
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Steve Laws #racist twitter.com

(Referring to the Peckham incident in London)

For everyone ready to say "Its not all Pakistanis" or "It's not about race", tell that to the victims, tell that to the people in your country being replaced by these third worlders.

It should be an English shopkeeper in an English shop with English customers but all the natives were forced out decades ago.

Enough is enough, they have to go back.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @AshaLogos )
Those that cite the quote ‘the victors write the history books’ one moment, and then proceed claim those in ultimate power are ‘Nazis’ in the next, embarrass themselves.

You’re not grasping the ramifications of the former if you mindlessly regurgitate the latter.

The Germans lost the war.
The forces who defeated them, now run the world - and they do so effectively enough that you’ve been conditioned to look right past them.

( @WriteWinger )
“Hey now, snowflake, let’s get one thing straight... satanic antichrist adrenochrome drinking pedophiles run our country and the world through central banking, media, and Hollywood, and my favorite movies are Saving Private Ryan and Schindlers List!”


( @JaidenYuki )
@AshaLogos This is one of the things I don't understand about the whole thing. Both sides are calling each other Nazis and no one ever seems to call the current regime for what it is, a Communist Government made by all the democrats and rinos of the world. And you don't need to look very far to realize that all the communists big heads themselves were all jewish and that communism is a jewish invention but people are still pointing the blame at the wrong people.

( @Theharrowingfthenorth )
@AshaLogos The forces that defeated the Nazis,took the Nazis in.
America especially,which is why we are where we are today.

( @Aloha_Patriot )
@Theharrowingfthenorth @AshaLogos America is like it is, and the world also, because USA, England, France and MODERN Germany are all ruled by Jews/subservient to Jews.

If the Nazis had won we'd be living somewhat differently... we'd still have our nations for one, instead of having them handed over to foreigners.

( @Khechari )
@Theharrowingfthenorth @AshaLogos
So, you're saying that the government is loaded with dual-Israeli citizens and Zionist loyalists, and operates under Jewish banking, and propagandizes through the Jewish ADL propaganda center..

..because Nazis?

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
It's funny how Black countries don't have a “Black Supremacy” problem.

And Asian countries don't have an “Asian Supremacy” problem.

And Israel doesn't have a “Jewish Supremacy” problem.


( @DSWilliams702 )
@KeepNHGranite They think there is no "White country" because we allowed them to come to White countries. Then we foolishly allowed them the same rights as White people. Then we stupidly tried to treat them as equals. Our high minded, noble altruism has placed them in positions over us and now they believe themselves our superiors and that we don't have a "White country" because we gave it to them.

( @TheFoundingStock )
@DSWilliams702 @KeepNHGranite "We" didnt do any of this, jews did this against our will then propagated our children to accept it as the norm then systematically enforce this norm.

( @lioneldeleon )
@KeepNHGranite In reality, the non-white races feel inferior to the white race (and rightly so when we compare accomplishments). They are projecting their fears by claiming "white supremacy." They are the child who built a wooden stick figure from popsicle sticks, only to be embarrassed by the next child who built a wooden battleship in full detail from the same sticks.

( @CN32 )
@KeepNHGranite The problem is so many Whites bash White nationalism and ostracize and demonize their own race and demonize any Whites who advocate for the White race. I've never seen this collective self-hatred or cucking from nonwhites.

( @bobthebuilder123 )
@CN32 @KeepNHGranite "so many Whites"

Those are not White people usually, kikes pretend to be "fellow White people" and then promote harmful acts to "their own" so people can't see it for what it is

So no this isn't "White people" it's white people being gaslit

the fact you pretend it's anything other then that makes you suspect

( @Mod-squad-actual )
@KeepNHGranite the real question is, is there a problem with being a white supremacist? I'm not talking about hurting anyone else, but advocating for our people, our nation, our way of life. If that makes me a supremacist, then so be it.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Devastating Military Recruitment in 2024"]

The military must continue to attract “consumers”: impressionable 18 – 24-year-old young adults, primarily males[…]
The U.S. military has become a social justice petri dish. That is not unique to Presidents Obama or Biden[…]The cumulative result will be sixteen years of a constant leftwing orbital shift that is way out of touch with ordinary Americans[…]
One of the key drivers of military recruitment was an appeal to patriotism[…]They joined to defend the Constitution and these United States[…]
Potential black recruits have been fed a steady diet of anti-American vitriol for the last five decades. It has gone into hyper-drive since the emergence of the Black Lives Matter[…]
More importantly[…]is the cumulative impact of anti-White and anti-Christian rhetoric[…]
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) push has effectively forced White males out of recruiting content[…]The messaging from the United States military has been crystal clear: we do not want White recruits[…]
Anti-White shift in advertising may have been justified if the military still had White veterans imploring their White children to join the military[…]White veterans are speaking openly about Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the politically weaponized Covid vaccine to their children[…]
Despite mountains of anecdotal assertions that Generation Z[…]are the most liberal demographic cohort in generations, polling data has shown something very different[…]
A case in point would be the horribly mocked cartoon commercial of a young female Army recruit with two lesbian mothers[…]The ridiculously leftist cultural mishmash was compared to Chinese and Russian recruitment videos featuring hardened men training constantly[…]
We simply need to focus our messaging like a laser beam on two groups: GenZ White Christian males and GenX veterans. Our strategy should hyper-inflate perceptions that the military is anti-Christian, anti-White, and homosexual

Trump Truth America First #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy trumptruthamericafirst.substack.com

To all the Liberals, Leftists, Socialists, Communists, or whatever you are calling yourself for the day…

It’s time for a national divorce.
Here Are The Terms Of Our Divorce:

Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by ideology. Since a majority of the land mass votes red, you can keep the coastal elites, and the bug-eating vegan yogis.

You can keep your woke ideology, and your forced redistribution of wealth.

You are welcome to your liberal judges, and the ACLU.

Since you hate guns, we'll take the firearms, the police, the NRA, and the military.

We'll take the reliable fossil fuels, along with the coal mines, and you can keep unreliable wind, solar, and bio-diesel.

You can keep Oprah, Whoopi, Michael Moore, and Rosie O'Donnell, along with all the other Hollywood Puppets and Pedophiles.

We'll keep capitalism. You can have your beloved lifelong welfare dwellers, food stamps, homeless, homeboys, hippies, druggies, and illegals. You won't have to press one for English, when you call our country.
You are welcome to Transgenderism, Transhumanism, political correctness, and the myriad of genders you pretend exist.

You can have the United Nations, WHO, WEF, and every other unelected, anti-human terrorist organization. We will no longer be paying the bill.
You can give everyone free, third-world health care, if you can find any doctors still willing to practice, under your totalitarian rule.

We'll keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic”.

You can keep your communist anthems, substituting “Imagine”, "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing", or "We Are the World”, for our once beloved national anthem.

We'll practice trickle-down economics. You can continue to give trickle-up poverty, your best shot.

Since our nation so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name, and our flag, along with an unrelenting love and patriotism, for our truly diverse, truly tolerant, and always incredible, United States of America.

fred drog #wingnut #conspiracy #racist youtube.com

This artist was appreciated by a beautiful girl named Paige Hayden. She was snuffed out "mysteriously" at the hands of a race traitor poser scumbag who thinks he's a "neo nazi", the canadian govt is an anti-white backstabbing war on drug enforcing monetary prison of pollution and ((progress and diversity)) where canadian women can be killed and forgotten, left unavenged, and have their death passed off as "fentanyl OD" even though autopsy reports say otherwise. Paige sent me this song shortly before dying at the hands of a fentanyl selling scumbag race traitor who likes to murder white women. I love her and miss her, and ill do what I can to bring light to this situation. canadas govt would rather enforce drug laws and removes peoples right to free speech than arrest active murderers and fentanyl dealers (thx commie china for the fentanyl and thanks antifascist capitalists for the war on drugs that makes it flourish, good stuff guys). This woman wouldve been safer in nazi Germany where they did not enforce a war on drugs and adults could self medicate without arrest unlike antifascist progressive diverse countries that destroye Germany, white people and the Earth in pursuit of money, power and consumption and creation of garbage

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Donald J Trump )
Mother’s and families of victims of Violent Crime, which is breaking all Records in NYC, are furious that the criminals who killed their loved ones haven’t been given a trial in many years, while millions of dollars, & years of work, has been spent on a ridiculous Fringe Benefits Case, the likes of which has never been prosecuted before in our County’s history. It is a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time. The D.A.s Office should focus on Murders & Violent Crime, not "Bullshit!”

( @brextremist )
@realdonaldtrump Aren't you the former president who passed the "First Step Act", which released thousands of dangerous nigger criminals back into the community? Shut the fuck up about pretending to care about violent crime.

( @CrimePays1985 )
@brextremist @realdonaldtrump He’s compromised like the rest The left and the right are one in the same They all belong to the same club and answer to the same master

( @rmckenna33 )
@realdonaldtrump and who lives in, and runs NYC?? the jew, that's who.... #WakeUpAmerica

( @FairlyHonestFrank )
@realdonaldtrump I’m furious that you refuse to mention Whites or acknowledge us in any meaningful way. I’m furious that you abandoned us on Jan 6th. I’m furious that you care about Israel more than White America. Eat a bag of shit ZionDon

( @j_floresmc89 )
@FairlyHonestFrank @realdonaldtrump Not everyone is perfect but loved some of his policies but he's white and cares about white too

( @McGraine )
@realdonaldtrump It is all going exactly as planned by the Jewish Elite many decades ago. When citizens begin crying out for police, the Elites will push a national police force, and America will get a Soviet style NKVD secret police that will make our present, compromised, FBI look like babysitters.

( @Weosys )
@realdonaldtrump how about you come out against the covid vaccines that are killing people and help the J6 prisoners.

( @bobjones13 )
@realdonaldtrump Maybe you shouldn't have hired a bunch of corrupt Jews and RINOs to work for you and you could have done something about it.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )

spoilerWhy in the hell is "holocaust denial"
illegal in places?
I mean, why is it illegal to simply say
something like: "Look, based on
everything I've ever studied about
hydrocyanic acid-gas & human
cremation technology in the 1940's, I
just don't believe we've been told the
truth " ?

( @John_Wayne_72 )
The holocaust gas chamber hoax must be protected at all costs, because it prevents any criticism of the jewish supremacist ruling class.

It doesn't just protect the jewish supremacists ruling class from criticsm... it protects them from even being noticed.

It's a form of mind control.


@cecilhenry @Nature_and_Race

( @PizzaJohns )
@Nature_and_Race There were more jews alive after world war 2 than before the war. The holocaust is a mathematical impossibility. It is illegal to talk about it because Israel has used this lie to extort endless billions of dollars from europeans for decades. This lie makes Israel liable for reparations that would make all Israelis slaves for decades to repay. That crime is "too big to fail" for the jewish mafia.

( @St_Goy )
@Nature_and_Race The Holocaust is the victim card the Jews play to excuse themselves from every imaginable abomination they commit.

( @Seax_Guy )

Because, as you well know, as soon as that happens the entire myth collapses.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #homophobia #conspiracy #psycho catholicamericanthinker.com

At this point there's no reconciliation possible between constitutional America and the black supremacists, the pervert supremacists, the enviro-supremacists, the mask-vax supremacists, the Marxist supremacists, the Islamo-supremacists, or any of the diversity-identity supremacists, or even with the white supremacists (if you can find any). And, being real constitutional Americans, we cannot imprison, deport or kill them all, because if we did, we would be them, not us.

But all of these various street supremacist factions working hard to destroy constitutional America depend on the protection of the unconstitutional, illegally existing and criminal Marxocrat Party and its illegally existing criminal Shadow Government, and we can sure as hell burn that whole thing to the ground.
The whole DOJ is a liar.

They have manufactured evidence against President Trump, in collusion with the Hillary campaign, her lawyers, the news media and the Marxocrat Party, illegally spied on his first presidential campaign and his whole presidency.

Burn it down!
The department of homeland security has no reason to exist. Homeland security is what the department of defense, the national guard and the militia are for.

The DHS has become another weapon of the Marxocrat Party against constitutional America. Shut it down and fire everyone in it.

Burn it to the ground!
Unconstitutional Regulating Bureaucracies: Burn Them All Down!

Look at all the unconstitutional federal bureaus and all of their unconstitutional regulations, in the image and likeness of EPA. None are represented among the limited and enumerated powers, and thus they exist unconstitutionally, which is to say illegally.

Education. Science. Housing. Medicine. Insurance. Pharmacy. Rents. Prices. Wages. Urban Development. Health. Welfare. Diseases. You name it, they will regulate it.

Burn them down, plow them under and salt the earth where they were.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )

( @brextremist )
@KeepNHGranite It's true. The more niggers and spics you have in your state, the more violent crime there is going to be. This has been proved time and time again with statistics. Also, it is just really obvious to anyone with their eyes open and is honest with themselves.

I don't care if there is some pathetic cuckservative reading this, who has a black co-worker who seems like a nice guy. Facts don't care about your feelings!

( @Hobojack )
@brextremist @KeepNHGranite We need to get rid of the Jews as they are the niggers enablers and are the forefront of open borders.

( @jaaaaayt )
@KeepNHGranite Unfortunately, Maine has been importing sub-saharans like crazy for the last couple years. The (((government))) doesn't want White people to live in peace.

( @bluewonder369 )
@KeepNHGranite societal decay is due to the increase in the s*** skin population in areas that used to be all or mostly white. I can't stand it when people say society is getting worse because people are getting worse. Not so. These creatures aren't human.

( @3rett )
@bluewonder369 Why did you censor yourself? At least have the courage to type out your words in full. You're anon here. There's free speech here, sorta. Well you won't get banned for saying shitskin here.


( @Resist_Jewish_Supremacy )
@KeepNHGranite they are dropping off bus loads of niggers in Maine in a effort to change both of those points.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

A commentator recently remarked that seven million men have dropped out of the workforce. What are they doing? Apparently, they spend 40 hours a week "in front of a screen."

Well, they are not reading this website. My books don't sell. Budgies have more followers on Instagram than I do on Twitter. No one wants to know that the West is becoming a Communist dictatorship, let alone do anything about it.

Why is that? The central bankers (Demonrats) stole the 2020 election effectively ending democracy. They rebranded the seasonal flu and used it as an excuse to poison billions of people and lock down the planet. They are encouraging our children to change genders and take puberty blockers. They squandered countless lives and lucre in Ukraine. They installed a pedophile, criminal, and traitor with a crack addict son as President and left a laptop to ensure we knew it.

California State Assembly has just passed a bill allowing parents to lose custody of their children if they refuse to accept their child's gender transition. They want your kids.

These people crossed the line a long time ago and continue to do so because they are not held accountable.
In a Twitter poll, I asked why the response of American men to the Communist Jewish takeover has been so "lackluster."

What is distracting them?

Four hundred men replied. 45% said porn is the reason.
42% said Sports. About 7 percent mentioned cannabis and day trading.
Porn and all the factors mentioned above have contributed to the tepid resistance to the loss of freedom, genocide, and child sex abuse.

The Canadian trucker's convoy has been the only proud exception. They represent the kernel of true Canadians, only to be smeared as Nazis by Fidel Castro's love child, naturally a Communist.

One comment said people won't fight until they can't feed themselves and their children. That day is surely coming.

The Illuminati tell us their plan. They want a Chinese-style system. If you value your freedom, you won't comply!

Mahmoud Abbas #racist #dunning-kruger #crackpot #conspiracy jta.org

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas peddled falsehoods about the Holocaust and other discredited distortions about Jews, drawing diplomatic fire just as the Biden administration is launching a major diplomatic initiative that could include reviving Israeli-Palestinian talks

In a speech broadcast last month to a body of his Fatah Party, which controls the Palestinian Authority, Abbas, 87, said that Adolf Hitler and antisemites before him hated and persecuted the Jews not because of who they were but because of “their role in society” having to do with “usury, money, and so on and so on”[…]
In his speech, Abbas also peddled a discredited myth and distorted or erroneous claims, including: that Ashkenazi Jews are descended solely from the remnants of a bygone kingdom on the Caspian Sea; that the term “antisemitism” describes animus toward speakers of Semitic languages; and that Jews from Arab lands emigrated to Israel primarily because they were coerced by Zionists

Mustang19 #moonbat #conspiracy #racist #crackpot hard-light.net

Capitalism is near collapse. As I foretold for years, Capitalism will collapse on September 17th 2026. You can find me on Pol as Mustang. Now, let's look at the data. Sunspot is temperature lagged 50 years. This is proven with the heat capacity of the ocean. The result is that the decline in sunlight after 1970 caused a temperature peak in 2020. Because of the 3 year el Nino cycle, the actual peak was 2016, with 2019 having a weakening trend.

Temperature will fall by 0.1 degree this winter which is a 10% increase in electric demand. Many blackouts will happen, and in 2024 many more. The money multiple will hit 10 on September 17 2026 and Capitalism will collapse.

…Peak oil has already caused a very mild collapse.

All oil outside Saudi Arabia is fake. EIA and RRC are inconsistent. If you use RRC oil production has fallen 10-20% since 2019. Antediluvian grain mills sustain goyslop that keeps libs alive. Meat consumption has fallen by 1/4 since 2019. This is retail sales divided by steak price. The USDA meat consumption is wrong. This would have killed 100 million Americans by now except there's reserve. The average vitamin d level is 33 nm/l with an SD of 10. Levels of 25 or below are immediately fatal from the fail aids pandemic. This means that 30% of people would die instantly on infection. The people with lower levels are NEETs and shutins who aren't exposed which is why they're alive.

…the us population is understated by a massive amount, the actual population with illegals was 400 million in 2019 and is close to the official number now of 320 million. In Europe all migrants are being buried at sea or in mass graves in Syria. In total some huge share of the marginal population in the first world has died. Vitamin supply needs to fall 40% before mass death is unavoidable. For now it's been managed by refugee deaths and falling vitamin levels in the population. The blackouts problem is impossible to avoid and will kill faster. There may be 30 million deaths in America this winter, similar in Europe of course. I doubt it will happen and i would move that to 2024. Then in 2025 it happens again and in 2026 Capitalism utterly collapses.

Joe Wasp #racist #conspiracy #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "Miscegenation Accelerant"]

I have been chewing on this one for a while. It may be easy for you, the reader, to believe I am pushing a black pilled message. I am not but am simply describing thoughts and observations I have made. Not only have I witnessed numerous alarming trends taking place across Heritage America, due largely to the influence of social media, but I cannot address it without calling out and harshly criticizing a certain demographic within Caucasian circles[…]
I have observed that TikTok has been pushing miscegenation heavily over the past few years. Whereas I do not have the app myself, it is difficult not to see videos from that app posted all over YouTube and social media outlets[…]I have noticed what appears to be a heretofore unseen spike in White female/black male couples[…]Ever since TikTok started doing this nonchalantly, I have witnessed a huge real-world spike in miscegenation among Millennials and Gen Z, alongside an assortment of other annoying and obnoxious social traits[…]
Before delving any further into the female capitulation and support of race-mixing and anti-Whiteism, I will first briefly mention the negative effects of race-mixing. There is quite a good amount of evidence to suggest miscegenation is a grievously dysgenic breeding practice to adopt, despite the fact that findings will forever and always be suppressed by the mainstream. From bone marrow transplant issues, to fatherlessness, to emergent genetic deficiencies, to rootlessness and identity crises among the mixed children, to sickle cell anemia[…]
To provide some final thoughts on the breeding and mixing topic, the Holy Bible has some things to say, or imply, on the matter, just read the Old Testament, the passage about the Tower of Babel, Jesus’ and Paul’s own views on who they chose to preach to, Acts 17:26, Zechariah 9:6, and Genesis 10:5, just to give a few examples. Take a look at Latin America, the Middle East, or your average American mulatto

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )

spoilerEveryone understands the concept of
"foreign invasive species" in the plant and
animal world.
Foreign invasive species cause immense
amounts of damage to native ecosystems.
This same concept applies to human races,
countries, cultures, and civilizations as well.

( @brextremist )
@Nature_and_Race Ecologists will shit their pants over an invasive foreign species of frog or fish getting into a new eco-system. But they don't worry about the environmental impact that wilfully importing a billion niggers might have.

( @wmk1975 )
@brextremist @Nature_and_Race and they will gleefully recite all the various species of tree frogs but there is only one type of human, just different skin color, hair type, bone structure, etc.

( @EvaVonBraun )
@brextremist @Nature_and_Race

When there isn’t any limitations to stupid people having kids, you end up with Idiocracy. Jews are accelerating the demise of intelligent life on this planet by immigrating the only high scoring countries left. Actual apes in captivity have the IQ of 80, which is just as high or higher than many sub-Saharan African, Central American, and South Asian countries.


(@CircumspectZek )
@Nature_and_Race Not only are other some other races truly invasive, but they are also quite literally another species, as well (negroes).

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #transphobia #quack #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

- Liberty safe commits corporate suicide by colluding with FBI against its own customers

- The FBI is a TERRORIST organization carrying out POLITICAL persecutions across America

- BOYCOTT #LibertySafe and never buy their products again

- #RFK Jr. says the CIA runs Rolling Stone, Daily Beast, Wash Post and other controlled media

- Courageous woman blasts #transgender CULTISTS with the truth about "trans women," child mutilations and more

- Bioweaponized mosquitoes are being dropped on migrant camps in #Panama

- Malaria + Encephalitis (brain swelling) are current symptoms

- Treasonous Alejandro Mayorkas FUNDED the migration invasion camps in #Darien Gap

- Migrant INVADERS are being sickened before they make their way to the United States

- Human vessels / carriers for the next round of biological warfare against the American people before 2024 election

- USDA and FDA placing heavy new restrictions on food imports to worsen #famine and #starvation

- Former Malaysian PM warns of the West's global #depopulation scheme, involving coercion, invasions, revolutions

- The #dollar will collapse into hyperinflation as the Fed must print currency to buy up US #debt

- Expect food prices to nearly DOUBLE in the next 12 months

- One likely scenario is the collapse of the United States' centralized D.C. government

- Regional nation states will rise up and self-organize

- Those holding dollars will lose everything; those holding #gold or #silver will preserve their assets

- Full interview with Josh Yoder from US Freedom Flyers, about commercial air pilots vs. #vaccine mandates

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Cry harder, princess.

Multi-racialism is a sin against Nature, and the destruction of any race or country that practices it.

@Nature_and_Race y’all are a real nice bunch of bigots aren’t you!! I forgot how Americans are the worst of all, it took gab to show me you are not good people!
Just because they won’t ban you, doesn’t mean it has to be said! What the fuck is wrong with you people!!

( @Nemesistyx )
@Nature_and_Race It isnt ideal to be a bigot or have a bigot against you... but bigotry is a part of the natural order. Truth is, who wants to muddy their genetics so bad? Do we all not seek someone hopefully attractive or as attractive as we can obtain in a mate?

why do we shame what is natural and true?!

( @Thegreathate )
@Nature_and_Race Day of the rake soon you fuckin leaf.

( @NickGurr88 )
@Nature_and_Race True. Even mixing of similar ethnicities should be avoided, let alone race

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Blacks flee Africa by the millions every day, choosing to live in White countries rather than their all-black native lands.

How often do you see White people fleeing White countries to go live in Africa?

Anyone who says that blacks have a strong sense of ingroup preference is retarded.

Blacks hate each other. They literally beat and kill each other over the most trivial shit.

The only thing that makes it seem like blacks are a unified people is that they all universally hate White people. That's it. But they themselves are not a unified people in any way.

( @VanCleef )
blacks are host-specific, they parasitize off Whites

For Whitekind to survive black parasitism/imperialism must be destroyed

( @RandolfoCalzonian )
@Nature_and_Race Libs, which includes many conservatives, believe that by willing it, they can make Africa into a Wakandan paradise. If we just do the right things and have enough money and persistence, blacks will become just as successful as Whites. This belief persists despite having over 10,000 years of contact between blacks and Whites, and blacks having made little to no progress at all during that time.

( @dazzy )
@Nature_and_Race And from what I hear, these African men have abandoned wives and children.... whole villages empty of men... In South America too.

Meanwhile, way too many men in our countries.
But upsetting the status quo is the game the globalists play.

( @upenya )
@Nature_and_Race This is how one can determine that blacks are an inferior race. If blacks were superior or even equal they would not have the slightest inclination to migrate to White domains. They flood White Nations because Whites are superior. Naturally, the inferior gravitates to the superior. Not the other way around.

Steve Laws #racist twitter.com

(Steve is responding to a British-Indian woman named Narinder Kaur)

Control of our country. Don't get too comfortable, your citizenship being revoked is only a political decision away. You and many like you can be removed with the stroke of a pen.

Jonathan Azaziah #racist #wingnut #conspiracy mouqawamahmusic.net

You wouldn’t know it upon first glance, but China and the Jews are chum-chum-chummy. It’s a historical relationship that goes back to the very inception of Chinese communism.
In conjunction with these startling anomalies, the US ZOG had a base in Tianjin from 1945-1947. Tianjin was home to a sizable Jewish community, particularly Russian communists. It was from the Tianjin base that the Dixie Mission of the OSS trained, financed and armed none other than Mao Zedong and his merry band of “revolutionaries” to fight the Japanese–which, contrary to popular opinion, weren’t “imperialists” nor “warmongers” but rather, liberators of Brown and Yellow peoples colonized by the ZOGs of Europe.
‘Israel’ will discard China to the curb just like it does with all other Shabbos Goyim. So this piece, apart from its fact-finding nature, is also meant to serve as a warning to our Chinese brethren who have Anti-Parasitic vision and consciousness, not to mention a strong sense of patriotism. Get out while you still can before ‘Israel’ sucks you dry.

First it was Bolshevism. Now it’s Zionism. And in both instances, Red China means Jew China and the named-names evidence… the hard, direct, named-names evidence… proves it beyond all shreds of skepticism. The only question that remains now is… Will a nation with a history as vibrant as China allow itself to be nothing but a ZOG in service of a “nation” as accursed as the cancer calling itself ‘Israel’? Or will it reassert its civilizational glory as well as its place in the pantheon of Global South Resistance and disassociate itself from the Zio-Tumor? <...>
God help the Chinese people. God help us all. And may God damn World Zionism and all of its tribalist agents as well as its collaborators past and present.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Diversity has reduced America to a hybrid between South Africa and Brazil.

Non-whites are now stalking people from stores back to their homes, where they violently beat and rob them at gunpoint. It's called "jugging".

You can't simply avoid non-white neighborhoods to stay safe anymore. Non-whites are now following you back to your neighborhood, back to your home.

--> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHaqJvcRJZ4

( @SCDJ )
@Nature_and_Race I noticed something. While saying that the suspects were under surveillance the news included footage of a white guy getting arrested. Then when continuing with the story with the lady and her juggling experience exclusively showed footage of blacks actually in the process of committing crimes. I think the news editors just spliced in some generic stock footage of a white guy before showing the blacks for reasons we all understand.

( @LeeSutterlin )
@Nature_and_Race Juggers for fucks sake just call them niggers already.

( @Weaponizedautismfren )
@Nature_and_Race ahhhh freedom. Gotta love merica. Just make sure to take a detour before going home so you don't get robbed by niggers

( @WomblePoop )
@Nature_and_Race the feral instincts of the negro are insatiable. They will not stop, because they CAN'T stop.

There is no reconciliation - only segregation. Otherwise just wait your turn to be their next victim.

( @DwydeShrude )
@WomblePoop @Nature_and_Race there could be a more final solution

( @bluewonder369 )
@WomblePoop @Nature_and_Race we can no longer afford the luxury of Simply segregating them from us Scott they must all be sterilized so that they can no longer breed in their lineage dies off. An all white world is likely the solution. I wish it didn't have to be that extreme but we're being targeted for extermination.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Anyone who says that blacks have a strong sense of ingroup preference is retarded.

Blacks hate each other. They literally beat and kill each other over the most trivial shit.

The only thing that makes it seem like blacks are a unified people is that they all universally hate White people. That's it. But they themselves are not a unified people in any way.

Go in for the Big Mac, stay for the beat down ✊🏿

( @thehighground )
@Nature_and_Race You seem to be confounding a few different things here, and being unnecessarily aggressive about it.

Having a strong sense of being *black* as a category is entirely different from being politically unified or liking each other, for example.

Their low impulse control and low IQ kicks in when they're with other *blacks* but if there's a White in the room you can be sure they'll beat and kill Whitey first every time.

( @YeahIStillTrade )
They vote in group more than any other race.
They will not convict their own on a jury.
They tribe up in the workplace.

They are just violent retarded animals when they are “being themselves”

( @TheBeltingBalaclava )
@Nature_and_Race I usually like what you post, but this statement is flat out wrong. Black in group preference is revealed in how they vote, the media they consume, and who they hang out with. They just operate at a much lower level than other races and their primitive instincts kick in much sooner than other races.

( @HorstWessel88 )
@Nature_and_Race The Jews keep all blacks in a position where they are at eachother and more importantly at other races neck, but never unified enough so a Malcom X or Marcus Garvey could come to power. It's a immense strategy that has so many layers it confuses the simple people so they'll never understand it.

( @DrGoyimstein )
When you see niggers....avoid them, go some where else, stay on alert !

( @ArthurFleckEDP )
@Nature_and_Race keep them as pets; outdoor pets ™

William Luther Pierce #racist #psycho #sexist #wingnut #dunning-kruger forums.spacebattles.com

Liberalism is an essentially feminine, submissive world view. Perhaps a better adjective than feminine is infantile. It is the world view of men who do not have the moral toughness, the spiritual strength to stand up and do single combat with life, who cannot adjust to the reality that the world is not a huge, pink-and-blue, padded nursery in which the lions lie down with the lambs and everyone lives happily ever after.

Nor should spiritually healthy men of our race even want the world to be like that, if it could be so. That is an alien, essentially Oriental approach to life, the world view of slaves rather than of free men of the West.

But it has permeated our whole society. Even those who do not consciously accept the liberal doctrines have been corrupted by them. Decade after decade the race problem in America has become worse. But the majority of those who wanted a solution, who

wanted to preserve a White America, were never able to screw up the courage to look the obvious solutions in the face.

All the liberals and the Jews had to do was begin screeching about "inhumanity" or "injustice" or "genocide," and most of our people who had been beating around the edges of a solution took to their heels like frightened rabbits. Because there was never a way to solve the race problem which would be "fair for everybody or which everyone concerned could be politely persuaded into accepting without any fuss or unpleasantness, they kept trying to evade it, hoping that it would go away by itself. And the same has been true of the Jewish problem and the immigration problem and the overpopulation problem and the eugenics problem and a thousand related problems.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @EB_ )

spoilerThe bait and switch from "We're
over populated, so please stop
having kids!" to "We need a
billion Americans, but you aren't
having kids, so we'll just import a
billion brown people from third
world countries" is one of the
most sinister things live seen in
my lifetime.

( @GSauce111 )
@EB_ or when they say we need to stop having kids and then write articles saying how wholesome it is that the people in Africa are having 4+ kids

( @Oldmanrant )
@EB_ The great replacement is very real. They want us dead.

( @gitman )
@EB_ The Kalergi plan in action.


SmhChan #sexist #psycho #racist incels.is

Blaming everything on kikes is taking the blame away from foids

At this point, I want more degeneracy in this society. So when these foids are ready to settle down after their hoe-phase, there'd be no escape from the degeneracy of their own creation. I don't care if it's some kike propaganda and what not. Foids are the ones who have directly harmed men. They are the true enemy. I don't care if the society devolves, rots, and dies if it means the foids get to experience a fraction of the pain that is the existence of men.

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy winterwatch.net

The key goal of neoliberalism is redistributing and concentrating wealth to the top at the expense of the working class and middle class – and future generations. Covid tyranny has done this on steroids, and especially robs future generations and the young.

Neoliberalism is totally artificially constructed and explicitly planned to be enforced on unsuspecting people via subversive actions of a totalitarian sect. In the same way Bolshevism was the dictatorship of the Communist Party nomenklatura, neoliberalism is the dictatorship of the financial Kleptocracy.

Instead of Communist International we see the formation of the powerful Transnational Kleptocrat International.
When real environmental degradation and threats takes place — such as antibiotic super-bug cesspools or pesticides killing bees en mass, and on and on — the neoliberal kakistocracy diverts attention away and invents Greta climate-change scams. Then, we learn there is an incredible menu of financialization objectives behind the scam.

Another nasty manifestation of kleptocrat neoliberal misdirection is the “white privilege” and “deplorable” or “Dear Fellow White Person” scam. This takes aim at lower stratus white people who are barely staying above water.

The faux progressives who fall for this distraction are typically embittered debt slaves from their excessive borrowing for poor educations where they are in turn brainwashed by neoliberal and neo-Marxist flying monkeys.
In fact, I’m pleased to see more attention being paid (by folks like David Icke) to this ponerology inquiry that has historical family links and cults going back to Sabbattean- Frankism and Illuminism. Once the true believers of these cults infiltrate and take power, it becomes quite easy to identify, recruit, brainwash and train whole legions of other natural psychopathic flying monkeys to carry out their agendas.

Cosmic Convergence Research Group #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot stateofthenation.co

Next we come to some irrefutable facts and falsehoods about this entire realm of UFOlogy and Alienology. As follows:

Number 1: The vast majority of UFO sightings are of highly advanced U.S. military manmade spacecraft, which were manufactured in super-secret military bases from reverse engineered alien technology.

Number 2: The very notion of “First Contact” is a bad Khazarian joke. Extraterrestrial civilizations have been coming to Earth for eons; and there is presently a tremendous body of hard evidence proving many of those visitations and their awesome handiwork.

Number 3: Like everyone else, there are good ETs and bad ETs. However, the alien races that have been making continuous contact with the most powerful governments on Earth since World War II are mostly evil aliens from hostile terrestrial civilizations. Only malevolent ETs would ever provide such destructive technologies and advanced sciences to governments that are profoundly and hopelessly wicked.
Number 7: The Illuminati families who rule the realm want the human race to believe that they are the most powerful of all living entities in the cosmos. The acknowledgement of a superior race of ETs would automatically knock them off their high perch, which they could never accept even although they secretly deal with them behind the scenes.
Number 9: Antarctica is actually the location of the lost island of Atlantic which sank approximately 12,000 years ago as a result of a part manmade / part natural cataclysm. When full access is granted to that subcontinental civilization during the upcoming real “Disclosure” process, the truth about virtually everything concerning planet Earth will be revealed. (Much of the highly advanced technologies possessed by Atlantis were of extraterrestrial origins. Nicola Tesla was the Chief Scientific/Technology Officer in Atlantis which is why he reincarnated as he did to bring free energy to humanity.)

Larry Klayman #wingnut #racist rightwingwatch.org

Far-right activist and legal gadfly Larry Klayman announced this month that a “citizen grand jury” had indicted President Joe Biden and members of his family, and that a “citizens’ judge” has handed down felony convictions after a “trial” in Boise, Idaho

“BREAKING: The Bidens Convicted!” was the subject line of an August 24 email sent by Klayman’s group Freedom Watch to readers of the right-wing publication Human Events. Klayman has also talked about the Biden “conviction” in online videos, where he has also posted clips of “evidence” being presented to the fake judge in the fake trial

Klayman said that “sentencing of the corrupt Biden plan” will be held August 29. “We will then commission established law enforcement and the military to take Biden and his son and his brother into custody if they don’t turn themselves in, and frankly, put them in the slammer,” he said in a video posted on YouTube. He has promised future trials of public health official Anthony Fauci and other perceived enemies of the MAGA movement

Klayman’s cosplay has no legal standing, but could inspire violent behavior from one of former President Donald Trump’s passionate supporters. Klayman denounced the “Marxian Jewish left” he said was persecuting Trump, calling for a “counterrevolution.” He called the judge in the Georgia indictment an “anti-white racist.” He said he believes that someone in Trump’s orbit will be harmed, which would set off Trump’s supporters

Klayman’s escapades in the past have included a citizen grand jury that “convicted” then-President Barack Obama of fraud, and a failed rally at the White House that was meant to force Obama out of the White House

Klayman is using his new version to raise money for Freedom Watch, a group he founded after falling out with the leaders of Judicial Watch, which he also founded

Elon Musk #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #god-complex rollingstone.com

While much of America enjoyed a relaxing Labor Day weekend of cookouts and beach trips, X (formerly known as Twitter) owner Elon Musk was doubling down on his absurd claims that the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish nonprofit, had somehow tanked the website he personally ran into the ground.

The accusations began last week, after ADL director Jonathan Greenblatt had a meeting with X CEO Linda Yaccarino to discuss the prevalence of hate speech on the platform. This kicked off a trending hashtag campaign, #BanTheADL, predicated on the groundless idea that the organization has stifled free speech on X (and should therefore have their account removed). But the tag, promoted by known antisemites and white supremacists, generated a slew of hateful content. When Musk proved receptive to the movement and chimed in to allege that “ADL has tried very hard to strangle X/Twitter,” he did so in reply to Keith Woods, an antisemitic YouTuber affiliated with notorious racists Richard Spencer and Nick Fuentes.

By Saturday, Musk was mulling a poll on whether to suspend the ADL and tweeting that it had been “hijacked by the woke mind virus.” He returned to the topic on Monday, once again interacting with Woods and escalating his rhetoric against the group, blaming them for the preponderance of antisemitism on X and insisting that they were out to destroy the website. “Since the acquisition, The @ADL has been trying to kill this platform by falsely accusing it & me of being anti-Semitic,” he complained.

From there, Musk began spinning out even more outrageous claims of sabotage, tweeting that a 60 percent plummet in U.S. advertising revenue for the site was “primarily due to pressure” from the ADL. (In fact, brands have tended to blame Musk himself for their departure.) Multiple times, he threatened a defamation suit against the organization, at one point calculating that they had cut his company’s value in half, making them liable for a loss of some $22 billion. This back-of-the-envelope math, dubious on its face, also seems to derive from the $44 billion price tag of Musk’s Twitter acquisition, and even he has said he was “obviously overpaying” at that price.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #dunning-kruger 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Residential Schools have always been awesome; more people are waking up to that fact"]

A couple weeks ago on his podcast, Matt Walsh took on the "215 dead kids" hoax

Recently True North News, who has been (along with this blog) right on this file from the very beginning, just published a popular article about the "blood libel" caused by these fake claims about dead injun kids[…]

The Indian Residential School genocide claim, now repeated by many indigenous leaders, elders, knowledge keepers and ordinary folk, legions of non-indigenous people including Justin Trudeau, the head of the Roman Catholic Church[…]was invented many years earlier Protocols-style by a crackpot who has been selling snake oil by the bucketful to gullible indigenous and non-indigenous people alike for more than 30 years[…]

New York Post[…]again give their American audience important information[…]

“I don’t like to use the word hoax because it’s too strong but there are also too many falsehoods circulating about this issue with no evidence,” Jacques Rouillard, a professor emeritus in the Department of History at the Université de Montréal, told The Post[…]

We're still a long ways from perfect: few are still willing to even bend as slightly as Prof. Rouillard to even say "hey you can't seem to find any evidence", let alone to a much better statement that the Residential School System was an excellent idea well administered with minimal resources by highly dedicated and loyal public servants to achieve the noble if not genetically impossible task of improving the redskinned race of Mongolian rejects

Journey of a million miles begins with a single action of throwing shitty moccasins away and buying sensible hiking boots, yadda yadda yadda

Adolf Sneedler #fundie #racist #homophobia youtube.com

The Internet lumberjack is a massive pos. I dunno why so many comments act like he’s some fckin saint. All that horrible racist/bigoted ish Chris says about “the blacks/Jews/homosexuals/etc” came straight from that awful old fossil. He was just a hateful old pos that failed Chris every step of the way. Hope he’s rotting in H3ll.

he won't be rotting in hell because he was a decent god-fearing american who just was unlucky to fall in love with a mentally unwell woman
jews, homosexuals and you, however, will indeed go to hell, so repent while you still can

Unocculted Knowledge #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy unoccultedknowledge.wordpress.com


This culture is probably the best to use as an example as some of their literature has been recorded to exist until at least, the fifteenth century. It is the closest to the old Anunnaki way of life. A country ruled by a giant elite, with human slaves such as the Jews. They created magnificent structures, unequalled even to this “modern” time.
Babylonians worshiped the First Son, Saturn. All around the country would be held Satanic rituals, often with hybridised children to sacrifice. At this time, demons would be invoked and strange sex would follow. These demons became other gods.
After the destruction of the ancient cities, the slaves moved west. Their Priests were infiltrated by Reptilian Anunnaki, to great benefit.

The Reptilian deception was found out, in the Middle East. They were exiled and went into Europe. The Jews became nomadic, moving west through North Africa, then north into Western Europe. By this time, the Reptilians, (Israelites) had become a power in Europe. Their advanced knowledge creating city states, then the empires.

The Reptilians became the rulers of Europe. A central German Emperor, with the monarchies around the rest of Europe. The word “British” means “Covenant Man”, in Hebrew. All the European Monarchies are from the Twelve Tribes of Israel and direct descendants of Reptilian Anunnaki.

Many of the Tribes have moved into the political background allowing their “goyim” to form governments. These are like servants to the Tribes who now own all corporate entities. The Jews have often been blamed for Reptilian genocide and destruction.
The Reptilians have often used deceit to meet their goals, such as the Nazis. After the war, many of them were given high profile posts in NATO, NASA, and even the EU. Those who were not of their Death Cult were discarded, just as the German people were. This is what has created the situational Event we are experiencing just now.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
- You can't lose your social media accounts for criticizing White people

- You can't lose your job for criticizing White people

- You can't be thrown out of school/university for criticizing White people

- Not one single country on earth will imprison you for criticizing White people

- You can't be charged with a hate-crime for physically attacking White people

Yet we're supposed to believe in systemic White supremacy?...

( @freethoughinfinite )

The ability to break
every law in the country
and still remain the

( @JusSaySo )
@NatureAndRace And be protected and honored for killing a small unarmed White woman on Jan 6.

( @Becnelsu )
@NatureAndRace 💯 I’m sharing everywhere. Now flip it, a white person Can get in trouble for criticizing anyone
ESPECIALLY a Zionist Jew or black person regardless of what the criticism refers to... one can ID an oppressor as one that cannot be criticized...

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Becnelsu -- Not just a Zionist Jew, but ANY Jew.

( @Becnelsu )
@NatureAndRace ok ty! They all practice Talmudism? Please educate me on the Torah...
Ty in advance

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Becnelsu -- The Jewish race came first, then the religion. Judaism is the product of Jewish blood. It's not a religion, as much as a guide for life here on earth.

When it comes to Jews, it doesn't matter whether they're religious or atheist, Zionist or Communist - they are acting on behalf of their Jewish racial instincts at all times. And that's what makes the Jews so destructive. It's their racial instincts.

Ron Peri #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger angrywhitemen.org

Ron Peri, who was appointed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to an oversight board for Disney’s special tax district, once warned that Europe is “collapsing” and “becoming Muslim through the depopulation of Europeans.” Peri made the comments in a Sept. 2021 video uploaded to the YouTube channel of his ministry, The Gathering USA[…]
In the video, titled “The Longevity Lifestyle of the Jews,” Peri told listeners that “Nations die. Not from overpopulation but from depopulation.” After referencing the fall of the Roman Empire, Peri added that, “Europe is collapsing. It is becoming Muslim through the depopulation of Europeans”

Peri read off statistics about “Islamic birthrates” in countries such as Afghanistan and Somalia, which he contrasted with birthrates of European countries. He added, “Do you know that there are, today, more Muslims in France than there are Catholics? Everything is changing in Europe”[…]
Peri then said that in the U.S. “we’re starting to see the same issue,” and that “the American birthrate” was 2.1 in 2019 while the Canadian birthrate was 1.5

According to Peri, he took these statistics from America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It by Mark Steyn[…]
Citing data which showed a decline in births between Dec. 2019 and Dec. 2020, Peri proclaimed that “the United States is facing a demographic collapse.” Peri appeared to partially attribute the decline to the COVID-19 vaccine, stating that “Many believe that the vaccine is indeed having a very negative effect on fertility rates and fertility rates going forward”


Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #elitist #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Worthless corrupt cops turn out to get funding after all"]

Years after municipal governments started living by the principles of #NiggerLivesMoreImportantThanSocietyMotherfuckas, the resulting wave in crime and disorderly vagrants plaguing every corner of the metropolis have resulted in even an extreme leftist Edmonton City Council choosing to fund the police[…]
While the public is getting ever sicker of homeless bums causing vandalism and violence and societal decay in their wake, EPS is notoriously not interested in doing anything[…]
Precious leftwing governments in Ottawa have been responsible for the biggest cause of violence on the streets of Edmonton: worthless scumbags from shithole countries who should have been pelted with bullets when they tried to cross the border[…]
Back to Gerein and his "root causes", his reference to social workers of course doesn't talk about darkies in gangs shooting each other on our streets[…]
Homelessness[…]filling an ecological niche of sorts. Homeless will collect and spawn in accordance with the amount of food available, and the degree of predators to ween them out and/or scare them away. So has the City of Edmonton taken steps to cause the benefit to being homeless to increase?[…]
That's before we look at how the Red Indians who make up the vast majority of the homeless are constantly being thrown buckets of money which, thanks to the loss of the excellent Residential School system, they don't have the education (and never had the IQ) to spend it on anything but the kind of stuff that requires first responders to carry naloxone[…]
We could solve the homeless population pretty quickly, and that's before you sign onto my excellent poisoned pizza idea. We could stop supporting them[…]
In the meantime, we give them something to lose. Their life. And we shouldn't be feeling too bad about it, they are basically trying to commit suicide daily and we keep stopping them

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @EB_ )
This is how we know the jews are serious about saving the planet. They're gonna intentionally starve White people who are self sustaining and send food aid to a billion Africans who can not. Then they're gonna import the Africans into Europe and America so they can consume resources like White people. Because to save the earth or something.

JUST IN - Netherlands to "compulsory purchase" and close up to 3,000 farms to comply with EU environmental rules.


( @claforte )
@EB_ So sick of the jews and niggers.........Whites are gonna reach a point that requires them to end them.

( @Christian_Hart )
@EB_ I think the Netherlands is the number 5 exporter of food on the planet. I guess they have moved on from the 'climate crisis' which no one was buying for even a second to full starvation mode.

( @Unknownusername1988 )
>want to stop climate change cause we are all gonna die
>starving people to death will change the climate
If normies don't see it by now, they never will.

( @baronvonjewhammer )
@EB_ Name the jew Blame the jew Expose the jew Expel the jew

( @Dieselpatriot )
@EB_ the jews are going global with the same playbook they used in the 20’s, gonna be a global holodomor, global sodom and gamorah, global financial ruin… it’s all happening again on a larger scale

( @PerseusDixon941 )
@EB_ The EU must be destroyed as a useless organization. It is wicked and evil at its heart an absolutist serial killer destroying innocent farming families that feed Europe and the wider world. WOW

( @Spotfreebrainwash )
@EB_ confiscation of white property, "they" end up owning it

( @ConservativeRefugee1776 )
@EB_ At this point I think the globalist destroyed the Georgia guide stones to get rid of any evidence of their plans

( @yutakamas )
@EB_ The EU is Communist.

( @j_e_s_s_e )

( @Servant_of_Christ )
@j_e_s_s_e @EB_ it will be a worldwide holocaust but of white people...

( @j_e_s_s_e )
@Servant_of_Christ @EB_ but we need to do a volcano trick for the kikes before that happens.

( @Sheila_Stenzel )
@j_e_s_s_e @EB_ Hitler should have let it happen... he was too human to these bugs.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @KeepNHGranite )
“We want to remove your race from the planet.”

“LOL I don't even see race!”

Do you see how this doesn't end well for the person LOLing?

( @brextremist )
@KeepNHGranite Yep. Cuckservatives think that they can fight the liberal scourge with their own wilful ignorance.

( @PinoHeliRides )
@KeepNHGranite Actually... "one race, the 'human' race" is their exact plan... to deracinate us, make all of humanity into one unrecognizable, dumb, and compliant people that Shlomo lords over for eternity

( @SoldierForChrist777 )
@PinoHeliRides @KeepNHGranite That's why Jews have a strategic advantage over us. They work together. I don't know what it'll take for Whites to have racial consciousness and work together as one race.

( @Rexkwon27 )
@SoldierForChrist777 @PinoHeliRides @KeepNHGranite I think a well coordinated attempt at genocide of the entire Aryan race is starting to wake a lot of people up to the “diversity is our strength” bullshit. At this point I think it’s more important to support, bond, & build with like minded whites than to try to convert civic nationalists.

( @CN32 )
@KeepNHGranite At this point, I blame Whites for not waking up and fighting back. I mean, how many more wake-up calls do Whites need? How much more obvious do Whites need it to be for the masses to realize we are facing racial extinction? I've been following White nationalism for the better half of my adult life now, and it still amazes me (and frustrates the hell out of me!) how self-hating or racially blind so many Whites are.

( @Im4maga )
@CN32 @KeepNHGranite I am starting to worry, it’s really obvious that the white race is dwindling to a minority and no longer a majority in the USA. Happened so fast. I wouldn’t care so much if the non whites actually loved our country and abided by our laws. No one these days has pride in America as their homeland. America is just a flop house to every race that comes here. I blame Pedojoe and Obumma for our downfall. The only prez we’ve had that actually loves America was Trump.

( @SoldierForChrist777 )
@KeepNHGranite You think we're all equal until you're about to be raped and murdered by a pack of niggers, then magically you decide to move further away from the "dangerous city". We can't run forever.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
Why can’t you lose your job for saying the Amish run the media?

Or the Muslims. Or the Hindus. Or the Chinese. Or Buddhists. Or Russians.

Or basically any group on earth other than jews?

The question is rhetorical.

It’s because jews run the media and they don’t want you talking about it because everyone hates the media

( @LizardLick )
@Apolitical The media is one of the largest cogs in their machine, but the federal reserve is the grease that keeps it running.

( @TheSmirkingJew )
@Apolitical And everyone will begin to wonder why such 'godly' people would produce such godless and evil content? Then the phrase 'synagogue of satan' is brought up....

( @Catface )
@Apolitical Not racist, just a fact...

( @HorstWessel88 )
@Apolitical Jewsmedia and Jewspapers are very apt terms

( @whoohoo001 )
@Apolitical Not just media. Any profession these people dominate ends up being professions that are despised. Law, finance, heathcare, media, politics, education, etc

( @Johntrath )
@Apolitical The problem with these blanquet representation of people is that they are so broad that they become false. For example, if we say the Chinese do this or that, really? There are communist Chinese, anti-communist Chinese, Chinese murderers, Chinese victims, Chinese old people, Chinese children, Chinese city dwellers, Chinese rural communities, etc, etc. The same applies to all other populations, including the Jews, Americans, etc. Leftist Marxist Americans run much of the media (whether Jews or not) and marxists by their ideology seek to destroy any opposing views not by fair debate but ultimately by messenger destruction. That is why.

( @TheDanielShays )
@Johntrath @Apolitical


However the proportion of Jews involved is utterly overwhelming. It becomes a Jewish problem by default.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Trouble_Man )

spoilerThe only commercial running in
Canada with all caucasians in it is for
assisted suicide. They aren't even
being subtle about it anymore.

( @Jakobolus )
@Trouble_Man Gotta say they are so bold because our people are so blind.

( @Prisoner111 )
@Jakobolus It's because the majority of Canada is fast becoming non-white. Of course they will be blind and don't care.. They're just happy to have a piece of the pie as Canada gets sliced up and given away to the world in the name of 'equity'

( @celt1 )
@Trouble_Man and the canadian soccer teams looks more like a ghana or nigeria team.

( @bobthebuilder123 )
@celt1 @Trouble_Man agreed

White countries for White people only

( @PenitentVoice )
@Trouble_Man Because white people are the cause of every single tragedy that has befallen this scared and abused little world. If white people didn’t exist, this planet would be a sprawling utopia of perfection. An endless euphoric dance party with zero crime, no drugs, no riots, no rape, no poverty, no human trafficking, no war, no greed, no rich, no poor, no abuse and absolutely no hate whatsoever. White people are very selfish for denying the human race the chance for heaven on earth. We should be ashamed of our melatonin count and conduct mass extermination within our pasty ranks.

If you really believe that, I think you’re due for another booster.

( @FatherJohn )

Every white nation in the world, needs to rise up and remove the illegitimate powers that have wrested authority from us. Yes, they stole their illegitimate authority at all points! The citizenry have a right to rebel against ungodly authority.

Tom Shackleford #racist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From "Credible Complaints"]

If blacks gripe about being slaves, well they can do that because they were actually brought here as slaves. What they can’t do is complain that they were mistreated as slaves because they paid the crown to be declared the property of the crown, as a certain tribal group did in Poland

Being the property of the crown conferred a privileged legal status upon them that enabled them to abuse and exploit the host population[…]If one of them swindled a common Pole, it would be impossible to bring a civil case against him unless one of his fellow tribe members took the side of the aggrieved Pole[…]
I had one do that to me recently without realizing he was basically trying to discuss veganism with Hannibal Lecter. In their minds, they’re the righteous and aggrieved demographic. Nothing they inflicted on the locals, not the death, suffering, swindling, starvation, war, or communism could possibly explain why the locals wanted to kill them. I guarantee you that in Victoria Nuland’s heart and mind, she’s settling a score on behalf of her abused ancestors[…]
The first time they claimed six million of them were killed was by the Russian Czar back in the 1890s. There are six points on their demonic star, so perhaps they made claims using this number before that instance

To this guy, his people are oppressed, and everyone is out to get them[…]Maybe he genuinely believes his people were oppressed in Poland because that’s what he was told. I doubt they’re much more honest with each other than they are with us[…]
Leo Frank, who raped and murdered a white girl, then tried to blame it on one of his black employees[…]
If a group is powerful enough to take control of a nation’s money supply with a private banking cartel, they can get a murderer off the hook. This saga ended with Frank being lynched, which was the only way justice was going to be obtained[…]
They swindled our civilization out from underneath us, so we’re along for the ride

Colonel Douglas Macgregor and Tucker Carlson #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia angrywhitemen.org

[Douglas] Macgregor is also a Putin apologist who claimed that Russia “really didn’t start” the war in Ukraine

Carlson played a clip of Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, a transgender former journalist[…]spokesperson for Ukraine’s Territorial Defense Forces. In the clip, Ashton-Cirillo called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “vampire” who “bathes in the blood of innocent children”

Carlson mocked Ashton-Cirillo as a “guy with fake breasts”[…]Macgregor said that the “people bathing in blood are in Kiev and Washington, not in Moscow”

Macgregor told Carlson that “We’re going to see this whole thing collapse and implode. It’s coming.” Carlson asked if NATO would collapse as well, to which Macgregor replied “I would think so” because Germany is “well into a recession” and “deindustrialized itself by casting its lot with the anti-Russian crowd”

Macgregor also stated that today’s Russian military is nothing like the Soviet Army, which he called “an exercise in barbarism, and savagery, [and] mass rape”

“That’s not Russia today,” he claimed. “Russia today is a very different society, [a] very different state. And that’s been Putin’s effort from day one. He’s been interested in restoring Russia as an Orthodox Christian state with a true national identity and a strong national culture”

“That’s probably another reason why so many people want to destroy Russia,” he continued. “Because it’s the last European state that has not been flooded with foreigners and turned into some sort of polyglot experiment”

Macgregor said this “experiment” is “failing badly” because “when things fall apart economically” it becomes difficult for “all of these unwanted people in Europe and, for that matter, here as well.” He added that Americans and Germans will look at immigrants and ask whey they are being “subsidized”

Carlson agreed, saying “I’m getting 1,400 bucks a month in retirement that I paid into my entire life, and you just show up from Congo and you’re getting 2,200 bucks”

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #wingnut #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "The "C" in "CISN" stands for cuck"]

Remember when Jason Aldean came to Edmonton and it was a huge deal?[…]He's been a big deal in country music for about a decade now, and of course he was the act that was playing the Route 91 Harvest festival when Stephen Paddock shot the place up for reasons nobody ever really got that interested in discovering

Of course, many of you may only know him from the fact that a few weeks back one of his songs has been denounced as horribly racist

The song was released in May, though controversy was reignited when the country artist released the accompanying music video this month[…]

You might note that the article in question was from CISN 103.9, Edmonton's long-running country music FM station. When the Aldean story broke and the song climbed to the top of the charts, one of the first things I checked was CISN's recent playlist[…]
Not a single Jason Aldean song had been on their playlist[…]
I checked again yesterday and while there are actual Jason Aldean songs playing again, "Try That in a Small Town" is still not one of them[…]
This is CISN cowardly hiding from morons arguing in bad faith. The correct answer when somebody whines to you that "this song is racist" is "what did you say you retarded nigger? I can't hear you over this awesome† tune"

†It's worth noting you do this even if, as is the case here, the song isn't actually all that good. It's a Danish cartoon issue at this point: you play it loud if for no other reason than you're being instructed not to play it at all

There is only one acceptable thing to do in this situation: go to the CISN studio and try to murder the inhabitants with fire

AvirahdeArah #fundie #racist theyeshivaworld.com

I was asked to write about racism; here’s my two cents….or perhaps more than that.

“I can’t believe how racist you are to say that before westerners came, North and South America were savage human-sacrificing warlords”
“I don’t understand how we can have a mitzvah of lo sichayeh kol neshoma and kill taf v’noshim from the 7 nations and amalek… it’s so racist”

These are some common examples of statements made by religious jews when discussing the term “racism”.

It is “racist” to say that a given race has middos and techunos which require, for the good of everyone else and themselves, to be mastered. It is 100% racist, but it’s what Hashem decided should be the best situation for bnei canaan. My rebbe rav belsky explained that the curse of noach was really a blessing. It would be in this setting that they will achieve their potential and be stopped from doing evil. Had Eliezer not had a master, he would have never became who he was.

Anti-racists can and have for decades pretended that there are no differences between races, for fear of racial crime and the horrors of the 20th century. This tactic is a failure, because “everyone knows” that this isn’t true, no matter what country one examines. We see that some racial groups consistently fail academically, socially and morally, across every continent. Not one country where they are the majority is fully developed. The anti racists themselves will not live in or even visit such communities at night, because they know their life would be in danger. Is this equivalent to hatred? Does it mean to stifle individuals who are successful… to tell them, chas veshalom, that they are bad because of their race? Heaven forbid! They are all created in the image of Hashem just as anyone else.

Arizona #racist #fundie theyeshivaworld.com

In just thirty seconds, a group of thieves managed to get away with over $2.15 million in high-end diamond jewelry in a smash-and-grab robbery at a Bronx store.

Surveillance video shows a suspect in a white t-shirt, black cap, and wearing sunglasses, acting like a customer and being buzzed into Rocco’s Jewelry on Webster Avenue in Fordham on Friday afternoon.

But instead of entering the store, the suspect held the door open so three masked colleagues in crime could rush in. One of the suspects who was wielding a hammer then smashed through the glass cases while the others grabbed the expensive items.
“Yet more incontrovertible proof that Rav Avigdor Miller was correct to blast the Emancipation Proclamation and declare that Afreakins should’ve remained enslaved for another fifty or so years to better civilize them.”

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Poland: "It's okay to stay White"

Russia: "Poland is next in line for de-Nazification"

( @VanguardUlster )
@Nature_and_Race I predicted this months ago, Putin’s Talmudic hate will plunge the European continent into another fratricidal brothers war

( @Diversity_is_our_weakness )
Weak. One lawmaker doesn't represent the Russian government. The EU is already "de-nazifying" Poland more than Russia ever could.

( @KekistaniDiaspora )
@Diversity_is_our_weakness "The EU is already "de-nazifying" Poland more than Russia ever could."

This. I live in the EU. These people think a few fancy pictures of WNs are a representation of wider society. It's fucking not. If the war is over, these WNs will be the first to be labeled "Russian assets" by the EU. And it will be the pinnacle of irony because these WNs never have an issue calling everyone "doooginist" now who see the writing on the wall.

( @IoannesAugustus )
@Nature_and_Race was he responding to the "ok to stay White" statement, or the Russia is a cancer one?

( @Nature_and_Race )
@IoannesAugustus -- By saying that Poland must be "de-Nazified", he's implying that Poland has a "Nazi" problem. Does it really matter what his reasoning is? It's Jewish and Liberal as fuck to run around justifying violence toward White people by accusing them all of being "Nazis".

( @IoannesAugustus )
@Nature_and_Race I won't defend the Nazi comments. They're stupid and inaccurate and obviously used to generate emotions. But calling a nation a cancer is worse. How is that not calling for violence against a White nation?

( @Zealous_Apostle )
@IoannesAugustus @Nature_and_Race It's not bad nor innacurate to call the antifa nation invading white countries to 'denazify' them a cancer to the world.

Various Desperate Conservatives #racist msnbc.com

“"Black Americans online — some of them are saying I’m voting for Trump now because they too have sometimes felt they’ve been unfairly targeted by the criminal justice system," Fox News host Jesse Watters claimed on Friday, a day after Trump was booked in Georgia….

“Newsmax host Grant Stinchfield said Thursday that he believes "many Black men" will find Trump's arrest "endearing," dubiously comparing the former president's legal plight to the unfair policing tactics experienced by some Black people.”

various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie gab.com

( @Littletoad2020 )

spoilerWhen Jews usurped power in Russia
during the Bolshevik Revolution, one
of the first laws they passed was
making antisemitism punishable by
death. Necessary because Russians
began noticing that all the bolshevik
revolutionaries were jewish and they
spoke Yiddish, not Russian.

( @Haumibu1488 )
Judaism and Islam teach that it's followers have an obligation and a duty to their god to kill White Christians, while false White Christianity teaches it's followers that they have a duty and obligation to their god to allow themselves to be killed.
Yet Whites don't seem to be able to put this shit together.

( @Littletoad2020 )
@Haumibu1488 That's not TRUE Christianity. The Christian religion has been hijacked by the Jew. They're not the Hebrews of the Bible, you and I are. They are the Edomites, the race traitors. The ones that both God and Jesus hate and revile. Read the Bible for yourself and discover your hidden past, discover your hidden roots and discover your future.

( @Skoyo )
And still Jewish today

( @FatherJohn )
@Littletoad2020 JUST LIKE HERE.


( @mistymountainz )

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @anonpatriotq )

spoilerDivision has always been manufactured to keep
our eyes off of [them]. White v Black, Gay v
Straight, Christian v Muslim, and the list goes on.
It is and always will be US V THEM.

( @FatherJohn )
@anonpatriotq (((THEM)))

( @bmorris1791 )
@anonpatriotq yeah that’s pretty impossible as a straight white Christian male.

( @ConcreteCracker )
@bmorris1791 @anonpatriotq It is literally impossible. Everyone who is not straight and White is an enemy or a symptom of the enemy's work. People like @anonpatriotq who peddle the disgusting idea that we should unite with our invaders and sexual deviants are communists. They are actively subverting what is the left the rightwing.

( @It_Cant_Happen_Here )
@anonpatriotq "Division" as you call it, is natural. Every species must remain pure. Jews like you aren't fooling anyone with your false rally cries.

Us, will be determined by each individual group. Them will always be YOU and you alone.

( @TheHoratii )
@anonpatriotq My God man, (((They))) didn’t create these divisions, societies and nations naturally did. It is DIVERSITY that they created to bring about unrest.

( @White_Wizardry_Wizard )
@anonpatriotq We can combat the enemy together, which everyone breathing oxygen should know WHO it is by now, but you better believe I'm not living next to niggers or jews or a clan of spics.

It's okay and natural to want to only live near those of the same race and heritage as you.

It is okay to be white.

#WhiteLivesMatter 1488 o/

( @SmackportPirate )
@anonpatriotq "them" obviously being the inbred goblin kikes that control everything.

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