
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

A.J. Lare #fundie youtube.com

Did you know that there is an actual flash of light at the moment of conception?!?!!!!♡♡♡ I believe at that point is when the soul is present/exists. God said He was dealing with us before the foundations of the earth were laid... so amazing!♡♡♡
Love your vids! Are you a Jesus believer? Because I get the sense you are! You say wise things ♡

All my friends who had abortions, carry that with them...they think of the "could have beens"

StevenR #fundie #wingnut #racist simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Barry Soetoro, better known by pseudonym Barack Hussein Obama, is a Kenyan national who claimed to be the rightful 44th President of the United States. He is a homosexual atheist liberal sympathetic to Islam and Wicca and he hates Christianity because of the truth and clarity it provides. Soetoro also claims to have been born in Hawaii. He is also known as Bathhouse Barry, due to his affinity for sodomite acts.
Soetoro is "married" to Michael Soetoro, a male transsexual who prefers to go by the name "Michelle." Soetoro also claims to have been born in Hawaii, and provided a fake birth certificate to prove that he is a relentless liar, a fact documented by then-Congressman Joe Wilson.
Soetoro won the 2008 presidential election illegitimately due to his birth in Kenya, and won primarily because of the fact that he ran against milquetoast RINO and pretend war hero John McCain and apostate Mormon and RINO Willard "Mitt" Romney in 2012. Soetoro picked sexual assault perpetrator and general idiot Joe Biden as his running mate to cater to blue collar working class voters.
Soetoro's main accomplishments include the "Affordable" Care Act, which accomplished nothing except raising health insurance premiums through the roof and then throwing more people onto the weak sauce government welfare program Medicaid. Soetoro also nominated two far-left affirmative action picks to the Supreme Court, and he nominated Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State so she could make it to where effeminate sodomites and extremely butch lesbians could lie about their sex on their passports, thus causing all sorts of national security incidents where men identified as women got flagged because of their penises.
Soetoro caused racial tensions to skyrocket in the US, presided over a sluggish economy, threw order out of the window in favor of moral decadence, and his presidency was an illegitimate, illegal, nightmarish farce. His successor, Donald Trump, pledged to undo the damage Soetoro did, but has instead continued down the path to wanton destruction.

Watchtower #fundie wol.jw.org

It is general knowledge that today people of the world, including a large percentage of churchgoers, being “past all moral sense,” encourage and recommend the unnatural practice of masturbation. (Eph. 4:19) In striking contrast, true Christians seek to learn and follow what God’s Word the Bible says on matters of sex and morals. True, the words “masturbation” and “self-abuse” are not in the Bible. The Mosaic law speaks of “emission of semen,” but as Bible commentators point out, the reference is to involuntary nocturnal emissions, not self-induced ejaculations. (Lev. 15:16) However, there are Bible principles that adequately cover the subject of masturbation.

For example, Colossians 3:5, 6 says: “Deaden, therefore, your body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these things the wrath of God is coming.” As we have seen, masturbation is indeed a “hurtful desire.” It is also “uncleanness,” for it is an immoral practice, and this explains why the masturbator generally is ashamed of himself and hides his repugnant act from the sight of others.
If one understands the cause, it is easier to implement the prevention and cure of a bad habit. Did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers who stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become masturbators later on? Boys and girls may start to play with their private parts during puberty and, not receiving any counsel against this, the first thing they know they are “hooked” on the habit. And if some know nothing about such self-abuse before entering high school, the chances are they will learn of it from either fellow students or the teachers themselves.
Youths and many older people who are tense with emotional difficulties resort to masturbation as an escape route from their physical and emotional discomforts​—a sort of pacifier or tranquilizer, they think, to take their minds off their worries.

By avoiding these things that cause and encourage the practice, a person goes a long way toward preventing the tenacious habit from getting started in the first place.

Scott Lively #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger archive.ph

The insidious and destructive tenet of progressivism I’m referencing is “Sexual Orientation” Theory:” fake science invented by progressive political strategists for the purpose of normalizing LGBT lifestyles and de-normalizing the natural family. It has even less legitimacy than “climate change science.”

Frankly, if Richard Grenell kept his sexual proclivities to himself and told people to mind their own business about his private life, I’d be more inclined to consider the “merit based” arguments for his nomination (though at first glance his resume falls far short of qualifying him for this position). But the minute he went public about his homosexual domestic partnership, he became a Marxist change agent, his very presence in public life making the argument that a homosexual “orientation” is equivalent to normal sexuality. (Who in American history has ever wanted that goal? It wasn’t the conservatives!)

When Grenell did that, he crossed the line from expecting reasonable tolerance from our genuinely magnanimous live-and-let-life society to demanding public acceptance. And in taking that step he also implicitly endorsed the progressive strategy of celebrating his “out” lifestyle as social progress, forcibly integrating it into society, and punishing those who object.

Those are the “Five Stages of Gay Supremacy” I’ve been warning about for thirty years.

Forced Participation in “LGBT” Culture, and
Punishment of Dissenters.

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia archive.ph

What conservatism is meant to conserve is the “ordered liberty” of the constitutional republic bequeathed to us by the Founders. The “order” of that liberty is the natural order of “Nature’s God” (invoked in the Declaration of Independence), including but not limited to the natural family of one man and one woman united in life-long monogamous heterosexual marriage.

America was never a “theocracy” and I’m not advocating for one. Our political philosophy was always “Natural Law Based ‘Secularism,’ ” meaning non-sectarian but Theistic, on the foundation of Genesis 1:1, a truth perpetually affirmed as our national motto, proudly emblazoned on all of our currency: “In God We Trust.” It is also expressly confirmed as historic fact by the US Supreme Court in Church of the Holy Trinity v United States, not as a mere footnote, but a heavily documented 27 paragraph long legal treatise within the ruling.

Marxism is designed to destroy and replace every element of that natural order. No matter how conservative you think your fiscal policies may be, if you’re adopting their way of thinking about sex and marriage, you’re helping them destroy the republic. It’s a package deal – there is no American republic without a marriage-based family-centered mainstream, and that is why the Marxists primary weapon to take us down has been the “sexual revolution.”

Lila Rose #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Roughly half the US population identifies as Pro-Life The large majority of Americans want abortion restrictions @Twitter’s blocking pro-life accounts from running ads while permitting abortion groups to is not just unfair, it’s extreme catering to the far-left. @elonmusk @jack

David J. Stewart #fundie #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

When I attended the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam for the year of 2018, Pastor Sean Quinlan shamefully berated me for my zeal to expose the rotten Bob Jones crowd. I was speaking with Bill, a man at the church, and my friend, about what is wrong with the modern Bible revisions. While I was edifying my brother in Christ, I mentioned that “Bob Jones University sells corruptible seed (Devil's bibles).” Pastor Quinlan was eavesdropping on our conversation and became upset when he heard that. I found out from talking to Quinlan that he bids Godspeed to the Calvinist Bob Jones camp!

I was disgusted with him as a church leader. Pastor Quinlan literally called the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam: “our sister church!” I rebuked him upon the authority of God's Word, informing him that Harvest Baptist Church preaches the Devil's false gospel of Calvinism! Quinlan shameful replied: “It's none of our business what they do at Harvest!” I fully knew then that I was talking to a total damned fool. Any pastor who sinfully bids Godspeed to Calvinists ought not be trusted to preach behind any pulpit.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia stewart1611.blogspot.com

I miss the 1970's, when there were no microwaves, no cellphones, no credit cards, no cameras all over public places, no internet tracking of everywhere you go, there was no public internet until the 1990's came! The 1970's was a simple time still in the United States. Where I lived in Chicago, people used string to section off their front garden. Move ahead 30 years later and everybody has tall chainlink fences around their lawns, with warning signs that threaten they'll call police.

Adults are no longer permitted to enter or sit in public playground without a child with them, and if you do people will wonder if you're a pedophile, call the police, and you will be arrested and fined. This is what our nation has succumbed and descended to. Homosexuals have come out of the closet and are quickly preparing the stage for the coming Man of Sin, the Antichrist.

british-israel.us #crackpot #fundie #racist #wingnut #conspiracy british-israel.us

Does God still speak to men by means of visions and dreams? He says, "I change not" (Mal. 3:6). God is "the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb. 13:8). If He spoke that way in the past, we can be certain he still speaks that way today -- by means of visions and dreams. But where are they? The movie "Chariots of Fire" is one such vision. How do we know? Because of amazing parallels that have occurred between reality and the events portrayed by the movie. Real-life events transpired in 1980-82 (and after) which paralleled the movie script. Uncanny parallels -- too many for mere haphazard chance. It is truly -- "an Enigma."

Running represents the "ritual of human endeavor" (p.175, Chariots of Fire by Weatherby). Priests wore short breeches (Ex. 28:42) made of linen (Ex. 39:28) and went barefoot into the Sanctuary (Ex. 3:5; Josh. 5:15). Their fine white linen is their righteousness (Rev. 19:8). Thirty runners (p.105) may correspond to the thirty mighty men of David (2 Sam. 23:13,23). Just like Scripture, the movie deals with primarily three (vv. 9,13,16-19, 22-23) -- Eric, Harold and Andrew. At the beginning of the movie, all 30 are labeled as "Chariots of Fire" just as Elijah was called "the chariot of Israel" (2 Ki. 2:12). As the movie closes, Blake's Jerusalem labels Christ a "chariot of fire" -- our Lord returning. Waters in the background are multitudes of people (Rev. 17:15). Just as the movie's three main runners were "British," so also the church believes in "British-Israel" doctrine in Pasadena. Furthermore, every true Christian (of whatever race) is a "Covenant man" or "Brit ish" in Hebrew (Gal.3:29).
There were TWO GOLD MEDALISTS in the movie. SAMSON is similar to the "MIGHTY ANGEL" (Sam's son; Rev. 10:1). Etcetera. If we can admit to ten parallels, then there is only one chance in 5x5x5x5x5x5x5x5x5x5 = 9,765,625 that this is coincidence.

Blergaderg, Ducktalesooo000ooo, TacosForTrump,systemthrowaway & Timmy88 #racist #sexist #fundie consumeproduct.win

I've never actually seen someone with platinum/grey eyes. I've seen an icy blue, holy crap were those some gorgeous eyes. Sadly, they weren't attached to the kind of person to settle down with.

Was it a tranny?

Thankfully no.

I'm guessing either danger hair, a side cut, probably a bunch of facial piercings, and definitely tattoos.

Actually, everything about her appearance was clean, she just "wanted to explore herself more". So, you know what that entails.

Riding the dick train, sad.

Damn, and if she's good looking you know she got plenty.

Why didn’t you fuck

Because I wasn’t married to her?

Michael Brown #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia charismanews.com

There really is an all-out war on our children. We can hardly overstate it and we dare not ignore it.

They are being slaughtered in the womb. They are being kidnapped and sold into sex slavery. They are being raped and abused and neglected and used. They are being brainwashed by their teachers and bullied by their peers. Their innocence is being robbed and their security is being stolen.

Without exaggeration, we can say that no generation in American history has been subject to such a concerted, demonic attack.
The demonic attack against you is especially acute if you are a black baby. You have less than a 75% chance of making it out alive because of abortion. If you are a black baby conceived in New York City, you have less than a 50% chance of making it out of the womb alive.
A couple of years later, in your pre-K class, the teacher reads storybooks to you, pretty books with colorful pictures. Some feature boys wearing dresses; others depict a little girl with her two daddies. And your teacher refers to all of you as "friends," since calling you "boys and girls" makes unnecessary gender distinctions — whatever those are.
Somehow, you manage to graduate from high school, enrolling in one of the top colleges in the nation. There you will learn that America is an evil country, that all whites are guilty, that belief in the Judeo-Christian God is a joke, and that there is no such thing as absolute morality. Or absolute truth. Or absolute reality. Things are what you perceive them to be. You define reality. And truth. And morality. That's what you're getting for $40,000 a year.

To be fair, though, you will learn some very helpful skills, like remembering everyone's preferred gender pronouns, such as xe and zer and hir. On the other hand, should you question anything you're being taught, you'll learn something else very quickly: dissent is not permitted. Now you're ready to be an adult.

Mark Downey #fundie #racist kinsmanredeemer.com

This Internet outreach is dedicated to the vision of establishing a Christian foundation for the good news of the gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in the United States. The so called churches in this country, as elsewhere in the world, are corrupted with the trappings of jewish fables and false doctrines detrimental to the true Israel people of scripture; that is, the Anglo Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic and kindred peoples that comprise the twelve tribes, to whom the Holy Bible is exclusively about.

Kinsman Redeemer Ministries is a calling to White people to gather together and worship the one true God; to rightly divide and discern God's Word; to proclaim the righteousness of the Laws of God and His judgements; to live the truth, the way and the life according to God's will.

This ministry "will fear no evil" and will declare the realities of race, government and theology. The calling for those with ears to hear and eyes to see is physical, mental and spiritual. God Almighty is calling the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel in this hour, to gather in unity and singleness of purpose to rid our land of the antichrist enemies of God.

mplanetleaf #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot mplanetleaf.wordpress.com

(Part 1)

32 Feet Giant Skeleton Found In India – With Evidences!

Ancient 32 feet skeleton found in India dating back to the oldest civilization in the subcontinent…

Here is an article from a newspaper called “The Age” published on August 10, 1934. It reads:

Skeleton Found in India that Measures 31 feet, 6 inches in length.

The sensational discovery of a skeleton believed to be a prehistoric giant ape, measuring 31 feet 6 inches in length, is reported from Jubbulpore.

The discovery was made by a farmer, who noticed a bone protruding from the sand on the river bank near the village of Jaintiha. Attempts to dislodge the skeleton with the aid of other villagers failed, whereupon the chief of the State had the skeleton dug out. Three men were required to lift it, the legs alone measuring 10 feet.

“The skeleton has been placed in the palace of the chief pending examination by geologists, among whom the discovery has created enormous interest. The Jubbulpore district is renowned for its wealth of fossilized relics of an earlier age, the last important discovery three years ago being the remains of a giant prehistoric mammal reputed to be centuries old. ”

The same news appeared on a lot of newspapers around the world because this was a spectacular discovery. Let us read THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD on the exact same day. Prehistoric Ape Found in India Giant Proportions

The sensational discovery of a skeleton believed to be that of a prehistoric giant ape, measuring 31 ½ feet in length, is reported from Jubbulpore.

It is the exact same news except for a few changes here and there.

Ethan Karyadi #fundie youtube.com

If you thought this story was something, wait til you get this. Let me share an anecdote with you. Several years ago, I was told by someone that we came from animals. He said that these animals came from dinosaurs, and seeing that he bought into the lie of evolution we asked him some questions. Here’s the exchange. “Where did the dinosaurs come from?”
“They came from the monsters.”
“Where did the monsters come from?”
“They came from aliens.”
“Where did they come from?”
“They were from the Ancient Eldritch Flying Tentacled Cosmic Grand Avatar from Dimension 900.”

Ok that last part didn’t happen but you got the point. He was so convinced that we came from somewhere but our origin just didn’t include God. Also, please pray for me as I’m considering moving schools. I’ve been having issues with the one I’m currently attending and I don’t think continuing my education there would be a wise decision. Thanks and God bless you.

mplanetleaf #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot mplanetleaf.wordpress.com

(Part 2)

Here is another newspaper called THE VIRGIN ISLANDS DAILY NEWS which published a short version of this news. The size, the location it was discovered all the same.

“INDIA Calcutta: A skeleton, believed to be that of a human giant, measuring 31 feet 6 inch has been discovered on the banks of a river near Jubbalpore. The huge man’s bones alone measured 10 feet, and three men were required to move the remains to the Chief’s palace at Ramgarh.”

And also from another newspaper called THE SYDNEY MAIL. Again just different words, but the news is the same.

Remember, these are just a few examples and this same news was published all around the world in many languages that a giant prehistoric ape was found in Jabalpur district, India. Is it possible that this is the skeleton of Hanuman?

Some Hindu and Jain sects believe that Hanuman was not a real ape but a human like giant with slight physical variations. Now, all over the world other giants have been found with variations in their facial features including elongated skulls, horns and double rows of teeth. So who are these Giants? Sacred texts from many ancient civilizations, describe these Giants as hybrids between Gods and Humans. In the bible, they are called Nephilim. Hanuman can also be classified as a Nephilim because his father was a god and his mother was human.

Now according to Hindu scriptures, Hanuman was not the only Giant that looked like an ape, but a whole race of giant apes called Vanara was documented. Is it possible that this huge skeleton is one of these ape-like Gods?

Now, the other important question is: What happened to this skeleton? Where did this skeleton go? Today, we are not able trace the whereabouts of this 32 feet skeleton anywhere. Since India was under British control at that time, this priceless evidence was possibly taken to England along with many other rare artifacts.

So what do you think? Are all these newspapers from various countries lying to us?
Or did India once have an ancient race of Giants that were 32 feet tall?

Conspiracy Keith #fundie #conspiracy youtube.com

This video will look at how the Covid crisis has revealed who or what the Anti-Christ is, and how he has been unveiled to the world. There are many names the anti-Christ is called the beast, the man of sin, the man of lawlessness, the son of perdition, the son of destruction, he who comes in his own name, the little horn, the king of the north, the king of fierce countenance, the prince of darkness, the son of Satan and many more. This talk will focus on the 3 main names he is called, the beast, the man of sin and the anti-Christ. Many church leaders think that the anti-Christ is coming in the future, this video will show that he is already operating in our world right now and that we are in the hour of the great Deception.

Anonymous #fundie #sexist reddit.com


The Stressed Contraceptor
Self-care is 10 hours of video games, still anxious after
constantly “working on” herself, getting more depressed every day
ramen and takeout
defined by selfishness
thinks dogs are just as good as kids
kills houseplants with negligence
forces “partner” into virtual celibacy
addicted to dopamine spikes
“””good vibes”””
low self-esteem despite 4 hours of makeup

The Blessed Baby Acceptor
gives self entirely to others, couldn’t be happier
self-care is mass by herself, hour of Adoration
cooks from scratch
children gravitate to her
martyrdom of motherhood
sex drive not suppressed by artificial hormones
keeps multiple tiny humans alive
body is for the glory of God, absolutely radiant
overloaded with serotonin
authentic vocational joy

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia scottlively.net

Other times jargon is a tool of social manipulation to shape and steer public perceptions and opinion, such as the invention of the anti-Christian slur “homophobia” and the lexicon (vocabulary list) of “sexual orientation theory,” designed to frame disapproval of sexual perversion as mental illness. Likewise, “critical race theory” – which is simply fake social science invented to promote anti-white racism — is a reinvention/revision of words and meanings to steer society through mass psychological manipulation.

apostleoftherosary #fundie #wingnut #homophobia apostleoftherosary.wordpress.com

Welcome to Sodom.

You will deny the violence, natural disasters, crime, poverty, rapid and random unprovided deaths we see on a day-to-day basis. Hide in your little cocoon! A perfect psychological mechanism! We are living in Sodom and it is with many tears and much sadness that I lament the fate of Catholics. Who almost always perish first because they are closer to God as they know truth. Remember Hitler, that evil man, He declared war on Poland first, a Catholic nation, then came the likes of Belgium, France, all daughters of the church. My friend the Lord has warned you, ‘for whom much is given more is expected. ‘ You have confession and the Holy Eucharist plus 5 other sacraments and yet you continue to act boldly in your sins shrouded by woeful ignorance.

Miniskirts and muscle tops to HOLY mass is how you roll, my friend do you know that God destroys people like that. Yes, God will kill you. If you ever have to fear a killer it better be God not that guy over there. Jesus advises us to not fear those that can only kill the body. Good job at fearing those that kill the corpses. You support abortion and sodomy, pushing these as rights against the will of the church, my friend If you knew what awaits you would weep.

Ever heard of someone who went to a club and was shot, without a chance to repent, or they died in a freak accident. Brothers, even our Lord knew his day was near, but the sinner keeps on till he dies and perishes. They Perished when the tower fell on them.

We are living in Sodom, the rampant sin manifests itself as death. Did not the Bible say that sin is death, the wages of sin is death. So when you plant your sins, your dowry is coming.

They were eating and drinking but alas, the gun man shot them all. What you need to ask is how many of those drunken, semi naked souls where in a state of grace, or had the thoughts of confession. Then think of your sins, I always think what if I had died when I frequented the concerts.


Peace Be with YOU!

Confederate Farmers #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #fundie forum.nationstates.net

The left is insane with their social liberalist agenda of forcing their beliefs on other people; it's absurd. I was only ranked a libertarian on a quiz when I opposed government same-sex marriage. Evangelicals and I almost want to say Christians should oppose government same-sex marriage because unless the government is going to return marriage to the churches, it is an example of the government actively endorsing homosexuality by changing the definition of marriage. Furthermore, those groups aren't satisfied when agreeing to leave the individual alone they prefer active lobbying forcing their corrupted morality on other people. When Congress or the states won't do something the left will cheat through judicial activism. I would favor something like a domestic partnership or civil union that is something like a business pack where 2 males agree to be responsible for each other that isn't necessarily homosexual.

If i ran for president while I hate porn there's nothing or onley little i can do to oppose it as president. Liberals now wish to indocranate children with homosexuality through books and tv shows.

Transgendersim for children use to be seen as child abuse now its a human right to a demcrate.

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

It’s been THREE weeks since D.C. homicide unit took possession of the bodies of five babies, found lacerated and killed outside an abortion clinic. This story clearly shows why we need a total ban on abortion in our nation. Here’s a recap of the timeline & major events: 1/19

Roosh V #racist #conspiracy #fundie rooshv.com

[From "I Am The Peasant Revolt"]

It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. I’m not supposed to be sharing the truth with you. They had a specific plan for me, but I figured out what it was and revolted against it[…]
In 1965, a certain demographic in America agitated for a looser immigration law. Historically, most immigrants came from Christian Europe, but the law changed, opening the borders to anybody, including the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. My father was one of the first to benefit[…]My mom immigrated with her entire family[…]
The plan of the regime was simple: culturally sterilize the white population, their greatest threat to power (as clearly evidenced by the recent Canadian truckers’ protest), and replace them with atomized non-European people who will obey any directive to come and reside in the United States to enjoy its first-world comforts. Through the pursuit of their material self-interests, my parents unknowingly consented to this plan[…]Their son abided by this plan and exceeded it to a foul degree[…]
Within history you will find stories of the slave girl catching the eye of a member of the noble class[…]His spawn, sent back to the slum, is obviously smarter than the rest of the slaves[…]This half-breed then speaks for his people[…]How many peasant “half-breeds” are there in America right now, not racially but in socioeconomic class, knowledge, and faith, who were educated in atheist universities[…]
They gave me a degree in microbiology to use in developing vaccines, and I now use that knowledge to forcefully speak out against vaccines. They gave me the internet and computer technology to be programmed by their words[…]
The second I started to speak the truth outside of their Overton window, the regime activated against me. Their peasant was not behaving correctly

Philippines Anon #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #magick #ufo boards.4chan.org

Cassandra Malcador / Old Testament = Real / burn demon communism talmud symbols altars idols


Warning most pagan gods should not be contacted or requires through "scientific method" (which means you will only anger them, some are angels, some are demons, they should not be worshipped). Only through Christ alone.

t. high rank occultist from peak bloodline on this body (G. Washington's & Pattons incarnation)


To all military civilian intel agencies, not possessed, and still under the banner of mankind,

destroy all white and hidden wires on electric poles and wooden shenanigans


burn synagogues before it furthers alien hostile invasion arrives

this is a serious post

I am not larping and not shitposting.
Do not let (((them xenos demon possessed gnostic weak archon kikes))) win.

(Non-Jew Proven) The God Emperor Jesus Christ smites and fully obliterates the (demon metaphysical) worms and parasites. (take natural anti parasite and over the counter dewormers)

Red Sky in the Morning #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick jobloggz.wordpress.com

They are attempting to awaken these “ancient ones of old” (as H.P. Lovecraft called them) from their slumber using CERN. More specifically they are using CERN to call up CERNUNNOS(Shiva, Cronus, Yale(Godyale). The Horned God.
The Hadron Collider where the Higgs Boson was discovered started back up in March, after being down for maintenance for two years. Are the Physicists at Cern really doing science, or are they doing alchemy?

Are they naively assembling a congregation of ancient gods, and waking up an elemental power forgotten since the Tower of Babel?
So they may open up Pandora’s box or a can of wormholes. Cern or Shiva is Apollo, the Destroyer. In Revelation 9 of the Bible Apollyon unlocks the abyss letting out demonic beings resembling locusts.

Let’s check out these ancient gods.
Cern or Cerne is the name of the horned god that pagans worship – named after Cernunnos – the green man.
In Wiccan mythology Cern is known as Cernunnos, Herne, Lupercus, and Pan. Lupercus and Pan were called ‘god of shepherds’.

Jesus in one of the seven “I AM” statements said HE is the Shepherd and the Gate for the Sheep. In the Bible, the one who will come before Jesus’s return, demanding our worship, is known as the “Worthless shepherd.”
Cern is located near the border of France and Switzerland at Saint-Genis-Pouilly, near Geneva. In ancient times it was a place dedicated to Apollo. Outside the main Cern building is a statue of Shiva doing his dance of destruction.

Apollo is coming back. We need to choose between Jesus, the Good Shepherd who died to get us out of the matrix, or his horned nemesis – the worthless shepherd who will devour us, given half a chance.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #fundie #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

As we emerge from a dark aeon, we have a better vantage point from which to view just how decrepit and destructive the thoughtforms of the past mind-controlled reality had become. During this massive shift of the ages these constructs are slowly losing integrity, allowing much more freedom to move out of highly controlled structures and thoughts forms. For this reason, those working against humanity and consciousness expansion are desperately trying to shore up the disintegrating and obsolete structures, which brings us to the topic of Absurdism. Absurdism is found within practicing satanism, as it shares a common theoretical template with existentialism and Moral Nihilism. Absurdism is opposed to a spiritual context, holding a fundamental denial of the soul's existence and purpose, and a total denial of higher consciousness in achieving a higher morality or Perfect Peace. Either in life or death, absurdism states that all that exists is in a state of suffering, which forces people to live in a world where only their immediate needs, desires and wants are important, not their fellow human beings.

This philosophy drives the Social Engineering of the Death Culture that is shaped by the NAA <Negative Alien Agenda>, to infuse absurdism into the minds of the masses to have complete disregard for life. Therefore, encouraging rampant killing and deviance, promoting destruction and chaos to become normalized and accepted in societal behavior. This negative behavior repels the inner spirit away from the individual which increases the sensation of personal suffering, which falsely reaffirms the absurdist philosophy. The more chaotic and destructive humanity becomes, the more absurd the outer reality, which allows Loosh to be generated and extracted for satanic agendas.

Michael R. Egnor #fundie #dunning-kruger evolutionnews.org

It is amusing that, despite the pretensions of atheist “skeptics” such as Novella, atheists are much more likely to believe pseudoscientific claims such as UFOs, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, psychics, Atlantis, and astrology than are traditional religious believers. Four times as likely, to be precise (31% vs. 8%). Yet this should come as no surprise. Nearly all atheists believe that the genetic code and the intricate nanotechnology in living cells arose entirely by random mutations and natural selection. Compared to the belief that life arose by chance and tautology, Bigfoot and astrology seem downright plausible.

Lila Rose #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

BREAKING: Tonight the California State Assembly is holding a hearing on Assembly Bill 2223. AB 2223 is potentially the most destructive pro-abortion bill in the nation, making it nearly impossible to prosecute criminal abortions and would potentially allow legal infanticide. 1/

Harmonica #wingnut #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "Vive la France?"]

I’m apprehensive about Marine Le Pen. I recognize she would be better than anything the French have had since Charles de Gaulle[…]There is no excuse for her to have thrown her own father under the bus in the name of “respectability” – particularly when her father was a great candidate who was able to win the endorsement of none other than SSPX founder Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre[…]She is a daughter of 1789. A staunch defender of French laicist attitudes, her anti-Islamic positions have more to do with defending the Enlightenment than protecting a historic Christian nation[…]Le Pen’s status as “Far Right” stands as a stark reminder of the decline of France over the past century. As the meme goes, how to be Far Right in France:
1912 – “Vive le roi!”
1962 – “I think we should keep Algeria”
2022 – “I sure do enjoy being French”
But even as I recognize this, I will still say – “Le Pen must win.” We must fight the battle at hand, and in 2022 France is not taking back Algeria and the Bourbons will not be restored. France is fighting a battle to remain French and that right must be secured first. Algeria can be retaken later. The monarchy can be restored another time. And, this is coming from someone who believes monarchy is necessary for France. History shows that France does not do well under a republic[…]
Le Pen is in a run-off with French President Emmanuel Macron. France has instituted a two-round election system as a way to keep the nationalists from winning, working under the assumption that while the nationalists can win a plurality, they cannot win a majority[…]The Establishment, on both sides of the Atlantic, may love to view him as the last best hope of neoliberalism, but a significant portion of French voters consider him as just another elitist leading a system that has ruined their lives[…]
A Le Pen victory would seriously damage NATO and be the death of the EU

Steve Dragon #racist #fundie #psycho quora.com

Goegre Floyd was a rotten criminal. He deserves to be killed and then burn in Hell with Staan. He should have enever even been born into this world. Criminal apes need to be aborted and their little brittle baby bodies stomped on the floor and cast down to Help where they will be raped by the Devil for eternity. Fuck Goerge Floyd! Fuck his gay retarded family! Floyd was a hideous mongrel monster that never meant to be born! His mother should have had hear motherfucking tubes tied to prevent this beast creature from ever having been born at all!

Jarrin Jackson #fundie #transphobia rumble.com

[in response to this Reddit post from a father seeking advice on how to help his transgender daughter]

Genesis 1 [says] God made man in his image, male and female, he created them. God’s categories are good categories. God’s plan is a good plan. It’s a good order. Most of what we see today is a rejection of God’s order. Most of what we see today are people seeing what God has made and choosing to reject it and deny it and destroy it and to molest it.

That father, I believe, is criminally responsible for manipulating and grooming his daughter. It’s his son, by the way. It’s not a daughter. That father was criminally negligent to his son because that father has not built his worldview on truth. The son is suicidal. The son is messed up physically, chemically, emotionally, relationally, truthfully.

It’s not ‘bottom surgery,’ it’s mutilation. You’ve Islamicized your genitals. You’ve Islamicized yourself. Muslims do genital mutilation for women that have sex or commit adultery. That’s what Muslims do. You are Islamicizing your genitals.

Steve Dragon #homophobia #psycho #fundie #crackpot quora.com

Homsoexual babies need to be aborted. They were enever meant to be born at all. Jesus heart breaks every a time a homo baby comes into this world. They shouldn't exist here at all. They shouldn't even be looked at or even be breathing. They should be banned form ever being born because God hates them! The aborted homo babies belong in Hell ehing raped and molested and penetrated by the devil's big red ffatass cick in hell! Fag Fetsues, PREPARE FOR SATANS COCK IN HELL!!! HES WAITING!!!!

MASTER CHRISTOS--ESU IMMANUEL 'JESUS' SANANDA via Patrick Bellringer #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy fourwinds10.com


Oh, I see, someone wrote of things which were put to scribing some 3—500 years after “JESUS” died. Things were copied from scrolls and hand-me-down oral sayings. What of gossip?
There are not such things as other planet inhabitants? No such things as space craft? Who told you thusly? Oh, yes, I forget—your government and your mil­itary communiques?




Wylie Marshall #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut newswithviews.com

In my last article, I explained how God had made promises to Abraham and promised that two great and powerful nations would arise from Abraham’s seed. The first would become a multitude of nations that would spread over the entire world. That nation would be the British Empire. The second would become a great single nation that would become the most powerful nation the world has ever seen and would bless the rest of the world with her wealth and the ability to feed the world, which she has demonstrated several times. That nation would be The United States of America!
After God scattered the House of Israel, which Ephraim and Manasseh were a part, Ephraim and Manasseh settled in what was to become the British Isles.It was from these Isles that the nations of The British Commonwealth and the United States of America sprang, from these two brothers.

God made those birthright promises to Abraham, and He had to keep His promises, but God never said that those nations would always remain if they did not obey His word! We can see very clearly that the British Empire has almost disappeared, and her government is corrupt, her commonwealth nations of New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Canada, (Hong Kong has been swallowed up by China), India, and most of the rest have become puppet run concentration camps. The United States of America has become rotten from within with corruption so bad that she has an odor that stinks to high heaven! The only reason that she has not become a puppet run concentration camp is because the people are still armed!
wonderful country came from and now you can see what is happening to it. It is disintegrating! The entire world is disintegrating because that is Satan’s plan! We are letting Satan bring about his destruction upon the world because we live in a world of sin and do not even know it!!! Why don’t we know it? Because we have discarded the only instruction book for living that was ever given to us! The Holy Bible!

Carina Benton #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia thefederalist.com

The Left Unmasks Its Desire To Destroy Families — And The Nation — With Sexual Chaos
(continued from https://fstdt.com/VSPRF3RQRDST )

With Your Eyes Clear, Stand Up and Fight
Resisting the soul-destroying lies being force-fed to innocent children means supporting candidates who fear God more than some punk journalist, and who are bold enough, DeSantis style, to stand up to the Marxist schemers waging this cultural revolution. The politically suicidal Republicans and moderate Democrats flirting with the idea of supporting a historically unpopular Biden administration’s pedo-lenient Supreme Court pick might want to simultaneously start researching their post-political career options.

Most importantly, we must return to Christ. He is the only remedy for the sickness and squalor rotting this country from within. So read the Bible, pray, catechize your children, go to church, and yank your kids out of the rainbow-parading, gender expansive-promoting indoctrination camps posing as schools.

Every communist who has ever haunted the earth understands that to control society, you must control the family. They ironically possess a deeper, albeit disordered, appreciation of the mustard seed principle than do many Christians.

The nuclear family, the smallest societal unit, has the potential for the most profound cultural influence. As Pope Leo XIII explained, family life is “the cornerstone of all society and government.” It’s time to reinvigorate our Judeo-Christian heritage and start using the Marxists’ tactics against them.

Jerry Derecha/DarknessIsFalling #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #fundie #magick #transphobia #wingnut adrenogate.net

The Yiddish Khazar Ashkenazi(the Ashkenazic peoples might not have been Khazar after all) “Jews”, originally the Phoenicians/Babylonians/Canaanites/The Pharisees, ARE in fact disgusting inbred criminals who represent a small but distinguished and very noticeable minority of parasite world influence. HOWEVER, the most powerful of all the dark force-empowered secret societies and age old political, religious or military establishments on this clown world of a planet is BY FAR The Holy See(The Vatican, The Papalcy, The Roman Catholic Church). All roads lead to Rome and always have.
In this video i want to take a last look at genetic Trans-Humanism, a subject that ties in with the Mark Of The Beast and attempt to pull the strings together. Satanic Trans-humanism, Trans-genderism and Transformation are ALL linked to form the Post Human condition. They can’t be separated. They are ALL attempts by MAN to bypass or subvert God’s methodology for salvation in order to SAVE themselves. In fact it is the ATTEMPT by man TO BECOME ONE WITH CREATION rather than the CREATOR! God and his Intelligent Design gets factored out in favour of Spontaneous Generation of all Life and Evolution. Once again it is the godless belief that Something can emanate from Nothing.
This is a total abrogation of the Creation reality we experience and a blasphemy of the truth. This is what drives the Jesuit UN Agenda 21 for Global Sustainability. It’s nothing less than the worship of CREATION. Did you know that the automatic Structuring designed by God into Nature such as the initial hexagonal phase in DNA formation is being replicated by the Jesuit science Cabal in nano technology with the Self Assembly of carbon nano tubes comprised of a similar arrangement of materials? That’s right. It’s ALL in the INJECTIONS! Satan is re-engineering ORGANIC mankind and TRANSFORMING it; even REPLACING it with a Bio-SYNTHETIC mankind using nano technology.

Naomi Astral #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #fundie sites.google.com


Gog and Magog are basically one or two Nephilim bloodlines from the Caucasus Mountains which forms a natural border between Russia and Asia. Other names for 'Nephilim' in the bible include; giants/men-of-old/men-of-fame/sons-of-god/watchers/mighty-men/fallen-angels. Later, they became known as faerie/shining-ones/Druids/Elves/Yahoo/cannibal/demons/reptilian/Annunaki. All of these words are interchangeable and used to describe the same bloodlines of Nephilim origin. The prophecies of Gog and Magog or Gog of Magog are related to end-times when they will return during a final war related to the Nephilim.

These sorcerers are manipulators of energy. They create an energy field, a vibrational frequency, which connects the consciousness of the participants to demonic energies and other consciousness of the lower dimensions. This is the dimensional field, also known as the lower astral to many people, which resonates to the frequency of low vibrational emotions like fear, guilt, hate and so on. When a ritual focuses these emotions, as Demonism does, a powerful connection is made with the lower dimensional Archons. They summon these demonic entities in return for power, wealth and immortality.

They often conduct these rituals on vortex points; the ancients recognised where these energy centres and ley-lines were and built megalithic monuments and temples at these places which were used for healing, advanced science and learning. The Khazars took over these ancient sites and corrupted the energies there building demonic churches where the temples had been. Rituals often take place here – so that the emotion harvested [fear, terror, anxiety etc] enters the global energy grid. This keeps the frequency of the planet low, in an environment needed for the lower astral entities to survive.

Pliggy #racist #fundie fldsview.blogspot.com

[From "The Racist"]

I want to tell you the audio that you hear Warren Jeffs talking about the black race, almost all of it was him reading quotes from 19th century Mormon prophets. The bitter people who put out the snipped recording took all of the neutral and positive comments out and only have the worst sounding quotes they could find. He explained the teachings about the black culture and the truth about the black race as the FLDS believe it. Warren Jeffs is no more a bigot than I am. But the term racist can fit us, because we do believe races are different, and are treated differently in the gospel[…]
I had an email conversation with a black Mormon man who was looking to the FLDS so he could live polygyny in a religiously sanctioned way, as his wife was unable to have children. We parted on good terms[…]I, like those in the black community, understand and accept racial identity and I am glad for my heritage

The FLDS people believe that we are LITERALLY descendants of Ephraim, the son of Joseph who was sold into Egypt. As a Israelite, you cannot mix with other races[…]It is Biblical to marry within your heritage. In the Old Testament only the sons of Levi could be Priests, and since the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ, Only Ephraimites can be priests[…]
We believe that the dark skin is a "curse" upon a certain family, but we believe that all people since the time of Adam have "curses" placed upon them. A curse is an obstacle that must be overcome[…]The black man was cursed as a community because of what their ancient forefathers did. They must live with the curse throughout this life, and can overcome the uncivilized nature of their curse[…]
According to some historians Elijah Abel was a black man who was ordained to the priesthood by Joseph Smith. I believe that there were two Elijah Abel's and one was black while the other was not. They were both members of the church

Carina Benton #wingnut #fundie thefederalist.com

The Left Unmasks Its Desire To Destroy Families — And The Nation — With Sexual Chaos
(continued from https://fstdt.com/FB2WVKYZYC.8B)

The Shift to Cultural Marxism
From the classroom floor to the Senate floor, none of this is a coincidence. Over the course of the 20th century, cultural Marxists realized that the class warfare narrative was never going to lure enough Americans to achieve a fundamental transformation of this nation. Despite the Soviet Union directing and subsidizing communist infiltration of U.S. government agencies, trade and teachers’ unions, and even churches and seminaries beginning in the 1930s, classical Marxism proved a flop.

The left’s tactical response was two-fold: Firstly, in reimagining Marxism in terms of sex and culture, they used maneuver warfare to simply attack the hill from a more advantageous position. Secondly, pushing the falsehood that the Red Scare was just a conspiracy of the early 1950s deluded Americans into thinking the communist threat was a hoax when, in truth, it never went away.

Meanwhile, whether the battleground is economics or culture, the greatest threat to the twisted Marxist ideology has always been the Christian family. Christians know, as St. Paul writes, that every family in heaven and on earth receives its true name, not from the state, or a party, or society, or some fanciful “village,” but from God the Father.

Hence the repression of religious families, the laicization of schools, and the prohibition of religious education that began with the Bolsheviks. In the 1950s, under the Khrushchev regime, Nikolai Ilyachev, the chief ideologist for a reinvigorated antireligious propaganda blitz, summed it up well when he stated that “in Soviet society, a family is a cell of Communist education or a refuge of backward conceptions.” The left’s contempt for those who remain faithful to God’s commandments and the truth revealed by Christ has never changed.


Charlie Kirk #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia #fundie #wingnut mediamatters.org

Charlie Kirk blames trans people for inflation: “There's a direct connection to inflation and the trans issue”

So, one of the reasons why we take such a strong stance and opinion on the trans issue is it's an issue of reality. You do not get to determine your own reality. You do not get to suddenly say, I'm rich or I'm poor. No, we actually have to look at some evidence as to whether or not you're rich or poor. Now, some of those are relative terms - rich according to who? Rich according to what? I understand that. But relatively, some of the terms we use -- short, tall - you can't just make them up and say, oh wow, that person is taller than that person, that person is faster than that person, that person is stronger than that person.

And one of the reasons we've been so insistent against this idea you can change your gender, or change your sex, or change both of them, is that when you start to indulge in the belief that you could become whatever you want and reality is subjective, not objective, you're going to have ramifications that nobody anticipated or intended.

So, there's a direct connection to inflation and the trans issue. You say, Charlie, come on. They couldn't be further apart. No, they're exactly the same. They're the same in this aspect - when you believe that men can become women, why wouldn't you also believe that you could print wealth? If you believe that someone can change their gender, why wouldn't you also believe that money is wealth?

Now there are very simple laws of economics. Just like there's laws of nature. There's laws of physics, laws of thermodynamics, laws of biology.

We must to – we must live according to those laws. We believe there's a lawmaker and a designer and being Christians, we believe those laws were made to be followed for our flourishing and our prosperity. The law is a teacher. The law is a guide to how to properly live. You live in defiance to the law, you lie steal or cheat, you actually won't flourish. You'll be miserable. You'll be unhappy. You'll get further from god's wish for you. Now outside of the religious component of this, we also believe there are laws of economics. There are laws of economics just like there are laws of physics.

divinerevelations.info #fundie #crackpot #psycho divinerevelations.info

We then moved far away from there and arrived at a place with giant doors. As we approached them, they opened for us. On the other side we saw a giant cavern. As I looked up I saw different color lights moving like a cloud of smoke. Suddenly, we heard music—salsa, ballenato, rock, and different kinds of popular music that people listen to on the radio. The Lord motioned with His hand, and we saw millions and millions of people hung with chains by their hands. They were jumping wildly over the fire.

The Lord looked at us and said, "Look, these are the wages of the dancers." They had to jump wildly up and down to the beat of the music. If salsa was playing, they had to jump to its beat; if any other kind of music was playing, they had to jump to that its beat. They could never stop jumping. But worse than that, their shoes had 6-inch spikes on the bottom. When they jumped, the spikes pierced their feet. They never had a moment's rest. When someone tried to stop, demons immediately came up and stabbed them with spears and cursed them saying, "Praise him! This is your kingdom now! Praise Satan! Praise him! You can't stop! Praise him! Praise him! You have to praise him! You have to jump! You have to dance! You cannot stop for one second!"

It is unfortunate that many of the people there were Christians who knew the Lord, but were in nightclubs when they died. You may be asking, "Where does it say in the Bible that it is wrong to dance?" In James 4:4 the Word of God says, "Do you not realize, you adulteresses, that friendship with the world is enmity toward God? Therefore, whoever determines to be a friend of the world becomes God's enemy." Also, in 1 John 2:15-17 it says, "Neither love the world nor the things in the world. Whoever loves the world has not the Father's love in his heart, because everything in the world, the passions of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the proud display of life have their origin not from the Father but from the world. And the world with its lust passes away, but he who does the will of God remains for ever." Remember, the world will pass away; all this will perish, but the one who does the will of God stands forever.

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