Donald Trump

Daily Editorials #wingnut

There was a huge development in the world of politics this week. And it wasn't impeachment. Boris Johnson, a clone of President Donald Trump, and his Conservative Party, the Republicans of Britain, won in a landslide of epic proportions.

This is our canary in the coal mine. It's a surefire preview of what's to come in America next November.

I've been busy predicting a Johnson landslide in the United Kingdom on my national radio and TV shows for weeks. How did I know? Because U.K. liberals are clones of the loony, radical, America-hating socialists dominating the Democratic Party in the United States.

Britain often represents a look ahead to America's future. Back in 1979, Margaret Thatcher was elected British prime minister. Next came Ronald Reagan in the United States. Back in 2016, Brexit passed against all odds. Then came Trump's huge upset. Now conservatives have won a stunning landslide in the United Kingdom. Next up is Trump's reelection.

Trump campaigned on a simple message to middle-class Americans: "Make America Great Again." Johnson campaigned on a simple message aimed at the U.K. middle class: "Get Brexit Done." And, of course, Johnson is known for his wild, Trump-like personality and his penchant for saying offensive things. Obviously, it works — even an ocean away.

But the real lesson is that middle-class people don't want socialism or big government. Look at what Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour Party were trying to sell to the British people. See if it sounds familiar: the largest government expansion in history, with spending increases of more than 80 billion pounds annually; the demonization of the rich; the nationalization of water, the railroad, buses, mail and broadband companies — because, of course, government can do it better than the private sector; dramatically higher corporate taxes; and dramatically higher oil and gas taxes.

Other parts of the platform included much higher spending on the country's failing government-run health care system; a new tax on the superrich; higher inheritance taxes; a new tax on second homes; a new financial transactions tax on stock trading; open borders; promises of free stuff for everyone — free broadband internet, free shelter for the homeless; forcing landlords to sell homes to tenants at a "fair" price determined by government; massive spending on a U.K. version of the Green New Deal to combat climate change; and an end to Brexit — even though this is what the people voted for.

Sound familiar?

One more thing radical leftist Labour members had in common with today's Democrats: The Hollywood actors and elitist intellectuals of the United Kingdom all supported Labour and called conservative voters dumb and racist.

Not surprisingly, the British people destroyed Labour and handed Johnson a smashing victory. Working-class Brits abandoned Labour in droves. Conservatives won a key seat that Labour had held for almost 70 years. It was the biggest landslide since Thatcher in 1983. Conservatives dominate Parliament.

Europe's newspapers called it "an earthquake." Britain's currency, the pound, hit the highest level since May 2018 because investors celebrated the Trump-like future of the U.K. economy.

Just like in America, U.K. liberals and young people on social media are in shock — disgusted, angry and frothing at the mouth.

Trust me, it's all about to happen in the United States. The American people despise what Democrats are offering. A Trump landslide is coming.

Rod Dreher #wingnut

Hundreds of “anti-hate” protesters took to the UC Berkeley campus tonight to protest Ann Coulter’s speech, and to try to prevent people from going in to hear her. Look at this:

Andy Ngo

Left-wing protesters at @UCBerkeley form a human wall with linked arms to block others from entering the @AnnCoulter speech earlier tonight.

Embedded video
12:36 AM - Nov 21, 2019
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Yes, it’s Berkeley, but you know as well as I do that if right-wingers were forming a human wall preventing people from going to hear a prominent left-wing speaker, it would be on all the national news outlets, and we would be talking about the Coming Crisis Of Fascism. But as it is, this is just another day in progressive America.

Seriously, what if a mob of white people at a major American university banded together to prevent people of color and their allies from going into a hall to hear Ta-Nehisi Coates speak? How do you think our media would frame it? They would report the hell out of it, and they should report the hell out of it, because a mob preventing anybody from going to hear someone speak is un-American, and a serious violation of our traditions. This should not happen in America, and especially not at a university.

But like I said: just another day in progressive America.

Here police have to escort students in who just want to hear a campus speaker. Otherwise, they might be beaten up by the mob of peace-loving progressives:

Anjali Shrivastava
Attendees are escorted by police into Wheeler Hall. T-minus 20 minutes until the event officially starts! #CoulterProtest

Embedded video
10:42 PM - Nov 20, 2019
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Look — but better not play this at work. The enraged mob chants, “F–k Ann Coulter!”

Ann Coulter entering Wheeler Hall with escorts

Also: two helicopters above Berkeley

— Марк (@not_mapk) November 21, 2019

What is it going to take to fight this? It’s so exasperating how little people in this country care about the fact that left-wing mobs are taking our liberties from us, and our political leaders — including Donald Trump — are doing nothing about it. Barely even talking about it. I honestly don’t get it. We should not be living in a country where people who want to go hear a speaker have to be protected by police simply to get into the hall. You know what this looks like?

That’s a History Channel screenshot of an image of the Little Rock 9, black high schoolers who, in order to exercise their constitutional right to go to class, had to be accompanied by, and protected from the racist mob by, US soldiers. It was a disgrace to this country — a different sort of disgrace, because it had to do with race hatred, but nevertheless a similar disgrace to what happens at Berkeley, in that a fanatical mob attempts to stop free people from going to hear a speaker of whom they disapprove.

We know that the US media do not care about things like this. Look at how quickly they sided with the mob against the Covington Catholic boys, simply because the boys were wearing MAGA hats, and (therefore) fit the left-wing narrative. But what about the rest of us? Why don’t the rest of us care? I’m not interested in hearing Ann Coulter speak, but I am very, very much interested in fighting the mob culture that seeks to shut down speakers like Ann Coulter, in part by howling curses at, and attempting to humiliate, Americans who are interested in what she has to say.

If you think this is going to stay in Berkeley, you’re mistaken. This mob action might not spread to places outside of the coasts, but here’s what’s going to happen: those young people who join the mobs, they are going to graduate and move into the institutions of American life. They are going to carry their militant illiberalism, including their contempt for free speech and open discourse, into those institutions, and are going to do their damnedest to institutionalize them. One thing I have learned from the past few months spent studying Soviet-bloc communism: watch the intellectual class. It is a very big mistake to think that what they say and do only matters in the shadow of the ivory tower. They are the ones who produce the ideas that are eventually spread through society. If you don’t care about this stuff when it happens now, on campuses, you had better prepare yourself to be made to care later, when graduates of these campuses are setting corporate policy, or serving as gatekeepers to the institutions you want your “deplorable” kids to get into. This is not a joke.

UPDATE:More “Watch The Intellectuals” news, this time from Syracuse University, which has been going through a spasm of alleged racist threats. Read on:

Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud told the university’s student senate on Wednesday that the latest episode of racist activity on campus was likely fake, following protests and criticism from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

“It was apparent that this rumor was probably a hoax, but that reality was not communicated clearly and rapidly enough to get ahead of escalating anxiety,” Syverud said Wednesday.


At a campus forum later Wednesday, student protesters called for Syverud’s resignation and walked out when he wouldn’t promise to sign onto all their demands as written, according to news accounts. They marched to his house, chanting, “Sign or resign!”

On Thursday, Syverud announced he had signed on to “nearly all” of the demands, including mandatory diversity training for faculty and staff and $1 million to change the curriculum in order to better address diversity.

So, a likely hoaxer and his allies bullied the administration of this university into paying a million dollars to teach propaganda, and to compel teachers and staff to undergo political re-education. From what was likely a hoax.

Again and again: why aren’t Republicans talking about things like this every damn day?

UPDATE.2: A reader points to this passage from a local Berkeley paper’s story on the protest:

However, [UC Berkeley Police Chief Margo] Bennett said she was “sympathetic” to students concerned about the heavy presence of police in riot gear around Wheeler.

“I totally understand that,” she said. “We did messaging to impacted groups that felt the presence of police caused them anxiety.” [UC Berkeley spokesman Dan] Mogulof echoed Bennett. The concerns were “understandable on a lot of different levels,” he said. “We have work to do to continue to find ways we can accommodate profound differences of opinion. We believe we have met our obligations to both free speech and the rule of law, and to provide for the safety and well-being of students and campus guests,” he said. “Having said that, I understand that students are deeply disturbed and unsettled by someone whose views they deeply disagree with.” He said counseling and other services are always available to students.

Unbelievable. The authorities here — the police chief and the university spokesman — sympathize with the mobbed-up students whose fanaticism and violence required police presence so that a conservative speaker could address those who wanted to hear her. No wonder the First Amendment is losing. The authorities pity the tyrannical mob.

Donald Trump (The Trump Relection Campaign) #wingnut #dunning-kreuger #god-complex



Remember at the end of Avengers: Endgame when Thanos said, “I am inevitable” and snapped his fingers before realizing that he didn’t have the Infinity Stones, but rather, Tony Stark did? Well, someone on Trump’s campaign decided that it would be a great idea to … put Trump’s face over Thanos in the scene in which he is losing.

To be quite honest, I’m 90% sure that whoever made this video has absolutely no idea what they’re doing and was just trying to be relevant, and that makes this infinitely funnier to me. Basically, whoever made this video for Team Trump decided that none of the footage of the brief moment of victory for Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War was worth it and, instead, decided that Avengers: Endgame—a movie where Thanos loses not once, but twice—was a better use of their time. Not only that, but they specifically picked this scene where, in the next shot, Thanos realizes that it is, in fact, Tony Stark who is wielding the power of the Infinity Stones, and he snaps away Thanos and his entire army.

Tony Stark did not die for Republicans to think that Thanos won.

The video in question was posted by the Trump War Room, and they very clearly took Thanos’s threat of his inevitability in the completely wrong way and made this awful video.

Trump War Room (Text TRUMP to 88022)
House Democrats can push their sham impeachment all they want.
President Trump's re-election is 𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲.
[Video of Endgame scene with Thanos with Trump’s head superimposed.
He snaps his fingers and The Democrats (standing at the podium, announcing
Impeachment) turn to dust.

Now, hear me out: Who willingly wants to be Thanos? Sure, not considering the rest of the scene’s context is one thing, but why make yourself the villain? A villain who believes that if he just wipes out half the population of the universe, we can save on resources and stop—you know, that probably would be Trump’s climate change solution, if he believed in it. I get it now.

Besides that, it’s just baffling to me that anyone thought it was a good idea to make Trump Thanos. Like … can anyone on Trump’s team read?

Twitter, understandably, tore this to shreds. Truly, the next shot is Tony Stark. At first, many just began to explain the scene to them:


And then … came the jokes. The sweet, beautiful, nerdy jokes.


The best part? This makes Nancy Pelosi, technically, Iron Man. She gets to swoop in at the end and snap her fingers and win all because Trump thinks he’s untouchable and always going to win, and … you know, it’s not that they’re wrong with this comparison, but they probably shouldn’t be so proud of it?

Anyway, I don’t like that I have to watch Donald Trump’s face on a Marvel property, but I do like that this then makes the American people and the Democratic party the Tony Stark of this situation. Your first term might have been “inevitable,” but as Tony Stark says, I am Iron Man. Well … that doesn’t work, but you get the point. We’re going to win, Mr. Stark.


Paul M. Dohse #wingnut

As a lifelong Republican and a Berry Goldwater conservative when I was nine years old, I have always been politically frustrated. I grew up watching the Vietnam fiasco unfold on the evening news and knew it was a humanitarian travesty that utterly rejected life value. No American politician has sought forgiveness for throwing away 50,000 American lives for a war with no clear objective except lame attempts to reason with Communists. Even at my young age, I knew Communism couldn’t be reasoned with.

I watched Jimmy Carter get elected. I couldn’t believe it. I remember a week before an election a good friend sensing my angst put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Paul, Paul, Paul, relax, the American people may be a little stupid, but they aren’t stupid enough to elect Bill Clinton.” I didn’t believe him one bit; I knew better. Then came Barak Obama; twice. I am still amazed at how the framers of the American Constitution had it all figured out; despite Obama’s overt attempt to destroy our Republic, we were spared due to the system the framers put in place.

Now we have Donald Trump, and an election coming in about ten months, but this time, my gut tells me this will be different. Would the American people, regardless of the economic statistics etc., elect an Elizabeth Warren over Donald Trump? In the past, before Trump, I wouldn’t hesitate to say, “Absolutely, yes.” Not this time, again, my gut tells me this will be different, but why?

Looking back, if you think about it, at least in my lifetime, no Democrat has beat a Republican in a landslide. Whenever a Democrat wins, it is either by a slim or moderate victory. This, along with what Trump has exposed, has me pondering.

Trump, regardless of whether or not you would like to have a beer with him, knew something a lot of Americans knew deep down but didn’t want to admit: nether party has been representing the American people for a long time. As an international business person, he knew politicians, for the most part, are elitists who believe they are entitled to unlimited wealth coming from the labor of the little people. When he saw crony capitalism on the precipice of destroying America he intervened.

Different healthcare systems for politicians and the little people; a two-tier justice system; and guns for protecting politicians, but not for the little people. The list goes on and on. And both parties are guilty and have been guilty for a long time; the Republicans are only a little less guilty where complicit.

Two things, primarily, have made the Trump phenomenon possible: the information age and Trump’s genius. The information age has made it possible for Trump to take his message directly to the American people. Elitism’s control of information has been totally decimated. Trump is also smart enough to play politics by a totally different set of rules.

In considering all of this, I am not so sure Americans are totally stupid, but rather stayed home at election time because they sensed no real difference between Republicans and Democrats. In other words, they lost hope in the American political system. Trump, though genius, has a funny way of stating things: he said the political system is rigged; that means Republicans and Democrats have had the same basic status qua agenda for a long time, but the people understood what he was saying. At his inaugural speech, with the brunt of all American political representation sitting behind him, Trump accused all of forgetting the American people in exchange for their own interests and promised to be different. And he kept those promises.

American politicians don’t keep promises. That’s why, until now, election turnout was people wanting free stuff being led by idealists who have never worked for anything in their lives on one side, and eternal optimists on the other, and inactive political pessimism in-between.

Trump is the political savior that no one thought would ever come. The politically disenfranchised initially popped corn and watched the Republican debates purely for entertainment. At least we could watch the politicians get a few pies in their faces for all the misery they have caused us. At least we had someone we could vote for to flip the other politicians the bird. Trump was catharsis—little more. No one really thought a political messiah would come.

Then, as we all know, strange things started happening and hope temtped us. Taking back the Republican party rather then running as a third party candidate was part of Trump’s strategy. Everything was against him, yet, he has prevailed. Indeed, he is a strange character, but it is a ridiculous notion to think any normal person could pull this off.

So, are Americans basically stupid, or basically smart enough to know when voting is a waste of time? In the process of catharsis, was political hope accidently discovered? Are we dumbfounded to discover the process actually still works if we have someone crazy enough to make it work?

This time around, my gut tells me it’s the latter. Trump has exposed the whole rotten bastardizing of the intended system. I believe a vast number of people who previously lost hope and interest in the system are energized. Hope in the American political system has returned.

They were never stupid, but rather smart enough to know that voting was a waste of time. I think that is what Trump has taught me; at least I hope so.

Rick Wiles #fundie #racist #conspiracy

End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles used his most recent “TruNews” program to rail against an alleged “Jew coup” that he believes is working to impeach President Donald Trump.

Wiles, who is deeply anti-Semitic and dedicates many of his TruNews programs to railing against Israel and the Jews—yet still regularly receives press credentials from the Trump administration—titled his Friday night program, “Jew Coup: Seditious Jews Orchestrating Trump Impeachment Lynching” and spent an hour and a half viciously attacking various Jewish members of Congress, the media, and the government.

“That’s the way the Jews work, they are deceivers, they plot, they lie, they do whatever they have to do to accomplish their political agenda,” Wiles said. “This ‘impeach Trump’ effort is a Jew coup and the American people better wake up to it really fast because this thing is moving now toward a vote in the House and then a trial in the Senate. We could have a trial before Christmas. This country could be in civil war at Christmastime. Members of the U.S. military are going to have to take a stand just like they did in the 1860s with the Civil War. They are going to have to decide: are you fighting for the North or the South?”

“People are going to be forced, possibly by this Christmas, to take a stand because of this Jew coup in the United States,” he added. “This is a coup led by Jews to overthrow the constitutionally elected president of the United States and it’s beyond removing Donald Trump, it’s removing you and me. That’s what’s at the heart of it.”

“You have been taken over by a Jewish cabal,” Wiles continued. “The church of Jesus Christ, you’re next. Get it through your head! They’re coming for you. There will be a purge. That’s the next thing that happens when Jews take over a country, they kill millions of Christians.”

Gregory Hood #racist

Schrödinger’s Demographics

Last week, Democrats won full control of Virginia’s state government. Among those elected were Ghazala Hashmi, Virginia’s first Muslim woman state senator. Virginia, like California, is now solidly — and probably permanently — blue.

Republican pundits were baffled that Governor Ralph Northam’s blackface scandals and extreme pro-abortion positions — along with other democrat sex scandals — didn’t hurt Democrats.

They shouldn’t be surprised. California went from red to blue because of demographic change. What just happened in Virginia will happen to Texas, Georgia, and Florida soon. Politics is downstream from culture, but culture is downstream from race.

Less than 70 percent of Virginia’s electorate is white, and Democrats win an overwhelming share of the ever-increasing non-white vote. A Heritage Foundation report found even non-citizens who voted in recent state elections.

The political consequences are obvious. If you celebrate those consequences, the mainstream media welcome your opinion. If you oppose them, you are racist for suggesting demographic transformation matters.

Call it “Schrödinger’s Demographics.” Demographic and political changes either exist or don’t depending on whether you think they are good or bad.
Democrats and their media allies are proud to attribute their triumph to “diversity.”

“[A] younger, more racially diverse electorate combined with a backlash against President Trump to propel the most dramatic political shift in a generation to Prince William and Loudon counties.” Washington Post, November 6, 2019

“Tuesday’s elections also seem to indicate changing demographics, something highlighted by women and African Americans winning seats in statewide and local races.” Free Lanec-Star in a story entitled, “Tuesday’s election paints picture of changing demographics.”

“We are winning because we recognize the power of an electorate that includes and reflects the diversity of our state.” New York Times, November 6, 2019

The Times op-ed by Tram Nguyen of New Virginia Majority also claimed that felons’ who had their voting rights restored by former governor Terry McAuliffe were a “key voting bloc.”

Like these writers, Laura Ingraham also recognized that demographics matter. “Virginia’s foreign-born population nearly doubled from 2000 and 2017,” she said, “and these immigrants are mostly concentrated in Northern Virginia, Fairfax Country, Loudon County, Prince William County, outside of D.C., and they are altering the demographic makeup of the state – and, as The Washington Post and others have pointed out, the electorate.”
However, when Miss Ingraham made essentially the same observation that liberals had, it became “racist.”

Former governor Terry McAuliffe called the very use of the term foreign-born “horrible.” “She oughta take her racist policies, go sit with Donald Trump and have a good afternoon talking to each other,” he said. “We don’t want that in the Commonwealth in Virginia [sic]. We are a strong state because of our diversity.” CNN’s Dana Bash said that regardless of the term Miss Ingraham used, state demographics are shifting. Mr. McAuliffe responded that “America’s demographics are shifting,” repeated his love of diversity, and said Laura Ingraham could leave Virginia because “we don’t want that racist kind of talk in our state.”

(Terry McAuliffe lives in McLean, Virginia. The Census Bureau reports it is over 75 percent white and 18 percent Asian. It’s less than two percent black and just over five percent Hispanic. The New Republic calls it “home of America’s ruling class.”)

A flurry of “point-and-sputter” articles appeared condemning Laura Ingraham for noticing the obvious.

“Fox News’ Laura Ingraham Blames ‘Foreign-born Population,’ George Soros for GOP Losses in Virginia,” Haaretz

“Laura Ingraham says ‘foreign-born’ voters and George Soros to blame for GOP Virginia losses,” Newsweek

“Laura Ingraham blames GOP losses in Virginia on George Soros, ‘demographic changes’ and ‘foreign-born population’,” Media Matters for America
(“Demographic changes” in scare quotes is an especially nice touch.)

The social media campaign Sleeping Giants, which runs economic pressure campaigns against conservatives, called her “racist.” Of course, both demographic change and George Soros’s massive spending in Virginia are facts.

In April, The Washington Post reported “Money from PAC funded by George Soros shakes up prosecutor races in Northern Virginia.” A follow-up story in the Post a few months later said a PAC supported by Mr. Soros spent nearly one million dollars “to promote progressive challengers in the Democratic primary races for prosecutor in Arlington and Fairfax counties.”

The Washington Free Beacon reported a few days ago that the PAC was “flooding Virginia with hundreds of thousands of dollars in a last-minute effort to support Democratic prosecutors on the ballot on Nov. 5.” Democrats swept these elections, an outcome The Washington Post reported was “powered to a significant degree by Democratic megadonor George Soros, whose political action committee spent nearly $2.1 million in the primary and general election on polls, mailers, and advertisements” for various candidates.

Facts are irrelevant. What matters to journalists is whether someone celebrates replacement migration taking place. “The Confederacy is dead,” wrote Bennett Minton in The Washington Post, celebrating a Democratic coalition that is “educated, racially and ethnically diverse and dominated by women.” Republicans, he said, have a “shrinking base” with voters that are “whiter, less educated, and rural.” He anticipated that Governor Northam will soon sign a bill authorizing localities to remove Confederate statues.

This will be a powerful symbol of white Southerners’ dispossession. Yet some conservatives are still blind. In response to Minton’s column, Jessie Jane Duff of Veterans for Trump tried, once again, a variation of the “Democrats are the real racists” argument.

This tired script failed spectacularly. Non-whites are not impressed by GOP groveling, nor should they be. It’s entirely rational that non-whites vote for the party that gives them racial preferences, government handouts, and demographic reinforcements.

Even Bill Kristol admitted we don’t have elections anymore, just a census. The Republican Party depends on white voters. Liberals recognize this, but when conservatives say it out loud, liberals call them “racist.” Clearly, reality is racist.

AvatarCat09 #wingnut #racist

I'd like to put this here, not because I'm a Donald Trump supporter (which I am) but because I feel like putting it out there. As long as people are civil in the comments section, whether for or against Trump, it'll all be fine. I won't agree with all opinions, but I respect the right for anyone to say them.

Ever since Harry Potter author JK Rowling had tweeted about USA President Donald Trump "How horrible. Voldemort wasn't this bad", people kinda latched on to the idea that Trump is going to eradicate non-white people like Voldemort wanted to do with non-magical folks. But the thing is, it's not true at all. Trump wants to enforce the law of the land, protecting the country's borders from invaders, and improve the economy. Voldemort, on the other hand, was a bit of an anarchist, wanting to overthrow the wizarding government, spreading chaos, and persecuting anyone who isn't human or pureblooded wizards and witches. That sounds more like Adolf Hitler, though (even when Hitler wanted more government control over everyone as opposed to Voldemort).

Heck, the same thing happened in Warrior Cats, an ever expanding book series about feral cats (which I am a former fan of), concerning one of the main villains: Tigerstar. I'm not sure if one YouTuber started it or not (I won't say the name because I don't want anyone getting harassed over it), but some fans of Warriors (especially on the forum) started believing that Tigerstar is a "kitty Donald Trump", the former being a tyrant who tries getting revenge on his former Clanmates by wiping them out with a pack of dogs. When that didn't work, he merges two Clans together and holds a kangaroo court for cats that are half-Clan (cats born from cats of two different Clans), setting them up to die. Really, however, that doesn't sound at all like Trump, who focuses on the security and soverignty of the country. Moreover, what Tigerstar did sounds like he was more like either Hitler or Josef Stalin than Donald Trump. There's also a quote from Tigerstar in Forest of Secrets (12 years before 2016) saying "I would've made ThunderClan great", and some fans think that it makes him "kitty Donald Trump". Not every character that says "Make X great" is a villain or even Trump; some can actually be good guys/heroes.

This kind of thing is really annoying, really fast. Flat-out shoving political messages into anything not too political diminishes the meaning behind the book/movie/game/show (even beloved childhood stories) and adds unnecessary political messages to them. While I can see some of it coming from the right-wing, I've seen a lot more of it coming from the left-wing, which is why I'm more critical of the left-wing. It also causes people to put in as much political ideals into stuff like Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc. as they want, diminishing actual meanings like good and evil, love and hate, truth, hope, faith, honor, and culture. Instead of all that, it'd be replaced by "this group of people deserves more hate" or "this politician sucks" or "let's brainwash the audience into believing what we believe".

So yeah, it's gotten pretty annoying. Whether anyone likes Donald Trump or hates him, he's not a perfect guy (heck, no one's perfect), but comparing him to fictional villains like Voldemort, Tigerstar, Darth Vader, etc. is pretty silly.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut

Is It Time for Secession?

Are the United States ripe for partition? Francis Herbert Buckley, a lawyer and academic who has taught at McGill and is now at George Mason School of Law, thinks they are. “In all the ways that matter, save for the naked force of the law, we are already divided into two nations just as much as in 1861,” he writes. “The contempt for opponents, the Twitter mobs, online shaming and no-platforming, the growing tolerance of violence — it all suggests we would be happier in separate countries.”

It’s a great step forward that a separatist can find a respectable publisher — even if it claims to sell “books for smart conservatives.” American Secession reports that there is a lot of support for separation and offers good reasons for it but, alas, only hints at the most compelling reason.

Prof. Buckley makes much of a 2018 poll that found fully 39 percent of Americans — including 42 percent of Democrats — wanted to secede. Presumably there would have been fewer secessionist Democrats under President Obama. Another 2018 poll found that 31 percent of Americans thought there would be a civil war within the next five years. I don’t take these numbers very seriously; wild talk is cheap. But I think Prof. Buckley is right to underline a recent Gallup finding that only 44 percent of Americans would be wiling to fight for their country. Surely, he is correct to say that far fewer would fight to stop an American state from seceding.

Many people think that 700,000 dead Civil War soldiers settled the question of secession, but Prof. Buckley disagrees. He argues that the Framers clearly thought the states had the right to secede. James Madison believed any attempt to keep states in by force would be wrong and “would look more like a declaration of war.” Virginia joined the United States with the express proviso that it had the right to bolt. New England states that didn’t like the War of 1812 didn’t debate the legality of secession; only whether to do it.

Abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison thought the slave-holding states should be expelled if they didn’t have the grace to leave, and wanted to hold a national Disunion Convention to expel then. On July 4, 1854, he told an Independence Day crowd that because the Constitution implicitly recognized slavery, it was “a covenant with death and an agreement with hell.” He then burned a copy, saying “So perish all compromises with tyranny!”

James Buchanan, who was president when the Southern states began to leave, believed they should not be forced to stay:

The fact is that our union rests upon public opinion, and can never be cemented by the blood of its citizens shed in civil war. If it cannot live in the affections of the people, it must one day parish.

Before South Carolina hotheads fired on Fort Sumter, even Abraham Lincoln wavered: “Would the marching of an army into South Carolina . . . without the consent of her people, and in hostility against them, be coercion or invasion? I very frankly say, I think it would be invasion.”

Prof. Buckley reminds us that even now, there is one way to leave that everyone would agree is legal. The Founders believed the federal government would never give up power voluntarily — they were right — and that’s why they wrote Article V of the Constitution. It lets the states bypass the federal government to amend or even abolish the Constitution. If 34 state legislatures agree, there will be a constitutional convention at which anything goes. If 38 states then ratify the changes, that’s the new constitution — which could recognize secession or even sanction a partition. “Secession cannot be unconstitutional,” writes Prof. Buckley, “when there’s a constitutional way of making it happen, through a constitutional convention.”

I don’t think any of that would be necessary, because the federal government wouldn’t today invade a seceding state. As I wrote nine years ago, Americans don’t have the stomach to slaughter fellow Americans just to keep their corpses within the union. If a state wanted to make a serious go of it — especially for “progressive” reasons — the coast is clear, and as Prof. Buckley notes, these days, it is lefties who promote secession.

One of the best-known breakaway movements is in California, and Mr. Trump’s 2016 victory gave it a boost. The state already has legal marijuana despite federal drug laws and it loves illegal immigrants. The “Calexit” movement is run by people who think: “California loses billions of dollars every day [in federal taxes] supporting states whose people hate us and our culture. Let’s keep our taxes in California and invest in our people first.” Prof. Buckley notes that this sounds like “California first” or even “make California great again” and almost implies an anti-conservative immigration policy. The point is, many Californians hate Donald Trump and want out.

Vermont is so full of goofy liberals it has Bernie Sanders for a senator; it has also long been a nest of secessionists.

The Cascadia movement would make an independent country out of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia and would, as Prof. Buckley puts it “unite people with the same kinds of ideas about the environment, Starbucks and yoga.” If the President gets a second term, Prof. Buckley can imagine Democrats calling for resistance in the streets.

They already have. The manager of a Red Hen restaurant proudly refused service to White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, and a woman jostled and screamed at White House counselor Kellyanne Conway. Black congresswoman Maxine Waters then urged Democrats to mob and humiliate any Trump cabinet members they saw in public.

This is all part of the nastiness Prof. Buckley says is a sign of irreconcilable differences. Examples he cites are a 2017 article in Foreign Policy — not normally a crackpot magazine — claiming that “for the first time in America’s history, a Nazi sympathizer occupied the Oval Office.” Prof. Buckley also remembers that when Michelle Obama said that “when they [our opponents] go low we go high,” Attorney General Eric Holder corrected her: “No, no, when they go low, we kick them.” When Republican Senator Rand Paul was attacked and suffered six broken ribs and lung damage, MSNBC host Kasie Hunt laughingly said it was one of her “favorite stories.” Reporters routinely write vile stories about Republicans that would have got them fired in more civil times, but the point of today’s journalism is, in Prof. Buckley’s words, to let readers “feast on their hatreds.”

The last go at secession didn’t end well, and perhaps because he was born in Canada, Prof. Buckley understands something about it most Americans don’t: The further we get from the Civil War, the more we are supposed to revile the Confederates. The people who were actually trying to kill each other became friends. President Grant invited Robert E. Lee for a visit to the White House, and on the 50th anniversary of Pickett’s charge, veterans from both sides met on Cemetery Ridge and embraced each other. There was a popular television series, The Grey Ghost, in which Confederates were the heroes, and, as Prof. Buckley writes, “From their defeat, white southerners were permitted to retain some measure of dignity in the memory of their battlefield heroes.” Not anymore. Anything Confederate or even Southern is worse than leprosy, and “if millions of people in one section of the country are told they’re presumptively evil, and that the presumption really can’t be rebutted, they’re going to wonder if they belong somewhere else.”

But as Prof. Buckley recognizes, there is an even more testy divide: “Now the divisions are broader than North versus South. It’s liberals versus conservative and especially progressives versus Trump supporters.” “In our politics,” he adds, “we are already two nations.” One likely split would be to hive off the two coasts and leave the middle, making three countries.

That would make smaller countries, but Prof. Buckley says they would be better countries. He makes much of the fact that the people who claim to be the happiest in the world live in small countries (he ignores the fact that they live in white countries). They have governments that are close to the people and if they are homogenous, they have a sense of community. One disadvantage of big countries is that they spend more than they need to on weapons. America, China, and Russia don’t need anything like all the firepower they have, but their leaders like being able to swagger around the globe. Prof. Buckley thinks their citizens may not care. In the United States, it is the 700 to 1,000 defense-industry lobbyists — about two per congressman — who keep the defense budget fat.

The military-industrial complex is a good example of the dangers of size. Prof. Buckley argues that big countries have a lot of corruption because their governments spend huge sums people love to divert. He makes an interesting point: The kinds of political corruption that are actually illegal — bribery, extortion, mail fraud, vote-buying — are the least of our problems. Campaign contributions and lobbying are far worse, and are perfectly legal. After they leave office, about half of all congressmen become lobbyists, and make much more than they ever did as “public servants.” While they’re in office, they vote on bills with an eye to pleasing their future paymasters.

Prof. Buckley does note one clear advantage of size: free trade. Imagine, he writes, what it was like under the Articles of Confederation, with states taxing goods from other states. However, this problem could be solved through a common market of the kind that has enriched Europe.

Prof. Buckley recognizes that outright secession is unlikely, despite its advantages, so he proposes a middle ground: home rule. States would make all their own laws but leave foreign policy to the feds. All the hot issues — same-sex marriage, gun rights, abortion, public prayer, drug laws — would be thrashed out locally. If Americans were free to move to whatever state suited them, everyone could find a place to be happy.

This, is of course, was what the Founders wanted, and until the 20th century, and the federal government touched most people only when they went to the post office. Now, as Prof. Buckley points out, the feds want to run our lives for us. They are helped by a Supreme Court that has become the final arbiter of tough problems and forces the same solutions on every state. Federalism was supposed to be a compromise to get the best of both small and large government, but a ruthlessly centralizing United States is destroying all the advantages of smallness.

Home rule would be much better than what we have now. American Secession is fine as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go far enough. Prof. Buckley does note that “diversity” is not an advantage for a country, but I don’t remember a single occurrence of the word “race.” Prof. Buckley admits that at one time the country was coherent — British and Protestant — “but if we were ever that, we’re certainly not that today.” He goes on: “Our constitution has been justly admired, but it was made for a citizenry very different from the angry Americans of today.” And on: “The constitution was designed for another country, one in which people agreed on fundamental principles, and that’s not today’s America.”

What happened to yesterday’s America? Prof. Buckley gives us a hint with one of his diagnoses of why the country is splitting apart politically: “With their identity politics, the Democrats have become the intersectional party of racial and sexual minorities, of immigrants and feminists.” This is certainly true, but Prof. Buckley fails to note that the most bitter and enduring fault line is race. Instead, he trots out nonsense: “Other countries have their common cultures or religions. What America has is an idea that constitutes our identity as Americans, and that idea is liberalism in the classical sense.” The Founders would have been astounded to be told that they were starting a country with an identity that was nothing but an idea.

Prof. Buckley also argues that no secession movement would repeal civil rights laws or follow racial contours. That might be true for goofy-liberal secessionists in California or Vermont, but a split along current political-party lines, would be implicitly racial. As the partition was worked out, the racial divide might even become explicit.

It is strange that conservatives are so unwilling to recognize the importance of race while liberals, in their perverse way, are often obsessed with it. Still, this book is progress. Anyone who recognizes that people are better off separate — for whatever reason — is preparing the way for the kind of racial separation that many whites yearn for.

dagur-berserker #conspiracy #racist

So recently, one of the anti-white racists and pro-baby killers ended up having the gall and the audacity to ignore the source that I provided for him. It automatically debunks the claim that abortion makes women safe and only attempted to show me sources in which I debunked in the statement. Of course, like the racist he is, dismissed anything automatically from pro-life and conservative research which shows that these people are willingly ignorant and unable to learn. Ironically, he complained about petty insults and that is exactly what he used including the crying argument about me somehow wanting to control women when I am trying to protect women and also protect white America from being snuffed out. It is pretty much summing up the same claims and recycled words from the pro-abortion side claiming that we only want to control women which shows how robotic these people really are and thus are the very definition of the NPC meme. Plus, one of the websites he linked me to, ironically was to argue for his pro-abortion arguments and ironically, I looked it up and lo and behold, the very website was owned by a Jew named Peter Benenson. The Wikipedia article on him, claims that he is a convert from Judaism to Catholicism but seeing what fruits come from his actions thus prove that he is not a Christian but the same kind of Jewish extremist attempting to infiltrate and destroy the morality of the Christian churches that the Spanish Inquisition was on the lookout for.
Matthew 7:16
You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?
The claim of pro-lifers attempting to control women is ridiculous because those mostly involved with the pro-life movement are female. When I went and volunteered at a pregnancy care center, I was the only male there in a large group of females to raise awareness that there were alternatives to baby killing. Plus, this kind of claim that this is a freedom for women, the argument is flawed and fallacious as there is a fine line between freedom and anarchy and anarchy is when harm is caused because people take so many liberties. Plus, one only needs to be heartless to avoid how much suffering both physically and emotionally this causes the women. Those who claim that women do not suffer from abortion regret ignore some key factors and I’ll explain them.
A study conducted in and published on claimed that 95% of women who had an abortion didn’t regret it and this same claim has been echoed by the pro-abortion mainstream media sites. However, what they don’t tell you is that up to 62.5% of women who have had an abortion absolutely refused to take part in such a survey which is a perfect indication on what is really going on as their hearts are racked with pain over the innocent blood that they have spilt. Plus, to label this as a woman’s issue is fallacious, especially as the democratic party is the only party that has been so fervently pro-abortion but white women still vote in majority for the republican party, the only party that has been or claimed to be pro-life. So, the claim that pro-lifers are trying to control women is a racist claim against white people to silence white women into not having a voice.
Plus, a study in Finland has shown that women who have had an abortion were four times more likely to suffer death in the next year than women who have not given birth. This same study shows that those who died a year later after the abortion that up to 60% of them were more likely to die of natural causes, seven times more likely to commit suicide, four times more likely to die of injuries in the midst of a horrible accident, and 14 times more likely to die from murder in the process. If that isn’t bad enough, the risk of breast cancer actually doubles as a result of an abortion and having more abortions increases the risk even further. I’m not even mentioning all the physical problems of abortion. These aren’t even mentioning the psychological damage these people suffer among abortion.
Among the women who have suffered abortions, 59% increased risk of suicidal thoughts, 61% increased risk of mood swing disorders, and 61% have increased risk of social anxiety disorders. I as a human who experiences a social anxiety disorder though I’ve never spilt blood of anyone my entire life can’t even begin to imagine how painful that might be seeing how bad I have it already and seeing how much worse it could get. I assure you that this is anything but empowerment. Plus, we should also look at the more sociological, cultural, and demographic consequences of this. Although only 34% of abortions have been non-Hispanic whites, the birth rate of non-Hispanic whites is shown to be only 1.79 which is bellow the 2.11 required to sustain a population and I can only assume that abortion is helping the numbers of white people die out even faster. The Pew research shows that whites (non-Hispanic) will be a minority by midcentury. Given the fact that the only majority demographic that doesn’t buy into these hateful anti-white globalist open borders policies of the left are the non-Hispanic whites, this will mean the end of America itself, hence a white genocide.
Those who claim that they are speaking up for women and women’s choices are lying as I’ve stated earlier as white people in general would have determined that Trump get up to 369 electoral college votes if they were the only ones who voted. White women alone would have determined that Donald Trump get 327 electoral college votes if they were the only ones who voted and Trump was the pro-life candidate. Hence, abortion is anti-white women and anti-white racism in general. It is all a trap to trick us into self-suicide and destroy our sovereignty as a people. At least white identitarians like myself aren’t the only ones who see abortion as a threat to our existence as many black identitarians themselves have noticed that abortion threatens their existence as black Americans also have a fertility rate of only 1.8 and yet their demographic consists of 37% of abortions which is the largest of the number of abortions. This is why I as a white separatist, salute black separatists as well so long as they don’t resort to violent means against white people or others. This also goes to show what I’ve been saying that anyone who is for abortion at this point is an anti-white racist.

Robert Hampton #racist

Propaganda Posing as Documentary

The new Netflix miniseries, When They See Us, brings the Central Park Five back into the limelight.

The Five were convicted of brutally gang raping a white jogger in 1989. Four were black, one Hispanic, and all were between the ages of 14 and 16. The case dominated New York City headlines and inspired Donald Trump to pay for pro-death penalty ads in the New York Times.

In 2002, a convicted serial rapist named Matias Reyes claimed sole responsibility. Mr. Reyes’s DNA was the only match to evidence from the crime scene. The state vacated the Five’s rape convictions, and in 2014, New York City awarded them $41 million. Liberals claim the case proves America’s justice system is racist. Yet many have shown there is plenty of evidence the suspects were involved in the crime.

When They See Us ignores that evidence. For black filmmaker Ava DuVernay, the Five were railroaded by police racism and a criminal prosecution.

The original incident took place on April 19, 1989, when more than 30 young blacks and Hispanics descended on Central Park for an evening of “wilding.” In the series they are just running through the park, having a good time.

Not so. “People were punched in the face and pulled off their bicycles and robbed of their watches,” says New Yorker writer Ken Auletta. They beat one white school teacher so badly police said he looked like he had been “dunked in a bucket of blood.”

The series does show a few people assaulting two people, but the Five are appalled and don’t join in. Brutal police officers chase and catch most of the suspects. One smashes 14-year-old Kevin Richardson’s face with a helmet.

Soon after the arrests, police find Patricia Meili, the raped jogger, almost dead. Sex crimes investigator Linda Fairstein suspects the young men attacked her and orders the police to get confessions. Police use physical force, lie, threaten, and deny food and toilet breaks. The suspects eventually break and confess to the rape; all but one confesses on camera.

Naturally, the justice system is racist. Outmatched in court, outwitted by racist cops, badly served by bungling lawyers, the Five are convicted because of the taped confessions. Four go to juvenile detention, and 16-year-old, Korey Wise, goes to adult prison. Five good-natured boys’ dreams are crushed by a vicious system.

The main villain is Linda Fairstein, an arrogant, blond-haired white woman who ignores evidence to get convictions. She’s what blacks call a “Beckzilla:” a white woman using her “privilege” to destroy non-whites. Miss DuVernay’s miniseries is so effective that the real Linda Fairstein lost her book publisher because of When They See Us—though she has now written her own defense against the series’ reckless portrayal.

The other villain is Donald Trump. He appears in old television interviews about the death penalty ads. The show insists he is racist and partly responsible for the unjust verdict. He personifies America’s racism and injustice.

The actors don’t look like the suspects. The short actor playing then-14-year-old Kevin Richardson looks younger than 14. Mr. Richardson looked much older than 14 in 1989, and was taller than his arresting officers. The series portrays the other four similarly.

The show claims the teenagers learned about the rape during interrogation, but some had mentioned it unprompted earlier. One said he “didn’t do the murder” but he knew who did (initially, the jogger was expected to die). Mr. Richardson told police “Antron [McCray] did it” before authorities even knew about the rape. In response to a joke that he should be out with his girlfriend, one teenager told a cop he “already got some.” As Raymond Santana was driven from one police station to another, he told police, “I had nothing to do with the rape. All I did was feel her tits.” A friend of Mr. Wise said he told her he held the victim down but did not rape her.

None of this is in the series, in which The Five stoutly deny they were involved.

In the series, the “wilding” is good-natured fun, but the Five were convicted of assaults that still stand. In a 2002 story casting doubt on the rape convictions, The Village Voice wrote:

It is important to remember, in any examination of the public record of this flawed investigation and prosecution, that even if these five youths, or at least some of them, were not guilty of rape or sexual assault, they were not innocents—having been convicted of a whole series of other crimes committed in the rampage that night. One need only recall that among those crimes, two men, John Loughlin and Antonio Diaz, were horribly beaten and left bleeding and unconscious.

One of The Five, Yusef Salam, testified in court that he brought a 14-inch metal pipe—a weapon used in the attackers—to the park that night, but the series downplays the “wilding.” In court, a stereotypical “Becky” complains that young blacks made weird sounds as she and her husband bicycled past them. The blacks in the audience guffaw at what is portrayed as petty and racist. In fact, Patricia Malone was almost raped. “It was actually terrifying,” she told ABC News last month. “They were ripping at my arms and legs and clothing. As a woman, you immediately wonder what’s going to happen.” She and her husband managed to get away.

The film gives a false impression of Mr. Wise’s time in prison. According to police, he became a prison gang leader. In the series, he is brutalized by gangs but never joins one.

There are also questions about the relationship between Mr. Wise, and the confessed rapist, Matias Reyes. Authorities think Mr. Wise’s gang may have intimidated Mr. Reyes into claiming sole responsibility. The two got into a fight early in Mr. Wise’s prison term, but in the series this is a dispute over a television.

The series claims Mr. Reyes decided to confess because of his new-found Christian faith, but police are skeptical. His past crimes included an attempted rape in a church. Mr. Reyes was already serving a life sentence for a brutal rape and murder, so an additional conviction made little difference to him.

The show treats Mr. Reyes’s confession as absolute fact, but this story is thin. He claims he caught the jogger on his own. Police doubted this because Miss Meili kept a 7-and-a-half-minute mile pace for her run; Mr. Reyes was chubby and unathletic. Mr. Reyes also claimed he attacked Miss Meili with a tree branch and a rock. She had what looked like cut wounds, but Mr. Reyes said he didn’t use a knife.

The doctors who saved the jogger’s life thought a group of men attacked her. Dr. Robert Kurtz told The Wall Street Journal in 2014 that “there had to be another individual or a group who inflicted injuries with a sharp-edged instrument if he [Reyes] only used a blunt object.” Dr. Jane Haher said there were visible handprints on Miss Meili’s thighs, calves, ankles, and behind her knees. She thinks “people held her legs down while somebody did this horrible act.”

At the time of the trial, authorities knew that at least one attacker had not been caught. As Central Park Five prosecutor Tim Clements explained to the New York Daily News last year, “We told the jury that the DNA that had been analyzed matched someone else. When Reyes came forward it was a relief. . . It’s not surprising that he (perhaps) was with this group or joined it later.”

Mr. Clements thinks the state should not have vacated the Five’s convictions: “I thought there were a lot of factual inaccuracies and some of the logic and the conclusions were faulty. The facts and the law supported the convictions. I was very disappointed that they vacated the convictions without even a hearing, without even an opportunity to question and examine Reyes.”

In When They See Us, aggressive white cops force the suspects to confess. The case’s lead officer, Eric Reynolds—who is black—strongly disputes this. “There was no coercion,” he told the New York Daily News in 2018. “If they all said the same exact things, then maybe I would think that. But they didn’t. Look at the video statements. They stand up and demonstrate [what happened].”

He also noted that the statements were obtained while Miss Meili was in a coma: “If we’re railroading them, how do we know when she comes out of the coma what story she’s going to tell? If you are trying to pin it on someone, why would you risk that she would say something different?”

Mr. Reynolds does not even appear in the series.

The prosecutor, Mr. Clements, also says there was no coercion. “Liz [Lederer, the lead prosecutor] was doing interviews in a room with an open ceiling,” he told the Daily News. “My job was to make sure everyone was quiet so the interviews wouldn’t be interrupted. There were parents present. In that situation, you can’t coach them, you can’t tell them what to do.”

The New York City Police Department re-investigated the case in 2002 and concluded there was no coercion. In the series, the main trick police use is to convince the suspects that if they confess to rape they can go home. Even a low-IQ 14-year-old knows that isn’t true. Why did the Five confess when the other suspects did not?

Mr. Reynolds, like many involved in the case, is incensed that the city settled without a trial. “If we had gone to trial in their lawsuit, we wouldn’t be having this conversation because all the facts would have come out,” he said. “It would have been clear they participated and Reyes didn’t act alone. The evidence supported it. They [the Central Park Five] did not want to go to trial. They just wanted to get paid.”

Prosecutor Clements also thinks that if there had been a new trial, the Five would have lost.

Another person who doesn’t like the settlement is the victim. “I so wish the case hadn’t been settled,” Miss Meili told ABC last month. “I wish that it had gone to court because there’s a lot of information that’s now being released that I’m seeing for the first time.” She still believes she was attacked by a group.

Of course, When They See Us leaves all this out. It has a simple message: our racist justice system framed five innocent young persons of color. It is propaganda posing as a documentary.

Thomas Homan #racist

Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) acting director Thomas Homan said on Monday that he thought about "beating" Democratic Representative Jesús Garcia during a congressional hearing last week.

During the Friday hearing, Homan was visibly angered as he responded to a line of questioning by Garcia, who is Mexican-American and represents Illinois. The former ICE director, who served in the acting leadership role under President Donald Trump from January 2017 until June 2018 when he retired, discussed the interaction in a Monday morning interview with Fox & Friends.

"I hesitated a minute before I started yelling because I actually think about getting up and throwing that man a beating right there in the middle of the room [sic]," Homan admitted. "Because when you tell somebody that spent their career saving lives that I don't care about dying children and I'm a racist, that's where I broke and that's where I had enough," he asserted.

Prior to Homan's angry response on Friday, Garcia had lashed out at the "zero-tolerance" migrant family separation policy implemented by the Trump administration until it was struck down by a federal judge last year. "Mr. Homan, do you understand that the consequences of separation of many children will be lifelong trauma and carried across generations?" the congressman asked. Pointing out that he himself was a father, Garcia asked if Homan had children and how he could "possibly allow this to happen" under his watch.

"Do you not care? Is it because these children do not look like children that are around you? I don't get it. Have you ever held a deceased child in your arms?" Garcia asked. At least five migrant children have died in custody since December.

"First of all," Homan responded, "your comments are disgusting."

Garcia shot back: "I find your comments disgusting as well, sir."

Homan yelled over the congressman to continue. "I've served my country 34 years and yes, I held a five-year-old boy in my arms," he said, claiming he said a prayer for that deceased child. "For you to sit there and insult my integrity and my love of my country and for children, that's why this whole thing needs to be fixed."

As acting director of ICE, Homan served during the Trump administration's family separation policy, which tore thousands of immigrant children from their parents or guardians. That controversial policy drew national and international condemnation. A report from the Department of Health and Human Services' Inspector General found earlier this year that the Trump administration did not even know how many children had been separated from their families. Furthermore, government officials had lost track of the whereabouts of many children, making reuniting them with their parents or legal guardians, as a federal judge had ordered, even more difficult.

As Garcia pointed out, detaining minors and separating them from their parents can cause lifelong psychological trauma, according to experts. Dr. Judy Ho, a clinical psychologist, told CNN earlier this month that detained children "have higher risk of depression and suicidal thoughts as they grow older." She also warned of the possibility of them suffering from PTSD and "having functional difficulties as adults as well as worse physical outcomes."

Rush Limbaugh #wingnut #racist #mammon #conspiracy

RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): Jonathan Karl yesterday brought in a China-sympathetic reporter to that press briefing. That China reporter in there from Phoenix TV — that’s a Chinese-dominated company — Jonathan Karl of ABC, he runs the White House Correspondents’ Association, so he brought the reporter in there. And I don’t know if anybody noticed it, but little Doctor — Dr. Fauci, at the end of the briefing, gave Karl a-thumbs up, like a “job well done” kind of thing.

It's just, it's just — you know we've got all of these Hillary Clinton sympathizers still in the medical expert team here. And we know that one thing has not changed, and that is these people’s desire, above everything else, to get rid of Donald Trump.

Can you believe these people don’t care about the economy being shut down? It is stunning to me. People are being ruined. I talked to a number of friends of mine. These are people that own their own business. A guy, a good friend of mine in South Carolina, told me he’s losing a million dollars a day. Another friend’s business is totally shut down, he’s ruined. And there’s no end in sight to this.

And now we’re talking about another task force to discuss how to reopen? We are Capitalism 101. What do we need a task force to talk about how to reopen an economy? We are — or were — the world’s number-one economy. A task force?

Look — no, no, no, — I understand that there may be some need to keep the elderly and the susceptible at home and let the young and healthy out, let them go back to work. But a task force is just another bureaucracy. Look, I’m for anything that will get all of this back up and running as soon as possible. But I just don’t get the impression that there are very many people that we see on TV from Washington every day, besides the president, who are focused on this. Do you?

Now, I understand — look, I understand this virus is a deadly thing. I understand it’s very serious. I understand all of that, please do not get confused here. But motivation is a key element to anything. Desire is a key element to accomplishment. It always has been. And we keep hearing, “No, we've got to maintain this shutdown. In fact, we need to even intensify the shutdown. We need to keep people staying at home.”


I'm just telling you that there is an all-out subtle effort for the status quo because it's going to hurt Donald Trump. That is the objective. That is the only thing at the forefront of some of these people's minds while they portray themselves as being primarily concerned with public health.

Andrew Anglin #racist #psycho

[From "The Daily Stormer is Demanding the Immediate Release of Tyler Flach!"]

Tyler Flach did nothing wrong and we at the Daily Stormer are demanding his immediate release as well as a presidential medal of freedom.

We are also demanding that Turning Point USA, Donald Trump, the Republican Party, the NRA, the Southern Baptist Convention, the Church of Latter Day Saints and PragerU join us in demanding his immediate release.


An 18-year-old suspect has been arrested and charged in the stabbing death this week of Khaseen Morris, who died surrounded by a crowd of students taking cell phone video of the attack as he bled out on the ground.


Looking perplexed and exasperated, Fitzpatrick added, “I don’t know what to make of it, my generation vs. this generation. This can’t go on. Your friends are dying while you stand there and video it. That’s egregious.”



Oceanside Superintendent of Schools Phyllis Harrington delivered a message to the community via YouTube.

“The last thing a superintendent wants is to receive a 1:40 a.m. phone call that a student has passed away from a senseless act of violence,” Harrington said, offering condolences to Morris’ family.


Kaseem Harris, we will piss on your grave!

Tyler Flach is in a rap group, you say?

I don’t care!

Look at his physiognomy:

He is obviously an Aryan Superman who was planning to lead a full-on nigger uprising against ZOG.


The headline would have been:

All he needed was the weapons and ZOG could have been finished off tomorrow! But instead the rat Kaseem Harris got in the way, and now Tyler’s locked up!

Marcus Ruiz Evans #moonbat

Message to White Nationalists from California

I read “What is to be Done,” published in American Renaissance. As a Californian and as the founder of CALEXIT — the California secession movement — I want to say that you are totally right. The liberal media do paint it as though the only people who support secession are conservatives, when we here in California support it just as much but for liberal reasons.

The American Constitution does say that states shall determine the direction of the country, not a direct popular vote. The majority of the states are conservative and will stay conservative, according to the US Census, until the year 2045. Liberals hate that, don’t respect the Constitution, and are willing to tear everything down so that conservative America doesn’t get to vote the way the Founding Fathers intended.

I know liberals think this way because I am one of them — I’m a liberal and also a Californian. I don’t share your values, but I was raised by conservatives and I learned that lying and cheating to win is not right. I don’t want to live in the America that you want to live in, but I also don’t want violence.

I know that my fellow liberals want to push their values on you because they think they know better than you, and they are willing to take away your rights guaranteed in the Constitution in order to push on you their vision of America. My fellow liberals believe that after their laws are pushed on you, you will eventually come around to see that they were right. As someone who grew up with conservatives, and who has family in Virginia and Texas, I know that is a fantasy. It will never happen.

I am deeply afraid that my fellow liberals don’t get that and aren’t going to until it’s too late. I see people on my side of the divide pushing America towards a super polarized and violently reactive era that will last decades — unless cooler heads prevail. I see the way liberals are pushing things, and that is why I support an amicable divorce. Let’s peacefully separate before we start fighting.

I write this letter directly to extreme conservatives to let you know that you alone have the power to put America on the path to peace and heal our polarized nation. Here is why you are America’s last hope for peace: You can expose the big secret that is keeping California from leaving tomorrow.

You know that the liberal media lie, but Californians don’t know that. They have been told by their media over and over that you conservatives in the middle of America love them and will never let them go, that you secretly want to be them, and will be weeping in the streets if they left. As someone who has family from the middle of America, I know that is not true.

Our movement was stopped in its tracks, not because we were told as Californians that we cannot survive as a nation, but because liberal media and liberal politicians and liberal professors told us we could never get the votes to go peacefully. They’re wrong. I know that a majority of the states, because they are conservative, would happily vote to let California leave America. Tomorrow there could be a majority of the states and the Senate that said, “Yes, you can go, CALEXIT.” This would happen if the people in conservative America stood up with one voice and spoke.

If the Senate and a majority of the states said, “Yes, California can leave the USA now,” it will expose the lies the media have told us here in California. Fifty-five percent of Californians were willing to think about leaving America when Donald Trump was elected. The media in California keep that hidden and claim that only 32 percent of Californians want to leave.

If you in conservative America can disprove the lie that conservatives would never vote for California to leave, it will let us who support Calexit force the media to acknowledge that a majority of Californians do want to leave. We liberal Californians can work with you conservative Americans to achieve a vision of America we both want and that will stop a violent future that liberals are pushing on us.

Here are your options:

California stays.
– “California Values” will be pushed on you. California has an outsized influence on Congress and pushes American Democrats further left.
– Californians will move to your town and change your local laws to reflect California values.

California leaves.
– Congress returns to a balance of left and right ideas. It stops pushing the extreme left because California is no longer there. The remaining liberals realize they have to work with conservatives to pass legislation.
– Because Californians are not American citizens, America can regulate the number of Californians who can move in.
– Shocked by the fact that Congress isn’t dominated by them, many liberals from across America will leave and move to the independent nation of California, making the rest of America even more conservative.

You can keep America. We’ll leave.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #wingnut

The Occult Roots of 'Drag' Identity

Men who dress as women love Halloween, and not just for the costuming opportunities. They are often keenly attuned to the dark spirits of the season and willing to do their bizarre, depraved bidding.

It’s one more reason to keep vulnerable children away from homosexual/gender indoctrination sessions, “drag” tutorials and parents-excluded “safe sex” discussions at your local library. These wicked people are eagerly seducing and grooming children right under our eyes, if we let them.

Drag queens are a scary presence for little kids. The young, mesmerized faces hearing the allegedly “inclusive” lessons and watching the sexual gyrations tell the real story. Something’s strange in this neighborhood, and youngsters get it, even if their clueless parents giggle and nod alongside the corrupted librarians.

The truth is, gender-benders’ public readings and sexualized performances are often influenced by an other-worldly realm. It turns out that many “drag” identifiers follow paganism, witchcraft or Satanism. They don’t even try to hide this close connection.

For instance, in a recent Tweet, the Church of Satan said, “We can confirm that there are a lot of Satanic drag queens. And they are fabulous.”

And the San-Francisco-based Satanic Temple is made up mostly of “LGBTQ” identifiers, even holding a “Pink Mass” at times. A movie made about the group is called “Hail Satan” where the leaders say they’ll fight Christian conservatives “to the death.”

Are they serious about following Satan? Who knows and who cares? Anyone who adopts his name is, tragically, fair game. Satan will exploit and manipulate these fools to his hearts’ desire, and they may never know it.

A drag-devil partnership is popping up everywhere. There are reports of Austin, Texas- area “drag” followers engaging in occult rituals (including black masses) in public parks to “hex” two city council members, courageous people who publicly objected to the perverted “story hours” at local public libraries.

And a church in Chula Vista, CA was vandalized in September with satanic symbols. Some of the members had spoken out against a local “drag queen” event. This doesn’t reflect well on the themes of love and acceptance that “drag queens” insist motivate their events.

Anna Bohach, the 500 Mom Strong leader, wrote about this movement: “Long gone are the caricatures of drag queens as clownishly quaint entertainment for a sub-group of a sub-group of sexually-isolated fetish followers. Nowadays, they want, nay, they demand, that you openly declare your support for their desires, which is focused, like a laser-beam, on your children.”

In Long Beach, California in 2017, a photo surfaced of a devil-horned library presenter who one homosexual website dubbed a “Satanic goddess.” Quickly dismissed as a joke, one has to ask, so what? Does any discerning parent want someone to read books to their children—or do anything with our kids—who dresses like a freak and jokes about such serious matters?

The weapons of their warfare are not carnal, indeed. But neither are ours and ours are far mightier. Praise God, there are believers in Christ who continue to oppose these depraved events, and in the end, our side wins.

Count on it.

But in the meantime, parents must keep speaking out and standing up, and more are doing so every day. Families also need discernment to understand how commonplace and mainstream sorcery has become, and how likely it is your children will come face-to-face with these practices in their everyday lives. At least 1.5 million Americans are witches and pagans, according to some reports, which is comparable to the membership of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Current politics drives some occult activities, with “LGBTQ” identifiers often leading the charge. Hexes and curses against conservative political figures have become common since the 2016 election. One article described the new hexing trend:

“Dakota Bracciale, a 29-year-old transgender/queer witch and co-owner of Catland Books and witch shop in Brooklyn, is pleased with the outcome of the ritual hex placed on US Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh in October [2018]…”

Another man, Michael Hughes, has been organizing witchcraft rituals to “bind” Donald Trump since 2017 and is doing so this year a week before Halloween.

So those who claim Halloween is just about candy and costumes need to think again. It is shaping up as a significant force, and not in a positive direction.

Around the country this October there were numerous “drag queen” story events with Halloween themes: Tucson ( for “all ages”), Dallas, Atlanta, Riverside, CA, Philadelphia, St. Petersburg. In Ames, Iowa, an all-ages drag show (where children could perform if they wanted) received substantial community push-back. Good for them!

But apparently there’s a new venue for child propaganda sessions—college campuses. Michigan State University recently held a “drag” event for little children and some students. And just as we’ve been alerting parents, it was timed to coincide with “Coming Out “day on October 11. So the goal of these female impersonators was clearly to influence minor children to embrace and then announce a homosexual or gender confused identity.

Why was this allowed at a publicly-funded institution?

Yet the red flags didn’t end there. One of the transvestites introduced the MSU “act” by discussing male cross-dressing through the ages. He said, “…whether it's jestors or shaman, every culture has this experience of getting into costume."

A shaman is essentially a witch doctor. So once again, the occult influence in “drag” venues keeps rearing its ugly head.

Why should people care? It’s a matter of keeping our children away from spiritual and sexual risk. Predatory adults have some very noticeable traits. They manipulate situations where they can be close to children, and they have few or no boundaries-- sexual, social or spiritual.

Drag queens insist on close contact with other people’s children and instantly dismiss parental (or taxpayer) concerns. Should we trust these people?

Absolutely not.

And this Halloween, if we fall for their deception, it’s a huge trick.

Colby Malsbury #wingnut #conspiracy

I usually find the ubiquity of celebrity death watches on this world wide web of ours morbid, as everyone ought, but there’s no denying that the August 25 [2018] passing of one of the denizens of that list – the gorgon John McCain – made my day. Not just my day, either. For the first time in collective memory, both the extreme left and the extreme right had a common cause to celebrate in tandem:

[Picture with the text “John McCain is dead” written at the top, followed by a Political Compass in which each of the four quadrants has a picture of a cheering guy and a picture of a crying woman is at the center]

The pundit class always bemoans the lack of ‘bipartisanship’ these days. Well, here’s what you’re looking for, baby! For a couple of days, anyway.

That still leaves plenty of room for the maudlin middle – in both its liberal and especially risable cohenservative wings – to signal its collective virtue via expressions of sycophantic tribute, to placate I know not whom. Or, to put it a less delicate way, the brown-nosing underway in honor of Songbird’s memory is positively nauseating. Here’s a fun drinking game: take a shot every time you run across a news item referring to McCain as a ‘hero’. (Faith & Heritage assumes no responsibility for resulting liver damage or sustained spiritual trauma if you happen to be a Baptist.)

Of course, the cascade of crocodile tears culminated in a week-long funerary jaunt from coast to coast, with stops at every conceivably relevant venue – from the Arizona state Capitol to the DC Capitol to the National Cathedral to the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial to the US Naval Academy. Such an unwieldy procession brings to mind nothing more dignified than one of the Rolling Stones’ interminable ‘farewell’ tours, or perhaps a spurious bleeding Marian icon making a pilgrimage through some of the more superstitious backwaters of rural Italy. At every stop, scads of crowds withstood late summer temperatures to pay their respects to Famous Dead Guy. The unlikeliest of illustrious potentates attended his funeral – all the surviving presidents, plus everyone from Joe Biden to Henry Kissinger to retired Diamondbacks outfielder Luis Gonzalez to Warren Beatty (!!!!) All of this, I might add, for a mere senator. His having been a presidential candidate as well had little to do with all this pomp and circumstance. I don’t recollect similar hosannas being lauded upon the passing of, say, George McGovern.

Well into the month of September, lamestream media outposts on the right and on the left engaged in a pitched battle of dueling banjos to see who could sing this stalwart warrior into Valhalla with the sweetest melody. Things got downright surreal when Stevie Wonder, of all people, dedicated a song to McCain during a concert. No word as to whether radio stations with an 80s format suspended airplay of Tina Turner’s “We Don’t Need Another Hero,” but given the trajectory I think that’s a given.

To paraphrase Creedence Clearwater Revival: Senator McCain, you are one fortunate son, sir. This astonishing national love-in permeated down to the level of us mere plebians. If you dared mention the fact that our dearly departed treasure had more than a couple of black marks on his record, your normie friends and family (assuming you have any) would have reacted as though you had sent your grandmother to live in a tent in the backyard during a polar vortex. “How DARE you???? Don’t you know he was a HERO??? A WAR hero???? What have you done with your life? Show some respect!!! You’re just a damned North Korean!!!!” Sound familiar? Maybe, if they were of a liberal bent, they would have qualified their indignation ever so slightly: “Yes, I didn’t agree with all his politics either, but that’s beside the point now!!! How can you sit there and speak ill of the dead??? You’re just a damned North Korean!!!!” Where do these people come up with their great ideas?

This, of course, leads to a wider theological question: where, exactly, is it written that to speak ill of the recently-departed dead is sin? If we are to affirm that it is indeed found in the Scriptures ‘somewhere’, then we also must reckon God a sinner, as He ordained the harlot Jezebel’s torso to be ‘disrespectfully’ dragged off by dogs after she had not been dead from her great fall even one day (II Kings 9:30-37), to cite just one example. Or could it just be that we don’t find such postmortem criticism cricket? Well, that’s just too bad, isn’t it? Marquis of Queensbury rules have not been canonized, last time I checked.

And leaving aside McCain himself for a second, of what possible benefit can it be to anyone to sing the praises of an unrepentant reprobate who has just passed on? In the New Age-y vernacular of the times, all funerals are a ‘celebration of life’. Who in their right mind would celebrate a life that had been utterly wasted on evil vanities? Anyone who would desire to be memorialized with lying tributes warrants nothing more than an unmarked grave. Such tributes can also be viewed as an egregious violation of the Fifth Commandment. Can any good be brought upon a mother or father by mealy-mouthed flatteries designed to act as the hollowest of reassurances rather than as a summation of a life to be learned from for those who yet walk upon the earth? We honor our ancestors. We don’t worship them.

More to the point of the subject at hand: I can find zero excuse for joining with the Consensus Chorus and lauding McCain as a hero.

It is not heroic to cause a fire on board an aircraft carrier that kills 134 crewmen because you ignited a Zuni rocket on your jet fighter after wet-starting it in a pointless show of bravado.

It is not heroic to get your daddy – the admiral in charge of the US Navy’s entire Pacific fleet – to intervene so that this shameful incident will be expunged from your record.

It is not heroic to get shot down over North Vietnam because you were flying too low – well within radar range – in direct contravention of orders. Again, because you were hotdogging.

It is not heroic to chirp like a canary towards your NVA captors so that you can get an extra Ritz cracker with your daily bowl of fishheads and rats.

It is especially unheroic to agree to broadcast Communist agitprop over North Vietnamese radio – which broadcasts would be duly re-aired on a wider frequency so that Voice of America could intercept them.

It is not heroic to justify this treason later in your career by whining about the ‘torture’ you underwent.

It is not heroic to divorce your first wife because she was ‘kind of a drag’ after undergoing years of therapy to recover from a near-fatal car accident.

It is not heroic to commit adultery against your first wife by jetting off for trysts across the country with your current wife.

It is not heroic to allow yourself to be wined, dined, and bribed by chief savings & loan crook Charles Keating, to blatantly lie about your involvement with him before television cameras, and to gain a reputation as the most unscrupulous of the notorious Keating Five…all in your freshman term in the Senate.

It is not heroic to make your mark in the Senate as its preeminent chickenhawk, gleefully acquiescing in any and every war that serves Israel’s interests, and to codify that status via stupid stunts like singing about bombing Iran.

It is not heroic to submit a bill calling for women to be subject to draft registration.

It is not heroic to have yourself photographed with Syrian ‘freedom fighters’ connected with ISIS, and proudly posting such on your Twitter feed.

It is not heroic to allow the laughably left-wing partisan Snopes to refute most of the above points as ‘conspiracy theories’.

And finally, it not only is not heroic but is exceptionally creepy to insist that everyone who attends your funeral services RSVP beforehand. What are you, a Rothschild?

This is only the stuff that is on the public record, as well. If we are to factor in the doubtless numerous skeletons in his closet, McCain’s life becomes all the more damning. Suffice it to say that while I am not a fan of Donald Trump, he was spot on the money when he said that it takes more than sitting in a tropical prison cell for half a decade to constitute a hero. I can see no good out of pretending otherwise now that Son of Cain is safely ensconced in Gehenna.

I can think of no better concluding remark than that proffered by Mark Dice: “Is John McCain’s funeral over yet?”

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "AOC is Compiling Enemies Lists for Post-Election Punishment (Camps?)"]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a woman who is possibly the single most powerful person in the Democrat Party, took to Twitter on Friday to call for a compiling of an enemies list – and her supporters are following orders.

Cortez said that the tweets of people supporting Donald Trump against this election fraud are “complicit” and that they will try to deny that in the future, so the tweets of Trump supporters should be archived.
Liberal and apparent Jew, Michael Simon, responded to her tweet saying that they are indeed compiling an enemies list.

Simon is a part of a group putting together an enemies list called “The Trump Accountability Project” and including the names of everyone who works to help Trump.

The official website for the group,, says openly that they are planning revenge.
Communists have always targeted and punished people who they’ve labeled “traitors to the revolution.” There is a 100% chance that members of the left-wing of the Democrat Party will be seeking to hunt down and punish Trump supporters, should they manage to succeed with their fraud and claim the White House.
Get out to the protests this weekend.

Unimatrix/James Rink #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #magick

<channeled predictions from March 2020>
Unimatrix from year 6,575,008

Coronavirus is a synthetic DNA system, protomolecule, artificially created by computer systems from biotech labs in the USA university intellectual level to study its effect on its immune system and use as a bio weapon on human populations. Chinese human faction used it for study, tactical understanding, weaponry offense, subjugate other factions as a means to an end game. Its similar to black goo but it’s a synthetic 9A.I. DNA created by computer system devices from unacknowledged funding sources. Bill and Melinda gates acted as liaison for global elite depopulation agenda.

Chinese released and orchestrated this virus. Survivability of the Chinese communist party is 0%

Consciousness reaching high level will be immune to infection. Positive thinking will not be harmed.

Ascension 1,000,900. Vibrational consciousness reaches higher physical existence in another dimension.

Crypto has 1,000,000% growth rate. Digital currency will be the future.

Protocol from CDC must be implemented to quarantine infected individuals. New economy with new technology, creativity and leadership will be implemented. ET will also intervene.
Donald Trump knows about these technologies. Trump is liaison to positive human society and ET organizations. Donald Trump is star seed, Sirian Council Nine. Lineage Lyran and Vega. Trump is et consciousness. High human organization, healer, counselor, archangel Michael energy. Trump Is time traveler in parallel with quantum mirror technology to receive instruction from parallel dimension and parallel knowledge to bring about positive advantage for trump and his family.

Maria G Trejo #fundie


shizuru-minamino #wingnut #fundie

You guys are so hellbent on unseating Donald Trump and Mike Pence, that you don't see whats really at stake. You aren't just voting against the GOP. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are also against someone else, They're hiding in a basement and refusing to speak to reporters and not wanting any debates. Big Reason, they're agaisnt God. They're so crazy for your votes and after winning them, they want to ban God from us. they are anti-Christians. No wonder Joe Biden couldn’t remember who created him. He’s lied so much, I doubt he believes in God. Jesus Christ died for our sins and saved us. Kamala Harris wants us to forget all about that, probably saying God is a lie. She’s using Joe to gain power. She’s after power and money. It’s never truly about what’s good for us, she’s got no interest in even you Democrat supporters. She just wants your votes. That’s it. In her offer, she says "I'll give you free stuff, national healthcare, lots of incintives. all you gotta do is vote for Joe and me." We christians have heard this empty promise before. It’s famous. It’s been around for 1000s of years. Who said it? God’s enemy. Satan. He promised Jesus the exact same thing. He was brushed off by our Lord, But now, over 2000 years later, it’s the same old stale empty promise. Now, it’s coming out of her mouth. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are doing all they can, surrounded by their liberal media blankets and fake news, to do nothing but trashing Trump for your faithful ears to hear. They’re too afraid to come out and face him. That means they don’t want exposure. They can’t have that. They sit in a basement, same way Satan just sits in hell, and sweet-talk your leftist ears in their brainwashing. All the while planning to make Jesus illegal for us.

Dave Daubenmire #homophobia

Right-wing commentator Dave Daubenmire said on his “Pass The Salt Live” webcast on Thursday that the idea of Mayor Pete Buttigieg becoming president was “wicked” because he happens to be gay.

What Buttigieg does in the bedroom is apparently disqualifying for the presidency, but Donald Trump is just fine despite the affairs, and cruelty, and corruption, and admitted sexual assaults.

Straightness is all that matters.

That’s not just our side saying that. Daubenmire literally defended Trump’s extra-marital sex life using the argument that his straightness made his sins more acceptable than Buttigieg’s.

… [Daubenmire] said that Buttigieg can never be allowed to become president because “if a man cannot figure out what to do with his sexual organs, he has no business being in the White House.”

“Donald Trump sleeping with a thousand women — I don’t know — is a perfectly normal human response, but immoral,” Daubenmire said. “But Mayor Pete Buttplug — I said that again on purpose — what he is doing is not only immoral, it’s unnatural, it’s a crime against nature. It doesn’t even make sense, yet people are actively considering allowing that man to be president of the United States. It’s beyond wicked.”

No one thinks more about what gay men do in the bedroom than white Christian men who preach against homosexuality.

Remember that Buttigieg is married and monogamous. President Obama was the same — and straight! — but that didn’t stop Daubenmire from condemning him every chance he had either.

The problem with Buttigieg, to these people, isn’t that he’s gay. It’s that he’s doing well enough among Democrats that there’s a chance he might actually win the White House. They’re afraid. So they’re attacking him in a way that’s designed to stoke fear and hatred among the GOP’s gullible, bigoted base.

Steve Bannon #wingnut

President Trump won an overwhelming victory on Tuesday night, with certifiable, verifiable legal votes. The fact is the president was reelected. And the president, you know, the Roman Republic had a saying -- fortune favors boldness. It's now time to be bold and that is why you see people like Ric Grenell, Dave Bossie, Corey Lewandowski, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani involved in this process. We've got to stop playing games here.
President Trump won an overwhelming victory. He should start acting right now in his second term. He should fire the FBI director, he should put in process the implement to fire Fauci. He should start manning up for his second term with guys like Ric Grenell.
You can’t in the middle of the night in Wisconsin and Michigan and in Pennsylvania allow them to steal it. We have become a banana republic. The president should start executing on his second term today. He should also in federal court if we can get a vote, if we can get a count that’s verifiable, legal, certifiable, with chain of custody with all these mail-in votes, if you can do that, he’ll win those states. If you can’t do that, it’s not the end of the world. We control the state legislatures, we control the courts.
Let me give you a fact -- Donald Trump won on November 3rd and Donald Trump is going to be inaugurated on 20th of January, 2021 and the Democrats are just going to have to live with that. I don't care how much whining they are going to have, how big a temper tantrum. Treat Biden like the feckless old man he is wandering around Wilmington, Delaware in a car dealership. Dismiss everything. I don’t care about his website, his transition. Trump is already in his second term.

Jeremiah Johnson #fundie #wingnut

I had a prophetic dream several weeks ago that I walked up to Lou Engle and handed him two tickets to the World Series where the Los Angeles Dodgers were playing. And I had said to Lou in the dream that there was a message that God had for him. And so when I woke up from the dream, I looked up where the World Series was being played. And it was being played in Texas, which I found significant, because that's where Roe v. Wade was passed into law. And then the games were being played at Globe Life stadium, which I felt was significant.

And so when I woke up, I decided to reach out to Lou and shared this dream with him. And while I was talking with him, I began to prophesy to him. Even before the World Series, I said to Lou that I believe the Lord said to me that the Dodgers would win the World Series. And this would be a sign that God is not done with Los Angeles or California.
I told him that Amy Coney Barrett would be set in as a Supreme Court justice before the election, and that Donald Trump would be reelected. Now the final one, Donald J. Trump being reelected, has yet to happen. I believe it will. I told Lou that if all three of these things happened, it would be assigned to him that he was to call 1 million women to the Mall in Washington, D.C., to see Roe v. Wade overturned in America.

And so I believe that Amy Coney Barrett is a modern-day Esther. And God has called Lou Engle like a Mordecai. And I believe that Amy Coney Barrett has opened up what I'm calling a 'new Esther and Deborah era' in the body of Christ, where we're going to see a massive, righteous women's movement. I believe the Lord revealed to me that Roe v. Wade—it really is a women's issue. And God is going to call forth women from all over America to gather at the Mall one day to see Roe v. Wade overturned.

Donald Trump Jr. #psycho #wingnut

The best thing for America’s future is for @realDonaldTrump to go to total war over this election to expose all of the fraud, cheating, dead/no longer in state voters, that has been going on for far too long.

It’s time to clean up this mess & stop looking like a banana republic!

EmpathicDesign #wingnut

Hey Democrats and Leftists: Eat a bowl of sh*t.

You lost; like you always lose, like you will always lose, and that time you spent on trying to remove the greatest President of The United States since Abraham Lincoln himself, you could have spent helping the American economy and people, like you could and should have; oh wait, Donald J. Trump was busy doing that for you because you're all a bunch of useless, weak, pathetic, immature children who were hung up on losing a fair election.

Another four years of of Donald J. Trump PLEASE!
I cannot wait to see how he humiliates the Democrats and Leftists even further.
This is the Presidents game, and you pathetic pieces of crap will never get one up on Trump. EVER. ROFL.

We will not thank you for wasting America's time.

Get wrecked you lame douche bags, get wrecked time and time again!



Jim Garlow #fundie #wingnut

Pastor Paula White-Cain led Donald Trump to faith in Christ before he became a candidate for the presidency. At the time, White-Cain wisely never openly spoke of it. However, at a White House dinner in May of 2017, Vice President Mike Pence stated, "Donald Trump has prayed to receive Christ as his Lord and Savior," with the president sitting only about 10 feet away.


The first time that pastors "placed hands" on him to pray for him, Trump appeared to be shocked, looking over his shoulders at the hands on him, wondering what was going on. Months later, he would say to us, "lay hands on me and pray for me." He genuinely honors the role of prayer and has asked for it with increasing frequency.


He is frequently attacked for "character." I have observed politics and government closely since age nine when Dwight Eisenhower was running against Adlai Stevenson. (I know that is strange, but from August 13 of my ninth year, a "government anointing"—that's what I call it—came upon me, I have followed politics virtually every day since). I have never seen a nationally elected official so honor his campaign promises like Donald Trump. His critics cannot seem to understand that honoring one's campaign commitments is a demonstration of character.


How often have you heard someone bring up something about Donald Trump's past? The "Never Trumpers" obsess with this. Let me cut to the chase. Every person reading this has things from their past they wish they could change. Just because one has a "Saul" past, does not mean one cannot have a "Paul" present. The nature of the gospel is one of redemption.

Günter Schulte #racist #wingnut

Why I Would Vote for Donald Trump if I Were American

I write from central Europe, and like racially conscious whites everywhere, I closely follow your elections. Despite its declining economic and political power, the United States is still a mighty source of popular culture and ideology, almost all of it poisonous.

While President Trump has slowed immigration, he has not stopped or reversed it. You are still hurtling toward minority status in your own country. He has forced your opponents to show their true selves. He has unmasked the deep state and driven the media to an unprecedented level of fury and open contempt for whites. This has opened the eyes of whites, not just in your countries but in Europe. At the same time, to the astonishment of European Identitarians, ever since the death of George Floyd, the cultural revolution against your people has reached a new level of hysteria. From overseas, some of us wonder why American patriots “back the blue,” even when the police ignore rioters and looters, and the FBI considers “domestic violent extremists” as dangerous as foreign or Islamic terrorism.

Even worse for us overseas, your elites support an international, structurally liberal system that hurts whites everywhere. Your biased but cleverly plotted movies and television programs are now seen in every part of the world and help explain why there are Black Lives Matter protests from the United Kingdom to South Korea. Your State Department funded opposition to the Hungarian government. When even a Republican government opposes healthy European nationalism, can you not imagine what we fear from Democrats?

Donald J. Trump #psycho #wingnut

[he’s commenting on the Biden bus attack]

In my opinion, these patriots did nothing wrong. Instead, the FBI & Justice should be investigating the terrorists, anarchists, and agitators of ANTIFA, who run around burning down our Democrat run cities and hurting our people!

Donald Trump #wingnut

Over the next four years, we will stop the radical indoctrination of our students, and restore PATRIOTIC EDUCATION to our schools. We will teach our children to love our Country, honor our history, and always respect our great American Flag.

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #psycho

Here is what has been happening under the surface. Self-described Satanist and human fetus eater Leo Zagami sent us the following message:

“China will invade Taiwan and trigger a Third World War if Trump wins or if the elections are contested.”

When we ran this by some Asian secret society sources they said, “We thought Leo Zagami was your friend.” Leo Zagami has tried various ways to criminally entrap me, destroy my mind with PCP, and murder me with a lung destroying poison so – emphatically – he is not my friend.

It turns out the Chinese nearly fell for a very clever Satanist trap. They were told that if Joe Biden was elected, then they would be given their dream of a United States of China. In other words, the Rockefeller faction using Biden repeated the promise made by Hillary Rockefeller Clinton. That is they would hand over Japan, Taiwan, ASEAN, and the Korean Peninsula to China if they were in power.

U.S. President Donald Trump is part of this trap, wittingly or otherwise. That was seen when his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner were witnessed last week praying at Rabbi Menachem Mendel Shceerson’s grave for her father’s reelection.
Sheerson is also known as the Lubavitcher Rebbe and is one of the key architects of the Satanic plan to murder 90% of humanity and enslave the survivors. Since Trump has not publicly denounced his daughter or Kushner, we are forced to conclude he is aware of the plot. He also insists on calling SARS-Cov-2 the “China virus,” which is tantamount to a declaration of economic war.

Pat Robertson #crackpot #fundie #god-complex #wingnut

Televangelist Pat Robertson claimed on Tuesday that God told him U.S. President Donald Trump will win re-election on November 3rd, which will be followed by mass civil unrest, a war against Israel and “some kind of asteroid strike on the globe.”

“First of all, I want to say without question, Trump is going to win the election,’’ Robertson said on the Christian Broadcast Network’s “The 700 Club.’’

“That doesn't mean you sit home and don’t vote,” he added. “That means you get out and do everything you can to work, but he’s going to win. That’s, I think, a given.”

The 90-year-old founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, then went on to say that after Trump is re-elected war will break out, listing threats to the U.S. from China, North Korea and Turkey.

Robertson continues, saying civil unrest in the United States following the election “will tear the country apart” and give Erdogan in Turkey and Iran the opportunity to come together to wage war against Israel.

Robertson’s dire predictions go on: “What I think very frankly is the only thing that will fulfill the word of Jesus … is some kind of asteroid strike on the globe,” he continues. “It’s sudden destruction. It’s not going to be some nuclear war. We’re not going to be allowed to blow this earth up.’'

Robertson then the damage from the asteroid and says “then, maybe the end” will come next.

Robertson concludes, “I think it’s time to pray.’’

Paula White #fundie #crackpot

Donald Trump’s spiritual adviser Paula White delivered a flamboyantly passionate prayer for “angels” to help Trump to win.

She works herself into a trance and starts speaking in tongues, and then declares: “For angels have even been dispatched from Africa right now. Africa right now. From Africa right now. They’re coming here. They’re coming here. In the name of Jesus, from South America. They’re coming here. They’re coming here.”

She repeats that “angelic reinforcement” is coming from South America and Africa but, apparently, not Asia, Europe, Australia, or Antarctica.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

You know in Germany, if you have a bad heart and you’re ready to die or if you have cancer and you’re going to be dying soon, and you catch COVID, that happens we mark it down to COVID. You know our doctors get more money if somebody dies from COVID, you know that, right?

I mean, our doctors are very smart people. So what they do is they say is, 'you know sorry everybody dies of COVID’. But in Germany and other places, if you have a heart attack or you have cancer, you’re terminally ill, you catch COVID, they say you died of cancer, you died of a heart attack. With us, when in doubt, choose COVID. It’s true, no it’s true. No, they’ll say, Oh it’s terrible what he said, but it’s true. It’s like $2,000 more. So you get more money. This could only happen to us.

US CGmom #fundie

(On Trump’s announcement that he had switched from being a Presbyterian to a nondenominational Christian)

That is correct. President Donald John Trump is a new born-again John chapter 3 Christian. He sits in the largest bible study our White House has had since World War II - with VP Pence, SOS Pompeo, AG Barr, Sec. Dr. Ben Carson and dozens more; Tony Perkins, pres. of Family Research Council; Dr. Robert Jeffress who's been advising/praying with POTUS since 2015; Franklin Graham and many more. Whenever anyone throws stones at Pres Trump, I quote Lord Jesus in Book of John Chapter 8 verse 7:
"Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her."

Pastor Gary Hamrick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia

Listen to me, I’m going to speak truth to you. If you are a lifelong Democrat, your party has left you. Your party has left you. That ship has sailed. It’s true. I used to believe that the two-party system in America was much like a husband and a wife in a marriage, just differences. Just, you know, different people with different approaches and different perspectives but who shared a common goal and vision in life. And so, therefore, you could learn from each other’s different perspective, and you would balance each other out. I don’t believe that anymore. I believe that there is a liberal progressive agenda influenced by spiritual forces of evil, that if allowed to progress will be the demise of America. I believe it with all my heart. And while people are sitting around, foolishly talking about how they don’t like Trump’s tweets and his unfiltered style and his checkered past, meanwhile, the enemy is roaming around like a roaring lion looking for a nation to devour.

I know Trump is not going to win Miss Congeniality. Get over it! It’s not about personality. It’s about guardians of what is true and what is right in our day. That’s what we need to be concerned about.

Donald Trump is not our savior. Joe Biden is not our savior. Jesus Christ is our savior, and because he is my Savior, as for me in my house, I cannot, I will not vote for a candidate whose party platform advocates the murder of unborn babies, embraces same-sex marriage, encourages transgender behavior, and ignores God and his word in our culture.

I cannot. I will not. Cannot. Will not. Amen.

Listen, if you in good conscience cannot vote for Donald Trump, then don’t. But I don’t know how in good conscience a Christian can vote for an agenda that is evil.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia

[From "The Center Right Is Worthless"]

Why should anyone support conservative liberalism?[…]
In spite of the mainstream Right, which upholds consensus antiracism in our culture, I have developed a positive sense of White racial identity.[…]
Of what value is the mainstream Right on sex?

What is the GOP going to do about young women who are out of control and older women who have become cat ladies and gone crazy? To ask the question is to answer it.[…]
The Supreme Court with Neil Gorsuch on the bench read transgenderism into the Civil Rights Act of 1964 this summer. Conservative liberalism couldn’t conserve the definition of marriage under Obama.[…]Insofar as we are up against the forces of sexual anarchy and gender fluidity in popular culture, we are on our own.
The GOP’s biggest accomplishment in this department is dumping the Mississippi State Flag and presiding over the destruction of hundreds of our monuments.[…]
Obviously, the GOP under Trump isn’t of any value to us in this area. Sheldon Adelson hit the jackpot when Trump got elected in 2016.[…]
Several generations ago, the GOP surrendered the public school system to blacks and progressive pedagogues, which is why I have to scrape up money from you to pay for my own son’s private school tuition. Now, the GOP is running on school choice so that the black kids in the “failing schools” can transfer to the private schools we pay for in addition to the public schools.[…]
Yeah, Donald Trump was elected in 2016 to restore “law and order,” but he spent his first term boasting about all the black felons he let out of prison with criminal justice reform and allowing Antifa and BLM to do whatever they wanted and burn down the country.

JD Heyes #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Donald Trump’s presidency has so frightened globalists around the world that they are literally pulling out all the stops to destroy him and the greatest country in the history of the world — the United States.

Why? Because a powerful, wealthy, stable America, which Trump created before the Wuhan coronavirus, is anathema to the socialist, Marxist authoritarian world they want to create — and then run.

To do that, however, the globalists must first discredit, and then replace, our founding principle of capitalism, the world’s only economic model that has been wildly successful for the majority of people who live under it.
For another, these people are never going to give up their own wealth, but their economic system — socialism or worse, Marxism or Communism — will require that the rest of us surrender whatever wealth we have accumulated to them so they can redistribute it people who don’t have as much, so that in the end we’re all equally poor (the exceptions being, of course, the wealthy elitist globalists who ‘run things’).
In a socialist/ Marxist economy, there is no wealth, save for those at the top. There are no opportunities because there is no incentive — no pay-off — to invest in, build and market ‘the next best thing.’

When you hear globalists like Schwab call for replacing the world’s most copied and most successful economic system using phrases like “social justice” and buzz terms like “equality,” know that’s not really what they mean.

They just want power. And they want us to just give it to them.

SoundMind #fundie #wingnut #racist

Yes, it is a duty for believers to take a stand against those re-imagining our republic into something ungodly. Casting a vote is hardly a burdensome deed especially since America's very essence is being threatened (eg, increasing the size of the Supreme Court and making America a Free-for-all for the world's poor). God doesn't expect us to lay down but to stand (Ephesians 6:13). His servant Nehemiah also built a strong wall against neighboring countries who were raiding them.

What is godly about President Trump in contrast to Joe Biden?

For one, he is protective of his countrymen much like God is with His family, whom He wants safe and nourished. Joe Biden would have the world's poor overrun us and, further, force American workers to support lawless foreigners for life regardless of whether or not they work for benefits which are earned by American laborers, such as stimulus payments, unemployment compensation, food stamps, Medicare and Medicaid, and Social Security. Donald Trump has constantly sought to relieve citizens of this enormous financial burden, not to mention the diseases and crime that so often accompany those who sneak in.

President Trump also understands that the best way to help his countrymen prosper is to stimulate job growth, and he has already proven he can do that. He will do it again, and that's why he will be reelected.

David J. Stewart #fundie #wingnut #sexist

We've lost our respect nowadays for the sacredness of human life. We've got wackos from PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) elevating animals to the status of humans. We've got ungodly judges on the U.S. Supreme Court, who rule that a fetus is not a human being, yet a man who murders a pregnant mother is charged with two murders!

Ethics is simply doing the right thing. People rarely do the right thing anymore. Everywhere we turn nowadays we see cold-hearted people, who are angry at life and the world. Road rage is common. Fornication and bastard children are the norm. Adultery is everywhere. I see pretty women covered in ugly dark green tattoo ink, marring the natural beauty that God gave them. We've got grandmothers wearing today's these days! Men are going their own way (MGTOW), because the benefits-to-risk-ratio is no longer worth getting married.

In this untoward generation we hear worldly terms in Hollywood; such as, “sexual market value,” and on Walt Disney of teen boys sexually “scoring” with the girls! But the Holy Bible has been removed and banned from children's daily lives at school since 1963. Can we really ask why young people are rioting, burning cities down, pulling down historic statues, destroying the property of innocent people, and have no respect for authority? It was Russian communist dictator, Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) who said: “The best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals.” That us so true! I am ashamed of how the United States has been abusing President Donald Trump. Mr. Trump is the duly elected leader of our country! The hateful anarchy, threats of violence, and expressions of contempt are ungodly. For Democrats to stoop low and attack our nation's elected President is anarchy. God is eventually going to give Americans the demonic leader they deserve—the Man of Sin, the Antichrist!!!

“If scientists found a single living cell on Mars abortionists would say, ‘Look, there’s life on other planets!’ But you have a multi-cell baby living inside the mother's womb and they say, ‘No life there!'”

Eddie Hyatt #fundie #wingnut #mammon

My purpose in life—my reason for being—is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and see His church strengthened and built up in America and around the world. I have no vested interest in any candidate or political party but will vote for the one whose policies are most friendly to the cause of Christ and my own reason for being.

The Democratic Party—the party of my parents and grandparents—has made this an easy choice. To cite just one example; last year, the Democrat National Committee (DNC) unanimously passed a resolution affirming atheism and declaring that neither Christianity nor any religion is necessary for morality or patriotism.

By this act, they rejected God, the Bible and any transcendent guide for truth and morality. They swallowed the lie of the serpent to our first parents that if they would ignore God's command and go their own way, "You will be like God, knowing [determining] good and evil" (Gen. 3:5b).

This move was not only a slap in the face of God, but also a rejection of America's founding generation. To cite just one example: In his first inaugural address, George Washington declared, "The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the external rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained (Hyatt, Pilgrims and Patriots, 174).

Donald Trump, despite his tweets and personal flaws, has supported individual and religious liberty. He has acknowledged God and Christ and promoted policies that are friendly to the Christian cause. He has obviously moved in the direction of Christian, conservative values.

But while Trump has been moving toward God, the Democratic Party has been running from Him. This has made Nov. 3 an easy choice for me. If you would like to read more about my thoughts on this election and Donald Trump, check out my 31-page book, 5 Reasons I Changed My Mind About Donald Trump.

Lance Wallnau #fundie #wingnut

Father, in the name of Jesus, we believe that you’re going to have mercy on America. I believe Donald Trump has unfinished business in the nations. And I believe you will not let someone who has stood with Israel and stood with Christians, you will not let them be ingloriously beaten and embarrassed by your enemies. Because your name is part of this, Lord. What would the heathens say? What would the radicals say? What would the communists say when someone who stands with you so conspicuously does not have a friend in high places watching over them? But I believe you are going to watch over this president.

Pastor Derek Rogers #fundie #wingnut

...I know that, as pastors, we’re not supposed to talk about politics and those type of things, but because we’ve avoided politics as pastors and hadn’t talked about the truth of God’s word, and the truth in politics, you can see the state of our society now. So I’m going to go out of the norm and I’m going to talk to you just for a minute tonight.

This election, you’re voting for good or evil. You’re not voting for Democrat or Republican, you’re voting for good or evil, one or the other. And I’m just going to encourage you, and I’m going to say it like this: I don’t know how anybody could call themselves a born again Christian, and have a relationship with God, our Father, and know anything about the Bible and the truth of the Bible, I do not understand how anybody that calls themselves a Christian could vote for the agenda and the platform of Joe Biden.

Yep, I said it.

President Trump, he ain’t the greatest dude in the whole world, but he’s the closest thing that we got to what we need. And I’m gonna encourage you. He’s gonna fight for Christianity. He’s gonna fight for everything that we believe in as Christians and the Bible. And the other party is gonna fight to take away every religious freedom and every right we have as Christians.

It matters and you need to know that if you don’t know it. If you haven’t caught up with the current times, that’s the fact of the matter. This Democratic Party is not the Democratic Party that your parents voted for or your grandparents voted for. It is an evil monster. Now, send the voicemails, send the hate mail, send the ugly texts. It doesn’t bother me. I’m just telling you straight up: It matters this year, and if you’re gonna vote as a Christian, and vote for biblical truth, you better vote for Donald Trump so that we can keep America great and keep our religious freedom and our rights as Christians. So I said it.

Donald Trump #elitist

We are trying to help Portland, not hurt it. Their leadership has, for months, lost control of the anarchists and agitators. They are missing in action. We must protect Federal property, AND OUR PEOPLE. These were not merely protesters, these are the real deal!

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie

The long-anticipated October offensive against the Satanic Cabal has gone into full swing, Pentagon sources report. This includes attacks on Deep Underground Military Bases in California, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, New Zealand, Australia, and Germany, the sources say.

The biggest battle was an attack on the underground base complex near Palm Springs, California. This was where self-described Satanist leader Leo Zagami fled to avoid arrest in Italy. Zagami claimed he could summon demons and admitted to eating human fetuses, and has been leading a campaign against Pope Francis.

The attack on the underground base was reported in the news as a swarm of close to 600 earthquakes. However, these bore the telltale signs of being caused by explosives and not natural processes, according to U.S. Geological Survey sources.

Pentagon sources also say “over 1,600 Israelis may have received extra-judicial treatment as protests against Bibi [Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] continue.” Furthermore, Israel has been exposed for trying to start World War III by fomenting a dispute between Azerbaijan and Armenia,” the sources say. Israel is being forced to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and de-nuke as a condition for Middle East peace, they add.

“The attacks began after U.S. President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on the first day of the fiscal year 2021 [October 1, 2020] and then left the White House to man battle stations for Red October,” the sources say. It was also on this day that U.S. “doomsday planes” were sent airborne as a sign of preparedness for all-out nuclear war.

Donald Trump #god-complex #quack

President Trump said he’s a “perfect physical specimen” and feels better than ever after battling the coronavirus.

“I’m back because I am a perfect physical specimen and I’m extremely young. And so I’m lucky in that way,” he said on Fox Business Thursday.


“I’d love to do a rally tonight. I wanted to do one last night. But I think I’m better to a point that I feel better than I did,” he said.

He said he received remdesivir and it made all the difference.

“You take it and it beats the hell out of it. And I’m telling you I could have walked out of there 24 hours after I went in. I didn’t even have to go in, frankly. I think it would have gone away,” he said.

Brenden Dilley #wingnut

(On Trump’s COVID diagnosis)

I don’t care what you say, that dude’s got God-tier genetics. His kids are always healthy. They’re all strong, tall, no fucking deformities, nothing going on. These are rock solid people. President Donald J. Trump, he’s been your president for three-and-a-half years. He’s been campaigning for like—I don’t even know how long—another two years on top of that? You’ve never seen him sick. You’ve never seen him without energy. So just remember, President Trump is not somebody that’s walking around with weak-ass pussy fucking genetics, alright? He hasn’t got those liberal genes, OK? These are like God-tier genetics, top fucking one percentile genetics. So, don’t even sweat that shit.

Part of what makes President Trump special is that we finally have somebody we can build legend around and you need that in culture. So far, President Trump has dispatched the Russians. He’s dispatched China. He’s dispatched North Korea. He’s dealt with the Iranians. He whacked ISIS. He destroyed the deep state. He destroyed Obama. He destroyed Clinton. All these people tried to fight him; he beat all of them so far. He beat Mueller. He beat the FBI. He beat the CIA. Do I need to keep going? He’s gonna add coronavirus to the list of legendary feats.

Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) #fundie #quack #wingnut

Faith healing “school” becomes a COVID hotspot with 137 cases. It has ties to Donald Trump.
The man who runs the school was reportedly asked by Trump to "anoint every door in the White House" with olive oil.

Someone at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) wasn’t paying attention in class. The California “school” for faith healers is the latest COVID hotspot with 137 infections in the past month alone.

And, of course, the leadership of the ministry has ties to President Donald Trump’s coterie of evangelical Christian “advisors” and reportedly anointed “every door in the White House” with olive oil at Trump’s request.


Trump allegedly disguised the unaccredited school’s owner, Bill Johnson, as a janitor shortly after taking office and instructed him to anoint every door with olive oil in a bid to ward off demons according to the megachurch’s east coast head.

Trump has met with evangelical leaders and submitted to the anointing and “laying on of hands” ritual in photos widely circulated by the religious right.


Earlier this year, the school agreed to stop sending students to local hospitals to “cure” coronavirus. The church canceled missionary trips and told congregants who are feeling sick to stay home. They encouraged their over 9000 members to wash their hands frequently, too.

Brenden Dilley #fundie

On yesterday’s edition of “The Dilley Show,” MAGA “life coach” and amoral right-wing commentator Brenden Dilley griped that supporters of President Donald Trump have been mocked for supposedly being members of a cult that is built on the belief that the president is a brilliant genius who has been chosen by God and can do no wrong.

Despite the fact that Dilley himself regularly promotes these cultish beliefs about Trump, he took exception to a recent segment on CNN featuring an interview with Steven Hassan, who is the author of the new book, “The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control.”

In an effort to push back against this claim, Dilley insisted that members of the media are really part of a cult, and he played a video featuring dozens of local news anchors reading literally the same script about the dangers of fake news to prove it.

“Perhaps you are doing what you guys always do, which is accusing those who stand against you of that which you are guilty of,” Dilley declared in reaction to the clip. “That is what a fucking cult looks like, my friends.”

Unfortunately for Dilley, all of the journalists in the clip he played worked for stations owned by the Sinclair Broadcasting Group, which is a conservative media organization that is staunchly pro-Trump.

In fact, the video that Dilley played was compiled by Deadspin last year as the centerpiece for its article, “How America’s Largest Local TV Owner Turned Its News Anchors Into Soldiers In Trump’s War On The Media.”

If Dilley was trying to prove that MAGA is not a cult, perhaps playing a video featuring dozens of journalists being forced to repeat the same script on orders from their Trump-loving owners was not the best way to do so.

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