
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Donnie Johnson #transphobia #sexist reddit.com

Being a she isn’t just having pretty hair
She isn’t she based off what she wears
She isn’t just obsessed with fluffy or pink
Being a she doesn’t mean we all require long lashes to blink
A she has a period that comes every month
She bloats, cramps and feels a ton
Her uterus holds life if she’s willing and able
She isn’t just heels or a seductive being
She’s genetically born to be nurturing
So please know you’ll never be her even when you dress up
The mocking demeans what she brings to this world and enough is enough!!

Eskimocel #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Venting If Slav, blow your head off.

If Slav, its over. Horrendous selection of traits which look good on females but look absolutely horrible on men, recessed bones bones and a round face is the norm. The hairline genetics have been selected to be the absolute worst too, disgusting creep norwood where females want to avoid you at all cost as talking to you is portrayed as talking to a homeless peasant and a reduction in status by default.
No wonder suicide statistic are horrendously high for Eastern countries, just goes to show how expendable the males are but primarily its due to them leading depressing lives and dying of substance abuse.
The females are massive whores that leave to experience the flavour of the savannah jungle-men and feel a sense of status and high importence with the tall text-book Chad nordics in the West. Most Slavs abroad work 12 hour shift wages to hurl at a female in hopes of something occurring whilst she fucks sahara men because its trendy and cool and also Nordic males because they are 3psl on average better looking.

Bullet to the head if Slavic, if not you will rope by default because its in your DNA anyways.

Cope, Slavs have the 2nd best pheno among white men, they just lose for Northern Europeans

Is this why sexual tourism is popular in countries like Greece, Italy and the Balkans?

Females just want to be devoured by feral men, nothing new here. Last time I heard, no female wants to travel to Lithuania to fuck Lithuanian men.

Slavs really are the niggers of Eastern Europe.

yea central asians mog slavs, slavs are niggers of their own countries

Copexodius Maximus #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Theory Inter-appearance dating is the problem (and how it creates incels and feminists)

Some people say interracial dating is the problem, others say it's interage dating.
The real problem is inter-appearance dating/sex (dating/fucking people in a different looks rank than you).

Normie and ugly women all sleep with Chad and think that's how attractive they are as well.
This makes it so they end rejecting all uglier males and thinking they deserve the Chad.
When Chad won't commit to them, they'll end up being with some normie male who she doesn't want and is only with him because she wants a family and kids.

Meanwhile, femcel women who are below normie level just stick to being alone because they can't get with even a normie to commit to them, so they become feminists and man haters.
They don't want to be with incel males because we are too ugly for them, and high tier incel males don't want to be with them because they are ugly but also have been blown out by many Chads and ignored incels while they were young.

The free sexual marketplace is a place that naturally breeds incels and feminists.
I see no way around controlling for the generation of more of us in the future unless we ban males and females from being able to mate with people in a different looks ranking than them.
This forced assortative mating will make it so everyone who is uglier will have a chance at a life long partnership with one another, whether man or woman.

Total Imbecile #sexist incels.is

It's Over My plan to grade women more harshly is failing hard

Basically I swithched to grading on the right/wrong answer basis and was told that might be too harsh so I should start giving half credit to students if their procedure is correct but the final answer is wrong

The thing is by grading like that women always outperform guys, I hate to say it but they put they put more effort into their work and always get more points because of that

Ngl their work tends to be neatly organized too which makes my job easier which I like because legit some guys submit stuff that I cant even begin to decipher, but I hate what it means in terms of grading

I half suspect most of these girls are cheating thouhg, nobody has time to do all the problems and then spend extra time to cake up their solutions

Some beta is probably giving them the answers and they just copy his work and make everything look nice

Total Imbecile & Caesercel #psycho #sexist incels.is

(Total Imbecile)
Serious Should I grade girls in my class more harshly than everyone else?

I am TAing a STEM class @ my uni and there are 10 or so girls in it. When grading I try to be fair but it hit me how obnoxious these women are. Whenever the professor stops to ask if anyone has any question you bet some girl is gonna speak up. They sound so confident it pisses me off. The high inhib stemcels ask questions over chat. Also there are chads running their webcams even though its not required, they just do it because they are good looking and want to show off. Im half tempted to start being picky and grading these chads and girls more harshly than everyone else to sabotage their careers tbh

Why is this even a question. Grade chads and especially foids harshly. Grade incel men with leniency. You have the power to do something, to bring a change in this world. Instead of ldaring like an idiot you can do something positive for the blackpill.

Infact if you grade foids harshly you'd actually be grading them fairly because your monkey simp brain is already subconsciously favouring them. Let me remind you.

1. Those foids will never fuck you. Especially not for grades

2. You will never be treated fairly by normans, chads and especially foids.

3. Those foids already have an army of simps helping them and supporting them in every aspect of life. Why do you think they are so confident? They never had to face any adversity. They have been treated with leniency all their life. Don't be one of those cucks

Edmund_Kemper #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] If I had a girlfriend I would probably cheat on her

Honestly most guys get to have at least 6 partners in life. And society said in a survey you’re too sexually conservative if you had 2 partners and that it’s best to have 7.6 partners on average. I’m gonna probably cheat several times to increase my body count and maybe even get more partners to surpass all the sexhavers who surpassed me by losing their virginity at 16-19 years old.

it would be awesome knowing that all the one night stands and hookups I acquired would be oblivious to the fact that they are mere increases to my body count and nothing else.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL The shy innocent girl in your class

I just found out that the shy, innocent quiet girl at the back of my class is now a porn star producer and stars in some of her own videos. Honestly at this point not even shocked at things like this anymore. Hahahahaha fucking clown world, never forget that all women are like that.

I'm tryna seem dem' tities, OP, DROP THE DAMN LINK

Don't want to potentially dox myself, on top of not wanting to give her extra views for being a whore. Furthermore, nothing to see. Hapa whore, mixed mutt, half asian half hispanic or something. No tits. Nasty chicken legs. Incel if male

Man this makes me so mad and I don't even know her. It's pretty demoralising seeing the people you'd least expect to do something like this, do something like this.

"innocent girl" is an oxymoron, she was may have been a "shy quiet girl", but she was never innocent. It's just that you are still subconsciously bluepilled so you assumed that about her given the lack of information you had about her.

(waste matter)
they all act shy and quiet to get attraction from chads that are into shy girls


meanwhile they shy, innocent quite boy at the back of the class shot up the school, roped, or is on .co

:feels: fuck this life

Being quiet/shy and/or ugly doesn't affect a girls sex life much, they all have boyfriends or will by their late teens. It's pretty brutal to see how bad their male equivalents have it and some will sadly be virgins into their 40s like me.

crew2 #crackpot #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Experts are coming out to say that the birth rates in places like the US and UK are now at crisis levels and will soon be unsustainable. What is hilarious is the fact they act oblivious as to why this shit is happening and blame it on things like house prices, job scarity and any garbage that doesn't directly offend m'lady. The real reasons?

Feminists and the media teaching women they should not only be empowered but also to despise men labelling men as racists, rapists and toxic

Dating apps blowing women's self worth through the fucking roof making them not even consider settling with their looksmatch until they have absolutely no choice so they just fuck chads or do nothing for their prime and fertile years.

Slut culture is popularised and it is a border line crime to criticise it. Who the fuck wants to get with a slut?

By the time a foid settles down she will likely be too old to conceive a kid anyway

Government laws geared heavily towards female over male preference

Most relationships are ending due to women cheating

False rape accusations are now guilty until proven innocent...and its rare they are proven innocent and the guys reputation is gone even if he is

Foids are aborting like crazy

Divorce rape at an all time high meaning men know they could lose 50% at her very request

Shit like OnlyFans allows the most plain looking foids to earn money by what is essentially prostitution...but actual prostitution is still illegal of course you dirty misogynist

Left wing parties constantly pandering to feminine self victimising garbage

Complete societal destruction and misery all because of pandering to foids, feminism and degeneracy.

Autismaxxed #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Brutal Even talking to women is now a merit

I don't see ugly guys be anywhere near women anymore. Ugly guys can't even exist near women. The only men who talk to women are all tall and handsome. It's brutal to never see an ugly guy have a conversation with a woman. I remember a decade ago when I was a teenager I used to see bunch of nerdy framelets hang out with a foid in their group of friends. You don't even see that anymore. Even foidoid cashiers are avoiding eye contact when I buy food. There's one in my local market who doesn't even greet me when I buy my food.

ReturnOfSaddam & yikerinos #psycho #sexist #wingnut incels.is

It brings me joy to know that cuck intelligence agents are reading this site and learning their wives are currently sucking Chad's cock

Lmao these vermin are the scum of the fucking earth. And before you say they don't browse here, honestly, you underestimate 1) how stupid our countries are and 2) how USELESS intelligence agents actually are at anything effective like combating terrorism, so it's natural for these subhumans to come and deal with dangerous inkwells.

Hey, Israel's bitch puppet? Chad is currently 9 inches deep in your wife, sorry she's just not a sexual person with you sweaty.


”I don’t blame them tbh. There’s people on this site that have actually killed people.”

Such as?

I'm also wondering about this. There might be future murderers here (just like anywhere else on the Internet), but nobody that I could reasonably accuse of actually having done it.

We're more harmless than chads with "good personality" who usually abuse their gfs tbh. Very few posters here would abuse their gf if they found one.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: NSFW Daily reminder: this woman with nice personality procreated twice while u rot here

RUSSIA: Mom beats 8-month-old son, throws him on the couch because he wouldn’t stop crying


Brutal. @Saudade is this common for slav mothers? Ye they need sterilize these type of foids

She is Asiatic, not Slav. Russia has many ethnic minorities because of their Empire conquest towards East. I don't think Slavic mothers are brutal towards their kids, they are nice mothers but they also like to nag and guilt trip you.

Also many younger Slav women don't want to be mothers these days or they opt to have one or two in mid 30s with betabuxxer cause of fear of being alone, at least that woman in video gave birth to those kids while Slav woman her age would most of times just coldly murder them through abortion.

Kids have no rights, everyone cry for women's and minorities rights but the actual helpless are being beaten, neglected and even raped by their own parents and no one gives a fuck, its OK to treat a kid as a property.

Typical inbred natashka face. You can actually google more of that shit, where foids burn, freeze, flush their babies in the toilet, etc and get only probation.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: The slavpill ripped me apart.

In this world an ordinary girl from former SU can marry Arab sheikh (these are real life stories). I just want to hear story about ordinary slavic guy marrying Arab princess :dafuckfeels:. However, the cruel reality is what ordinary slavic guys are killing themselves with an alcohol while their women are welcomed everywhere.

I don't look particularly Slavic even tough I am a Slav but I do have most of the negative personality traits attributed to Slavs like laziness, stubbornness, pride, so living in a Western country is a problem since here you need to be more aggreeable and in general just an insectoid NPC without any flaws.

slav men, and any men from poor countries with decent-looking women, are supposed to be extremely well integrated into the community and social group, granting them an audience with at least a few eligible women, otherwise the forces of globalization and female emancipation will rip away all of their romantic opportunities, and they'll sit there reading stories about how their country is popular and even notorious among wealthy sexpats from all over the globe.

Stalingrad was a mistake. You should have been genocided by now.

Kill yourself if Slavic. Its our destiny anyways, just look at the stats.

Kill yourself if Slav.

stop projecting

Mogs me if you dont want to rope.

imagine being that cucked. ((they)) did it to us.

90% here would be useless in an ideal society anyways.

ThoughtfulCel & Tarblackpill #sexist incels.is

JFL Girl lets go of her boyriends hand when her "friend" appears

GF let go of my hand in front of her friend.

Just fucking look at the comments on this one.image

"Maybe she was shy or nervous holding hands in front of him."

Why is it that people love to give men shit advice like this? Why is it that people love to give women the benefit of the doubt? I have never seen such an obvious cucking in my entire life, and yet of course reddit is willing to let this man get cucked a bit longer and waste his resources in his relationship

Reverse the genders and imagine the backlash

The absolute gaslighting in the comments. She is 100% fucking him. Poor dude.

I strongly hope he doesn't acknowledge any of the gaslighting. It's sad to see men being given retarded answers like this.

If she has male friends, she's a whore

Any man who's had a female friend has thought of fucking her at least once, or stared at her ass. Men and women cannot be friends

Meanwhile normies are "S0c1alLy AdEqUaTe" but they cant get a hint, while most INCELS perceive them immediately. Tell us again how bad our social skills are, retards. Your gf will be fucking your bully in your house while you are getting workaholic to give her a life worth living for. We have a saying in greek for such situations. "Άλλος γαμαει, άλλος πληρώνει". One pays, the other fucks.

Various Incels #sexist #wingnut incels.is

"Antifa" foid in work getting wet for policemen

As I thought it would go, she was stopped by police for a check, and she was talking one hour straight about the chad policeman's eyes (blue), blond hair, physique, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, about the ultimate aphrodisiac for every "antifa" girl. The baton.

At those George Floyd riots the antifa toilets were mocking the short cops who weren't even doing anything at that moment, but would say nothing if the cop is a chad or tyrone beating someone half to death.

They would actually run home to masturbate, if Chadtyrone cop was beating a lowly male.

Yeah.. really says a lot about their Eugenic nature. Spells it out in bright, big letters.

You do know it matters on the time of day when Antifa is against cops right? They support cops when it comes to something like the "horror" of the Capitol situation. Antifa aren't against cops.

They are Red Guards wanting their interpretation of the Law to be superior. They want to be the Judges, Juries and Executioners of the world. It is not so much that they despise authority, it is the fact that authority works for all sides of the political debate.. rather what they would prefer which is totalitarian and pro Left and anti Democratic. I mean who even cares.. Democracy sucks anyway when Foids get power. Feminism has caused politics to get rotten and corrupt to the core.

(Fancy Alcoholic)
Imagine being an antifa in a liberal society. I've been bullied by both white suprematist and antifas. They're both on the same face of the same coin, preaching low IQ intolerance, the exact same controled opposition chosen by liberalism to somehow look like the "clever choice", and keep power over the world.

Albatros #crackpot #sexist #conspiracy incels.is

[JFL] Never ask normies to rate women, they CAN'T rate properly and objectively.

A concerning amount of bluepilled men believe that in most if not all relationships the woman is more attractive. Their delusions are simple explained.

First of all, men overrate the fuck out of women. An average becky is a 7 to most men. An obese roastie is a queen. There are literal 4/10 foids earning a living on onlyfans. Users here made catfishes with obese women and got hundreds of matches. A woman would need to be a 2/10 to be moderately ugly to most men. Secondly, foids wear fakeup when they go out which gives an illusion of the foid looking better than her bf. The illusion is so strong because fakeup can raise their looks by as much as 4-5 points.


You see a women on the right side of these photos dating a normie? "See you silly inkwell, women date men uglier than them"
Now remove the fakeup and suddenly she's the uglier one, the true her.

Also a reminder of just how subhuman even good looking males are to bluepillers. Normies CAN'T properly rate couples at all.


Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is


I am sick and tired of the "Slavpill" when in reality Slavs are CHADS on average.

:lul: Slavs are often ogrecels. It's really fucking hard to be a Slavic prettyboy. Our women would rather fuck curries than us, literally. Every foreigner in Poland won't leave without getting laid. Foreigners are turning them on.

I don't believe this for one second.

Me neither. Some of the users here make vastly outrageous claims.

„Gdyby Bóg dał mi wybór, wybrałbym biały kolor skóry” — 7 metrów pod ziemią

Watch this. It has English CC. He's literally talking about our white foids hitting up on him when he was working in a lingerie shop. Also, remember 'itsover', he ascended in Ukraine with gl foids we can't get while being fucking ugly.

He is lying about foids hitting on him, he definitely escortmaxxed.

Try living a Slav immigrant in western Europe :feelsrope:

try being a middle eastern ETHNIC IN SCANDINAVIA. I would murder to be slavic, how the FUCK is that bad. You live better than your fellow slavs. What is there to complain about???

(Teutonic Knight)
You have your own countries to go back to, Slavs have nothing.

As i said before, some slavs have access to the EU, so that doesnt apply to everyone.

Slavs have failo effect in rest of the EU. You think because some right wingers and people on 4chan and pol (almost entirely males) like Slavs that this somehow gives Slavs halo effect with women? Eastern Europe is just a shit-tier version of Europe for them.

If you go as a Slav to EU you will just be seen as another poor guest worker.

Agreed, Scandinavians are pretty bigoted against poles and balts, but being non-white is worse.

The blackpill should be replaced with slavpill and this site should be called Inslavs.ru

azakhan #racist #sexist incels.is

”Our women would rather fuck curries than us, literally.”

I don't believe this for one second.

It’s true, even curries in Poland have higher status than your average pole because they seem exotic and don’t speak Polish.
And blacks, even ugly ones, are gigaslayers. Almost every young foid has photo of her kissing or hugging a black guy on her instagram page. BBCs are seen as trophy for girls these days. Some clubs give black guys free entries to attract foids. I didn’t believe this at first but one of my friends who is a chadlite mentioned his girlfriend had a black ex. The conversation was about dick size and he said something along those lines “my gf slept with a black guy with 20 cm dick and said I’m better at sex than him, see? Size doesn’t matter”. I was like wtf your gf slept with a black guy? You guys probably won’t beleive it becuase it really does sound weird and like a larp but it happened.
Sometimes reality is even stranger than our memes.

tldr if you are a foreigner you can easily get laid in poland.

just fucking lol at that cuck chadlite

I'm still jelous because he had many virgin gf throughout the years. But what he said really fucking surprised me, like if I was living in matrix, especially considering you don't see that many black here and yet almost every foid my age dated or hooked up with one.
Clown World.

Maybe that's why you don't see them
Wow polish foods are gigawhores

yeah and the biggest whores always have super rich parents

Total Imbecile #racist #sexist incels.is

The slavpill is the most brutal pill produced by this forum to date, even the racepill pales in comparison

Look, just a year ago before being slavpilled I used to identify as white

Can you imagine that

But the slavpill explains it all

We get mogged by nerdics (swedes) and WASPs(dutch), also height doesnt mean shit if youre not white and look ugly as shit as most slavs are

Not being cucked doesnt mean anything, there are many users on this forum who are not cucked but were still incels, Id rather be cucked and have sex than be blackpilled and incel tbh

Who gives a shit about feminism when youre not getting any, my morals are entirely determined by my ability to get laid, Im very flexible, if becoming a feminist would guarantee me Id get laid then hurrah for womens rights!

Black guy slayed 17 girls in Croatia in 50 daysimageimage Another Black guy talking about how easy it is to fuck girls in Croatia:image

Black guy Simon Mol fucked over 300 girls in Poland and spread HIV to over 40 of them: Simon Mol

Blackcels should go to Slavic countries to ascend Even Ricecels are ascending with Russian foids: Ukrainian women seek Chinese husbands through dating club

Slavic girls are literally public cumrags JFL

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

(waste matter)
RageFuel What age did you lose your virginity?

australian toilets

What Age Did You Lose Your Virginity ?

californian toilets


after all these shits that is in the video how can those cuckits still believe foids are not slutty and whores during their early teens.


What ages did people reveal in the vid?

Between 12 and 18. Two 18 year olds who lost their virginity at 16 said that the younger generation of 12 year olds were already having sex, called them feral and even they were shocked by how young people were having sexm obviously only the stacey girls.

Part of that is, her only contact with 12 year olds are the 12 year old "chads" with the confidence to make a pass at her.

It's interesting to learn that there is such a thing as a 12 year old chad. I'm certain they're turning the 12 year old girls in their school into sluts - setting those girls up for an unhappy life where they cannot pair bond.

What are we down to now, 90/10? In the next generation it sounds like it's even worse. The majority of 12 year old boys (if my analysis here is correct) are already realizing that it's over for them. They're already being outcast from society.


how can those cuckits still believe foids are not slutty and whores during their early teens.

"They were just experimenting with guys their age, it's not like real, adult sex" :feelstastyman: :soy:

YogiOabs Reborn #sexist #fundie yogioabs.com

The study of “marital rape” reveals indeed that there are consequences to women’s mental health in general from non-consensual sex. But some of these consequences are excuses for women to remain victims, and to not seek God. For example, trouble sleeping, depression, intimacy problems, negative self-image, and sexual dysfunction are cited as consequences of “marital rape.” These aren’t issues that God cannot easily heal (nothing is actually); furthermore, these “negative effects” are amplified with the wrong view of marriage. As Christians, we should always seek the Lord. A little suffering is good for us, even if that means pondering your husband sleeping with you at night if you denied him. When it comes to violent abuse, that’s a different story. I wouldn’t call that suffering, but rather, mistreatment.

Looking at the infographic I made above, we see that “marital rape” has roots in the “women’s” rights movement. I put that in quotes because women today are miserable hags. Once upon a time they were pleasant, mild-mannered, humble, articulate, and intelligent, but today they are vile, filthy, rude, nude, demon-infested heathens. “Women’s rights” gave women nothing except a platform to voice their nagging.

The destruction of marriage began when men no longer owned women as property. From then on, law and society both strayed further away from God. Today, homosexuals with sex partner counts of over 1000 are given the legal right to marry, and if you refuse to give them a marriage license, or bake them a wedding cake even if they order one from your shop, you break the law. As a result, marriage is less popular today than it may have ever been. People live together, have sex before marriage, and divorce each other for no reason whatsoever.

DolicoCel #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

The slavpill ripped me apart.

I dont hate the fact that im slavic, since in the west you live by western beauty standarts (and slavs are just not fitting in it) but the things that i absolutely fucking hate is the fact, that online dating is now so accessable, that the women in EE are getting brainwashed into getting a progressive, white men in the west. Also, by western standarts slavs are absolutely subhuman. bad maxillas, big noses, balding at a early age, yet the women are widely regarded as the most beautiful race there is.

slavs will be outbread by 2100, and ive been raised nationalistic. It just hurts so much. Slav women are literally the worst, the fuck niggers, germans, arabs, every single race besides their own men (just DONT be slavic theory).

The difference how the average slav foid and slav men live is just so fucking big. The average slavic foid is skinny, looks white, is makeupmaxxed, tradfraudmaxxed, etc. and the world is literally spinning around them. If your a slav foid in EE, you can just instamaxx, get a ugly westerner to simp for you, and fly you out. Ever noticed how many slav women have pics uploaded in dubai, america, etc? What are they doing there?

While the average slav men barely makes month end, because everyone dislikes him solely for the fact that hes not European looking. While young slavic men enroll in the army, to defend their country from jews trying to enrich themselfs, their looksmatch is getting railed by an ugly american. Slav men are the less desired aswell. Im instantly dislike, just for my lowclass-high fighting success face. I literally have trouble finding friends because I look I would stab u in the back, eventhough im really empathic. The slavpill is literally just so fucking unfair, its not even funny. The disparancy between the women, and men is just so fucking big. The women live life on pilot mode, wheres the men go through hell.

Darkleet #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: The slavpill ripped me apart.

This pill is extremely true and real, I for all my years have experienced it. Enforced military for males - you lose a fucking year depending on the country, toxic society where you’re actually pressured by family to marry and if you can’t find a date/are a virgin with 20+ you’re ridiculed by everyone. Foids worshipped literally everywhere, in education, workplace, families AND THEY STILL WANT MORE. And in the end they’re still not satisfied and go and find some cuck in the West or some rich criminal gorilla that can take her “personality”.

The worst thing of all - you have no power over anything and you’re given minimal amount of money to survive a month, even with high education and working in high demanded jobs. You can’t even cope properly. Jails in EE are worse than Nazi death camps. You can’t get a decent apartment/house unless you work like 20 years and spend 0 money from your salary.

If you don’t slave (won’t even call it wageslave, because the wage part is so pathetic that it’s unreal) you have 0 chances of surviving a month - paying rent/food/bills, without clothes/entertainment/games or anything else.

If anyone here would ask me is it the rock bottom of life, I would agree, but life always can get shittier it seems, no surprises there.

slavcel11 #racist #sexist incels.is

Slavic men are literally niggers among white people. Except that niggers own their women. I wish I was a proper white man, tall, rich, masculine, not balding. Even seamaxxing is not an option for the likes of us, for we miss all men's beauty standards you can imagine. We're literally urks.

Some may cope that slav women are just as ugly because we share the same gene pool. Total bullshit. If I got to be honest, of all caucasoid women slav women are definitely not the worst looking ones. They are far more prettier than brits, balts or germans for example. A slav woman can easily find a decent looking western man and get herself out of the slavic commonwealth of post-soviet shit holes. Not to mention that the ones who usually aim at moving out in the west are almost exclusively white worshippers and want to white wash their genes off this slavic filth and pray that their son doesn't look like their father.

I hate the west on the whole, but don't blame it. I'm firmly convinced that men's beauty standards are universal and the jews had no hand in creating them. I'm also not proud of being russian and I don't feel particularly attached to my culture/country/history/etc.

Proof of this? Slavic women fucking germans and other cumskins are correct. but blacks and Arabs fuck no that's bullshit.

there's a meme about tunisia, egypt and turkey being major sex tourism destinations for women (at least in Russia). It's true to a large extent.

Saudade #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

If you are redpilled you should support Lukashenko. You ever wonder how majority in Belorussian colored protests funded by US State Department (through NGO's) are exclusively naive young city women followed by small number of their simps who were explicitly targeted through their naive consumption of Western social media? They want to make a sovereign country with normal family values like Belarus into a huge cannon fodder and brothel for them.

What did Ukraine get after 2014 except war, more poverty, more McDonald's, sexpats and gay parades? They use human rights and democracy as pretext for a colored revolution but what they want is to open up our economies so we could be dependent on their consumerist culture where we will get the bottom of the barrel scraps wrapped with the rainbow flag and they will take all of our riches while indebting us through IMF and their forced military-industrial complex deals.

Western elite through history has always exploited Eastern Europe and will never respect Slavs, they always saw this place as material and human rich resource, men who will do hard labor they wont or go to war for them and women to be treated as pretty fuckdolls and be discarded thereafter (Why are majority of construction workers and prostitutes in West Eastern European?).

They want us weak, divided, poor, turned against each other and to exist as their servant cannon fodder. That's why they were scared shitless of Peter the Great or post-purge Soviet Union, because Slavs for once decided to take faith into their hands and told them to fuck off.

FreakTheDangMighty #sexist reddit.com

As someone who has seen both sides of the fence, men really have it rough right now.

I am a trans guy. Even when the world viewed me as a woman I never agreed with modern day feminism and I never agreed in the saying that men were evil. Woman were always the ones who put me down. Told me things like all men were rapists and that every time I leave the house I had a 25 percent chance to be kidnapped, raped, and murdered. As I've transitioned I realized that men actually had life hard. More expectations, harder work, shorter life span, having to hide emotions, always being shit on, etc. I think women need to take a step back and stop being assholes to men and fear mongering the Hell out of young girls into hating us. It seems like being a man is the worst thing these days.

Woman here. You're right about women. It's absolutely insane the way men are talked about when you get a group of women together. I, being young, always get some variation of "When you're a little older you'll realize how trash men are." and no, I don't think I will.

I actually went to an all girls school up until seventh grade. As I attended the school my teachers would constantly tell us things like this and tell us that if we were to marry a man and he wanted sex then even if he forced us it wouldn't be considered rape. So many girls were terrified, and on "movie days" we were legit shown borderline torture/rape porn and told "This will always be you as long as men exist".

It's just horrible to be honest. If they wanna put men doen that's fine but at the very least don't tell these women that they're just walking rape or murder victims. It's sick.

Various Commenters #sexist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: New Poll Shows Almost HALF Of Women Want To Stay HOME, Not Work, Feminist Dogma Falls Apart

(Radical Moderate)
I stayed home with my sons and even homeschooled for a few years. Feminists basically dragged me for it for the last 20 years. They’re the primary oppressors of women since the 70’s. They are not stunning or brave. They’re boring and tribal.

(Sven Hans)
Jordan Peterson once mentioned a study in Scandinavia that showed as gender equality increased, women choose more and more traditional roles associated with females. It seems even when gender equality is reached, women still want to do things considered women’s work including having and raising children. This is natural and normal. We have been lied to by people who want to control us.

(Jon Hop)
Are we surprised that a man and a woman prefer their instinctual characteristics?

(Ariondys Gray)
isn't that interesting how gender exists when one wants to take a poll...

(Keith A)
My wife wishes every day she had not gone to college so we could afford to have her stay home with the babies now.

Looks what happens in Sweden where women want to nurses and men want to be engineers. No matter how hard they try, they can't get women to sit by them self looking at numbers and things instead of people.

(Joseph Roberts)
Strange how women seem to be genetically predisposed to raise and care for children...and are happier doing it. Hmm you'd think maybe that's how it should be.

(Andrew Schneider)
Ever notice that the most miserable people by far are the feminists and SJW’s? Like have you ever met one that was happy??

(Stephen Weiler)
it's almost like the old gender norms were not forced OR oppressive

micropenis29 #wingnut #sexist ncu.su

Serious trump is an absolute beast

the degree to which you're doing these 3 things is the degree to which you're non-cucked:

1. triggering soys
2. triggering foids
3. triggering normies

i have never seen anyone do these 3 things more consistently nor on a greater scale than donald trump

hitler was probably on a similar level

but in my lifetime, trump is in a league of his own

it's glorious to see

Mainländer #sexist #crackpot #pratt blackpill.club

Blackpill Top 5 most brutal "pills"

5th place: the foid nature pill= foids are very limited in comparison to us and will never truly care about you beyond how useful you can be to them in one or more ways. They will never love you, empathize with you, be loyal to you or understand you. They just follow their pussy tingles; no tingles, you're out. Next

4th place: the looks blackpill= the primary source of attraction is looks and if your looks are good enough you can get away with pretty much anything; likewise, if you're ugly, people will always dislike, reject and gaslight you no matter what

3rd place: the dual mating strategy pill= foids will look for good-looking aggressive men for sex/romance/reproduction and for meek, hard-working, less attractive men for financial (and other types of) support

2nd place: the dark triad pill= foids are attracted to evil and reward evil and atrocious crimes with love and sex

1st place: the unlimited gynocentrism pill= the first place is not a pill that applies to women, but to us men. Men are biologically programmed to fuck each other over and compete for foids. EVEN IN A FUCKING INCEL FORUM, there's still gynocentrism, simping, agecucking and many men who have taken shit from foids their whole lives will still side with foids and protect stranger foids against fellow incels (even if such incels are doing nothing, just saying stuff)

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #psycho #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

Myanmar: Full Riot for Anal Democracy

I’m not even going to comment on how it is evil when the government cracks down on riots in Asia, but good when they crack down on riots in France or the Netherlands or Germany. It’s just too obvious to even mention at all.

Remember that the military turned the internet back on.

If they would have just left the internet off, nothing would have happened.

It does make you wonder if maybe the military wasn’t getting some bad advice from somewhere, because now, they’re not going back to status quo – now they’re going to go full anal.

This is also going to affect the situation in Thailand, where they have women rioting in the name of gay anal.

That is to say: if the military didn’t have the balls to go full on and shut off the internet, they shouldn’t have done anything at all. The West’s control of social media is absolute, and they can get large numbers of people to riot very easily.

Mike Stone #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist henrymakow.com

You say you've
never met a full-fledged communist or communist sympathizer, but are you sure?

Not every communist you encounter in life sports a shaved head and coiffed goatee like Vladimir Lenin.

Communists, like cockroaches, hate to be seen. Until recently, most preferred to remain hidden, working their evil and sadistic plans far from the light of exposure.

However, just because communists prefer to remain hidden doesn't mean they are. You can spot a communist or communist sympathizer easily by three telltale signs: lies, self-loathing, and sexual perversity.
Because communists hate themselves, they want everyone else to feel their hatred and hate themselves too.

Communists hate America, they hate Western Civilization, and they hate Christianity. They hate them all because America, Western Civilization and Christianity represent everything they're not: love, freedom, beauty, courage, art, intelligence, the family.

Communists are so filled with self-hatred and rage, they want to see all of those things destroyed, even if it means destroying themselves in the process.
Homosexuality, transgenderism, beastiality, pedophilia, pornography, you name it. Communists love it all. The more sick and twisted the better. Communists are the ones pushing all those things on our society, pushing it on our children.

They love to corrupt children. They love to lure children into their dark and depraved world of perversity. Of course, none of this is new. They were doing it in Berlin in the 1920s and they're doing it now in every city in our country.
Do you know anyone who is addicted to pornography, addicted to homosexuality, addicted to sexual perversity? You just might know a communist

Various Commenters #racist #sexist amren.com

RE: Migrants and the Threat to Women’s Rights in Europe


Between a quarter and a third of sex criminals in Austria are foreign.

Once again - and always -- You get what you pay for.

(Lawrence Drake)
The left are insistent that the primary cause of crime is poverty. But poverty can't explain sex crimes which have no financial payoff. This is something that really bothers the left and they prefer that nobody ever mention it. When cornered on the issue they will do what they always do, put "systematic" in front of words and attach "-ism" to the end of words, then declare without any evidence whatsoever that these systematic-isms explain everything.

Crime, especially violent crime, is the cause of much unemployment and associated economic misery in minority communities. It isn't the poverty that causes crime.

I agree. The primary cause of crime are cognitive and behavioral traits which also cause poverty. Anthony Daniels (aka Theodore Dalrymple) jokes that the main cause of crime is criminologists.

Poor whites in Appalachia have less crime than middle class black neighborhoods. Vietnamese boat people have very low crime rates even though they are often very poor.

Unfortunately for White women this problem must be solved by White women.

This is what I don't understand. it's their daughters who are going to get raped, after all, or harassed... there are some incredibly brave women - including former Muslim women like Ayaan Hirsi Ali - but so many middle class white women refuse to listen to the truth. And it's obviously the truth. Meanwhile, Ms. Ali, who is a very brave woman, is under death threats by the Muslims on a constant basis.

(Vox Nihili)
For most of the hard left- both men and women- the embracing of BIPOCs is the holy grail and trumps any loyalty to women. They're all too happy to sacrifice us on the alter of multiculturalism.

ThoughtfulCel & Lebensmüder #racist #sexist incels.is


I love him, but I told him I am going to fuck someone else. It has worked out great.

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHAT A FUCKING CUCK AND WHAT A FUCKING CUNT Pays for onlyfans because his wife is cucking him :lul: Both parties deserve to be beheaded publicly.

Unrelated but I guarantee he's white.

Lol yeah 100%. That's why when rightwingcucks on this forum talk about the pride of their race they forget the fact that whites are legit the only population who KNOWINGLY get cucked by their wives and just accept it.

90% of cumskins here would willingly cuck themselves if they had the chance.

It's unbelievable really. If you told men a few decades ago that they would never father children, that they would masturbate for enormous money to whores that they will never physically touch while their wife fucks other men and refuses sex with them while working in a dead-end-job with no future perspective despite having the best CVs possible and this was even one of the better outcomes they would have totally gone postal in public, but nowadays this is deemed acceptable. Unironically there is no cure for the West.

tehgymcel420 & The Cagot #racist #sexist incels.is

RageFuel I never asked to be born a sand nigger

My life is nothing but pain and misery, I'd rather have been born a cockroach. I hate how society has to make fun of me for not being able to get a foid to offer me her stinky roast beef flaps even though none of this is my fault, it is entirely due to my grotesque face. Oh Blackops2cel, if it is possible let this cup pass from me.

Do you believe that having brown colored skin attracts insects and other pests more readily than other types of skin tone?

idk, but it repels foids.

(The Cagot)

Move to a European country like France, Germany, Sweden etc... and you will literally be a Chad. Rap music in Europe heavily shills sand niggers.

White foids in France hate blacks and arabs, they very rarely date the best ones when they want exotism or look like cool. And Arabs hate Blacks, who knows why, so Blacks date Blacks, Arabs date Arabs, each race being socially and physically as far as possible from the others. Most Whites don't mix, and as most of the refugees and migrants arriving are male Blacks and Arabs, it leads them to an eternal sexual misery, forming gigantic waiting lines at La Jonquera brothels.

kt0998 #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

RE: How do you view female sexuality?

I know that the view hat females are inherently sexual masochist is popular here, but I'm asking about orientation too. I don't think that there is such a thing as human sexuality at all, and I'm asking about woman's sexuality.

Most women are aroused by their partner's arousal and may not feel arousal on their own at all. Thinking of female sexuality as hetero/lesbian/bi is limiting, because women are somewhat sexually empty vessels. OTOH, women's sexuality is narcissistic, all about being a sex object. Most straight women seem uninterested in male bodies, obvious difference when you compare straight women to gay men. They are way more into the idea of themselves wearing sexy underwear while their man watches them. The fact that sexy attire for straight men doesn't even exist says a lot. I feel like most straight women are way more aroused by the perceived status of a man, that's why they will fuck some ugly old artists or petty criminals, they feel sexually attracted to the idea that high status male wants to fuck them.

Men desire. Women desire to be desired. This is what makes women so submissive too, because they genuinely get pleasure from giving pleasure. Men simply get pleasure. Men's sexuality is simple and straightforward, even with the power- and pedo-complexes. I think this is also why obsessive fetishes are rare in women, because it would require sexuality that is satisfied without another person.

Of course there are exceptions among straight women. I am one and it's one of the biggest reasons why I ended up being blackpilled. I feel like I was born without the submissive and self-objectifying programming other het women have. I assume it's some biological thing. I think true 100% lesbians are usually pretty "masculinized". I feel like there is a connection between being sexually submissive, attracted to stronger dominant partners, and being feminine and male-attracted. Most straight women, feminine bi-women and femme gay men all fall to this category.

Various TERFs #crackpot #sexist #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy saidit.net

[RE: 'Brain Androgyny' Is Surprisingly Common - i call it bullshit]

(Unknown [deleted account])
https://www.sciencealert.com/half-of-us-have-brains-that-aren-t-entirely-male-or-female-and-it-s-a-good-thing-too?fbclid=IwAR2V9mW18hfy05e5pi8ZZF_0bFAzC2Ppvxq5WSaLXepbOEfrhv3-NWZwpkc Research is becoming more fucked-up every day. How it is possible that 50% of women are more androgynous if I have met maybe 20 not typical women in my entire life ? I am androgynous and this IS anomaly among women. Also more sensitive, feminine men is also minority not 50% of males (?) Science is a joke nowadays, completely bullshit and trans-propaganda apparently.
Why do you keep making new accounts to talk about how not like other girls you are, we get it, you have a "male brain" and are the smartest woman ever and all the other women are stupid.

And consider this, maybe these other women are pretending just like you and don't fit the feminine stereotypes all that well either.

tallowcandle & storyendingnever #psycho #sexist saidit.net

Moids constantly lie about abuse from females. They make up fake rape stories lifted straight from moid-made porn, which is a reversal of what moids do to females as is (my mom wanted to fuck me! I was gang-banged by busty 16yo cheerleaders at 13!). I know of moids who pretended shitty sex was rape to STFU feminists, like a guy who fucked a teacher in high school and only remembered her being ugly as a negative, but pretended he was horribly raped by her on reddit.

Able-bodied adult moids can't be fucking abused by partners because they have the power in any relationship. I know a guy who gets pommeled by his gf of 3 years, she nearly broke his ribs by surprise a couple of times, calls him names and shit and he couldn't care less. He won't break up because he gets laid and free meals. She's like that because she knows she's being used by a fucking insectoid but is a dummy with low self-esteem and won't let him die in his own shit. I know a bunch of fun, smiley old men with arrogant, bitchy, nasty wives and I know that these moids are to blame for their wives fucking hollowness because they sucked them out. Fucking eternal parasites.

So yeah, hope they all boost up the male suicide stats, these maggots.

The really sad thing about male suicide (besides it not happening nearly enough) is that they often take people (women and girls) with them. Now, why can't a suicidal male decide to kill another 5 males first before turning the weapon on himself??? That would be a good day.

produboi #sexist incels.wiki

Classic Incel Poem

"your stature’s short but thats okay my husbands just six three and I know many girls who say they like short guys; like me

this Chad might have a perfect chin and dick so sweetly thick but i’ve with many small men been and loved their eight inch dick

this Stacy chick likes many men of different varied traits she fucked a dwarf who stood five ten and left with his estate

so don’t despair, my monster friend Im sure you’ll find the one but that ain’t me I must attend my Chad and chug his cum"

yary4eva #kinkshaming #sexist reddit.com

Title: I found out my boyfriend paid for pornhub premium

Before that I asked him if he watches porn and he said no. Then I replied " I think you're lying" and he said "yes I have during our relationship but not frequently. " And then I found out he has pornhub premium.
I'm completely disgusted and I plan on breaking up with him tomorrow. Just wanted to post this here because I didn't want to hear the "Porn is okay" mentality in other communities.
I'm honestly heartbroken, and have been in this relationship for almost 4 years. I feel empty and angry. So angry. So disappointed. The worst feeling. I've cried so much already and will probably cry some more tonight.
Any comments/advice is appreciated. Thanks for reading.
Edit: i am so happy I have this community of bright women.. thank you all so much for your comments. I'm reading them all and they're so helpful and kind. Thank you again. You are all helping me get through this and I feel so lucky especially because I don't have female friends to discuss this with.

(ShoshannaDreyfus) Omg the comments on OP’s other post have just put me off eating dinner lol. One of the top replies is literally a pick me bragging about blowing her boyfriend while he watches VR porn like wow you’re so cool 💀💀

(Phoenix__Rising2018) Just imagine how sad she truly is. And that's exactly why she's attacking op.

(ShoshannaDreyfus) Literally, these women are sooo fucking angry at OP for not being okay with porn. ‘My boyfriend loves porn and watches it every day! I love porn too, who doesn’t love exploitation of women 😍🙏 I even let him use my body as a fleshlight while he watches women get beaten!’ Like no one cares about your pathetic excuse for a relationship. I’m telling myself most of these posters are actually men because I don’t want to believe that this many women are deeply brainwashed 😷

Psycho #psycho #sexist incels.is

LifeFuel My mom's pathetic life makes me happy

she used to be hot stacy. she married to my father at age of 14, where she didn't know anything about chads. she was always kept at home , so later when she figured out that chads exist and my dad is not chad. she started cheating and dating chads. (side note : 30 years ago, marring to girls at age 12-18 was normal in my country , it's still legal and accepted in some states. Muslim fucktards believe that girls should marry early or they will end up whore.) she gave birth to me at 16, and later she didn't care about me, because she didn't love my dad. so she didn't care if i know that she is cheating. she kept bringing me with her in her dates when i was a 4yo 5yo boy. the chad kept fucking her but not marring, so she faked that she used protection pills and made baby and told him when it was too late on propose, he had no choice but to marry her, and guess what?! she was 30 and the chad was 19.

as she aged she got fat and fatter, lost her beauty and the chad lost interest in her cause she had a very shitty personality. she is ugly now, the chad left her and picked his kid with him too. he don't even give her money to live, me and my brother are paying her bills for 6 months now. she is alone af so far away from us in another city and in shithole that some wont even use it for their dogs. fat af and ugly af, alone af. i hope every stacy end up like my mom. it's just fascinating to think about it , girls get old and ugly soon. they all will experience how does it feel like to be unwanted. even if they have a husband who tell em " i love u " they know it's not for real because they are ugly and unpleasant when they are old. now she is at 40s , alone and rotting somewhere in a shitty basement. makes me feel good.

Psycho #magick #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Serious Racial Discrimination in dating, does it happen to Whites as well?

yes , in Iran there is some states that are populated mostly by Turkmans, Turkmans look like Asians(Japanese, Chinese). Turkman girls are so attracted to non-Turkmans and our race (you can consider white), yet many of them rejected me, imagine how subhuman i am.

one of them actually liked me so i asked her out but then she said no and told me that i can't date non-turkmans and i can't even date, my father promised someone to give me to his kid. so i have a fiancée and plus i'm not allowed to have phone because i have a FUCKING MUSLIM TARD dad.(last part was added by me). i told her i will buy you a phone and telling her we don't need to tell anyone, and she kept running away from me and i followed her and talked to her and i kept standing in her way and she would change direction.

suddenly she stopped and told me no, i can't please leave me my dad will kill, if anyone see you talking to me my dad would kill me. and i was shocked, not about the things she said, i was shocked because i've been rejected by another girl at the same exact spot i was standing.

i didn't even listen to her anymore i just sit there on the ground and i was talking to myself out loud " what the fuck is wrong with me? at the same exact spot?! i'm probably talismed , yeah i'm talismed its unrealistic" (i was into talism shit back then, i thought someone spelled me, and that it's not possible to get rejected more than 100 times in a row. and she thought i'm crazy or sth and she left me.

and again FUCKING MUSLIM TARDS taking away one of my biggest chances with their stupid culture. I'm the king of rejection , my estimated record is 150-160 in real life and probably more than 500 over internet and apps like tinder.

Witch Doctor #racist #sexist incels.is

Serious Racial Discrimination in dating, does it happen to Whites as well?

Now, I've seen countless discussions on how ethnic men get the shorter end of the stick (Which is true), however have there been any white men shat on due to their race? For example, You are a white male living in a neighborhood with mostly blacks, you go to a black school, have black friends, but when it comes to dating Women won't date you due to either being white (This can happen with any type of woman), or you not being a handsome white chad, therefore useless in their eyes. I am mixed but I look extremely white (To the point where some call me Cracker as a insult).

it all depends on looks.

Race is apart of your looks, Me and someone else actually had a very similar story on the subject, basically a girl he liked told him he was "too light" for her to date, despite him being black.

Maybe in a liberal 98% white town an average white guy might lose to a tyrone lite if foids want something exotic.

Well, I did give my situation out in the op, I don't think it is all that common, but it did happen to me and a couple of others I know.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL Curry man obsessed over "blonde haired blue eyed" women

image image image

Imagine simping this hard, over any type of foid. Men like this chump are a big part of the problem.

Now if only he went to a white majority school. The blondes would have bullied the little currycel and he would understand his place

(Made in Heaven)

never understood the ethnic worship of whores that age at the same rate as the dogs they fuck.

Blonde hair, blue eyes are pretty, but Nordic phenotypes are still ugly as fuck. Anglo women start to look really busted around age 30

I don’t think he witnessed that those girls are jock/model chads only. The “personality “ he wants to experience will be his worst experience when he only gets rejection after rejection The amount of time he said blonde hair blue is annoying

Being obsessed with people of other race is schizophrenic. If he breeds with the women he obsessed over then his offspring would be stinky brown mess with black eyes and brown hair. Would probably look Pakistani or Iraqi or something. Obviously if obsessing racemaxxing becomes popular then more and more people will become half-breed brown mystery meat. Who are you going to obsess next when there's no Aryan goddesses?

Various Commenters #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

RE: China Assails Five Eyes Intelligence Network ‘Axis of White Supremacy’


Oh how China must love the woke rabble who is helping them destroy the West without firing a single bullet.

All the while they can enjoy being a homogeneous society. Last time I checked only 0.07% of China's population was foreign born - hardly an example of diversity.

European ministries of defense are led by woke females who care mostly about kindergarten care for female and transgender female offspring. In the US, what is worse? Lesbian transgender generals or testosterone-deprived leftist softie generals? John Wayne types certainly don't qualify for higher posts in today's woke Western armed forces

(Son of the 1st Revolution)

China has learned that the only accusation that gets anything cancelled in the west is the charge of "white supremacy". So they're using this against an espionage consortium they don't like. Blame western cultural Marxists for this, not China.

Exactly. They've been reading American newspapers and their foreign spies/students have been seeing the trends on American campuses. The original sin is being white. Everything whitey does is white supremacy. They are using the woke against us.

I see China is jumping on the white supremacist bandwagon. Why not...everybody else jumps on whites; when they jump on whites, at least they don't have to view their own racism. What about all those Uighurs? Where are whites doing that to ANYBODY? Oh yes, white supremacists are beating up Asians in San Francisco NOT.

(idaho carth carth)
"U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned “white supremacy” is an increasing threat to global security." !!! This thing is spreading to the whole world. Russia may be - is - the only holdout.

Mike Stone #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #transphobia #sexist #homophobia #quack #racist #fundie henrymakow.com

Fake ballots. Fake votes. Fake election. Anyone who tells you different is a fake.

Fake virus. Fake pandemic. Fake health officials and doctors peddling a fake vaccine.

Fake news. Fake experts. Fake people pretending to be journalists.

Fake research. Fake science. Fake global warming.

Fake shootings. Fake victims. Fake calls for new laws.

Fake racism. Fake hate crimes. Fake solutions to every fake problem.

Fake terrorists. Fake hijackers. Fake weapons of mass destruction.

Fake politicians. Fake laws. Fake leaders in every area of life.

Fake Pope. Fake clergy. Fake Christians fooled by a fake church pretending to be Catholic.

Fake conservatives. Fake patriots. Fake friends who will sell you out for 30 pieces of fake silver.

Fake free markets. Fake capitalism. Fake corporate welfare.

Fake lawyers. Fake judges. Fake laws.

Fake movies. Fake books. Fake celebrities.

Fake food. Fake vitamins. Fake water filled with fluoride.

Fake diseases. Fake health. Take this fake drug instead.

Fake economy. Fake money. Fake gold no longer in Fort Knox.

Fake history. Fake excuses for war. Fake moon landings.

Fake schools. Fake text books. Fake teachers peddling fake educations to the children of faked-out parents.

Fake sports. Fake athletes. Fake entertainment on every level.

Fake human rights. Fake consent. Fake choices.

Fake breasts. Fake tattoos. Fake women.

Fake muscles. Fake masculinity. Fake men.

Fake advertising. Fake products. Fake everything.

Are you real or are you fake too?

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Please ladies, you cannot expect to find a man who wants to be second, third or fourth place in your life to a career, children, family, a former boyfriend or husband or anything else. I see profiles of women who say their children will always come first. Good luck finding a husband! Women expect a man to pay all the bills and support the family (and he should), but then they want him to come in third or fourth place in her life. That is a wrong mindset! I've even read widow's profiles where they say they want a husband, but no man will ever compare to their former husband. Good luck finding a guy!

God created a woman to be her husband's “help meet,” not to be a mother, pursue a career, guide a home, or anything else. Genesis 2:18, “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” Her husband is her purpose in life. If you don't like that, don't look for a Christian man to marry, because you won't be happy. And you definitely won't be happy with the immoral playboy you'll find that has no Christian values. If you want a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy, then go to Tinder.

Women want the best of both worlds, but they cannot have it! You cannot maintain your independence, put your children first over your husband, only offer free time to build a meaningful relationship that leads to marriage, and sanely expect to meet someone. Men want to be first. Men want a good deal, not a raw deal. Women these days offer so little, but demand so much. That is why of the dozens of women I have contacted, no one wants me. Perhaps they are doing me a favor. Most women don't even bother to write back. Being on Guam doesn't help. I really need to move, but am overwhelmed with the whole thing.

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