
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Spoke up today in class in defense of white people when the subject of slavery came up.

I told the class that It was black Africans that kidnapped other black people and put them in chains and sold them. And that the whites were the first to free the slaves.

The professor cut me off and said that I was wrong.


@Teamsaveamerica Actually, a majority of slave owners were Jewish, not white!

@Teamsaveamerica My first thought was “ why are you wasting money on a university indoctrination program?” Then I thought “meh its your money” Then I realized your loans will likely be forgiven at some point by the commiecrats and I willl end up paying for them.

Since I will likely pay for your education, I demand you punch that professor right in the dick! 🤣

@Teamsaveamerica start a petition to have them removed for being fucking retarded. The slaves sold were enslaved by the victors in tribal battles. And considering just how often the victors ATE the losers, they were the LUCKY ones.

@Teamsaveamerica you were correct. Being a professor doesn't make someone smart. It just means they memorized the story were willing to say what they were told. The first legal slave owner in America was a black man who went to court to keep another black man, an indentured servant, enslaved for his entire lifetime.

Unnamed Argentinian football fans #racist #transphobia sportsfuat.com

A few days before the start of the World Cup, Argentinian fans sang a racist song aimed at the Blues in general and Kylian Mbappé in particular

Four years after the World Cup in Russia, the scar is not closed. Eliminated by France in the round of 16, Argentina has still not digested this defeat marked with the seal of Kylian Mbappewho revealed himself to the world by signing a capital performance with two goals and a penalty kick[…]
Inflated by the coronation during the last Copa America and the 35 matches of invincibility of the band to Lionel Messi, the fans of the Albiceleste have also reported on Argentine television by singing a song dedicated to the Blues. A purely and simply racist song where the African origins of Kylian Mbappé are notably mocked. “Spread the rumor, they play in France but are all from Angola. How beautiful, they are going to run. They like transvestites like that fucking Mbappé. His mother is Nigerian, his father is Cameroonian, but on the document, nationality: French”thus chanted these supporters during a duplex on TyC Sports

[From the submitter: the “They like transvestites like that fucking Mbappé” part refers to rumors linking him with model Inès Rau]

IchWillSterben & mentalcel1 #racist #sexist incels.is

The best male Poland can offer



Normie at best in the west. Just lol at his narrow temples, low set wide cheekbones and small pfl. Typical Slavic subhuman traits that my father’s family unfortunately shares as well.

Do slavs have rice genes? He looks vaguely Asian.



:feelskek::feelskek: Slavcels on suicidewatch

This alcoholic commie ogre is invisible in the west, maybe in his slavic shithole he is somehow a gigachad but it’s OVER for him in the west, if he is lucky he can get an autistic single mother becky with 10 kids by being her betabuxx paypig simp:feelskek::feelskek:

I feel fucking bad for slavcels, they are just as fucked in the west as ricecels if not more.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Native Hawaiian Men Are Found Guilty of a Hate Crime for Viciously Beating a White Man

Well, at least these particular Hawaiians don't suffer the same ethnomasochism as most whites. Good for them for standing up for their people.

(Hobbit Supremacist)

In reality, Hawaiians do want some kind of Navajo-type tribal nationhood, if not outright independence

Why stop there? We could give back all the land "we stole" from "native" people. And then we could try to go back to Europe. But wait, we have no right to go there. They prefer non-whites with low expectation.


‘We’re the law, we’re the police, the police have our backs, we’re the ones who make the laws, we’re the ones who enforce the laws, we’re the judge in Kahakuloa, and we’re the ones who decide if you live or die.’

Well that didn't work out as well as they planned. I for one have no issue with Hawaiians having Hawaiian only land and the same for Hispanics and blacks....so long as Whites can do it too.

I say they did pretty well, secured their neighborhood with a maximum of ten years they might have to give up. If the roles had been reversed the white guy could count on dying inside.

As a white man in a state undergoing warp-speed Californication, I am conflicted about this. They didn't want this guy moving into their area for the same reason I don't want Californians moving here.

You can find video of this attack online and it's difficult to watch, but after seeing what Californian gentrifiers have done here in my state, I can hardly blame them. I know a lot of locals here, good conservative folks, who would love to open fire on every car they see on the road with California plates (and there are a lot of them these days).

Hawaiians have been dealing with this sort of colonization for a long, long time, much longer than people here in the Mountain West and they're sick of it and determined to hold on to what little they have left by any means necessary. It's hard to blame them.

It is nice to see the hate crime laws equitably enforced for a change, though.

Mauricio and C.T. #racist #crackpot westsdarkesthour.com

[From "Basket case"]

There would be little consequence for a racial awakening of the Hispanics.

For the Hispanic world to become racially conscious, it first needs to accept the fact that they are a conglomerate of inferior races. Hispanics (Latinos, or ‘Meds’) are all part-Whites mixed with Black, Semitic and Amerindian blood. Racial truth is a massive blow to their egos [bold emphasis by Editor], and they prefer to believe the blue pill of an ‘independent’ Latino Race

And even if they accept the red pill of them being dirty Muds, and that the ultimate goal is to become White, how can they achieve it? How can they form racial brotherhoods, when they are so compromised and diversified? Are they going to unfriend their mulatto friends, and divorce their mulatto/Latina wives? Will they abstain from reproduction, and work to provide for White families? Are they even capable of that level of altruism?

In the end, miscegenation has taken root, and it would take many generations of proper breeding and dedicated effort to repair the genetic damage—which is ultimately a wasted effort, because it’s better to raise a White child to fight for its own race, than to raise a Latino child to fight for another

Editor’s note: This is precisely why I no longer blog in Spanish: Latin America is a basket case! It would be better to convince the Anglo-Americans of the North to transvalue their fucking values, think like Himmler and devise a ‘Master Plan South’ (cf. the book whose revised edition we have just published)

As Christian ethics is the barrier that prevents such a transvaluation of all their cherished (it’s better to use the F-word here) values, the next book I will put in the featured post is Deschner’s enlarged edition…

basementLDARcel #racist #psycho #sexist incels.is

[Serious] Spics and Niggers should be exterminated.

They contribute nothing but crime and degeneracy to humanity.

Curries and Ricies are high IQ races.
Sands know how to keep their women under control better than other races.
Whites are well rounded and also most beautiful.

So the solution is clear; exterminate Spics, Niggers, and Jews.

Marley K. #racist #moonbat medium.com

There is no such thing as Black supremacy. There never has been and there never will be.
Black folks ain’t superior and any person spewing it has a personal motive. You should flee from them promptly. There is no way any Black person in America or Black people collectively can be Black supremacists.

Any person using the term is doing nothing more than deflecting from their own discomfort discussing race and is incapable or willing to deal with their adjacency to white supremacy.
Black people cannot be racist, only prejudice (many people don’t know the difference between prejudice and supremacist)
People using the term Black supremacists have an entirely different motive, and it’s keeping their White gate owners, employers, family members, and friends happy and comfortable. I’m not about to allow anyone (including Black folks) to use their privilege to scapegoat Black folks who recognize what white supremacy is going to them individually and to Black people collectively.

As Michael Harriot noted, Black supremacy isn’t a thing because Black people can never be supreme or superior. I also believe people misconstrue racism and white supremacy.
Lastly, White and European people are the only people in the world who believe and act as if they are superior to all other races. The rest of us are just trying to either navigate or compete with white supremacy for seats at the table or scraps from the floor. This is a White man’s world. Black folks are just squirrels trying to gather a few nuts to survive the winter.
Black supremacy is a made-up term coined by folks who either love/need their paychecks supplied to them by White people, are Black folks married to White folks who aren’t ready or willing to unpack their own ties to white supremacy, or biracial people torn between the Black/Brown parts of themselves and their other part — the White or White passing side.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

A race war is not what our government is promoting.

They promote hatred and animosity towards Whites, while at the same time telling Whites that collectivizing and fighting back is the most evil thing imaginable.

This isn’t a race war, it’s an attempt at racial genocide


@Apolitical White Genocide, plain and simple!

@Apolitical Correct.

Whites have to unshackle themselves from the idea that 'equality' even exists much less matters.

@AlbertCurtis @Apolitical the only meaning of equality in the constitutional sense is that nobility isn’t real. It’s been subverted to mean we all are the same. The founders knew we weren’t or why the hell would white men of property be the only ones allowed to vote?


@Apolitical It is perfectly fine to teach your children and grandchildren that they should avoid people of dark skin colors at all costs.

@Micalhat @Apolitical Most important of all to avoid the Whites who only look White.


@Apolitical a race war would involve white people actually defending their interests and themselves en masse.

If that were the case it wouldn't be much of a race war.

Replacement theory is a fact.
White genocide is a fact.
We are in a war.
Unlike any war before.
Though much of this has been done before...by the bolshevik jews.
And is being done again now by the communist and zionist jews.
The main difference I see is technology, and is being used to great advantage by the communists and zionists.
You must fight.
With whatever means you have.
With whatever tools you have.
With your Will.
With your intellect.
With your Skills.
It is a spiritual AND a physical war.
With every fiber of your being resist the death of the White Race.

Nuns with guns & 1440p Curved Monitor #biphobia #enbyphobia #racist #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(Nuns with guns)

most people who who identify as Non-Binary etc are mostly women who want to be seen as unique like the college women from 20 years ago who identified as bisexual because it was the cool thing.

There's still many women today that say they're bisexual because it's socially acceptable for women to compliment on other women's looks, despite the fact that they would never fuck a woman. But yes, non binary is the new “not like other girls” trend and it's super annoying. They're so low-effort,too.

(1440p Curved Monitor)
You're assuming that the troon that he's looking at is black. Its known that people think that those of a different race look alike, so I wouldn't be surprised if that extends to that the men and women of a different race can look similar especially since we know that Asians can clock other Asian troons while most Westerners have trouble telling the difference.

It is ingrained in black women's culture to put a lot of effort into appearance. I have personally never seen it to this amount with white women (exception is rich white women).

The black women that black men want are incredibly fabricated. Black men also typically don't want a black woman who's more natural (they want the baddies), therefore this behavior is encouraged in black communities. It's a running joke between a few friends and I that we can only catch white boys with our natural hair/looks because we know that black men are not attracted to it or want a girl that they can brag about to their peers. This means that the average tranny can fool a black man if he puts effort into looking like a baddie. There are more HSTS in the black community than AGPs anyways, so we already know that they will put effort into passing.

(Nuns with guns)
Negresses are known to look manlier than other races. You've seen the theories about Serena Williams and Michelle Obama being biological males. It also doesn't help that even your average black woman will go bald, has a flat nose, square shoulders, and huge hands.

Despite all of that, I've never seen any nigger tranny that actually fools me. If anything, they look like NBA players, which is too manly even for their women.

subhuman #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

White people are like the boogeyman for low IQ ethnics

I see ethnics as like small children. They are watching their world fall apart with the unraveling of traditional society and social relations, the replacement of traditional morality and religion with Western values, immigration to foreign countries. Many ethnics struggle to find meaning in this and redefine their place in the pageantry.

Zizek says the fantasy of all ideologies is to have a cake and eat it. For ethnics, the fantasy is to enjoy the gross pleasures of the Western world (shallow pleasures, sexual consumerism, white women), while at the same time restoring a traditional hierarchical society that will stabilize their lives and confer meaning upon them. Their fantasy can never be realized however. The liberal values that gave rise to the things they so covet are directly opposed to the traditional society they want to resurrect. I see this a lot with ethnicels on here (not going to name names) raging against Western degeneracy, but at the same time rejecting getting an arranged marriage because they are too enticed by the pleasures of Western degeneracy or want a white woman and so on. JFL.

Zizek points out how the Nazis fabricated an ideological enemy in the figure of the Jew. The figure of the white man provides a convenient explanation for an ethnics suffering. Ethnics are besieged by a multitude of problems that they don't know how to make sense of, except by projecting it onto a single object. It's the white man that is disturbing their way of life. The white man is stealing from them by taking their women. And so on.

The ethnicel fantasy is then: it is possible to get a white woman or slay ethnic women, but the white man is preventing me from doing so.

Most ethnicels should not even be here. Lots of self professed "ethnicels" are tall, rich, or have a good face. Many have actually ascended. What draws above average ethnics here is not that ethnics have it harder getting girls, but that they are in a crisis of identity that makes them identify with us. The oppression they face is concocted in their own minds. It's clear that we do not share one struggle with these "cels".

Thomas Müller #wingnut #racist #conspiracy winterwatch.net

The Vatican in 2020 announced the launch of its “historic new partnership” with “some of the world’s largest investment and business leaders.” It’s called the Council for Inclusive Capitalism (aka the kakistocracy).

The council, in its press release announcing the globalist business alliance, employed this new-think, double-bind narrative: The council’s formation “signifies the urgency of joining moral and market imperatives to reform capitalism into a powerful force for the good of humanity” and, “under the moral guidance” of the anti-pope, it says it “invites companies of all sizes to harness the potential of the private sector to build a fairer, more inclusive and sustainable economic foundation for the world.”

What the f– does that even mean — not the words, the meaning behind them. Chabad Noahide Satanism?

Reform capitalism” translated: centralized plutocrat communist capitalism. Will they be announcing an ETF named PEDO just to rub it in peoples’ faces? Pedophile priests and faux religious mafia joining up with corrupt communist corporatists to try and run the world.

So let me get this straight. The most powerful people on Earth — a literal global Crime Syndicate — is joining forces with the Vatican to preach to the plebs about global sustainability, identity politics and Orwellian enslavement. You can’t make this shit up.
The Davos/Bilderberg New Underworld Order cabal — who hate our guts and call us racists and deplorables — and the Wall Street banksters who’ve looted the country of trillions of dollars before, during and after the 2008 financial collapse (and now during the scamdemic) are now joined by the Marxist-Communist anti-Pope. The goal? To introduce a new, kinder, gentler, form of capitalism and government for our benefit? Give me a f’ing break.

Welcome to the Global Awakening vs. The Great Reset — or more simply known as Good vs. Evil. Game on, Mofos.

DasFeuerDerWahrheit #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

O' I tend to phrase things differently. ;)

Being racist is actually normal and inevitable. It is just the norm of being able to classify the ehtnicity of someone visually.

Everyone is a "racist".

But not everyone is a race hater. Big difference.

And I doubt many peopel truly care. It is only that the tiny, mentally ill minority of the collective left spectrum, has their ugly mug & existence so much more amplified than all other race hater groups combined.

Even white one's, or latino's or even such with Asian indivuals. B-)

It is just that the FED Mafia has decided it is the most profitable to antanogize white people now since they tend to have the most wealth which the "Elites" would like to "redistribute".

No matter how many pandemics, wars and climate-agenda's they have to push for it to happen until the working-class is finally as poor as those in 2nd and 3rd world countries.

This is the true goal behind just everything. :relaxed:

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

"White people turn violent when they don't politically get their way all the damn time in this country, it's what they do!"

It's these kinds of anti-White lies, this kind of anti-White hatred and racism, that results in blacks mowing down White people in Christmas parades (Waukesha), or blacks abducting White children from their cribs in the wee hours of the morning and literally butchering them dead in the streets (Cash Gernon).

There is a very hot war being waged against you, White people. And it's not going to stop unless we MAKE IT STOP.

@Nature_and_Race They are playing with FIRE.
Every lie they spread about White people is The Truth about blacks.


@rochelle_mestayer_broussard @36x @Nature_and_Race


maybe by wicked whites you mean jews?

@Nature_and_Race Guarantee you that Great Value Buckwheat lives in a white neighborhood.

@Nature_and_Race The negroes will never stop whining until they are shipped back to Africa

@RH0NDA @Nature_and_Race or killed.

@Nature_and_Race The 300 lb q-tip can’t cite one real example. Only speaks in fictional hyperbole. It’s what they do, deal in emotion. And the white apologists just lap this stuff up.

@Nature_and_Race Another whinging cottonhead


I’ve said it many times. No matter what lengths we might be prepared to go to, we can never become something they won’t HATE. The only way this ends is through us again becoming something they FEAR.

And cuckservatives sit blindly and don’t say a word about the anti-White violence that has been happening.

@Nature_and_Race wanting to NOT being killed/raped

isn't not getting your way

Lawrence Drake, Mike of Ages & winterscene #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: A Genome-Wide Association Study Identified New Variants Associated With Mathematical Abilities in Chinese Children

(Lawrence Drake)

Mathematical ability is moderately heritable, and it is a complex trait which can be evaluated in several different categories. A few genetic studies have been published on general mathematical ability. However, no genetic study focused on specific mathematical ability categories. In this study, we separately performed genome-wide association studies (GWASs) on 11 mathematical ability categories in 1 146 students from Chinese elementary schools. We identified 7 genome-wide significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) among each other (all r2>0.8) associated with mathematical reasoning ability.

All gene variants associated with intelligence that have been identified so far are more frequent in whites and east Asian populations than blacks. How goes the liberal effort to prove all races are equal and that random historical accidents affect the brain more than one's genes? Oh that's right. They refuse to do the research because they're afraid of what they might find.

(Mike of Ages)
The research is known to everyone and the results on the ground bear out the research. Consider, for example, that five percent to six percent of all American college professors in subjects like literature, history and political science are black. In the quantitative (hard) sciences, it's one percent or less. Not much better in the qualitative (soft) sciences.

Given that the median IQ of black Americans is about 85, that five or six percent in the humanities and social science is representative of what you would expect noting that verbal ability is the strong suit of the black race in the aggregate.

Always exceptions. The exceptions are not the measure of the aggregate.

It's a great, big open secret that everyone is fully aware of… but through a constant barrage of propaganda, conditioning and brainwashing, even this narrative can be altered, especially during the formative years of one's life.

Pastor Eli James #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy anglo-saxonisrael.com

The Ecclesiastical Council for the
Restoration of Covenant Israel

Mission Statement

This Council, convened in the month of Abib in the year of our Lord 2003, in the republic of Ohio, being sanctioned by the Word of our Father, YHWH, does make the following statement:

We, the gathered, for the first time in 2700 years, for the purpose of furthering the Kingdom of YHWH, believing that we are to be a separate people from all others on this planet, standing firmly on the doctrine of the seedlines.

Doctrinal Statement

We, the true descendants of Jacob-Israel, being of the Caucasian race, do hereby make this statement of doctrinal belief

The Bible as we know it today has been changed to meet the agenda of the enemies of YHWH.
The Sacred name of YHWH was removed from the Holy Scriptures to prevent its use.
In 325 AD, the Council of Nicea, being made up of YHWH’s enemies, removed many of the books of Scripture that were considered ‘inspired’ (this process became known as canonizing) in an attempt to disguise the Word of YHWH and to prevent the true racial descendents from coming to the knowledge of their heritage.
Today, these same enemies of YHWH control the media, finance and government.
We, Jacob-Israel, do take into consideration that these are the curses that were set upon us because of our disobedience and this is no one’s fault but our own. This Council, being formed, exists in a spirit of ‘reconciliation’ with love and respect for our racial brethren; to all who come to it in like manner.

The Identity Challenge

The Identity Challenge is our attempt to reach the Anglo-Saxon people with the historical facts about who the Jews really are (they are not Israelites) and what religion they really practice (it is not the Mosaic Law). We challenge anyone to refute the arguments contained therein.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The movie "War Games" (1983) illustrates how the Illuminati undermined heterosexuals in 39 short years.

In the movie, Matthew Broderick is a computer whiz who accidentally starts a nuclear countdown and races to avert catastrophe. His girlfriend, played by Ally Sheedy is seen in a complementary role, basically helping, encouraging, and admiring him. He is the leader. But her presence informs, validates, and heightens everything he does. It's as though his actions are dedicated to her.

This is the way heterosexuality works. Woman empowers man by entrusting her power to husband. This is how she loves, i.e. by "trusting," by enlisting as First Mate to his Captain.
But what makes a man love a woman in this way? Her sacrifice. By throwing her lot in with his, he includes her in his circle of self-interest. This is how two people become one.
Cabalist Jews and Freemasons are Satanists. They control by degrading and corrupting. Like termites, they eat away at the supporting columns of society. The family is the red blood cell of a healthy society. It provides us with our roles and identity, as well as necessary emotional and material support. It ensures the young are born, loved, and raised properly, and the aged are taken care of. Our family is our link in the chain of eternity.

They went after the women, who they deemed fickle, vain, and feeble-minded.
Western feminists, you've forfeited your most precious gift for nothing. You're vulgar, a real turn-off. You lack personality, charm, style, substance. You can't love it. You're not even sexy. And soon you won't have youth. You'll have nothing but your job, your dog, and your equally desperate friends.

Western feminists, you've been robbed, betrayed by your society, teachers, and political and cultural leaders; and consequently you've joined their traitorous ranks. You've betrayed your unborn children, your culture, your family and the promise of the future. But worst of all, you've betrayed yourself.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia gab.com

Politicians are quick to mention & uplift blacks, jews, immigrants, feminists & LGBTQ+s.... but the only time I ever hear them mention traditional, moral White citizens in a sentence is when they're attached to the words: privileged, supremacists, extremists, threats, or racists.

@ElfReich For real, how are much more cuckservatives not waking up to this? They choose to disbelieve their own eyes and ears. It makes me angry.

@ElfReich Yep. Coz they're anti-white.

Biden uses the term "at War with White Supremacy". A White Supremacist means a normal American.

All while filling the country with brown invaders.



White people need to egnore nasty words that don't apply to them from nasty, painfully insecure, immature imbeciles.

Linda Harvey #racist #transphobia #enbyphobia #wingnut #conspiracy missionamerica.com

The first few weeks of school are hectic but also exciting. New backpacks, new outfits, new friends, new pronouns....

Wait, no. Hopefully not. Hopefully your child’s teacher won’t demand affirmation of “woke” ideology from your son or daughter and will show respect for settled science and biology.
your child’s classroom transforms into a propaganda session, your daughter or son needs to be ready, equipped for this line-in-the-sand moment.

Because that’s what it is. If you have your kids in the public schools (or even certain private schools), now is the time to train and equip them to be ready to take a stand for sanity and for God’s binary design of male and female which still (unsurprisingly) works just fine.
"For grade schoolers:

“I was born a boy (or girl) and I’m happy to announce that I will remain that way.”

“My parents filled out a form when I started school. Please use that information.”

“I am a girl (boy) and that’s something that will never change.”

“My mom and dad (or mom, or dad, etc.) said they don't want me discussing this and if you have any questions to please call them.”

"I just want to learn school lessons, not this pronoun stuff." 

“My dad (mom) says there are only boys and girls and that’s how God made us.”

For middle and high school:

"I believe there are only two genders, and only two sets of pronouns for people.”

“I'd really like to enjoy my childhood/youth/last year of high school (etc.) and not delve into such matters.”

"Is this a legal requirement?"
"Is this in the school handbook?""
And others suggested an obvious solution—get your children out of public schools:

“My suggestion is to parents: pull your children out of any classroom or school that would ask them their preferred pronoun. Your children, even teens, are too malleable, too vulnerable to be placed in these Marxist indoctrination centers. Children are too young to take on these ideologically-driven adults in their schools. Get them out!”

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia henrymakow.com

Martin Bormann, who signed
Hitler's paycheck and knew everything about the Nazi war effort, was an Allied spy.

The book "Op JB" (1996) by John Ainsworth-Davis describes how he and Ian Fleming rescued Bormann from the ruins of Berlin in 1945.

James Bond was modeled on Ainsworth-Davis who was an Illuminati sex slave and mass murderer. He may have serviced the gay Winston Churchill and his spymaster Desmond Morton.

This book is the smoking gun that proves the Second World Warwas a charade. While most Nazis were sincere, the movement was sponsored and controlled at the top by the Masonic Jewish central bank cartel in order to kill "goyim" on both sides, increase banker wealth and power, destroy Germany, and advance world government. Assimilated Jews were also sacrificed to disguise the Gentile holocaust and to create the Jewish state as HQ of the NWO.
The cover story was that Bormann supposedly would help the Allies retrieve Nazi wartime plunder and return it to its rightful owners. If you believe that, I have some swamp land in Florida... Bormann had been an Illuminati British agent all along and was largely responsible for the Nazi defeat. World War Two was a monstrous Rothschild fraud on Germans, Jews, and the human race. The plunder ended up in Illuminati hands.
Like Creighton, we are all pawns in their game. For example, Otto Gunther, Bormann's double, was a POW found in Canada. Bormann's records were altered to fit Gunther so when his dead body was found, people believed it was Hitler's Deputy.

The commandos accompanying Bormann on his escape had no idea of his identity. Many were Jewish "freedom fighters." What an irony!

Great nations, England, the United States, Germany, France are all Illuminati pawns. What good is a democracy when the Illuminati Order owns the politicians and controls information?

Think of the millions who died in World War Two, all to destroy and degrade mankind so the Illuminati inbreds can own and control everyone.

Unnamed Queensland Police Service officers in Brisbane #wingnut #racist #psycho theguardian.com

Audio recordings taken at the Brisbane city police watch house reveal officers joking about beating and burying black people, referring to Nigerians as “jigaboos”, and raising fears that Australia “will be fucking taken over”

A series of tapes, leaked to Guardian Australia by a whistleblower, record several Queensland police service officers using racist slurs and offensive language while working in the holding cells

The audio – which we have published below – features comments by several watch house officers (a non-policing role) and sworn police. It includes jokes about one officer’s desire to “skull drag” protesters, discussions of fears of “outbreeding” by Muslim immigrants, and, when speaking about African population growth, the comment “let’s just hope Ebola works”

The recordings were submitted to the state’s commission of inquiry into police responses to domestic and family violence by watch house officer Steven Marshall[…]
He says some conversations were about people of colour held at the watch house, including one black detainee being referred to as “a gorilla in the mist” and jokes made about a fellow officer that a female Indigenous detainee “won’t give you a fucking blowjob here”[…]
He says that he only complained internally about one of these recordings because he had previously complained about unrelated matters and had “exhausted all options over many years” to hold colleagues to account in relation to these, including lodging internal whistleblower complaints

BlackPilledOverdose017 #racist blackpill.club

Jewish Question Mega Thread

((Franz Boas))) Was the jew created race denialism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Boas#Early_life_and_education

(((Karl Marx))) Was the jew who created communism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Marx#Childhood_and_early_education:_1818–1836

(((Betty Friedan))) Was the jew who created second wave feminism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_Friedan#Early_life

(((Lucian Grainge))) is the CEO of Universal music group: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucian_Grainge

(((Greg Lansky))) Is the owner of the porn website "Blacked" : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Lansky The entire porn industry was also created by jews: The adult film industry in America came to exist, and was allowed to flourish, thanks almost entirely to the work of Jewish trailblazers.

(((Larry Silverstein))) Was the owner of WTC 7 which somehow collapsed on 9/11 despite never being hit by a plane: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Silverstein

(((Joe Slovo))) Was a jew who helped Nelson Mandela overthrow apartheid: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Slovo The entire anti apartheid movement was also lead by jews: https://www.jta.org/archive/south-africas-reform-jews-leading-jewish-struggle-against-apartheid https://christiansfortruth.com/former-mp-george-galloway-confirms-anti-apartheid-movement-in-south-africa-was-led-entirely-by-jews/

(((Albert Bourla))) Is the jew behind the (((Pfizer Vaccine))) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Bourla#Early_life_and_education The covid vaccines are created by jews also: https://www.jpost.com/health-science/who-are-the-jews-behind-the-coronavirus-vaccines-649405


(((George Soros))) Is the jew who runs the open society foundations which funds leftist groups: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Soros#Early_life_and_education
His own son admits he does what he does because he's a jew: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/17/magazine/george-soros-democrat-open-society.html


various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Jew calls for the German people to free themselves of the guilt that's been forced on them for the last 77 years.

Meanwhile, Russia encourages the German people to continue feeling guilty and hating themselves.

I don't care whose side you're on, this is one fucking unreal timeline we're living in.

@Nature_and_Race The German people are a dog that's been beaten its whole life.

@EddieHaskill @Nature_and_Race but the German elites have caused humanity a lot of suffering, by coming up with destructive, revolutionary creeds (Protestantism, several forms of socialism, Marxism albeit indirectly) and by fomenting revolutions and wars (they protected Lenin and unleashed him on the Russians, they carved up Eastern Europe with the Soviets). In more recent times their corrupt politicians have severely weakened Europe by selling out its energy policy to the Russians. Plus, they are responsible for squashing any real historical research on the Holocaust and WW2 in general - they are the most rabid opponents of free speech on this topic, and violent about it. I used to admire German society but overall they have been a destructive force in many ways.

@Nature_and_Race It only proves the Russians are consistent and the jews are opportunistic bastards.

@Nature_and_Race :honk: Ukrainian NAZIs are animals and have absolutely nothing in common with the virtues of National Socialists.

@Nature_and_Race If anything it's the Russians that should feel guilty for what they did to the German people after the war

@Nature_and_Race I think they are going for a state of complete confusion by design. It's no coincidence that they put a jew in charge of Ukraine just before they invaded Europe. Since covid, operation mindfuck has been in full flow and there is disinformation from multiple angles. You have to trust your instinct to a degree.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #racist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Have you fallen victim to false claims of the anti-Christian Hebrew Roots Movement and the Yahweh scam? The God of the Bible is Jehovah!
We all acknowledge the Jewish roots of biblical Christianity as we also understand that the Church is made up of saved Jews and Gentiles in the Body of Christ. But Judaism, the cultural extra-biblical traditions of the rabbis is something altogether different. We have written extensively about something called the Hebrew Roots Movement which, as we have shown you, is nothing more than a scam to steal the faith from born again Christians in Jesus Christ. Saved sinners don’t become Jews at salvation, they become Christians who are placed in a Body, not grafted into national Israel.

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are going to show you the truth about the Hebrew Roots Movement which creates ‘another Jesus’, as well as what we like to call the Yahweh scam. The word ‘Yahweh’ appears nowhere in your King James Bible, but the word JEHOVAH sure does. I understand this flies in the face of what some of your favorite online Bible teachers teach, and it flies in the face of what some of you were taught at seminary. So who is this Yahweh? A tribal god of the Canaanites who was married to the Queen of Heaven, Ashtaroth! There has been a campaign waged by Bible correctors for the past 140 years to steal Jehovah from you, and give you the tribal god Yahweh instead. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we show you all this and much more.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia paulcraigroberts.org

For Democracy to work, those who control election procedures and vote counting must believe in a fair vote. They must believe in democracy. If instead they believe in power, which Democrats do, there cannot be a fair election. The Democrats are more addicted to power, because unlike Republicans they have a revolutionary ideology that seeks to normalize perversity and demonize normality–thus Democrats normalize sexual perversion and teach critical race theory and transgender theory to school children in order to confuse them about their natural gender and to inculcate guilt for being a white racist. By indoctrinating the young, the Woke Democrats remove people from opposing their gradual and ongoing revolution.

Another feature of the Democrats’ revolution is open borders that are flooding the US population with non-whites, essentially turning the US into a non-white country, thereby dispensing with the “reactionary values of Western civilization.” At the hands of Democrats, white Americans are facing civilizational genocide. Is it possible that white people are too stupid to see this and take no action at the voting booth to protect themselves?
I know the Republicans are far from perfect. But they are not anti-white. If white Americans don’t start paying close attention, they are history. The British didn’t pay attention, and now they are ruled by an Indian Hindu Prime Minister and their capital, London, is ruled by a Pakistani. Both might be good and capable politicians, but they are not British. The “British” prime minister has already held a Hindu religious celebration at 10 Downing Street. <...> Is America becoming a country that serves an armaments industry, Jewish bankers, immigrant-invaders, and abandons the moral high ground to LGBT sexual perversity?

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

You're branded a racist for saying it's okay to be White... You're called an extremist for resisting degeneracy & Marxist ideology. You're called a conspiracy theorist for pointing out real replacement migration. You're called a Nazi because you oppose communism.... You're vilified & branded not only because you are Correct, but because you are the only roadblock on their path to total control.

@ElfReich We're antisemitic for opposing communism, created by jews but not for jews.

@OneWithTheWater @ElfReich oh, it's for Jews too. Not all Jews, but it's for Jews too. Jews have no problem screwing over their own to achieve a goal.

" It's O K to be " White " .

@ElfReich I oppose both capitalism and communism. Both are the invention of the Jew.

@ElfReich The fact that simply saying "White Lives Matter" is considered racist hate speech while blm/antifa can literally say "Kill A White On Sight" and no one cares is a perfect example of whose side the governments of the world are on.

@ElfReich Say it anyway and say it loud,the truth is terrifying to them!

@ElfReich it's like a sport. Let's say football. You want to take out their best player for a chance to win.
Further proof we are that best player.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com


spoilerDaily reminder to White people,
You don't need anyone's permission
to be pro-White. Nor do you owe
anyone an explanation for being pro-
You're allowed to love your own race,
whether anyone likes it or not.
Anyone who tells you differently
simply hates White people.



If African Americans, Hispanics, Asians Americans, Jewish Americans, Native Americans are recognized
groups with all rights to promote their interests… defend themselves against racism and discrimination
… and Europe Americans are not… That is blatant RACISM !
Worse than Apartheid, Jim Crow or the caste system…
Unlawful against American and international law…

@Nature_and_Race As an addendum to this, at this point the only thing that matters is if someone is Pro-White and is operating in good faith behaving as such.

At this point other ideological or religious considerations should take a back seat. (I consider Jews to be an ethnic group, not a religious order.)


spoilerI ❤️ Being White

Just a heads-up. In case no one has noticed, they have stealthily decided to consider Hispanics as white. In all city demographic reports on Wikipedia, on all "race" sections of forms you fill out, the choices are white or non-Hispanic white. They are tweaking the demographics to make negroes as the only “minority” that matters. They fear the mostly Catholic Hispanics because they are Christian, family oriented, extremely loyal to their race and culture, and will outnumber EVERYBODY in 50 years, and THAT is not the one world order they're looking for. It looks like they plan to take them out by lumping them in with the white folks.

James Simpson #wingnut #conspiracy #racist amazon.com

The Red-Green Axis is a collusion between the Democratic Party, American Communists, Socialists and other brands of "progressives", i.e., the Red, and the forces of the Islamic jihad, the Green—so named because the color green carries much symbolism in Islam, and most Muslim nations feature green in flags, emblems, and other identifiers. Its collective goal is to alter and undermine our national character, traditions, and laws so much that it can overthrow our Constitutional republican form of government without firing a shot.

The alliance allows each to take advantage of the tactics, strategies, and cultural features of the other, and mobilizes a vastly larger number of people. For example, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) now supports Black Lives Matter (BLM) and participates in its protests. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) also work with BLM, CAIR, and open borders groups.Immigration is one of the Red-Green Axis's most effective tools. Under the banner of "compassion," it advocates for open borders and endless waves of refugees, asylum seekers, and other third-world immigrants to stress government budgets at all levels, overburden communities with medical, language, crime, welfare, and other burdens, while rhetorically and sometimes physically attacking those who object, calling opponents "racists," "bigots," "xenophobes," and the latest innovation, "Islamophobes."

This second edition of the Red-Green Axis delves deeply into the immigration/refugee resettlement issue to catalog not only the breadth and depth of the program and its supporters, but to expose the massive problems and cultural changes that have been created, I believe deliberately, as the key element in the Axis agenda to erase America as we know it.

Timothy Fitzpatrick #racist #wingnut #conspiracy renegadetribune.com

I would like to thank David Duke for taking the time to reply to my query (from his Gab account) as to his why he lived in the Soviet Union and what he was doing there. But I can’t. You see, he never actually answered my question but, instead, turned it into an opportunity to shill for Vladimir Putinstein and the neo-Soviet “Russian Federation”, like the apparent obedient operative that he is.

His infantilized response was something a politician would do. He tries to set the tone early by appealing to his white nationalist audience with, "It is also important to note that Moscow has the largest White population of any city on Earth!”
No, Mr. Duke. It has a friendly attitude towards minorities because it is a multi-ethnic socialist state, which is what they are turning the West into. Russia was a multi-ethnic society even before Bolshevism came into the picture. The October Revolution only expanded on that and divided the empire further. Russia has never really had a tangible identity, and it still has none today. You cannot identify a mongrelized melting pot, and that’s why Eurasianists can only identify Russia as the “Third Rome”, “Eurasian”, and in other ridiculous terms (keep in mind here that the original Rome was largely multi-ethnic).
It’s really sick that Duke strings along his audience with this nonsense. He provides no evidence that Putinist Russia is advancing our (the White) cause (Russia is already multi-ethnic). Furthermore, we know from the admissions of the Nazbolic Eurasianist, closeted homosexual Aleksandr Dugin that the Russian Federation hates White people (Dugin even admitted that Russia fuels black supremacism in the West). Of course, Duke won’t tell the truth about what Dugin really thinks. They are in apparent cahoots. Would Mr. Duke care to explain why he associates with an open national Bolshevik, Crowleyite, homosexual, hater of the West, and someone fond of the Jewish Kabbalah and Freemasonry?

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist stillnessinthestorm.com

The Khazarian mafia stranglehold on the planet earth is finally ending. Germany and Japan have joined Russia, China and England in the planetary liberation alliance. This has forced the Rothschild and Rockefeller families hiding in Zug, Switzerland to contact the White Dragon Society to negotiate a surrender.

However, until the United States is liberated from the Khazarian mafia, the war will continue. The key is to prevent the theft of the mid-term US elections by the KM during the blood moon eclipse election day of November 8th. The US military white hats promise to declare war on the KM if the election is stolen.
Let us start with the situation in Germany. There Donatus, the Prince and Landgrave of Hesse, is leading Germany to independence for the first time since World War II. Donatus is a descendant of Queen Victoria, the German Emperor Frederick III, Caesar Victor Emmanuel III of Italy etc.

Donatus sent Chancellor Olaf Scholz to China last week to negotiate Germany’s entrance into the alliance. The fact he reached a deal can be seen in reports in the official Chinese and Russian state news agencies.

According to sources, Xinhua Sholz told Chinese President Xi Jinping “a multi-polar world is needed”…Germany “opposes bloc confrontation” and supports “peace talks and to build a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture in Europe.” In other words, Germany is ready to dump NATO and replace it with something more inclusive.

Russian Tass News Agency reports, for their part, confirm a secret deal negotiated between the Gnostic Illuminati and the WDS is being put into motion. The deal is to return to an agreement between Frederick the Great and the Russian Tsar to use the Dnieper river as the border between their respective zones of interest.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Notice how not one single politician has ever mentioned black supremacy, brown supremacy, or jewish supremacy.

Notice how not one single politician has ever mentioned anything about anti-White racism and racially motivated violence against Whites by non-whites.

Our government is anti-White. It perpetually demonizes White people, even when White people are being beaten, raped, and murdered every single day by non-whites.

spoilerWhite supremacy and all forms of
hate-fueled violence have no place in
Failure to call it out is complicity.
Silence is complicity.
And we cannot remain silent.

@Nature_and_Race The Jew projects their own actions onto their opponents. It is Who They Are.

'White supremacy' is the Jewish projection of Jewish supremacist sentiments onto Whites.

But, then, maybe Whites just really need to embrace White supremacism and fight fire with fire?

The issue is whose rules will rule.

Jews or Whites?

Negros or Whites?

You decide.


The only violence im seeing is from blacks. Its literally every single day.
Scroll through MSNs news feed its black after black killing beating and raping mainly Whites. I wouldn't dare be a fast food worker, one dies almost every day from black violence.

My town got the trifecta a few years back (black mayor, black police chief, black city manager) 4 years later the town is turning to shit.

Nobody calls them out when a black live streams himself killing Whites they say a "guy killed random people"
I just can't stand it anymore

@Nature_and_Race I'm just waiting for the race war to kick off. As a non feminist white woman, I'll make sammys, bring y'all cold brews and clean tha guns. 😎

@CrankyYankee @Nature_and_Race
If you can stay away from the Niggers who would rape you.

Joseph Kay #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

Ending Racial Blackmail

Thanks to the Supreme Court, affirmative action is back in the news.

Racial preferences are blackmail. They are unearned benefits to bribe blacks into good behavior. We pay the blackmail, but it fails to deliver tranquility. It’s a terrible deal. When you pay the Danegeld, the Dane never goes away.

It is time to pull the plug on today’s doomed-to-fail racial preferences.

The benefits would be huge. As Charles Murray’s Facing Reality makes clear, the boost in average IQ across many professions would be enormous, and we would see a jump in productivity. No more incompetent nurses or doctors. Professors could teach demanding courses. Military enlistments would increase.

The worst aspects of black behavior — everything from the riots to illegitimacy and welfare dependency — appeared after the civil rights movement, not before.

There is a growing nostalgia among blacks for the pre-integration era now lost. As a recent article in Washington Monthly put it:

In 1985, 60 black-owned banks were providing financial services to their communities; today, just 23 remain. In 11 states that headquartered black-owned banks in 1994, not a single one is still in business. Of the 50 black-owned insurance companies that operated during the 1980s, today just 2 remain.

This parallels the demise of black-owned taxi services, supermarkets, publishing, cosmetic firms and mom-and-pop businesses.

It is easy to forget the countless black-owned enterprises that were bankrupted by integration. According to Black Excellence, thousands of black-owned and black-run firms thrived, especially where there was Jim Crow.

Millions of decent jobs might await blacks if the US returned to an era when millions of black-run businesses catered to blacks. During the pre-civil rights era, black labor force participation often exceeded 90 percent.

Ending affirmative action may have consequences far beyond eliminating the most prominent feature of today’s racial spoils system. It could start a mutually beneficial and jointly desired racial disengagement. Black businesses and universities would be reinvigorated while white institutions would no longer be pressured to hire people they don’t want.

speculareffect #racist #wingnut #conspiracy specular-effect.com

Yes, the thing done gone and happened! Elon Musk made Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the ADL (Anti-Defamation League), a ]ewish ran and controlled Zionist watchdog group, a Civil Society Leader on Twitter. The disgusting, feminine, rat-faced ]ew, Greenblatt is the first person Musk tags in setting up his Censorship Board. Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be!
The head ]ew terrorist of the ADL, Jonathan Greenblatt, who fights good for hate said, the meeting with Musk was productive.

Essentially, the ]ew is demanding that Elon do whatever the ]ews tell him to do. How is this? Well, as I’ve told you guys many times before, the ADL controls and monitors the internet.
Can you imagine being so dumb that you actually believe multi-millionaires, billionaires and even trillionaires are genuinely poised to serve the interest of the common folk? I can’t. I certainly cannot begin to fathom how such a thought can arise in someone’s mind, but, I do know it does. This delusion is exactly what constitutes the basis of all religions, be they organized religion, or the belief in politicians and the state. The average person, as I’ve pointed out countless of times before, is an abject retard who believes in fantasies and myths that serve as coping mechanisms. They are inclined to believe in “larger than life” figures that control the fates; that have a direct hand in their immediate lives and exist to serve and protect them. This is a construct of weakness by the weak. This is slave morality.

These are the same retarded people who were championing Elon Musk who told them that he was going to “restore freedom of speech” online. Here he is, now, bulldozing through the Twitter-sphere with hyper censorship moves. Instead of doing what most of these morons believed he was going to do—send in his SpaceX coders to expose all the algorithms of shadow-banning and implement “open source transparency algorithms”—he is doing the exact opposite and they are so surprised.

Page #racist lipstickalley.com

(Regarding the missing child Jaliek Rainwalker, and the suspicious behavior of his adoptive parents)

This is the exact reason why white people have no business adopting black children. They take out all their pint up racism on the child. Reminds me of that white lesbian couple that killed all those black children in Portland. Those “parents” had no electricity or running water?! And was getting $1500?? How the hell did they get approved as adoptive parents??!! Because they were white and can do no wrong. I really wish our people would get their stuff together so their black children won’t end of like one of these tragedies.

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #racist winterwatch.net

In inverted, Satanic Los Angeles, you’ll be arrested if you try to open your business and make a living. But newly elected Red Vanguard 5th Columnist District Attorney George Gascon has decriminalized a slew of anti-social crimes.

Gascon was heavily backed by George Soros and the other usual suspects that hide behind fake foundations. He defeated a solid DA and incumbent Jackie Lacey. Lacey’s defeat proves that “women of color” are also targeted if not on board with discordianism.

While George Soros might be the most well known kakistocratic backer of rogue D.A. puppets, Facebook cofounder Dustin Muskovitz and his wife, Cari Tuna, have provided significant funding as well, most notably through their foundation, the Open Philanthropy Project. The foundation has provided significant funding for organizations — like the Accountable Justice Action Fund, Fair & Just Prosecutions and the Real Justice PAC — all of which directly or indirectly support rogue prosecutors and 5th Columnist candidates.
NEGATIVE SELECTION (aka kakistocracy) is the currency of all totalitarian neo-feudal systems. The goal is a blatant disregard for victims. Anarchy is instituted.

As seen throughout 2020 on issues like the election and rampant looting, these puppet rogue prosecutors usurp the constitutional role of the legislative branch by refusing to prosecute entire categories of crime, abuse the role of the county prosecutor, fail to protect victims of crime, and ignore rising crime rates caused by their radical policies.

These radicals exist because globalist interloper George Soros and a handful of other plutocratic billionaires and their corrupt foundations have invested heavily in the election of district attorneys who are working to reverse engineer and dismantle the U.S. criminal justice system. This is little more than a bid for raw power.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gab.com

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Democrats have declared a war on women. A war on children. A war on families. A war on America.

Thank goodness for Moms for America!

@repmtg Antiwhites have declared a WAR ON WHITE PEOPLE YOU COWARD.

@14W @repmtg she voted for juneteenth........and would hope that we all forgot that little detail

@repmtg A war on white people. C'mon, say it. Defend your voters!

@GMM_1972 @repmtg she knows her masters........and it's not the voters

@repmtg You sound like a milquetoast Republican. The govt has declared war on Whites.


@repmtg don't forget war on whites

@repmtg stfu you grifting uniparty cunt

@repmtg ummmm war on “White Christians“… ur little pointed star handlers not allowing that though

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com



“There is no White culture”, says the ape while he wears a European-style suit, speaking a European language, likely eating using European-style utensils., etc.

God, I fucking hate 99% of black people.

@GreenEyedBide @KeepNHGranite Why only 99%?

@Exodus34 @KeepNHGranite

Okay… 99.999% because I once saw a video of a black guy telling it how it is about his kind.

@GreenEyedBide @KeepNHGranite the other 1% what are they dead or something?


@KeepNHGranite This claim of "Whites don't have a culture" is only effective on Whites that have White guilt. It doesn't work on Whites that don't have White guilt -

@Whack_A_Mole_Champion @KeepNHGranite what is this white guilt of which you speak?

@WallEgator Although I think you're screwing with me, I'll take a chance that you aren't. White libturds are the perfect example of "White guilt."

@KeepNHGranite White man's cultural flaw is that it is too generous and tolerant to ungrateful niggers and shitskins.

@ad_libitum @KeepNHGranite I saw an article about Americans moving to Mexico, legally of course. And Mexicans are starting to speak out how they don’t want Americans there. Go figure.

@KeepNHGranite wearing a shirt , in a suit , sitting in what looks like an English garden . "there is no white culture" . lmfao

@KeepNHGranite Negro women also love to whine about "white beauty standards", while at the same time doing everything to look more like us.

@LadyYlva @KeepNHGranite Hilarious when I see negresses slam White people while having dyed their hair blonde!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com


@ElfReich LOL, in the movie do the mermaids riot, and demand entitlements from Dolphins, or other sea creatures?

@ElfReich Every black girl's dream..... appropriate white European cultural images because they have none of their own.....

@ElfReich rewriting history... starting with children... They aren't just inserting their culture, they are removing yours...

@ElfReich They destroy everything made by us because they have nothing of their own worth destroying.

@Volcanic84 @ElfReich They have to make something first though. Look at Africa, the only thing there is tribes and gangs. They don't make anything of their own so of course they're gonna destroy our stuff. #Whiteisright

@ElfReich the opposite of whitewashing is shitstaining - may this shitstain help sink disney

@ElfReich the difference between nig and white is

@ElfReich Can you spot the fried chicken?
Took me a minute.
Hilarious meme!

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

It Comes Down to Economic Blackmail

Depriving dissenters of their livelihood is a hallmark of Communism and has always been the Communist Jewish MO

"Today, we are joining dozens of other groups to ask advertisers to pause Twitter spending because we are profoundly concerned about antisemitism and hate on the platform. Here's why we're asking advertisers to #StopHateForProfit and #StopToxicTwitter"


Putin called their bluff. The COVID scam turned the lights on. The termites are running scared and asking for "amnesty." A wider Ukraine catastrophe may be inevitable to distract from this colossal scandal.
The ADL Is The Bulwark For The NWO

ADL's Greenblatt openly uses his weight defending against antisemitism and hatred to destroy anyone threatening the New World Order initiatives forcing Silicon Valley to approve his every whim while Governments openly collect data on average citizens as the Social Credit architecture is put into place.

Gregoire de Fournas (MP National Rally) #racist reuters.com

France's lower house of parliament suspended its session on Thursday after a far-right MP shouted, "Go back to Africa!" as a Black legislator from the far left asked a question about immigration

The comment created a huge commotion. The centrist government and left-wing alliance said it was an unacceptable racist slur. The far right argued MP Gregoire de Fournas was not aiming the words at the MP who asked the question, Carlos Martens Bilongo, but at migrants stranded on an NGO boat

"There is no room for racism in our democracy. The Bureau of the National Assembly will convene (on Friday) and should decide on necessary sanction," Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne told reporters after the incident

De Fournas, a member of Marine Le Pen's National Rally (RN), and his party argued that he said nothing wrong

He "obviously spoke about the migrants transported in boats by the NGOs," Le Pen tweeted. "The controversy created by our political opponents … will not deceive the French"[…]
Over the past years, Le Pen has made huge progress in detoxifying her party's image and convincing voters that the party founded by her father Jean-Marie, who was convicted several times of incitement to racial hatred, has moved towards the conservative mainstream and is now fit to govern

With 89 lawmakers, the RN is the second-biggest party in the parliament

Fat Link #elitist #racist incels.is

Do you hate me? I thought you did since I was ethnic


I’m more of a meritocratic racist really.

Which means I can and do think very highly of individual non whites that prove themselves not to be total scum like the rest of their race usually is.

This is probably why the mod team I’ve rebuilt from the ground up here is a veritable rainbow coalition that would probably put to shame the Clinton and Obama and even sleepy Joe Biden administrations if a direct cabinet to mod team comparison was ever made.

I’ve got all kinds on the mod team from chinks, spics and curries to the big homie Master the blackest brotha in the land.

When closely examined by my actions alone in this regard you’d almost think I was a fucked in the head wacky leftist!


Brutall Racepill For Blackcels

Black men are over a hundred times more likely to rape a White woman than vice versa. Source: http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials-viewpoint/082613-668778-epidemic-of-white-on-black-violence-is-a-fraud.htm?p=full

Most South Africans believe that life was better under apartheid. Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/398136/end-south-africa-josh-gelernter

Life expectancy in South Africa has decreased since apartheid ended. Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/398136/end-south-africa-josh-gelernter

The South African murder rate is the 10th highest in the world. White farmers are killed 4x more often than the general population. Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/398136/end-south-africa-josh-gelernter

Blacks in South Africa are not indigenous inhabitants, but rather arrived just before White explorers. Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/398136/end-south-africa-josh-gelernter

In South Africa, a child is raped every three minutes (175,000 children/year). Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8107039.stm

In urban areas of South Africa, more than one in three men has admitted to committing rape. Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/27/south-africa-rape-study-m_n_788722.html

In South Africa, rape is seen as “a legitimate activity” and committed out of boredom. Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/27/south-africa-rape-study-m_n_788722.html

In South Africa, 7% of men have participated in gang rape. Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/27/south-africa-rape-study-m_n_788722.html

In South Africa, 78% of men have committed violence against women. Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/27/south-africa-rape-study-m_n_788722.html

“Out of the 1500 [chess] grandmasters in the world, only three or four are black.” Source: http://worldchess.com/2015/12/15/the-racial-gap-for-titles-among-american-players/

Only 54% of Black men between 25-34 have high school degrees, are employed, and are not currently incarcerated. Source: http://blogs.baruch.cuny.edu/lexingtonreview/?p=36

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Once upon a time, not all that long ago, the pro-White community used to live by the motto of "No more brother wars!"

And now an insane number of "our guys" are promoting the idea of Russia wiping out hundreds of millions of Western Whites.

I don't believe for a second that this condition is organic. I believe that someone or some entity is pumping massive amounts of money into our community to promote this anti Western-White rhetoric.

@Nature_and_Race Are modern-day Germany and Ukraine worth saving? It would appear the answer is NO.

@Nature_and_Race Yes, in theory, ideally, no more brother wars.

But in reality, many, many whites will fight to their last breath to preserve the system that seeks to destroy them. And we cannot allow our concern for their wellbeing, no matter how well-intentioned, to stop us from doing what must be done to save our people.

Again, our mission is to save our people as a whole, not to save any one person, nor even any one group of them. If we are not willing to do what must be done, if we do not have the stomach for it, then we are lost.


@Nature_and_Race -- Those people are not "pro-White" They belong to a completely different and opposing ideological group. That's "Duginism". It is weird that those Duginists are targeting the pro-White movement specifically. I wouldn't be surprised if the Russian government was somehow, someway, financing them.

@Nature_and_Race If you're White you shouldn't support Whites killing Whites. That's what the jews want, more brother wars. The jews bet on themselves while pretending to support both sides, depending on which political aisle you're on.

@Nature_and_Race Yeah, I'm pro-white but please go murder the best of us again. And hey, go have kids with Asians too, white women are awful.

@KlausVonSteiner Yep. It's Duginist/nazbol brainwashing. Only the dummies fall for it, but it's still annoying since the dummies outnumber the rest of us.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Fundraiser to pay for the GPUs. Let's not rent but, rather, purchase him the four units. Imagine if this artist had full-time access to the gear and could just start fixing everything they've broken.

I don't see a reason to not do this. And, when done, we should immediately go White-wash anything of theirs that we want. Just steal the film, replace the characters, and distribute it for free online with complete disrespect for the intellectual property and Copyright law.

The seethe that this will cause will be unprecedented in history.

@shadowknight412 Man, Aryan Black Panther, just to piss them off.. And all White Start Trek TOS, replace the jews and negros and the rice faggot with blond Whites...

@shadowknight412 We shouldn't have to fix what they break. No, we should break those that break our culture.

@BrianDCarte1788 @shadowknight412 Doing this will break them. They'll cry so much that the sea level will rise.

@shadowknight412 The Little Mermaid is a Danish story written by Hans Christian Anderson in 1837. By Disney turning the character into a person of African descent, they are committing an act of cultural appropriation.
For a person who has an affinity for working with technology to change the movie to be in line with the story is culturally appropriate.
If our children are going to be called out for cultural appropriation for wearing a beautiful Chinese dress to a prom or wearing a Hawaiian Moana costume for Halloween
If they throw that shit at us- we can hurl it right back at them.

@shadowknight412 I was thinking along the lines of being able to add the yellow star as well for the original purpose, to show how massive their presence is in our media.

@shadowknight412 start it and post the link I'll definitely donate to that. Love this idea.

I mean are they really serious with this White classic? As if blacks can even swim.

@shadowknight412 Pretty much the only way I'd be comfortable with what is essentially 21st century White-Face. Can't let the negros and jews benefit in anyway.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

Something else Joe Biden did was reintroduce Critical Race Theory training throughout the federal government. I don’t have any clips of government training, but here’s one from the private sector. If you look closely, Ashleigh Shackelford had her Paypal account info on the flip chart. That was so those nice white ladies in the audience could send her reparations directly. Maybe not all CRT training goes so far as to say white people aren’t human, but the message always is that we are guilty because we are white.

Christopher Rufo has found this kind of anti-white indoctrination throughout the federal government and in countless private companies.

And remember the advantages non-whites got during Covid? ‘Too White’ To Get COVID Vaccine? Some Social Justice Activists Say Yes.”

As one “expert” explained to the New York Times, “t is reasonable to put essential workers ahead of older adults, given their risks, and that they are disproportionately minorities. ‘Older populations are whiter’.”

That makes them expendable.

Google snubs white people. This is what you get if you ask it for “American inventors.” Two token white men.

And here’s Google’s idea of “happy white women.” Not one white couple, but quite a few mixed marriages. Maybe miscegenation is the final solution to the problem of white people.


Do you begin to detect a certain hostility?

Some blacks take the problem into their own hands. Here are statistics from the National Crime Victimization Survey, in which a huge sample of Americans describe violence of which they have been victims and say who attacked them.


We can determine that when whites are violent, they attack other whites 82.4 percent of the time and attack blacks only 3.6 percent of the time. When blacks are violent, they attack whites 38.6 percent of the time. Statistically speaking, this means a black person is 27 times more likely to attack a white than the other way around. How much of that has to do with what they are constantly hearing about white racism and white privilege?

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

I write often of the West’s disapproval of itself and its remaking in a Woke image that rejects Western civilization and insists on the deracination of the white ethnicities that created the civilization. When a civilization loses its belief in itself, or that belief is intentionally destroyed by poisonous ideas, and its defining values are lost, the civilization disappears. Geographically the land still exists, and there are people on it, but they are a different people.

When perversity is normalized and given the moral high ground while normality becomes a target, and when Make America Great Again patriots are labeled “domestic extremists” and “white supremacists,” we know that the United States of America has one foot in the grave.
It is difficult to do anything about it. Even mathematics is said to be a racist tool for the suppression of people of color. Those who want a restoration of our traditional values–MAGA Americans–have been demonized and made targets for the FBI, Homeland Security, and prosecutors, and have been stripped of free speech and association. Six hundred of them are in prison because attending a rally in support of President Trump has been turned into an insurrection against democracy.

The Democrats, security agencies, and presstitutes are successful in their coup against America, because they have stripped their opponents of their voices and their legitimacy. The US Constitution has given way to an ideology that defines official narratives serving elite agendas as truth. All questioning of, and dissent from, official narratives is “disinformation,” “misinformation,” and “destabilizing of society.”

Those imposing censorship deny that they are censoring, claiming instead to be protecting the new order from the racist, colonialist old order.

Southern Sons Active Club #racist wistv.com

BLYTHEWOOD, S.C. (WIS) - WIS is continuing to look into the distribution of pro-white flyers that have allegedly been passed out to some people living in the Blythewood neighborhood.

A Blythewood resident says he was handed one of the flyers on Halloween night. The resident says he believes the masked men were going door to door with these flyers.


The flyer gives information on a pro-white group called the Southern Sons Active Club.

It claims that the white race is going extinct and one of the group’s goals is to secure the existence of that race. The flyer also makes use of the “SS” symbol, which is commonly associated with officers in Nazi Germany.


The resident called the Richland County Sheriff’s Department which sent a deputy to the scene.

According to an incident report, the two men that gave him the flyer were wearing black masks with a white design resembling a ghost. When questioned, the men ran off.


The Southern Poverty Law Center has an online map that identifies hate groups by city and state. A researcher with the group Cassie Miller said in an email that the Active Club is a white nationalist hate group with about a dozen chapters around the country, including the Southern Sons Chapter in South Carolina.

The group was started by longtime white nationalist activist Robert Rundo. Rundo was formerly the leader of the Rise Above Movement, a white nationalist group that engaged in violence at the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.


The Richland County Sheriff’s Department says they will continue to investigate to find out who passed out the flyers by running a lab analysis on the paper.

CK #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

While the Twitter drama has been highly entertaining to watch, many people are wondering what, if anything, will change under the new management?

Will Trump come back? (he already said NO).

Frog marching the existing top management and firing 75% of the company is also awe inspiring to those who were mistreated by the 24 year old woke content Stasi.
Time to retool for the next phase and none of those people are needed because it's "mission accomplished" in the UK (WEF PM installed), USA (puppet Joe installed) and now Brazil, but the Brazilians seem to have seen enough of the movie to understand that they need to actually take action, we'll see how that goes.

Twitter 2.0's goal will be authenticating all human beings, starting with an $8 per month fee, . Elon will sell a lot of these accounts if you need one to board and airplane or keep your bank account. You'll presumably get connected some how to the Starlink satellite fleet, as well.

So what is really changing at Twitter? The ownership isn't changing all that much.

Elon owns more, but some of the old shareholders are coming along for Twitter version 2.0.

As we have demonstrated, Elon is a key part of the public facing Deep State (aka The Cult - link to ) Twitter co-founder JACK DORSEY held shares worth roughly $1 billion after Musk closed the deal.

He rolled his Twitter shares into newly private company, becoming one of its largest shareholders.

And crypto-jew 9/11 participants Saudi Arabia stayed in the deal, too.

You could say the Satanist Cult still owns Twitter. And then there is the matter of content moderation. The hopium has been flowing, as the downtrodden have hinged their hopes of account reinstatement on every Elon-Tweet™ with promises of "in two weeks" (why is it always two weeks?).

If there is one thing readers of this site understand, this is what happens when you hand over the content moderation to the ADL.

In other words, "The new boss is the same as the old boss."

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. It's not evil to tell my in-group that these other out-groups are *successfully* targeting us for genocide and replacement.

Faggots like you want to keep waiting and waiting and waiting until the demographic shift has gone to such an extreme that White people can't even secure for themselves geographical areas thus ensuring our extinction.

Fuck you.


Yes, they want a race war, which you are fueling, evil anonymous Mossad agent. Doing the will of the devil.


they want to kill you AND are killing you

messano: yes they want a race war and you are talking about fighting back...playing right into their hands said

@BrianBoro @Wanderers_Choice lolol the last thing the jew wants is the White man waking up and turning into beast mode

@BillyBravo that is literally the only thing I want. I don't want to pass from this world without doing everything I can to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children

I don't think any White man will disagree with existing and providing a future for their White children

@BrianBoro @Wanderers_Choice He's right.. we so shouldn't fight back, it's what they want.

So remember kids, if somebody is attacking you with a baseball bat, don't defend yourself, because defending yourself just justifies the reason you're being attacked in the first place 👍

@Wanderers_Choice Boys, boys, we all hate the Jews.

@Wanderers_Choice is it a war if only 1 side is fighting?

Andrew Anglin #racist #homophobia #wingnut dailystormer.in

[From "Elon Retweets Twitter Safety Jew Who is Banning N-Word Sayer Accounts"]

That disgusting house nigger LeBron James was whining that people were saying nigger on Twitter[…]
What insecurity?

Imagine being a famous multimillionaire celebrity and going around with hurt feelings because people said a mean word[…]
Just a thought: maybe it wouldn’t hurt his feelings so bad if he didn’t look like a prehistoric ape?[…]
It says in the Constitution I have a right to nigger, and I will nigger as I darn well please without this nigger getting in my darn business

Apparently, there is still some Jew working at Twitter’s “Trust and Safety” (I assumed this department was abolished), and Elon retweeted him saying that everyone who was saying nigger got banned[…]
In the last 48 hours, we’ve gone from “wow, we’re going to have free speech back!” to “oh, this doesn’t look good, he’s talking about a council” to now “he’s officially announcing there won’t be any free speech and he’s celebrating Jews banning people”

This is disgusting and evil. It was pure evil for Elon to claim he was bringing back freedom of speech and then go full Jew

I said that people shouldn’t go just spam the n-word on Twitter, but someone was going to do it regardless[…]Who cares about that? Some whinny ball-chucker? Tell him to man up and stop acting like a little pussy faggot going around whining about people hurting his feelings

Is there anything gayer than a big gay nigger whining about his feelings?[…]
I have so many blacks that read this website and think it’s funny when I use mean words. How would someone care? Why would they care?

Can you imagine caring that blacks are saying “cracker” or “honkey” or that Moslems are calling you their various slurs?[…]
Anyway, yeah – looks like the “free Twitter” thing was a bust. There is no way to defend Elon coming out and saying he’s banning “trolls” for saying the n-word

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Nailed it.

@JaydaFransen Too funny. These "black folks" still complaining about things they aren't getting...it never ends. This is why you can't have a civilized society (with "equality") when you some who believe they are always "victims". Even the most successful, wealthy blacks still believe it (see Oprah as a good example).

@Driver @JaydaFransen I don't know that they REALLY believe it, they are just milking it for all it is worth.

@Driver @JaydaFransen White people are privileged the moment they are born as they are simply better

@JaydaFransen This guy is right. Niggers are the absolute worst.

@brextremist @JaydaFransen

I’d say they’re a close second to jews.

@brextremist @JaydaFransen Niggers and Jews should hold hands and go swimming in the deepest regions of the ocean.

@JaydaFransen that gay porn star George Floyd was worshipped for a fuckin year. and shit for brains traycoonius Martin for YEARS. the list is long. yet they follow us when we move, they hate us but cannot survive with out us. look at what they did to every major metropolitan city east of the Mississippi.


When will the black community pay reparations for all of your damage to America for the last 100 years?

@JaydaFransen they get a whole month and do nothing but bitch about slavery, like they were the only "category of humans" to ever be enslaved.

@JaydaFransen What about all of the citys, black folks burned down because of Criminal Floyd.

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