
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

various commenters #transphobia #sexist #dunning-kruger ovarit.com

100% perfect explanation of transgenderism

( MaryDyer )
I’ve been saying it for a while - males (barring the gay ones) who transition do it because of their fetishes and sexual desires. Females who transition do it because of male’s fetishes and sexual desires.

( notsofreshfeeling )
why bar the gay ones? A lot of it may be internalized homophobia and self-hatred, but there's a component of fetish present, for sure. They fetishize heterosexuality.

( MaryDyer )
Well I guess because I view it from a lens of sexual attraction and who poses a threat to females. A gay man transitions because he wants to attract males as sex partners. Those aren’t the types of men who are abusing and traumatizing young girls into wanting to escape their bodies. I hope this makes sense; I sometimes have a difficult time articulating my thoughts.

( notsofreshfeeling )
I hear you. Yes, gay men are going to be less likely to prey upon women sexually. Unfortunately, they do exhibit male entitlement by colonizing single-sex spaces intended for females, and by intimidating any women who would speak up to protect that space. Any male is a threat in spaces where women are likely to be alone, in a state of undress, etc., because men know that they can easily beat a woman up if they don't like what she's saying.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I thought it was that they fetishize snagging all the straight men who are unavailable to them as "men".

( OutHereInTheDeep )
And that’s the long and short of it. Gender ideology speaks to the most oppressive and fucked up impulses we have as a culture.

( KittyWhawWhaw )
And TIMs means mentally ill pervs pretending to be women.

various commenters #transphobia gettr.com

( @WomensRights )
5 minutes ago there was no such thing as 'transgender youth'. Stop shoving this gobbledygook down kids' throats!

Families of Trans Kids Are Suing Texas To Halt Child Abuse Investigations For Providing Sex-Change Therapies For Minors

( @LilyDaisy )
Sadly schools are transitioning gay or non conforming kids as well as kids with trauma, kids with ASD and mentally unstable kids. In other words vulnerable children.

( @DarmokAndJalad )
A campaign that sterilizes LGB and they belong to PFLAG....

( @doobiedi )
What idiots, there is no such thing as a trans kid! All the attention the parents are getting must be dizzying.
If you lack basic skills.

Anonymous #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia boards.4channel.org

Do FtMs get euphoria from being cucked and friendzoned?

It must be very validating to be cucked as an ftm. It's like getting the authentic manlet beta boy experience. Imagine how euphoria-inducing it would be if your gf told you that she was pregnant with your child knowing that she slept with another man due to your inadequacies as a male.

Dan Gelernter #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy amgreatness.com

I said before the 2022 midterms that our choice of candidates doesn’t matter—and the elections won’t matter—unless we address voter fraud. That remains the case today, as we look forward to the next presidential election.

Democrats have known for a long time that voters by and large do not want them running the country. Voters don’t want to live in a feudal oligarchy where they work their entire lives to subsidize a jet-setting elite who tell them they can’t own gas stoves or prevent drag queens from visiting their children in school. And while it was enough, for a time, simply to lie about what they intended to do, Democrats discovered that it was more effective in the end to disconnect voters from the process of choosing who runs the government.
But the main reason reform is difficult is that no politician is going to reform the system that put him in power. Voter fraud is mostly organized by and for the benefit of Democrats. But it turned out in 2020 they had at least the tacit support of many Republicans, even those serving in Congress. Republicans who claimed to be eager to expose voter fraud suddenly, when it came down to the wire, melted into the background, never to be heard from again. This boat was not to be rocked.
What I would like for reform is a constitutional amendment requiring all ballots to be cast in-person, on Election Day, with proof of identity. According to politicians, this proposal makes me a racist (which I think is just their codeword for “someone who’s on to us.”) And I know this amendment is not going to happen because, again, you can’t expect people to reform the system that put them in power. It’s precisely this catch-22 that has led people, historically, to seek a complete overhaul, or overthrow, of the existing system as the only solution.

Fortunately, a real alternative exists: Trump-Kennedy 2024. A unity ticket. Not unity between the Republican and Democratic Parties, but unity among American voters.

Andrew Anglin #racist #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #transphobia #ableist #wingnut dailystormer.name

["The Retardality of Evil"]

Remember “the banality of evil”?[…]
It was related to[…]Eichmann’s “trial” in Israel[…]The Jews went and kidnapped him 15 years after the war and gave him a fake “war crimes” trial before executing him (by hanging! Like he’d gotten caught killing a nigga for his Air Jordans!). It was like, one of the most extreme, bizarre acts any state had ever done, and definitely not banal[…]
The term was not used in reference to the evil Jews and their non-banal acts, but to the Nazis supposedly trying to exterminate the Jews[…]
Eichmann testified that there were so many bodies buried under the ground that wherever you walked blood would start squirting up out of the ground like something out of a hentai[…]
Let’s go ahead[…]and allow that particularly[…]malicious human actions are “evil”[…]
•The allegations of the Jews, of rollercoasters of death, masturbation machines, a cage with an eagle and a bear, the Wall of Eyes, the Wall of Death, changing the color of people’s eyes[…]
•The real world actions of the Jews, such as inciting black people to do a violent revolution because a gentle giant OD’d[…]faking a viral pandemic[…]sending out a retarded teenage girl to lecture grown men[…]other various sadistic and maniacal Jewish behaviors[…]
We would be talking about “the retardality of evil”

Because the stupid Jewish lies about white people’s behavior, and the actual behavior of the Jews against white people, are fundamentally retarded by nature[…]
The whole child tranny thing is the worst example[…]
The purpose is[…]to drastically reduce the population. All of these kids are sterile[…]most of them kill themselves. It would be really easy to just kill the kids. Instead, the Jewish Pritzker family has built an ideology around “synthetic biology”[…]
There is absolutely zero reason that people who believe in global warming and who are okay with child trannyism wouldn’t just simply send their kids to be sacrificed to the weather gods

@AthenasWrench & @Bertie007 #transphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
Pride or Predator. I’m
going for Predator.’Any man demanding to be in womens spaces is by default a predator.
I used to be pretty open to the rare actual transsexual until the entire trans movement consumed everyone and their brothers as laydees who deserved to be in our spaces, stealing all our things. Not anymore. Where one goes they all go.’

"We just want to pee." www.advocatesprotectingchildren.org/prideorpredator

( @Bertie007 )
#prefator #perverts #paedophiles #menarenotwomen #transisalie

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Terf only toilets! They never think things through...

( drdeeisback )
Fantastic idea! I'm sure it has our full support. (It does really demonstrate that men have zero understanding of how women think--when we don't like something our instinct is to get away from it not threaten and attack it.)

( VestalVirgin )
Has anyone tried to suggest this to a woke workplace?

I mean, really, we should copy this, and whenever a workplace goes woke, be like "Yes, our new policy is great! But have you thought about protecting the poor transwomen from the evil terfs? We need a separate toilet for the terfs."

(The best would be if we could get them to declare the men's toilets the new unisex toilets, and the women's the new terf toilets, as in that case, absolutely nothing would change, but TIMs couldn't complain anymore about having to use the men's. Oh, and the TIFs would have to share a toilet with men and see how they like it. I see only upsides. If regular men don't like it, they can demand that the insanity be abolished altogether and sex segregated toilets reinstated.)

( Kriegerin )
TERF toilets wouldn't last one day - TIMs would want to be in them desperately. After all, only actual women are TERFs.

( Oakleaf )
Haha! This has made me laugh ..It would be 'Doublethink' of a TIM identified as a TERF..We really would have come full circle.

( MamaGee )
They would... this is absolutely true.

They wouldn't even let us have something like that.

And think of how many women that would be afraid to call themselves terven publically but would still want to use those toilets and locker rooms because secretly they would want plain old privacy also.

( Femina )
But that's exactly what we have been asking for since the transgender invasion of female spaces began! XD

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah. They can make a third toilet for genderspecials, and all the women who think that men are women can use it, we are not hindering them.

If instead the want to build new toilets for women ... eh, as long as they make them decently large and install bins properly instead of just shoving them into a corner where they don't fit, I'm all for it.

Various Commenters #transphobia #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Democrats LOVE Transgenderism, But REJECT IT When It Affects Their Family

“There is no Joe Biden, there is only the people around him.” may be the most important message potential Democrat voters can hear. Not that it will change their minds, but it will weed out the NPC wastes of space pretty quick.

These kids don't just randomly claim to be trans, it happens after being exposed to it. Whether it's through social media, piers, movies, news, etc. At young ages, kids just copy what they see, the bobo doll experiment showed that.

Can confirm. One of my old friends did the TRANSformation. His family, who is superblue, turned on him and disowned him completely. The ones who preach for it, only do so for a pat on the back.

I recently became transcalifornian and transblack so I now know how it feels to be rejected by transphobes.

Well....what did they expect? The fact Democrats ACTUALLY thought this wouldn't come back and bite them in the end is not only sad, but extremely laughable as well.

The final privilege is to claim to be something you're not

Restoring Truth #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

For anyone who’s paying attention, it’s easy to apply Solzhenitsyn’s prophetic observations to our own era of politicized agencies, surveillance, leftist institutional control, and demonization of various categories of Americans. We, too, have intelligence tasked with monitoring speech and enforcing illiberal rules. New and invented accusations are levied to keep people in line. Are you transphobic? Are you a “white Christian nationalist”? Many innocuous things are now expressions of white supremacy. Maybe you are are a threat to democracy.
Pretend for a moment that we in America have now realized Solzhenitsyn’s wise prophecies, and that you are now suspected of being an enemy of the state. You are a threat to the government’s ugly project of turning every city into a third-world encampment, because you like safety and sanitation. You are privileged because you think you should reap the harvest you sowed in your labor. Your Christian beliefs are a threat to the humanistic fantasies of an omnipotent state run by politicized organs of artificial intelligence.

The list of possible offenses are many: you’re a member of a conservative church; you’ve “liked” social media posts critical of transgenderism; you follow The Babylon Bee; you donate to a conservative think tank; you live in a red state; you have more than three kids; you didn’t receive a Covid “vaccination”; you have an American flag flying in your yard; or maybe you download a lot of country music. Aren’t all of these things pleasures of those on the right?

These who hamper progress must be charged with various crimes, such as racism, transphobia, religious hate or even insurrection; your employer must therefore fire you or face troubles, and you must go through a lengthy (and doomed) court process. If you will just cooperate, though—perhaps say the right things, donate to the right causes, or stay silent in the face of insanity—your life doesn’t have to be so hellish; at least, not just yet.

various commenters #transphobia twitter.com

( @KDansky )
Supporting women-only spaces and the material reality of sex doesn't make a person "more conservative," but other than that framing, this is good news!
Most Americans support anti-trans policies favored by GOP, poll shows

( @mathano4 )
Once the issues are explained in a clear and unbiased way people say they support equality for trans people but reject truth denial and trans overreach, every time. The ideology only got this far through sleight or hand and mis-framing the arguments.

( @LaurenFLevey )
What does it mean to “support equality for trans people”? “Trans” is a lie. The demand to be treated in law as something you’re not shouldn’t become a civil right.

( @CindyRo36569087 )
Trans people already have equality. They have all the same rights as any other American. They simply are not getting to dictate who the rest of us date or force us to accept their delusions as fact

( @BeeJSAlba )
There is no Human Right that entitles an individual to identify into a demographic they are not part of.
Humans cannot change sex.
Gender Dysphoria is the only mental condition where the body is altered to fit the delusion in the mind.
Why is that.

( n@kate_lachateau )
100%. If we accept that whopper (that there’s such a thing as “trans”), next we will be told to accept Furrys as the animal they claim to be. Or get shamed as the “heartless” person crazy ppl say.

@exulansic , @Rod0001 & @stopstartstop #transphobia gettr.com

( @exulansic )
"Female" is a sex that we were before we were human. "Woman" is a age-species-sex complex (adult-human-female) that exists apart from cultural attitudes about women and is unrelated to how the woman looks.

"Handmaid" is a gender defined by legal rights and social status, that is not coterminous with the biological category of woman. This has been a demonstration of the difference between sex and gender.

They have redefined "woman" as a gender which includes all adult human females and some males. Adult human females, a group which is exclusive of all males, and is not a social gender, have been redefined as 'ciswomen,' which we are told is just another social gender. Adult female humans have no rights, no status, and no word.

Did you vote for this?

( @Rod0001 )
We have to keep rejecting the cis prefix. I say I don't have a gender, therefore I can't be cis or trans.

( @stopstartstop )
I am an adult human female. I belong to a biological sex group - female. I have XX chromosomes (I assume! No-one has ever told me I haven't.) I am a woman. As a woman, I identify with all other biological women. I do not need any further designation, such as 'cis', as women are not a subset in their own sex class. No man can ever be a woman. The people who are trying to force women to agree to this and abandon their own identity are doing great harm. I did not vote for this and I do not consent.

Father Dabney #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "A Christian Nation or Heavenly Rebellion?"]

I’ve been watching and listening to the current debate#among my Christian brothers, and the false ones, on the idea of Christian Nationalism#
As God is sovereign over all things, it makes absolute sense that His divine purpose would be that all men submit to His authority in all things. This would include#all governments#The opposition, and I’m talking about Christians, seem to prefer something else, a nation state not constitutionally bound in obedience to the Almighty, but to a secular ideal of sort. How interesting?

There is nothing new under the sun, and we’ve seen this over and over again in the Bible, and especially with the kings of Israel#They never seemed to live up to those expectations. Even the good kings always seemed to stop just short#
They wanted Jehovah Nationalism, but only if they could keep a few things left untouched. Seems reasonable, except it eventually brought national destruction#
I remember when abortion was the law of the land; certain “Pro-Life” groups, including their denominational allies, regularly called abortion murder, and as the Bible clearly states, murder is a capital offense#When Our Divine Majesty gives them everything they want, they backtrack on the implementation of a just punishment for the murder of unborn children

Believe it or not, but sodomy and other homosexual acts were once illegal#Practitioners of such acts could go to jail. But that seemed unkind, although under the laws of God, it is also a capital offense#In modern America, our laws no longer subdue evil for the benefit of society, but our godless culture promotes every type of sexually deviant behavior all over the world. We even sacrifice our nation’s children, mutilating their genitalia, dressing them up as sex objects for pedophiles#
Christian Nationalism will never work in these United States, it’s just too big. However, it can work in states#
Deo Vindice!

God save the South!

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Why do we treat gender ideology differently than flat earth?

( VestalVirgin )
Because gender ideology massively benefits pervy men, and was invented by men for that very reason.

Flat-earthism, on the other hand, is the belief of a handful harmless nutjobs who don't want to achieve any sinister goals with it, they just are too dense to realize that what they can see with their eyes is not the whole reality.

Look at how the belief that the sun rotates around the earth, not the other way round, was treated - that was not directly tied to any sinister goals, but church doctrine was that humans are the centre of the universe, and the earth not being the centre of all didn't fit in with that.

Or, the pseudoscience of measuring people's skulls and determining their character traits on that basis - that got quite a bit of traction, as the English wanted to prove the Irish's natural inferiority by claiming their skulls resembled those of apes, and the nazis also were into a lot of pseudoscience that "proved" their racism.

Nonsense beliefs become popular when a very real goal (usually a sinister one) can be achieved with them.

( Opals )
Because men don’t wank off thinking that the Earth is flat. Probably.

( Oakleaf )
Some men, somewhere, WILL be wankety ~wanking to Flat Earthery.

( momjeans )
The difference is that there are no structures in place to enforce ideological compliance with flat earth like there are with gender ideology.

There are consequences for heretical thought, writing and speech in defiance of gender ideology - in schools, higher ed, academia, professions, corporations, and on social media platforms. Ideological compliance is also enforced in everyday social interactions by true believers and allies irl.

Flat earthers don't have that kind of leverage or institutional backing. When the potential consequences of heresy include risk of losing one's job, friends, or family relationships, it's difficult to just laugh it off as the utter absurdity it is.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Twitter removes policy against deadnaming transgender people

( IronicWolf )
Can they explain how calling Elliot Page Ellen, for example, makes her less safe? And more unsafe than a woman being sent rape threats or an account that tries to normalise wife beating?

( SakuraBlossoms )
I still see tons of people deadnaming Ye as Kanye West! Why weren't they cracking down on the imminent danger his life was in!?

( pennygadget )

And don't forget people deadnaming Nkechi Amare Diallo as Rachel Dolezal!! So much oppression!!!

Lol makes her less safe from herself because she'll kill herself if you don't lie

( cranberrysalad )
The only way i can see it “leading to violence” is by making deranged mentally ill men get violent.

( BrynhildsPyre )

Twitter has quietly removed a policy against the “targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals,” raising concerns that the Elon Musk-owned platform is becoming less safe for marginalized groups sex criminals.

( SakuraBlossoms )
Finally, we are allowed the option of speaking our language in the way we have all our lives, and not in the way one recent cult ideology decided we must change it to.

( LunarWolf )
Someone mentioned how colonists always take away peoples native language, which takes away their ability to speak about and even understand reality in the way they are culturally accustomed to. They do this by making native words and language seem lesser or even sinful.

It’s gender colonialism. I won’t allow them to replace my words with theirs, just because they insist their words are morally superior.

( LilianH )
They still need to remove the prohibition on calling trans a mental illness though.

( SakuraBlossoms )
Free speech and diversity of opinions should always be allowed, but to be fair, gender dysphoria is the mental illness, not trans. Many people do not truly believe they are the other sex/gender at all and just identify as trans to get to act out their fetishes 24/7, while being cheered on as brave heroes and getting anyone who says "no" to their perversions shunned as bigots.

@lascapigliata8 #transphobia gettr.com

We are witnessing no separation between church and state. By controlling all our institutions, the church of gender identity and self-identification in general is controlling most Western states. Europe, North America, NZ, Australia and they are now taking over in India and Africa too. They have more power than the Holy Roman Emperor.

Our entire democracy and human rights depend on the separation between church and state. We fought for centuries to achieve this goal, only to see this novel religion rooted in pseudoscience and transubstantiation myths take control of our state apparatuses in just over one decade. Terrifying.

Jenny Holland #transphobia newsweek.com

Transgender Ideology Isn't About Dignity. It's Warmed Over Misogyny | Opinion
(submitters note: continued from https://fstdt.com/2Q9PNWHR9JGL6 )


Is it any wonder that large numbers of young women and girls want to erase their femininity?

We know that there is an element of social contagion to the growing number of trans-identifying young women. But it often feels like it's on steroids. The other day on the radio, I heard a young female singer who goes by "they" pronouns discussing an artist who inspired her, a well-known French lesbian who now says she is a man. In the 19th century, George Eliot wrote under a man's name because society did not take female writers seriously. Today, women are choosing to identify out of womanhood. Is that progress?

The trans movement is not the root cause of misogyny, nor is it misogyny's only home. And certainly, there are transgender individuals who don't hate women. But as a movement, there are core components of the ideology which are undeniably the latest manifestation of a hatred of the female that stretches back millennia.

In a recent podcast, a formerly trans-identified woman called Leigh Janet Marshall said something that could have been lifted directly out of my father's book: By watching porn, she learned as a young girl that men being sexual still retain their personhood, but women being sexual become animals. This made her want to shed her female identity.

The idea that a sexual woman is not really human but rather a frightening, animalistic creature who inspires horror is one of the oldest tropes in the misogyny playbook. How can it still be rearing its head in our supposedly enlightened, scientific and secular society, never mind successfully infecting the psyches of girls being raised in bastions of liberal America?


@AthenasWrench & @ljlyon #transphobia #conspiracy gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
Monty aka Colin is good with Marsh’s grooming techniques, because trans stick by trans, even if they are rapists or child abusing perverts.

spoilerSome parents are child
abusers. LGBT kids are a lot
more likely to be abused.
Failing to recognise that and
provide routes out is a
safeguarding issue

( @ljlyon )
These are men and I would say men stick by men no matter how they identify and when they are perverts, pedophiles, rapists or murderers. Men only care about, love and respect other men; women and children are an afterthought at best.

think again #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger newsweek.com

misogyny has never been a serious problem

on the other hand discrimination against males today and hatred towards males is a much more pressing issue than discrimination against females which is a non issue
also men and women are not equal and have different gender roles just as the first males and first females did 2.5 billion years ago
also sex is binary so it is impossible to change from a man to a woman or vice versa
i also wonder how most americans think that men and women can transform into the opposite gender
most americans are very detatched from reality
the worst flaw of democracy could easily be discovered by having a 5 minute conversation with the average american voter
the average american can't read write do math or science or know basic geography
in china only educated people have the right to vote
in china the powerful are abusing their power
we must restructure the govt in a way that creates a new balance of power in a way that intelligent people have more say in the govt
we must make slow cautious changes
also if you think that americans are ignorant just look at the average person in any other country
even in most western european countries 20% of the people think that the earth revolves the sun
in a month and not a year

Timur Beslangurov and the Russian government #crackpot #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut themoscowtimes.com

Russia to Build ‘Migrant Village’ for Conservative American Expats

Russian authorities will launch construction of a village outside Moscow for conservative-minded Americans and Canadians next year, the state-run RIA Novosti news agency reported Thursday.

Russia has for years positioned itself as a bastion of "traditional" values in contrast with Western liberalism as its relations with the West have deteriorated over its 2014 annexation of Crimea and 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Timur Beslangurov, a migration lawyer at Moscow’s VISTA Foreign Business Support, claimed that “around 200 families” wish to emigrate to Russia for “ideological reasons.”

“The reason is propaganda of radical values: Today they have 70 genders, and who knows what will come next,” RIA Novosti quoted Beslangurov as saying, echoing President Vladimir Putin’s frequently deployed grievances against Western countries’ comparative gender freedom.

“Many normal people emigrate and are considering Russia, but they’re faced with huge bureaucratic problems with Russia’s migration law,” he said.

He said the Moscow region administration has greenlit the construction of the expat village and that it will be financed by the relocating families.

The lawyer further claimed without offering evidence that “tens of thousands” of foreigners without Russian roots would like to move to Russia for similar ideological reasons.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The most commonly seen sign in any street demonstration in America today displays an angry fist of revolution. The BLM racists have their black fist signs, the perverts have their rainbow fists, the Femi-Nazis have their fancy fingernail fists. A fist, it seems, is their love symbol.

Now, all those who wave such signs would probably consider the previous paragraph to be what they call "Hate Speech". Not because I hate them, but because they hate me. Identifying them accurately is "hate speech", to them. They want to force me, and you, to use only speech that approves of them, even though I do not approve of them. That doesn't mean I hate them; it just means I do not approve of what they stand for and what they are demonstrating about.
They've been, and they're being trained in this sick special thinking in schools, from kindergarten up to advanced degrees. Their teachers and professors hate Christianity, America, white people, men and sexual normalcy. They are, after all, Marxists, by philosophy if not politics. And that is to say they stand opposed to all existing social norms and standards, and support their violent overthrow as it says in the closing lines of Marx's Manifesto. That's what Marxism is really all about: overthrowing whatever exists and establishing a replacement system to rule the world, and then teach it how to behave.
Trannies are moved to commit suicide, and even mass-shootings just because everyone on earth does not kiss their asses and tell them how wonderful and natural and acceptable and special they are.

They've been purposely dumbed-down, perverted and mal-educated in whatever schools they've been through. And they are probably completely unaware of having been Marxified, too. Some of them may be fully aware Marxist revolutionaries, but for the most part, most Marxist kids today do not even know that they are Marxists. They may not even know what Marxism is.

We could probably say the same thing about a lot of black Americans.

Jenny Holland #transphobia newsweek.com

Transgender Ideology Isn't About Dignity. It's Warmed Over Misogyny | Opinion


Yet lately, my father's words about the shapeshifting nature of misogyny have been ringing in my ears. Some aspects of the transgender ideology taking over the liberal establishment are all too reminiscent of the kinds of misogyny my father so aptly pointed out. Recently developed tech platforms and the medical-industrial complex seem to me to have collided with the world's oldest prejudice, the primal drive to control and appropriate female bodies.

Does this sound like extremist fear-mongering? If it does, it's probably because in our culture right now, the reality is being hidden behind a veneer of kindness and inclusivity to which most decent people adhere—without realizing that by inclusivity, some trans activists seem to mean the wholesale destruction of female privacy and identity. The transgender issue has been nested in the movement for gay rights, which means that for many people, questioning it at all looks like a threat to return to the bad old days of intolerance. But it's more accurate to say that the trans movement itself is in many ways a return to the bad old days, with a uniquely 21st century spin.

You can see it in the reaction women face when they protest the sudden appearance of biological men in our changing rooms, prisons, and sports. Social media is full of examples of violent terminology posted by trans women voicing their outrage against TERFs—which stands for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists.


I am not claiming that every person who identifies as a trans woman is a misogynist or a predator. But it is a documented fact that some well-known predators and misogynists have adopted a trans identity explicitly because our misogyny-ridden society has decided that the male predator's feelings about his identity are more significant than women's safety.

Object at your peril. Consider what happened to J.K. Rowling, whose vocal support for the idea that women and girls should have penis-free spaces in dressing rooms and prisons caused a huge backlash that endures to this day. The misogyny of that backlash has been explosive and explicit.


@LoveHerMadly , AthenasWrench & @EepOpOrk #transphobia gettr.com

( @LoveHerMadly )
This horrible man has an extreme sexual fetish. I say let him chew his own dick off.

( @AthenasWrench )
“Gender Justice says this misgendering constitutes “cruel and unusual punishment,” as does the DOC’s provision requiring Lusk to wear male undergarments.”

Imagine this giant hulking man with a neovag and some bolt ons, threatening suicide over being correctly sexed. Yet…. there is no such thing as a biological woman and this is not a mental illness.

( @EepOpOrk )
The criminal justice system used to understand that these were predators.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene )
The real extremists are those supporting puberty blockers and cutting off the genitals of children.

We must pass my Protect Children’s Innocence Act and just let kids be kids.

( @funbobby51 )


( @The_Nose )
@repmtg The real extremists are the jewish supremacists mutilating baby dicks and then sucking them.


( @ReneeRose )
@repmtg The first step to make kids believe they're not the sex they were born with takes flat-out child abuse. If a teacher tries to tell children that they may not be the sex they were born with, that teacher needs jail time. This ALL starts with child abuse. I don't think how much people realize how screwed up Jazz Jennings (TLC trans w/her own show) truly is. A perfect example of parents allowing this to happen before the age of 18.

( @titus310always )
@ReneeRose @repmtg A jew who was Harvard educated. Jazz is a gender dysphoric who wants you to believe this is the new normal.

( @Rikhan531 )
@titus310always @ReneeRose @repmtg If a person is so confused about reality that what is or isn't between their legs, or that it can be changed they need an Asylum with a rubber room.

( @Dexter_S_Huntsman )
@repmtg unless you cowards name the jew and stop the routine mutilation of boy s dicks at birth you will never be able to stop the jew from going ever further with it's perversions.

( @MasonCutlip )

( @Kidbrightwillow )

This claim is 100% factual.

Neither surgery not drugs can change the chromosomes you had at birth.

Surgically removing genitals or administering drugs to block naturally occurring hormones is child mutilation & the medical professional is making big bucks off these repugnant procedures.

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia twitter.com

“Gender identity” is a virtual reality being overlaid on the natural world. It is not real but everyone is treating it as real & so real children & young people are being harmed. We can’t continue to solidify this powerful, corporate illusion & have any hope

of protecting anyone. I know it looks real. It seems real. How could it not be real?
There is a juggernaut of political & financial pressure behind this narrative of “gender dysphoria,” “gender medicine,” “gender people,” that is operating to keep this illusion alive.

We have to stop investing in the illusion. Children are suffering from a massive propaganda campaign & need to be gotten away from tech where it’s coming at them 24/7.
Adults are in a mass hallucination & those of us that can see this must stop participating. There are no

“Tran$” ppl. There never has been. Some ppl choose to medically disown their sex & they do so for many different reasons. It doesn’t make them a anything except men & women who refuse to accept reality. That is all.

Our refusal to let go of the illusion of special beings needing special places & rights, & medical intervention, is causing massive social chaos. We’ve only seen a glimpse of the chaos & pain coming our way if we don’t get our feet back on the ground.

A lot has gone into constructing this virtual reality: massive financial investments, technology that is terrifying in its capabilities to change the way we think & feel, the best political strategies & tactics that money can buy, & an already overwhelmed population.

We have to think our way out & while we’re doing so, we need to divest ourselves of the illusion.
These are my thoughts on this now. We’re seriously on a precipice. There isn’t a whole lot of time before we’ll never find our way out of this if we don’t act in unison to

dismantle this illusion, to attack it with all we have left.

@AthenasWrench & @LoveHerMadly #transphobia gettr.com

( @AthenasWrench )
This is where it all ends up, with women being fined and jailed for calling men men. It’s just going to keep getting worse. These men are NOT vulnerable and oppressed. They are colonizing bastards who hate us. RESIST!!
Mother ordered to pay £300 to transwoman over 'transphobic' comments

( @LoveHerMadly )
Unless you tell someone directly "I am going to kill you. I am armed and I will do it" -- you should be able to say anything to anyone. "You're a goddamn piece of shit TROON who endangers women and girls. Your male ass is going to burn in hell for all eternity. They ought to have the death penalty for men like you!" Is that "hate speech" in Britain? Please never let the US of A go there.
There is no such thing as "trans" -- there is only mental illness, which includes sexual fetish. These men dream of raping and chopping up females. Some of them follow through with it.
"Respecting" transvestite sexual fetishists would be like respecting rapists and serial killers. No way.

Mike Stone #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Did you see who the United States Navy revealed as their first "digital ambassador" last week? It's a drag queen. Apparently, the admirals running the show in the Pentagon think having a homosexual drag queen represent the Navy will result in more young men enlisting.
The United States military now exports homosexuality and trannyism all over the world. You can see that quite clearly by this latest recruitment tactic and by the number of U.S. embassies around the world flying the rainbow flag.

Don't discount the power of flags. They are symbols of submission and allegiance. When you see our country's embassies flying the rainbow flag, what they are telling the world in clear, unmistakable language is that the United States submits and pledges allegiance to homosexuality, sodomy, sexual perversion, and the sexual mutilation of children.

If you enlist in the military that's what you'll be fighting for. You'll be making the world safe for sodomy.

No matter which branch of the military you join, you will be serving alongside of homosexuals and taking orders from them. If you think that won't matter, consider our recent battlefield defeat in Afghanistan. The United States military, supposedly the most powerful military force on earth, lost a war to a bunch of goat-herders. Not only that, but we were defeated in humiliating fashion with a cowardly retreat and evacuation that was witnessed by the entire world.

That defeat doesn't make sense until you realize that the Taliban men we were fighting against are composed of uncompromising alpha males, while our military leadership consists of men wearing dresses who think having a homosexual drag queen represent the Navy will boost morale and enlistments.

Rev. Paul Mackenzie #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy #psycho bbc.com

Pastor Paul Nthenge Mackenzie has said he closed down his Good News International Church four years ago[…]
Hundreds of his sermons still available online, some of which appear to have been recorded after this date[…]
Others culminate in exorcisms in which followers - often women - writhe around on the ground while he "torments" the demonic forces within[…]
There is no direct evidence in the dozens videos we've seen of Pastor Mackenzie directly ordering people to fast, but there are many references to followers sacrificing what they hold dear, including their lives

"There are people who don't even want to preach [about] Jesus. They say their children are crying because they are hungry, let them die. Is there a problem there?"[…]
"They know education is evil. But they use it for their own gains" he says in one sermon. "Those who sell uniforms, write books…those who make pens… all kinds of rubbish. They use your money to enrich themselves while you become poor"

In 2017 and again in 2018, he was arrested for encouraging children not to go to school as he claimed education was "not recognised in the Bible"[…]
"I told people education is evil…. Children are taught gayism and lesbianism,'' he told the Nation newspaper[…]
A woman narrates how she helped to deliver a baby through prayer and without the need for a caesarean section[…]
Pastor then echoes her sentiments that vaccines are not necessary, claiming that doctors "serve a different God"[…]
Frequent warnings of an omnipotent satanic force that has supposedly infiltrated the highest echelons of power around the world

He repeatedly references "New World Order"[…]falsely claiming the Catholic Church, the UN and the US are behind it

He is also highly sceptical of modern technology, previously claiming a plan by the Kenyan government to establish a unique identity number for citizens to access government services was the 'mark of the beast'

realityismykink & VestalVirgin #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TIPs know they're full of shit. That is why they'll lose.

( realityismykink )
And even if they "win," they'll lose. Because humans can't change sex. They could score every political victory they dream of: force everyone to call them "women," criminalize the acknowledgement of sex in every circumstance, carte blanche to mutilate children, and they still won't be the opposite sex. They could gain entry into every "women's space" on earth and force all of us back into the home, but all they'll gain is spaces that were once women's spaces. They will never, as long as they live, ever actually know what it feels like to even set foot into a "women's space" because any space they're in ceases to be a women's space the moment they enter. They'll never "play a sport as a woman," only as a cheating man with enough privilege to bully everyone into LARPing with him. They'll never "have lesbian sex;" the best they can hope for is heterosexual rape of an actual lesbian, or heterosexual sex with a straight/bi woman pretending to be a lesbian, or gay sex with another man pretending to be a lesbian.

[...] Women won the vote at a time when we had far fewer rights and protections under the law than we do now. And no matter what people are forced to pretend they believe, no matter how words are redefined or stripped of meaning, we are female humans and men aren't. Even if we lose, we win.

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah ...

TRAs are like a couple of lazy ass men from a first world country who decided to invade another country because they've been told it's easy and they'll get to rape the women and there's hardly any risk involved.

Real feminists are ... basically Sparta. Used to hardship. Used to danger. Fighting for our very existence.

As soon as the resistance really starts to get going, most TRA allies will go back to sit comfortably in their soft chairs and wank to porn. Because it turned out it is work. And there's risks. And they don't like either.

I think that's one reason why they're so keen on transing children, because the castrated children will be extra motivated to defend the illusion, thanks to the sunk cost fallacy.

Thinking Housewife #transphobia #conspiracy thinkinghousewife.com

[From "There Are No “Transgenders”"]

THERE IS no such thing as a cloud made out of cottage cheese. There is no such thing as a frog who walks on two feet. There is no such thing as a blue tree. There is no such thing as a flying moose

There is no such thing as a “transgendered” person. There are no “trans men” or “trans kids” or “trans women.” They don’t exist. A man cannot become a woman. A woman cannot become a man, no matter how much surgical or chemical mutilation she may undergo

To engage in debate about “transgenders,” except to say that they don’t exist, is to dialogue with delusion. To try to overcome “transgenderism” with logic is to draw oneself into a web of insanity and give fantasy rights over reality. You can never win if you step through that door. If you enter that house of lies, you too have lost your mind

There is no “trans community.” There are only people who agree to embrace delusion and who aim, knowingly or not, to take every single person who entertains their delusions down with them

“Transgenderism” is a heavily promoted, artificially created assault on the use of reason that has very little to do with its actual participants. It is easier to control people if they cannot think, if they are cut off from the very physical essence of their beings, if they are wandering from an early age in a lifeless desert of confusion and if words are brutally disconnected from their accepted meaning

Brittany #transphobia youtube.com

I would just like to add that some people don’t believe transgender is a thing and are uncomfortable referring to someone as a different gender, whether it’s because of religious beliefs or because of DNA, etc. Labeling those people as “transphobic” is hurtful and perpetuates double standards.

Anonymous #transphobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

Easy Mode
That if-then logical fallacy is not good for women, who lose legal protection and representation when biological sex is a category open to personal interpretation informed by trans Reddit mods. Under gender self-ID, there is one kind of woman, born female, protected and regulated for her reproductive biology, and born male, whether he keeps his penis or has it removed, though the chances of that are between 5 and 13 percent. Woman and self-ID transwoman are one, impossible to differentiate by any criteria, and equal in women’s rights and protections, including single-sex spaces.

Single-sex spaces exist because even a casual glance at arrest and conviction records shows that allowing men to share public facilities with women is dangerous to women, especially women prisoners. Nicola Sturgeon might admit, after a bottle of wine, that self-ID is unpopular when it rapes women and puts on a wig to dodge getting locked up with other men. Scotland thought so when it asked her if a double rapist, self-IDing after he got caught, was a woman or a fraud opting into Easy Mode jail, where the women can’t get away.

The shortly thereafter ex-First Minister was backed into a corner by the question of a double rapist’s womanhood. It was hard going, as ‘woman’ is now an undefinable and exclusionary term in trans ideology, except of course for transwomen, who are women because they are women.
The my-way-or-the-highway branding “Transwomen are Women” does not work for women. It is high fantasy that any man who cares to enter a single-sex space with women and girls can do so without diminishing the privacy, dignity and safety of those women and girls.

The idea that any man deserves access to any female space is pure misogynistic resentment. To the aggrieved male, women have shot right past equality and on into privilege over him, attacking his status with diversity hiring, assembling without men, and failing to defer.

The men who use self-ID access to publicly flaunt a fetish or opportunistically harm women and girls far outnumber the tiny population of genuinely dysphoric men for whom medical transition is a legitimate treatment. It is not feasible, however, for women to attempt to separate them at the changing room door.

Rises Upward #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy pitt.substack.com

The LGB and the T are fundamentally unalike, and lumping them together is forced teaming that benefits the T to the detriment of the LGB. The LGB are same-sex attracted people; all we ask is the right to pursue consensual adult relationships with other same-sex attracted people without being harassed or ostracized for it. The T are individuals who, for various reasons, wish to be the opposite sex (or, in some cases, an imaginary third sex). For better or worse, this is an impossible wish; humans can no more change sex than we can change species. Same-sex attraction is a normal variation on human sexuality, documented around the world and throughout history. Although trans activists like to point to third-gender categories in various traditional cultures as proof that "trans people have always been here," the fact is that nothing like modern transgenderism has existed until very recently. It is a culturally-bound syndrome—as Carl Eliot eloquently puts it, "a new way to be mad"—whose existence is inextricably connected with sexual paraphilia. Show me a "trans lesbian," and I will show you a man who is sexually aroused by imagining himself as a woman, often in breathtakingly misogynistic ways.

(Don't believe me? Read _Females_ by Andrea Long Chu.)

Trans "rights" are at best orthogonal to LGB rights, and often diametrically opposed. Kids who are extremely gender-nonconforming in early childhood often grow up to be gay or lesbian; nowadays, this kind of gender nonconformity is liable to be taken as "transness," meaning that children who would become healthy, happy gay men and lesbians are instead herded toward sterility, sexual dysfunction, and pseudo-heterosexuality as "trans girls" and "trans boys." Trans ideology also erodes the LGB community from the other side. The majority of transitioners are opposite-sex attracted, meaning that they become "trans lesbians" and "gay trans men," who then demand inclusion in LGB spaces and throw fits when lesbians don't want their female-identified penises/gay men don't want their male-identified vaginas.

Les Visible #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #ableist thetruthseeker.co.uk

For years now… we have been talking about Materialism= Atheism= Satanism= Insanity= Cultural Implosion. The Sexual Force is the driving force that demonstrates through Materialism. In the early days, we had defined courtship rituals. We had appropriate soundtracks. We had romance in the air. It had its seasons… just like Spring for Nature.

Slowly… and then picking up speed, and then… now… on the verge of free-fall, The Sexual Nature was bent ever more and more out of shape, while being bent over on electronic media until The World began to look like the inside of Picasso’s mind after two weeks of huffing compressed air… Thunderbird wine… and McDonald’s Unhappy Meals from Door Dash.
Satanism is the religion of Materialism… when Materialism reaches a certain line on The Dial. This is how drag queens have become the poster freaks of our time. The single greatest imperative of Satanism is the despoliation of innocence, and that is why the drag queens are coming after the children.

Satanism does not have a compelling vision of some shining city on the hill. Satanism’s vision is either a total and unrestrained license or a Draconian totalitarianism.
Satanism exists to create worldwide disorder and a complete breakdown in culture and unity… where everything except Normality is permitted. Diversity is Perversity, Inclusion is Delusion, Harmony is Cacophony. These are interchangeable with, War is Peace… Freedom is Slavery… Ignorance is Strength.
When The Avatar comes he will set it all aright, as he has done so many times before. A recognition of The Sun as a portal to God, and a natural altar in the cathedral of Nature… will be returning into human understanding, once The Troubles have run their course… once The Darkness has lifted… once The World has been washed clean again of the workers of spiritual discord; the deceivers and killers of Hope and Brotherhood will be sent on their way.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Has anyone visited r/truscum?

( shveya )
That subreddit actually helped me a lot to hit peak truscum. Seeing them dismiss gay & lesbian people as “transphobic” for turning down people off the opposite sex and the way they demonize Rowling made me realize that they’re not much different than “tucutes”.

( Kukushka )
I used to go on that sub sometimes before I fully peaked. Honestly, the way "truscum" are treated in the trans community is a small part of what peaked me. The way that they're vehemently hated just for believing something that used to be accepted without question (that you need to have dysphoria to be trans) is crazy to me.

I don't really agree with them anymore because I think their ideas on gender still come from a misogynistic place, but I think they have an interesting perspective that's worth listening to.

( RusticTroglodyte )
The pornsick AGPs who want to live out their fetish 24/7 and demand vALiDaTiOn from literally everyone and who flood lesbian bars, absolutely hate these men.

( KageThornback )
They are basically the 'not like the other girls' of the trans movement. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if they say some sane things, like admitting their biological sex, when they continue to 'live their life as the opposite sex' which just means pandering to sex stereotypes.

( puppy_cat )
Lol, you beat me to it. I was about to say the exact same. "We're not like the other trans". Some of them almost seem to be close to peaking and maybe detrans-ing. Many others just say the same stuff that TRAs say, but just add in the magic words "it's ok if you actually HAVE gender dysphoria!" Which used to be what TRAs said maybe 10 years ago before everything just completely got much worse.

( chupitchu77865 )
I used to think like you, but I'm totally opposed to the idea of "gender dysphoria" entirely at this point. WHaaaat does it even mean? The concept in and of itself feels misogynistic to me.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Exactly. It's all bullshit. It all needs to be dealt with by destroying the concept of gender

Without the idea of "girl things" and "boy things" all these trans nb pronoun ppl could just be themselves without it being a big deal

@female_union #transphobia twitter.com

I will NEVER use the word ‘trans’ again after this tweet.

It no longer exists in my vocabulary. I have erased it; I have done a genocide on it, it no longer exists. ☠️

I will use ‘man who says he’s a woman’ or ‘pink and blue fascist’.
I am a journalist and I WILL be accurate.

John Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia returntoorder.org

The left is taking the country to chaos through bizarre misinterpretations of the law. No longer relying upon precedent or even the strict lines of the Constitution, just about anything can be legally justified—abortion, assisted suicide, complete sexual license, new “transgender rights,” pronoun tyranny and other practices. Law is fluid and changeable to whatever suits the person’s passions.

Thus, anyone who affirms that there is a higher unchangeable law can expect opposition. When such a legal theory becomes widespread, it terrifies the left. They fear a law that has solid foundations and definitions.
Natural law is the legal theory upon which the Christian West was founded. It holds that a moral code is written on the hearts of men, valid for all peoples and places, providing a basis for moral certainty guiding human action. This moral law in human nature provides the general guidelines upon which all law is based. The Ten Commandments, for example, are often described as a succinct summary of natural law.

Modern law, however, severed the connection with natural law theory in the nineteenth century with a legal school of law called “legal positivism.” It stripped law of its moral foundations and turned it into a set of human-made rules governing society, representing the sovereign will of the people through representative institutions.
Finally, liberals hate natural law because it opposes the primacy of individualistic pleasure. Liberal hostility toward restraint is especially directed toward sexual passions. According to natural law, the end of the sexual act is primarily procreation. When measures are taken to frustrate this act or destroy the marriage bond that protects it, it is contrary to natural law.
Thus, the open door to depravity and fantasy is a big reason why natural law has so much opposition. It is not the noble desire to further the common good or advance freedom that motivates those who deny natural law.

Sophie Corcoran #transphobia #dunning-kruger youtube.com

'There's no such thing as a cis woman': Inclusive language 'erasing' women's rights

Women are not a sub-category of women – "we are women," according to UK broadcaster Sophie Corcoran, who said she refuses to be addressed as a "cis woman".

"The one word I hate the most and nobody should ever call me is a cis-woman – it really aggravates me," Ms Corcoran told Sky News host Rowan Dean.

"We're expected to call trans-women women, so why can't we call ourselves women, why do we have to call ourselves cis-women – there's no such thing.

"But they are erasing our language and that's not good – because when they erase the language they will then soon erase our rights which is what they're trying to do."

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Anyone else keep seeing "AFAB" used more often on Reddit or other communities?

( OwnLyingEyes )
For what little it's worth, "AFAB" pisses them off too. They've been having little tantrums about women using it to mean women for years now, because it still acknowledges the existence of a category that women are in and they are not.

( Julie92845 )
Yep, I've noticed this too.

They're also taking offense to transwomen vs trans women. I've always just used trans women but now that they're trying to police my language even more I might switch over as a fuck you.

( an_actual_chicken )
The funny thing for me is that saying "AFAB" is basically the same as "assigning someone female" on the spot in conversation. Literally no difference from "natal female" or even "biological female" except the degree of indirectness about what they're actually describing.

( itazurakko )
Yes. As the term is actually used in 2023, it just means "women." Real ones. Female humans. What we have called "women" all along.

Notice how they not only had a NEED for such a term, but also don't quibble about who is in it? Yeah. That's useful for me.

( BehindtheCurtain )
Using the word "woman" properly is practically against the rules of reddit.
Afab is the shortest work around, compared to "female people". TiMs still very annoyed when afabs are being centered, but it does cut down on "well as a [trans] woman I think it's very empowering to be bimbofied" or whatever else they object over with porn brains.

( itazurakko )
The one place on reddit you ARE allowed to say "women only" or "cis women only" and MEAN it is... the porn subs. Which should tell you ALL you need to know. :/

( starsstorm )
Women outside of us are using it as a work around for the dehumanizing terms that refer to women as body parts. Even some of my tra friends have adopted using afab because they don’t want to get fire or harassed for talking about women’s issues as women, but they don’t want to include trans women in there either. It’s an unfortunate neat work around and it infuriates trans people, especially tims. I’m sure it’ll become even more popular among women.

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