
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

nxdismycope #sexist incels.is

[Serious] only low iq phags deny the fact that most foids fuck their dogs

im so FUCKNG TIRED of watching on fb all those WHORES uploading pics of them frenching their dogs.

EVERYDOG spend half of the day licking his junk. thats a F A C T.


do you think those foids wash their dogs mouth before they kiss them ? J F L. no they dont
everytime they kiss their dogs they have genitals and shit and piss germs all over their lips.

the thing is - those are the stuff they allow themselves to upload. what do you think happen when there arent cameras around? thats right. they fuck them.

just L O L @ all the beta males falling for the girls that are obsessed about their dogs and kissing them all day.

this is your oneitis when theres no cameras around. FACT.

(“NSFW” spoiler containing what looks like a freaking bestiality gif.)

men love dogs for their loyalty, females love dogs for the SEX.

thirtybisc #sexist #racist reddit.com

Jesus fuck it is an endless torment to be an Asian man in the west. imagine this: your own women will openly talk shit about you, cuck you, see you as betabuxx to eventually settle down with once they've finished riding the white cock carousel in their 30s. if they feel REALLY bad they'll set you up with the fattest, ugliest women they know and act like they've done you a huge favor.

you'll never be considered a legitimate sexual interest by anybody. most women don't even treat you like a human unless there's something they want from you. does not matter how attractive you are. Women of all races would rather go for a low tier white normie than a 6'4" asian gigachad. What a fucking sick joke.

AccountError #sexist #racist incels.is

North Korea is fucked if a foid leader takes power

There are only 3 paths of this occurs

1. Nuclear annihilation
Foids are retarded and cannot stratagize, hence will probably lead to conflict​

2. White cocku onry
The foid will open Korea to the west where it will begin to unleash hypergamy, the huge amount of foreign visitors will lead Korean men to go extinct as chad slays their foids​

3. Chang spitroast
the foid leader is obviously incompetent so she is easily manipulated by Changs from China or other nearby countries.​

Noodlewhore diplomacy is dogshit ngl​

cahoots32 #sexist reddit.com

Women will never understand men’s struggles

There are a lot of women coming out and dising mens self improvement and mens groups. These women will never understand our struggle
Growing up I was invisible to most women until I gained status I lived life on veteran mode no one gave a shit about me I was disposable like most men are. Even when i gained status i have had guys betray me over pussy countless times. I even got a false accusation in the summer time due to a women lying and my male friends turned against me. Women live life on tutorial mode. Us guys have to become the prize women are already the prize they are born with 100 simps coming after then. Women live life on tutorial everything is handed to them.

So these women will never understand being invisible and having to work for shit. The grind for us guys never ends we’re always working but for women once they get there beta bux then it’s a wrap.

Taken from r/TheKingPill

ThoughtfulCel #sexist #conspiracy #quack incels.is

We live in a society where its a competition of who can be the biggest victim.

It's a slow process of feminizing men, making them more docile and soft. And giving women fake empowerment.

Women are too stupid to realise they are being manipulated for government and corporate gain, so they welcome this empowerment. Why wouldn't they? They get to fuck chad and be considered equal to a man for doing absolutely nothing.

This is why there is no going back.

Men in higher power have convinced women that they can be men to, forever ruining the balanced structure of female and male relationships.

As a result men are becoming softer, less masculine. If men are less masculine this means they will be less outspoken and more willing to accept terrible work conditions and environments.

If you want to blame anyone for society as a whole shifting to being offended by stupid shit like "sexualization" or "toxic masculinity", blame the government that is purposefully making you lose more and more testosterone every year for monetary gain, pushing gay and transgender agendas, and censoring everything, thus reducing any artistic or cultural value.

In short, humans deserve to die and I deserve to rule what's left of earth

COPE GmbH #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] Daddymaxx & Daughtermaxx = ASCENSION

For those who want to betabuxx or reproduce, I have a new strategy for you that I've found today that will get you to reproduce with a prime JB.

1) Betabux a fertile female.
2) You're gonna be cucked anyways so try to find a chad that your wife will "secretly" fuck him, don't forget to make a contract with the chad to be discreet.
3) Hope that your wife's child will be a daughter.
4) Become a loving dad and subconsciously train your wife's daughter to fall in love with you.
5) Breed your wife's daughter at the appropriate age (if you're too late she might become a whore)
6) ????
7) PROFIT!!!

You will have a beautiful (chad genes) wife and healthy children because your wife's daughter doesn't have your genes.

Note for the IT cucks: "A person must be at least 16 years old, and at least five years older than the prepubescent child, for the attraction to be diagnosed as pedophilia."
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia - And don't you ever disrespect Islam, because our religion deems that it's halal.

gymletethnicel #sexist incels.is

[Serious] A solution to significantly reducing the amount of child pornography available

I personally think this might be a billion dollar solution, but I will give it out for free.

"Dear little underage girls, stop being fucking whores by taking pictures and videos of your nude body and genitals."

That's all.

BITG #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Have normies no shame?

How do they bring land whale GF’s to their home, and present them to their parents? I could never look neither my father or mother in the eye and say “mom, dad, this is my landwhale girlfriend”. The disappointment I would see lingering in my fathers eye would make me instantly rope.

normies have ZERO shame. Low inhibs me tbhtbhngldedsrs

also, fucking gross:feelspuke::feelspuke:

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

[Serious] every foid with a chad brother is having sex with her brother

i know this for sure. foids will have sex with any chad and if her brother is a chad, she's definitely having sex with him. if her dad is a chad she'd have sex with her dad too. if foids are crazy enough to fuck a dog, they're crazy enough to fuck their chad brother or chad dad.

and no i am NOT trolling or baiting. i'm serious. think about it. if you're gonna fuck dogs, you prolly fucked your chad brother

You Fail Biology Forever Award

MountainGorilla #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[News] Science confirms women are le monke, women are officially subhuman


In genetic terms, as everyone but religious extremists acknowledges, human beings are in general very similar indeed to chimpanzees.

However, scientists have now discovered that the Y chromosomes - found only in the males - of the two species are extremely dissimilar.

The new study is reported this week in hefty boffinry mag Nature, covering a study by David Page of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical

Research in Cambridge, America, and his colleagues.

According to the boffins' analysis, most parts of the human and chimp (Pan troglodytes) genome are very similar, differing by "less than

one per cent" in gene number. But the human male's Y chromosome is hugely more complex than that of our remote arboreal cousins.

The chimp Y chromosome has only two-thirds as many distinct genes or gene families as the human Y chromosome and only 47% as many protein-coding elements.

The massive divergence between the relatively basic chimp male chromosome and the complex, information-packed one found in men

is theorised to be the result of rapid evolution taking place over the six to seven million years since humanity's remote ancestors split off

from those of chimps.

"If you're marching along the human chromosome 21, you might as well be marching along the chimp chromosome 21. It's like an unbroken piece of glass,"

Page tells Nature. "But the relationship between the human and chimp Y chromosomes has been blown to pieces."

What this means, of course, is that women are in fact much closer genetically to being chimps than men are. Some have even

interpreted the research to mean that men are "more evolved" than women, having left their heritage as apes further behind than the


Technically speaking this is correct, but Page and his colleagues caution that most of the rapid changes taking place in men haven't

involved anything that modern civilisation would necessarily regard as evidence of superiority: the shift from poo-flinging to speech and

writing as means of expressing oneself, for instance, is unrelated to the Y chromosome.

What the Y chromosome is mainly about, seemingly, is spunkiness.

"When we sequenced the chimp genome people thought we'd understand why we have language and write poetry," says Page. "But one

of the most dramaticdifferences turns out to be sperm production."

Armored Closet Gay Award

Daryush Valizadeh AKA Roosh Vörek #sexist #conspiracy #homophobia fatherly.com

[Submitter’s note: He’s talking about this video]

And guess what? Not only women have butts, but men too.

It’s interchangeable, we both have it. If I can sexualise the butt to you, and then feed you free porn of anal sex, do you know what I’ve done?

I have acclimatised you, warmed you up, to homosexual sex.

Cause a man can have a big butt too. A hole’s a hole, right? You’ve got that female booty hole, a man has it too. We’re going to put that butt in your face, we’re going to create sexual desire, of the butt. So we can now interchange it.

And you won’t even notice. You will still… your lust for the butt will be satisfied. Whether it’s from a woman, or a man.

Why do you think anal sex in porn is so popular?

You think it’s an accident? You think it’s taboo? No, there’s an agenda behind it.

That’s why you have a video, a three-minute video, of only butts. Where’s the - did you even notice? Was there a breast in it? Yeah, the girls were wearing bikini tops, but the camera didn’t focus on it.

You don’t remember one breast from that clip, but you remember all the jiggling butts, ass to ass…

I officially declare myself a boob man. I am all about the boobs. Because being a butt man is just a gateway to homosexual activity.

Ichiro Matsui #sexist edition.cnn.com

Tokyo (CNN) The mayor of Japan's third-largest city is facing a public backlash after he suggested men are better suited to grocery shopping during the coronavirus pandemic, because women take too long and contribute to overcrowding at supermarkets.


On Thursday, Osaka mayor Ichiro Matsui implied male grocery shoppers would reduce the potential spread of the virus as they would spend less time in stores.

"Women take a longer time grocery shopping because they browse through different products and weigh out which option is best," Matsui told reporters at a coronavirus press conference in Osaka on Thursday.

"Men quickly grab what they're told to buy so they won't linger at the supermarket -- that avoids close contact with others," added Matsui.

uglyme #sexist #conspiracy incels.is

Women's standards have turned the world into a horrid place to live

A few examples:

- Because women like bad boys and thugs, a lot of men dream of becoming criminals and drug dealers instead good citizens.

- Because women want Chad only, men are killing themselves at the gym and with bland diets so they can look more appealing to women.

- Because women are materialistic whores, men are forced to wageslave 10 hours a day just to have barely enough to afford the childish whims of some old roastie wife.

- Because women want to fuck around, millions of babies are aborted each year LEGALLY.

- Because women are whores, a girl who's got 10 boyfriends before 18 is more respected than a boy who's got a scholarship at some prestigious university.

- Because women are lazy to learn, the quality of many products and machinery has lowered a lot just to be more comfortable for women to use it.

- Because women don't want subhumans to be close to them, now you can get arrested just for bumping into a woman on the street by mistake.

- Because women suck at every profession, degenerate apps like twitch allows them to make millions just by showing their tits and asses.

And many more.

ScornedStoic #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] The prom cancellation is making me stupidly happy over something so small.

Big picture, they'll move on to college sex and fun and won't remember/care about this in the long run. It makes me more happy than it makes them sad.

But it still feels like a win. I didn't get to go to my prom. Humanity and highschoolers gleefully stole that experience from me, and now they're being robbed of it too.

I remember seeing the pictures from the prom on my computer while I died inside. I should've been there, but as my life is I was cheated out of just yet another immensely pleasurable, critically developing milestone.

The thought of a teenage girl dreaming of prom and having her dreams dashed, hopefully with no redo prom or whatever, brings me joy.

How does it feel to be denied something so amazing that everyone else gets for free because of something out of your control?

Sparrow's Song #sexist incels.is

RE:[TeeHee] Tehee

”my mom once told me “im scared to share food or drinks with you because you’ve had so many boyfriends” and i’ve never been so offended in my life like thanks mom but i have gonorrhoea not herpes”

what a great mother-daughter relationship

Reminds me of middle school, where almost every 13 yr old foid was walking around with antibiotics in their purses because a quarter of the foids at school got the clap from all having sex with 2 chads and 2 tyrones... those four apex predators spread disease more than China.

crew2 & Robtical #sexist incels.is

[Serious] So our loneliness is our fault and we need to improve ourselves to get a girl but the pay gap...THAT'S MENS FAULT SWEETIE!

Anybody else see the hypocrisy here? Pretty much any successful woman I can think of or woman who has money is successful or has money because she either:-

- Inherited her money from her father
- Inherits money from their partner/husband
- Made money from men 'physically objectifying' her
- Gains money via child extortion
- Gains money via marrying a rich man
- Fakes depression, stress or disability for welfare

There are very few exceptions to this.

Not only is this the case but women willingly take the easy road and fall in line with one or multiple or in some cases all of these which is literally what causes the pay gap. Shouldn't they be improving themselves and working harder to gain these rewards the same way we are apparently supposed to do to get a relationship?

Of course they will say that it's mens fault and we are "upressing dem waaaahhh" but where is the evidence of that? Where are the mountains of emails and recorded conversations of men in power all agreeing that women should be paid less than men???

I mean it seems that coronavirus affects a higher number of men than women. Does that mean the coronavirus is women's fault???

"Rape culture" and "domestic violence" are also men's fault, not because of their choice to chase thugmaxxed chads.

Exactly. Another great example. Remove the incentive to be a thug (attracting foids) and guess what...no more thugs and better society.

High iq. If foids said today "no more sex for violent criminals" then they'd all diappear the next day, but they do the opposite then blame men for "toxic masculinity".

kill me #sexist incels.is

RE: [RageFuel] "Sex isn't a necessity, incel! I would totally be able to live my whole life without sex or intimacy."

Sex is extremely important for a healthy life. Even Maslow placed sex among other physiological needs such as food and water. So it's THAT important of a need.

Also as explained by Maslow, Humans need feelings of belongingness. Like intimacy and friendship. Not having any sex reduces your chances of satisfying these needs as well. Incels are hated by society because we can't get sex therefore we have low self esteem and can't satisfy our belongnigness needs.

So when someone tells you that sex isn't a necessity, You should tell them to shut the fuck up.

jerrycan dan #sexist incels.is

[About a woman called Sophie James who ordered a dog dildo online]

guess what she's bought as well? Dog rope toys, dog tennis balls, dog bandanna. hmmm, really jobs my noggin. No woman is going to be smart enough to buy these for her petplay LARP unless she actually has a dog, who she is preparing for by taking a plastic knot. She fucks dogs. She fucks dogs and posts about it publically with a picture of her face reviewing dog dick memorabilia. 24 people thought this was cool and publically followed her. It is fucking over. Your looksmatch is actually fucking dogs and dog dildos. Women deserve no rights whatsoever, they should be fucking beaten for even suggesting they will do anything good with their own self-determination legal personhood. YOUR LOOKSMATCH IS GETTING KNOTTED AS YOU READ THIS, LOW TIER NORMIE LOOKSMATCHERS ARE GETTING RAILED BY PITBULLS AND GOLDEN RECHADDERS

cucktears foids reading this are probably scared they'll get caught reading this

moggables #sexist #crackpot #ableist incels.is

A parent who doesn't put their kids on HGH from a very young age is just as bad as an anti-vaxxer

One reason why the bluepill is bad is because it breeds a very harmful ignorance that allows parents to neglect their son's looks. There are probably a lot of men here who would be high-tier normie/Chadlite had their parents decided to do everything in their power to make their son looksmax from an early age. But they didn't, and puberty passed, and now you're stuck with whatever subhuman genes your mother gave you.

But society still wants to turn away from any looks-based theory because it doesn't sound as nice as some Disney-faggot Just World, where if you just believe and have le good personality, inkwell, you'll be happy. And future parents see that shit and then use it to justify their lazy neglect when it comes to their sons' looks.

Rav Menashe Klein #fundie #sexist revach.net

<definitions included if possible by poster>

It is assur<forbidden> to listen to a woman sing, since Kol B'Isha Erva<the voice of a woman is nakedness>. What about listening to her playing a musical instrument, is that considered Kol Isha? Rav Menashe Klein says (Mishneh Halachos 6:25) that it is not, and only her actual voice is an erva<sexual part>.

However says Rav Klein, while Kol Isha is not a problem there are other issurim involved that are quite possibly severe. The gemara <rabbinical commentary> (Eiruvin 18b) says that a person may not walk behind a woman even his own wife. The Radvaz (770) says that this applies even if she is dressed in a perfectly modest manner. The reason is that by watching her body movements you are inciting the Yetzer Hara<evil inclination>, which will cause you harm. The forbidden distance is not limited to four amos<approx. 8 feet>, but any distance where you can make out her movements.

Rav Klein says that we see from here that it is assur to focus on the movements of a woman, even your own wife and certainly if she is a niddah< menstruating woman>. When it comes to watching a woman play an instrument where you are mesmerized by her movements and her performance, although it is not Kol Isha, it is certainly assur and maybe even more severe than Kol Isha, and this goes into the category of Abizraihu D'Giluy Arayos<forbidden sexual relations>.

Personalityinkwell #sexist #psycho incels.is

[Based] The point of enforced monogamy isn't to make "romantic couples", it's to destroy the value of female validation.

In today's sexual market, men are competing with each other for female validation, a LIMITED RESOURCE. Some men will get lots of it and live happy, some men will not get it and live shitty lives. The point of enforced monogamy is so that when you get a wife, you DON'T CARE if she likes you, she's your property, and can't exert any control over your mind like women can do to their boyfriends today. People on this forum argue "even if I get a wife assigned to me, she won't like me, so what's the point". See, the problem with this thinking is that you are looking at it through the lens of modern society, where a woman gets to choose her partner, so female validation is seen as valuable. In a society that enforces monogamy, you would no longer value such female validation, it would be completely worthless. Therefore, you would be able to be married and never worry "does she like me", it wouldn't make a difference to you.

Jim #sexist #wingnut blog.reaction.la

[From "The Logos has risen"]

On Easter Sunday we recollect the victory of Christ.

Most times, people at Easter reflect on resurrection as as the promise of the next world, but this is the Dark Enlightenment. Let us reflect on the victory of Logos. A man can be killed, even an idea can be killed, but the truth will not stay dead.

Our officially unofficial State Religion of progressivism is hostile to truth and at war with telos, logos, and reality itself. Gnon is the personification of order, telos, and logos, while Satan is the personification of disorder, perversion, and lies. No one can be relied on to speak truthfully and candidly if under his true name connected to job that can be destroyed and face that can be beaten in. Statistics always lie. Anonymous anecdote is the most reliable source, and it is not all that reliable.


If you take the red pill, while adhering to blue pilled moral values and political beliefs, you are apt to wind up black pilled, behaving self destructively (“Men going their own way”, “Men’s rights activists”), or committing suicide.

To internalize the red pill and yet remain mentally healthy, you have to believe that Gnon commanded that female sexuality should be under male authority, that female consent to sex is morally irrelevant. The red pill implies that female consent it is a mere fitness test, not something women genuinely want, hence their seemingly strange behavior with regard to rape and sexual harassment laws. To notice that, and yet remain sane and psychologically healthy, you have to believe that Gnon ordained female sexuality to be under the control of husbands and fathers, that rampant sexual immorality is not men looking a women with lust in their hearts, but women making their own sexual choices.

When men complain about rape, they complain about Rotherham and Cologne. When women complain about rape, they complain about handsome white high status wealthy famous college athletes raping poor innocent coeds, revealing that the real cause of their complaint is not the horrible horrible rape, but the horrible horrible lack of rape.

Hence a system where the complainant is the woman, and the criterion is the woman’s consent, fails, in part because female consent is opaque, and most opaque to the woman herself, in part because they fail to complain about the events we expect and want them to complain about, while actually complaining about failed fitness tests. All rape and sexual harassment complaints are fake, as near to all of them as makes no difference, not because rape and sexual harassment does not happen, it happens a lot, but because rape and sexual harassment is not what provokes complaints of rape and sexual harassment. For laws against rape and sexual harassment to have the intended effect the complainant has to be the husband or father, and the criterion has to be his consent, not her consent. Rape and sexual harassment laws fail to stop the behavior we actually want stopped, while endangering good men.

If you accept blue pilled ethical values, while observing red pill reality, then you are assenting to evil, to evil that hurts you, and this assent will tend to black pill you, and drive you crazy.

theheightpill #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[Venting] Normies DO recognize blackpills they just don't care.

Blackpills are controversial and hard to talk about in real life, but the past couple years I've literally not given a fuck and have spat blackpills to coworkers and family and realized that normies will agree with you about them. Talk about how women live on "just exist" mode to any man and they won't deny it. Argue about which sex has it harder and make make them realize how shitty their lives actually are. Talk about tinder to them; have them make a girl profile of an average girl. Bring up natural birthrates and how there's a fuck ton more men alongside hypergamy or whatever blackpills are on your mind and as long as you explain it to them they'll agree. I am a boss at my job, so maybe I have an intimidation factor to my younger coworkers, but none of them disagreed with me; same with my dad. The thing that normies and your family will do though is tell you there's no reason to be thinking like that, or that not all women are like that, or that's just the way it is, or whatever bullshit cope they feel like telling you. Normies are too easily swayed by herd mentality and because it will always be the entire female population against us, they will always side with them because they think it'll help them get pussy.

Gunnersup & RopeMaXXer #sexist incels.is


[Serious] In the future, governments will neuter ugly males

Once the population gets too high, the government will assign tasks to different males. They will allow chads to impregnate foids, but they will neuter all sub-humans. I'm hoping a historian from the year 3000 will read this thread knowing that I predicted the outcome.


Lmao they don't even need to do this. It's already happened.
Brainlets always think of dystopias as some sort of novel with draconian laws.
The dystopia is tiktok filtering ugly people, every hole with social media having a venmo link, rampant anti male quotas and 0 bargaining power as average male.
At this point were just meat robots waiting for our metallic counterparts to replace us.

ionlycopenow #sexist incels.is

I'm so glad I have a female sibling

Having one blackpills you like absolutely no other. Her and her friends would endlessly shit talk about ugly guys. Then there was in between the line blackpills - every guy who was a "loser" or "creep" according to them just so happened to be ugly. Then it was shit like legitimately getting angry at ugly males trying to ascend. Some ugly ogre got a bit of press for trying to NBA maxxx and the first thing they would do is crinkle their fast in disgust and comment on how ugly he is, as if he's not allowed to be happy in life and should rot at McDonald's until he dies. There are endless examples multiple times a week. From what I learned, women only comment about a man's appearance and nothing else, and also get legitimately angry at an ugly male who is confident or trying to ascend/maxxx. They hate ugly men and want them to be depressed and die alone.

I'm so grateful. I can never be bluepilled anymore, and feel bad for guys who didn't get to experience this.

Mys siter recently chatted with a guy on Tinder.

She keeps on gloating with her friends how her matches are physicallly.

Luckily, Ill be out of this house soon so I wont have to hear it.

my sister's friends according to her were already asking about "how to suck dick" and being whores by 14. She herself called them hoes multiple times to me.

Is she older than you or younger?


Im a bit masochistic, i dont if i would enjoy these stuff irl tho.

You have to brutally be exposed to blackpill every day to know just how bad it is.
Thats why alot of people on incel circles are retarded and still hold on to retarded delusions, because they've never actually seen the blackpill in action on a common basis.

BenBerger #sexist #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] [Economics Blackpill] Price, Value and Hypergamy

The field of hypergamy and its impact on civilization is a well-trodden and rich field, but I would like to add another perspective on that - the price vs value perspective.

Nature made us different and significantly lowered the value of the male in relation to the female. The fundamental value of men to women can perhaps be calculated as the ratio between the total number of sperm cells to the total number of egg cells in a given place/country. As you understand due to the abundance of sperm cells their number is just 10 millionth the price of an egg cell. Nature made the man WORTHLESS in relation to the female.

In fact, civilization could rise ONLY AFTER the Sexual Marketplace has become regulated. Namely, regulation of the Sexual Marketplace and control of hypergamy is a PRECONDITION to civilization and not its consequence. At the same time, no civilization can exist with too high levels of hypergamy. Women promiscuity destroys civilization since men lose the incentive to do work hard to maintain the fruits of their toil - which in turn constitute what civilization is.


On the left side, hypergamy is restrained - this is civilization. On the right side, there is barbarism and degeneracy.

On the Left, almost every male has an incentive to work hard and increase his Factor 2 value because he knows that it will pay off and he will get a woman. As a result, men invest, save, create, and invent - civilization is flourishing.

On the right side is hypergamy unchecked. Men understand that they will not get a woman so they have no incentive to work, study and invest - the factor 2 value is plummeting. Civilization is deteriorating: technological progress is slower, interest rates are low, consumerism, etc...

Hypergamy lowers the incentives to increase the fundamental male value (factor 2 component of value) and as a result, civilization is gradually being destroyed from inside.

To sum up… Being ugly is a crime against nature. But luckily we are not in nature, we are in civilization. And if we assume that we are in a civilization what should be important is not our looks but our ability to create, invent or simply be productive members of the society. If none of these holds then it is not a civilization. And to my understanding, the west is no longer a civilization.

metabuxx #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] It's my older sister's birthday tomorrow and I'm fucking glad she won't be able to celebrate it

Every year on her birthday she, her Chad boyfriend, her friends, their Chad boyfriends (some even have Tyrone boyfriends) they all hit the beach, go shopping, go to bars or lakes where they get drunk and party like its the end of the world. Then they have a sleepover in one of their friends house where she and friends obviously get DP'd, gangbanged and creampied by BBC's and Chads.

BUT NOT THIS YEAR. NOT THIS FUCKING YEAR. Canada is in complete lockdown. All the bars are closed. Everything is closed. And my parents won't allow her to sleepover at someone else's house. No drinks for her. No Chad dick for her. FUCK YEAH.


Now she'll know how it feels to be alone and hopeless. How it feels like to be live without having fun and sex. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY FOREVER. WORDS ARE NOT ENOUGH TO EXPRESS HOW HAPPY I AM.


Andrew Anglin #racist #sexist dailystormer.name

Rape Gangs, Sex Slavery and Breeding Farms: Everything You Always Wanted to Know (But Were Afraid to Ask)

Many understand that our lives will be greatly transformed by the society-wide collapse that is coming as a result of a bizarre response to the seasonal flu. However, many have a hard time picturing what that new world will look like. After a brief, boring period of pure suffering, three things will dominate the new mode of existence: rape gangs, sex slaves and breeding farms.
There will also be a religious element, and the backdrop of an ongoing battle with the Mexican hordes, which will be the impetus for stocking up the breeding farms and mass-producing a new man for the future world.

What is a Rape Gang?
A rape gang is a group of men who ride around kidnapping women for the purpose of sexually ravishing them.

What is Sexual Slavery?
Sexual slavery is the status of a woman who has been taken into the custody of a rape gang.

What is a Breeding Farm?
A breeding farm is the place where a rape gang hoards its sex slaves for the purpose of using them to breed a population to fight in a generational war against the Mexicans.

There will be a few years of dumb, painful nonsense. That will last no fewer than three and no more than ten years. Then it will be the time for survival. Once you get to the state of survival, you will then need to organize. The Aryan Rape Gang is the organizational method of this bright new future we are entering.

You need to motivate your crew, and give them a purpose and a moral justification at the same time. You also need to win a race war against the Mexicans after most of your own race has been wiped out because they were too weak to survive a societal collapse. All of these problems find an answer in the rape gang to breeding farm pipeline.

We cannot afford to only take virgins. We need all women of breeding age for the breeding farms. Virgins that are found should be reserved for yourself or your top commandants. However, you must not allow the gap between yourself, your top commandants, and your average soldiers to be too large that it looks like you are tyrannical. You should have more than them, as is fitting your position, but not too much more. The prettiness and number of sexual slaves that are given to a man will depend on his contributions to the group.

It’s basically going to be like an awesome video game.

ionlycopenow #sexist incels.is

Ugly males are expected to just be slaves for life

They are expected to go through school never been invited to a single party, never having had any real relationship, going through the entirety of high school / university basically ignored and excluded from everything that people are supposed to enjoy in their "youth", rotting away alone every night, then they're expected to go straight from missing out on everything to slaving away for eight hours a day paycheck to paycheck. Abandoning whatever hopes or dreams they had to mindlessly keep Chad and Stacy comfortable every day.

It's the most cucked thing to do when you think about it. After being excluded from everything that makes life worth living and enjoyable, they will then gaslight you into thinking you're "lazy", "bad personality" or the favorite one, "entitled" if you don't think it's right or fair to do so.

ToxicMisogynist #sexist #psycho #conspiracy incels.is

Kind reminder: women want you dead

They hate you, they think you deserve to die simply for being born with inferior genes. They feel no pity. Looksmaxxing such as surgery is also futile because they will still sense your inferior genes and hate you for it. But if you hate them for rejecting you, treating you like shit for years and smothering the little that remained of your already low self-esteem, you're a radical inkwell and terrorist, and if you dare to release some steam by writing about your homicidal thoughts instead of acting on them, you can expect the Mossad to barge in through your door any second and take the rest of your life away.

Women are just awful. They're the worst. It seems like they've been trying to drive me into killing myself for as long as I've lived, so it's completely justified to feel a little bit of resentment towards them, don't you think? Every time I hear news about violence against women, it feels like justice.

Shawntheimmortal942 #sexist #wingnut deviantart.com

(he is reacting to a YouTube video by far right YouTube personality TheQuartering, who has been chased out of the Magic The Gathering community for sexually harassing cosplayers, saying “I wouldn’t even rape you” to people, and espousing far right and Neo-Nazi political beliefs, as well as being a spiteful and crude bully in multiple nerd communities)

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why!? Does every industry have to go broke to slap some sense into them? I MEAN C’MON! Anakin as an Incel? These people are paid millions to make a show, movie, or comic about their fan fiction where men suck. Civil war 2 had Captain Marvel locking people up without trail so she should become a fascist in her next series, right? It makes sense! These ass pats must feel amazing for so many of these companies to bend the knee and lose millions. Lemme try for a sec...ALL MY CHARACTERS ARE GAY! Now I wait.

It’s just more SJWs who hate men and only see men who get angry as “white male rage” and not character development.

jet112 #sexist #wingnut incels.is

[JFL] i don't understand incels that equate sexual regulation to communism/socialism

you oughta be out of your motherfucking mind.

sexual capitalism looks nothing like money capitalism.
our 'capitalist' system is heavily regulated in taxes and benefits, nothing like this exists in sexual capitalism.
in sexual capitalism you get 1 match every year and post your sob stories on the internet, just like now.
we were at the height of civilization when the sexual market was regulated, its just that shithead capitalistcels forgot that due to their ignorance

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut #psycho savethemales.ca

While trying to recruit Russo for the CFR, Nicholas Rockefeller told him that his family foundation created women's liberation using mass media control as part of a long-term plan to enslave humanity. He admitted they want to "chip us." Google "Rockefeller Foundation" and "Women's Studies" and you'll get a half million citations.

The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young. Side benefits include depopulation and widening the tax base. Displacing men in the role of providers also destabilizes the family.

A drastic paradigm shift is required to make sense of the world. The Rockefellers are part of the private world central banking cartel that also controls media, defense, pharmaceutical and other cartels. To protect their monopoly of credit and wealth, they are instituting a world police state ("world government") using the bogus 9-11 attack and endless war as a pretext. Rockefeller told Russo about this plan a year before 9-11.

The poet Charles Peguy said, "Everything begins in faith and ends in politics." The banking cartel needs a philosophy to justify enchaining mankind. That philosophy is Satanism. The cartel controls the world through a network of occult societies linked to Freemasonry, Communism, the Vatican and organized Jewry (Bnai Brith, ADL, AJC, Zionism.) The highest occult rank is known as the Illuminati.

Arthas93 #sexist #psycho incels.is

Unfortunately, foids have completely twisted both the meaning and the law that decides what rape is.

As such, if a Chad breaks her jaw while he has forced sex with her, then it's "just some rough foreplay, teehee".
But an ugly man looking at her from across the street is "OMG, that creep is looking at me! I am literally being raped right now."

Foids have created something like "selective rape".
If it's a Chad then it's not rape. No matter what he does or how he does it.

Rape in the past wasn't a crime because of the sexual act, it was a crime because it "took away the chastity of the woman."
Today the average foid have less chastity than a prostitute. They give free sex to literally hundreds of Chads, Tyrones and even dogs.

One undesired sexual intercourse with an ugly man doesn't change even a single atom in anything for the foid.
The next hour she is back at the club sucking Tyrone while she gives her pussy to a goat.

In fact, as we have seen recently, if a guy gets rich, foids will pop up and claim that he raped her 30 years ago when he sneezed near her in an elevator. They have no problem making up false rape allegations.

Incel_Because_Short #crackpot #sexist incels.is

[Discussion] An explanation for how short/ugly/ethnic guys sometimes get a girlfriend.

The blackpill is true, but often you get special cases where a guy is somehow dating way above his looksmatch. You probe further and you find that this guy isn't rich or has much status. I'm going to explain how this happens.

Typically before the relationship, the guy was simping for her while she was either dating a guy (Chad) or hooking up. Now for one reason or another, her relationship/FWB arrangement with Chad goes sideways; She really liked Chad and he burned her by not wanting to get into a relationship. So she ends up feel angry at Chad, very insecure and wanting the easiest way to feel better and somewhat get some revenge.

So what does she do? It's simple, she finds her simp, who is the complete opposite of Chad, and dates him. This does a couple of things:

1. It eases her insecurity, because her boyfriend is doing what she wanted Chad to do (worship her and love her unconditionally). Also, her friends will compliment her and state that she's too good for her simp boyfriend.

2. It's her way of "Getting back at Chad". In her point of view, dating the ugly simp is revenge because she valued the relationship with Chad, so she thinks Chad will also regret not dating her.

Ultimately, these types of relationships don't last too long because they are based on a false premise. The whole purpose for the relationship was so that the foid builds up her confidence. Once she feels confident enough to go after Chads again, she typically dumps him and that's the end of that.

outshyn #wingnut #racist #sexist reddit.com

(*submitter’s note: the site he’s complaining about is Roll20.net, a D&D/tabletop RPG resource that has no such policies as the ones he’s claiming, has literally zero conditions/tags/filters based on personal demographics such as race or gender, and does not even allow games with race/gender restrictions. Also, the allegations were rumours that Roll20 refused to sponsor an unknown YT channel based purely on their group being all white men; even the owners of the channel have said it wasn’t discrimination, it was marketing.)*

I'm sure everyone here knows about the bad sexism/racism allegations against roll20 leadership. I closed my account back when all those issues happened. I'm now looking for a new VTT and I think I really like Foundry -- as much as I can like it after only viewing the tutorials and reading people's comments.

Before I become a Patreon supporter, I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the ethics of the people/person behind Foundry VTT. My thought is that maybe someone more "plugged in" to the community may have read the Foundry people going on-record about anything. I'd love to hear that the Foundry people have soundly rejected racist ideas such as "no white men" and "women-only games are OK but male-only games are forbidden." They let anyone play games with any friends, yeah? Hopefully? Even, say for example, a white conservative Christian military man who just wants to play with his brothers long-distance?

Sparrow's Song #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] Even if a becky or stacy accepted you despite your hideous face, it's still better just to rope.

Let's say a becky or stacy that was a NAWALT actually existed and loved you despite how ugly you are (which is impossible), you would still be a subhuman, your existence would still be an unbearable facial hell and the beckoning of the rope would not subside. Most of the non larping incels here would disagree, but the legit truecel subhumans might understand.

Having a loving partner would destroy your soul even more. It's already bad enough to see yourself in the mirror and see everything that makes you less than human and unworthy of life, having a girlfriend would make it worse because it means that another human will also see that untermensch face every day. The same goes for if you could somehow make friends irl despite how much of a facial boneless, asymmetrical, rotting freak you are. Every human you interact with in real life, whether it's a stranger you walk past, a co-worker, a friend, or even a girlfriend is another human who knows that you physically exist. The knowledge that you are a person that exists in now in their mind, and when they think of you they will think of your face. That's why it's better to never leave your house until it's time to off yourself, because the less people know you exist, the less painful your existence is.

Having a girlfriend would be one of the most brutal reminder of your worthless existence. It doesn't matter if she somehow has a goblin fetish and finds you attractive, you are still trapped behind a face that would look better if it was splattered by a shotgun. You know the first time you saw a mangled dead body on BestGore? That's how she would feel every time she saw your face, even if she somehow "loved" you, there is no way her instinctive disgust could be overcome. Imagine how suicide inducing it would be to have to make physical intimate contact with another human WHO CAN SEE YOUR FACE. How could you even live with the thought of your inbred, genetic trash face... connected to your pathetic manlet body... having sex? How would you not cry and want to kill yourself immediately if a foid was trying to have sex with you? How would you even be able to get hard and have sex while the depressing and dark thoughts of your mind are telling you that you are so ugly that any sexual act you engage in is cringe or you're imagining the whole thing? How would she bring herself to allow her skin to touch yours? How would her pussy not dry up immediately? How would she not feel as if she is being violated by a facially disabled freak? How would she not regret it and #MeToo you right after? How would she not kill herself in shame and disgust?

Imagine living with someone who sees your subhuman face every day? You cannot hide from them. She would think you're pathetic as you cry in the bathroom when you see yourself in the mirror. You'd want as much time away from her as possible. It's always better to be ugly and alone than to be ugly in the presence of other living things. There is no hug for your face, there is no kiss for your face, there is no hand holding for your face, there is not cuddling for your face, there is no blowjob for your face, there is no sex for your face. Suffering a worthless life of facial disgrace is bad enough as it is, there is no reason to allow another human to witness your facial suffering in person every day.

Obviously, it's impossible for a foid to accept an ugly faced man anyway, but even if it was possible... it would not fix your face.

Surgery or suicide.

rightfulcel #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

[LifeFuel] Calling women toilets is the most high iq idea ever

Normies are so brian dead they struggle to connect the dots completely. They are so autistic they are like "LOL women aren't toilets" while ignoring what we just said. Instead of being angry about the posts they go straight to that because it requires no energy. Also toilet is offensive and funny also true I might add. Lol at normies.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #psycho #sexist deviantart.com

(submitter’s note: someone doesn’t like that I posted his defense of artists who made pedo-pandering work!)

Just want to say this first but I hope you all know the drill! Don’t attack ANY of these people, if any of you do then I will condemn it! To the people I’m responding to, please consider making a DA account and talk to me. I don’t shut off my comments hell you can talk to me in notes and it will be private, I promise you. Niam2020...the asshole who called me a fucking pedo! It’s one thing to call me sexist, racist or any of your fucking buzzwords but calling me a fucking pedo is way over the fucking line so go fuck yourself, you scum fuck! You are fucking garbage! I would never stoop so low to call someone a pedo just because I disagree with them so fuck you! If you’re not going to give me the same kind of decency then I don’t give a fuck what happens to you! GO DIE IN A FUCKING HOLE!

So I just found out the shit I say has been quoted and responded to by people in this site called fstdt.com and they seem to really love me! Here are some comments! This is from a journal I made about Patreon going up in flames because they got woke and are now going broke

and look at these tags

Tell me where in my journal am I being a pedo? People like this like to use words without knowing what they mean! It’s only a matter of time before SJWS run out of names to call people because words like sexist, nazi, homophobic etc etc are losing their meaning because of people like this. Also I love how they didn’t put the link to the video I put in my journal. Hmmmmmmmm~why tho?

How am I sexist? Or a psycho or a wing nut? I’m calling out how so many people are all for “Believe all women no matter what” but when it comes to Biden he’s protected! Shouldn’t he have been cancelled the minute he was smelling and touching women and little girls so inappropriately? I mean, what’s the point of protecting Biden? He obviously can’t beat Trump! Again, how does this post make me a wing nut, psycho, sexist? Hell there are far left people going crazy because they don’t want to vote for Biden.

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #psycho #sexist deviantart.com

Gotta love it! I knew that this would blow up in the left’s face but they just kept pushing and pushing these fucking witch hunts! I know there are good things that Metoo did but it was also used as a fucking weapon used by spiteful women to ruin the lives of men! So now it’s “believe all women but if it’s against someone I vote for then give them a chance and due process” it’s a mouthful, sure but these feminazis are known for their big mouthes...and it’s not always used for yelling! HA!

Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #sexist deviantart.com

I have heard there are better alternatives than patreon and if you can find them then I recommend abandoning this sinking ship! When you get banned for a NSFW drawing of an obviously mature Hex Maniac with big tits and you lose all that money because she “looks young”...Ya gotta leave! Now they want you all back? This is get woke go broke and they are suffering for it and I’m not losing sleep over their own failure. If you have a patreon and you haven’t had any trouble then keep at it but always have a backup since Patreon is getting ban happy, this goes out to all the NSFW artists out there to find better alternatives! This is what happens when you try to do business with the woke crowd, the creators who are actually profitable leave while your site is full of communists. Keep that iron wall up and strong, Patreon! I’ll sleep soundly with the sounds of your crumbling business and cries of “why!?”...maybe I’ll touch myself...I will touch myself XD

Edit: Patreon begging people to come back by claiming they’re “cutting the bullshit” mobile.twitter.com/Patreon/sta… when they’re just making more bullshit! You can’t say “Creativity over everything” but add in the fine print “Except if your political views are different than ours and if so then fuck you, you fucking nazi!” Eat shit, Patreon!

shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #sexist deviantart.com

It’s true! I find it very weird how any time there’s a sexy female character is a movie or game it’s always SJWs bitching about the “male gaze”. What about lesbians who like seeing women wearing revealing outfits? I mean, if you’re so ass mad that there are men “objectify” video game and movie characters then what about lesbians? Yes, I know not all lesbians like this or that but stay with me here. With lal the male bashing when ever a female character shows skin...how many lesbians do you think like the character like that? The “male gaze” is always seen as this evil thing but lesbians are never mentioned in any of these articles! It’s just another case of a group only existing to SJWS when it suits their narrative. You’re a lesbian who likes female characters showing some ass? You don’t exist to them. You’re a woman who hates Disney Star Wars? SJWs will remove their own eyes or ears just to not acknowledge you. These far left fucks are far more misogynistic than what they claim america is because even in the small chance they do acknowledge women who don’t agree with them, they’ll just say “Oh you just have internalized misogyny so let me educate you!” Ugh!

Ropemaxx #sexist #conspiracy #psycho incels.is

Women hate you. Their biggest wish in life is for you to die (literally)

Just a reminder that women hate you. Women want nothing more than for you to die a painful death. They hate your existence. They hate your genes. Unlike men, women are very hostile to bad genes. There is a million ways to lose in the dating market as a man, and virtually none for a woman.
Women hate your face. Women hate and despise your bad jawline, bad eye area, small insufficient dick, short height, or even tall height if you are ugly. Women hate every part of your body.

They know your life is nothing but suffering and torture. Yet they wouldnt give you a hug to literally save your life, yet alone any sexual pleasure. Why do you think this is? Its not a coincidence. Women not fucking an incel at all cost, is ALL part of their biological plan.

Womens biggest goal in life is not to fuck chads, its for incels to die and never reproduce.

Women have two main priorities in life that is higher on their list than anything else.
1# NOT FUCK an incel

2# Be chads personal cumdrenched fleshlight

>everything else

The Real Sexism Project #sexist #crackpot realsexism.com

Gynocentric Sexism

Gynocentricism is the scientifically proven fact that almost every man, woman and child has been raised and instilled with a woman's point of view. Men are taught to give women special treatment from birth and women are taught to expect preferential treatment from from men.

Gynocentricism is by definition sexist however it has become the default social model for most of the planet. Men are trained to suppress emotions and always be considerate of a woman's feelings, men are trained to sacrifice, work and die to provide for women's happiness.

Men and women are trained to always take the woman's side over a man. Women are taught to support each other and view men's pain and suffering as less important. Men are taught that fighting, dying and sacrificing themselves is noble but women experiencing any emotional distress is terrible.

This sexist attitude and maternal brainwashing has seen men literally dying to protect women who quite often take the sacrifices men make completely for granted. This is real sexism and it is taught at a very early age and reinforced in our society through society, the media, education and legal system.

The Real Sexism Project #sexist realsexism.com

The Real Sexism Project

Welcome to The Real Sexism Project.

Despite what you have been told, in the western world today almost all legal and lethal sexual discrimination is against men.


Worldwide there are 107 men born for every 100 women, by age 65 there are 78 men for every 100 women, in countries like the USA & UK, its even worse, with 75/76 men for every 100 women. Despite the fact that health care spending for men is nearly twice as effective. In the few countries that have a majority male population and a preference for male children like China, Sons are legally obliged to care for parents when they are older, where as daughters are not. Many other countries like India have this as a social obligation. goo.gl/iZUcJJ

Despite all the pressures and risks facing men today support services for men are almost non existent compared to services for women. There are departments for women's issues in the White House and the UN, but none for men. The UN promotes genital mutilation of male children but condems female genital mutilation. This is Real Sexism.


Men earn 61.5% of all income but only account for 25% of domestic spending. Men only spend 40% of what they earn after tax. In contrast women make up 38.5% of all income but control 75% of domestic spending, women on average spend 90% MORE MONEY THAN THEY EARN. Men are exploited as cash machines and even with spending on children accounted for women still spend more money on themselves than the combined spending for men and children. This can even be observed in the floor space allocated to women's products in most shopping centres.


Men pay over 70% of income tax but the vast majority of public spending is on services for women. There is more money spent on breast cancer than lung cancer and prostate cancer combined, despite the fact that lung cancer alone has 3-4 times more fatalities than breast cancer. A man's chance of getting cancer is 44% and 23% of men will die from cancer, 38% of women get cancer and 19% die. Yet there is vastly more money spent on cancer for women, this is lethal discrimination. Women pay 60% less tax despite spending 300% more in domestic spending than men. Women also consume two third of public spending, there are 3 times the amount of gender specific health services for women than men despite the fact that for equal increases in health spending a man's life expectancy rate increases nearly twice as much as a woman's.

slimshady #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Are Scientists giving off fake Science to Blue pill people?

When I took Science to study. I always had doubts on many scientific theories. I always have respect for scientists of the previous era. Now I learn Psycology and I think old Psycologists made much more sense than Modern Psycologists. While modern scientists are losing debates to flat earthers and Modern Psycology seems so bluepilling.

I watched an episode of a show named Brain games in which they were comparing male and female brains. I think I watched 2 episodes of this kind. In one episodes it was a tie and in the other episode female brains won. They were proving this by science and Evolutionary biology and made some male and female volunteers do some tasks.

Even in the real world it is propgated that female brains are equal to male brains eventhough male brains are bigger. Also females are painted as having more "sense" and maturity by some people. This all is utter Bullshit. Name me one task where females are better than males. In every task and profession that exists on this planet males are just better.

Even in things having no physical requirements. Even in professions traditionally dominated by females like Cooking, Males perform better. But for some reason these "scientific" people have to shove propaganda into our throats.

Many of the modern Scientists don't even follow the Scientific method to come to their conclusions. They just want their results and conclusions to be comforming their pre assumptions. I don't know how many times during my blue pilled days that "science" was giving me more blue pills. Some of them maybe just made up science but I remember some real scientists giving blue pilling ideas about relationships and social structures.

BlkPillPres #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Women Hate Shit Like This Because Its A Reminder That Their Primary Worth Will Always Be Their Holes (Greta Thunberg Sticker Scandal)

She can go wherever and try to "save the world" all she wants, at the end of the day, all she'll ever be is a collection of holes to be used by men

The first thing that pops into man's head when he see's a young ageable female who is even remotely attractive, (subconsciously and/or consciously), is her naked and/or performing sex acts

So from the get go it doesn't matter what a woman has accomplished because what the average man wants from every woman has nothing to do with her accomplishments

All women are pretty much kidding themselves "larping as men", thinking that their law degree or them being a CEO is going to impress anyone, nobody cares, society doesn't really care, we need women to pop out babies so we can keep this engine chugging along, nobody really gives a fuck about a woman's accomplishments, because their worth has more to do with biological realities

Ap0calypse #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

The invisible language

1. Its easy to be confused by what female bluepillers say when you take their words at face value. The relationship type they are referring to isn't what we are looking for, its a inferior imitation and lacks mutual sexual attraction. Females are sometimes willing to tolerate a minimum amount of unpleasurable sex with unattractive males in exchange for the emotional and financial resources the fake relationship provides. Feminists seeks to remove the need for this entirely, they avoid openly saying this with clever language usage.

The only type of relationship theoretically attainable to unattractive males is an over-glorified friendship with the male exchanging resources for the chance to maybe have sex if the female agrees to tolerate it. The female will not fuck us because she wants to, she does it because the cause (tolerating sex/romance with a unattractive male) is overweighed by the effect (financial,emotional,stability) it provides. They can grow to potentially care about you overtime, but purely in a platonic way.

2. When a female goes on reddit to virtue signal, she is well aware that a male with insufficient genetic sexual dimorphism-aesthetics will never be sought after by females for sex out of innate urges

3. Females get no benefit from telling us this truth: it hurts their perception and spreading it will make the endgame of feminism unattainable

4.To convince herself she is doing the morally right thing, she tells herself that unattractive males benefit from the illusion of romance a fake relationship supplies

HeebJesus #sexist incels.is

[Venting] "Illegal" porn

Think about it like this: you can watch videos of people getting their dicks cut off and fed to them by cartels, you can watch videos of people smearing shit all over their faces, you can watch videos of women barfing into one another's mouth, you can watch men and women getting raped, you can watch women sucking a dog's dong, you can watch a man getting penetrated by a horses dick, you can watch people fuck corpses, but if you instead fap to 12 year old lolis in compromising situations, you are automatically given a life sentence and become the most hated person in the world. Does anyone see the problem in that? A woman hits puberty when she's 11 or 12, not 18. If she's old enough to bleed, she's old enough to breed. Another thing our cucked feminist controlled legal system thinks is so unacceptable that it must be made illegal is revenge porn. If a woman willingly sends her partner videos and pictures of herself nude, but acts like a filthy fucking whore and cheats on him, so he decides to upload her pictures, that's HER FUCKING FAULT. Maybe cheating on men and stepping on their toes is a form of abuse that should be punished by the law?

Seriously, we pamper women like they're fucking children.

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