
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

The Trump Dictionary #wingnut #racist meidastouch.com

On Truth Social, Trump's platform is now running racist birtherism ads implying former President Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and is therefore an illegitimate president. […]

[picture shows word definition:

The birth country of a certain former president of the United States.


The Truth Social birtherism ad links to a website inviting visitors to purchase "The Trump Dictionary." The Trump Dictionary claims to be the "re-education of the American nation," claims "Trump is the Shakespeare of our age," purports to use Trump's definitions of words to redefine the English language, claims to have over 600 "redefined words" and over "100 witty nicknames given by Trump," and says it would be perfect for "history buffs."

Operation Dudula, Philani Gumede and Isaac Lesole #racist theguardian.com

An anti-migrant vigilante organisation in South Africa has registered as a political party and plans to contest seats in next year’s general elections

Operation Dudula, whose name means “to force out” in Zulu, wants all foreign nationals who are in the country unofficially to be deported

The party, which first emerged in Johannesburg’s Soweto township after riots in 2021, claims to have widespread support, with a formal presence in seven of South Africa’s nine provinces. It claims to be planning to stand candidates in 1,500 of the country’s 4,468 voting districts

Many Operation Dudula followers have faced allegations of hate speech and physical violence. They have staged protests outside embassies, turned people away outside hospitals to prevent foreign nationals from accessing state medical services, and conducted door-to-door searches of businesses in poorer areas demanding to see identity documents

In August, Philani Gumede, a 36-year-old from Durban, was convicted of hate speech after sending a voice-note to members calling on them to evict foreigners from businesses[…]
In 2022, Operation Dudula followers camped outside Kalafong hospital in Atteridgeville, a suburb of South Africa’s administrative capital, Pretoria, preventing people, including pregnant women, from entering the hospital

“People were turned away by the protesters based on their appearance and accent,” said Sibusiso Ndlovu, a health promotion supervisor for Médecins Sans Frontières. “They have even demanded that critically ill patients who are migrants must be ‘unplugged’ and taken out”[…]
The Operation Dudula party’s spokesperson, Isaac Lesole, said the transition from civil movement to political party would mean a tempering of tactics

“We want to demilitarise Operation Dudula. We know the military angle did not appeal to a lot of people”[…]
But its core ideology would not change, he said. “We view illegal immigrants as criminals, and they must go back to their countries”

various comenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )

spoilerWhen it comes to White people's hair colors, you can have
your choice of red, orange, blond, strawberry blond, sandy
blond, auburn, brunette, and even black.
When it comes to White people's eye colors, you can have
your choice of blue (dark, light, crystal), green (dark, sea,
emerald), hazel, grey, and brown (light or dark).
When it comes to non-white people's hair colors, you can
have your choice of black, black, or black.
When it comes to non-white people's eye colors, you can
have your choice of brown, brown, or brown.

( @beeryswine )
@Nature_and_Race We're red when the sun is hot, blue when it gets cold, yellow when our liver goes bad, and gray when we get old.
Whites are the only people of color.

( @brextremist )
@Nature_and_Race "People of colour", but every colour is a shade of shitty brown.

( @Henrysavage101 )
@brextremist @Nature_and_Race fucking mud people

( @WorkerB )
@Nature_and_Race and they have the audacity to call themselves “people of color”.

( @HorstWessel88 )
@WorkerB @Nature_and_Race They are the Mud race, nothing else but this is accurate

( @BlankAvatar )
@WorkerB @Nature_and_Race Everything in the Jew media is in opposition to reality.

( @maximus_the_wise )
@Nature_and_Race That shows that Europeans are the most diverse people on the planet. We don't need monochromatic black and brown people mixing in to make us LESS diverse. Our "diversity" is OUR strength, which is evidenced by the great societies that we've created. As we become less diverse via miscegenation and immigration, we become weaker as a society and as a people.

( @T0000008 )

( @Maverick042089 )
@Nature_and_Race Such wonderous diversity is the handiwork of the Almighty. Far be it for us mere mortals to criticize, tamper with , or otherwise dilute it through miscegenation

various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist #quack gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Liberals literally believe that the world is on the brink of destruction, and the only way to save it is for men to have gay sex.

This belief has reached fanatical proportions, like the birth of a new religious crusade.

( @brextremist )
@Nature_and_Race Liberals also believe that we need to flood our nations with unlimited niggers and other shitskins for some reason, otherwise we all be doomed. They are completely nuts.

( @LostinLibtardistan )
@Nature_and_Race most Libtards will now die of the vaccine and it is all covered up!

( @Shturmovik )
@Nature_and_Race Leftism is simply the destructive influences and effects of Jews cobbled together into an adoptable mental framework.

( @YellowFever666 )
@Nature_and_Race In a way, they're right. It IS on the brink of destruction. And the only way to save it is for liberals to stop breeding and polluting the gene pool.

( @mfrazer17 )
@Nature_and_Race They are scared. The most "dangerous" people to these degenerates are strong people with sound morals

( @davidsonty )
@Nature_and_Race And your Government just backed them up with this new bill (same sex marriage) that congress just passed and pedo Joe is about to sign into law. Think of that? A lawless unelected treasonous piece of shit being able to sign shit into law? Pedo/gay shit.

( @HeroicSpud )
“If only white people didn’t hate, we would have world peace. Everything is white men’s fault.”

“Also Qatar is literally Hitler for not letting fags be fags in public. Also, it’s just their culture when Muslims rape and murder minors. Also, maybe 2% of the population may run 96% of the media outlets in charge of controlling and promoting specific agendas, mainly anti-white rhetoric, but if you notice and say anything it’s literally the Holocaust again.”


various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist gab.com

( @BeachMilk )


( @BlackScorpionNationalists )
@BeachMilk Let me explain why. Your meme is about abortions, faggotry, trannies and communism (socialism is not an economic doctrine, communism is)

All of those are Jewish inventions. All of them. So... The Jews control your country and the same people who control your country, that is the Jews, are the ones pushing for faggotry, transgenderrism etc.

That's why it seems as if you cannot get rid of it. To rid yourself from this problem, you must eliminate the root cause of the problem.

That's why. Meaning:

if the Jews go, faggotry goes with them.
if the Jews go, transgenderism goes with them.
if the Jews go, pide goes with them.

And so on.

( @Malignant )
We also live in a world where the people opposed to the systematic destruction of their country are only good for posting memes, ranting about it.

( @BornFreeCountryGirl )
@Malignant @BeachMilk I'm just wondering if you have a solution to that. I'm being serious. I see other countries protesting in the streets but has it really changed anything? We are told to run for local elections yet that will not effect the fraud that accures. Until the truth is actually told, heard and people are prosecuted. I don't see any changes in sight.

( @Malignant )
@BornFreeCountryGirl @BeachMilk

Nope. We’re fucked.
Sew your kids buttholes closed is the best I can offer, cause 1st grade tranny buttpoundings are the order of the day in the good ol, piece of shit USA.

( @BornFreeCountryGirl )
@Malignant @BeachMilk I love this country but am very disgusted and ashamed with everything that is going on. I'm disappointed to admit it but I think you're right. Good night.


( @Farmer2112 )
@BeachMilk And jews run them all. Prove me wrong.

Brendon O'Connell #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The only thing I disagree with Henry is that Hitler was to lead Germany to destruction. No. He was to stop at the Polish border with the new Soviet Union and contain Stalins push for a June 1942 invasion of western Europe - read Constantine Pleshakovs, "Stalins Folly". Stalin was out of control and not doing what he was told. A bit like China now...

With the threat of the Bolshevik athiest, Christian killing Soviets, Europe would hastily form a "United States Of Europe". The dream...now called The European Union.

Hitlers handler was Herman Goering. Hitlers path into the elite European banking and royal families. Hitlers Adjutant stated that Goering and Hitler would fight. Goering would end it with, "Why must we risk everything!" Meaning, "your supposed to stop now! Not take out the Soviets! Our financiers in Wall Street and City of London will be pissed!" You can say much about Hitler - but he was sincere. He didn't work for anyone but he took their money. Like Saddam did.

It looks like a repeat unfolding. Savior Trump?

I don't blame people for voting for him, but people are deifying a very flawed and very tainted character. People should step back a little.

Stew Peters and E. Michael Jones #racist #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

On the Sept. 21, 2023 episode of his Rumble show, white nationalist Stew Peters interviewed E. Michael Jones[…]
Peters went on an angry rant about the Anti-Defamation League, which he compared to the Nazis

“For some people the Holocaust is their excuse for why they deserve absolute power today,” Peters said. “Because the Holocaust happened 80 years ago, they say, they get to create today’s Nazism, dressed up with words like ‘social justice,’ or ‘medical safety,’ or ‘the climate’

As he spoke, a graphic depicting President Biden and ADL Director Jonathan Greenblatt and the caption “Jewish Supremacy” appeared[…]
Peters said that, like the Nazis, the ADL “demand[s] mass censorship,” “engage[s] in blanket vilification of their enemies,” and “defend[s], and demand[s], mass street violence under the banner of BLM.” He added that the ADL “hit on this brilliant twist to keep their extortion racket going” which is to “claim to be anti-fascist” while “behav[ing] as much like fascists as they want”

After complaining that he was labeled antisemitic for blaming Jews for the sinking of the Titanic, Peters asked E. Michael Jones why accusations of antisemitism “have the power to shut down an argument”

Jones replied that “The answer to that is the Holocaust narrative. The Holocaust created Jewish privilege. It basically put a Jew like [Attorney General Merrick] Garland, who is supposed to enforce the law, it puts them above the law.” He also claimed that survivors of Auschwitz who were tattooed by the Nazis used those tattoos to put themselves “above the law”[…]
Peters told Jones to “Speak to the influence that the Jews have in our media here today”

In response, Jones gave a rambling answer about Jewish media control that he linked to the end of the Hays Code[…]
“The movie that broke the Production Code, which meant that the Jews did not have total monopoly over what came out of Hollywood, was The Pawnbroker. And The Pawnbroker was a Holocaust porn film”

Whites Only Moms & Tots Flyer #racist msn.com

Join us for Whites-only Moms & Tots

Are you looking for somewhere your children can play with others that look like them? Are they tired of being a minority in their schools or daycares? Escape forced ’diversity’ and join other proud parents of European children as we create an atmosphere in which our kids can feel like they belong. Invest in your child’s sense of well being and racial identity by giving them the gift of time spent amongst their own people - because they deserve it.

Wolf Fangs #wingnut #conspiracy #racist msn.com

@J McCoskrie
HIDDEN FACTS: “October Revolution” was not what we today wrongly call the "Russian Revolution" or "Red Revolution"! It was a Jewish Revolution, an invasion and subjugation of the Russian people who then suffered the worst crimes in the entire history of mankind. Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin were Jews whose Marxist doctrine claimed the lives of approximately 100,000,000 people worldwide. Cheka, the first incarnation of the Soviet secret police (NKVD), was established in 1917. Many Jews played leading roles in the secret police. Around 50% of high-ranking NKVD officers had Jewish ethnicity recorded in their identity documents. Also, the members of the Bolshevik government were around 85% Jews.
Without question communist ideology as we saw it's a terrible thing. Where did Communism come to Russia from?! It came from, and thanks to 1. Britain, 2. France, 3. Switzerland, 4. Germany, 5. the US... Russia had been fighting communism and revolutions for one hundred years, throughout the 19th century but Europe had demonized Russia for its resistance to the communist evil. The Bolsheviks lived and worked in London, Paris, Stockholm, Zurich, etc. Trotsky with his men came to Russia from New York; Lenin came back to Russia from Switzerland and via Germany. There are loads of evidence of the European and American support of Bolshevism. Eventually, the West won its case: Russia was successfully infected with the bacilli of communism.

Frosty Woolridge #wingnut #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

It took the Roman Empire 400 years to fall into chaos. They allowed the Visigoths, Franks, Vandals, Celts and many other tribes to penetrate their villages, their army’s ranks, and Rome itself. A slow self-destruction ensued until Rome burned as Nero fiddled. The Roman Empire expired in 476 A.D.
This summer, in my travels across America, I saw 125,000 Somalis in Minneapolis that live on welfare. They stole $200,000,000.00 in EBT card scams. They have NO affinity to American history or our flag. They wrecked Minneapolis’ school systems. They deal in drugs rather than study math, science or history. Same with Detroit’s Muslims, Lewiston, Maine, Miami, Florida, et al. They commit hundreds of thousands of female genital mutilations, hundreds if not thousands of honor killings, four wives per man, Halal food that is inhumanity to animals, and terrorists grow among them and their mosques.
In 10 to 20 years, you will not recognize our country. It will be populated by entrenched poverty from foreigners that cannot and will not be able to contribute to the American Way of Life. We will be like the Tower of Babel. We will no longer be “Americans”, but a hodge-podge of incompatible cultures, languages and world views.
We will be like the chaos now engulfing Sweden and all of Europe. We will be populated by millions of homeless poor, millions on welfare beyond what is happening today, millions bankrupting stores by shoplifting, and breakdown of the rule of law even worse than today.

You can bet on this prediction: your children will not be living in the America where you grew up. There will be NO American Dream. It’s going to be a dog-eat-dog, fight for food, fight for water, fight for energy, fight for clean air, fight for jobs, and fight for existence like no one in America has ever experienced. In one sentence, your kids…all our kids are screwed.

It took Rome over 400 years to fall. We’re going to accomplish it within less than 100 years.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )

This right here.

This RIGHT HERE is the sole reason that anti-Semitism exists.

Anti-Semitism is a healthy instinct for basic human survival.

Jew responds to Ye lol

( @RightWingNutSquads )
@Nature_and_Race man it would be so great if blacks could normalize talking about jews and jews could normalize calling blacks niggers

( @turtleswolverine )
@Nature_and_Race, bullshit, jews don't fight. They pay niggers to "bang bang."

( @Tomahawk1775 )
@Nature_and_Race This KIKE right here IS WHY America needs to NUKE Israel into a Glass Parking Lot!

( @GaryProctor )
@Nature_and_Race Just look into its soulless eyes, pure evil. Enjoy your temporary reign jews, history and the Bible have shown/foretold to us that this does not end well for you.

( @Nemesistyx )
@Nature_and_Race They always look so nasty. No wonder they need marxism to exist, they wouldnt blend in without it.

( @Diversity_is_our_weakness )
Many of the same Jews either didn't care, actively promoted, or even helped organize the anti-white violence and propaganda over the past few years, and which continues to this day. They didn't seem worried about any potential harm from that. How about they cindemn anti-whitisn (and anti-Christianism too) and we might take their self-centered whining seriously.

( @FnStephn )

( @vendicari )
@Nature_and_Race The number one cause of "anti-semitism" is jewish behaviour.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Wow! Jacob Wohl is a filthy rotten Jew who hates White people and doesn't believe White people should have freedom of speech to question and/or criticize Jews.

Wow! Gab is an absolute cesspool and inadequate Jew hating degenerates.

( @NSSAP )
@Nature_and_Race -- Jacob Wohl should be visiting the nearest concentration camp.

( @FatalToLeftists )
@Nature_and_Race WOW! Jacob Wohl is a Synagogue of Satan Baal-licker who is against EVERYTHING our Founding Fathers (and generations of Americans) have sacrificed themselves for. The Talmud is the only principle this demon follows.

( @James_Dixon )

> ... inadequate Jew hating degenerates.

Most of the jew haters I've encountered on Gab have been more than adequate. 🤔

( @DagnarOdinsson )
@Nature_and_Race He's part of the overall plan. Destroy Whites permanently, prune the brown races to a select few perfect slave class, rule the world with impunity.

( @Breakpoint58 )
@Nature_and_Race Correction: we adequately hate them

( @Euroicism )
@Nature_and_Race Jacob Wohl needs to be gassed along with the rest of his disgusting tribe.

( @GaryProctor )
@Nature_and_Race Psychotic jews mad af, the truth can't be hidden forever. Judgement Day is Coming.

( @CC54R )
@Nature_and_Race I see eye to eye with this filthy kike. He wants me and my people dead.

Diane Yap #racist twitter.com

I've been told repeatedly that police don't hassle me because I have "privilege" -- implying that it's unearned.

It was earned. By every person who looks like me and *didn't* commit crimes. Thanks to you, I almost never "fit the description" and am not considered a threat.

Hatueydeguanaba #racist twitter.com

"On Thursday night, April 1, 66-year-old Mehmood Ansari collapsed and died shortly after being robbed by a knife-wielding 12-year boy during a confrontation with multiple juveniles who were rampaging through his store"

Reply: Its sad but folks had very valid reasons to fear tamir rice & latasha harlins..both initiated violence. Rice pointed a realistic toygun. Harlins brutally attacked & whipped an old korean lady a-la kuntekinte. Black youth are far more often racist oppressors than victims of racism

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
These creatures are incompatible with White society.

White people suffer from these creatures' presence in our societies.

Until these creatures have been expelled from our countries, there will be no peace or safety for our children.

( @LG8 )
@Nature_and_Race Damn niggers are dumb as rocks. Talking about a job? Nigger you wouldn't work a job if it was handed to you!

( @LvnGD81 )
@Nature_and_Race Videos like this really help to highlight just how primitive these creatures are.

I feel literally zero human bond with these things. There should be no doubt in any White person's mind that we do not belong around each other.

Oil and water.

( @ANGEL1313_ )
@Nature_and_Race Act like an ape, speak like an ape, = Ape Life that can barely complain in English. Way to go thug culture, this is what you produced when you flooded the streets with fast money of drugs, theft and violence, rather than actual intellect. And they wonder why no one bothers to listen. Kanye was right. And no, you are not Kangz. Smdh

( @J3553P1488 )
@Nature_and_Race They’re truly the dumbest creature on this planet… can see why the Jew once white women mixing with these genetic abominations

( @Big_Daddy_CorkUSMC )
@Nature_and_Race They won't give a nigger a job? Yeah right then if they do start working for somebody They steal their fucking shit. Huuurr me? Cuz i gitz mine mutha fucka!! Huuurr me?

( @53tele )
@Nature_and_Race these nigger fucking retards should be shot dead where they stand you hear you hear you hear lol fucking retarded missing links. with these people they would rape and murder your daughter without one ounce of empathy, sympathy, or regret. and that piece of shit Biden just keeps letting more flood the nation, the enemy isn't overseas it is right here the violent criminal niggers and the Government

( @odysseus64 )
@Nature_and_Race Even more proof, (if ever we needed any), that segregation worked. Both in the US and South Africa. Both whites and blacks were better off.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Every honest person knows,

It's not White people who are running around, making our neighborhoods unsafe at night.

spoilerCities aren't dangerous.
Certain neighborhoods aren't
dangerous. The dark of night
isn't dangerous. Certain people
who inhabit them are.

( @Ghotifood )
@Nature_and_Race no one is afraid to pump gas next to a white person in Philly

( @GoblinHunter )
@Nature_and_Race I think the word you are looking for is "NIGGERS."

( @AConservativeMan )
Any White guilt advocate who refuses to note the dangers of niggers is not only a liar to themselves but to all of humanity.

( @Lycaenops_Angusticeps )
@Nature_and_Race It is those who's skin color helps them blend in to the darkness of the night that make cities and neighborhoods unsafe at night.

( @John_Madison )
@Nature_and_Race It's the niggers and other nonWhites that the jews use as WMD against Whites.

( @Iceman876 )
@Nature_and_Race We dropped the ball, in a sane civilization its the useless feral pieces of shit that should feel unsafe. Because of jews we put these things on a pedestal like they're special. A coyote wouldn't feel safe with my shepherds.

( @Mkez28 )
@Nature_and_Race We don't have a race problem we have a problem race. Period.

( @Naioma )
@Nature_and_Race do you really want to divide people by colour or race when we are in the middle of a genocide and we need to stick together is the real question here. but if you want an answer, 40 million have died already from that jab world wide. the people who invented that poison were all white..this is the biggest genocide in history..no blacks involved. bad people come in all races.

( @Mortsolo6 )
@Nature_and_Race NIGGERS. You can say it. Black people even know it’s a fact. Black people hate niggers as much as everyone else. Just like me, YT, I hate CRACKERS, Mexicans probably hate spics too. THEY ARE DESCRIPTIVE WORDS, THATS IT. If you are offended then you are either a NIGGER or a CRACKER or a SPIC. And, im pretty sure you are an ignorant fucktard too. It’s really quite simple.

Malakai Wheeler #racist #wingnut #psycho antisemitism.org

A teenager from Swindon who promoted antisemitic and racist views has been convicted of terror offences.

Yesterday, after a two-week trial, Malakai Wheeler, 18, was found guilty at Winchester Crown Court of six offences relating to the possession and dissemination of terrorist material

Mr Wheeler was arrested in 2021 following an investigation, which was conducted by Counter Terrorism Policing North East, into users in a Telegram group whom police suspected to be sharing extreme far-right content

Following his arrest, police found the Terrorist Handbook in Mr Wheeler’s bedroom. The Terrorist Handbook is a publication which instructs readers on how to make bombs and other explosives

Mr Wheeler was found to be frequently sharing material in the chat, including antisemitic content and instructions on how to make explosives

The defendant said in court that he had downloaded the explosives instructions as they would be useful should there be a case of “social disorder”

He added: “Weapons could be useful if there was a serious emergency. Covid showed things could come out of the blue. It could be an economic problem or a foreign invasion, things can just pop out of nowhere”

Mr Wheeler told the court that he downloaded material with the intent to make an archive if the documents were deleted from Telegram. He also said that he had obtained videos, which show people being murdered, from ISIS out of “morbid curiosity”

The court heard that the defendant was interested in Nazism and anti-Zionism. Mr Wheeler also told the court that he had a swastika as part of his profile picture on Telegram and admitted to being in a photograph whilst doing a Nazi salute in a skull mask

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @BlackScorpionNationalists )
Judaism is a disease 🤒

Side note: No virus has EVER been proven to be contagious. You cannot transfer a virus from one person to the other. It doesn't work like that. It's a lie. But the comparison is still uncanny.

spoilerHIV: An invasive organism that weakens the
host via subversion, making the host
vulnerable to other invading organisms.
Jews are LITERALLY human AIDS

( @Jefferson1961 )
@BlackScorpionNationalists Nazis are the true subversives.

( @BlackScorpionNationalists )
@Jefferson1961 Even on GAB you cannot spend 2 minutes without running into a sub-human kike. 😆

( @Jefferson1961 )
@BlackScorpionNationalists Nazis are left-wing socialists, just like the commies.

( @BlackScorpionNationalists )
@Jefferson1961 You clearly don't understand the difference. Learn it, and take it back to your kike tribe. Maybe they will suddenly understand why Hitler would be the enemy of communism, if they were the same ideology, genius.

( @gpracer51 )
They clearly made AIDS in their own image....

( @Volcanic84 )
@BlackScorpionNationalists Don't fall for the evil being spewed. It is the same as calling all blacks gang bangers. The Bible and Christ tells us there are two types of Jews. Those who love God and those who love money and power. He warns us to be aware of the later, I call them JOO or JIN much like we call traitorous republicans RINO.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
There is nothing that an America First fighter can say or do to appease a mob acting in bad faith.

Cancel culture is empowered by fear alone - only by being fearless will we truly uncancel America.

( @JohnBest )
@DrPaulGosar Shut up and repeal the Federal Reserve Act, you useless bastard.

( @Riverrun61 )
@JohnBest @DrPaulGosar That is the first thing that needs to happen. We need a constitutional amendment, in the style of the first amendment, prohibiting the collusion of bank and state and effectively repealing the legal tender laws. We are at that same point as our fore fathers were when they began their efforts to separate church and state.

( @malig )
@DrPaulGosar What is being done about the J6 Political Prisoners of War? It's almost 2 years, are they just forgotten?

( @genukem )
@DrPaulGosar Civil War. It's the only way. You know it's true. At this point all those who are opposed to it are cowards afraid of losing their homes, their cars, their jobs and their money. Not to mention their cities and shopping centers. As if 'they' aren't going to take that shit away from them anyhow, in a few years. I'm giving it five more. Seriously with the upcoming bioweapons they all be dead in five years. And their murderer will be trying to figure out how to get the few survivors remains to do all the work.

( @Indiffernce1 )
@DrPaulGosar only getting rid of jews in America will accomplish this. They are the main people who are invaders in white coumtries. Without the jews invadidng first the door would have never been opened for other invaders

( @VitoG )
@DrPaulGosar I'm an old man and willing to die to fight to get our freedoms returned to us and get rid of this crooked illegal government so lets unite and take our country back with force if necessary cause elections are corrupt ,laws are illegally passed, and I don't want to live under jewboy control Fuck them jews and throw them out of our country, close our boarders and shoot anyone coming over illegally, and get our J6 prisoners released

Mike Keller #fundie #racist msn.com

Keller’s sermon, which took place on June 25, contained shocking statements suggesting that “Black slaves” needed to “humble” themselves and learn to read the Bible to eventually achieve freedom…

During his sermon, Keller proclaimed that it was simple to change America and went on to make historically inaccurate claims about “Black slaves.” He insinuated that enslaved individuals in the past never protested or rallied against slavery and instead chose to humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from their supposed wicked ways. Keller further propagated the false narrative that white slave owners were benevolent figures who taught slaves to read. He suggested that the actions of Black slaves led to the abolition of slavery, completely disregarding the systemic racism and violence endured by enslaved individuals.

Anna Perez #racist angrywhitemen.org

On Sept. 18, 2023, far-right pundit and conspiracy theorist Anna Perez debuted her new show, Wrongthink Primetime, on the Rumble channel of white nationalist Stew Peters. During the inaugural episode, Perez reacted to a story about food deserts and the possibility of opening city-owned grocery stores in Chicago by claiming that Black people “love fried food”

She also blamed her local grocery store’s lack of fresh produce on Black customers because, she says, they refuse to buy healthy food like fruits and vegetables

Calling food deserts a “made-up problem,” Perez told viewers that “the Left” was “trying to turn this into somewhat of a race issue.” She claimed that Black people are not “the victim” and added that she doesn’t “know a whole lot of Black people that don’t love fried food” — which she said isn’t a “thing that I’m being racist about”

Perez, who lives in Washington D.C., says she resides in a “more gentrified area,” half of which is “pretty Black.” She said that the produce at her local grocery store “absolutely sucks,” and said this was the fault of Black shoppers

“And the reason why that is is because they don’t tend to get a whole lot of shipments of produce because people don’t buy them,” she said. “Because the majority of people that they’re catering to are Black people. So why in the world would they waste money on produce — fruits and vegetables — if no one’s gonna buy it? I mean I wanna buy it, but I’m not Black”

While she admitted she was “speaking in generalities,” she went on to claim that Black people will “tell you to their face that they love fried chicken”

Hervé Ryssen #racist #wingnut #conspiracy omnia-veritas.com

The Jewish people are promoting a project for the whole of humanity; a grandiose project that they have been carrying out for centuries against all odds: the establishment of universal peace on the face of the earth. The notion of “Peace” is at the very core of Judaism, and it is no coincidence that this word (shalom in Hebrew) appears so frequently in all the speeches of the Jews of the world. It is not just a religious concept, or a belief in the advent of a better world, God’s work in the distant future, but a guiding principle that determines the commitment and actions of Jews in their daily lives. Indeed, Jews, through their work, their actions and their involvement in politics, work every day to build “Peace”.

In this perfect world that they are building, all conflicts will have definitively disappeared from the face of the earth, first and foremost conflicts between nations. It is for this reason that, wherever they are, Jews campaign tirelessly for the abolition of borders and the dissolution of national identities. Nations are supposedly generators of war and disorder and must therefore be weakened and eventually abolished in favour of a world government, the only one capable of guaranteeing happiness and prosperity on earth.
They are also, of course, the best propagandists for plural society and planetary miscegenation. Thus, we see how the Jews have always encouraged immigration in all the countries where they have settled, not only because the multicultural society corresponds to their politico-religious project, but also because the resulting dissolution of national identity protects them from a possible nationalist outburst against the power they have gained, especially in finance, politics and the media system. All Jewish intellectuals, without exception, focus on the question of the “plural” society and exercise a constant “anti-racist vigilance”, regardless of their political divergences.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
If our government tells you an event happened, question it.

If our government tells you someone is or was evil, question it.

Our government has proven itself, time and time again, to be habitual liars and warpers and distorters of truth and history.

( @JohnNotnofx )
@Nature_and_Race There is no way that Joe Biden composed that tweet. It contains complete sentences.

( @TheFamilyFriend )
@JohnNotnofx @Nature_and_Race likely the words to put down were provided by his jewish staff.

( @pysek )
@Nature_and_Race hahah this nigger wasn't even ELECTED, they had to lie about that, too lol

( @Cornwell1776 )
@Nature_and_Race I was already 100% certain Hitler was the good guy. This just made it 150%.

( @AngieVDW )
@Nature_and_Race Everything the illegitimite president & pedo-jew says, but turned around. Inverted truth. It's a jew-thing.

( @Skully_B0NES )
@Nature_and_Race one thing that weirded me out even before I was red pilled was the fact that they NEVER bring up the USSR death toll (which is almost quadruple the "6 million").
Course once you learn that 99% of the time the whole of WW2 is used as a guilt trip by jews, the pieces fall into place.

( @SneakyWino )
@Nature_and_Race Hahaha - if you have to say it happened this far after the fact, it probably didn't happen. But we know that. I hope Hitler has his reputation restored to whatever it truly should be. Seems like we are heading towards the light and the truth.

( @PoopyPatriot )
@Nature_and_Race I wonder if a jew typed this

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
A Jew promoting the idea of people being put on a government list.

Imagine my shock...

Never ever trust a Jew. This is what their blood compels them to do. Even partial Jews.

Many of the people commenting on this post belong on a list.

( @Scootsy_Dubs )
@Nature_and_Race the #1 rule of life that I teach my children, and soon to be grandchildren, is and always will be: never trust a jew

( @SaraBellun )
@Nature_and_Race I agree. Even half-breeds are far more jew than gentile.

( @Albzi )
@Nature_and_Race What’s the cutoff for partial Jews, you think? 1/24th may still be too sneaky, oy vey!

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Albzi -- According to ancient Vedic science, they said admixture has to be below 1/128th to eliminate all harmful aspects of non-white blood. I would hold the same standard for Jewish admixture. Personally, I believe that any detectible Jewish DNA is too much. 1%, 2%, too much.

( @Albzi )
@Nature_and_Race you know that Jews tainted the Spanish race for eternity? The Jews of Spain opened the Gates of Toledo in 711 for the Islamic invasion which lasted 900 years. And today, Spaniards have Arabic and Black African DNA. You look at some photos of Spaniards and they are just dark. And like you said, these Spaniards may have 2% Black/Moorish/Arab DNA, but you can see it in them.

( @Nicholas_Scholl )
@Nature_and_Race @Albzi

What's your opinion on partial Jews that served in the Wehrmacht?

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Nicholas_Scholl -- They weren't White. They shouldn't have been allowed to serve the German fatherland in any capacity. And their presence amongst the German people was a constant danger.


( @Albzi )
@Nature_and_Race @Nicholas_Scholl I agree, people think too naively about partial Jews. Just because they seem good doesn’t mean their Jewishness is gone. Who’s to say what’s going through those people’s minds? It’s like the Neanderthal DNA. We’re 2% Neanderthal, and thousands of years later, their degenerate DNA affects most people negatively.

( @Nicholas_Scholl )
@Nature_and_Race @Albzi

Pretty much my attitude as well.

It was an odd policy allowing them to serve.

Elon Musk #conspiracy #racist theguardian.com

Elon Musk has accused George Soros’s foundation of wanting to destroy western civilisation, as the tech tycoon prepares to meet the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in California

Musk made the comment in reply to a post by a user sharing footage of people arriving on the Italian island of Lampedusa from north Africa that referred to a “George Soros led invasion” of Europe

“The Soros organization appears to want nothing less than the destruction of western civilization,” X’s owner posted[…]
Civil rights groups, including the Center for Countering Digital Hate and the ADL, have issued findings that the volume of hate speech on X has grown under the stewardship of Musk

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
More German civilians died in one night during the firebombing of Dresden (by the Allies) than the number of Jews who died in the camps over the course of six years.

The real holocaust, the real death by fire, was carried out against innocent German women, children, elderly, and disabled.

( @qMAGAs )
@Nature_and_Race I’d say the real Holocaust happened during the Bolshevik revolution which lead to communism and the death of roughly 65 million Christians in Russia. And we all know who the Bolsheviks were…

( @BillyBravo )
@qMAGAs @Nature_and_Race there’s many genocides the jews have committed on Whites.

( @valken1983 )
@BillyBravo @qMAGAs @Nature_and_Race There's a bunch of genocides jews have committed on most races. The chinese with communism, blacks with slave trade, etc.

( @Dinkleberg1488 )
@Nature_and_Race holocaust is a Yiddish phrase for "burnt ofering".

The only holocaust was against the German people. Plain and simple.


( @Kavajava )
@Nature_and_Race I think one of the reasons the holocaust lie was allowed to grow, was to distract from all of the actual war crimes the Allies committed.

( @HorstWessel88 )
@Nature_and_Race Stalin who married a jew, and was around a pack of Jews and probably was a Georgian Jew himself.. DEMANDED Bomber Harris attack Dresden, it was semitic revenge simple as.

Jewtin tried to blame England for orders carried out by the international jew recently , never forget although there are white traitors who no doubt will be in hell, the Jew was the commander in chief.

( @DirkaDirkaDirka )
@Nature_and_Race History is as we are taught, is just yesterdays Fake News.

Our great grandkids will be talking about Zielinski like he was a fucking super hero.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Smashbaals )
So far conservatives have been right about:

-The Vaccine
-Elections being rigged
-Social media companies interfering in elections

Maybe folks should listen to them more

( @Twistle )
@Smashbaals Yeah, good point, but c'mon. You know who has been right about all of those, AND WW2?


( @flaunttnualf )
@Smashbaals Maybe they should start being right about jews

( @RandolfoCalzonian )
@Smashbaals and most importantly, the "nazi White supremacists" have been right about (((who))) is behind it all.

( @BalderVibes )
@Smashbaals But to be clear, CUCKservative RINO’s supported genocide injections, helped rig elections, pushed PLANdemic and lockdowns and by design economic collapse. None of them did a single thing about social media companies or legacy propaganda JEW media censoring anyone who had an opinion globalist Jews didn’t first approve of. The list of failures by the gay “Right” goes on and on.

( @joeguererra )
@Smashbaals they don't name the jew therefore are useless

( @AxeMC )
@Smashbaals Conspiracy theorists were right long before conservatives were. Also conservatives wrong on the most important umbrella issue, the JQ. No credit deserved here.

( @BRTheSpace )
Both parties are an illusion, ruled by the same jews. Notice Republicans are silent, until people make enough noise 🤔

Vic Biorseth #racist #wingnut #homophobia #fundie #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Comrade President Obama, peace be upon him, was never properly vetted before he was anointed as head of the Marxocrat Party. He exemplifies the slide of universities like Harvard into identity politics over merit and ability. We have long held that he is and always was an Islamo-Commie-Hommo anti-American, and now it seems that some of those chickens are coming home to roost.

But you shouldn't need it. His affinity for all things anti-American, all things anti-white people, all things anti-family, all things LGBTQ, all things pro-socialist, all things anti-constitution, all things anti-Christian and all things anti-Western Civilization tells the story.
I just have a problem surrendering preferred language to the fags and the LGBTQ activists. They feel they can censor me by their new anti-constitution woke rules of language, and I do not agree. If they can call me a homophobe, I can call them faggots and/or public faggotry promoters.

I see nothing "gay" about the homosexual identity psychosis. Pitiful and disgusting, but certainly not gay.

Note well the Marocrat Party's love and protection of all things related to dope, related, to sexual deviancy and perversion, to licentiousness, to blatant immorality including even abortion and euthanasia, to constitutional restrictions on government, and their hatred of all the absolute constitutional rights of citizens, the normative human family, parental authority over their own children, and their determination to eliminate American borders and national sovereignty, their committment to suppression or subjugation of white people and Christians, to the elimination of law and order, and to the illegal persecution of Trump and the MAGA movement.

They seek the end of all Christian moral norms and common sense

And note the fact that Schiff flows downhill, and that Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, is sitting on top of the whole stinking anti-Christian anti-American Islamo-Commie-Homo pile.

Clif High #ufo #magick #racist #quack #conspiracy #crackpot clifhigh.substack.com

In previous substack articles, I have provided some of my thinking on the discovery of hidden manuals on how to operate a ‘space alien mind-to-machine’ interface that I think was employed with humans in previous ages. Specifically back in the last, descending, Satya (Gold) Yuge (Age), or the Tretya Yuga (Silver Age) that followed it. Obviously, with the Khazarian Mafia continually censoring history for over 4000 years, we have a bit of difficulty determining dates.

In these past articles, I describe the discovery that the invading space aliens (Elohim/Annunaki/Devas/Theoae et al) were employing a ‘mind-to-machine’ interface device to power their technology, and civilization.
There are many things we have yet to discover about melanin, as the references attached to this article will indicate.

Melanin, according to the ancients’ view, is to bio-photons, what blood is to oxygen, and other gasses. And, just as with blood, melanin both circulates to deposit, and uptake bio-photons to the rest of the body, including the critical part of it all, our brains.

Without going into the vast amount of details possible, suffice it to say that melanin picks up light, both photonic light from sources external to the body, as well as bio-photonic light from inside the body. Each have separate, and individuated uses. Much of the sorting, and managing of the light is done in the brain via the complex of neural fibers that connect to the pineal gland.

It is one of my further conclusions that melanin will be affected by the galactic center emanations, if only because of the huge amount of suns located there. Presumably kicking up photonic activity, which produces bio-photonic activity. This provides the mechanism for the observed effects of the Yugas on humanity, and our history, and progress.
The Invaders clearly knew that our usefulness to them stemmed from our inherent psychic abilities arising from neuromelanin, and circulating melanin, as well as our pliable genetics.

various commernters #wingnut #fundie #racist gab.com

( @USCenturion )
You know why conservatism is the ideology of managed defeat?

Right now, we have Conservatives and Christians, screaming over anti-semitism, while a Virginia elementary school is going to host a Satanic after-school program. I think it's time that people reevaluate their priorities in society.

( @CrusaderPatriot )
@USCenturion And if you follow the money for the Satanic event, you almost always find Jews! All we can do is keep pointing it out and maybe we'll get through the programming of some of them!

( @brextremist )
@USCenturion Liberals are destroying society, and conservatives are making sure that nothing is ever done to stop them.

( @zwergling )
@USCenturion If a Christian rails against anti-Semitism, then he does not know the Bible. He listens to what the Jews say rather than what the living Word of God tells us about the Jews.

( @DahlHaus1776 )
@USCenturion They're not "Christians". They're "evangelicals" that spread the counterfeit kikery of Cyrus Scofield known as "judeoChristian values". But what evangelicals have in common with #koshervatives is that neither are American as they genuflect more towards #FalseProphets than our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

( @Warlord11 )
@USCenturion conservatism is great if your society is worth conserving. Ours no longer is. Conservatives need to get on the paleocon/NRX/dissident train, or just shut the fuck up.

Klaus Arminius #racist twitter.com

Algeria expelled 1 million French (10% of its total population) under 3 years.

Tunisia expelled a 250,000 French, while Morocco expelled 500,000 Spaniards (7% and 5% of their respective populations).

Uganda expelled 30,000 Indians.

Nothing is ever impossible or too late.

Wai Chong and VINH HUA #moonbat #racist msn.com

(Wai Chong)
Nancy and Biden are still there. Go figure. America loves corruption. It's part of America's gene.
Then Americans imagine anything when corrupted politicians are removed from Asia. Go figure.
Singapore removed one minister for corruption, one minister for affair, and three MPs for affairs. It's only the US that is corrupt and keeps those corrupted politicians like Nancy and Biden. Asia that embraces clean government kick politicians out for corruptions and affairs. Get on with life.

China hold their government officials to their highest moral and ethical standards. Unlike US any moron can get voted in. then do whatever they want. corrupt, immoral, unethical. from top to bottom. no wonder US going downhill fast.

César Biondini, Alejandro Carlos Biondini, Federal Patriot Front (FPP) #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #fundie memri.org

César Biondini[…]is an Argentinian nationalist leader and lawyer. The son of neo-Nazi[…]Alejandro Carlos Biondini, he was the attorney of his father's political party and is now its presidential candidate[…]
He carried out the process of legalizing the party[…]Gave an interview[…]in which he stated[…]"We are nationalists. But it is classic that the system puts a label on you. It happened to (Jean-Marie) Le Pen[…]"
Local Electoral Board approved the extreme-right ultranationalist, and neo-Nazi ideology party, he FPP[…]
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Alejandro Biondini filed petitions to legalize the swastika, the celebration of the birth of Adolf Hitler, the name of the Nationalist Socialist Workers Party[…]His proposal[…]included to dismantle the "homosexual and drug addict network"[…]
When the interviewer asked: "Why do you salute with your arm raised?" He answered: "It is the Roman salute, it is used by the members of seven Falangist parties legalized in Spain[…]Raised arm is the historic salute of nationalism"[…]
Biondini and his collaborators claimed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a prophetic book that would reveal "who the true enemies of humanity are"[…]
For the director of National Alert, "Capitalism and communism are international like the Jew[…]stateless like the Jew, enemies of Christ like the Jew"[…]
Biondini's magazine accused Israel of wanting to "squeeze" Argentina through the international financial system, while coveting strips of Patagonia to establish a second Zionist state[…]
When the dictatorship ended[…]National Alert linked the government that took office that year with "subversion" and "Judeo-Zionist" interests[…]
"In the proposals that at the time they presented to the Justice they exhibit their racism. For example, in the prohibition of abortion for those cases in which the unborn baby was white[…]Interruption of the pregnancy is allowed in the case of the son or daughter of a Bolivian, a Paraguayan, or a Jewish woman"

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @CNofUSA )
The freakout surrounding Ye (formerly Kanye West) is very telling.

One man making offcolor remarks has been the top news story for weeks.

Meanwhile, babies are murdered, the country invaded, we are on the verge of nuclear war, & no one seems to care.

Even many "pro-life Christians" have reacted to Ye with more anger and vitriol than they have ever directed towards abortionists.

Our society has no morals.

Everyone has been infected by some sort of liberal mind virus.

Fast, pray, read the bible.

God has to be put first once again.

( @Malignant )

“How come Nazis are the worst thing ever, but we can praise Stalin, Che, Lenin, Mao, and even wear their shirts in public, even though they were far far worse?”

“Oh, that’s because they killed goyim, and you’re nothing but cattle to us, so it doesn’t count.”

( @LatchKeyKid )
@CNofUSA Agree completely. "Racism" in the context that it has become a religion in the west is utterly meaningless. It's a thought crime; beyond ridiculous. This is what the entire western world revolves around, as our nations are being invaded and destroyed from within.

( @MyRock )
@CNofUSA CNU- The Jews are behind abortion, lgbtq, the fake media, Big Pharma, Hollywood, Banking, ACLU (eliminating prayer, crosses, 10 C's, etc), Deep State, illegals, and more---the very things you think are important to focus on, the Jews are behind it. Kanye is trying to make people aware---so what is off-color??? What Christian vitriol? Looks like he's actually doing something about it.

How is it as CNU, you do not understand what God is about to do? You don't see or hear what's coming? None of the people that won a fraudulent election will take those eats of power. Biden will be gone. So will Harris, Obama, Gates, Soros, Nadler, Waters, Pelosi is already done, Fauci, Shiff, Schumer, etc. The Houses will be cleansed, the Supreme Court too. Military elite will fall. CIA, FBI, DOJ, all cleansed. The White House will be emptied of the evil personnel. Illegals to be driven out of America. It's all about to happen. How about the blackouts, the silence, and the celebration? How is you you are not prepared for these things, and yet, call yourselves Christian Nationalists? I suggest you put God first.

altpng #fundie #racist reddit.com

I know plenty of people who did support slavery and it’s a product of the time. Also, the Torah literally does support chattel slavery Canaanite slaves didn’t have any protections in slavery. American slavery of the blacks was essentially the same as Canaanite slavery in what the owners could do to them.

To my understanding (of laws meant to prevent overt mistreatment of slaves) this only strictly applied to Hebrew slaves and non Jewish slaves did have more restrictions but was still allowed technically. Also this may be because we don’t have a temple or a land anymore to call ours, and our batei din don’t have any actual control so slavery could get out of halakha. The Torah does literally accept chattel and all of our sages supported it. Torah is always moral and if you think otherwise then you think God is below time, obviously.

Hebrew slaves and Canaanite slaves did not have the same rights, Canaanite slaves were literally allowed to be forced to have children and then those children would have been slaves for you.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
Americans are under no moral obligation to grant amnesty to lawbreakers, drug smugglers, murderers and rapists.

The left desperately wanting over 30 million new voters will never justify throwing American families and workers under the bus.

( @Rick )
@DrPaulGosar the left is at war with us...it makes no sense to pretend otherwise

( @Noam_dePloom )
@DrPaulGosar Americans are also under no obligation to grant amnesty to lawmakers who use their position to implement unlawful mandates, travel restrictions, bans on meeting to worship, etc.

What happened under COVID tyranny was an act of war against the American people. They literally tried to starve us into submission - to a demand that was unlawful in the first place.

( @TrueBonnieBlue )
@DrPaulGosar They aren't just after votes, they want to White erase us from existence.

( @Maria_Garcia_US )
@TrueBonnieBlue @DrPaulGosar Leftists want to outnumber conservative Americans of all races with illegal aliens that they believe will vote blue.
If the Leftists believed that the illegal aliens would eventually vote conservative, they would work to keep said aliens out of the US. Why do you think the Democrats work to send back Cubans and Venezuelans back but not Mexicans, Haitians, etc?

( @TrueBonnieBlue )
@Maria_Garcia_US @DrPaulGosar D + R = antiwhite uniparty. You are invested in the grift because you aren't White. Ypu are deflecting from what I said about White erasure.

( @Maria_Garcia_US )
@TrueBonnieBlue @DrPaulGosar LOL. To look at me you'd call me white. Nor am I invested in any grift. Politicians who want to replace American citizens with foreigners are wrong, and they should be voted out of office. As for 'white erasure', I have no opinion either way as I have seen no one specifically say that they want to replace white Americans with others. Now, their actions could be construed that way because most of illegal aliens aren't white. BUT, hispanic / latino is an ethnicity of Caucasian, unless they have black, asian ancestors instead of white ancestors. And most illegal aliens are hispanic / latino.

( @TrueBonnieBlue )
@Maria_Garcia_US @DrPaulGosar The majority of "Hispanics" are not White and you know it. If you deny White erasure, you are an antiwhite and therefore a despicable person.

@m3erkbullw0rm48 #racist youtube.com

Really? Lmao im as dark as shit, white favoritism is not a real thing. Like when it rarely does happen it’s no wonder why, theres a reason why the European beauty standard is the most coveted in the world. Most people of darker shades are less desireable.

Tom Shackleford #racist #dunning-kruger identitydixie.com

[From "We’d Get By Just Fine"]
As the number of African Americans involved in your life increases, the probability of your murder approaches 1

There’s a less polite phrase about the combustion of an ancient, compressed form of carbon as well[…]I’m not the sort of gentleman who spouts crude aphorisms and racial slurs[…]
Law enforcement and the public school system are in place to deal with blacks. Every miscreant this planet has to offer is flooding into America[…]Blacks were why we have these systems[…]
If left to ourselves, schools would be organized based on various secular and religious communities while some people would school their children at home[…]Current public schools[…]are not punishing blacks and not giving them worse grades than whites

It’s the same thing with the police. White people have conducted most of their historical existence without modern police forces and done just fine[…]
When Jason Aldean came out with his controversial small-town ballad, it was hilarious because everyone knew he was referring to the inhuman criminal pastimes of blacks[…]
He might as well have just written: “Don’t let the sun go down on you in my small town, n-words. Nooses ain’t meant for hangin’ empty from trees”[…]I don’t advocate lynching or any form of extrajudicial violence[…]
The reason America has these systems to deal with blacks is that they can’t deal with themselves because they’re not genetically coded with the innate capacity for civilization[…]
Sub-Saharan Africans have DNA from a pre-hominid ancestor not shared by any other race[…]
Poor intelligence, a lack of impulse control, an inability to think with a significant degree of abstraction or internal monologue, and a very short time horizon[…]
It was initially considered that blacks were a species of ape by Christians, Muslims, and Jews, but eventually the Catholic Church declared them human[…]
Our slaves were treated the way they were because of the traits previously outlined

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Donald J Trump )
Joe Biden and the Democrats are playing their liberal politics by turning their backs on the good, hard-working people of Iowa who deserve to have their voices heard. I have insisted that Iowa remain first!

I won big in Iowa because they know I will always protect American jobs and American farmers—AMERICA FIRST! I will always stand up for American patriots who want to Make America Great Again.

I can’t wait to be back in Iowa. Stay tuned and see you in the very near future!

( @HerrNatSoc )
@realdonaldtrump Wait, you care about White people now?

( @Archer14 )
@HerrNatSoc @realdonaldtrump
Nah. When he refers to “American farmers”, he’s referring to wetback vegetable pickers. But we know that, don’t we?

( @ChristPatriot )
@realdonaldtrump I remember your laundry list of all the demographics that were doing the best ever except one, the white hetero male. You are going to have to change your priorities if you want to retain my vote. I'm done being a damn tax donkey for those that despise me and my values.

( @JohnBest )
@realdonaldtrump Why won't you protect our babies from having their brains mangled into autism by mercury in vaccines? You're a lying sack of shit.

( @bobjones13 )
@realdonaldtrump Shut up jew lover.

You have destroyed the white race with legal and illegal immigration.

( @wer38 )
@realdonaldtrump "No one did more for black farmers in Iowa than me!" - DJT

( @Mediaislying )
@realdonaldtrump Dude, you are still talking about the puppets, when you need to be calling out the puppet masters. I have never heard you call out Schwab, Rothschilds, Harari, etc......wef, inf, crf, committee of 300

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Hitler didn't kill 6 million jews

( @Euroicism )
@Nature_and_Race I wish he had... I wish he had killed them all.

@Nature_and_Race I wish he would've

( @WeimarAmerica )
@Nature_and_Race My only issue with AH is he didn’t kill 6 million Jews.

( @Spike5150 )
@Nature_and_Race that's why we're in this mess.

( @lofisquatch )
@Nature_and_Race If he had, things probably wouldn't look the way they do.

( @Freespeechmyass )
@Nature_and_Race Hitler didn’t kill six million jews

( @HatedAbusedAndSlandered )
@Nature_and_Race Only 3 million existed between all nations at that time. Germany only had a few. A logistical and statistically impossibility. What, did they magically all teleport to Germany and suddenly perfect mass-production cloning to be able to get magically unicorn genocided all in record time!?

( @afterskool )
@Nature_and_Race i wish he had done that, he was surely way too nice

Nick Fuentes #racist #psycho rightwingwatch.org

Fuentes’ unabashed racism and his love for murderous tyrants who use the power of the state to brutalize and imprison their perceived enemies was on full display during a recent livestream broadcast in which he longed to see China invade New York City, start killing Black people, and send them to concentration camps

“What if China took over New York City?” Fuentes fantasized. “Wouldn’t that be awesome? Wouldn’t we support that?”

“What if we had Chinese soldiers on every corner and if Black person started spazzing out, they took a sword out and cut his hands off … and then they cut his head off,” he continued. “What if that happened? That would be awesome!”

“China would do a better job running our country than we do,” Fuentes stated. “What if they did to Harlem and the south side of Chicago what they’re doing to Xinjiang to the Uyghurs? Is that not ideal?”

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )

spoilerI don't believe for a second that the "holocaust" actually
took place.
But even if it did, at this point I couldn't care less.
The alleged "survivors" have proven themselves to be the
most horribly manipulative, abusive, and literally evil
people on the planet. They've long ago ceased to deserve
any pity or sympathy.

( @GSauce111 )
@Nature_and_Race The part I find funny is that it was supposedly this horrible event that took place and White Americans came in and saved them from Hitler and the evil nawtzees.....yet they never ever praise America or the troops....you never hear them say anything pro-America; youd figure if someone saved you and your family from these monsters you would be the most grateful people ever.....but no, all they do is demonize White people on a daily basis....That makes me think it NEVER happened, but it most definitely should have....

( @maximus_the_wise )
@Nature_and_Race I'm going with... it didn't happen. There are so many holocaust survivors that one has to wonder what king of "death" camps were they that there are so many survivors?

( @sometimescanbefunny )
@Nature_and_Race If the holohoax happened, then the "survivors," if there were any decency to be found in them, would have ensured that the next 3, 4, or even 5 generations understood the magnitude of what happened and fought to keep their saviors on a pedestal among all other nations.

Even in this make-believe land, the kikes fall laughably flat. Even if it were to have happened, the only thing the West got for "saving them" was a snake the slithered in and choked out the nation.

Of course, we all know it didn't happen. There's no real evidence for it, and a Mount-Everest-sized pile of evidence that it didn't happen. Either way, the filthy rats are the most depraved and villainous people on the planet.

In short: It didn't happen, but they deserve(d) it, and it'll happen again. Their kike ways ensure this. It's a natural check on their disgusting mode of being, as inevitable as a natural law.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Woman in a Coma Since She was 3 Delivers Healthy Baby After Black Takes Advantage of Unused Womb"]

I’ve been talking for a long time about various ways to totally remove women from society while men maintain the ability to reproduce

Women – at least when they are conscious and capable of mobility and speech – create far too many problems for society to sustain their presence long-term[…]
If we could build these artificial wombs, then we could simply kill all women outright – potentially in fake shower rooms with electric floors[…]
It turns out there is a much easier solution: simply induce women into comas, then allow men to come in and do their business and come back and pick up the kid 9 months later

The blacks, once again, are on the forefront of technological solutions[…]
If I am elected to Congress next November, I will be introducing a law requiring all women to be put into comas
New York Post

The woman, 29, in a vegetative state for decades, had been unknowingly raped by a male nurse[…]

How much has it cost to keep her alive?[…]
Regardless, you’re looking at millions of dollars being paid by someone to keep this woman alive for literally no reason. It’s only logical that she would be pumping out babies. Even if you are some type of feminist radical and don’t agree with my plan to induce all women into comas, if you’ve got one just laying there, why not use it for reproduction? What is even the argument here?

Of course, it’s unfortunate that a black was the one to impregnate her, because we really don’t need any more black people[…]
If we do this on an industrial scale, and require all women to be put into comas, as my bill proposes, we will be able to keep the costs down, due to economy of scale[…]
I’m sure AOC will make claims like “this is a sexist policy from the patriarchy,” but no one takes her seriously

Lisa Renee #magick #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot energeticsynthesis.com

And what I'm referencing here is the September 11th (9-11, 2001) event of the Adam Belial, or Wicker Man ritual, that transpired in New York City. The destruction of the Twin Towers was a global ritual, as well as a line that was drawn in the sand by the Negative Alien Agenda and their Cabal representatives of the Negative Alien Agenda invaders to issue that edict of war against the human population and Starseed population.

That event was nearly 22 years ago. However, on 8-8-23, we had another declaration of war made against the collective human race, that agenda is being focused within the United States primarily. And so, it's important to understand that event as a declaration of war against the human population.
As many of us in our community know, the events of which happened in Maui was an act of this warfare. As heinous and difficult as it is to bear witness to this takeover, this was the first sequence of a global operation set into motion by the global cabal or shadow government. Most of the operations are being orchestrated by the NAA directing factions of what could be referred to as the Khazarian Mafia, along with the Black Sun Nazi infiltrations in the United States, working towards the One World Order through the Great Reset (agenda 2030) propaganda. Obviously, they're global, and they're everywhere, but their headquarters, or their main base, is within Israel, Switzerland and the United States of America.
So understanding the how, what and why, in terms of the mind control that is being targeted to people that are unaware of the negative ego programming. Everything we describe in ES is a study of the negative ego which is 1D-2D-3D layers of our body, how it's been hijacked, we call this the negative ego and that negative polarity, and how this becomes run by the V-V programs by the sexual misery, and by the Armageddon and pestilence program. Once we understand this, we can see it operating and are empowered to clear it.

Gene Decode #wingnut #conspiracy #racist telemetr.io

_Military Intelligence has been tracking the CCP and their captured operations of the 3 branches of U.S. government for the past 10 years.
_currently in the past 7 years white hats military ALLIANCE have set the traps to COLLAPSE the CCP operations down inside the Untied States . / the STOLEN 2020 U.S. elections were placed Military operations by white hats thar is connected to TRUMP Presidential executive orders, Laws of War protocols and Devolution plan that WILL set U.S. military 11.3 Laws of War military occupation of the United States. In this time of military law and Marshal law, the Special forces, commands and protocols enacted by JFK , Regan and Trump administrations and EO's give all military powers to ARREST, CITIZENS, ORGANIZATIONS , Power's and Elites in Government, Politicians and all those who complied with foreign powers ( CCP) in a military COUP against the United States and it's military.
>The full corruption of the CCP is fully tied to CIA operations, wall street, BLACKROCK and world banks. Including Espionage through the Biden Crime family, Obama administration, the Clintons foundations and financial ties.
The deep state of the Rockefellers. Duponts, Rothschild's, Royal Elites, Bilderberger groups etc ect et... Is connected to the CCP directly and Chinese ( CCP) power over EU corporation and world military intelligence information gathering.
These are some of the biggest reasons Hollywood.,CIA. MAINSTREAM will not condemn CHINA for the virus or WUHAN.
Lazer Satellites were over Lahaina and U.S. NORAD operations help cover up the CCP satellites labelled NORAD flying over...... But white hats with several computer science and advanced Robotic engineers and military intelligence were TRACKING the CCP [ DEW,] Lazer Satellites and their operations.

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