
Robert T Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

Has a person ever made you so angry you wished he was dead? Then why can't you feel and express that same fervency of anger towards true criminals such as atheists, pedophiles, homosexuals, murders, rapists and etc? It is likely that the people who made you so angry did not commit death worthy crimes in the society; but the people we have name have. What you should wish for these people is that the government put them to death.

Robert T. Lee #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth #sexist #wingnut tencommandments.org

What the heathen Statue of Liberty really means


Freedom to seek asylum in America from the rightful stigmatization of true criminality in other nations

Freedom to practice homosexuality or lesbianism

Freedom to murder innocent human embryos and fetuses

Freedom to publicly blaspheme God

Freedom to worship satan (Note: we do not capitalize the word satan even when it begins a sentence).

Freedom to practice obstetrics and gynecology as a male physician

Freedom to make and sell pornography

Freedom from the death penalty for death-worthy crimes

Freedom to abandon children to daycare and public schools while seeking the fleeting American dream.

Freedom to make a living off foolish, vain and immoral employment.

Freedom to abandon parents to nursing homes.

Freedom to wrongly serve in government as homosexuals, lesbians and other high criminals.

Freedom for women to foolishly seek to be equal with men.

Freedom to foolishly petition the government for immoral interests.

Freedom to receive food stamps, veteran benefits and other federal financial benefits while a criminal or muderer in prison.

Freedom to elect moral criminals such as homosexuals, lebians, murderers, robbers and other criminals to government positions.

Freedom to make heroes and celebrities out of deathworthy criminals.

Freedom to sell and purchase crime tools and art of muderers.

Freedom to produce and make megabucks off violent and murderous video games, toys, movies and music in order to teach children how to become violent and murderers.

Robert T Lee #fundie tencommandments.org


In the above article, I have proved that atheism did not have an earthly and human origin, but had its origin from satan before this state of time. Out of all the responses I have received from atheists, not one has been able to intelligently and credibly dispute that fact. They are confounded that they cannot come up with a human author and earthly time of existence for their atheism. They are quick to erroneously claim that the TEN COMMANDMENTS were authored by a human, and some of them claim that Moses authored them, but they cannot name an earthly author and time of origin for their own philosophy.

Why are atheists so quick to try to attach a human to the TEN COMMANDMENTS when they cannot do so to their own philosophy? If Satan is not atheism's author and atheists cannot pinpoint a human author, perhaps their atheism came into being by a cataclysmic explosion. LOL! Or perhaps atheism brought itself into existence by its own prior nonexistence. LOL!

So I have two bold challenges for atheists: If satan is not the author of atheism, I hereby challenge the most educated and capable of them to prove that satan is not its author and prove that it had an earthly origin. I also challenge atheists to prove that the TEN COMMANDMENTS were authored by a human. Before you try the latter impossibility, read my article titled: "God is the Author of the TEN COMMANDMENTS".

Society for the Practical Establishment and Perpetuation of the TEN COMMANDMENTS #fundie #homophobia tencommandments.org


Thus we see that God requires death for homosexuality just as he requires death for murder. This tells us that homosexuality is at least equal to the heinousness of murder. All homosexuals should be regarded by every society to be just as much criminals as are cold-blooded murderers.

Although homosexuality is at least as heinous as the crime of murder, it can be and is often more heinous than murder. When a person commits the crime of murder, he may not murder but one person and may never commit the crime again. Or even if he murders 10 or a 100 people, at some point his murders stop. But homosexuals often remain such their entire lives and they may commit the act hundreds of time. They may also spread the AIDs virus to many innocent people who may die from the AIDs.


Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

Imagine that you could listen to or talk face-to-face with satan about any subject that has to do with God.

Then bring to remembrance anything you've heard atheists say against God. (Or if you are an atheist, you know your own sentiments and thoughts).

Now, if you try, you will find that it is impossible to imagine satan expressing sentiments about God different than what atheists express. Satan certainly is not going to speak positively about God, and neither are atheists. So, what both think and verbalize is in complete harmony with one another.

Atheism is therefore a doctrine of demons, and in many, if not all cases, atheists are demon-possessed.

So it is quite possible that when you read the writings of atheists, or heard them speaking, all you heard was demons ranting against God.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

Demons cause more than one type of expression on the faces of the people whom they possess: There is the glassy-eyed look and stare of the epileptic; the feminine look in the male homosexual; the masculine look in the lesbian; the look of education and sophistication; the look of innocence and truth in the liar, etc...

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

One cannot have thoughts of a true GOD without actually thinking of the true God, because there is no true God other than the true God. In other words, one cannot imagine a true God without actually thinking of the true God. There are no imaginations of the true God apart from actually thinking of the true God. The true God is not a God of the imagination.

Robert T Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

The close quarters of the Columbia space shuttle was not an approriate place for women to share with men. 2/16/03

Was sex in space one of the experiments the columbia crew performed? If so, the ones who were married committed adultery in space and the rest committed formnication and perhaps homosexuality. If that is so then they got what they deserved. Should those who help corrupt and introduce human depravity into space be regarded as heros? 2/16/03

Robert T Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

GOOD MORNING CLASS: Today I issue a bold challenge to all atheists - a challenge that not even the most educated and meticulous thinkers of them will be able to satisfactorily answer in any way. The only thing they will be able to do in effort to effectually rebutt this challenge is to babble unintelligently.

The challenge has to do with the issue of human death. The sentence of death (which comes from God as a result of mankind having committed high treason against God's kingdom in the first man Adam) is one that every person of mankind cannot escape as long as mankind exists. (The actual experience of death is one that few humans will escape). Every atheist BELIEVE and even KNOW that every person of mankind, must die. However, even though they believe and know this fact, not one of them can supply SCIENTIFIC PROOF to that effect. Their belief is not based on any type of SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE.

This is so because no scientific proof actually exists to that effect. If there was scientific proof, it would also point to a specific time, date and type of death. But despite the fact that their death is inevitable, there is no so-called "scientific proof" to that effect. The only real proof is found only in the unadulterated teachings of Holy Writ - the Bible. Duly noting that death has prevailed over all mankind throughout their history is not proof that all will be overtaken by death in the future. It is only proof that death has prevailed thusfar, (since there will be certain people who will not be overtaken by death in the future).

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

I have proved that atheism did not have an earthly and human origin, but had its origin from satan before this state of time. Out of all the responses I have received from atheists, not one has been able to intelligently and credibly dispute that fact. They are confounded that they cannot come up with a human author and earthly time of existence for their atheism. They are quick to erroneously claim that the TEN COMMANDMENTS were authored by a human, and some of them claim that Moses authored them, but they cannot name an earthly author and time of origin for their own philosophy.

Why are atheists so quick to try to attach a human to the TEN COMMANDMENTS when they cannot do so to their own philosophy? If Satan is not atheism's author and atheists cannot pinpoint a human author, perhaps their atheism came into being by a cataclysmic explosion. LOL! Or perhaps atheism brought itself into existence by its own prior nonexistence. LOL!

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

I'm sure you are aware of how violent America's and the world's community of youths have gotten, even at very young ages.

[Two stories of teen violence, neither of which mention anything about atheism.]

Now do you realize who the people are who are responsible for children having gotten so violent? The answer is ATHEISTS and other non-beleivers in the true God. So you may ask how can this be? The reason why they are responsible is because they hate God and teach their children against God (which is the highest form of child abuse). For example: Atheists hate the TEN COMMANDMENTS because God is their Author. In the TEN COMMANDMENTS, God commands all mankind not to kill, not to steal, to honor our parents and so forth. Since atheists hate God and His Commandments, they teach their children and the children they have authority over against God and against His commandments. There is no other morality other than God's Moral Law. God is the Author of all morality. Since atheists teach children against God's morality, they have to in turn be teaching them to do the very things God says not to do.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

Was sex in space one of the experiments the columbia crew performed? If so, the ones who were married committed adultery in space and the rest committed formnication and perhaps homosexuality. If that is so then they got what they deserved. Should those who help corrupt and introduce human depravity into space be regarded as heros?

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

If there could ever be truly justifiable reasons for pregnant females to have abortions, none would be more justified than the cases wherein the females could receive true knowledge that they are carrying homosexuals in their wombs. On the basis of Leviticus 20:13, I wholeheartedly support abortions in such cases.

Robert T Lee #fundie tencommandments.org


GOOD MORNING CLASS: Today I'm going to present to you some facts you have never heard, but which no one can dispute the principles thereof.

One astonishing fact about atheism is that whatever negative sentiments and statements it makes against Christianity are always true about itself instead.

There are several atheists who have tried to have me censured on the false accusation that I advocate antiSemitism. The truth is, atheists are the ones who advocate antiSemitism. But they are so blind they don't realize it.

For example: It is the atheists who deny the truth or veracity of the Bible. They say it is full of contradictions and none of it should be believed. That false claim turns out to be antiSemitism to the core, because the history of the Jews of old is corroborated in the Bible. To deny the truthfulness of the Bible is to deny the history of the Jews.

Atheists deny the existence of God, but the history of the Jews prove that no person or group of people established the nation of Israel of old. It was established by the Almighty God and Him alone. To deny the existence of God is to deny the makings of the nation of Israel of old.

The ethnicity of the Jews is living visible proof of the truthfulness of the Bible. To say that the Bible isn't true is equivalent to denying the historical veracity of the holocaust. It is like joining the most radical Palestinian in saying Israel's existence should not be recognized because the Bible isn't true and shouldn't be believed.

Since atheism is hostile to God and rejects His existence and the veracity of the Bible upon which the history of the Jews of old is corroborated, atheism is hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as an ethnic group and as a people who once were in covenant relationship with God.

The astonishing thing about these facts is that there have been and are people who call themselves "jews" who also are atheists. Sheesh!

Robert T Lee #fundie tencommandments.org


Even though computers aren't capable of rational thought and know nothing about morals, yet they have more sense than the most learned atheist. Case and point: The other day while working on a PC, I began deleting unwanted files. There was an html file that showed all of the TEN COMMANDMENTS. Since it was a duplicate file, I decided to delete it also. When I clicked "delete", the usual message came on the screen that said, "Are you sure you want to send the 'TEN COMMANDMETS' to the Recycle bin?" The question struck me very deeply because of how it was worded and for a moment I hesitated to delete the file. After clicking "yes", a message box came up on the screen that said an illegal act had been performed by a program. Now what atheist or heathen has sense enough to think as correctly as that unthinking computer. Atheists do not think it's an illegal act to try to destroy the TEN COMMANDMENTS.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

Another objection we will encounter from proponents of the first amendment is, they will say "Even though the first amendment allows for a heterogeneous society, it also allow those who want to worship the true God to do so. You are not being prevented from practicing your religion and expressing the same."

But those who would make such an assertion do not really understand what it means to honor, worship and obey the true God under a heathen government and in a heterogeneous society. True worship and obedience to God puts saints in direct conflict with a heathen government and with all of the idolatrous religions and ideologies. The principles of democracy and manmade beliefs are the direct antithesis to the principles of the kingdom of God. If there are certain righteous practices of the saint which the heathen government thinks should not be practiced, the government is going to seek to prevent those practices by seeking to bring the saints into obedience to the heathen laws of democracy. Therefore, because the saint lives in a heathen and heterogeneous society, he is going to suffer as a result of his worship and obedience to God.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

[Atheists] are responsible for all the moral decline in America and the world community.

Atheists and all other nonbelievers in the true God - regardless of their level of "education" and position in society - are therefore the true criminals of the world community and if there is a sane government, it should treat them accordingly.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

Because the first amendment gives the inhabitants of America the so-called "right" to embrace and practice whatever idolatrous religions or weltanschauungs they desire, it actually inspires the creation of delusions and deceptions of every type. It's an inducement to the godless to invent whatever deceptive persuasion or viewpoint they desire for the purpose of brazenly expressing and exploring their foolish "freedom" for the purpose of giving deceptive justification to their particular idolatrous lifestyles and the evil deeds they desire to perform, for the purpose of publicly beclouding truth, leading the gullible from truth to their particular idolatrous persuasion, in order to gain a following, gain political influence for their particular ideology as a group, or to make riches and attain worldly fame. This is the reason why there's such a great number of crackpots who call themselves leaders, preachers, experts and etc., and why there are so many different groups whose agendas are pure vanity, evil and deception.

Ex_Athiest #fundie tencommandments.org

[Part of a long tract called Exposing the Atheist]

Imagine that you could listen to or talk face-to-face with satan about any subject that has to do with God.

Then bring to remembrance anything you've heard atheists say against God. (Or if you are an atheist, you know your own sentiments and thoughts).

Now, if you try, you will find that it is impossible to imagine satan expressing sentiments about God different than what atheists express. Satan certainly is not going to speak positively about God, and neither are atheists. So, what both think and verbalize is in complete harmony with one another.

Atheism is therefore a doctrine of demons, and in many, if not all cases, atheists are demon-possessed.

So it is quite possible that when you read the writings of atheists, or heard them speaking, all you heard was demons ranting against God.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

Are you a homosexual or gay male who feel you are a female with a male's body? Or are you a homosexual or gay female who feel you are a male with a female's body? Its time you are told the truth about what is happening to you.

The terribly abnormal feelings you have are indisputable indicators that you are morally sick and totally depraved. But please note carefully the following fact: The feelings, thoughts, imaginations and indecent desires you have that are opposite to your physical gender and proper role may also indicate that you are possessed by one or more demons. Think about it: Why are you physically a male who feel you are really a female? Or why are you physically a female but feel you are a male? What would make you feel you are the opposite to your physical gender when you do not willfully or intentionally make yourself feel that way? It is because another being inhabits your body. At some point in the past, one or more demons entered into you and began to inhabit your physical self. As a result, you can clearly see your true physical gender, but the demon(s) are preventing your true self from manifesting itself and are making you feel, speak, have desires and act in ways opposite to your true gender.

Robert T. Lee #racist tencommandments.org

Why do the Jews see Hitler as the greater monster when the Nazi regime did what it did in time of war, while America's murders exceed the Nazi in numbers and heinousness in time of peace?

All of the murdered persons in their embryonic and fetus stages are far more innocent than any one of the adult Jews who were put to death by Hitler. In fact, many of those Jews were high criminals. Why do the Jews not vent any anger towards and seek the punishment or death of legislators, leaders, the people who are members of abortion special interest groups and etc. who have been instrumental in having abortion legalized? Why do they not seek the punishment of abortion doctors and other who have and are participating in a Holocaust more heinous than that which took place by the hands of the Germans?[...]

If the Jews are God's favorite people, why are the vast majority of Jews in hell who have died? If they are god's favorite people and ninety-nine percent of all who have died are in hell, doesn't that indicate that satan was the god that favored them?

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org


Throughout the history of mankind, coldhearted criminals who have committed the heinous crime of murder, have sought various ways to keep from being rightfully punished by the government for their murders. Many have not been successful in their endeavors. However, there is a class of criminals who have been quite successful. Below is a list of means they are using in america to get away with not only a single murder, but mass murder. If you want to murder BIG TIME and get away with it, these are some of the things you must do.
1. Get so-called "experts" to make the words "TERMINAL ILLNESS" mean that a person will most definitely always have the illness without the remotest possiblity of getting well, get foolish legislators to make the concept legal, and then legally put to death those who are "TERMINALLY ILL" who are depleting your financial resources, or those who ask to die.
2. Get so-called "experts" to classify certain members of the human race as being non-humans and get foolish legislators to make the classification legal.
3. Get chosen as a member of a state's pardon and parole board so that you can let out of prison murderous recidivists who will murder again.
4. Become a high government official, particularly president, federal judge or legislator.
5. Get rich.
6. Become a defense attorney so that you can defend murderers.
7. Live in a state that doesn't have the death penalty and kill as many people as you desire.
8. If you hate children and like to put to death innocent people, become an abortion doctor or an abortion doctor's assisstant.
9. If you hate people who are terminally ill, pretend to have a deep love and mercy for them in their sufferings and kill them.
10. Kill someone and pretend you are insane.
11. Murder someone before you turn 18.
12. Be a female
13. Receive the sympathy of the satanic news media and anti-death penalty special interest groups.
14. In the ring, hit him hard enough if you are a famous boxer.
15. Be the jury's hero
16. Hire a famous attorney who really knows his stuff about the murderous american constitution.
17. Become a pathologist, and go into business assisting the so-called "TERMINALLY ILL" to commit suicide.
18. Get nominated as a supreme court justice and decide who has a "constitutional" right to live and who doesn't.
19. If you want to hire someone to perform a murder for you, hire anyone of the people in the positions we have named above. But in order to get away with the murder, it MUST be done "legally" or "constitutionally."
Lobby against the death penalty and get foolish legislators to make laws against the death penalty. Then kill or have killed the person or people you hate.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

atheism is properly defined as a denial of the existence of God in the midst of full knowledge that the true God does indeed exist. Atheism knows God exists; it is quite familiar with that fact, but it says "under no circumstance or situation will I admit to God's existence."

Atheism clearly perceives the fingerprints of God on all of creation, but refuses to admit He is the Creator. Atheism perceives the divine authorship of the TEN COMMANDMENTS, but refuses to admit that God is their Author. Atheism perceives the decorousness and perfection of the TEN COMMANDMENTS, but refuses to admit they are superior to all other laws. Atheism clearly perceives the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ, but refuses to admit His divinity. If an atheist could see the wounds in the body of Christ and actually feel them with his hands, he would deny that the wounds are there. Atheism is deliberate effort to never admit the existence of God.

Atheism is the ultimate of satanism. Ask satan does God exist and he will deny it. Ask him does satan exist and he will deny his own existence even while in your presence. Atheism holds the Bible in one hand, but deny its existence by denying its truth with the other.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

Just like those who were members of the KKK who were in positions of law enforcement and who worked in the criminal justice system protected other KKK members who were brought before the criminal justice system for committing crimes against blacks, so too, homosexuals who are in those same positions protect their own when they are brought before the criminal justice system for having committed crimes against children and etc..

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

Since the population of mankind is a "closed" population - no humans can migrate to and from earth, only the rate of births and deaths can increase or decrease the human population.

Therefore, the way to control the population growth is through the increase of the human mortality rate by legitimate means. Not through the crimes of abortions, infanticide, euthanasia and etc; but through the automatic DEATH PENALTY for the broad spectrum of deeds that are high crimes in the sight of the true GOD. This principle of population control has never been addressed by demography. It is the cornerstone of proper human population control which the builders have rejected.

Some of the high crimes which God requires the human society to vigorously enforce the death penalty upon are: blasphemy against the true God; idolatry; breaking the Lord's day; dishonor to parents; murder; adultery; incest; homosexuality; bestiality; rape; kidnapping; seeking to destroy the righteous; putting to death the innocent (such as putting innocent embryos and fetuses to death in abortions); seeking to overthrow God's appointed authority, etc.
In order for the world community of humans to actually put this decorous principle into practice, it must adopt the MORAL LAW OF GOD - THE TEN COMMANDMENTS as the supreme laws of the World community.

This principle of controlling the population would positively affect the economic prosperity of nations, positively affect the health and increase the life expectancy of lawabidding citizens, properly educate the human race, positively affect the family structure, overwhelmingly reduce crime, etc. Every legitimate aspect of the human society would benefit greatly.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

[Emphasis in original]

Homosexuals are not called "dogs" by God in the Bible for nothing (Deuteronomy 23:18). Now you know the true origin of Aids among mankind. It had its origin from homosexuals who had and continue to have anal, genital and oral sex with animals. Now you understand one reason God forbids fornication. The next time you get ready to have illicit sex of whatever type, you might want to ask: "With whom or with what kind of animal did this person last copulate with?"

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

The close quarters of the Columbia space shuttle was not an approriate place for women to share with men.

Was sex in space one of the experiments the columbia crew performed? If so, the ones who were married committed adultery in space and the rest committed formnication and perhaps homosexuality. If that is so then they got what they deserved. Should those who help corrupt and introduce human depravity into space be regarded as heros?

Laurel Clark had an 8 year old son. She abandoned her son for the fleeting american dream.

The Columbia crew did not end up in heaven; they fell back from heaven

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

Middle-class blacks are foolishly frustrated that they still are, to some degree, prevented from serving satan as do whites. They will not be satisfied until they have the freedom to serve him equally...

Blacks have never understood how blessed it is to be outcasts in the american society.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

One sad thing about the first amendment to the American constitution is it tends to mask and blur the proper recognizable symptoms of the various forms of mental illnesses among America's inhabitants. Since the first amendment allows the formation and expression of every form of bizarre belief, the various forms of expressed psychoses tend to be viewed not as mental illnesses, but as beliefs, religions or opinions inhabitants of America have a so-called constitutional right to express or embrace.

The first amendment does not allow the mentally deranged person to sharply perceive his mental abnormality but deludes him into thinking his abnormality is a normal difference. If the seriously mentally ill person can function in the society without physically harming himself or others, it is possible for him to convince other like-minded psychotics to follow his psychotic beliefs. By virtue of their psychoses, they are unable to perceive the true psychotic symptoms expressed by the mentally ill person they are following and they are unable to perceive evidence of phychosis in his beliefs. They therefore embrace his expressed delusions as truths.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

You call Hitler the greatest monster in history, who is said to have murdered a total of about 38 million people. But you refuse to count the total number of human innocent embryos and fetuses you are murdering and in favor of murdering. Hitler has ceased killing and many whom he killed were true criminals. But your number far exceeds Hitler's and continues to increase. Furthermore, not one of the unborn babies you murder and in favor of murdering are criminals - all are innocent. And you are trying to spread this type murder to the rest of the world. You hypocrites! Your atheism is worthless. You deserve the same death as you are giving innocent unborn babies! [emphasis added]

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

Children deserve better than to be forced to live with homosexual parents. Where there are such parents, they should be punished according to Leviticus 20:13, and the children should be placed within righteous families.

[Aw hell, just read the whole site. It's pure, concentratred crazy]

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

[Critically examining the Ben Franklin quote 'I will not agree with your words, but fight to the death to allow you to speak them.' contained in an email]

Notice in these words this educated atheist quoted from a heathen named Benjamin Franklin: "I...will "not agree with your words, but fight to the death to allow you to speak them..." Doesn't this atheist understand how foolish such a statement is? Doesn't he realize how utterly contrary to common sense it is? Why would anyone be foolish enough to fight to the DEATH to allow someone the freedom to speak that which is wrong or that in which they disagree? Common sense says that the only thing worth fighting for is that which is right. And the only things we should agree with are God's truth and righteousness.
If any one hold views contrary to God's truths and righteousness, they are not worth defending and fighting for. No one in their right mind fights to defend people's right to speak that which they disagree with. The very disagreement is the beginning of a fight against it. I would never fight for any atheist to have the foolish freedom to speak anything contrary to God. But I will and am fighting against such a freedom simply because such a freedom is wrong.

"...in the glorious tradition of my nation will..." How foolish is the american tradition. Such a tradition certainly isn't worth glorying in.
"...ben franklin..." If these words were a quote from Benjamin Franklin, it should be quite obvious what a big fool Franklin was.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

Satan's bowels began to churn and growl, and they began to give him awful pain. Then he felt a strong urge to expel excrement. When he did so, it gave off the most awful smell. His excrement is the american constitution and its amendments.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

The best way to understand the nature of atheism is to understand its author. satan is its author.

It's important to remain conscious of the fact that satan had his origin in heaven, and is thoroughly familiar with the fact of the existence of God, heaven, the angels, hell and etc. Thus despite what you have been previously deceptively taught and despite the deceptive dictionary's meaning of atheism, atheism is properly defined as a denial of the existence of God in the midst of full knowledge that the true God does indeed exist. (Emphasis original).

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org



The present world's population of people is said to be nearly 6 billion. It is expected to rise to 8.9 billion by 2030, and reach 10 to 14 billion by 2050. The largest increases are expected to take place in some of the poorer countries, such as Africa and southern Asia.

In view of those projections, more and more attention is being placed on ways to control the world's population.

Some of the present methods proposed and practiced are: legislation restricting how many children a family can have, contraceptives, sterilization, sexual abstinence, permanent celibacy, deliberately induced abortions, infanticide, euthanasia, homosexuality, delayed marriage, sterilization of the retarded, war, fatal disease inducement upon certain portions of the human population and etc.

Although demography draws its insight from several of the so-called intellectual fields, such as anthropology, biology, economics, history, medicine, sociology and statistics, it is quite obvious that most of the ways proposed and being tried to control the human population is blindness, foolishness, immoral and thus infringes upon the God-given rights of the weakest and most innocent of the human community.

There is a better and more sane way to control the human population without allowing immorality, without doing injustice to anyone and while not seeking to discourage pronatalist views among the human population.

Since the population of mankind is a "closed" population - no humans can migrate to and from earth, only the rate of births and deaths can increase or decrease the human population.

Therefore, the way to control the population growth is through the increase of the human mortality rate by legitimate means. Not through the crimes of abortions, infanticide, euthanasia and etc; but through the automatic DEATH PENALTY for the broad spectrum of deeds that are high crimes in the sight of the true GOD. This principle of population control has never been addressed by demography. It is the cornerstone of proper human population control which the builders have rejected.

Some of the high crimes which God requires the human society to vigorously enforce the death penalty upon are: blasphemy against the true God; idolatry; breaking the Lord's day; dishonor to parents; murder; adultery; incest; homosexuality; bestiality; rape; kidnapping; seeking to destroy the righteous; putting to death the innocent (such as putting innocent embryos and fetuses to death in abortions); seeking to overthrow God's appointed authority, etc.

In order for the world community of humans to actually put this decorous principle into practice, it must adopt the MORAL LAW OF GOD - THE TEN COMMANDMENTS as the supreme laws of the World community.

This principle of controlling the population would positively affect the economic prosperity of nations, positively affect the health and increase the life expectancy of lawabidding citizens, properly educate the human race, positively affect the family structure, overwhelmingly reduce crime, etc. Every legitimate aspect of the human society would benefit greatly.

By adopting the TEN COMMANDMENTS as the supreme laws of the earth and properly administering them, the true criminals - those worthy of death, will be the ones put to death instead of the innocent. It is only right to focus on true criminals who commit high crimes in order to control the world's population rather than focusing on the most helpless, innocent and weakest people of the human society.

Robert T. Lee #fundie #psycho tencommandments.org

Hi, I am a 13 year old atheist. The reason I am an atheist is because I'm being taught to be one by my atheistic parents, public school and the atheistic american constitution.

I am also being encouraged to be an atheist by my atheistic friends, atheistic sites on the internet, the stuff on TV, the movie industry, the music industry, the books I read, college groups and political special interest groups. All these teach me against all religions, particularly against the Christian religion.

Adult atheists will not admit it, but this is why I am such a diabolical kid. Atheism, which is really true satanism, prompts me to cause trouble. I cause a lot of trouble for my parents, and they are afraid of me. I deliberately make school hell. I like taunting and beating up on weak kids and Christian kids. I like giving the teachers and principal a hard time. They also are afraid of me. I like to make a name for myself among my friends so I do things deliberately to get in trouble with the law. I dare even law enforcement to apprehend me. Hey, atheists have fixed the laws of american in such a way that I am not afraid to do anything wrong. I can do anything and nothing will happen to me.

I can commit a crime right now, and I will be protected by the law. My name will not be released to the media. It doesn't matter how heinous the crime I commit, nothing will happen to me. Atheists will come to my aide. I can murder and get away with it. Or I can choose a particular state in which to murder as many people as I want and get away with it. When I go to court I laugh at the court proceedings, the judge, the jurors and the victims' relatives and friends because nothing is going to happen to me. Don't you know who coined the words "No Fear"? It was an atheist! I'm not afraid because atheists have fixed it where I am safe from proper punishment.

Haven't you heard the words "cruel and unusual punishment" in the American constitution? He, he, he. I can be as cruel to others as I want, but the criminal justice system is afraid to match the degree of my cruelty in punishing me lest it be called cruel itself. He, he, he! So I'm not afraid.

And haven't you heard about the deep-pocketed atheistic anti death penalty special interest groups or the pope and etc... who will come to my aide. Even if I am given a measly life sentence, he, he, that means nothing. A gullible pardon and parole board will let me out of prison in 5 years to commit even more heinous crimes. And even while I'm in prison, I can murder, rape and move drugs while sleeping the whole time on a bed of roses with prison guards as my servants. The constitution and the laws atheists have made in pursuance to it will be with me protecting me.

Let me tell you man, this is why I am an atheist. Atheism is insurance when you do wrong. I admit that atheism is criminal, but it is also cool man!

He, he, he, he, he!


Note from Robert T. Lee:

Alas, this is a most sad example of what atheism and non belief in God is doing to america's youth. Any kid that has the same or similar attitude of the one described by this 13 year old ought to be put to death immediately by the government.

Society for the Practical Establishment and Perpetuation of the Ten Commandments #psycho #fundie #crackpot #wingnut tencommandments.org

We may note further in Matthew 6:10, in the Lords prayer, that Jesus informed His people to pray for God's kingdom, not man's democracy, to be established on earth and for His will, namely His law, to be done one earth. And this desire and prayer of His people will definitely be realized, because when Jesus returns, He's going to destroy all the various forms of heathen governments -- including democracy, and all the nations will have to submit to His theocratic Kingdom under His righteous Laws. And after the Lord Jesus destroys all His enemies and destroys the old earth, He is going to create a new earth upon which He is going to establish His kingdom forever. If then a theocracy is the form that Jesus informs His people to pray for and the only form of government acceptable for the rulership of the Lord Jesus Christ over His people, then all other forms, including America's republic/democracy aren't right for any humans. For if America should be in existence, or if republic or democratic principles should be ruling any nations when Christ returns, those nation along with all others are going to be destroyed by God. Even now Jesus Himself is called the King of the Spiritual Jews, not their president, priminister or etc.

Robert T. Lee #fundie tencommandments.org

In the first Commandment of God, God says to all mankind, "You shall have no other gods besides me." This means that humans only have the right to be right -- that they don't have the right to believe whatever they desire or chose to espouse whatever religion they desire or to embrace anything immoral in the sight of God. But the first amendment to the demonic American constitution says just the opposite. It basically says that the citizens of America have the right and freedom to believe whatever they desire and that they have the freedom to worship Satan and even the right and freedom to blaspheme the true God. Any principle or value that is antithetical to God's TEN COMMANDMENTS is always satanic and is not worth sacrificing limb and life for. Therefore he who fights in the American military will be fighting to uphold and defend the heathen freedoms and values of the American constitution as opposed to the righteousness of God. This is true of all the other nations of the world. There may be approximately 92 nations without mandatory military service and others have some type of enforced conscription, but the personal decision to serve also hold true for him who lives in a nation with enforced conscription.

Before joining or serving in a military, ask yourself the following questions: Is it worth sacrificing your limbs or life for women to have the freedom to murder their innocent fetuses or embryos through deliberately induced abortions? Is it worth sacrificing your limbs or life for the depraved value of gay and lesbian marriages? Is it worth sacrificing your limbs or life for gays and lesbians to become transgenders and for heathen doctors to perform such operations? Is it worth sacrificing your limbs or life for the depraved value of gays, lesbians and transvestites egregiously violating children's' God-given rights by such people adopting them? Is it worth sacrificing your limbs or life for the heathen freedom of doctors and scientists to make a living conceiving human embryos in petri dishes to be given to gay, lesbian and Tran gendered couples? Is it worth sacrificing your limbs or life for the first amendment freedom of making pornography? Is it worth sacrificing your limbs or life for the heathen value of making vain, villainous and murderous books, music and movies? These are just a few example of the sort of values of a nation you should seriously consider before joining the military. There are man, many other heathen freedoms and values not worth sacrificing limb and life for.