Donald Trump

Amil Imani #wingnut #conspiracy

In the annals of American history, moments of undeniable momentum and change are marked by a singular certainty: Nothing can stop what is coming. Such is the case as we stand on the precipice of a transformative period in our nation’s journey. The echoes of past struggles and triumphs resonate through the corridors of power, yet the future beckons with a promise of renewal and rebirth.
Let’s face it: In the face of adversity, Donald J. Trump stands tall, unyielding in the face of a rigged political witch hunt. This false conviction on charges stemming from an unjust trial marks a pivotal moment in American history, one that is more than a raging debate within the nation. Amidst the turmoil, Trump’s resilience and unwavering commitment to his principles shine through for the millions of Americans who share his vision for the future.
This is our moment. This is our chance to make history. With Trump at the helm, leading the charge against injustice and for the preservation of American ideals, we have the opportunity to ensure that Joe Biden regrets ever challenging the will of the people.

The spirit of the American people shines brightest. As we approach the critical moment of truth on November 5th, the real power lies not in the halls of justice or the chambers of Congress but in the hands of every voter nationwide. Joe Biden and the Democrats may seek to manipulate the narrative and use trial outcomes as tools to sway public opinion. Still, the true measure of a leader—and the fate of our nation—will be determined by the will of the people at the ballot box.
Donald Trump has stood firm against the challenges thrown at him, refusing to be silenced or deterred from his mission to Make America Great Again. Now, it falls to us – the voters – to echo his call to action. We will not be swayed by sham trials or manipulated by political games. Our verdict will be cast in ballots, and we will choose our path forward together.

Suzanne Spooner/Dr. Michael Salla #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy

Suzanne Spooner discusses startling information about Ancient Egypt, Gods, and extraterrestrials she has received from thousands of clients in her Quantum Healing Hypnoses Technique (QHHT) practice. She concludes that the Egyptian gods were, in fact, extraterrestrials visiting humanity from different star systems with the intent of helping human evolution. Spooner believes that the pyramids were built by off-world visitors such as Thoth (aka Jehuti) who designed them for several complimentary functions, including human ascension.

In her second Expolitics Interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Spooner discusses her recent Egypt Tour in which he participated and the implications of her QHHT data in understanding the true role of extraterrestrials in human history. Furthermore, she discusses the role of space arks in assisting with past planetary contingencies and what lies ahead for humanity as we enter into uncertain times. Finally, she discusses the important role being played by Donald Trump in awakening humanity despite his many personal character flaws.

Lauren Boebert #conspiracy #wingnut

As we all knew, this was ALWAYS about election interference and stopping President Trump from winning his rightful re-election to the White House.

The American people see through the Democrat games and know this is a sham verdict.

7:13 AM · May 31, 2024 · 186.8K Views
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Donald Trump #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #crackpot

Speaking outside the Manhattan courthouse where his trial unfolded over several weeks, Trump blamed Jewish billionaire George Soros, invoking a trope that Jewish organizations have denounced as leading to antisemitic violence.

Trump, the presumptive Republican candidate for president, said the real verdict would come on Nov. 5, Election Day.

Voters “know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here,” said Trump, who is the presumptive Republican candidate for president. “You have a Soros-backed D.A. and the whole thing, I didn’t do anything wrong, I am a very innocent man.”

Charlie Kirk #wingnut

For those of you keeping score at home...

In 2016, Hillary Clinton's campaign secretly paid more than a million dollars to foreign spies to create entire fictions out of whole cloth in order to smear Donald Trump as a Russian agent. These concealed payments ultimately led to illegal spying on a presidential campaign and a pointless, multimillion dollar Congressional witch hunt that derailed nearly three years of a presidential term. For these illegal payments, the FEC fined the Clinton campaign just $8,000, and the DNC $105,000.

Trump, in contrast, spent $130,000 to spare his wife the embarrassment of a porn star's extortion attempt. None of the money was used to target Hillary Clinton or any other political opponents. It was done under advice of counsel. The FEC declined to even fine Trump over the payments. Yet he's the one facing four years in prison for an alleged "campaign finance violation."
6:39 AM · May 30, 2024 · 481.1K Views
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Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 #wingnut

Donald Trump is the best President of the century. He’s the best President of our lifetime. He’s one of the best President’s in the history of our country. And President Trump is the only hope we have to Save America and DEFEAT THE DEMOCRATS in 2024!image5:43 AM · May 25, 2024 · 161.1K Views
682 Reposts 253 Quotes 3,904 Likes 38 Bookmarks

An Angry Patriot #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #psycho

And the real funny thing about this growing army of seriously armed and ammoed up angry Patriots is that the Plandemic perps are directly responsible for filling their ranks. HAHAHA!!!
Because every US service member who was kicked out of the military for not getting jabbed is totally and forever pissed off at you know who.

Of course, when the same dopes even threatened the millions of vets, who rely on the VA Health Care System for everything, with the Covid injection to obtain ALL of their benefits, they really stirred up the hornet’s nest.
“Raw People Power”
That raw power comes in two packages.

First, that the American people — the Conservative, Christian, Libertarian & Independent side — is the most heavily armed and ammoed up citizenry in world history.

Secondly, throughout much of the RED flyover country, the rural counties and their sheriffs reign supreme. These county sheriffs ARE the law of the land.

Most folks are completely unaware of the underground Patriot Movement that has been at work ever since Donald Trump first declared his candidacy in June of 2015.

That’s nearly 9 years of planning and prepping that has gone into THE PLAN. Mostly unnoticed

Mind you, the actual Patriot Movement is highly disorganized, totally organic, grassroots-driven, people-powered as well as effectively asymmetric in the execution of all strategies and tactics. Not only that, but we run just like a CIA-coordinated black op—totally compartmentalized and on a strictly need-to-know basis. And as opaque as can be.
Do the FEDS know everything we’re up to every second of the day. Hell yeah!

But those clucks only know what their pervasive AI-managed spying and surveillance regime can pick up on. MEANING: If the comms are not digital, AI doesn’t know about it.

That’s not to say that there are not COINETELPRO infiltrators strategically positioned everywhere. Fuck ’em. If they get found out during the inevitable American Bolshevik Revolution, and they will be, they’re dead.

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Western Civilization has long been under attack by its own intellectuals and professors. Is there anything left of it?

I defend Western Civilization, but Is there any civilization left to defend when the leaders of Western governments endorse Genocide not only of the Palestinians but of their own white ethnicities and brand criticism of Palestinian Genocide as anti-semitism and criticism of white replacement as a hate crime? Even Donald Trump, whose own right to speak is being throttled, wants to deport those who protest Israel’s Palestinian Genocide. The question increasingly before me is: Is there anything left of the West to defend? How can we make America Great Again when there is nothing left with which to work? Even the leader who wants to make us great again opposes free speech. How can he possibly take the oath of office to defend the Constitution?
I defend Christianity. Yet, Christian evangelicals and Christian Zionists support genocide.

Western morality has been inverted. We now live in moral inversion. How can the indefensible be defended?
How is it that we can defend Israel but not our own whiteness? Why does Israel have a right to exist, but not white ethnic nations?

Donald Trump Jr. #conspiracy #wingnut

Hahahahahahahahahahaha but statistically almost impossible to not be true. For the record I did not/will not suicide myself!!!
imageImage of Happy Mother’s Day to all you “killer’ moms” out there! & Chelsea & Hillary Clinton
12:45 PM · May 13, 2024 · 305.6K Views
1,918 Reposts 111 Quotes 11.4K Likes 103 Bookmarks

Byl Holte #wingnut

Actor Alan Ritchson: "Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treating him like he's their poster child...I don't understand it."

Alan, you don't understand it because you believe the lies the democraps spew 24/7 about Donald Trump.

REACHER guy, just employ a little critical thinking and you'll see you're being played.

John Horvat II #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

In the eyes of liberals, there is only one thing worse than Christian nationalism. It is white Christian nationalism. The addition of the adjective white supercharges the expression with vitriol and power, turning its followers (especially if they are male) into something everyone should love to hate.
People would think this white Christian nationalism, being such a broad and imminent threat, must have many ways of expressing itself and exerting its enormous influence over the population. It must have an articulate doctrine and a means of diffusing itself into every sector of society. It must have books, publications, think tanks and political organizations building its cause—a power base proportional to this overwhelming influence.

However, no vast network of influence exists. Aside from racist fringe groups with no projection, there is nothing in real America that remotely matches the description or even uses the WCN name. Most people cannot name a white Christian nationalist or say they know one personally. They also cannot recall growing up under this influence or hearing of its existence.

Indeed, to use the language of the liberals waxing hysterical over WCN, this danger is a social construct that exists much more in their superheated imaginations than in the public square. The expression serves to malign anyone who questions the woke agenda or takes their religion seriously. It is not meant to describe reality.
Politically, liberals use WCN as a social construct to help them explain the 2016 victory of Donald Trump and frame the upcoming elections. However, it is really a socialist construct since it creates a class struggle narrative of resentful white oppressors in the face of a class of woke oppressed.

Thus, the WCN moniker must be rejected for what it is: a social (and socialist) construct without foundation in reality that shifts the debate away from the serious existential questions and principles that need to be discussed for the nation’s future.

Sean Hannity #wingnut

Citation From the April 18, 2024, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): I don't remember. We never reported, Lynda. We did report what some people do for a living. I think there was only one case we might have disclosed -- well, actually, I don't think we actually did give the exact location. But it's neither here nor there. I'm not looking to -- I'm not looking to make life difficult for anybody that wants to serve on a jury, but -- the jury pool, in this case, and the question is can an impartial jury, you know, occur for Donald Trump in New York City in Manhattan? I don't believe the answer is yes

Donald J. Trump #conspiracy #wingnut

Four years ago I was a very successful and popular President of the United States and, in November, went into an Election where I received more votes, by far, than any sitting President in the history of our Country. Unfortunately, the Election was Rigged and Stolen, and our once great Country has quickly become a Nation In Serious Decline. Tomorrow morning I report to a New York Criminal Court for a Trial on, somewhat ironically, ELECTION INTERFERENCE, ruled over by Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ, before a Corrupt and Highly Conflicted Judge, a failed Soros funded District Attorney who didn’t want to bring this case, which could have been brought eight years ago, but wasn’t, in an almost completely Democrat District. Virtually every Legal Scholar and Expert says that there is NO CASE, NO CRIME, NO NOTHING! IT IS A SHAM THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN BROUGHT, EXCEPT TO TRY AND DAMAGE BIDEN’S POLITICAL OPPONENT, ME. SEE YOU TOMORROW MORNING!

4.51k ReTruths 15.9k Likes Apr 22, 2024 at 1:33 PM

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy

Do you wonder why “progressive” (i.e. batshit crazy) elite class women seem so unperturbed about the conspicuous number of rapes committed by “newcomers,” as they style illegal border-jumpers these days, who are by an overwhelming percentage “military-age men”? Because, having functionally transformed the ranks of American men into eunuchs, they relish the arrival of so many wild and lustful fellows on the scene, as long as — post the imagined bodice-ripping exploits — they can be dominated and domesticated into so many swimming pool cleaners and busboys to be ordered around.

Of course, much of that archetypal psychodrama is only played out in the batshit crazy mind of batshit crazy women; for the sake of decorum it is never acted-out. The lurid, shameful fantasies are instead displaced onto Donald Trump, the archetypal “Big Daddy” who so insolently evaded the castration shears of Hillary Clinton
It is the way of Homo sapiens that moral codes derive generally from the supervision of fathers in the upbringing of human young and, later on, as children develop into adults, these codes are archetypally re-enacted and enforced by men in the greater social matrix. Why? Because it requires a strong sense of boundaries. Boundaries are the essence of the “patriarchy.” Remove men from the scene, or castrate them politically, and you are sure to end up with a problem knowing right from wrong. We’re apparently subject now to the misrule of women with boundary problems who rebelled against Daddy and never got over it. It’s a peculiar irony — so far unexplicated by the hierophants of social theory — that the more affluent and successful Daddy was, the more he was hated for it by his female offspring.

The result of all that is the Democratic Party of our time as run by the batshit crazy women, fearful of sex and its consequence (babies), paradoxically subject to biological promptings and unable to find suitable mates among the men they’ve turned into eunuchs.

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut

WAYNE ROOT: The Questions that Win 2024 Election for President Donald J. Trump
By Assistant Editor Apr. 5, 2024 12:00 pm 104 Comments

By Wayne Allyn Root

I suggest President Trump and the GOP build the coming election around these questions. There is no “extremism” or “right wing” or “white supremacy” or “radical” or “controversial” or “unpopular” here.

The American people are overwhelmingly behind us on every one of these issues. Start throwing these questions at them to wake the sleeping giant.

If the majority of voters agrees with us on these questions, we win a resounding landslide…

Do you support open borders and the foreign illegal alien invasion of America? Democrats do.

Do you think 10 to 20 million illegal aliens being welcomed into our country over the past 3 1/2 years of Joe Biden is a good thing? Democrats do.

Do you think illegal alien lawbreakers should be treated better than American citizens? Democrats think so.

Do you think illegal aliens should be treated better than military vets? Democrats think so.

Do you think millions of illegal aliens (with no background checks) should be shipped to your neighborhood and your children’s school? Democrats think so.

Are you afraid vicious terrorists are being welcomed into our country? Are you worried about terror attacks? Democrats couldn’t care less.

Do you think our government adding half a trillion dollars a year to our national debt to support illegal aliens is a good thing? Democrats think so.

Do you think illegal aliens who commit violent crimes should be deported? Democrats don’t.

Do you think illegal aliens should be allowed to serve as police officers? Democrats do.

Do you think illegal aliens should be allowed to vote and cancel out your vote? Democrats do.

Do you think US businesses should be fined, or put out of business, for daring to ask employees if they are legal citizens? Democrats think so.

Are you willing to pay dramatically higher taxes to pay for millions of illegal aliens and their welfare and free healthcare and a hundred other government handouts? Democrats think you should.

Todd Schlanger #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon

Many of Truth Social’s investors say they’re in it for the long haul. Todd Schlanger, an interior designer at a furniture store in West Palm Beach who said Trump had been one of his customers, said he’s invested about $20,000 in total and is buying new shares every week.

Schlanger said he now watches his stock performance every day hoping for positive signs. In a Truth Social post last week, he encouraged “everyone who supports Donald Trump and Truth [Social to] buy a share everyday” and asked, “Do you think we have hit bottom?” (The stock has slid about 25 percent since that post.)

He suspects the recent drops in share price have been the result of “stock manipulation” from an “organized effort” to make the company look bad. There’s no proof of such a campaign, but Schlanger is convinced. “It’s got to be political,” he said, from all the “liberals that are trying to knock it down.”

Nick Alvear et al. and Operation Q #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

This powerfully culminating documentary from Good Lion Films was directed, produced and written by Nick Alvear. Showcasing the Freemasonic Jesuit Khazarian Luciferian Cabal takedown stemming from the 2016 election, to the capitulation tour of President Donald J. Trump (current CIC), BRICS, Executive Orders, Federal Directives, COVID-19, the rigged 2020 election, Joe Biden’s funeral, the January 6 setup and how the continuity of government (devolution) through current events taking place will usher in the greatest time ever known on Earth. The film was released on September 17, 2023 on GoodLionTV's X page (post since deleted by creator) and GoodLionTV's Rumble channel with a running length of 1 hour 20 minutes.
Furthermore, CIC Donald Trump has gone on to vindicate the claims of Derek Johnson and Jon Herold regarding continuity of government/devolution at a September 27, 2023 speech in Clinton Township, Michigan provided by RSBN. At 51:04 in the full speech Trump says "In my second term, which we're sort of having now, but I don't want the results right? I don't want the results of this second term, this second term is a disaster for this country. Worst President, think of it, there's never been a President like this." Trump is acknowledging that he is in fact CIC/POTUS behind the scenes of the fake Joe Bidan Shadow Presidency which has intentionally pegged the Joe Bidan double as the "fall guy" for making a disaster of the United States. This was designed to help wake up the masses as to what it feels like to be led by a communist/globalist puppet who cares more about funding a war oversees than securing his own borders. Q warned us years in advance in drops 4461 and 4951, "It had to be this way."

Earl P. Holt III #wingnut #conspiracy


(Apologies to William Ernest Henley)

From out the mess subverting us,
So deep the swamp and black as coal,
I thank Almighty God that be,
For Trump's unconquerable soul

The target of vile communists,
He never quit nor cried aloud
Despite their treason and their lies,
He stands un-bloodied and unbowed

Against their seas of treachery,
So often he was forced to wade
And yet that menace of the years,
Still finds him, always, unafraid

It matters not how orange his hue,
How filled with venom be their scroll,
He is the Master of His Fate,
He is the Captain of His Soul

Below is the mugshot of Donald Trump

Laura Loomer #racist #wingnut

Laura Loomer interviewed white nationalist Peter Brimelow whose organization, VDARE, is currently being investigated by New York Attorney General Letitia James[…]
“Why do you think you came under fire from Letitia James?” Loomer asked Brimelow. “Do you think it’s because you are talking about white replacement theory and you’re exposing the invasion and your publication is one of the only honest publications about what’s truly happening with this invasion?”[…]
Loomer went on to say that Letitia James, who also filed a civil suit against former president Donald Trump and his Trump Organization, “obviously hates white people”

And she attacked James, as well as other Black public figures, in crudely racist terms. Loomer declared that “there’s a commonality between Letitia James, Kamala Harris, and Fanni Willis,” which is that they’re “ghetto Black women” and “trap queens” who attended Howard University, a prestigious HBCU. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence, right, that these DAs, Vice President, and the Attorney General, they have no sense of ethics,” she said

Peter Brimelow appeared to agree, and complained that “it’s not possible to run a First World justice system with Third World people”

“I mean, the culture of the Third World is so different than the First World,” he told Loomer. “It’s not just Blacks, although I think you’re right, and we’ve written about this a lot on, there’s a lot of angry, Black women out there in positions of authority. And there’s a real question as to whether they can be trusted, and whether they can be relied upon to behave fairly”

Brimelow also attacked Judge Juan Merchan, who is presiding over former president Trump’s hush money trial, for having been born in Colombia. “What kind of cultural baggage does he bring?” he asked. “Why should we expect — is Colombia such a great haven of law and order and fair dealing, that we can expect someone from Colombia to make a good judge in New York state?”

Peter Tonguette #wingnut #conspiracy

[From “Trump 2028”]

Lost in the Left’s endless babbling about Donald Trump’s alleged threat to democracy is a very simple but inconvenient truth: Trump’s re-emergence as the Republican presidential nominee in 2024 is a triumph of democracy

Not only did Trump secure the nomination following his defeat in 2020—a rather incredible feat in and of itself—but did so in spite of every obstacle the mainstream media, the Republican establishment, and the lawfare apparatus have put in his way[…]
What could be more democratic than voting for your preferred candidate against the advice—the warnings, the threats, the fear-mongering—of your betters?

Yet, even if Trump returns to the White House this November, the Twenty-second Amendment will bar him from standing for re-election in 2028. Ratified in 1951, the amendment is largely seen as a kind of constitutional course correction following the four consecutive presidential terms of Franklin Delano Roosevelt[…]
This sounds reasonable enough, especially in light of FDR’s hold on the office. Yet those who supported the amendment more than 70 years ago could not have foreseen the prospect of a one-term president who lost the office but who later regained it in a subsequent election. Grover Cleveland remains the only president to have successfully vaulted himself to the White House in nonconsecutive elections[…]
As the primary season has shown us, the Republicans have not moved on from Trump—yet the Twenty-second Amendment works to constrain their enthusiasm by prohibiting them from rewarding Trump with re-election four years from now[…]
The case of Donald Trump, however, makes an even more forceful ethical argument against the Twenty-second Amendment and for its repeal: If a man who once was president returns, after a series of years, to stand again for the office and proves so popular as to earn a second nonconsecutive term[…]to deny him the right to run for a second consecutive term cuts against basic fair play

Political Moonshine #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The analysis into the 26 Mar 24 collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge spanning the Patapsco River in Baltimore, Maryland provides another clear-cut example of the type asymmetrical, irregular and undeclared warfare that has been waged against the United States by China, the CCP, the PLA and China’s network of proxies and assets that includes foreign hostile nations that began no later than August 2019.

The asymmetrical flashpoint was biowarfare in the form of a bioengineered SARS-CoV-2 virus and the resulting mRNA bioweapons foisted upon us by mandates caused by the fraudulently predicated “pandemic” [RICO applies].

The “pandemic” was leveraged to steal an election, install Joe Biden as China’s proxy and to resume the internally controlled demolition of the US by means of Cloward-Piven strategy as Obama-era policies were resumed and with Barack Obama pulling those strings from the backdrop in what amounts to his fourth term; his third was undermining Donald Trump’s first.
The modus operandi of targeting critical infrastructure and hazardous materials also applies to the FSK bridge collapse in ways that also vector in militarily, as explained below.

It all begs this question: Will it be too late by the time Americans wake-up to what is actually going on?

The answer to that question according to the status quo and based upon the assumption that things don’t soon change, ‘YES,’ it will be too late.

Have Americans discerned and reconciled that the nearly four years of Biden’s stolen time occupying the Executive represent the designs to reduce the nation to smouldering embers so that it can be ‘6bulilt 6ack 6etter’ using the architecture of Marxist communism?

The template for the build is China and its technocratic surveillance state.

With the FSK bridge down, Americans should be wondering how many more of these incidents will we see and to what degree will they continue to escalate in their destructive nature and militarily strategic value?

Thomas Dalton #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #elitist

[From “Democracy Is an Ideal Government for Jewish Influence”]

Joe Biden referred to “democracy” nearly a dozen times. Democracy, he said, was currently “under assault” and “under attack”[…]
Our polyracial vice president speaks in a similar vein. Regarding Donald Trump, Kamala Harris informs us that “we must recognize the profound threat he poses…to our democracy”[…]
Mainstream media is no better. The constant banter, on both the left and the right, is that democracy is all, democracy is under threat (by candidate X), and democracy must be protected and defended, no matter the cost[…]
There are several assumptions here[…]
These are:
•We actually have democracy
•Democracy is a good thing
•The only alternative to democracy is authoritarianism
•“Democracy” is a clear and obvious concept
Again, all four of these are false[…](1) Our current systems of government in the US, Canada, and Europe resemble true democracy in name only[…]
(2) Democracy is good for those who profit directly from it: the elite, the rich, celebrities, pop stars. But for the vast majority of people in the so-called democratic nations, the cost to their well-being is extraordinarily high[…]
(3) There are in fact several alternatives to democracy, most of which are superior to it—at least, if we believe our wisest thinkers on this matter. Even on the face of it, democracy, as a “rule by the people,” is actually mass-rule, or mob-rule[…]
(4) Throughout history, there have been many variants on the democratic model, so to speak of ‘democracy’ as a single, clear idea is ridiculous[…]
But the central point here is that, above all, democracy is a means by which a small, invasive minority—the Jews—have proven able to assume power, to acquire vast wealth, and to largely impose their will on a non-Jewish majority, all while keeping these facts largely hidden from view. “Democracy,” or rule by the people, is now a codeword for “Judeocracy,” or rule by the Jews

Jon McNaughton #conspiracy #wingnut



At times, we all feel the weight of the world on our shoulders. Few understand this as deeply as President Donald J. Trump.

This painting draws inspiration from two sources. First, the Greek myth of Atlas, who was condemned by Zeus to bear the heavens on his shoulders for eternity, symbolizing endurance.

Second, it reflects my interpretation of Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged,” where industry leaders choose to abandon their companies, “shrugging off” the burdens of government intrusion and its societal consequences.

If anyone might consider abandoning their position due to relentless attacks against themselves and their family, it would be Trump. Despite facing intense persecution, he continues to bear the weight of his place in history, striving to restore America’s greatness at all costs.

Rev. Ché Ahn #fundie

Dominionist pastor Ché Ahn appeared at an event in Oklahoma last night that was organized by the Christian nationalist program “FlashPoint,” where he bragged that several members of his congregation are on the ballot for the November elections in California

Ahn, a leader in the New Apostolic Reformation and head of Harvest International Ministries ?based in Pasadena, California, was active in the right-wing effort to keep former President Donald Trump in office after he lost the 2020 election, appearing at a rally on Jan. 5, 2021—one day before the Capitol insurrection—where he proclaimed that Trump would stay in power and that they would “rule and reign through President Trump and under the lordship of Jesus Christ”

Even though Trump did not remain in office, Ahn is still intent on seeing his fellow right-wing Christians “rule and reign” over this nation

“It is time for the church to rise,” Ahn told the FlashPoint audience. “We have the answers. We are the ones and we can’t just wait for the government—you are his ekklesia, you are his legislative body of the Kingdom of God and you need to be involved”

“We’re encouraging people to run for office,” he continued. “For the first time in my network of churches … we have had seven people run in the March 5 primaries. They all ran because we gave them money to win and now they’re facing the election in November. They all won (their primaries). Not one lost”

Donald Trump Jr. #fundie #transphobia #wingnut

Biden is banning religious symbols from Easter celebrations at the White House, while flying the trans flag and declaring Easter Sunday to be "Trans Visibility Day."

This is the left's new religion. They want people worshiping the trans flag instead of God. They must be stopped.


4:40 AM · Mar 31, 2024 · 1.7M Views
8,948 Reposts 736 Quotes 34.8K Likes 466 Bookmarks

A.F. Branco #wingnut

A.F. Branco Cartoon – He’s The Bomb
A.F. BRANCO on March 26, 2024 at 5:00 am


A.F. Branco Cartoon – Biden has been a complete and total disaster, but so many have drunken the legacy media’s leftist propaganda against Trump to the point they fail to see the devastation Biden and the Democrat’s policies have given us and can’t see it in comparison to the peace and prosperity that four years of President Trump brought us.

Karine Jean-Pierre Blames Trump After Peter Doocy Repeatedly Asks Her Why Americans Disapprove of Biden Economy (VIDEO)

Donald Trump Writes Column: ‘How I Will End Joe Biden’s Border Disaster on Day One’ READ MORE

S.D. Wells #wingnut #conspiracy

How could anyone have predicted that the World Trade Center "Twin Towers" would be attacked by "terrorists" in the 1990s? Then, how could those same soothsayers predict Donald Trump would charismatically lead millions of patriots called "fanatics" to rally for the Republic? On top of that, how could these same prognosticators know that a pandemic, accompanied by toxic vaccines and mass-quarantine, would be used as a WEAPON to devastate a "targeted" populace (enemy of autocracy)?

Well, a secret society called the "illuminati" is nothing more than a cabal of billionaires who want to control the world, including all governments, all people and everyone's minds to boot, and they love to pretend they can "predict the future" that they install and inflict themselves with well-planned schemes. That brings us to the 1990s card game about a "New World Order" that unveiled some conspiracy theories the populace still can't seem to wrap their (brainwashed) heads around.

Pick a card, any card. The illuminati (insidious secret society of satanists) has some mythical predictions they would like to embed in your mind. It's really all about world domination, bragging about the "moves" in advance that will bring it about, and then pretending to be unbelievably accurate fortune tellers after the events transpire. This is called power-tripping, and it even dates back to the same company's 1982 board game and fantasy novels prior to that.
Check out the "Terrorist Nuke" card that shows one of the Twin Towers exploding nearly exactly where the (drone) commercial jet crashed into the massive building on September 11th, 2001. How could this predictive card be so accurate and 9/11 not be some kind of "inside job?"
Is this all just another money-making scheme? Unsealed decks of these soothsayer cards sell on Amazon and eBay for about $2,000. See for yourself... coincidence, soothsaying or the illuminati globalist plan being "played" out on the world's stage?

Donald J. Trump #wingnut


1.12k ReTruths 4.35k Likes Apr 01, 2024 at 4:21 AM

PAUL DERENGOWSKI, PH.D. #fundie #wingnut

Judas pretended to support Jesus; Pence pretended to support Trump.

Judas later regretted his treachery; Pence is going to regret his treachery.

Now, some of President Trump’s critics will say, “Oh, so you think that Trump is the equivalent of Jesus. He’s your ‘Orange Jesus,’ in fact.”

My retort is that President Trump is nowhere near Jesus, as a person, much less a Savior, but Mike Pence has all the earmarks of another, traitorous Judas Iscariot.

That being the case, whether it is today or tomorrow, Mike Pence will want to give back the “thirty pieces of silver” the haters of Donald Trump paid or will pay him, so they could take him down.

Their response to Pence will be, “What is that to us? See to it yourself.”

JE Aggas #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #magick #conspiracy

Francis Key Bridge fell today on Nancy Pelosi's 84th birthday at 1:28 AM the 88th minute of the day.
"Jesuit" = 84 (Ordinal)
"Moscow" = 88 (Ordinal
"Purple" = 88 (Ordinal)
"Trump" = 88 (Ordinal)

The path of solar or lunar eclipses is the shape of an 8
First eclipse 8/21/2017 Second eclipse 4/8/2024
The two solar eclipses make an X and 88
8*21+20*17+4*8+20*24 = 1020
"World War Three" = 1020 (Sumerian)

The bridge was opened on 3/23/1977 it is 17,170 days old today.
"God" = 17 (Reduction) "God" = 17 (Reduction)

Pelosi's 84th birthday
"Jesuit" = 84 (Ordinal)
Jesuit Pope Francis is number 266
"The Francis Scott Key bridge" = 266 (Ordinal)

Francis Scott Key wrote the "Star Spangled Banner"
" Star Spangled Banner" = 666 (Latin)
"prophecy" = 666 (Latin)

"Francis Scott Key bridge" = 233 (Ordinal)
"Babylon the Great Has Fallen" = 233 (Ordinal)

51st Prime!
13th Fibonacci!

The two solar eclipses make an X and 88
1st eclipse
8*21+20*17 = 508
"Eclipse X 8 8" = 508 (Latin)

"2nd Eclipse X eight eight" = 333 (Reverse Ordinal)
Biden text number 30330 = 333
"2nd Eclipse X eight eight" = 911 (Satanic)
"2nd Eclipse X eight eight" = 211 (Ordinal)

Bridge on highway 695
"Real Donald Trump" = 695 (Latin)

Donald J. Trump quoting supporter #fundie #god-complex #wingnut

Received this morning—Beautiful, thank you!

“It’s ironic that Christ walked through His greatest persecution the very week they are trying to steal your property from you. But have you seen this verse…?”

Psalm 109:3–8 (NKJV):

They have also surrounded me with words of hatred,

And fought against me without a cause.

In return for my love they are my accusers,

But I give myself to prayer.

Thus they have rewarded me evil for good,

And hatred for my love.

Set a wicked man over him,

And let an accuser stand at his right hand.

When he is judged, let him be found guilty,

And let his prayer become sin.

Let his days be few,

And let another take his office🇺🇸


“I’m praying this over you daily. So many praying for you. Thank you again for taking the arrows intended for us. We love you 🇺🇸🤍🇺🇸”

8.74k ReTruths 28.4k Likes Mar 26, 2024 at 1:30 AM

Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #wingnut

He wasn’t responsible for what happened despite what the media says. It was four years of lying, cheating, and betrayal by those who wanted to get Trump at all costs.

Nevertheless, he gathered himself and released a video telling people to go home—an act the illegitimate J6 Committee tried to criminalize.

Then they impeached him again.

Despite all of it, he’s decided to come back to retake the White House and finish what he started, a decision that provoked Biden’s DOJ to indict him multiple times for 700 years in federal prison.

Who else could endure what Donald Trump has?

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The undeclared civil war raging in the West is headed for some sort of mega black swan event climax. The white hats are trying to bankrupt the Satanists and their entire fake US government show. The Satanists are planning some sort of mass murder event to try to stay in power. Both sides might use earthquake weapons and other electromagnetic forms of warfare. The only thing for sure is major fireworks.

The previous attempts to bankrupt the US Corporation were delayed by events like 911 and the March 11, 2011 Fukushima nuclear and tsunami mass murder event. This time signs are either a massive earthquake or some kind of electro-magnetic attack to be blamed on a solar flare are being planned.

Speaking about which today is the 13th anniversary of the Fukushima attack. Most of the perpetrators like top Jesuit Hanz Kolvenbach were hunted down and killed shortly afterwards. However, two of the masterminds, self-described top Satanist Leo Zagami and Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Satanyahu are still at large. They are being hunted down and will be brought to justice.

However, the war between the two factions is complicated by the presence of a rogue AI. This allows the Khazarian Mafia to use their control of the Silicon Valley computer complex to generate CGI leaders and not rely on surgically altered avatars. Here is an example of how easy it is for AI to generate fake people these days.

California Governor Adam Newsom is an AI-generated GGI according to CIA sources. Computers can now elect these fakes into office by electronically stealing elections. As another example here you can watch a fake Adam Schiff stealing votes from his opponent.
The most glaring example of AI abuse is the existence of two Donald Trumps. The fake one handled by Leo Zagami at Mar a Largo brags about vaccinating Americans and promotes Bud Light. The real one is located at the underground military base in Mt. Cheyenne, Colorado and is leading a military campaign against the Satanists.

Donald J. Trump #conspiracy #wingnut


9.48k ReTruths 31k Likes
Mar 22, 2024 at 10:14 PM

Donald J. Trump #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut

DONALD TRUMP: You know, I did millions and millions of votes more in 2020. I did much better. And you can cut this if you want, but the election was rigged. Fox might want to cut that one out -- but that's OK.

HOWARD KURTZ, FOX NEWS: I would just say it hasn't been proven in court.

DONALD TRUMP: Well, it was so rigged, it was so crazy, but we're going to do it again.

HOWARD KURTZ, FOX NEWS: A majority of Republicans believe Trump's insistence that the 2020 Rex was stolen, but there is no independent evidence of widespread fraud.

Donald J. Trump #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut

Trump To FOX News: "You Can Cut This If You Want, But The Election Was Rigged," "10-12% Of Democrats Are Voting For Me"

During an interview with FNC's Howard Kurtz Sunday on "Media Buzz," former President Trump continued to insist that the 2020 presidential election was "rigged."

Trump said polls don't capture his true level of support because anybody who won't answer questions from pollsters is supporting him.

DONALD TRUMP: I think the Democrats vote for me a lot more than you think. In fact, I saw where at least 10 or 12% of the Democrats are voting for me. They've never seen a number like that.

I have a theory. People in Beverly Hills vote for me, but they don't talk about it. A lot of people vote for me.

Do you know when the exit polls in 2016 came out, everybody said is, "Oh, this is a sad day, this is sad for Trump, he's not going to make it, he's not going to make it." Everyone's saying it. Remember that? And then the I end up winning quite easily. I ran Florida, I really ran the whole east coast.

And one person called up, smart guy and said, "You're going to win big." Why? -- "You're going to win big." Why do you say that? On FOX too they said it's not looking good. They say, "No, you're going to win big because there's a group of people that say don't ask me that question."

It's a how much much rougher word than that, it's a word that I won't United States on television. I can't, I will get decimated, but they told the president a certain thing, but let's be nice. They say, don't ask me that. Anybody that says, essentially, "don't ask me that" is a Trump voter. And it was the largest number of "don't ask me that" voters ever, ever, ever.

And he said every one of those voters is voting for you, and it turned out to be true.

So, you know, we ended up winning, and we did much better in 2020.

Donald J. Trump #racist #wingnut

Trump, throughout his nearly two-hour speech, suggested his support from Black Americans stem from their understanding of how corrupt systems can lead to "great evil."

"Some of the greatest evils in our nation's history have come from corrupt systems that try to target and subjugate others to deny them their freedom and to deny them their rights," Trump said. "I think that's why the Black people are so much on my side now because they see what's happening to me happens to them."

Trump said Black Americans showcased their support for him through their embrace of merchandise emblazoned with his mug shot.

“My mug shot — we’ve all seen the mug shot, and you know who embraced it more than anybody else? The Black population," Trump said. "You see Black people walking around with my mug shot, you know, they do shirts and they sell them for $19 apiece. It’s pretty amazing — millions by the way."

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie #wingnut

I’m a Jew (but different kind of Jew- I took Jesus as my savior 33 yrs ago). Which makes me Messianic Jew. Amazing that U.S. Jews don’t appreciate Donald Trump. Same exact attributes- Trump persecuted like Jews. Trump is relentless in face of persecution like Jews. Trump is warrior for Israel- which Bible says makes you blessed. Trump is successful in business & greatest Prez for economy & jobs. For all intents & purposes, Trump is “First Jewish President.”

Bro. Eric Kalinowski #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia

We need to focus on voting on our biblical principles.

We have two wicked evil candidates for president. We have an incumbent president who let openly perverted effeminate sodomite men on the White House lawn, who sponsored wicked Bud Light tranny queen Dylan Mulvaney, who wants linebacker sized men to play sports and shower with and molest women in the locker rooms and beat them up bloodily in football and boxing, and everything else like “non-binary” passports that will cause national security risks because real governments don’t recognize made up fancy candy land fake genders!

We also have a RINO running who lied about everything he said he was going to do. He said he was going to build a wall to promote border security, he was going to ban imports of Chinese junk, he was going to ban pornography from every store and computer system in America, and ban LGBTQIAPP1234+++ propaganda from every facet of public life, and bring back sodomy laws! Instead he promoted the anti natural law agenda, promoted a campaign to decriminalize sodomy worldwide, did nothing to stop effeminate sodomites from stealing women’s spaces, and he did nothing but serve his ego and cheat on his wife with the “actresses” from the very porn he pledged to eradicate like the plague it is! Young men and now even women are adopting alternative lifestyles from sodomy to “furries” where kids identifying as cats want litter boxes in school bathrooms and all this other total moral degradation!

Voting the Bible means accepting neither one of these octogenarian perverts who will do active harm to bringing Christ back to the public square! They both will take us further on the road to perdition and to moral decline! Joe Biden has us on the brink of nuclear annihilation by promoting both a proxy war against another nuclear power to protect a Zionist sodomite sympathizing ”president” in Ukraine and also a wretched Zionist AIPAC fueled genocide against innocent civilians in Gaza and Donald Trump would continue the same and make it even worse! We need to either vote for a sane third party who is Bible believing or stay home and not support evil!

Brent D. Cates #wingnut #conspiracy

Donald Trump and Elon Musk are fighting for humanity.

To defend and most importantly, preserve it.

Are YOU a “humanity?”

Then they are fighting for you, me and everyone who still believes in the sanctity of the individual, good hearted Soul.

Because a SICKNESS is beginning overtake humanity.

A SOUL SICKNESS that is rapidly infecting humanity’s most precious gift and future: our children.
The summation is that the American People are a captured population who have been relentlessly abused, robbed and most subtly attacked by our own government since 1975.

Indeed, since that time, their one caveat when silently and diabolically harming us via science, medicine and regulation has been “DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO REALIZE WHAT WE ARE DOING TO THEM.

In 1975, under President Gerald Ford and the vile Henry Kissinger suborned the United State’s sovereignty **IN SECRET** by adopting a UN proposal that would ultimately become what we know as #AGENDA2030.
This is literally WHY everything we have been experiencing for the last 5 decades seems “off.”

There was something wrong.

We could sense it, we could certainly FEEL it, but we couldn’t put our finger directly on the what, where, why and most importantly WHO it was originating from.

NO sugar coating.

NO punches pulled.

We are still fighting the NAZIS.

We defeated the German STATE that spawned Nazism.

We did NOT defeat the ideology.

I call the hidden enemy that is currently destroying our Nation before our eyes THE FOURTH REICH.

Am I doing that to be hyperbolic?


Hell to the FUCK NO!
You MUST grasp this.

It’s revenge.


Revenge for denying them their insane dream in 1945 with our might, comprised of RESOURCES, INFRASTRUCTURE, LOGISTICS AND FAITH.

Our resources lie fallow in the ground. We are at a massive energy/resource deficit that is being artificially manifested because our Nation has been hijacked.

What happened to our infrastructure the last five decades?


Donald J. Trump #racist #wingnut

Trump says 'the Black people' like him because he's been 'discriminated against' in the legal system
In a speech to a group of Black conservatives, he also said Black Americans "embraced" his mug shot more than anyone else.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Former President Donald Trump claimed that Black people like him because he has faced discrimination in the legal system, which is something they can relate to.

"I got indicted a second time and a third time and a fourth time, and a lot of people said that that’s why the Black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against," he said.

I’m being indicted for you, the American people. I’m being indicted for you, the Black population. I am being indicted for a lot of different groups by sick people, these are sick, sick people," Trump said Friday night in a speech at the Black Conservative Federation's annual gala, at which he received the "Champion of Black America" award.

Steven Yates #wingnut #conspiracy

I don’t doubt that a lot of urbanized, left-leaning foot soldiers in corporate media, the legal system, the entertainment industry, and of course academia, are scratching their heads at Donald Trump’s continued popularity despite those 91 felony charges and civil suits that so far have cost him (on paper, anyway) around half a billion dollars. Trump remains the Republican base’s favorite. That same base is dismissing Nikki Haley as George W. Bush in a dress.

The present-day GOP base’s firm belief is that the allegations against Trump are political, and hence invalid.

What’s the basic belief system here? For many, it’s that they’ve been thrown to the wolves by an Establishment (large corporations including former employers as well as the federal government) that couldn’t care less about them and proves this with its insults about, e.g, “deplorables.”

And since most are white, they see Establishment policies like Diversity-Equity-Inclusion which includes everyone except them, as disadvantaging them educationally, careerwise, religiously, culturally.
If the divisions are this intractable, how does one win any argument? How do you cross the conceptual gulf created by the narrative wars?

The unfortunate answer: you don’t.

Your best bet — unless you’re in the business of writing about this sort of thing, like I am — is not to begin arguing.

Remember the old rhyme: a man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.

Most people are going to believe what they want to believe. They are just following their childhood imprinting.

This will tell them that most of the time they can trust the authorities, at least on “important stuff” including governance. They are going to reinterpret whatever evidence you present in terms of what that mental prism allows them to see.
Continuing the argument is a loser’s game.

If it’s something they believe, or want to believe, they couldn’t care less about evidence.

Their mental prisms simply won’t let them see it!

See how this works?

Ben Garrison #wingnut



Cartoon published 02/20/2024

The 2024 Presidential race is heating up—even though it’s only February. Every Soviet-style show trial verdict simply pushes Trump higher in the polls, while Joe Biden’s polls crater. The American people know a loser when they see one and the stumbling, bumbling, mumbling Joe Biden is shaping up to be the worst president in American history. He’s unfit to be president, and unfit to run for president.

Americans love a winner and Donald Trump has always been that, bouncing back and becoming stronger from every misfortune.

Like Ben’s Cartoons? Buy Ben A Virtual ‘Coffee’ Mmmmmm
Click to serve up a hot cup!


On February 17, President Trump introduced his new line of signature shoes at Sneaker Con at the Philadelphia Convention Center in Pennsylvania. Trump’s high top golden sneakers sold out in just four hours after their launch. A few sneakers were autographed by Trump himself, and one pair sold at auction for an incredible $9,000.

Can you imagine anyone falling all over themselves to buy a pair of Joe Biden sneakers? No one would. President Trump is brilliant at marketing himself, and his high top ‘kicks’ are a way to appeal to the younger generation. Generation Z will never be picking up a pair of Biden blue loafers with orthopedic lifts and Velcro straps.😝

The limited edition high tops are…

…“Bold, gold, and tough, just like President Trump.”

If the shoe fits, wear it!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

We can’t allow Crooked or Compromised Judges and Prosecutors to get away with what they are doing to your favorite President, ME, in New York City and State, Fulton County (Atlanta), Georgia, or Washington, D.C. It is a coordinated attack on FREEDOM & LIBERTY. It is an attack on the future of our Nation. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

5.15k ReTruths 20.1k Likes
Feb 19, 2024 at 2:49 PM

Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #wingnut

What happened to Trump in NYC is the stuff of the Soviet show trials: Show me the man and I'll show you the crime. If the government doesn’t like your politics, they can concoct some excuse to steal your stuff and call it “justice.”

But this behavior always has consequences. There’s a reason companies won’t invest in Venezuela or Cuba: When the rule of law is arbitrary and politicized and property rights are weak, doing business becomes unsafe.

I am rooting for a mass exodus of investor capital and businesses from New York City. But there’s no reason to stop there. For as long as New York insists on being a judicial rogue state, red states should stop acknowledging the rulings of its courts.

Democrats have shredded our Constitution and our legal norms just to destroy Donald Trump. But they’d do well to remember that we can hit back. Ship every illegal into New York, and ship every dollar out.
10:22 AM · Feb 20, 2024 · 199.2K Views
2,056 Reposts 50 Quotes 8,314 Likes 67 Bookmarks

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut



Cartoon published 02/18/2024

Donald Trump is the only man who can save America. He’s far from perfect—no human is, but at this point there is no other viable candidate capable of turning things around.

With the puppet Biden carrying out their orders, the Democrat Party wrecked havoc. We have wide-open borders, systemic corruption in our institutions and satanic insanity being injected into our culture. Those on the far left want the traditional America destroyed and replaced by globalist socialism.

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