
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Eric Hovind #fundie twitter.com

imageThere is no proof of God!
Except maybe:
1. 1st law of thermodynamics
2. 2nd law of thermodynamics
3. Law of information
4. Law of biogenesis
5. Natural law
6. Laws of chemistry
7. Laws of physics
8. Laws of logic
9. Laws of mathematics
6:35 AM · Dec 3, 2024· 7,944 Views
100 Reposts 2 Quotes 381 Likes 67 Bookmarks

Leanne Bell #fundie andtheylivedhappilyeverafter.com

Women who choose not to take their husband's surname after marriage are not sexually attracted to them, and will likely be the one to initiate divorce.

When a woman feels metaphysically submissive to a man, when she admires all the masculine qualities he exhibits and deems him worthy of submitting to, sexually speaking, she will gladly become "his" and take his name. This is the essence of femininity.

Eric Hovind #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

Why? Because evolution is a lie that robs children of absolute morality, convincing them life is meaningless.

It distorts reality by conflating observable microevolution with the unproven theory of macroevolution, leaving kids to believe a lie that denies them of their true purpose of Glorifying the Creator, God.

“If you tell kids they came from animals, don’t be surprised when they act like animals.”

The truth? We are fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image.

Reject the lie. Teach the truth.imageTEACHING EVOLUTION IS CHILD ABUSE

David Barton #fundie joemygod.blogspot.com

If you want education you better include the fear of God, if you want to be a good scientist you better include the fear of God, if you want to be a good musician—1962, ’63, the U.S. Supreme Court in three decisions said no more fear of God in education, we want education to be secular. All right, that’s a theological issue. How’s that working out? In 1962, ’63, America was number one in the world in literacy, we are now number sixty-five in the world in literacy. We don’t have the fear of the Lord, because guess what, we don’t have knowledge, it goes down.

Andy Schlafly #fundie conservapedia.com

[Wouldn't a Neutral Bible project be more useful?]

Stated another way, conservatism is freedom from liberal bias. A conservative Bible is one that is 100% free of liberal bias. Not 50% liberal bias, not 10% liberal bias. 0% liberal bias.

deadbrain #fundie someplacesomewhere.com

I would much rather that those who don't believe in a higher responsibility create these morals(flawed as they may be) then to take their beliefs to their logical conclusion. The scariest thing in the world is someone who takes atheism to its logical conclusion.

Xaelai #fundie mmo-champion.com

Woman steps outside in alluring clothing that shows off half of her body and gets men to drool over her, and then gets raped... uh, yes, she contributed to the rape. Maybe if she hadn't been doing her best to try and get men to look at her and sexually desire her, then maybe she wouldn't have contributed a rapist being pushed over the edge?

Just like the rich guy walking down a ghetto street at night example contributed to the mugging by flaunting his wealth in the poor part of town with no protection or common sense.

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

New York Times: A Dinosaur With a Beak and Feathers Unearthed in China


Today's rebuttal focuses on the Darwin's deluded dogma of "Evolution" TM -- specifically as it is said to relate to a new dinosaur unearthed in China. Before we begin to analyze a few select excerpts, let's us remind "youse guys" of what you probably learned in 8th grade, but may or may not have forgotten -- namely, the classic textbook definition of the "Scientific Method."

From the Oxford Dictionary:

Scientific Method: a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Scientific Method: principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses

The key word is "the O Word" -- OBSERVATION. Darwin's deluded devotees can scream "SCIENCE!" in your face all they want; but if a theorized phenomenon - or iron-clad-after-the-fact forensic evidence of said phenomenon - are not OBSERVABLE, then it does not meet the standards of the Scientific Method. N.O. = N.S. (Not Observable = Not Science) Learn it. Love it. Live it.--- End of discussion. --- Got it? Good.

The "O Word" is more than just synonymous with science, it IS science; and no amount of fancy math equations, artistic renderings,computer models and academic bullying can ever substitute for it.

Now that 8th Grade Science class is complete, let's "observe" what Kenneth Chang's article is claiming.

Kenneth Chang: It had feathers and a beak.

Rebuttal: How do you know for certain that this creature had feathers? Only bone and beak fragments were discovered in the rock. A platypus has a beak but no feathers. The scientists are assuming feathers, not OBSERVING.

Kenneth Chang: It was the size of a donkey, and it did not fly. It was not a bird, but a dinosaur that was a close relative of birds.

Rebuttal: How do you know that this skeletal remnant this some odd-looking creature was "a close relative of birds?" Did anyone actually OBSERVE the transition of the alleged common ancestor into this feathered and beaked dinosaur on one branch; and birds on another branch? (Answer: No) To assume so merely on the basis of a few common characteristics amounts to reckless inference based upon wild conjecture.

Kenneth Chang: In a paper published on Thursday ... a team of scientists described a fossil of Tongtianlong Limosus, a new species in a strange group of dinosaurs that lived during the final 15 million years before dinosaurs became extinct.

Rebuttal: How is it possible to chronicle events of "the final 15 million years before dinosaurs became extinct" when there was no one around to OBSERVE and document the the life and times of Tongtianlong Limosus? (Answer: It is not possible) Do these "theoretical scientists" have some sort of magic time-machine that allows them to go back and forth through the ages?

Kenneth Chang: Oviraptorosaurs are not direct ancestors of birds, but share a common theropod dinosaur ancestor with the lineage that later evolved to birds.

Rebuttal: Again, we must ask: who OBSERVED this common-ancestor to bird & dinosaur progression? (Answer: nobody)

Kenneth Chang: The features, ... for display to potential mates... "They were like advertising billboards," Dr. (Stephen) Brusatte said.

Rebuttal: So, not only does the magic crystal ball of "theoretical science" tell us that the poor beaked bloke who got stuck in the mud had "feathers" -- but we may also recklessly infer that the feathers were used to attract bird chicks. But why should we infer such a thing when only peacocks (as far as we know) showoff their plumage to attract female? Eagles don't. Pigeons don't. Ostriches don't. How does this ass-clown "Dr. Brusatte" know that our muddy Chinese friend engaged in such aviary exhibitionism?

Kenneth Chang: Some features like the feathers come from the common ancestor, ...

Rebuttal: A classic logical fallacy that is often, no, always made by Darwin's deluded devotees is the prior assumption that "Evolution" TM is an established fact. All subsequent data is then interpreted to fit the pre-determined conclusion, rather than the other way around. They therefore assume that if this creature has a characteristic that is very similar to that creature, the two species must have had a "common ancestor" TM. This is like saying that an Italian sports car and a school bus must have a "common ancestor" TM because both have wheels and a transmission.

Kenneth Chang: The common ancestor had teeth, though, not beaks.

Rebuttal: And exactly how the frickety-frack do you know that? So, not only are we to believe that these "scientists" have established the existence of a "common ancestor" TM without any OBSERVABLE evidence as such; but now they claim to be able to tell us what physical characteristics that said "common ancestor" TM has or didn't have. And, not only is the transition from the "common ancestor" TM not OBSERVABLE, the fossil of what is alleged to be the "common ancestor" TM is also not OBSERVABLE.

Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes could teach these academic egg-heads a lesson in logic and sound reasoning.

Kenneth Chang: For oviraptorosaurs, the beaks were “convergent evolution,” when similar features evolve independently among different groups of animals.

Rebuttal: "Convergent Evolution," eh? Sounds like some seriously heavy "science" there. (palm to face, sighing, shaking head) --- Again, not OBSERVABLE --- Just new bullshit to prop up the old.

Kenneth Chang: One of the unknowns is what Tongtianlong and other oviraptorosaurs were eating.

Rebuttal: Aw heck! Let's just say they ate Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches. Why not? Everything else is made up.

Kenneth Chang: The six oviraptorosaur species discovered so far are also very different from each other, and the scientists argue that this shows rapid evolution of these dinosaurs.

Rebuttal: No, it just shows that breeds of the same species (a gene pool) can vary greatly. Just look at the differences in size, shape, fur and temperament among French Poodles, Golden Retrievers, Pit Bulls, Great Danes, German Shepherds and Chihuahuas.

Kenneth Chang: That runs counter to the assertion of some paleontologists that dinosaurs were already in decline long before they became extinct 66 million years ago, most likely from the global devastation following a large asteroid impact.

Rebuttal: How do these eggheads come up with this number of "66 million years ago" as the precise date of dino-extinction? (nice little Satanic touch with the 6-6 there) Did anyone OBSERVE the passage of "66 million" years of time? (Answer: No) -- Did anyone OBSERVE the killer asteroid, or even the hole that it would have left behind? (Answer: No)

Kenneth Chang: “One of the interesting things about these specimens that are coming out of southern China is that they show this diversity of body forms.”

Rebuttal: Yeah. So what? Dogs, cats, humans etc. also vary in body forms. And has it occurred to you geniuses that at least part of the reason for the variance could just be due to the fact that some of the fossilized specimens may have been small cubs; others were medium-sized adolescents, and still others were full grown adults?

Kenneth Chang: She was less certain about whether the rate of evolution is as fast .... because the scientists lack precise dating of the layer of rock hundreds of yards thick where the fossils have been found. “You don’t know if it’s a million years or 10 million years,”

Rebuttal: This nonsense about measuring time by correlating it to rock thickness assumes a steady rate of silt/sediment accumulation. In reality, a catastrophic flood can deposit as much sediment in a few days as normal conditions can over the course of many centuries. This magical method of time-keeping -- a work-around to circumvent the Scientific Method -- is again totally unscientific because there is no way to go back in time and OBSERVE if the wet-sediment-to-rock-time formula is accurate.

Furthermore, the bones would have dried up, turned to dust and blown away long before centuries of sediment accumulation and hardening could completely encase and petrify them. Try dumping your Thanksgiving Day turkey bones in a nearby wooded area are see how long they last before nature's elements and insects cause them to disintegrate and disappear -- months or a few years at the most!

How's the old funeral ditty go? "Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust."

Intact bones found inside of rock layers are evidence of a catastrophic, fast-acting, silt-depositing event such as a flood, volcano, landslide, tsunami, suddenly rising sea level or something else. Might that be how our Chinese "feathered" friend suddenly got stuck in the mud -- a mud which later hardened as it was soon buried under additional layers of silt?

1- Dog breeds differ greatly among themselves too. It doesn't prove that poodles "evolved" into dalmatians!
2- The "science" of rock dating is deeply flawed to begin with. Dating fossils from the erroneously-aged rocks then leads to circular reasoning.
3- Darwin's scam is thoroughly and humorously exposed in "God vs Darwin" by M S King. (here)

This cooked-up commie crap would actually be funny, were it not for the fact that millions of young malleable minds are being corrupted by the "theoretical scientists." For that reason, these diploma-decorated dorks need to be driven out of Academia and into the lunatic asylums by the thousands.

Pete Hegseth #fundie #wingnut peoplefor.org

When Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Fox News host Pete Hegseth to serve as Secretary of Defense, concerns were raised immediately about Hegseth's undisguised Christian nationalism[…]
On Monday, Hegseth appeared on the "CrossPolitic" podcast, which is hosted by Toby Sumpter and Gabe Rench, both of whom are closely tied to Wilson and his church

During the discussion about Hegseth's book "Battle For The American Mind," Hegseth said that he is working to create a system of "classical Christian schools" to provide the recruits for an underground army that will eventually launch an "educational insurgency" to take over the nation

"I think we need to be thinking in terms of these classical Christian schools are boot camps for winning back America," said Sumpter

"That's what the crop of these classical Christian schools are gonna do in a generation," Hegseth agreed. "Policy answers like school choice, while they're great, that's phase two stuff later on once the foothold has been taken, once the recruits have graduated boot camp."

"We call it a tactical retreat," Hegseth continued. "We draw out in the last part of the book what an educational insurgency would look like, because I was a counterinsurgency instructor in Afghanistan and kind of the phases that Mao [Zedong] wrote about. We're in middle phase one right now, which is effectively a tactical retreat where you regroup, consolidate, and reorganize. And as you do so, you build your army underground with the opportunity later on of taking offensive operations in an overt way."

"Obviously, all of this is metaphorical and all that good stuff," Hesgeth claimed, which promoted both hosts and himself to burst out laughing

thirsty #fundie christianforums.com

It is quite sad to read what atheist say here. You all seem to be looking for someone to tell you there is no sin or hell to make yourselves feel secure. If anyone is brainwashed it is the atheist communtiy. The devils greatest accomplishment is getting people to beleive there is no hell. The Bible says that anyone who doubts that whether the Bible is the Word of God or not is a fool. So when you make statements about people being brainwashed look no further than yourself.

crossforce #fundie disqus.com

we wate hundreds of billions of dollars every year trying to
prove that evolutionism is true.that man came from a
i could save them all that money.ten bucks for a bible and
heck ill volunteer to read it to to them and show them
everything they need to know about how the world was
made for FREE
our Lord made our world in 7 days.
He divided the light from the dark.
He made man from the dust on the ground and the first
woman from a rib from the first man.
man and woman lived a perfect life of ease and plenty until
they disobeyed God and were cast out into this cold
world.things have been falling apart ever since
and when the world was finally totally over come by sin and
evil He took the last eight people on earth who were good
and kind and decent and spared them and the animals while
He cleaned.
and another Cleaning is coming again and soon
whats so hard to understand????i can get it, why cant
billions and billions wed have saved.can you even imagine
the strides science would have made if only we just
aCCEPTED THE TRUTH?we could have cured all disease
now.made all social ill go away.

sothrowedmex #fundie youtube.com

Idont want to go to hell and rather go to Heaven. Why else would anyone worship God if there was no Heaven promised? I think u need Jesus. U must have had a bad experience in life & now u turned against God.Course the law is 4 the lawless, thats why its been put into place thru the Bible,& the 1's that have the law, are already abiding by it.U wanna talk bout this more in depth email me espinosa_ramonhotmailcom

Brian Godawa #homophobia #fundie godawa.com

Americans are suckers for the underdog. If you want to engender sympathy for a character, make them suffer persecution, unfairness, injustice. In other words, make them a victim. The ultimate power of the extreme violence of the The Passion of the Christ was that it basically made Jesus the most unjustly brutalized victim in the history of cinema. Which is really necessary since the point was to make him the savior of the world through suffering, so Gibson had to maximize that suffering to make the emotional connection in the viewer with the grandiosity of the redemption. This is why many liberals, in a fit of outright contradiction, hated The Passion as being “obsessively gory” but fully embraced the equal brutality of 12 Years a Slave as being “redemptive,” though both movies were doing the exact same thing. Because such viewers do not want to give religion the same redemptive power as race.

The thematic cleverness of The Imitation Game lies in its montage connection of Turing’s homosexuality with his genius and with all these other civil rights issues with which we have all come to agree upon. The movie creates a touching tragic homosexual love story from Turing’s past to show his deep pain of loss. And then it lays it on heavy with a bookend story of Turing’s tragic arrest and conviction of his homosexual acts in a time and place in British history where it was illegal. Who wouldn’t feel sorry for the suffering of chemical castration that he had to endure as a legal penalty? Again, more victimization, more emotional sympathy.

It will never occur to many viewers that there is no rational justification for claiming sexual behavior as an innate civil right, that there is no logical or rational connection between Turing’s homosexuality and his genius, his saving the world, or other civil rights protections. There doesn’t have to be. An emotional connection was made through montage and analogy, and that is just as powerful on the viewer’s psyche. Emotionally, the viewer feels the connection of Turing’s homosexual identity with greatness and with saving the world. The irrational, yet emotional conclusion is that to be against homosexuality is to be against greatness and saving the world.

This is the very reason why homosexual activists have been successfully commandeering school curriculums across the US to teach historical “contributions of homosexuals.” Even though their sexuality has nothing to do with their achievements, by emphasizing that identity through indoctrination, they will emotionally manipulate society to accept it as normal, or be ostracized as homophobic bigoted haters who will stop great achievements from saving the world simply by disagreeing with the morality of homosexuality. No logical or rational arguments are allowed.

Coded messages are creatively embedded in the story to subvert the viewer though analogy. Here’s how its done. The storyteller makes an argument with which the viewer agrees, by using phrases that are common with an argument with which the viewer may not agree. So, when Alan is explaining how machines and human minds are different, he says, “The question is, just because a machine thinks differently than you, does that mean it is not thinking? We allow such differences with humans. He have different tastes, different preferences. Our brains work differently.” Though these statements are about one area of scientific differences, they clearly reflect the common framing of the homosexual debate as “sexual preferences” rather than sexual morals, and the already discredited attempt to say brains of homosexuals are different by nature. You know, “born this way.” In this way, emotions can persuade contrary to the facts and reason.

The ultimate argument for normalizing homosexuality is the complete deconstruction of “normal,” to the point where people have contempt for “normality” by spinning it as being unrealistic, even destructive. At the end of The Imitation Game, Alan is depressed and envious of Joan’s “normal life.” But she then says that no one normal could have done what he did. She explains a litany of things like trains and tunnels and people that would not exist if it were not for him saving the world through decoding Enigma. She says, “If you wish you were normal, I can say that I certainly do not. The world is an infinitely better place precisely because you weren’t normal.”

A detective who figured out Alan’s secret sex life, after hearing his story of decoding Enigma, says, “I can’t judge you.”

So, now the emotional connection is reinforced between “judging” (that nasty evil word in our multiculty world) and “normality” (that wicked evil claim of Christians about sexuality). Really, this becomes a subversive intolerance and hatred of normal as evil.

Rational arguments are neatly subverted by the power of emotional ones in this beautifully crafted masterpiece of emotional montage. It’s really quite impressive propaganda. I think Christians could learn a thing or two from it that they should apply to their shabbily crafted celluloid sermons.

But there is another comparison with Christians and homosexuals in this world war of stories. The victimization of the homosexual in The Imitation Game is exactly reversed in the movie, Unbroken, about the Christian Louis Zamperini and his suffering as a WWII POW. It really typifies the reversal of what I think is going on in our culture where those who disagree with homosexual practice are now being targeted for their identities and oppressed through social bigotry and Christophobia (businesses and careers destroyed, smear campaigns of hate). In The Imitation Game, the homosexual identity is connected with the story of greatness, while in Unbroken, the Christian identity is disconnected from the story of greatness.

And who is the one whose identity is being oppressed?

detah #fundie lpmuds.net

[In the middle of a 125 word post on a forum about MUD programming, someone utters the following:]

'[...] without the generic, "Christ, I'm tired of this" trademark of the overtaxed builder.'

[In response, the following:]

I cannot believe this. You just broke one of The Commandments in your post. I will tell you what I just heard you say, "I do not care who I offend. I do not care about details. I do not care about the importance of maintaining my own integrity in a simple message board post." I think you have done yourself a huge disservice by introducing yourself to the mudding public by trampling on the believes of the Christians among us. Maybe you do not follow the laws of God. Maybe you follow some other religious ideals. Maybe you just do not care at all. But I am offended. What it tells me is that you do not care about other people or respect their beliefs. And after that remark I would not let you instawiz on my mud. It may give others pause also. I do not know. I hope you take this commentary to heart and consider your comments more carefully in the future. I hope you find what you are looking for.

emh112203 #fundie news.messages.yahoo.com

[Scientific proof of God]

Hypothesis: Humans will continue to enter the world through painful childbirth, minus cloning which is not an original human being born but a clone of one that already existed or still exists.

Prediction: We will continue to see people born of painful child birth as the Bible contends.

Lion Of Judah #fundie answers.yahoo.com

Atheists, isn't the sheer number of people saying angels told them things proof of the bible?

Did not Paul say EVEN if an angel from heaven tells you something he didn't say, don't believe it?

So with the sheer number of people the last 1900 years saying theyve seen angels tell them things that don't match up with Paul, isn't that proof of the prophectic abilities of Paul as given to him by the Lord?

Egyptian Organization for Divorced Men #fundie alarabiya.net

The organization, named the Egyptian Organization for Divorced Men, rejects the law [allowing women to divorce their husbands with no questions asked] because it equalizes men and women and gives the woman the right to get a divorce herself, a right that was previously exclusive to men.

"Men are losing ground. In the past, a man had the upper hand. Now, the woman is acting as his peer. If he threatens her with divorce, she does the same. She might even divorce him without his knowledge...This law is making women tyrannical."

Unknown #fundie message.snopes.com

[Non-findie poster shares her favorite passage from a religious tract she got while trick-or-treating.]

It's full of good stuff, but here's the best.
From a Q&A column

Q: I really like fantasy books, but I don't know if I should read them. (not really a question, but here we go. -c-)

A:There's a true story about a teenager who became very interested in romance novels. It started with just occasional reading, but soon that wasn't enough. Before long she was spending every spare minute reading romance novels. She was hooked. The more she read, the the more she began to live ina a fantasy world. Real life became boring, she lost interest in sports, and her grades began to drop. Her friends noticed the changes in her, but she wouldn't listen to them anymore. They all seemed so immature to her now.
Eventually this young woman dropped out of school and got married, looking for the dream husband she had read about in the novles. Unfortunatley, the marriage didn't last. Since then she as remarried and divorced two times. She never could find the man of her dreams. Why are we telling you this? (Indeed, why? -c-) Because this is an example of what reading fantasy books can do. Aside from being untrue, theyse books can "program" our brains to think that life is supposed to be a certain way. But it really isn't. Fantasy stories are only figment of somebody's imagination. The "somebody" who wrote them is probably not a Christian, and most of the story lines don't promote Christian values. Proverbs 14:7 has some good advice: "Stay way from a foolish amn, for you will not find knowledge on his lips." That applies to the people we associate with as well as what we read.

So all fiction is bad.

Dale Partridge #dunning-kruger #elitist #enbyphobia #fundie #interphobia #homophobia #sexist #transphobia amazon.com

Jesus and My Gender: Affirming Your Child's God-Given Gender


In this rhyming book for children ages 3-10, pastor Dale Partridge masterfully lays out a cohesive theological presentation of biblical gender. The content of each page is supported by Scripture references and, at the end of the book, is a 5-question biblical catechism to instill these truths in the minds of young people.


Before the creation of the world, God designed boys and girls.


God said boys and girls are equal, before their lord in soul, but they were made uniquely, with completely different roles.


The crown of girls is quickly seen when people start comparing - a special privilege given them: the blessing of childbearing. The female body is extraordinary, the boys cannot relate. The girls can carry babies amd nurture those they make.


He built his boys for rough and play, just how they ought to be. They’d pounce and battle for the day, and even jump from trees! He made them strong to guard their friends, to protect the weak, and make amends.

SpukiKitty #fundie fstdt.com

Well; The POINT was as LONG as the Alt-Med people still FULLY SUPPORT CONVENTIONAL MODERN MEDICINE AS WELL, then they are okay. Once they reject Conventional Medicine, Science, embrace garbage like Anti-Vax, get all "tin-foil-chapeau" over the medical industry to the point of absurdity, etc. THEN THEY SHOULD BE CALLED OUT AND NIPPED IN THE BUD!

It's not always Either/Or. That's a false dichotomy. You can still embrace Complementary Medicine (Con-Med with Alt-Med) and still speak out against the Alt-Med-Only bunch.

Healing is just as much about one's Mind/Soul as it is Body and they are all linked. Holistic Alt-Med would make the Con-Med work better. You'll heal faster and perhaps require less drugs.

It's a little something called BALANCE.

Anonymous #fundie dailyverse.knowing-jesus.com

Paul does not give us any clue as to what specific myths he was referring, but any fabricated fable, superstitions speculation, or imagination of the heart, is very detrimental to a Christian's spiritual growth, contradictory to biblical truth, and an obstacle to one's hope in the Lord.

Every culture and each generation has its own particular brand of magical folk-lore or frightening tales of the unexpected, which are satanically inspired, and give rise to anxious thoughts and fearful hearts. All are counter to the freedom we have in Christ and inevitably choke one's faith and enslave one's soul.

All forms of false teaching, whether fanciful myths, endless genealogies, cultish practices, false religions, Gnostic doctrine, or legalistic customs, are antithetical to God's Word of truth because they give rise to ungodly speculations and unbiblical philosophies. They are false teachings which cause untold damage in the spiritual development of believers while hindering the dissemination of the gospel of God, which is by FAITH.

The dangers of which Paul warned Timothy, are equally concerning in our time and our culture. May we take to heart this teaching on the dangers of all forms of apostasy, give heed all his instructions on godly living, look to Scripture as our plumb-line for truth, and translate it into our daily practice, for His name's sake.  

SARAH ANDERSON #transphobia #homophobia #fundie pjmedia.com

Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election with historic numbers, and I truly believe that one reason for that is that the country is tired of wokeness and having it shoved down our throats. We're tired of participation trophies, whether they're for Little Leaguers or presidential candidates. We're tired of a fringe group forcing us to go out of our way to play along with how they want to live their private lives. We're tired of trigger warnings before movies and college students who need safe spaces and social justice taking over the football games we watch to escape from all that stuff.

We're tired of public school systems pushing a progressive ideology on children who don't even know how to read. We don't care what our colleagues' pronouns are; we just care that we get our work done and get paid. Women are tired of men taking over our sports, our bathrooms, and our sacred place in the world. Men are tired of being blamed for everything because they merely exist. We're all tired of absurdity triumphing over common sense.

As a Georgia resident and a product of said university system who was taking classes at the University of Georgia as recently as last year, I have to admit that I've always felt lucky that our higher education institutions don't seem to be quite as woke as those in other parts of the country. But I think this is a step in the right direction to prevent them from going that way. And I think it's proof that this so-called purple state still has a nice reddish tint. Let's hope more organizations follow.

RTS #fundie bbs.stardestroyer.net

Science is the retarded cousin of engineering. The majority of human progress has been made through trial and error. When the Wright Brothers flew at Kitty Hawk is was scientifically impossible for them to have done so. This was such a prevailing view of the day that they actually struggled to get publicity because it was OBVIOUSLY a hoax.

For fuck's sake, haven't you heard of Christain scientists? I mean, what did you think moron, that they sat about all day, twiddling their thumbs and occassionally announcing there was still no evidence? Or do you think they go about looking for evidence to match their persona theory of how the world started.
If you want any more then look for it your fucking self.

Anna Diehl #fundie 924jeremiah.wordpress.com

Did a friend just happen to call when you were down in the dumps and say just what you needed to hear to cheer you up again? Don’t credit your friend, credit God. Did a song come on the radio that uplifted your soul? That was God talking to you. Did an image of Jesus hugging you flash into your mind when you were going through your daily routine? That was God, communicating His love for you. Did some random billboard on the side of the road turn your mind in some encouraging direction? It wasn’t a coincidence, it was God talking to you. God is always talking to you. When you forget to put something on the grocery list and it suddenly pops into your mind before you checkout, that was God helping you. When you stumble across some site on the internet that helps you solve some annoying problem in life, that’s God talking to you.

Lightwave #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org

Oh, I do believe scientific facts. All of them.

I disagree with naturalistic interpretations of many facts.

But the facts are incontrovertible - any of us can observe and repeat
them in a lab.

Of course, evolution cannot be observed or repeated, but has been falsified many times

yet people still call it a 'fact' - which is very strange considering it doesn't even pass muster as a scientific theory.

There are lots of alternative explanations for the things we observe - naturalistic scientists simply pick the ones that agree with what they already believe.

Evoltion is a religion and the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind.

So I disagree with religion in the public schools - it's pretty simple

Anonymous #fundie rapidnet.com

(Heavily edited version of a recent overly long post I saw on FDST. From looking at the comments, I can tell that I am not the only one who has a problem with the original's length, so I felt that making an abridged version was necessary and perfectly justified):

The dictionary defines fable as: "fantasy/fiction/falsehood dependent for effect on strangeness of setting (as other worlds or times) and of characters (as supernatural or unnatural beings); the setting is usually in a non-existent or unreal world, the characters are fanciful or unreal, or the conflict focuses on physical or scientific principles not yet discovered or contrary to present experience."

Fantasy is especially dangerous for children. While most children in the 1970s knew enough truth to place divination in the forbidden realm of the occult, today's children -- who often feel more comfortable with occult games than Biblical truth -- see nothing wrong with pagan practices...Most true Christians would recognize fantasy, such as the movie Star Wars, as being extremely wicked (in this case, sorcery -- "The Force" being equivalent to black magic and white witchcraft)...Isaiah 32:6 describes error against the Lord. All lies are against God (1 John 2:21; John 8:44). Satan is the father of lies. Since fantasy is not true, then it is a lie!

Fantasy is an attack on the very core of one's being as a follower of Christ! If a Christian is loving the Lord with all his MIND (imagination), he will be dwelling on truth, reality, His Word, and Him, NOT FAIRY TALES AND FANTASY! Fantasy typically is filled with evil. What should be the Christian's perspective of evil (Rom. 16:19)? If we love the Lord with all our MINDS, then we will not only avoid taking any pleasure in fantasy, but we will hate it. Because fantasy is anti-reality, it is against godliness, it opens the door to deceit, and is an affront to the very core of your being as a Christian.

David Cloud #fundie wayoflife.org

Is the Lord of the Rings harmless fantasy or perhaps even a wholesome Christian allegory? We think not. I read The Hobbit and the three volumes of The Lord of the Rings in 1971 when I was in Vietnam with the U.S. Army. I was not saved at the time, and, in fact, I was very antagonistic to the Christian faith. Had the books contained even a hint of Bible truth, I can assure you that I would not have read them at that particular point in my life. I had forgotten many of the details of the books, so I refreshed my memory recently by going through them again. They are filled with occultic imagery, such as witches, goblins, warlocks, wizards, fairies, and such things; and though these are strongly and unconditionally condemned in the Bible, they are often portrayed as good and desirable by Tolkien. Many of the heroes of the Lord of the Rings, in fact, are wizards and witches. The books were published in inexpensive paperback editions in the late 1960s, and they became very popular with that generation of drug headed hippies.



Though the aforementioned reviewers would have us believe that Tolkien’s books contain simple allegories of good vs. evil, Tolkien portrays wizards and witches and wizardry as both good and evil. For example, a wizard named Gandalf is portrayed as a good person who convinces Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit to take a journey to recover stolen treasure. The books depict the calling up of the dead to assist the living, which is plainly condemned in the Scriptures. Though not as overtly and sympathetically occultic as the Harry Potter series, Tolkien’s fantasies are unscriptural and present a very dangerous message.


In his last interview in 1971, Tolkien stated that he did not intend The Lord of the Rings as a Christian allegory and that Christ is not depicted in his fantasy novels. When asked about the efforts of the trilogy’s hero, Frodo, to struggle on and destroy the ring, Tolkien said, “But that seems I suppose more like an allegory of the human race. I’ve always been impressed that we’re here surviving because of the indomitable courage of quite small people against impossible odds: jungles, volcanoes, wild beasts... they struggle on, almost blindly in a way” (Interview by Dennis Gerrolt; it was first broadcast in January 1971 on BBC Radio 4 program “Now Read On—”). That doesn’t sound like the gospel to me. When Gerrolt asked Tolkien, “Is the book to be considered as an allegory?” the author replied, “No. I dislike allegory whenever I smell it.”

Thus, the author of The Lord of the Rings denied the very thing that some Christians today are claiming, that these fantasies are an allegory of Christ’s victory over the devil.


Tolkien’s books created the vast and spiritually dangerous fantasy role-playing games that are so influential today. Dungeons and Dragons, which appeared in the early 1970s, was based on Tolkien’s fantasy novels. One fantasy-game web site makes this interesting observation: “The whole fantasy adventure genre of books came into play when J.R. Tolkien wrote his The Lord of the Rings books. From his vivid imagination and creative thinking he created the fantasy adventure genre. Tolkien probably got his ideas from ancient religions. Peoples of different civilizations were writing epic’s way before Tolkien was even born. They wrote epics about people with superior strength, about gods that punished people and, travels to the underworld. Tolkien is accredited to being the man who started it all but if traced back even further you'll see that he wasn’t the one that created it, just the one that pushed it forth.”

This secular writer better understands what Tolkien’s books are about than the aforementioned Christian publications. Tolkien certainly did get his ideas from pagan religions, and the message promoted in his fantasy books is strictly pagan.


Tolkien has even influenced many rock and rollers. The song “Misty Mountain Hop” by the demonic hard rock group Led Zeppelin was inspired by Tolkien’s writings. Marc Bolan, of the rock group Tyrannasaurus Rex, created a musical and visual style influenced by Tolkien. The heavy metal rock group Iluvatar named themselves after a fictional god from Tolkien’s work The Silmarillion. Others could be mentioned.

The world knows its own; and when the demonic world of fantasy role-playing and the morally filthy world of rock and roll love something, you can be sure it is not godly and it is not the truth.

Anonymous #fundie rapidnet.com

"Christian" Fantasy

Biblical or Oxymoron?

- The dictionary defines fable as:

"fantasy/fiction/falsehood dependent for effect on strangeness of setting (as other worlds or times) and of characters (as supernatural or unnatural beings); the setting is usually in a non-existent or unreal world, the characters are fanciful or unreal, or the conflict focuses on physical or scientific principles not yet discovered or contrary to present experience."

- Fantasy is especially dangerous for children. While most children in the 1970s knew enough truth to place divination in the forbidden realm of the occult, today's children -- who often feel more comfortable with occult games than Biblical truth -- see nothing wrong with pagan practices. Fantasy movies, like Disney's The Lion King, are good matches for the new earth-centered paradigm or world view that is transforming childrens' views of reality. While God told us to continually communicate truth to our children (Deut. 6:5-7), today's culture trains children to see reality through a global, earth-centered filter. This "new" mental framework distorts truth, stretches the meaning of familiar words, and promotes mystical "insights" that are incompatible with Christianity. Packaged with entertainment, this message usually bypasses rational resistance, desensitizes opened minds, and fuels general acceptance of pagan spirituality (Berit Kjos, "The Spirit Behind The Lion King," 1/95, The Christian Conscience, pp. 32-34).

- Most true Christians would recognize fantasy, such as the movie Star Wars, as being extremely wicked (in this case, sorcery -- "The Force" being equivalent to black magic and white witchcraft). Yet, apparently, when we call it "Christian," this somehow sanctifies what we do with our minds (imaginations), or what we allow our minds to entertain. For example, one can look in any issue of the Christian Book Distributors Fiction Catalog and find the most outrageous fantasy literature, yet it is all dubbed "Christian." The following is taken from the CBD Fiction Catalog, 9/94 premier edition:

" ... now there's no more compromising for those who love Christian fiction, because you are holding the key to your next escape-from-it-all right in the palm of your hand ... CBD's brand new Fiction Catalog? It's filled with the latest and the best refreshing, thrilling, inspiring, wholesome fiction for you and your family" (p. 2).

Wholesome? The following is a sample of that which CBD considers "wholesome." [Much of this type of writing comes from medieval mysticism, which God hates (cf. Deut. 18: 10-12).]:

(a) Millennium's Dawn, by Ed Stewart (p. 25):

"June 2001. The future never seemed brighter for Dr. Evan Rider and his new bride, Shelby, as they prepare to embark on the honeymoon of their dreams. But the dream quickly becomes a nightmare as a long-buried secret shared by three college friends erupts, engulfing the couple in a sinister plot of blackmail, terror, and betrayal."

(b) Till We Have Faces, by C. S. Lewis (p. 34):

"The unlovely Orual, eldest daughter of the King of Glome, becomes so consumed by her mingled love and jealousy of her beautiful half-sister that she makes a complaint to the gods -- and receives an answer she did not expect. This novel, possibly Lewis' best work and the one he considered his own favorite, is his compelling rework of the myth of Cupid and Psyche." [Sound like something you could want your children to read -- about "the gods"?]

(c) The Song of Albion, by Stephen Lawhead (p. 33):

"Wolves prowl the streets of Oxford. A Green Man haunts the Highlands. A breach has been opened between our world and the Celtic Otherworld and anything, anyone, may now enter [sounds similar to Poltergeist, one of the most wicked movies ever produced]. But it's Lewis Gillies, an American graduate student at Oxford, who reluctantly stumbles through. In the savagely beautiful Otherworld, Lewis finds himself caught in an epic struggle between light and darkness -- a struggle that will determine the fate of his own world. Memorably penned with vivid and poetic imagery, Lawhead's breathtaking reworking of Celtic myth will keep you reading long into the night" [no doubt, and right into the DARKNESS! -- the Celtic civilization is the culture from which we have received much of our modern day Halloween practices.]

- "Well," someone might say, "I'm not doing anything wicked, I'm just reading about wickedness." But does this align with godliness? There are four things about fantasy which must be considered:

I. It is Anti-Truth.
II. It Slips Into Reality.
III. It Does Not Fit True Godliness.
IV. A Love for God Will Oppose It.

I. Fantasy Is Anti-Truth

Isaiah 32:6 describes error against the Lord. All lies are against God (1 John 2:21; John 8:44). Satan is the father of lies. Since fantasy is not true, then it is a lie! We have been duped into thinking there is some spiritual gray realm out there in which something can be neither true nor a lie. It's just called fantasy! But fantasy is made up of lies, deceit, and unreality, all wrapped up in a pretty (or sometimes, not so pretty) package.

How about the popular 1994 Disney occult/New Age "children's animation" film, The Lion King, which some consider wholesome "fantasy." One observer wrote this about The Lion King:

"The Lion King packs a powerful New Age symbolism and philosophy. Its theme, the 'Circle of Life' is a variation on the cycles of nature: life, death and rebirth, particularly as it relates to the theory of evolution. The film presents this theme from the perspective of the nature religion, more so than Disney films of the past -- 'We are all connected in the great circle of life.' The accoutrements of shamanistic ritualism is graphically portrayed in the dedication of the baby Simba to the spirits of the earth" (Media Spotlight, Vol. 15, No. 2, p. 3).

Yet, we have others who claim the name of Christ, like James Dobson's Focus on the Family, who would like to encourage you to go and see this film that is filled with abominable contents. (See the 8/15/94 Parental Guidance magazine, which is published by Focus on the Family.) FOTF claims that The Lion King has only a few slight imperfections, otherwise it is "a wholesome, brilliantly animated picture relating the importance of family and responsibility."

A "few slight imperfections"? How about the character Rafiki speaking of the eternal state of life and his connectedness with it when Simba, as an adult lion, asks the question, "You knew my father." Rafiki's answer: "Correction! I know your father." Recalling that his father had once told him that the stars are former kings who look down on the earth and guide its inhabitants, Simba looks up at the stars and cries out to his father, "You said you'd always be with me, but you aren't." Shortly thereafter his father appears to him [spiritism; cf. Deut. 18:10ff] in a cloud and reminds him of his responsibility to assume his rightful place in the circle of life. -- "Look inside yourself, Simba," he says. "You are more than what you have become."

Besides the spiritism in the film, ask yourself a question -- "Do animals talk?" Just on this fantasy alone (animals talking) it is a lie.

II. Fantasy Subtly Slips Into Reality.

It becomes very difficult to separate fantasy from reality, especially in the minds of children. There was an interesting article in The Newhall Signal (newspaper) in light of this. Noting one of the teachings of the popular fantasy games, "Death is usually seen as a temporary state with characters returning 'from beyond' to play again" (7/22/87, The Newhall Signal, "Fantasy Games Linked to Real Deaths," p. 16).

Notice a few more books in the CBD Catalog:

(a) A Skeleton in God's Closet, by Paul L. Maier (p. 25):

"Move over, Indiana Jones! In this novel, Harvard archaeologist Dr. John Weber has just discovered a shocking secret -- Jesus' bones. The evidence [an obvious denial of the resurrection] seems incontestable. When word of the discovery leaks out, pandemonium ensues and millions abandon their Christian faith. But which is the hoax -- the archaeological find or the Resurrection itself?" [How can this be edifying?]

(b) The Guardian, by Jane Hamilton (p. 25):

"A new frontier for Christian fiction! Tabris [a guardian angel] has been given a second chance. As a guardian angel, he was found guilty of committing the one unforgivable act against his human charge and against God. Yet God, with mercy and grace, has forgiven Tabris and given him one more assignment -- one more human being to protect. Why? Find out in this celestial parable that will illuminate the indefinable love God has for his creation -- you, me, even angels. " (Emphasis added.) [See the jump from fantasy to reality -- cf. Heb. 2:16 -- any angel who has ever sinned is a demon. Sinning angels are never forgiven, but doomed eternally!]

(c) Darien: The Guardian Angel of Jesus, by Roger Elwood (p. 22):

"The ultimate adventure with an unforgettable guardian angel! Of all the guardian angels in heaven, God chose only one to protect Christ during His time on earth. He chose Darien. (That's the Darien who questioned God's decision to throw Lucifer from heaven and was sent to earth to witness Lucifer's destruction of the world in the novel Angel Walk.) You can imagine that Darien has quite a tale to tell, protecting God's own son -- and he tells it with poignancy and originality. Through this angel's eyes, you'll go on a fascinating and even disturbing journey from the time of Lucifer's rebellion, to creation, to the miracles of Jesus' birth and life. If the stories of Christ's life have become just matter-of-fact Sunday school lessons to you, then here's the breath of fresh air you need!" [Notice the move from fantasy into reality? How are lies, deceit, and fantasy going to freshen one's love for the Word of God?]

This move from fantasy to reality, by definition, affects one's view of reality. Remember when Close Encounters of the Third Kind came out? People believed it! Fantasy gets people to fantasize about reality. It is a slippery slide into lies unknowingly.
III. Fantasy Does Not Fit True Godliness

What is godliness (1 Tim. 6:3; Prov. 3:5-6; 28:14)? Romans 1:18 teaches that God's wrath is against "ungodliness." And as shown above, fantasy is ungodliness. Diving into fantasy, which, by its very nature is against the Truth, is a denial of God, what He says, and the Truth of His Word. How can a lie be used for evangelism, worship, or anything else godly? By its very nature, fantasy removes the person from the Truth (reality) and moves them into a realm away from God. This ungodliness is well depicted in the CBD Fiction Catalog, where it says on page 2:

"It's been said that reading fiction is one of the best ways to 'escape' from the cares of everyday life. Since the beginning of time, great thinkers and writers (even Jesus himself) have been inspired to create allegories, parables and epics, as well as the good, old-fashioned novel itself. What a tragedy to think we have to settle for fiction that merely grabs our attention, but lacks the values and spiritual insight we could carry with us when we return to the 'real world.'" [Again, the move from fantasy to reality.]

Is this what the Lord wants us to do -- "escape" from reality? No! Fantasy is an attack on the very core of one's being as a follower of Christ! And what about the claim that Jesus' parables and the allegories in Scripture, or figurative speech, are parallel to the use of fantasy? No! The Bible's parables, allegories, and figurative speech are not about fantasy at all. They are all about Truth!

IV. A Love For God Will Oppose Fantasy

God would not have His children take refuge in unreality. A love for God is equal to a love for the Truth (John 14:6). Matthew 22:34-40 teaches to love the Lord with all your mind (imagination). What does the Lord say in Ephesians 4:25? -- Speak the Truth to one another! Do we ever stop speaking the truth and speak fantasy to one another, or write fantasy to one another? Is this how God would have us live? Notice Ephesians 4:29. What's the goal? Build each other up in the TRUTH! (not in fantasy). If a Christian is loving the Lord with all his MIND (imagination), he will be dwelling on truth, reality, His Word, and Him, NOT FAIRY TALES AND FANTASY!

Fantasy typically is filled with evil. What should be the Christian's perspective of evil (Rom. 16:19)? If we love the Lord with all our MINDS, then we will not only avoid taking any pleasure in fantasy, but we will hate it. Because fantasy is anti-reality, it is against godliness, it opens the door to deceit, and is an affront to the very core of your being as a Christian. And what is that? -- Taking refuge in God, not escaping reality (Psalm 73:25-28).

- In 2 Timothy 4:3-4 ("For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths"), the Greek word translated myths means tales, stories, or fables (untrue stories). So what about Pilgrim's Progress and other so-called Christian stories like it?

Pilgrim's Progress (by John Bunyan) is claimed by many to be a good illustration of the truth -- the truth of a Christian's pilgrimage in this life. Some would say, "The Bible uses (a) parables, (b) allegories, (c) figurative language, symbolism, etc., and (d) dreams and visions, so what's wrong with Pilgrim's Progress doing the same? A few examples follow:

(a) Parables are not fables.

Matt. 12: 33-35 (using a real idea, expressing another real idea)
Matt. 13:3-9/18-23 (real/real)
Matt. 13:24-30/13:37-43 (real/real)
Matt. 13:31-32 (real/real)
Matt. 13:33 (real/real)
Matt. 13:44 (real/real)
Matt. 13:45-46 (real/real - He does not fly out of the realm of reality)
Matt. 13:47-50 (real/real)

(b) Allegory is symbolic, not mythical -- Gal. 4:22-31 (real/real)

(c) Figurative is not mythical -- John 6:53-63 -- Jesus does not fly out of the realm of reality. In fact, He uses such explicitly (real) language that people are having a hard time understanding Him. Yet, He explains that He is speaking in a figurative way (John 6:63).

(d) Dreams and Visions are not untrue stories -- Daniel 7:1ff; 8:17 refers to truth; 8:26 ("is true"); 9:21 (writing of Truth). These are not untrue stories (fables). Ezekiel 1 &10 -- these are real creatures!

So what about Pilgrim's Progress? There are serious problems in what that book teaches. For example, Christian leaves his armor behind and eventually his sword for the rest of his journey. This does not at all square with Ephesians 6.

Of course, someone would say, "It just a story." Exactly. It is a story that is supposed to illustrate truth, and when it fails to do this, it falls short and becomes an untrue story (fable), which is not doing a good job (at times) in illustrating truth. No doubt, there are many aspects about the story that are interesting and thought-provoking, but that does not excuse the twisting of truth into a lie. Here are some more problems:

(a) Is it a myth? Yes. "But, it is a 'Christian' myth!" Is this supposed to make it okay? No, it makes it worse! That's what Paul was talking about in 2 Tim. 4:4? Pagan myths? No -- "Christian" myths! That's why it is so dangerous.

(b) Another possible danger with Pilgrim's Progress is that the Christian life could be seen through the eyes of the story rather than solely through the Word of God. Romans says to transform our minds (12:1). Only the Word of God can do that, not "Christian" fantasy. A Christian's affection should be upon God's Word and His truth, not the fables of men. This type of Christian fable can pull our affections away from the Word.

(c) Has the Word of God become so dull, dry, drab, or undesirable to us that we would even think we would need such a book as Pilgrim's Progress to spur us on in the faith?
- A few more Scriptures indicate our concern with "Christian" fantasy:

(a) 2 Peter 1:16 -- We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

(b) Titus 1:14 -- and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the commands of those who reject the truth.

(c) 1 Timothy 1:4 -- nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work -- which is by faith.

(d) 1 Timothy 4:7 -- Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.

- Considering the present distress (2 Tim. 3:1), how can fantasy, no matter how supposedly good it may be, be found profitable? We need to concentrate on reality -- the truth of the Word of God -- and leave the fantasizing to those who are perishing (especially in light of the prevailing ignorance of the Word). And, especially when Paul describes the "against the true church" as those who will "be turned aside to fables," we ought to hold fast to the truth -- the Word of God (1 Thess. 5:21).
An Example from a "Christian" College

A recent FrontLine magazine (Vol. 6, No. 4) with a cover theme, "The Christian and the Arts," carried a lead article titled "The God of All Beauty." The article is very disturbing because it lists so many Scripture references [out of context/misapplied], but the author's rationalizations fail to give due consideration to Pauline Epistle truths for this Church Age and the warnings about this world/age. Two other articles in this FrontLine issue are by Donna Lynn Hess of Bob Jones University (BJU), one on fantasy and the other on selecting reading material for children.

The first article refers favorably to C.S. Lewis, a devotee and author of occult fantasy with unbiblical metaphors; yet Hess claims that this kind of fantasy is useful in helping children "develop valuable literary skills" and in developing an understanding of "similar literary elements used in Scripture." In the second article by Hess, she states: "As Christian parents, we recognize the need for choosing books in which the theme is morally sound. But it is just as important to be sure that this theme is artfully expressed"; she also says that it's okay to expose children to stories with themes "antithetical to Christian beliefs" in order to "help inoculate them against the false ideas, attitudes and behaviors these writers promote."

BJU's ShowForth video division ("The video source you can trust.") also markets three video productions of C.S. Lewis' fiction, and a documentary biography of Lewis himself. ShowForth's catalog layout (p. 7), under "Inspirational," lists C.S. Lewis as one of the "Warriors of the Word" along with C.H. Spurgeon. Considering Lewis' many theological errors, it is dangerously deceptive to place him in such august company. A pastor knowledgeable in the unbiblical teachings of Lewis wrote to BJU documenting Lewis's errors. BJU responded with an involved, articulate, but off-the-mark defense for using "fantasy" as a teaching tool.

In the articles in FrontLine, as well in articles sent out by ShowForth, Hess gives an unusually broad description to the term "fantasy," and does not give adequate consideration to the whole counsel of God. "Fantasy" should not be used, as BJU does, to describe the figures of speech and literary techniques found in God's Word. More serious study ought be made of the nature of God, the condemnation of all forms of spiritism throughout Scripture, the recurring theme of sober/sound mind (especially in the New Testament), and the disassociation in the Epistles with "fables" (myths) in presenting God's message.

In these times we live in, we believe pastors and parents must exercise extreme caution regarding the literary use of fantasy. But caution is apparently not in BJU's vocabulary concerning this matter. BJU Press has published Medallion, a popular fantasy reader for elementary age home-schoolers. There are strange similarities between Medallion and two explicitly pagan books -- one a sixth-grade reader for public schools called The Dark is Rising, and a Wiccan manual by Starhawk called The Spiral Dance. In response to a review of Medallion by Berit Kjos, BJU trivializes the similarities, and states, "It appears that what this critique requires of Medallion rules out all fantasy for the Christian. We hold that no story can mix fantasy with the supernatural facts of Scripture without dangerously trivializing Biblical truth by associating scriptural realities with a dream world." [Couldn't have stated the truth more clearly if we had tried!] Contrary to the scholarly opinion of BJU's Literature and Language departments, "Christian" fantasy parallels the occultic literature for children, using similar images, story-lines, symbols, and characters. Literary fantasy, rather than being neutral, has occultic roots. (This paragraph was excerpted and/or adapted from the 10/96, The Christian Conscience, "Pagan Story for Christian Children," pp. 40-42; see page 41 for a detailed comparison of Medallion and The Dark is Rising.)

YoCuzwaasup #fundie cseblogs.com

God, (If there is such a person) love’s uncontrollable. It is a shame that we can’t be the same way. What I don’t get is those that make such and effort to crush a child’s belief in God. Would they do this if it were Santa Claus? Far be it Santa being compared to Jesus. Though they both have the same looks and clothing. White hair and beard, Red clothing, One flies with dears, Jesus on the cloud, Both watching who’s naughty and nice. Too bad the Evolutionist is on Santa naughty list.

Fritz Berggren #fundie #racist bloodandfaith.com

[From “What is a Nation?”]

As Babylon the Great collapses, how does man then organize himself? Genesis 10 and 11 show the way. The ancient nation of Israel shows the way. The nature of multiethinic empires has always been antichrist

Nationalism is the natural anti-body to tyranny
Christian Ethno-nationalism is the natural anti-body to Satanic tyranny

Christians owe zero obedience to the Beast, the anti-christ, the whore, or the false prophet (all of whom are here today)

Kaiser #sexist #elitist #fundie #wingnut #homophobia hiddendominion.com

[From “Should Women Be Allowed To Vote?”]

I had two voting-related questions come up[…]
•What are your thoughts on women voting?
•What would voting look like in your ideal system, if at all?[…]

What are your thoughts on women voting? Should women be allowed to vote?

My answer is no
“Why Not?” is explained in answering #2

What would voting look like in your ideal system, if at all?

If we’re going to have voting at all in our future political system, the voting system itself needs to change to have these two new components:
The voting system must be oversight voting, not direct voting or representational voting. I.e., we should not vote directly for leaders or laws[…]
Voting must be done solely by families[…]
••To get a vote, one must be married with kids (in a traditional Biblical marriage)[…]
••Divorced? Lost the vote. Single parent? No vote[…]
••Families should only get one vote. A family should be in consensus or it shouldn’t be voting, anyway. Since the Bible says that the man is the head of the household, he should fulfill the family vote requirement. This renders women voting moot[…]
This process is similar, but more formal and voting-based, to how the average people “overseen” the monarchy in many nations during Christendom[…]They “overseen” through rioting, financial rebellion, or other pushback methods against the king. This kind of voting system is a simple way to get that same outcome without the old Middle Ages bloodshed[…]
With this, we could return to the last time our civilization was working well (Christendom). But we’d still be able to incorporate a hedge against totalitarianism[…]
We don’t have to have voting, but I’d prefer it if we structured it like this. Oversight voting by family is the way to go[…]
My sympathies in advance to all those who will be offended: Single men, women, sodomites, the divorced, and everyone else alike. This position may seem “extreme”

Eric Hovind #fundie twitter.com

imageHow does a random explosion
Create a perfect Calendar
The Sun tells the time of day
The Moon tells the day of the month
The stars tell the month of the year
7:12 AM · Nov 28, 2024 · 15.1K Views
34 Reposts 13 Quotes 257 Likes 31 Bookmarks

jcnmyhart #fundie rr-bb.com

I have studied 'evolution' and the evidence. The conclusion...evolution is an unsupported 'theory' put forth by a man who was limited in his (Darwin) research at the given time. The evidence now concludes far more intricate, intelligent than we ever imagined! Go to Institute for Creation Research...I have been to Dr. Morris's classes on 'creationism' and let me tell you, I would love to see the top 'evolution' professor refute the evidence! Praise God!

medved #fundie #magick freeconservatives.com

And so, the question for evolutionists: How do paranormal capabilities evolve?

For instance the little dog who knows precisely when his owner first starts to
come home (the featurette you see on German cable channel); how did the little dog evolve that capability?

baileysmom #fundie #forced-birth #homophobia rr-bb.com

I agree completely. We should not be worrying about our hard-earned money going to pay for abortions. Abortion should be completely illegal. Every chid is a gift from God, and every child deserves a chance at life. We also should not have to be worrying about our hard-earned money going to pay for health benefits and health care for homosexuals. Homosexuality is a depraved, disgusting, unhealthy lifestyle choice, and if somebody is going to make the choice to be a gay or lesbian and catch who knows what kind of disease because they have so many sexual partners (I've read statistics that say the average is for them to have over 1,000 "partners"), I sure don't want to be the one footing the bill for there treatment. And I too get disgusted with the commercialization of Christmas. Materialism and pure greed is what it is. I wonder how many kids know the true meaning of Christmas and how many just think it's about Santa Clause and opening more and more and more gifts.

I shudder to think what our country is coming to.

Word of Faith Fellowship #fundie #homophobia #psycho edgemedianetwork.com

A North Carolina minister "directed and participated in" the beating of a congregant who says the assault was meant to expel his "homosexual demons," a prosecutor said Thursday.

Prosecutor Garland Byers gave his opening statement in the trial of Brooke Covington, a 58-year-old a minister at Word of Faith Fellowship in Spindale, North Carolina.

Covington is the first of five church members to face trial in the case. Each defendant will be tried separately.

Covington is charged with kidnapping and assaulting former church member Matthew Fenner. If convicted, she faces up to two years in prison.

Fenner, 23, has said he was leaving a prayer service Jan. 27, 2013, when nearly two dozen people surrounded him in the sanctuary. He said they slapped, punched, choked and blasted him - a church practice that involves intense screaming - for two hours as they tried to expel his "homosexual demons."

During the assault, Fenner "thought he was going to pass out," Byers told the jury. "He was severely beaten."

Covington's lawyer, David Teddy, painted a different picture.

Teddy said the congregation gave Fenner routine prayer that lasted no longer than 15 to 20 minutes. When the prayer was over, Fenner "hugged everybody and left the church," Teddy said.

As part of an ongoing, two-year investigation into abuse of Word of Faith Fellowship congregants by church leaders, The Associated Press interviewed four former church members who say they witnessed Fenner being attacked.

Based on interviews with 43 former members, documents and secretly made recordings, the AP reported in February that Word of Faith Fellowship congregants were regularly punched, smacked, choked, slammed to the floor or thrown through walls in a violent form of deliverance meant to "purify" sinners by beating out devils.

Fenner said he joined the sect with his mother and brother in 2010. He fled after he said he was attacked.

"You can't imagine the emotional toll this has taken on my life. I had to put a lot of things on hold because of this. ... I can't do anything until this is over," Fenner previously told AP.

The defense had filed requests to move the trial out of Rutherford County, located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains midway between Charlotte and Asheville, due to years of negative publicity about the church's practices. As an alternative, the defense asked to have a jury brought in from another area.

Superior Court Judge Gary Gavenus denied those requests.

The AP's investigation also revealed that congregants were ordered by church leaders to lie to authorities investigating reports of abuse and that two assistant district attorneys and a veteran social worker were among those who coached congregants and their children on what to say to investigators. After the AP report, the prosecutors, including one who is a son-in-law of a church founder, left their jobs, and the social worker resigned.

The sect was founded in 1979 by Jane Whaley, a former math teacher, and her husband, Sam, a former used car salesman. Under Jane Whaley's leadership, Word of Faith Fellowship grew from a handful of followers to a 750-member congregation in North Carolina, and another nearly 2,000 members in churches in Brazil and Ghana. It also has affiliations in other countries.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia joemygod.blogspot.com

How corrupted do children have to get before adults will cry out and say: no more. I hear people saying, ‘well we don’t want to get into politics.’ Abolishing slavery, wasn’t that politics? Didn’t Christians like William Wilberforce rise up and fight in the political realm two centuries ago to do what was right? They were called extremists then too. But actually no, this is not only about politics. Homosexuality is ripping apart people’s lives and families. I can’t tell you how many sad tales I’ve heard from people who’ve seen the destructive effects of homosexual behavior in the life of a son, a daughter, a brother or a sister. The first battleground of ideas is one’s own mind. We need to equip our kids to stand firm in their convictions and know how to defend them.

TRUECRISTIAN #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

[This is a classic case of "Exactly What It Says On The Tin". If you're so opposed to homosexuality, why watch the GAY POWERTHIRST video?!]

Based on my religions beliefs, homosexual BEHAVIOR is a sin just like
drinking booze or having sex outside of a marriage.I can not do anything to help sins against the teaching of the Bible
thus I can not, based on my religous beliefs, allow any of these
activities on my property, INCLUDING rental property I might own. The
civil rights laws that say I would have to rent to drinkers, unmarried
couples, or gays violate my right to live up to my religion thus such

rabidanimal42 #fundie youtube.com

Stupid atheists. Stop listening to deluded scientists and think for yourselves. The Bible is the only truth. Questioning the validity of the Bible is both delusional and narrow-minded. If something contradicts the Bible then it is wrong. Period.

david ramseur #homophobia #fundie charismanews.com

While some hetero couples cannot conceive children, no homo couples can. Also, the complimentary aspects of both sexes are far and away more optimal for raising children than two of the same sex. Gay adoption has led to the objectification of women in the surrogate mills. It has also increased the risk for child molestation and homosexual molding. Homosexual marriage has disrespected God and God fearing Americans. It has also unconstitutionally stripped American citizens of their 1st amendment rights. Pushing for it is contributing to the downfall of society! Thank you Judge for standing up to the bullies and for the people. Your decision is just. Well done sir!

Dr. Gary Cass #fundie #homophobia christiannewswire.com

In a short video posted on FunnyorDie.com entitled, "Prop 8 The Musical," an all star cast of Hollywood celebrities perform a low budget musical farce that defames Christ, mocks Christians and distorts the teaching of the Bible.

"Jack Black should remember from his days at Hebrew School that homosexual acts aren't funny and are roundly condemned in the Bible," said Dr. Gary Cass, of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission. "Appearing as a sarcastic, rotund Christ, Black distorts the Bible and condones shameful, homosexual acts. Associating Christ with perverse activity is an affront to all people of faith, especially Christians. Apparently Black and company find it hilarious to falsely accuse Christians while they intentionally distort the Bible. Black ought to apologize."

Rick Wiles #fundie #homophobia rightwingwatch.org

Rick Wiles: Obama Using Gay Rights And ISIS To Destroy America

On Friday, “Trunews” host Rick Wiles said that President Obama is “waging jihad” on America through gay rights advocacy and the extremist group ISIS, which Wiles believes is a U.S. government proxy. During an interview with Walid Shoebat, an anti-Muslim commentator who is the favorite of many conservative groups and media outlets, Wiles claimed that “Barack Obama is more than a Muslim, he is a jihadist.”

“He is waging jihad from inside the White House, his foreign policy is 100 percent pro-Islam, he has waged jihad on this country, he has shredded the Constitution, he has defiled the U.S. military by forcing the military to accept homosexuality,” he said.

“Obama is destroying Christian America, that’s his assignment as a jihadist, it is to destroy Christian America.”

After Wiles said that CIA director John Brennan is also “an Islamist,” Shoebat claimed that the U.S. government is feeling the effects of an Islamist “infiltration.” Shoebat added that God is punishing America with Obama’s presidency: “America has abandoned its Judeo-Christian ethics and so God has given them to their own desires and that’s why we have Obama. When Americans wake up and God removes Obama and we have a different president, maybe God will have mercy on us.”


“This is a demonic influence and the more America becomes liberal, the more that kind of influence prevails in America,” he said, warning that liberals will dispose of the First Amendment in order to ban criticism of Islam and “the homosexual agenda.”

Kalley King Yanta #fundie #homophobia washingtonindependent.com

“There are studies that are being conducted right now about how children are being raised and how that affects somebody in their psyche and in their self-esteem and in the various ways that that can affect a person being raised by either a man and a man or a woman and a woman. It’s not natural.”

Yanta also said that if the amendment doesn’t pass, Christian parents could be arrested.

“If marriage between homosexuals is legalized, what would some of the consequences be?” she asked rhetorically. “Parents who want to opt their kids out of the public school on the day that they’re teaching about homosexual relationships how it should be okay and accepted, and the parents are charged with discrimination and are hauled away sometimes in handcuffs. — We just can’t allow this to happen.

Spud #fundie #homophobia religionethics.co.uk

Such a condition could be treated by the person waiting until the child is an adult, in the mean time suppressing their urges under supervision by a phsychotherapist and perhaps being allowed to conduct a friendship with the child, thus forming an emotional bond with him/her which might be the foundation for a future physical relationship when the child is old enough. We do after all see older men marrying women much younger than themselves.

Supposing for a minute that homosexuality was still illegal. I wonder if a similar kind of process could be found for enabling homosexuals to reach a point where, having suppressed their urges for some time, they could reach the point where they could live with their attraction to the same sex, and form a strong emotional and physical relationship with someone of the opposite sex