
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Incel_Because_Short #racist #sexist incels.is

[Racepill] White male Asian female - The Elephant in the room nobody wants to talk about.

I'm not just talking about people on this thread, I'm talking about society in general.

It's honestly one of the most disgusting interracial relationships ever, and I'm not even an Asian male so no bias of that sort here.

You've seen it before, some loser white dude who is 5'10"+, walking on campus with a tiny Asian foid that comes up to his chest. Or maybe you see it walking downtown, or doing groceries. Everyone seemingly knows why they're together, but nobody is brave enough to talk about it.

Some things I've learned about these relationships, anecdotally:

-The Asian woman is usually self-hating. Almost without a fail, every Asian woman entering into a relationship with a white male is doing so because she is ashamed of her race and identity, and thinks that dating a white guy is a way to move upwards in society or will help her feel less Asian. She is in a sense fetishizing the perceived status of white people and projecting that onto her white partner.

-The Asian woman does all the work in getting the white boyfriend. I've asked several white guys I know who supposedly have jungle fever or has an Asian girlfriend why they are dating her. Usually it's because they had to put in less effort with her compared to other girls. Asian girls will do the flirting, the asking out, they will set up the dates and make everything seem effortless for the guy so that he makes her his girlfriend. With girls of his own race, he has to put in the effort. Why do more work for the same outcome?

-The white guy would not have gotten a girlfriend otherwise. Again this is anecdotal, but I personally don't know any white guy who can attract girls of his own race who goes after Asian women. This is why white women don't really care about white guys who date Asians, these guys are not in their dating pool to begin with.

-It's a relationship based on fetishization. For the Asian woman, she is fetishizing him because he gives her a way out of her Asian identity. For the white man, he is fetishizing her (typically) neoteny and smaller frame, which he links to femininity. Honestly though I believe yellow fever is a myth. It's not that white guys fetishize Asian women, they just like how easy it is to get them, so they justify that through a fetish.

-The woman pulls the strings in the relationship. They don't typically go after strong-minded white guys, they target the weak-minded ones who are easy to manipulate. Asian women are really good at appearing subservient while controlling everything in the background. I've met this one WMAF couple in University, and she plans everything they do, from studying, to Halloween events, to restaurants they go to, literally everything. She likes to parade him around with her everywhere to signify her status, that she bagged a white guy.

All in all, WMAF relationships are incredibly creepy. They are based on a known power imbalance between ethnic groups, and the material interest gained from the Asian woman. Everyone knows that it's a dysfunctional relationship, but nobody wants to say anything.

This is completely different from Asian Male, White female relationships in contrast. In an AMWF relationship, usually the female has nothing to gain, not the Asian male, so any relationship between the two is based on other lookism factors instead of the tacit manipulation of both partners.

”tbh I don't even know why is this a thing, it's probably not as much as people make it look here. Most asian people are racist asf they don't even hang with non-asian people, let alone date”

You're wrong. Here in the USA, nearly every noodle girl is with a white boyfriend. It might be different where you live, but I assure you WMAF is real.
Asian foids are racist, but they're racist against Asian men, not whites.

Honestly this. Asian foids in the West are either dating high-tier asian guys (5'10+, goodlooking) or any white guy.

Well its the same for other ethnics too, latina and sand foids will also do this

True, though I don't see it happen nearly as often with other ethnics as I see it happen with Asians.

Neggr #racist #psycho incels.is

RE: [RageFuel] This is the future (((they))) want for all incels

I used to be an incel, now I'm a sissy whore.

Never trannymaxx, brocels.


Most based post I've ever seen on this fucking forum

thank you man, reallife has been harsh on me

Joeric #racist amren.com

RE: Man Allegedly Decapitated Landlord With Samurai Sword over Rent Dispute

Black-on-white crime with an Oriental twist.

In the vehicle’s glove compartment, cops found paperwork suggesting that he considered himself a sovereign citizen and not subject to the law.

What is a sovereign citizen?
Also, the orientals should sue this negro for appropriating oriental culture and ways of killing. Do the amreners here who worship orientals agree? You know who you are.

Blacks are being fed this "sovereign citizen" lie, even to the point of saying that each black man is "his own god."

This murder is a fruit of that brainwashing.

Who is doing this nonsense? Those who tell blacks that, have the blood of this white man on their hands. Even though I think that white guy is a liberal, he still did not deserve to be beheaded.

Do you believe that this man was told he was his own god? If so, why do you believe it?

Because most blacks are incapable of thinking and have to be told that.

The only examples of the sovereign citizen movement I have heard have been lunatics trying to claim they were only accountable to common law because of unconstitutional actions taken by the government. 90+% percent of them are trying to get out of paying taxes. A few of the militia groups tried to use this tactic.

So, basically they are asking for what foreign diplomats call diplomatic immunity. If that is the case, then they are NOT US citizens and they should be deported to Africa.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #god-complex #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #magick #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Knights Templar the Archetypal Satanist Deathgoat: The Ball and Chain dragging the Illuminati to perdition.

The Knights Templar were the Christian branch of the Judaic pharisaic Sanhedrin Satanists established in the Holy Land by Hughes de Payens and Eight other French Knights, avatars of the satanic Insectile Council of 9, around 1118. They worshipped Baphomet (Satan) and were into ritual child sacrifice and cannibalism as are the Sanhedrin Jews of today, now called the Illuminati. Over almost two centuries the Knights Templar grew into one of the richest and most powerful institutions of that age, the most powerful Satanist group, the Illuminati of that period. King Philip the (IV ) fair became indebted to the Satanist moneylenders, Christian Sandhedrin and arrested the grand master and other key Templars for heresy, sodomy of children, devil worship… Pope Clement V issued a Papal Bill suppressing the Templars in 1312 after the order of arrest had been around for 5 years. In 1314 the Grand Master of the Satanist Templars was burned at the stake on an island in the Seine (the assassination of Diana and her unborn foetus near this spot was the ritual to free the Satanist Jacques de Molay from hell in return for the royal blood of Diana that the Illuminati linked back to Philip the Fair). As the Knights Templar were the Illuminati of their day, the users, powerbrokers, bankers and Satanists; the Knights Templar torture, burning at the stake and confiscation of all property is an anathema to the modern day Judaic Satanist Illuminati of the Rothschild cabal, why? Because it shows Satan who follows Yaltabaoth, Yaldabaoth the Jewish Chaos God of the chosen Jewish race is in face a facade that hides Lucifer (the hidden part within evil that serves Total Intent) who is Total Intent’s rat catcher. The Knights Templar were the Christian, mainstream, European Satanists who Lucifer built up and then cast into hell as his job of Total Intent’s rat catcher gives him a percentage of the energy and fiefdom in Omega Hell. The modern day Judaic Rothschild Satanists are the only branch left after the holocaust of European Satanism that was the torture death of the Knights Templar. As all Freemasonry derives from the few Templars that fled to Scotland to start Scottish Rite Freemasonry, it shows all Freemasons that worship Satan will be cast down with the Jewish Satanists as were the Knights Templar. A process that began in 2007 the 700 years period allotted to the next phase of Lucifer’s rat catching (why 700? The Kabbalistic tree’s 7th Sephiroth in Tipharath associated with the light bringers and the 100 is the physical Tree of Life value 10 and its infernal superimposition in the Qlippoth Tree below, the Anglo Demonic Reality). So terrified are the Rothschild and Vatican Satanists that they are advertising in the Telegraph to petition the Pope to restore the Knights Templar with the duties, rights and privileges appropriate to the 21st Century and beyond. With the Satanists in the Vatican this is a done deal.

One can see why the Satanists were so terrified as all modern Satanism be it Freemasons (at higher levels), Judaic Rothschild black magic, Vatican Satanists, Crowley’s OTO… Knights of Malta, the Royal Families of Europe and Israel (former Templar territory) are derivations of the Knights Templar Satanists. In the 11th to 13th Century Jews were non persons treated like dogs in their ghettos except in Moslem Caliphates. This Bone Generator® Service just enables the Psi-Master to link into the Lucifer rat catching that has drawn all the above into Omega Hell to use them as Total DeathGoat Jews with the Knights Templar who died being tortured to death. So the right Bone Generator® gives out power, success, money donated by all the above while the left hand Bone Generator® drains all the Illuminati of success, money, power as Lucifer has already put them in Omega Hell in 2007 and the 5 years to 2012 is the bonus time where all their efforts make more power for Lucifer.

This right hand Bone Generator® can be used to quantum superimpose the torture death of the Knights Templar on the body of any Illuminati to rot their body with the morphogenic field of torture death.

The Left hand Bone Generator® used to get an equal and opposite amount of health for you.

Knights Templar the Archetypal Satanist Deathgoat: $600 with Certificate

Raping Girls is Fun #sexist #psycho #fundie #conspiracy #racist ifunny.co

(Submitter’s Note: the link is to a screenshot that was taken from the, now defunct, website “Raping Girls is Fun”)


The Rapecel manifesto
A spectre is haunting the western femisphere —- the spectre of Rape-Culture. All the powers of feminism have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Bluepilled normies, white knight cucks; women's studies professors; Jewish sex offender psychologists; even young, borderline personality disordered femoids, and Chad's embittered, cast-off fucktoys, neither of whom can stop fantasizing about the Chad-rape they wish they could get, yet have no choice but to sublimate those fantasies by immersing themselves in the literature that condemns rape culture. They want to be raped by Chad, and accuse the betas and incels of rape for having the audacity to expect sex in return for their often state-enforced provisioning.
Where is the incel who has not been decried as rapey by his opponents in power? It is high time that rapecels should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Rape-Culture with a manifesto of rapecels themselves.
What is the rapepill?
The rapepill is the sexual component of patriarchism. It is the the understanding that men and femoids are sexually complementary; that sexual polarity depends on the union of a dominant male with a submissive female; that hierarchy is more efficient and stable than rule by a committee of two equals; that providing a stable home for the raising of children is incompatible with the notion of moment-to-moment consent to sex.
The rapepill is based on an acknowledgement that femoids, being emotional and childish (especially during their years of peak beauty and fertility), are not fit to make their own sexual decisions, and that men therefore must make those for them. But the rapepill also says that even if femoids had the same intellectual capacity as men, they would still need to be forced into sexual submission, because the power imbalance between man and woman creates unity in the family behind a common leader. The ability to compel the female to have sex gives the man a reason to stay with her, and creates harmony in their relations.
On a primal level, rape reassures the female that, being the type of man who is strong and assertive enough to take charge of her, her master can also go out into the world and do what is needed to protect and provide for her. She knows she is kept safe from her own self-destructive impulses as he subjugates her under his will, sexually and in other ways. Rape then is symbolic of care for her, because it springs forth from his ownership of her and desire to preserve his property so that it can be used for the satisfaction of his sexual cravings.
What is a rapecel?
A rapecel is a man who cannot have sex without getting accused of rape. As the term implies, he is a combination rapist and incel.
One might argue, "Many so-called 'rapists' don't actually copulate with anyone; they were wrongly accused." Or, members of the more mainstream factions of the incelosphere will try to distance themselves from the out-and-out rapecels by saying "NAIALT (not all incels are like that)!"
But the distinction between "rapist" and "non-rapist," as weighty as it may be in law, politics, and culture, is without a meaningful difference. Femoids can feel raped just by knowing that an incel looked at them lustfully. And with femoids, all that matters are feelings; to them, feeling raped is worse than actually being raped. To a femoid, "rape" is symbolic of every wrong that men do to femoids, because it is the one act that only a man can perpetrate against her. "Rape" encompasses every failing that a man can have in his relations with femoids, which is why when a relationship breaks up, often the femoid will decide that her mate was sexually abusing her the whole time.
Since female consent is an arbitrary social construst, and the female's perception of having consented, or having been raped, can change from moment to moment, and since her perception is all that matters in determining her happiness or sadness, we may as well say that those men who tend to inflict upon femoids feelings of being raped are for practical purposes rapecels. In today's society, all sub-8 men are effectively rapecels, since relations between the sexes are more dysfunctional than ever, making femoids increasingly inclined to cry "rape" because they feel unhappy, and because they know it will attract sympathy and assistance they could not otherwise get so easily. Female nature is to instinctively use deception and victimhood as a cloak and shield against any attempt to impose upon her personal responsibility for her actions.
In times past, femoids were protected from the consequences of poor sexual decisions by being forced to obey their fathers' wishes that they stay virginal until marriage and then marry a man of their father's choice, and stay faithful and loyal to him. Now, femoids have been unleashed to make poor sexual decisions, and if these relationships or lack thereof turn out badly for them, their recourse is to claim, "I was raped," if they want society to step in and help them in dealing with the consequences, and inflict retribution on the man they believe wronged them. In most cases, this will be a man who is not Chad (because they would never cry rape against Chad, since the halo effect makes them continually worship him rather than having contempt for him; and since they always harbor a desire to have sex with him in the future, rather than wanting to get rid of him), nor a truly dangerous man (whom they would fear too much to want to get on his bad side).
Thus, the rapecel is usually a gentle, meek man -- or at least, he starts out that way. He could also be an ugly man who is determined to get what he wants. But note here that under the inflated standards of male aesthetics which characterizes our epoch in which hypergamy has been unleashed, "ugly man" increasingly is a category that encompasses every sub-8 man, as for practical purposes they are just as incel as the sub-4 men of times past. Their acts of sex with femoids are just as likely to be labeled rape as those that sub-4 men used to engage in years ago.
Why do you, as rapecels, say "Raping Girls Is Fun"?
Raping girls is fun because it is what we, as men, are meant to do. The masculine man is all about conquest; what distinguishes him from the female is that rather than talk endlessly, to try to make sense of his feelings, he instead finds pleasure in bending nature to his will, making progress in his work, and rising to ever-higher pinnacles of success and accomplishment. With rape, man extends his dominion to the female, putting her to the use for which she was made, indeed the only use she is good for, and therefore the only use that can truly satisfy her, since compared to man, she is incompetent at everything else and therefore would feel inferior were it not for having between her legs what man wants and can only get from the female.
Rape appeals to our natural, primitive instincts, as we evolved during a time when rape was normal; yet it is not something we should aspire to evolve past, because it is classical, rather than anachronistic. Civilization does not mean we should stop raping; on the contrary, civilization makes more rape possible, as it enables men to combine forces to overpower femoids and force them under men's sexual domination; and rape in turn is a building block of civilization, subduing female rebellion so that femoids can bear children and be compelled to raise them with the children's father, producing physically and psychologically healthy offspring that can then participate in civilized society.
With all this in mind, we can let our consciences rest free of any guilt that rape is wrong just because a femoid says "Stop," "No," etc. We can enjoy ourselves as we thrust into these femoids while they cry out in pain and struggle against us, confident in the knowledge that this is right and what we are supposed to do, and what we as men have been blessed with as our birthright, and have earned through our contributions to society. Once we have taken the rapepill, all that remains is to put our ideas into practice, and that is where the excitement begins, because nothing is more fun than raping girls.

Patriarche Comics #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #racist incels.is


Gay stereotype #1: Hi, can we order a cake that says “Happy Homoversary to the world’s gayest couple who love cocks in the ass and mouth 24⁄7″?

Gay stereotype #2: That won’t be a problem, will it? Also shape it like a dick because we’re gay. Have you gleaned that we’re gay yet? We’re gay, problem?

Straight stereotype: Oh my goodness! Look, I’m sorry fellas, but this is a Christian bakery and making a cake like that goes against our beliefs. But there are plenty of bakeries in this area who I’m sury would be happy to—

Goes out of business, and is heavily vandalized with obscenities.


Meanwhile, at a different bakery…

Gay stereotype #1: Hey sweetie! We’d like to order a cake that says “Happy year and a day to a queer and a gay.”

Gay stereotype #2: Also can you cover the cake in little marzipan men fucking each other in the ass? Oh gosh, I hope you don’t mind that we’re a couple of fa—

Muslim stereotype: fuming with anger

Gay stereotype #1 and #2 are given black eyes and cut lips, and are kicked out of the Muslim bakery

Bystander #1: Yeah, well maybe you should have some respect for their beliefs.

Bystander #2: Wow guys! Intolerant much?

Gay stereotype #2: There’s a bowling pin in my ass…

Rodney Muhammad #racist #conspiracy jta.org

(JTA) — Jewish groups in Philadelphia have called for the firing of the head of the local NAACP, Rodney Muhammad, who posted a known anti-Semitic meme on his public Facebook page.

The meme, known as “the Happy Merchant,” is an anti-Semitic image used by extremists that the Anti-Defamation League says is commonly used by white supremacists. The meme on Muhammad’s Facebook page included photos of Ice Cube, DeSean Jackson and Nick Cannon, Black celebrities who recently posted anti-Semitic comments on social media, and the quote “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize,” falsely attributed to French philosopher Voltaire, but which originated with Kevin Strom, an American neo-Nazi. (Jackson and Cannon have both apologized.)

Muhammad, 68, is a civil rights figure and local Nation of Islam leader who often praises Louis Farrakhan, who has called Jews “bloodsuckers” and “termites,” the news website Billy Penn reported. He had previously posted criticism of the backlash that Cannon, Jackson and others have faced after posting anti-Semitic content on social media.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia in a statement calling on the NAACP to remove Muhammad from his position “immediately,” said that Muhammad “intentionally initiated the spread of anti-Semitism on his Facebook page. This vile behavior from a civic leader is incredibly dangerous for Jewish communities across the world.”


“I was not familiar with the image at the bottom of the post,” he said in his statement, which the Philadelphia Inquirer reported. “I was responding to the individuals not able to speak out. I have worked with many in the city over the years. I would be happy to have a discussion with other leaders to better understand our history.”

seph #racist twitter.com

Sorry to disappoint but MIXED WOMEN ARE NOT BLACK. No matter how much they identified as. If that’s the case let a white women identify as black because she got 1% in her. Sorry just bc 1662 whites put mixed race ass black doesn’t mean they are. Get it together.🙄

ThoughtfulCel #sexist #racist incels.is

[Serious] If America ever gets a female presisent its over

Females have group preference. A foid running America would mean she would be solely trying to benefit women.

The government and justice system are already corrupt garbage, but they'd be even worse with a foid in office. At least they leave me alone. She might start hunting me down too

Laws would be passed protecting, coddling, and defending women. Life as a male would continue to gradually get worse.

You see how hard people shit on trump? Imagine shitting on the first female president. You would be arrested and charged.

Jews and Cumskins would push cuck agenda even more than they already are.

Female president = over for incels.

The Babylon Bee #wingnut #racist babylonbee.com

[Submitter’s note: this is satire and shouldn’t be taken literally. The Babylon Bee is a Christian right-wing satire site that used to be pretty clever IMHO]

Portland Police Raise Millions By Letting Citizens Throw Tear Gas At Antifa For $5 A Pop
July 27th, 2020

PORTLAND, OR—Facing massive budget cuts, the Portland Police Bureau has come up with an exciting new way to fund their department. Upstanding citizens can now pay 5 dollars to throw tear gas at communist protesters. People from across the country are lining up to live their lifelong dreams of blasting dirty commies with tear gas.

"Getting bathed in tear gas is the closest my son Fidel has been to taking a shower in weeks," said a local Portland mom after paying her five bucks and chucking a canister at the crowd. "I'm hoping our basement will smell a little better now. I used to think that all police were evil fascists, but my time gassing commies has opened my eyes. That was the most fun I've had in ages. Thanks, Portland Police!"

"Take this, commies!"

Antifa rioters have condemned the PPD's actions as "a criminal fascist attempt to protect the protectors of white capitalist power structures from being hit in the face with bricks." They have promised to retaliate with a barrage of water balloons, super soakers, and explosive mortars which they will peacefully hurl at officers' heads.

Sources are reporting that using this new tear gas initiative, the PPD recovered its entire 15 million dollar budget cut in just two days.

Linda Harvey #transphobia #homophobia #racist #fundie missionamerica.com

What does this have to do with the original goal of homosexual clubs -- to highlight the problem of bullying?

Sounds like the bullied are being tutored to become the bullies, drinking deeply from a poisonous brew of misinformation, resentment toward authority, unhealthy sexual attractions and gender delusion.

It’s not just in the GSA clubs where America’s schoolchildren will be corrupted in the new anti-American, Marxist orthodoxy. It’s also occurring in sex education networks where Planned Parenthood and its affiliates direct the action.

Advocates for Youth, a major promoter of “comprehensive sexuality education” (usually condom-obsessed and XXX-rated) recently announced an online meeting for students called “Mutual Aid,” designed allegedly to help black “LGBTQ” youth. One of the groups leading the meeting is “Freedom Fighters DC,” describing themselves as a group of “activists focused on change through organized actions while simultaneously advocating to #DefundThePolice.”

Yes, this has so much relevance to preventing pregnancy. And taxpaying parents are always eager to open the door to such influence in the lives of their 13-year-olds.

Advocates for Youth receives funds from the federal government through the Centers for Disease Control’s Division of Adolescent and School Health. Shouldn’t such funding end for any group training youth to hate the police?

Watch for “reproductive rights” to piggy-back on racial equality concerns. In the Cleveland, Ohio area, a website funded by the U.S. HHS Department of Adolescent Health is called 216Teens.org , which is adamantly pro-abortion and pro-“LGBTQ.” Recently a July 16 social media post advertised an online “summit” for teens ages 13 to 19 to learn about the intersection of “racial and reproductive justice.”

So what is imagined to be this “intersection”? It’s likely to teach that any limitation on access to contraception and abortion for minority students is now part of the definition of “racism.”

Of course! Corrupt children sexually by playing the race card. We need to be one step ahead of this devious betrayal of children.

KW Miller #racist #wingnut #conspiracy twitter.com

Submitter’s note: this is from a series of tweets, I’ve only linked to the first one. If there’s a way to link to the whole series, let me know.

- Osama Bin Laden wants Joe Biden to win.

- Xi Jingping owns Joe Biden.

- Terrorists and ANTIFA want Joe Biden to win.

- ISIS wants Joe Biden to win.

Roy Den Hollander #sexist #psycho #racist sfgate.com

[...]Den Hollander, a self-described “anti-feminist” lawyer [...] was known for his misogynistic tirades and the dozens of lawsuits he filed, many frivolous. A Manhattan judge dismissed one of them in May, and a few weeks later, a federal judge in New Jersey named Esther Salas canceled a scheduled hearing in a different suit.

The delay followed years of resentment that he had harbored against Salas over his unfounded claim that she was moving the case too slowly. That, in turn, built upon a lifetime of seething hatred toward women: He accused his mother of preventing him from having a girlfriend, and his ex-wife of marrying him only to obtain a green card.

Den Hollander’s rage turned to violence this month when he showed up at Salas’ home in New Jersey posing as a FedEx deliveryman and opened fire, killing her 20-year-old son and wounding her husband, investigators said. She was not harmed.

[...]Hours after the shooting in New Jersey, police found Den Hollander’s body off a road in upstate New York with a single gunshot to the head.

In his nearby rental car, investigators found a list naming more than a dozen possible targets, according to people briefed on the investigation. Aside from Salas[...], the list included the names of three other female judges and two oncologists, at least one of whom had treated Den Hollander.

An examination of Den Hollander’s life shows how he represented the most violent elements of a male supremacist movement whose discourse online has become increasingly threatening toward women.

He made his views clear in thousands of pages of writing. In his final months, he uploaded the last version of his autobiography, a 1,698-page manifesto that ended with an ominous epilogue about his determination to fight “feminazis” until his last breath.

His beliefs swirled between the worlds of self-proclaimed anti-feminists and men’s rights activists. He ranted about what he perceived to be gender discrimination against men in family courts and other institutions, a focus of men’s rights activists, but also wrote blog posts calling for women to be killed.

After a contentious divorce in 2001, Den Hollander began using the court system to address his grievances, suing nightclubs for advertising ladies’ nights discounts and Columbia University for having a women’s studies program. When he lost in court, as he almost always did, he would sometimes respond with lawsuits targeting the opposing lawyers personally — and even once sued a judge who had ruled against him.

[...]Den Hollander’s turn to violence appeared to be years in the making. In his autobiography, he mused about killing his mother and about sexual violence against a female judge in his divorce case.

[...]Den Hollander grew up in Midland Park, New Jersey, a middle-class town about 25 miles northwest of Manhattan, and had a loathing for his mother, clinging to grudges against her. In his autobiography, he claimed that she told him she wished he had never been born and that she would not let him have girlfriend or learn to play a musical instrument.

Den Hollander described getting in trouble in the third grade after trying to forcibly kiss two girls in his class, a pattern that would continue throughout his life. He later wrote that he was kicked out of a martial arts academy for “flirting” with women.

[...]In 2000, Den Hollander married a Russian woman, Alina Shipilina, in Moscow and returned to New York with her later that year.

The marriage quickly fell apart. He filed for divorce in 2001, accusing his wife of being a prostitute and of duping him into marriage to obtain a green card. She accused him of publishing her diary and naked photos online, citing an incident in which he threatened her with a gun, according to a complaint she filed that was posted on Den Hollander’s personal website.

[...]The divorce consumed him. He failed in his effort to seek an annulment to invalidate the marriage. Standing on the courthouse steps in New York after a divorce hearing, his devastation turned to hatred, he wrote in his autobiography. He said he wanted to bomb a feminist organization.

“Finally,” he wrote, “I knew my real enemies, the ones who plotted my destruction from birth, the ones who smiled so sweetly through their blood red lips — dames.”

[...]His unorthodox legal battles gained Den Hollander appearances on The Colbert Report and Fox News, but his notoriety alienated him from mainstream clients. In recent years, he took contract assignments helping big law firms review documents. One job paid $31 an hour.

He filed for bankruptcy in 2011 and frequently bemoaned his declining income. At a hearing in 2018, he seemed embarrassed by his status, telling the judge, “I get by doing the lowest of lowest of legal work, called document review.”

A legal services firm, Epiq Systems, fired Den Hollander in 2016 after he called another office worker an “illegal,” according to a lawsuit he filed against the company. A spokeswoman for Epiq confirmed that Den Hollander was terminated, without elaborating.

Later that year, he made calls for the Trump campaign as a volunteer, according to his autobiography. He said he was drawn to Donald Trump’s views on immigration.

An official with the Trump campaign said, “We don’t know anything about him, but the crimes in this case are horrific.”

In 2015, in his suit challenging the constitutionality of the male-only military draft, Den Hollander represented a woman who wanted to enlist. It was a legal cause supported by women’s advocacy groups, but Den Hollander had a different motivation. He wrote in his autobiography that women should “finally know not just the benefits but also some of the real hell of manhood.”

When the case was assigned to Salas, he wrote that he was initially attracted to her and wanted to ask her out. Later on, he called her “a lazy and incompetent Latina.” He claimed that she had worked for organizations “trying to convince America that whites, especially white males, were barbarians.”

[...]In one of Den Hollander’s last court appearances, a federal judge in Manhattan ruled against him at a hearing in February 2018. Den Hollander became angry, and the judge urged him not to take the ruling personally.

“It was a pleasure appearing before you, Your Honor,” Den Hollander told the judge, “but it is always personal.”

Louie Gohmert #racist conservativebrief.com

One top Republican in Congress is sick and tired of the Democratic Party — and he just made a serious move to take action.

Texas GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert announced from the House floor on Thursday that he has introduced legislation that would ban the Democratic Party from Congress because the party once supported slavery.

Gohmert also urged party leaders to change the name of the caucus, which he also said previously supported slavery.

The “Privileged Resolution” calls on Congress “to ban any political organization or party that has ever held a public position supportive of slavery or the Confederate States of America,” The Hill reported.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred,” Gohmert said. “Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan.”

Gohmert also included in his resolution more than a dozen instances of Democrats either standing in the way of civil rights reform or promoting racist policies.

These included Woodrow Wilson’s segregation policies in 1912, the Ku Klux Klan’s presence at the 1924 Democratic National Convention, and the prominence of Sen. Robert Byrd, who was one of the country’s most racist lawmakers.

“To avoid triggering innocent bystanders by the racist past of the Democratic Party, I would suggest they change their name,” Gohmert said. “That is the standard to which they are holding everyone else, so the name change needs to occur.”

Gohmert’s comments came after the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation this week to remove confederate statues from the U.S. Capitol.

The vote was 305-113.

Seventy-two Republicans and one Libertarian, Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, joined with all Democrats in passing the legislation.

The legislation would remove all statues of individuals “who voluntarily served the Confederate States of America from display in the United States Capitol.”

If passed by the Senate, the legislation would direct the Architect of the Capitol to identify and remove other statues of individuals who served as an officer or volunteer in the confederacy and deliver those statues to the Smithsonian Institution.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has previously said he does not support removing the statues.

Last week, President Donald Trump said he will veto the defense spending bill if lawmakers try to change the name of Confederate monuments or bases.

Trump said he would not sign a defense bill if there were any amendments that called for military bases to be renamed.

Sen. Tom Cotton #racist arkansasonline.com

[remarks from a slavery denial interview discussing legislation "that would prevent the use of federal tax dollars to spread the historical reinterpretation in the nation’s classrooms", i.e. the 1619 Project, "a New York Times-based school curriculum emphasizing American slavery instead of American independence”]

America is a great and noble country founded on the proposition that all mankind is created equal. We have always struggled to live up to that promise, but no country has ever done more to achieve it.

We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as [Abraham] Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.

The Millennium Report #conspiracy #racist #wingnut themillenniumreport.com

American Empire Exposed

Whereas the painful lesson from the Franklin scandal graphically demonstrates how pedophiles at the top can bury their most heinous crimes from any real consequence, the Jeffrey Epstein story reveals how agents from a foreign government can hijack and control the US government. What will be presented here is the anatomy of a sexual blackmail operation orchestrated by Israel’s Mossad as a means of gaining and maintaining control over America’s foreign policy and top leaders so that the US Empire ultimately fights Israel’s wars for the Greater Israel Project. Through AIPAC bribery and Mossad blackmail, virtually every US politician in Congress including the president is and has been a puppet of the Zionist Jewish State.[ii] The evil international cabal made up of Zionists and various Illuminati elements including the Vatican, all worship the same anti-God Lucifer, and have been misusing and abusing our children as blackmail bait for centuries. Again, back in the 18th century, the credited founder of the Illuminati Adam Weishaupt knew that infiltrating high places and sexually compromising VIP puppets through blackmail would be a central strategy in expanding its power and control over the devil’s earthly dominion.[iii] And based on today’s power politics, Weishaupt more than attained his prophetic vision.

This chapter will focus on how Israel invested in a complete unknown, a Jewish American college dropout, overnight granting him the title of hedge fund mystery man as promoted in the Zionist controlled New York Magazine,[iv] owning multiple mansions for the covertly licensed purpose of pursuing both his own kinky perversions raping young underage girls while enticing notable puppet figures to indulge in their pedophilic fantasies as thoroughly compromised and subsequently owned tools for Israel and the Zionist Khazarian mafia.[v] The Rothschild’s central bankster system funding this Illuminati mafia scheme wouldn’t have it any other way.[vi]

This perfectly explains why Jeffrey Epstein was given a sweetheart’s slap on the hand after getting caught red-handed raping scores of female victims as young as 12 and 13 over a period of many years. It also goes far in explaining why the current White House occupant is a Zionist puppet wrecking ball himself[vii] currently being used to plunge humanity off the Armageddon doomsday cliff moving the Jewish State capital to Jerusalem.[viii] So sit back and take in this adulterated story of the cabal’s political blackmail machine and how one Jeffrey Epstein and his child sex slave trafficking ring has played such a significant role in the ruling elite’s global control apparatchik, unfortunately changing human history none for the better.

HolyWar.org #racist #fundie #crackpot #psycho holywar.org


"Ye are of your father the devil, and your
will is to do your father's desires":John 8:44.



Bring the racist jewish moneylenders to justice!


The Holy Roman Catholic Church has banned the practice of usury!

"All the world suffers from the usury of the Jews, their monopolies
and deceit. They have brought many unfortunate peoples into a state
of poverty, especially farmers, working-class people, and the very poor."

- Pope Clement VIII 1592



"You hate us, You allow no Christian to live".

St. Justin Martyr


Congressman Devin Nunes (R-Of Course) #racist #wingnut rawstory.com

Republican Rep. Devin Nunes (CA) on Sunday argued that Democrats who oppose racism are “against white people.”

During an interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, Nunes railed at Democrats for supporting former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

“I think the question is, does Mueller know where Mueller is?” Nunes said, suggesting that the former special counsel was not well informed about the Russia investigation.

“This was somebody who was put up as an avatar to give credibility to this investigation that was phony from the beginning,” the California Republican continued. “I’m not sure he knows what the hell is going on.”

Nunes added: “Look, the Democratic Party, it’s very odd for a party that seems to be against white people and always talking about racism, they sure like to prop up these avatar old white dudes. They have one running for president right now who’s hiding in his basement.”

Bartiromo declined to press Nunes about his assertion that Democrats are “against white people” and instead moved on to a question about the alleged “censorship” of conservatives on social media.

12thSSpanzer8 #psycho #racist stormfront.org

Im a proud white guy and i dont Want to communicate with subhumans if a subhuman wants to talk with me i will turn my back and goi dont care if some subhumans killed in War thats not my problem thats their problem i dont Want refugees if they Want peace they can go back and fight

So, some liberals ask me that what if a War started in my country and what should i do?

Remember what germans did in ww2? They didnt escape their countries and became refugees, even kids fought for the reich i would do the same thing!

I dont want to be a member of this cursed degenerate society i dont Want to live in harmony with other cultures im right because this is my land not theirs my ancestors fought for europe so i can be intolerant humanism, human rights and emphaty are invented by jews to make white people weak

I can be bullied in school because of my ideas even the girl i loved hates me because of being racist and yes im racist and nobody can stop me for being racist

im just waiting holy race War or apocalypse because in apocalypse there will be no laws no policeman and no jail so i can do anything to subhumans and race traitors

Sieg Heil!!!!

So do you guys have any thoughts About me please write

(Sorry for my bad english)

ADAMANT #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

No fear, no despair, do not let the nonsense machine of today get you down.

THEY are the ones with the burden, not you! There is only one winning formula:

Shun jews and jewthink, stop jacking off, stay outta debt, work hard, be a MAN, find a good WOMAN, get married, have lots of kids and teach them the truth. No despair! Challenge yourself, you can't lose!

Tap into the ultimate "nuclear power"...the HEALTHY WHITE NUCLEAR FAMILY is marxist jew kryptonite!

The rest will, in time, take care of itself...

Neggr #psycho #racist #sexist #fundie incels.is

[Serious] I wanna fight in the name of allah

I wanna clear this sinful world from thots and non-believers, fuck this. Corpos taking our money and food, foids being hypergamistic whores for white chads. I shall never let this continue anymore. I declare the caliphate of incelistan NOW! ALLAHU EKBER MY BROTHERS FUCK YOU FOIDS FUCK JEWS FUCK YOU CHADS IM GONNA DECAPITATE ALL OF YOU!

Uggo Mongo #conspiracy #quack #racist #wingnut incels.is

Retards on twitter dictate law and policy now in the USA

Even though the Corona hysteria was proven to be a fucking sham and a scam, a second wave of it is hitting the country more bullshit than when it first began. In my state of Indiana it will now be a felony punishable by 6 months in prison and a fine for not wearing a rag over your mouth in public. Yeah, a rag will do. Why Indiana when it had achieved "herd immunity"? Because the twitter mob rules and the faggot RINO governor goes along with it.

Your state doesn't have a mandatory face rag law? Doesn't matter, big GloboHomo megacorporations that want to score woke points with the twitter mob will force you to use one or else you can't buy a loaf of bread or a can of coke.

And I know it's the twitter mob because this type of hysteria wouldn't have gripped the nation in 2005 before social media gave a platform to a hivemind of braindead niggers and cat ladies, banning any opposition to the dumbfuckery.

Twitter mob is emotional, ideologically driven, not factually critical, and has an average IQ of 90, and that's what rules now in the USSA or USGay.

Brabantian #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger henrymakow.com

What went wrong?

Corruption of courts and judges happens in three ways:

(1) Bent rulings favouring a rich or connected party, as when the judge is bribed or threatened or pleasing his friends

(2) The judge deviously twisting and extending existing law, 'interpreting' to fabricate and invent via court order, 'legislating from the bench' to advance an agenda

(3) The judge biased to favour a particular group over other groups, for example, women over men, one ethnicity over another, one tribe or clan over another.

Unfortunately, we now see all of the above. As the sense of a 'higher law' from heaven has faded from society, black-robed 'priests' of the judiciary have grabbed more power.


The temptation of Marxists and others, to use 'revolutionary tribunals' to bend law and change society, has proved irresistible to judges across the Western world, and to the oligarchy of Satanists behind the scenes. Twisting the law, mauling victims via the courts, can give psychopathic, satanic pleasure. It doubles the wrong, as there is the crime itself, and the second abuse of claiming it is all 'legal'.

But it wasn't always this way. Ancient India, Persia and Greece all saw a higher divine law, a 'natural law' known in people's hearts, which human laws should emulate. Circa 100 CE ancient Roman poet Juvenal asked, 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?' - 'Who guards the guardians themselves? Who will judge the judges?'

Biblical prophets railed against injustice. Christian sages Augustine and Aquinas boldly declared that, 'Lex injusta non est lex' - 'An unjust law is no law at all'.

After the early 1300s book on hanging dishonest judges, in 1346 King Edward III ordered judges to provide "equal law and right to all our subjects, rich and poor, without regard to any person". This became the basis of the judge's oath in Britain and other nations, the judge swearing to "do right to all manner of people ... without fear or favour, affection or ill will". In the USA, to: "administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich". Alas, these seem mere words now.

As the West lost the sense of a higher law, the temptations of satanic power were swift. The 1789 French revolution was a manipulated Illuminati event.

It fascinates Marxists and Satanists, because it was more than reforms or regime change. It proved that literally everything in society can be overthrown, and quite quickly too. Politics, government, economics, religion, marriage, family, even ways of measuring and the calendar - nothing and no one was exempt.

Good things were also done in 1790s France - outlawing of slavery, more voting rights, the banning of torture and of slow methods of execution. But it was not long before things degenerated into satanic hysteria, with the 1793 introduction of 'revolutionary tribunals', where judges soon meted out death essentially at whim. The Reign of Terror ended the next year but remains a source of Marxist dreams until our own day.
As religion separated from intellectual life, the sense of 'the law' became downgraded.

Robert Heimdal #conspiracy #wingnut #racist renegadetribune.com

I have not failed noticing a strange trend lately related to Adolf Hitler supposedly being the ‘original creator of the idea of the European Union’ as if that was not a very old idea preceding Hitler himself hundreds of years already at this day and age. I’m going to make this article short because my stomach is not up to digest this type of bullshit anymore (I must be getting old, it seems). Of course, all goes in connection with the recent allegations by this buffoonish charlatan Boris Johnson who apparently had the brilliant idea of drawing this comparison between the notion of a European union, according to National Socialist Germany, in contrast to what the current so-called ‘European Union’ is all about. But what really bothers me the most is that some people in social media outlets are repeating the same rotten meme like if it was some kind of broken record. Funny enough I’m not talking about liberal idiots and similar creatures, I’m talking about people who are supposed to be on the same Pro-White/Anti-White Genocide page as we are. It is amazing how gullible people can be no matter how far they believe to have moved away themselves from the official mainstream narrative. They simply refuse to see the evidence right before their noses, these self-deceivers.

It would be pointless from me to state the ridiculousness of it all simply by bringing up simple questions to the table, such as, if the ‘European Union’ was originally Hitler’s ‘Idea’ why are we being invaded by all the Third World scum of the Earth in all European countries at the same time? Why is this so-called ‘European Union’ so hell-bent on promoting and giving preference for employment and financial help to so-called ‘migrants’ for FREE to the utter detriment of the native European populations (including Germany’s)? Why is the European Union’s ‘economical system’ based on feral banking capitalism which is the very same ‘system’ Adolf Hitler try to abolish forever? Why is the European Union so Jewish-friendly on this and every respect to the point of having its own European Jewish organizations within the entity itself? What business is the European Union for the Jews anyway? And most importantly, why is Nationalism the biggest force opposing this ‘European Union’ of criminal Jewish bankers and genocidal maniacs right now as I write? Can anyone notice the disconnection here?

Embed this image in your mind at once. Adolf Hitler had nothing to do with the ‘EU’, it’s the Jews stupid.

Chris Roberts #racist #wingnut amren.com

Context is King: How the Left Talks About Demographic Change

Gregory Hood is fond of saying, “Politics is about who, not what.” Nothing confirms this more than how leftist media write about demographic change. If whites object to being displaced, it’s not even happening, and even if it is, whites are paranoid. When demographic change brings leftist victories or when it displaces leftist pets, it’s real and significant.

In March, The Guardian published this headline, “White nationalist hate groups have grown 55% in Trump era, report finds.” The subtitle was “Southern Poverty Law Center warns of growing movement driven by ‘fear of demographic change’” — implying that such fears are silly and unfounded.

But in a 2017 essay called “‘Nothing is ours anymore’: Kurds forced out of Afrin after Turkish assault,” The Guardian found similar fears for Kurds living in Syria serious and worrisome:

There is definitely a demographic change, a lot of Kurds have been forcibly displaced on the count that they’re with the PKK when in fact they weren’t. There are barely any Kurds left in Afrin, no one is helping us go back.

Another Afrin local, Shiyar Khalil, 32, said: “When the Kurds try to get back to their house they have to jump through hoops. You cannot deny a demographic change, Kurds are not able to go back. Women are veiled, bars are closed; it’s a deliberate erasing of Kurdish culture.

Salon is just as inconsistent. After Barack Obama’s reelection in 2012, it published an article called “The final defeat of backlash politics.” This is from its opening paragraph:

A new, increasingly liberal electorate has ratified the results of the New Deal and the Civil Rights Revolution. Republican conservatives will still be able to win victories, but their hopes of overturning the outcomes of the 1930s and the 1960s have been doomed by cultural and demographic change.

But a 2017 article from the same website suggests that if Trump supporters take change seriously, they are falling for a “a false narrative of white victimhood“:

[President Trump’s white supporters] feel they are living through rapid demographic change that will leave them as a minority of the population.

Note how the first Salon quote uses the word “doomed” to describe the impact of demographic change, while the second uses “feel” to make the worries of whites sound subjective and perhaps irrational.

The leftist magazine The Nation is no better. A 2019 essay called “The ‘Great Replacement’ Is a Genocidal Playbook” (“The Great Replacement” is shorthand for mass population change at the expense of whites) puts scare quotes around the phrase to reinforce the idea that it’s a myth:


When The Nation approves of what’s happening it understands that demographics are destiny. This is from “As California Goes . . . “:

Demographically, what California was a generation ago, America is now; what California is, America is likely to become. The Golden State, for all its reputed liberalism and its rapid Hispanicization, may not be so different from the rest of the nation, just a generation or two ahead of it.

There doesn’t seem to be one leftist outlet that doesn’t follow this double standard. Jacobin opposes demographic change in Israel and Syria:

Elsewhere this has initiated full-blown attempts at “Judaization.” After 1967, the Israeli government became concerned about the lack of Jews living in the north and south of the state and so planned to increase the population in those areas. Such a demographic change necessitated the confiscation of Palestinian land for the building of Jewish settlements. — No, Israel Is Not a Democracy, Ilan Pappe, May 2017

Those who stayed in Afrin [Syria] fared little better. . . .The new occupiers themselves imposed demographic change and extended “Turkification” policies from Turkey’s Kurdish southeast into northern Syria. — Ignoring Afrin, Gokcan Aydogan, et al, September 2018

But Jacobin would never write about the “full-blown ‘Hispanicization’ of California public schools.”

The Daily Beast, whose tech reporter Will Sommer specializes in mocking the Right, published the following claim about a “great replacement” with no caveats:

The depopulation of Palestine was no accident. The Zionist movement sought to create a Jewish state in a territory where Jews were a minority. On the eve of the Nakba, Jews constituted 30 percent of the population and owned 7 percent of the land. Within months, they forged a state on 78 percent of the territory where they flipped the demographic ratio from 30:70 Jews to Arabs to 90:10. To think such dramatic demographic change happens by accident—only coincidently suiting decades old Zionist aims—is dangerous naiveté. Such things happen only by design. — Nakba Denials Must Be Condemned, Yousef Munayyer, July 13, 2017

The Left understands demographic change; it just doesn’t want whites to notice it’s happening.

Six years ago, a “purple” Georgia was a pipe dream. Now, in a year when Republicans have the national advantage, it’s a possibility. The pace of demographic change is so fast that, soon enough, Democrats like [Stacey] Abrams won’t have to work to change the electorate—it will have happened on its own.

Paul Kersey was not the author. It was a black liberal named Jamelle Bouie, writing for Slate. Mr. Bouie has since been hired by the New York Times and Paul Kersey has been attacked by it. That’s because Mr. Bouie is happy to see these changes, and Mr. Kersey isn’t.

Roosh V #homophobia #racist #fundie rooshv.com

[From "YouTube Banned Me… Now What?"]

On Monday, July 13, YouTube terminated both my main channel and Roosh Hour Clips channel, deleting all my videos even though I did not have any existing community strikes. They also deleted all my personal favorites and playlists.

Since I don’t glorify violence against any group, I presume I was banned for “encouraging hatred” (i.e. speaking the truth) about sodomites who groom children and those who worship in the synagogues of Satan. It seems that my coded means to discuss the current purveyors of evil was not enough to keep my account in good standing, and so I was banned like many other dissidents before me, including Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes, Owen Benjamin, E. Michael Jones, Rick Wiles (TruNews), Gavin McInnes, Stefan Molyneux, and David Icke.


I choose the e-hermit option

When I originally joined YouTube, I never had to self-censor myself. I could say whatever I wanted as long as I didn’t promote violence. Once YouTube started partnering with Jewish groups such as the ADL, speech for everyone on the platform was progressively curtailed. Who is to say that won’t happen to another platform that today advertises “free speech”? Chinese-owned DLive seems fine now, but no one can make any guarantees of its future direction. Therefore I will not spend several years building myself up on a site that will arbitrarily cancel me.

From this point on, I intend to take the path of an e-hermit. I will hunker down onto my own domain and forum and host as much content as I can, including videos. There are dozens of cloud providers for video self-hosting instead of the two or three video platforms. Even if I get banned from every cloud provider in existence, I will simply rent dedicated servers from one of hundreds of hosting companies and serve videos that way. It will be significantly harder for them to stop me now.

To defray costs, I can take up the fashionable idea of charging $5/month for access. Perhaps I will leave my podcast free but save videos for members, and maybe I can throw up some bonus content as well. I’ll figure something out, but first I will begin work on establishing an archive for all my deleted videos (in the meantime, you can use Bitchute).

WestWins #fundie #racist disqus.com

Jennifer Joyce:
Why didn't (God) save anyone from the Muslim hijackers on 9/11?

First -- they weren't "muslim hijackers".
Check out Christopher Bollyn
Second........not sure I understand the nature of your question. Are you trying to "Cancel" God in general simply because there is evil in the world?

Jennifer Joyce:
Yes, they were Muslim hijackers. We know their names.
My question is, where was God when a bunch of innocent lives were lost?
I looked up Christopher Bollyn, who says the Jews were responsible for 9/11. Is that what you're asking me to believe?

That's funny. What won't you believe.

KW Miller #racist #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #god-complex #sexist #wingnut miamiherald.com

‘Beyoncé, you are on notice!’ Florida politician calls out superstar in a bizarre rant

The Beyhive is buzzing Monday after a Florida politician accused Beyoncé Knowles of not being African American.

Congressional candidate KW Miller took to Twitter over the weekend to make a bizarre claim that the “Halo” singer is Italian, as he says he is trying to “heal racial divides.”

In a series of posts, Miller, an independent running to represent Florida’s 18th Congressional District, which includes Port St. Lucie, Fort Pierce, Stuart and Jupiter, even went so far as to put the global superstar on blast.

“Beyonce is not even African American. She is faking this for exposure. Her real name is Ann Marie Lastrassi,” read the post of the Houston, Texas, native. “She is Italian.” Where Miller came up with that name is unclear.

Then the pol rambles on about the entertainer, 38, being a part of the “[George] Soros Deep State agenda for the Black Lives Matter movement.

“Beyoncé, you are on notice!” he writes of the pop star whose father, Matthew Knowles, is an African American who hails from Alabama, and mom, Tina Knowles, is a Louisiana native with French, African and Native American roots.

Miller seems at least to know the former Destiny Child member’s music well. He even mentions that some lyrics in her 2016 hit “Formation” contain “Satanic” verses and are a “secret coded message to the globalists.”

Lyrics include, “My daddy Alabama, mamma Louisiana. You mix that Negro with that Creole make a Texas bamma. I like my baby hair, with baby hair and afros. I like my Negro nose with Jackson Five nostrils.”

“The song clearly admitted that she was demonic and that she worshiped in the Satanist churches located in Alabama & Louisiana,” Miller posited.

While Beyoncé refers to hot sauce in her bag, Miller claims B “keeps Satanist symbols” there.

The politician received quite a bit of attention about the tweets, which is a possible motive for the curious rant in the first place.

The response was duly swift. Many memes of confused faces popped up In the comments section.

“I just read this whole thread... every tweet is worse and more crazy than the last,” one person wrote.

One gave Miller the benefit of the doubt, wondering if his account had been “hacked.”

Another Twitter user insulted the state from which he hails: “They should remove Florida from US. I have seen enough.”

The current representative of the 18th Congressional District is Brian Mast, whose term ends Jan. 3, 2021.

Beyoncé has not responded to Miller’s accusations.

Andrea Widburg #racist #sexist #wingnut americanthinker.com

Black Lives Matter reveals a generation of damaged straight, white women

The Black Lives Matter movement and the subsequent riots by Antifa, the Democrat party's domestic terrorist arm, have shown Americans what leftism is — an ugly combination of social and government coercion, racism, violence, and anti-Americanism. It's also revealed that the American left has been using American blacks as a vehicle for political power without any regard for actually improving black people's lives. Instead, the left destroys their communities and doubles down on damaging policies.

What few have pointed out, though, is the way BLM protests have revealed the damage that decades of leftist messaging have visited on straight, young, white women. To set the stage, here are some videos of the hysterical young white women who keep showing up in the front row of the Black Lives Matter movement, whether screaming at police, arguing with black people, rioting, or groveling:

White woman yelling at black officers

Those videos are just a fraction of the footage showing frenzied white women taking the lead in BLM. They are deeply involved in this movement and in the ugliest way possible — and therein lies a sad tale of the leftist takeover of straight, white women.

The root problem is that these women are receiving mixed messages that would make even the strongest person go crazy. Beginning in high school, or even earlier, they're told endlessly that they're both victim and oppressor.

These mixed messages make straight white girls distinct from other students. White boys are told they're evil, toxic oppressors of both women and minorities. It's an ugly message, but a consistent one. Boys lucky enough to have countervailing influences shake it off and become the men they should be. The boys who don't have better influences, interestingly enough, become feminized, even if they're not gay, as if trying to escape that awful toxic masculinity.

Meanwhile, everyone who is non-white and/or non-straight, whether male or female, or something else, is told that he, she, or it is a victim. White privilege, racism, homophobia, transgenderism, misogyny — all of them define how non-white and/or non-straight people suffer endlessly at the hands of straight whites.

And then there are the straight, white girls. On the one hand, they're...well, white and straight. That means they are evil oppressors who have benefited unfairly from white privilege. In the morality play that is leftism, they owe the world big-time. On the other hand, they're women, which means men have victimized them from time immemorial to the present.

That relationship with men is made more toxic by the fact that the young women are told simultaneously (a) that, as liberated women, they should be part of the hook-up culture and (b) that, as biological women, they're the victims of all men's rapacious, rapey sexuality. Given these mixed messages, it's no wonder that these confused young women willingly sleep with the guy at night and then accuse him of rape in the morning. Others avoid this confusion by embracing a trendy lesbianism.

These same women are also betrayed by the leftist culture's refusal to accept that motherhood is (a) biological destiny and (b) worthy insofar as creating and raising a human being does give meaning to life.

Once upon a time, women had no life choice other than motherhood. In a pre–free market, pre-industrial world, if one ignores the infinitesimally small number of wealthy women, any search for meaning in life was overwhelmed by the endless struggle to survive. Women didn't have time to compare their lives to men, especially because the men were also fighting for survival against the untamed forces of nature and other men.

With the industrial era and the development of free-market capitalism, things changed. In the West, ordinary people had time for leisure, contemplation, and the search for meaning.

That fundamental change led to the post-industrial, pre-modern cult of motherhood. Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi, who lived in Rome in the Second Century B.C., leaped into prominence. People in the 18th and 19th centuries loved that, when catty friends asked why Cornelia wasn't wearing jewels, she pointed to her sons and said, "These are my jewels."

Today's young women are told to focus on a career. In college, though, they take liberal arts classes that don't prepare them for anything useful but do reinforce their status as both victims and oppressors. They leave college, uneducated and unskilled, which leads them to unfulfilling jobs. At those jobs, they work hard while dating frantically. When they find the right man, they get pregnant, drop out of the job market, and resent their husbands' careers. They take all the energy that was meant for their professional success and pour it into hyper-motherhood and activism. (See those raging Portland moms above.)

None of this is healthy; it is, instead, tragic. Straight white women hate themselves for being white; hate their men for being oppressors; hate their meaningless careers; and, even though they love their children, they hate the seeming meaninglessness of motherhood. This profound cognitive dissonance has finally found its most disturbing outlet in their shrill, existential screams on the streets of the Black Lives Matter protests.

Kurt Nimmo #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist #racist #sexist thefreedomarticles.com

I have decided to post my thoughts on the destruction of America (and Europe) before the election. If current polling is any indication, Donald Trump will not be re-elected. Joe Biden will be the establishment’s teleprompter reader. The Senate will swing over to Democrat control. Democrats and their “progressive” (corporate-financed) allies will go after anyone to the right or left of the establishment, with the exception of groups like Black Lives Matter, which now receive millions of dollars from the likes of Citibank and the Ford Foundation, the latter long known to be a front operation controlled by the CIA.

“The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy recently announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund [BLMF], a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition,” reports The Washington Times.

The COVID virus is a biological weapon deliberately released in China and from there spread to much of the rest of the world. It did not escape from the Wuhan lab. It was released by the US military while participating in an athletic event in Wuhan. However, it is believed the virus was circulating in November of 2019, possibly earlier. In April, a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Antiviral Research (Vol. 16, April 2020) concluded the COVID virus contains features not present in other viruses. Moreover, the paper argued the virus has no known ancestry and contains elements present in MERS, which the authors say “was not observed in the lineage b of betacoronaviruses.” In other words, the virus is an engineered bioweapon and not a freak of nature. [This is assuming the virus actually exists – see my article here – Ed.]

However, this military-industrial lab-created disease was not designed to kill millions and become the 21st century’s version of the Black Death. It is far more useful as a fear-inducing mechanism.

Here is the game plan as I see it:

1) bring down teetering fiat money and toxic asset driven economy and blame it on the virus.

2) destroy Main Street business in competition with corporate behemoths (recall John D. Rockefeller—his operating maxim was that competition is a sin).

3) create massive and sustained unemployment.

4) normalize the idea of house arrest and the negation of core constitutional rights.

5) enhance already intrusive and unconstitutional surveillance with “contact tracing” via smartphone and Bluetooth technology (check out this article which details how Michigan authorities used contact tracing against anti-lockdown protesters).

6) foment unrest and exacerbate social ills as a diversion from the planned globalist reformulation of the world economy and society (i.e., “global governance,” aka New World Order).

7) direct the corporate propaganda media to obsessively dwell on irrational race- and gender-based ideology and conflict, thus widening an engineered political divide, creating social chaos and violence, and thus diverting and reducing the threat posed to the elite and the national security state apparatus.

8) keep the narrative focused on Donald Trump; downplay the evolving economic depression, distract attention, and debate away from the elite’s endless wars and neoliberal predation (this was accomplished during the Obama regime).

9) continue to manufacture foreign enemies—Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria—and crackdown on “domestic terrorists” and “conspiracy theorists” now conflated with ISIS.

After Democrats take back Congress and the White House, this last point will kick into overdrive. MAGA, already maligned as Nazis and white supremacists, will be investigated and supporters will be prosecuted and imprisoned. Ditto folks on the left, or those not associated and bankrolled by elite foundations and corporations.

United States of America Republic National Government #wingnut #crackpot #racist #elitist unitedstatesrepublic.us

The Preamble

We, The People of the United States of America Republic,

with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, in order to form a more Independent and Perfect government; establish Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice; insure tranquility; Provide for the common defense; Promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America Republic. As the Law of the Land, We, The People of the Moorish American Society, pledge Our Lives and Property to each other; to gain equal footing in the affairs of men and for other purposes in order to establish justice, promote the health, safety and welfare, secure the Blessings of liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity do by Our representatives in Convention, ordain and establish the following Constitution Republic form of Government and mutually agree with each other to form Ourselves into a Free and Independent State by the name of: United States of America Republic and we do hereby ratify the boundaries assigned to such State by the Act of Redemption at the Pan American Conference in 1928; the aforesaid which are as follows to wit: Extends from North-East and South-West Africa across great Atlantis even unto the present North, South and Central America and also into Mexico and the Atlantis Islands; Amexem, Turtle Island, Frog Island. The fate of the unborn millions will now depend, under the Creator of the Universe, on the conduct of this Sovereign Nation State of Moorish American Nationals and Citizens, Let us, therefore, animate and encourage each other and show the whole world that we as Moorish American Nationals and Citizens are contending for Liberty as Moors on grounds superior to any nation on Earth; We now renew our Covenant with our Creator.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Black art sucks"]

Hey, is maybe the reason nigger artists aren't as successful as they think they should be at all related to how shitty their art is?

This one looks like Floyd's 6yr old daughter drew it in between her being told lies about her criminal daddy.

This one is called "I See God in Us/Trinity" rather than "three fat negresses apparently looking into a crystal ball.

Are there any good pieces of art? This one isn't bad, but it's also just an artist representation of an already well-known character. It's only interesting because of the white-man created media property you associate with it.

Christians for Truth #fundie #conspiracy #racist christiansfortruth.com

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and their ‘Cohorts’? Their ‘Cohorts’ were Zionist agents, Mossad, and U.S. Israeli dual citizens who pulled this off, NOT the U.S. government, whatever that means. Bush knew nothing of the planning. Cheney and Rumsfeld knew, but they did not plan it. It was planned in Tel Aviv. You’ve been watching too much Alex Jones. Did you even read this article, or did you just use it as an excuse to post your disinformation that the American government did it?

Your last sentence should read, “How does it feel, America, to know that your ‘closest friend and ally’ Israel pulled off 9-11?” or “How does it feel, Israel, to know that we know you were behind the 9-11 attacks?”

Quintus Sertorius #racist #conspiracy #wingnut renegadetribune.com

The jews are a species that is utterly and irreconcilably alien to the White race. No matter how the jews disingenuously try to convince us that they are “fellow White people,” they are really nothing more than subversives attempting to dismantle our natural defenses against malignant foreign influences at both the individual and societal levels. One can easily see the jews for that they are despite the shrill, kosher sanctimony and lies so blatant they border on bad comedy, simply by turning off the talmudvision and trusting in your own observations. Fiat currency and debt slavery, Frankfurt school pseudo-science, communism, the justification and promotion of perversion from Freud to Al Goldstein, the unending flood of non-White invaders into White homelands championed by the likes of HIAS and the odious Barbara Spectre, the insanity of equalitarianism, and the soul-deadening, nation-killing jewish religion of Christianity: all these poisonous ideas and ideologies were maliciously foisted on unsuspecting and ill-prepared White communities by jews wearing inhuman predatory grins and purporting to have our best interests in their black hearts.

It is the jews who tell us that they are a “chosen” people, a race that was selected by “g*d” to be his extra-special favorites and to rule over all the other races – while telling us, depending on what is most expedient at the moment for the jews, that races are just social constructs, that the White race doesn’t exist, or that the entire White race is evil because we are allegedly “supremacists” of the type the jews celebrate themselves to be. Nevertheless, by absurd rabbinical chicanery, we are told that our supposedly non-existent White race should feel guilty because of our “privilege” and so we must immiserate and impoverish ourselves by ever increasing the numbers of non-Whites in our homelands.

The jews are expert liars and deceivers, and are exceptionally creative in concocting frauds and fantasies intentionally designed to damage Whites and White communities. The creativity of the jews is the opposite of that possessed by Whites: the jews are unrivaled in their capacity to create, promote, and profit from degeneracy and depravity – while being singularly unable create anything of true beauty. As a parasitic race that thrives on manipulation and dishonesty, the jews are capable of mimicking the aesthetic achievements of other races but their own, original artistic expressions are hideous and monstrous – true reflections of the jewish race-soul. A quick glance at any of the Guggenheim museums (and the “art” they contain), or the eyesore architecture of every holohoax museum, will reveal the jewish aesthetics of ugliness polluting spaces in White countries that should instead be used to beautify our communities and celebrate our national achievements.

Our public spaces and public discourse have been soiled by jewish influence and control. Jewish corruption has reduced our intellectual and academic institutions to non-religious parodies of talmudic law academies in which fanatical, self-congratulatory blowhards learn nonsense in 6 million different ways. But perhaps the most damaging of all these jewish subversions has been the ease with which our implacable racial enemies repeatedly rise to positions of leadership within any organized group of White people. From putative Nationalist organizations, to Libertarians, to the Alt-Right, and even organizations pretending to be National Socialist – in the Weimerican failed state, the leadership of many of these groups resembles a junior-varsity version of the Federal Reserve as they are infested with overt jews, covert jews, and spouses of jews.

Like so many of the jewish-caused problems afflicting our homelands, this subversion is nothing new, and if more White people knew their history, it would be painfully obvious that the jews are simply using the same tactics they have arrayed against us for centuries. Aside from the common-sense observation that it’s ill-advised to allow an insular, hostile, fanatical cartel of racial aliens who refer to you and everyone you love as “cattle” to rule over us, the distressing fact of the matter is that the jews have repeatedly used the same exact methods to subvert and destroy White institutions. It should be increasingly clear, as our once-prosperous White communities become incrementally more poverty-stricken and dangerous with each passing day, that jews have no place in a White society that wishes to survive. We can either have a future for the White race by ridding our living spaces of the jewish pestilence in all its forms, or condemn the dwindling numbers of our progeny to live as hated minorities in our own homelands, preyed upon by spiteful, unaccountable jews and feral, opportunistic brown morons. We must learn from history, and realize that the best examples of our race have long fought to stop the jewish-orchestrated White genocide.

Nick Fuentes and commenters #racist twitter.com

Nick FuentesWe are witnessing the decolonization of America— the uprooting and destruction of European civilization built on this land. It will be replaced by the same savagery that European explorers found on this continent centuries ago. It’s critically important that the statues of Columbus are the first to go. The effect of European colonization was to civilize the Western hemisphere. And soon the reverse will be true— the effect of decolonization will be to un-civilize this hemisphere.

Bon Sheckerman: These cosplayers are terrified of people in Suburbs & Rural Areas. 90% of our Military, Police, Gun Owners, Hunters & MMA Fighters are Red. A real war would be a 1 sided blood bath. They want none of that

StoryRory: “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

Anonamouse: One of the biggest faliures of the right was ceding social issues for chasing profits around the world (muh free market). We are seeing the demise of Americana and our culture while a bunch of 1%ers virtue signal in their compounds.

Julia: It’s not decolonization. It’s colonization. They are trying to colonize US in the nations WE built.

stupid_Goof, wwaayynnee #racist #wingnut reddit.com

Peel school board 'dysfunctional' in face of racism, can't govern properly, report finds

A newly-released report on the state of the Peel District School Board (PDSB) paints a damning picture of dysfunction among administrators who are ill-prepared to deal with anti-Black racism directly affecting students.

The province released a report it had commissioned from lawyer and human rights advocate Arleen Huggins on Monday, in which she investigated the school board's capacity to comply with a host of directives from Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce after a review of the board found issues of systemic racism.
A third-party review of the board found that Black students are only 10.2 per cent of the secondary school population, but about 22.5 per cent of the students receiving suspensions.

The reviewers heard anecdotally that some principals "use any excuse" to suspend Black students, including wearing hoodies or hoop earrings.

Recent school board data shows that about 83 per cent of secondary school students in the board are racialized, and the reviewers say about two-thirds of teachers in the board are white.

Lecce has previously said one element of the report that was especially troubling was that disproportionate numbers of Black students are being streamed into applied streams of education, rather than into university-focused courses.

Stupid_goof : “I bet a lot of that racism comes from the students themselves too.”

wwaayynnee :The word 'racism' is thrown around alot these days.....lets read some specifics. Who's racist? Give examples of all this 'racism' in Peel schools. Everywhere I go I see blacks and whites getting along great. Is the racism coming from other races? Instead of screaming RACISM with no explanation, give specific information. The article states that black students make up 10% of student population but recieve 22% of suspensions... thats 'racism' ?? Is it possible that the students actions lead to these suspensions? Is it possible that the high number of single mothers/broken families in the black population have more to do with a students actions than 'racist' teachers/principles have to do with it?

Mike Walsh #wingnut #racist #psycho renegadetribune.com

You caused my folk to hate me,
For standing by my race;
You twisted words that I might be,
Both branded and disgraced.
You turned the truth upon its head,
For rogues like you my race has bled,
Now you must pay race traitors price,
The wheel full circle turns.

Love for race described as hate,
Our way of life disdained,
For other race and cultures,
Your love was unrestrained.
For Whites you spat your foulest hate,
Their minds were bent to mix and mate,
And now for you it is too late
Uncovered, you’re condemned.

The wheel has turned full circle,
And yes, my folk will hate,
You traitors, who despoiled us,
Now justice cannot wait.
My folk have shaken off your lies,
Your wicked ways stand undisguised,
Soon the cry; ‘The traitor dies,’
The rope grows tight tonight.

Anonymous #racist boards.4channel.org

I honestly enjoyed reading the Rig Veda, Mahabharata and many of the “Indian” historical literature but I absolutely cannot believe it was written by subhuman poos. Shitskins have never created any civilisation in history so it’s hard to believe that Indian shitskins would be any different from Arab or Nigger shitskins. It’s against their nature.

The Ancient “Indians” developed philosophy, astronomy and sciences and wrote great epics and plays. I absolutely cannot believe the modern subhuman race that inhabits India and Pakistan with an average IQ of 82-84 can create a civilisation like that.

Same for Persians. Iran has an IQ of 84. You’re telling me these subhumans created the Achaemenid Empire?

I am sure we will find genetic evidence in the future to prove that Ancient India and Iran were indeed the product of a European race (Aryans definitely existed but now we must prove that those historical figures in question were indeed pure whites). Arabs, Indians, Iranians and Africans are naturally incapable of civilisation due to their latitude. Whites and Asians are the only races that survived through the ice age to develop an actual civilisation that continues to this day.

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