
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Roosh V #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho #racist rooshv.com

[From "Corneliu Zelea Cordreanu: Revolutionary Or Saint?"]

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu was a Romanian Orthodox leader of The Legion of the Archangel Michael (more commonly known as the Iron Guard)[…]He is mostly ignored by Orthodox Christians of today because he raises the thorny question if using political violence and activism is in accordance to God’s will when subjected to a pernicious enemy that happens to be Jewish
is memoir For My Legionaries, which I excerpt below, contains so much truth that, if his movement were to be replicated in America, it would provide a proto-template of taking God from the realm of personal and temple worship and into the national consciousness
To keep out communists, Codreanu used violence[…]He did all this so that an atheistic ideology with predominate Jewish backing would not infiltrate and destroy Romania and its institutions. Did Codreanu “sin” through his activism?
Democracy is a tool of Satan that has been perfected by Jews and their gentile allies in secret societies to take sly control of nations[…]Can you read Codreanu’s six points of Jewish subversion and not see every single one having already been successfully used in transforming the United States from a nation with a Christian ethos to the state of Jewish pornographic sewage we have today?
Can you imagine what would happen to you if you went into the bars and slapped every Jew you saw?
I’ve learned through my own experience that the truth happens to be “anti-Semitic”
In the United States, we’ve arrived at a late stage of Jewish infection where even non-Jews possess the Jewish revolutionary spirit and act Jewish
If Orthodox Christian Alexander Schmorell was glorified by the Church for fighting Hitler by distributing anti-Nazi leaflets, I believe Codreanu has a fair claim at sainthood

Various Commenters #conspiracy #elitist #quack #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

Africa is only 6% vaccinated, and covid has practically disappeared... scientists "baffled"

Almost nobody in Africa is getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus, and as a result there is almost no covid anywhere to be found on the continent. In Zimbabwe, nobody wears a mask, nobody is vaccinated, and life goes on as normal. "Covid-19 is gone," stated a man named Nyasha Ndou, who joked with reporters about how he keeps a mask in his pants "to protect my pocket."

For all intents and purposes, the Fauci Flu is gone from Zimbabwe, even without the injections. The only areas of the world seeing mass disease and death are those pushing the "vaccines"

Continued at


(tow man)
Our IQ's are too high.

Africans are like, "I dont see it, where is it?"

We are like, "Its there, but we cant see it!!! We have no real evidence it exists!!! But its there because science says its there!!!"

Im starting to think Africans are smarter than Whites.


Not the people that (((they))) are targeting for extermination.

Not yet. I expect a massive Ebola outbreak

In other words, stupid is as stupid does.

Who wins this intelligence contest: Africans, or white pro vaccine Antifa leftists. I say Africans.
(I am not impressed with certain members of my own race, nor with the communist Semites, who might also claim to be white.)

Neither am I. We have to remember that most African countries don't do any tests.
SA is in the front because whites want to travel.

Traveling or not blacks don't want it.

Two groups refuse the vaccine at the highest levels.
Very high and very low iq people.
The very high iq people use their brains and the low iq people use their gut instincts.


Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia henrymakow.com

Society reminds me of a man who tries to cash a sizable cheque upon which his future depends.

The bank returns the cheque - "This account has been closed."

The man keeps flipping over the bum cheque as if endless contemplation somehow would make it redeemable.
The cheque represents our Birthright. The bankers are foreclosing.

The "globalists" don't just want to dispossess us. They want to sicken, imprison and exterminate us.


Trusting? Naive? Innocent? Credulous?


Stupid? Cowardly?

How did he get this way?

He never learned real history. Real history is the story of how a satanic cult, Cabalism (Organized Jewry and Freemasonry) has sought to subvert civilization and enslave or exterminate humanity. This is behind all major wars, depressions and "pandemics."

People who know real history immediately recognized covid for what it is - a pretext to impose unpopular social and economic change (i.e. Communism) on humanity. The same is true of "climate change."

But those ignorant of real history bought the lies expounded by the Masonic mass media, medical profession, politicians and professors.
The Satanists are not even hiding their evil intent any more. Joe Biden boasts of having the most effective vote rigging organization in the world. He keep caressing children in public. Twitter now is allowing 85% of adverse reaction news. They are not hiding how they planned and rehearsed this in advance.
The Christian God of Life (Love) has been replaced by the Cabalist God of Death (Hate.)

The education system has taught unthinking obedience. The people have been dumbed down and addicted to porn. Sex has degraded all human relations.

They've been taught gender dysphoria and "inclusiveness" instead of truth.
They don't know how to research and think independently. Their lives have been mired in trivia.

They simply can't face the harsh reality. They and their children have been declared redundant.

Jesse Lee Peterson #racist #wingnut twitter.com

The blacks cheering the #AhmaudArberyTrial verdict will never show up for the hundreds of blacks that will be gunned down by other blacks in cities across the U.S. this weekend. Black lives only matter to BLM & Dems if they can pin it on the white man. What a scam! #AhmaudArbery

Prussian Society of America #racist #crackpot prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Dangerous Elements & The Methods By Which Barbarian Races Tell Lies"]

Most Barbarian Nations are composed of people who are perpetual liars
The Jew is distinct above all liars, in the essence that the Jew lies as a constant mode and strategy of life with everyone and for everything
While the Ancient Greeks were not Barbarians, in Modern Greece, it is considered a “weakness” to be a trusting person
Modern Italians are also Barbarians because while they live in a very corrupt country, they have a Love-Hate relationship with this corruption
It’s a great Tragedy, as the Modern Greek and Italian people are for the most part, unable to engender the great Hellenic and Roman Spirit of their times past
All Slavic Nations are also Lying Barbarians, because to begin with they are all suspicious about their own people
As far as the African an Oriental Nations, things pretty much speak for themselves in those Nations
You would vomit in utter disgust if you knew how many times per day people in India lie
Armenians are also a peculiar and special race of disgusting Liars and con artists, and this is another Race which needs to be removed violently from Germany[…]Use the facade of being “Christians” and the myth of the “Genocide” which was actually a reprisal against them for the savagery they committed against the Turks. The Turks and many other Ethnicities of the Ottoman Empire were the actual victims[…]All Armenians today are Communists
Bavarians still hate us immensely, and while I cannot vouch for it from previous time periods, I believe the Prussian has more respect and care for the Bavarian than they do for us
The longer this world denies the German Nation and Reich its proper position and existence in this world, the wrath of Bismarck and Hitler remain eternally over this world which must then burn up into flames

Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. #elitist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot theoccidentalobserver.net

[From "America Must Die—So That the People Can Live"]

America today is a 245-year-old house—a grand mansion[…]From the outside[…]it still looks nice[…]But our inspection proves otherwise[…]We are shocked to find signs of widespread and irreparable decay
The house must come down; America must die—in order for a new house, a new nation, to arise
My inspection report finds two major, and related, areas of concern: (1)a false notion of human equality, and (2)misplaced faith in the doctrine of democracy
People are different in every way imaginable[…]yet at the same time they also want to insist on the essential and intrinsic equality of humans
All this bodes ill for the “religion of democracy”[…]If the equality falls, so too falls democracy
Societies that are capable of sorting men into lesser and greater types[…]are the drivers of human evolution. They strive for greatness, and they create greatness. Even the smallest steps in that direction—such as were taken by Hitler in his National Socialist Germany—would be such an improvement
Hence the democratic man. His precious freedom, given unrestrained license and lack of discipline, devolves into mindless and confused pleasure-seeking
We have tyrannies of the rich, tyrannies of the Judeocracy, and tyrannies of Big Tech, all vying for power
Toss out your MAGA hats; America will never be “great again”[…]Vermin are calling the shots from on high, and human detritus washes in over the borders
My above analysis suggests the following steps: (a)Break up the existing United States into smaller[…]units (b)In these new units, encourage all non-Whites, and especially all Jews, to emigrate as soon as possible (c)Discard the pernicious concept of human equality[…](d)Replace industrial democracy with something like an aristocracy

Three South Carolina state representatives #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia wistv.com

H. 4605, also known as “Freedom from ideological coercion and indoctrination,” would regulate what goes on at any entity that receives state funding, grants, or tax exemptions, including public and private schools, colleges and universities, nonprofit organizations, state contractors, and private businesses.

Reps. Lin Bennett, R-Charleston, Mike Burns, R-Greenville, and Cal Forrest, R-Saluda, are sponsoring the pre-filed bill, which will officially be introduced when lawmakers return to Columbia in January for their regular legislative session.

The bill would prohibit entities like schools from teaching “discriminatory concepts,” such as that “an individual, by virtue of his or her race, sex, ethnicity, or heritage, bears responsibility, or must confess or atone for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race, sex, or ethnic group” and that they “should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress because of his or her race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, heritage, culture, religion, or political belief.”


The bill would also ban these entities from compelling students or employees to accept, affirm, adopt, or adhere to “controversial and theoretical concepts,” including the existence of genders other than male or female, nonbinary pronouns, implicit bias, and that race and sex are social constructs.

It would prevent schools from teaching students under 18 about sexual lifestyles, acts, or practices; gender identity or lifestyles; and pornographic, lewd, explicit, profane, or similarly age‑inappropriate materials, or instructing in ways that “repeatedly distorts or misrepresents verifiable historical facts,” “omits relevant and important context,” or “interjects the instructor’s personal views,” among other regulations.

Schools, businesses, and entities in violation would lose their state funding or tax exemptions until the Attorney General determines they are in compliance, and the bill outlines that the Attorney General’s office would have to set up a phone and email hotline to take complaints about potential violations to investigate.

Unregistered #racist niggermania.co

science PROVES niggers evolved from apes


The study concluded that Australopithecus sediba was a transitional form of ancient human relative and its spine is clearly intermediate in shape between those of modern humans and great apes -- meaning that the species would have possessed both human and ape-like traits in its movements.

Pisstoire #racist reddit.com

[In response to discussions about acknowledging the dark side of colonist/Native American relations when celebrating Thanksgiving]

Conquering people has been the norm for thousands of years and has only now gone out of style. No need to be guilty about it.

I don’t give a shit about what happened 300 years ago to the poopoo peepee tribe.

LeChampion1992 #ableist #conspiracy #transphobia #racist #wingnut kiwifarms.net

So I found this recent entry to RW’s Alt-Right Glossary;
View attachment 2657924
Is this true? Was #GoBaldForBLM a 4Chan prank? Or are they just scapegoating 4Chan to cover their asses? Cos they also claim on their “Social Justice Warriors” article that “most SJW nonsense is actually 4Chan’s doing” which is definitely not true.

Average rational wiki sperg
"No social justice cringe is something that 4chan does. Yes if you don't put pronouns in your bio or put BLM in your bio then yes you are racist. Sorry those are the rules now don't be a right wing bigot!!! Now anyways stop being a conspiracy and get fucking vaxxed yes those fat people are healthier than you because you're a supreme spreader now shoo!"
Picture of Le typical rational wiki user.


Lauren Boebert #racist #ableist salon.com

"Now I do have some colleagues on the Hill who have, just like me, offered Kyle Rittenhouse an internship in their office," she told Newsmax host Sebastian Gorka, a former aide to Donald Trump, during a Tuesday interview. "And Madison Cawthorn, he said that he would arm wrestle me for this Kyle Rittenhouse internship. But Madison Cawthorn has some pretty big guns, and so I would like to challenge him to a sprint instead."

"Let's make this fair," she said of a race against Cawthorn, who uses a wheelchair.

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #crackpot prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Capture Of Paul Whelan/Even Russian Intelligence knows that the Celts are “NO GOOD”."]


It is by no accident over the past years when the Russian Government had captured the Spy “Paul Whelan” who also had Several Passports

No people on Earth except for the Jews, the most Highly Connected Spies, are allowed to get away with such privileges as these

Jews have always been known to be the largest network of spies

Jews also get away with all kinds of name changes, holding multiple social security numbers, and can pretty much be entitled to any type of legal document changes to their identity or stature in society, of which no ordinary citizen can ever be entitled to, at least not with some reasonable explanation, large court fees, investigation and bureaucratic processes

When you put 2 and 2 together and understand the origins of the Celts, you will understand this truth in that they are a lineage of Jews, a counterpart to their Oriental Cousins

Make no mistake, that Russia does not pursue these policies on the basis of resolving anything with the Jewish Problem, but the Russians are Pragmatic, and it so happens to be that their Pragmatic Approach even noticed unusual things about these people

Other than that, I would not expect much more from Russia

Ahmad Greenman #moonbat #psycho #racist twitter.com

They have CRUSHED democracy in Hong Kong you dumbass.

Most Hong Kongers will join a war against mainland China during if a war happened , China is 100% justified in crushing Hong Kong and make under their control no mercy for traitors,

UK must be ready for war with Russia, says armed forces chief

Anglos are scumbags by nature. Australia wants a war with China, the UK wants a war with Russia. I would say the Russian federation and China must get their nuclear weapons ready at any time to wipe out anglos.

The Abraham Accords have been miraculous. The change in sentiments and relationships between Jews and Muslims along with Arab countries and Israel is absolutely astounding. The lack of mainstream media coverage of this over the past several years is shameful.

Arabs despotic governments are not Arab people for God sake. 99% Of Muslims do not like Israel.

How EU’s top diplomat sees competition with #China: “We western people, US and EU, we have been ruling the world … we were the masters of how technology was working … if we are no longer standard-setting we will not rule the 21st century,” @JosepBorrellF tells #GPF2021.

Actually the USA rules the German cartel known as the EU. Secondly the butcher of Catalonia @JosepBorrellF should stop his white supremacy and western chauvinism its disgusting.

Stonetoss #racist #wingnut stonetoss.com

First Panel:

Brown duck-person in sombrero looks over shoulder and says, “What’s wrong? Don’t like Mexican people?”

Second Panel:

White duck-person in border patrol outfit stares and says nothing.

Third Panel:

Brown duck-person in sombrero stares and says nothing.

Fourth Panel:

White duck-person in border patrol outfit says, “You didn’t.”


Dr. Joel S. Holmes #racist #wingnut #conspiracy americaoutloud.com

At school board meetings across the nation, the battle is on.

Critical Race Theory must be rejected on all levels. It is a cancer to our society and will further divide this already broken nation. Day-in and day-out, the fascist Democrat party seeks to divide and thereby destroy American society. One of their biggest crowbars to tear things apart is race.

To turn Americans against one another. It’s the Marxist way to crumble a society into dust so they can control it.

Interestingly, the Democrat Party concept about race is the same as the Nazi race idea. That everything is based on race. And a person is not defined by his or her individual character, but simply by their race. And the Democrat idea is the Nazi race idea that the “white race” and “black race” are at war. That every single white person is a soldier on behalf of oppression.
The vast majority of Americans reject Nazi Critical Race Theory and are fighting back. Democrat Nazi tyrants fear this resistance so much; they use a weaponized Department of Justice against parents who dare speak the truth in school board meetings.

Still, Americans of all races are standing, taking the flack. When there’s flack, it means we are over the target.
Knowing that our political, social, economic resistance is in part a battle of words, can we find a battle ax to blunt quickly the Nazi race lies of CRT?

Certainly, we can find many, and use them all. Here is one suggestion:

We condemn and crush the idea that any individual person is responsible for actions taken by other people.

And we might as well add:

We reject Democrat Nazi Critical Race Theory on its face.

There it is. Just a few words. It won’t win the battle, but it’s a good battle cry against the fake intellectual Nazi race movement, Critical Race Theory.

Lain #conspiracy #racist #sexist neets.me

When I went to Mexico and slayed constantly it made me think about why I can't slay whatsoever here. The highest rates of interracial relationships are in the most liberal parts of the country. All of my sisters dated black men from 13-18 in that timeline, though in my old city there was like 50% of the population being black, I think another factor was that they viewed black people as oppressed - this is a huge thing that's pushed in liberal schools and I don't think this should be underestimated. The rest of my family called them niggers and pieces of shit but my whore sisters thought they were doing the right thing by giving Tyrone a chance, they'd talk about how God views everyone equally, all of this builds off a woman's natural sentimentality. It's a kind of moralfagging that certain women get a high off, until they figure out that Tyrone is a nigger and he beats the shit out of her. All of my sisters have been beaten to near death around niggers and have crawled back to white men on hands and knees and now when they're around their boyfriend/husband who's white, they call niggers as they are.

The second problem is white women especially are the cream of the crop. I can slay Asian, latinas, whatever but it's hard as fuck to get a white gf even as a white man.


Look at all these Asian, hispanic, black whores that are verified and constantly chatting with white men. It's like the reverse of it, like every woman is being taught to hate her own men. I heard it a lot in Mexico, literally, from several hispanic women, that they hate their own men. My sisters have said that same shit before until they got beaten one too many times. Looks like the elites really want everyone washed together in the blender, with such a huge shift to liberalism and the black victimization complex, I can actually see this growing. Women are just fucking retarded. I'm tired of slaying ethnic women, I need some white coochie in my life

Neetgod #conspiracy #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia neets.me

Again there is no such thing as a black incel

The evidence is mounting and no I'm not a cuck advocating black supremacy. I'm simply pointing out that atleast in California there is a interracial phenomenon happening here. White men are in a state of disarray. Its different in some parts of the country but my city has the most interracial relationships in the fucking world. I need to move the fuck out of here. When I lived in the bay it was different. I was worshipped. But in the valley I'm human garbage.

1. Every user that is black here is not an incel. Let that sink in. Every white user here is an incel. I seen a picture of Lain And he is model tear looks. But he cant even get laid wtf is going on here
2. All the black men that live in my apartment complex have gf. Not one white man does.
3. I dont care what some stupid ass app stats say i know what I seeing is real there is a series problem for white men in California especially in the valley where I live
4. I see blacks with snow bunnys more then whites with whites I'm not making this up and its driving me insane. I hate snow bunnys for race trading so much.
5. Now I know what it's like to be a asian man it's a living hell. Your essentially being genetically weeded out in a cold silent war. It's over. Tranny max or bust for the white man in 2021.
6. If you disagree that's fine but you will not change my mind no matter how many stats you have cause i live in the real world I know what I see is very real.

C.T. #sexist #crackpot #racist chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Violating the first guideline"]

I published the first guideline I came up with for a ‘New Aryan code’, which can be summed up in these words ‘Thou shalt only speak to Aryan males’
Ever since my sister got very upset with me when I tried to defend Richard Wagner against the accusations she had been taught at school about Wagner’s attitude to Jews, an argument that ended when my sister not only walked out of the family room but told her teenage son to go with her so as not to listen to me, I had promised myself never to sit with them again

And I kept it: not even at Christmas did I sit with my family

But even the priest falters when he lives among little women. Not long ago[…]standing in the kitchen she advised me to go back to school. Since[…]I didn’t sit at the table, I made the mistake of telling her why that didn’t make sense (can you imagine me in a woke university?)
Because I didn’t give an inch to the grotesque advice to go back to college, she was so offended with me that she didn’t speak to me for the next few days!

But the fault was mine
I published ‘Best Russian film’ about Andrei Rublev

A masterful scene that perfectly portrays the psychology of women. I mean when a Russian girl, after the Tartars destroyed her village and horribly tortured some male villagers (one had liquid metal poured into his mouth with a funnel), still willingly gave herself up to one of the polygamous Tartars!
Her nature is simply to go with the strongest
Among the racialists only Andrew Anglin and Roger Devlin[…]know the nature of women. The problem with the conservative Devlin is that, as a typical American conservative, he is so feminised that he cannot see that only a revolution à la The Turner Diaries could save us

Ali Abunimah #racist twitter.com

Eliyahu David Kay, who was killed in occupied Jerusalem today, is a white South African who recently moved to the Zionist settler colony and joined its “army” to help murder Palestinians and steal their land. He was clearly addicted to apartheid and colonialism.

Neetgod #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut neets.me

Black oppression is a meme

Blacks get way more advantage then any other race.

1. Jewstream entertainment push black interracial relationships in every commercial, movie, music video. And make white men look like fools. Making it much easier for black men to breed. It's like having your own pr team fetishizing your image.

2. Jewganda always pumping out subliminal messages. Like hes a strong black man, oh hes so oppressed but so brave.

3. Affirmative action gives negros college scholarships and jobs there are many more qualified men. But since there white there expelled. So who's really being oppressed.

4. Reparation scam: they were slaves 200 years go jfl. Most people were endangered servants who would never be relieved from bondage. Infact my relatives were indentured servants. So I come from slaves. Where is my representations. Will never even be considered cause I'm white.

5. The first slave owner in america was actually black his name was anthony johnson. Not to mention Africa sold there own men to the world as slaves.

6. Most women now prefer to be with black men. Cause of all the propaganda. So they easley get sex, love and wife's. All cause the media pushes them forward as aka black kings.

7. Black men have benefited from selective eugenic breading. The slaves would be paired with the best quality Gene's to reproduce. Hence nba and nfl athletes. Which has created more wealth then any other career for negros. But hey there suffering from slavery when in the long run they have benefited greatly.

8. BLM is a criminal organization that caused billions of dollars in property damage. Killed 100s of people. But are exonerated from there crimes.

9. Lighter criminal sentences: Infact recently a black school shooter shot 5 people at school. But was let out of jail and an hour later with a welcome home party. He claimed he did it cause he was being bullied because he comes from a wealthy family. Jfl

Any thing im.misssing let me know.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut henrymakow.com

It doesn't take a genius to recognize that Talmudic behavior is the real cause of Anti-Semitism.

But the implications are far more serious. Meyer Amschel Rothschild was a Talmudist. This satanic hatred of humanity, and Christianity in particular, is driving the covid vaccines. There is a direct line between the Crucifixion of Christ, who represented the God of Love, 9-11 and the New World Order in terms of the degradation of humanity through fake pandemic, war and depression. If this logic is correct, humanity's fate is to be crucified like Christ or otherwise slaughtered or enslaved.
The New World Order imperils humanity and assimilated Jews. As conditions deteriorate, anti-Semitism may become rampant. Jews must recognize that Judaism is not a religion but a conspiracy against humanity. It is also a conspiracy against Jews, whose security is endangered by its secret agenda. Zionism, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Neo Conservatism, Feminism are all deceitful means to establish the Masonic/Talmudic/Cabalistic central bankers in a thinly veiled "world government" tyranny.

Society has been brainwashed to reject the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which explains the methodology in detail. This document is not anti-Semitic; it is Satanic. I first recognized it was authentic when the author celebrated that a "cold and forlorn" mood had taken hold of Europe's cities. This is something no "forger" would think of.

Assimilated Jews need to dis-associate from organized Jewry and reinvent themselves as a people, recognizing how, like other peoples, they have been deceived and exploited by their so-called leaders. Like Stephen Bloom, many assimilated Jews have a strong sense of truth, justice and God's bountifulness, and must join their Christian neighbors in putting America back on track.

Prussian Society of America #racist #psycho #crackpot #conspiracy prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Stop Mourning The Coming Depopulation, when you should be mourning the Noble who already died or have not been allowed Birth"]

We are in the race against time to ensure that the correct priority of those who should be depopulated, are depopulated, before the pendulum hits the very last remnants of valuable people

Too much focus is placed on the coming depopulation, which is inevitible based on numerous factors[…]Nature itself would forcefully remove majority of the world’s population because it responds in a certain manner to imbalances
A Nation cannot be solid and strong, unless at least a minimum of about 80-90% of its people are of Good Racial Stock
Good Eugenics Practices and Sterilization responsibly applied should be used, and I am advocate that all Nations of the world should follow our lead
The true devils are the ones who belong to the Rh Negative Bloodline
The Celtic race which are also predominant with the Rh- Factor, as they are a lineage of Jews [Esau] are heavy carriers of this blood type
Most Nations people blindly worship and adore the Celts, because the Celt is a great deceiver, clever sharp and witty, and yet they do some of the most barbarous acts behind the scenes
The hatred of the English and Hebrews is a daily, pervasive, never-ending hatred that is to the very core of our bones

But as the Celt may be a Jew who is less adept to the ways of the Oriental Jew, make no mistake that he is as much of an opportunist as his brother Jacob
It is this Celtic Nature which creates the Barbarism so often found in the Basques and Catalans. Both of these peoples are a menace to a strong National Spain
Always remember that the Americans and people of the UK will never confess to their responsibilities for gutting out almost all that was worthy of being saved in European Racial Blood in the last century

Neetgod & Neet Cel & WeebHunter3000 #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut neets.me

The white man is the new jew

Funny thing is the white libtard is the one oppressing his own race. 70 percent of blm members are white.

1. There now denying medical infusions to whites so they can prioritize for ethnics
2. Oakland and la are now giving basic universal income to ethnics but excluding whites
3. Whites are excluded from college admissions because there white. Even though there more qualified.
4. Most white cunts prefer niggers now
5. ESPN announced they will only do internships for black only whites are excluded
6. The media constantly paints white men as white nationalists terrorist
7. These are only a few examples

(Neet Cel)
The (((poles))) are the tru Jews of Europe

It’s the Jews bro, always has been.

Sinead #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #quack renegadetribune.com

The jewish occupation governments of the West know the value of using the mental health system as a weapon against the people. During the reign of the Soviet Union mental asylums were used to destroy people who opposed Jewish communism. The Brandon Raub case shows how the Freemason patsy governments of the Jews try to intimidate White people by using bullyboy criminal tactics.

Psychiatry is a Jewish creation. It has no foundation in science whatsoever, being the most fraudulent part of the entire Jewish medical establishment.
This jewish gibberish is designed to destabilize the mind of the goy for the purpose of defeating White nations once and for all, for international jewry. These psychotropic weapons are highly dangerous in the hands of our enemies. They weaponize them, having people obey their “doctor’s orders” without consent, under the pretense of “curing” their patients of “mental disorders”. Their communist/Marxist agenda is to have all humans in the world submit to them and accept them as the most intellectual people on the planet. What easier way to control the masses than to illegitimately sneak your way into power, stealthily kill your biggest enemies in the process, slander the remaining opposition, then arrest them and drug them into obedience? The most astonishing thing is that some humans (who are of course pawns) defend them for this. Are we going to get rid of these parasites, or will we continue to let them do their demented deeds?
If we don’t do anything about this criminal conspiracy, this will be our future. This is what could happen to to all Pro-Whites who oppose their own genocide. In the Jewish Psychiatric DSM Manual racism/anti-Semitism will become a “mental illness”. Then all jewry’s political opponents will be herded into mental institutions, given their de facto death sentence, and chemically lobotomized, shutting us all up forever.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #quack realjewnews.com

It’s so easy to be a ‘domestic terrorist’ these days.

Just attend a PTA meeting and dispute Critical Race Theory indoctrination of your five-year-old child and voila!

The Jew who heads the DOJ will sic the FBI on you.

I’m talking about Merrick Garland whose hideous face, Jewish hooked nose, and crooked mouth matches his vulgar agenda.

You see, the Jew pledges to “mobilize the FBI against parents protesting Critical Race Theory in public schools.”

Garland then cites unspecified “threats of violence” against school officials in response to the National School Board Association equating parental concerns to “domestic terrorism.”
It’s a script right out of Jewish Bolshevism’s playbook.

This time Garland switches out “class warfare” with “race warfare.”

Simply intimidate moms and dads—who oppose CRT indoctrination and open porn passed off as “literature”—so this despicable Jew Garland can silence their dissent.

Garland is acting in concert with another White-hating Jew.

I’m talking about lesbian Randi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers.

“Thank you #DOJ,” the lesbian Jew Weingarten tweeted.

“Merrick Garland tackles threats to educators amid critical race theory furor,” the Jewish lesbian barfed.

It’s all a Jewish affair you know, since Jews—like Garland—know how to milk the tits of “racism” as a huge cash cow.

You see, Garland’s Jewish daughter, Rebecca, and his Jewish son-in-law, Xan Tanner, are getting rich off selling anti-White CRT training materials to public schools.

It’s a multi-million dollar operation called “Panorama Education” and Garland surely gets a piece of the pie.

Some call it “conflict of interests.”

But if Jews can get away with murder—like Jewish-owned Pfizer with its ClotShot—then Garland can surely get away with a ‘misdemeanor’ like “conflict of interests.”

TheFoxAndTheFound #homophobia #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Anon remmebers


spoilerYou didn't see the 70s or the 80s or 90s

You know they took something but you don't fully understand what.

The best way to understand what they took is so to watch Beethoven from 1991

Things you'll see

- nuclear family
- Three kids
- Beautiful small town America
- Happy music
- No pessimism
No politics
- No race baiting
- No gay indoctrination
- No trans indoctrination
- No underlying "message" about race
- Positive vibes
- Little worries because US is #1

You can really feel the optimism of 90s America. Peak United States power. Peak economics.

And then social media happened

No, protected demographics got the equality they wanted and realised that equality wasn't enough, and by the time we realised just how far they would go to enact their revenge for shit we didn't do, they had achieved too much momentum.

I regret ever voting yes on gay marriage and I regret ever holding my hand out in friendship to any demographic other than my own.

This is what racists were like in 1968 lol

To my horror, turns out a lot of the things that bigots said would happen over the last century should we allow the march of progress is definitely happening.

Andrew Anglin #racist #conspiracy #fundie dailystormer.name

[From "Vienna Rejects Calls to Remove Statue of Anti-Semitic Mayor!"]

Austria has never been as faggotized as Germany, but I can and do take this as a sign things are finally swinging back in the right direction

There is no way anyone Adolf Hitler admired could have made it through 2020 if some white bitch or mulatto kwain had noticed him

Labeled the ‘king of Vienna’, Lueger rallied people against Jews, describing them as the “people who murdered God” and “expropriators of the native population.” Nazi leader Adolf Hitler[…]described the mayor as “the most terrific German mayor of all time” in his autobiographical manifesto ‘Mein Kampf’

Everyone who knows anything about the Jews knows that they do not produce anything other than pornography, addiction, and psychosis – and they also know that Jews consistently, across the world, maintain the position of the single most wealthy group
In a legitimate society, no single person who did not produce anything of value could become wealthy – save through inheritance. No, I’m not talking about communism or socialism or any of this other gay shit. I’m saying that a serious country would structure its economy in a way that made it impossible for people who offer nothing to society to be wealthy
Just as disease cannot live in a healthy body, Jews cannot live in a healthy society. We are a society without God, so it doesn’t matter if we are communist or “capitalist,” the same foul spirts will rule over us. In fact, all of these communists – AOC, Vaush, Hasan Piker – are 100% on the same page ideologically as George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, and Larry Fink
Modern man is empty inside, and the tearing down of statues is a manifestation of the anger they feel at people who experienced actual meaning

Mark Levin #racist #wingnut mediamatters.org

MARK LEVIN (HOST): Tiffany Cross is on MSNBC. I never heard of her before, but she's another person with a show on Saturday. Maybe that's why I've never heard of her before.

But she is aggressively, in my view, anti-white.

And by "white," I don't just mean people who have white pigmentation, whatever that means -- anti-the existing American society and culture.

In other words, these are people who hate the country and Tiffany is among them. This is the kind of platform that Comcast gives to people.

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #racist winterwatch.net

Travis Scott and the deadly incident at Astrofest in Houston is a stark manifestation of neo-zombie culture. Zombies follow the dictate of doing stupid things at stupid places with stupid people. They also don’t register that bad things happen to stupid zombies. It seems to be a rapidly developing, programmed-cultural tendency.

Travis Scott himself has no real attractiveness or musical appeal other than a certain impulsive and strange demonic spirit of wanting to control people to do stupid and unseemly things.
Another manifestation of this disaster was the Lugenpresse distracting to somehow make it about “conspiracy theorists” and obvious observations, namely that the show was demonic or satanic in tone. Here’s a long string of headlines that look right off of a gaslighting script. What are they hiding now?

This entire operation, including the Lugenpresse coverage, is the end of the line for entering full-blown clown world.
In contrast, I admit to being a Rammstein fan, especially in concert. They are definitely an edgy European band. The following video shows a high energy performance in Nimes, France, and illustrates the stark contrast between Scott and real professionalism.

Note the lead singer Till Lindemann acts as a conductor and eyeballs and directs the audience. Often it is sing and dance along. There is no crowd abuse or insults. Instead, there’s repore and interaction. Rammstein plays the crowd like a violin, and the mostly white European crowd knows how to lay it down, too. This is fun stuff!

Most Rammstein performances are in Europe where the crowd behaviors aren’t as zombified, stupid and dinduized as was seen at Astrofest and Travis Scott’s shitstorms. The way things are going, this Rammstein Ich Will set may now be the good ol’ days.

Neil Kumar #wingnut #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy neilforarkansas.com

[From "Neil for Arkansas 2022 Platform"]

Stop the Great Replacement
Americans are waking up to the fact that they’re being replaced by cheap labor from Latin America, Asia, and India. This must stop. America for Americans
End the War on the Working Class
As the Rust Belt has seen, there’s a war against good-paying jobs for traditional Americans. The war on America is moving to the South
•Restore freedom of association by repealing the Civil Rights Act and other “civil rights,” “discrimination,” “hate,” and affirmative action legislation
•Free all of the innocent patriots such as Kyle Rittenhouse and January 6th Trump supporters who have been railroaded by anti-American prosecutors

Make the Family Great Again
Democrats have used public schools to destroy our families by removing children from the home, driving down wages, and separating families by forcing the two-working parent model
Fight LGBTQ Perversion
Family is the most critical building block to civil society[…]America must flat-out reject the perversion of family life by the hateful, anti-Christian homosexual lobby
•Criminalize transgender pharmaceuticals and surgical procedures

Secure Our Elections
The November 2020 “election” of Joe Biden will go down in history as totally illegitimate, and will either be the turning point for the saving of our republic or the beginning of its demise
Preserve Our Heritage
Our history is under attack. Violent communists have begun their open revolution against America. If we let them erase our history, they will control our future[…]
•Protect American and Confederate flags, graves, and monuments
•Remove anti-American and anti-Southern materials from public lands and monuments
•Defund the anti-American education system. Deny federal funding to enemy institutions that teach anti-American values and tax their endowments

Pyronia #racist stormfront.org

Problems with my sister

Hi! I’m kind of new to Stormfront so if there are any formatting issues I apologize.

I’m pretty “in the closet” about my WN beliefs but I know my dad is definitely what our modern society would call racist (though my mom doesn’t know that).

My sister is away at college and we text pretty regularly about her life there. She sent me a text today about a guy that she fancies. She talked about how nice and wonderful he is and I was really excited for her so I asked for his name. It was one of those stereotypical black ghetto names and my heart sank. I just had to suck it up and politely end the conversation because I’m not looking to burn that bridge, especially since they’re not even dating.

I guess I just want to know what I should do if they end up dating. I can’t straight up tell her that she’s a race-traitor but I also can’t sit back and let her do this to herself.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

How has your sister talked about blacks up until this point?

Has either of your parents talked to you or your sister about dating non-whites?

She's been listening to rap since she was allowed to do so (and even a little before that). Her best friend in high school was a white girl who exclusively dated black men. This isn't a new concern. Up to this point, her boyfriend's and crushes have been white, so I figured we were in the clear.

My mom doesn't see a problem with race mixing and I know my dad does, so that's at least one point of contention. Also a reason why they aren't going to tell her off. Mom rules the roost.

I found a picture of them together on her Instagram. He could hide in front of a coal pile. Kinda what I expected from the name DeShawn, though.

She called me racist for saying that the welfare system hurts black Americans. I doubt WN will go over well. She goes to one of those woke-fest universities too. Apparently, according to her music teacher, all modern music was inspired by black jazz.

James David Manning #crackpot #fundie #racist twitter.com

The murder trials in Brunswick GA & Kenosha WI screams Black people worship color of skin rather than content of character. Black people gonna die by bullets cause they live by BLACK LIES and Black liars like Black Lives Matter rather than Bible truth. ATLAH, that’s what God said

Anonymous Commenter #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org


This is the future of Britain, and it's beautiful.

why anon you are telling me I don't belong in the country I was born in and identify with.

you are genetically different
you are a pug trying to be a greyhound, it is false.

Being indian means to be genetically indian, being african is to be genetically african and to be english is to be genetically english.

We accept some movement between the neighbouring countries like france, netherlands, aus, usa, can, etc because they are our genetic brothers.
You do not look like us, you will never look like us and you will never be us. You are not even an adopted brother, you are a colony of slaves who were brought here by jews to keep the host economy running for a few more years.
The english did not vote to bring you here, they would never have voted to bring you here and they never wanted you here. The reason you are 'accepted' is because of the tight hold jews have on the propaganda media network. The general sentiment is that your people are unwanted. You are one of those people and when the media curtain drops you will be removed or worse.
You are vulnerable and in a place you should never have been, protected only by the system which your people seek to destroy.

I am still british even if I'm genetically different anon.

You will be removed because you are not one of us, you do not look like us.
Trust is based largely on genetics, a racially AND culturally homogenous society is one of high trust.

If you wish to trust me, know this: You are not white and cannot be English. If you are not English you will be removed in under 10 years.

Unnamed Sanaa Houthi rebels #fundie #sexist #racist bbc.com

A Yemeni actress and model has been jailed for five years by rebel authorities after being convicted of "indecency"

Intisar al-Hammadi, 20, alleged that she was physically and verbally abused after being detained by Houthi forces in Sanaa in February, and that she had to sign documents while blindfolded

Three other women arrested alongside her were also handed prison terms

Human Rights Watch said the case was "marred with irregularities and abuse"
Houthi-run news agency Saba reported that a court in Sanaa found Ms Hammadi guilty of charges including committing an indecent act and possessing drugs

She and one of the other three women were given five-year prison terms, it said. The others were jailed for three years and one year respectively
Ms Hammadi, who has a Yemeni father and an Ethiopian mother, has worked as a model for several years and acted in two Yemeni TV series. She sometimes appeared in photographs posted online without a headscarf, defying strict societal norms in the conservative Muslim country
In March, Ms Hammadi was transferred to the Central Prison in Sanaa, where guards called her a "whore" and "slave", because of her dark skin and Ethiopian descent, her lawyer said

Polish ultra-nationalists #racist #wingnut algemeiner.com

Shouting slogans that included “Death to the Jews” and “LGBT, pedophiles, Zionists — enemies of Poland”, hundreds of ultra-nationalists took over the center of a provincial Polish town on Thursday to mark their country’s independence day with a brazenly antisemitic demonstration.

The scenes at Thursday’s demonstration in Kalisz, a city of 100,000 in central Poland, shocked even veteran observers of the Polish far-right. “They were chanting ‘Death, Death, Death’ and ‘Death to the Jews’,” Rafal Pankowski — executive director of the “Never Again” Association, a Polish anti-racist NGO — told The Algemeiner on Friday.

“In more than 25 years of monitoring antisemitism in Poland, I have never seen anything like this,” Pankowski added.

The centerpiece of the demonstration was the ceremonial burning of the medieval statute for which Kalisz is famed that granted legal protections to the Jews in the historic Duchy of Greater Poland.


One speaker at the rally, far-right activist Piotr Rybak, attacked what he called a “Polish-speaking rabble” who were plotting against “Poles in their own homeland.” His voice reaching fever pitch, Rybak pledged to “chase this Polish-speaking mob to Israel, just like we did in 1968” — a reference to the antisemitic campaign of that year launched by the former Communist Party regime under the guise of rooting out “Zionists.”

Another speaker, Wojciech Olszanski, bellowed that “LGBTers, pedophiles, Zionists are the enemies of Poland!” Throughout the event, the crowd chanted slogans including “Death to the Jews,” “Death to the Enemies of the Motherland,” and “Once with a sickle, sometimes a hammer, the Red Rabble” — a reference to the widely-believed myth among Polish nationalists that Jews were responsible for the installation of Communist Party rule following World War II.

Marion Hutson #racist wistv.com

(For context: Columbia’s first black mayor, Steve Benjamin, is retiring at the end of this term. The candidates heading to a run-off election are Tameika Isaac Devine, a black woman, and Daniel Rickenmann, a white man.)

A public figure in Cayce is under fire for allegedly making racially insensitive remarks.

Marion Hutson, one of nine Cayce Historical Museum Commissioners, allegedly told a city employee that Columbia “doesn’t need another ‘colored’ person as mayor.”

Cayce council members are now calling for an investigation into the remarks. Three council members voted to keep Hutson as commissioner, and they tell WIS they want an investigation into the remarks.

Hunter Sox was a candidate for Cayce City Council, and Hutson was a family friend campaigning for Sox.

“It’s terrible to hear,” Sox said. “I would not have had someone campaigning for me if I knew there were a possibility he would say such a thing. I was appalled and shocked and we don’t allow those comments in the city of Cayce.”

WIS spoke with Mayor Pro Tem James “Skip” Jenkins who voted to remove Hutson from his position Tuesday night.

“Hutson’s statement is unacceptable and disturbing,” Jenkins said. “I don’t know where we go from here. It’s slated to be brought back up at the council meeting next Wednesday. I’ll do an on-camera interview after it’s resolved. I don’t want to get ahead of the investigation.”

WIS also spoke with Council Member Phil Carter who voted not to remove Hutson yet.

“The comments were unacceptable, despicable and I don’t condone those statements period,” said Carter. “I voted Tuesday for due process so that there can be an investigation into the alleged statement. I believe strongly in due diligence.”

Tim James voted to keep Hutson in his position and hopes there will be an investigation.

“The City of Cayce has a sweet spirit and is a loving community,” said James. “It’s unconditioned and doesn’t mirror the sweet spirit of our city and citizens and we will address this issue.”

City of Cayce Mayor Elise Partin posted a statement on her Facebook page which says she doesn’t believe there needs to be an investigation and she believes the worker who made the allegations.

Various 4channers #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(Canadian Anon 1)

White Students Not Allowed at Pennsylvania School District's Drone Camp

The worst part about the states white hate is that it bled into Canada

We used to all hate brown people now we welcome them and want to push the whites out

(Catalonian Anon)

That's a ten million dollar settlement just waiting to happen.

LMAO. hahahaha the law does not apply when it protects whites. you're still in the year 1990 brotha.

(American Anon 1)
Nothing will happen.
Why? Because no one will sue.
This is illegal, but there is not ONE organization to sue them
If it was reverse however, there would be 100 organizations pouring in and sue the school to oblivion
This is the weakness of our system

We don’t have any organization who defend whites for discrimination like this

(Canadian Anon 2)
You naive moron

Discrimination laws do not apply to white people and there is countless precedent to support that

(American Anon 2)
America has privileged/protected classes which maintain special rights as a form of repayment for lack of representation previously. It’s the same reason nonwhites can have work organizations designed for their needs and networks, but a white based one is illegal

(American Anon 3)
>White kids not allowed to attend drone camp.
>White kids decide to make their own drone camp.
>Black kids get mad because all their drones are mysteriously broken or stolen
>Black kids demand to be allowed to attend white kids drone camp, Citing general systemic racism for being the reason that they have no equipment.

(American Anon 4)

They're going to create so much pressure that they're going to end up with mainstream support for pro-White organizations.

If only you knew how cucked whites really are

(American Anon 5)
whites will go fucking extinct with the last one whining about how its unfair rather than burn down buildings and kill the people in charge of genociding them. congrats bitch. once youre dead from the vaxx your kids are going to be rape meat

Unknown 4channer #dunning-kruger #racist i.ibb.co

Black "History"

>living in the stone age when the Egyptians show up and start slaughtering and enslaving them
>never think to invent any defense beyond pointy sticks
>still living in the stone age thousands of years later when the Arabs show up and start and enslaving them
>still never think to invent any defense beyond pointy sticks
>STILL living in the stone age hundreds of years later when the Whites and Jews show up and start enslaving them
>STILL never think to invent any defense beyond pointy sticks
>live on plantations for a few hundred years where quality of life is greatly improved
>Whites feel bad and free them, blacks contribute basically nothing to the endeavor
>steal some instruments, play them poorly, call it "jazz"
>get allowed to play on sports team
>do well because running fast is the only thing they are capable of doing well
>whites still feel bad about how retarded blacks are and give them special rights, privileges, and handouts
>squander them all on weed and crack
>pawn all instruments away for drug money, start grunting into a microphone without any rhythm, call it "rap"
>whites STILL feel bad about how retarded blacks are, to they elect a halfbreed to be president

speculareffect #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #quack #wingnut speculareffect.org

We are now here. This is what I predict will happen:

State appellate courts immediately consider the mandate unconstitutional. The constitutionality of the “vaccine” mandate goes straight to Supreme Court. Because of the federal employee mandate, there is already “precedence”. More importantly, the populace is already conditioned to the reality of people (police, firefighters, etc. etc.) being compelled to get mystery juice upon pain of losing livelihood.

The Supreme Court declares mandate super duper fair and right and good for you, goy! You lose your job unless you submit and obey! You can no longer run to other companies, because every company must now comply.
They have already rebranded America as a born and brown country; whites no longer live, nor exist here.
After the mandate is put into “legal” effect and is enforced on the first day of 2022, we will begin to see more and more police (military) presence in cities and on the streets. This will be done so we are fully acclimated to a police state, then it will be broadened and become ubiquitous.

Food supplies of “anti vaxxers” will be destroyed, gardens will be stomped out by ZOG boots, fear will be seared into the hearts and minds of your children, you will submit (and your children too) or you will suffer and die; you will be made an example of.

Sounds like demoralization? Too blackpilled? Tell that to the people who suffered under the Soviet Union — sent to the Gulag archipelago — Cannibal Island.

Oh, how they burned.

Keep singing with your fingers in your ears.
You were scoffing and naysaying before they locked down the entire world too; before they extended it indefinitely (TWO MORE WEEKS), before they mandated “vax” for military and federal workers, before they forced children.

You talk like a faggot, act like a faggot and you will die like a faggot with a ZOG boot on your throat, but you won’t be so smug at your last.

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