
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Some of the questions sent to the NB male invited to the École Polytechnique remembrance

( Kaboodle )
The question I would add, “how does the psychopathy of trans-identified males compare with the psychopathy of incel males who commit femicide?

( OneStarWolf )
I’m imagining a Venn diagram that overlaps in an almost perfect circle. That incel shooter would almost definitely identify as trans today if he could.

( Carrots90 )
When the murderous doucheLepine came in to ‘kill feminists’ the women explained they weren’t feminists

He killed them anyway

Sounds like they couldn’t identify out of violence against women and girls

Here are some of my questions for the gentleman speaking as a laydeee

-do you think he would have killed the man who said he wasn’t a man or the woman who said she wasn’t a woman?

-would it have been violence for the DoucheLepine to NOT attack a man wearing nail polish?

-if it was ‘gender’ based violence, and you can’t tell someone’s gender by looking at them, how did he know who to kill?

-if sex isn’t real, how did he happen to only kill the AFABs?

-why the fvck are you here? Why are you acting as anything other than a quiet supporter who is quiet and no talking and keeps his male mouth?

( NastasyaFillipovna )
So the event was to mourn women who died, and the best keynote speaker they could find was a male? WTF is wrong with Canadian Academia?

"Would you rather (a) be shot and killed in a femicide incel terrorist attack, as that would be gender affirming, or (b) have your life spared because clearly you are a man?"

LOL at the balding question.

The organizers of this event are the real villains though. What on earth were they thinking?! A complete insult to the memories and families of the murdered women.

legopants #transphobia ovarit.com

We should start using the term "trans privilege" or at least way more often
Not only because it'll infuriate the extremists on the left and TRAs, but because it's true for TiMs. I know a lot is male privilege blended in too but adding a trans identity seems to get you more in certain situations.

Trans privilege is having your concerns about healthcare in America listened to by politicians and or professionals.

Trans privilege is being able to go online without seeing hatred in the form of jokes or memes or comments because it'll be immediately deleted or full of support in the replies.

Trans privilege is getting people banned for making you uncomfortable when misogynistic, racist, or homophobic people being reported stay.

Trans privilege is people agreeing the way you're fetishized in porn is disgusting and not right.

Trans privilege is having a double mastectomy covered by insurance when women with documented pain and discomfort can't get even reduction, or when women have to raise funds somehow to remove the literal cancer from her breast by mastectomy.

Trans privilege is being able to decide how people should think about you and view you when nobody in the world can.

Trans privilege is getting subreddits deleted from existence because you don't like it when rape subs and other abusive shit exists.

Trans privilege is avoiding jail time or getting a lesser punishment after a crime.

Trans privilege is being allowed to send violent rape and death threats to women and have it be justified by all.

Trans privilege is being able to claim a genocide despite literally nobody dying for their identity when the War on Women or femicide is deemed not happening or not important.

Trans privilege is deciding you're allowed in any group you want to be in regardless of if it's for something specific that you're not.

Trans privilege is being invited to speak to the president or interviewed by news stations about your "human rights" or whatever.

Trans privilege is getting away with gaslighting and abusing everyone you ever meet.

Trans privilege is the police taking you seriously when you say you feel unsafe because of someone and investigating them.

Trans privilege is demanding someone find you attractive and date you with people agreeing.

Trans privilege is being sympathized with when you shoot up an elementary school.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I'm tired of being asked to "show compassion" to AGPs

( Spencer_Shayy )
PREACH. I have NO compassion for autogynephiles/transwomen/whatever you want to call them. NONE. The world would be a better place WITHOUT them.

( GenderHeretic )

The world would be a better place WITHOUT them.

Objective fact.

( drdeeisback )
'My compassion for AGPs ends when they start asking me to ignore that they're male - excuse me, when they ask me to pretend to ignore that they're male.' It's been made so clear that the last thing they want is to actually be considered female and treated as such. No female person could possibly get away with the shit they pull; they're well aware that it's only male privilege that allows them to be utter failures and still win beauty contests, get the praise, attention and money otherwise reserved for actually skilled, talented and educated women, etc. etc.

( mathlover )
A group invades your country and proceeds to colonize it. They have their own country and it is way bigger and more privileged than yours. But they invade and take over yours. They rape the women who won't submit. They take your country's resources for their own use. They are fundamentally biologically different in ways that will mean they can never belong in your country, but they say they are the same as you. They crush any attempts at rebellion. They become increasingly threatening, and even violent. They enslave your people when possible. It gets worse and worse as the occupation of your country continues.

You do not feel compassion for such an enemy. Which is what they are. You fight them in every way you can.

Bacon Sarny-Geddon #transphobia #dunning-kruger youtube.com

You realise that silencing anyone who doesn't share your 100% evidence-free, taken on faith beliefs (in sex-independent "genders") just makes you a religious authoritarian, utterly intolerant of non-believers, right?

How is it possible to protect the rights of same-SEX attracted homoSEXuals (note how that has NEVER been "same GENDER attracted homoGENDERuals"), when you prioritize an ideology that compels you to NOT acknowledge evidence-based, real-world bioloogical sex, in favour of the 100% evidence-free pixie-dust of self-declared "genders"?

You aren't JUST prioritizing your evidence-free ideology, above the protection of children... You are ALSO prioritizing the authoritarian enforcement of your faith-based religious beliefs, above the most basic rights of gays and lesbians, (evidence-based) women and girls,as well as anyone who values freedom FROM religion, and/or simple, evidence-based, objective truth.

Even the most hardline, fundamentalist Christians, Muslims or Scientologists aren't AS authoritarian and intolerant as you're being (by silencing non-believers, if they don't affirm your evidence-free beliefs as "truth", by submitting to use of compelled, wrong-sex pronouns. Enforcing a scenario where only those who share/PRETEND to share your inherently homophobic, misogynist religious beliefs, have the ability to speak/be heard)

South Carolina Superintendent of Education Ellen Weaver #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #homophobia wltx.com

COLUMBIA, S.C. — State Education Superintendent Ellen Weaver is urging school districts across the state to ignore the new federal Title IX guidelines issued by the US Department of Education last week.

The regulations, aimed at preventing sex discrimination in schools, offer new protections to groups such as LGBTQ students, pregnant students, and victims of sexual assault. However, they do not address the issue of transgender athletes.

In a statement released by Weaver, she expressed concerns about the new rules, calling them "troubling" and stating that they create chaos and confusion for teachers, students, and parents.

[…]Weaver's letter recommends that districts refrain from implementing the new rules at this time, suggesting that a court may block the rules before their effective date. She argues that the Biden administration's actions undercut existing Title IX law and are an attempt to "redefine biological reality."

"Title IX applies to every school that receives federal funding, so ignoring these rules could put risk us losing federal dollars when our schools are already really underfunded," [Jace Woodrum, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of South Carolina], emphasized.

Zachriel #transphobia #wingnut peekinthewell.net

To the extent that the statement might have a glimmer of truth around the “inevitable” and “natural” adjectives, the motivation of the right-winger would be that the latest left-wing agitation is just plain silly, and not worth the upheaval. That’s what left-wing movements have been, since the storming of the Bastille: There is inequality, and addressing the inequity is worth the social upheaval. The “right wing” reaction to this is, no dice, sorry common sense must prevail at some point, a pre-op tranny doesn’t have a “right” to use the womens’ restroom. So the left wing is a sales pitch, for anarchy; the right wing is rejection of the sales pitch, or at least a hostility against the pitch…those who claim to be “moderates,” therefore, ultimately have to become “right wing” at some point, since to approve of social upheaval, all the time as a constant, is as decent a definition of extremism as any.

BlackCirce #transphobia ovarit.com

TERF isn’t a slur because something something nazis

operating out of seething hatred for a minority.

Men aren’t a power minority. They aren’t even a minority among the trans population, the heterosexual male portion outnumbers and is wealthier and more powerful than the female and gay male trans population. Heterosexual males, including the ones who wear dresses, are the power majority.

Yes I absolutely want men excluded from specific spaces where women get undressed and are vulnerable. These spaces (public restroooms, prisons, shelters and hospital wards) are also where women who are the most marginalized (poor, elderly, disabled) in society are frequently found. Those spaces need to be sex segregated for dignity, privacy and safety, because men are larger, stronger, more aggressive and sexually motivated towards women. This doesn’t mean men who identify as trans should die or shouldn’t have access to restrooms or shelters. They need to use ones that are not for women and respect women’s boundaries. But that’s the rub isn’t it? That no.

Men demanding access to women’s private, vulnerable spaces (NOT spaces of power like boardrooms and university offices that men would like to be male only) is an act of aggression and dominance. It is not the action of a power minority demanding equal access to spaces of power and privilege. It’s the master demanding to be “included” in the slaves quarters (and we all know what happened there).

All leftists know exactly what I am talking about but they have been taken over completely by deranged levels of male supremacy which starts with their porn obsession and indoctrination of hatred towards women and lesbians especially. How can you look at your lesbian friends and neighbors and comrades and say “you’re a fascist because you won’t suck dick”… how is that not a betrayal of every principle of equality, equality, liberty, liberation, solidarity, community? It’s rapist ethics, pure and simple.

pretending to be oppressed minorities

In every accusation an admission of guilt.

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #transphobia archive.ph

It means she is sexually attractive and he wants to have penetrative sexual relations with her.

Everyone understands that heterosexual “romantic love,” which is socially appropriate to talk about publicly and in front of children, implies sexual penetration (penis in vagina). The latter is taboo to talk about in front of children, because they are not old enough to be sexually active in that way, but they are still being “sexualized” by society by learning about romantic love.

Through the normalization of adult homosexuality, the homosexuals have now normalized child homosexuality.

The difference is, homosexuality is only about anal. With heterosexuals, there is a relationship based around family and children. So a little boy can say “I’m going to marry her and we’ll have kids together” without knowing what sex involves. Gay is only about anal. There is no “family.” Now they try to claim gays have families, but gay marriage is not monogamous. These are just two gay guys who live together and go to orgies together. Further, gays only “adopt” (state-assisted kidnapping) little boys in order to molest and sodomize them.

What’s more, they are actually teaching anal to preschoolers. It’s not just about some “identity” gibberish. The Planned Parenthood website, for example, has “resources” on how to teach sex to preschoolers.

And before someone is thinking “oh but they’re saying ‘LGBT,’ not ‘anal'” – what the hell is LGBT? What does it mean? It means a man masturbating into another man’s anus, ejaculating into his anus, and then eating his own semen mixed with poop out of the man’s anus. That’s what it means. It’s not esoteric. It’s not some big secret.
This clip from the 1990s documentary “The Gift” shows what “LGBT” means

(Here’s the full documentary, which you really should watch – it doesn’t show anything graphic, but it lets you walk away understanding what “LGBT” actually means.)

MagnificentMildew #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Okay, this is how religious conservatives really ARE unhelpful in fighting transgenderism

TRAs and religious fundamentalists are basically the same people. They both follow a faith based belief system with magical elements (belief in souls vs belief in "gender identity" which is basically just a soul). They both try to censor science (TRAs try to censor sexual dimorphism, fundies try to censor the Theory of Evolution). They both try to force their ideology on the general populace in the name of their "rights" (traaanz rites vs muh religeous freehdom). They both think GNC people are a problem to be solved (changing your personality to match your sex vs changing your sex to match your personality). ...They're literally the same. There's a reason some Muslim countries use transition to "cure" homosexuality.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

I believe that there are some who genuinely feel that they are the opposite gender. However, I had always imagined that such people were adults when they decided on that path. Now here was my teenager telling me that he wanted to be a girl. And as I began to devour everything I could on the subject I became very disturbed at just how widespread and insidious the gender issue had become and how apparently intelligent, professional people were encouraging it amongst our kids.

We went to my son's doctor to talk over the situation and get advice. He was unsympathetic to my worries. He couldn't discuss my son, he said. Anything they talked about would be confidential; he was over 16 . Basically he could do what he liked was the message I received. We left with a referral to a gender clinic.

When we finally were given an appointment at the clinic (it took several months) my son was immediately affirmed, and called by his preferred pronouns and his new name. I was told that, when asked, he had said that he had been suicidal and had thought of harming himself. I didn’t believe this; I was convinced that he had been coached. Of course, the old chestnut ‘would I rather have a live daughter than a dead son?’ was trotted out, though at that stage I didn’t know that this is a story repeatedly told to parents who question the process.

Dairugger #transphobia deviantart.com

Let's look at the logic with this whole pronoun nonsense let's say, for the sake of argument, you're a manager of, let's say, 50 employees and a 1/3, roughly 17, of those employees have preferred pronouns can you imagine the confusion in that when I business promotes that nonsense regardless of ESG?

Unicorn #transphobia ovarit.com

Green Party split from group at centre of trans row
Mass consumption is like one of the core parts of transgenderism. How is a party that claims to be "green" for it?

Transgenderism is literally like, throw out your wardrobe and buy all new clothes that conform to the gender stereotypes of the opposite sex (or some random mishmash of clothes if one is "nonbinary"), buy binders, buy packers, buy silicone chests, buy makeup, buy wigs, buy puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which produce more plastic waste from all their packaging, buy cosmetic surgeries, which fill one up with plastic and there is so many "one time use" plastics involved in surgeries to keep things sterile.

It doesn't make sense to me.

Brotherofsteel5 #sexist #transphobia deviantart.com

Oh yes! Females custodians! Add wokism in 40k to tell us we must like it!

(By the way have you seen the recents black s library books? Stories of astra militarium, of course, with courageous and braves FEMALES guards. )

Seriously always the same shit: Trying to make us believe "womyns" can do the same things than men, and even, they can do it BETTER.

Oh yes feminists and wokes, you are so badass.

So badass, i can't wait to see liberals libertarians with green hairs- their-prunumis-They/them, who will enlist in armies of westerns countries.

You want to remember the reality? In Europe, the military service was an obligation for every YOUNG MEN, until the 90's.

But not for WOMEN.

Have you heard feminists complaining about it?

And now, just imagine that, with all the mess there are in the world today.

What could happen, if military service, is re-established in western Europe countries?

What if young men MUST be present in caserns when their studies are over?

If that happen, i'm courious to see how somes peoples, so happy to see "strong females characters" , "gender-fluids heroes", or "heroes from diversity" in movies and comics, will react.

I'm sure they will gladly enlist them/shem/theirselves to serve their country, to doing the same things they see in theatres.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia sinfest.xyz

[From “April 5, 2024: White People”]


Panel 1: Slick is passing in front of a depicting a 1950s-style white man smoking a pipe, a mayo jar and a flour sack while voices are saying “White supremacy”, “White rage” and “White fragility”
Panel 2: The screen show a Neo Nazi, a Klansman, Pepe the Frog and a Christian cross while a voice is saying “deplorable”, “hateful” and “toxic”
Panel 3: The voice says to Slick “But wait” and “There is a way white people can gain mainstream acceptance”
Panel 4: A pink-haired person is riding on a rocket under the slogan “Sodomy”, while a rainbow and a bearded man wearing pigtails are in the background

various commenters #transphobia #kinkshaming ovarit.com

Pornhub Wants to Turn Straight Men Gay Says Michael Knowles - Metro Weekly

( Clarus )
Pornhub has been exposed pushing a lot of transgender content, even saying it can help people find their sexual identity.

Over time, we see more and more that most transgender individuals are just perverts created by mass porn-watching, who want to emulate what they see. Porn-addiction is a major factor in transitioning.

( Mandy )
And all of this has gone hand in hand with a societal push not to kink-shame.

I think we need more kink-shaming. Keep it in the bedroom, don't parade it around in public. Let the private stay private.

( Mandy )
Pretty sure it's not possible to "turn someone gay" unless they are that way inclined already.

AGP men are straight men obsessed with becoming the object of their own desires. Other TIMs are gays in denial.

In the same way, a lot of TIFs are yaoi-addled girls and women who yearn for that perfect gay relationship of two equal partners devoted to each other through thick and thin. Or lesbians in denial.

Hypno sissy porn has nothing to do with lesbians, just as yaoi is nothing to do with real gay sex and relationships.

( happy-harpy )
I think that men’s sexuality is more opportunistic than women’s. They famously stick their dicks in anything and prison gay is a thing and all that. Turning people gay is stupid, right-wing fear-mongering but it doesn’t surprise me that porn is warping the sexuality of men who watch it. It’s basically propaganda that you masturbate to.

Dale Partridge #dunning-kruger #elitist #enbyphobia #fundie #interphobia #homophobia #sexist #transphobia amazon.com

Jesus and My Gender: Affirming Your Child's God-Given Gender


In this rhyming book for children ages 3-10, pastor Dale Partridge masterfully lays out a cohesive theological presentation of biblical gender. The content of each page is supported by Scripture references and, at the end of the book, is a 5-question biblical catechism to instill these truths in the minds of young people.


Before the creation of the world, God designed boys and girls.


God said boys and girls are equal, before their lord in soul, but they were made uniquely, with completely different roles.


The crown of girls is quickly seen when people start comparing - a special privilege given them: the blessing of childbearing. The female body is extraordinary, the boys cannot relate. The girls can carry babies amd nurture those they make.


He built his boys for rough and play, just how they ought to be. They’d pounce and battle for the day, and even jump from trees! He made them strong to guard their friends, to protect the weak, and make amends.

Earl P. Holt III #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia conservative-headlines.org

[From “Decentralization & America’s Future”]

The American Electorate's awakening to the true agenda of the New Communist Party of the USA (NCPUSA) -- laughingly called "Democrats"[…]-- may herald what Lincoln termed "a new birth of freedom" in America. Cultivating and preserving those freedoms will require a great many reforms, among the most important of which may be the DECENTRALIZATION of policy-making, an approach more compatible with federalism and the Ninth and Tenth Amendments

One significant form of decentralization is already abounding: it is the American electorate's growing reliance upon alternative news sources[…]
When the bright and fearless Christina Bobb covered the Arizona Senate's audit of Maricopa County's 2020 election returns for One America News, she pointed out the critical importance of tabulating election returns at the LOCAL LEVEL. The current practice is to transport ballots[…]to a central tabulating facility, where the NCPUSA's voter fraud machines are already staffed[…]
Another obvious example of the need for decentralization is evident in the area of public school curricula and policy. Remote learning during COVID forced parents to recognize that most public school systems are more interested in indoctrinating their kids with Marxist ideology than in educating[…]Traitorous ideas include Critical Race Theory, gender identity counseling, No Child Left Behind, white skin privilege, and ethno-math with no wrong answers[…]
Our uniform and centralized approach to public health policy has been equally disastrous, as the U.S. response to the COVID-19 scamdemic amply demonstrated[…]Opportunity for "Democrat" officials in BLUE counties and states to seize power through lockdowns[…]
It was Fauciwho rejected the inexpensive, proven and readily-available therapies for treating viral infections, such as Ivermectin and HCQ[…]
Centralized power in the federal government has allowed it to impose outrageous "gender identity" policies

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #transphobia #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

Many hospitals are all too happy to lop off breasts or a penis and send taxpayers the bill. Like Covid, it’s a giant scam being perpetuated by taking advantage of gender confused people. The Biden regime sees trans people and illegal aliens as a first status priority. Citizens are second. Christians are last. Women and black people are also pushed to the curb. It’s an election year and Biden is pandering to the hard left by fawning over the alphabet people.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #fundie pittparents.com

Dear Daughter,

You said that you love us and are grateful for all that we’ve done for you, yet you have emotionally estranged yourself from us for the past seven years and have withheld any real expression of love or concern for us, forgetting birthdays and holidays, and leaving our questions and concerns unaddressed.


We never shamed you for the pretend squeaky voice you used to use, we didn’t mind when you wore a cat collar and cat ears everywhere you went. People have to grow up and into themselves, and we allowed you plenty of space to freely explore the depth of your own being, without judgment or ridicule.

But the person that you have become is a stranger to us. We recognize your face and your voice, but we have no idea who you are now. Sometimes I sincerely wonder if you are actually demon possessed. You are so immersed in a world that is contrary to who you had once been, I don’t know what else to think. Or else you hid your deviancy exceedingly well. You have taken your God-given talent and your expensive education and used it all to make a video game that is nothing more than a demonic tool for grooming children into a sex cult. May God have mercy on your soul!

Alison D #transphobia #homophobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

There’s a very well followed Twitter account dedicated to The Muppets that I used to enjoy, as an adult who likes a bit of nostalgia. Just recently, the guy who runs it has started tweeting more about his own life/beliefs and all sorts of bizarre, sexualised interpretations of these characters, which are FOR CHILDREN, eg:

- The Fraggles are asexual/nonbinary (clip of one scene where a character is referred to as “they”).
- A puppet cow who has a posh/camp voice is secret code for drag queens.
- How he and his wife are both bi and queer and how all their other genderqueer pals are their “tribe”.
- Photos of him and said wife getting married in their kiddie cartoon clobber/visiting Disneyland etc. I hardly need to add that they don’t have any children themselves.

I’ve unfollowed it because it is setting off all my alarm bells.

NastasyaFillipovna & Lilith-Fair #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Whats gonna happen to TiMs when they get older ?
Those who get surgery and create a hole that has to be cleaned every day, what are they gonna do when they won't be able to do it themselves? In the coming 30-40 years these dudes would be a much bigger burden on elder care infrastructure. Who's gonna dilate their neo-vagina? Would it close by itself as they age, just like a would heal over time?

They want to get surgeries on other's burden, and then others have to fund their care throughout their life. Look at what happened in France. They had to increase the retirement age because their healthcare and social security system won't be able to handle the pressure in the coming years. Something similar is gonna happen in every major economy in the coming years birth rate would decline and there would be a demographic shift. And yet, we as a society are just creating healthcare dependents(TiMs). Everything that's happening in TiM space doesn't make an iota of sense from a long-term perspective. It's all about me-me-me and now-now-now.

It only makes sense from a private Doctor's perspective though, as they have now got a customer for life for the product(healthcare) they are selling.

( Lilith-Fair )
It's not too hard to guess what all these hormones and surgeries are going to them and the toll they'll tkae on their bodies. We'll likely learn there'll be even more harms than we know now because this whole thing is giant science experiment on the population.

Mentally, when they get older into their late 30s, a lot of young Millennials and GenZs who transed are going to learn that "identity" is tiresome and not that interesting or important. The older you get, the less you care or give a shit because you stop needing to "find yourself". And more importantly, real life adult issues start taking over your life more and you stop having time for self-absorbed nonsense like "Who am I?"

They won't be convinced now, but "identity" will get very boring. And cosplaying the opposite sex will get very very tiresome in another 20 years, when all their friends have more important things to do (like raising their families and paying the mortgage) than to be around to validate them and fawn over their "identity". [...]

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

Today I feel sad. I have been socializing lately, having drinks with parents who speak proudly of their young adult children who are off to college, or are starting promising careers. Other parents prattle on about adorable grandchildren and big family get-togethers at beach houses. I smile and politely ask for details, but I have nothing to add to these conversations. What would I say? My estranged son is still working a minimum wage job and poisoning his body with cross-sex hormones. I can’t confirm that he still has all his body parts. I will probably never have grandchildren, but maybe that’s better: I’ve read that trans-identified men who have children are often abusive narcissists whose B-cluster personality disorders are impermeable to therapy. We can’t afford a beach house, but who cares since there would be no family to gather there? It might seem like wasted potential that a young man whose IQ used to be in the 97th percentile now scrapes by working the cash register in a store, but after years of taking estrogen, his intelligence might be just average now, freeing him from the burden of high expectations.

Frank Bergman #transphobia #conspiracy slaynews.com

Child campers are “encouraged to spread their wings and make their own decisions” and told to anticipate a “strong expectation of maturity, kindness, consent, and compassion.”

The website doesn’t clarify what the children would need to “consent” to, however, or why kids are expected to express “maturity.”

Carrie Gress #sexist #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy amazon.com

Feminism doesn’t empower women. It erases them.

The bestselling author of Theology of Home, Carrie Gress shows that fifty years of radical feminism have solidified the primacy of the traditionally male sphere of life and devalued the attributes, virtues, and strengths of women.

Feminism, the ideology dedicated to "smashing the patriarchy," has instead made male lives the norm for everyone. After fifty years of radical feminism, we can’t even define "woman." In this powerful new book, Carrie Gress says what cannot be said: feminism has abolished women.

Hulking "trans women" thrash female athletes. Mothers abort their baby girls. Drag queens perform obscene parodies of women. Females are enslaved for men's pleasure—or they enslave themselves. Feminism doesn’t avert these tragedies; it encourages them. The carefree binge of self-absorption has left women exploited, unhappy, dependent on the state, and at war with men. And still, feminists cling to their illusions of liberation.

But there are real answers. Real answers for real women. Carrie Gress—a wife, mother, and philosopher—punctures the myth of feminism, exposing its legacy of abuse, abandonment, and anarchy. From the serpent’s seduction of Eve to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein to Kate Millett’s lust, violence, and insanity to Meghan Markle’s havoc-ridden rise to royalty, Gress presents a history as intriguing as the characters who lived it. The answers women most desperately need, she concludes, are to be found precisely where they are most afraid to look.

Only a rediscovery of true womanhood—and motherhood—can pull our society back from the brink. And happiness is possible only if women are open to making peace with men, with children, with God, and—no less difficult—with themselves. For feminism’s victims, Gress is a welcoming voice in the darkness: The door is open. The lights are on. Come home.

DoomedSibyl, pennygadget & MiMi2013 #transphobia ovarit.com

Senate fails to overturn Biden's plan to withhold lunch aid from schools that don't let boys use girls' bathrooms | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com

( DoomedSibyl )
This is just a travesty. I have no idea how I’m going to vote in the next election. An Ovarit poster made an argument recently that reproductive freedom was of more immediate importance to women than the issues surrounding trans activism. I was pondering that because above all I want to do what is best for women as a class. But the TRAs are erasing women in language and in law too and that seems like a huge deal to me and one that affects our ability to fight for reproductive rights.

Now the supposed left is attacking children and their ability to eat. I can’t believe that this isn’t widely known. It’s demoralizing.

( pennygadget )
I believe the trans thing is a more immediate threat than reproductive rights. Like you said, if we cannot even legally define ourselves, how can we fight for abortion access and other female specific issues?

We're already seeing organizations like NARAL and Planned Parenthood change how they operate in order to serve TIPs. We saw Katanji Brown-Jackson (Biden's SCOTUS nominee) cower like a frightened animal when asked to define "woman" and to specify if abortion is a women's issue. I honestly believe that Biden would federally outlaw abortion tomorrow if a bunch of TIMs marched into his office and cried that abortion is transphobic because they can't have one.

If we don't nip this gender bullshit in the bud, abortion access will be the least of our problems

( MiMi2013 )
I saw that comment, and I one hundred percent disagree : How many times a day does a female need an abortion-? How many times a day does she need to piss or shit-? Putting predatory men in women's spaces puts women at perpetual, daily risk, to the point that I can imagine so many atrocities that eventually, women will feel they have no choice but decide to forego education and employment, which may be precisely why the One Percent is so eager to degrade the daughters of the 99 percent so viciously.

anxietyacct, Calidris & lilybriscoe #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: It’s funny how TRAs turn into transmedicalists when faced with any scrutiny

( anxietyacct )
They do the same thing with gender non-conformity. They claim to support in and even group in GNC people with trans people. But a closer look at their ideology shows that they actually don't believe in GNC people who aren't trans. Any real example of a GNC person (especially a bi one, in my experience) will instantly just be called trans or at least non-binary.

In their minds, being a masculine woman or a feminine man is aesthetically imperfect, so being trans would be the only way for them to be "complete".

( Calidris )
Some days I wake up and I just can't believe that this ever became anything. It's sooooooooo stupid. The whole idea is built on sand and just makes no fucking sense. Non binary is especially moronic, so much that it makes me angry actually.

And the so called transmedicalists are EVERY bit as stupid as their tucute nemesis. They talk about the same bullshit gender souls, they just want a tiny bit of gatekeeping but it's the same bullshit cult.

Oh a man is a woman if he says so? Then why need surgery at all??? A crippled, chemically castrated man is not a woman and you don't change sex by crippling a man BECAUSE WOMEN ARE NOT CRIPPLED MEN. If anything men are crippled, mutated women. Every species has females but not everyone has males, males are the aberration and female is the default.

And non braineries? You have the MALE FUCKING AUDACITY to tell me that you "have no sex" while you're standing there with cock and balls attached to your painfully obvious male body, are you trying to insult me?? Do you think IM BLIND???

Sorry but I ran out of fucks about a year ago, peaked for 5 years now and I AM FUCKING OVER THIS MALE BULLSHIT

( lilybriscoe )
trans cult do not make sense and will never make any sense. the thing with cults is that i usually feel bad for the people trapped in it. at worst they try to recruit me but the trans cult and the people in it are actively menacing to me and are destroying my mental health, my safety as a woman, and not to mention my relationships with people.

their language games and their logic make me sick.

NastasyaFillipovna & Persimmon64 #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

( NastasyaFillipovna )
TIL : There is a guy in Japan who thinks he is a dog, and spent around $14K to look like one.
He failed some agility test ( for dogs ) today, so it was all over news.

But, no one is changing the definition of Homo-sapiens to include dogs, are they? Where is the inclusive language? Why do we have to change everything women to include TiMs, but not everything Human to include Dogs ?

Whats the difference?

( Persimmon64 )
Oh, just give it time.

Animals don't have "human rights." Men weren't banging on about how they were women before women had the right to vote, own property, or be seen as people in society. Parents weren't claiming their little boys were girls when girls weren't allowed to go to school or get a job or were being married off at 12 to be raped for the rest of their lives.

We don't have "magic hormones" or surgeries yet to make people look more like animals. Men weren't claiming they'd be suicidal without estrogen before synthetic hormones were developed. Men and women weren't claiming they'd die or couldn't exist in the world without cosmetic surgeries before medicine offered them that possibility.

With each new development in medicine and drugs, the narrative changes and people become more deranged. The moment medicine develops a way to make a functioning gill or wings, if that ever happens, I guarantee a portion of society will come out as "trans birds," claiming they've always felt different than other people, pointing to Native American tribes that believed people had "spirit animals" or reincarnation as animals in India to claim "trans animals" have always existed, and demanding they get these procedures done or they will "literally die."

Opals, Persimmon64 & crodish #transphobia ovarit.com

LGB Alliance says that trans people shouldn't be oppressed under Putin's regime and there are a lot of angry replies.

( Opals )
LGB A aren’t hardline enough for me


( Persimmon64 )
My issue is that they used the word "trans" instead of "trans-identified." Trans is an ideological term and something that doesn't exist in the material world. There are only people who call themselves "trans."

And even "trans-identified" people are not actually distinguishable to non "trans-identified" people. There could be plenty of trans-identified males in "boy-mode" who face no persecution whatsoever. The only people who would actually be persecuted are crossdressers.

( crodish )

We are horrified by this latest example of Putin weaponising homophobia and transphobia to try to distract from his own failings. We stand in solidarity with the LGB and trans people of Russia who deserve equality under the law.

...wow, this is weird. On one hand I get that they don't want to say "we stand in solidarity with LGB people" and then get dogpiled on for agreeing to genocide The Twans by omission, but in the other hand, their entire fucking account has been specifically that - fighting for the rights of LGB people who have been drowned out by the T. To acknowlege "trans people" are a thing is to attack their own foundation. KJK's reply is an apt "what is transphobia?"

They also couldn't write "people" because that wouldn't address the issue that it is "LGBTQ" people being targeted. On the other hand Putin's policies "against twans people" was cutting them off from unneccessary surgery and hormones - something we've been advocating for all along.

They could have written "trans-identifying people", maybe? "Non-conforming people"? But even that doesn't make sense because to say that means you stand in solidarity with them and their rights to slice off their breasts and take titty skittles.

This is so weird coming from LGBA. I've unfollowed. Either they have a really woke ass new recruit, or they've fallen.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #fundie #transphobia pittparents.com

Then the wooden stake through our hearts: Our daughter posted a photo of our femmed-up son, sitting next to granddaughter on social media, tagged with #auntie #nontraditional. My God, she did it. She corrupted our granddaughter with the transgenderist lie and marketed the venality online. Vice signaling. God forgive them, for they know not what they do.


There are many ways God can intervene and heal this misery: The direct approach in which our son and daughter see the Guiding Light. Better yet, a massive exorcism of the entire transgenderist cult.

Scott Lively #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy scottlively.net

Of course, children have been the target of LGBT grooming for decades now through many vehicles – not the least of which is GLSEN, the national network of LGBT activist teachers and administrators in our public school system (Loudon County is by no means an anomaly), but the entertainment industry also shares a big part of the blame.

We adults forget how blurred the line between fantasy and reality can be in the minds of children (and some adults who never grew up). My Mom once told me a true story about her brother Walter whose favorite TV show was Superman. One day he put on a home-made cape, climbed atop the family car and tried to fly across the back yard, breaking his arm in the process.

That was back in the early 1950s when actual reality was universally culturally affirmed. Think how easy it is for kids today to embrace delusions about their identity and purpose when the ruling class has literally gone insane on matters of sexuality and human relations. How many of these adults’ own tendency toward delusion became pathological in part from consuming the same pop-culture propaganda and programming that enslaved their kids?

My purpose here is not to attack Hollywood, which is impervious to criticism, but to highlight the fact that Generation Trans did not develop spontaneously in the natural course of human societal evolution but was orchestrated by forces that have been at work for a very long time and which advance their agenda incrementally through multiple spheres of influence simultaneously.

Transgenderism did not become the cause celeb until homosexuality had been normalized, and the campaign to normalize homosexuality did not take center stage until heterosexual promiscuity had been normalized. This is a long-term agenda we’re watching unfold, being pushed by people, principalities and powers with a very long view and the patience to allow each stage to settle in slowly until enough of the public accepts it to ensure nothing will be successfully reversed.

Don’t believe that? Tell me what you think are the prospects for re-criminalizing adultery in America and what’s actually changed to make that idea seem ridiculous. Adultery isn’t any less immoral or harmful today than it was when it’s criminalization was considered a no-brainer by virtually everyone. We’ve simply been the victims of incremental desensitization.

Spencer_Shayy, Syndaballet & IrissaIridium #transphobia ovarit.com

Just steal some from a menopausal woman - it’s what you’ve been doing this entire time!

( Spencer_Shayy )
What do you do? You stop taking hormones you don't need, you selfish piece of shit.

( Syndaballet )
Women actually need HRT. These fetishists are so sick to take medication away from actual women.

( IrissaIridium )
"HRT"? It's not hormone replacement therapy for you, sir. Hormone replacement therapy is when you (wait for it) replace hormones that your body once naturally produced but no longer does for various developmental or medical reasons. You're cramming exogenous hormones into a body that isn't meant to receive them because the practice pops your euphoria boner. That's not HRT, that's just a hormone force-feeding fetish (HFFF). (Coincidentally, "HFFF" is exactly the sound I make when I see men, yet again, trying to snatch women's scarce resources for themselves).

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #transphobia #wingnut facebook.com

There’s only 1 other explanation for offending every Christian in USA on most holy day of yr…Dems know they’ve rigged election…so they’re just laughing at us. They can say & do anything they want, because it doesn’t matter. They already know results.

FOXNEWS.COM Trump demands Biden issue apology over 'blasphemous' Trans Visibility Day on Easter Sunday: 'Appalling'

Ken Ham #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Joe Biden’s proclamation to make today Transgender Day is not just an insult to Christians, it is an attack on the Son of God, it is an attack on the gospel, it is blasphemous, it is Joe Biden’s war on God that he has taken to a new level. I believe he has really crossed a line.

I thought of

a. Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel said ““But when his heart was lifted up and his spirit was hardened so that he dealt proudly, he was brought down from his kingly throne, and his glory was taken from him.” (Daniel 5:20)

b. Belshazzar and the words “Mene Mene Tekel and Parsin.” Daniel said, ““And you his son, Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart, though you knew all this, but you have lifted up yourself against the Lord of heaven. And the vessels of his house have been brought in before you, and you and your lords, your wives, and your concubines have drunk wine from them. And you have praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze, iron, wood, and stone, which do not see or hear or know, but the God in whose hand is your breath, and whose are all your ways, you have not honored. “Then from his presence the hand was sent, and this writing was inscribed. And this is the writing that was inscribed: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, and PARSIN. This is the interpretation of the matter: MENE, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; TEKEL, you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting;” (Daniel 5:22–27)

c. Haman. As we read in the book of Esther about Haman right before his fall. He thought he was on top and could do anything, bring in any law he wanted….But little did he know the gallows he built for Mordecai would be for himself and all his sons.

d. King Herod. As we read in Acts, “On an appointed day Herod put on his royal robes, took his seat upon the throne, and delivered an oration to them. And the people were shouting, “The voice of a god, and not of a man!” Immediately an angel of the Lord struck him down, because he did not give God the glory,” (Acts 12:21–23)

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

LGB Alliance says that trans people shouldn't be oppressed under Putin's regime and there are a lot of angry replies.

( HalfMentalAlchemist )
This feels like a huge mistake from both LGBA and the repliers - the latter providing plenty of ammo to TRAs who'd take it as GCs wanting them to die.

( crodish )
None of the comments are wishing trans people death, just angry that an account that supposedly champions SexNotGender and recognizes homosexuals and bisexuals suddenly doesn't. But I can see how the TRA could take it as such.

( VirginiaWolfberry )
In what way does this not acknowledge LGB people? It specifically does and also differentiates. Being gender critical =/= wishing persecution of trans-identified people.

( crodish )
Forced teaming, same issue as always. "LGB and trans people" and "LGBT people" is literally the same thing.

Trans people aren't being banned from "non traditional sexual relations" unless they're confused LGB who also identify as trans. In the meantime, Putin's ban on gender surgery, self ID and "gender affirming medicalization" ONLY affects those trans identified.

It's not oppression to make it illegal to irreparably modify yourself. It's oppression to stop people from being in a relationship just because they're homosexual or bisexual.

Also, again, LGBA saying they stand behind trans people being persecuted for not having access to "gender affirming care" comes off really weird.

The issue in question was due to raids being carried out on gay clubs under said anti-LGBT rules. GAY nightclubs. This has nothing to do with the T's "persecution" of being banned from gender affirming care, but it was very much a crackdown on "non traditional relationships".

( CruelEnnui )

unless they're confused LGB who also identify as trans.

In plenty of non-western countries, the majority, if not all, of trans people are LGB who transition to avoid homophobia and, you know, getting actually killed.

I'm not from Russia, but I am from a similarly homophobic Slavic Eastern European country, where pretty much every single trans person (TIFs especially) is same-sex attracted.

I really wish people would stop applying western standards to the rest of the world.

Ben Garrison #transphobia #wingnut grrrgraphics.com

Sen. Tommy Tuberville weighed in on why the Biden administration banned religious images in the White House Easter egg art contest, “Because the Democrats are a Satanic cult.” It’s sure looking that way.

Trans visibility date should be on April 1st, April Fool’s Day, as only a fool would think that one could change their sex by mere wishful thinking or by genital mutilation. A man will never be a real women because he has XY chromosomes that say he is a man. Nothing will change that.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Biden Rule Takes Lunch Money From Schools That Reject Progressive Agenda On Gender & Sexuality

( pennygadget )
The TRA crowd whines that we need to castrate GNC children otherwise they'll kill themselves. But you know what made me feel depressed and suicidal as a child? Being homeless and hungry. Sometimes my school lunch was the only hot meal I got in a day during the time my parents lost our house. Child hunger is a FAR more wide reaching and impactful problem than trans kids flinging themselves into traffic because they can't shit in their preferred toilet. But the left suddenly doesn't care about childhood depression and suicide when it comes to kids in poverty

( HomeschooledGNC )
What the fuck?? Besides this being evil, are they insane? Do they really think people will be on board with this? They're writing their own attack ads!

( legopants )
let's starve children who don't believe in our make believe delusions. this is the right side of history, fellas

( Intuiterf )
It's not based on the beliefs of children, it's just any child that happens to go to those schools. I hope the TRAs cheering for this ruling are happy starving kids who identify as trans too. But of course we already know they're happy sacrificing children on the alter of trans rights.

( girl_undone )
I don't know how many poor kids are being shuffled into trans shit. It's a bit hard to be medicalized for fake shit when your parents avoid taking you to the doctor for actual problems, a bit hard to be brainwashed by a crazy therapist when you can't afford therapy for serious issues, and it's a bit hard to get your parents to prioritize your made up identity issues when your family has real problems.

Trans seems to largely be an affliction of the affluent. Having a trans child is a status symbol for some wealthier progressives who want to differentiate themselves and their children.

Novemberinthechair, Unicorn & RusticTroglodyte #transphobia ovarit.com

"Safeguarding is a dogwhistle???????"

( Novemberinthechair )
Did that person just admit children shouldn't be protected?

( Unicorn )
They do not care.

There's a post I've seen out there somewhere, of a TRA telling other TRAs to stop using the "no one is giving kids cross-sex hormones or surgeries" argument anymore, because they know GC people come back with articles of children actually having received cross-sex hormones and surgeries.

They instead suggested reframing it in some way to basically ignore the children who desist or detransition and focus only on the children who continue transitioning as if they are success stories.

They do not care about who they hurt to achieve their goals.

( RusticTroglodyte )
That's so sick. It's all a fucking PR game to these ppl. They don't care how many children and vulnerable ppl are harmed

( RusticTroglodyte )
I 💜 when these ppl tell on themselves

Anyone: mentions women

TPAs: hurr durrrr does this include transwomen???

Me: You'd only ask that if you yourself didn't believe that "transwomen are women"

Instant block

Anyone: women's single sex spaces need to be protected. Men commit nearly 100% of rapes


Fucking clowns. They know who they are and what they are. They know. They all know.

IrissaIridium #transphobia ovarit.com

"Safeguarding is a dogwhistle???????"

It's not a dogwhistle because there's absolutely nothing covert or bigoted about the explicit and realistic argument for the need to safeguard women in vulnerable spaces.

Men are overwhelmingly responsible for violent and sexual crimes. Those crimes are overwhelmingly committed against women. "Transwomen" are men. For the purposes of safeguarding women, it doesn't matter that #notallmen or that men can also be victims of other men; that last is a separate problem and not one that should ever be resolved by compromising women's safety and giving men free access to our vulnerable spaces. Women can't tell which men are or are not imminent threats just by looking at them. A rapist wearing a dress and garish makeup is still a rapist. Women also shouldn't have to run that calculus every time we find ourselves in a vulnerable space just because we want to go to the gym, change in our school's locker room or access crisis shelters. That's how you create a society of hypervigilant, terrorized women. Any society that values women's free and active participation in social life concedes the necessity of casting a wide net and excluding all men, including "transwomen," from these vulnerable spaces. A society that values women's participation in social life makes it illicit for even the smallest slice of predatory men to have the opportunity to menace women.

There's nothing covert or bigoted about recognizing and spelling out that reality, so there is no dogwhistle. The fact that women's reality makes men in dresses uncomfortable doesn't make it a dogwhistle (or any other form of bigotry, covert or overt) either. There is definitely something covert and misogynist about trying to reframe protests against the devaluation of women's safety as malignant bigotry just because it interferes with your euphoria boner though.

Scott Lively #conspiracy #transphobia scottlively.net

I have been alone in linking transhumanism directly to the LGBT movement, contending that the LGBT agenda represents not just a coalition of sexual dysfunctions but a chronology of stages in the deconstruction of God’s created order (from the tips of the branches toward its roots), and that “transhumanism” represents a hidden “T” contained within “transgenderism” in the LGBT abbreviation.

Transgenderism is the penultimate (next to the last) stage of deconstruction of the civilization God made for us – destroying the human perception that we are created male and female in His image (Genesis 1:27). Transhumanism is the ultimate stage – destroying through genetic modification God’s separation between humans and animals as distinct “kinds” (Genesis 1:11-25). Transhumanists perceive themselves as wiping the earth clean of God’s “mistakes” (returning back to the blank canvas of Genesis 1:6-10) and creating their own utopia in which they are immortal.

This is not hyperbole but an actual plan currently being implemented by the World Economic Forum’s Yuval Noah Harari (whom I have labeled the best candidate for the end-times False Prophet I’ve seen in my lifetime). Significantly, Harari is an admitted homosexual in a counterfeit “marriage” to another man.

In the incomparable genius of God, the solution to every human error is simple truth. And the solution to the error of transgenderism/transhumanism (and the whole package of LGBT errors) is the simple self-evident truth of the natural family.

MiMi2013 & phoenixia #transphobia ovarit.com

( MiMi2013 )
Trans woMEN are predatory heterosexual men, and they know it.

( phoenixia )
Your post is so right too. When I was less 'educated' on trans BS I was far more accommodating to the TiMs I knew irl and online because I was naive and didn't want to upset them. But I never for a second believed that they are actual women, every facet of their being screamed male. All the fawning I felt obliged to do felt violating in a way, trying to tell this tall man with a Peter Griffin chin that the spinny skirt is soooo cute on him. I do compliment my female friends that way, so it felt forced. He would notice if I compliment my other friends and not him. I felt bad for being unable to convince myself that they were women as they claim. Their creepy attempts to sound, appear and act like women made me SO uncomfortable, but I thought maybe I was just being mean and I needed to get over it.

The more you are around them the harder it gets to ignore the absolute madness of it all. Thanks to those TiMs in my life, I have been peaked by their actions and misogyny.

Charlie Kirk #biphobia #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Did you know there are 145 days on the calendar celebrating LGBTQ?

Feb 19-25 - Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
March 21-25 - LGBTQIA+ Health Awareness Week
March 31 - Transgender Day of Visibility
April 6 - International Asexuality Day
April 13 - International Day of Pink (Day Opposing Homophobia)
April 14 - Day of Silence
April 26 - Lesbian Visibility Day
May 17th - International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia
May 19th - Agender Pride Day
May 22 - Harvey Milk Day
May 25 - Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day
June 23 - Stonewall Day
June 28 - International LGBTQ+ Day
July 14 - International Non-binary People Day
July 16 - International Drag Day
September 16-23 Bisexual Awareness Week
September 23 - Celebrate Bisexuality Day
October 8 - International Lesbian Day
October 11 - National Coming Out Day
October 17-24 Genderfluid Visibility Week
October 19 - International Pronoun Day
October 19 - Spirit Day (Support for LGBTQ+ Youth)
October 23-29 Asexual Awareness Week
October 26 - Intersex Awareness Day
ENTIRE MONTH OF NOVEMBER - Trans Awareness Month
November 5 - Trans Parent Day
November 8 - Intersex Day of Remembrance
November 13-19 - Transgender Awareness Week
November 20 - Transgender Day of Remembrance

And this isn't even a complete list if you include other designated days from the UN and other worldwide institutions and authorities.

We will be judged.
3:38 AM · Apr 2, 2024 · 496.8K Views
2,777 Reposts 275 Quotes 7,674 Likes 829 Bookmarks

Eric Metaxas #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Instead of abjectly apologizing for the despicable offense to MILLIONS of American Christians for declaring Easter Sunday "Trans Visibility Day" the WH just labeled all criticism of this evil act as "dangerous misinformation." DO YOU SEE WHAT WE ARE DEALING WITH? Staggering.
4:06 AM · Apr 2, 2024 · 17.6K Views
366 Reposts 9 Quotes 1,131 Likes 12 Bookmarks

Ben Garrison #fundie #transphobia #wingnut grrrgraphics.com



Cartoon Published 03/31/2024

President Biden chose March 31st, Easter Sunday, to proclaim as the “Transgender Day Of Visibility.” Biden had 364 days out of the year to choose from and he chose March 31st which happened to be the same day as Easter this year.

This was intentional and it’s another attack on Christians by the Biden Marxist regime. Joe himself doesn’t much care about anything except his next pudding cup and ice cream. Attacking Christmas wasn’t enough for the Communist Democrats—they also want to destroy the holiest day in Christianity.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Hunter Schafer's AGP manifesto

( no- )
There’s nothing more disturbing than mentally unwell men’s pseudo intellectual, navel gazing drivels. I’m not watching the movie, but Hunter Schafer’s most recent role as a citizen of the capitol in the Hunger Games suits him very well. The trans subculture perfectly exemplifies the vapid, privileged, sociopathic and out of touch with reality nature of the people of that fictional city.

( Persimmon64 )
After seeing the video of him on Jimmy Fallon it's so difficult to connect this filth with what looked and sounded like a 10-year old boy.

It's a classic predator move in trying fool people's instincts by making oneself appear more helpless/harmless.

( Re-enacterf )
In 10 years they'll be arresting him for attempting cannibalism.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Stopped reading at "to be consumed". I've had enough. Society needs to move past "trans" people and set them back with leeches and lobotomies.

( no- )
Trans is the new leeches and lobotomies.

( notsofreshfeeling )
At first glance, this looks to me like someone trying to create a backdoor for when the trans shit is no longer trendy. The next step is to "queer" being "queer" and voila! he's normal again.

If these dingdongs do not abandon ship soon, they'll look those people who never changed the one fashion style they nailed back in 1986. While it's difficult for me to imagine how anyone actually "cool" could ever fall for this nonsense, I'm sure that the ones who transed out to be edgy and different are planning their exit strategy now, and I imagine they'll be spinning their past antics like this:

"It was an emergent, youth-driven political strategy rooted in a desire to liberate anyone that felt like an outsider. We didn't really believe in gender in the way the TERFs and conservatives thought we did. We knew exactly what we were doing and it was powerful! We got people thinking about all of their biases and assumptions and, sure, some parents allowed their children to be medicalized but that's not our fault! They should have known better not to trust Big Pharma.... blah blah blah"

( Megasaurus )
Another Buffalo Bill

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