
lifefuel #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist

Rich Hollywood Chad is a Cannibal and Abusive Sexual Deviant

Every time I think I've seen the limits of caucusoid degeneracy and sickness, something like this comes out. Cannibalism? Really guys? I'm convinced all white people and kikes are inherently mentally ill and deranged. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Make no mistake, all so-called white people are like this. It's just a matter of if they have the power and opportunity. You think the term "white devil" is sarcasm?

Oh and before you mention Papua New Guinea and their flesh-eating ways, they allegedly got that from JEWS.

But since he's chad, no one will care. Women will tune into the doc and talk about how "hot" he is. But if you cold approach the same woman IRL she will call the cops on you cuz you're not chad.

Armie Hammer’s ‘cannibalism’ is just one ‘dark, twisted’ family secret


They love to whitewash our history, nothing new there. Acting like they're the only civilization builders.

We were building empires (not just Egypt) when they were banging rocks together and not washing their asses properly. (A caucusoid tendency which continues to THIS DAY).

They stole all of our knowledge and claimed it as their own. That's what the pale-skinned menace does.

Even the likes of Socrates and Plato raved about Africa and studied for YEARS under the tutelage of the REAL sages there. Modern caucusoids don't know shit. They think they invented everything. Stupid cocksuckers.

Iamnothere000 #sexist #psycho

[LifeFuel] Based 17 yo sandcel student enriches 55yo foid teacher in deadly knife attack.

The boy’s name is supposedly “Sinan”. Other teachers describe his as “typical loudmouth”.

I can’t blame him tho, older foid teachers are salty because of fading looks and take this frustration out on the students (if they are not fucking them).

Also, teachers are a rather left leaning folk so they deserve everything that is done to them by those precious migrants.

!!!Allahu Akbar!!!

[ABC News - “Teen held in German teacher's death had 'problems at school'”]

Heartless (“ᛋᛋProud Americelᛋᛋ 卐Racist卐Misogynist卐Degenerate卐”) #racist #sexist #ableist #elitist #psycho

(In response to ”[LifeFuel] 12 year old foid raped and murdered.”)

Why do news articles always censor the picture:
imageLook at her, those shark teeth, jewess nose, and fetal alcohol syndrome face.... Who the fuck is going to risk their life to rape this. How fucking stupid. I empathize and understand when its someone hot who gets raped, because all men can understand that, but for some foid this ugly to get targeted... Just eww.

HikikunDeformis #sexist #racist

(Note by submitter: regarding the Amouranth abuse case)

RE: Lifefuel for Chinkcels

Her chink husband is gigabased

Most likely they started dating as normal people. He was a rich betabuxxxing Chink and she was a white whore. She probably cheated on him and did a lot of bad things. There is no way a woman of her looks remained loyal to that chink for 5-7 years.

Once she started earning money she became independent. He realized that he needed to control her cash flow to control her and so he did. When the time for her to leave him came he exposed the fact that he is in control of most of her cash making her cry on the internet.

Make no mistake. She does not care about him. He only came out on top because he was blackpilled and had a giga high IQ of 150 to play that bitch

SlavPitt #elitist #sexist

Slavpill is brutal

Living in western Europe (Germany) as a slav is brutal.
Being a slav is much worse than being turkish/arab or almost any ethnic. Many white foids in Germany even prefer Arabs and Turks over their own race.
But nobody prefers slavs. They just have it slightly better than chinks.

Some time ago i read an article about a slav foid writing she would rather die than dating a slav :feelsrope:

If Brad Pitt were born as a Slav he would be posting here

I grew up in Germany and i´ve seen so fkn many white german foids with average or slightly above average sandniggers. But all slavs i know imported their women from their countries and are betabuxxing. There are barely slavs with german foids.

Slavs have the lowest smv after chinks.

It's cucked that Slavic nations want to join European Union so bad. JFL at the Ukraine for risking a war against Russia just to get Cucked when they migrate to Germany.

It´s also lifefuel for western men when the market gets flooded by eastern euro foids. I wonder how polish men deal with it. Polish men are not very attractive either.

wereqryan & BummerDrummer #psycho #racist #sexist

JFL Sheboon brutally beats up white bitch (who has a daughter with some deadbeat Tyrone) and bloodies her face. :)

I'd bet that the victim's father was not in her life. She obviously never heard the talk about race mxing which is why the baby in the picture is 1/2 negro. The white bitch asked for this kind of abuse when she became part of this black "community", that is why she had her half black daughter in a black neighborhood in a cheap restaurant with black workers and patrons. This white bitch mistakenly thought that she would get a pass because she dates black men, but doesn't understand that for the rest of her life she will have a sign around her neck that says "you got it coming" in the black community. As you saw in the video, she is not equipped for the violence and abuse coming her way. A strong father would have guided her down a different path in life. Her only hope now is to get out of this culture and try to raise her daughter in a community where cucked simping white men open the door for a lady to exit on her two feet as a sign of good manners, not being dragged through the door by her hair by a person who's culture says this is a reasonable response to a disagreement

Lifefuel jfl. Look at the ((((white)))) foids black eyebrows and dyed blonde hair. Jfl. They should have killed her right then and there and then got the baby too.

I hope this white woman-and any white liberal in a nigger area-go through something like this. Getting attacked by a black person or a group of blacks in an area of blacks either not doing anything or helping your attacker while you get beat to a pulp by the race you’ve been traitoring and kvetching for.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #sexist

RE: LifeFuel Taliban kill woman for not wearing burqa in public.

Talibans: Discovering new hights of basedness every day.

The funny thing is, soon every afghan female will embrace their natural place and start to be happy like they havent been in the last 20 years. Cucks will say that they are no longer receptive to feminist propaganda due to censorship. They cant accept that 99% of afghan foids wanted this to happen deep inside.

I was gonna say that I disagreed with their actions and I would rather sexually enslave her as punishment instead of killing her in Minecraft but now that I see the pic it seems like that bitch was pretty ugly lol good riddance

must have called them inkel thinking she was still protected by the globohomo

Reminds me of the Khmer Rouge or the cultural revolution in China.

The western narrative doesn't interpret those events accurately imo and the way I view it goes like this:

The Cambodians and communist Chinese purged their country of people who were westernized (white washed as we say). Mostly killing them all and seizing their property.

The original Chinese communist were aligned with the Slavic-Jewish communist imperialists. A different flavor from Anglo-Jewish capitalist world order but still a cumskin male attempt to shape the world in their image nonetheless.

I think most Asian nations are just satisfied to be themselves, and don't want foreign men coming in to cuck them and steal or influence their women. Which is a tendency that white cumskin men have (whether eastern Slavic-Jewish communists or western Anglo-Jewish capitalists) in bullying/cucking men of the Asian continent.

yikerinos #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia

JFL [HONKFUEL] Trannies are absolutely destroying feminism

And there's absolutely nothing feminists can do about it, because the media, corporations and banking elites are behind this one, so even most "feminists" (libfems) support it, social networks are censoring dissenting opinions, even reddit feminist subs got banned and FDS can't say shit about trannies anymore, the media is heavily promoting it, etc.

I know FDSers lurk here so, DEAL WITH IT WHORES. I hope a tranny rapes every single one of you.

We tried telling them that not all men are rapists, but they'd take even that as an attack. They would consistently disregard the suffering of males who get accused of rape despite not doing it, and even censored the keywords "false accusation" on twox to make sure no one would talk about it. Every attempt by males to defend ourselves, even simply advocating for our rights or talking about our suffering, they would see as an attack and censor it and treat us like creeps for it.

So now they get creepy men in dresses raping them LIFEFUEL. Maybe you should've listened when we were nice. Too late now

I hope a feminist gets raped by a tranny and the tranny accuses the feminist of transphobia and gets away with it to add insult to injury.

Extremely based

i love looking at radfem/ anti trans sites like ovarit when they get so triggered because of muh " womanhood". If a dude wants to live as a woman who gives a fuck. It might be degenerate but theres plenty of more degenerate things going on.

They're extremely toxic to society. If they didn't lash out at others, expect to be called mam, pretend to be women on tinder with filters etc, I'd be "ok" with it, but as it is they're just disgusting.

rope2cope #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut

Incel Meetup in North Korea 2021/2022

Why North Korea?

It's a comfy isolated country where we will be treated like kings by our qt North Korean milf tour guides... think about it... chilling in a North Korean bar drinking NK beers on a nice evening with our QT tour guides just chilling, nobody to judge us since there's nobody around and we can't be infiltrated by normies since the effort to come to NK will be too much... plus it'll be pretty funny.

B-but rope2cope how much will it cost?

Well, I was thinking we could book this one... it's a Bicycle tour around Nork's capital and will cost:

Price : €495 / €595

3 or 4 nights.

I'm thinking the 500 euro for 3 nights of Brocel bonding on bikes and getting a guided around by a qt Nork is lifefuel and will be fun.

This could be us chilling while Nork bar singers dance their little Nork asses away to impress us. Con 2021 in North Korea will happen, even if I make the trip solo... I guess an Incel convention with just 1 attendee will be somewhat poetic if you think about it.

Think about it brocels, live a little.

Please post interest here.

Also maybe we can cozy up to the NK government and be allowed to NEETmaxx there, non-autisticcels could get a job teaching Engrish to Nork universities and schools and we can live in the Supreme Leaders Paradise unmolested and get state sanctioned gf.

turbocuckcel_7000 #sexist

RE: LifeFuel Web devcel hired by femcels to build their forum calls them misandrist whores & destroys their servers! They can't find any female to build their site



useless foidcunts are basically nonexistent when it comes to the hard work of actually making everything work properly, that is setting up a server from the ground up in addition to writing all the code for the website, and making sure nothing gets fucked up at any step of the way, more or less full responsability for the project

what they do is get assigned some insignificant task that doesn't sink the project if it fails, like a sandbox for a child, or if doing a whole "website" the work that they do is configuring and styling a template that's already been created by someone, and installed onto a configured and functional server by another someone else

you'll never meet a foidcunt who got the whole project and the whole codebase dropped on her, ever, whereas guys like that are everywhere

JFL men that learned how to be a 'machinist' of the modern era got fucked so hard, they do all the work, while femoids try to steal their credit, and even if the guys are good at this modern work they are all considered useless compulsive masturbators anyway, just for being around a computer a lot

Various Incels #racist

RE: LifeFuel Blackcel gets harassed by chad while walking home, chad gets arrested

No.. He's a nigger who is in a neighborhood that he does not belong in. He deserved to be bullied. I just have to turn on the TV and I see "white man bad". I go to social media and I see "white man bad". I go to any mainstream platform and I see "white man bad". I play any AAA video games and it's "white man bad". I GET IT. WHITE MAN BAD. OKAY? I SEE IT EVERYWHERE. I don't need it on this comfy little corner on the internet too, okay? You want to complain about "da whitey bad"? Go to any major platform and they'll suck your dick for being an ethnic and praise your hatred for da white man. Okay? You have twitter, facebook, youtube, reddit, tumblr, and pretty much all major platforms on the internet to complain about "da whitey". Why here?

if this were a black neighborhood and a white incel was snooping around he wouldnt have got a warning, his white ass would be fucking dead. Because of BLM the niggers are getting away with way too much shit. If this is what happens now when niggers are prowling for houses to burgle then our society is going to get fucked by niggers so badly we will all be living in the ghetto soon.


Yeah, after rewatching, it seems like the guy was suspiciously creeping around the neighborhood and bothered the foid

If a white dude walked in a black neighborhood he would risk being mugged at the very least. And that's just walking. Now imagine if he harassed some sheboon. The entire hood would jump him. Double standards by niggers as usual. Also this had nothing to do with his race. He harassed a woman from the neighborhood they have the right to kick him the fuck out.

your personality #crackpot #racist #sexist #wingnut

LifeFuel For ricecels. You don't have it the worst and here's why.

compared to brown incels:

Your skin tone isn't poop colored brown.
You aren't suspected to be a terrorist or scammer at first sight.
Your cultural customs are acknowledged and not seen as a meme.
Your currency has a much better chance of replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency.
Western media is likely not to promote regime change of your countries because they know there will be severe consequences if they do that.
Food insecurity is less of an issue. The phrase that there are starving children in China or Japan is more true of the US and Latin American countries.
Asian males are known to have a ruthless side.
There are Asian street gangs with a serious and respectable reputation.
Your countries aren't low IQ or completely unsanitary.
The cultural power of anime, kpop and video games has improved the image of Asian culture.
Many girls like anime and kpop and this improves the SMV of an average decent looking Asian guy too.
Like whites, you can afford to be more feminine and small and look cute instead of looking like a creepy skinny brown dude.
Asian countries are known to be technologically advanced even compared to many western countries.
Asian countries aren't politically correct or social justice oriented.
Asian countries like China are on track to displace western countries like US within a few years. They have also surpassed the US in many ways already.
China landed a rocket on the moon. India and Israel failed to do that.
Asians fought back against white colonialist powers.
Britain had to give back Hong Kong and doesn't have a chance of getting it back.
The western way of life has proven not to be superior and is rapidly falling apart.
It is not considered a meme for China to be an eventual superower unlike with countries like India or Pakistan.
Asian countries aren't locked in skirmishes with each other and as a result can more easily take on western military powers.

Psycho #psycho #sexist

LifeFuel My mom's pathetic life makes me happy

she used to be hot stacy. she married to my father at age of 14, where she didn't know anything about chads. she was always kept at home , so later when she figured out that chads exist and my dad is not chad. she started cheating and dating chads. (side note : 30 years ago, marring to girls at age 12-18 was normal in my country , it's still legal and accepted in some states. Muslim fucktards believe that girls should marry early or they will end up whore.) she gave birth to me at 16, and later she didn't care about me, because she didn't love my dad. so she didn't care if i know that she is cheating. she kept bringing me with her in her dates when i was a 4yo 5yo boy. the chad kept fucking her but not marring, so she faked that she used protection pills and made baby and told him when it was too late on propose, he had no choice but to marry her, and guess what?! she was 30 and the chad was 19.

as she aged she got fat and fatter, lost her beauty and the chad lost interest in her cause she had a very shitty personality. she is ugly now, the chad left her and picked his kid with him too. he don't even give her money to live, me and my brother are paying her bills for 6 months now. she is alone af so far away from us in another city and in shithole that some wont even use it for their dogs. fat af and ugly af, alone af. i hope every stacy end up like my mom. it's just fascinating to think about it , girls get old and ugly soon. they all will experience how does it feel like to be unwanted. even if they have a husband who tell em " i love u " they know it's not for real because they are ugly and unpleasant when they are old. now she is at 40s , alone and rotting somewhere in a shitty basement. makes me feel good.

Various Incels #ableist #psycho #racist #sexist

RE: LifeFuel brazil gamer finally rises up and kills femoid and films her dead body


Imagine if she was Twitch streamer and the murderer recorded this live for all her simps to see...


Just the thought is making a huge smile on my face.

I read a part of his manifesto. Nigga can barely write in portuguese and thinks he's a genius or something, he's clearly mentally retarded, should've killed himself, way better than shitzilian prisons.

He is also said to have sent a PDF with messages "of hatred against Christians and makes a nod to terrorism,"

First reports was that he was fucking her and after the sex he asked her help to kill some christian pastors, after she denied, he chimped out. Maybe is real, why was she in the house of some random nigger she met on the internet anyways? i guess he talking about killing christians to foids made them wet, but the foids always thought he was just an edgy larper

(trying to ascend)
He don't talk nothing with nothing, his ideas are totally disconnected from each other. He and the foid were planning to kill christians, and people are acting as the foid was innocent. He said he and his ''army'' could kill all the christians and it was better for them to obey him. JFL at thinking you can kill 90% of the population

And the foid already knew him since january, but on the day of the shooting, she refused to go with him and cancelled the pact they made, them he killed her. But I don't doubt he was doing this for fame and making foids wet, because he clearly not explained clearly reasons to justify his hate against christians, I read the book till page 30, and there is nothing justifying his hate

BummerDrummer #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut

Blackpill Once women take the vaccine it’s over.

We all (I hope) know that the vaccine is unsafe at best and straight up malicious at worst, and like most social changes done by the NWO ) it will be the women (and minorities) who will be the foot soldiers of said NWO doctrine.

These 2 groups will follow WHATEVER the new agenda is. If it is dictated to stay in your house while a fake virus is coined up they will stay in their house and shame you for not. If it is dictated to kneel for some fucking monkey that died of an OD and resisted arrest you will kneel or these 2 groups will shame you. The vaccine will soon be the new agenda and because the puppeteers have made it so trendy.

Because of the amount of sway women have in society (being the gatekeepers of intercourse) if they take the vaccines all the soys will follow suit, especially if they start barring those without the vaccine from normie activities like clubs and etc.

55% of Single Americans Say They Won’t Go Out with People Not Willing to Take Coronavirus Vaccine

Like on EVERY SINGLE MAJOR SOCIAL ISSUE, Kikes, papist elites, blacks/minorities, and women are combining to form a huge bloc with the first 2 as heads and the latter 2 as slave foot soldiers not unlike the orcs from LOTR, and of course the Anglo Teutons are LOSING in the face of the great reset (despite our future world being better for everyone than whatever future the semites want)

Lifefuel: this fucking monkey vaccine rap got a whole lot of dislikes which is based

Community Immunity 1: Let's All Get the Vaccine feat. Darryl DMC McDaniels

Benj-amin #conspiracy #sexist

LifeFuel [HIGH IQ] The Term 'Involuntary celibate' was not created by a Foid named "Alana"!

All it takes is a simple Google Search of the term "Involuntary Celibates" (With Quotes.), in the Google Books section, Sort by Date, and click "19th Century" instead of "Any Time", this is what you will find.


The term "Involuntary celibate" dates all the way back the the 19th Century in two books, one was the Cambridge essays, published in 1858! The term was used verbatim, Were men in tenure were bound to be Involuntary celibate until their tenure was over. There is no way for this "Alana" to have coined this term in 1858, for she would have to be over 162 Years of age in 2021! Clearly this is not possible. For no man, or woman, has ever reached such an age, and would inevitable garner media attention on this fact alone, seeing as she has not, she clearly wasn't in this time period.

I also have evidence to come to the conclusion that this "Alana" is not even what she claims to be, there is no evidence that she is even a woman, there is no photos of her, no Articles on google scholar about her "Group" or any of her Research, and she clearly was not even the one responsible for coining the term "Involuntary Celibacy". For all I know, I might as well effectively say that she does not exist. This is Lifefuel for all the Incels who were lied to about the term "Involuntary CElibate" being "Coined" by some Neoliberalism Feminist out of some university.

chudur-budur #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy

[Lifefuel] How Fascist are you?


spoilerCorporatism: 100%
Strongman leader: 100%
Militarism: 100%
Dissident Suppression: 100%
Natural Hierarchy: slightly over 60%
Press and Speech Control: 90%
Rebirth myth: 100%
Denunciation of Enemies: 70%
Tough-Mindedness: 80%
Traditional Values: 100%

I got 90.5%.

[smug frogman]

You can take the test here and post your results.

Various Incels #sexist #wingnut

LifeFuel Abortion in Poland is officially ILLEGAL [nine animated emoji of Pepe waving two lightsabres around happily]

Gigalifefuel boyos, the femoids are losing their minds because we took their ability to murder kids. before it was only a proposition, now it's reality. 2021 is starting to become a great year

what an incredibly fucked up sentence. women protesting for the "right" to murder their own infant offspring

It was already illegal except for some special cases like children with genetic disorders and the handicapped. This tweak will only raise the rates of inceldom

Good thing sex is not that big a deal, right ? I mean all these women will have to do is to keep their legs closed. That shouldn't be too hard. Oh wait I forgot they could also use the dozens methods of contraception available, but then there are even fewer reasons to complain, right ?

foids are bitching and crying because now they have to drive to Germany to get an abortion, boohoo what an inconvenience. imagine being a trucel who has to fly over the Atlantic or Pacific just to escortcel legally

(The Cagot)
It's a very good news, abortion is murder and an horror. Now foids will have to stop fucking anyone at sight just for fun.


StSausageCel #racist #sexist

RE: LifeFuel Is NIGERIAmaxxing the answer for Arabcels?

I’m an ugly arabcel. I’m brown skinned, I have fucked up teeth, a hook nose, and a mini Osama looking beard. Here in the Americas I can’t match with a foid to save my life, but when I switched my location to Nigeria I had tons of likes and matches. They even messaged me first. If I had a passport and some money I probably could have ascended, but sadly I don’t have either


Do they have running water and feminine care products? I don’t wanna go there and invite them to my hotel just for them to smell like fish

I’ve been there a few times and most of their women are obsessed with care products. It’s not the jungle that media make it out to be I know what Nigerian foids are like, trust me. When you’re not dark skinned, you’ll always find a girl who’s down to fuck you. I had a skinny Pakistani friend who went to HS in Nigeria, I’m talking horrifically skinny, and tons of girls wanted to fuck him at the Nigerian HS he went to.

That had nothing to do with him being Pakistani but because he was good looking anyway.

Except he wasn’t good looking dummy, if he was I would’ve stated it.

Various Incels #sexist

Blackpill One of the best betabuxx chad-fucks anecdotes

Feels like I wasted my sex life...

Foids are not even willing to have that ritual lifeless sex with normies :feelshaha: :feelskek:

Future of all normoids who decide to betabuxx

Rude better than thou normies deserve that anyway, assholes can't even call a shameless whore a whore.

”She did the 1-night stands, the parties, all the craziest sex you can have before "settling down". Then I come along and we fall for each other. The sex starts and I feel like she just gives me scraps - sizing me up to past experiences. Just lays there most the time for me to get it over with. It's so unsatisfying I'm borderline repulsed by even trying anymore...”

seeing normies get destroyed is lifefuel.

Yes it is.

This is literally why I LDAR and never even try to get a gf, I dont want chads used scraps and starfish sex once a month fuck that rather die alone


The dark side of me just wants to explode and go and fuck the brains out of a passionate woman (or women) who wants to fuck the lights out of me.

He actually thinks this is possible for non Chads :feelskek: delusion makes the world go round

Good luck buddy :lul:

BududubNow #psycho #sexist

LifeFuel I love looking at miserable women with kids

Nowadays all young women with kids look miserable as fuck and I think I know why. They thought they would settle with Alpha Chad and have his kids and he would "change" as in he wouldn't be aggressive and bossy but the reality is that Chads either left them after making a baby with them or stayed with them and didn't change or actually god worse and treat the foids like slave (not just inside the bed), most likely fucking younger, better looking girls on the side instead of their widened pussies.

So they are miserable and probably wish they found a beta to be there for them and do everything + pay for their bastard children but of course without giving them any sex. I love it when I see a miserable foid like this. Most of the time they have this begging puppy look that puppies have when they are beaten. Life fuel. This is why I respect MGTOWs, they come to right realization but not for the right reasons. At least they are not willing to betabucks for these whores.

FrailPaleStaleMale #sexist

LifeFuel William Costello writes spot on article about incels and the utterly ridiculous advice people shill to us

Comments are utter trash btw, there's a whore by the name of foxlady saying that sex is something men shouldn't feel entitled over but doesn't seem to understand whores demand this shit everytime they see a chad.

Funny because people like that have clearly not read the article. And are the exact type of person the article addresses I guess. Hate for the sake of it

"The dating market is highly competitive, hierarchical, and often cruel. This fact is uncomfortable for anyone who values egalitarianism, so a more appealing — albeit dishonest — option is to instead blame Incels for their plight by suggesting that their unpleasant personalities must be the problem".

Extracted from the article. The funny part is this was said by a feminist. That quote from the article encapsulates perfectly the essence of the bluepill.

bluepill is worse than a disease tbh. People love their fairytale approach to life, yet it rarely if ever works for them either jfl. Its basically lying to people. Its ignorant. It robs people of knowledge and opportunities to improve. Telling boys that are prepubecant or early puberty that all they have to do is "be themselves" or the endless stream of shit advice we all pretty much got I feel is disgusting. Because it sells them a lie. And those that dont meet the expectations years later are left behind and often vilified.

I think a lot of incels that exist, had they been spared lies and actually been told what sort of stuff matters in terms success, They'd have had much more time to focus on it. In the time of their lives when their body would be the most receptive and responsive to their efforts. A happier life would have likely been achieved for many. But no. We just got the generic balloon advice of "eh, its alright, someone for everyone"...

MSCW #racist #sexist

RE: LifeFuel You get what you fucking deserve you skank

>She is black
>She is poor

She should not blame herself and make her full rage against them. image

They're the reason she is in that situation. Not so long ago, she could have her lovely KANG.

Minus: Baby drama, Collect calls, Handouts, Boost mobile, Prepaid debt cards, Gang banging, EBT card, And of course a musical career provided by the 2%. What an american tragedy. Where to find quality black men?

You can't make this shit up. I have most of it from my list. JFL She thinks she deserves that Tyrone. Being a woman doesn't make dating easier

Full of shit as usual. But this time one of them is honest about it. "I feel like dating, at my height, with where I am in life, would have been significantly harder if I was a man." "I'm 5'0 for one. Working part time, nearing 30." I often think about how fucked up the world is for black girls and women

They never had it as good and still find a way to complain.


LifeFuel Lolis are thirsting hard for faggots like harry styles or kpop oldcels. agepill debunked lifefuel

How many becky lolis, literal 12/13 year olds(prime age) have you seen worshiping these late 20s prettyboys or semi-prettyboys with niche appeal? There are a whole lot of them. the gooks in bts(famous faggot band) are 26-28 too. Lifefuel because if they can ascend so can I all I have to do is stop balding and get the general prettyboy aesthetic. I've always been on the framelet side anyway, seems easier than gymcelling & roidcelling for years to become a robust ogre. what's the best way to prettyboymax?

Good luck trying to fuck 12 year olds lmao, i'm sure that'll turn out great for you.

no you want to befriend them and groom them early at 12 so you can penetrate them on their 14th birthday when it's legal :) obviously I'd never do anything illegal :feelzez:

Balding and pretty boy are mutually exclusive.

yeah it's not tragic yet. hopefully my non-tranny-hormone hair copes work out :dafuckfeels:

Why do you want to transform yourself based on the whims of the most vapid members of society (young girls)?

I must ascend :cryfeels: yeah it's cucked I'd much rather pillage a village and get myself a foid like in the good old days but sadly that method no longer works

DarthSpectra & your personality #sexist

[LifeFuel] How the tables have turned

Friends Of Female Incels Explain What Their Femcel Friends Don't Get - AskViewers

Although to be honest I wonder how many are actually true

How is this involuntary celibate if she has guys wanting to buy her drinks for sex?

Most people are idiots who have no idea what being an incel or femcel in this case is

Fem"cels" = volcel

Word. Even the ones in this video who are actually virgins are fat and disgusting (all which is in their power, the weight and personality)

Why are you giving credence to the lie of "femcels" existing?

They're more like entitled females who refuse to settle for their looksmatches, and don't like being pumped and dumped by nonchads.

>queue 0:38, not even A MINUTE into the video "she had two boyfriends" this has to be a sick joke the female race is pulling on us Incels right? :feelskek::feelskek: btw stopped watching the video after this

Some of them are legit. Like, virgin foods in their 20s. However, all of them have absolutely disgusting attitudes, feminist mindset and are both ugly and fat. Not even the biggest volcel of all is more volcel than these fEmCeLs

(your personality)

I don't like these Reddit threads. They reek of "See? We're not biased against men, we made a thread about women!" I've seen Subredditstats. The numbers don't lie.

Agreed. Just like when feminists talk about how men have issues and then launch into talking about toxic masculinity and how men need to feel more comfortable crying and wearing dresses like r/menslib does. It's fake, condescending concern trolling and pretty much it would be better if they just STFU.

Various Incels #racist #sexist #wingnut

[LifeFuel] There is hope. Shanghai summit: Russia, China & allies slam US at Shanghai summit

Russia, China & allies slam US at Shanghai summit (Full show)

The SCO currently comprises eight Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), four Observer States interested in acceding to full membership (Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia).

If American hegemony continues, foid hypergamy and inceldom will only get worst. Jews only have power in the sense that White Anglos willingly act as the protectorate of them because of a strong sense of guilt and obligation. When White numbers diminish so will the the military, economic, and cultural threat of America to the rest of the world. Degeneracy will without a doubt be eliminated. Mass inceldom and female hypergamy... Idk. Most likely a long lasting effect and legacy of American hegemony that will take a long time to unlearn.

Abunch of literally who’s and shitholes. I hope they balkanize the US though so we can have neo confederate states that’d be epic

The SJW cucks in the west are allied with the CCP. Putin is allied with Israel/China and funded retards like Richard Spencer. Those cocksuckers play a left/right dialectic and drive the west further into globalist slavery. The jew subverted our culture since the 30s, so they could easily manipulate simps and women. There are no based countries.

Various Incels #psycho #sexist

RE: [LifeFuel] 12 year oldcel tries to ropemaxx, kills foidlet instead

Woman killed after 12-year-old boy jumps from overpass in suicide attempt

(Copexodius Maximus)
"Just learn the signs of people who are in crisis"

Literally look at their face and see if it someone you as a female would want to fuck. If not, then all other females think the same and he wants to kill himself.

When the developers put an end game trap in the tutorial level

BASED. Only he didnt live to know how much of a favor he did to the world. No gays and femtards born from her, no men divorced or suicided over her, no chads wiped their dick off her mouth, no welfare leeched to feed her after she graduates with her meme degree, bliss all around.

Based as fuck, exactly this. In one mere action he saved tens possible hundreds of men potential heartache from this siren. We all know she was well on her way to fucking above a dozen men

image It's ironic how she wanted to devote her life to helping others just as this boy was trying to end it all, it makes me feel like she saved this boy and is giving him another chance

No you stupid cuck. It's indeed ironic that the very thing that puts modern men at the verge of suicide was killed by a man who attempted a suicide. Based god punished her for making another soul reject god. God granted this man the free will to kill himself just as he made this cunt suffer because the very likes of her make men reject god.

Her white boyfriend will have to fap tonight. JFL at how the condition of the boy (in hospital with life threatening injuries) is a footnote at the end. Imagine if you reversed the sexes. The dead male would be a footnote and the story would be about the girl and foid mental health.

Indiancel #psycho #racist #sexist

[LifeFuel] Imo Sri Lanka and Belarus are the best places for location maxing

According to the stats men there are ugly af,abusive and die early and about 60% of the population is under poverty.Feminism virus hasn’t spread yet.Women are more family oriented and are virgins.As long as you aren’t a dipshit Locationmaxxing there seems legit.Slav women are hot af while Sri Lankan women are cute.

I even talked to a guy on reddit and he confirmed all my presumptions.All of his cousins were incelish looking and were married to gl women and none of them made for good husbands yet the women stayed with them out of despair and these were his exact words

“All u need is a decent income and unironically a good personality. Yes,personality matters a lot.Men here are spoilt for choice and make bad husbands tbh.Most of them are abusive,adulterous and treat their wives like crap,thousands of young women are desperately trying to find a good man to marry,so if you treat her right she will definitely return the favour.Some of you might call it betabux but it isn’t as bad as u might think.In sri Lankan culture it’s the women’s duty to satisfy her husbands in bed.So marriages won’t end in deadbedrooms for sure”

Sounds like a paradise tbh but keep in mind all of this is coming from redpilled sources.So,is this life fuel or am I coping hard?

soymonkcel #transphobia


Trans wahmyn are wahmyn jfl. Again, if they are so obsessed with gender = performativity, why the fuck do they get so upset when they don't pass as women? Jeez. It's kinda lifefuel because, even if I'm a 5'4" framelet manlet wristcel, I mog at least those two. How someone like me can call anyone "a freak"? They're all AGPs in denial. I feel sorry for them. They are so lost... One of the gratest contradictions is that, if they think gender is pure performativity, why do they get upset when they are told they don't pass even if we are not able to detect the figment of their imagination that makes them identify with something they are not?

Various Incels #sexist #psycho

RE: [LifeFuel] Manlet fights back against tall Stacies


based manlet. Also I'm sure they wouldnt have started shit with him if he was 6ft+ tallfag, but thats the kind of shit you have to put up with if you're a manlet.

Exactly. He should have beaten them more for disrepecting him.

It's 1v3, they are taller and they can't. Pathetic.

Hahaha I bet she felt less feminine being taller so she got angry

I would've punched at least one of them. He was way too soft

Who even taught them they can fight with a man. But when you let them have their way they suddenly turn to cops.

And then feminism claim men are afraid of strong woman, there is no such thing as strong woman.

JFL at wymyn thinking they can take on a man in combat just because he's shorter than them

RREEEEEEEEE #psycho #sexist

[LifeFuel] Mother, daughter killed for honor in South Punjab. This is the kind of news that makes me proud to be a Pakistani.

Unpopular opinion: I don't wan to become a monster. Call me a cuck :feelsbadman:

Why not? Society should be kept in check. It's based men that are willing to murder their own relatives to get this done. Not even people from here would do that because they're soy at heart.

I am a Chink here and I have to say that Pakistanis are one of the most based people I met, along with Russians.

Awesome. Pakistan and China enjoy a great political relationship. You have vetoed against Americucks for us. In my entire life I only met one Russian but we were both little boys so I don't think it counts.

I live in Toronto and the only based folks I met are Pakistanis and Russians, I can tell you that in Toronto, the most bluepilled people are asians, curries and western euros.

I'm sorry you live in that shithole. Someone else from here was from Toronto as well and he said it was feminist central basically. You should move elsewhere.

Studiocel #dunning-kruger #sexist

[LifeFuel] Incels should hunger strike for pussy

Worst case scenario you die of starvation. Best case scenario foids will be forced to fuck your malnourished body. Its a win win situation. Imagine if all subhuman males -led by an incel Gandhi- decided to hunger strike until the sexual market accommodates them. A hunger strike is the most effective way to create change. Women went on hunger strikes to win their rights, now we will go on hunger strikes to REMOVE their rights.

CrackingYs #sexist #psycho

[LifeFuel] What is best in life? Hearing the lamentation of the women about losing tbeir abortion rights

They're actually weeping at the thought of having to use birth control or carry a baby to term rather than murdering it.

FreeSkeptic, r/TwoXChromosomes

Conservatives are celebrating the death of a woman just because it might allow them to turn women into gestational slaves again

It's sick.

Meanwhile they could care less about the 200k COVID deaths, starving children, giving women the financial ability to raise children, pre-natal healthcare, LGBTQ people, uninsured folks, etc.

They're not pro-life. They're anti-choice, and in the case of RBG dying they're actually pro-death.

AdoptedSubhuman #sexist #dunning-kruger

[LifeFuel] Thinking about faking being a multi millionare

Im thinking about getting 2 or 3 pictures where it looks like im rich as fuck. I will wear and buy a fancy suit and tie then take one picture outside my dads house(looks expensive and modern) Then i will borrow a sport car from a car rental since my dads own a disgusting old ugly car anyway i will take one picture with the sport car outside my house with the car door open, so they think its mine. Then i will use these photos for tinder and i will write in the bio "Young multi millionare" this will attract tons of girls even hot ones, i will verify my profile aswell and now i can pick and choose which girl i want. I will tell the girls im a "successful finance manager" I will tell them to come to my house and i will plan it so my family is not home during that time so it could be during the days, because im home alone during the days.

Then i pump and dump. Would this work? Im a ricecel so they would actually believe im a "successful finance manager"

Gymcelled #sexist

[Blackpill] OnlyFans is the top career choice for women, colleges are freaking out


Maybe larp but LMAO if it isn't. Why bother studying and working hard at a job when you can show your tits or open your legs for chad?

I suggested my slut sister to make an OnlyFans account (cause she's fairly attractive looking), and the funny thing is: she was seriously considering it after I showed her that uglier whores than her were making bank. JFL @ the degeneracy in this generation. Foids live on tutorial island.


It's ragefuel, suicidefuel and lifefuel at the same time. The first 2 because foids can make a living by being sluts and stripping on camera, they don't even have to prostitute themselves Lifefuel because women might remove themselves from the job market. Plus it'll blackpill a lot of men if a decent chunk of the female population stops working because of OF. Really shows how easy they have and how much they're ready to sexualize themselves for profit

Why the fuck should I contribute to soyciety in anyway when holes can get naked on camera and live like millionaires. This is the state which soyciety has devolved to. At this stage, suicide or a mass shooting doesn't even seem extreme, but merely the most logical reaction. Come on!
Convince me that a mass shooting is wrong! Go ahead! In this day and age, it's no different from the french revolution.

This is truly the nail in the coffin for society. Why should we: commute and show up to work every day, do hard studies and trades, break our backs, do dangerous jobs, do depressing jobs, take shit from our bosses or HR etc AND PAY FUCKING TAXES when we rot alone while women live like this If OF truly becomes mainstream among women society will either collapse or become a caste system. I'm 100% serious

metabuxx #sexist

[ToxicFemininity] Foids are the happiest when they hear about some foid getting raped and killed

Who benefits the most from a foid's misery? Its certainly not the man who caused it because he will be rotting in jail for the rest of his live. Its definitely not us because we are just coping when we tag such news as Lifefuel.

Its obviously the other foids. Think about it. Lesser foids in this world means lesser competition. Lesser competition means higher chances for them to get fucked by Chad.

Also the orbiters and potential betabuxers of the foid who died have to go somewhere. So some random whore will benefit a lot when those cucks start simping for her.

The more scarce they are, the more they'll be valued. So the next time you see feminist whores protesting over a foid's murder, just remember that some of them are secretly happy that now they can peacefully fuck her Chad boyfriend.

Foids generally take pleasure in seeing other people do worse.

Exactly. They are sadistic bitches.

They are their own enemy sadistic, apathetic whores is all they are


Tiredpoorcel #sexist #psycho

[LifeFuel] I made a Landwhale whore cry today. Also please touch this IT so next time ill touch foids instead.

So as you all know from my name. I am poor. AF. So today is my once a month taco day (yes i am so poor i eat fast food once a month). So i went to my typical place (not too fancy and didn't have cameras to record me) cause they make good tacos. Also ps: the tacos aren't really tacos they are like huge fat sandwiches. Anyways so as soon as i enter i saw a hijabless (i know AWALT but if she was hijabi i wouldn't bully her cause i respect her dad for not letting her be a whore) 300pound or so hexagon faced triple chin white whore. And as you all know the only thing that is worse than a foid is a triple sized one. So she ordered 2 tacos 2 burgers french fries and a large milkshake and sat infront of me eating like she was in a desert for years and never had a meal. So then i am like disgusted af and pissed cause she is obviously a spoiled fucking whore. So i kept penetrating her with my eyes. Not breaking eye contact for a single second and laughing at her until she started getting red and feeling uncomfy af and id wipe my mouth even tho i didn't have food on it so id make fun of her. At that point after 10 minutes i started seeing tears forming on her eyes which got me more interested in making her life hell so i stand up and went to the cashier thing paid for my cheap ass tacos then as i was exiting i went next to her, called her a pig spitting on the floor next to her and kicked the table spilling the milkshake on her black pants. And i kept looking at her while exiting and she was crying and sobbing loudly, exactly like you see fat whores crying in movies. And as i was exiting i heard her call for help from the manager or whatever and at that point i was already out. SO I GUESS I NEED TO FIND A NEW PLACE TO EAT. BUT IT WAS WORTH IT.

So this is going to be my hobby from now on. Bullying foids by any means necessary.

Also yes IT. I am a dick. And if you touch this itll be worse next time.Yes i am a dick and my pewsonalityy is awful :soy: But i love it.

BummerDrummer #sexist #psycho

[LifeFuel] When someone with a good childhood ends up being incel and posting here

Eat shit. its a lot like when chads start to Norwood and get old and gross. My childhood was shit, nothing has changed. Literally from the crib to now I always had an issue, but when someone takes a massive dip in their quality of life due to puberty or something and they end up posting here I lol. Yes, I am jealous and yes it is funny. When anyone ever takes a dip in quality of life from a stand higher than I’ve gotten I can’t help myself.

A few of you have had good childhoods in the sense of you got ugly in your teens or you stopped growing while people kept growing. Some of you were even bullies before you became ugly or short. It’s not an uncommon thing. But now you’re here, on Autistic male celibate site, talking about how you are lonely.

I still sympathize and like you and will see you as incel or whatever, and I enjoy you, but I cannot say I don’t feel an envious glee at the dip in quality of life you have experienced. the penniless man laughs at the man who has lost his penny, but he is still a penniless man.

mainlander #sexist #wingnut #fundie

[LifeFuel] How to cope with seeing couples as an incel

They're not a funcional couple. They are not doing it in the correct way that was stipulated by God where people get married while still young for life and the husband has authority over the wife. They are not doing it the only way that really works.

Feminism was pretty much Satan's most successful creation and every single woman is fooled by it nowadays. Until men "man up", to use a term cucks like, and just yank women out of feminism forcebly, things just won't work. And guess what, they'll never do that because of gynocentrism. Men allowed things to get way too bad and now I don't think it can be fixed anymore.

I don't know ANY remotely young person who's happily and functionally married because such a thing doesn't exist nowadays. It can't exist with widespread feminism.

The couples you see are just men simping and compromising massively for a woman that can leave them for any petty reason or for no reason at all at any moment. If even Brad Pitt got no-fault divorced, what are your chances?

Women were not supposed to have leadership or the lead at anything. Things just don't work when women are in control. It's either God's way or we fail. God's way goes like this: men obey God, women obey men. We as societies chose failure.

If what you want is meaningless promiscuous sex, yeah, mourn every day about not being gl until you eventually grow out of hedonism. But if what you want is a meaningful monogamous relationship, it's over. We got the short end of the stick at that for being born in this era.

Gymcelled #sexist

[Brutal] Woman goes to japan, gets ignored by men for months, tries the "be confident" approach and more

This article is absolutely gold. So much cope, so much anguish, so many failed bluepilled tactics.

I had something that the competition didn’t: long, naturally curly, blond hair. Furthermore, I was bilingual, well-traveled and college-educated.

But as I realized a few weeks into my stay in Japan, I was also mysteriously, frustratingly invisible.
Cute baristas at Starbucks wouldn’t look at me, business men on bicycles ran over me and college students hurriedly backed away from me with mumbled apologies whenever I tried to strike up a conversation about the weather or ask for directions. They wouldn’t even give me the time of day. Literally.

Just have a great personality, cool hobbies and interesting things to say!! But in reality if people aren't interested in you, they won't try to get to know you. It's like applying at a place that isn't hiring. They don't even wanna hear it.

“You’ve got to be assertive,” my Japanese girlfriends advised. “Japanese guys are shy so you have to make the first move.” So I smiled invitingly at men in bars and on busses. I asked for help reading restaurant menus and subway signs.


“Do you have any book / drink reccomendatioins?” was my usual line as I stood near them in bookstores or sat next to them on barstools. But the ‘come hither’ stare or conversation starter doesn’t work if the other person refuses to look at you. If they met my gaze at me at all, it was just to shoot me this panicked look, like I’d just asked them to father my unborn children. My boss had been right. It was hard to be a single, western woman in Japan. But why?

Jfl they wouldn't even look at her. Sounds familiar to anyone?

The pervading theory though, among expats and Japanese alike, was that Japanese men were in fact attracted to western women but were just too intimidated to do anything about it. Western women in Asia were like the Jennifer Anistons of the expat world. Strong, independent, assertive and outspoken, they were interesting to admire from afar, but no man would ever dream of striking up a conversation with one. Western women were so different, so foreign, they were virtually un-datable.

The level of cope. She thinks she's a goddess or a supermodel in the eyes of the men who avoid her like the plague

Strong delusions, I've never heard incels say they're "too good looking for sex/dates". She says this as she's living in a country that considers single women older than 26 to be unwanted, spoiled, rotten and useless (google "christmas cake japan")

Not true for their Y-chromosome-carrying expat buddies though. While the female expats spent Saturday nights alone, crying into their Ramen bowls, their male counterparts drank freely from the dating pool like they owned it. Which in a way, they did.

Lifefuel if that's true. tho prolly just betabuxxing. There are many more paragraphs of her talking about expats slaying if you're interested, i won't put it all here

I was walking from work one Friday evening when it dawned on me that I’d been in Japan for nine months. I inwardly congratulated myself for having beat the odds. I’d proven my boss wrong. But as I trudged home to face another evening of reruns of The Office and left-over sushi from 7-11, I wondered at what cost. Most days I felt unattractive, unwanted and worst of all, unfemale. When not even a short skirt or slinky top attracted more than a passing glance and even construction workers, who could usually be counted on for a leer, regarded me with bored, blank expressions, I felt like a Martian. And very, very alone. Perhaps I’d been wrong not to leave when the last shipload of foreign women sailed away to brighter horizons and better dating odds.

Because the truth is that Tokyo’s a tough city to be single … if you’re, you know, a Western woman.

You're not entitled to dating and sex. It's all overrated anyway, right? It's not essential, you can live without it

CrackingYs #psycho

[LifeFuel] Amanda Todd, the teenage girl who was cyberbullied into committing suicide by drinking bleach

This happened back in 2012 but still makes me laugh.

The memes it spawned after her video went viral were priceless, like this one:

[video “I just drank bleach (I just had sex parody) R.I.P. Amanda Todd”)

Good time, good times.

Various Incels #sexist #racist #psycho

RE: [LifeFuel] Based niggers throws black foid into the dumpster



So a group of Black Men threw this Black girl in a dumpster last night as they all laughed and recorded her

HAHAHAHAHA The look on her face at the end.


That's all she's thinking about. She's not thinking about hoe embarrassed she looks online because she's still getting the attention and knows one simp is watching that and will find out where she lives and go "I'll fuck her." and she will fuck her troubles away.

This won't change anything about her.


This is what happens to worthless cunts, based, no simping


She looks so happy to be in her rightful place :)


to where she belongs. turns out niggers can get rid of the trash they leave behind.


jfl white mayo fags need to get on nigger levels

Cumskins are too soy and beta for that.

they are submissive faggots but love to hate on blacks while sitting infront of a screen, watching bulls breeding their white wives


Now it’s battle of “who’s most oppressed”. Will niggers defend their own men, or rush to their gross women?

Whites are restrained by Jews. Some of them do shit like the guy who shot up antifa in New Mexico when they tried taking down the conquistador statue.

Blacks can do what they want because the media won’t kill them and then push the narrative they’re all bad. If a white does anything the media will just racebait and the pushback against whites will be worse.

i get that, but shouldn't whites run numbers game at this point?
i just know that enough white people dislike blacks in burgerland. rise up you pussies.

Not really. Jews really do have control of white westerners. If a race war were to happen it would be whites killing whites.


Blacks living up to the stereotypes.
Should have shipped them back to the Black Continent after the abolition.
Unfortunately (((they))) killed Lincoln before he was able to do that.

And other whites were sold the lie that, given enough time, they would integrate to the western culture and become civilized.
We can clearly see now that it will never happen.

frustratedhapa #psycho

[LifeFuel] My brother is in the hospital dying

I posted this a week ago: Today I am giving you guys an update on his condition.

He finally went to the hospital the day after I made my original post. After a few days he seemed to be getting better. His respiratory symptoms started to lessen. But then he started developing vascular complications which some people with corona virus get. He developed a condition called disseminated intravascular coagulation. I'm not a doctor so I don't really know how to explain what it is but basically it's when your body starts making lots and lots of blood clots. Since all of the body's blood clotting factors are wasted in making all the clots in one part of the body (he has it in his legs), the rest of the blood in the body becomes way too thin and the person can having internal bleeding. As a result of this, my brother's spleen started bleeding profusely and he had to have emergency surgery. He survived the surgery but, as a result of all the blood clots in his legs, the circulation in his legs is very poor and he might end up having to have his legs amputated. I'm serious. The doctors are currently monitoring his legs and if they don't respond to all the blood clot dissolving drugs he's been given, he will have them amputated. Aside from the vascular complications, his diabetes has also gotten out of control. Due to all the stress his body is under, his body has been producing extreme amounts of cortisol which is raising his blood sugar. His blood sugar is barely responding to the insulin they're been giving him. My dad said his blood sugar was 600 today (normal is 100 and under). He is currently unconscious and on life support. Doctors said my dad needs to prepare for the worst because his prognosis is not good.

By the way, I'm not a monster. I wouldn't wish death on him if he was a good person but he doesn't care about me at all, so why should I care about him? Death isn't even such a bad thing for him because he's had a very fulfilling life. If I could trade places and be reborn as him, i'd be willing to die in my 30's. It's better than living to be 70+ and never experiencing any of the things he has experienced. If I could've had even 1/10th of the success he's had in his life (with women, his career, etc), I'd die happy.

Various Incels #sexist #racist


[RageFuel] Daily reminder that white women are the dumbest creatures on earth

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>has to show cleavage because that's her only value
>hops onto a mainstream political trend and acts like shes a rebel
>doesnt understand that more crime equals more police sent to the area
In the recent days white women have proven themselves to be the dumbest creatures on earth and the ultimate race traitors, noodlewhores and currysluts have nothing on them. They sill deny all evidence so they can believe in their bullshit narrative and attack white people. They are worse than bluepillers that deny the overwhelming evidence of the blackpill.
I really want this animal to explain why black cops shoot black people more than white cops? Are the black cops racist against their own race

i wouldn't have agreed a month ago, but the BLM virtue signalling shit has made me downgrade white women to the lowest of foids

White women have been completely exposed due to the current events.
If tommorow you had the media advocating to send all white men to concentration camps, white females would hop on the idea instantly. They have zero sense of loyalty


Stupid cunt has more breast cells than braincels.

I would say this oughta be lifefuel for ethnics having hordes of white women fawn over your race. But we know it comes down to Tyrone Lives Matter, because the civilized blackcels here dont engage in stupid degenerate nigger shit


I hate white women but unfortunetly they're the hottest.

* were the hottest

now they're just fat

My area many are athletic and beautiful...................its torture.

Highly debatable there, man. But hey, everyone got their taste in general right?

On average


Women's liberation and recognition as adults and equals of men by cucks was the single biggest mistake of the entire timeline of Western empire. Women have destroyed civilization. Everything that's happening today with that riots and everything is on their hands.They have innate no allegiance to their tribe or civilization because they didn't build any of the institutions and hence have no logical comprehension of anything. They always react and reason with their emotions and their misplaced empathy for subhuman invaders, and now everything has gone to shit. They've allowed the minority slave class to gain influence and degrade white institutions which have historically been successful.

goydivision #sexist #psycho

[LifeFuel] Roastie from my school gets nudes leaked and ropes

It’s a classic story.

Roastie cheated on her Tyrone bf with her Chad friend, under the pretense that she was hanging out with her friends.

Based Tyrone then leaks her nudes to the school, and also exposes her Chad “friend”. Long story short, roastie becomes bullied to the point which she cuts her wrists and dies. Tyrone gets expelled but not after getting 1 kill.

It’s an old story which has been repeated countless times, but it never ceases to make me laugh every time it reoccurs.

inb4 pedos ask for n00ds, i actually have never seen them (being low status incel), but I know people who have. And whether they exist or not, she’s dead anyways. Mission accomplished. Who cares how they did it, they got it done.

Honestly the thing that baffles me is why they still do it. Literally almost every roastie who’s sent nudes to Chad ends up having them leaked and ruining her life. Not that I mind, but you’d think they’d be slightly less retarded.

Do you really think foids have the ability to think logically?

Good point.

wow! In the age where you can take a screenshot of anything and easily share it to anyone, anywhere within seconds, sending a nude means it might be shared with others!

Damn... it’s almost like... actions have consequences.

BummerDrummer #mammon #racist

[LifeFuel] [Money] LEGAL: How to benefit off these angry basketball american riots [Investments]

This is legal btw, I'm not telling you to go out and fucking riot and loot people. I feel like @Emba would like this cuz its investment and shiiet, anyway. I am using jewlery in this case but you can substitute it with computer parts or anything else these nignogs are taking.

Niggers are rioting and looting and stealing, right? Well you can't afford food with a piece of jewlery, you have to go and sell it. Considering it is stolen you better hurry the fuck up and sell it b4 the police booty nigga on you. Pawn shop owners know this too and will probably gip alot of the nignogs out of alot of their money. Pawn shops buy the looters shit, which the looters sell at a discounted price because they need to sell it fast. As a result, the pawn shop has an overflow of it and will sell it cheaper to you. You can investmentmaxx by buying the looter shit at a discounted price legally at a pawn shop then selling them later when all this is over at a profit, or if you want looter shit now you might as well go get it because this is the cheapest it will be. The more looting that happens in your area the lower the price is, so if you are in NY or Minneapolis shit must be very cheap there. Especially if the pawn shop owner is a greedy bitch who will scam niggers

Niggers stealing jewlery=lower price jewlery=u buy it for lower price=u keep it then sell it at a profit.

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