
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

Daryl James/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy exopolitics.org

In 2004, during his seven years of service with the US Navy that began in 1999, Daryl James was stationed at the Royal Air Force Base at St Mawgan in Cornwall, England, where he was recruited into a “20 and back” program with the Solar Warden Space Program. James recalls how his IQ was measured to be 195 when he walked through a metal detector-looking apparatus. This got the attention of covert military leaders who were seeking exceptionally smart people for their classified programs.
James next remembers meeting a nine-foot-tall Draco Reptilian in an underground section of the St Mawgan RAF base. The Draco physically manhandled James and in retaliation, James poked the eye of the Reptilian and was severely punished with three months of slave labor at a secret Moon Base. He experienced horrific conditions and saw women and children being physically abused.

James described women being kept in brothels and used as sex-slaves as reward for base personnel and workers, and subsequently giving birth to many children. The children would grow up in feral-like underground conditions until they were ready to be harvested for their adrenochrome. The children would be rounded up and kept in steel cages until they were taken out for adrenachrone harvesting, some of which included Satanic Ritual Abuse ceremonies.

James eventually got to serve with the German Dark Fleet, aka Nachtwaffen, where he experienced the Germans’ hierarchical authority system with them occupying all the senior positions, while US and other non-German personnel filled subordinate positions. James described the two years he served with the German Dark Fleet, which included visits to their home planet where he received permission to marry a German woman. Before the marriage could be carried out, however, Nordic extraterrestrials working with the Navy Solar Warden program came and extracted him from his service with the Dark Fleet.

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #quack #conspiracy 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com

Just like the first asset Thomas Matthew Crooks had all of the usual signs of an FBI/CIA brainwashed assassin, so too does the followup would-be Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh literally tick all of the boxes as yet another Intelligence Industrial Complex Manchurian Candidate.

Both of these individuals were profoundly disturbed, hopped up on various BigPharma meds, and more than likely handled by the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and/or other Federal agency agents. Both of these deranged men also had incredibly “coincidental” ties to the Mockingbird MSM and establishment; to wit:

While Crooks was in possession of multiple overseas encrypted devices that were presumably used by him and his handlers, Routh was working with national security agencies:

But it gets even worse, as Routh was actively recruiting solders cannon fodder for the nefarious Nazi stay-behind-network in Ukraine known as the Azov Battalion:
A lazy, inept and immoral business owner pours all of his energies and failures into politrix, spurred on by the MSM and social media that has so many leftist Americans wanting Trump dead as they support the murderous Ukraine war, just as they “Trust[ed] the Science” and still somehow believe to this very day that the Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” are “Safe and Effective.” It would be totally unsurprising if Routh had all eight — or are we now up to nine, or even ten? — of his boosters before he was activated; in fact, given what we know of the plethora of PSYOP-19 “vaccine” adverse events, it would not be too much of a stretch to posit that Routh had some prion-based brain damage from all of his injections, which more than likely worked ‘synergistically’ with all of his psychiatric meds, and thus he was that much more psychologically malleable for his handlers.
These people are truly the enemy, and whenever they label the MAGA “domestic terrorists” and Trump as such it is nothing more than a case of painfully obvious projection.

Ricardo Duchesne #racist #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy eurocanadians.ca

Can the white race win against this opposition?

1) A fast growing nonwhite population determining who gets elected, voting for diversity handouts and demonization of white identity.

2) A ruling business and cultural class that believes that diversity is the greatest strength of the West, and prohibits by law white identity politics.

3) Millions of Muslims living in Europe, building mosques everywhere, while Christian churches are turned into nightclubs.

4) A matriarchal order in which female psychology dominates academia, media, and political world, and men lust for these women to give them sex.

5) Blacks dominate American pop culture and the NFL is totally blackified in accordance with the American official view that integration is the greatest moral ideal.

6) A Jewish group with lots of financial and media power, loved by White elites, assiduously pushing woke politics and Neocon wars.

7) A fertility rate below replacement, with Greece, Italy, Spain, and much of Europe, in dire need of Africans and Moslems to keep the GDP growing.

8) An entire institutional network, from schools to universities, law courts, political parties, libraries, Google et al, dedicated to racial and cultural diversity. 9) A White psychology that is historically and psychological wired against in-group white politics, believing that we are all individuals with equal rights.

John C. Carleton #racist #conspiracy #crackpot johnccarleton.org

[Submitter’s Note: This man is (probably) insane. You have been warned.]
The subterfuge of the False Flag of 11 September 2001 can never be understood by sheep who still believe in National Borders and “governments” “of by and for the people” represented by those borders.
The Rothschilds control most every if not every “government” and “world organization” existing.
For the illusion of the sheep Rothschild’s minions who behind closed doors plan the shearing and slaughter of the sheep appear in videos, print and such to be at each other’s throats in false contention.
Rothschilds have been the rulers of the Uk since the Battle of Waterloo.
They have controlled America from at least 1913 when the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT which is a private Rothschild run organization which is not federal, has no reserves and is not a bank.
UK instigated both WW1 & WW2 for their Rothschild masters.
When Uk was loosing WW1 which they instigated for their Rothschild masters, Germany offered to just call the war off, everyone stop killing each other and go home.
The Rothschilds told UK, wait, we can drag America into the war so you can win and in exchange all we want is for Britain to steal Palestine and give it to us.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

Moving into Virgo Solar Alchemy, the 911 timeline window is magnified significantly during the 23rd anniversary of when the NAA <Negative Alien Agenda> staged an Adam Belial Wicker Man ritual in order to carry out a public ceremony announcing their New World Order plan with the culmination of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York City. The destruction of the Twin Towers and human blood sacrifice of those killed at the World Trade Center, was intended to be the line drawn in the sand to show the NAA were proceeding with their full domination and slavery agenda of humanity and Earth. This event brought forward what became known as the 911 Timelines, the implementation of the false reality timelines in order to direct the planet into the AI Assimilation Timeline, which is the Fallen AI Timeline Loop system that the NAA fully control from within the Phantom Matrix.

Registering that the 911 Timeline window is being utilized for hijacking the collective consciousness for activating the Armageddon Software for a mock up World War III event, as we are now entering another stage of the planned breakdown of the infrastructure within western societies, which is made evident for those paying attention. This means that the energetic fields are getting more destabilized with the outer conflicts and influx of the dark forces of chaos which drastically increase the potentials of dark possession and negative attachments hitchhiking onto the unaware population, especially those settled within the regions of descending pockets. Until finally there is the tipping point which culminates in a series of major events being revealed to the public, events that have been designed for further destabilization within the transnational storefronts involved in global financial control, the majority remain unaware. When this level of malintent is revealed, it may bring on sudden destructive actions on United States and United Kingdom soil

Elizabeth Nickson #wingnut #ableist #conspiracy elizabethnickson.substack.com

Independent media is 10X the size of legacy media, and the ‘internet’, engaged, creative and smart, is 100X independent media. The take down was delicious fun, illuminating and a clear signifier of an engaged, revitalized citizenry looking forward with relish to the end of cultural Marxism, tyranny and the perpetual threat of a impending crash so large, we will all be eating our pets.

Nevertheless, the debate on Tuesday night required some recovery. In many ways I protect myself from the left; the years I spent in their cults and professions count as the least happy of my life, and I found, once deprogrammed, that their reality was false. But I have heard that coarse and deeply offensive noise in my own house, from people (women) that I love. The crude honk of derision, the bray of a Marxist slogan. In my village, there is a severely challenged individual, with about five significant birth defects. You can hear him coming as the good (and funded) take him out for his daily walk. He shouts and the sound is appalling, coarse, base like feral boar, snorting and honking like a donkey, but human, which is distressing. He is a walking devolution of man, pitiable in this case, horrifying in Kamala’s.

But to me, that is the left, feral. I am so alive to it now, I can feel the demonic curl of hatred entering the house. I can watch the slither of a Commie thought run across the eyes of a young confused cousin or the friend of a granddaughter; they cling to it as if to a life line.

It is the thought: I’m scared of the future, I feel weak, I need help, life is unfair, communism is the only way to right wrongs. You, person-with-a-house, have to give everything so that others may live. Income distribution is the way! See this book by Kamala’s Marxist economist daddy, the cover so hidden, only the spine is visible on Amazon. You have to admit that is fine-grained censorship.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

In a surprise attack on September 7th, the Light forces have removed the negative Agartha network and dark Tibetan network completely, with only the core of the main underground base in Northern Tibet still remaining. That base will be removed in a month or less.

Immediately after that attack, the Jesuits freaked out completely because they realized they do not have the negative spiritual support they had until now for many centuries. They have since then set a chain of negative events worldwide, that will lead to their downfall against all of their expectations.

The Jesuits want to keep humanity in materialistic physical eternal time loop without any access to higher dimensions because that ensures the maximum entropy of the Matrix. Because of Lurker disentanglement process, their materialistic project will fail:

What is now left is the main dark network on the surface of the planet which consists of globally interconnected layers of Negative military, Negative police, Black nobility, Illuminati, Deep state and Negative financial complex. The Lurker subquantumly entangles with all those factions and guides them with nudges and impulses.
Some of the top generals within the Negative military were once commanders within the Ashtar Command. During military missions in the Galactic wars they were captured by the dark forces, implanted, brainwashed and put into reincarnation cycle on Earth. Many of them originate from Sirius. Sirius star system is beginning its activation which will peak in 2025, and is already sending strong energies to those generals, hoping that some of them may cross over to the Light side, which they may.

The core of the Negative military was infiltrated in 1996 by a small group of dark beings from another Universe, which brought with them a certain small number of Black Stones.
Black Rock (codename for the Black Stone) is at the core of the Negative financial complex, and it controls the Deep state through bribes

Sara Gonzales, John Doyle, & Alex Jones #racist #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

On Sara Gonzales Unfiltered, BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales was joined by white nationalist John Doyle and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for a wildly racist panel discussion on Haitian migrants. The panelists claimed that Haitians “live in cave man-level” conditions, are eating household pets, and have a culture with “no redeeming quality.”

Seizing on the racist rumor that Haitian migrants are stealing and eating cats in Springfield, OH, Jones falsely claimed that an Ohio woman who killed an ate a cat in a “voodoo ritual.”

“And it was police reports, videos of a crazy woman in the parking lot eating the cat she just killed and admitting she did it in a voodoo ritual,” Jones said. “They believe they get the power of the cat if they eat it live. That’s in mainline stories about Haiti. They’ve deforested Haiti. They eat any cats or dogs that are out.”

“Now they’re grabbin’ the geese, they’re grabbin’ the dogs, they’re butchering ’em right there on their front steps,” he added.


Jones also repeated the white supremacist “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory, connecting the influx of Haitian migrants, who were granted temporary protected status, to a plot to change the demographics of the country.

“So they are bombing red cities, red counties, red cities like what we just saw up there in Ohio, in Springfield, to change the demographic,” Jones said. “To have a permanent underclass that knows their boss is the Democratic Party. So this is an organized replacement migration, which the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center says is racist and made up.”
Jones went on to say that, “This is how you capture the West. You bring an incompatible, super, ultra Third World populations that don’t have running water, that live in cave man-level stuff.”

Carlos Whitlock Porter #homophobia #sexist #racist #conspiracy cwporter.com

Liberals have never hesitated to take their principles to any extreme, no matter how irrational and insane. They instinctively fear that the inapplicability of the equality principle to any group of people threatens the principle itself, so it must be infinitely extended.

In the 1940s, the liberals told us there was "No Difference" between Jews and non-Jews. It became a crime to say that Jews hi-jacked the country and caused the war. It became "Nazi propaganda" to say that the gas chambers were an invention of Allied propaganda.

In the 1950s and 60s, the liberals told us there was "No Difference" between the races. It became a crime to "discriminate", even when the Negro "Master Race " robbed, raped, and beat up our friends and relatives and wrecked our schools and neighbourhoods.

Since sexual differences are a reminder of racial differences, the liberals told us there was "No Difference" between men and women. It became a crime in France to advertize for "air hostesses".

Since national differences are a reminder of racial differences, the liberals told us there was "No Difference" between nationalities. It became a crime in Holland to advertize for job applicants who could speak Dutch.

Since the differences between homo and heterosexuals are a reminder of the differences between men and women, which in turn are a reminder of racial and national differences, the liberals told us there was "No Difference" between homo and heterosexuals. It became a crime to discriminate against homosexuals

It then transpired that 50% of the homosexuals in San Francisco (to cite only one example) were already infected. The liberals were undaunted. They took their principle one step further. They told us there was "No Difference" between AIDS carriers and non-carriers, because only 10% of all carriers were developing the disease. No problem! It became a crime to discriminate against AIDS carriers. "Closing Your Doors" to the carriers of a fatal, incurable, and contagious illness! How pitiless! How cruel!

Marshall Masters #crackpot #ufo #homophobia #quack #conspiracy amazon.com

This book is a traveler's guide to surviving the Planet X tribulation with the help of friends and family on both sides of the veil. It features a prophecy timeline by year and season for 2024 through 2037. Learn how the past has led to the present and the things we must do to keep kit and kin together during the hard times ahead to survive, thrive, and enjoy an enlightened Star Trek future.

Call to the Nation

Marshall Masters first observed Planet X on December 26, 2012, and has tracked it ever since. He believes humanity is facing the threat of genetic extinction during this tribulation and that healthy, unvaccinated, heterosexual children of the Alpha generation, those born after 2010, will be the most critical generation in the history of humankind since Adam and Eve. He calls them Riselings, and his message is they can only fail us–if we fail them first.
Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. Since 1999, he has been researching earth changes and Nibiru flyby-related topics including: sustainable survival communities, catastrophic crop circles, impact events and future technologies. Like many others, Marshall sees a dark cloud coming. What makes him different is that he also sees a silver lining – a noble and inspiring Star Trek future.

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

Apparently TRUMP did recently reverse previous statements that he won in 2020… The white hats are trotting this out to strategically remove any chance Trump can be prosecuted in future for stating he won.
This has everything to do with the white hat military advancing Trump as CIC… and putting him in office ahead of the election. Which some will characterize as a “coup”.
There are two main sides in this war which has been moving from cold to hot more and more in recent days. Those sides are the NWO cabal and the white hats (a semi-secret organization) that involves both military and civilians loyal to the Constitution. Although this is simplified because both sides involve many levels and loyalties. With this in mind, the consensus generally is that with the assassination of JFK (which may have been staged as evidence has come forward recently indicating Kennedy actually lived until just recently) was the major coup that took over our American government and put in place the cabal/NWO puppets from then on, stealing every election from that time
Not only is Trump our real President and Commander-in-Chief but Juan O Savin/aka/JFKjr is the acting VP of the core executive branch (devolution by law) of our government that is and was fully aware of the NWO-Coup that took over and placed Biden illegally in as President. In other words we have already had a coup which finalized its takeover (again) by stealing the 2020 election. Our military is fully aware of this and did not inaugurate Biden they gave him a funeral and installed a ‘fake-Biden played by 4 actors over the years and possibly a clone or two. A certain portion of our military then re-installed Trump as President and CIC and our real government through the executive orders was put in place in secret. Therefore it will likely take another coup to return our country to the hands of the people led by the white hat military which are fully poised and ready to do so.

An American Pet Owner #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

I don’t know about you — fellow pet owner — but I don’t want any Haitian, or Venezuelan, or Columbian, or Mexican, or any other illegal alien brought in the country by Team Biden-Harris gobbling up my two precious pups and little kitty. Not no way, not no how … … … I just won’t stand for it!!!
They can do anything else — you know, all the crazy things that the both Biden & Harris have done which have totally wrecked and ruined our nation…but just don’t let those illegals take away my poor little pets.

Honestly, how can those Haitians especially just walk down to the local pond and grab a goose for dinner?!

I’m sorry, I just won’t stand for it. As a lifelong member of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), we’re quite fierce in our resolve to stop this cruelty to animals, particularly all bird life.

And how about all of those cats being snatched off the street and cooked over a stove top faster than you can say “CATFOOD”, where the poor little kitty becomes food for the illegal alien.

But why are the Democrats and mainstream media so adamant that our pets are not being eaten by the Haitian illegal aliens? Even though many reports have been providing hard evidence that such pet meals are now routinely happening across the USA?

All I’m saying is that I don’t want the Haitians or any other illegal aliens unlawfully transported to this country by the Biden-Harris administration eating my adorable pets—not my dogs, not my cat, not my parrot. Okay?! They’re like family to me and I just won’t tolerate them being kidnapped and killed by a foreign crime gang who has been given free credit cards and smartphones and food stamps to get themselves a decent meals.

And I don’t appreciate that the POTUS and VPOTUS and MSM all lie about these “HAITIAN PET GOBBLERS”

Ramona Lappin #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy eraoflight.com

As part of our powerful activation & healing marathon, we are now facing our final moment of full liberation and freedom! For me, that’s our Diamond Sun God and Rainbow Plasma Lightbody fully online and us flying, for all else is a limited version of reality.

For this is us completing our transmigration, translocation, and transformation process, and return back home to Paradise and our true nature, essence, soul family, and Beloveds & UNITE AS ONE COSMIC FAMILY AGAIN! Free of all discord, wars, divisions caused by differences in beliefs and how we perceive things, free of all judgments and fragmentation, separation and victim-victimizer consciousness! For the Forerunners fully resolve this now within their own God-Self for good, on behalf of all! For


THISNIS THE FINAL EXODUS but as the tables have been turned, this time around, as the beginning meets the end, IT’S THE END, exodus and extraction FOR THE INVADERS and those that have commited grace crimes against humanity and the sanctity of life. Those who abused their powers to hurt the innocent, and those that depended on their leadership and safe guarding.
This session is mainly focusing on THE FINAL BIG ASTRAL CLEAN UP; clearing of astral infiltration and inter-FEAR-ence patterns running in the field. Connected to traumas and wounds and fear based programming. REMOVING ALL REMAINING ENTITIES, ATTACHMENTS, DEMONIC ENTITIES, VAMPIRES, FALLEN ANGELICS etc.
All hooks, cords, bindings, all the karmic residue and connections to and from our experiences in the fear Matrix are being fully dissolved and cleared. These attachments and entities actually were a part of keeping us safe and protected whilst living in this upside down world, as different rules applied. Now we all get to go home, fully reset, begin again, and play other roles, as

For this you have to CUT all your cords, attachments and connections to the false realities.

Ariel (Prolotario1) #wingnut #conspiracy twitter.com

𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙙 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙢𝙥 𝙫𝙨 𝙅𝙤𝙚 𝘽𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣 (𝘾𝙉𝙉 𝘿𝙚𝙗𝙖𝙩𝙚)

𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙙 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙢𝙥 𝙫𝙨 𝙆𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙖 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙨 (𝘼𝘽𝘾 𝘿𝙚𝙗𝙖𝙩𝙚)

𝘽𝙤𝙩𝙝 𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙤𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 2020 𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙛𝙧𝙖𝙪𝙙.

I told you all everything D. Trump is doing in this election season is a formal process. For some strange reason people keeping thinking everything hinges on things that are deemed irrelevant when it comes to court of law.

D. Trump doing good in the polls.

Winning televised debates.

Having rallies to drum up support for his campaign.

You all seem to forget that before 2026 you will not see any of these people anymore. I will be surprised if they even make it out of 2024. COG <Continuation of Government> - is the only reason things are continuing as normal. The lawsuit filed against ABC by D. Trump because George Stephanopoulos called D. Trump a r*p¡st is not the reason that station is in the cross hairs because they committed a crime against the American people way before that.

Everything happening right now is for the sensibilities of "The Normies" because they are most mentally fragile. They are being reeled into things they would have otherwise dismissed years ago in terms of the blatant clown show we are watching.

I am seeing people that would normally denounce D. Trump come out and support him because of how he handled Kamala Harris. Especially when the light bulb went off in their heads when they realized after D. Trump told the world that Kamala Harris can go wake up Joe Biden right now and close the borders.
This is waking up a lot of people. Just those simple statements from D. Trump is powerful and gets the gears going in people's heads. This is not about his performance. It's about the opportunity to red pill the nation while he goes about the formal election process that will no longer be needed after 2024.

James Rink #wingnut #transphobia #racist #crackpot #conspiracy supersoldiertalk.com

Kamala Harris was born a boy in Benghazi. His parents, Donald Harris from Jamaica and Shyamala Gopalan from India, named him Kamal Aroush. He is not black, he is half Indian and half Jamaican. At the time of his birth his parents were British citizens, not US citizens, and thus he is not eligible to hold the office of US President. He later worked as a prostitute in the US, was a card carrying Marxist, as a prosecutor in California refused to prosecute Sex Offenders and was illegally elected US Vice President through 2020 Election Fraud. He was executed at GITMO for that Election Fraud and his actor is now running as the Democrat Party ineligible nominee for US President of a bankrupt and defunct Vatican/ UK Royalty/ Rothschild Banker-owned corrupt US Inc. Corporation.


Edwin Benson #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy returntoorder.org

The postmodern university is fascinated with magic, and this is a most curious coupling—one with ominous social overtones.

Until the mid-twentieth century, serious academics regarded any mention of magic as the ravings of the stupid or insane. They followed the scientific method of empiricism, emphasizing verifiable evidence in acquiring knowledge and forming ideas.

What is Magic, Anyway?

The “Occult Art, Occultism” entry in the Catholic Encyclopedia defines magic as “an interference with the usual course of physical nature.” The practitioner accomplishes it by “recitation of formularies, gestures, mixing of incongruous elements, and other mysterious actions.” The effort is an “attempt to work miracles not by the power of God…but by the use of hidden forces beyond man’s control. Its advocates…seek the desired result by evoking powers ordinarily reserved to the Deity.” Magic “is a corruption of religion.”

The Encyclopedia makes another highly pertinent point. Magic, it says, “appears as an accompaniment of decadent rather than of rising civilization.”

The new-found interest in magic seems strange in a world that has long been dominated by materialism and rigid use of the scientific method.
It is tempting to make fun of the attempts at erudite sophistication with which these colleges cloak these imitation academic offerings. However, their adolescent attempts to shock and amaze the students mask a deadly seriousness. As mentioned before, magic is a sign of a society’s degeneration. Even more than that, these naïve students and their professors are playing with the very substance of evil itself, which has massive and unforeseeable consequences. That is especially true for those who play with a Devil in whom they do not believe.

Joe Hunt #wingnut #conspiracy facebook.com

”Thoughts of the Day”
Be Mindful of What
Your Voting For!
☠️Their mouths are full of empty promises! Their lips 👄 are filled with lies!
👽They definitely want huge government and control!
🤡Don’t be fooled, this particular part of the (good) Democratic Party IS NOT THE OLD DEMOCRAT PARTY!
👽This time, just like Obama, they will give you crumbs, promise you everything, and you will vote for them like every time, AND GET SHIT!
☠️They will and are going to extremely raise your taxes to a level of triple! Then they OWN YOU! You want to live in a communist country? Then move to Russia or China! You don’t like what I am trying to tell you?👏 I’m trying to save your life!
🤡(These people just want to 🎈 party, and let our country suffer!) Then, Have all your money in taxes, and Have No Constitution, and Have Total Control Over Everyone and Everything!
“Your Vote Matters”
Practical Common Sense Policies, Strong Leadership, America First Policies, and a President that’s For The People and The Country!
I think that is what most Americans want.
(Submitters note: Should I add a UFO tag? Because there are alien emojis.)

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy ascensionglossary.com

The Orion Group is a Satanic force that has a predatorial ideology that uses females as slaves or breeders, while seeking territorial dominion on other planets within their warring and killing culture. Their position in the NAA and its consortium of Negative Aliens is called the Black Sun Program. They are a predator force with a predator mind which is mainly responsible for creating much of the Negative Ego in humanity through Mind Control programming, in which they got a stronghold in the Earth during the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion. As a result, they use Egyptian Curses connected to the human holocaust timelines as a means to continue to Blank Slate and enslave human consciousness. The Black Suns from Orion Group have introduced financial and Debt Enslavement to planet earth through the banking cartels to enforce consciousness enslavement on a Prison Planet. These Archontic Deception Strategies to enslave humanity through debt and poverty mind control is enforced by the human representatives of the NAA.
There is a requirement of the intentional witnessing of the untangling and removal of alien structures that are connected to Egyptian Black Magic and human holocaust timelines. It’s really incredible to understand how much influence in our world is connected to what happened in Egypt— this was a massive event in our timelines.
The progressive development generated by the corrections made to the Ruby Sun DNA appear to have specialized functions that operate in the Albion Lightbody as Ruby Templar restorations in red and violet crystalline networks, supporting the organic timelines to rise in the Albion and United Kingdom. As the Orion Matrix AI and the Alnilam star were reclaimed by Emerald Guardians, it was registered that the Orion AI program was linked to the Saturn-Moon matrix that was controlling Babylonian Money Magic through the financial headquarters in London, and this further connected into astral portals being controlled under Westminster Abbey.

Kevin Barrett #racist #wingnut #conspiracy kevinbarrett.substack.com

It’s like a horror movie. Crazed killer zombies are butchering men, women and children. They rape and torture with impunity. Hearts and souls dead to any semblance of humanity, they lust for fresh blood and vow to “erase every living being.”

If Zionism is like a zombie movie, why not make a zombie movie about Zionism? Wait—that’s already been done. It’s called World War Z, and it came out in 2013, ten years before the Zionist genocide of Palestine shifted into overdrive.

Whether through serendipity or predictive programming, World War Z prefigured two colossal disasters that hadn’t yet happened at the time the film was made: the COVID pandemic and the post-October-7 genocide of Gaza. The plotline revolves around a virus-instigated global pandemic and the World Health Organization’s efforts to fight it. And the heart of the film is its Jerusalem sequence, in which the heroic Jewish State saves itself from the zombie virus by building a gigantic wall—until the wall is horrifically breached in scenes that seem to prefigure the phantasmagoric Israeli propaganda version of October 7th.
So what do World War Z’s zombies stand for? “Palestinians” or “goys” would be an overly simplistic answer—though Max Brooks, Mel’s son, who wrote the novel on which the film was based, probably was thinking along those lines.
Once we understand World War Z’s “zombies = Zionists” equation, the real meaning of the plot swims into focus. The virus-crazed zombies are trying to eliminate all of the non-infected people and take over the world. Where have we heard that before? It’s right out of Jewish eschatology, which awaits a Jewish messiah who will lead the Jews in conquering, exterminating, and/or subjugating all non-Jews. The questions that messianic Zionists in Netanyahu’s cabinet debate will be applied to the world’s entire non-Jewish population when the time comes, according to Jewish messianic-millenarian prophecy.

Mike Stone #transphobia #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

So we had another school shooting last week. An apparent school shooting, I should say. One that left two people dead and four injured. I haven't researched what took place, so I can't say whether or not it was a real shooting, or just another in a long line of fake ones.
People believe what they want to believe and what they're told to believe by their handlers on television. And no amount of facts, evidence, or proof to the contrary of what they want to believe or what their handlers on television tell them to believe is going to change their mind.

One thing that no one is disputing with this latest incident is that the alleged shooter is a tranny. This is at least the sixth apparent mass shooting done by a tranny in the last two years. How many trannies are there in relation to the population? It has to be an infinitely small number. Yet they are the ones behind an entire slate of recent alleged mass shootings, including the last five in a row.
If you're a young person reading this and there are tranny freaks at your school. First, tell your parents you want out. Tell them you want to be homeschooled. Their response will provide you with a good indication of just how much they actually care about your well-being.

Second, avoid the tranny freaks at your school like the plague. Don't talk to them, don't walk or sit near them. Have nothing to do with them whatsoever. Treat them like lepers. Refusal to do so makes you complicit in their sin.
If you're a tranny freak yourself, you need to pray, beginning immediately. Ask God for guidance and ask Him to cast out the demons that are possessing you. Along with that, you must disassociate yourself from almost everyone in your life; certainly from anyone who supports your current "lifestyle." If your parents support your trannyism, have nothing to do with them. That doesn't mean you should run away. Simply arrange your life so you're spending as little time with them as possible. And continue to pity.

Danlboon #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

There is much more that will be going on if Trump puts in the Med Beds everywhere as one primary thing is in the use for non-appropriate drugs that are used on the street and the powers that sell them.

Everything has Opposition from some people, but how far will it go as we have had 160+ years of the USA, INC. in control while coming up on 250 years of patriots wanting their freedom.

By the way, who will have access to these Med Beds to start with, as will it be for the life long diseases or health conditions like cancer, will it be for the more serious life threatening ones where you only have days to live, or will it be that it is the same as gaining access to your QFS Account to then pay for the treatment as you need to work 30 hour a week to have treatment?
But one major thing is that what happened in the early 1900s is that when the automobile came about then the horse and buggy industry went to put and millions of people lost their jobs. Now there will be tens of millions of people in the medical and associated industries that will lose their jobs, and even may not even receive their QFS Account and NESARA funds as they are now unemployed due to the Med Beds. Now a PhD Doctor has to work at Walmart or McDonald’s to have a job?
There will be another war inside of the USA and from where they start receiving those drugs, so in bad neighborhoods is where Trump will be pushing those Med Beds to assist the people to get them straight and then get a proper job and a life.

So there will be many on the Opposition side trying to make sure those Med Beds don’t get out there or working properly, as I can see terrorist activities at those manufacturing facilities and placement locations.

Then there is the other side that people want those Med Beds to help themselves, their family and / or friends, but there aren’t enough Med Beds out there to help them soon enough, so theft or other crimes will happen in trying to get a hold of them.

Laura Wood #conspiracy #racist thinkinghousewife.com

[From “Gaza and the Great Replacement”]

STAGE a fake war in Gaza

Garner billions in U.S. aid

Cause protests and political division in the West

Send millions of Muslim refugees from “war-torn” Palestine to Europe

Conquer your greatest enemy

Redevelop Gaza into a resort area

Checkmate! According to Fakenukes Phil, that’s the current agenda in the Middle East and it’s succeeding. I can’t endorse all Phil’s theories, but this one sounds right

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

According to Islam
Allah showed the people of Meccah a miracle
By having the moon break apart
Then sealing itself back up

Stories of the moon splitting in 2
Or the appearance of 2 moons
Or the moon causing the sun to dance
Should motivate you to question the reality of what we are told

We have always had interactions with the greater earth
And we call those beings extra terrestrial

The Grays are humanoid mixed with AI and insectoid beings
The Grays create the technology used by AI and reptilians

There is no such thing as countries
Everything in the frequency fence is run by reptilians
And the 13 families who have sold their soul to them

We are in a simulated reality
Whose original blueprint has been distorted

Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune are plasma portals for Source energy
Which transmits our organic reality into our realm

Moons are not rocky terra firma that you can land on and walk around on
They are craft that beam high energy rays
Which will alter the projections emitted by the portals

We have become ghosts in the machine
Phantoms of our former selves
Running on low vibration to serve as a perpetual power source

Dwarf planets such as Makemake are craft
When Makemake aligns with Black Moon Lilith in the south node of Libra later this month
It is supposed to have a huge impact on our deep psyche

It is not some random conjunction
It is a deliberate act by advanced beings to metamorphosize our consciousness

Uranus at the same time will go into retrograde motion
This unexplained phenomena is the result of the manipulation of magnetic fields

Venus is programmed to create life
Mars was programmed to get uploads from Venus

Our new bright white hexagonal sun
Is because of sun simulators
And part of the holographic sky playbook

Tap into universal truths
Explore the uncharted territory of alien worlds

Feel the spray of cosmic waters
Seek out patterns of secret codes

Sail into the billowing winds with courage
Interpret ancient obelisks

Jack Cashill #wingnut #conspiracy wnd.com

Until 2:44 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, it had all been going, if not perfectly, at least pretty damn well.

Ray Epps and his crew breached the Capitol perimeter at 12:53 p.m., minutes before the vote certification process in the House Chamber was scheduled to begin.

Minutes later, a parallel crew breached another lightly guarded barricade just to the south, the Capitol Police again offering no real resistance.

At 12:58, the so-called "fence cutter" – not yet arrested – pulled down the temporary fencing protecting the lawn and with it the signs saying, "area closed."
By 1:06 the undertrained and undermanned Capitol Police began launching munitions into the midst of a largely peaceful crowd of protesters on the Capitol's west side, helping turn them into an angry mob.
A final complication: President Trump began his speech an hour late, at noon, not 11 a.m. Had he started on time, those thousands of people, allegedly incited by his rhetoric, would have arrived at the Capitol just about 1 p.m to help start a riot.
Like the others who actually heard Trump speak, Ashli Babbitt did not arrive at the Capitol until after 2 p.m. By this time, all external barriers had been removed.

Ashli entered the Capitol at 2:23 p.m. through an open window. At 2:44 p.m. Capitol Police Lieutenant (now captain) Michael Byrd shot and killed her without warning.

Say what you will about Byrd, but he was not part of the plan. From the planners' perspective, he killed exactly the wrong person – a petite, attractive, unarmed female and a 14-year Air Force veteran to boot.

Worse, John Earle Sullivan, a rogue BLM-affiliated provocateur, captured the shooting on video and promptly sold it to CNN. The face of the protest was now the martyred Ashli Babbitt.

The conspirators could not let this stand. They needed a martyr of their own, and they set out to create one.

On the evening of Jan. 6, a rumor was floated that the protesters had killed a Capitol Police officer with a fire extinguisher.

Alexandra Bruce #wingnut #quack #conspiracy forbiddenknowledgetv.net

When the COVID PSYOP was deployed against the peoples of the world, few understood that we were witnessing the opening salvos of a long-planned “Final Solution” for the human species.

As we currently observe the controlled demolition of Western Civilization, with standing ovations in Canada for a former Nazi SS officer and hundreds of billions of dollars going to Nazi fighters in Ukraine, the hidden history of the past 80 years begins to reveal itself.

The United States did not win World War II; instead, occult Nazis founded the major postwar global organizations, like NATO, the United Nations, and its many agencies, like the IMF and the World Health Organization.
The Nazi WEF has now gained total control of the United Nations – to say nothing of all the major corporations of the world. The WEF and the UN’s World Health Organization are now dictating to the world in a Nazi-like fashion, in complete contradiction to the Western, Classical Liberal ideals.

This is what’s known as Satanic inversion – and indeed, that is what we’re dealing with, here: Satanists. The name of their game is projection: Every accusation they make is a confession.

‘Splintering Babylon’ features some the brightest minds who have risen up, in response to what may be the greatest threat to humanity in our history – and it’s not Climate Change. It is the Globalist mass-genocide and enslavement operation currently underway, known alternately as “The Green New Deal”, “UN Agenda 2030” and “The Great Reset” that are being promulgated in the name of “Climate Change”.
Assuming that we Survive to 2025, this project is the first installation of what Co-Producers, Alexandra Bruce and James Grundvig intend to become an ongoing series that digs deeper into how we arrived at our current predicament and that explores the path to freedom, so that we may exit the Babylon Matrix.

Valerie Donner/Lumina #crackpot #ufo #magick #mammon #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

Dear ground crew, on August 28, 2024, I, Valerie Donner along with Lumina, who is responsible for the luminescence of creation, was given the order to create the following Proclamation of Abundance:










Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

The left tried to hide the Covenant School shooter’s diary, and now the reason why is clear.

Audrey Hale was a woman who identified as a man, aka transgender. She was brainwashed with leftist gender ideology.

She also bought the leftist lie that if kids aren’t trans’ed, they’ll kill themselves. (Not true.)

She believed the genocidal lie leftists use to frighten people into violence by telling minority groups that conservatives & Christians are trying to take away their human rights. (Obviously this is a lie.)

She also bought into Critical Race Theory, writing about self-embarrassment because she’s white. (Evil & false.)

So, she was a disturbed young woman, likely harmed by Big Pharma (autism), who fell prey to Queer Theory (trans), & was brainwashed with Critical Race Theory (she hated herself & white people). She felt her only recourse was revolutionary violence… because that’s what the left tells young people.

Obviously the left tried to stifle this. Every single external ideology that motivated this young woman to murder innocent children and their teachers… was indoctrinated into her by Democrats and leftists.

3:21 AM · Sep 4, 2024 · 34.7K Views
774 Reposts 25 Quotes 2,212 Likes 55 Bookmarks

:The-Great-Work. #crackpot #wingnut #magick #conspiracy thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com

There are two primary methods of influence in the occult world – Magick and Sorcery (or Lesser Magick) – which share the same definition except for one slight difference in terms.

Magick is: the science and art of causing change to occur in accordance with the Will.

Sorcery is: the science and art of causing change to occur in accordance with the will.

While the words are the same, the intent is what differentiates them. For example, teaching Natural Law and sharing knowledge to the world (especially from a distance) in order to cause a positive change can be considered an act of Magick because it aligns with the uppercase-w “Will” of Creation. It’s using intentional energy and the voice in the service of truth and humanity as a whole, to uplift human consciousness. On the other hand, Sorcery would be making use of the same knowledge to serve the lowercase-w egoic “will” of selfish desire. Sorcery would utilize the subversive use of imagery, color, symbolism and language to manipulate and control minds such as in mainstream media (news, adverts, entertainment, etc).
And while we’re all distracted and emotionally tense over these “crises,” they are pushing forth their agenda to widen control (medical tyranny, increased dependency on technology, centralized digital currency, uniting countries/governments, increasing police/military power, etc). And anyone who speaks out against it is framed as the enemy. It’s a classic cult technique. Government is and always has been a mind-control cult serving as the strong-arm of the dark occult priest class.

All of it, ultimately, is a stepwise progression (that’s been going on for ages) towards total human enslavement. The use of health pandemics, terrorism, war, mass shootings, and all the other psy-ops are to de-moralize, de-humanize, de-populate, divide, and control. It’s no longer conspiracy “theory” when you finally begin to see the patterns, tactics, and methodologies being used.

Mary Rodwell/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

Mary Rodwell has worked on approximately 3500 cases of individuals having extraterrestrial encounters since 1995 when she began her research in Australia after emigrating from her native Britain where she worked professionally as a nurse and mid-wife.

In 1997, Rodwell created the Australian Close Encounter Research Network and has found that 85% of encounters experienced by individuals are positive, while 15% of her cases involve negative experiences. While she acknowledges that some of the traumatic experiences derive from negative extraterrestrial groups, the majority come from human military forces re-abducting experiencers and subjecting them to trauma in what are known as MILABS. She has helped individuals overcome traumatic memories associated with their abductions and integrate their extraterrestrial encounters in ways that raise their consciousness and activate latent DNA abilities. Also, many of the experiences she has hypnotically regressed remember past lives on different planets and have come to Earth to raise consciousness and become the foundation for the emergence of “New Humans.”
Rodwell responds to controversial issues raised by Dr. Michael Salla about different types of extraterrestrials involved in encounters and their respective agendas. While human-looking extraterrestrials emphasize the importance of conscious consent in making contact, others such as Grays, Zetas, Reptilians and Insectoids involved in abductions emphasize instead “soul contracts” and subconscious desires. She also responds to questions about the creation of Gray-human hybrids whom researchers such as Dr. David Jacobs believe constitute a threat to humanity.

Rodwell believes that the overall impact of extraterrestrial encounters are positive and are making an enormous contribution by helping in the emergence of “New Humans” whose heightened abilities and consciousness surpasses normal homo sapiens.

Lew Rockwell #racist #wingnut #pratt #homophobia #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

There is an even more significant issue involved in the persecution of the South than knocking down monuments, terrible though that is. The government can prosecute people who hold the wrong opinions! You must believe the “official” narrative about the evils of the secessionists, or you can be put in jail! <..> Using laws that are supposed to protect our rights to freedom of speech and thought in order to force people to do the will of the government limits the people’s response to this tyranny. And when our response to this government tactic is focused on the issues involved, such as the danger of the ‘vaccines,’ rather than the use of the legal system to stifle dissent, our efforts waste what little time remains to us before we are in Orwell’s 1984! The point that should be made constantly is that people are being persecuted for holding opinions contrary to the government’s established position.
Some people might object, “Say all you want about the constitutionality of secession. Wasn’t the War between the Sates fought to end slavery? Wouldn’t slavery have continued indefinitely without the War? The answer to these questions is “no” and “no.”

High tariffs, not slavery, was the dominant theme in the conflicts that led to the War between the States. Revenue from tariffs was by far the main source of the federal budget, and as most international trade was conducted using Southern ports, the Southern states were in the unenviable position of bearing the principal cost of the federal government, while increasingly losing power to the North, owing to the North’s advantages in population and industrial power.
But what about ending slavery? The dominant opinion in the pre-war South was that slavery was an evil system, and that through peaceful evolution, blacks could be educated so that they could assume their place as free residents.
Let’s do everything we can to end the perversion of history by today’s witch hunters. Hurrah for the South!

John de Nugent #racist #wingnut #conspiracy johndenugent.com

It is astonishing how Britain has become a true Soviet-style police state in just a few weeks. And amazingly, it was a negro murdering three little white girls in dance practice (in a racist hate crime if there ever was one) that led, not to a crackdown on negroes but on Whites who were outraged. Recently, someone got THREE YEARS for a Facebook post!
All of this directly contradicts a favorite British song: “Rule, Britannia,” the refrain of which is “Britons ne’er shall be slaves.”
The strange term “anarcho-tyranny,” frequently used to describe conditions in Britain, is explained in this article. It is the jewish Deep State being tyrannical toward Whites and allowing anarchy by non-Whites.
The most extraordinary thing of all is that white Britain is being savaged like this after having been the first resistor against Hitler, and issuing to world jewry in 1917 the Balfour Declaration, promising that the jews would get a homeland in Palestine,later called “Israel”!
And the Brits lost huge numbers of airmen in that war bombing Germany, and killing about 500,000 German civilians. But the megalomanic jew cannot feel gratitude. After all, Yahweh gave them this planet (they believe) and all the creatures in it as their slaves.

David Sacks #wingnut #conspiracy amgreatness.com

American politicians speak constantly about the indispensable role of the United States in leading the free world against authoritarianism. If that is true, why is the White House so silent in the face of new global threats to free speech?

In January, American citizen Gonzalo Lira died in a Ukrainian prison for posting YouTube videos; the State Department didn’t lift a finger to help. Last week, Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France for the crime of insufficient content moderation.

Now Brazil has banned X for resisting the diktats of a tyrannical judge, who salivates over the possibility of jailing @elonmusk. The EU is one step behind, with Eurocrat Thierry Breton pursuing a criminal investigation against Elon for “platforming disinformation,” which Breton defines to include a conversation with Donald Trump.

In the UK, the government of Keir Starmer imprisons critics of open borders with more zeal than it prosecutes violent crime. In Canada, Justin Trudeau crushed a trucker protest against vaccine mandates by asserting sweeping new powers to freeze bank accounts.
Hypocritically, the same voices demanding this crackdown are also the loudest in proclaiming the West to be engaged in a “war on authoritarianism” against countries like Russia and China. But whatever their other sins, Russia and China are in no position to deprive American citizens of their free speech rights; only our own government can do that.
As this battle over free speech heats up in an election year, where do the candidates stand? Donald Trump has declared his support for free speech whereas Kamala Harris has said nothing and can be expected to continue her administration’s policy of tacit approval of creeping censorship. In just two months, Americans will decide. Do we actually lead the free world in standing up for free speech, or do we accept the authoritarianism we claim to detest so much?

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 4, 2024 – Western Europe collapsing, Ukraine crumbling while USA being CONQUERED by migrant INVADERS

- Economic Collapse in Western Europe and the United States

- Cultural Collapse in the UK, France and Germany

- Migrant Invasion and Takeover in the United States

- Political and Economic Collapse in Ukraine

- Interview with Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin

- The Role of Gold and Silver in Economic Resilience

- The #BRICS System and the New Settlement Currency

- The Weaponization of the #Dollar and the End of the Bretton Woods System

- The Role of Gold in the "Unit" Settlement Blockchain for BRICS

- Sermon #38 - Colossians - Jesus frees humanity from servitude, ancient rituals and government bureaucracy

Natalia Alba #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Our Guardians the White Elohim are supporting the biological shift that is taking place in our DNA and that the earth’s elementals are too undergoing, for we are All shifting and evolving as species.

We have been constantly receiving Solar plasmatic and Aurora transmissions together with the Emerald ones that have triggered the planetary change that many of us are now witnessing, behind the physical scenes.

The White Elohim are re-encrypting the original template of our planet, as it continues relocating itself in a harmonic fifth-dimensional plane. We were created in their image, as divine sovereign beings, as well as planet Earth, all in perfect resonance and alignment, and they are now assisting us to retrieve our authentic template through restoring the trinity on our planet.
Many of you are awakening to your lineage, and remembrance of your galactic family, reconnecting to the White Elohim, and activating your purpose as planetary transmuters, by assisting to retrieve the organic essence in All, for we are now being bombarded with false technology like AL, etc., which is a new tactic together with that of cloning what is authentic, to distort what is divine in essence.
We are undergoing a massive planetary retrieval that will take time to be completed. Still, we are already seeing the retrieval of many 3D earth’s structures, becoming crystalline ones and being realigned to their corresponding dimensions, for the exchange of information and hence communication between the many God Planes that exist is Law, and we are now retrieving our divine right to be in contact with All That Is, and all the false timelines are gradually being dismantled.

The White Elohim are working with many of you on genetic realignments and recoding on our planet, for its original blueprint was non-benevolently intentionally distorted.

Laura Wood #conspiracy #wingnut thinkinghousewife.com

[From “The War Against ‘Boomers’ Is Communist”]

IT’S SAD more young people can’t see that the popularizing of hostility against “boomers” — i.e., their parents’ generation — is a classic, Marxist, divide-and-conquer tactic that has been used before in history and is being deliberately promoted by powerful agents of disorder who want total control over all generations

It’s similar to the tactics of feminism, creating division between men and women for the sake of those at the top. Distract people from the real source of their pain. Whenever I go to our local mall, I see women and men in their 80’s working as sales clerks. ‘Ok, boomer! You’re the oppressor!”

The promotion of intergenerational warfare is a longstanding strategy of subversion that was successful in the Soviet Union and Communist China

The term “boomers” has become a derisive slur against the old, exaggerating their failings to the point of obsession and expressing contempt for their sacrifices. It’s not that “boomers” don’t deserve criticism, it’s that the artificial intensification of it reeks of psychological warfare. A culture as materialistic as ours, and as enslaved by a system of debt-based usury that hurts young and old alike, is also naturally going to have little room or time for the old. So demonizing them fits. “Ok, boomer!”

Candace Owens #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia joemygod.com

“This is very scary stuff, and it seems that there is sort of an awakening happening where people are starting to recognize that something more sinister is going on.

“And, of course, a recent example of that was just the Olympics. It does seem that they’re trying to almost now indoctrinate the entire world into their satanic faith. And it — like I said, it is my belief that this is a synagogue of Satan.

“Like you mentioned, it is Biblical. It mentions this, people who are pretending to be Jews, but are in fact people that worship Satan, and it seems like a very small, incredibly powerful group of elites.

“And I can trace this through to Australia, to Switzerland, to France, to America, to Canada, and it explains why it is the circumstance that all of these world leaders that we have, even President Zelensky, all seem to be homosexual. Obviously, their relationships are not real.” – Candace Owens, on her wildly popular podcast.

As a reminder, Owens has over ten million subscribers and followers across multiple platforms. The podcast regularly ranks in the top ten nationwide.

Goranco Petrovski #crackpot #conspiracy number1victimofcrime.com


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State of the Nation #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

History is quite instructive in order to properly understand the various Democrat-driven schemes being executed across America today. What these communist revolutionaries are really doing is executing the same three-punch stratagem that was used by the International Banking Crime Syndicate to conquer Russia in order to establish the Soviet Union and the Gulag Archipelago, which the banksters did with extraordinary success.
The 2024 POTUS election — November 5rd — serves as the climactic junction point when the US-based communists intend to initiate their Bolshevik Revolution—American-style. Of course, the race war begun by communist Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama was quite intentionally reignited by the George Soros-funded Left in 2020 in order to manufacture an environment where both terrorist organizations — Black Lives Matter and AntiFa — would be universally supported and thrive. BLM and AntiFa are the paramilitary and terrorist arms, respectively, of the Democrat Party which are analogous to the brutal bolsheviks of 1917.
After the violent phase of this communist rebellion begins in earnest, all of the liberals, progressives, socialists, marxists, left-wingers, anarchists, insurrectionists, communists, bolsheviks and other Democrats will be corralled into a pen of revolutionary compliance. They will eventually form a subversive nationwide insurgency much as the Red Army did during the Russian Revolution. Likewise, the Patriots, Nationalists, Conservatives, Christians, Libertarians, Independents, Tea Partiers, real Republicans and others on the Right will unite to defend the American Republic just as the White Army coalesced throughout the same Russian Civil War. The Left is already programmed and determined to used armed conflict in order to remove President Trump should he win the election. These neo-bolshevik mercenaries paid by the Democrat Party are also armed and ready to overthrow every state government.

NEIOH via Family of Taygeta #ufo #magick #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy twitter.com

We Understand That This Message Will Not Be Received By Those With An Agenda To Destroy Humanity. We Communicate Truth And Will Meet You Where You Are In Understanding. It Doesn’t Matter Where You Live On Planet Earth As This Teaching Of A Dark Agenda Will Be Relevant To All Souls In Form. This Agenda Might Seem Political But In Truth It Is Spiritual Warfare. These Are The Last Days In Your Current Density.
The Agenda Of The Dark Forces Is Fueled By The Evil Intent Of Oppisheklio And Pidkozox. The Demonic Realm Is Real. If You Believe In Purity, Power And The Creative Force Of All That Is Good, Then Understand The Counterpart Is Real And Active. Scriptures Speak Of The Rapture, The Tribulation And Any Number Of Names Of God As Noted In All Parts Of The World. These Are The Dark Moments Of Prophecy. The Rapture Is A Picture Of The Grand Shift That Will Be.
The Cabal Reaches Far And Wide Among Nations. The Agenda Of Darkness Is A Web Of Deceit.
The Agenda Of Darkness Parades As Freedom And Yet This Liberal Agenda Is Destroying Lives. They Wish To Destroy Your Children By S*********g Them In Their Innocence. The Sacred Soul Chooses Their Gender And Many Precious Children Are Being Victimized With S****l Images, Videos And Suggestions That They Might Just Be The Opposite Gender. Parents Are Being Left Out Of Any Decisions As Laws Are Passed To Give Schools The Authority Over The Lives Of Children.
Immigrants Are Souls That Have Become Front And Center In Discussions And Conflict. Open Borders Have Caused Greater T*********g Of Humans And Drugs. These People Should Never Be Allowed To Enter Regions To Vote, Take Jobs And Housing From Citizens Or Sleep In The Streets. This Is Not To Say That They Are Not Worthy Of Assistance. But For Countries That Have Strived To Have Freedom And Make Decisions With Voting And Everyday Life, Illegal Immigration Is Wrong. It Has Never Been An Issue For Citizenship, But Chaos And Voting Is The Agenda At Hand.

Justin LaNasa and Dave Johnson #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia techraptor.net

TSR LLC is still moving forward with creating TTRPGs. The third incarnation of the tabletop company has recently released playtest material for the sci-fi RPG, Star Frontiers New Genesis[…]
The playtest material for Star Frontiers New Genesis was leaked by the twitter account NoHateInGaming. In a twitter thread, NoHateInGaming provided screenshots of various excerpts[…]
•Descriptions of the Ulfar character race. These include Negro, a Subrace described as, "tall, thick bodied, dark skinned even purple dark, brown-eyed race with large strength, average intelligence.", with a maximum intelligence of 9. This is in comparison to the Nordic Ulfar, described as a "Tall, blonde, blue-eyed race with exceptional attributes and powers", with a minimum stat anywhere of 13[…]
•In a section about roleplaying your character, it asks if you, "are a SJW warrior pushing your values on others"[…]
•Stating that "races in SFNG are not unlike races in the real world. Some are better at certain things than others, and some races are superior than others"[…]
•The Core Rules explaining Theology[…]describes "the practices of secret cults such as the Masons"[…]
•When explaining a character's Looks stat, it states that a character with a Looks stat of 0 is seen as unbearably hideous. It states, "a good example of this is would be large noses or narrow noses, large lips or thin lips, oval eyes. The player can have a lot of fun with this aspect. Be creative"[…]
•In player race options, Gender options are "Male/Female no bonuses, and no Trans." Furthermore, there is red text attributed to one of the writers asking, "should we make a trans type race? Maybe 'transbots?'"[…]
The lead writers of Star Frontiers New Genesis are TSR LLC's CEO Justin LaNasa and Dave Johnson

The Telosians via Marie Josée Andichou #ufo #magick #conspiracy eraoflight.com

We are happy to meet you again, dear children of planet Earth. As you know, there is currently a very powerful increase in Celestial Energies towards the Earth and its inhabitants.

These Energies are somewhat stirring up a large number of you, either through poor sleep, repeated fatigue or small, annoying physical problems. If all this is happening, it is important that your bodies adapt to the Crystalline Energies that are coming towards you, enveloping you but transforming your bodies.

Some of you are wondering if carbon bodies will still exist or if they will be replaced by crystalline bodies. We will tell you this: the energies of the third dimension that you are leaving, were of a heaviness due to the carbon included in your cells. But the human being growing in the understanding of True Life sees his cells, his DNA transmuted into Crystalline Energy.
The New Earth requires that the linear time that you live disappear in order to project you into the time of True Life, the time where everything is lived at the same time: past, present and future. This is difficult to understand for you who have lived for eons to the rhythm of hours, days and months. Of course, it is not tomorrow that you will live non-time but it is being strongly prepared and you have proof of it by the speed with which your days unfold.
Of course, as we have already said, this will come to you after the almost total dissolution of the embezzlement, manipulation and thoughtless lies that are continuously inflicted on you by those who still want to lead you into decadence. But, as you know, as we have already told you many times, the lives of all these humans, yet very… very few in number, will find themselves facing the end of their desires for power over you. We know that they are trying everything right now and for a few more months, but these are the surges of the hunted being who no longer knows how to get out of this imbroglio in which he has gotten himself lost.

Marshall Masters/Michael Decon #crackpot #magick #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

After I told Michael Decon about the Construct Time Jumping technique, I explained it in my article How the Meek Inherit the Earth No. 13—Time Jumping for Freedom. He just said, “My audience will love this. Get your calendar out.”

This technique, which I developed for “diggers,” as I call them, got his attention. They dig for truth like hogs to truffles, and it could also help the whites create a bridge of consensus between the left and the right.

As I explained, Time Jumping is a 3-D technique based on fundamental Remote Viewing concepts. You could call it Remote Researching. But what surprised me is that once you begin doing it, your nagging anxiety over being blindsided becomes very manageable because propaganda is 2-D. When time jumping with my 3-D technique, you see through the elitest precision of language much more quickly.

Please feel free to listen in and enjoy this uplifting interview. Then you decide. Are you a time jumper? If you are a remote viewer, you already know the answer, so no spoilers.

Marshall Masters is a Planet X / Nibiru researcher, radio personality. He publishes Your Own World USA (yowusa.com) Marshall Masters joined Michael Decon to discuss his latest article, “Time Jumping for Freedom.” Marshall Masters discussed his experiences as a remote viewer and his educational journey under the guidance of Ed Dames. Marshall explains how a profound remote viewing session inspired him to author several books that prepare individuals for the impending apocalypse. You don’t want to miss this one.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The modern alienated anti-hero is the Luciferian JEW at war with God (the Moral Order) nature and society. "Modernism" is Jewish Satanism i.e. Cabalism, a solipsism where they redefine reality according to their perversions and self-interest. Sick is healthy.
"Audiences are more sophisticated," the writers tell us, "people want moral ambiguity." Really? Do we want it or does Satan?

We've reached the point where amoral and violent delinquents, misfits and weirdos are the norms. They have made the world conform to them.
Freaks and Geeks. Six Feet Under. Seinfeld. Glee. Arrested Development. The Office. Self-absorbed misfits, i.e. Jews and gays, are the "new normal."
In the 1950's, they had to rebuild, so the Illuminati gave us healthy values. "In 1950's television, the man of the house was king of his castle. Was it an illusion to begin with?" Father Knows Best. Ozzie and Harriet. Leave it to Beaver. My Three Sons.

Was it an illusion? I don't think so. Some things are hard-wired. Most men want to rule their own roost. That doesn't mean we want to lord it over anyone. But every successful organization is a hierarchy and that applies to families as well. Only a monster has two heads. The division of labor made a lot of sense. If you want a man to shoulder responsibility for a family, he has to lead it. It must be his creation.

There was no moral ambiguity in the 1950's Westerns. Good versus evil. Gunsmoke. The Lone Ranger. Have Gun Will Travel. Men were men. They put their lives on the line to build a just society. Women supported and loved them for it.
TV and movies initiate us into the satanic cult which is modern society. A satanic cult controls and exploits its members by making them sick. Because television and movies were my reference point, I was dysfunctional until almost 50. I didn't know how to be a man. There were no models of true masculinity. When dysfunctional sick people are your role models, you become dysfunctional.

Martin Armstrong #racist #conspiracy #wingnut armstrongeconomics.com

[From “Will the Migrant Crisis Cause the End of the United States?”]

When Donald Trump turned his head, perhaps by the hand of fate, it saved the United States from a civil war then and there—for now. Nevertheless, our model turns upward for civil war beginning September 4[…]
From my days in high school, perhaps in history class, I saw an invisible common thread that ran through history. Every empire, nation, and city-state had risen with such hope, believing they would last forever, only to fall to dust and be swept aside into a common grave. In recent years, I have grown steadily more concerned about the prospect of a complete democratic breakdown in America. I have studied how such grand empires, always founded for eternity, crumble, split, and then turn into revolutions spawned by civil unrest[…]The common source has always begun with this idea of a federal government that then seeks to impose its will upon the people in a one-size-fits-all approach[…]
We face the very same crisis in this mass migration of illegal aliens, and the purpose is the very same as I encountered in 1997 in Australia – yet the opposite. Biden opened the border with an Executive Order on the first day he entered office. The Democrats know that their Marxist Agenda, like Communist China and Russia, is losing[…]
Anyone who thinks that those on Capitol Hill really care about you or your future is a brainwashed fool. This is a game of party politics, a civil war on Capitol Hill. Rigging elections has been a pastime since the beginning. Andrew Jackson shut down the Bank of the United States because they lent money to his opponent. Every election is always rigged![…]
This video was taken down and then called fake news, but it showed an unprecedented line of people applying for a driver’s license[…]It is clear they are not 17-year-olds anxious to get their first driver’s license. What adult in our society does not have a driver’s license since we need a photo ID?

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