
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #conspiracy #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Second Klan and Modernism"]

In the early 1920s, the Second Klan was on the other side of the culture war between Victorians and Moderns that I have been describing in recent weeks. In fact, the rise of the Second Klan was more about national identity and this cultural and moral breakdown than it was about race.

The Second Klan appealed to Old Americans descended from the founding stock – White Anglo-Saxon Protestants – who lived in small towns and rural areas in the South, Midwest and West and who supported Prohibition and traditional moral values. This is why the Klan is so reviled while gangsters who killed far more people than the Klan ever did are romanticized in shows like Boardwalk Empire.
There really was a culture war and the Klan was on the losing side. Traditional moral values really were under attack by Jews and Modernists.[…]
I’ve seen some people in the comments trying to argue that everything was fine in the Roaring Twenties because of the triumph of immigration restriction in 1921 and 1924, eugenic sterilization laws and segregation. This ignores the fact that the opponents of all these things and of the Second Klan were still rising and gaining ground in this era. Henry Ford, for example, eventually had to suspend publication of The Dearborn Independent because of opposition from Jews. The Second Klan also faced implacable opposition from mainline Protestantism and the media.
There were only a few Jewish academics like Boas in the 1920s and they were already having a deleterious effect. By the 1950s though, the American intelligentsia had become half Jewish.

Klarn #racist stormfront.org

RE: Did any Blacks during Reconstruction support Segregation?

Did any blacks during Reconstruction support Segregation? I ask this because I read and heard James Eastland say that during Reconstruction that there were Black Politicians during that voted for Segregation poll taxes and separate but equal laws.

The thing most dumb white sheep seem to forget is, most southern states legislatures were filled with loyal black puppets and liberal white trash. Most returning Confederate Vets could not vote. All rights could have been restored to blacks during this reign of Terror. They were not. Why? During this reign, black legislatures voted to fill there pockets instead of helping there own race.

Blacks overwhelmingly wanted segregation, there own schools, communities and as the linked essay points out, the Negros began pulling out of white churches not long after Appomattox to build there own churches. They just wanted to do it with whitey's tax money. They wanted segregation because they wanted " black power" free from the guiding hand of wisdom they use to enjoy under the watchful eye of the white race. Just look at the results of that decision today. These once magnificent city's were turned into ghettos almost overnight. In short you can lead the Niggra race to water, but you can't make them drink.

BummerDrummer #racist incels.is

RE: [Discussion] Being fascinated by primitive body modification

you love primitive ooga boogas in Rwanda getting their bottom lips turned into stone discs dude I’m done. if you’re black or have ancestry from there it makes sense but if you’re anything else there is a mental illness problem with you


Stretching my cock through a stone tube with a nail in the middle doesn’t really scream “elegance” to me bro.

not all cultures are the same. Some are primitive retarded chimp cultures. Drinking cow piss and rubbing cow shit on yourself for Vishnu, putting a stone circle through your cheek, most modern feminist neoprogressive “‘Melting pot’ cultures”, etc. are all just shit.

Except the melting pot culture is the western culture. I'm precisely talking about societies that have been preserved by our way of life. Neo progressism is a materialistic void that steals from traditionnal cultures all over the world.

No that’s globalist Jewish culture. Western culture hasn’t been the main culture since the 1940’s. Your societies that you talk about are just shitholes. They didn’t do anything ever, their culture is shitting in a hut and getting stone tablets put in their skull.

BummerDrummer #racist #fundie incels.is

You need to stop being this delusional. Jesus was a Semite, an Arab, a Jew, a Middle Easterner, a desert dweller, etc. There's truly nothing more hialrious than a pigskin coping with Jzuz was HUYITE so they dont have to face the reality that their race worships a brown man

Read the Bible on Jesus’s conception. HE DIDNT COME FROM ARABS. Jesus Christ is god in the flesh. He did not have a mother or father. Mary could have been green and christ would not be green. We simply don’t know. We do know a little from the Bible but different verses describe different things. Jesus is brown why? Where he lived was irrelevant. He didn’t come from that land, he came from god himself.

The coping is more deluisonal than ITcels. WHo the fuck is Mary then, dumbass?

Mary was not Christ’s mother, simply Christ’s Vessel of birth. Jesus’s flesh was entirely created by god. It makes mention of people being cleaned white though all the time in the Bible. I don’t know if a nonwhite can tell someone they will be a white in heaven. Seems a little sus to me. Daniel 12:10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Once you are Saved™ and made pure then you are considered white. And of course the wicked (retards, homers, negroids, chinks you can blindfold with dental floss, wetbacked mexicans, and the like) will say, "Oh, that's just not right." They don't get it. They CAN'T get it. The Bible tells us that God does not want them to understand. He KNOWS it is beyond their comprehension! Glory to God! It's all so easy...

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "I (heart) Residential Schools"]

Today is "Orange Shirt Day", when whiny far-left Red Indian activists try to make it sound like the Residential School system was a bad thing.

This is, of course, based entirely on a lie. Residential schools, in case you didn't already know, were simply how the British took it upon themsleves to exercise their treaty mandate of providing primitive savages with an advanced technical and cultural education. In fact, it was based on a system of education that, while considered horrible by modern "educators" who can't teach Johnny to read in a mere 12 years, was one of the main drivers of British exceptionalism around the globe: specifically boarding schools.


So already the two big "issues" that Red Indians and their far-left toys in the CBC always drum up ("abuse" and "ripping children from their families") isn't something at all unique to the Residential Schools: they were a common feature in the most advanced education system on the planet at the time. Indeed, this system was mirrored relatively closely in other British colonies: New Zealand, Australia, America, and India.

India provides an interesting case: in that country as well primitive non-whites were put into the British boarding school system...and thrived. Why do you think everything from your computer support line to your Revenue Canada phone scams are originating from over there? Given that IQs follow race more than country of origin, it's impressive that India is doing as strongly with their racial makeup as they are. Who to thank for that? British education.

It didn't "take" with Red Indians for some reason. We leave it up to the reader to figure out why on earth that might be.

David J. Stewart #fundie #racist #god-complex stewart1611.blogspot.com

Acts 4:10-12 says that salvation is NOT found in any other name, than the precious name of Jesus of Nazareth. I will never call Him "Yeshua," the angel announced to Joseph in a dream that the only begotten Son of God's name is "JESUS" (Matthew 1:21-23). If Jews are too proud to trust in the name of a humble carpenter from Nazareth, then they don't get God's grace! 1st Peter 2:7 says to those who believe, the name of Jesus is precious! That's why I made my website called: JESUS IS PRECIOUS.ORG!!! I like that name.

I have battled depression for the past 14 years, since my wife divorced me in 2006. I have lived alone, not by choice, but simply because I've not been able to find a woman to date and hopefully marry. Guam is a small island, with few activities, and it's difficult to meet people here, especially for a fundamentalist Bible-believing Christian. I tried to move away in 2013, but it turned into a big disaster, and I came back broken and worn out in body and soul. It is a big burden for me to live each day alone, getting older each year, and seeing my life feeling so empty. My website ministry is the silver lining that keeps me going. We each suffer in different ways, and this is my burden.

Plus I suffer with constant chronic neck pain, which I've had since 2004 and get disability. The disability is a blessing, God willing. One day at a time. I am now 53. If I live to see it, I'll be 70 in a skip and a heartbeat. I have so much pain in my past, and in my soul, but if God can use all that to help others in Christ, then I am glad to suffer and be of use to my great Savior. I am so unworthy. I feel like Jacob who said in Genesis 32:10, "I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands." God is always good.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

The heart of the book is a series of interviews with leading figures and activists of contemporary nationalism, including Jared Taylor, who reportedly told the author:

Our species is tribal. It is normal to prefer the culture, manners and way of life of one’s own people. That is why, despite the government’s great efforts to encourage immigration and racial mixture, Americans remain for the most part separate. . . . It is obvious that diversity—of language, religion, ethnicity, but above all diversity of race—is an endless source of conflict. My book White Identity is a detailed description of the problems resulting from diversity and from Americans’ refusal to face them. The United States has gone very far in the matter of diversity, and I hope that France—a country I know, admire and love—will not repeat the same mistakes.

Mr. Taylor explained that some Italians and Poles, like American blacks, have retained a group consciousness that white Americans have mostly lost, but noted that whites have not always lived like this:

The coherence of our culture is well illustrated by ancient Greece or the Gothic Age which reflected societies that had a common purpose and lasting values. People like me are motivated by that culture and that heritage. My race has an inherent value that obliges us, biologically and culturally, to want to survive . . . . For us, there is no alternative to being white. But whites have the peculiarity of being altruistic. This altruism expressed itself in white involvement in the Civil Rights movement for blacks . . . . Whites think they are proving themselves virtuous by being altruists. This white altruism is specific to my race, and it is a handicap.

chusuton #racist amren.com

Actually the 90% white wasn't really so homogeneous but what mattered was the sub-groups were prepared to integrate. Granddaddy Drumpf did not keep insisting the Kaiser was the good guy in WW1.

What messed up was post-1965 Latinx importing which USA Inc thought was just an extension of the Trans-Atlantic white movement from 1870-1930. In other words Daddy Cruz = Granddaddy Drumpf

Unfortunately they brought in lots of white Latinx who had earlier re-engineered their own minds to claim native status and to regard the USA as the enemy. The mentality was to blame all the problems of colonialism on white Anglos who had almost nothing to do with what happened much earlier.

Once the Latinx came in large numbers, socio-political divisions similar to their home countries, including their former overlords Portugal and Spain, were brought in.

As late as 1930s-1970s, the Iberian countries were still ruled by military dictatorships Same for a sizable chunk of their ex-colonies.

While Anglo whites maintained a stable political system in USA & Canada, the list of presidents in these Latinx countries is incredibly long, indicating the amount of civil strife, internal rebellions, class and regional differences.

The current cartel culture in which bosses are the feudal lords until they are bumped off by rivals is an extension of the historic Spanish-Latinx system.

Henry Calvin #racist amren.com

How a White Pastor Became a Race Realist

The second incident involved an African pastor from a nearby church. We regularly pray for persecuted Christians across the world, so we invited him to come and speak to our prayer group about the horrific persecution of Christians in his native land. He agreed to come, but first emailed us a video of a businesswoman in his country addressing a class of white American high school students. She spent 20 minutes talking about how comfortable and prosperous her home city was, how many shopping malls it had, etc. Then she rebuked these children for daring to imagine that her country was poor and in need of their pity. I couldn’t believe what this woman was saying — and I couldn’t believe a fellow pastor had sent me her comments in response to my benevolent invitation.

My congregation found these incidents quite hurtful and utterly incomprehensible. As a good pastor interested in global missions, I started doing some research into trying to understand Africa and Africans. In doing so, I came to realize that it is my own tribe that is in decline, and worthy of pity and charity. Just as in America, the white majority in Britain will not last for more than a few more decades — and we may become practically extinct within a century. I now believe that our compassionate God wants white Christians to wake up and to redirect our resources towards bringing healing and redemption to our own people. We’ve done our duty to the world. Now the world needs to step back and let us heal ourselves for the next century or so.

Simon Black #wingnut #racist sovereignman.com

Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

Beethoven is a symbol of “exclusion and elitism”
The woke mob is attempting to cancel one of the most famous pieces of music in history – Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.

Their aim? To thwart “wealthy white men who embraced Beethoven and turned his symphony into a symbol of their superiority and importance.”

Come again?

Prior to Beethoven in the mid 1700s, lower class Europeans would regularly attend symphonies. And they were apparently quite a rowdy bunch– hooting and hollering all throughout the performance, like a modern day rock concert.

Around the time that Beethoven rose to prominence in the early 1800s, however, the lower classes were excluded from attending symphonies because they didn’t keep quiet and applaud at the appropriate time.

So today’s woke mob believes that by playing or enjoying Beethoven’s Fifth, you are glorifying the exclusion of poor people, and by extension, women and minorities.

Christian Lüth #racist #wingnut #psycho dw.com

The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) on Monday sacked its former spokesman Christian Lüth for reportedly inhumane comments about migrants.


Meeting the Youtube influencer Lisa Licentia in Berlin’s Newton Bar on February 23, Lüth is reported to have told her that the AfD used provocative tactics.

"The worse it goes for Germany, the better for the AfD," Lüth is quoted as saying, adding the party would otherwise be polling just 3%.

Asked by Licentia, whether it was in the AfD interest that more migrants came, Lüth is reported to have replied: "Yes, because the AfD does better."

"We could later shoot them all. That’s not at all the issue. Or, gassing, or whatever you want. It’s the same to me," Lüth is quoted as saying.

ProSieben did not identify the "high-ranking AfD functionary," it secretly recorded in its documentary "[Far]-Right, German, Radical."

However, Zeit said it had decided, based on its further research, to reveal the name because of the "special public interest."

BummerDrummer #racist #wingnut incels.is

Its not your nation nor has it ever been you retarded cumlet LMAO. For starters this land wasn't even cumskins to begin with.

The conquest of 10,000+ nomadic tribes in the stone age, then building it up for 500 years into the most developed part of the world /=/state mandated mass migrations into already existing nations. BUT, If this was 1500 or something I would have advocated for us leaving the natives alone. But the European conquest of America in the 1500's and the massive border crisis are not the same and that's very very clear.

Your sending them back to NOTHING. Immigrants helped build this country. You don't get to just say, "Aw shucks guys, we're doing fine now, have fun in your piece of shit countries now that ours is sustained and built." you moonshine drinker.

There comes a point where I think the home race or home culture has paid these immigrants in full via generational wealth. Yes, you were a slave, but now your great great great grandchild has an iphone and a car and is doing this and that when if it never happened he would have died at 10 eaten alive in Rwanda.

If whites wanted to have their magically whitey utopia they should have thought of that years ago. Its too late now. No one is leaving, and no one should have to just because cumskins have a problem not being garbage. In fact you're dying out. Your kind wont even exist a few centuries from now, and you can thank your ancestors for that.

Let's say though for the sake of "what ifs" that you are right. America should be a melting pot or whatever. How do you justify mass migrations into countries who have been 100% white since its inception? Sweden, Denmark, Norway, I mean how do you justify the mass migrations to these areas? They didn't do anything. If you won't answer anything above, please answer this.

BummerDrummer #racist #wingnut incels.is

RE: [JFL] [Racepill] The "warnings" section on a support forum for sex workers in the UK mainly describe low-tier ethnics

Well that's just because nonwhites (especially first gen immigrants) are uncivilized, stupid, and insane/violent to the point they do crazy acts. Doesn't mean there's an already prexisting thing against them. Ironically, they don't want to put nonwhites on lists in fear of being called "racist" so it has to be really really bad for people to put a nonwhite on a warning section. Oh well though. These whores are probably liberals who vote to have these guys come in by the millions so obviously this is a consequence of that. I would say that this would make them more inclined to stop the open borders policy but we both know that won't happen and they will continue importing these people.

"[RACEPILL] Blacks are put disproportionately on the violent crime mugshot list" IQ of this thread

Maybe its because he isn't humam trash like you or your cousin fucking family. Belive it or not you can exist on planet earth without shitting on people for not having cumskin. Its ironic you're calling him insecure when cumskins have been inventing names for non whites solely because of their insecurity. Or at least thats what I've read in human books.

Nothing wrong with wanting you out of my nation, made by my people. You go to your nation, made by your people. My land for me, your land for you. Erase globalism that causes so many of these issues. Simple concept. If racism is a big thing and whites are so bad, please tell me why you want to live here. Surely you would be happier and better off in your own country? I'd even go as far as to say that we should literally pay the boat or plane toll for you to go. Send them off in semi comfortable boats off to their original homeland where they can build utopias, and we can build ours.

Various Racists #racist amren.com

RE: FBI: Blacks Made up 55.9% of Known Murder Offenders in 2019

It's transparent that forced integrations results in white children being raped and murdered by blacks. Liberals know this. They want it to happen even more. It's very deliberate.

Imagine how much higher the murdering of whites by blacks would be if there was large scale integration, 50 years or so ago.

true, and it will keep getting worse...ie President Kamala

How many of those murders committed by "Whites" are really done by Latinos? Considering how the feds love to twist facts, this is certainly a valid question.

The "white" criminals are mostly hispanic and Middle Eastern.

Well, obviously, if White America had ponied up a few trillion $$$ for reparations back during LBJ's "Great Society", then today's blacks would not have to resort to all this violence to enhance their status in "da hood". They would be rocket engineers and such. Heck, with their mathematical genius, we probably would have colonies on Mars by now.

White supremacy = excellence/create.

Black supremacy = murder/loot/burn.

We have to accept the fact that if we expose whites to ‘Game of Thrones’ type nonstop violence, it will increase the rate at which they murder by 4x. If we expose blacks to the same type of programming ‘entertainment’ it will increase the rate at which they murder by 8x. Constant exposure to this type of ‘entertainment’ only doubles the rate at which Asians murder.

(Asmodeous Rex)
In light of these sobering and alarming statistics, can we conclude that young black males are almost useless. No one wants slaves these days so they could not even be re-enslaved. Perhaps if there were a great war, they could be used as fodder on the battlefield.

(Fed Up)

Blacks in the USA have a median IQ of 85. Hispanics are a notch above that, at 89. Yet you write about them as if they are gold.

Great idea. Mexicans would also make good battlefield fodder - as you put it.

Ambrose Kane #racist amren.com

Once again, instead of just saying "NO!" to the invading 'migrants' and securing the borders with armed troops, the scared sheep among us talk about 'investing' in the Dark Continent and other schemes which will prove to be a colossal failure as they always do. You could give every African male in Africa a great job. At some point they’d still head to Europe to try to mate with White women. Better to invest in armies and border control. Nothing will stop mass immigration from Africa to Europe other than a pair of brass testicles for each man in charge of immigration enforcement in Europe. When they're unwilling to deport anybody, and unwilling to send refugee boats back to Libya (and then destroy the boats) Europeans will suffer the fate of any other group that refuses to defend their most vital interests - extinction.

Imagine going back in time, say 100 years ago, to any Western nation. Tell them that there will come a time when their cities are nonwhite, nonwhites taken important jobs, their kids are shamed for being white and white cops will arrest them for fighting back or speaking out against the invasion. They'd laugh and think you were crazy.

It's so true. But one doesn't even have to go back as far as 100 years. Just 50 or even 30 years ago, people would have laughed at you for making such claims.

Even Enoch Powell in 1968 got ridiculed by White Brits for his "Rivers of Blood" speech warning. They'd either say "it won't happen" or, even if they agreed nonwhites would take over, would say "Yeah, so what? Whites deserve it/we are all human beings, why does color matter?"

These laughing whites will learn that color does matter when the non whites come to kill them off.

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

[ToxicFemininity] Noodlewhore blames love of white cock on white people

There are so many gross things about Asian men criticizing Asian women for dating outside their race but one of the worst parts is that it's just Asian men blaming Asian women for a problem that literally white people started. Like these Asian incels are mad that Asian women won't date them but all this emasculation or whatever you want to cry about started with white people. Not other Asians. Stop lashing out at the wrong group of people ??

It seems like women can't do anything without being controlled by some outside force. If it's not the patriarchy, then it's white people. But women are strong and independent btw. Don't lash out at the group that actually rejects and insults you bro. Lash out at these random motherfuckers instead just because they're white. Nice try noodlefoid. :feelskek:

women in general are incapable of taking accountability for anything. Even when they take accountability for something they are quick to point out that they aren't really accountable anyways. Absolutely infuriating to deal with, I am glad the amount of time I spend with women now is limited.

Is every woman a pathological liar and blame artist? Seriously, I have never seen one admit responsibility for their actions in a sincere, non-virtue signalling way.

yes, that's why for thousands of years they where never given power in society to any extent.

i'm disappointed that they managed to manipulate the pre-boomers into giving them rights.

My head imploded from an internal hydrogen bomb when I read that and then Tzar Bomba finished it off when I saw how many likes. Its too much literally EVERYTHING CAN BE BLAMED ON WHITEY. The lines between irony and reality are blurred beyond recognition.

Donald Trump #wingnut #racist abcnews.go.com

In the face of broad criticism, including from key GOP senators, President Donald Trump on Wednesday addressed his failure to condemn white supremacist groups at Tuesday's debate.
Leaving the White House for campaign appearances in Minnesota, Trump told reporters he doesn't know who the "Proud Boys" are -- despite having told the far-right group, which reportedly has described itself as "Western chauvinist" but not white supremacist, to "stand back and stand by" at the debate.
"I don't know who the Proud Boys are. I mean, you'll you have to give me a definition because I really don't know who they are. I can only say they have to stand down, let law enforcement do their work," Trump said of the group which has staged counter protests in cities like Portland that have experienced recent violence.
But asked directly on Wednesday if he would denounce white supremacy, Trump claimed he has always denounced it -- yet once again didn't use the words "white supremacy."
"I've always denounced -- any form, any form, any form of any of that -- you have to denounce," Trump said.
Asked on Wednesday morning if he found the president's comments concerning, GOP Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina -- the only African American in the Senate -- suggested the president misspoke and should "correct it."
"I think he misspoke in response to Chris Wallace's comment. He was asking Chris what he wanted to say. I think he misspoke. I think he should correct it," Scott told Capitol Hill reporters.
"If he doesn't correct it, I guess he didn't misspeak," he added.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, asked directly if it's a problem that the president did not directly condemn white supremacy, said he agreed with Scott's criticism, calling Trump's failure "unacceptable."
Sen. Lindsay Graham, another close ally of Trump's, also aligned himself with Scott's statement via Twitter.

Various Incels #sexist #racist incels.is

RE: currywhores' self-hate is about to pass noodles'.Currywhores have been running wild lately at FDS.


And who's gonna marry these ugly currywhores? JFL. From my experience white men hate currywhores are hated more niggerwhores.

Here in Canada they're giving Asian a run for their money. So many white guys are with Indian and Sri Lankan femoids, I'm surprised it isn't brought up more by currycels.

Curry cunts are the worst. Sand sluts and rice bitches are not as bad as curries. They truly despise their male counterparts, on a level that the other two groups have yet to match.

Just look at that disgust they have for currymen these foids won't hesitate to shower currymen in Zylon B at all, and that hypocrisy of hating someone just for existing cos he can't cook :feelskek: :feelskek: , these foids only need one currycuck to betabuxx but they won't flinch a second to curse and abuse all currymen, most of which don't even talk with whores like these, and remain to themselves all through their lives like me, most of my friend are incels.


Most currywhores are hairy as fuck and basically psychotic. I've been around curries my whole life and fuck me I feel sorry for the men. I've seen what they have to put up with from the women and what hard work they are.

At the bar last weekend I observed a curry foid absolutely worshiping some white normie. Was like watching a living black pill.


It’s common in Indian culture, they’ve got a lot of BIG skin whitening industries over there

Nothing to do with Indian culture, where it’s imposed largely on women. It’s just another Westernised Ethnic whore.

Westernisation is brutal for ethnics. Just look at all the refugee whores in Norway and Sweden. All have white normie boyfriends.

There used to be this 8/10 Iraqi JB in Sweden who migrated as a refugee studying Medicine and now go look at her instagram and her bf is literally a 6/10 Swede. Brutal.

Arab #sexist #racist incels.is

Ultimate proof arab women are traitors

This girl said arab men belong to latinas

All the arab women said arab men are trash and the latinas can have them

Then a guy said he liked white girls more than arab girls and all the arab cuck white knight faggots came into defend arab race traitor whores


That’s the exact opposite of race traitor. The Arab guy said he liked white women more which is the race traitorous act.

Arab women sold arab men out. How are they gonna say that. They are traitors.

Donald Trump #wingnut #racist abc.net.au

Trump said he ended racial sensitivity training because it was 'racist'

"We were paying people hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach very bad ideas and frankly very sick ideas, and really they were teaching people to hate our country, and I'm not going to do that, I'm not going to allow that to happen," Trump said.

"They were teaching people that our country is a horrible place, it's a racist place, and they were teaching people to hate our country and I'm not going to allow that to happen."

Kelleigh Nelson #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #fundie newswithviews.com

Most conservatives understand that Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa are communist organizations and are committed to overthrowing America’s culture, society and constitutional order. BLM was founded in 2013 by three black women who are avowed Marxists. They are also prophetesses of demonic darkness.

Antifa was founded in Germany in 1932;they promoted communism over fascism. The two organizations work diligently together fomenting anarchy, along with dozens of smaller communist and Islamic groups, under the guise of eliminating police brutality against black Americans, which national statistics have proven to be false. We are not experiencing a wave of social unrest generated by injustice or police brutality. We are watching an insurrection in progress, one which uses police violence as a pretext, but which has as its goal the destruction of the existing social, economic and political order in the United States.

Most Americans do not understand the demonic reality of Marxism and the communist infiltration of every facet of American society, peoples and culture.

Hunter Wallace #racist #dunning-kruger occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Retreat of Racial Science"]

At the beginning of the 20th century, America was still in the Victorian era. American identity was White, Anglo-Saxon (in culture), Protestant and liberal and republican in principles. There was an overwhelming national consensus in support of progress, traditional moral values and the Anglo-American literary canon. The dominant aesthetic was New England and Appalachian Regionalism.

American dominant ethnicity looked something like the left hand column before the big Victorian-to-Modern cultural transition that we are exploring:

["American Dominant Ethnicity" vs. "Avant-Guard Community"][…]

In 1910, race was still considered an objective biological reality. There was no moral stigma attached to either White identity or the belief that racial differences exist. The development of “antiracism” was still in the future and occurred largely in New York in the 1920s and 1930s.

This was not an isolated change. It was part of a larger sweeping cultural change that unsettled and transformed everything in America in the interwar years: manners, morals, national identity, gender roles, dress, art, literature, music, dance, architecture, religion, psychology, etc.


Before the 1910s, America was characterized by regional cultures dominated by their metropoles. Boston was the cultural capital of America. In the 1920s though, New York became the largest metropolitan area in the world and the cultural capital of the United States. It reduced other metropolitan areas into its satellites. The culture of the New York avant-garde became “mainstream” culture.

Silence DoGood #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy #racist townhall.com

Silence DoGood: Not a fan of Islam at all. Of the three Abrahamic religions, Christianity is the most peaceful and protective of individual rights, while Islam is a distant second, and Talmudic Judaism, the driving factor behind Communism, is the biggest murder operation in world history, with 100 million dead in a century.

Between Judaism and Islam, 350 million have been slaughtered in the last 1,400 years.

Blair: "Talmudic Judaism, the driving factor behind Communism..."

Uh, I think you mean atheism. Both Stalin and Hitler exterminated Jews, using them paradoxically as scapegoats for their own regressive policies. Both went on to persecute Christianity and other religions (which didn't acknowledge the supremacy of the State) as well. Same thing with China, who even picked on Muslims and Buddhists.

Silence DoGood: No, Talmudic Judaism.

The Talmudic Jews resorted to atheism and Communism, but they were raised Talmudic Jews.

Nothing new. This is why Titus destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D. The Romans were tired of the Talmudic Jewish plots to rule the world. Many Jews oppose Israel and Communism, and the dirty truth is, both were funded and backed by the same bankers.

The Talmudic backers of Hitler and Stalin, lost control of both of them. And they even funded the destruction of their fellow Jews.

But, when the Bolsheviks took over Russia, it was Christian churches being destroyed, not synagogues.

Cui Bono,

Follow the money.

Anthony Sutton has many great books accurately detailing how the Talmudic owners of the Federal Reserve funded Communism and Hitler.

Anonymous #racist #fundie 8kun.top

[On a story about an Alaskan man who married an Inupiaq woman]

Having offspring that are an abomination due to polluted DNA is not ‘ideal’. Those kids will have all the problems all race mixed bastards have. No people, no culture and the will never be White or ever have the divine spark in them ever. It is like he murdered himself by fucking a subhuman and dissolved himself in pollution for nothing, for a non-human hole. This is far from ideal. So he can scrabble around like an Ape and live like an animal…he destroyed whatever remained of higher reasoning since his children cannot inherit anything but their mothers animal genetics. There is a reason native are worthless drunks who are leeches on society. THAT is what he chose for himself and the way he chose to end his lineage forever.

Alphabet Agency Alert Award

Anonymous #racist #wingnut #psycho 8kun.top

The only thing of any importance to a White Nationalist movement in the United States should be armed and active terrorism against the military, banking institutions, defense contractors and their employees, tech firms and their employees, and jews of any occupation.

Every other thing like "creeping sharia", China, or socialism in South America that the kike media wants to put in your face is irrelevant. The fight is here.

starcrapoo #racist #sexist incels.is

[RageFuel] I can't pick up my burrito without encountering WMAF couples. I don't wanna live here anymore. Society is proud of their inhumane disregard.

After a whole afternoon of playing world of warcraft, masturbating, and thinking about how awful my financial situation and life is in general, that fucking stung me. The only good thing was that there was a couple of non-Whites waiting in line and that they were able to witness what I saw and what the workers saw. How is this fair? Surely they must've saw and felt some pity for me as I walked in and noticed them. They were probably wondering how I would react as a lonely Asian male walking into a restaurant and encountering two WMAF right in front of me.

I wanna move out to bumfuck central california where all of the red Trump voting counties are. I just can't fucking take it anymore. I'd rather get called chink and have my life threatened regularly than live in the bay area where lots of Asians live near affluent liberal whites. Who genuinely don't give a fuck about how hard we Asian men have it and proceed to make it worst. They know what they're doing is bad because I can see those WMAF immediately turn their heads away when I first notice them and they notice me.

I hope you guys are fucking proud of what you guys done and the very least I ask of you is that you don't condemn me for being bitter, miserable, frustrated, extremist, and disillusioned. I should have known better than to go outside on a weekend in the bay area ESPECIALLY since today was around 90 - 95 degrees. But then again I know that someday things will get better as American society sinks further and further to meaningless irrelevance because of their dwindling numbers of the core group.

Silence DoGood #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut #racist pjmedia.com

DesertDawg: Hitler created a false narrative about Poland attacking Germans, got Germany worked up against Poles, and then kicked off the invasion leading the world to war.

Now, 81 years later, you're still following the socialist propaganda model to gin up fake hate and conspiracies against your fantasy enemy, the Jews.

It's truly laughable and pathetically sad at the same time.

Wallow in your hate.

Silence DoGood: Hitler was no angel. However, I don’t appreciate your silly ad-hominems, which you’ve been trained by the Jewish media, schools, and tech companies to use since birth. Of course, you may well be a Pharisee headed for hell yourself. You actually, like your father the Devil, are a massive liar.

Germany was wronged by the bankers in World War 1. They tried for peace numerous times, and were denied, then were raped with the Versailles treaty. Then the bankers took the weakened Germany, and spread their filth and degeneracy to return to make Germany Communist. That was given a sudden shock, when the J*wish Communist leaders, Luxembourg and Leibnicht, were executed in 1919. You cannot separate Judaism from Communism. They are tied together. And, if I had seen the terror and horror the Jewish Bolsheviks caused in Russia, I would have been wary of Jewish Communists too.

Hitler merely tried to reclaim the land that belonged to Germany before World War 1. As soon as he kicked the CFR bankers out of Germany, the bankers roiled the whole world, to get control of their money again.

One more of your slanderous lies, you corrupt, lying, dimwitted simpleton, and you’re blocked.

Based Frog #elitist #wingnut #racist #sexist rebelreformer.wordpress.com

Oppression of Most People is Actually Good

All the time, the communist party rants about how awful oppression is; and seemingly their delusional fear of oppression leads them to conjure up imaginary oppression in all areas of life. Time and time again, the normies espouse hysterical paranoia regarding oppression, as they hallucinate oppression to be an evil force ingrained in the remnants of the old-world society. Worst of all; they seem to believe that oppression is somehow ‘bad’ although they can never seem to explain why.
In actuality, natural oppression exists all around us and is fundamental to the structure of society. Don’t believe me? Well lets look at some examples of oppression. Arguably, children are oppressed by their parents. Parents set up rules for their children and teach them what’s good and bad. Parental discipline and rules are both good because none of it’s done out of a desire for totalitarian control; but rather because every child is inherently born as an uncultured barbarian who is in desperate need of basic correction.
How about oppression on the basis of race or gender? That’s also awesome. I’m personally opposed to any and all gender rights activism that has ever existed because it’s not possible for gendered oppression to exist, and then also I’m not necessarily a big fan of advocating for racial-rights either – especially not in modern times. As is mentioned by the communists; racism and sexism have theoretically resulted in oppression in many ways; all of which have always been perfectly wonderful.
In reality, it’s okay that inherent differences produce inequality: It’s okay that the West is white; It’s okay that women choose lower paying jobs; And it’s okay to oppose immigration. Then let’s remember that it’s oppression to not use a mentally disabled person’s ‘preferred pronouns.’ Lol. Honestly, anything that leftists claim is ‘racist’ or ‘sexist’ is actually just normal.

[And a picture of a Pepe Trump saying ‘no’ to a crying Pepe in a sombrero on the other side of a brick wall]

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Memo to @vexwerewolf, @chittlins, @Fire_Badger, @Elegant_QueenK, @chrysoleggyon, @baneslay, @anthonyackee2, @gmiller1643, & @anya_something"]

Today, looking at all the evidence, a Grand Jury decided that the officers involved in the death of Breonna Taylor did nothing criminal and would not be charged.

So naturally, niggers and their unhinged ANTIFA co-conspirators in Louisville immediately began trashing the city.
"Vex" falls into the basic far-left drivel about how caring about property owned by innocents should be less important than life held by criminals.
[…]Claiming that we should be okay with hardworking innocent people being wontonly deprived of their property in favour of the "life" of somebody who has no respect for that property (and life) of the innocent is ludicrous.
The "root cause of the problem" is tribalism. When a nigger is killed by police, regardless of the justification, niggers turn violent and riot. How do you cure this root cause? Sadly, I don't know the answer. The psychology of how to fix the ridiculous racial cohesion that niggers maintain is beyond my considerable talents.
None of these are examples of "systemic racism": no matter how many idiotic screeds by far-left idiots @brandy_mancari or anybody reads, it does not exist and no examples of it can be found.[…]US prisoners are majority nigger because niggers are orders of magnitude more likely to be criminals and tend to also be dumb enough to be easily caught. Low income housing is "under-funded" because it's folly to waste money giving housing to people who have never done any of the actual labours that would justify them receiving any money. I would argue low income housing is overfunded because the ideal level of funding is zero.

Silence DoGood #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #racist #god-complex thefederalist.com

(on the U.S. Supreme Court's June 15 ruling to protect LGBT rights)

This was the final straw for me.
Trump is definitely controlled by the bankers too. You have to hand it to them though, they had conservatives convinced that Trump was against the establishment. They had us convinced in 1913, that the Federal Reserve was good for America, which started our enslavement. We shouldn’t be surprised. To think that the worldwide Bankers paradise and headquarters is NY, and that Trump could come from there unscathed, and untouched by the bankers control, is like thinking Obama could come out of the corrupt Democrat rathole of Chicago and be good for America.

The two biggest online supporters for Trump were Drudge and Breitbart. Drudge is blatantly Democrat now. Breitbart, Daily Wire, the Gateway Pundit, FrontPageMag, and City Journal all censor conservatives who attack globalist bankers.

Conservatives and Democrats must turn away from both parties. It’s a gigantic scam.

Gorsuch is a sorry excuse for a SCOTUS justice, and once more, tens of millions of conservatives supported Trump because of SCOTUS, and were duped again. These insane SCOTUS rulings must be stopped and reversed. All of them, going back to the legalization of contraception, porn, abortion, homosexuality, illegal immigrants, and listing homosexuals and transgenders as civil rights victim classes are all blatant attacks on the church and marriage, the twin backbones of America.


These snakes are ruthless. They know holding onto power and wealth depend on silencing dissent. They are terrified of another young man exposing their hypocrisy for the world to see, as one did 2,000 years ago, foretelling the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. These Pharisees are horrified at the thought of the Federal Reserve banking scheme being destroyed, and their corrupt wealth and power ended.

zcheasypea #wingnut #racist #pratt reddit.com

[on Homeland Security declaring white supremacists to be the most persistent extremist threat to America]

Damn i guess i missed all these neo nazis burning down all these businesses, destroying property, taking over cities, forcing restaurant patrons to raise their fists and fundamentally are groups who are anti free speech and anti property rights.

Various Racists #racist amren.com

RE: Angry South Africans Protest in Front of Nigerian Embassy, Demand Deportation of Illegal Immigrants

Black South Africans cannot match Black Nigerians on intellect, the average black IQ in South Africa is 65 to 77 & most of them are in the 65 Range, Nigeria is a bit more clever at 70. So what do they do riot but it's to late as those pesky little Nigerians have had them beat on the business venture front for years now, they truly took Mandela's dream & are living it whilst normal black South Africans are even worse off than pre 1994.

(Silver Fox 183)
Nigerians are the worst Africans of all by far. They are so bad that they are even hated by the other Black Africans, who regard them as incorrigible criminals. When your Black Africans think you are loathsome criminal scum, I'd say you've got some issues.

(Charles Martel Sinclair)
Blacks cannot even stand each other. Why should we care how they treat each other. If they want to go at each other. please do it. Leave us alone, we have enough of you here.

Random Person #racist #crackpot #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Kosovo triggers a domino effect in the Balkans

it's a battle royale ignore us who wins gets all the land most likely slavs due to slavs being a majority in the balkans

Slavs do have higher numbers but history has shown Slavs dominate when they have a vastly higher population. Even population or if Slavs are a bit less, they end up being occupied and ruled. Not sure if the Slavs outnumber everyone by enough, to dominate. Looking at history they need about a 20-1 ratio.

and who has dominated us ? We were the one who had lower population and economy compare to our invaders.

I know that is how you view the world as you balkanites are famous for being less rational and more emotional about things. This is merely an articulate of historical truths which seem to trigger you like a good soy boy leftist. This is about gene pools, not language religion or culture. The subject matter is Slavs. The world slave doesn't derive from the word Slav for no reason. Historically Slavs were slaves long before any of this religious nonsense even entered the equation in those regions. This is mostly about certain gene pools getting the upper hand on other gene pools.

Generally speaking, Slavs gain the upper hand when they VASTLY outnumber their neighbors. When they don't, they usually end up occupied, dominated and in many cases enslaved. There are a few thousand years of evidence behind this.

you base your assumption on racism not on "historical facts" more like "historical bias"

You really going to play the race card on this one? lol Yea bro, Russians have been known to have systematic racism holding them back for so long now lol Yes there is a such thing as historical bias. But that doesn't mean there also isn't something called historical fact.

Various Incels #sexist #racist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] chinkwhores give sex to white chad stranger but not to aisan boyfreind

Broke up with her asian bf, went to italy, let a green eyed older chad fuck her in her asshole, immedialty went back to her beta bux bf once she got home, he accepted her after she told hiim she cheated like the cuck he is, asked her to do the same to him, she says its dissrespectful that he asks. God I FUCKING HATE WOMENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! relationship advice is one of the most depressing subs to read. You get a sense of just exactly how much women cheat and how they justify it. worst part? The users fucking agree with the whores!

Tall, Muscular, Green Eyes, Objectively Very Good Looking :feelskek: The memes are real and they write themselves. Chad Alpha fucks(anally) Rice beta buxx.

Literally cucked by an Italian med chad Bet you he unironically looked like this

Kek and they say Blackpill isn't real and looks don't matter. Redpillers will say that the Ricecuck should hold his "frame" more and it's just a shit test bro.

I read this one; and that was when I was bluepilled. I felt very somber; it was then I knew the world was not how it was supposed to be. And yet this was the lightest of steps taken on my journey to co.

Welcome buddy boyo

Felt something shatter when I read her story, like I was empathetic to the boyfriend. I didn't want let the efforts of one go in vain. I needed to release the pain somehow.

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #crackpot #psycho benjaminfulford.net

The autumn offensive begins. The rogue nation of Israel was put under lockdown at the start of the Jewish New Year to facilitate a purge of Zionists, Pentagon sources say. MI6 sources say their next target is a mysterious Swiss-based entity known as the Octagon Group. In a counter-offensive, an estimated one-million Satanists in the U.S. are being mobilized to overthrow the government, multiple intelligence agency sources agree.

The major anti-Zionist offensive was started with the announcement of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Here is how Pentagon sources summed up the situation:

“[U.S. President Donald] Trump announced a list of Supreme Court nominees on September 9th, so the Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) death on Rosh Hashanah sends a New Year message to the Jewish mafia while Israel is forced into another lockdown to round up Zionists.”

The Pentagon sources add they have jerked Trump’s chain to force him to act against the Zionists, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner will face a military tribunal on charges of treason and possible execution.

We are also hearing from MI6 why they are going after the mysterious group in Switzerland known as the “Octagon,” whose members are descendants of Pharaonic bloodlines.

ImaMeatPopscicle #racist stonetoss.com

The moment is coming. Quite frankly, I don't put much faith in the pat-front/boog-bois who have their hearts in the right place and willingness to show but not the good sense to maintain more and tighter operational and information security. There are many who are planning the what, how, where, and when of reprisal once the fuse gets lit so-to-speak. (((They))) must light it, and when it's lit you and everyone else will know because it will shine like the sun shines in the sky. The normies likewise will be dumbfounded in their inability to deny the moment.

So as things are "heating up", ask yourself what you are doing to prepare and be ready for the day. You know the actors, who's at fault, what they look like, and in many cases their names and where they sleep. Have a plan, and have a plan to go through with it. Give them all the rope in the world...be the hunter, not the hunted.

Silence DoGood #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #racist pjmedia.com

That’s because the biggest criminals in world history, behind the Communist party, the Democrats, who funded Hitler, behind the victim groups and BLM, behind every American war, since and including World War 1, who control the media, tech companies, schools, Hollyweird, sports teams, and who have infiltrated Trumps administration too, are the owners of the Federal Reserve, evil Talmudic lying devils. They have armies of protection squads roaming social media, to ban and libel all opposition to these murderous and lying thieves as “anti-semitism”.

The easy to solution to our problems, is to hold the owners of the Federal Reserve accountable, however, that entails fighting past legions of their handpicked Praetorian Guard in our military, (The American military has belonged to the bankers since Wilson’s election in 1912. Since they have owned the Democrat party since then as well, it’s no coincidence that both World Wars were deliberately engineered by Democrat presidents) media, schools, and tech companies.
Once the less than 5,000 owners of the Federal Reserve are executed for unleashing this virus deliberately on the world, we will return to prosperity that we haven’t known since 1912.

The Democrat party will collapse, along with the income tax, Federal Reserve, and direct election of senators. The entire lying media structure will collapse, along with illicit SCOTUS rulings legalizing homosexuality, porn, abortion, and contraception. The military will no longer be used as a bankers toy, to protect their wealth and power around the world. Israel will collapse, along with China.

Race tensions will vanish, and the bankers pet organizations, that they use to attack Christianity and spread race tensions, the ACLU, ADL, BLM, and SPLC, will all collapse.

We either conquer these evil, murderous, lying snakes, or die trying.

Better to die free than to live a slave.

insanus virginem #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: [Blackpill] Another WMAWpill for ricecels

dont really care tbh, racial loyalty is a stupid concept

If a village of 1000 people is divided into 990 individuals and only 10 people who work together to subjugate the other 990 those 10 people are very likely to conquer and rule over the oblivious 990 who don't believe in "identity" politics. If men stood together women wouldn't be doing this to us. If ricecels in Asia stood together their women wouldn't be whoring themselves to SEAmaxers. etc

Michael Tsarion #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #racist #wingnut michaeltsarion.com

The "WAR ON TERROR" is merely the latest move in the great game played out by the Atonist-Setian Establishment - the Royals and Jesuit-Masonic sorcerers - who expertly employ the "Ordo ab Chao" (Order from Chaos) methodology to further their very personal aspirations that date back to an old world order that you are not supposed to know about.
So let's get clear on a few things, and remain sane in the midst of growing worldwide insanity. Let's understand that the present day architects of control (those biological and ideological descendants of the Atonist pharaohs of old, and their less camera shy lieutenants) continue plying their vile imperialist trade from behind the visible governments and religions of the world.
Let's understand that the "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict is engineered from London and New York by elites with ancient origins. Age after age they concoct bogus conflicts to engender an ambiance of fear and paranoia, and to ensure that few of you ever become aware of humanity's true enemies.
Dynasties such as the Rothschilds may appear Jewish on the surface, but they are in fact Luciferians hiding behind the veil of religious Judaism. What is more, Evangelism is nothing more than a fanatical political ideology hiding behind the front of Christianity. The Evangelist preaches Masonic (Atonist) doctrines, but you buy into it because you want "Daddy" so badly, and because you have sold your sanity for security. You are safe in numbers, which is why membership in idiotic political parties attracts you. And the silly religions, they too offer you the sense of belonging you sorely desire. You are a "believer" on your way to the "promised land." Or so you think.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Moderns"]

I’ve been a White Nationalist, a Southern Nationalist, Alt-Right.
In the course of my research and activism, I began to notice something:

•First, the proposed solutions tend to fall into either the generic “mainstreaming” or “vanguardist” strategies neither of which have ever worked and which I do not believe ever will work.
•Second, the normal person is self absorbed and seems inwardly dead. They do not respond to appeals to collective self interest. Showing the flag doesn’t work.
•Third, far too many people in our circles are focused on the wrong time period like the War Between the States. The post-World War II era is our era.

The American South was Southern until the 1940s. We may have lost our independence to the Damn Yankees, but we were still very much a people in the Jim Crow South. We had a strong identity and a rich culture.[…]

The Yankees had a point about the South being backwards. This process was much more advanced in the North and West. It wasn’t confined to the South. It wasn’t confined to the United States. There were parallel developments in all Western countries. The details differed but not the overall trend toward a loss of identity, cultural cohesion and degeneration. What was the cause of this?[…]

Over the course of the next year, I want to explore the genealogy of the “mainstream.” What is the “mainstream”? Where did it originate? How did it triumph?[…]

The 20th century was the Age of Modernism which hasn’t yet ended in our own times. It grew out of intellectual and cultural developments in the 19th century. It was in many ways a repudiation of the 19th century and particularly of the values of its middle class. It was a rejection of “the masses.” As far as I can tell, this is a story which has never been told in our circles. It certainly isn’t understood.

ACTBAC members #racist #psycho #wingnut news.yahoo.com

Donald Trump supporters were seen during a car parade in which “neo-Confederate” members shouted “white power” and other obscienties at bystanders.

About 200 cars took part in the convoy that passed through Elon, North Carolina, on Saturday, the Elon News Network reported.

Members of a neo-Confederate organisation called Alamance County Taking Back Alamance County (ACTBAC) were said to have set-up the pro-Trump parade.

Founded by Gary Williamson, ACTBAC has been designated as a neo-Confederate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Elon News reported.

Megan Squire, an academic and researcher on right-wing extremism, videoed the procession as it passed through the campus at Elon University.

Some members of the parade shouted the phrase "white power”, as another commented on Ms Squire’s Black Lives Matter sign, saying: “no they fucking don’t, bitch! Go back home cunt.”

Another driver, whose vehicle was adorned with at least two American flags, was said to have yelled “fuck black lives!”.

Ms Squire, recording the procession as it passed in downtown Elon, was told that “maybe you’ll be hit by a train next”, as a second ACTBAC member shouted “choo, choo, Trump train”.

The same vehicle accused the academic of being a member of Antifa – a far-left organisation president Trump has baselessly blamed wildfires and property damage on in recent months – as they shouted “four more years bitch”.

Nick Fuentes and Sargon of Akkad #racist twitter.com

[note: Robin Hood is the name of Sargon of Akkad’s alt account that he uses to praise himself]

Nick Fuentes: We are living through a revolution that will replace America with a new country founded in 1619 by MLK, Nelson Mandela, and Muhammad Ali, which extolls the principles of racial justice and equality, and which installs a racial caste system with Whites at the very bottom.

Robin Hood: This is an accurate assessment of the situation.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

There’s a similar double standard in how people live. Those with power want every white nation to turn brown. We apparently have a moral duty to accept as many immigrants as want to come. The United States is on the brink of being a Third World country already. As Ann Coulter wrote in 2007, “If this sort of drastic change were legally imposed on any group other than white Americans, it would be called genocide.” Miss Coulter is rarely wrong, but it’s not just white Americans; it’s all whites, even in our ancient European homeland. The UN and the European Union fiercely criticize Eastern European countries for not taking in enough Muslims. The Great Replacement is not a conspiracy theory; it’s a fact, openly acknowledged by those who want it to happen. It’s not just that there can’t be a white country. There can’t be even a white town. In Germany, nationalists created a small community in the East. Journalists reacted with fury, as if it were the Fourth Reich.

There is an Afrikaner enclave in South Africa called Orania. It’s the one place in the whole country that is exclusively white.The ANC government is increasingly hostile to this hamlet. Prominent figures recently called for Orania to be destroyed and its leaders jailed. “If our laws on racism are not strong enough on racism to do that,” said ANC activist Carl Niehaus, “pass the necessary legislation.” The world media is implacably hostile to Orania. Why do journalists care? The last story gives it away. It’s safe, growing, and prosperous. It works. Its success reveals the failure of the “Rainbow Nation,” a wreck surviving on what whites created. Author Tembeka Ngcukaitobi calls Orania a representation of “downright hostility to the idea of a single, united, non-racial country.” Maybe so; black politicians sing songs about killing Boers.

neonfairylights #sexist #racist reddit.com

If it wasn't for arranged marriage, most desi men would never be getting married.

Let's be real, most desi males are lvm. They are momma's boys, never had to cook/clean because their mothers and sisters do it for them before they get married and after marriage they get transferred to another poor woman who has to look after this man child. They are not good at romance either, because their entire idea of romance is from bollywood and other regional film industries which is CRINGE level 1000. They aren't the most attractive either because they don't take care of themselves (hygiene and grooming). Every single one of them is misogynistic and have issues with boundaries. They aren't generous in bed either because their only exposure to sex is porn and they can be quite perverted. They aren't good fathers because their only definition of fatherhood is earning money for the family (lol) which women are doing too nowadays, so if they want children, what do they even bring to the table? They won't help take care of kids.

This is exactly why arranged marriage is such a strict practice in desi cultures, because they know that if this system wasn't there, most of them would never get to touch a woman and would never pass on their shitty genes. To be honest, I want desi women to resist marriage (unless they find a hvm, which is highly rare) and not have kids. Marriage is a horrible deal for us, because if not for your husband, your in laws will torture you. Even the most modern Indian male is a LVM because the only difference is they are okay with women working and they are "sex positive" lmao. Other than that nothing. Save yourselves, ladies.

3G4Me #racist amren.com

A well written rant, Mr. Hood, and as eminently readable as all your essays. However, by posting it here at Amren you are guaranteed to receive numerous irrational and unrelated responses. Engelman will post about his wonderful Asian friends and how they are even better at civilization building than Whites. Others will respond with stories about their IKAGO friends, their Vietnamese wives, their Polynesian brother-in-law, and how they all, too, deserve to live with White people because being near Whites is their inherent right and, by golly, they're 'nice' people. Besides, people here are extremely quick to proclaim they're not irrational haters - it's merely certain people's behavior they don't condone. Otherwise they'd be just happy as a clam with a Nigerian son-in-law, because if blacks were to behave like Whites in black skins they'd be hunky dory. And so on ad infinitum. Well, I'm perfectly fine with saying I want my grandchildren to look like their White ancestors. I want a White community with opportunities for White people to achieve their best. Regardless of behavior, I will never condone someone forking his White genetic line. I don't care how hot you think your Asian wife is, or how your sub-con neighbor is really into guns and the 2nd amendment. Go off on your own and don't darken my doorstep with your irrational, contradictory and ultimately self-defeating mishmash of beliefs. White people build the best societies for other White people to live in. No exceptions. Full stop.

Various Incels #sexist #racist #psycho incels.is

RE: [News] Comments on Meeks yt vid praise incels and the blackpill

(The Abyss)

Aside from his great looks, he's actually a nice person. At least he raised his voice for the Rohingya during their genocide. I think that was nice of him to do. As if any other celeb cared, then this dude swoops in. Based Meeks!

Literally every normie is virtue signalling to these terrorists. Nigga fuck the rohingya, they're getting the same treatment they subjected the natives of that land to for decades.

(Made in Heaven)

It's not just looks. It's also his personality. Women unironically prefer thugs like him and are turned on by his criminal record. Anything that isn't straight up murder does not turn off most women.

Unironically this. When whores tell a man its his personality, what they mean is he hasn't murdered, tortured, or beat anyone. You can legit increase your SMV by going ape mode, like ER did, and then he had holes wetting themselves over him. Is it any wonder why Islam allows husbands to beat their wives if they're being rebellious?

(The Zulfigar)
Looks are everything...:feelsbadman:

Women and most people here worship this nigger. Idk why

People here doesn't worship him, but he is literally the walking proof of blackpill. Like when redditcucks go mental Olympics with their imaginary friends. Ooh, I have this friend, he is 5'0 turbo dwarf with lotr orc face, and he fucks different women everyday. Sorry, silly inkwell, but all your scientific proofs are nothing in comparison. The same way, we can point our fingers at Meeks, and we don't even have to straight up tell tales, just look at him, there he is!!

Henry Makow, PhD #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia #sexist amazon.com

FEMINISM & HOMOSEXUALITY; HOW HETEROSEXUALITY WORKS Feminism, our official gender ideology, masquerades as a movement for woman's rights. In reality, feminism is a cruel hoax, telling women their natural biological instincts are "socially constructed" to oppress them. Feminism is elite social engineering designed to destroy gender identity by making women masculine and men feminine. Increasingly heterosexuals are conditioned to behave like homosexuals who generally don't marry and have children. Courtship and monogamy are being replaced by sexual promiscuity, prophesied in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Rockefeller and Rothschild created feminism to poison male-female relations (divide and conquer.) Their twin objectives are depopulation and totalitarian world government. Why? These bankers create money out of nothing and think they are God. "Cruel Hoax" shows the connection between feminism, Communism and 9-11. It examines male-female relations and shows how we can take back our heterosexuality.

Anonymous #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

Why are you surprised people are warming up to Socialism now? I'm not even trying to say "we should be socialist" (which, if /pol/ is a Nazi board, I'm assuming most here are) I'm just seeing alot of people both in real life and here who are seriously wondering "why" this is happening.

Why the fuck would pictures of breadlines in to 30's scare the average person when the average person is literally one hospital visit away from a breadlines at all times?

>Why are you surprised people are warming up to Socialism now?
non-whites aren't people

Transcended Trucel #racist #crackpot incels.is

RE: Why are arabs so low iq

(Transcended Trucel)

The retards are giving away free oil for $ which is just worthless paper or numbers typed into a calculator. So real resources are being given away for useless paper. Before it was gold which is more fair. Also arabs can't make their own infrastructure, they had to hire a white guy to make cities like dubai. They also licking chinas ass and not giving a fuck about muslims being killed in china. They can't make their own infrastructure so they have to get china to do it for them.

It's cause arabs are lazy inbred retards

But ultimately it has to do with them being basically banana republics, corrupt(religiously) and distrustful of everyone even eachother, and have no reason to exist as they do now.

This arabs only hire family members. Nepotism there is extreme. The upper class are lazy faggot degenerates, many fuck trannies in thailand, have scat fetish and are druggies. They also have more than 4 wives and just swap marriages over and over.

Because we are mixed with niggers.

Arabs imported too many slaves

Most civilizations that developed below 45th parallel are low IQ. Must be too much sun.

Seems sun light is evil

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