
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia #homophobia catholicamericanthinker.com

What is sociopathy? Look at our political parties for the answer.

The American Marxocrat Party lies, violates laws, quite consistently shows no regard for right and wrong, respects no moral standard for behavior, ignores the rights and feelings of all others, purposely makes others angry or upset, manipulates and treats others harshly and with cruel indifference, lacks remorse and does not regret its behavior.

These are the hallmarks of Sociopathy: antisocial personality disorder.

What happens when a sociopathic political party gains control over the government of a nation, the courts of the nation, the news and information of the nation, the education of the nation, the science of the nation, the industries of the nation, the police and armed forces of the nation?

What happens when sociopathy, or a sociopathic entity, owns and controls even knowledge itself, and the dissemination of all knowledge?

Can a whole society be turned against itself, to destroy itself?

The answer is yes; it is happening right now, right before our eyes.

But how did a whole political party come to be sociopathic?
They have been trained to have emotional "triggers". And if you touch any of their emotiontional triggers, they're liable to start emoting in front of you, or even all over you. And the "triggers" are legion.

White people. Men. Maculine men. Paternalism. Fatherhood. Maleness. Gun ownership. American flags. Christian or Jewish religious symbology; a cross or cucifix, a yamulka or star of David, etc. Statues of famous American historical figures. True American history. Criticism or disagreement of any kind. Opposition to drag queens, sex ed, transsexual ed, homosexual ed, white racism ed, American racism ed, even hinting at the existence of anti-white racism, or any mistaken belief at all.
The Marxocrat Party hates America, pure and simple.

And if that's not true they've got a funny way of showing it.

BondiBlue #transphobia ovarit.com

I fear the US is going to become one massive lab rat experiment.

…with the red states (which have their own problems) that have banned, or plan to ban, gender quackery for minors, being the control group, and the blue states that have doubled down on it being the group getting “dosed.”

It would be the most wholly unethical “sample size” study to have ever been done, particularly on children. But I sadly think that is what is about to happen.

Democrats are only delving deeper and digging their heels in on radical progressivism. Tonight’s special elections, particularly in Chicago, proved it (with Gen Z at the forefront leading the way). Since every action has an equal and opposite reaction, Republicans will be slamming on the brakes and screeching the tires to “turn this car around,” so to speak.

And in the meantime, children are going to be the experimental lab rats of the two groups. Canadians talk about their “two solitudes” of Quebec and the other provinces being worlds apart in terms of culture and language. The wall separated East and West Berlin for decades. But the two Americas could diverge so much as to be two completely distinct peoples: one set of children following the course of nature (at times nasty and brutish), and the other being medically and chemically modified such that their physical form is forever altered and uprooted (synthetic nature being nasty and brutish in a different way). GMO kids versus organic. Red states with teenage mothers impregnated by virile preacher-men in their 40s, 50s and beyond; blue states rewriting the rules of nature by dosing and butchering the “genderqueer” offspring of “birthing parents” whereby the “chestfeeding” “father” is impregnated by the “mother.” Or some crackpot finally invents the artificial human-embryonic incubator and unmoors (or “q~eers”) the entire process away from so-called “gendered gestation” altogether.

It sounds like a dystopian epic, but it’s stranger than fiction. Whoever came up with this national experiment on the children of a people must be the world’s most malevolent mad scientist in human history.

Rep. Kerri Seekins-Crowe #wingnut #transphobia nbcnews.com

A recent comment by a Montana Republican state lawmaker who sponsored legislation to ban gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors has gone viral and drawn backlash online.

State Rep. Kerri Seekins-Crowe, R-Billings, suggested during a floor debate that she would rather risk her daughter dying by suicide than allow her to transition. Seekins-Crowe did not say that her daughter identified as transgender, but said she was “one of those parents who lived with a daughter who was suicidal for three years.”

"One of the big issues that we have heard today and we've talked about lately is that without surgery the risk of suicide goes way up. Well, I am one of those parents who lived with a daughter who was suicidal for three years," Seekins-Crowe said in her remarks in March. "Someone once asked me, 'Wouldn't I just do anything to help save her?' And I really had to think and the answer was, 'No.'"

"I was not going to give into her emotional manipulation because she was incapable of making those decisions and I had to make those decisions for her," Seekins-Crowe said.

She continued, "I was not going to let her tear apart my family and I was not going to let her tear apart me because I had to be strong for her, I had to have a vision for her life when she had none, was incapable of having none."

Seekins-Crowe said that she was scared and "spent hours on the floor in prayer because I didn't know that when I woke up, if my daughter was going to be alive or not. But I knew that I had to make those right decisions for her so that she would have a precious, successful adulthood at that time."

Kansas Republicans #wingnut #transphobia apnews.com

Kansas legislators impose sweeping anti-trans bathroom law

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Republican legislators in Kansas enacted what may be the most sweeping transgender bathroom law in the U.S. on Thursday, overriding the Democratic governor’s veto of the measure without having a clear idea of how their new law will be enforced.

The vote in the House was 84-40, giving supporters exactly the two-thirds majority they needed to override Gov. Laura Kelly’s action. The vote in the Senate on Wednesday was 28-12, and the new law will take effect July 1.

At least eight other states have enacted laws preventing transgender people from using the restrooms associated with their gender identities, but most of them apply to schools. The Kansas law applies also to locker rooms, prisons, domestic violence shelters and rape crisis centers.


Republican legislators argued that they’re responding to people’s concerns about transgender women sharing bathrooms, locker rooms and other spaces with cisgender women and girls. They repeatedly promised that the bill would prevent that.

Kansas House Speaker Dan Hawkins, a Wichita Republican, told GOP colleagues after the vote that the override was “truly the icing on the cake” among conservative policy victories this year.

“I’m just giddy,” he said.

The Kansas law is different than most other states’ laws in that it legally defines male and female based on the sex assigned at birth and declares that “distinctions between the sexes” in bathrooms and other spaces serves “the important governmental objectives” of protecting “health, safety and privacy.” Earlier this week, North Dakota enacted a law that prohibits transgender children and adults from having access to bathrooms, locker rooms or showers in dormitories of state-run colleges and correctional facilities.

Kansas’ law doesn’t create a new crime, impose criminal penalties or fines for violations or even say specifically that a person has a right to sue over a transgender person using a facility aligned with their gender identity. Many supporters acknowledged before it passed that they hadn’t considered how it will be administered.


@wundt_vil #transphobia twitter.com

Unmasking the Autogynephile (AGP)

We, the sane, know that most men who say they are women will in fact just be AGP. For those unaware of the term, AGP refers to men who are sexually aroused by the thought or image of themselves as women. 🧵 This thread contains horror stories 🚨

For years, especially before gender ideology took hold in the way it has done now, the agp was happy to refer to himself as such and spoke openly with researchers about his desires and depravity. Their were noted links between AGP and other paraphilias - most notably masochism

Another very prevalent paraphilia noted with the AGP male is forced feminisation. This is, partly, the sexual arousal these men experience when thinking of themselves experiencing the oppression the only women experience. A specific oppression that we men don’t experience.

This depravity is sadly only the beginning of their delusions. This next screenshot may upset people so please be aware of that. The AGP revels in the idea of seeing himself as a women and experiencing rape.

AGPs will rarely, practically never, fall in love with other men. Most won’t even actually have sex with other men unless it’s teamed with another paraphilia - like those above. They are straight men, mostly, with fetishes.

AGPs in the past were more than happy to identify as such. But where all they all now? The answer is very simple. They’ve joined the LGBTIQ++++ community and are therefore covered and extended the protections that this group of fools receive.

They’ve cottoned on the fact that if they now say they’re trans they’ll be celebrated, applauded and told how stunning and brave they really are. There is no way, without really serious and clinical exploration, to differentiate between these people - who I believe are a majority

Of people who say they’re ‘trans’ - and the regular joe caught up in this ideology. No man, no matter how well they may articulate their faux oppression, should be extended the protections and language the women have fought so hard for. I hope the above makes clear why.

@Remigrator #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut gettr.com

This is #Salvador #Rolando #Ramos, a #Latino #LGBTQ #Pervert #Faggot, who shot and killed 21 in an Elementary School.

He is the product of a deeply perverted #society that needs to be demolished to the ground. The #Muslims are doing one thing right (but only this one thing); they are throwing human scum like him from rooftops. 🤔

Hey #Russia: Destroy the #NWO or THIS is your future (too).

various commenters #wingnut #transphobia gab.com

( Christian Nationalists of USA )
‘Child abuse’: Congressman demands NIH investigate transgender drugs, surgeries for minors

( @RepublicPatriotsUnited )
@CNofUSA That's right, it's child abuse.

( @phlfie )
@CNofUSA That's incredibly fucking stupid. Asking the criminals to investigate themselves.

( @OldComputerMan )
@CNofUSA Unfortunately, I think the NIH is already entrenched in this and will not provide a real investigation. It will only parrot what the drug companies and LGBT groups say. Their blinders appear to already be bought and paid for.

( @Iixsive )
@CNofUSA NIH ???????

The NIH is The Problem!!!

( @CJHHH )


( @PamelaSelah )
@CNofUSA It's much more than 'abuse'. It is mutilation!

Starship Earth: The Big Picture #crackpot #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy starshipearththebigpicture.com

"Are we really going to see that predicted second lockdown? Now that we have heard that the Pentagon engineered the Covid scamdemic, and that military cleanup operations were ongoing whilst the world was stuffed away in their homes… it sounds like a distinct possibility considering we are currently weathering the storm. I think anything is possible at this point while the military is executing their brilliant plan."
“The Precipice” could potentially manifest as a layered approach with war with other nations, bioweapons unleashed for a second lockdown, a financial catastrophe, and more beyond that—all unfolding simultaneously, or overlapping at times. Hold onto your shorts!

We may see Trump swoop in and save the day by averting war with his diplomatic skills of great persuasion. I think he still wields that magic wand—wink-wink! We are hearing Trump will be back in office at some point so… something has to give.
The Twitter stuff regarding checkmarks is really interesting and seems to suggest that when they take away a checkmark, it’s because they’ve been nabbed by the White Hats and taken out of commission. Conversely, we see new profiles like Jim Morrison of The Doors fame, and there is a blue checkmark on that profile. Are we to assume that Jim will reveal himself as having faked his death like so many others? Some people have suggested that Jim “reincarnated” as Rush Limbaugh, who recently passed away from cancer, I think, if we can believe that story. They can cure cancer, but we never know any more. Watch those Twitter profiles and see who pops up.
You may have heard that some folks were getting emails from cabal retailers suggesting with their propaganda that folks could opt out of Mother’s Day emails, I suppose with gift ideas, etc. They would love to see the erasure of women and the Divine Feminine. It’s gobsmacking the nerve of these satanists and their social engineering.

Ben Garrison #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia grrrgraphics.com


Despite his very low poll ratings and very advanced age, I predict he will win his party’s nomination. RFK Jr. may be his biggest competition, but like Bernie Sanders, those controlling the Democrat Party will rig the primaries against him. Joe won’t even have to debate. He certainly won’t participate in a debate against Trump once he gets his party’s nomination. Joe will spend a lot of time away from interviews and press conferences. In other words, he’ll once again be spending time in his Delaware beach house basement awaiting his coronation. This is Joe Biden’s version of ‘democracy.’

We all know how unpopular Joe is. He was long known as the stupidest senator in Congress. Nothing has changed. He wasn’t popular during his earlier presidential runs—including his run in 2020. He scored low in the polls and in the Democrat primaries. He stumbled in the debates. Then, lo and behold, he miraculously began winning primaries. The powers behind the scenes decided an old, lying criminal was their man. He could be controlled. Despite his obvious mental decline, Joe Biden won the presidential election. To be more precise, the election was stolen from Donald Trump and handed to Biden.

The template has been laid out again. The oligarchs want Biden despite his persistent mental decline. Actually, they are enjoying inflicting their pedophile criminal with dementia upon the American people. They hate America and want to see its destruction. It’s necessary for the ‘great reset.’ Biden is necessary to bring about our demoralization and despair. They want us to accept ridiculous things such as ’trans’ and ‘equity.’ They want us to accept absurd leaders such as Biden and Harris. Now that Dominion won its case against Fox, they will have hundreds of millions more to advance their cause. I have not seen much in the way of election reform. The election fraudsters got away with it the last time and are now even more emboldened.

Yes, I’m saying Biden will have the 2024 election stolen for him. Again.The octogenarian will be 86 years by the end of his second term. By that time, America’s destruction should be complete.

@STILLTish & @ArtMinx1 #transphobia twitter.com

( @STILLTish )

I am horrified by this.

I transitioned over 30 yrs ago & my body is not identifiably male. I’ve been sexually harassed and assaulted by men and I might be forced onto a … WHAT? A MAN’S WARD? This is madness!!!! I am disgusted. I’m speechless.
Law change could aid single-sex spaces - watchdog

Women have the right to male free spaces. Any male who violates this boundary is demonstrating a particular type of entitlement. Women are not surgically modified males we exist.

( @ArtMinx1 )
Only two types of men violate our boundaries; perverts or predators. The former need us in our spaces as props for their fetish, the latter as conveniently corralled prey.

Craige McMillan #fundie #wingnut #transphobia wnd.com

We live in an age in which human beings are so confused about their identity – "Who am I?" – that they walk around wearing T-shirts identifying with athletic shoes and other manufactured products that speak their identity. "Whew! There! I'm not me. I'm really somebody! I'm wrapped inside a smelly sock surrounded by canvas and synthetic shoe rubber, running down the athletic court! Thank God! I finally know who I am!"

Yes, Your Stinkiness! You are no longer a child of God; you are free advertising space for an athletic shoe brand. Congratulations on your new identity!

If you think that you are confused about your identity, just imagine what God goes through! Hmm … let's see, I wonder where Miranda is today? What is she up to? An operation? Why didn't she tell me she was sick? A sex-change operation? No! I made you a girl, Miranda! There's a child you have to have when you grow up and get married! Boys can't give birth! Why didn't you ask Me, first?

That's an excellent question. Of course, we should expect no less from God. It's not that He is too busy or difficult to find, for His Word tells us that God is everywhere present – including inside of us. For that reason He is not difficult to find. Most of us have no problem asking our friends what we should do about a certain situation, or posting our dilemma on social media and seeking the collective wisdom of the aborted Star Trek Borg, perhaps better known today as the collective consciousness. Yes, that's the ticket! Ignore God and just ask everyone else! What could possibly go wrong?
Those whom God is now clearing out of the way are so arrogant and self-absorbed that they do not even realize that it is now the Creator God of the Universe that is fighting against them. Even the Pharisees in the New Testament had the presence of mind when they were fighting against Jesus' Disciples to ask, what if we find ourselves fighting against God (paraphrased). But not this crowd today.

Georgian Southern Nationalist #wingnut #elitist #homophobia #transphobia #racist identitydixie.com

[From "GAXIT! Free Georgia Now"]

After a Kemp victory last November, Georgia’s political future has become clearer[…]It’s now been proven that the Peach State still has enough genuine Georgians to keep an anti-White zealot like Stacey Abrams out of the governorship. Georgia’s monuments largely still stand intact, a new anti-child sex change bill (SB 40) has passed, the “Heartbeat” law has successfully returned, and gun rights have been expanded. On the other hand, long-term demographic issues are not looking great[…]it’s imperative for Georgia to secede before the next gubernatorial election[…]
A major component of a Free Georgia will be ensuring that Southerners (bonafide Georgians) are running and managing the state. Enacting the county unit system in all statewide elections will be critical. This is a topic that has been discussed by the Georgia League of the South and at Identity Dixie but[…]it’s an important step to curtail the carpetbagger-dominated Metro Atlanta[…]
Southern Nationalists could convince a squeamish representative to push for pro-Southern policies. It’s during this period that Southern Nationalist advocates would focus on restoring, and then solidifying, Georgia’s pro-Dixie cultural and social foundation

For starters, one should look at the vast potential of Stone Mountain[…]Largest (currently) monument to the South’s efforts in the War for Southern Independence[…]
We could easily morph whatever remains of the Georgia National Guard into a new “Army of Georgia,” fastened with the old 1956 Georgia flag[…]This new unit would be used for home defense[…]
This brings me to the idea[…]that Georgia is a purple or “non-White” state; thus, the Left would “rebel.” In truth, I could envision a few violent riots in Atlanta, like we saw with “Cop City” but the new “Army of Georgia” would quickly and efficiently remove such threats. Antifa cowards will flee Georgia

Jennifer Bilek , @MicaSaurius & @GregArcade #transphobia twitter.com

( Jennifer Bilek )
Our rights as women have been decimated, we can’t get any free space from men, our awards are being given over to them, kids’ sex are being medically attacked, parents have no legal recourse, crime & medical stats are skewed, men are raping women in their prisons but

as long as people who are “dysphoric” are getting all they need, that’s what counts, am I rite?

( @MicaSaurius )
Particularly female children are being predated upon by the gender borg. Damaging a generation of women.

( @GregArcade )
I assume you sided with a bunch of woke pro-feminist nonsense over the last decade, but now that you are living with the consequences of adopting marxism, you are complaining.

This is the bed you made: sleep in it.

The Rev. Steven Roland #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

Sermon 7: Softening the Heart

By The Rev. Steven Roland

My state has a wicked liberal Democrat governor. Evil, wretched, vile, sickening. Gretchen Whitmer is easily one of the most detestable people in modern politics…

First, she banned people from worshiping in the house of God while keeping abortion stores and recreational cannabis dispensaries and liquor stores open during the fake pandemic! All while she was living the life of luxury eating in restaurants and getting haircuts and going on vacation all while not wearing the wicked liberal idol of a face mask that DOES NOT PROTECT AGAINST DISEASE as it says on the packaging of any non-surgical face mask! It was never about protection but having a graven image of self righteousness! But everyone else had to wear them and couldn’t get seeds for gardening or eat in the dining area of a restaurant all while they COULD fornicate indiscriminately and have an abortion while they partook of alcohol and recreational cannabis all while people of God were arrested for worshiping! This is the persecution of God’s people that was warned about in scripture!

Now with a Democrat majority in the legislature for the first time in forty years, Whitmer has gone even further, creating the “right” to perpetuate a genocide of unborn children in the name of feminism and equality! It is also perfectly legal for little girls to be molested in bathrooms and locker rooms by grown 250 pound 6’5 men in drag! Wicked false idols like Dylan Mulvaney further perpetuate this garbage! Sodomites can run free in the “Motor City pride parade” and take over the municipal and county governments all while people of God fear for the next lockdown for the “public good.” It's coming, just you wait! Big Gretch will be coming for your right to freedom of religion once she gets her way in the end!

As infinitesimal of a chance as it might have, we must pray for our leaders so that their hearts may soften to the word of God and the normal nuclear family and the plight of the unborn. If you live in a state with capital punishment, you must pray for that to end as well so that the state may no longer execute people including far too often perfectly innocent people for one day it could be children of God at the electric chair simply for preaching the Gospel! We must PRAY for an end to all injustices…

Eliza Mondegreen #transphobia elizamondegreen.substack.com


Having a trans-identified person in your life is meant to bind you to a certain perspective on trans issues.

That's the expectation: if you have a friend or family member who identifies as transgender, then of course you must agree that sterilizing gender-confused kids is great and men competing in women's sports is great and Dylan Mulvaney has been a woman for 365 days and counting, and anything else—no matter your reasons—is a heinous betrayal.

When a loved one converts, everyone in that person’s life is supposed to convert. Suddenly, whatever I once believed, whatever I once said, should not only go unsaid but unbelieved.

And the failure or refusal to convert causes real and terrible pain. It is terrible to deal in such pain. It's impossible to explain why you didn't convert and be understood. You're not allowed to have your own reasons, your own analysis, your own conscience. You were supposed to give all that away.

I tried to treat a loved one's embrace of what I think of as a pernicious belief system about gender the way I would treat a loved one joining a(ny other) cult. That is, I did not join myself. I stayed outside. I tried to keep a life outside the cult alive and to keep the person I knew and loved alive, espscially those parts she was most determined to extinguish. I pushed back, gently. I didn't push back too hard. I know how brittle these beliefs are. I know what people will do to defend what can't survive scrutiny. I have done those things.

When I think about the sense of constriction that wrapped itself around my life over the last seven years, it started with one person I loved and the fragile falsities they desperately needed to be true.

At first, it seemed like any other delicate situation among friends: the bad boyfriend she just can't let go of, the drinking problem he can't admit. When a subject hasn’t ripened, you avoid it, politely, diplomatically. Attempts to force such a conversation will fail. So you wait.

But what I experienced with one person who tied my tongue, thousands of people experienced and found their tongues tied, too. That includes—as Helen Joyce has pointed out—people at media outlets and publishing houses and NGOs and government agencies and universities: bound by loved ones’ transitions, binding entire organizations in turn.


@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

The trans taliban are going to be big mad.
Little children will not have their growth stunted and grown adults with mental health issues will have to pay for their own neovag and fake boobs.
I mean, women don’t exist and there is no such thing as a woman’s body we don’t need to pay for that which doesn’t exist.

Maplefields & MarthaMMC #transphobia ovarit.com

( Maplefields )
[...] If strangers on the internet calling you out on your behaviour makes you feel unsafe, you are mentally fragile. If being so called “misgendered” makes you feel unsafe and sends you into rage, you’re mentally fragile.

I have no idea why you feel so unsafe.

It’s not like you get thousands of “punch a TERF” “a good TERF is a dead TERF” and “shoot a TERF” aimed at you. Oh, and it’s not like we show up at your TRA rallies and assault you. Oh, wait. You do that to us. It was absolutely lovely (sarcasm) watching an old lady being punched by your endangered (sarcasm) transwoman.

( MarthaMMC )
What violence are they talking about? Pausing irreversible surgeries on kids til they are old enough to give informed consent as adults? Not being in the same space as females in certain situations? Esp when there are third spaces where they can be "safe"? Like individual restrooms or changing rooms as an addition to single sex ones? Other people not being forced to seeming to agree with them? This isn't violence. These laws are basically protecting other people's boundaries in some situations. It is a compromise trans need to make with society, just as all groups do, we balance rights all the time-all of our freedoms in the constitutional amendments have some restrictions & compromises & exceptions. Free speech doesn't cover yelling fire in a crowded theater, there have been some laws restricting firearms- though they are challenged, freedom of the press doesn't legally protect some things-like child pornography, freedom of religion doesn't permit some things-like refusal of certain medical care to children-in or- an extreme example- human sacrifice-(even if ppl volunteer) or even public animal sacrifice. They just are not willing to bend even a bit for societal interests. They want society to bend for them.

( Maplefields )
Anything but capitulating to the fantasies of the mentally disturbed is violence to them because it breaks that fantasy. In the real world, they are the sex they were born as and everyone is tiptoeing around them hoping that if they play along then the mentally disturbed TiP doesn’t rage on them.

Yeah, that’s right. We CLOCK you. We SEE you. We avert our eyes and hope we don’t make eye contact with you.

woodchip #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy descentbb.net

Far far away. I remember the Feminists being loud and in your face, but no more. Back in the 60's they were burning their bras and going bra-less. Even way before that they were demanding the right to vote. Today they are more than willing to acquiesce to male dominance, lay back and say ★■◆● me. Not a peep out of them when transgenders with male physiology compete against females and utterly dominate them. Considering that there is money to be made like endorsements, I sometimes wonder if these transgenders are really male athletes who failed competing against other males and decided to go where they can win...woman's sports. While I don't have a problem with tranny's, they should really only be allowed to compete against each other.

@JunusAnna , @radicallysandra & @James_grey78 #transphobia twitter.com

( @JunusAnna )
Dear men pretending to be women,

You can still play sports. You can still go to the bathroom. No one has taken that away from you.

Stop whining because women don't want you perving on them.

( @radicallysandra )
Women aren’t real people to them, we’re only tools to achieve “validation” and “affirmation” 🤮

( @JunusAnna )
Don't forget sexual thrills.

( @James_grey78 )
If men with feminine cosmetic-sartorial preferences feel unsafe with other men in bathroom that is a men’s problem. It has to be resolved with men. Why do women have to be put at risk?

( @JunusAnna )
Women have been asking that, and all we get is that we're not at risk from men.

Which of course crime statistics and history proves otherwise.

iiAmHavoK #transphobia #dunning-kruger reddit.com

I mean being a trans is a punchline to be honest. You’re mentally ill. There is no Fucking other genders. You’re male, you’re female. That’s it. Biologically your male “becoming a female.” But now they want to be a glorified thing. Idgaf what you are or who’s dick you suck. Quit force feeding it down people’s throats and watch how fast it goes away. Vast majority of people don’t fucking care.

Lindsey Graham #ableist #dunning-kruger #transphobia reddit.com

{NOTE: This is some woman dressed as a cat, not the male Republican politician. Same name, different people (assuming that she actually is called ‘Lindsey Graham’.}

My name is Lindsey Graham, and I am a cat. Meow. Meow. I’m not a woman dressed as a cat. I am a cat. By show of hands, I’m curios how many of you believe and confess that I’m a cat? Great. By show of hands how many of your child or a child from this school would believe that I’m actually a cat? No one? You are right. Why? Because you are not stupid and these children are not stupid. Truth prevails over imagination, reality exists, discernment is innate and something we are biologically wired to have. One look at me and you know this to be true, I am a woman posing as a cat. You also believe, correctly, that if I truly believe I am a cat, I have a mental disorder. If I suffer from a mental disorder and am unable to discern reality, am I safe to be around children? Would you put me in charge of making decisions about the safety and well being of children and the direction of their education when I cannot even discern truth from fiction? Confession, I’m not actually a cat just because I say I am. You have not agreed to or committed to addressing me as a cat just because I demand it. No tail whiskers or outfit makes me a cat. Just like no lipstick, high heels or long hair makes him a man, a woman. It is as biologically impossible for me to be a cat as it is for a man to be a woman.

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia twitter.com

“Tran$” is not a type of person. It is a conglomerate of corporate, legal, & political pressure grooming our youth into industrial body dissociation for profit & human engineering.
There are no “gender people” - “tran$”
or otherwise.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Nashville school shooting and media reports

( Rheya )
So a TIF, a female. Rare, and I don’t think any of us here would deny adding her to the female stats for horrible crimes if this person is genuinely female. I can totally get why we were all skeptical since the news protects TIMs (though funnily they have no problem misgendering and deadnaming a woman 🤔)

If this is a female, I hope people start talking about how TIFs on testosterone have a higher criminality than women not on testosterone—and that the conversation opens up so we can start talking about the elephant in the room which is that TIMs seem to increase their criminality. Probably because they’re driven by a sexual fetish.

( operaghost )
I just want to mention, we don't know if she was on testosterone. The photos I've seen are of a clearly-female person. She doesn't look masculinized. It's possible she only recently went on testosterone, or is micro-dosing, but we can't know for sure until that information is made public.

( Ishahchai )
Female with an asterisk, because, as you noted, testosterone was in play. We know that roid rage is a real thing, while estrogen is not known to increase criminality.

( glimmer )
Not known to decrease it either unfortunately. Looking at you TIMs

( Ishahchai )
Exactly. A woman taking testosterone is more likely to exhibit male-pattern criminality, but a man taking estrogen is not any less likely to exhibit male-pattern criminality. I’m just spelling it out for any lurkers who might take offense at a perceived double-standard. Men’s crimes are never our crimes. The crimes of women on T are our crimes, but it needs to be noted that cross-sex hormone use may have been (was most likely) a factor

( BeneGesseritWitch )
Just about every outlet regardless of leaning is reporting this correctly as a female. Absolutely no compunction at all about “Mis-gendering”. In fact, some of them are using the previously unheard of, “transgender female”.

That’s right. When a woman commits a crime it’s her evil womaness that must be recognized regardless of the doctrine.

( NoDayForADo )
But... isn't it a male? I'm still confused but I think this is a dude. Is it actually a female/woman/vagina at birth?

( Lilith-Fair )
Yes. Shooter was an "AFAB"

Donald Trump #transphobia #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger rollingstone.com

Former President Donald Trump said that if re-elected, he would use the government to investigate and potentially halt transgender health care during a National Rifle Association (NRA) speech on Friday

“Upon my inauguration, I will direct the FDA to convene an independent outside panel to investigate whether transgender hormone treatments and ideology increase the risk of extreme depression, aggression and even violence,” said Trump to the crowd gathered in Indianapolis, Indiana

“I think most of us already know the answer,” he added. Trump then said he would direct an investigation of whether “genetically engineered cannabis” is “causing psychotic breaks”

The former president also accused Democrats of “pushing the transgender cult” on children. Earlier in his speech, he called school shootings a “spiritual problem” and not a “gun problem.” He also proposed a tax credit for arming teachers

Babylon Bee #wingnut #transphobia babylonbee.com

Hasbro Introduces New ‘Transition Me Elmo’ Doll

NEW YORK, NY — The creative minds behind the long-running children's television show Sesame Street have partnered with Hasbro to come up with what they believe will be this year's hot new toy: the Transition Me Elmo doll.

"This is the perfect toy to give to children of any age!" said Samantha Maltin, Chief Marketing & Brand Officer at Sesame Workshop. "No matter the stage of your child's development, there's no wrong time to introduce them to the exciting new world of gender reassignment! Transition Me Elmo will have your youngster questioning their identity in no time!"

The new doll is set to coincide with Sesame Street's new push for inclusive subject matter, featuring the show's iconic characters embracing new ideas and worldviews to better train young minds to reject the most foundational concepts of science, family dynamics, and morality. "If beloved characters like Elmo, Oscar the Grouch, Big Bird, and Bert & Ernie aren't trusted to teach your children who they are and what gender and sexual roles define them as human beings, then who will?" Maltin continued.

The doll will not only offer young impressionable children the opportunity to transition Elmo to any number of genders but also play pre-recorded progressive lessons when various body parts are squeezed, such as:

- I have boy parts, but I feel like I'm a girl!
- You were born in the wroooooong body!
- Puberty blockers have no side effects! He he he!

At publishing time, the creators of the doll were hoping to secure a guest appearance by TikTok personality Dylan Mulvaney to promote the doll on the show, since Mulvaney has become such a proven advertising commodity.

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #fundie pepelivesmatter.substack.com

Consumption of constant negative outrage news, although important for the masses and further solidifying the red pill in MAGA normies, is simply an unfeasible way to live life through the precipice as an anon.

If you aren't finding ways to live life during this time in the peace of God, then you are doing it wrong.

Subjecting yourself to constant trannie mk ultra is not going to save the world.

Your outrage will only lead to despair if that is all you focus on.
The recipe for success is red pills and knowledge, yes, but then an overload of hopeful, wise, and faith-filled thinking.

I don't know who needs to hear this but the mass exposure of their trannie, child-hating, communist agenda is not actually a sign that we are losing but that mystery Babylon is unveiling itself like never before.

If the darkness reveals itself, like it has been en masse, then won't God respond in remarkable fashion?
Let the doomers ree and meanwhile I'll enjoy the show because I know nothing can stop God from accomplishing His spectacular plans.

I think too many of us are far too focused on the left vs right dynamic for this very reason:

Those brainwashed sheep are the exact people we are working to wake up.

They are not our enemy, the cabal and the demonic forces they serve are.
Oh.. And remember to go outside, put down the phone or computer, and take breaks from social media. Go spend some time in nature and notice how the birds do not seem to realize we are living on a precipice.

The sun shining doesn't seem to recognize the peril of our time. Perhaps there is some level of wisdom to having a calm, cool and collected demeanor in the midst of your trials.

A stoic Patriot becomes a rock in clashing waves.

You are that rock.

You and God are an unstoppable anti-outrage team.

Let all your worry go.

Even for just a few moments.

All will be well in the end.

@graemebowman #transphobia twitter.com

Gender Ideology Cult Leaders ⬇️

Dylan Mulvaney & Jeffrey Marsh discuss ‘girlhood’ and what it means to be a ‘girl’

😵 👧🏻

#DylanMulvaney #JeffreyMarsh #tiktok

This toxic cult is 50% about mocking, controlling and spitting in the face of women. The other 50% is about destroying the innocence of vulnerable children, increasing sexual access to them, and turning their distress around gender into corporate profits.

Clif High #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist clifhigh.substack.com

Stating the obvious.

Some of you apparently didn’t get the memo.

This is a Binary Matterium. That is the design pattern, everything arises from a binary condition. Even the Matterium itself arises from a binary condition.

There is Consciousness.

There is the Universe within Consciousness.

There is the Matterium within Universe.

All of this is binary.

So thus all of the ‘non-binary’, and ‘blended gender’ talk is but that, talk. No substance as it is not supported within this Matterium, and while it is momentarily novel, it will wither and disappear in the time allotted to it by Consciousness.

Anytime you find attempts to ‘quantify’ humans, or any Life Quality in this Matterium in general, you are in the presence of evil thinking. This statement is binary as it resolves down to humans being a quality in this Matterium, and not a quantity of the Matterium.
We get Peak ‘Trans’, both as the climax (pun intended) of the pan-sexual wave, and as the WEF entre into trans-human at this Time, and of course it is the proximate cause for the next large social wave of ‘settling into normal normality’ in which Masculine and Feminine will be seen for their true worth; Masculinity creates and maintains Civilization, while Femininity creates and maintains Life. These are qualities. They reduce to binary.

No ‘trans’ about it.

The people in the WEF <World Economic Forum> are starting to appreciate that they are losing the 5th Generation Unrestricted War that they launched against Humanity. They have worked for centuries only to fail now. Their failure was forecast hundreds of years ago, when the ancestors of today’s [KM] <KhazarianMafia>/WEF, lost the lesson of binary. They are obsessed with quantity, as they demonstrate with their lives devoted to gathering excess in quantity where ever they may. Judge men and works by their qualities, not their quantities.

VillageBear #transphobia #pratt dailykos.com

[Italics original. Bolding added.]

Most religious people are not attacking science. And attacks on science and logic often come from non-religious grifters who make money off their ridiculous claims that aliens built the pyramids, etc. And I suspect there are quite a few atheists who believe that crap. And then there’s ridiculous, anti-scientific assertion that a child can be born in the wrong body...

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

[US][TN] Nashville school shooter identified as Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old TN resident [Audrey Hale]

( fightlikeagirl )
I'd be shocked if the shooter was actually female, seeing as ~98% of mass shooters are male. If it's a TIM, expect people screeching about not misgendering a murderer and demanding the crime be counted under women's statistics.

( Hollyhock )
But if it really is a TIF, there needs to be a discussion about giving testosterone to women.

( wildclovr )
Yes, truly - if this turns out to be an actual woman, then her being on testosterone and then going on a shooting spree needs to be discussed. Not covered up, not acted as though it doesn't matter.

( momofreyrella )
I am just as shocked as you. I really thought it was going to be a Tim, but its an Aiden

( Lee-Side_ )
The Guardian referred to the killer as female. That publication would NEVER deadname, and so I interpret that as a man identifying as a woman. "The shooter was named as Audrey Elizabeth Hale, 28 and from Nashville" and on a map, "Female shooter shot and killed after an attack at Covenant school".
It's so stupid we have to guess because the media can't be bothered to tell the fucking truth.

( Hollyhock )
It seems the shooter is a female so it's clear, once again, how misogynistic this movement is as obviously it's okay to misgender a TIF, but never a TIM.

( Future )
I agree about the Guardian, but I think in this scenario it’s a case of miscommunication and misunderstanding. The police chief who gave the statement seems to think that “transgender woman” is the “correct” terminology for a TIF.

The Guardian have then taken his quote at face value.

( wildclovr )
I think the shooter is most likely a man (a TIM). Here is a story about it. The way it's worded, they say it's a woman, but also transgender. That screams out "man" to me.

@KatKarena #transphobia twitter.com

Nobody is criticising you because you’re a woman. We’re criticising you because you continue to put lives at risk by attacking one of the most marginalised groups in society.

Males are not the most marginalized groups - but the trans activist movement continually uses threats of suicide to coerce people to remove the rights of women. And that's impacts around 50% of the population.

James Red Pills America #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia beforeitsnews.com

DO NOT MISS THIS ‘SPECIAL Edition! SUNDAY Situation Update 4/16: Cabal’s Dark Secrets EXPOSED! Q! Juan O’Savin! Trump’s Return! Lara Logan! NESARA! WALMART DUMBS! WW3! Biden Docs! Mass Genocide! Churches Burning!‘ – THEN CHECK OUT MY LAST EPIC VIDEO RIGHT BELOW THIS ONE!
THE CABAL IS EXPOSED! THE WAR RAGES ON, BUT WE WERE NEVER THIS CLOSE TO VICTORY, PATRIOTS! That is the MAIN MESSAGE that this MASTERPIECE COMPILATION CONVEYS, because it has some of the HOTTEST VIDEO & SOUND BYTES ever brought together in ONE video in the recent past! THIS IS THE VIDEO that brings it ALL together, into one neatly bundled POWER PUNCH of FACTS! This EPIC Sunday Edition of the SITUATION UPDATE will take you on a FANTASTIC VOYAGE into the DESPERATELY DARK WORLD of the EVIL CABAL as the WHITE HATS EXPOSE their DIRTY DEEDSto the ENTIRE WORLD! Starring POTUS Trump, Q, Juan O’Savin, Lara Logan, X22Report, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Tucker Carlson, Kash Patel & so many more UNSTOPPABLE PATRIOTS who DROP one DEVESTATING MOAB after another! Covered in this MIND-BLOWING EPISODE will be HARD-HITTING topics like these:
➡️ DUMBS Below the EVIL WAL-MARTs!
➡️ WWIII Situation Update!
➡️ BIDEN DOCS Update!
➡️ JANUARY 6 Political Prisoner Update!
➡️ CRIMINAL MARXIST Agenda Update!
➡️ TRANSFreak Agenda!
➡️ SEXUALIZATION of our Children!
Do NOT miss this EPIC ADVENTURE that beckons to all Good & Decent Patriots around the world to HOLD FAST! WWG1WGA!

Angeline Tan #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist thenewamerican.com

[From "Washington’s “Color Revolutions” in Europe"]

Samantha Power, the current administrator for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), announced in February 2023 that she was in Budapest, Hungary, to support “democratic institutions” and “civil society.”

Hungary, a member of the EU and NATO, has a democratically elected government presently spearheaded by conservative and pro-life Prime Minister Viktor Mihály Orbán[…]Orbán’s government has refrained from backing the U.S.-led strategy to exacerbate the Russia-Ukraine crisis since the latter’s onset in 2022. Additionally, Orbán’s government rejects the globalist principles of open immigration, same-sex marriage, and LGBTQ+ propaganda for minors

Little wonder then that Power went to Budapest to help support a “free and diverse press in Hungary”[…]
Hungary is not the only intended Central European “beneficiary” of USAID[…]
USAID is by no means a rookie in advocating for globalist and left-wing values in Central and Eastern Europe. The agency has a track record of providing $5 million to back leftist activism in North Macedonia[…]
“Orange Revolution” in Ukraine in October 2004 witnessed a “fraud” scandal in Ukrainian elections and provoked local youth to take to the streets to rally for the leader of the opposition, Viktor Yushchenko, who subsequently was elected[…]
When Yanukovych dismissed an EU Association Agreement, he was forced out of office by anti-Russia, pro-EU radicals backed by then-U.S. President Barack Obama. In fact, members of the Obama State Department even boasted that they financed the groups involved in the Maidan protests calling for Yanukovych to step down[…]
With the Biden administration not only championing leftist and globalist movements abroad, but also lambasting and cracking down on domestic opponents of abortion or leftist ideologies[…]Piskorski’s claims[…]should be regarded with greater sobriety

revolver.news #transphobia #wingnut revolver.news

The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
(Continued from https://fstdt.com/PJHKRGLCT3Z77 )
There is evidence of transgenderism-as-mental-health-cure-all everywhere, should one look for it. Transgender activists have a special slang term, “eggs,” to describe future trans people they desire to “hatch.” Just a few days ago one of these perverted groomers, comics author Magdalene Visaggio, posted a guide, “We Are Everywhere: A Field Guide to Clocking Terrified Transfem Eggs.” Along with things like “liking Sailor Moon a lot” and “playing video games with an opposite-sex avatar,” Visaggio’s list of transgender tells includes things like:

* “Dead, dead eye(s)”
* Not taking physical care of oneself
* Feelings of despair, anger, numbness, and disconnection
* Having no plans for five years in the future
* Lacking agency over one’s life
In other words, it’s a long list of depression symptoms. Visaggio then describes how to “hatch” eggs by presenting transgenderism as a path out of depression and suicidal ideation.

The transgender fad in America is creating horrors beyond comprehension— horrors that are ignored by the press and denied by the medical establishment. According to pro-transgender activists, sexual “detransitions” are extremely rare, and usually only a result of a transsexual encountering “transphobia” in real life. But in reality, there are already many ex-trans people. Their harrowing accounts are becoming more and more frequent—and more dreadful. Here is one from just a few days ago. And beware: it’s not for the faint of heart, or weak of stomach.


Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #wingnut #transphobia christorchaos.com

[From "Living in a World of Anti-Theism"]

The effects of the revolutions that have convulsed the world since Martin Luther posted his ninety-five theses[…]have proceeded in turn from hatred of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s true Church, the Catholic Church, to the hatred of God and everything holy in the French Revolution, to the hatred of even any semblance of moral truth on the natural level[…]
We have reached such a stage of degeneration as to be eyewitnesses to the triumph of abject insanity as many human beings claim that there are more than two sexes and that it is both possible and desirable that those who have been placed into a state of “confusion” about their so-called “gender identity”[…]change one’s sex by having one’s body mutilated surgically and altered chemically to make it appear that they have become something that they are not and can never be[…]
Merrick Garland, refuses to call the massacre carried out by a twenty-eight year-old woman, Audrey Hale, who identified as a “man,” as a hate crime against Christians[…]
Audrey Hale’s hatred of Christianity, though aimed at the children of the Protestant school, is very indicative of the more widespread hatred of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s true Church, the Catholic Church, that is being engendered by the terrorist organization named “Jane’s Revenge” and by those calling for a “Transgender Day of Vengeance”[…]
It was Martin Luther's rebellion against the Divine Plan that God Himself had instituted to effect man's return to Him through the Catholic Church that divided men over First and Last Things, thus paving the way for the triumph of secular substitutes[…]
Human societies have, sadly, become criminal because most people, including those who govern, do indeed “act as if God did not exist or refuse to concern themselves with religion”[…]
We are eyewitnesses to the process of American disintegration

revolver.news #transphobia #wingnut revolver.news

The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
(Continued from https://fstdt.com/PNJV_CMNZQR$5 )
Many children are now socially “transitioning” before they start first grade, and many are receiving the once-unthinkable treatment of puberty blockers. And don’t believe the lie puberty blockers are “fully reversible”—such pills can cause lower IQ, a critical loss of bone density, permanently immature and stunted sexual reproductive organs and genitalia, and lifelong sexual dysfunction; and that’s all before one undergoes a sex “reassignment” surgery. In fact, the same drug given as a “puberty blocker” to tiny little children is also used to chemically castrate sex offenders.

There is no evidence that anyone is secretly, in their brain, born the opposite sex, let alone one person out of seventy in the general population. And recently, the number of transgenders has skyrocketed. But why? A 2020 report from The London Times on GIDS, the U.K.’s top gender clinic, hints at what is really going on:

35 [GIDS staffers] have resigned in the past three years, many alarmed by the rush to medicalisation and the way Mermaids, Instagram trans influencers and the CBBC programme I Am Leo present transition as uncomplicated. They say they are seeing girls with a panoply of other issues — anxiety, depression, self-harm, undiagnosed autism, victims of homophobic bullying and sexual abuse — for whom transition to a male body was presented online as the universal panacea. Often a normal, tom-boyish disgust at their new breasts, eliciting sudden and unwanted sexual attention from men, is interpreted as a certainty that they are in the “wrong body”. Yet instead of interrogating these underlying issues, clinicians are told to “affirm” a young person’s “trans identity” and prescribe the puberty blockers that trans campaigners fiercely insist are their right.


@alexbloodfire & @StellaBGoodwin #transphobia gettr.com

( @alexbloodfire )
More of us need to speak up across the world to stop this stupidity from happening to our vulnerable children!

Furious parents rally at Virginia middle school as board suggests punishing children for 'malicious misgendering' and 'deadnaming' if they use trans classmates' old names.

#TransAgenda #TransMob #USA #Virginia #MaliciousMisgendering #Misgendering #Trans #Transgender #VirginiaMiddleSchool #DeadNaming
Virginia parents protest against punishing kids for 'deadnaming'

( @StellaBGoodwin )
Gender ideology compels speech, forcing children as well as adults to participate in lies or be punished.
Gender ideology also uses convinent new 'hate speech laws' to prevent people from telling the truth.
This is an old tactic.
It's a pincer movement.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( littleowl12 )
I wonder how many people have endured violence at the hands of roided out TIFs, tbh

We have enough research to know that testosterone can increase violent behavior in women. Delusions, hallucinations, rage, even outright psychosis.

I seriously wonder how many partners of TIFs have been assaulted, how many children are now scared of their mothers, or siblings. Even if it's just verbal rage.

I get the concept that adults can do what they want with their own bodies, but imagine being a family member who now has to deal with roid rage or be a bigot.

It doesn't have to reach the level of mass shooting to ruin your life. Just turning you into an abusive asshole is enough. I really do wonder when we'll start hearing from TIF widows and TIF orphans who lost a loving woman in their lives, who was turned into a turbo-dick. All because greedy doctors just write the scrips, collect their fees and don't care what happens next.

( BellaBlue )
I have two friends who have been a couple as long as I've known them the past 10 years.

She is a classic fujoshi, derranged from years of consuming yaoi of whatever is popular at the time. He is a classic nerd that landed a goth nerd girl in high school and held on for dear life.

They have been toxic the whole time, she roleplays whichever is her current fixation, and pressures him into roleplaying whichever character she pairs with her own.

Of course she would be a transtrender. After starting cross-sex hormones, she began pressuring him into letting her peg him, and argues when he says no.

( focaccia )
The pushyness about sex after T has become a real concern for me too. I've seen it happen with a TIF I know and it is nuts to me. A former 'kill all men' woman turned into a sex pest just because of some testosterone... doesn't give me much hope for the 49% of the population that has a ton of it in them naturally.

( Veneficca )
I can testify that TIFs can become arrogant, menacing and abusive. I've seen it several times. I think it can be the testosterone but also the new feeling of "I'm a man now and this is how real men act."

( IdentifyAsTired )
If you could identify into your oppressor class, wouldn't you emulate the worst of their behaviour? That's probably what we see the most of from them.

revolver.news #transphobia #wingnut revolver.news

The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
(Continued from https://fstdt.com/LT2SQ8JCLWBP4 )
So, by all means, state legislatures should keep passing bills to preserve the basic dignity of women’s sports. But don’t stop there. Instead of hiding from the trans issue, raise the stakes. Define the issue in clear terms and relentlessly assault the subversive enemies of the good, the true, and the beautiful. Pass laws to fight and end the social contagion. Raise the salience of the issue relentlessly on TV and at political rallies. In short, make it impossible for the public to silently acquiesce from what is happening, and make it impossible for elites to treat this issue as a fait accompli.

As a movement, transgenderism thrives on a lack of honest information and free and open debate. To learn about transsexualism and its history is to be horrified and repulsed. John Money, the psychiatrist who coined the term “gender identity,” castrated a baby boy and raised him as a girl because he believed gender was just a construct. Male-on-female sexual assault in women’s prisons is now routine, and that in the U.K., 58.9% of male-to-female transgenders have at least one sex offense on their record, comparted to just 16.8% of the general prison population. Such simple facts as these are ubiquitous in the public record, and yet viciously suppressed by the commanding heights of academia, media, and government.

Just fifteen years ago, transgenderism was a fringe oddity. Forty years ago, it was virtually unheard-of. Yet now, recent CDC estimates claim that roughly one in every seventy American teens claims to be transgender. The percentage of transgender teens has roughly doubled since 2017. The age of “interventions” keeps dropping, too.


@Rex_Landy , @wilsb8 & @piotr3 #transphobia gettr.com

( @Rex_Landy )
What trannies REALLY mean when they say 'validate me!'

spoilerban criticism of me and participate in my autogynophilia fetish or I will kill myself

( @wilsb8 )
I respect your right to kill yourself, chief.

( @piotr3 )
I think there is a definite difference between the teen/young 20s and the older trans. The youngsters are very confused and threaten suicide, whereas the older ones are perverted dirty old men. The ones that castrate themselves are less of a risk to society.

( @Rex_Landy )
True. Wtf does a 14yr old girl hating her body changes Have to do with a pantysniffing degenerate that gets stiff in satin? None.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

How it really happens

( Hera )
Toe to tip, the right graphic is my exact experience lol.

Used to be such a TRA, and I'm ashamed I let them weaponize my empathy against me, but I see becoming a TERF as my villain redemption arc lol.

( Lezbhonest )
This is definitely on the money. I was a young teen when I started identifying as FTM, and I obsessively followed FTM content creators along their "transition journeys". I only became GC once I desisted and came out as a lesbian, and subsequently joined lesbian spaces online. It was the transbians that pushed me into TERF-hood, not the TIFs. Ironically, FTM/TIF spaces online were entirely female spaces, so I felt very at home, and it was only when I started interacting with TIMs (in spaces that were meant for me) that I truly became aware of the disgusting, misogynistic true nature of trans activism and ideology.

( Artemis_Lives )
I sympathize with those with diagnosed dysphoria and support them getting help, but I've never saw them as being their chosen sex. I don't support the modern trans movement at all now that its been hijacked by AGPs and brainwashed young people with self-esteem issues.

( RighteousIndignation )
I don't as theres no other dysphoria we treat by mutilating the body, I can't think of a single mental health condition other than that which gets treated like that can you?

( Artemis_Lives )
That's not the kind of help I support. Therapy is.

( Ginger )
I've honestly have never heard of a single TERF who didn't initially support transgender ideology, whether by being a full-blown TRA or actually taking steps to educate themselves and learn more about where they're coming from (and by TERF, I mean radical feminists who are opposed to transgender ideology, not conservatives who TRAs throw into the TERF label despite F standing for FEMINIST).

If a large portion of your opponents are former supporters, that's a sign that there's something wrong with your ideology or the way you implement said ideology.

revolver.news #transphobia #wingnut revolver.news

The GOP’s “Transgender” Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track
(Continued from https://fstdt.com/ZZ.7SLN$.$L$G )
But at the same time, focusing so much on girl’s sports is a distraction. The worst part of the transgender mania isn’t that girls face unfair competition. The worst part of this insidious ideology is that it is an assault on the good and the true. It is a radical campaign to deny all physical, biological, and even spiritual differences between “male” and “female” which have been acknowledged and recognized in every human culture and religious tradition for all of human history. Such a bizarre and Sisyphean effort to overturn the natural order has led to such absurdities as the imposition of “preferred pronouns,” and the compulsion, under threat of economic ruin, to affirm the delusional sexual fantasies of very troubled people.

Of course, we would be remiss not to acknowledge the profound human cost of a mania, a social contagion, that is inflicting profound irreversible lifelong harms on America’s children in the pursuit of the insane lie that a man or woman can be “born in the wrong body.” The chief victims of the transgenderism explosion are not girls losing out on swimming trophies. The chief victims are the mentally vulnerable people suffering from gender dysphoria who are being “transitioned,” mutilated every which way; physically, psychologically, and spiritually, and manipulated into extreme, harmful, and irreversible life choices.

And of course, such a profound subversion of the moral order takes a psychological and spiritual toll on the rest of us who have to deal with an endless parade of demoralizing sexual propaganda in the public square, in addition to the government and corporate “civil rights” mandates and the psychological terror and intimidation campaign accompanying it.


@graemebowman #transphobia twitter.com

Let's be totally clear about the trans cult. At it's core, it's a male supremacy movement. Many of the males involved don’t give a stuff about ’trans’, but use the activism as a shield for their increasingly violent misogyny. To these men, women must be controlled and dominated.

This cult encourages the most toxic form of masculinity … a deeply primitive rage … the same fury we see expressed during domestic violence … and the same immorality that can see rape used as a weapon of war. This is a state sanctioned and state supported war on women.

Vulnerable women captured by this cult, plus their female allies, will not be immune to this male rage and entitlement. Predatory men will find easy pickings amongst women who’ve been brainwashed into believing that sex-based boundaries are regressive, and need to be dismantled.

What’s unfolding stems from a toxic blend of DV, VAWG, rape culture and misogyny masquerading as a civil rights movement. It’s not. Instead, it’s a direct attack, not just on today’s cohort of women, but on the memory and legacy of every female ancestor of every activist.

We must understand that the trans cult is based on Queer Theory, which aims to blur boundaries, erode consent & disrupt societal norms. It tries to hide within the trojan horse of ‘inclusion’. But at its core you find misogyny, male sexual arousal and a desire to access children.

The effect of woke ideology on many people is akin to coercive control. The gaslighting, the tantrums, the emotional blackmail, even the threats of suicide. Straight out of the domestic abuser's playbook, but on a societal level.

Toxic gender identity ideology will prove to be the final straw for the global cohort of women. Very soon, women will rise up in their millions, united by one phrase, ‘Enough is Enough’. It will become the largest movement in human history.

It is time for all decent men to publicly declare their support for this ‘Acknowledgement of Women’.

Womanhood is NOT a ‘happy pill’ for sick men.
Female spaces are NOT play-pens for adult males who never grew up.
Women are NOT human shields for males who are scared of other men.
Women’s sport is NOT a dumping ground for weak men.

woodchip #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut descentbb.net

With all the Woke B.S. going on in schools, both H.S.'s and college, like girls being required to take swim classes and then changing single sex swim class's to include both sexes, gender fluidity indoctrination, males pretending to be make believe girls using female bathroom/locker rooms.
So who is getting on the bandwagon (and I've been wondering when they will become vocal)...the Muslims. I think they been active but just not much has been reported on it. I think a slow shift to morality is taking place. I didn't much care for Muslims, what with beheading's of prisoner and honor killing but now I may become more in tune with them.


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