
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Ashley St. Clair #conspiracy #transphobia #sexist thepostmillennial.com

DQSH NYC’s self-proclaimed agenda aims to erase binary gender identity altogether and sets out to teach children "there’s no such thing as girl clothes and boy clothes, or girl toys and boy toys."
The pre-booking informational packet contains even more concerning "tips" for convincing parents who don’t want their children being exposed to a drag queen event stating, "Some schools end up canceling events due to complaints from parents. If you need help explaining the importance of LGBTQ-affirming programming such as DQSH to your school’s administration or parents, we have resources for that!"

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Fighting TRAs with their own medicine.

I'm so fed up with being called "cis" by these people that I'm now reporting every single person who does it for "misgendering".

I tell them I'm not "cis" because I don't have a gender and don't believe in gender, and they then try and call me "agender" AND claim I'm still "cis".

Fight them with fire, throw their own words right back at them. It's LitERaL viOLeNcE to be misgendered, so they get reported.

( Lipsy )
"you call me cis, i call you transvestite"

( XX_Power )
I mean i call them crossdressers no matter what they call me. Even the friendliest and most feminine TIM I'd call a man because he is a man. Womanhood is not something we give to less violent and less vile crossdressers.

( Lipsy )
oh absolutely. But... like... in the States at least, "transvestite" is one of those words like "Negro", "oriental", etc. that throws a whole bunch of extra shade because it's been retired (for decades) and replaced by more socially acceptable words. 😂 It's not the epitome of classy, but, i mean, "cis" so whatever.

( Boudicaea )
Transvestite was never a slur. It's an accurate term. I mean yeah some people used to use it in the same breath as qu**r, but they were just generally homophobic. It's still the correct term. I feel that crossdresser is more slur like, but even then it's just an accurate term.


( Boudicaea )
Oh, I see what you mean. I guess that makes sense, although I would say negro and oriental are both intended pejoratively. There are worse words, but also there are better words that can be used (although I think negro originally was a respectful alternative to much worse terms, so it is a pretty good analogy). I don't know that there's anything more respectful that you can call a trans person without being inaccurate. They aren't the sex they claim to be and no one is truly "trans" in the way they mean it. But you can cross dress or have SRS. shrug

I do see what you mean though. I think trans people find these terms offensive mostly because it means not using their preferred terminology that denies reality.

( XX_Power )
Oh my that's how I know I live in a conservative space, transvestite is maybe not fashionable but it's absolutely not even close to a slur. Probably what my older colleagues would call them. And now also me ;)

UK Anon #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia boards.4chan.org

The latter is understandable. The former makes no sense though because roasties acting like aggressive whores doesn't give them the visibly obvious traits that men can't get rid of when they become trannies. Those aren't behavioral traits and aren't as simple as butch haircuts or a non-delicate posture.
I'm referring to how men seem to be unable to identify these rather obvious traits. This is interesting as I know that men are more visual in their attraction, so it implies that this increased emphasis on visuals may be so specific to key traits that complexity or attention to detail is actually lost.

It's because they've pushed a lot of androgynous, trannies or very masculine females as pop stars. People grow up thinking Iggy Azalea, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa, etc, are your typical women. They're not. They are all very tall, very imposing, very big framed, very confident, use alpha male body postures and body language, have very wide backs and broad shoulders, very sharp, angled facial features, and so on. I genuinely think some, or even all of them, are secret trannies used for the purpose of eradicating gender in the West. Also a lot of male pop stars are very small, very feminine, very sweet. Bruno Mars, Charlie Puth. They are reversing the gender roles.

Various Commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

'I don't want facial hair': Transgender girl, eight, has sleepless nights about growing up as a boy | UK News | Sky News

( hmimperialtortie )
Learn to shave like every other bloke does, kid.

( Lipsy )
Shit, girl... learn to shave like lots of Women with PCOS do!

of course I rlly shouldn't point out things like this that might make their specific choices of first-world problems seem less unique and special and totally individual—especially not with Most Special Of All Non-Binary type people, who have already been genocided an average of 5.2 times each. Such a bad habit SMDH

( VestalVirgin)
Or learn to shave like lots of women who don't even have PCOS but the wrong kind of genes do.

I grew up thinking that in exchange for having to deal with periods, I at least wouldn't have to shave.

Yeah, well. That was a rude awakening in my early twenties. Unlike this boy, I didn't even have time to get used to the idea.

( XX_Power )
No it's way easier to sterilize him and cut off his dick.

( hmimperialtortie )
Ain’t that the truth.

Charlie Kirk #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

I don't ever want to hear The Left claim "Pro-Lifers don't care about kids after their born" while their president is literally holding school lunches hostage to push a trans agenda, starving babies of formula, and promoting irreversible chemical castration surgeries on pre-teens

@Rex_Landy ., @Marydairy & @GeekGurl2000 #transphobia gettr.com

No such thing as transphobia. Because there's no such thing as trans. Just men, women, boys, girls. Mentally ill/vulnerable/confused/preyed on by Big Pharma.

They exist. They're just not trans. There's no special identity you can claim to be other than what you are. Die mad about it. Reality doesn't give a fuck for your feelings and neither do I.

I've said this before but I once (when working in mental health) had a patient who was so convinced he was a ghost he would go shopping naked and just shoplift.... nobody could see him ..who cares? Why is it some delusional beliefs are accepted others are not? Why were the wider public not expected to call this man Casper and accept his public nudity? Btw when well these incidents caused him enormous embarrassment and distress.

"Oh, noes! Are we terven oppwessing da poor twanswimmins? Oh, the twaaaaansphobiaaaahhhh! It's coming for them! Run! (Preferably out of all women's facilities)"

"Rational people define transphobia as overt physical attacks or threats. Activists define twansphobiaaaaaahh! as anything that isn't abject capitulation and slavish dick-sucking combined with praise for the 'female penis' and gargling jizz like a sommelier."

@WesternWitch66 #transphobia gettr.com


Society must defeat this Gender Ideology cult craze, and it will. But think past simply defeating it: a dangerous Gnostic delusion has destroyed the lives of countless young people, and it did so with near-unanimous institutional and media support. Think past victory and start thinking about justice and reform. Thousands of children were harmed psychologically and many physically butchered - even as they believed they were finding their “authentic selves”. We vow to never, ever let this happen to other children. So what will we do after we have defeated this cult?

FL Agency for Health Care Administration #transphobia ahca.myflorida.com

Agency for Health Care Administration Releases Generally Accepted Professional Medical Standards Determination on the Treatment of Gender Dysphoria

Tallahassee, Fla. – Today, the Agency for Health Care Administration (Agency) released a Generally Accepted Professional Medical Standards report related to the treatment of gender dysphoria. The report is in follow up to the Florida Department of Health’s (FDOH) guidance detailing the lack of conclusive evidence in recent directives and “fact sheets” issued by the Biden Administration and the US Department of Health and Human Services for the coverage of “gender affirming” care, for children and adolescents.

Based on the FDOH guidance and in accordance with Chapter 59G-1035, Florida Administrative Code, Agency Secretary Simone Marstiller requested that the Florida Medicaid program review whether treatments for gender dysphoria are consistent with generally accepted professional medical standards. Today’s announcement, outlined below, summarizes the findings and recommendations.

Following a robust review of available medical evidence and the assessment of five medical experts, including health care researchers who studied the quality of the evidence relied upon for “gender affirming” care, the Agency has determined that several services for the treatment of gender dysphoria – i.e., sex reassignment surgery, cross-sex hormones, and puberty blockers – are not consistent with generally accepted professional medical standards and are experimental and investigational with the potential for harmful long term affects.


Steve Sailer #transphobia vdare.com

Of course, parents can’t possibly be aware of the true gender of their children. What do parents know about their children’s preferences in toys, clothes, cartoons, activities, and the like? Do children demand that their parents provide them with gender specific accoutrements? I mean, if I ever had any children, I’d raise them in a completely gender neutral fashion. I’m sure that they’d play equally enthusiastically with whatever purportedly gender-specific toy I chose to give them. Are you saying that I’d be a bad parent and cause my children to cry on Christmas morning by not catering to their gender-stereotypical demands?

“ROGD is not a formal mental health diagnosis, and the journal that published Dr. Littman’s article issued a correction and an apology after an outpouring of criticism from doctors and advocates.”

It’s almost as if M-to-F ex-men are the Navy SEALs of the Woke, who are man-for-man the highest IQ and most aggressive hit-men of Wokeness.

Dave Blount #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie moonbattery.com

[From "Uvalde as a Symptom of Liberalism"]

This isn’t about the availability of guns or the uselessness of local authorities. Uvalde is a symptom of a more serious problem: the engineered collapse of civilization

For decades, progressives have pumped raw sewage into the cultural water supply. First among their crimes, they have used feminism, the welfare state, the LGBT agenda, and the glorification of moral degeneracy to destroy the nuclear family

As John Daniel Davidson suggests, Salvador Ramos was a product of his culture:

A broken home, no father or father figure in his life, no church or community of any kind, no real friends except those he met through social media. Here we have, in brief sketch, not just a profile of a school shooter, but an indictment of our entire culture. It was the same in Parkland, and Sandy Hook, and many other places

Start with lack of family, lack of faith, lack of anything meaningful to believe in because leftists have torn down everything with more depth than political correctness. Add in the increased alienation inflicted in the name of Covid[…]
Applied liberalism. That’s the answer to [url=https://notthebee.com/article/check-out-this-thread-on-school-shootings-over-the-past-200-years-and-wonder-where-things-went-wrong]this mystery[url]

Jared Taylor #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

Good News, White People!

This will come as a shock to my viewers, but this is a good-news video. Some good things are happening, large and small. And I’m not even talking about all the people who refused to be bullied about Covid, or rose up in fury when men started using ladies restrooms and competing in women’s sports. And everyone has heard about the parents who stormed into school-board meetings to make it very clear that nine-year-old Johnny was never again going to be made to stand up and recite all his unearned privileges.

Here is some good news that got less publicity. Last year, UCF fired professor Charles Negy because of two tweets he let fly in the wake of the George Floyd celebrations.



He went before arbitration and got his job back. Now, he is going to sue. Some students are unhappy he’s coming back, but Prof. Negy says, ““Why don’t they pretend that they’re real university students and try to learn and be open to other views that don’t conform to their view?”

It’s nice to see an academic with backbone.

The steadiest march of progress has been on a different front: firearms.


Look at all the green states on this map. They have what is called “constitutional carry,” meaning that any law-abiding adult can carry a concealed firearm without a license of any kind. Do you know how many constitutional carry states there were in 1980? Just one. There are now 24! It’s only in the nine remaining primitive red states that a citizen has to persuade the authorities he has a special reason to carry a weapon.

This is earth-shaking change in just a few decades. It shows what determined people can accomplish, even in the teeth of powerful, hostile, ruthless elites. If we had made that kind of progress on race, by now the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would be repealed, we would have real free association, and there would be recognized regions in the country where permanent white majorities set their own immigration policies.

behindyourightnow #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

I think it is also the fantasy that they will get accepted into the private inner circle of women and be able to participate in secret, female-only stuff (which they think includes sharing tampons with each other). Posting about tampons on TikTok and other places is part of the fantasy; it's aspirational for other troons watching it, and the troon doing the posting gets pleasure both from building up his fantasy and from knowing that other troons envy his successful womanhood.

In reality, not only is "sharing tampons" a fantasy, but these men will never be accepted into women's inner circles. Not even the handmaidens actually want to hang out with male troons in real life; handmaiden support of brave transwomen extends to commenting enthusiastically on posts to show how enlightened they are, and nothing else. Most men who have already trooned out know this deep down, which is part of why they're so bitter and miserable.

Linda Harvey #fundie #homophobia #transphobia missionamerica.com

How Homosexual Friends Can Influence Our Kids
(continued from https://fstdt.com/XL6QM2Q.96HT)
But depending on how close the friendship is, some real dangers exist, particularly if your child is not a Christian or is not well-grounded in the faith. Several parents have called us and tearfully related their experiences about a child who was eventually drawn into a homosexual relationship this way, when there was no previous sign of same sex attraction. There is even more vulnerability if the homosexual is a few years older and viewed as a mentor of some kind. And of course, you should never allow your child to become close to an adult who is a homosexual, even if that person is a relative, nor to a male identifying as a female or vice versa. The role modeling alone sets a poor example.

However, even if the homosexual friend is of the opposite sex, there are still some very serious dangers. Some women, for instance, are drawn to homosexual men as friends. There’s even a name for women who have lots of male homosexual friends in the “gay” community— the “fag hag.” Men with gender identity issues are sometimes drawn to women as friends, and your daughter may be the tender-hearted person who responds. However, just because a guy declares himself to be attracted to men does not mean he is incapable of having sex with women. In fact, ex-homosexuals I know relate that it’s extremely common for “gay” men to sometimes have sex with women, either “straight” or lesbian. (This is just one more of the many testimonies to the fact that no one is “born” gay).

Why does this happen? The reasons could be loneliness, or his “once last chance” attempt to prove masculinity, or an attempt by the female to “save” him from these desires by her intense love. And your son or daughter may have a secret crush on this person, believing that eventually the “gay” friend will love them in the same way. Alcohol is often a factor that may suddenly transform the friendship into a hook-up, just like it’s happening among heterosexual students.

@MsCarriggofreal #transphobia twitter.com

Who decided that women now have to accept men into their spaces?. Who decided that we can no longer have women's only events.?
Who decided that lesbians must accept men as lesbians?
I've never been anti trans but I am now!! It's about men's needs over a woman's right to decide!!

@ugyyheifufuwy #transphobia twitter.com

Transgenderism is inherently abusive and misogynistic. Any man who claims to be a woman has no respect for women.

To all the TRAs on here saying “well by that logic trans men are misandrists 🤡”: Women who claim to be men do so because they hate their womanhood. They are abandoning womanhood because they either feel they have no other option, or because of internalized misogyny.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: TiMs rage about "cis men" "slapping the trans label" onto themselves to "feed their degradation fetish"

( WTMatterHere )
“OMG your ETA is on point. The trans label isn't something you can slap onto your self to feed your degradation fetish.”

Actually I’d say that’s often exactly what it is.

( Mandy )
And yet they can't see this is exactly why they can't be allowed inside women's protected spaces. If they really identified with women and not simply as women they would want the most vulnerable women to have every protection possible.

"just a little upsetting when I find a crossdresser who passes better than I do..." I'm sure it is. Women can't tel you guys apart by looking. We can't tell which ones are using us as props in their fetish and which of you are nice guys who just want to pee.

( Owlchaser )

We can't tell which ones are using us as props in their fetish and which of you are nice guys who just want to pee.

What, you can't see their magical pink gender aura?

( hmimperialtortie )
Almost always, I’d say.

( Califasauros )
Interesting. Presumably, non-autogynephilic female-identifying males are sick of being lumped under the same label as fetishistic cross dressers....males who don't see cross dressers as trans.

Well, these upset female-identifying males had better have a conversation with the powerful gender identity lobby, letting it know that cross dressers don't belong in their "trans" demographic.

I'm sure that that will turn out real well for them...after all, the gender identity lobby lives to listen to vulnerable members of demographics it purports to support (LOL - sarcasm, of course).

Just look how well the lobby has treated women, adult human females.🥺

Ryan T. Anderson #transphobia heritage.org

Regardless of whether they identify as “cisgender” or “transgender,” the activists promote a highly subjective and incoherent worldview.

On the one hand, they claim that the real self is something other than the physical body, in a new form of Gnostic dualism, yet at the same time they embrace a materialist philosophy in which only the material world exists. They say that gender is purely a social construct, while asserting that a person can be “trapped” in the wrong gender.

They say there are no meaningful differences between man and woman, yet they rely on rigid sex stereotypes to argue that “gender identity” is real, while human embodiment is not. They claim that truth is whatever a person says it is, yet they believe there’s a real self to be discovered inside that person.

They promote a radical expressive individualism in which people are free to do whatever they want and define the truth however they wish, yet they try ruthlessly to enforce acceptance of transgender ideology.

It’s hard to see how these contradictory positions can be combined. If you pull too hard on any one thread of transgender ideology, the whole tapestry comes unraveled. But here are some questions we can pose:

If gender is a social construct, how can gender identity be innate and immutable? How can one’s identity with respect to a social construct be determined by biology in the womb? How can one’s identity be unchangeable (immutable) with respect to an ever-changing social construct? And if gender identity is innate, how can it be “fluid”?

Bob Page #transphobia #pratt doomer.boards.net

You are espousing that using biologically correct pronouns when referring to someone who falsely believes that they can magically become the opposite gender is tantamount to bad treatment, a "trauma trigger" as you call it. I just don't agree with this, man. I think these people have built this narrative that "misgendering" them is some sort of grave insult, and that it hurts them to the core. Well, it really isn't. If you identify as a girl and I refer to you as "he/him", it doesn't hurt you at all. You can still pretend that you are a girl and that I am just a nut that can't see your obvious femininity. And gender isn't fluid, despite what you've been taught or what Hollywood or social media or government or whoever says. That's your misguided belief.
So you met some trannies who whined and complained about how someone dared disagree with their position on this fantasy-land "gender is a social construct" crap. Now, armed with this anecdotal experience, you feel entitled to say that I am wreaking havoc on these poor, defenseless people simply because I am not playing their little game of pretend and calling them the name that they wish to be called. I wish that the worst that would happen to me in life is for someone to call me the wrong name. That would be an easy life.

Various Anons #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(UK Anon 1)
>Man starts beating and raping a woman on subway
>dozens of male passengers just watch, some video
>no one helps

This is what happens when the top 10% of men are having sex with the top 90% of women.


(US Anon 1)

I didn't want to assume their gender

This. If she didn't want rape//violence she shouldn't have traveled via subway/bus...

(Brazilian Anon)
Maybe women just deserve to be raped? Have you thought about that?

(US Anon 2)
that is what happens when you leave the kitchen and enter the workforce. Men warned women the world was dangerous and they asked to be free to be raped. Now you are being raped. Deal with it.

(US Anon 3)
>She more than likely voted for the people allowing these feral joggers to jog around unobstructed.

>God forbid you interfere, the ferral jogger can stab you and get out on bail on the same day.

This. Most women believe Black people are not violent, and will not assault them sexually or physically. Because of the way the media has painted them as sad, sick, wounded puppies.

If I try to help, I will get called a racist and get in more trouble than the man who is assaulting her. Then women like the news anchor grandstand about how men are weak, and cowardly.

Well, maybe they shouldn't have created the conditions of Anarcho-Tyranny and race-baiting in the first place, right? It is past race-baiting, it's a race war, and the media is covering it up. I don't have nigger fatigue, I have nigger exhaustion.

(US Anon 4)
Schrödinger's feminism has resulted in apathy towards women.
She didn't call for help so people probably just assumed it was yet another case of a nog beating his girlfriend in public. You try to step in in that kind of situation and they'll both start attacking you, living in NYC I've seen it more than once.

(US Anon 5)
>dressed in women's clothes
2x protected class, people probably figured that if they tried anything they would be cancelled for being racist and transphobic

brown woman vs. trans nigger

who has more oppression points? no one knows so no one can act.

Linda Harvey #homophobia #transphobia #fundie missionamerica.com

How Homosexual Friends Can Influence Our Kids

A question came up recently from a concerned parent: “How might a homosexual friend influence my child? Or someone who is confused about gender?" This has been an issue in a number of situations we’ve encountered over the past few years, in discussions with both parents and students.

While we recognize that young people who have unstable feelings are really in need of heterosexual friends, and it’s a delicate matter to try to split up friendships once they form, there are very real risks if the friendship is a close one. The first line of defense is to separate your child from the friend, if you can do it without open rebellion. Sometimes this isn’t possible if your son or daughter is an older teen or in college, so other alternatives need to be considered. There may be some things that you can make your own son or daughter aware of if they are open to the discussion.

Because there are increasing numbers of kids who are “out,” I am advising every parent to prepare a student in advance when—not if—they have a relatively close association with someone who is a declared homosexual or who is trying to live as the opposite sex. A situation may arise tomorrow where the resident of the dorm room next door, or a lab partner, or the person who works the same shift at the pizza parlor, or the brother of your child’s best friend, may announce he or she is “gay,” "non-binary," or the opposite sex. What are the risks? And, are there any opportunities as well?

Sexual involvement. The first thing you need to decide is whether there is any risk of sexual involvement, and rule this out (hopefully). If it’s a same sex friend this is of course more risky, because the friend who confesses a “crush” on your son or daughter may really mess with his or her mind or emotions, particularly if it’s a vulnerable time in your child’s life. The relationship may start as an attempt to “help” the friend, or may mask an attempt to demonstrate sophistication and a lack of bigotry among peers.


@shakerofsalts , @Bertie007 & @GeekGurl2000 #transphobia gettr.com

Trans, nonbinaries, and what-have-yous never did and never will know whether or not if they were born in the "wrong" body. It implies that they have experienced both bodies and found out that one felt more "right" than the other. This is not the case.
They were born in the right body. They just feel wrong.

It's their minds that are wrong, not their bodies. Brains addled by porn, social media and grooming. #transisalie #sexnotgender #menarenotwomen #womendonthavepenises

"The number of people currently claiming to have a gender identity is less than the number who were claiming aliens were probing their bumholes 20 years ago. Just because a phenomenon has been studied doesn't mean it exists outside a belief in it" @ Shatterface (Twitter) 3:02 PM May 9, 2021

Kajm #transphobia deviantart.com

{About treating trans-people with basic respect}

If I saw you on the street and knew NOTHING about you, I would greet you politely and move on. I would have NO reason whatsoever to do anything more than treat you like a human being. THAT, is 'basic human respect.' To teach kids all of these things is to leave them wondering just How The Hell to respond to each and every person they meet, because now they must live in fear that anything they do or utter might somehow Offend that person.

I care about the content of one's character. NOT their color, NOT their choice of sexuality. I'm never going to see that person again, why does it matter What they are?

Let me put it another way: A person saves a group of people from an accident. They are grateful to him or her. Does it matter in the slightest what that person's sexuality is? NO. It had NO BEARING WHATSOEVER on the situation.

They will never know and don't need to know, what that person feels or believes themselves to be. IT WASN'T IMPORTANT. And the 'basic human respect' in this case will be their gratitude to a total stranger for helping them out. That person being transgender or POC or white doesn't mean a Damned thing- WHAT they did, matters.

PeakStupidity #transphobia peakstupidity.com

In our very 1st post on feminism, Peak Stupidity ranted on the use of "their" as unknown-sex third-person singular. That's been going on since likely the 1970s, as the feminists have the average speaker scared of using the male pronoun (he, him, his), as proper English would tell HIM. (<--- the right way!) Things have gotten way beyond that with people "identifying" as other sexes and with other sexual preferences. There are a hell of a lot of combinations now, but not any extra pronouns in the regular English language to make use of.

Therefore, these idiots are telling others to call them "they", "xir", and I guess whatever Xey want. Not all are pronounceable, but that's apparently not Xeir problem.

See, now this is just another area in which the Chinese are kicking our asses! Tāmen have got two things going for tāmen:

a) They don't have their Cultural Revolution going on. We do. This sucks.

@shakerofsalts #transphobia gettr.com

Science is not based on "feelings". You are not biologically the opposite gender of what you were born as because you "feel" that you were in the wrong body.

You need to accept the fact that you were born in the right body. You just feel wrong.

A man cannot know what a woman "feels" like because he was never born a woman, he never matured into a woman, nor was he socialized as a woman.

A woman doesn't know what it "feels" like to be a woman either. Because woman isn't a feeling a feeling, it's a sex class.

Various Commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( crodish )
I still haven't heard an actual explanation as to why saying "a transwoman is a man" is hateful.

It's the truth. Your shame of being male and/or your discomfort of your own body does not entitle you to overwrite material reality. There is nothing wrong with being a feminine man, a flamboyant man, a man who likes dresses, a man who likes pink, etc. It does not make you a woman.

"It's not hate to state the truth"!

( kalina )
its hateful to them because they want you to play along with their fantasy and you refuse. Refusing to play along with anything a man wants = literal violence

( jeannedeaux )
It is the rage of a cockblocked man.

Testosterone is both a man's aggression hormone and his arousal hormone. And now you know why they get so angry when they're horny and someone tells them No.

I'm not sure how aware most men are of that connection. I like to think some are and therefore control the anger better. But that's not most TIMs. And it's just another sign that this is a fetish to them. If their sexuality weren't tangled up in it, they would probably be a lot more rational when they run into resistance.

( jeannedeaux )
Also, when a TIM gets offended that you called him a man, he's literally saying it's bad to be a man, that "man" is a slur. Social media should be banning them for saying that, not us for saying they're men. If we didn't live in Wackyland.

( real_feminist )
I would be careful about making this argument to a TRA. The obvious comeback is that it's hateful to call someone fat even if it's true. Of course, it's not the same because being fat is stigmatized in our society and rarely necessary to point out and being a man is not. Just be careful with your wording on that one if you share that thought elsewhere.

( crodish )
If a fat person asked me to pretend they were thin and healthy, like the HAES movement, I would absolutely call it out.

I'm not obliged to be kind to clearly deluded people.

Steve Sailer #transphobia #racist vdare.com

After 48 hours following the acquittal of Virginia Tech black football player Isimemen Etute for beating to death his white transvestite date Jerry Smith on manslaughter grounds, neither the New York Times nor the localish Washington Post have weighed in on the news to tell their subscribers How to Think about the event. (The Post, which covers Virginia sports teams, has reported on the early aspects of the story in the past.)

But it’s Memorial Day weekend and Etute didn’t kill Smith with an assault rifle, so it’s not a high priority. By the end of this week, though, what will emerge as The Narrative of this news?

Hunter Wallace #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "TAC: The LGBTsQewing Of America"]

Editor’s Note: That’s one of the many “blessings of liberty” above that we have covered over the years

We used to live in a White Christian culture

In the vast majority of cases (unless your parents were recent immigrants), this is likely why you exist. You exist due to the reproductive choices that your ancestors made

Those choices were shaped and channeled by the dominant culture. In the South, where evangelical Protestantism shaped our culture for centuries, we had customs like the one drop rule. We had legal segregation and anti-miscegenation laws. Southern culture valued racial purity[…]Homosexuality was discouraged. Divorce was rare and hard to get. Abortion was illegal. White identity was valued. The White and Black family was strong through the Jim Crow era. The norm used to be that most people got married to someone of the same race and religion and reproduced themselves[…]
Culture used to be overwhelmingly local. The states and local communities made their own laws and largely governed themselves. The rise of the mainstream media (film, radio, television in that order) from the 1910s through the 1960s shifted cultural power away from, say, the segregationist editor of the local newspaper to liberal elites with a modernist sensibility who were on television in New York City, Los Angeles and Washington[…]
Christianity went from being the hegemonic dominant culture to a kind of respected sub-culture to just another lifestyle[…]
Much like feminism (the “New Woman” was inspired by modernism) and abortion (nothing is owed to future generations because everything is owed to the Self) and gay marriage (any “marriage” is as good as any other and people should be allowed to express themselves), the “trans” craze only makes sense in a deeply modernist cultures

IrishTheFrenchie , Hollyhock & SakuraBlossoms #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: "Cis women are experts at victimising themselves"

( IrishTheFrenchie )
First they silence the lesbians with TERF.

Then they silence all women with “Karen”.

And suddenly there’s very little opposition to male sexual perversions. It’s genius really. They learned a lot since their failure to incorporate pedos in the LGB movement in the 70’s.

( Hollyhock )
I can't remember if I was talking about this w/ you recently, but the Karen thing was a legitimate way for Black women to express frustration over white women who treated them like shit and used their institutional power (to call police and be believed/call manager to complain) to be discriminatory towards Black women.

But then the TRAs realized the brilliance of co-opting this because white women in the US at least DO have more institutional power/money/access/platforms, so if you shut up white women, you lose a LOT of feminist power that could have helped stop this train of gender bs. I'm not denying there are issues w/ white women's issues getting more press than Black, Hispanic, Native, Asian women's issues in feminism, but this was a brilliant strategy by the TRAs to divide us and shut us up. But if you have the power to shut up the more privileged of women, what kind of message is that to women without the same means? It's a power move by the TRAs.

( SakuraBlossoms )
Yeah big switcheroo from black women using it to describe their experiences of racism vs. white men using it as a synonym for "b*tch"

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I don't think it was me, but I did read that post and it makes perfect sense.

TRAs are parasites. They co-opt everything and deceptively apply it to themselves.

( SakuraBlossoms )
And of course using the term "cis" invented by the self-proclaimed "pedosexual" to silence women as the privileged oppressors of men. It's a huge testament to the power of language and labeling. These slippery dogs actually managed to convince people that sexually perverse men are being oppressed... by women. I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad.

Douglas S. Winnail #fundie #homophobia #transphobia tomorrowsworld.org

(continued from https://fstdt.com/TJHFMKR$PRV$7)
It was into this pagan cultural environment of murder, sexual immorality, perversion, and exploitation for personal gratification that Jesus and His Apostles began to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and promote biblical moral values. Jesus stressed the importance of biblical marriage and denounced fornication and adultery. He also taught that porneia—deviant sexual behavior—was not only evil, but a legitimate cause for divorce (Matthew 19:4–9). Such behavior is totally contrary to the law of God and will keep people from entering the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9–10; 1 Timothy 1:8–9).

The coming of Christianity and the spread of biblical principles throughout the Roman world elevated standards of sexual morality, halted infanticide, enhanced the status of women, strengthened the family, and eventually led to abolishing gladiatorial combat in the arena (see How Christianity Changed the World by Alvin Schmidt). Even while the Gospel of the Kingdom of God was corrupted over time, biblical principles of morality continued to influence the cultural values of Western civilization—until the last few decades. Again, we need to ask: How do these historical examples relate to us today, and what lies ahead for Western nations?
Today we are witnessing a sexual revolution that is deliberately rejecting the Bible and biblical morality and returning to the sexual promiscuity and depraved perversions of the ancient pagan world—under the mistaken notions of tolerance, progress, and social justice. Yet history shows that individuals and cultures that go down the path of gratifying immoral lusts and ignoring our Creator’s laws come to a terrible end.

Many voices in government, universities, the media, and even religion are championing the causes of abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism. A Harvard group even published a recent paper on the supposed benefits of legalizing prostitution—such as “tax revenue” (“To Protect Women, Legalize Prostitution,” HarvardCRCL.org, October 1, 2019).

@StellaDoves #transphobia twitter.com

Please look through this excellent archive. Warning it has explicit content, but it highlights that we are NOT dealing with the rights of men identifying themselves as women, we are dealing with men who fetishize being in women/girls spaces. Women say NO!


I am getting so fed up with the poor trans argument. THESE are men violating women/girls spaces because it arouses them.

@ugyyheifufuwy #transphobia twitter.com

Gender Identity is a religion in which each person worships themselves (or rather, their fantasy of themselves). They are their own god and thus can create themselves in their own image. They can manipulate their reality and others’ perception of them.

All the mad, self-obsessed troons on here fully corroborating my theory 🤣 love to see it.

girl_undone & BiologyIsReal #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: "Terf Tr*nny Alliance" ...?

( girl_undone )
Great post and conversation starter, OP.

I have nothing in common with men who larp as women, we have no "womanhood" in common. It's an offensive notion. I have more affinity with normal men than full-time fetishistic parodies. I don't understand what we're supposed to have in common.

I identified as a gender abolitionist long before I ever heard of radical feminism. It's why I couldn't manage to jive with trans ideology. Being a gender abolitionist has nothing to do with propping up men who pretend to "be" women and demand resources from us and violate our boundaries. That's very typical, gendered, entitled male behavior in my opinion.

( BiologyIsReal )
Making special exeptions for some men is what started all this mess in first place. Imo, women who keep doing this again and again are shooting themselves in the foot. I don't understand why some women still believe transgenderism is a new madness that came from nowhere and that in the old days there was proper "gatekeeping" and sanity prevailed.

Ultimately, a man cannot became a woman not matter how many cosmetic surgeries he undergoes, or how much exogenous hormones he takes, or how much effort and money he puts in "passing". The first moment people started treating some men as some sort of "honorary women" because they were supposedly "transsexuals", they abandoned any biology based definition of women and, gradually, more and more social and legal concessions were made. Likewise, "transition" of minors likely wouldn't be a thing today if society hadn't accepted first that some people are really "trans" and that "medical transition" was an appropriate and needed treatment for such adults despite the lack of evidence that it works.

@ShayWoulahan #transphobia twitter.com

Tras really had the nerve to make the most outrageous demands under the LGBTQ umbrella (putting male rapists in women’s prisons, 6ft tall blokes in women’s sports, etc) and when average people twigged onto it, they blame feminists for increased homophobia and transphobia.

Samantha Chang #wingnut #transphobia westernjournal.com

American culture is cratering at a chilling pace, fueled in large part by toxic left-wing policies that marginalize nuclear families, decimate the working class and demonize hard work and meritocracy.

Our schools have devolved into mindless incubators of destructive leftist propaganda that lionizes victimhood, socialism, transgenderism and mediocrity.

Is it any wonder that American children lag behind their international peers academically and report increasing depression and hopelessness?

Daily shootings and escalating violence in Democrat-run cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Atlanta are the symptoms of a failed system and a flailing culture.

Where’s the outrage over these crimes?

Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #pratt pitt.substack.com

My teenage daughter has decided that she is “trans”. So have all her friends. Not some of them. Not most of them. Every. Single. One.

She had never heard of trans, and had no signs of gender dysphoria, until she was moved to a new, cool trans-friendly school by her unsuspecting, politically liberal parents. There she met a group of geeky (or dare I say nerdy?), smart, slightly (but not very) gender nonconforming, artsy kids. As I understand it, they all discovered “trans” together. The old “cis” friends were swiftly discarded in favour of this exciting new peer group.

Exploring “trans stuff” online with friends is a source of great interest and excitement—a real social event. What’s not to love about 245 gender identities, complete with their own unique flags? Then there are those cool neo-pronouns. Forcing your out-of-touch old parents to refer to you as “ze” or “ey” (how do you pronounce that again??) in the name of “inclusivity” is just too delicious to resist. The manga, the cute avatars in computer games, the blue or pink hair—all part of the fun as well. Mocking the outgroup (in this case so-called “cis” people in general and the dreaded TERFs in particular) is also good for a laugh—especially if they happen to be your parents as well.

There is even a special vocabulary with lots of new terms—deadnaming, misgendering, sex assigned at birth, and much more. If these concepts need to be explained to your uncool parents (accompanied by eye rolls of course), so much the better.

Bonding with friends, searching for their identity and place in life, working out their sexuality, separating from family—these are all normal developmental tasks for teens. For many, youth subcultures can be a natural part of that. Some are harmless. Some, like drug use and extreme dieting, not so much. But in the case of the latter, sensible adults usually intervene to help steer the young people in the right direction. Not in the case of trans.

Spencer #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut pitt.substack.com

This is the logical conclusion of the breakdown of "traditional," gender roles and the patriarchy. You give the left an inch, they'll take their mile.

The left is a force of disintegration and chaos. Traditions of every kind are what they seek to destory and all our traditions are interrelated and interlocking.

This is a tough reality to accept. But "women's liberation," and gay marriage open the floodgates. And we won't close these floodgates until we restore things to way they were. Maybe not precisely as they were, but something close to it.

Eric Stryker #transphobia #dunning-kruger #homophobia #racist archive.ph

"Welcome to the Future": Supervising Director of Disney's "Muppet Babies" Reboot Inserts Transsexual Gonzo

Disney’s CGI reboot of the 1980s children’s classic Muppet Babies is being lauded by the mainstream media for featuring Gonzo as a transsexual.

The episode, titled Gonzorella, features the iconic characters preparing for a ball, where the girls will be princesses and the boys will be dressed as knights. Gonzo expresses that he would rather go as a princess, but is told by his peers that he is expected to attend as a male.

Later on in the episode, a rat with a yellow star on his shirt gets the depressed Gonzo alone and uses his magic fairy wand to indulge him in his unnatural feelings.

The idea to include homosexual propaganda in a program meant for preschoolers was made by Matt Danner, the show’s supervising director and close relative of Jewish actress Gwyneth Paltrow. The leadership at the Walt Disney Corporation, considered one of the most “woke” in the entertainment business, is hyper-political and almost entirely Jewish.

On twitter, Danner, celebrated the decision to insert a sexually perverted Gonzo in a show for babies by exclaiming, “Welcome to the future.”

femlez34 & Califasauros #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

RE: What is the response people are looking for when they say they are “non binary”?

( femlez34 )
I think women say it thinking it's a magical spell to prevent people from treating them like women, aka sexually harassing them, talking over them in the work place, etc. It doesn't work though, everyone can see that they're female. Even within the trans community there is so much sexism directed at non-binary women and TIFs from TIMs, who have the gall to suggest these women have "male privilege".

To me as a lesbian, it's a signal that I don't want to date or befriend this woman because I can't stand all the drama that comes with it. Half of them want to be called lesbians while the other half are outraged if you call them one, and they refuse to give you any clues on this stuff, you're expected to be psychic. Many of them now aren't even androgynous or gender non-conforming. They're women who are all dolled up with tons of makeup and high heels, acting outraged that anyone calls them "she" or "ma'am". Then you have TIMs on the other side throwing a public fit if someone doesn't see their wonky eyeliner and assume that they want to be called "she" (see gamestop trans). Which is it?!?

As for your last question, no it has nothing to do with being "bi". "Bi" is an abbreviation for "bisexual". Anyone can be a bisexual, and many non-binary people are not bisexual, a lot of them are straight or gay. Sometimes the straight or bi ones call themselves "queer" instead, because you have to admit to having a gender yourself to use straight or gay.

( Califasauros )
This makes a lot of sense. For girls and women trying to escape societal expectations of what it means to be a woman (including, and perhaps, most importantly, what it means to be a woman in extreme online porn made by men for men), taking on a non-binary identity is a step not quite as drastic as taking on the identity of a trans man. Of course, there are those enbies who are quite extreme...those who have smoothing surgeries to make genitalia less prominent, those who have surgeries to remove nipples as well as breasts, but I think their numbers are still very small.

pennygadget , TheDirtyYumejo & Stealthygal #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The numbers of Trans Kids seen by Clinicians prior to 2005 was 0%

( pennygadget )
This is exactly why diagnosing trans people (including children) is based in blind, unquestionable affirmation (which isn't done with ANY other physical or mental disorder). Its not about properly diagnosing and treating patients. Its about getting people (primarily young people) on the transgender conveyor belt towards a lifetime of dependence on expensive drugs, surgeries, therapy, reproductive technology & surrogacy to replace their annihilated fertility, etc

( TheDirtyYumejo )

which isn't done with ANY other physical or mental disorder

The amount of hypocrisy is unreal. I guarantee if a schizophrenic person said they were the queen of Africa (a patient my mum saw believed that) or some other identity, they'd be told they're delusional and to take their meds. If my OCD therapist did that affirmation bullshit they do with trans people, she'd be fired on the spot. Why treat one mental issue specially and not the others when it falls into the same category of delusion/dysphoria disorders??

( pennygadget )
At one of my old apartments, this crazy guy lurked around and told the women who lived in the building that God told him his future wife lived there and he needed to get married within the year. He was eventually chased away for good. But, according to the TRA treatment model, one of us girls should have taken one for the team and married him to affirm his identity as a married man.

( Stealthygal )
I wouldn't even care if they were affirmed without medication they'll need all their lives for a feeling.


I take medication to cope with my depressive feelings and I am happy to take it for life. What's a good comeback on that? For some trans people the physical risks are worth it. But should that extend to people who haven't stopped (or even started!l) growing yet?

( pennygadget )

I take medication to cope with my depressive feelings and I am happy to take it for life. What's a good comeback on that?

My comeback would be....

I assume you had to jump through some hoops to get that medication and didn't just waltz into a therapist's office and scream: "I'M DEPRESSED!!! GIMME [INSERT MEDICATION HERE]!!!"


Oklahoma republicans #transphobia washingtonpost.com

Oklahoma just passed its third anti-trans bill of the year

The state is on the brink of signing its ‘bathroom bill’ into law

Oklahoma is on the brink of enforcing a law that would require transgender students at public schools and public charter schools to use restrooms and locker rooms that do not match their gender identity. If Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) signs the legislation — passed by lawmakers last week — it would be the third law the state has passed this year curbing the rights of trans residents.

Stitt is expected to sign the bill, which would apply to students from pre-K through the 12th grade. Trans students who do not comply will be required to use a “single-occupancy restroom or changing room” at their school.

Under the law, parents or students can report minors suspected of violating the rule to school officials, who are required to investigate and potentially discipline the students. School districts that do not enforce the law could lose up to 5 percent of their state funding, and the law would be effective as soon as Stitt signs it.

Bathroom bans started making national headlines when North Carolina passed the country’s first in 2016. The law drew a massive backlash, hurting the state economically, and was partially repealed in 2017.

According to KTUL Tulsa, Oklahoma’s bill was proposed last year after Stillwater Public Schools refused to change a policy allowing students to use the bathroom that matched their gender identity unless a law declared otherwise. Conservative lawmakers, commanding the largest supermajority in the history of the state’s legislature, did just that.

Republican state Rep. Danny Williams, the House author of the bill, S.B. 615, said the goal of the legislation was to “protect our children,” according to KTUL.

“It’s about safety, it’s about protection, it’s about common sense,” Williams said.

Among the state’s Democratic representatives debating the bill was Rep. Jacob Rosencrants, whose son is trans, KTUL reported. Rosencrants argued that the bill would further isolate trans students.

“My child wants to go to the bathroom where he feels comfortable,” Rosencrants said. “My kid just wants to ‘be’ … and he doesn’t feel like he can do that in this state.”


Douglas S. Winnail #fundie #homophobia #transphobia tomorrowsworld.org

(continued from https://fstdt.com/D9N4G8NF6JZY6)
Sadly, many have no qualms about mocking and rejecting these biblical instructions. There are even those who claim that Christian values are discriminatory and hateful and should be replaced by accepting attitudes towards homosexuality, same-sex marriages, and transgenderism. However, the Bible warns us, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7).

Are these just empty words? Can individuals and nations simply ignore what God has inspired in His word? Are there important lessons in history and vivid examples in the Bible that record what has happened to nations and cultures that have chosen to ignore their Creator’s instructions about sexuality and marriage?
One of the most ancient and sobering lessons of history is recorded in the book of Genesis. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were totally destroyed by fire and brimstone during the days of the patriarch Abraham (about 2,000 BC). Sodom and Gomorrah were prosperous cities in a well-watered plain near the Dead Sea (Genesis 13:10). Today, the whole area around the Dead Sea is a dry, barren, desolate wasteland of rocks and sand—as it has been for thousands of years following the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Archaeologists have located sites that could be the remains of ancient Sodom—Tell el-Hammam and Bab edh-Dhra. Both sites show destruction by fire and layers of ash from about the time of Abraham, and both are near the Dead Sea. Although neither site has been clearly established as the ancient city of Sodom, the time, nature of destruction, and location lend credence to the biblical description of these ancient cities (“Which Site is Sodom?,” Biblical Research Bulletin, vol. XIV, no. 1, 2014).

However, while evidence from archaeology can provide us with a description of what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, only the Bible records why this sudden destruction occurred—and that reason is extremely relevant to our situation today.

@1234Hope & @SisypheanTask #transphobia gettr.com

Imagine spending expertise and money on this sickening perversity instead of women’s and children’s well-being. Mengele squeels of pride and joy in hell! A MALE BODY CANNOT SUSTAIN A FETUS. A mother = a female parent. #medicalmalpractice #TRA #pregnancy #womenshealth #itsacult #childrensrightsarehumanrights #womensrightsarehumanrights #sexnotgender https://youtube.com/watch?v=lId6nGRa8iE&feature=share

Let them get their uterus transplants and die of sepsis in terrible pain. They’d need the uterus to “settle” in their narrow hip cavity before a fetus could be implanted so let them have their excruciating deaths. As long as the uteri come from truly consenting women and not women who offered their organs for life saving transplants. I mean SPECIFICALLY consenting to having a man have her uterus implanted in him.

BlkPillPres #pratt #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is

The New Meta For The "Sexual Market" Game (Texas Mass Shooting Made Me Think Of This)

Turns out the guy who did the recent Texas mass shooting was transgender. This got me thinking of a plan that incels can execute.

1. PRETEND to be transgender, create social media, add the flag to your social media, start posting positively about trans issues, etc.

2. Do a crime that will get you locked up in a favorable FEMALE prison facility with as low as possible population of black women. Do research on the stats and see which one has a higher percentage of latina's, whites, asians, etc. You might have to do a specific crime in a specific state, etc.

3. Have your lawyer demand that you get locked up in a female prison.

4. You will now have your pick of the litter (THEY DON'T HAVE A CHOICE):

WOMEN ARE SHORTER, about 9% on average. Nigerians have the smallest recorded height difference between the sexes at 4%, while men of the UAE are 11% taller than their female counterparts.

MALE BONES ARE BIGGER AND STRONGER, in both size and density. Peak male bone mass is around 50% more than women’s, and women lose bone faster as we age.

MEN HAVE BIGGER HEADS AND LONGER ARMS AND LEGS than women, relative to body size.

MEN HAVE SUPERIOR MUSCULATURE to women, a woman's body is typically about 30 to 35 percent muscle by weight, while a man's body is about 40 to 50 percent muscle by weight. Generally, male muscles have a higher capacity for anaerobic metabolism and generate a higher maximum power output than female muscles.

The reason why you wanted to go to a prison with the least amount of black women possible, is because black women are pretty much like fucking men, they are freaks of nature. Though slightly weaker they'll make up for it with aggression.

5. Even if you don't become the "top dog" the top woman there will try to lay claim to you as their bitch, so either way you're going to get to fuck lol.

Also, the women there want to fuck too, you will be the only dick around.

6. Commit small offenses every now and then within reason, so that they keep extending your sentence and you get to stay there and live like a king lol.

Doesn't sound like a bad deal to me. You get free meals, a place to stay, a toilet, and an entire compound of bitches for you to fuck.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia naturalnews.com

In the wake of the mass shooting yesterday in Uvalde, Texas, we must remember that on the very same day, over 2,700 human babies were murdered in America via abortion factories, according to reliable abortion estimates.

The same Leftists who demand abolishing the Second Amendment by falsely claiming it will stop shootings also celebrate the mass slaughter of human babies as they’re being born… or even after they’re born, via “post-birth abortions” that the Left celebrates. (See Abortions.news for full coverage.)

Don’t pretend for a second that the Left cares about the lives of children.

What they care about is stripping armed Americans of their last remaining line of defense against tyranny: The Second Amendment. Left-wing Marxists and tyrants know that if they can successfully take away firearms from the American people, they can then run whatever totalitarian scenarios they want, including rounding up conservatives and throwing them into concentration camps under the cover of an “outbreak.
The real cause behind mass killings in America is abundantly evident: Programming of kids through pop culture (media, Hollywood, music, violent, graphic video games), indoctrinating them with themes of satanism, self-mutilation (transgenderism), baby killing via abortion and invoking emotional rage against others. And if a child or teen begins to wake up and think outside the box, they get dosed with psychiatric drugs to keep them in line.

These are all things which are taught by the political Left in America today. The message to children and teens is crystal clear: Your life doesn’t matter at all. (This stands in contrast to the conservative, pro-Christian message which is that “Every life matters, including yours.”)

So if murder and self-mutilation is the message being pounded into the heads of children and teens, should be really be surprised when this twisted, demonic culture produces mass murderers who recognize no value in the lives of the innocent?

Paul Gosar #wingnut #transphobia #racist businessinsider.com

Following Tuesday's mass shooting at a Texas elementary school, Rep. Paul Gosar, an Arizona Republican, spread a false and transphobic claim that the suspected shooter was a "transsexual leftist illegal alien."

Gosar tweeted the claim even though authorities had already identified the shooter as an 18-year-old male resident of Uvalde, where the shooting occurred.

As of Tuesday evening, the GOP representative had not commented on his tweet, which was deleted about two hours after being published.

@cbucksrules #transphobia twitter.com

Trans identified males will say to lesbians "My dick's a real life strap, stop rejecting it, it's superior!"

Meanwhile trans identified females will say to my gay brothers
"What? You only like real dick? My strap collection is superior!"

Pick a fucking lane, rapey weirdos.

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