
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Various Incels #racist #sexist incels.is

"Teenagers are just children, bro" and "Females are the nurturing gender, bro" Two women, aged 13 & 15, attempt to carjack a senior curry and kill him

Teen girls charged with murder in failed carjacking of UberEats driver

Bet they were nigresses

Hmm, both sheboons and cumskins have that "I can do anything I want" mindset. Are there many sheboons in Virginia, though?

(Total Imbecile)
My first thought too and what do you know. White women are not high T enough to commit such low inhib crimes

Coon Coon.
Black Baboon.
Brutal, Worthless, Thieving Goon.
Often High Thrives in Jail.
His Welfare Check is in the Mail.
Some 40 Offspring have been had.
None will ever call him dad.
And Yet he Hollers Day and Night
“I Blames De White Man Fo My Plight,
It’s Him Who Spreads Trash All Around My Shack,
It’s Him What Makes Me Smoke Dis Crack,
He Push My Kind To Burn and Loot,
And Sends De Po-lice Dat We Shoot.
But Inch by Inch we Taking Hold
Like When De White Bread Starts to Mold
We’ll Overrun Yo Homes and soon
Dey Only Be Fit Fo De Blackassed Coon

JFL imaging being a Paki who is 66 years old and being forced to wagecuck for UberEats only to get killed by I suspect, 2 nigger girls.


holy shit, not only do these whores deprive you of every bit of happiness you could possibly have, but they also actively try to kill your ass off.

Women want all genetically inferior men dead, they'd kill us all if it was legal

(Transcended Trucel)

why the fuck whenever those shit happens you immediate know its negros?

they are most lowest inhib race, when they feel like taking or doing something they do it. everyone else will consider the consequences

Wizcel & cvh1991 #sexist incels.is

Men and women being equal is just as dumb as humans and dogs being equals.

99% of inventions in history have been done by men. Our entire society from the bottom to top has been created by men. Women depend on men for their provision just as dogs rely on their masters to feed them everyday. Women are even lower than boys since the U15 boys soccer team beat the women's national soccer team. Also trannies come and completely destroy women at their own sports. The only thing that women excel at are childrearing and giving blowjobs. That's their entire purpose of their existence. Women are very insecure if you bring this up because they know this is true. Giving them rights was the biggest mistake of mankind and generations of men will pay for this.

Being a woman is life on easy mode yet they insist they have it so hard lmao.

All you need to do as a woman to have a good standard of living is have sex with your betabux once a month and maybe look after a kid or two if that. That beats working a shitty 9-to-5 any day of the week and notice most women who do have jobs usually don’t study anything challenging — they do most often do something easy then count on their man to handle the high earning. Exceptions exist and all that, but that’s the norm has been my observation. Men by comparison just can’t get away with remotely the same stuff.

If that fails my government is far far more willing to help (as are parents and families and shelters) if you’re female.

Meanwhile if you’re a man you actually have to work for a living and carry yourself (and your family/woman) — no one else will.

Women’s “””””problems”””” are often men’s dreams as Gymcelled stated before.

epillepsy #crackpot #racist #sexist incels.is

The only thing that women excel at are childrearing and giving blowjobs.

women are better at breastfeeding, not childrearing.
they kill their infant children at rates of five times as much as men, and that's not counting abortions.
if abortions counted, they would kill children at a rate of more than 70 million to 1, probably.

Brutal. The abortionpill killed pretty much all my preconceived romantic sentiments about the beauty of a woman in motherhood. How callously they disregard the sacred bond between mother and child is one of the few things which is truly heartbreaking to me.

it's never been a sacred bond. there's so little commendable about women, so a "sacred bond" between mother and child had to be invented to pretend that women are capable of any kind of love at all. since it was so obvious women can't love men, it was decided arbitrarily that they must love their own children (otherwise we'd have to admit that women are incapable of love). this is not the case.

mothers despise their ugly children. think back on how your mother treated you and if that was a relationship of love or hate. they are very vain and hate seeing their own ugly genes as a constant mirror before them. only good-looking men believe in maternal love. and no hapa has good memories of his noodle mother, who despises her son for not being fully white. (i'm not a hapa)

thespanishcel #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Why don't trannies admit they do it because they were incels?

You can look at photos of trannies before and after transitioning and all of them were incel-tier when they were male. Most are still incel tier when """""female""""" but there will always be at least one desperate cuck willing to fuck them kek. They always give lame excuses like "I always had more female than male friends", "I always was more into girly stuff like Sailor Moon and cute animals than football and war videogames", "I always felt this way" when in reality most (if not all) trannies realized that if they remained male they would die virgins and decided to mutilate their bodies and take hormones to change it. Pic related:


99% of trannies are the "Ms robot", "the degenerate" and "organic strap".

Reddit_is_for_cucks #psycho #sexist incels.is

Potent suicide fuel. Chadfish insults foids and all she can think about is having sex with him.

This is one brutal blackpill that even took me a while to swallow. This really shows that foids lust for chad has no bound. Chad can treat foids like literal shit and his success rate of getting her wont be effected. I insulted her and called her ugly and then ghosted her for a month. Now I wanted to fuck with her again so I sent her a message giving her a second chance. You can clearly see how thirsty she is for chad even after a month of being ghosted all while she leaves 100 of guys on read in her inbox. She replies right away to chad who ghosted and insulted her.


I wanted to actually talk to her so I can see how much I can get away with. This bitch is 200% lusting for chad. She even told her friend to take sexy pics of her so she can send it to chadfish. Brutal sui fuel knowing that roastie is getting all dolled up just to send hot pictures to chad only to get blocked by him.


Highly recommended to read the entire post, because this displays female nature perfectly.

I got a woman to cry on the phone today because I stood her up a second time. It was that roastie who I said was only good for a quick fuck and who I called old. Such a shame I didn't record it

Your chadfish experience is getting really good if you stood her up for second time and made her cry lmao . Once you get snap you’ll see how these roasties truely are. Make sure to post those black pills

Gog #crackpot #moonbat #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel The incest prohibition destroyed me

Social production would need at its disposal an agent that is also capable of acting on, of inscribing the recording surface of desire. Such an agent exists: the family.

The final blackpill in psychology is that the figure of Oedipus is a consequent social repression. The capitalist technoindustrial system does not want us to acquire power, and needs us to be good little wageslaves. They need to repress our desiring production to make this happen. The nuclear family is one of these agents of capitalist repression. The reason Oedipus is repressive is that the incest prohibition prescribes us objects to desire, but desire itself is a pure productive process with no object in mind. By directing desire towards a love object, the incest prohibition warps reality and obscures the nature of desire and the self, and in doing so restricts the productive capacities of our desire.

By placing the distorting mirror of incest before desire, desire is shamed, stupefied, placed in a situation without exit

I want to have sex with my sister. I have always conceived of us as something like star crossed lovers, and always dreamed that this could have been some other way. And it could have, without the repressive influence of a dystopian capitalist system. If my desiring production wasn't directed towards her, all the life in me could be free. And this is empirically verifiable psychology, it sounds weird but you all are just as much a victim of capitalism as I

How can you desire to have sex with your sister?

I explained it in this post. TLDR: its the nuclear family in capitalism as an agent of repression which causes it

Transcended Trucel #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: SuicideFuel The incest prohibition destroyed me

[quote"@Total Imbecile thoughts?”

Based, I have yet to hear a valid argument against incest. People focus too much on "b-but muh inbreeding genetic defects". Cool, if youre just having sex for fun with no end goal of reproducing then thats not really a valid argument

even for reproduction can take multiple generations to cause problems given the family doesn't have any recessive/very bad genes. you can check Ptolemy Cleopatra bloodline, a shit ton of sister brother incest for 5-6 generations yet not negative problems and we're always able to find heir.

inbreeding effect go both ways. it can amplify bad effects, but can also compound good effects. it all depends on what particular genes got combined.

Jews are good example, they have done cousin marriages for generations as result they have very High IQ manipulative nature and strong community ties. but also have nasty noses and mental illness risk being higher than the goyim.

Pakistanis and Arabs are an example of where cousing fucking amplified bad genes and they had literally no good genes to begin with creating hundreds of millions of shitskin Subhumans deplorable trash with no redeeming qualities.

a good example is my mother, apparently cousin marriage was a thing in her bloodline for past 3 generations, guess what she ended up schizophrenic, has fucked toes on one foot and is low IQ, just smart enough to be functional with Jew pills. should have been sterilized

Total Imbecile #homophobia #psycho #sexist incels.is

If you have an attractive sister and you wouldnt have sex with her I have news for you

Youre gay. When I check out my sister I dont think "oh god all these memories of us playing together!", I think "what a nice ass, her figure is so beautiful, too bad I cant bite into this forbidden fruit". Especially if youre an attention starved incel and your sister or cousin is like the only female around you its just impossible to suppress the thoughts. Most incels on this forum who wouldnt their sister assuming there would be no consequences are just lying or are closeted and theyre "incel" because they dont actually want a girlfriend. Sorry boyos but its the truth.

I don't have incestuous thoughts but all females in my family are much older than me.

I literally go hard when I touch her or she touches me because shes so soft and smells heavenly. I grabbed her by her waist one time as a joke and her waist is super thin and that urge to fuck is just there, like I wanna do more but I have to stop myself because if I cross that line it will be over. I half suspect that having a gf would cure me because then Id be able to focus my energy elsewhere, the thing is though most normies get their first gfs at like 14 so they forget about their female siblings before they can even get hard. For me my sisters are the only girls around.

If incest is something you don't see as degenerate, then the word has no tangible meaning or place in your moral value system.

I believe that incest is degenerate too but it what it is, its what happens when you haven no other options, its as abnormal as being incel tbh. Its same how Id never wanna be a cuck, but given my situation and looks its really very likely thats what Ill be and its certainly the best I can hope for. If I ever get a gf theres like a 90% chance shell be 30+ fat with 2 kids by 3 different fathers. Because Im ugly I really cant hope for anything better as much as I want a college sweetheart that I can live happily ever after with.

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: If you have an attractive sister and you wouldnt have sex with her I have news for you

This. If I had a sister as an attention starved incel i’m almost certain I would try my best to at least lick her cunt, but if I didn’t succeed in that I would’ve just stuck to sniffing her used panties and staring at her juicy ass all day. I do have a hot 15yo cousin tho which regularly visits me and I’d love nothing more than to fuck her tight teen pussy, but I just can’t, theres no way I can ascend and get a chance with her.

I have no idea how I'd feel about an attractive sister. Being around even remotely attractive girls you're not fucking as a single incel is emotionally and even physically painful as a man, women have a difficulty understanding it. Like, having blue balls actually physically hurts.


Pedophilia, bestiality, incest. This place is turning into degenerates.is. GTFOH with your degeneracy, you sick fucks.

Shut up degenerate


you guys are just brainwashed

personally i dont see myself fucking my sister, i respect that the OP does though. and i think his ability to question the values he's been raised by and differentiating right from wrong by himself and according to his values is admirable.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Serious I wish i was black.

I wish I didn't have to be a cumskin. i could have been a low inhib black guy. Fucking white, latino and black girls alike. I would have been cucking all the white men around me with my bbc. Then when I would get bored, I would get on incels.co and pretend to be an incel just to have a laugh at all those white faggots suffering. Instead, I have to suffer as a white men in the west, which is a pretty much guaranted inceldom in 2021.

doesn't klinefelters make you tall?

Not really dude. I'm 5'11.

I can guarantee that you were just on either reddit,twitter or blacked

Blacked is for cucks only. Seeing 2 girls 1 cup was less disgusting than seeing those apemen fucking my women.

Just be black and move to East Europe.

Just get beaten up by high T Slavs theory

Nothing would happen as long as you don't go to low class areas.

I got attacked in Poland for talking English on a bus , in a high class area and I’m white, imagine being black in Ukraine or something


(Blackcel rigth wing)
Dumb ass want to be part of the most poorest/weakest and dumb race on planet earth who’s history is mostly slavery from Arabs from the north and east, Jews, Europeans and now China. No one can denied what I just said it’s facts.

Op you’re really retarded but then again what do I expect from a genetic defect like you.

Dr. Dicklet et al. #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Stumbled across this on a fagbook group


Notice the list on the box.

What would your list be for the perfect woman? For me it's

Aged 13-16
Tight hairless pussy
Cooks and cleans


Aged 4-12
BMI no higher than 23
Virgin and kissless
Tight hairless pussy, absolutely no pubic hair (Disgusting)
At least 12 inch long hair, dirty blonde, red head, or brunette
Cooks, cleans, and walks the dogs
Smells good

thats all

Savage, but also incredibly based


18 - 20
Eastern Euro / Northern Euro / Persian mix
Can orgasm with both pussy & clit
Has her own interests
Not depressed / anxious
Not a princess

Who cares if they can orgasm or not

I like how it squeezes my cock.

At 18-20 yo, there ain't nothing going to be squeezing your cock...think guatemalan cave

Various Incels #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist youtube.com

RE: Incelibate State of the Middle East and North Africa

Taking a deeper look into the 50% ethnic tax, SMV of Middle Eastern men and all the dangers awaiting them in the future.

(kira light)
I am Egyptian and I want to mention something you missed in the video of the Egyptian girls talking to the British guy who learns Arabic. One girl was asking her friends how to ask him about his religion in English. Muslim women marring non-muslim men is haram. A man she just met and she wanted to know whether she is allowed to marry him or not. That's absolutely brutal.

(Warsaw Cat)
I think there needs to be a video of latin america incels. White worshipping is unreal in there, every actor looks White/European. We often talk about rice and curry but never mention the beans.

(brad jb)

Can you make a video about women who hate white men but date and marry them?

Just go on Twitter and see all these brown and white liberal women that endlessly hate white men but if you dig in to their personal life, they are like a breeding stump for these white men.

(Kikuyu Kiiru)

When I was in high-school (in the UK), one of my friends (a white guy) was secretly dating a Pakistani Muslim girl. Her family found out, and the guy started getting death threats from her brothers/cousins/uncles. He was only like 14, as well, lmfao.

I had a bit too much schadenfreude reading that. That white boy needs to date his own.

(James Blue)
their just trying to stomp out the degeneracy of interracial dating. There's been a bunch of Muslims in the UK that have sent their daughters, nieces etc back to Pakistan because they secretly date white boys.

(Kwai Chang Caine)
This is the most honest hard hitting channel ever. Brutal is the black pill. When i was younger I always felt bad for the Asian guys because I noticed most pretty Asian girls were with which men. I didn't realize Indian and middle eastern guys were being passed over by their own women

Mainländer & Gog #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

Feminists and SJWs wrongly think that everything about humans is learned behavior and that we feel bad about inceldom because of patriarchal culture

They seem to think that we "learn" to feel bad about our inceldom because we are culturally patriarchal and thus hold ourselves to patriarchal standards (that, as a man, you must be sexually successful, fuck lots of foids or whatever). My desire to have sex is not cultural, it's biological. If it was cultural, I'd never ever prefer JBs over older women for instance, since the western culture I grew up in absolutely demonizes guys my age who want to have sex with teens. It's just that I find them more attractive (because my male straight brain is hardwired to find developed female body + neotenous face the most attractive combination, which has nothing to do with culture) and I also want my partner to be a virgin (which is biologically advantageous as a male).

I don't feel bad about my inceldom because of culture, I do because I have a BIOLOGICAL impulse towards sex and affection, which is not being fulfilled, all the while I SEE guys getting tons of sex and affection because they're good-looking, famous, atrocitymaxxed, etc.

Foids only think everything is learned behavior because all they know is sitting in front of the tv screen or they phone getting indoctrinated with kikejew propoganda.

It's not patriarchal culture hindering my attraction to landwhales and trannies, it's the fact being obese isn't healthy or attractive and having a male bone structure and a penis isn't attractive to me. Let alone having an open wound where your genitals should be.

We can verify this by analyzing man's life in a state of nature (without any societal influence), and see that all this is true.

MarquisDeSade #sexist #wingnut incels.is

If inceldom was a result of oppressive 'patriarchy' you would think being patriarchal males a part of the same very oppressive power structure in their eyes would be able to fix or cure our ailment with a snap of our fingers. But no, that's not it at all.

What they don't want to admit to or touch basis on is that inceldom is a direct result of feminism and the political matriarchal social structure they've created over the last several decades, but they don't want to ever admit that because by doing so their entire ideal of equality or social egalitarianism becomes exposed for the fraudulent scam that it always has been.

Eventually they're not going to be able to ignore it for much longer as there are consequences just like anything else, eventually when 75% of men identify as incels, society collapses, and they have full blown insurrection on their hands maybe then they might think to themselves, "Oh, I guess we really did fuck up on all of that after all, there's no more denying it now."

But until then, they'll double down on their failed social ideologies and political status quo because they really don't want to admit that their social experiment of the last century has been one huge gigantic failure.

What's interesting about feminism is that it acts or behaves as if only women have been oppressed all throughout history, it completely ignores the many billions of lower rank males since the very historical beginning of civilization who have been far more oppressed or brutalized, the fact that it very blatantly ignores all of that is very quite telling of the whole entire con game of theirs they constantly play. That's really all one needs to know assessing them.

GeneticTrashLoser #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut incels.is

They've clearly never read the book, The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar, that book is a huge blackpill as it is insightful.

They've never read anything that disagrees with their social justice agenda. The fact that a book entitled I Hate Men by some French whore went viral among feminists shows what feminism is really about. They always talk as if we have no societal problems other than the patriarchy, and female oppression (both of which are illusions as I have illustrated in previous threads). It's just a big waste of time to argue with these types of people. I could type essays about when feminists are only victimizing themselves to gain attention, or to feel like they're part of something bigger than them, but my efforts are futile. A camel does not see its hump; and just like camels feminists fail to see the problem with their logic.

Everyone one of their opinions is shared by the general population. They aren't able to form their own opinions nor do they care to do the research themselves. Society treats incels as they do any male problem, as a joke. They hate us in particular because we are the living proof that their retarded feminist ideology and SJW oppression tiers are bullshit. They'll come up with anything to try to delegitimize everything about us.

I think the reason SJWs are trying to link our behaviour to culture is because they want the incel community to be PC, which will essentially lead to the extermination of the resistance altogether, they want to make us NPCs. If the reasons we feel bad about inceldom are biological, their hands are basically tied. But if it’s cultural, then incels can, at least in principle, be conditioned to stop feeling bad about their inceldom. And they’re doing that by pushing normies and fakecels into our spaces until one day all the original incels are gone, and as a result the incel community will become a thing of the past — i.e. I won’t be a threat to SJWs anymore as it will be subsumed into their culture.

Doug Mortimer #sexist #transphobia avoiceformen.com

Transsexuals exercise influence beyond their numbers. Woe to the public figure who offends them. A guy in drag was always good for a cheap laugh. Today there is no shortage of comic potential in the topic of former men/current women competing against female athletes but no one would dare attempt to make fun of the situation. What’s a young man to do these days? He looks around and sees females not just competing with him but being kicked upstairs while he remains on the ground floor. His upward mobility is stunted, his status is declining, his sex is anathematized at every turn. But if he’s willing to undergo hormone injections and invest in a new wardrobe…

Well, if women became masculine to gain an advantage in competitive circles, then doesn’t it make sense for a man to become feminine to gain an advantage in a matriarchal welfare state? Now I’m not saying that men who cross over are consciously seeking out a higher status. I think the concept has been absorbed by their subconscious, so when they come of age, they realize it is not possible to function in society as anything close to a traditional male.

Your manosphere reading list may include Norah Vincent’s Self-Made Man, her account of passing as a man for a year and a half. She went from being a masculine woman, as her friends described her, to an effeminate man, as her bowling buddies described him. Well, much to the consternation of feminists everywhere, she wrote, “I can’t help believing…that we live in parallel worlds, that there is at bottom really no such thing as that mystical unifying creature we call a human being, but only male human beings and female human beings, as separate as sects.”

Ironically, the trans woman may still be the object of the male gaze but out of disbelief rather than lust. Even a man well-schooled in etiquette can’t help but indulge in a few WTF double-takes when face-to-face with the likes of Levine.

The Government Of Turkey #homophobia #sexist #wingnut bbc.com

Domestic violence: US condemns Turkey for quitting treaty

US President Joe Biden has condemned Turkey for withdrawing from an international accord designed to protect women from violence.

He said the move was "disappointing" and a "disheartening step backward" for efforts to end attacks on women.

But Turkey said the Istanbul Convention - which seeks to prevent, prosecute and eliminate domestic violence - was incompatible with its family values.

It had been "hijacked" by people trying to "normalise homosexuality", it said.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government unilaterally quit the convention on Saturday, nearly 10 years after it became the first signatory to the landmark agreement.

The move sparked large protests led by women in the country.

Women's rights activists say the Istanbul Convention was crucial to combating domestic violence in Turkey.

In a statement, the president's office explained its decision.

"The Istanbul Convention, originally intended to promote women's rights, was hijacked by a group of people attempting to normalise homosexuality - which is incompatible with Turkey's social and family values. Hence the decision to withdraw," the statement said, without giving further details.

It said Turkey was not the only country that had "serious concerns" about the Istanbul Convention.

Despite quitting the convention, the Turkish government "will not give up on its fight against domestic violence", the statement added.

Linus #psycho #sexist incels.is

Experiment We need to stop the flow of genetic superiority

We need to round up the highly genetic chads & stacys and just bash their face in.
Do a breast or ass reduction to all the femoids, forecfuly make the chads gain weight until they get ugly.
Poke their eye out, burn their skin, forcefully drug them until they get physical changes.
Give them trauma until they get traumatized and get mentally ill.
Cut their penises and staple up their cunts.

Destroy all their physical attractiveness and make their self-esteem drop.

When you make everyone the same level no one can be superior.

Erogurocel #psycho #sexist incels.is

JFL Stupid-ass Onlyfans whore fails to debunk "Victim Blaming"


She tries to say that there's a double standard between foids getting "assaulted" by ugly men and foids getting "assaulted" by chad. There's no double standard. Say that to my fucking face you dumb whore, as someone who's been accused of assault by a foid because I was ugly, I know as a fact that everything this dumb fuck says is wrong.

Nobody says "he is popular within girls already, he doesnt need to harass you"
Nobody says "You are so ugly who would do that to you? Liar"
Nobody says 'Ypu are asking for it by being so attractive"

Foids are excellent at making up random ass horseshit and passing it off as true, with any evidence of their assumptions is just them being a foid. And bluepillers far and wide believe these dumb fucks, which is why it is so dangerous to be near a foid these days, especially the American ones. Foids can say you raped them and pull up shit like this when you tell them they spew lies, fuck this clown world.

A man in brazil was arrested by a false rape accusation, inside the prison he was raped for real and caught AIDS. He was released years after, but the government doesn't even want to give him proper compensation. After all this i say, fuck the "survivors", no one is guilty of rape until is proved 100%, no sympathy for these cunts wanting to destroy men's lives only for looking at them.

Whenever anyone shows examples of men being accused of false rape allegations they always deflect to shit like "oh its so rare it never happens" or "You have a double standard". Foids know exactly what they are doing and it sickens me.

Fr. Michael P. Orsi #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #dunning-kruger lifesitenews.com

Researchers have determined that consumption of pornographic imagery has neurological effects similar to those caused by drugs. Mental function is actually changed. As someone views erotic pictures (either still or moving), over time not only does the experience become physically addictive, the brain starts to develop tolerance.
The influence of pornography on the maturing brain can shape someone’s entire of life. At a minimum it tends to encourage sex outside of marriage (with consequent higher rates of abortion). But besides that, it can distort understanding of sexual intimacy, promote false expectations about body image, and instill attitudes that make healthy interactions with the opposite sex difficult, if not impossible.

Yet these days, kids can hardly avoid being exposed to porn. It’s not like years ago, when those “special” magazines were sold surreptitiously from “behind the counter.” Young people are showered with erotic imagery, vulgar language, and endless promptings to give full vent to their curiosity and secret longings — not to mention being urged to find their true place along the endless rainbow of gender variety.
Their own souls must be in order, however, and as a priest, I can tell you that’s not always the case. I know from long experience hearing confessions that pornography — from casual, occasional indulgence, to full-blown addiction — is a very common problem. I’m tempted to call it an epidemic, and it’s a far more serious and widespread one than COVID.

Henry Makow, PhD #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #kinkshaming henrymakow.com

At age 71, I am starting to appreciate the harm done by my youthful addiction to PLAYBOY.

It wasn't called sex addiction then but it was. PLAYBOY made me see women as sex objects. That's a cliche but the implications were profound.

When you dehumanize them, you cannot see them for whom they really are.

You are much less likely to succeed because you cannot relate to them as human beings. Men put them on pedestals because they had the keys to sexual "Holy Grail." Whenever we place anything before being true to ourselves, we become its slave. Women want leaders, not slaves. The Illuminati deliberately destabilized male-female relationships by making us behave like homosexuals, focused on appearance & sex.

Born from Cabalism (Satanism,) the Illuminati created Communism, which regards women as sexual utilities. Thanks to feminism, women have exchanged the loving roles of wife and mother for promiscuous sex and meaningless careers.

Hugh Hefner was probably a crypto-Jew. Most of the editors were Jews. The PLAYBOY philosophy was the liberal agenda (Communism): sexual permissiveness, feminism, homosexuality and weaponizing racial minorities to undermine social cohesion.

We cannot underestimate the damage PLAYBOY did. Confined to marriage, sexual intercourse was a sacrament that celebrated a loving bond. Now it is just a bodily function. Sexual depravity is the hallmark of satanic possession.

DostoevskyCel #ableist #crackpot #sexist incels.is

JFL Bluepill logic is extremely easy to debunk

literally apply the 'stop being a wom*n hater online / shower and get a haircut bro' mentality to anything other than attractiveness and it sounds retarded

want to be a theoretical physicist when you grow up? just study hard bro :soy:
want to be a writer when you grow up? just practice writing bro :soy:
want to be a basketball player when you grow up? just practice and you'll succeed bro :soy:

in most of these cases even bluepilled fags will admit there's something biological which prevents the average tranny from becoming Tolstoy, Beethoven, or Newton, but for some reason the only place the biological determinist argument is said to account for basically 0% of the variation is attractiveness and sexual success, it's retarded, and self-evidently untrue

Bluepill is based on the Just World Fallacy: people get what they deserve and, with enough effort, you will archieve your dreams. The truth is, some people are more talented than others, taller, faster. Can a 90 IQ people end up becoming an engineer? Probably not, but if he does, by the time he graduetes his peers will have 10 years of experience.

normies will admit that a 90 iq retard will never become a physics professor, but won't admit a 2/10 balding manlet simply cannot find a woman who is attracted to him, sounds like gigacope on their part but its something about psychology and projection most likely. people dont want to believe their material selves and their lives are determined purely by genetics, they'll accept its genetics for the brain but won't for social function, etc

Various Incels #conspiracy #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Brutal How a fully defeated incel and consoomer looks like on Reddit

Transitioning as a form of political humiliation r/transmaxxing


I realized what a great idea this is. With Trump’s defeat, white race is finished. African population will explode and more "refugees" will pour into Europe. The reason it is guaranteed to happen is because the female half of the population simply prefers Black cock. Black men are cooler, sexier, better lovers. Instead of being angry that our tiny pink dicks can't satisfy women, whitebois should just start taking titty pills and giving blowjobs to refugees.

This is the brutal transmaxxing pill. Imagine being so desperate that you wanna be a girl and turn on your race. This is what (((they))) want us to become. The full effect of brainwashing and constant flow of media can be fully observed in this post. This makes me proud I'm an incel. Rather be alone than be a tranny and/or fucking other men.

(The Abyss)

Lmao >germantranny4bbc.bdslmr.com

Fucksake, did you read that shit, the Jews really brainfucked that cretin.

I'm a 28 year old German t-girl. The only thing that could cure my white guilt was to feminize myself with hormones to become a soft, weak sissy girl. I am EXCLUSIVELY into interracial porn and believe black men are the epitome of masculine beauty. I encourage every woman to go black as every woman deserves the type of sexual pleasure only a large black man can provide. I consider myself "BBC only" which means that I only ever date people of color. I welcome refugees with blowjobs.​

Alexander Iulianus #sexist twitter.com


spoilerA realization that made me so happy with my childfree life

I have a cousin who is the exact same age as me - 26 Born on the same day. This year, she had her fourth baby. Today, I bought my fourth high end (l mean really high end - like Gucci) purse, that I can afford because I put all my eggs in the career basket. I grew up INCREDIBLY poor. It is like a dream come true to live like this. Tomorrow I'm going to sleep in until about 11, wake up, and check to see if it's shipped yet.

Fuck, I love being childfree.

Women like this need to actively convince themselves that mothers hate being mothers and derive little to no joy out of being a mother. They idolise the lifestyles they're taught to idolise and think they know they're more fulfilling than motherhood.

This is contradicted by fact of how frequent it is for women to drop out of the workforce after having a child; not because they'd find working and parenting too difficult to manage, but because the fulfilment they derive from mothering makes them want to mother full-time.

On many levels, the modern woman is made to believe many lies curated to maintain her belief that she really is living the best life. Whenever a woman contradicts this with a testimony of her experiences, she is always demeaned and belittled by women who know only one life.

Various Commenters #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

Moids are the most evolutionary optimized parasites in the universe, I swear. Really, in most tribes/societies ever females always do most of the necessary work, males focus on what increases that male's status. It's metalwork and woodwork to make weapons and walls. It's big game hunting and war to divide meat and spoils for ally making and wife-capture. It's shamanism and witch-hunting - that it, male shamans do rituals that help them gain personal power, make wars happen and get people killed based on male gossip. In what is obvious to the most hopeful hippy to be a male dominated tribe it is certainly so, in "egalitarian" tribes males can't be assed to do childcare - they end up on top simply because they get to keep more time and resources - and the here's this.

Men have power but in every country on the fucking earth men live shorter than women. Women are so abused and raped but they still managed to live 80 years old or more. I don't get it. Men are so fucking horrible parasites that they have to do dangerous shit (drug abuse, alcohol, driving too fast etc) and they die due to this or women don't really find rape and abuse terrible and they can get through it like the most normal thing on earth. Normally women should live shorter due to fucked-up life circumstances.

We live longer because we're the standard of our species. We have two sets of chromosomes that allow us to survive on adverse scenarios and sustain the survival of humans. The male is just a bulkier female on steroids and 38% less genetic material. That renders them defective to the core, no matter how much privilege and resources they obtain.

Tony Capoccia #fundie #sexist #elitist biblebb.com

Question: My husband, who claims to be a Christian, shows little or no sexual self-control in our marriage.  He doesn't seem to care how I feel (emotionally or physically), he just does what he wants, whenever he feels like it, be it masturbation or the raping of his wife.  In addition, he seems to have a problem with pornography for the past five years. I have been counseled by quite a few Christian marriage counselors in the past few weeks, and have been told that this obsession with pornography and the lack of sexual self-control is considered "sexual immorality," which is a Biblical reason for divorce. Is this true?  I want a divorce, but only if it can be Biblical.

Answer: If you were to divorce him because of his sin problems noted, then you would be sinning by the divorce.  Christians are not like the world, we can't just leave our spouses because we don't like them, we have the power to change them, by prayer. To stay and pray for the Lord to change him would bring God the greatest glory and avoid the serious sin of divorce and its consequences.  Your children would suffer a great deal as a result of a divorce.
God can change him if he is truly a Christian.  You must pray for him, and pray that God will change him.  He must stop the masturbation and the pornography, for that is only adding greatly to the problem.  You need to try (and I am sure you have before) to meet his needs the best you can.  I know you are all done with him, and he doesn't deserve it, but you both need to try to help each other.  It will mean some talking about the problem, and he must agree to get rid of the pornography immediately--rip it up and dispose of it. That also means if he goes to porno websites, that he must delete them and if necessary, get a new email address.  There must be some accountability here, somehow he needs to agree that you can check up on him.  For you, and I know it will be hard to do, but pray, telling God you need His help for you to give when you don't want to give, and when your husband doesn't deserve it.  It is your responsibility to submit to him, and with God's help you can.

Albatros #crackpot #sexist incels.is

JFL ITcels cope, seethe and deny biology and insult a scientist for agreeing with incels.

Evolutionary Biologist: Many men will no longer find a sexual partner

This is from an interview that featured Meike Stoverock, a feminist and evolutionary biologist.

She argues that patriarchy is an aberration in history and a return to feminism will entail the elimination of monogamy (which unnaturally secures male sexual access) and increased competition between males where only a few will enjoy the privilege of mating and reproduction. She goes on to say that "incels" have always existed and that the recent growth of the movement is due to the shift away from male and toward female dominance. She says that unless society finds a way to satisfy the sexual urges of the majority of romantically hapless men, an increase in violence among those from their ranks is inevitable.

An evolutionary biologist explains how incels are a natural phenomenon for men with bad genetics. ITcels react accordingly.

Anyone on this sub knows incels don't get dates because of toxic personalities and limited social lives, not "bad genetics" (which is a concept that doesn't even exist. A biologist should know better smh.) This woman is a disgrace to the fine science of evolutionary biology.

Bad genetic apparently don't exist :lul: This is coming from the "I fucking love science:soy:" types who suddenly don't like it when they disagree with a scientific theory. ITcucks in that thread go as far as saying outrageous shit like "personality" "there are no bad genes" and feel confident enough in knowing better than an actual evolutionary biologist. They just don't want to admit they're wrong no matter what. They're going to shit on actual scholars because for their sake they HAVE to be wrong. They blackpill MUST NOT be true. They are too emotionally invested into the bluepill for it to be wrong.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I am tired. Can we talk about male violence without trans issues injecting themselves into the discussion?

Men love to slither in, especially where they are not wanted.


There was a vigil for Sarah Everard in my town. The sign at the top of the memorial? "Protect trans women."

From what? Murdered women? Fuck you.


Do you have a picture? I want to start collecting this type of thing. (Idk if there is a way to share it without being traceable to you. I think there should be more articles, even if just in feminist news outlets, about this centring of dicks that is nauseating)

“Definition” in this case means “lies”. They are not women. They have no business having anything to do with women. They are the rapists and murderers, just as are the men who aren’t transvestites.

Everything must be about the TIMs!! They´re huge narcissists and can´t stand mere "cis women" getting all the attention!!! And they get all the help from their handmaidens who are so worried about them because they are the most vulnerable women in the world! Protect the trans UWU! /s

I hope this will peak more women. Now we literally can´t even talk about feminicides without the trans wanting the spotlight.

I'm fed up of seeing libfems call out male violence and criticize the phrase "not all men" while also attacking ~TERFs~ for not wanting males in women's spaces. It's literally just "not all males" and I don't understand how they just won't fucking see it.

Various Incels #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: Can you rape in self defense?

Yes Votes: 43 78.2%
No Votes: 12 21.8%

Yes. Actually this is the only acceptable way to defend yourself from a woman.

If a foid were to break into my house it would be over for her vagina

Yes, as long as others dont see you

Hard to say. But if a foid attacks then you could grope her tits or ass to make her stop. Then pin her down and shove your duck down her throat. It technically is self defense since she attacked you first.

If there is a scenario where a foid knock down your door and drag you out into freezing weather.

A low inhib guy might want to stick his weenie in her to protect it from falling off cuzz of frostbite.

Yes tbhdrdsrs

Lets say a foid bullies you. It would be voluntary manslaughter to take revenge on the spot. So rape will be just like that. A 'snap' wherein you must restore your mental wellbeing and self worth

All rape executed by men is self-defence, it's the foids fault for not being considerate

yes, if a foid won't put out and you rape her, it should count as self defense

Dr. Dicklet #sexist incels.is

Tell the truth...how do you act around women irl (not family)?

I'll start.. I'm very condescending and I've mastered the art of talking down to them. The tricks not to be too harsh otherwise they'll ignore you or walk away. Sometimes I'll make them laugh first and gain their trust and then destroy them. It's beautiful, these whores deserve everything they get. I'm looking for honest answers don't say you spit in their face because I know that's bullshit

Bernd #psycho #sexist incels.is

Women need to be raped. It is the only language they understand. Women enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. They all want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream. Women have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that women who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as women who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Women who are raped often have orgasms as well - some have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programed into them. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without Huamanity becoming unbalanced. That's why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Whether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss off men and get them to make them submit. They want to be slapped in the face, told to shut the fuck up, and then raped until they can't stand up. This is what the women really want. I say we give it to them.

Biblical Gender Roles #elitist #sexist #fundie biblicalgenderroles.com

Egalitarianism is nothing less than complete rebellion against God’s establishment of patriarchy, male headship, in all areas of society including the family, the church and civil government. The lack of male leadership in any of these spheres leads to chaos and destruction. God spoke about this in Isaiah 3:12 when he said “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths”. And this is what we are witnessing today in our equality obsessed western nations.

Jesus Christ never gave up his heavenly kingship when he came to earth. But rather he asserted it many times while he was here in his earthly ministry. He was not just a servant, but truly he was a servant leader.

Christ taught us that a servant leader does not use his leadership only to fulfill his own desires. But rather he works with and helps the people under his leadership to work together to fulfill the mission he has been given or that he has set for himself. He develops the people under his leadership and seeks to help them reach their full potential. He steps in wherever help is needed and sacrifices himself for his people, but he also pushes his people to do what they ought to do and disciplines those under his authority to help them to do what they ought to be doing.

The truth we find in the Bible is that while God has called husbands and wives to serve one another, he has called them to serve one another in very different ways. The husband serves his wife as her head, while she serves him as his helper. He uses his headship to make her the most glorious wife she can be by God’s standards, and she helps him by bringing glory to him in all that she says and does.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Now the bitches can't even make me a sandwich”]

It's "International Woman's Day", and unfortunately unlike last year the "two weeks to flatten the curve" means I can't even do my favourite activity: going to Subway and having the female employees make me a sandwich.

[Side-by side portrait of two persons under shich are respectively written "Woman" and "Not woman"]

Chloé Vernon #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

I can’t recall ever not noticing differences in appearances and behaviors between races, even in elementary school. The blacks and Hispanics I went to school with weren’t any poorer than their white peers. In spite of our similar backgrounds, many behaved very differently from the rest of us. They stuck together. They weren’t openly hostile to whites, but clearly preferred their own company.

When I was 16, one of my co-workers was a heavyset white girl in her 20s who only dated black guys. These “boyfriends” often came into the restaurant. Even though I was obviously underage, they also hit on me a lot. To her credit, my co-worker would tell them to knock it off. But as I got older, there stopped being anyone to step in on my behalf, and I discovered that turning down a black guy must be handled far more delicately than a white one. I have spent my adult life in “white flight.” I have moved several times, but “diversity” just keeps catching up. With their numbers ever-growing, so is crime and a general decline of the area. Their kids embrace their blackness and treat white kids with open scorn.

As soon as I heard the news about George Floyd, I thought “Great, here we go. They’re going to riot.” What happened was far beyond what I’d expected. Cities burned, stores were looted, historic statues were destroyed, and people were attacked — all while police mostly stood down. This was no protest for equality, it was (and is) a revolution meant to overthrow everything our country once was, all our history, and the accomplishments of our white ancestors. I realized that they hate us — both blacks and their ethno-masochistic handlers — and that they mean to do away with us. What will happen in the United States without a significant white population? What will happen to the world without us? Only deluded whites believe in a melting pot of utopian existence and equality for all. Non-whites don’t want to peacefully coexist with us; they want to rule over us, and soon there will be nowhere left to run as our people have ceded our homelands out of misguided compassion, apathy, or both.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Woman on tiktok being harassed by TRAs for not using inclusive language when talking about the medical needs of women

Apparently “biologically female” is a dog whistle lmao. If you don’t accept shriveled dick as “female” you’re a horrible transphobic bigoted monster. The gaslighting is real. They are trying to shut down valuable conversations about women’s health because it’s not centering their “girl dicks” and frankenholes. Narcissistic pieces of shit.


If they chant TWAW every day, doesn't that mean they want to be included in the very real and distinct class of WOMEN? Why would they want that word to be a taboo and at the same time want to claim it? It's like they only want TIMs to be called women, not biological women. AFAB my ass.

That's exactly it. They want TIMs to colonize "woman"

I associate the trans flag with lying, gaslighting, manipulation, violence, harassment, cruelty, abuse, misogyny, the list goes on. Because that's what seems to always accompany it.

I'm so angry about this. Nothing will ever be enough. Women continue to bend over backward to accommodate TRAs to no avail. When will they be satisfied? When women/female ONLY means transwomen? Are we non-men? WTF.. they are so insecure and petty.

Please, women of the world, wake up and realize the TRAs won´t let you alone until you totally submit to their demands!!! "Inclusive" language only dehumanizes women!!


Why don’t they get that every time they behave like this, they peak another one?

It's because they're men and they don't give a shit about women. Never have.

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.is

JFL Foid can't even save her 3 year old kid from drowning in a little canal.

Are foids completely useless? JFL imagine your kid is drowning and you """freak out""" and can't even save him and let the poor guy drown, you think if it was a man the kid would be alive? I think so.​


Three-year-old child dies after falling into canal with his mum in Berkshire​

Foids can't save their child from small canal, yet yesterday I saved my 7 month cat climbing a 20m tree. Yeah, sympathetic gender ngl

She probably killed the kid because he was getting in her way of riding dicks. As it the UK she willl face no punishment of course.

Foids would proudly kill their offspring so that they can fuck an infinite amount of chads without being prevented from doing so. Why do you think that women celebrate en masse ( like in large crowds) when abortion is legalized in their country? Go on reddit, go to the r/childfree or r/prochoice subreddit, and look up the term “abortion”. You would see women celebrating the fact that they killed their own offspring in order to have more time to fuck more chads without any regret or realization of how fucked up they are.

She suffered an "accident" just to kill the child. That pretty much is obvious. I saw some women fighting each other, defending their cellphone one time, they tore each other to pieces but always kept the cellphone protected. If she really wanted to save her child from harm, not even a frozen lake 1km deep would stop her. She killed the child so that she could be "free to whore herself", disgusting and inhuman.

Various TERFs #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com


I think the general theory is that TRAs were quietly changing policies in universities and more "woke" institutions/companies before 2015. When gay marriage became federal law, there were no more gay rights to advocate for, so lgbT orgs switched all their powerful and well organized efforts to trans "rights".

And considering how gay people are treated in Africa, South America, and parts of Asia, they could have put their money and time to good use! But no, I think they wanted easy work and easy money at that point. Going to other parts of the world is HARD.

I don't know how violated men feel by TIF. I'd say young guys would feel violated by a teen girl in their sex-segregated areas, and gay men don't want women chasing them. But TIF are still women and tend to lack that pushy entitlement that is more common in males. And I'm not sure if TIF get aroused by violating men's spaces. TIM totally get aroused by violating women's spaces.

I also don't think that anyone much takes TIF seriously. A woman with short hair, no makeup, in a suit and tie, whatever, it's quite a low-key visual. Put a 6'2" burly male in a dress and heels and everyone looks.

I think also, a woman wanting to be a man is almost... expected? Understandable, that she would want to be seen as the “superior” sex. While a man wanting to be a woman is a “step down,” a relinquishing of privilege, so it seems more subversive.

Various TERFs #crackpot #moonbat #racist #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Libfem logic when it comes to how media influences people



They'll throw tantrums over shit like sitcoms from 20 years ago, but videos like 'big black cocks destroy tiny teen' are simply great!

The same woke White people who will dox a 12 year old White girl for posting a picture of her cornrows on Instagram will defend porn with titles like "Spicy Latina B!tch Gets Gang Banged For A Green Card" Woke politics has ZERO consistency! And yet it is still colonizing everything

This is why I don't take libfems seriously. They will call people out for the awful crimes of white women doing Yoga or taking Salsa classes; but are totes okay with porn that literally calls women slurs and is ACTUALLY racist.

Because libfems usually only criticize other women. They know it's much harder to confront men, so instead, everything is women's fault. Feminism that is comfortable for men and never challenges them will change nothing.

not to mention pornsick men literally condition themselves with orgasms to think racism and sexual violence are acceptable and desirable. idiot teen boys and young men are using porn as sex ed and brutalizing teenage girls and women. but the woke crowd would rather argue about children's cartoons being fascist or whatever and then turn around and jerk it to rape, child porn, racist porn, porn ABOUT SLAVERY, etc. it's disgusting.

Luckystar #moonbat #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Polling from 13 States Reveals Widespread Disapproval of “Gender Identity” Policies

Even in California people are not buying this crap

Putting female prisoners -- economically vulnerable, disproportionately women of color, an overwhelming majority of whom have already been victims of sexual violence -- at risk of being retraumatized, assaulted, raped, and impregnated by male sexual predators is NOT "progressive".

It is being framed as such by fauxgressive misogynists, who are bankrolled by big pharma and/or jumping on the latest fashionable bandwagon for latte liberals.

We are seeing some common ground between the left and right here because being anti-rape is one of those common sense policies that shouldn't be political. We see radical feminists speaking at the Heritage Foundation, not because they are secret alt-right neonazi Bible hugging conservative bigots, but because the policies the Democrats are putting forth right now are genuinely horrible.

You have people like me, San Francisco liberals who voted Democrat their whole lives, have been huge LGBT allies their whole lives, who no longer feel comfortable voting for Democrats. That's not because I suddenly support Republicans. It is because both parties have abandoned women. I'm just praying American women can have at least one party that supports their basic human rights. Abortion isn't enough, Democrats. We deserve the right to not get raped in the first place.

Dotrinfobe #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Material for history buff cels: White sex slaves in medieval China, the prime product from the Silk Road

China and India had major appetite for Iranian dancers. The wineshops were staffed with young girls who served wine to customers and danced for them. These blue eyed girls were frequented by playboys in Chang'an. Most of the slave girls were 14 or 15 years old. They provided services like sex, dancing, singing, and served wine

As one can see, persians/iranians were described as "blue eyed", this is very different from modern day Iran. Central Asia was almost fully white, until repeated Turkic invasions.

the girls were young. ranging from 11 to 15 and above. JFL at the modern day clown world with cucked AOC at 18.

In 731 a Han Chinese called Tang Rong from the capital district bought an 11 year old slave girl Shimaner

Isn't it depressing just how cucked the modern world has become. Imagine if men today have access to young slave girls, it would make wage cucking and other soul crushing activities to moneymaxx way more meaningful. Imagine a wageslave or a moneymaxxer sub-8 guy, after a decade or more of maxxing, finally being rewarded with the financial ability of having the option to buy a cute 11 year old blue eyed lolli at local auction market and she'd be yours forever. she'd be a trad wife, obeys you, try to please you, be a good whore on bed and a good wife when it comes to family, and most importantly she'd be at her peak in terms of looks. instead, a betabuxxer nowadays is considered "lucky" to get a single mom in her 30s even 40s with her looks hitting the wall, after she had her holes ravaged by chads and chadlites during her teens and her 20s, and she could always divoce rape you, force you to pay alimonies, child support etc. on top of all that she never respects you, never obeys you, fights with you all the time.

DangerBadger #racist #sexist incels.is

Venting Being a blackcel is the worst

I'm 5'5" and black with autism and I don't have a bbc. My face is pretty strange looking, I'm below average about maybe a 3.5/10. I have existed in this world for 18 years without ever being so much as looked at by women. I'm not stereotypically black so I don't listen to rap, trap, or hip hop music. I listen to metal, so people see me as being weird or a unicorn based on that. I speak in ASE(American Standard English) instead of AAVE(African American Vernacular English). I don't have any friends. People of all races think you're weird for not being stereotypically black enough. When you're black it's a lose-lose situation, socially. You're gonna be disliked by a decent sum of people for being stereotypically black. You will also be disliked by "liberal" people(especially cringy libtard white girls) who think they're cool with black people for not being stereotypically black enough. When you're black you're always treated as a general representative of your race and what that should look like. So if you aren't a tall thugmaxxed low inhib black man with a big dick or a light skinned/mixed Chad then you're pretty much treated as a failure.

I've been called Uncle Tom and Oreo for not acting Black too. The Black Community is a hivemind tbh, If you don't conform you get outcasted.

Yeah. Many people in the black community subscribe to a certain way of living and thinking. This is what they call "being black enough" and if you don't act "black enough" then they shun you. A lot of these people are also the same people who get angry and upset when people of other races stereotype black people even though they stereotype other black people themselves.

NearlyOver #conspiracy #racist #sexist incels.is

If you've got Y-Chromosomes, England wants to order you to stay indoors

England has slowly but steadily been becoming increasingly anti-male. England has successfully passed several anti-male legislations and budget changes--like closing down the country's ONLY domestic violence help center for men DESPITE the country's own statistics showing GROWING relative rates of male victimization in domestic violence AND the country admitting that police there forcibly remove male victims from their own homes despite these men having nowhere to turn.

What's happening in England is enabled partly by society thinking, "Oh, it's not that bad. People pushing these changes are extremists." Meanwhile, British legislators are mulling over making even misogynistic speech an official "hate crime" to stem the sea of violence against women--even though international and British statistics show the majority of victims of violence ARE MEN. All this while the rates of scholarships and aid FOR WOMEN in England year over year keep increasing despite men for years now being the MINORITY in uni in England. Things are getting worse and worse for men and few people if any care.

Imagine someone standing up and saying, "Niggers cause most of the crimes. We need a 6pm curfew for all niggers." Everyone would be outraged.

This could work in our favour as it will blackpill many men about out gynocentric society

Why are there so many simps, then? Even in this community, there are guys arguing this is NOT indicative of broad societal changes--that there's nothing here to worry about. Guys are rolling over exposing their underbellies in hopes of getting a few approval-crumbs tossed their way.

starcrapoo #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel I saw a white chad today in SF with a top tier mullato female.

This guy was 5'11 or at least 6'1.

He wasnt even fuckin trying to hide his arms as a lot of us subhumans do. It was long and muscular. He would have easy time in ANY sport. Whether that be combat MMA, Boxing, NBA, or NFL. If you have long arm reach and large hands, you can do good in most sports.

She was a lightskinned black female wearing long sleeve sports wear (to show off her shapely arms), and tight yoga booty shorts (LIKE a lot of white females do here in SF and in suburbs like Walnut Creek). Except she was an exceptional black female. Not a BIG FAT, dark, and black female. The type we imagine when we think of black females.

Pure fuckin suifuel.

You guys wanna hang me for racebaiting or whatever so be it,

Most black dudes only get ultra fat BBW white foids (AND theyre lucky cuz as a skinny 5'6 ricecel, even fat white foids are disgusted by me, as they are with the VAST VAST majority of Asian dudes).

White dudes have it so fuckin easy I'm not even fuckin kidding. Sure there are ugly mid to low tier white foids but they ARE BOUGHT OFF by rich liberal chads, AND they have too much racial pride and arrogance to ever want to settle with average ethnic males (Which a lot of low-mid tier White males are more than willing to do with ethnic foids AND they very often do settle with ethnic females). White foids are self-dependent and liberated by Chads and they no longer have to depend on low tier-mid income white males. AND THEY FOR SURE ASS HELL are not gonna depend on ethnic colored males.

Mind you, this is ground zero of western liberalism, degeneracy, hypergamy, and hypocrisy where I live.

4mags1 #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: News Someone went ER and shot up a spa

ruined the image of incels

If you're still worrying about optics while being an incel then you're doing it wrong. Whether you like it or not, violence is typically the only thing that gets anyone any serious attention in life when they've exhausted every other method of dealing with their struggle.

ER wasn't perfect but he did something. Crying and shitposting on a dark corner of the internet about a lifetime of abuse and virginity isn't getting any of us anywhere. Meanwhile, when ER went ER seven years ago he did more to thrust us into the mainstream for a while than anyone or anything ever did or likely ever will.

No one is more oppressed than we are for we are despised by everyone. The globohomo systems hates us more than anyone because we are a threat. We're hurt, desperate, angry, male, young, and have nothing left to lose.

Violence is the only thing that gives anyone real, legit power.

As a 30 year-old truecel, the pain is intolerable and I don't know how I can cope any longer. I feel like I am in solitary confinement and have been for over a decade. No friends, abusive family, bad coworkers, no girls, bullying and torture going back to high school, and a world that has made it clear that because of my ugliness and virginity, I am to be destroyed through merciless abuse, bullying, and torture of all kinds, by literally everyone, family included. These are the end times. We are trapped in the basement while the partying goes on above us on the ground floor, Chad and Stacey dancing and humping the night away. We will never be let out of the basement and there is no way out. If you don't get it, you're a fakecel or a teenager who is in for unfathomable sadness if you live long enough to be my age. True inceldom is a prison. There is no way out, you are cast out, persecuted, abused, hurt, controlled, hopeless, alone, and long for humanity that you can never have.

Mainländer #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Blackpill Green Eyed Pakistani Stacey lusts hard for Aryan Chad (Curry/Sandcel do not Enter)

My parents had moved from Pakistan so I repayed them by destroying our genetic lineage and dating the first white male i saw.

I was hoping he'd commit, but little did i know I was just being used as a fuck puppet because I'm an easy whore with an inferiority complex due to hating my own skin.

Self-hate is a disgrace. It causes so much evil to self and others. I'm thankful of not suffering from that particular mental illness.

Ikr curries are huge white worshippers

All nonwhites seem to be. Blacks and Arabs seem to do it the least though (I mean, men; foids will just flock to whosoever has the biggest SMV which usually is a white guy).

Various Incels #sexist incels.is

Chad gives white knight a brutal beating for defending a girl

So basically this guy, i assume a chad, was beating up his girlfriend, and some guy saw it and tried to defend her or call the cops or idk, and the chad gave him a brutal beating. After which the foid left with the chad and didn't even check to see if he was breathing JFL. The white knight with a good personality is still in a hospital in intensive care, while the chad is probably fucking his gf who's hornier than ever after seeing this

Recibe una brutal paliza al defender a una mujer del maltratador que la golpeaba

You know my favorite thing about blackpill? You literally can’t dispute it, there’s too much real life evidence

High IQ


We've all read the published academic research showing that FEMINISTS statistically prefer (intimacy-wise) "Neanderthal" misgynistic men. But still, we can't say any of this in open society... Let the Chads take out the simps.

there's something disturbing about this

do these cucks still think they're living in a civilization? and contributing to that civilization with their little sacrifices?

getting punched in the face by chad and then seeing him walk off happily with the woman is about the biggest wake up call, that you're living in a primitive tribal society of might makes right, completely at odds with betas making their little sacrifices for the greater good

Mainländer #sexist incels.is

Hypocrisy The lack of empathy most foids show is disturbing tbh

It's basically a compulsive disorder, it's less of a choice and more of a desire that CANNOT be quelled at all.

This new IT regular is allegedly a 16 years old hypersexual foid who has fucked over 270 people.

As I linked there, she describes her addiction for sex as something that "cannot be quelled at all".

I wonder if it never crossed her mind, not even once, that some incels here might also be hypersexual, or extremely needy codependents for that matter, who suffer immensely with it as fucking INCELS. Some people here are in their 30s (I myself am), 40s, 50s even, I think @FrustratedWhiteMale was even older than that, and NEVER had the opportunity to have sex or a relationship.

How can a person like her not have any empathy and expect us to have all the empathy in the world for raped sluts? The levels of solipsism, narcissism and coldness is insane.

I fully admit that I have a severe difficulty sympathizing with promiscuous foids who get raped, but this is the case because I'm fucking twice her age and lived all this time as an incel, being and seeing other incel or even normie guys also being rejected, ghosted, abused, bullied, ridiculed, ignored, frivorced, falsely accused of rape/harassment, etc, by foids. I didn't become a misogynist after the first, second, third or even tenth bad experience with foids, I did it after DECADES of nothing but bad experiences with them. All the while seeing that foids love serial killers, thugs, psychopaths, etc, to boot.

pokitaru #sexist blackpill.club


>32 year old drug using prostitute "raped" and murdered by white male police officer

>first woman to be murdered by a stranger outside of home in 18 years in Britain

>entire nation outraged
>300,000 strong march and protest
>24/7 national coverage media
>one hours national silence
>female MP's call for national 6PM curfew for men only
>every single news paper features the story on its front page
>suspect in the case has survived repeated attempts to suicide him in jail cell Epstein style, currently in hospital under armed guard
>met police chief being forced to quit

rightfulcel #sexist #crackpot blackpill.club

[Blackpill] Why women are actually toilets not humans

Toilet: a fixed receptacle into which a person may urinate or defecate, typically consisting of a large bowl connected to a system for flushing away the waste into a sewer or septic tank.

Female: a fixed receptacle, they never leave their houses all day in which a person may cum on. They have a large bowl from being roasties connected to their reproductive systems which flushes away waste (when they have a period) into a sewer or septic tank (down the toilet)

Bill Hick #fundie #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut identitydixie.com

[Considering our birthrates are abysmal, what would you suggest to encourage a sustainable birthrate for your people?]

Just stop doing the things that are killing our birthrate. Did our ancestors need to be paid to breed? Has any race ever needed to be paid to breed? Has any plant or animal species ever needed to be paid to breed? We are already wallowing in more material wealth than most of our ancestors could have dreamed of. A good cultural slap back to common sense and natural habitat should do the trick.

1) Good education beginning in formative years in place of the poison they are getting now. More 19 and Counting, less Sex and City.
2) Ban miscegenation.
3) Separate church and state by not usurping Church’s role, ie end welfare.
4) Legally recognize husbands as head of home
5) Don’t allow women to pursue anything beyond a BS/BA degree, at least not while they are young. Just ban women from certain college majors as well.
6) Permit sex discrimination in the workplace.

Not one of these changes would cost a cent and some would save money or boost gdp. Number 6 would be good enough to make my #2 above about corporate taxes unnecessary. Companies would be willing to pay the tax if it freed them to discriminate against women in boardroom and a fortune in defending against sexual harassment accusations.

Well, the miscegenation ban might cost a buck or two depending on how it is enforced but it could be done quite cheap, maybe for a profit, if we step out of clownworld first. There are more things that could easily be done without spending a dime but they are likely to be met with resistance and I have to pick my battles.

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