
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Peaking my mom - Need your help!!

( Calidris )
Like others say, it may just take time. It did for my mum, and I'm terminally impatient so you can imagine how much I tried to convince her.

Ive Had tremendous success peaking people with information on the following:

- gender fluids: lots of people will "be kind", so if they feel a man is genuinely distresses and actually trying, he should be allowed in the women's spaces. But often people don't know about gender fluids, men who want to be women today, then men, then women, then both. Lots of people find that flippant and disrespectful. Ive peaked two people with this knowledge

- autogynephilia: this is what peaked me so I keep trying it but not as successfully, sadly. Most people seem to plain not believe it.

- penises: this is how I peaked most people. Did you know that male transgenders are 85% straight, and 95% bepenised? A "be kind" will be open to penisfree men in their spaces, but a hetero penis man? Only the most delulu wokes are in favor of this

- children: they're chemically and physically castrating children and cutting healthy breasts off of 13 year old girls. Ive Been very successful with this one

- female sports: mostly peaks men ironically, extra bonus for males with daughters

Good luck!!!

( overanddone )
Men in women’s sports.

Most people peak because they have something happen in their life. Other than that, the most obvious to anyone except TRAs is “men in women’s sports”.

( Dee )
I'd suggest to send her something from a mainstream source she already knows and trusts that's short and highlights something simple such as — the Dutch protocol wasn't built on solid science; there was no control group.

Much of this stuff is so crazy that people simply don't believe it. If it comes from rad fem sources, they think it is propaganda and not true. Find whatever she already cares about, whether that is children, sports, or violent threats made at rallies where TRAs stage counter protests.

( Cubone )
The fact that most "transwomen" these days are ugly straight men with a fetish can get women paying attention. Most people still think TIMs are hyperfeminine gay men.

Even as a peaked GC woman, I still don't really care about most HSTS TIMs since they're generally not the ones who are a danger to women. All AGPs are psycho to women, especially lesbians.

jvsmine #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

men are literally so awful and disgusting and depraved and honestly not even human that so many of them are pretending to women and tanking our fucking violent crime stats, making it look like women are getting more violent.

nah. just more freak degenerate males who are useless flesh bags calling themselves girls -eye roll-

Ken Ham #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

“There is no fear of God before their eyes.” (Romans 3:18)

Today, we can apply this verse this way:

“There is no fear of God before their [Joe Biden and his Administration’s’] eyes.”

Christians call today “Resurrection Sunday.”

Joe Biden has proclaimed today to be “Transgender Day.”

In his official proclamation published on the White House website, Joe Biden:

1. Celebrates redefining marriage that God created and defined.

2. Celebrates redefining gender that God created and defined.

Joe Biden is not God but has set himself up as a god in opposition to the true God.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( Chronicity )
Dude is acting like he just realized the public isn’t buying the idea that men can wish themselves into womanhood, kids are capable to making their own medical decisions, and that publicly subsidized cosmetic medicine and surgery is a good thing,

Will he take these survey results as a clue that TRAs are ineffective salespeople for their cause? Will he be humble enough to consider whether the public has concerns worth listening to? Of course not. This is his conclusion.

Your average cis person wants a big, authoritarian state to regulate and control the lives of trans people.

Treating trans people like every other person of their sex is “authoritarian”.

( Unicorn )
How do those statistics imply people want an "authoritarian state to regulate and control the lives of trans people"?

My guy, you are absolutely free to go get your cosmetic surgeries at your own expense. Taxpayers refusing to fund frivolous plastic surgeries is not "authoritarian."

I guess they could argue making transgender-identifying people use the bathroom aligned with their sex or a unisex bathroom "authoritarian," but "cis" people also are required to follow the same rule of using a bathroom aligned with their sex?

I really want to know what this "authoritarian state" entails. What do they think "authoritarian" means?

( TheKnitta )
We don’t want weirdos in our spaces, or causing trouble when they work for us.

Worried about support like refuges for TIPs? Make your own. That’s what women did.

And no, we shouldn’t pay for your pointless vanity surgeries and hormones you don’t need, especially not when literally millions of people in the UK are waiting for operations their local NHS can’t afford to do.

Selfish male privilege, what a beaut of an example!

( TwoXChromosomes )

Worried about support like refuges for TIPs? Make your own. That’s what women did.

They're not worried about having actual refuges, violating women's boundaries is the point, as we all know. After all, if they can't intrude into and violate women's spaces, how else are they supposed to get their euphoria boners?

Liz Wheeler #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

This is so evil I thought it was fake. Had to verify on the White House website that Biden actually is desecrating Christ’s resurrection by promoting the satanic transgender ideology on Easter Sunday. Biden is quite literally doing the work of the Devil.


7:00 AM · Mar 31, 2024 · 149.5K Views
2,222 Reposts 123 Quotes 8,169 Likes 69 Bookmarks

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Sandybeach )
When someone who isn't trans has plenty of trans friends, what could be their motivation?
Hey GCs! Question time, because this woman is puzzled:

What do you think it means when someone who is fine with being female, seems like a smart, agreeable person with creative interests, works a job and seems to have healthy boundaries... goes out of her way to specifically befriend and center TiPs? Including some involvement in the alternative/creative scene and a bit of enby-fluff as well (no physical changes or need for special pronouns, basically just identifying as such and being somewhat same-sex attracted).

Why not just be a cool queer GNC woman, and why surround yourself with the T (TWAW, T-rights are human rights, etc) when you're obviously not one of them? It is a little strange. Constructive thoughts welcome.

( Novemberinthechair )
Basically, they're signaling. "I'm a virtuous person. Right side of history....blah, blah."

Ironically , it let's be a cool girl. On some level they know they're prioritizing men over women.....and it feeds their damaged egos.

( Hollyhock )
They are her charity cases. She gets an ego boost by being so accepting.

( being )
it's something I don't fully understand either, the whole "what drives someone to go out of their way to be an extreme TRA?"

but I'd guess that it's something like... these women partake in major handmaiden TRA behavior because it makes them feel like they're being a good person. to some people, it is very important to them that they think they're doing the "right thing".

( Sandybeach )
Or maybe because trans is cool and edgy, unlike boring cis people...

I am not trans. I do have trans friends.

The compromise I've made with them is that when we're out in public among other people, I use their fake pronouns. In private, I use their real pronouns.

I'm up front with the fact that I don't believe gender exists and that the entire concept of gender is a hoax. If they still want to be my friend, fine.

( snails )
I used to have several trans friends. I have one left and I’m hoping he desists soon. He doesn’t know I’m GC. We just talk about our interests and I try to avoid gender and sexuality discussions

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

they / them who shall not be named

( KWNiteWyvern )
High suicide rate is due to drumroll mental illness! Being Black or Jewish isn’t a mental illness. Believing that cross sex hormones and surgically removing healthy body parts will make you the opposite sex, is. Thanks for playing, redditor

( cranberrysalad )
The Jews at auschwitz and the slaves wanted to live, because others tried to kill them and destroy them. They fought back by living.

Trans people are worshipped and they are powerful. They have become the badge of virtue signalling rich assholes, politicians, and corporations. You’re not oppressed when your movement took steam 5 years ago and you have presidential cabinet members and federal politicians from your group. I think of Deb Harland, for whom Natives had to wait 400+ years to see in office, and Rachel AGP LePeen who was promoted instantly. Please.

Oh and also the suicide stats for trans people are grossly inflated and misrepresented so there’s that.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Even if the suicide rates of oppressed groups were high, we'd never use it to force people into silence and compliance. Look at the former gay rights movement. Our slogan was "It Gets Better" despite our supposedly high suicide rates. Meanwhile, the "trans" slogan is "do what we say, or we'll kill ourselves". Abusers, all of them.

( pennygadget )
Also, for people who are actually oppressed, suicide threats don't do any good. Can you imagine Black people in the Jim Crowe south threatening suicide if they didn't get civil rights? The White bigots in charge would just laugh and hand them some rope

( unrealityenjoyer )
That’s a good thing to remember. Feminists have never pulled the suicide card and women overwhelmingly attempt it more than men, are more depressed than men. The suicide threats are so male-coded.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

I DEFINITELY remember those days of obsessive rumination after my son told me he was “transgender” (there is no such thing). That was way back in 2015 when the only resource was 4thwavenow.com. I spent hours deep in the early morning hours reading, reading, reading because sleep was impossible. As more and more desperate families emerged, there was so much information to review and research, that I did indeed realize that it was becoming an obsession that was destroying my mental health. I would unsubscribe from everything, only to return and begin all over again. I had sunk into such a depression that I became unrecognizable to my family, friends, and most importantly to myself. I really wanted to die. Well, actually I just wanted to escape the pain and death seemed to be the only option.

bunyip #transphobia ovarit.com

When it comes to definitions, property is protected more than women are
Imagine someone trying to sell the cheapest, lowest quality products by taking the name of something else. Public restroom quality paper towels and toilet paper being put on the shelves labeled as Trans Bounty and Trans Charmin. Old, outdated Android phones being sold as a Trans iPhone 15. They'd be sued and forced to stop immediately.

Sure, it's not a perfect comparison because those are brand names. So then imagine someone selling a pile of leaves as Trans Toilet Paper. Or selling a bottle of sugar pills as Trans Aspirin or plain water as Trans Eyedrops. Nope, can't get away with that either, it's dishonest marketing that would mislead customers.

But a man lying about being a woman? Not only is that accepted, it's promoted and celebrated by governments and corporations, and defended to the point where they'll fire you for disagreeing with the lie.

It just occurred to me, I wonder how the legal system would handle it in situations where women are sold as property. What happens if you open a legal brothel in Nevada, accept money from customers up front in exchange for them buying access to a woman's body, and then send in a big hairy man in a dress and insist that's their "woman"? Would the law agree that women must be female in a situation where men are the ones being cheated and misled?

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

Recently, my fancy private school posted a news release boasting about the students who had been recognized as National Merit Semifinalists. These are the kids who tested in the top 1% of Juniors who took the PSAT, around 16,000 of 1.5 million or so. These are bright kids. Like really bright kids. Wikipedia helpfully notes that previous Semifinalists include Jeff Bezos, Paul Krugman, Bill Gates, Elena Kagan. You get the picture: smart. Though our school should be justifiably proud of these students, they played a little game to disguise something: around 30% of the students are trans-identified. To disguise this, the students’ names were listed separately and apart from the photo.


We can see these bright minds getting sucked away (I’m looking at you Jazz Jennings, and yes, you, too, Chelsea/Bradley Manning, and definitely Vivian Jenna Wilson/Xavier Musk – with parents like yours, I can tell you are brilliant – tough luck), but no one cares.


Ironically, you know who is not transing away the gifted? Russia. You can bet your state-sponsored vodka that our global rivals aren’t sacrificing their greatest brains to this BS. Dear NSF, Dear Raytheon, Dear Department of Defense, pay attention: get this gender affirming “care” away from our kids – all of our kids.

Edelgard, crispycherrypie & shewolfoffrance #transphobia ovarit.com

Museum reclassifies Roman emperor as trans woman - BBC News
( Edelgard )
I'm ready to use this in every online debate with TRAs now.

Whenever they tell you that TiMs were just as oppressed as actual women, never forget to remind them that trans women's male privilege even allowed them to be emperors in deeply misogynistic times. I hope they will trans more dudes with crossdressing fetishes, I'm looking forward to show how many "trans women" enjoyed rights and privileges "cis women" were deprived of.

( crispycherrypie )
I needed that laugh.

Thank you, museum, for deciding one of the most insane Roman emperors was trans. I am sure this will help people think trans identified men aren't insane.

And also a second laugh because a lot of their justification for his transness was probably contemporary smear campaigns they're taking as literal fact.

( shewolfoffrance )
I’ve put a lot of thought into it (about two seconds), and I’m actually ok with retroactively trans every evil, depraved man in history. Vickie the Impaler. Jackie the Ripper. Mimi Amin. Polly Pot.

Mrs Miller #transphobia #enbyphobia mrsmiller.substack.com

As with every other school play I have attended, an unprecedented number of kids in the playbill identified as trans or non-binary. This particular show included a whopping 36%—15 out of 42 children—identifying out of their birth sex, with 7% on cross-sex hormones. Their bios brimmed with fake names, male and plural pronouns—my daughter’s among them.

This was one of those occasions where mere prose could not contain my fury, so I wrote my rage in verse. Please to enjoy…

theatre of the absurd
where once were little girls
now those voices hoarse
gravel of the ghouls


a hatred for these mothers
to gender clinics bring
their ailing wailing daughters
to kill before the spring

upside down you tar me
bigot, phobe and TERF
but i will have the last laugh
when you weep into the dirt

your daughter’s grave, my daughter saved
i dared to seek the truth
lonely in your nightmare
that waking rendered proof

cry all you want, i pity you
you thought you were the hero
you killed your girls you stupid shit
you got what you deserve

Jeff Younger #transphobia #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #psycho #fundie angrywhitemen.org

Jeff Younger’s battle against gender-affirming care in Texas became a cause célèbre[…]Become even more radicalized[…]
Claimed that “Jewish students and others have called for the elimination of White people for three decades now”[…]
Professed a belief in “racial differences in intellectual ability.” When[…]Sameera Khan wrote “Authoritarianism is good,” Younger reposted her statement, adding “Analysis: True”[…]
During his interview with Stew Peters, Younger claimed that the question of gender-affirming care for minors is a “more morally obvious question than the slavery question.” And he complained that “you can’t get legislators in conservative states like Texas to protect kids”[…]
“Christian, white males need to be pumping out a future generation of post-apocalyptic warlords, because that’s exactly where we’re heading,” he said

Peters then asked Younger what “entity” or “group of people” is “behind all this”

Younger replied that, according to The Transgender Industrial Complex, it’s “mainly Jewish-controlled NGOs in cooperation” with the “far-left”[…]Added that the “same NGOs that are bringing in illegal immigrants in the United States are the ones that’ve pushed transgenderism,” and that the “largest donors to the Republican Party support this”[…]
Peters asked Younger what the “mechanism for victory” is, since his ex-wife and children reside in California. “I think the mechanism of victory, though, is not in the courts”[…]
“So the interesting thing here is, like in chess they say that the threat of a move is stronger than the move itself,” he continued

“It forces the opponent to weaken himself by making mistakes. … ‘Cause he fears this thing. So the whole concept here is we have to keep alive the threat of political violence. And I wanna make it very clear, I’m not making any specific threats. I’m not making a call to violence. I’m simply saying what the Founders said. And if you actually want to make change, people have to be afraid of you”

Candace Owens and Faits et Documents #transphobia #conspiracy mediamatters.org

From the March 11, 2024, edition of Candace Owens, hosted by The Daily Wire:

[…]There was just an article that was published in the Daily Mail. Here is the headline: "The proof France's first lady wasn't born a man." I was like "what?"

So I of course, instantly read it because what a bizarre thing that you're even needing to present proof[…]When I saw this photo, the first thing I noticed was that the person on the far left, the boy that actually looks like Brigitte Macron[…]
I saw this when I was like, actually looks like she might actually be the guy. Maybe she's a dead ringer for her brother, but I don't see any resemblance there with the little girl[…]
When I then read the article, there was no debunking whatsoever. They just were calling people that were saying otherwise far-right. You know, all the typical buzzwords: far-right, conspiracy theorists, racist, sexist, it's homophobic, it's antisemitism[…]
So the quote unquote conspiracy theory is actually a three year thorough investigation that was conducted by journalists that were working with genealogists. It was published in six issues in Faits et Documents[…]My French is not that good, but they[…]published six issues unpacking what they had discovered after a three year investigation and here is what they are saying

So again, I'm gonna say allegedly this is what they have published their theory is that the first lady Brigitte Macron was actually born Jean Michel[…]John Michael lived as a man for 30 years, fathered five children and then transitioned at the age of 30 to become Brigitte[…]
They actually used as a part of their investigation, Chinese software, and this is a side by side. It is such a dead ringer[…]
Here's a headline from The Telegraph. "Brigitte Macron sues women who claimed that she is transgender"[…]She's suing them for violation of privacy and fundamental personal rights plus illicit use of her image. What does that mean? That doesn't mean anything

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

In 6th grade, my son wanted to join the Boy Scouts. I did not want him to join because I had gotten a bad feeling about it. Call it mother’s intuition. But my son begged. My gut warned me against it but my husband and son wanted it badly, so I gave in. In Boy Scouts the troop is run by the older boys and my son stepped up like I never had seen before. I was relieved and thought my instincts were wrong.

He loved all the hiking and backpacking. He made friends. In high school he became friends with another scout from a different school. Together they decided they were both “trans”. My son declared his new girl name and pronouns to his troop. I wrote to the troop leader to express my concerns, and also to point out that, because there were many autistic boys in the troop, I did not want my son celebrated, and have him potentially influence other vulnerable boys.

The troop leader sent my letter to the pastor of the church where the meetings were held, a gay man who had known my son for years. To my shock, he said we need to support our trans child. My son quit the troop soon after this because he did not like what scouts represented. The church that hosts the Boy Scout troop now flies the progressive pride flag, and sports a large banner reading “Trans rights are human rights”.

This troop played Magic: the gathering cards on all the backpacking trips. I’ve since learned this is another trans gateway drug similar to anime.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

"Fully passing" and still miserable

( IrishTheFrenchie )
This is why these surgeries shouldn't even be available to adults. What they want is IMPOSSIBLE. Even if they get as close as they possibly can, they are unhappy. This is why the suicide rate is so high. It is a fantasy that will NEVER come true.

( pennygadget )
I used to believe that adults should be able to do whatever fucked up shit to their bodies they want. But that has changed now that so many Dollar Store Mengeles are out there selling these drugs and surgeries to very vulnerable & stupid trans patients

Not only is it cruel to the patients. Its a drain on our medical resources. God only knows if/when we'll get another COVID level catastrophe that strains access to medical supplies and doctors. We don't need to take physically healthy people and cripple them just because they want an insane cosmetic surgery

( Persimmon64 )
Of course they shouldn't be available. If I wanted to get a neo-colon inserted into my abdomen to make another hole for a guy to screw that also expelled feces, a doctor would turn me away and send me to the shrink.

Yet when these guys want the exact same thing done, it's suddenly "people should be able to do what they want to their bodies. Doctors have to provide this surgery! It's our right!" Um... No it really isn't.

( RAM25 )
IMO, this is why removing it from being a mental health problem did a disservice to trans people. This person is struggling and they feel ashamed about it because they’ve been told that they are a woman when they know full well they’re not. It may have been way more helpful to him if he could acknowledge he’s got a mental health challenge and address that. It would be like telling an anorexic she is indeed fat and encouraging her to keep losing weight to become happy.

( Spencer_Shayy )
This is his consciousness telling him that the lie he's living is unsustainable. I don't pity him, as he likely a misogynistic homophobe with an abhorrent sexual fetish, but I genuinely don't understand how anyone can live like this. Common sense tells you that such a life is miserable, just as he's finding out.

To think, he would be much happier if he just accepted himself for who he was instead of trying to live out his creepy girl fantasy.

David Sorensen #quack #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia goldenageofgaia.com

In a previous message I began revealing what I am seeing for the future of humanity. Surprisingly it is so beautiful, we find it hard to believe. This post shows you even more…
Universities will no longer be places of indoctrination, where true science is forbidden and key knowledge is hidden, but they will be places of genuine inquiry, grand discovery, fierce discussion, and authentic confrontation. Places where students can stand up and challenge their teachers, instead of slavishly listening to every falsehood. Higher education that excites and challenges people and provides opportunities to push boundaries.
Television and entertainment will bring people happiness, recovery, pleasure and relaxation, with a ban on anything that forces fear, depression, perversion or violence onto the population. Any type of promotion of evil and darkness will be banned.

Television will no longer be used to blind, pervert and destroy the people, but it will be used to empower, liberate and heal humanity.
Hospitals will become beautiful parks that offer healing for the mind, spirit and body. Diet will be at the heart of medical treatment, as diet is the cause of 85% of all disease.
This means that nothing we see in our current world is normal. Everything that we have become accustomed to is utterly abnormal.

Agriculture that poisons both soil and people; weather modification that sprays trillions of gallons of toxic chemicals in the skies; television that is nothing but mind control and dumbing down of the human spirit; education that hides true knowledge and pushes lies and deception onto unsuspecting little ones; sexuality that destroys so many through transgenderism and pornography; architecture that is so ugly it literally causes depression; healthcare that is more toxic than beneficial; fake, toxic food that is the #1 cause of most health problems; the promotion of pedophilia as a “natural” sexual orientation, etc.

Tommy Tuberville #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #racist msn.com

Alabama senator Tommy Tuberville described his opponents as a “Satanic cult” in a speech he made on Friday in Utah. Armed with an upside down copy of the U.S. constitution, the diehard Trump ally addressed about 100 GOP delegates. “I’ve traveled all over the country—all 50 states—I’ve been in good places and bad places. The one thing I saw, we are losing our kids to a Satanic cult,” Tuberville said. He was campaigning for Trent Staggs, one of the Republican candidates vying for Mitt Romney’s soon-to-be-vacated senate seat. Tuberville added that the 2024 election was really a contest of “anti-American versus American.” “There’s not one Democrat that can tell you they stand up for God,” he said, before launching into tirades about transgender people, immigrants, and left-wing mobs. He also claimed the justice system was corrupted by the federal “cult” to let criminals walk free but hunt “innocent people who really love this country”—an apparent reference to Jan. 6 rioters.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #conspiracy pittparents.com

How do these anti-parent voices penetrate through to our children? There are lots of vectors, it turns out: pornographic books in school libraries, drag queens teaching sex classes—even school assemblies featuring trans women, like at my son’s middle school.


When the trans cloud struck him, he hated that he kept getting taller and we were no longer permitted to measure him. He loved video games and playing with his male friends. He never had female friends. I never imagined that there would be porn or trans ideas embedded into all these video games. How naive I was. It didn’t occur to me that anime would plant the next idea. I thought anime was innocent.


I wish I could re-do the moments when trans first hit my household. I rehash everything that happened, but I did the best I could. There is no way to navigate something you were not prepared for. How could anyone be prepared for this? His reasons for saying he was trans made no sense to me and I pushed back. Besides, if I had pretended to go along with his new magical thinking—he would have known I wasn’t sincere. I also said no to him, but this NO to transition deemed me abusive, and reinforced the “no contact” idea in my son’s head.

Architectura, BellaBlue & MiMi2013 #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

RE: My healthcare provider released a "code of conduct" that seems to punish patients for requesting single-sex facilities or legitimately female practitioners

( Architectura )
There are a number of educational institutions in this country that will convey in no uncertain terms where your views likely lie.

I would recommend Bob Jones, Liberty, or BYU simply because their views are the most widely known. If you have a notoriously conservative school in your area though, one of their shirts would work too.

Edited: I didn't mean attend one of the schools, I meant buy a tee shirt. Simply because would you rather everyone assume you're homophobic, or be confronted by a TiM when you're in an incredibly vulnerable position?

( BellaBlue )
Alright, let's see how well this goes over when an Orthodox Jewish, or Muslim woman asks for a woman. If the provider refuses, this opens the door for her to file a religious discrimination complaint and/or just tell her community that this practice is anti-semitic or Islamaphobic.

( MiMi2013 )
Jewish women will most likely be told to STFU ; they'll fall all over themselves to accommodate muslim women, as it's important to show that islam is privileged above all other religions...The Powers That Be would not have mass-imported hundreds of thousands if not millions of muslims into western countries if there was not an intent to wield them against the native-born population of every faith and ethnicity, for some ulterior and probably sinister reason.

various commenters #transphobia #pratt ovarit.com

In response to "Trans people have a right to exist!"

( Spencer_Shayy )
Not to nitpick, but I actually disagree with this. The "transgender" identity DOES rely on the validation of others to exist, because without it, "transwomen" are just normal men and "transmen" are just normal women. That's why they cry "genocide" when they're not affirmed.

( no- )
“Society makes it so hard for trans people to exist in peace”. How? By noticing a TIM’s male voice, his male face, his entire male existence? By refusing to pretend that someone is the opposite sex? By not wasting my mental energy training myself to see men as women and use pronouns that don’t make sense? They’re not asking for acceptance, they want you to brainwash yourself and participate in their role-playing, and you’re not allowed to ask questions because the answers are always lies.

( Tanana )
Transness is a parasite identity, it does depend on everyone's compliance to play their game. If we stop to play along, the whole fiction dies. Transness is the ultimate needy-narcissistic personality.

( sylviasmushrooms )
I love what this is trying to get across, but those of us who are hip to the plot of this whole stupid thing are aware that TRAs’ favorite thing to do is redefine and corrupt language.

We (reasonably) push back on this claim of existence, because obviously there is a 200 lb man in a babydoll dress sucking all the air out of the room right in front of us. He exists.

He does not exist the way he sees himself and/or the way he wants other people to perceive him. In that way, according to these language claims, his existence is being denied. It’s seeing the man and refusing to acknowledge him as your queen.

( tuff_terfies )
[...] We are only too aware of trans people and their demands--pronouns, cis, blah blah. What we are saying is not to step on women's right to exist. Yet they set the terms of their mutual exclusion, not us. It just proves that all "isms" are projection (e.g. Latino/as do all the work Euro-anglos don't/won't do but they are 'lazy'). Pure psychological projection; they need us to say WE DON'T EXIST so that they can colonize our lives and experiences. It is the extension of the logic of misogyny that denies our humanity.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

Eighteen months ago, I was looking forward to my older son’s wedding. I especially loved the date they chose for the ceremony - 12/31/23, 123,123 - a waltz. I wanted to waltz with my eldest. He is a wonderful dancer. He only has one brother, and they are close, so I expected his brother would be his best man. However, things have changed since the wedding was announced. His brother will now be a bridesmaid.


As much as I wanted to waltz with the groom, I do not want to see my 6’ 4”, broad shouldered son dressed as a bridesmaid. All four of his grandparents were invited, but they are not attending. My parents told him they were too old to travel. My in-laws said they could not find a hotel room. They have all told me how they worry that my youngest son’s decisions will ruin his life. My father had tears in his eyes when he spoke of the pain of seeing his grandson in a dress.

Will my oldest miss having family there? His brother and probably his father will be there, but that is all, no mother, grandparents, aunts, uncles or first cousins. If they take a photo of the groom’s family there will only be four people in the picture, not thirty-five. Will his brother feel guilty that his choices have kept the rest of us away?

BondiBlue, Spencer_Shayy & OwnLyingEyes #transphobia ovarit.com

OPINION: Michael Shellenberger is one of the most influential writers in S.F. Here’s what he says about trans people

( BondiBlue )

According to Human Rights Watch, “gender ideology” is a catch-all term “consistently used to attack feminism, transgender equality, the existence of intersex bodies, the elimination of sex stereotyping, family law reform, same-sex marriage, access to abortion, contraception and comprehensive sexuality education.”

Then HRW is ignorant. The elimination of gender ideology is the elimination of sex stereotyping. And it has SFA to do with same-sex marriage (sex, not gender), abortion, or anything else on that list. Except maybe for "comprehensive sexuality education," which is itself a catch-all term for the gender-groomer mindfuckery of DQST and MAPs and other wacked-out bullshit going on in public schools, that's gotten us into this mess in the first place. But gender ideology has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with feminism, because no feminism includes men LARPing as women to satisfy their pedo-skinwalker Buffalo Bob fetish. Feminism is a movement for, by, and about women. That's it.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Holy shit. "Gender ideology" only encompasses the ideas of "transgender" or "gender identity". How can these assholes so shamelessly lie?

( OwnLyingEyes )
Because they've been force-teaming gender ideology with these issues in part for this exact purpose...just like how whenever people criticize trans nonsense alone, they tend to insist on calling it 'anti LGBTQ+.' They force team and then scream that they're being hate crimed when resisted (like their response to LGB Alliance).

Stew Peters #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

Stew Peters devoted a segment to condemning Germany’s Weimar Republic for tolerating LGBTQ people

“And Weimar[…]was the birthplace of the transgenderism and gay rights movements that have once again reared their ugly heads to plague Western, Christian society,” he declared. “Especially America. All of this was happening with the full blessing of the Weimar government, which was largely controlled by Jews

Peters justified the actions of the Nazis by claiming that Jews “controlled the German court system” and the “German banking system,” and had “unprecedented overrepresentation in Germany’s government.” He also accused the Jewish people of controlling Germany’s communist movement

“Sound familiar?”[…]
Peters said that “Weimar Germany was full of people like” Hirschfeld[…]
[Nazis] promised a return to basic reality and a time of human decency. And so of course, millions of Germans supported them. They were looking to do anything that they could do to take back control of their country to protect themselves and the generations to come”

He boasted that one of the “first remedies that Hitler and the National Socialists had to offer” was the destruction of the Institute for Sexual Research and its entire library

“When it comes down to the old Nazi book burnings[…]it was justified”[…]
“It was awesome. Period. Point blank[…]”
He went on to call for a new round of Nazi-style book burnings[…]
Speaking of World War II, Peters said “horrific things happened” and “lots of people died,” but suggested that Adolf Hitler may have been unfairly maligned as an “evil dictator” who “murdered millions of people”[…]
“Yeah, this is what needed to be done. If you’re going to save a civilization —[…]civilization was dying…The German people were embarrassed to be German[…]Prussian spirit was lost”

Quiñones also praised the Nazis for stamping out other political parties, remarking that “desperate times” called for “desperate measures”

bamboozler1 #homophobia #conspiracy #transphobia kotakuinaction2.win

Here is the wiki page for what happened:


It's been carefully rewritten to present the modern woke leftist version of the story, which, unfortunately, is also spouted by some of the people in that video (particularly the woman "historian" who may not have even been there, lol), but yeah, basically, the degenerates got banned, and took the licensee to court, so the brewery that owned the pub shut the place down with a week's notice, and then sent the cops in to smash it up...

Fuck the degenerates, and fuck the pigs. They can shift the blame all they want, but this was their fault, at least partly.

Reverse Stonewall, if you will.

Never, ever come between an Aussie and our booze (specifically beer), lol. That is almost the one occasion where we might actually get amped up enough to do shit like this (also our women, as shown by Cronulla, tbh)...

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Nex Benedict autopsy: Oklahoma Medical Examiner rules death suicide

( MaryDyer )
It’s really a shame that she felt she had no other option. The “trans kids are at constant risk of suicide” and “there’s a trans genocide” narratives almost certainly influence events like this.

( pennygadget )
I was just about to say this.

The increase in suicide amongst children (especially trans identifying children) is a DIRECT result of these assholes constantly bombarding children with negative shit that they cannot process in a healthy way.

When TRAs tell a mentally unstable population, "everyone is against you!", "we're in the midst of a trans genocide!", and "suicide is a reasonable reaction to not getting your way", they shouldn't be surprised when a bunch of trans youths either kill themselves or become mass shooters (or both)

( OneStarWolf )
Activists will now just shift the goalposts. It’s either a conspiracy to cover up a hate murder or she was driven to do it because of tRanSpHoBiA. Suits their twisted goal either way.

( Iota_Aurigae )
I hope my women’s studies professor, who was so quick to email everyone when her death was reported because “TRANSPHOBIA!!”, sees this.

( spw )
She will probably standby it and say that she suicided because of transphobia

( syntaxerror )
Yeah this changes nothing for TRAs. She’s still a martyr, just a different category. They still add her to the list of dead children to ghoulishly parade around.

( pennygadget )
She would remain a martyr even if she had been struck by lightning. TRAs love standing on the corpses of dead kids

S.A. McCarthy #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #conspiracy crisismagazine.com

It’s an election year in America, which means that the political Left is trotting out its favorite fearmongering apparatuses again. For the past few years, politicians and pundits alike have leaned heavily on terms like “far right,” “bigoted,” racist,” “transphobic,” and “extremist”; but topping the list of late has been “Christian nationalist.” But what is a Christian nationalist?
If the defining characteristic of a Christian nationalist were a belief that “our rights as Americans and as all human beings do not come from any earthly authority” but “from God,” then the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution would be tantamount to Christian nationalist manifestos.
While Christianity has suffered a drastic decrease in recent years, a new religion has risen to take its place: Leftism. Yes, Leftism is a religion. Much like Catholicism, it even boasts a clergy, sacraments, and dogmas. Its clergy are elite power brokers: media personalities are its preachers while politicians serve as priests, legislating sacrifice to their gods. Its sacraments are multitudinous: from transgendering children and stocking school libraries with pornographic picture books all the way to its highest (or, rather, lowest) form of unholy prayer, abortion.
Despite all the hyperinflated fearmongering, those derided by the White House and its media mouthpieces as “Christian nationalists” are not trying to force all Americans to attend Mass weekly; we are not endeavoring to install altar rails in the Capitol building; nor are we attempting to replace the Star-Spangled Banner’s stars with rosary beads.
Certainly, we want to legislate Christian morality—to end the slaughter of unborn children, to ban the scourge of pornography, to keep little boys and little girls from having their sex organs hacked off or hacked open. These are measures which the Founding Fathers might have called “the basics” had they ever lived to see the horrors of the modern age.

JK Rowling #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia #pratt #transphobia insidethemagic.net

The latest controversy began when Rowling shared a screenshot of a reply to one of her posts reading: “The Nazis burnt books on trans healthcare and research, why are you so desperate to uphold their ideology around gender?”

“I just… how?” Rowling wrote. “How did you type this out and press send without thinking ‘I should maybe check my source for this, because it might’ve been a fever dream’?”

Commenters immediately corrected Rowling, noting that The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum disproves her claim. Nazis targeted Magnus Hirschfeld, a doctor who pioneered “groundbreaking and radical” research into gender and sexual identity. They destroyed Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Science and obliterated “most of the archives” in the well-documented Berlin Book Burning.

In response to criticism, Rowling linked another X thread claiming that only gay and lesbian people were persecuted during the Holocaust, not transgender people. When commenters directed her to academic writings like those from the Holocaust Memorial Museum and Smithsonian, she insisted the social media thread had “sources.”

“The thread has sources. Please show your evidence that trans-identifying people were persecuted, as distinct from gay people, who were indeed victims of heinous treatment by the Nazis.”

Persimmon64 & Spencer_Shayy #transphobia ovarit.com

Is it a stereotype or reality?

( Persimmon64 )

Now, being trans makes me feel cool.

Yep, this is the crux and driving force of the whole movement, isn't it? Socially awkward, weird men have finally found a way to be "cool."

Feminine homosexual men have found a way to feel "sexually desirable."

And sexually perverted men have found a way to feel like they're "normal" and "valid" instead of the sexually perverted "losers" they truly are.

( Spencer_Shayy )
He convinced himself he wasn't the creepy man pretending to be a girl, those guys are different from his perverted ass... somehow. I think this is called believing your own lies.

ShoFuKan #transphobia kiwifarms.st

Trannies feel the need to place their politics everywhere because that's their one and only personality trait. Being Trans is political. It's why they always say "Trans Rights, Trans Rights" to each other without defining what those rights actually are. When they post the flag, it's to signal to other members of the "In group" that they're an ally/friend.

Is it any wonder why people have a Pavlovian instinct to reject them when they see these colors/flag? This is a dog whistle, essentially. People sympathetic to this cause put it in as an empty virtue signal but it's really Aposematism to anyone not sympathetic. "This creation has been subverted by ideologically aligned people and buying it or playing it is at least acknowledging trans ideology, which is what they really want, so stay away." Is what it's saying when the "out group" looks at these colors.

The sad thing is trannies will never understand that if they don't force their ideology they might be accepted. The way they're doing it now is like using a crowbar in dentistry.
And all of this isn't talking about legitimate reasons to dislike trannies, namely being the pedastry that's practiced in the community.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( fightlikeagirl )
The "I'm so gay" comments
While browsing socials, saw a post from a fandom group I follow, some fanart of one of the male characters. Below, there's a comment saying "I'm gay gay homosexual gay", which it turns out was coming from a TIF. And it occurs to me that almost all of the times someone posts something like "Wow I am so gay!", they aren't. It's TIMs posting it about women or TIFs/NB women posting it about men.

It's irritating that these people want to frame opposite-sex attraction as gay. Heterosexuality is totally okay, calling it "queer" devalues actual LGB culture and appropriates an orientation that people have long suffered for (and still do in many places). Just a small rant because it seems to be popping up a lot lately and wanted to see if this was a common experience.

( dragonheart )
It is very common. The worst for me is when TIMs refer to themselves as "dykes" because they're literally just straight men using a slur that has very real and ugly connotations for lesbians; these creepy assholes use it because they've noticed that lesbians have taken back the word for themselves and they try to imitate whatever the community does so they can "be a lesbian too".

It makes my skin crawl.

( tymps )
Yes, it really disgusts and angers me in such a visceral way when TIMs say "dyke." It's so creepy to come across men like that and realize just how much time they've probably spent lurking in lesbian communities (even if only online), basically taking notes and studying us, both because they get off on it and because they want to make their cheap imitations of us seem more authentic. There are so many of these straight TIMs in so many different niches who've tried to posit themselves as authoritative "lesbian" voices, and they wax poetic about the lesbian experience and lesbian history and lesbian community as if they could ever have a fucking clue. Then everyone showers them with praise and kisses their asses. It really makes me so angry to see that, especially knowing how much those people (the TIMs themselves and their pathetic sycophants) hate actual lesbians.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
The TIFs are also the ones dropping the "fggt" bomb all over the place. Calling themselves and gay men "f*gs".

TIMs are more likely to be violent against lesbians, TIFs are more likely to use openly homophobic slurs against gay men.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #conspiracy pittparents.com

We parents aren’t hobbyists or rubberneckers indulging a sick curiosity. We know that our own trans-identified kids (TIKs) have been captured by an institutionally supported cult: doctors, pharma, media, education, politicians, you name it. We’re scared of TIKs because we have them. We know them. We know how much anger TIKs harbor; the state and media supported Trans Cult has encouraged them. We know how evil TIKs can be.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Hey ovarian carriers! Make sure your "wife" doesn't get you pregnant.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Your husband is taking estrogen. It doesn't make him not a man anymore. The utter stupidity that "trans" people and everyone associated are affected by is abstinence only sex levels of idiotic.

"My husband says he's a woman now and he's doing up on drugs but he still got me pregnant?" Yes, you absolute moron. And neither of you are fit to be parents.

( iCONIC )

... is abstinence only sex levels of idiotic

Abstinence-only has benefits. It's the only 100% safe and effective way to avoid pregnancies and STIs. I haven't had "sex" for the past 24 years I've been on this planet, and I've survived just fine. TRAs have zero benefits. I'd tell them to abstain. They aren't mentally well enough for relationships or parenthood

( RusticTroglodyte )
Oh my god, these ppl are so fucked up. It's absolutely monstrous to bring a child into this world with a tim for a father

Wonder who the baby's primary caregiver will be? Also wonder who will be front and center at the baby shower/gender reveal/all baby related events

If this woman had any sense she'd leave her pervert husband

( shewolfoffrance )
There's a non-zero chance he'll try to nurse the baby 😞

( samsdat )
These delusional people should absolutely not be parents.

( DoomedSibyl )
Not to mention, why would we want to add more of these people’s genes to the population.

You heard it here first sisters, unprotected sex with men can get you pregnant. Also, men have penises.

( Megasaurus )
Yeah, that’s a terrible thing to do to a child.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Aside from the mental health and dysfunction, the sheer embarrassment of having some hulking pervert in a dress as a father is so unfair to a child

Westboro Baptist Church #fundie #transphobia #enbyphobia godhatesfags.com

[From “Friday, March 1, 2024 - NEWS RELEASE”]

16 years ago, God blessed the parents of baby girl Nex Benedict with her birth. It’s not a close question as to what the duty of those parents was to that baby girl, and they failed to meet that duty. WOE! unto those parents! Then the baby girl’s grandmother took her to raise and in great detail spread out into the media how she failed to meet the duties of that job – including expecting the baby girl to set standards and “teach” the grandmother about tranny perversion. WOE! unto that grandmother! And then the school got involved and made the situation far worse. WOE! unto the school staff, the school board, and the whole city of Owasso! Then came on a recent day, that the young girl Nex stirred up a hornet’s nest, purposefully fighting with other girls at the school, committing criminal acts in the process, and got the trouble she went looking for. Then she got some medical evaluation and went home. The next day[…]she was dead. Woe! unto every adult who had responsibility for that young girl and the systems she lived her life within. You failed her – deeply, abidingly, sorrowfully – every one of you. You thought you were smarter than God[…]more modern than God; and/or you didn’t want Nex looking closely at your messy lives, so you left her flailing around in gross darkness and confusion, even to whether she would gratefully honor her one and only gender, assigned by God

God’s words are clear; his commandments are rock-solid; they apply to each of you, today, right now!; and the only option you have is to obey them. Blessedly simple and peaceful! WBC, the Lord willing, will remind the people of Owasso and surrounding that the God of Heaven and Hell abides today, and obedience will bring life, peace and health


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( dragonheart )
TIFs entering gay male spaces and... complaining about men?
Every now and then, a TIF will come up on my feed and usually I just scroll but this one was complaining about the way she was treated on Grindr (which is an app for gay men) and I ended up watching it because I had a feeling she was going to complain about being sexualized in that space... and I was correct.

I just don't understand what she thought would happen on there? The naivety of TIFs is staggering! I'm guessing she had consumed too much yaoi/boys love and had a distorted view of gay men and male sexuality in general, where she thinks they just want to sit around holding hands and making daisy chains.

Obviously TIFs are never going to pose a physical threat to gay men in the way TIMs pose to lesbians but my God, the entitlement and delusion is just the same.

So sick of this.

( TheKnitta )
Why are they always moaning about gay men being gay men? Reality isn’t like the fanfiction written by women. Grow the hell up, TiFs.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Bc they're homophobes

( Eava )
Not really, they're heterosexual women who want gay men to see them as gay men, but treat them they way they expect heterosexual men to treat women.

( opreroma )
I think expecting gay men not to act like gay men is itself latently homophobic.

It seems to me that whether it's a TIF or a TIM, all the trans people start from the same place (misogyny) and end in the same place (homophobia). But, they call this "progress"...

( GeneralLesbian )
She might have gotten sexualized with a few Gay men. But it's mainly Bi and Pan men who are doing this.

I really thought you were going to say just the opposite. Gay men are still included within the Patriarchy. They are men. They have been loudly vocal about not watching to have sex with TIFS. They will shut it down.

It's hasn't be this long 13+ year slog of TIMS, who have created a Feminized Patriarchy within the LBTQ AFABS communities. Genital Preferences are a coping mechanism. Instead of this homophobic and misogynistic discourse young Lesbians should have been up front and said they only want to date and have sex with AFABS. The existence of Female Homosexuality has been completely ERASED.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

It was the summer of 2018 when the transgender hurricane hit our family. At 21, our never gender distressed son made the inexplicable announcement he was transgender. Any attempts at discussion were shut down and within weeks he'd estranged himself from us.
I've always been at a loss to explain why the question, “Would you rather have a live daughter or a dead son?” bothered me so much. Now I know. I have no memories of a daughter. We never carefully selected her name, never cheered her first steps, never took her to her first day of school, never encouraged her interests, never went first time bra shopping, never commiserated with her over her period. I only have memories of a son, a treasure trove of memories of my son. If I'm transphobic for remembering my son and admonished not to remember, then not only do I not have a live daughter, I only have a dead son.
We lost our only child and grieve alone without the support or even acknowledgment of anyone from “before.”

[Deleted], no- & Killer_Danish #transphobia ovarit.com

( [Deleted] )
Do libfems not realize "transwomen are women" is quintessential Stockholm syndrome in and of itself?
This whole idea that biological men are a "different kind of woman" simply by virtue of wanting to be one (a uniquely MALE experience/desire I might add) and that "the most oppressed woman of all is one whose biologically male" is a prime example of "victim solidarization" in which a hostage/ prisoner projects their own captive status onto the captor? And it's a textbook symptom of Stockholm Syndrome.

In fact, I'm thinking of starting a project, where I take pictures of women posing next to their six foot tall AGP husbands crudely caked in clown makeup with a crudely concealed election pushing through their crudely fitted dresses and caption them with huge white letters saying "Stockholm syndrome" and posting them everywhere. In the same vein as posting stickers advertising Reduxx everywhere which I also wanna do. Do you guys think it would peak anyone?

( no- )
You have to keep in mind that when libfems say TWAW, they’re thinking about the mythical gay, totally passing, castrated TIM that wouldn’t hurt a fly, not the average TIM, who is basically a crossdresser. If they pictured a typical man in a dress in their heads, they’d probably feel at least a little hesitant about proclaiming that those men are literally women. Or maybe they’re thinking about a few TIMs they know personally who don’t seem like a big threat, ignoring the fact that the “kindness” they’re extending to them enables an avalanche effect that is causing the erasure of the female sex and its legal protections. They’re useful idiots, they don’t know what they’re doing or prefer to look the other way in favor of feeling righteous.

( Killer_Danish )
The greatest trick TRAs played on the general population was convincing them that MOST TiMs are petite and quiet homosexual transsexual men who have undergone bottom surgery and jUsT wAnT tO pEe!!!!😭

The actual truth, as most GC people have come to know, is that you’re more likely to encounter 20 linebacker-size heterosexual autogynophilic men who have had no bottom surgery, than the HSTS mentioned above.

( no- )
Not to mention that the petite HSTS hate women as much as the linebacker AGPs and are just as male.

Blood Tribe and Christopher Alan Pohlhaus #wingnut #racist #psycho #transphobia #sexist splcenter.org

About two dozen neo-Nazis marched through downtown Nashville, Tennessee, on Saturday in an event the group billed as a celebration to “the great white South,” according to flyers the group’s leader Christopher Alan Pohlhaus posted to the social media app Telegram

Pohlhaus, who uses the moniker “The Hammer” in white power spaces online, heads the neo-Nazi group Blood Tribe and led the group in antisemitic and racist chants as they marched through downtown Nashville[…]
Pohlhaus shared a message from the Blood Tribe Upper Midwest Telegram channel on Jan. 19 that promoted the rally as “Coming soon to Dixie America.” In the Jan. 19 post, the author writes: “We are Nazis. We are white supremacists. We are white ethno nationalists. We despise Jews. We despise [n-word]s and all non-whites. And nobody is having more fun…Get involved”[…]
Pohlhaus founded Blood Tribe in fall 2021 as an organization that favors explicit appeals to white supremacy, Hitler worship and violence. In a Jan. 19 Telegram post, Pohlhaus wrote[…]“When I get to the point where I have a thousand guys marching under the swastika every quarter[…]it will cause brown immigrants to think twice about coming here”[…]
Speaking on a far-right podcast on May 6, 2023, about why Blood Tribe rallied outside two drag shows in Ohio, Pohlhaus said, “We go to the enemy, scream at them, give them PTSD and leave.” In 2023, Pohlhaus posted an audio message to Telegram where he advocated for assaulting and raping women. Pohlhaus said: “It’s still true that people will take war brides in the end of days, and it’s just gonna happen, okay. … Honestly, I don’t find that liberal white women have the right to decide about how their reproductive system is going to be used[…]”
Pohlhaus and the Blood Tribe fantasize about violence online and strategize the best ways to harm perceived enemies. Pohlhaus polled his Telegram followers in a private chat room on July 10, 2023, and asked which of two music festivals “to carpet bomb”

Bro. Eric Kalinowski #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

We need to focus on voting on our biblical principles.

We have two wicked evil candidates for president. We have an incumbent president who let openly perverted effeminate sodomite men on the White House lawn, who sponsored wicked Bud Light tranny queen Dylan Mulvaney, who wants linebacker sized men to play sports and shower with and molest women in the locker rooms and beat them up bloodily in football and boxing, and everything else like “non-binary” passports that will cause national security risks because real governments don’t recognize made up fancy candy land fake genders!

We also have a RINO running who lied about everything he said he was going to do. He said he was going to build a wall to promote border security, he was going to ban imports of Chinese junk, he was going to ban pornography from every store and computer system in America, and ban LGBTQIAPP1234+++ propaganda from every facet of public life, and bring back sodomy laws! Instead he promoted the anti natural law agenda, promoted a campaign to decriminalize sodomy worldwide, did nothing to stop effeminate sodomites from stealing women’s spaces, and he did nothing but serve his ego and cheat on his wife with the “actresses” from the very porn he pledged to eradicate like the plague it is! Young men and now even women are adopting alternative lifestyles from sodomy to “furries” where kids identifying as cats want litter boxes in school bathrooms and all this other total moral degradation!

Voting the Bible means accepting neither one of these octogenarian perverts who will do active harm to bringing Christ back to the public square! They both will take us further on the road to perdition and to moral decline! Joe Biden has us on the brink of nuclear annihilation by promoting both a proxy war against another nuclear power to protect a Zionist sodomite sympathizing ”president” in Ukraine and also a wretched Zionist AIPAC fueled genocide against innocent civilians in Gaza and Donald Trump would continue the same and make it even worse! We need to either vote for a sane third party who is Bible believing or stay home and not support evil!

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #psycho pittparents.com

I threw my son out. I am not proud of that. Months of pain, grief, confusion and fury turned me into a powder keg that exploded one afternoon.
Well, as you guessed, my son decided to become a woman. He grew his hair long and started shaving his legs. I found out completely by accident when I was putting laundry in his room. I still remember my disbelief and horror. I can still feel the nausea in my throat when I think of him with a penis and boobies. He wouldn't discuss the trans issue with me, just said it was his life choice. He went to a woke doctor, got a referral to an endocrinologist, had his blood tests and got his hormones. All using money I had saved for his first car.

Bamboozler1 #transphobia #racist kotakuinaction2.win

We're told that "brudda boys" (fa'afafine/ladyboys essentially) were "always a prominent part of Aboriginal culture" despite there being zero evidence of this, prior to colonization...

Pretty sure that the hunter gatherers probably just killed/left the faggots to die, or at the very least ostracized them, but nonetheless, that's the shit (much like this) that is heavily pushed now, so... Yeah.

I can't imagine many "remote community"-living Abos would feel too happy about this, in the extremely unlikely event they even knew/heard about it, lol...

legopants #transphobia ovarit.com

I remember when otherkin was a thing, and was relentlessly mocked. You can't be another species! You have no idea what it'd be like to be that animal, and you can't change your body into one! Eating the same food as a black bear doesn't make you a black bear! These people have a mental illness!

Then along came trans, another group who claims to know how it feels to be something they aren't and never can be, attempts to modify their body, and is 100% believable, somehow.

What's the difference, exactly? I'll never know what it's like to be a cat anymore than I'd know how it is to be a man.

Why was body modifications to give yourself a snake tongue delusional unhinged behavior, but body alterations to turn a penis inside out and form a hole isn't?


I have been unable to think of even a translogic way to say it's any different.

A male can never know how it is being female, and vice versa. Just as a human will never know how it is being a wild animal, and vice versa.

Maybe a TRA would say it's different because animals don't have gender like humans do? Like they'll say women can know what it's like by chopping of breasts and wearing a man's clothes, but the fact of the surgery alone is something men don't experience so. In that case... It still doesn't make sense since gender and sex are different things. Animals don't have a society and the ability to impose stereotypes about behavior, appearance, or interests which is all gender is. Men are not required to be masculine nor women feminine, so by any logic, it is no different saying you're the opposite sex in saying you're a different species entirely. Men can be "girly", and a woman can be a tomboy, but they will still be male and female. To say you know the experience of being female because you like stereotypically feminine shit is to say that is what it means to be a woman and therefore women who aren't feminine aren't women anymore. Even men who have hundreds of surgeries to appear female, already don't know the experience from the fact they needed those surgeries to begin with.

Idk, it's all so ridiculous

MP Sam George and Ghana’s parliament #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia france24.com

Ghana’s parliament on Wednesday unanimously passed a controversial anti-homosexuality bill that has drawn international condemnation

“After three long years, we have finally passed the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Act,” said Sam George, one of the main sponsors of the bill on X, formerly known as Twitter

The bill, which was introduced in the parliament in 2021, not only criminalizes LGBTQ relationships, but also those who support LGBTQ rights

African countries still widely criminalize same-sex activity, mostly because of colonial era laws. But a raft of recent bills and proposed laws across Africa have looked to clarify and, in some cases, strengthen those laws

A recent CNN investigation uncovered alleged links between a US nonprofit and the drafting of the homophobic laws. The group denied those links

The bill in Ghana still needs to be signed off by the country’s president before it becomes law

The United Nations human rights chief Volker Türk called parliament’s passing of the bill “profoundly disturbing” and urged the government not to sign it into law

“The bill broadens the scope of criminal sanctions against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transexual and queer people – simply for being who they are – and threatens criminal penalties against perceived allies of LGBTQ+ people,” he said

Responding to the passing of the bill, UNAIDS executive director Winnie Byanyima warned that if the bill did become a law it would “affect everyone” and hamper the country’s fight against HIV and AIDS

FeminismIs4Women & BlackCirce #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I'm convinced that libfems and handmaidens have a burning hatred for other women and that's why they celebrate TiMs pushing female atheletes out of sports

( FeminismIs4Women )
I am a former handmaiden even if I never was libfem.

I didn't insult other women or harass people to agree with me but I dutifully repeated TWAW, thought they were the most oppressed group ever, science had moved on from the gender binary, all that crap.

I don't hate other women, my primary motivation of I am honest was deep pity. To me laughing at transsexuals felt like laughing at someone who had just pissed their pants in public, so when I doubted and questioned them in my mind I felt ashamed and suppressed it from myself. I would never say my doubts outloud. I thought they should be made to feel included because their lives seemed mostly so pitiful that they deserve to catch a break.

I didn't even think about sport as it isn't my interest. Same with prison. It was also a lot easier to stop myself thinking to hard and asking questions because it would cause the same guilty feeling, like I was bullying the weird kid in class for being different.

I was 10000% wrong about everything but there was no desire to make other women suffer. One of the reasons that 'be kind' is pushed so much is because it works really well on a lot of women who hate the idea of ever being thought of as unkind. It worked on me even though the facts where right in front of my face.

( BlackCirce )
I’m sure there’s some element of envy and destructive misogyny present but I think more of it is that trans rights activist women and women who play sports occupy different social worlds. I don’t think it’s a strict red / blue divide, but the people I know who are either trans or support it don’t play / watch sports and the people I know who play / watch sports don’t support trans. As with many other women-only services, it’s easy for TRA women to give up rights and services they have no personal use for. They don’t care about women having to play against men, they don’t know those women. They care about show support for the trans / nb people in their own social circles.

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