
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Matrix Hacker #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut henrymakow.com

Q. Are these babies born through surrogate mothers, with the harvested eggs and sperms of these celebrities?
If so, these mothers must be given a lot of money to keep quiet?

Many of the babies are bred by surrogates using harvested eggs and sperm (embryos) of celebrities. Others are bred by the movie stars themselves during filming, post-production, "dating" relationships, "marriages," or prior to filming movies or prior to dating or marrying one another.

In terms of hush money, things are much more complicated than that.

People are either born into the Satanic cult or they are not. People who are born into the Satanic cult live by an entirely different set of rules, norms, and customs than the rest of us. I think of our differences in terms of a game of chess. The Satanic cult consists of the "dark side" of humanity and the rest of us comprise the "light side" of humanity. The task and challenge of those born into the "light side" is to wake up to Reality and thwart the plans of the "dark side" to bring a Totalitarian New World Order into fruition.

To be born into the "dark side" means that secrecy, deception, sexual depravity, and Satanic rituals are just a normal part of their way of life. It's hard for us to imagine that such a large number of cult members could be so effectively controlled that more would have divulged 100% of the secrets of the cult by now.

Yet, most if not all people born into the Satanic cult have been subjected to mind control. Certain Satanic rituals are said to be so terrifying and horrific that participants and witnesses must be triggered into alter personalities that were created in their minds as children prior to the ritual so their core personalities don't go crazy.

They are filmed during these rituals. After, they are triggered back into their core personality which creates an amnesic barrier in their minds which causes them to forget that they ever witnessed or participated in these events.

McAllister TV #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #quack beforeitsnews.com




RHODA WILSON #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #crackpot #fundie dailyexpose.uk

The Rothschilds, who are Nephilim Hosts, and their Khazarian mafia have gained a foothold in nations across the earth since the mid-1700s. The tentacles of the House of Rothschild reach into the monetary policy of 85% of the countries worldwide but Russia broke free from the tentacles of the Rothschilds.
Nephilim hosts” is a term Sanger coined in her book: ‘The Roots of the Federal Reserve: Tracing the Nephilim from Noah to the US Dollar’. Nephilim Hosts are individuals who have partnered with the spiritual forces of darkness to carry out the Nephilim agenda.” An agenda to defile the human genome through the propagation of a hybrid race, the purpose of which is to overthrow God’s Kingdom.

At its the core, the Nephilim agenda has the goal to strip us of our humanity. Sanger identifies four Nephilim traits: violent without remorse; engage in sexual degradation; dishonesty in trade and business transactions; and, traffickers in humans and enslavement of others.
The Rothschilds were Ashkenazi Jews, Khazarians, “they’re arguably the most influential Nephilim Hosts of the Common Era,” Sangar said, “the Rothschild family and their Khazarian mafia have gained a foothold in almost every country since the mid-1700s.”

The patriarch for the Rothschild banking dynasty is Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He partnered with Adam Weishaupt who instituted the order of the Illuminati. Together Rothschild and Weishaupt developed a seven-fold plan for world domination:

1. Abolish all national governments
2. Abolish all private property
3. Abolish inheritance
4. Destroy patriotism
5. Destroy Christianity
6. Destroy the family unit
7. Create a one world government or a new world order

This plan has become the blue print to carry out the Nephilim agenda, Sanger said, this was rolled-out, at least, by Rothschild and Weishaupt in 1776. This is essentially the play book of a Colour Revolution – destroy history, destroy the family unit. This is also World Economic Forum with a dash of communism.

Pliggy #fundie #psycho fldsview.blogspot.com

[From "Blood Atonement"]

No doctrine of Mormon theology is more misunderstood, and feared, than that of blood atonement. This is mostly due to the apostate, murderous, John D Lee. Who masterminded an attack on a group of people in the southern Utah hilltop called "Mountain Meadow"[…]
Blood atonement is in essence capital punishment. It is an answer to justice. It is a law that is to punish a guilty person for a very serious crime, as capital punishment is in the justice system now. If a man is a murderer, he cannot be forgiven in this life at all, no matter what else he does. He must give his life in an effort, on his part, to atone for his sin. He needs to have his blood actually shed upon the ground as an act of atonement, in an effort of repentance
Blood atonement was also taught by Brigham Young to be necessary for the sin of adultery[…]Once a man is ordained as an elder, and is sealed to his wife or wives by the Priesthood, and then commits adultery, his sin necessitates blood atonement. He cannot become baptized again after that sin, so he must either find his way somewhere else, or atone by giving his life. The same for a woman. This is what “destroyed” is referring to in Section 132 of the Doctrine and Covenants

This is a law of God that the people of ancient Israel lived when there was no other government over them. Achan was the first documented case. Some say that it was observed in the Utah territory during the days when Brigham Young was the Prophet. But when there is another government over the people which govern these things, they are subject to them. So those who want to atone by blood for adultery CANNOT at this time unless the civil government passes the law and administers it

Yea, yea, I bet some of you are saying. Why cant you perform blood atonement that is against the law, if you allow polygny which is against the law? Simple. One administers life, the other takes it

Noble₽hares #fundie #conspiracy twitter.com

itz Ruhama: Many will ignore this question except you.
Do you still beleive in God??

MoneyFever: Let me answer by asking a question: do you believe that life randomly formed under a rock in effectively a blink of an eye in astronomical terms? Things that require carefully curated lab conditions and homocyralality of molecules? Ask a molecular scientist if it’s possible 🤷‍♂️

Noble₽hares: I’ll give you a better question to ask, science has purposely been tampered with to keep God out of the equation. 2 FreeMasons Lyell & Darwin are the main occultist who were tasked with taking God out of the sciences, both theories disapproved. Look into spontaneous regeneration.

Various right-wingers #fundie #psycho #wingnut reddit.com

The question was: how do we deal
with the atheists in America?"in a
right wing website.
This is how they responded;
i say kill them all and let them see for themselves that
there is God
2 : aqo ' 02 people
20 hours a:» • person
I thinly we should hang the leader ot group on
the cross with nails through their hands and feet. place a crown of
thorns upon their head, RAM a spear through their side all after
being whipped and beaten publidyf Just so they can endure what
Christ did so they understand the sacriflce behind what that cross
21 houvs ago 19 people
21 ec;o
thats easy shoot them
I love Jesus, and the cross and if you dont, t hope
someone rapes you!
6 hours 02 tx•opie
Kill em all...let God sort em out. Guess what
4 hours aoo
Shoot them. Shoot to kill.
21 anc
stupid athiests. I hope God kills them all.
Posted in r/HoIUp

Carina Benton #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #fundie thefederalist.com

The Left Unmasks Its Desire To Destroy Families — And The Nation — With Sexual Chaos

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis once again led the way in protecting parental rights in education last week when he signed into law a bill that prohibits age-inappropriate “classroom instruction” on “sexual orientation and gender identity” in kindergarten through third grade. The legislation also requires parental consent for any health care services offered at school, and school districts “may not prohibit or discourage parental notification of or involvement in critical decisions affecting a student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being.”

Contrary to the fear-mongering, there is nothing “controversial” about this law. Yet it certainly does throw a spanner in the works for the radicals, neurotics, and degenerates in control of corporate America, the establishment media, and Hollywood, who are evidently on board with schools serving as platforms for perverts, predators, and groomers.

The obscene obsession with hypersexualizing children that exploded about two years ago needs to be understood in the context of the left’s wider agenda to promote moral relativism and sexual deviance, a campaign they have been gaslighting Americans into accepting as “progressive.” Decades ago, Marxists ditched class warfare and economics in favor of sexual politics and culture as a vehicle for executing revolution. Ever since, they have been shrewdly redefining marriage, family, sexuality, and gender, to the point where “tolerance” and “diversity” now means foisting porn, perversion, and predators on our families. Those who won’t stand for it are cunningly condemned as bigots.

Although the tactics have changed, the underlying objective is no different from the philosophy of their ideological forebears in Communist hellholes like the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: the fundamental transformation of society by co-opting and perverting the nuclear family, the most influential societal unit, and the bedrock of Judeo-Christian values.


Jerry Depoy #fundie sermoncentral.com

Title: “A Shot Gun Wedding with Roses”
Introduction: You are probably wondering how in the world I ever came up with such a title? My wife, Judy, is from Alabama. Do they really marry cousins in Alabama? Well, in this text you have a cousin marrying another cousin. Boaz in under the gun to do so!
Here is my simple message to an amazing story that illustrates the truth of why a lost sinner should say “yes” to God’s marriage proposal. In this story you will find that are three reasons for a person to say “yes” to Jesus!
I know that most messages preached on this text, picture Boaz as Christ, the Kinsmen redeemer. And that would be the correct interpretation of this passage. But I want to turn the passage around a bit and show you another picture. Have you ever thought of Ruth as being a picture of Christ in her desire of marriage? In this message, I want you to think of Boaz as the sinner in need of salvation. Why should a person say “yes” to the marriage proposal of Christ?
1. It is the Law of Life.
A lost sinner needs to confess with his mouth the Lordship of Christ, because the Law of God has commanded him to do so!
If a man refused to take on the marriage of a widowed kinsman, note what was to done to the man. After a shoe would be removed, bespeaking of the holiness of God, the disobedient kinsman was to be spit in the face!
The law of God will not treat those who refuse to come to Christ kindly. The law of God will condemn those who refuse to come to Christ to an eternal hell.
2. It will complete your Life.
When a person says “yes” to Christ, his life becomes complete! Life takes on fullness and abundance.
3. It will extend your Life.
God the Father wants a lost sinner to not only come to Christ because of the law, and because Christ will complete their life, but there should be one final reason, “Because you love him!”
Before this days sun goes down, let me compel you to choose Christ. Accept the wedding invitation of the Son!

Anonymous #conspiracy #racist #fundie #crackpot boards.4channel.org

Russian empire conquers a land controlled by khazar caananite demon worshippers, and exiles them to poland and germany where they ferment into modern jews.

Russia forgets to send tax collectors to the land they conquered.

Local groups evolve and turn into land-pirates, brigands and warlords.

Russia uses these groups as a chaotic criminal border with ottoman turks.

Russia gets famine and plague and almost destroyed.

Poland gets taken over by the demon worshippers, and conquers part of Russia, and forcibly converts Russians to catholicism and jewry, and blanda-downs to them.

Russia recovers and takes back the land, in fact fucks poland over and splits it with the germans.

However the judeocatholic worm festers.

Russia gets taken over by the khazar demon worshippers who create the evil of communism and kill 100 million russians, enslave the rest.

Khazar demon worshippers take over entire east europe, and make sure to brainwash locals to hate RUSSIANS instead of them.

Khazar demon worhshippers give ridiculous amount of land to the judeocatholics in Ukraine, expanding borders 10x over.

Communism collapses and judeocatholic khazar demon worshippers escape to USA and Israel, but they never forget their dream homeland.

2014 they hire mercenaries to shoot some people in the street, so they can suspend all law and elections and take power.

2022 Russia doesnt want to get taken over by them again, so they act to limit their power.

Jim #transphobia #sexist #fundie blog.reaction.la

[From "The trans cult"]

First they overlook evil, then they permit evil, then they legalize evil, then they promote evil, then they celebrate evil, then they persecute anyone who still calls it evil

You pretended they were your equal, only to be promptly informed that they were your superior[…]
We feel helpless, we have no authority to call evil evil when the state calls it good[…]Even though my faith is less than a mustard seed, demons still flee before Christ[…]
Hear is a report from girl was caught in the trans cult as a naive teenager[…]but escaped[…]

Its understandable that any young person exposed to this kind of belief system would grow to deeply resent being white, “cis”, straight, or (biologically) male. The beauty of gender ideology is it provides a way to game this system[…]

She should have tried hitting them with the old and new testament[…]
No one tells them about the staggeringly high trans suicide rate, because that would be discriminatory. Women and men are too fundamentally different for transition to work. Testosterone works great for men on a male mind and a male body. Disastrous for a female mind and a female body[…]
Women cannot handle the psychological effects of testosterone, and not all men can handle it[…]
Testosterone was prompting action, but no proper telos, so self destructive action[…]
They generally do not regret being trans, but for some entirely unrelated reason??are apt to commit suicide. Odd that[…]
Then she reads an essay that depicts trans as socially transmitted insanity[…]
She succumbed to social pressure from wicked people[…]Hard for anyone, and much harder for women, to resist wicked social pressure unless you can call it wicked. We have several millenia of ancient wisdom, that is proving useful as the Enlightenment goes full demonic

Kostyantine Lytvynenko #fundie #ufo ibtimes.co.in

As Russia is continuing its killing spree and attack in Ukraine, CBN News' Ukraine Director Kostyantine Lytvynenko has claimed that a UFO which appeared from nowhere unleashed an attack on Russian tanks.

Ukrainians prayed and UFO appeared

Lytvynenko made these claims while talking on the channel's The Global Lane program. According to Lytvynenko, one young man called his father over the phone as Russian troops neared him with deadly weapons.

The father apparently prayed to God to protect people belonging to his church, and the helping hand came from the outside world.

According to Lytvynenko, a UFO appeared from nowhere, and it launched a lightning attack on Russian forces and set ablaze a military tank, Daily Star reports.

David J. Stewart #fundie #dunning-kruger #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Parents who enroll their youth into a state university are feeding their children to the WOLVES! The level of temptation is beyond comprehension in today's ungodly public and state universities. And for that matter, Bible colleges have sadly become a big scam as well...

I was utterly disgusted by what I saw when I attended Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College. Pastor Jeff Redlin is a little man, with a small heart, selfish and abusive toward suffering people. When I told him I was sleeping in Walmart's parking lot, he coldly walked away. When I told him I was divorced and hoping to find a wife, he shamefully mistreat me, scolding me as a 54 year old man for hoping to find a wife at church. What a rotten person!
Parents, if you love your child, do not enroll them into the Devil's college! Save your money. I am not an expert on college advice, but I am a Bible preacher. I would rather be as ignorant as a box of hair, and as uneducated as former war-criminal President George W. Bush, than to be an educated intellectual eating at the Devil's table in a state college.
Also, I am 100% against young women going into the military. Many commit the sin of fornication, adultery, get pregnant and some raped in the Armed Forces. Search the internet if you doubt what I say. However, once they have done so, I always support our troops (unless they go murder innocent people like they did in the Iraqi War). This is why I strongly discourage young people from enrolling in the military. You may be required to go murder innocent people, or face court-martial. You WILL be subjected to the foulest filthy language, perverse jokes and ungodly behavior imaginable. You WILL be screamed and yelled at by your drill instructor, who will use vulgarity beyond your imagination. I'm just giving you a heads-up. Is that what is best for a young Christian man? I think not.

PsalmSeven #homophobia #fundie buzzly.art

I canceled my Disney+ subscription. It was a long time coming... I just can't turn a blind eye to what they're doing anymore. I feel physically sick when I think of all the believers I've known over the years who turned away from the truth and embraced certain sins just because of how cute or sweet or innocent Disney and the rest of western media made it look. Sin won't look like any of those things when we stand before Almighty God. It'll look ugly, which is what it is.

I'm not saying I'm perfect. Honestly even I'm not sure where to draw my lines anymore. I don't want anything to do with what God hates, yet I follow and support artists who post vile things sometimes because most of their work is beautiful. Am I wrong for that? Maybe. These are things I'm still figuring out on a personal level. I will never "like" any of those vile things though.

The actions and beliefs of the rainbow cult are vile.

I choose love instead.

God bless.

Pliggy #fundie #dunning-kruger fldsview.blogspot.com

[From "Religious Religion", in 2008]

There is a reason the FLDS have the most bitter apostates of all other religions. The reason is simple; it is the very most religious[…]Everything about life in the FLDS is part of the religious faith, starting with how life begins and families are formed, to daily habits and interactions, to everything even beyond death. The greater the importance anything is in life, the greater faith and religiously strict it is

But when faith disappears, and is replaced by fear and justification for disobedience to the faith, it is like a light switch being turned off, everything sacred becomes everything hated. We are each light bulbs, and when someone explains most everything as dark, it is pretty obvious that the light bulb of faith is off

Most people are rather indifferent about how other groups of people believe and live. Even though they do have prejudices against them[…]they usually don’t become crusaders without the help of information and leadership from ex members who paint everything possible with the dark colors of bitterness. The worse they make it look, the more support and celebrity they get, and the less likely anyone asks for a second opinion[…]
The apostates and their cult following call them: “forced assigned marriage”, “brainwashed sex slaves”, and “abusive Nazi dictator controlling their lives through fear”. The devil himself couldn’t twist the religion worse, and yet that is not the worst. They include “racial hatred”, and “blood atonement” as some central theme for the FLDS against those who apostatize. Only filthy and murderous hearts would spread such things[…]
It is because of me and my love, and the love others have for these wonderful doctrines and great men, that the apostates and their followers, with the media and government officials who love their dark hearted stories, hate the FLDS; most especially the leader. And it doesn't matter what his name is

Grant Atkinson #homophobia #fundie westernjournal.com

First and foremost, the ad has nothing to do with cookies. There is no reason Oreo should be lecturing its customers about hot-button political issues. No matter what the left says, the issue of LGBT support is a political one, and that brings us to the next problem with this commercial.

Everyone can agree that it is not acceptable to treat people poorly or attack them for their sexuality. The problem arises when it comes to acknowledging this behavior as a sin.

There is a difference between loving someone and endorsing his or her actions.

The Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin, so it is not something Christians should be promoting, no matter what Oreo thinks.

As Christians, we believe loving someone is deeper than just accepting everything about that person. Sometimes love involves addressing a concern with a brother or sister in Christ, uncomfortable as it may be.

In the case of homosexuality, loving a neighbor may look like silently praying for him, or it may look like confronting him in a loving way about his sin. But it does not look like affirming his sin and telling him he is not doing anything wrong.

Commercials like this one suggest the only way to be someone’s “ally” is to cheer on his or her actions, right or wrong.

In the left’s eyes, it is not enough to quietly pray for someone or stay silent publicly on an issue. Instead, they suggest the only way to be loving is to outwardly promote sin.

Geoffrey Grider #transphobia #fundie #crackpot #homophobia #quack #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

Woke Walt Disney Company Leading Charge Against Children, Vows To Help Overturn Florida Parental Rights Bill HB 1577 Designed To Keep Kids Safe

Last year, Disney banned gender from its park greetings, replacing “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, dreamers of all ages,” with “Good evening, dreamers of all ages.” The company is also working overtime to get LGBTQIA2S+-related content onto children’s television screens, with one Disney executive recently lamenting that not enough lead characters is Disney content are “LGBTQIA,” and another admitting Disney encouraged her “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” when she became an employee. If all of that wasn’t enough, Disney CEO Bob Chapek caved to leftists, coming out against Florida legislation that prevents the grooming and sexualizing of children in schools.

enjoymfs #fundie youtube.com

In regards to the Armenian genocide…

Yes, they committed atrocities but they did not commit genocide. Armenians first attacked the Turks and Muslims. They thought attacking a country which is in War against the most powerful countries was an advantage. At the end, they got deported. Now Most of those deported armenians live in the usa, lebanon, syria, iraq, france and Russia

Scott Lively #dunning-kruger #homophobia #fundie scottlively.net

Some homosexual political factions in existence in the early 90s still use the pink triangle on a limited basis, but publication of The Pink Swastika succeeded in stopping that movement-wide campaign, indirectly forcing the “gays” to abandon the pink triangle as the primary symbol of their movement. (They switched to the rainbow.) “They didn’t dare to continue using the pink triangle as their primary symbol, because it would have drawn attention to the damning truth we had published in The Pink Swastika.”

Yes, some effeminate homosexual men aligned with the German Communist Party were in fact persecuted by the masculine/macho homosexual men of the fascist Nazi Party, but it was a relatively small number and they were never targeted for extermination like the Jews. The far bigger story is the widespread homosexuality among the perpetrators.

Solely for making this assertion, and proving it with 400 pages of documentation on the centrality of homosexuality to the Nazi movement, the SPLC has also labeled me a “Holocaust Revisionist,” a nasty lie which is close to the top of the list of “100 Reasons to Hate Scott Lively” that is today posted on the refrigerators of every leftist journalist and political activist on the planet (a slight exaggeration, perhaps).

On the contrary, the cover-up of the homosexual roots of Nazism is one of, if not the greatest feat of historical revisionism the world has ever seen. The sheer volume of documentation that has been suppressed to protect the homosexual movement from its own past is staggering.

Kevin and I are now working on the 5th Edition of The Pink Swastika, a slow process, because, believe it or not, there is still such an enormous volume of additional material that our researchers have uncovered. I am methodically working (in my spare time) through a 3-foot stack of photocopied pages from at least 200 new sources. The 5th Edition may be over 500 pages long by the time we get finished with it.

Importantly, and alarmingly, the claims of The Pink Swastika which link homosexuality with fascism are also being proven by the emergence of a form of homo-fascism in our own society. The forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich is the latest example, but there are many in recent years. “Gay” bullies have become the new Brownshirts (just as they were the original Brownshirts).

Scott Lively #homophobia #fundie archive.ph

After I had surrendered my life to Christ, been delivered from my addictions and started a family of my own, I saw the world in a wholly different light. A nineteen-year old man, who had “come out” as “gay” after being molested seven or eight years earlier, himself molested a four-year-old boy. I was close to both families and watched that child change from sweet and loveable to hyperactive and rage-driven. He never became homosexual himself to my knowledge, but never really recovered either and now in his 40s lives a miserable life of addiction and crime.

Later as my compassion grew for homosexuals, we took in a repentant ex-“gay” who was dying of AIDS. Sonny lived with us for the last year of his life and I was with him when he died. He attributed his homosexuality to being raped at age seven in a YMCA men’s room by a friend of his father. Sonny’s form of Sodom Syndrome compelled him to seek “gay” sex in settings with the strong smell of urine. He never chose to be that way and expressed deep shame in it, but even in his last days in Christ, the pattern burned into his brain by the youthful trauma remained the identity of his flesh while his mind and spirit were freed only through sexual abstinence.

In the earliest days of my ministry I had the pleasure of making friends with Anthony Falzerano, a leader of the ex-“gay” movement. He said the most common denominator in boys who get recruited is a kind-of “father-hunger” due to troubled family relationships, and that this is easily recognized by predators on the prowl because they suffered it themselves. He and other ex-“gay” leaders showed me by example that the cure to homosexual dysfunction is restoration of male normalcy through long-term healthy relationships with fatherly mentors.

My ex-“gay” friend Richard of Portland, OR sought me out in this way after the predator who made him his houseboy at age 12 (his piano teacher) kicked him out and replaced him when he got too old. My fatherly help blessed Richard through some rough times and gave me personal experience in mentoring ex-“gays.” He never went back and is doing well today.

Vox Day #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy #racist voxday.net

[From "Devil Mouse Goes Full Evil"]

Disney is not even attempting to hide its complete devotion to Satan and all his pomps any longer:

A Disney executive in charge of content vowed to up the ante on gender politics during an all-hands meeting, promising that at least half of the characters in its productions will be LGBTQIA or from racial minorities by the end of the year

General entertainment president Karey Burke said during a company-wide Zoom call that Disney must do more to be more inclusive. The call was part of Disney’s ‘Reimagine Tomorrow’ campaign which promises that 50 per cent of characters and content would be from underrepresented groups by 2022[…]

At this point, nuclear fire is about the only thing that is capable of saving Orlando from the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. No Christian, no sane person, no self-interested individual who values indoor plumbing should support the Devil Mouse in any possible way

And remember, what these wicked women are advocating is what “judeo-christianity” actually is. Do you really think they don’t know what their underlings are doing?


spoilerPicture of Mickey being locked in a mousetrap, with the inscription "Die" using Disney's font

Lila Rose #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

The mangled bodies of 5 infants were found miles from the White House but crickets from @DCPoliceDept, @MayorBowser, @JoeBiden. Their alleged killer still operates his chopshop for profit with impunity. Devastating. Do we think children have such little worth?

JE Aggas #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut decodingsatan.blogspot.com

Sacramento false flag shooting on 4/4 the kill number

"kill" = 44 (English Ordinal)
"shooting" = 44 (Full Reduction)
"Sacramento mass shooting" = 326 (Reverse Ordinal) Pelosi's birthday 3/26
3/26/22 was "The Sabbath of the red heifer"
"sabbath of the red heifer" = 1110 (English Sumerian)
"US dollar collapse" = 1110 (English Sumerian)
"Devazia Turner; Joshua Hoye-Lucchesi,; Sergio Harris,; Johntaya Alexander,; Yamile Martinez-Andrade,; Melinda Davis," = 441 (Full Reduction)
"Sacramento mass shooting on April fourth" = 441 (English Ordinal)
"Sacramento shooting April fourth" = 144 (Full Reduction)

"Devazia Turner; Joshua Hoye-Lucchesi,; Sergio Harris,; Johntaya Alexander,; Yamile Martinez-Andrade,; Melinda Davis," = 1026 (English Ordinal)
"mass killing" = 126 (English Ordinal)

Mon, 4 April 2022 = 3rd of Nisan, 5782
3+7+57+82 = 149
"Skull and bones" = 149 (English Ordinal)

"Sacramento shooting on April fourth 2022" = 2223 (Fibonacci)
Kill baby till a year old bill in Sacramento no AB 2223
Shooting happened on the 54th anniversary of the murder of MLK.
From Thu Apr 04 1968 to Mon Apr 04 2022 = 54 years
"Mark of the beast" = 54 (Full Reduction)
"38° 34′ 54″ N, 121° 29′ 40″ W" = 54 (Reverse Full Reduction) (Sacramento)

Matt Walsh #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Whether the abortions were "legal" or not (and it's highly likely they weren't), the victims in DC were fully developed viable infants who were brutalized and dismembered with their brains sucked out of their skulls. If this doesn't shake you to your core, you have no soul.

Brutus977 #racist #dunning-kruger #psycho #fundie #conspiracy worldsnews.quora.com

That’s too bad. It's such a beautiful flag. It was intently designed to strike fear into commie Russia. Hate him all you want but Hitler prevented Stalin from invading all of Western Europe, which was his plan. I’d much rather speak German than Sputnik. German were christians and were viewed as liberators to Stalins regime. Many Russians joined the Wehrmacht to fight against the Soviets conditions were so bad in that country. Alas, the winners write history books. All we hear now is that six gorillion jews died. WHO CARES. It’s been 80 years, We don't need another FAKE Holohoax museum to brainwash children into thinking communism is a good option.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy stewart1611.blogspot.com

The year “1984” is the titled of a popular science-fiction book authored by George Orwell (1903-1950). The book portrays a futuristic police state, in which even thinking as an individual has been criminalized by an oppressive government. In many ways, the book became a foreshadow of the increasing government oppression in America today. Our founding fathers could not have envisioned a woeful time when same-sex marriage, transgendered restrooms and homosexual adoptions would be legalized. Woe unto America!
Know this friend, unarmed citizens effectively have no rights in America! Remember that! Likewise, if you cannot afford to pay tens-of-thousands-of-dollars to hire an attorney, effectively you have no rights in the United States! If Child Protection Services (CPS) targets your family and accuses poor parents of neglect, you are not entitled to a free attorney (as provided for in your Bill of Rights). The thug government gets around the 6th Amendment by charging parents with neglect, which is not legally considered a crime.

The state fully knows that hardly any parents can afford to hire an attorney (which are all very expensive), so by charging the parents with an administrative offense instead of a crime, they can easily confiscate your children and put them up for adoption, drugging and then raping them (even in government custody). There's a special place in Hell for CPS thugs, judges, lawyers and everyone involved who ruin families! You have seen the definition of “evil” until you've met an administrative CPS judge! What scum and filth!
America's second U.S. President, John Adams, wisely stated that the U.S. Constitution was only intended for a society restrained by morality and religious beliefs
The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are being torn apart between liberals and conservatives in U.S. courts. The immoral mess in America today is our own creation. If men will not be ruled by God, then they will be governed by tyrants. This whole transgendered bathroom nightmare today is about satanic mind control. The Luciferians behind the subversion of the United States want to condition everyone to accept their enslavement.

Various Editors #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia conservapedia.com

Public school culture is an atmosphere fostered in public school,[2] especially in the most liberal of public schools, which is characterized by:

anti-white rhetoric and curriculum, critical race theory
prohibition of classroom prayer
sex education, homosexual curriculum and sexual abuse by school personnel has been referred to as a "red-light district" for students
promotion of the homosexual agenda in public schools (see images above), even though other forms of expression, such as displaying the Confederate flag or promoting Bible verses, are persecuted.
rebellious and distracting fashion
facial piercings and rings, tattoos, and male earrings
an absence of objective morality; instead, a principal will say someone "made the wrong choice"
a lack of critical thinking about liberal indoctrination
lewd behavior euphemistically referred to as "PDA" or "Public Display of Affection"
racial discrimination resulting from set cliques of racially homogeneous students
forced tolerance of homosexuality due to school-supported and funded groups
lack of awareness that prayer is censored in public schools and that teachers' unions are very liberal
drug testing
censorship of conservative sources of news and information
violence and school shootings
excessive network abuse
cross-dressing in schools plays, boys wearing girl jeans, powder puff sports, etc.
special concessions for certain ethnic groups and religions while Christianity is ignored
allowing students to opt-out of saying the Pledge of Allegiance
pregnant students being accepted by school officials, and sometimes even pregnancy pacts
acceptance and sometimes even encouragement of abortion and birth control
students impeding traffic by walking on roadways instead of walking on the sidewalk or on the grass going to and from the school bus stop
disrespect for authority figures and high-ranking elected public officials
liberal bias and the inducting of children into liberalism and secularism

Scott Lively #dunning-kruger #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #homophobia scottlively.net

The formidable America First journalist Emerald Robinson has just published a piece titled “Why Does Disney Hire So Many Pedophiles?: The LBGT community has now merged with the pro-pedophile community.” Being young and new to this issue, she doesn’t realize that she has the order reversed. It was the “pro-pedophile community” – more accurately the pederast community – that launched the LGBT movement. Pederasty, the sexual relationships of adult homosexual men with pubertal boys and young men, is the core of “gay” male culture going back to at least the ancient Greeks. It was men of this persuasion who openly dominated the American “gay rights” movement from the ’20s through the ’70s, then retreated into the background when lesbianism came into its own in the mid to late ’80s concurrently with a new movement-wide public relations and marketing strategy. That strategy was outlined in a remarkably frank 1987 article titled “The Overhauling of Straight America,” which was rephrased in more subtle terms and expanded into a full book titled “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s.”

I’m running out of space so I will close with this fact. At the very first national LGBT convention in 1972, 200 groups hammered out the first written “Gay Agenda.” Part 2, Item 7, of that agenda call for “The elimination of all laws governing the age of consent.” That goal has never been repudiated, and in fact, is implicit both in the concept of self-determination for child “transsexuals” just endorsed by Biden, and in the active indoctrination of kindergartners Disney is so desperate to protect by overturning the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” law in Florida.

Patriarch Kiril #wingnut #fundie #racist religiondispatches.org

[Full sermon on Russian here: http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/5914188.html?fbclid=IwAR37VW4l-JKWsxj16MhepsDlU2K0kIRX__18KQNoA9IJRoJ78Ja8PjlkFP8]

But then, about halfway through, the sermon took a turn for the shocking and dangerous. It was at about the point that he acknowledged where he stood: in a cathedral built not so much for the glory of God as for the glory of Russian military might. Here the Patriarch said he had come to address the leaders of their Russian forces, and through them, their troops. He reminded the assembled congregation of Vladimir Putin’s favorite propaganda point in this war: that Russia was fighting fascism in Ukraine just as it had in the Second World War.

And then the Patriarch, whose office was just a few centuries ago (a blink of the eye in the memory of the Christian East) located not in Moscow, but Kyiv, offered up a version of history that simply erases Ukraine from the map. Kirill blames “various forces” (i.e. outsiders, including—one would imagine—the West) that emerged in the Middle Ages for what he regards as a false division between Russia and Ukraine. In fact, he doesn’t even acknowledge there are such people as Ukrainians, referring to all involved parties (including, perhaps, one could speculate, Belarusians) as “Holy Russians.”

Disregarding for a moment how simply, factually wrong Patriarch Kirill’s history is, this sermon does mark a dangerous escalation in the rhetoric coming from the Moscow Patriarchate—and, we can assume, by extension the Russian state. This rhetorical advance is made all the more dangerous by the fact that most in the West won’t even know the sermon happened, let alone be aware of its pernicious implications.

Lila Rose #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

BREAKING: Infant Bodies May Indicate Infanticide After Attempted Abortions The bodies of at least 5 preborn children, some of whom may have been born alive and then killed, have been discovered in Washington DC. Prepare for graphic imagery ahead in this critical thread

Kohath A. Ben Levy #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy #racist haitianisraelites.weebly.com

Most Hebrew Israelites believe that the creator of the universe is “The Most High”(El Elyon). He can be called Ahayah Asher Ahayah(I AM THAT I AM) or Ahayah(I AM(Exodus 3:14)). He is the Elohim(God) of Israel. He and only him is Elohim.

Most Hebrew Israelites believe that the Torah(Law), or the first five books of a Christian bible, Genesis, Exodus,Leviticus, Numbers,Deuteronomy must be observed.
Most Hebrew Israelites believe that the descendants of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade slaves are the true and authentic chilren of Israel from the House of Judah(Levi,Judah,Benjamin) who went to Africa in 70 A.D fleeing Roman Persecution. They use as reference “From Babylon To Timbukto” which states that 1000 000 Israelites fled to Africa during the Roman Persecution and a prophecy found in Deut 28:68, which states that the Hebrew Israelites would return to Egypt(House of Bondage), in ships and no one would redeem them.

Most Hebrew Israelites also believe that the Native Americans and their descendants, known as Hispanics are descendants of the 10 Lost tribes of the House of Israel. According to several Hebrew Israelites' websites, the Native Americans, known as Native Indians, were exiled by the Assyrian King Salmanasar 722 B.C in ships. It took them one year to have gotten to the place, which is known today as America(North, South and Central). No one lived on the place before their arrival.(2nd Esdras 13:45-49, Apocrypha). They also use the pyramid build by the aztecs to support their assertion.
Most Hebrew Israelites believe that this(underneath) is the Twelve Tribe of Israel plus the rest scattered, who should be able to find their tribes by their father's blood.
Judah — Black Americans
Benjamin — West Indians
Levi — Haitians
Simeon — Dominicans
Zebulun — Guatemalans, Panamanians
Ephraim — Puerto Ricans
Manasseh — Cubans
Gad — Native American Indians
Reuben — Seminole Indians
Asher — Colombians, Uruguayans
Naphtali — Argentines, Chileans
Issachar — Mexicans

Pliggy #fundie #dunning-kruger fldsview.blogspot.com

[From "Top Ten Signs You Are A Victim of Religious Persecution"]

10. When people talk about where THEY live it is a four-plex, apartment building or ranch. When they talk about the four-plex, apartment or ranch YOU live at, it is a compound
9. Your religion is constantly referred to as a cult, or a sect
8. The state decides how your children are to worship by taking away their religious documents and scriptures
7. When you move to a state, laws are changed specifically to target your religion
6. The only adults in your state NOT allowed to MARRY at 14 or 16 years old are the members of your congregation
5. Based on looks given to someone in a courtroom, you are now religious fanatics and are prone to violence
4. The state accepts birth certificates as proof of age for everyone, except those practicing your religion
3. You can't have your children back unless you denounce your religion, and take classes learning how to think like them
2. Your leader is put on the top ten most wanted list, and hunted like a terrrorist; for performing a wedding ceremony
1. The children of your religion are hauled away in buses displaying the name of another church

The Seeker #ableist #wingnut #fundie #homophobia reddit.com

(responding to this comic about neurodiversity)

Another propaganda to rebel against normal heterosexual Christian capitalist society.

I've known autistic people in my school

Chatty, rude against teachers, rebelling, not following orders It makes clear sense why they become commies, they want to rebel against the core principles of capitalism and discipline

And if this continues to adult hood and they still don't change This will be a very dangerous thing They might rebel against their boss, or even the law They might commit crime

Since it talks about "keeping it in" It's better to keep something in instead of letting the world hear what BS comes out If only they learned to shut up

Allie Beth Stuckey #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Some Christians say, “Both political sides are bad!” Sure, neither side is perfect. But it’s not even close to equal. Progressivism fully rejects the created order & demeans the Imago Dei at every turn. There is nothing good about it. It’s an exclusively destructive ideology.

MassResistance #fundie #transphobia massresistance.org

Most people don’t realize how the “transgender” propaganda machine has been targeting vulnerable elementary school children across the country – and how helpless parents feel against it. But MassResistance is helping families fight back and stop it!

Children are fed these “gender” lies through the media, school programs, social media, children’s books and magazines, and programs like “Drag Queen Story Hour” events in libraries. And radicalized school counselors and staff have become a big part of the problem. They support children’s descent into these perversions and keep that information from parents.

The brainwashing starts early in the public schools. This extremely seductive and harmful book is in school libraries and classrooms across the U.S.! It glamorizes the story of a boy who eventually had medical interventions and surgeries to “become” a girl. (Check for it in your area and demand that it be removed!)

Emerald Robinson #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #dunning-kruger #fundie emeralddb3.substack.com

In case you think you’re merely witnessing a strategic marketing blunder or something more innocent, I’ve got news for you: Disney issued this statement about the anti-grooming Florida bill after a bunch of their employees got caught in a pedophile sex trafficking bust by the Florida police.

Let me repeat: After. Disney. Employees. Were. Caught. In. Pedophile. Sex. Bust.

This is not an isolated incident with Disney. In fact, you might say that Disney employees get arrested for child porn crimes and child sex crimes on a regular basis.

This is the very definition of pure evil, of course. What right does an entertainment company have to intentionally turn your kids into homosexuals? The answer is: none. We have left the boundaries of rationality and capitalism altogether — and nothing can excuse or explain it. America’s parents are now confronted by people who want to commit felonies on their children under the guise of tolerance.

This is Sodom and Gomorrah stuff. These demons recognize no legal or moral boundaries regarding your kids — and they openly acknowledge as much. The LBGT community has essentially merged with the pro-pedophile community.

It’s time to boycott Disney.

It’s time to stop tolerating the intolerable.

BeardedLuckDragon #ableist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #conspiracy #fundie deviantart.com

Too much hunger leads to obesity and tooth decay, bad body odder and bad breath, diabetes, poor self esteem, encourages usage of hookers and porn, which makes you unattractive and unhealthy, which drops fertility rates. Fertility rates are at a historic low in the West, and I think globally. In 500 years there will be no more Koreans from what scientists can predict. Japan wants to use technology to breed out slaves, ahem, I mean children to feed poisonous crap from supermarkets, since gardens haven't been cool after Able and Caine, Caine who left to build houses after he invented murder in his region, only to die in a house collapse. Lemech was Caine's progeny who went on to murder another man in a fit of rage and a young chap who assaulted him, and Lemech's children invented algebra, animal husbandry/herding, music, and bronze/iron working. Jesus was a carpenter, which are direct out puts of algebra/geometry, agriculture and mining which are the under base of industry, and let's face it sound proof some walls.

Billy Crone #fundie youtube.com

Because the very nature and the whole premise of UFOS is built on a lie? It is called the lies of evolution. And when these things supposedly show up they say, “we’re aliens a higher evolved race.” Stop right there. Evolved? Wait a second. Evolved, evolution, evolution is not true. We have a 42 week study deep on exposing the lies of evolution. We came from God. We didn’t come from the goo, to the zoo, to me and you. We came from God.

Lauren Handy #fundie #psycho theguardian.com

Five sets of human fetal remains were recovered from the Washington DC home of an anti-abortion activist after a raid, the capital’s Metropolitan police department confirmed to the Guardian on Thursday.

The activist, a woman named Lauren Handy, 28, is a leader of the group Progressive Anti-Abortion uprising (PAAU) and has described herself as a “Catholic anarchist” in the past.

Local television station WUSA9 reported remains were carried out in red biohazard bags on Wednesday. Handy’s only comment at the time was: “People will freak out when they hear.”

Authorities have not disclosed the source of the fetal remains. Handy also claimed on Twitter to be inspired to “liberate” fetal remains “from med [sic] waste companies and give them a proper burial”.

Although Handy recently claimed to have “gained access” to a fetal tissue and organ bank at the University of Washington in Seattle, the university said its cold storage area was locked and nothing was taken. Handy was separately indicted on Wednesday for forcing entry into a Washington DC abortion clinic in 2020 October.

“On March 9th myself & [sic] fellow activists gained access to University of Washington’s fetal organ labs & freezers,” Handy claimed on Twitter on 23 March. She also retweeted pictures posted by PAAU that show the contents of a cold room at the University of Washington.

The university cold room contained brown bags, in which donated fetal remains dating back to the 1960s were stored inside new containers. The university said the remains were there as they were in the process of completing regulatory steps, “so that the respectful cremation can occur”.

On Wednesday, federal prosecutors indicted Handy on charges of blockading a Washington DC abortion clinic, where she allegedly claimed to be a patient to gain entry. She and eight co-defendants could face up to 11 years in prison and $350,000 in fines if found guilty.

Prima Scriptura #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #fundie forum.nationstates.net

(Conversation context wouldn’t fit in the character limit)

Hmm, I knew had SSA before middle school. I went a Catholic school from 3rd-8th grade, and homosexuality was brought up once in a Catholic sex-Ed lesson, that I actually missed that day. It was in 6th or 7th grade. The series was form the 80s and was called “In God’s image”
Either way, it’s not the Schools place to affirm one’s sexual feelings, attractions or actions. People go to school for an education, not to be indoctrinated into a leftist view of sexuality. The fact that the far-left and the radical LGBT activists want to expose young children to their lifestyle is deeply disturbing. I mean, the LGBT activists have tried their hardest to end the notion that LGBT adults recruit children, which I have personal experience with when I went to a church that was a MCC Church. At that time I was only 14-15 and I was sexually accosted.

The topic of homosexuality and transgenderism shouldn’t be brought up until high school.

This is the last reply I’m giving you. You blasphemous “joke” of the most Holy Trinity was unacceptable. Once again, you will be in my prayers.

Scott Lively #homophobia #biphobia #fundie scottlively.net

American and Russian Conservatives Would be Best Friends and Partners Against Globalism if not for Non-Stop Anti-Russian Propaganda by the Leftist and Neocon Media.
Dr. Lively talks about the very positive implications of the BBC’s negative coverage of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposal to honor God and protect marriage in the new Russian Constitution. Ironically, the BBC accusation that Putin is pandering to the Russian people by making this proposal confirms that this is exactly what the people want!

Dr. Lively offers his own first hand observations of the moral conservatism of the Russians in his three trips to Russia and discusses the importance of Russia’s firm rejection of Marxism and re-embrace of the Orthodox Church as the primary cultural influence in the post-Soviet Russian Federation, while the United States has trended in the opposite direction as evidence by the Socialist/Communist showdown in the unfolding Democratic Primary.

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