
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Yogev Nitzan #racist i.redd.it

Thank you for resolutely standing with đŸ‡źđŸ‡± and supporting our right to self defense against terrorist attacks.

India also supporting sir🇼🇳

We Israelis don't need support of some dung bath scums and urine drinkers. Go worship your cows and please stop lifting our balls... FFS! STOP Ruining image of our country by putting your country's flag with Israel đŸ‡źđŸ‡±

"I'm not racist, but..." Award

Vijay Prozak #racist anus.com

[From “The Internet”]

I do not hate Slavs. I do not hate Negroes. I do not hate Jews. I do not hate the Irish. I do not hate Italians. But, I am a realist. I know that Slavs are what's left of an ancient branch of Europeans who hybridized themselves with Mongols and Semites; I know that Negroes are an earlier evolutionary branch of humanity who are as a whole one standard deviation of intelligence away from Asians and whites. I know that Judaism is a religion of self-interest, condescendion and ego-drama, and that Jews are a cultureless people who for aeons have bred themselves to be soulless and parasitic. I recognize the fundamentally mixed racial nature of the Irish and most Scots, and many English, and all but a few Italians. I don't hate them, but I refuse to let my feelings blind me to reality.

I also don't hate women, but I recognize their limitations. Further, I don't hate men, but I'm aware of where they fall short as well. I'm even aware of where I fall short, and where I am in the system of things, which isn't as some God-figure above it all but somewhere closer to dead in the middle. I realize that not all of my friends are as smart as I am, and I realize there are smarter people than myself. I can care for someone, and be a friend to them, even if their abilities do not match my own. Or if their race doesn't. Yet I am a realist: I'd deport them in an instant, because that is the right cosmic order and should always be upheld.

_Moon_ #moonbat #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

Muslim migrant males need to start being shot on sight. I don't care anymore. I immediately clocked them. They're all the same.

I fucking hate them. My experiences with them have been terrible. They're savages who need to die.

When it comes to street harassment and violence, black and brown men are the fucking worst. I don't think this is the fault of Islam. "Westernized" black and brown men are pretty much the same. Even their vernacular is increasingly woke and American. I saw some Arabs use the woke American term "cultural appropriation" to describe a regional supermarket selling kebab ingredients, lol!

Sometimes Islam feels less like a religion to me and more like some sort of ethnocultural bubblegum, keeping 1001 ethnicities (Chechens, Turks, Tunisians, Algerians, Morrocons, etc.) together.

And they all have this weird relationship with white women: on the one hand, they are sexually obsessed with us, on the other hand, they hate us. And non-white women have the same relationship with white men, this love/hate Daddy-issue relationship with white men where they spend all day on Twitter shitting on white men and all night fantasizing about being ravaged by one: https://i.imgur.com/BLtBuGJ.png PNG

Of course, this doesn't mean that white and Asian men are necessarily "better." Usually, they just have more impulse control and higher IQs than black and brown men, so the more complex systems and structures of misogyny (e.g. the international porn industry, transgenderism, economic systems resulting in black and brown men being imported to the West to drive down wages for the working-class, etc.) are filled with more white and Asian men.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #racist #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

Q: Are you Freemasons or do you have Freemasons among your Membership?

A: No, and Absolutely Not! Freemasons are not only expressly prohibited from Membership and any Involvement with our Society, but they remain as our most grave world enemies and rivals, but also they are the enemy of Mankind. Even a former Freemason will never be tolerated among our ranks. Anyone who is found to join Freemasonry or any Christian or any other unauthorized society which is against the interest of our Society, will be considered as having committed “treason” and is subject to punishment.

Q: Are Women Welcome to be a Supporter or Member of your Organization?

A: Yes they are. The only conditions you have is that as a Woman in our organization, you will not be permitted to be in occupancy in ranks of Leadership or Political Decisions, or anything pertaining to Militaristic Affairs.

Q: Do you believe in Evolution of Humanity?

A: We do not believe in the Evolutionary Theories, they are all false and are easily debunked.

Q: Prussians were always fervently religious, what causes you to break with the Prussian Tradition of Protestant/Lutheran creed?

A: We recognize all forms of Christianity to be antithetical to our Real Heritage and the proper development of our people. Abrahamic religions belong to the Hebrews. If you are not of Hebrew Origins, believing in their religious paths makes you spiritually a Hebrew. Modern Germans must decide whether they are a Hebrew or a German, and to follow their native religion. Today, the people who are descendants of Prussians are not aware of the Prussian Spirit and how it makes us different from other Germans and world’s people, so they are not aware of the significance.

SidragasumBinShaytan #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

The Fem’nist Burden: A Satire in the Style of “The White Man’s Burden”

Take up the fem’nist burden!

Assemble women white!

SJWs gather!

Come all ye full of spite

To whine and moan and grumble

About how nothing’s right;

To preach non-stop on justice,

While that’s just what you fight!

Take up the fem’nist burden!

Impose your creed by force!

Decorum’s deconstructed:

Go on, be rude and coarse!

All reason’s patriarchal:

Forget debate—denounce!

Dwell not on means or scruples,

For it’s the goal that counts!

Take up the fem’nist burden—

To spread the faith world-wide

And leave no people helpless,

Though they should run and hide!

Usurp their identity

And colonize anew!

Their culture needs some changing—

A couple wars should do!

Take up the fem’nist burden

And put our minds at ease,

Lest anyone among you

Cis-gendered men appease

By judging based on merit,

Against express decrees

That only race and gender

Ought good employers please!

Take up the fem’nist burden

To rid the world of art,

Replacing every beauty

With some new, stinking fart

Of high-pitched propaganda

To teach us how to act:

Submit to every woman,

Ignore all trace of fact!

Take up the fem’nist burden:

In chastity remain!

Go sacrifice the fam’ly

And parity obtain!

A child needs not a mother—

The help will more than do!

Or better: turn the tables!

Make men the mothers too!

Take up the fem’nist burden!

No loft’yer mountain climb,

No truth or right make sacred,

Before our creed sublime.

Rewrite the books of hist’ry,

All science reconstruct,

To suit our plans for others—

The facts & rights be f****ed!

CadyshackJack #racist #sexist stormfront.org

Re: So called "comedy" show, 'A Little Late with Lilly Singh', trashes white people

She hates whites. No one should ever donate to any cause she is a part of. Her attitude sucks. No wonder the Chinese can't stand these people.

Thanks for sharing these links, LoveTheWhites. The reasons her show failed are twofold: 1) Women simply can't cut it as comediennes. They just aren't funny. Never have been; and, 2) Immigrant and coloured women are even less funny than their White counterparts. I'm glad her show failed. Looks good on her anti-White azz.

Robbie Cheney #conspiracy #quack #racist amren.com

We know for facts that: 1. Most people who were listed on the death certificates as dying from COVID actually passed away from co-morbidities and/or other causes. 2. We also know most people who were listed as having died from COVID were actually killed by the unsound treatments they received. Therefore, they were actually 'euthanized'.

Thinking organized 'euthanizing' began here in America well over a century ago, at about the same time certain 'immigrant doctors' began arriving from eastern europe after the civil war here in America. Now, look at the deaths and other issues being caused by the so-called COVID 'vaccines'.

82 was the average age of a "Covid" death in Britain, and I'm sure it was pretty similar in the United States. It was mainly people already living on borrowed time and Covid was just a modest ailment which finally did them in.

I read where the authorities in North America and Europe followed the same corrupt WHO guidelines. Many elderly people for sure and the vast majority had co-morbidities that were the primary killer.

PCR tests have always been completely unreliable. Many people killed in traffic deaths: COVID. Murdered by gunfire: COVID. Fell off of building during a construction accident: COVID and so forth. Completely insane here in North America.

Stewart A. Swerdlow #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #racist bibliotecapleyades.net

The Aldebarans also genetically infused the Vikings. These Nordic people inherited the aggressive and militaristic tendencies that are also seen in the Germans. The Vikings plundered and raped across Europe for centuries, but did not have the technological ability to stay in power.

An accidental manipulation of genetics occurred on the Italian peninsula 3000 years ago. A ship from the Arcturus star system crashed landed on Etruscan territory. These humans were actually extremely spiritually-minded, and instead of trying to get back home, stayed and blended into the humans of that part of Earth. Their descendants became the Romans who were then infiltrated and mixed with the Central Asian hybrids.

Beings from the Antarian star system were behind the genetic manipulation of ancient Greece. These people were a society predominantly based upon homosexuality. Females were used for breeding only. In fact, there were Antarian observers at the Montauk Project who were interested in the programming aspects of sexuality as they related to the Wilhelm Reich methods.

The Antarians are dark, often with olive skin, dark eyes, and short, thin bodies. They have a fabulous musculature due to the density of their home-world, and are known for their body-building goals.

The Greek-Antarians colonized Spain and Portugal. Their descendants further mixed with the Romans, and Arabs who are predominantly Sumerian/Reptilian. These then colonized Central and South America, mixing their genetics with the native Indians who were of Atlantean-Procyon descent.

Stewart A. Swerdlow #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #racist bibliotecapleyades.net

The Tau Ceti aliens centered their attention on the eastern European area, from what is now Serbia to the slopes of the Ural Mountains. From here, they influenced the Slavic and Russian peoples. The geographic conditions resembled that in the Tau Ceti star system, and its colony Epsilon Eridanus. The Tau Ceti added their DNA to the human prototypes that were already established there, creating what is now known as the Slavic peoples. The results were a race of humans who were stocky, barrel-chested, and averaging 5’6’’ to 5’9’’ in height, with a dense bone structure and dark eyes. They were aggressive, and preferred a cold climate.

These Tau Ceti/humans were virulently against the grey alien race and the Reptilians, because their worlds had been attacked, and their children stolen and killed by both races. The Tau Cetians vowed to follow the grey race and destroy them.
In central Europe, the German tribes were genetically manipulated by beings from Aldebaran. These people are very intelligent and scientifically-oriented. They are generally blonde-haired and blue-eyed, with a minority of dark-haired, light-brown to hazel-eyed people. They are militaristic, and prefer to keep to themselves. For almost 2,000 years, the Aldebarans have been energetically connecting to the Germanic peoples, telepathically sending information to them and promoting a national sentiment.

Many humans of the Aldebaran frequency have mixed with the Tau Ceti descendants in the Slavic area, particularly in Poland and Russia. Hitler knew this. That is why he was so adamant about invading those countries and incorporating them into his empire.

Veena Malik #racist #psycho thenews.com.pk

Pakistani actress Veena Malik has made headlines this time for apparently sharing a quote, wrongly attributed to deceased Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler in a reference to the Israel-Palestine violence.

“I would have killed all the Jews of the world
 but I kept some to show the world why I killed them. - Adolf Hitler," read the quote shared by the actress on Tuesday.

Twitter has removed the post by Malik, in which she quoted Hitler

Various Commenters #psycho #racist 88infinity.bdsmlr.com

I noticed the other teacher post here and figured it was only right I contribute! After discovering blogs like yours I started wearing lower cut tops on Video calls to please the whiter children in my class. whenever I had an opportunity to call them one-on-one I would shower them in compliments bordering on the edge of what a Teacher should be saying to her students. I want to be a good mommy figure for my white boys ♄♄

Conversely, the niggers in my class have become such a fucking EYESORE, at least the one chink is able to be quiet and finish work without bothering me, but the monkeys keep giving me reason to discipline them and it's so dangerous! I nearly slipped up and called one uppity in the middle of a class and I've never felt so good.

(88 forever)
on the one hand, i think we need more teachers like this, on the other hand, i think there are more and more every day...

Asian teacher here, hopping on the teacher confessions bandwagon. The amount of restraint I need to exercise to stop myself from fucking my white students before they graduate is insane. I love dressing sexy for them and feeling their eyes on me in class. It turns me on so much when I overhear them talking about wanting to fuck my little asian ass. I've let so many of them get away with groping me. I can't wait for the school year to be over so I can help them "celebrate" their graduation!

(88 forever)
those boys have been in online class, quarantine and lockdown for a long time, i expect this year's graduates to have a lot of pent-up libido for you!

Various Commenters #crackpot #racist #sexist reddit.com

HK TVB promoting WMAF

Before I get nuked for "posting native Asian" content, this shit is global; lots of Asian Americans watch TVB too.

TVB is the prime TV channel of Hong Kong and produces lots of shows for local consumption, however, it also produces lots of content, like "marrying to the world" which mainly showcases XMAF.

many pro-beijingers are just as west-worshipping as pro-democracy joshua wongers

Lol, TVB is a mouthpiece for the CCP. Real Hong Kongers don't even watch TVB anymore.

doesn't matter if they're ccp mouthpiece, they're cucked that's what matters

It’s an epidemic, and if you think it’s due to “White worshipping” or “self hate” you’re living in resentment. Is the [x]-race of males engaging in self hate when they see our women as trophies and conquests? I did a full breakdown of this phenomenon and the mods refused it to be posted, because it would bring “disharmony”.

The longer we ignore the genetic, psychological causes for this that manifests “solely” in one part of our sex - Asian men do not behave this way - you will stumble through life in rage and ignorance.


Didn't Jackie Chan have the same retarded mindset promoting XMAF. People will try to do deny it but there is rampant colonized white worship all over east asia in tv, fashion, etc

Yes, he said that to spread chinese culture around the world he would encourage foreigners to marry chinese women. He’s never had a problem getting AFs, so he’s clueless of WMAF dynamics. Same with these local media producers (I don’t think it’s white worship in that they think WMAF is good per se, they just don’t see the harm in it, and think it’s an interesting novelty)

Dave Cunningham #racist amerika.org

[From “Marijuana made me a racist”]

Another thing I learned from marijuana was the importance of breeding. When I went back home, I found that a girl I had crushed on in elementary school was just ending her first marriage. She had married someone who looked good on paper, but he was from another country. They split and I took up with her. We are now married with two daughters. She and I were out one day and another friend remarked how similar we look. It’s true that we look like we could be cousins. Our daughters are better looking than either of us alone.

On the other hand, my sister married a guy from a totally different place; he was a Sativa to her Indica. Their kids are strange looking and while they are bigger for their age than the other Indica kids, they are unbalanced. Some things that kids naturally just understand have not come to them yet. They also have strange tantrums which seem weird for their age. She ended up divorcing him recently. ...

Dave Cunningham #racist amerika.org

[From “Marijuana made me a racist”]

Let me be clear about what “racist” means in this context. I am a racist in the sense that I recognize the difference between racial and ethnic groups and that these differences are biological and convey unique abilities to each group. ...

During my years as a high-flying drug grower, I learned a lot about the genetics of marijuana. Specifically, there are three races of marijuana ... Within each of these races however there were different ethnicities of marijuana. ...


Marijuana made me a racist by showing me that although all pot plants are from the same species, there are huge variations within that species (Indica, Sativa, Ruderalis) and even within those sub-species there are huge variations for different strains like Skunk #5, Northern Lights, Jack Herrer or White Widow. When you mix the strains, you end up with something closer to the generic stuff that they sell as high school weed. By racist I do not mean I dislike people of other races. I have had people of other races as business partners and friends and probably always will, unless a big race war happens. But I mean that each strain does best when it is kept pure. Further, while you can mix different sub-species like Indica and Sativa, the best strains come from the pure Indica which is rarest, less than 10% of the marijuana grown worldwide.

No matter how well you treat it, generic weed never becomes great. On the other hand, even if you just toss the seeds into a sunny backyard where it rains, great weed always becomes great. This truth snapped me out of the mindset that all plants are the same and you just need to grow marijuana by the pound. ...

Phoenix #crackpot #psycho #racist stormfront.org

RE: Watch: Israel's Iron Dome destroys Palestinian rocket barrage

Keep arming both sides until they kill every last man, woman and child, joo and muzzie both.

Never had any interest in the semitic squabble, never will.

Those who defend muzzies have no sense of history. There was a time when they were a far greater threat to us than the jews are today, long before there was an Israel or a USA for that matter.

Some of us will never forget. We know the atrocities islam has committed in the name of their "prophet" (Piss Be Upon Him).

these were Turks and Moors not Palestinians! Are you autistic or just a Hollywood-nazi? Should a swedish paganist hate polish christians because his ancestors were slaughtered by christians?

The people living in Palestine today are NOT THE ORIGINAL INHABITANTS OF THE AREA. They are the mongrelized descendants of turk and arab INVADERS with traces of the ancestral peoples of the Levant.

They have no more claim to the land than the jews. A squatter squabble of no interest to WHITES.

Quit worrying about people who have no concern for us, aside from what they can steal from this country.

Winterheart #racist #sexist stormfront.org

RE: Olivia Rodrigo reveals details about the letter Taylor Swift sent regarding debut of her single Drivers License

Taylor Swift endorses more white genocide. The lyrics and video of Driver's License are about a young woman heartbroken because the negro she loves is dating a young blonde woman.

Does this song endorse White Genocide? The song seems to view the negroid dating that blonde girl as a bad thing. The idea seems to be that negroes should be loyal to negresses like this Olivia Rodrigo creature. White people would never be allowed to make such a song about our own, of course. I didn't listen to it. I just read the summary. Am I missing something?

Taylor Swift is a whore and a traitor but this doesn't seem to be an example.

Thanks for posting. Those are good points.

If a blonde woman is around a negro that's an abomination.

That wouldn't happen in a moral, segregated society.

You're right. In a decent society, the situation wouldn't even arise.

M&S #racist #wingnut amren.com

White liberals who faced a sudden influx of highly educated white conservatives with mean IQs of 103 and twice the college degrees, coming out of Europe, would suddenly feel very 'oppressed'.

Trump should have pushed his 'not sending their best' truth as an excuse to return to pro-white immigration which would put white democrats into high competition with Europeans who had them aced for technical qualifications and were willing to have kids.

This is about cowing the enemy by making it clear that if they turn race traitor, we will simply replace them with high function whites who are considerably less long-term stupid about being pro-white as a function of maintaining demographic dominance.

Despite the evidence of Burn Loot Murder's 'summer of pillage/plunder' 2020, white liberals refuse to acknowledge that undermining whites to is going to end, very badly, for them as they are hunted down as the dominant population fraction falls away from their control. But a president who changed immigration back to white preferential sourcing could so disrupt their own controls as the new group demanded power for themselves and gave loyalty and fertility to get it.

And even if it is now impossible, it would not be in a SEPARATED AND SECESSIONIST country where states brought in as many immigrants as they needed, provided they were all white. The massive difference in economic power from that would make any residual state run by POCs incredibly obvious for the racial sinkhole it was. Which would end forever any questions over 'white supremacy' under a Heck Yeah!, banner.

We are fighting this war entirely wrongly. We need to make the opinion inarguable as a function of example: white states do better because whites in fact ARE SUPERIOR.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: 11-Year-Old, 17-Year-Old Arrested in Attack, Robbery of Older Asian Man in San Leandro


Sources tell ABC7 News anchor Dion Lim, the 11-year-old boy has an extensive criminal history.

There is no point in trying to rehabilitate someone like that. He should be sentenced to decades of hard labor until he is too old to be dangerous.

(Goton Telander)
That is inhumane.

He should be installed into a non public viewable zoo until he dies of natural causes.

Removing him from the gene pool in a humane manner should be the number one priority.

(Nathan Bedford Forrest)
An 11 year old black kid is still very dangerous. I remember hearing about a little black kid who was a hitman.

They start puberty at 8. They're a different species.

Usual story:

How do black people get so screwed up in such a short period of time?

11 years old? I believed in Santa Claus until I was 9 years old.

Feral pigs get screwed up in a year. You have to think of blacks like that.

Someday a white cop will be forced to use deadly force on that 11 year old and the cop's life will be ruined for doing so.

I only hope this kid receives irreversible "street justice" before that happens.

Just so everyone will know, California closed their juvenile prisons. Their dirty secret however is hiding actual statistics of juvenile crime in public and in school and shielding it from the local press.

It happened in California. I don't feel bad anymore. Looks like they're reaping what they sowed. Pretty soon all these liberals who don't see blacks as a threat will be extinct. Natural selection is such a beautiful thing.

Pipelayer6942013 #racist reddit.com

American Black people are the most fragile and easily manipulated people there are.

Say one word and they turn into animals, then they wonder why they get treated like animals.

I personally support reparations, but only the ones where we buy them plane tickets to where their ancestors came from and pull their citizenships so they can’t come back. It’s a win-win for America.

disciple4life #dunning-kruger #racist stormfront.org

Idea on how to stop race mixing in part

1. Create a website celebrating every race. Detail their unique traits and history. Use science , like Klassen did in his book Nature’s Eternal Religion, to show sub-species do not mix.

2. Create a dating website for each race. Also create Twitter and Facebook accounts for each site.

3. Create 100 Twitter account that agree with and promote the above websites.

4. Create a listing on each site to hire people to make videos. Use these actors to make videos pushing for race separation in breeding.

5. The dating websites will link to the website on the science of racial separation.

6. The owner’s name must be hidden.

“Why hide your name”

Well if they see a white guy, especially a white nationalist, owning all these sites they’ll figure out the motivations.

I don’t have the money to do this. The sites would need a professional web designer.

There are ppl here who do.

Whoever owns the sites will profit in off of them.

I could write then content about the uniqueness of each race. Also the history.

Son of the 1st Revolution #crackpot #racist amren.com

A few years back, I was going through "interview" (interrogation) training. Our instructor was a retired State Trooper famed for being able to pry confessions out of murderers. He said was that what a person is thinking about on a day to day basis eventually comes out of their mouth.

It made me remember a different course. One of the black students was going on and on about how he could never own a gun. He said that if he owned a gun, he would never get angry. He would just waste the person disagreeing with him. Knowing what I know now, he was inadvertently saying that despite his protests, he was in fact hunting around for a gun.

If you take that philosophy and look at the differences in race, we are different from childhood up. Too many liberals focus on the circumstances. They neglect to take into account that we are actually thinking differently all the time.

If you look at black music, especially rap, it focuses on sex and violence. The themes are knocking up as many hoes as possible while dropping bodies from the rival gang. That's what they're thinking about all the time. Sure white guys are thinking a lot about sex, and violence too, but whites and Asians seem to not let emotions get the better of them. Blacks thrive on jealousy and settling scores whether real or imagined.

IQ certainly plays a role, but even intelligent blacks seem to have an inordinate desire for revenge and an inability to let a small slight go. The same is true to a lesser degree with Hispanics. If you look at the gang/cartel problems throughout Mexico and Central America, it's hard to blame it solely on economics. Some of that poverty and misery is caused by what the populace is secretly thinking on a day to day basis.

Pavel #conspiracy #racist amren.com

Europe is lost already. Africa will have 4 billion people by 2060, the invasion is NEVER going to stop. The Mediterranean is not the Atlantic or Pacific, blacks will not stay put in Africa because it is a *hithole now at 1,3 billion people. Imagine what it will look like with 4 billion.

Europe is not lost. European population is about 600 million, excluding Russia. US population is about 335 million.

Europe is about 95% white. The US is already less than 60% white.

As population replacement happens exponentially, not linearly, the US will become majority non-white before ones who are in their 30-s today may reach their retirement.

Europe is getting serious, very serious, about resisting population replacement. Read about the open letter of retired French military to Macron, published just days ago. Read about the letter of active duty military who are courageous enough to support it. Think about tens of thousands of French military and police who are afraid to speak up protecting their jobs but who think the same and, when time comes, will actively support patriotic French generals.

At least 1/3 of Europe, in the East (excluding Russia), is lily white. The great replacement does not affect them at all. The western part, north and south have been experiencing invasion for decades, because of their traitorous ruling elites.

But it's about to change. Europe will survive and cleanse. We did it twice, speaking from European perspective not that long ago, at Tours and Vienna. We will do it again.

African threat is real, imminent. But it will only help unite European patriots and help us better prepare for the liberation from globalist elites.

comite espartaco #conspiracy #moonbat #racist independent.co.uk

It's funny how Barnier is proposing suspending immigration from outside the EU and allowing immigration from within the EU to continue, while Boris's plan is the reverse.

That is because these 'anti-immigration' policies are being implemented by the same people that implemented the 'immigration' policies. In reality the oligarchies will not renounce to the free importation of labour, as they have found in it a magic silver bullet to dominate and destroy their working classes. The truth is that we are defenceless, at the mercy of these victorious elites. That was the importance of having a PROPER socialist Labour Party, but most people has surrendered. They will hit us from inside the EU or from outside it. As they find fit.

Bruce Cameron #crackpot #psycho #racist amren.com

Hans already messed up, when he allowed "greeks" and "italians" to enter during the 1950s.

Greeks and Italians are at least Europeans. Arabs and Negroes are not.

I do not agree with that at all. I do not consider those below the Alps to be Europeans. Celto-Germanic nations are not suited for people with mongrelised genome and dark uneuropean looks. Racial purity and eugenics are our ultimate goals and we can't compromise on that by allowing ethnic groups that failed the very same test of the time in the past to live among our own. Btw South Italy and Greece tend to have North African level IQ and inbreeding issues. There is no such thing as "way too much non-European admixture" since none is acceptable. If you have non-European ancestors - that means that you have no Racial Soul and at least five-eight generations of your "bloodline" were degenerate race traitors that mixed with visibly non-European creatures.

Not talking about Arabs and Negroes. talking about Greeks and Italians.

I know what you are talking about. Living, working and even visiting Northwest Europe is not your birthright, if you are not of our Blood. And for those who wish to bed down with non-Europeans we can always apply good ol expulsion to some shithole like Brazil.

You can keep Germany since your people are too cucked to help themselves.

Not only we will keep entire Northwest Europe to ourselves, but we will also reclaim our settler colonies like AUS/NZ and eventually Canada. Who said that Celto-Germanic race of conquerors should ask whether we belong somewhere or not? "Stop sowing the seeds of disunity" laughable garbage. we don't need mixed bloods and economic migrants. look for work somewhere else

Junkhead #psycho #racist amren.com

A Dunkin’ Donuts store manager has been charged with manslaughter after he fatally punched a 77-year-old customer who he said repeatedly called him a racial slur.

The elderly man must have been White because we all know blacks don't mind being called the N-word by another black.

Here we have a black man with a job, manager no less, and yet he still acts like a ghetto thug from simple name calling. That's why I don't believe in the myth of the "good black." There is no such thing.

Whenever I hear some White liberal try to say some blacks are good I have to ask them who they think supports and endorses the bad blacks. Who do you think sends money to Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and other race grifters? It's not the drug dealing gangster blacks. It's not the blacks in prison. It's not the ghetto queen with her ten children. It's the "good blacks" with jobs who send money to black organizations and other race hustlers.

Blacks always take the side of other blacks regardless of the crime or situation. Look at the recent knifing incident where the cop killed a black to save a black. The "good blacks" still wanted the cop charged with murder.

There is no such thing as a good black. It's a myth. Every black has the attitude that name calling justifies violence. That's not how evolved civilized people think.

Vijay Prozak #elitist #racist anus.com

[From “Pacifism (is for Undermen)”]

The undermen of course, come from within, and they're very present with us today. There are plenty of Indo-Europeans. The problem is the quality of today's Indo-Europeans. They tend to be small, snivelling people who are good at having office jobs and not offending anyone at parties, thus taking home enough bucks to buy their way out of the ghetto, to get their kids to college and have enough medical insurance to survive the inevitable cancers. If it came down to the line, they'd rather not miss a meal than take on a heroic quest. Although some of them are quite healthy, that number declines every year.

Indo-Europeans at this time tend to be people of mixed tribal heritage, more and more, and they are slowly (1%) beginning the infiltration, again, of bloodlines of other races. Consequently, we're getting even more weird looking people than ever before, because as is obvious, if you mix two differently specialized things, you'll get a weird offspring. We have one Halle Berry for how many million mixed race people? And there you go. Even more, look at the average "100% white" person in America. A mishmash of English, Slavic, Irish, German and French, ending up with something of uncertain origin and purpose. We're making generic people. The undermen love that, as it gives them a good hiding place.

Brother Nathaniel #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #transphobia realjewnews.com

The “Great Reset” is just the beginning of our woes.

It sounds globalist but its members are cliquish.

It sounds bland but its stamp is a Jewish brand.

The gasbag of the “Reset” is Klaus Schwab, born of a Jewish mother, which rabbinically makes him a Jew.
This is Jewish hokum.

You see, the meaning of a “stakeholder” is one who owns controlling shares of a company with decision-making authority.

Do “communities” have the same corporate decision making authority as Schwab and his synagogue buddies?

Believe that and I own a Coca-Cola plant in Thailand.

The real “stakeholders” of this deceptive new brand of “capitalism” are a transnational cabal of Jews brandishing control over the goyim by crushing all independent thinking and behavior.

It’s “communism” with a Jewish ‘capitalist’ twist.

Fat cat Jews like David Solomon of Goldman Sachs, Charles Scharf of Wells Fargo, Laurence Fink of BlackRock, and Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase—are your new corporate Jewish overlords.

And you’re not invited to the Bar Mitzvah.
Irene Rosenfeld and Dirk Van de Put, Jewish heads of the parent company of Chips Ahoy, got invited to that Bar Mitzvah.

That’s why they featured a drag queen to sell their cookies.
“Sustainability” for Schwab means getting Jews into power and making sure they stay in power.

Any time there’s a culture that passes down a stable heritage and tradition you’ll find Jews amassing there in droves.

Once they prosper in and by that culture they set out to debase and replace it with degeneracy and dung.

Jews barf and vomit it all out of the devil’s own tongue.

Like a squalid spout, that’s what the “Great Reset” is really all about.

Ilana Mercer #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

Conservatives Won’t Say It: The Problem Is ‘Systemic Anti-Whiteness’

Institutionalized, systemic anti-whiteness, yoked to white hot hatred of whites:

That is the creed that is fast becoming entrenched across state and civil society in the U.S.

The Critical Race project now pervades private and political life.

A further twist of the screw was delivered by Kamala Harris, who insists on yammering about white America’s historic racism.

Whites are being singled out for intimidation.

Too many conservatives euphemize our anti-white culture.

They will typically deflect from any anti-white outrage du jour by dubbing it identity politics: “Boohoo. Democrats are dividing us via identity politics.” This is an obfuscation.

Blacks are not being pitted against Hispanics. Hispanics are not being sicced on Asians, and Amerindians aren’t being urged to attack the groups just mentioned. Rather, they’re all piling on honky. The multicultural multitudes are gunning for whites and their putative privilege.

In South Africa, inciters of black-on-white violence are known to rile the crowds with this anti-white chant. Is Marxism driving illiterates to slaughter whites in ways that beggar belief?

American “analysts” have coated the sustained ethnocidal attacks ongoing against white South Africans with this more respectable intellectual patina.

The ANC's problem is not communism; it’s white-hot hatred of whites.

Crippled by self-serving fear, conservatives have accepted the Left’s terms of debate. To warn of systemic hatred against browns and blacks is racially virtuous; but to fear the same for whites is incorrigibly racist.

For fear of being dubbed racists, media conservatives look the other way, refusing to acknowledge anti-white hue of American society.

Missy #crackpot #racist amren.com

84 percent unemployment. We're about to witness the thresh hold of how many whites are needed to keep a nation functional. It seems to me South Africa has already collapsed as a nation (because blacks are 90% of the population and have destroyed 90% of the infrastructure), but the small remaining areas where whites live are still functional.

Stop being part of the problem and become the solution. Begin mustering in White rural enclaves and arm yourselves. Let the precious PoCs consume themselves for a bit and then see who is still standing at the end.

The cities will break down, and we're already seeing this in the US. The Boers in Orania had to create all of their own infrastructure from scratch. They are legally able to keep blacks out. We should create our own legal ethnic states, one for each European ethnic group, or one for the distinct white American (who is a mix of all Europeans). It may start small like Orania, but will one day probably grow enormous as the only legal place where you can keep the 3rd world out of your nation.

Only reason I do not recommend creating a White Area officially in the US is because once one is made it will be under attack and legally there is no way to defend such a place.

I agree, but Orania has been shielded from the anti-whites due to preservation of a distinct ethnic group. So it would be crucial for this US Orania to have legal definition as preservation of unique human culture, religion, with it's own people and language, just like the Indian tribes. I agree that otherwise and if not defined correctly, it will be attacked by the entire anti-white US military.

DengistK & Colonizadounion #moonbat #racist twitter.com

If you're white you're part of a global colonizer class, it really isn't that complicated.

I think it depends. In Europe it's more nuanced, there are Saami, Romani, Karelians, Komi, Gagauz, and depending on context some groups are white and some aren't. However, if they're white outside of Europe that is always the case without much nuance.

Actual white colonizers and their descendants usually belong to the upper class.

They still have a degree of white privilege that stems from colonialism.

Image has become an issue in the virtual world more than in reality. The whole concept of privilege in skin color is racist. Most "white power" people are powerless and real power is economic, China owns the 4 largest banks in the world and thats not because of skin color.

Even the richest man in China is a victim of US imperial aggression that benefits the poorest whites.


It depends on your definition of whites . Southern and Eastern Europeans are not considered as whites just 50 years ago.

Also it's mostly western European countries engaging in imperialism

Italy has been colonizing for centuries...

Russian empire has colonizing for centuries

Just face up to it global colonialism has Been the fact of europe for more than 50 years and are still doing so now

In this case japan is part of the coloniser class

nope Japan, just like Saudi Arabia or Colombia, Neocolonial governments sacrifice the poor and working class colonized masses of their own nation for the european cracker colonizers benefit

BH Times #dunning-kruger #moonbat #racist twitter.com

What’s occurring in Palestine is not a struggle of Islam vs Judaism.

It’s settlers vs Indigenous people.

It’s kkkolonizer vs the colonized.

The pilgrims all used the excuse of religious persecution in europe to dispossess Indigenous peoples of our land and resources, and colonize the americas. The same is playing out in Palestine.

Yt jews are using a settler colonial myth that they are indigenous to lands of which they are indeed foreign. This is used to advance the genocide and land dispossession of Palestinians. The same has played out in the americas.

Both the united snakkkes and isntreal were founded as settler colonial outposts, created through the ethnic cleansing of Native people. This colonization continues today through racist policies, state violence, mass incarceration, forced displacement, and cultural erasure.

From racial profiling to police and military brutality, to corporate profiteering off of mass incarceration of youth, the systems that oppress the Palestinian people and Colonized communities in the united snakes are rooted in colonialism & yt power.

Our struggles are linked to the same structure of colonialism dispossessing, oppressing, and genociding us in the united snakes and worldwide.

It’s because of this common struggle we have always had solidarity with the Indigenous people of Palestine. Chants like “from Ferguson to Palestine, end racism now” and “from Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have got to go” are not slogans; they are shared realities.

While isntreal continues to displace Palestinians and build illegal, Jewish-only settlements on stolen Palestinian land, gentrification in the US continues to push Colonized peoples out of our communities in order to “develop” areas for the affluent.

Andrew Anglin #racist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Maryland: Wormlike Republican Governor Issues Pardon for Dead Black Rapists"]

Republicans promoting a black Marxist revolution by attacking our nation’s history is the worst thing ever

Or rather it was – before Sean Hannity did a serious political interview with poor Bruce Jenner[
]The tranny thing is at least six million times worse
Washington Post

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) on Saturday granted posthumous pardons for 34 Black victims of lynchings in the state
He read each of the victims’ names aloud before signing the pardons, ending his list with a 13-year-old boy named Fredrick

Did he cry a tear for Fredrick, the innocent rapist who was killed for the color of his skin
The blacks that got lynched were at least accused of rape[
]Most of the cases it was technically the white woman’s fault, because white women are sick and deranged and love black dick
I am not pro-lynching[
]I think we should live in a society of laws[
]I also think juries would have convicted these blacks anyway
Anyone involved in a lynching had at the very least a pretty good reason to believe that the black in question had done something worthy of a lynching
Only 73% of lynching “victims” were black. That means that 27% were white
Blacks were lynched proportionally to the whites if you consider their respective sex crime rates
I think lynching was literally biased against whites

Rambetter #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

Why Mexicans are so severely mentally retarded.

Have you ever wondered why Mexican pupils lag behind in subjects where language barriers cannot be used as an excuse? Why 30% of inmates are illegal immigrants? Living in Mexico for the past 2.5 years I have been studying the pathetically retarded creature known to us as the Mexican.

The answer has to do with how the Mexican brain works. Mexicans hold in high esteem their ability to take advantage of others. Mexicans are parasites and they’re proud of it.

In Mexico, the first thing needed when building an expensive home or a business is a wall around the property. Would it not be better if people just stopped stealing? Mexicans are too stupidly retarded to understand this.

For every theft, society loses more than the robber gains. Mexicans are too idiotically self-centered to care about that. On the contrary, retarded Mexicans have told me that they need to steal because Mexico is such a poor country. What these retards fail to realize is that their poverty is caused by theft and not the other way around.

Mexicans spend a significant percentage of their brain cycles thinking of ways to take advantage of others or thinking of ways to defend against such practices. In Northern Europe, the atmosphere allows an individual to think creatively.

It is no wonder then that no noteworthy inventions have come from Mexico. All of the technology in Mexico today has been invented and mostly imported from elsewhere.

The Mexican has no values because it cannot think beyond taking advantage of others. To the Jew, the Mexican is the perfect slave. This is precisely why the Jew is allowing the Mexican scum to enter the USA.

And unfortunately Mexicans are too stupid to understand these theories.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

Elon Musk, SNL, and the Purpose of Life

Why do they hate Elon Musk? The head of Tesla and SpaceX should be a progressive hero. He's even an immigrant. He’s the most successful African-American in the world. It’s especially impressive because he doesn’t get affirmative action.

Elon Musk wants to make humanity a multi-planetary species. Bernie Sanders wants higher taxes. We must choose: greatness or equality.

White America could do great things if it were not saddled with this moral and demographic albatross. By 2100, half the world’s population will be black due to misguided foreign aid that disgusts even many Africans. Policy-makers almost never talk about this except for Bill Gates, who thinks that turning Africans into Asians is only a matter of finding the right “formula.”

There’s nothing moral about piling up dependents while the Western Civilization that sustain them declines. As resources shrink and the black population grows, the result will be war, famine, and mass death. It will be even worse if the environmentalists are right about “climate change.” Reducing African population growth might deprive progressives of the pleasure of ending Western Civilization, but it would mean a better future for actual Africans.

Of course, by actual Africans, I exclude Elon Musk, but I wonder if living in South Africa shaped his thinking.

Sadly, no one talks about these major issues, but you can glimpse them through these tiny battles in the culture wars. The fact that an eccentric billionaire with multiplanetary aspirations is “dangerous” to our petty tyrants makes him interesting. I’m sure he’s no white advocate, but at least he understands that there has to be some form of escape from a system that chokes off accomplishment.

BH Times #mammon #moonbat #racist twitter.com

When will yt people on stolen indigenous land stop pretending they’re “communists”? If y’all were communists, you’d be back in europe, not on stolen land doing the work of the devil day in and day out

At Black Hammer, we are ANTI-COLONIAL communists, with the emphasis being on anticolonial first and foremost. We are a colonized and dispossessed peoples and all snow cockroaches are to blame.

Just because you call yourself a communist while propagating against our nations from your mom’s basement doesn’t make you on our side. Ever since krackkkas have put pen to paper, all they’ve been doing is propagating against our nations.

This includes China, DPRK, Vietnam, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. all to justify further colonization of our lands. Yt leftists be calling themselves “anti-imperialists” yet be the first ones regurgitating imperialist propaganda against China & other nations

This is why we’re anti-colonial first and foremost. We understand there exists a colonial structure over us, of which there is a propaganda machine that works against us. And yt people, even ku klux kkkommunists, will regurgitate and spread this propaganda to get us killed.

If you truly want to end genocide and capitalism, which is born from colonialism and maintained at the expense of us, the Colonized, join our reparations corps

BH Times #moonbat #psycho #racist twitter.com

Now we talking about Lakeith Standfield bending down to backlash calling him "anti-semitic" "how much backbending do these colonizer jews need us to do for them?

Antisemitism is just a tool to keep yt jews from getting principled criticism and understanding their material reality to the world. No one sticking them in ovens anymore.

We talking about what's going on in Palestine!! Down with the huhuite jews!!

Yt jews will be criticized, Palestine belongs to Palestinians -- and nothing will be compromised for that!!

#Palestinian health officials in the #Gaza Strip said 20 people, including nine children, have been killed in recent bombings by the parasites that have invaded their land.


isntreal forces say they’re targeting “a Hamas military operative,” but this is just an excuse for these bloodsucking parasites to kill more and more Palestinians whenever they want and take their land.

We stand in full unity with the Palestinian masses as they resist & fight against this settler-kkkololonial terrorism in their lands. If you’re Palestinian, or Colonized person, looking to smash yt power join http://blackhammer.org/join today!

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

The American Establishment uses the presstitute lie machine to control the narrative for most of the world by broadcasting disinformation in 59 languages. Countries and their news services rely on “news” from the US to comprehend world events. Most of the world has little alternative to American news sources except for the BBC which is part of the US presstitute network. In effect, the US has been effective in brainwashing the world.

Just as the US controls the international payments system, the US controls world opinion. Despite the facts that the felon George Floyd died from a fatal overdose of the dangerous opioid fentanyl, which is 100 times more potent than morphine, the world believes police officer Chauvin killed Floyd by holding his knee on Floyd’s neck when in fact the police videos show that Chauvin’s knee is on Floyd’s shoulder blade, an approved holding technique. The jury was afraid to go against the opinion created by the presstitutes and convicted Chauvin despite the powerful evidence of his innocence. The powerlessness of facts in America today has sealed our fate.

The world believes this falsehood of Floyd’s death, because the presstitute US media repeatedly showed a video conflicted by “camera perspective bias” that from its perspective makes it look as if Chauvin’s knee is on Floyd’s neck.

Wherever you look in the world you see that US presstitute lies—fake news—have succeeded in controlling world understanding.

D.B. Cooper & Pavel #racist #wingnut amren.com

(D.B. Cooper)
When people suggest returning the Americas to the natives, I tell them that has already happened in some places. However, Nigerians, the Congolese, Mexicans, Haitians, Hindus, and other "independent" third world types can be seen on overcrowded rickety boats, heading to any country willing to take them in.

Is that what we can expect from Native Americans? I'm already picturing Kayaks full of Indians trying to cross the Atlantic, following the white people to Europe.

As an European, I say this to my American white brothers and sisters:

Agree with ones who want to return America to immigrants, now called "natives" or "first nations", who came to the continent before whites. Agree, but on one condition: all current population of the US needs to get out, nobody but "first nations" shall remain. When it happens, ask them "first nations" who they want to see back, and only those who they want to see back shall return.

Something tells me that if it happens, the US will be whiter than the Czech Republic.

European Son #racist #wingnut amren.com

”There was a thread full of people on FB recently ranting about white colonization and how those homelands should be returned to the Native Americans, Aboriginals, et al.

I dropped a comment to the effect of 'Maybe you guys are right. So if colonizers return those territories , does that mean we all can return to our ancestral homelands, including Europe for Europeans only?'

I got no answer.”

They don’t answer that because deep down they want all of our homelands.

As we all know, their logic isn't about homelands or natives and self determination in ancestral lands (How could it possibly be when you support migrants and mass migration?) ... It's simply fervent and envious hatred of Whites and therefor Whites don't have a right to a homeland (anywhere) unlike everyone else and anything that Whites want or is good for Whites is also therefore "evil" by its very nature...

The idea of White people having their own lands and in control of their own destinies drives them absolutely crazy.

We're not like everyone else who deserves these things as a unique group because we are not special like other groups... We Whites are indeed unique as clearly we are uniquely horrible but we are not special, we are in fact solely UNspecial and therefore undeserving of anything or any kind of consideration at all... Truth be told our existence as an actual group is often only affirmed when being vilified, blamed and condemned...

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

The West is losing the war for Planet Earth because it no longer represents good and currently has incompetent criminal leadership. The West many of us grew up in represented democracy, human rights, wealth, and progress. It now represents disease, economic inequality, war, and fascism.
The only thing the U.S. has left is military power, and war game after war game shows it losing in an all-out war against China.

Unless the West restores real democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights, and competent economic management, the next generation will become Chinese slaves.

The reason for this decline is that the West has been taken over by a Satanic cult.

In Japan, they have murdered prime minister after prime minister and many others in the post-war era to try to bring this country under the control of the same cult. The process is easier to understand here because it has begun relatively recently. However, in the West, it started at least with the murder of Jesus Christ by this same cult. In the U.S. they murdered Abraham Lincoln, President Franklin Roosevelt, General George Patten, President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and many others to cement their control.
Also last week a strong push by the White Dragon Society and their allies to set up a meritocracy-based planning organization, to help navigate humanity toward a better future, has flushed out a powerful and ancient secret society straight from a Dan Brown novel. This society contacted us after we approached the BIS, the central bank of central banks in Switzerland.

Brett Stevens #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

When rape first became a crime, we lived in a different world. Among the middle and upper echelons of society, women expected to be virgins at marriage and to be respectable in public thereafter.

These expectations arose from common knowledge which has been forgotten. Without the bonding that sexual inexperience provided, couples lacked the trust that came with shared exclusive experience. Their marriages also became unions of convenience, not based on the sacred but in business-like negotiations for mutual satisfaction on a day-to-day basis.

Not surprisingly when we abandoned this outlook our fortunes fell as far as marriage is concerned. First infidelity swept through marriages, then divorce became common, and now people simply avoid marriage in the first place to avoid being penalized to subsidize someone else after the inevitable divorce. Marriage is like extended dating at this point.

In saner times, rape ruined a woman. If it occurred before marriage, it made her unlikely to become married; if it happened afterwards, people saw her as being ejected from the throes of marital contentment. (This was for decent people in the upper echelons: peasants, criminals and gypsies rutted like pigs and still do, which creates their ever-expanding numbers and ever-decreasing fortune.)

In our new age however rape no longer carries this weight. No woman is ruined by having sex with one more man, since they commonly have sex with six of them on average that they will admit, but we know that people lie on surveys and the actual number may be ten times higher, some without even knowing his name or spending more than a dozen minutes in his company. At this point, it is farce and injustice to keep rape classified as a crime of violence.

throwawayneedpriv #racist #sexist reddit.com

As a south asian male, south asian male x white female and east asian male x white female will never be as popular as the white male x asian female.

The biological attraction to east and south asian males isn't strong.

White women are the tallest females on average. Most asian males are like 5'5'- 5'9. White guys easily push 6 foot. Normally white women and asian males are the same height or even shorter than them, women want a partner taller than them .

East Asian males lack dimorphism compared to other guys. Sexual dimorphism is needed in order for attraction to be there. Also women like guys biologically darker than them, east asian guys are too light skinned for white women.

South asian males have too much dimorphism, + lack of pretty boy features.not to mention only negative stereotypes, so white women won't choose us

Most white women will never choose asian males as their second choice if they're not with a white guy they're more likely to choose black males especially west africans ( tall, athletic, lots of muscle, strong jaws).

Just stop counting these numbers cuz it's not gonna happen it's a waste of time , wmaf has biological attraction to it ( white males are tall, darker than east asian females but not to dark, Strong sexual dimorphism plus light coloured eyes ) thus it will always be way more popular than amwf which lacks biological attraction, at the end of the at the simplest level we are animals and we operate on our biologically.

Not saying it amwf cant happen I'm just saying it's unlikely cuz biological attraction isn't there from the white female perspective in most cases. So it would be better for you not to bother and pay attention to white females unless they're showing considerable signs they like you.

Pavel #racist #wingnut amren.com

After Putin's annexation of Crimea and his ignition of war in eastern part of Ukraine resulted in more than million Ukrainian civilian refugees fleeing Russian occupied territories, I was thinking what would it be if somebody rented vessels and sail that million of good hardworking Ukrainians to the rich soils of South Africa? Nobody could have said that they're not genuine refugees. They were, and they are. It would have been fun to see how leftist globalist media would have presented a million of white refugees arriving in South Africa...

Alexander Iulianus #fundie #racist twitter.com

Solar atheists of Mark Brahmin out themselves guilty of racial self-hatred in this thread.

They deliberately misread the ancients to de-racialise them alike to progressive revisionists, they endorse Christianity's botched reading of Plato, and entrust modern academia with truth.

>Bruhmin solar atheist gets outed for racial self-hatred
>he blocks me

One of Typhon's many faces has been revealed.

Bruhmin, the prophet of solar atheism who corrupts the good cult of Apollo with evil denial of the Gods, demeaning our ancestors as backward dullards, happily argued with me inanely over soul—but once I noted their work rests upon racial self-hatred, he and his ilk blocked me.

Cowards flee when discovered of their evil. Despise these workers of evil. Prescribe them homo sacer- none but the Gods could intervene to save these wretched deceivers from any doom that would rightly fall upon them.

The Final Wakeup Call #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #racist finalwakeupcall.info

The Anunnaki changed the Earth frequency and its polarisation into negative polarity, meant for war and destruction. When, more are killed the better they can control and manipulate the rest. Debt money put people into debt and makes them debt slaves. Conspiracy theorists are classified as negative doom seekers, while the opposite is true, they are the real truth hunters. People are so deeply brainwashed that positive has become negative. The sheeple live in a world of illusion, were democracy is promoted as freedom, while in reality it is dictatorship where 51% rule the other 49%. And, anarchy has been changed in insurrection, while it originally means self-rule!

Thanks to our digital soldiers; Truth and honesty is coming out of the woods, all around us. Unfortunately, the sheep continue to believe the lies of their government and say publicly the awake truth seekers are doom-tellers and depressing problem chasers.
Stupid people who took the poisonous Satan vaccine devised and sponsored by Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Gates are going to suffer from every disease imaginable, from hundreds kinds of blindness, all types of convulsion and worse. They can count on a premature death; three years of suffering is judged to be the maximum.
The Deep State elite are surrounded by sycophants and pretenders whose continued employment demands that they do not question the ideas they are told to convey. But we can easily beat them by using local news media, such as Telegram groups, to our advantage.

refuse #psycho #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Antifa Is Removing People From Cars At Gunpoint In Portland

The powers that be really are pushing for a race war, you can feel it. Question is, when will the people reach their boiling point. Television shows, and gimmicks will only last for so long as a deterrent...

It be fine if they were pushing a race war on both sides, but they are not. They are just giving Blacks and other minoritysthe righr to commit violent crimes while under police protection and supervision.

If a White person fights back, there is a white cop supervising ready to arrest the white guy defending himself.

How has Portland not fallen yet? I know the national guard has been called there, but even before Trump lost the election, I dont understand why he didn't invade

I think the middle class and upper middle class there have more money then people in other states.

They seems to tolerate vandalism on their homes and cars better than people on the east coast.

Brett Stevens #elitist #racist #wingnut amerika.org

[From “Periscope (December 30, 2019)”]

Is ‘Dixie Highway’ racist? The debate is growing

Let us make it clear: if anything references the world before diversity took over in the late 1990s, then it is racist. You cannot remind people of the founding ethnic majority because then they realize how much they are simply squatters in the house of more intelligent ancients. This applies to both the ethnic diversity (Italians, Irish, Poles, Jews) and the racial diversity (Africans, Asians, mixes) but also implicates the various boxwine feminists, pajama soyboys, religious fanatics, and neurotics who make up the Left. Once there was greatness, and now we have this lumpy, ugly, unhealthy, angry group of orcs and goblins who have nothing but an impulse to destroy. We will have to remove all of these people, sending them to places where they will have the society they need.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Missouri Democrat Rep. Cori Bush repeated the progressive waterboarding of language and culture on Thursday when she referred to women as 'birthing people' during a hearing about the health of black children, which a Democrat Oversight Committee calls a crisis. The term “birthing people” came so naturally to Bush that she didn’t understand what the fuss was all about. She’s not the only one doing it. The thought leaders of the Left and policymakers at the highest level of government are erasing women and girls. The CDC now refers in its literature to “People who are pregnant” and “People who are breastfeeding,” rather than women or females.
We live in crazy times, no doubt about it. We live in an age where activists scream ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!’ then turn around and kill their own black babies in numbers that outdo Hitler’s Holocaust of the Jews. We live in an age where activists scream “LISTEN TO SCIENCE!!!”, then turn around and tell us there are 100 genders and that men can become women in defiance of both science and biology. We live in an age where the spirit of Antichrist has begun to rule over the kingdoms of men.

Men cannot become women, that is categorically impossible on any level by which metrics could measure it, transgenders are nothing more than ‘dress-up dollies’, using chemicals and costumes to create hideous hybrids. If that offends you, then you are in agreement with Satan, plain and simple. You applauded when the Liberals cancelled Trump, but guess what? Now they’re cancelling you and you are cheering your own damnation and destruction. Welcome to Birthing Peoples Day, brought to you by the spirit of Antichrist, with a whole lot more on the way. Enjoy!

State of the Nation #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #racist stateofthenation.co

Religious Jamboree Was Perfect Venue to Send a Strong Message to Every Israeli to Obey All Covid Restrictions and Mandates

SOTN Editor’s Note: Israel is in shock today because the Covid control freaks in Tel Aviv put the whole country in shock. Netanyahu’s government does not want anyone, especially religious groups, congregating in such large groups as they did at the HUGE Lag B’Omer religious festival yesterday. Such behavior sends the ‘wrong message’ to the rest of Israel that the pandemic is over and should no longer be feared.

These massive jamborees have taken place practically forever in Israel so they know how to properly prepare and prevent disasters like this. Hence, this catastrophe was certainly “made to happen on purpose” to have maximum dramatic effect as it is now having nationwide. After all, Israel has been painstakingly set up to be the national poster child for COVID-1984—an entire society perfectly controlled by the genocidal maniacs in Tel Aviv who issued the Covid vaccine mandates.

The Mossad has triggered numerous stampedes in Saudi Arabia over the years, especially during the Hajj in Mina just east of Mecca. A close examination of the historical record clearly indicates that each of those deadly stampedes was intentionally provoked at critical times during the never-ending Mideast geopolitical chess game.

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