various commenters #wingnut #racist
Spoke up today in class in defense of white people when the subject of slavery came up.
I told the class that It was black Africans that kidnapped other black people and put them in chains and sold them. And that the whites were the first to free the slaves.
The professor cut me off and said that I was wrong.
@Teamsaveamerica Actually, a majority of slave owners were Jewish, not white!
@Teamsaveamerica My first thought was “ why are you wasting money on a university indoctrination program?” Then I thought “meh its your money” Then I realized your loans will likely be forgiven at some point by the commiecrats and I willl end up paying for them.
Since I will likely pay for your education, I demand you punch that professor right in the dick! 🤣
@Teamsaveamerica start a petition to have them removed for being fucking retarded. The slaves sold were enslaved by the victors in tribal battles. And considering just how often the victors ATE the losers, they were the LUCKY ones.
@Teamsaveamerica you were correct. Being a professor doesn't make someone smart. It just means they memorized the story were willing to say what they were told. The first legal slave owner in America was a black man who went to court to keep another black man, an indentured servant, enslaved for his entire lifetime.