
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Cliff Kincaid #fundie #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

When Christian evangelist Lance Wallnau said that the Kamala Harris campaign was being driven by an occult spirit and witchcraft, he was denounced by the Big Media as a lunatic. What the media don’t want you to know is that a “Witches for Harris 2024” group has actually been formed and that another movement is casting spells against President Trump.

It looks like Lance Wallnau’s discussion of “spiritual warfare” during the campaign is a matter of fact, not fiction.
In today’s America, the location of the Salem Witch Trials is a popular tourism destination in Massachusetts. A stone honors Margaret Scott, one of the accused witches who was hanged.

However, in real life, one can note, without exaggeration, that witches exist. It is a fact. And they are mobilizing for Harris.

A “Witches for Kamala Harris” 2024 T-Shirt is selling on Amazon. “Witches for Kamala” yard signs featuring brooms are being sold as well.

“Being a witch is political,” says their campaign button.

Jonita Davis reports, “The first women persecuted as witches actually worked in reproductive healthcare” — abortion.
NBC actually ran a story about how the “feminist witches movement” is working “to destigmatize” witchcraft or wiccan. It said, “Practicing witches are using past mistreatment to inspire a new feminist movement among their ranks globally, with a goal of erasing the stigma surrounding witchcraft. In the U.S., 1 million people are estimated to identify as pagan or Wiccan…”
While the overthrow of capitalism is a cause associated with communism, it is also apparently a goal of modern-day witches.
As witches mobilize for Harris, some are spending their time casting spells against President Trump, through a movement called “Magic Resistance.”

The phenomenon of anti-Trump witchcraft, popularized by Michael M. Hughes, highlights “the progressive pagan and magical communities” working to defeat Trump.

Perhaps witchcraft is driving the Harris campaign after all.

Vox Day #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy voxday.net

[From “Carthago Delenda Est”]

Decades ago, I predicted that with the rise of Clown World would come the return of public human sacrifice. And while we’re not quite there yet, it’s already visible on the horizon:

Krishna Kushwaha of Hathras, in the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, was the first in his family to get a formal education. To ensure a brighter future for his children, he enrolled them in a hostel. Little did he know that his 11-year-old son Kritarth would fall prey to black magic

Kritarth was a student of standard II at the DL Public School. On the evening of September 22, he was kidnapped by two of his teachers, the owners of the school, and one of their fathers[…]
During a subsequent investigation, police visited the site of the black magic rituals and uncovered material linked to the practice, such as occult texts. Under interrogation, one of the accused confessed that the child had been sacrificed, as the school owners believed it would bring prosperity to the institute

This has been happening in secret for centuries across Europe, and for the last century, in the United States as well. Along with homosexuality and transgenderism, it is the historical hallmark of The Empire That Never Ended, against which both China and Russia are warring. Vladimir Putin calls it The Empire of Lies, whereas Xi refers to it as The Western Hegemony, albeit in a different context than his predecessors Deng and Mao did

This is why, whether its outward form is Hinduism, Judaism, enlightened secularism, churchianity, or open Satanism, its primary target is always Christianity. It is why, if it is not crushed again the way it was when Scipio Africanus took Rome, I suspect it won’t be more than two decades before we start seeing neo-Aztec temples publicly performing human sacrifices in Mexico

gzusfreke #fundie #crackpot whywontgodhealamputees.com

Jesus was fully human and fully God. He was not the product of human sperm and human egg. He was the product of a human egg, "the seed of a woman", and the Holy Spirit. The sin nature was bypassed by bypassing the human father. Human embryos can have a different blood type from the mother, and this factors into the sinlessness of Jesus, according to some theologians.

Southern Cross Shinning #fundie answers.yahoo.com

Shouldn't atheists be in debt to Christians for the rest of their lives? ?
Given the fact that we passed on to them their rights, which GOD gave us. the same GOD that they deny, yet have no problem exercising those rights.
in our GODLY declaration of independence, our Christian forefathers acknowledged that all men are CREATED equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

had they been living under Muslim rule, they surely would have been exterminated.
if atheists deny God isn't logical that they should deny the rights which He gave them?

Heaven Updates, OlipahNalungwe, faith1222 #sexist #fundie youtube.com

{Submitter’s note: A fundie video and comments claiming women wearing pants is evil and cause men to lust (as if dresses stop some men from harassing us.)}



( OlipahNalungwe )
Alot of women wear trousers O Lord! Help the world before it's too late

( EviaChakuamba )
If you love Him obey His word.
You cant rely on mercy and keep on sinning. Mercy is only available to those who repented.
When l looked in the dictionary the meaning of trousers it says
a man's outer garment.

( Heaven Updates )
I think you don't know who your Father is by now 🤔..

He said, 👇👇👇

(Matthew 5:28)
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

What do you think the trousers does when a woman wears it, don't you think it draws her shapes in that trousers and make the men to lust after her..

Then I ask you, will the DEVIL ask you to take PRE-CAUTION against making men to lust after you??

Many of us out here don't really know what is right for our soul..

I pray God help us know him better...🙏🙏

( faith1222 )
​@mhodupe_xmaybe, but don't be the cause of men's lust. They might still lust after you, even if you were covered from head to toe, but that is their problem. The important thing is you obey the will of the Holy Father by being modest and well covered. DO NOT BE THE SOURCE OF TEMPTATION, cause you will give an account for that.

Ramprakash Solanki, Dinesh Baghel, Jasodhan Singh, Veerpal Singh and Laxman Singh #fundie #psycho #magick hindustantimes.com

A software firm employee whose 11-year-old son was allegedly strangled by his school principal and teachers in a botched occult ritual in Uttar Pradesh’s Hathras demanded the death penalty for the child’s killers on Friday and alleged that more people were involved in the gruesome crime that has shocked the state

Sri Krishna Kushwaha, a software professional working with a private firm in Noida, shifted his family to his village in Hathras district during the pandemic

But dreams of a better future for his children were crushed this week, when the owner of the school, the manager, the principal, and two teachers abducted Kritarth from the hostel to perform a tantric ritual for the prosperity of the institution, and eventually killed him[…]
Police have arrested five people, shut the school, and said the hostel was running without permission. They also said that a similar occult attempt was made with a previous student on the night of September 6,but was abandoned when the teenager made a ruckus[…]
“On September 22, the student was abducted from the school’s hostel by teacher Ramprakash Solanki, Dinesh Baghel and school owner Jasodhan Singh. Jasodhan Singh believes in ‘tantra’ practice and asked his son to sacrifice a child for the prosperity of school and his family,” said Ashok Kumar Singh, additional superintendent of police (ASP), Hathras

They took the student to a secluded place for the sacrifice and began shaving his head, but the student woke up and began crying and struggling, the officer said

Kritarth was thrashed to silence him but when he resisted, and the accused allegedly stuffed a cloth into his mouth, said police. “After that he was strangulated. Another teacher Veerpal Singh and school principal Laxman Singh were also present at the spot and were guarding the place,” Ashok Kumar Singh added

Pitofdoom #fundie digg.com

Creation from the Word of The Most High has nothing to do with religion nor is he religious !

The fiery goo crawls out of it's petri dish shaking it's defiant fist at GOD just before it's darwinian demise.

Science boy Vs. Christ, I'm betting on Christ by tiring to follow some simple laws !

Science boy will not find the "breath of life" HE will find them !!

"Pastor Mike" #fundie blogs.browardpalmbeach.com

Now, many (especially the atheists), may ask "Why do this, what's the purpose?" Duhhh, Mr. Atheist for the same purpose many States put the names and photos of convicted sex offenders and other ex-felons on the I-Net - to INFORM the public! I mean, in the City of Miramar, Florida, where I live, the population is approx. 109,000. My family and I would sure like to know how many of those 109,000 are ADMITTED atheists! Perhaps we may actually know some. In which case we could begin to witness to them and warn them of the dangers of atheism. Or perhaps they are radical atheists, whose hearts are as hard as Pharaoh's, in that case, if they are business owners, we would encourage all our Christian friends, as well as the various churches and their congregations NOT to patronize them as we would only be "feeding" Satan.

Frankly, I don't see why anyone would oppose this idea - including the atheists themselves (unless of course, they're actually ashamed of their atheist religion, and would prefer to stay in the 'closet.').

neosinn #fundie digg.com

[In response to photos of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, His holiness.]

wow, not only do you want to say there is no God, but you must make fun of others beliefs as well. So much so you must mock them. Wow i can start to see how Germany turned raciest in a mater of months under the religion of evolution. (check it yourself before you say i don't know what im talking about... or did you not know he was big time into evolution? I can see how the beheadings of Christians will come true in the near future by the people of this country. It's not so much you believe there is no God, it's the fact you must remove all and attack Christian faith. So what's with the fish being attacked? So much truth to it and i don't believe not a one of you even understand how suckered into the religion of evolution you are. FYI. Japan was taken in by evolution in the 30s as well... part of the reason they joined forces with Germany and attacked the USA.

Hey but it's all cool, the jokes are funny and you keep laughing. If i'm wrong nothing really happens after death. If your wrong it's burning in a lake of fire forever. Yea, i'd bet my life on that before studying about it. That's logical.

Have fun

CrazedLeper #fundie digg.com

How ironic that the anniversary is still deemed worth observance considering that this "first shot" missed so wildly. This crackpot theory would never have gotten off the ground if Darwin could have seen inside the cell. It might have humbled him enough to abandon his RACIST *theory* but in the years since, you've all become much to arrogant to admit the truth.

Neverlution is totally impossible. It only works if you have a system already in place and you *want* to view that system solely through the cone of uncertainty.

Kent Hovind #fundie kent-hovind.com

Could it be that people accept evolution because [....] They know that evolution is the only philosophy that can be used to justify their political agenda of:
i. Communism
ii. Racism
iii. Abortion
iv. Nazism
v. Socialism
vi. Gay rights
vii. Women's liberation
viii. Extreme environmentalism
ix. Euthanasia
x. Pornography
xi. Humanism
xii. New Age Movement

kenrayd #fundie digg.com

You bet Neaderthals were a separate species; they and other humanoid fossils were a product of genetic engineering amalgamation between apes and humans done by pre-flood scientists to provide slave laborers

Zachiatrist #fundie digg.com

OMG, I think I understand now!!! If I have a Fork and a Spoon, then naturally evolution must be true because I've also seen a SPORK!!!!! That's amazing evidence.

Evolutionists like to assume all the difficult things away by going "Millions of years!!!" The fact of the matter is that in those 4 populations there has to be a step at some point where parents produce offspring (2 of them mind you) that can not reproduce with their parents (not that they'd want to, but you get the point). This is a new species. Obviously I can breed dogs to have different traits like big ears and long legs etc, but still each can interbreed with other dogs despite their new traits. However at some point there must be a MASSIVE leap where a dog gives birth to non dog, and not only that there needs to be two of these non dogs so they can reproduce with each other.

Also explain how we went from asexual reproduction to sexual reproduction. Good thing the penis and vagina evolved at the same time huh? Man was that lucky!!!!! Oh and not only that, the entire reproductive system behind the scenes has to come in one generation as well otherwise there are no further iterations, no survival of the fittest.

If you want to believe in evolution fine, but don't assume people who don't haven't considered the obvious. Trust me, we've all heard the explanations for evolution, we're not living in caves. It's always made out that we're the ones who don't think and just accept everything we're told when the fact is that we're the ones who have our beliefs constantly challenged and are always forced to think. You're the ones who will accept anything someone with "Scientist" on their resume says.

Sorry if that came off pretty harsh, but do forgive me, I'm a big IDiot after all.

WLindsayWheeler #fundie digg.com

[Responding to an article written by Vox Day]

Woman's suffrage must end. Why the Church is stalling on this regard is beyond me. In the 1870s or thereabouts, the Supreme Court of America said women can't be lawyers. It is time to take back this country. Politics and Law are ONLY for men. Woman's suffrage has got to end. I am in full agreement with the Vox Populi.

Kaffir and john1944 #fundie digg.com

[On a school's pro-gay curriculum that allows no exemptions]

Kaffir: Supt. Paul Ash should have his credentials revoked and then be denied the opportunity to wreck havoc in the lives of any other children. In all of the schools where I've worked it was standard proceedure to first send a parental notification form home for the parents to review and sign. Without the signed parental form, the student would then be allowed to be taken from the room, to work on homework. But, to do what was done at this school is outrageous! This smacks of Nazi/Soviet-style tactics. This is still the U.S.A., not the U.S.S.A. (the Union of Soviet Socialist Americans)!

john1944: Taken out back and beaten half to death is more like it. No 'smart bastard asshole' will EVER tell my kids what they have to learn/hear/believe. It's time for a big slaughter.

brokencrystal #fundie digg.com

[Would you have scientists just stop trying and accept creationism? I'm just curious.]

No, I want the lies of Macro-Evolution out of the textbooks... Just to be fair since they have no evidence for such a belief. They could put evidence (fact) in the middle, then on the left have theory of a unknown designer, and on the right have theory of macro-evolution. Let the students interpret the evidence for themselves and stop telling them how to interpret the data. This is brainwashing when you try to erase the line between the fact and what you believe happened because the thought of a designer is "unthinkable". I am just asking for truth and equality. Admit that macro-evolution is a unprovable and unobservable theory and I will shut up.

Chris Stewart #fundie crossroad.to

My second grader attends a local Christian school. For "movie time", they planned to screen Tarzan, the animated movie. Although I have not seen it, I had a glimpse of it from a free version of a computer video game. The character almost exclusively moves in sensual ways and is very scantily dressed. My objections were countered with "but it's TARZAN; of course he wears only a loin cloth...". But, if a man (un)dressed like a male erotic dancer were to come to my door and ask permission to entertain my 7 y/o daughter by jumping, crouching, and running in front of her for an hour and a half, does anyone think I would say yes? I appreciate your movie review. It is quite deep and I'm certain quite valid. I guess in this case, I'm not that profound. All I cans see from my perspective is that it desensitizes children to lewdness, nudeness and lasciviousness.

LivingHealthy #fundie digg.com

Yeah well; don't ask those dipshit atheists in Frisco running their zoo to hold your dinosaurs. They have one of the larger zoos in the world and all those queers and atheists couldn't figure out an 18 foot wall was only 12 feet tall.

Just like they didn't count on AIDS when they declared the commandment for sexual purity null and void. That's cost them 30 million dead so far with 40 million more sick and gonna die.
Oh yeah their 'atheist wisdom' didn't foresee that 40% of young adult women would be infected with HPV and candidates for more venereal cancers, either.

Oh yeah and that communist Atheism thing didn't work out too well in Russia and the East Bloc either, with shattered lives and 30 million dead.

Oh yeah and those atheists in charge of Maoist communism arent doing too well feeding people poison in food they buy, putting lead in children's toys, and harvesting those human organs out of religious & political prisoners, either.

And what about that Chinese internet? Yeah, that freedom from religion's just rolling right along. Which is why the average worker over there makes about six bucks a day.

Atheists are the most vile and evil scum on the earth and every time one dies I thank the Lord my God Almighty for getting the putrid dipshits off my planet.

rtstone #fundie digg.com

Personally, This is what is wrong with this country! This country was founded on a religious base and if you don't believe in God then it is my opinion that you should get out of the USA! Look on our money! There is a reason that it says In God We Trust and that reason is that our founding Fathers left England to come here in search for religious freedom. (Religion being a faith in God not some hokey made up religion based on a Disbelief in God. This would be a contradiction in itself since religion is based on belief not disbelief! ) Look at our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Everywhere you look this country was built on the belief in God! So if you don't believe in God then go back where your ancestors came from!

cababika799 #fundie digg.com

What's amazing about this is that the atheistic/evolution camp is becoming more hostile towards the idea of aternatives being taught in school than theists are of evolution being taught in their schools.
If you read the interview between the Nova correspondant and the intelligent design advocate, you would know that he is not trying to take evolution out of schools. He is simply stating the obvious fact that although the picture looks good overall, the supporting evidence for evolution is full of holes.
He's not saying that anyone shouldn't believe in it. What he is saying is that the supporting evidence is not complete enough to present it that way that most teachers and professors do.
If you want to believe that it took millions of years for all of this stuff to come about then I support you in that. This is the land of the free! But you are depriving schools of the same freedom. A vast amount of Americans want the alternative to Evolution taught along side it. They don't want evolution out of our schools, they just want the professors to be honest with the students about the lack of full evidence.
On the other hand, the evolution camp applauds those teachers who refuse to teach an alternative. Why the double standard? Do unload the "one is proven, one is not" load because you know as well as I do that the theory is simply the best you've come up with, not the ends.

erikfm #fundie digg.com

[In response to a story about a "Free Hugs from Atheists" event being confronted by a preacher who refused to be hugged and condemned them all to Hell]

People should be uncomfortable. Morality doesn't exist without God. The value of human life becomes completely arbitrary. To an atheist there isn't much difference between hugging a person or strangling them to death. It's all about their own self interest.


My morality stems from the Creator. You're amoral behavior system is based on fear of punishment and pain. Nothing is immoral to the atheist if he doesn't get caught on the other hand I abide by morality as I am grateful to God for life and love all of God's creations.


Atheism is a belief system in its own right. Atheists did their best at wiping out other religions.


It is the atheist value system simply doesn't have any meaningful value of human life. It was their atheism that enabled these people to murder millions to achieve their goals.

[...Most of the people on Digg.com] are atheists until graduation. It's part of their manufactured teenage rebellion. Once they grow up, get into the real world, start families, they'll develop a more encompassing belief system than their egotistical, primitive atheism.


To an atheist killing is wrong only if they decide that so for the current moment.


Atheist "morality" is as completely arbitrary as deciding what tshirt to wear that day. Morality requires a subjective, outside observer. Atheists can only be amoral.

Teddystiltskins #fundie digg.com

You're lame... there are no atheists in foxholes!!! Atheism is a religion just like every other...[...]

I am sure that all who created technology were not atheist. It just becomes a convenient truth for people with the incapacity to deal with their own shortcomings.

Take it from me, I am not that religious!!!

Clirus #sexist #fundie christianforums.com

A statement frequently made is along the lines; The responsibilities for family care taking (for children and aging parents) continue to fall disproportionately on women. I consider this to be an Atheistic statement because it is inconsistent with the Bible as stated above. Not only is it Atheistic, but I believe this will lead to a physical disaster in America. More and more the role of caring for children and the elderly is being forced on the government through a wide range of socialist welfare programs. Government cannot provide the love that is necessary for the job of caring for the children and elderly.

Already we are seeing more and more office jobs taken by women and laboring jobs (carpenters, plumbers, car repair, etc.) taken by men. It is moving toward a situation where the cost of a plumbing repair is going to be $100 per hour and sex. It may get to where men become day laborers that are paid cash where there are no taxes or social security. Men would earn enough for booze and porno and wait for some woman to take care of him till she conceives. If the men began to band together the situation could become like it is in Africa, where rape, pillage and destruction is normal.

The greatest contribution of Christianity has been the Christian Family Concept where the man is the provider, and the woman cares for the children and elderly. The woman equality movement is an Atheistic attack on the Christian Family Concept.

The thing I really do not understand is why women hate the position God gave to them. I know women love their children and their parents, but then abandon the children and parents to have a job other than the job God assigned them. The only way I have ever been able to understand this is stated in I Timothy, "And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."

It would appear Satan is well on the way to another success story. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden and Christians may well be kicked out of America as Atheistic welfare programs increase.

Conservapedia #fundie conservapedia.com

Atheist doctor: I think it is time we ended your life now.

Patient: Doctor, I have no health insurance. If I die now, I will never be able to pay you back.

Atheist doctor: Well, upon further deliberation, I think you should fight this condition with every fibre of your being. And if I were you, I would also call my friends and family and ask if they would loan me some money.

Blue_Jedi33 #fundie boards.theforce.net

The water canopy did exist, but God broke it and the weather suddenly changed, causing extreme temperture in winter. Before then 30 below Celsius never existed, interesting isn't it. There were the four seasons but not like we have them today.

Truth #fundie topix.com

The Proof that God exists is that without Him you couldn't prove anything..........

I am not saying that professed unbelievers do not prove things....... The argument is that you must borrow from the Christian worldview, and a God who makes universal, immaterial, unchanging laws possible in order to prove anything........

In logic, this type of proof is called 'transcendental logic,' or 'the impossibility of the contrary,' where God is the basis for any rational thought........ Only the Christian worldview can logically support rationality........

crazy4starwars006 #fundie forums.starwars.com

3.) if we evolved...why don't we eveolve today? IN PUBLIC...why (if u still believe in the sasquach) must we do it in private, away form scientist that can record it? and don't tell me "because we are perfectly adapt and no longer need 2 evolve" because, if we came from monkey's, why don't they evolve since thier not perfectly adapt? scientist have been watching and waiting 2 c if thier lab animals will evolve rite b4 thier eyes 4 centuries and what have they got? NOTHING!! did they/ we just all the sudden decide 2 stop evolving the moment man was able 2 record it? it's stupid.

will it ever end!!...

John Walker #fundie christiananswers.net

Avoid -- I can't believe that christians have not viewed this show as a more serious threat. Christian faith and values are constantly a viciously targeted at every turn. The show is filthy and subversive. It only gets away with it because it's a cartoon and knows how to occasionally act as if its mocking tone is playful. Anyone who believes otherwise needs to see such episodes where Homer has a crayon removed from his brain thus rendering him a genius. One of his many revelations that follows is his proving the God does not exist. He presents this finding to Ned Flanders and Ned has to agree that he is correct! This is not playful on any level. Avoid the Simpsons at all costs.

Mandy #transphobia #fundie radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com

Granted, pride festivals in Tennessee do not seem to have the wild flare of nudists and dramatics of Satanists that other Pride festivals boast about; however, there are still reasons to be alarmed about any Pride event, no matter the location – even in the heart of the Bible belt. Don’t get me wrong. I am proud. I am proud to be a Christian. I am proud to be raised in Tennessee. I am proud to be American. I am proud to be part of Gays Against Groomers. I am proud to stand up and fight for children and their safety! However, I am not proud to be associated with “Pride.” I am not proud of what pedophiles and genderqueer ideologues are doing to our children. I am not proud of the pride festivals we are seeing in Tennessee.


Children dressed as furries were not the only concern. Upon entering, a man could be heard giving a “speech” to a nonexistent crowd. He was passionate about stopping the trials and tribulations that face the “LBTQAIA2STTQF+ youth” today and how we can stop the hate together. There is nothing hateful about wanting to keep kids safe.

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy returntoorder.org

We live in terrible times when tiny horizons dominate the attention of so many. We do not think in grand terms anymore. Few appreciate splendor and overwhelming beauty.

Instead, many seek the tiny impulse, the momentary high or the insignificant trifle, as a means to provide that next tiny fix to get them through the day. These tiny things do not satisfy but engage us in a contradiction of intense emotion and exhausting frustration.
When everything is tiny, nothing can have serious consequences. Life can be lived by whims and randomness. Men can be women, and women can be men. Nothing can be certain because everything is possible. The ordered will is destroyed as fantasy takes hold.
The rule of the tiny souls is truly a tyranny since it accepts no opposition. Once embraced, all around must be reduced to littleness lest greatness reappear and challenge its absurdities.

The tiny souls are capable of the worst tyranny when others dispute the course of their lives or pronoun choices. They are capable of the greatest and most irrational hatred toward those who dare oppose their fantasies.

Indeed, we once thought that our downfall as a nation would be caused by the might of great powers. Little did we suspect we might fall due to tiny souls who, like termites, undermine our metanarratives and corrupt our moral universe.
It is time for the “why” to return to our discourse. It is the only way to overcome the tyranny of the tiny souls.

This return is not as difficult as it sounds. We are not made for tininess but have an eternal destiny. We are naturally attracted by grand ideas and noble causes. Above all, our yearnings direct us to the Eternal Why of Everything found in God.

It takes courage, but such a world is possible when extraordinary individuals dare to rise above beyond mediocrity and break its spell upon postmodern man. Then, with God’s grace (and only with it), we might be forced to make efforts, accept suffering and reevaluate our priorities.

Rev. Jackson Lahmeyer #fundie #racist #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Pastors for Trump leader Jackson Lahmeyer, a key Trump ally who has been visited by members of Trump’s inner circle, recently warned followers that a Jewish politician will be the Antichrist[…]
Lahmeyer is a right-wing commentator and the pastor of Sheridan Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is the founder and leader of Pastors For Trump, which, as its name indicates, seeks “to continue to build the relationship between Christian leaders and President Trump during his bid for the Presidency”

Lahmeyer has a history of making toxic remarks, including calling Vice President Kamala Harris a “lying whore”; claiming Democrats are “demonic”; and lobbing bigoted attacks at LGBTQ people, Jewish people, and Muslims

He continued that pattern during a sermon that was posted online on October 8, which carries the headline “Revelation 13 | Verse-By-Verse | Antichrist + False Prophet | Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer.” During the sermon, Lahmeyer portrayed Jewish and Muslim people as a future threat to Christians:

JACKSON LAHMEYER: This is the opinion of Jackson Lahmeyer. The Antichrist will be a political leader. This is just Jackson's opinion. The Antichrist will be a political leader of Jewish descent. That is how the Jews will worship him

The false prophet, I believe, will be an Islamic imam. I believe that the false prophet will be an Islamic religious leader who will lead the people to worship the beast. That's just Jackson's opinion. And he will implement some form of one world religion, an Islamic caliphate. And if you do not take the mark, you will have your head chopped off

There's only one group of people today that still chop off the heads of people, and that's radical Islamic extremists. And I believe they will implement that form of religion when the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is gone. So it's my opinion that the future Antichrist will have some form of a Jewish descent, that the false prophet will be an Islamic religious leader

PizzaWhore #fundie digg.com

Hell must be overflowing with scientists...

...while you're waiting in line, here's something for you atheists to ponder: even Einstein, one of science's greatest heroes, conceded that there must be a God. I guess most scientists just aren't smart enough to arrive at similar conclusions.

vanzan #fundie digg.com

let's see, atheist got it all figured out it in the last 1000 years, and religion which has been around for 1000's of years was a waste of time!!!

the funniest and most amusing thing is how the earth formed itself through natural selection!!!!

if i told you that my house built itself you'd thing i am crazy, but if an atheist said the earth formed itself (which is 100000 time more complicated than a house) ,,then all of a sudden, that makes sense

bgbs #fundie digg.com

The point is, gentleman, it is understandable it is not possible to convert every person. You deffinately cannot covert those who made up their decision that God doesnt exist. Right now, though, looking at how many people in the world believe in the existence of Super Natural power we can say with confidence that there seems to be more evidence for God's existence than against.

Dont give me this garabage about people being like sheep and they believe anything, cause I can use the same argument aginst atheist. I can say, "How stupid can you be not to see see, sense, hear, smell, touch, reason, his existence" The point is irrevelant because more scientists and more educated people believe in Super Natural then the other way around. So you are not proving anything to anybody if you are being sarcastic about religion.

dle5 #fundie digg.com

[In a Digg comment about a story where a Christian Bus Driver refused to drive a bus with an atheist ad on it]

I'd dress up like Hitler before driving the bus. If you're going to drive a vehicle with atheist propaganda all over it, might as well go all the way and look like a proper atheist.

Zbrah #fundie digg.com

<<On Dinesh D'Souza's article "Where is Atheism When Bad Things Happen?">>

Let me first say that I'm a conservative(but not a Bush supporter) and a Christian.I just am wondering why the atheists care at all about what happened at VA. Tech?Let me preface by saying that I obviously realize that you do care,sincerely.But my question is how you can care if you believe there is no God?Why is there any reason to care about anyone but yourself(and even you is just molecules in motion,with nothing else but chance guiding what you do...which is,by the way,absurd in my opinion)?Why is there any reason for you to feel compasion on those beings that happen to be a part of your same species?Where does your moral obligation to feel anything for anyone come from?Where does love come from?

As already stated,I realize that of course you care about what happened to those people,of course you feel anger towards the madman who did it.My question is what,within your worldview, gives you any reason to "feel" anything?I'm sure there will be many attacks against my faith...but first try and answer this..then I'll answer yours.

CrescentBay #fundie pl.youtube.com

[In response to a comment explaining abiogenesis]

Admit it, Tony, the truth is that you believe in God with everything that you are. You're just angry with Him for some reason. NOBODY would spend as much of their time doing what you do for no apparent reason. You're obcessed...do yourself a favor...GET A LIFE!

ezekiel316 #fundie youtube.com

Knowledge is good or whatever... but when you look at the facts people who are extremely smart have a hard time believing in god but people who are real simple... don't have a problem believing in god, they don't have that big ol' brain to get in the way.

goldliger #fundie evolutionfairytale.com

Logical proof of evidence for God and creation. (And a universe full of it.)

Question to atheist # 1: If the statement is true, "God created the genetic code and DNA to create life", would the genetic code and DNA be evidence for God? ...If your answer is "no", how and why would it NOT be valid evidence of God (while noting that if God created the genetic code, nothing else did)?

(Hint: The answer to the above is "yes", because the genetic code and DNA as potential evidence for anything else would be 100% falsified, when we have objective proof that God is/was its author.)

Question to atheist # 2: Do you have 100% objective proof that God *didn't* create the genetic code and DNA to create life? If "yes", please provide your proof with zero speculative language.

(Hint: No such proof exists.)

Question to atheist # 3: Aside from the genetic code and DNA, can you name a SINGLE code (that meets the following definition), that was NOT designed by an intelligent being?

...Definition of CODE for our purposes above: Sequential, *meaningful* information is encoded (DNA) and decoded (RNA). Such as English. Binary code. Morse code. Etc.

Note that ALL evidence, either for "naturalism" or "creationism" is in a POTENTIAL state, until the objective proof is in, as to which "suspect" is responsible.

...This is why it's logically impossible to claim that we do NOT have a mountain of evidence for God and creation; this is why ALL OF CREATION is evidence for God.

Further, unless you can provide another example of a code that was NOT created by an intelligent being under the definition provided, we have 100% inference that the genetic code and DNA was created by an intelligent being. And 0% inference that it was a result of naturalistic, mindless, Godless causation.

Note that this is in NO WAY begging the question, or a circular argument, because we're assuming based on logic that *both* naturalism and creationism are theoretical possibilities. And that all of creation is evidence (in a required "potential" state), until the objective proof is in.

Thanks for reading.

Rom831 #fundie rr-bb.com

I stated yesterday that I will never agree to accept a view that is contrary to what the Bible says... When Man's views differ from what God says, man is wrong.

R’chelle Cyrus-Hughes #fundie aprophetwalkingwithjesus.wordpress.com

Months ago, while helping a couple pack to move out of state, my husband was offered a seemingly innocent framed picture of four African American people standing side by side in costume performing a ballet. When my husband showed me the picture, I didn’t particularly care for it but I agreed to take it home because he expressed interest in it. When we arrived home, I proceeded to hang the picture. Later that afternoon, my husband decided to organize the closet in our master bedroom so he could make room for a prayer bench he had made. He placed a large black bag at the end of our bed and used it to dispose of the trash he removed from our closet. That evening, I decided to go to bed early. My husband stayed up and continued to clean out our closet. It was at that time that he saw the ballet picture hanging on the wall and noticed what he believed to be demonic hand signs on the fingers of one of the women in the picture. Unbeknownst to me, he decided to remove the picture from the wall and threw it away in the black trash bag that sat on the floor at the end of our bed. Later that night, I awoke to a very disturbing vision. I felt a dark presence in the room and when I looked up, there at the foot of our bed (where the trash bag that held the ballet picture sat), I saw what appeared to me as four African American people standing side by side smiling at me. The ‘people’ I saw were actually spirits. I woke my husband and told him what I had seen. It was then that he told me that he had thrown the ballet picture into the black trash bag that sat on the floor at the foot of our bed. That morning, my husband removed the picture from the black trash bag and destroyed it. We then anointed and prayed over the entire house. I never saw the spirits again.