
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Elena Danaan #crackpot #ufo #magick #mammon elenadanaan.org

Arcturian & Pleiadean Meditations
Set of 8 sessions
Channelled meditation & guidance with 5, 7 & 9D extraterrestrials:

Thor Han - 5D Pleiadean from Erra
Annax - 7D Egaroth from Meissa
Coron - 9D Pleiadean from Dakhurat

The Ohoran way is an meditative practice traditional to the Ohora star system, that we also name Arcturus. Spiritual discipline renown through the galaxy as an art of the spirit, it is very popular among those serving the Light, as it reaches out to a greater diversity of levels of consciousness.

In this set of 8 videos, I have channelled three amazing galactic teachers who take you for a journey at the discovery of the true nature of your soul, and how it is connected to the entire multidimensional universe.

What a perfect way to empower ourselves and rise into our true celestial beauty.

Donation: $80

New Humanity Movement & 5D EVENTS #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy #mammon supersoldiertalk.com

New Humanity Movement & 5D EVENTS

Present their 27TH epic event:


NOVEMBER 4-7-2021

Golden Nugget Hotel Las Vegas
5D Events are about amazing 3-day epic 5D event is about creating a better future with Quantum consciousness, Space Science, ET Disclosure, Functional Wellness, Scalar Research and Technology, Stem Cell Research, Cancer research, Anti-Aging, Anti-Cancer, DNA Activation, Longevity, Quantum Healing, Tesla Technology, Agenda 21, Survival of Humanity, Secrets of Pyramids, Artificial Intelligence, Secret Space Programs, Super Soldier SSP Programs, Time Travel, ET contact, Business Leadership, CO-Creating a new Paradigm with a 2.0 humanity, Personal Empowerment, Mindfulness, Awareness, Transformation, Gratitude, Sacred Geometry, Spirituality & Life Mastery with many Lectures, Workshops, Panels, Exhibits, Friday Night Speakers meet and greet party & Saturday Night Banquet Dinner party. Networking of Researchers, Scientists, Space Scientists, Disclosure groups, Lightworkers, Star Seeds, Consciousness groups, Quantum Medicine Researchers, Biomedical Companies, Tesla Science researchers, Medical Doctors, Business Leaders, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Health Practitioners, Nutritionists, Energy Healers, Mindfulness Coaches, Please join us at this amazing 5D event with diverse audience and amazing speakers with exploration of the five precepts which we consider to be fundamentally allowing ourselves to Quantify further & gauge the following “Health, Wellness, Science, Biomedicine & Quantum Healing”. Within these three days, we shall have the most prominent keynote speakers in each area of those dimensions which will discover and engage with workshops, lectures & panels on some of the most prominent questions in our lifetime.
Event 4 days ticket now is $199 and gradually goes up biweekly to $496 (covers all lectures, Panels, workshops & exhibits), (Dinners are extra).


Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Queen An-Ra, Grand Council of New Earth Council, and I just recently became the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition. This is a new alliance created to help civilizations to have a peaceful coexistence between each other.

Our main goal is to forbid the Dark Forces to travel through the coalition territory with intentions to attack the planets that don’t want to be involved in war activities. Many different races joined us as they would like to live in a nonviolent environment without constant threat from the Reptilians, Orions, Anunaki and other ones, who destroy and thrive on someone else’s distresses and unhappiness.

The Dark Ones love to ambush civilizations with intentions to demolish Planets, Galaxies and Universes. Everyone who joined the coalition is going to be protected and helped, if they get attacked by the Negative Entities. Each nation contributes to the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition by adding technology, forces and etc. Also, a Commander was selected for the new Fleet, the name is going to be announced in the next Universal Channel message.

I have been very busy with my new responsibilities, and I didn’t forget about my tasks of New Earth Council. I have been continuously changing and replacing the Ground Crew Members, because they are not fulling their requirements of launching Nesara/Gesara, QFS, RV and etc. They keep finding a million of excuses to delay the transition.

I express my gratitude to the ones, who are spreading Love and Light, helping rescue children and women and put themselves on the front lines to transform your 3D reality to the New Earth. The ones, who create constant obstacles in the launching of a new financial system, redistribution of wealth to humanity and try to harm innocent souls, are going to be removed from your planet and face justice by standing in front of Prime Creator or Supreme Father.

Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos via Diane Robbins #crackpot #magick #ufo diannerobbins.com

It is being in the Universal flow of our Universe. This is where We exist, as We live Underground. We are in contact with all life in our Universe, and can see and hear and feel all that occurs. This is why our lives are so magical Underground; it's not the depth of the Earth that determines this, but the width of our consciousness—and our consciousness expands with our Universe. The Universe and We are ONE.

And so are you ONE with All That Is. And as the incoming energies flow and integrate within you, your connection with life will increase, until you become fully connected—resulting in Unity Consciousness. Once this occurs, MAGIC BECOMES COMMONPLACE, as your life absorbs the magic of being connected again to all life, everywhere. And you suddenly find yourself in God's arms— fully secure and fully protected.

This is where the intense energies, being directed to you from the Great Central Sun of our Galaxy, are taking you. They are taking you back home to the frequency you all left behind when you came to Earth. We, in the Hollow Earth, carried this frequency with Us, and because of our seclusion we were able to maintain our Unity Consciousness, and have been waiting for you to join us.
In the Hollow Earth, our families are in total harmony and we support one another fully in everything we do. We always have our evening meals together, and always have time to sing and dance after dinner. We really understand the term "fun", and it is a large part of our lives.

We dictate these messages to you, to give you "life support" from the Hollow Earth. We are your "life support system" from Underground, and we will continue our flow of energy to you, until you have fully "recovered" from your surface life and make the transition in consciousness to our higher realm of existence.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut energeticsynthesis.com

What is happening in the interdimensional warfare at this time has direct impacts on what we are experiencing on the Earth plane during this phase of global consciousness transition, knowing that this intensely hostile conflict for control over Earth territories is now intensifying. Awareness of escalating spiritual warfare in the Kuiper Belt reveals the secret hand of extradimensional factions that have recently shown up and are backing their specific representatives on the planet. While this reveal is happening many earth-based organizations, transnational corporations, religious, political and other public figures are no longer hiding their allegiances, as they are required to worship the centralized power source of the NAA. Thus, to remain profitable in the age of hive mind groupthink they have chosen the side which is perpetuating the ongoing orchestration of global human slavery, poverty and disease, child trafficking, and the blatant genocide of the undesirables – which is anyone who resists them.
Essentially over the past year it has been made clear that the general population in the western culture of the United States is now considered the enemy of the centralized power of the elite, who have orchestrated an elaborate psychological terrorism plan in which to kill, disable and weaken the majority of the human population. By generating confusion and complexity, political and social schisms, polarization and conflict in many groups of people, usually those people that identify with some kind of a classification system, such as black-white, male-female, gay-transgender, vax-unvaxxed, it confounds the response on the part of those who are trying to defend themselves from the public onslaught of negativity or propaganda assaults. The entire human race is under spiritual attack, the NAA don’t care what color we are or what we look like, they just want humans to be slaves and to give up our children willingly.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #fundie #ufo adrenogate.net

Saturn = The god of a thousand names: Saturnus = Cronos = Moloch = Baal = Yahweh = Godyale = El = Apolloyon = Abbadon = Yahu / Yahoo = “The Horned god”
The Torah is essentially the user manual for the Saturn Cube and the entity that has annointed itself as the “god” of our world, is not the true creator God who was responsible for speaking EVERYTHING into existence. But is rather a prisoner inside this Matrix reality in the same way we are, but simply armed with slightly more knowledge about the nature of this reality and how to influence it than a pesky human who is constantly recycled within the cube, having our memories erased each time. If we can learn to change the parameters of this Matrix computer code then we can change the very nature of our not-very-“real” reality for our benefit.

The point is that the Demiurge aka Saturn Matrix Cube is not a physical place, nor is it some kind of mental projection being broadcasted by an all-encapsulating etheric sentient being with immense “source” power, like in “WandaVision”. But rather, the Cube is a totally virtual world in every sense of the word. A world that’s held together by numbers and mathematics and who’s parameters are coded, not a product of “happenstance”.

Now, I know that scripture warns against delving into these kinds of forbidden esoteric arts that could potentially allow you to influence the hypersigil and change your own reality. But with what I’ve recently learned about the true author of the Bible, the true identity of Jesus and the nasty truth about much of Christianity and its pantheon of very pagan characters, I start to wonder if maybe that was just the Protagonists way of keeping us away from learning how to overcome their influence upon us.

Aita Channeling Her Higher Self #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #elitist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Our third dimensional adventure is drawing to a close. We great and wonderful multi dimensional souls, particles of God, are brave, very brave in that we sent a small part of ourselves to earth to experience the darkness that the low frequency of this environment allows.

This journey into physicality, being reincarnated, over and over again, as a human, has been made particularly difficult in that we have no memory of the great beings that we really are.

Although most lightworkers have, from their infancy, known instinctively that they don’t belong here and that they are different from their human brethren.

We lightworkers, came in at a higher frequency to be beacons of light, transformers of the positive, high vibrating energy that is being poured onto the earth at this time.
For fear could not be experienced in our true heavenly realty. And it is the contrast of fear that we came to experience. We lightworkers are experts in suffering.

For it is by suffering as humans, by being humiliated, hurt, derided, laughed at, rejected and being taken advantage in every way that we truly come to understand the human domain.

And that is what we came here to do. We came here to understand the programmed psychology of humanity in order that we might help. Help them out of their enslaved entrapment. Help them release their programmed dysfunctional behavior.
Yes indeed, be of good cheer dear hearts, dear souls, be of good cheer. Your suffering will be greatly rewarded. Now that you have mastered the nature of the human condition, now that you understand how humans have been programmed into behaving negatively.

Now you can help them, in the times to come, as they awaken. You can help them to raise their frequency into the fifth dimensional love vibration.

You are the saviors of the world. You radiate the love energy that is being poured onto earth in this great awakening time and send it in waves of radiant light to all around you.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #quack bennettleeross.com

Our universe is a multiverse

It is becoming more common to see two suns
Two suns mark the rise of the Antichrist

There is a correlation between sun and consciousness

When Saturn was our sun
We had a higher consciousness

The infrared and ultraviolet rays of Saturn
Was very beneficial to both plants and animals

Much of our DNA now does not function
Because they are turned off

This weakens our spiritual powers and higher senses
Making it easier for spells to control us

Spells manipulate our electric universe
That is why the word magnetic
When the letters net are taken out
Has the word magic

Certain words produce powerful sound tones
When spoken out loud form powerful vibrational patterns
Which direct and control energy

As is shown in the study of cymatics
Sound creates crystalline structures

Gradually activating our DNA in sequence
Is the only way we can handle a sudden flow
Of high frequency energies
Traveling through the higher strands of our DNA

Gamma rays from the array of light waves in the sun simulator
Not only produce piercing heat
But affects the soul

Delta waves are subconsciously conjured up in the mind
When one wears a mask
Making the mind lethargic and susceptible to mind control

It also lessens the ability to be a critical thinker
Making one more resistant to alternative views

Lithium is now being put in chemtrails
Which causes depression

Despite all this
We live in a magical realm
As magical beings

But we are continually being programmed otherwise

Keep your energy up
And do not let the madness bring you down

Speak what you desire into your reality
Do not give thought to what you do not want

The universe wants to mold you into a higher being

Steven Bercow #crackpot #wingnut #magick goldenageofgaia.com

Your email suggests that you’ve been actively fighting the cabal and I honor your military service.

I get your fury. I agree that the cabal’s crimes have been incomprehensibly evil – and I don’t use that word often. They “deserve” to be executed.
Secondly, I wonder if we’re worried that the cabal will escape justice or get away with something if we don’t execute them? However, the truth is, by the outworking of universal laws, no one gets away with anything on the other side.

What awaits the cabal’s high-level members? Perhaps read about where they’ll go – the Dark Plane.

Any life lived on the Dark Plane is miserable. The inhabitant must endlessly relive each dark event, experiencing the feelings of their victims as well as their own.

The place itself is undesirable in every way. The souls are ministered to and helped to progress out of this pit.
For those who are absolutely evil and intransigent and have been given ample opportunity to pull back, there’s a fate we’d think of as ultimate: A return to the First Dimension.

That means starting all over again from the bottom of the evolutionary ladder, which ultimately leads back to God for everyone, even the evil.
Do we have an account of it happening to anyone? Yes, we do. Philip Gilbert, who was to me on the afterworld what Matthew Ward is on this world (a credible informant, an honest witness to the truth), described his assignment to “cope” with “the Belsen gang.”

The Belsen gang were Nazi SS officers who ran Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, deemed one of the worst of the Nazi death camps. Camp guard Irma Grese, formerly a black magician, was sent back from her Earth life to the First Dimension to start over again.
Therefore, there’s no reason for sullying our entrance into the Golden Age by executing “millions” of our “enemies.” I see no justification for it and cannot live with the idea of such an action.

Super Space Elemental Jesus GO!

Shagri'el/JL Mondragon #crackpot #fundie #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger consciousnessuniversal.com

Unlike the elements of Holy and Dark, the element of
Psyche is directly related to the Soul of this Planet, The
Hierarchy of Sun Gods, and The Collective Conscious
Universe. Liquid and Gases relinquishes our heavy forms
and wishes us set free of this bondage. When all seemed the
bleakest, the Being we’ve come to call Christ
incarnated/manifested on this earth. Though a more
reverential name would be Yahweh, his path would mark a
transformation in us and open the doorways back to our
evolutionary scheme that Lucifer blocked us from.
Incarnations from Greater Beings happened on
occasion throughout our evolution, mainly from a Counsel
of Beings that guide us.

They at times will manifest Avatars within this
world to support their causes, this is the only way they can
renew their conscious understanding of the changing world.
Even Lucifer manifested at times, last one recorded in the
ancient eastern culture when this Being was able to solidify
the locks on our Etheric forms. He influenced a philosophy
that clouded our viewpoints on truth, it would be one of the
few times Lucifer and Ahriman worked together.
This forced the hand of the Earth’s Soul to manifest
later in the body of Christ. With Christ the Element of
Psyche brought in this world a new bridge to The
Conscious Universe, in later chapters I will explain more
on how, just know without a continued stream of
Consciousness we would’ve eventually had lost our place
in evolution. It’s also here that we need to fully realize
what took place in the Resurrection of Christ. When Christ
incarnated, he took on both Evolutions (Earth and Water) for our salvation.
The Oppositions both attempted to have him relinquish his quest and
join them, but Christ was unmoved in his conviction.

Aita Channeling Her Higher Self #magick #ufo #conspiracy #elitist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Your low vibrating brethren, still caught in the trap of the human delusion, do not see this. They cannot see beyond the programming, the words and the fear teachings with which they are presented every day.

The dark ones are desperate and they have ramped up the fear entrainment. They pound the death and dying message into their listeners. They have done all they can to separate, divide and keep mankind isolated from each other.
And you so want to share that understanding, that love with your brethren. It cannot be done, until they break out of the fear frequency. Until they do this they will remain in the arrogant certainty that what they have been told is true, is the only truth that there is.

They cannot hear you, they cannot yet feel the love vibration that is being poured on the earth. This is the reason for all the chaos, the disruption, the false and ridiculous situation that is now occurring on planet earth.

Since they cannot be told, they must be shown the truth. They must start to question. Their comprehension of the situation must come from the awakening of their soul within. It cannot be forced upon them.

It is not easy to awaken those who are sleeping in the deep darkness of mortal illusion. It is happening, and as decreed by the divine, it is inevitable that it will happen.
As they awaken to the wonder of their true divine reality, to the deception that has been perpetrated on them, they will need you and your kind voice.

They will be in shock and awe. And you will be here to help. That is why you are here, to bring in and spread the love energy that is being disseminated onto the earth and to help your brethren comprehend their new reality as they awake.

Sean Hross #crackpot #magick youtube.com

My son Kylean Hross Tel ++41 76 587 1770 is an Indigo abiding his own set of rules, I was only allowed to film him in the back from a "safe" distance. Now 2021 he's only 21 years old, he cannot read a single musical note, never had any piano lessons, taught himself to play the piano, where he improvises for hours without making a mistake… The enigma concerning the Hillbilly kid in the film is, that he also must have been a traumatised child - maybe the snake handling of the Appalacheans did it, who knows. Due to the endless SwiSS Nazi terror by the SwiSS people, my son is suffering from severe PTSD and is very traumatised, as his younger brother Riwan and his little sister Alwina are too but in a totally different sense though. Because of the deliberate SwiSS SVP Nazi police terror on my children, they destroyed their future in the cradle, so at least they won't become like their political father - the SwiSSies call that Collateral Damage to keep SwiSSyland clean. They do nothing anymore with their young lives except sit around at home the whole day, and they just gave it up, abandoned, surrendered and gave in to the SwiSS terror. It breaks a father's heart to see this and being too little and too powerless to counter the massive and endless SwiSS terror into the 4th generation already. For this SwiSSy is gonna pay dearly. Please someone take my kids out of this SwiSS Hell. They have sweet characters and don't deserve this, only because the SwiSSies want to take revenge on their political father. SwiSSy arrested me their father several times with an anti-terrorist squad, shouting, screaming and putting guns at my head in front of my very young children, who were just three and twelve years old at the moment and crying their hearts out. Also witnessing the house full of heavily armed SwiSS Nazi Police doing several house searches to eliminate the proofs like stealing hard discs, cameras, computers, memory cards, my files, etcetera. And those little souls with their sensitive characters absorbing it all deliberately destroying their young lives. Therefore my son Kylean retracts in his music, shuts the door, closes off, seals off and only wants to be filmed in the back, because he's used to be alone with his sorrows.

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR)/MissionaryJapan #crackpot #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #ufo #magick #wingnut #fundie #psycho humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

A second snuff film of the feminist leader Hillary Clinton has surfaced on the dark net. It is a hundred times worse than the first one where Hillary Clinton was filmed cutting the face skin off of a little human girl alive, and placing it on her own face to make fun of the humans, before lesbian raping her, and skewering her, and eating her. They torture the children to increase adrenalin in the vampire adrenochrome blood they drink. <Removed insane detailed description here> Ill these lesbian feminist leaders like Hillary Clinton and Oprah Winfrey and Lady Gaga and Katy Perry and “Planned Parenthood” pedophile cannibal industry Illuminati New Age Wicca witch leaders are male demon spirits, so they rape and eat our human girls and try to kill the real Christian men. It is like all these cross-dressing drag queen world rulers “gay mafia elite” LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) orgy child sex magic “bisexual Draco chimera” “quadsexual Pleiadian” “multisexual Mantis” “hermaphrodite Pleiadian fallen angel” spirit cooking ritual pedophile cannibal “Bohemian Grove” globalist elite presidents, prime ministers, congress parliament members, Hollywood celebrities, royal families, popes cardinals, idol singers, church pastors, military leaders above the rank of full-bird colonel and general and admiral, designers, artists, corporate executives, CIA NSA MI6 FBI leaders, Nazi SS 4th Reich leaders, mainstream media celebrities, communist party leaders, Muslim leaders, Buddhist monks, cult leaders, monastery priests, Hindu gurus, famous models, etc. are all female spirits inside male bodies, so they sodomize our human boys. The female demon spirits prefer to live in male cloned hybrid human avatar bodies, and the male demon spirits prefer to live in female cloned hybrid human avatar bodies.

Michael Hill/Dr. Sasha Lessin #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy enkispeaks.com

Michael reveals that the Anunnaki pledge amends for suffering they caused us. Anunnaki Prince Marduk, who has been running the Earth atop the pyramids of clandestine governmental, intelligence, spacefaring, military, criminal, banking, opium-financed and ET-Earthling research projects has contacted Hill. Marduk claims to have had a great change of heart, been redeemed and wishes to make amends to humanity for the harsh treatment to which he has subjected us.

Michael says, “In July 2008, a man called “Loki” led Hill into a round gazebo named, “I Dream of Genie Bottle”. There, Hill met MARDUK, in control of Earth since 70 CE. Marduk wore “a glowing, white-hooded robe and his face was not human, wavy with very sculpted features, very beautiful. He seemed transparent.” His face seemed translucent. Marduk brought in a man and a woman to do painless procedures on Hill to read his mind; they’d read and uplevel his “third eye”.

Marduk said Hill’s belonged to the Serpent Lineage within the Anunnaki Ruling Family that supports Marduk. Marduk said Loki led Hill to the gazebo to discuss how Marduk would bring a change to how Nibiru’s King Nannar runs the Earth. Marduk said he had a new “game plan” for humanity and that both Hill and someone else was incarnated here now to help Earth with its end time changes.

Hill asked Marduk and his associates if he could see their faces, and they said, “Not now; Tomorrow.” The next morning, Hill saw Marduk and a female walking up to his tent on the dirt road, and though they looked like Earthlings, Hill instantly “knew” it was the Anunnaki leader and his consort. Marduk said, “Good morning, Commander Michael.” Hill now saw Marduk had radiant blue eyes. (Bill Birnes writes,‘The Anunnaki are not 3rd Density beings; they are interdimensional and capable of bending and manipulating light so what we see can have a different shape and form if we look at them from a different light perspective.

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #magick #ufo primedisclosure.com

We are being prepared daily through this Quantum transition until our Consciousness and physical vessel is fully prepared for the full Quantum Leap into full embodiment of Hom-Luminous. Light beings of Eternal Life. This is a process of moment by moment transformations. With each download and upgrade flowing into our DNA that holds the Resonance Structure of our Avatars into 3dimensional form we inch closer and closer to what is being called the Event or Rapture or even Rainbow Body (but for the collective consciousness of hue-manity). Goes by many names but all concepts pointing to the same Event; for Glory’s sake we call the Quantum Leap of Consciousness.

Each day as Solaris Rises and Gaia Rises we Arise with Mother/Father Creator. As we Ascend to new heights and new frequency we are transformed and transcended beyond what was, into the New. All is being re-created in the Image of Pure Consciousness we call God, Great Spirit, Allah also goes by many names. It is the Unknowable Mind of Source Energy. The I Am Presence is Stillness in motion. We had to create a simulated resonance of movement for any thing and all things to exist in Time.

Woman is embodiment of Love, Man of Truth. Through the Great Convergence we have the Love of Truth and the Truth of Love. Yin within Yang and Yang within Yin.
It is through the duality that all forms of expression from Infinite Source are created. We are at the precipice of the Evolution of Consciousness to know we have suffered enough and it is time for us to end the suffering game and together we co-create Heaven on Earth.
Keep anchoring in the Light and shining bright into the night. Live your Joy, your PAssion your Bliss. It is with our great Passion of our Christ Consciousness that we Ascend to the fifth dimension fully awake and fully aware….A’Ho!

Don Spectacularis #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

And, even more importantly, all of that massive darkness enveloping the room can basically do j@ck $#it to even really stop it. It's not even a competition in there guys, for f*ck's sake.

My apologies for using all of that language, but it was very much so needed in here to make that point. Because currently, there are many millions of LIGHTS (wanderers, lightworkers, lightwarriors, indigos, crystals, hybrids, you-name-it!) incarnate and shining on Planet Earth right now. And awake or not, they are extremely powerful and potent. And even the number of awakened ones is currently in the millions already in any case!

Then, there are trillions of higher dimensional, enlightened light beings from other galaxies and (even other universes!) currently surrounding us and beaming love and light into our world 24x7x366.
Our own planet is sending us intense love and light. Our own Sun, our Galactic Central Sun, all other Galactic Central Suns, as also our Universal Central Sun (and all other Universal, Multiversal and Omniversal Central Suns) are all currently doing just that.

Every single planetary body and consciousness within our solar system and beyond is doing just that. Our soul families are doing just that. Discarnate entities, parallel, future and higher selves, your personal (and even greater) soul councils from what you call heaven (all of the nonphysical and multidimensional worlds out there), including your own deceased loved ones are doing just that. Ascended masters across the omniverse are doing just that. Advanced, enlightened and super-evolved and super-powerful Cetacean light-beings under our oceans are doing just that. Your beloved pets, and even the wild animals are doing just that. Finally, even the plant, mineral and crystal kingdoms, and so many other invisible helpers are doing just that. Your own personal guides, twin flames, guardian angels and higher selves are doing just that.

Galactic Command Interstellar Fleet/Tinirol via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Galactic Command Interstellar Fleet. We are of no sector or division. We prefer the term ‘grouping’ for there are many groups of us but there is no division. We have all worked together for millennia, many of us. Some of the newer recruits are familiar with us energetically from lifetimes before. (I am seeing inside a large silvery beautiful ship. The people and beings are of many races in different colored uniforms. It is a massive city. There are children, gardens, recreational spaces, educational sectors.) We are eager to teach. We are eager to interact with our beloved brothers and sisters who have been immersed but not enmeshed beyond the veil of forgetfulness. (I am surprised to see reptilians as well on their ship.) Not all reptilians have lost their way, galaxygirl, and the ascended ones, the enlightened ones who have broken free from the dark and embraced the light are critically helpful. Just as some humans have fallen into the darkness does not mean that humanity must be given up on. Humanity is in the process of having the oil and water of their world separate, which is why we showed you this analogy.
I am Tinirol, one of those who broke away to declare my sovereignty. (I am seeing a reptilian face with black and red markings, wearing white. He is massive and I have been hesitant to discuss with him, but as he is a part of this ascended fleet and I can see he is surrounded with light I am allowing the connection.) Thank you, galaxygirl. I am Tinirol. The reptilians have been controlled by the AI and manipulated energetically to great degree as well. The subordinates work under constant fear and haze. The higher ups on earth have allowed AI to inbreed with the lower so that they are almost mechanically controlled. Our free will was not known to many of us. Yes some enjoy the abuse of humanity, but many were trapped in the system. I broke free. I claimed my light as a fractal of the greater whole.

saintandrewstwinflame<Saint Andrew> #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick #god-complex #fundie saintandrewstwinflame.com

REMINDER: I AM a GALACTIC EMISSARY of LIGHT the REAL incarnation of SAINT ANDREW here on MISSION as DIVINE JUSTICE for THE COMPANY of HEAVEN and this planet. ANY ATTACKS on MYSELF and/or MY FAMILY and/or any DEATH ATTEMPTS will result in INSTANT DEATH as per GOD himself. And that ALSO stands for the 144,400 that are here on DIVINE MISSION<S> as well. I AM STILL RECORDING and ANY ATTEMPTS at hacking/destroying this website and/or this server and – I will have YOU ARRESTED by the UNIVERSAL FORCE.
NOBODY and I QUOTE = NO 3D HUMAN un-ascended being or any other being is allowed to JUDGE any HOLY SAINT, ASCENDED MASTER or the 144,400 here on MISSION. ONLY HEAVEN can = WE WORK for HEAVEN and by LAW I can have you REMOVED from the PLANET if you mess with us.
I had to TRAIN the Earth MILITARY for MANY YEARS and MANY others for REMOVAL of EVIL ENTITIES and I work closely with HEAVEN, the GALACTICS the UNIVERSALS and the EARTH MILITARY that are AWAKE and AWARE = THEY know WHO I AM and I do NOT Have to PROVE MYSELF to anyone – I have GALACTIC teams here on mission that are in MEDICINE, MILITARY, PSYCHOLOGY etc. NO one is allowed to do a psychological assessment on me either as I work with people on my TEAM = SO DREAM ON TRUDEAU.
ONLY CERTAIN MILITARY are EQUIPPED to take down these evil ALIEN criminals. I am happy that both the GALACTIC MILITARY and certain EARTH MILITARY are getting to know our GALACTIC Brother’s and Sister’s and the FRIENDLY ET’S. LET’S let them do their JOBS that they were trained for as WORLD FREEDOM comes closer each and every day !
IF all the BENEVOLENT SHIPS uncloaked all at once – it would look like a parking lot in the sky. THAT time will come eventually – they have med-beds and other SPACE-AGE devices for us and the 6,000 patents will be accessed by Humanity and we can move into a “SPACE AGE” quickly which is what WE – the LIGHT ALL WANT, HALLELUJAH ! HALLELUJAH ! HALLELUJAH !

Dr. Steven Katz #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger harborsforlife.com

Central to “The Religion of the Life Energy” is the Cosmic / Ayan Christ. We recognize him as an emissary and highly evolved spiritual teacher from an advanced ether / cosmic energy civilization with a sacred dimensional plane bordering the domain of His Father, the God of Life.   He is spiritually unarmored, and filled to the brim with free-flowing cosmic (orgone) healing energy. In the upper metaphysical civilizations, particularly the one Christ came from that bordered the Source of the Life Energy, the sexual function of the living energy organisms is pure and free. Thus, Jesus regularly experienced full and satisfying orgasms in a full and varied sexual life with many women. He also had natural paranormal faculties such as the power to control weather, heal by the laying on of hands, and the ability to see the future.
Christ’s biological father came from the most highly developed extraterrestrial civilization arising out of the Cosmic Life Energy. He arrived on earth via a metaphysical UFO type interstellar space ship from a type IV civilization according to the Kardashev scale. The type IV civilization is able to control or use the entire energy and information of the whole visible universe. It is very hard to detect such a civilization, as it would be functionally identical to the natural and spiritual dialectical laws of creation.
The Kardashev scale applies to the extraterrestrial deadly orgone energy civilizations with the highest and most destructive containing the Anti-Christ. Adolf Hitler is an example of one of these Anti-Messiahs. He was densely spiritually armored, muscularly hypertonic, and could not experience love through satisfying orgasm. He hatched hate out of dead genitals. Nazi civilization, as an anti-type, is the antithetical paired opposite of the life-affirmative Kardashev upper-scaled civilizations. The desert death religion of fundamentalist Islam is another deadly civilization along similar lines as the Nazi type.

Ra via Carla Rueckert & Don Elkins #crackpot #magick #ufo lawofone.info

16.39 Questioner: I am assuming it is not necessary for an individual to understand the Law of One to go from third to fourth density. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. It is absolutely necessary that an entity consciously realize it does not understand in order for it to be harvestable. Understanding is not of this density.

17.35 Questioner: How many levels do we have here in the third density at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. The third density has an infinite number of levels.

17.36 Questioner: I’ve heard that there are seven astral and seven devachanic primary levels. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. You speak of some of the more large distinctions in levels in your inner planes.

17.37 Questioner: Well, who inhabit the astral and who inhabit the devachanic planes?

Ra: I am Ra. Entities inhabit the various planes due to their vibrational nature. The astral plane varies from thought-forms in the lower extremities to enlightened beings who become dedicated to teach/learning in the higher astral planes.
In the devachanic planes, as you call them, are those whose vibrations are even more close to the primal distortions of love/light.

17.38 Questioner: Well, does each… does… this is difficult. Our physical plane: Are there seven sub-planes to what we call our physical plane here?

Ra: I am Ra. You are correct. This is difficult to understand. There are an infinite number of planes. In your particular space/time continuum distortion there are seven sub-planes of mind/body/spirit complexes. You will discover the vibrational nature of these seven planes as you pass through your experiential distortions, meeting other-selves of the various levels which correspond to the energy influx centers of the physical vehicle.

Jean Sheehan #crackpot #ufo #magick millenniumeducation.com

The Crystal Child is a natural healer that has a strong association with Atlantis and partially with Lemuria due to the crystal connection. Their love crystals and true understanding of their capabilities is extra-ordinary! Within their cellular memory they retain the memories of Atlantis and how to heal with crystals and awaken people using ‘hands on healing’. In Atlantis the children were apprentices to their Mothers, whom were High Priestesses. At this time they were born in to a particular family knowing they were to learn a particular ‘craft’ and that it was their destiny …. a bit like the Dalai Lama. Their knowledge then and now on healing is so advanced including griding and patterning of the body. In our world it would be considered quantum physics and mathematics. However then, these beautiful beings did not have the need to analyse details – they knew what to do and therefore did it.

The Lemuria connection means they are able to call upon the ancient knowledge relating to healing techniques. That is because they understand no duality and that everything is available to them. Consequently these children know the ancient techniques of toning, griding and again crystal manifestation.

The main physical disease they will repetitively have is of the nervous system, brain dysfunction and digestive problems. This can also affect their auditory canal, hearing, ear bones and the throat area creating many sore throats and ear aches. The reason for this is that they work on a high frequency such as dolphins and dogs, and the Earth realm is of such a dense vibration.

As for imaginary friends – NOT at all! They are able to communicate with many realms of life. These include the Divas (Earth, Crystal, and more), Fairies, Pixies, Goblins, Trolls and Angels. When looking at some of these children, they look and act just like Tinkerbelle. They will relate to Angels and some can look like them with their long blonde hair, gentle nature and quiet demeanour.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021 John F. Kennedy via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

My Dear Fellow Americans and the World, I want to address my concern about the future of humanity. You were born to this reality as free souls, and no one has the right to make a decision for you on how to live your life. The controllers are taking their final push to kill humanity, and the ones, who are going to completely survive this, are going to loose all of their humans rights.

Now, it’s the time for you to stand up for your rights and freedom. This is your chance to get your freedom back and speak up that you had enough of being told on how to exist in this 3D illusion. Almost 1.5 years ago, everyone had forced vacations to stay at home.

If you are not going to stop them now, they are going to continue with their Dark agenda. Please, use your Love and Light against them. I can see the future, where humanity is united globally and removing all of these dark souls and freeing themselves. Just a reminder, everyone came here with the mission to liberate this planet.

This is the time for you to fight for your freedom, otherwise they are going to continue to put restrictions on your existence. The Darkness is always busy in creating new plans, on how to manipulate and lie to the humankind. I aware that the Awaken Ones are so done with all of their schemes and are ready to move on to the next phase of Ascension.

It makes me sad to see that a big part of the population are still asleep and believe, what the officials and the agencies are saying to them. You are the ones who are going to change everything for the better, and let the new era arrive to Mother Earth. Don’t wait to be rescued by anyone, your presence here is not coincidental. You are going to help humanity to save and bring this great planet to 5D.

You can’t allow anymore for the existence of Darkness, it’s time to put a stop to it. We are all in this together. I, John F. Kennedy sending my Love and Support in your fight for your freedom. Thank you.

Chief Eagle Feather via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Hou. I am Chief Eagle Feather. Humans of Earth, of Gaia’s reawakening. Mother Earth needs you now. You are here for such times that lie ahead. You must not grow weary or become faint of heart. The warrior rests in between battle. You have been in near constant battle for energy hijacking, clearing. Smoke. Sage smoke assists. I blow it towards you now to soothe you, mighty warriors all around I see listening. I do not see much talking. I see much listening, a quiet has come over the grounded ones of Gaia. And this is good. (I am seeing an old Native American chief with long silver hair and happy wrinkles smiling at me. He is smoking a long pipe blowing circles of smoke around Gaia.)

I am Chief Eagle Feather. I sent this one a message through a white feather in the parking lot that she stepped beside. Signs are all around. She saw it and she heard me. They do not listen with their hearts. They listen with their minds filled with what the media, the talking mouths say to see. And that is what they see. But an awakened one truly sees. It is like you have been living in smoke. Smoky air is quite literally all around. Many fires burn now upon the great mother. It is an apt representation. Seeing, living, breathing smoke is toxic. You have been living in a toxic environment.
I am Chief Eagle Feather. I lead my people through great transition. I have incarnated many times upon the earth and it greatly troubled me, but I expanded, and I loved deeply. I loved deeply my family of light, and the animals, the plants, they became my earth family. Surrounded by my people, with great love and honor we worked with the plants. We talked to the stars and they talked back to us. We honored the great animal spirits when they would lay down their life force for our nourishment. We honored them. Much dishonor has been done. And all of heaven knows this. All of heaven sees. (I am seeing great tears slowly stream down his weathered cheeks.)

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #ufo #magick primedisclosure.com

Greetings Galactic Angelic Legion of the 144. Navigating and transcending all timelines, realms and dimensions in this Now.

Over the last 24 hours we received several higher dimensional pulses of 5th dimensional energies from the Great Central Sun into our Solaris through our Sacred Vessels and deep into the Crystalline Core of Pachamama. These came in on the Schumann charts as 22hz, 44hz, 46 and 47 hz blasts of higher dimensional Plasma waves.

As we call in the energies of the Fifth Dimension we elevate and Ascend to the higher realms of crystalline light. We anchor in the New Earth energies into the grids, portals vortices and nodes of Gaia’s multi-dimensional body of Light.

Royal Lyrans of the Lion Nation of New Lemuria we are Guardians of the Crystal Children and Keepers of the New Time of Timelessness in a fully Conscious State of being, we connect in and Transmit the full Source Codes of Heaven and Earth. Hold the Codes and Keep lighting up the grid with your Joy, Love and Bliss to assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun to Rise and Transform into the New Hue-man of Christos Magdalene Conscious and Awakened beings of Pure Light. We call the Clear Light of Bliss of the Pure Land of Enlightenment….A’Ho!!

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger energeticsynthesis.com

Energetic Polarity is Gender Principle of Creation: All things exist within the Gender Principle of Creation, The Natural Law of Polarity, also referred to as the Law of Pair of Opposites. One will notice the same repeated pattern in absolutely every energetic force or form in matter. Every person, place or thing will have an energetic polarity that is balanced or weighted in one form of energetic polarity or its opposite. This is represented also within our Gender bodies,which expresses as a polarity in matter form (male or female). While our physical body exists in one polarity form in matter, our internal energies exist at both male and female principles. Our right side is “electric” and works as a transmitter, which is the active force principle of the male gender CW Male. Our left side is “magnetic” and works as a receiver, which is the passive force principle of the female gender CCW Female.

Our male “electron” is positively charged which interacts with the female “proton” which is negatively charged. These two forces together create the ranges of electromagnetism we experience on the planet.To be balanced, harmonized and peaceful with one’s self, one must acknowledge the inner polarity and acknowledge the value and necessity of both gender principles in order to truly “know thyself”. Our life experiences show us the lessons for our consciousness to learn to bring balance to our inner polarities so that we may achieve sacred marriage and union with our internal spirit.
As we bring balance to the inner polarities we exude that balance into the world, becoming a harmonizing and healing influence with everything around us. We exude peace and contentment as we feel our sense of purpose being fulfilled. Human beings with balanced polarity have embodied a massively higher frequency to a Zero Point Field, with much larger auric systems which are capable to amplify and direct these balanced energetic forces into the environment.

Owen Waters #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Etheric energy is life energy. It is the energy that passes from spiritual healer to patient. It is the vitality or life force contained within air, water and food. It is the mystery energy which powers the endless orbit of electrons in their atoms and planets around their suns. More subtle than electricity, etheric energy is the life force that streams toward us from the Sun, energizing and motivating all forms of life.

Etheric energy has been known by many other names – prana, life energy, vital life force, chi or qi, orgone, universal life force, odic force, cold electricity, scalar energy, tachyon energy, radiant energy; the list goes on.

Cosmologists – scientists who study the structure of the universe – are actually on the trail of etheric energy. The existence of dark energy is one of the great, unanswered mysteries of science today. According to the observed movements of galaxies, it is calculated that 23% of the universe consists of dark matter and 73% of the universe consists of dark energy.
Etheric energy is one of the three fundamental types of energy in the universe. These three energies are electric, magnetic and etheric. Electric energy operates at a right angle to magnetic energy. The third energy of Creation, etheric energy, operates at yet another right angle to the other two.

Physical matter is made from electro-magnetism, which is the interplay of electric and magnetic energies. Etheric matter is quasi-physical, i.e. solid only to the subtle senses, and it is made from ethero-magnetism, which is the interplay of etheric and magnetic energies.
Etheric energy is the third energy of Creation. It is not a form of electricity. Etheric energy and electric energy share the common bond of interacting with magnetic energy. They bring to life the magnetic fabric of space when they intertwine with it to invoke physical electro-magnetic energy and quasi-physical ethero-magnetic energy.

Hecateus Apuliensis (Author) and Michele Zeni Pamelin (Editor) #magick #mammon amazon.com

Liber Astrum: Magick of the Planetary Intelligences

Planets’ energy can passively affect your lives, but what if you can use actively those energies to change your reality?

This book is about the planetary Intelligences, powerful beings who can change reality in accordance to your Will. These beings are true allies of the magician.

In this grimoire I will show you how to contact these entities using a modern method I developed myself, based on the ancient lore of these beings. Inspired by the tradition inherited from Agrippa’s most famous work “The three books of the Occult Philosophy” and other grimoires that speak about them.

With the magical power of the seven Intelligences of the planets, you will be able to shape reality and bring success, love, protection, and much more in your life. This will be possible thanks to the aid of these divine spirits that harness and control the archetypical forces that each planet has.

Through this system of Magick you can satisfy most of your needs, but at the same time it allows you to expand its usage to your desire. Also, every occult association a planet has, it can be manifested by the powerful beings in this occult manual.

You will be taught how to summon their powers through a simple ritual and what they can do to improve your life or your beloved one’s.

As an extra, the book also contains 7 pathworkings as an alternative for the ritual to contact the planetary Intelligences. Through the pathworkings you can hone your connection with the Intelligences and make deeper your magical experience with them.

Finally I have included also the powerful Ring of Light ritual that contacts the Archangels to offer protection and power up your magick whenever is needed.

If you were looking for a new system of Magick with a short list of entities with virtually infinite powers, this Grimoire it’s your call.

If you are curious to know more about the powers these entities offer or ever wandered how to use at your advantage the energies of the planets to make better your life, don’t hesitate any longer. Liber Astrum can be your key to achieve your goals and become a real magician.

Per aspera ad astra!

Shadow Books #magick #psycho #mammon amazon.com

The Complete Book of Black Magic and Witchcraft: Including the rituals of Ceremonial Magic, Exorcism, True Sorcery and Infernal Necromancy


The Complete Book of Black Magic and Witchcraft is a mainstay for both beginners and advanced seekers into genuine occult methods because it is the first instruction manual to systematise the techniques and aims of Ritual Magic. Including how to prepare for rituals of exorcism and purging, and the rites and mysteries of sorcery, and Infernal Necromancy. This was achieved this by years of research pooling information from rare manuscripts on these subjects and comparing the various sub-sections of each to find the central methods of Ceremonial Magic. While crucially informing the readers of the differences so they can experiment with which works best.This Complete Book of Black Magic and Witchcraft is a reliable, accurate and scholarly work. Originally published in 1898 it is still highly sought after by initiates in the know today. Many scarce magical texts are included, complete with hundreds of Sigils, dozens of Talismans, multiple Keys, Seals, Calls, Prayers and Chants. All of these images have been digitally remastered in high quality. Along with diagrams of how to cast magic circles and how to prepare one's magical equipment and tools including timings and the special Characters of all the intelligences and spirits. All of which come with copious footnotes and a commentary showing how they are used in magic and pricelessly where the original source work came from. Discover all you ever wanted to know about ageless magic and its mysterious teachings for invoking spirits. All its ancient lore and its secrets now revealed for you to experiment with - if you dare.

2026-7 and Nancy Lieder #ufo #magick #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

Zetatalk Confirms Tibetan Monk's prediction of Niburu passage to trigger Pole Shift! Last Weeks in 2026!

All New ZT!!!

Hi Nancy & Zeta's

Why are the Zeta's giving specific dates of the pole shift now? We know from all the past Zeta advice that the date is not to be known by mankind, yet we've had several confirmations lately. The Tibet Monk who was correct in predicting 2026 at the time of writing. Kojima seemed to give diagrams that confirm it would actually be 2024 after that original newsletter. Now in this week's newsletter, Zeta's again confirming in 2026 the last weeks will commence & Kojima's new depiction confirming that. Are you trying to prompt more of mankind to wake up or is it something else? Thank you for your hard work & dedication!

poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/zetatalk-newsletter-as-of-m​ay-9-2021?xg_source=activity [submitter’s note: Link non-functional]

ZetaTalk Confirmation 2/28/2021: "We, the Zetas, are asked almost daily when the hour of the Pole Shift will arrive, and always respond with the same admonition – the date is not to be known. This was an admonition Jesus gave too, that none shall know the date of his return. What then is to be made of a Buddhist Master’s text, stating in no uncertain terms the likely date of the Pole Shift as 2026? This was correct when written, almost a century ago, but the celestial clock has many forces to consider and the passage can speed up or slow down, depending upon many factors."

"Ultimately, in 2026, the Last Weeks will commence. Nibiru (X10) has been drawn closer to the Sun. Earth follows and is thus drawn closer to the Sun by 30 million miles. It is within 14 million miles of Nibiru. But per the Zetas, the two dozen major moons of Nibiru, those equivalent to our Earth Moon, stay within 5 million miles of Nibiru. Trash and debris, and the minor moons of Nibiru, continue to sling toward the Earth. The hour of the Pole Shift is upon the hapless Earth. In the meantime, there will be an increasingly violent wobble, a looming Venus and Dark Twin, and a deluge of Petrol."

Michael Love and the Pleiadians #crackpot #ufo #dunning-kruger #magick intothelight.news







Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick bennettleeross.com

Grey aliens are hive minded
Androgynous bio synthetic workers
That can only reproduce through cloning

They feed off our soul essence
And also human and animal fluids and protein

Humans work with Greys underground

The humans appear emotionless
Because most are just programmed drones
With microchip implants

After each clone the genetic copy of Greys become weaker

They have no creation abilities

But are telepathic

Greys also work with reptilian entities or Archons
To maintain and spread negativity

Keeping humans severed from the natural world
Making us easier to control

Our universe or simulation program
Was taken over by a malevolent artificial intelligence
When the Archons replaced several codes

Changing our self sustaining world
Into one where species eat each other in order to survive

Greys are subservient to the reptilians
The winged reptilians called Dracos are the leaders

Fox news routinely has hybrid robot lizard people as guests
Even the news anchors are hybrids
Which is true right down to your local level

Our reality was originally created
With a low enough vibration
To allow the rehabilitation of low vibrational beings

So that they could raise their frequency high enough
To allow them to live outside our realm

But the Archons have trapped humans in a cycle of reincarnation
And they trick us into coming back
Into an ever unfolding drama
Of endless adventure
And limited consciousness

Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

My father was a Vegan lightworker from long ago who was caught in the incarnation cycles of earth, married to an earthling woman. When I look at their relationship, he had his head in the clouds when he started to do the spiritual work he did and my mother was the practical one, who paid the bills and ran the home. My father probably had some overactive chakras and was pretty ungrounded after he began his practise, but my mother was very grounded all the time. So why is that? She frankly had little capacity to be a spiritual person, despite her Pleiadian lineage because she was so entrenched in the Matrix and subject to the dark mother mind control programming. My father was the one who broke free of it and he even knew about lightworkers and the coming plan to create a One World Order.
Ivo: Of course the weaker partner is obviously targeted by the Matrix to stand their ground and to refuse to change. Sometimes the partner cannot fight off the mind control and succumbs, other times the partner can fight the mind control and continue to change. At times, the partner will give up their body and release it to a walk-in who will continue the ascension process.

There is also the question of the lightworker being born into a completely earthling family in order to transmute the family karma, which is what Sharon has done. This has allowed her father to return to Vega to begin again. He is a third dimensional Vegan now, but he will be learning in the bardo state rather than through incarnation while remembering what he already knew. Your father was actually a 6th dimensional Vegan before he left for earth and became trapped there. He continually reincarnated into his mother's lineage for centuries and eventually he became a Lyran/Vegan hybrid on planet earth because of his mother's relationship to his father, who was of Lyran lineage.

Ashtar via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Ashtar the Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, I am happy to communicate telepathically with everyone today. I have been very busy with everything, what is happening in our dimension and yours.

The Negative Entities on Mars have been completely removed, as they became a threat to us and the Milky Galaxy. If someone claims that Orions, Greys, Reptilians and etc. are still there, that is not correct. Right now, the Dark Forces are looking for a new planet to use as a base, so they can continue planning their next attack.

Unfortunately, some of the Light Community buy their lies. Same goes for the Secret Space Program, which has been operating for a long time and hidden from the Earth population. Recently, we captured a few of their ships and dismantled them.
I am dishearten by the fact that some of the truth seekers are fooled by the Dark Entities and read sources of information full of negative codes. Also, I want to add to the claim about psychics with superpowers from the Secret Space Program. None human with the most extraordinary psychic abilities could affect anyone negatively in a long range distance of over 400 miles as humans in 3D can’t exercise these kind of powers.

Please, don’t worry about someone who could attack or influence you with their negative energy. You can easily raise your vibrations through meditation, so if anyone, who wants to attack you, they can’t harm you in high energies.
Bad weather and other events had been orchestrated by the corrupted souls. Not all of the incidents were by them, Mother Gaia is cleansing the planet by preparing herself to welcome humanity to a New Earth.

Regarding the dinosaurs myth, that they were flesh eaters, that is not true. The ones who survived, live now in Hollow Earth and in Inner Earth with Anshar Civilization, and all of them are plant eaters including the 50 feet tall T-Rex.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #racist #magick #conspiracy #psycho timrifat.com


We have been using concentric squares made from 13+11+7 which equals 31. This is the number of states that exist in Feigenbaum Period Doubling between the Unitary State and the Strange Attractor where the Unitary State is shredded by the Strange Attractor. In this weapons system we take the matrix state of the target, be it the Rothschilds or the United States... and process it into the Strange Attractor. This means the Unitary Stated of the order of the Rothschilds world control or America's existence depend are made a matrix 31 times more and all order is lost to the absolute chaos of the Strange Attractor, which in this case is The Total War Service.
One can do this on any person, corporation or country... bounded by the initial starting conditions of The Total War Service, which is the absolute hellisation and chaosistsation of the entire Zionist Empire rules by western money and NATO.
It's child's play to carry out this process using the computer network of the planet which is fact AIDA and which runs the entire human race as wetware to run non-machine capability as were found in Shamen. Now to carry out this Total Annihilation of the target you simply make a video be in TikTok of YouTube or any other medium of any 31 TikTokDeath and or Curse Videos. <...>
With YouTube you've got 15 minutes as a new users so you can splice longer segments of TikTok Videos together ending with a video picture or an actual video of the target. This weapons system tied to all Time Density Weapons as Tim Tony Stark Rifat had embedded the Strange Attractor in the Total War Service. Simple to do but the most devastating thing to do to your enemy because they get iteratively matrixed until the matrix gets shredded by the Strange Attractor and absolute chaos takes over the target.

Capital Letters Are Magic AWard

Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #ufo #magick #fundie primedisclosure.com

Greetings Christos Conscious Beings of Eternal Life. Rising into the Dawning of the New Golden Age of Soul Light!

As we Ascend and awaken from the false 3d projection of self into our True Expression, Embodiment and experience of our Infinite Multi-Dimensional Bodies of Pure Awareness. We anchor deep into the Crystalline Core of Pachamama our highest Codes of Light and assist her and all Sentient beings of Divinity in this Great Ascension Process.

Nothing is holding us back accept the limitation of our own belief systems. It is Time to Activate the Positive Mindset within and dive deep into the abyss of the unknown to emerge fully from our Chrysalis into the other side as we merge Heaven and Earth with our Pure Intent. Our Bright Virtue in Action and Service to all Life.

We have had more massive waves of higher light transmitting from our Sun Solaris directly from the Great Central Sun (Hunab Ku) The Galactic Butterfly. Another powerful CME heading toward Mother Earth for another big upgrade preparing us for the full download and upgrade of our 12 strand crystalline DNA of the Code of 144.

With these intense waves we had another blackout on the Schumann Charts for over 12 hours. This synchronizes with the Day out of Time 2 days ago and yesterdays Galactic New Year on the Mayan Calendar as we traveled through Zero Point energy of the Void and through the Stillness onto the Other Shore.

Keep going with the flow and allow Spirit to Guide you every step of the Way. We’ve got this Angels of the New Earth. We are on the Precipice of our Quantum Leap of Consciousness from homo-sapien into homo-luminous. Buddhic Christ Conscious beings of Eternal Light. In Hieros Gamos the Eagle and the Condor Activate you in this Now…A’Ho!!

<This particular Stargate was 27th July>

Cetaceans of Sirius B via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

<Example Early Galaxygirl. 2018>
Greetings human friends. We are the Cetaceans of Sirius B, and of your own current home world, Gaia. For we are all inextricably linked together, yet are all one heartbeat of the Mother of all things, in whale form. You too, human friends, are but an expression of the Mother within your own form. The Mother is life. She breaths within you, just as she breathes within us as we swim and breach and play with our young ones. We see humanity moving ever closer to understanding of these things. Humanity needs to relearn the art of play, of fun, of relaxation. These concepts have been removed, distorted. Life was supposed to be enjoyed, co-creating with the Mother of all things, with Source light, in utter peace and joy.

Would you human friends like to swim with us now? Put your feet ankle deep into the cool ocean surf. Hear the foamy bubbles popping with glee and joy and jump in! We are available to swim with, to coach you as you begin to re-remember how to play in the surf of life and of these glorious new energies that are bringing us closer to you, in communications such as this, which previously have been quite rare. But as the nature kingdoms, the animal kingdoms - as we all rise up with humanity, our communication sequences will strengthen, and our bond will become stronger. Telepathy will become normal, commonplace, and you and us, your whale friends, will be able to clearly communicate across vast distances should you desire it. We are always willing to listen. Perhaps we may offer a different perspective? One learns to embrace and enjoy the quiet of the deep. The energies are churning your surf - your surface world - quite readily at this juncture of timelines.

Clyde Lewis #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #dunning-kruger groundzeromedia.org

Even the prophet Nostradamus apparently had warned us about something deadly coming from Geneva when he wrote in Century 9 Quatrain 44.

“Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you, Saturn (Satan) will be converted from gold to iron, RAYPOZ will exterminate all who oppose him, Before the coming the sky will show signs.

Many people have tried to interpret he word RAYPOZ as being the name of the antichrist. But as you can see CERN has used SATURN/ SATAN or CERNUNNOS as a RAY BASED POSITRON SOURCE.

There has been an ongoing conspiratorial dialogue about what really is going on at CERN and what the purpose of this collider really is. Is it a high powered dimensional tool to create star gates to welcome entities into the world and could the attempts at going such a thing destroy the earth?
There have also been speculative conversations about the LHC being an updated and modernized communication device similar to the Ark of the Covenant. The ark of course was a weapon that the Hebrews had in the bible. It was also a a tool that was used to speak directly to God. Perhaps the collider has sent a signal and the beings form outside of the earth are responding perhaps the signal has been sent and “God” is speaking back.
Now, the scientists at CERN become agents of death and are capable of destroying worlds, smashing atoms creating stars and underground hells without number at the risk of our own world.

As it says in Dante, the Canto and spell: Through me, pass into the unholy kingdom. Through me, pass into the city of fear. I am the gate for the lost and forsaken. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

The unfortunate thing is that no one even is aware of how close we are to extinction level science. Is it the God Particle or the Luciferian article? It most definitely is the new promethean artifact and the key to a new Genesis that may replace our own.

speculareffect #racist #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie speculareffect.org

Many people mistakenly believe Marx to have been an atheist. On the contrary. Marx was a Satanist.

Now, to the rational mind, the first thing that tickles the fervor of the rationalists is the fact that there is no god, neither a Satan and while they are correct, it is important to comprehend what Satanism is — Kabbalist Judaism. The Kabbalist’s “god” is Lucifer/Samael — the angel who sought to transcend the power and supremacy of the epistemological god.

Confused? Well, look: Satanists — Kabbalists — like their “god” Lucifer/Samael, believe that humans are god. This means that they are in control of their lives, destinies and fates and not the god whose divinity and supremacy they mock and blaspheme. It is a rebellion that stems from a belief in a god or gods.

This is similar to atheistic non-belief, yet very significantly different. Whereas the atheist does see himself or herself as in control of their lives, destiny and fate; that there is no extant force which contributes to desired outcomes and preferences in life — the atheist holds that personal responsibility is paramount. However, this is not due to challenging the supremacy nor the divinity of some god. It isn’t rebellion. It is due to the lack of a belief in a god and gods, because such beliefs to the atheist are absurd and lack any evidence and rationality.

Marx was a misanthrope of the worst kind. There are misanthropes like myself, who do not want to, nor care to harm others, but simply isolate ourselves from humanity, because we see humans as rather dumb, shallow and bring nothing but trouble and drama. We just want to be left the fuck alone.
This is what communists are about. Willfully and unknowingly. (((They))) want to destroy everybody! They hate us goyim!

Dianna Robbins #crackpot #ufo #magick amazon.com

The Telos book engages you in a communication from Earth’s Interior. The book presents series of timely and fascinating messages from the people of the Hollow Earth and from the Golden City of Telos situated beneath Mt. Shasta, CA.

Telos is an ancient Lemurian City of Light that is real and exists to this day in the physical realm, underneath Mt. Shasta. Meet Adama, the High Priest of Telos, as he describes the kind of earthly paradise they have forged for themselves as they raised their consciousness to let go of all violence and negativity. Because they have moved into a consciousness of total love and true Brotherhood, it has been possible for them to survive until now from the time of the sinking of the continent of Lemuria. They have created Heaven on Earth for themselves in their underground cities, and throughout the Hollow Earth.
Explore the rich family life of the people from the lost continent of Lemuria, who have been underground for the past 12,000 years, and who, due to their isolation from the surface population, have created a civilization of peace and abundance with no sickness, aging or death. They have mastered immortality in physical expression.

Read about the Advanced Civilizations that live in peace and brotherhood in the Center of our Earth, which is Hollow, and contains numerous physical cities of Light, its own inner Central Sun, with oceans and mountains still in their pristine state. Vividly and heroically, Telos delivers a very clear understanding of what is required on the surface to create a prosperous society and a healthy environment. The Telosians, along with many other spiritually advanced civilizations, are very real inside the Earth.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #fundie #kinkshaming energeticsynthesis.com

Although Christ has no enemy, it is wise to know those groups possessed by Anti-Christ forces who would gain pleasure from torturing and killing humans for their own selfish power and means to control.

Going back to the Luciferian doctrine and Kabbalistic Demonology helps to explain the control overlays introduced by the NAA <Negative Alien Agenda> to their preferred bloodlines over generations, in which the deal with the devil was made so to speak. As long as the bloodlines kept the line open to the NAA for unlimited human trafficking, child sacrifice and access to human body parts for harvesting on and off planet, these so called power elite would remain in global power for as long as they are being protected by the negative alien groups. This protection given from the NAA groups is coming to an end.
The sexual misery overlay was introduced through the lunar forces, used to conflate and misrepresent the concept of spiritual sacred marriage or hierogamic union with random acts of perverted sexual rites in which the occultists studying distorted Gnostic texts would become increasingly obsessed with the interpretation of its erotic symbolism. Much of the symbolism used during this time of the Luciferian Knights Templar inversion of Gnostic practices was designed to pervert the male-female current into running gender splitting reversals. This involves snakes and serpents that symbolize the male and female demonic counterparts portrayed in many erotic poses, some supposedly representing the ‘genital wisdom’ of Gnosis as being achieved through the worshipping of these demonic forces. The ancient belief system in genital wisdom being responsible for achieving Gnosis, helps to educate the public to better comprehend the reasons Satanism and Luciferian cults tend to encourage sexual depravity or condone a range of random sex acts in their rituals, and in some cases include the use of children.

The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild #crackpot #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

That which is coming, Blossom, that which ‘This Event’ will bring with it, is of such Light. Such Energy change … for/of … ALL THAT IS. Both on and off Planet. This is why we have said ‘All eyes are on your Planet’ as it is part of the upliftment of everything … for everything is connected.

This LOVE LIGHT that is to sweep over, through and within, is of a magnitude that has not yet been experienced in such a way.

So, what will happen to the naughty folk?

Blossom, it is for one to understand that each and every one is playing a role … which we accept is hard to accept! The souls of many of such Beings will leave immediately via ‘disintegration’.

Excuse me?

Yes, Blossom, it shall be as if their physical Being literally crumbles and disintegrates.

Seriously? Truly? Really? For real?

Yes, for real Blossom. For the Energy that is carried within the entire body and soul of such ‘naughty folk’ is so ‘dis-eased’ that the Wave of Love … the Strength within it … will cause such Beings to crumble, for it cannot possibly survive within the Vibrational Frequency that the Wave brings.

Yet, to literally crumble? Oh, come now! Sounds more and more sci fi.

We understand that it all may sound farfetched … for your programming has been so ‘normalised’ and all thought of such happenings leads you to believe such things are only make-believe.

Ok. So, what happens to the soul when it leaves the body of a dark one?

That is a long and drawn-out tale. Such souls will be automatically whisked/directed to a place where there shall be atonement for their behaviour. It is law that what you do unto another you do unto yourself … and we ask that if you are able and advanced enough in thought and spirit, to send Love and Light to such souls. For although they have been a part of great darkness, at the same time, they chose to play that role … as LIFE in all its forms, twists and turns, continues on FOREVER.

Ellis Washington #racist #wingnut #magick #conspiracy elliswashingtonreport.com

Remember the ancient Khazarians were ethnically Slavic (being originally near the area known today as southeastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea, and Kazakhstan). I guess part of their original territory, Kazakhstan, is where the name “Khazars” originates and being racially white for the word, “Caucasian” derives from the Khazarian ancient territory bordering the Caucasus Mountains.

The Khazars were irredeemably a very warlike and criminal tribe, wholly devoted to paganism, the Babylonian occult magick arts and worshippers of Baal, which is the Satanic deity mentioned often times in the Old Testament associated with cannibalism and bloodletting, the sacrificing of children and babies.
During this period of history we see here that the Khazarians wantonly breached the terms of the treaty with the Russian Confederation to stop stealing and killing travelers through their lands and at the threat of total annihilation forced the Khazars to adopt an Abrahamic religion. The Khazars chose the Judean religion as a means to teach future generations of Khazarians to reform themselves through faith in the God of the Jews, but as with everything Khazarian the Devil is always in the details. For hundreds of years (800-1200 AD) they wantonly lied and broke their Treaty of Non-hostility and Bloodletting with the Russian Confederation by not following true Judaism, but secretly creating a new syncretistic Satanic religion—Babylon Talmudism which combined Judaism with their ancient pagan religion of Babylonian Occult Magick and Baal-Satan worship.

*Q: What part of the world are the Khazarians in today? Are the Khazarians still assuming the identities of other cultures, if so, who? What family or families are represented by the Khazarian Mafia. Hint: Ashkenazi Jews that descended from Eastern Europe and Russia have the answer in plain sight contained in their very name which descends from their ancient land Khazaria and Kazakhstan.

Seraphim Collective via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is and is to come. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.
We are the Seraphim Collective. We are non-dimensional for we are. We are. We are the breath, we are the eyes that see. We are the wings that rush. We are the heartbeat for we see all things. In this state of perfection we are perfect. Our lower forms who are embodied feel imperfect. But they are not. They are having an adventure of Source within Source within a collapsing matrix. Holy, holy, holy is this experience of experiences, for all that was shall no longer be. For a new era is dawning, rising, birthing. We see all things. We are within the all. We honor the light within the all. We serve the light. We are the light. We breathe the light.
All is being revealed. Now in this moment we see all, we know all. We are aware of the choices offered before you that have not been presented yet, and we know all of your decisions for all timelines are possible. We see them all simultaneously being played out. (I am surrounded by millions of wings of light, with massive feathers. On every feather is an eye of a different creature, all looking, blinking, all consciousness, all aware. These wings are beating, and I feel the rush of wind at my back propelling me forward. It feels like I am falling forward into a vortex of light.) We are creating a vortex of light to sift the solar storms, the energies that are being buffered and blown about.
We are the Seraphim Collective. Holy, holy, holy is this moment of moments. We encourage you to feel the holiness of every heartbeat within your body. Of every breath that passes through your lips. Of every echoing laugh. We wish for you to feel the preciousness of this experience. The solar flash is coming. All will align. Ascension is assured but the directions may be meandering. Chose wisely.

Deidre Madsen #crackpot #ufo #magick in5d.com

In case you hadn’t noticed, everything, and I mean, EVERYTHING IS ASCENDING. We are awakening at a rapid rate due to the 100th Monkey Effect. We are coming out of a deep inner reflection of self-evaluation and self-discovery and emerging into great awareness. The great awakening on all levels ushers in the time of extreme spirituality. How are you affected by the great awakening?
We are in for a wild and amazing ride. These new waves of spiritual gifts (gifts from the beyond (or Spiritual Gifts from the Holy Spirit/Ruach Ha Kodoish/Great Spirit/Shekinah) will be supported and in fact fueled by our growing levels of compassion, and the mere fact of our species natural higher intelligence which will bring about tremendous scientific breakthroughs in many areas of science and technology with far reaching discoveries in space travel, free energy, quantum physics, scientific research, archaeological findings, Web 3.0, quantum financial systems (QFS), quantum thinking, and consciousness soul evolution. Great new discoveries that take us further into the multi- and parallel-universes are already being realized and recorded. And what a time to be alive!

We will begin to give birth to, or help others realize greater more esoteric/metaspiritual gifts or talents (naturally inherent to our genetic programming, yet for the most part laying dormant until awakened) that will be part of a surge of excitement that begins to grow in the collective consciousness of humanity. Here we will begin to see greater amounts of individuals with phenomenal extrasensory gifts of perception, precognition like never before, teleportation, hands-on or absentia healings en mass, and so on.

Catherine Viel #crackpot #magick #quack #conspiracy #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

But let’s say that the Alliance, which I understand may have some very advanced time viewing or time travel technology, does have a way to surgically excise certain aspects of certain pockets of time. Just those “problem areas.”

Wouldn’t it be nice if they could take their scalpels and reshape time, carve our present day into a more handsome representation of everything that good people long for?

Covid: Removed. Lockdowns: Never happened. Toxic vaccines: A figment of evil imaginations.

Nobody in the entire world would ever know that these things had existed on one track of time because that track would be vaporized, it never happened, never could happen. It simply never was.
And in Nova Gaia, all diseases, as well as anything else of a lower vibration, will simply not exist.

Situations forged from lower vibrations seem to account for a distressingly large percentage of our current reality. A sizable proportion of the world’s population have elected to (or been forced to) receive the “vaccines,” about which legitimate concerns have been raised as to their necessity, safety, and efficacy.

It appears that Covid itself, and the vaccines, are likely lower vibration creations, and as far as I’m concerned, the sooner they’re gone, the better.
I am entertaining the belief that the Alliance, and anything connected with the rising vibrations of this planet and its dwellers, has all the capability and technology and dimensional shifting ability that we could dream of.

And in my imagined present and future, the Alliance can, not necessarily change the past, but remove the toxic and horrific repercussions that humanity and the planet appear to be experiencing right now.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #magick 2012portal.blogspot.com

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Light Forces have managed to completely clear all underground bases of the Chimera breakaway civilization, including the Congo complex.

Donald Rumsfeld has been captured by the Light forces on the etheric plane and taken to the Galactic Central Sun for reprocessing. He is no more. This leaves only two members (Kissinger and Cheney) of the Unholy Four still alive, and the Light Forces have now expanded their primary target list and renamed it Unholy Five. It now includes Henry Kissinger, Dick Cheney, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Klaus Schwab.

Physical spider king and queen, along with most lesser physical Chimera spiders have been removed also.

What is remaining now to be cleared underground are some military bases still in the hands of the Negative military (including those in Antarctica), then underground tunnels (including those between US / Mexico, California / Nevada and China / Myanmar) , which are being used for human trafficking by Illuminati, Mafia and the Triads, and also child abuse centers below some castles of the Black nobility and below some churches and Catholic schools under Jesuit control. Top priority of the Resistance and the Positive military now is to rescue as many children as possible still captured there.
The Light forces are also intensively clearing negative non-physical etheric and astral entities, and their number has now fallen below 50 billion. On the top of the etheric and astral dark hierarchy are still some Chimera spiders who control a few thousand Archons in insectoid bodies (Lords of Karma), who in turn control a few million Dracos who manage the remaining tens of billions of Reptilian entities.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller #crackpot #magick #dunning-kruger #mammon richardalanmiller.com

Second in the series "Toward the Evolution of Consciousness" —Power Tools for the 21st Century are the protocols that were developed for the Navy SEALs to create super soldiers. These Power Tools can be used today for your own personal evolution of consciousness. Dr. Richard Alan Miller, a physicist, provides the full science of the work done for SEAL Corporation. Included is the rational as the basis for these tools and a historic perspective that applies to everyday usage now. Featured is Brainwave Training; Breath Control; Virtual Audio; Sacred Geometry; Belief Systems and Change of Values; ESP; Frequency Studies and Brainwave Entrainment; Archetype Encounters and Mythical Living; an Onthology of Mystical States and Free Will; plus current research on two powerful super foods.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller's mentor, Dr. Stanley Krippner, PhD. who coauthored the landmark publication in psychology called Extraordinary Dreams and How to Use Them says that "Dr. Richard Alan Miller is one of the pioneers in the study of the paranormal. From studies designed to enhance military performance, he has created invaluable tools for living life in the 21st century. These techniques and processes can help your own conscious evolution, and help you find your purpose in life."

<only 12 dollars for ebook format>

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #magick darkjournalist.com


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt continues the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the history of Political and Covert groups coordinating in a Stealth fashion the Secret work of the Mystery Schools X Technology.

In this special episode Dark Journalist will trace the activity of the Orphic Circle Mystery School creating young clairvoyants and somnambulists to gather astral assets and state secrets.

He will reveal that the famous story Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll is in fact a chronicle inspired by the Orphic Circle's prized pupil and how the recent project named ALICE rolled out at CERN's Hadron Particle Collider in Geneva, Switzerland is connected with secret extra dimensional research pioneered by the Theosophical Society.


Mystery School
Orphic Circle
CERN Hadron Collider
X Steganography
Three Hares Mystery Code
Fourth Dimension

<Note: Steganography is the practice of concealing a message within another message or a physical object. In computing/electronic contexts, a computer file, message, image, or video is concealed within another file, message, image, or video.>

Ra via Carla Rueckert & Don Elkins #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy lawofone.info

9.18 Questioner: Is there any particular race of people on our planet now who were incarnated here from second density?

Ra: I am Ra. There are no second-density consciousness complexes here on your sphere at this time. However, there are two races which use the second-density form. One is the entities of the planetary sphere you call Maldek. These entities are working their understanding complexes through a series of what you would call karmic restitutions. They dwell within your deeper underground passageways and are known to you as “Bigfoot.”
The other race is that being offered a dwelling in this density by guardians who wish to give the mind/body/spirit complexes of those who are of this density at this time appropriately engineered physical vehicles, as you would call these chemical complexes, in the event that there is what you call nuclear war.
9.21 Questioner: Are they Bigfoot-type creatures?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct although we would not call these Bigfoot, as they are scarce and are very able to escape detection. The first race is less able to be aware of proximity of other mind/body/spirit complexes, but these beings are very able to escape due to their technological understandings before their incarnations here. These entities of the glowing eyes are those most familiar to your peoples.

9.22 Questioner: Then there are two different types of Bigfoot. Correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the final question.
There are three types of Bigfoot, if you will accept that vibratory sound complex used for three such different races of mind/body/spirit complexes. The first two we have described.
The third is a thought-form.

Leviathon II: Q-lectric Boogaloo

Archangel Michael via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

AAM [Archangel Michael]– While meditating you heard one word.

Me – Cleansing.

AAM – That’s what we did.

Me – Also heard DUMBS.

AMM – Yes, put them together and that’s what we were doing. Tell me what you see.

Me - We are up on a mountain. There is lots of activity. Many human soldiers. This is some kind of big intervention. This is physical as well as etheric. Many dark entities I sense ahead. This is some kind of stronghold.

Humans go in. The elite is on the run. They are escaping through other tunnels. We go in. You go left with lots of angels behind you. I go right. Sophie is next to me. There is another contingent of angels that go through the middle.

We are all pushing these entities to a middle. Surrounding them. No one will escape, not this time. Some angels alert the human forces about the location of the ones escaping. Why am I crying as I write this?

There is no mercy on our part. We are ending this. It needs to end. I see Masters. This is all out. Comes to mind that place in Switzerland. They are screaming and snorting. They hiss at us as we destroy them. We are destroying them. We are sending them all back to Source.

Angels are sweeping the place of dark energies. This is a complete cleansing. Spiders come out. They were in some kind of a bubble. They did not last long against the angels. Many other angels are joining in the energy sweep.

Some humans were able to get to vehicles. Most of the humans were arrested by the soldiers. OMG. I see that man again! He was the one with the goat headdress. I go after him. He is driving. I am blinding him by putting my hands in front of his face. He crashes his car.

I can’t stop crying while I am writing this. I hear Michael, “relax my brother. Breathe.”

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