever. Keep in mind I am aging, not getting younger!

I and others here in the RR forum have mentioned how cloud formations seem especially unusual this year. In addition to that for me, it seems like the leaves and grass are more vividly green than ever before. In a nutshell, my senses--especially sight, hearing, and smell--have been suddenly sharpened.

My thought process regarding this increased sensory ability is that perhaps the Lord is giving me a preview of coming attractions so to speak. It could be a way of assuring me that He is at the door and that the Rapture is exceedingly close.

So, yes, my bags are packed and I'm ready to go!

Marilyn Agee #fundie prophecycorner.com

[Uh oh, better get right with God soon guyz!!]


Before the Tribulation starts, maybe Av 10, 5768 (Monday, August 11, 2008. Let's be ready from now until it takes place.

Sacrifice of the red heifer when she is four years old (she is past 3.5 now)
Priests, purified with the ashes of the red heifer, should start building the Temple soon after the Rapture.

PENTECOST, Sivan 6, 5769 (Friday, May 29, 2009) Beginning of the 2300 days of Dan. 8:12-14 (Jewish inclusive reckoning).
The first beast of Rev. 13 will reign. The Peace Treaty will be in effect.

The 1260th day, Heshvan 23, 5773 (Thursday, Nov. 8, 2012, by Inclusive reckoning). The False Prophet will begin his reign.

2300th day of the Tribulation
It should be the FEAST OF TRUMPETS, Tishri 1, 5776 (Sunday night or Monday, September 14, 2015), the DAY OF THE PRE-WRATH RAPTURE, the DAY OF THE LORD, and the DAY OF GOD'S WRATH
The 7 Trumpet judgments will be sounded by angels, not God

THE SEVEN-MONTH GAP (Eze. 38:18-20; 39:12,13)

7 months after the Day of God's Wrath in a Hebrew Leap Year,
Nisan 1, 5776 (the Saturday Sabbath, April 9, 2016)

Dave #fundie answers.yahoo.com

Christians i got a question for you all about the rapture...?
we all know there is a strong debate about whether there is going to be a pre-trib rapture (like in the left behind series) a mid-trib rapture, or a post-trib rapture....

but i heard an idea that is quite new to me that i never thought of from my youth pastor the other day, and wanted to get you opinion on it...

his idea is that as every side can site verses that their view on the rapture is correct that all 3 views are right, and there will be 3 raptures and each one taking those that are faithful to him leaving everyone else who isn't yet ready to become the bride of christ on earth a little longer to mature spiritually to the point jesus wants them to be.. as the Church is supposed to be the bride of Christ, and would you mary a baby? since that is what it would be in the case of Jesus looking at the state of the Church now as most people who call themselves christians still have a lot of matureing to do.

so think it makes sense if there were multiple raptures?

Katy-Anne #fundie aussiemama4jesus.blogspot.com

I mean, this is why when the rapture happens everybody will be geared up for all the stupid reasons people come up with for what happened, because they are used to fantasy. Fantasy is a trap of the devil and he's getting everyone ready by getting their minds so in tune with fantasy and science fiction so that he can explain away anything to do with God at the time of the rapture, give other explanations that will sound reasonable because people are so used to the fantasty mindset that they just accept it.

TaxCollector #fundie rr-bb.com

Seriously though, everything is happening so fast now that I don't use the term 'years' when talking about the Rapture occuring, its more like days. Time is very short. Make sure the people you know are ready.

SoundingtheAlarm #fundie rr-bb.com

(from the "Are they ready for this" thread - a fantasy about Barack Obama addressing the world after Michelle Obama attempts suicide because her daughters disappear in the rapture):

BREAKING NEWS ALERT: "Ladies and Gentleman...citizens of the USA and THE WORLD....I stand before you a broken man.....normal protocol in more certain times would allow for myself to keep all personal issues relating to the welfare of my young precious daughters in the utmost of secrecy...But I and my wife ...like all of you have suffered loss at this most destressful time. Both our daughters like hundreds of thousands of you and your children and family members are MISSING and that revelation was more than my wife could bear...and as it has been reported in the last 12 hours my wife made a vain attempt to end her life'' "thankfully that attempt failed and she is with her physician and her mother recovering" "Our spiritual mentor Reverend Wright is by her side as well"

"And as such I have taken the liberty to speak with him privately leading upto this address ...I also have spoken with several other spiritual advisors and we have conferred that due to the reckless attempts of many to suggest that somehow this was an event relegated to a select group of people in this multi cultural world is both narrow minded and prejudicial and at a time such as this I will neither tolerate nor standby as in the position and authority I have I find it paramount to take this opportunity to silence all voices of hate and bigotry" "So effective immediately during this time of declared Martial Law I am instituting a moratorium of any mention of what is being called The Rapture" "it will be equal to hate speech and the prosecution of such crimes will be severe and swift"

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